L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln Nntional Foundation - -- --- Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor Published each week by The Lincoln National Liie Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana Number 1254 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA April 20, 1958 CU.I\1ULATIVE BffiUOGRAPHY 1952-1953 $elections APDr'GT~ by the BibliOJ"raphy Committee~ Of the Lincoln ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-3 National Lire .Foundation Addtort Group: U. Gerald Mc~t urtry, Ba.rroaate, Tenn.: ltar-ry £, Pratt, Sprlnatltld, Ill.: F. Ray Rltdon, Ibid. Volume UI, 1858-1860, ix pp., 555 pp. Trarua.multa Bldt.• Los An.IJtlet, CaUt. : Thomat J. Starr, 1$400 Ar­ ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-' tul.sn Road, Dttro1t 23, lttlth.: WIQ. B. Town&end, Luln~on . Ky. Ibid. Volume IV, 1860-1861, ix pp., 563 pp. New Lincoln iltnU ...uab le for cons:ideratlon by the C<lmmiuee may be ""t to the abo•o Addreuea or to the Lincoln National Llfe ABRAHM1 LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-5 Foundation. Ibid. Volume V, 1861-1862, ix pp., 554 pp. 1952 ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-6 LINCOLN ~IEMORIAL UNIVERSITY 1952-60 Ibid. Volume VI, ix pp., 662 pp. Lincoln/ (Silhouette) /Herald/ A Magazine of Eduoa­ ABRABMl LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-7 tion and Lincolniana/Published Quarteril!.o. $3.00 a Ibid. Volume VII, 1863-1864, ix pp., 551 pp. year/Copyright, 1953 by Lincoln Memorial university, ABRAHMl LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-$ Harrogate/Fall, 1952 Volume 53 No. 3. Ibid. Volume VIII, 1864-1865, ix pp., 595 pp. P amphlet. Daoer. 1 .x 10¥.., 48 pp., Ulus. RANDALL. RUTH PAINTER 1953-9 BULLARD, F. LAURISTON 1952-61 Mary Lincoln/Biography of a Marria!!e/by/ Ruth Was "Abe" Lincoln a Gentleman?/by/F. Lauriston Painter Randall/ (Device)/ Witb lllustrations/ Little, Bullard/ President of the Lincoln Group/of Boston, Brown and Company, Boston. 1938-1952/ (Sketch of cabin)/Boston/The Boston Uni­ Book, t'loth. 6 x 9. xlv pp .. GOG pp.. t r., lllus., prico $6.'7G. versity Press/1952. ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1953-10 P•mphlet. fl exible boards, &Y.I x 8, lv pp., 2!i pp,, fr.. Hml ted to 500 eopiCll. Illinois Junior Historian/Written and Illustrated by WILLIAMS, HAROLD A. 1952-62 Young lllinoisans/ lllinois Junior Historian/ (device) I When Lincoln/ went/ to Gettysburg/ (sketch showing Donald F. Tingley, Director/Editors:/ Harry E. Pratt/ Lincoln foreground encircled by people)/A Chapter S. A. Wetherbee Howard F. Rissler/ Sponsored by/ from/The Western Maryland Railway Story/by Har­ Dlino!s State Historioal Society /Centennial Building, old A. Williams/ Depicting the historical background Springfield, lllinois. of Lincoln's journey by train/to Gettysburg and his Pamohfet, paper, 6 x 9, 85-98 pp., Ulue. immortal Gettysburg Address/Re-enacted, Saturday, MEARNS, DAVID C. 1953-11 October 18, 1952/ (Cover title). Lincoln and the Image of America /An Address/by/ Pamnhlet, PIIPCr, G':4 x 91/t. lG 1;rp., !r,, Ulus. David C. :Mearns/Bcfore the/ Lincoln Fellowshi11_ of U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1952-63 Hamilton, Cnnadn/at/McMaster University/on/ Feb­ Queen Victoria to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln/ A letter ruary 12, 1953/(Cover title). of condolence written on April 29, 1865/ (Hsitorical Pnmpb141t. ptl~r. 6~ X 8* , 16 op. note prepared by David C. Mearns, assistant librarian HANsEN, AUTHUR C., ~f.D. 1953-12 for tl>e American collect ions, to accompany) a fac­ The Hooker Letter/ An Analysis/ by Arthur C. Hansen, M.D./(Lincoln s ilhouette)/Published br/ Lincoln Fel­ simile presented to Her MaJesty Queen Elizabeth II lowship of Wisconsin/Madison/1958/ Hlstorioal Bulle­ in remembrance of the visit of Their Royal Highnesses tin No. 11/ Cover title). the Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Pamphlet. oape.r, 1% X 10~ . 16 pp., (.r. , llmlt~ to 600 toDiet. the Library of Congress, November 2, 1951./Washing­ BRIGGS, HAROLD E. AND ERNESTINE B. 1953-13 ton, 1952. Nancy Hanks Lincoln/ A Frontier Portrait/by Harold PtUnphlet.. paver. 26 pp., Llmlttd t.O 12 ooplc:-.. DOWNEY, EDGAR 1952-6-l :E. Brigl!s, Ph.D./ Professor of Historr, Southern nti­ Schuylkill County/and Some of Its People/When Abra­ nois Untversity/and Ernestine B. Br>ggs, M.A./1952: ham Lincoln/ Was Assassinated/A Paper Prepared and Bookman Associates: New York. Book, c loth. &,. " 84}'.. 185 op., fr., prle. $2.60. Written/ for The Historical Society of Schuylkill NOLAN, JEANNETTE COVERT 1953-14 County, Pennsylvania/by Edgar Downey/Good Fri­ Abraham/Lincoln/by/Jeanette Covert Nolan/ Illus­ day was the day/Of Prodigy and crime .. ./Herman trated by Lee Ames/(Device)/Julian Messner, Ine., Melville/ Pottsville, Penn sylvania/1 952 / Sel d ers-Prin~ New York. ing-Pottsville, Pn. Book, cloth, 6% x 81}'1. 182 op .. mue., price $2.16. P o.mphltrt.. pu~r. G x 9, 20 n _I! .. lllue. HORNER, HARLAN HOYT 1953-15 LINCOLN HOUSE, SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 1952-65 Lincoln and Greeley/(pen sketch of Greeley)/by Har­ (Sketch ol Lincoln, flag in background panel at lan Hoyt Homer/The University of lllinois Pross left side sho,ving tomb, Springfield home, log oabin)/ 1953. Abraham Lincoln/ souvenir Coloring Book/Copyright, Book. cloth. 7 " 10~. viii J)p., 432 pp., PTice IG.OO. 1952, Lincoln House, Springfield, Illinois/ (Cover LINCOLN 1\IEJ\IORIAL UNIVERSITY 1953-16 title). Lincoln/ (Silhouette) /Herald/ A Magazine of Educa­ Pamphlet, nape_r, 10TJ. x 14, (38) pp., lllu1-., price $1.00. tion and Lincolniana/Published Quarterly, $3.00 a CARNEGIE, DALE 1952-66 year/Copyright, 1953 by Lincoln Memorial University, The Unknown/ Lincoln/(log cabin sketch)/Originally Harrogate, Tennessee/Winter, 1962, Volume 54, No. 4. Titled: Lincoln the Unknown/ by/ Dale Carnegie/ Pamphlet. paper. ? X 10.1,4, 60 DP .. lllu•. Pocket Books, Inc. New York. LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE FOUNDATION 1953-17 Book, ftexib1o bo:m!11, 4~ x G ~ . x pp., 284 pp, 2G et.e. (~«!pri nt). l .incoln Lore/ Bulletin of the Lincoln National Life 1953 Foundation, Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor/Published ARRARAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953-1 each week by the Lincoln National Liie Insuranco The Collected Works o!/ Abraham Lincoln/The Abra­ Company Fort Wayne, Indiana/January 5, 1953- ham Lincoln Association/ Springfield, Illinois/1/Roy P. March 3u,1 1953/(Cnption title). Basler, Editor/ Marion Dolores Pratt and Lloyd A. Numbu IUt, The Llncofn Ytarw AheM; lUO, Cumolath•o BlbJ.I· or raphy 195! ; 1241, Lincoln'• Flr•t lnAQJ"I,ual-M.bullany: lUI, Dunlap/Assis tant Editors/(Sketcb of Lincoln) / Ru~ 'the L1nco1n Book Gt the Year-lt St ; 1243, Lincoln'• Pint gars University Press/New Brunswick, New JerseyI lnaul'ura.I-Pro and Con: 12U, &lt.rb' Vl1lton at Li.nrvln'• Blrth.­ 1953. (1824-1848). ph.te Cabln : 12U, The Dome1tlc Lite of the Lincoln•: J24S, The Coll«ted Worlu LJ n.­ Cook. doth, G ~ x 9¥.1. xx.IU pp., 519 t'IJ)., tr., illu.t. , nrlce $11$ or Abrs ham Lincoln; 1%47, Source• ror ocr .-t. or 8 vol\lm!:ll! l'nd Index. lod~ not ret available. C'Ol n'• ISSl SPHeh: J%48, ReportinC' on the Twt.ntt-Fifth. Annual Itinerary: 1249, Potallng Attention on Lincoln Sculpture; 1250, ABUAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1953·2 Lincoln and the Sioux lndJan•: 1251, The 'r.. em LiccnM Broad· Ibid. Volume II, 1848-1858, ix pp., 563 pp. •Jdt. .
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