L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln Nntional Foundation ------Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor Published each week by The Lincoln National Liie Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana Number 1254 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA April 20, 1958


$elections APDr'GT~ by the BibliOJ"raphy Committee~ Of the Lincoln ASSOCIATION 1953-3 National Lire .Foundation Addtort Group: U. Gerald Mc~t urtry, Ba.rroaate, Tenn.: ltar-ry £, Pratt, Sprlnatltld, Ill.: F. Ray Rltdon, Ibid. Volume UI, 1858-1860, ix pp., 555 pp. Trarua.multa Bldt.• Los An.IJtlet, CaUt. : Thomat J. Starr, 1$400 Ar­ ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-' tul.sn Road, Dttro1t 23, lttlth.: WIQ. B. Town&end, Luln~on . Ky. Ibid. Volume IV, 1860-1861, ix pp., 563 pp. New Lincoln iltnU ...uab le for cons:ideratlon by the C