International Link and Services for Local Economic Development Agencies for a fair, human, sustainable and inclusive development

Action-Formation for the analysis of competitive and sustainable value chains in Kerouan and , and the elaboration of preliminary development strategic guidelines

The REDCO Process

Giancarlo Canzanelli



The Action-Formation uses the ILS LEDA REDCO (Resources for economic and durable competitiveness), already successfully applied in many territories. REDCO is an ILS LEDA tested methodology, aimed at analyzing and assessing territorial value chains, and finally helping the elaboration of strategic development guidelines (at value chain and regional level) Its added value consists of the comprehensive approach, including • economic-competitive assessment, social inclusion opportunities assessment, and environmental vision; • a strong participatory mechanism; • relatively simple analytical tools, and way how translating information into actions


To build capacities for 30 people selected by the UNOPS ATLAS program, from the Kerouan and Jendouba regions, and from the national level.


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It is a formation-action process, which combines classroom training (consisting on lectures, games and exercises, and application working groups), testing of the learned methodology in the fields, and following feedbacks in the classroom. The process has been articulated in 4 phases.

Phase 1: Acknowledgement of the REDCO tool

This was carried on through a 4 days workshop in Hammamet ( 4-7 November), in the following way i) A presentation on the general REDCO approach to territorial economic development (Annex 1), emphasizing the importance of combining economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. The basic concept of competitive advantage was introduces and the difference with comparative advantage highlighted. A second presentation on the REDCO methodology was then introduced and discussed (Annex 2). Through interactive games and simulation the participant acquired a good understanding on how to apply it. ii) 4 working groups were constituted (2 for each region) and each one tested the application of the REDCO methodology for one value chain. iii) A final presentation and discussion on the results of the working groups exercises was held on the last day. iv) A plan for the application of the REDCO tool in the regions through “Value chains Focus Groups (one for each selected value chain) including all the correspondent relevant public and private actors, was shared. The workshop registered an enthusiastic participation. The measure of learning upgrade was high, as well as the satisfaction (see

Phase 2: Analysis on the field and evaluation

This phase is articulated in two parts.

2 a) Analysis on the field

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Focus groups for each value chain were formed in Jendouba and , and focus group animators were established. The Focus groups filled the REDCO sheet, as it was taught (an example of this work is in the Annex 3) ü Competitive advantage ü Cause of competitive advantage ü Characteristics and potentialities of the value chain (inputs, equipment, complementary activities, services, sub-products) ü Economic, social, financial, environmental sustainability parameters ü Market quick assessment ü Obstacle to the Value Chain valorization ü Causes of the obstacles The following value chains were analyzed. The reports to the following analysis carried on by the local focus groups are illustrated in the annexes 7-13) In Jendouba 5 focus groups were constituted (in brackets the focal points). 1. Le Lait (Mr Fadhel Nsiri - Dir Achat Lait - Société laitière Délice) (Annex 7) 2. Le miel biologique (Abderrahim Ben Ayed) (Annex 8) 3. Les produits forestiers non ligneux (ODESYPANO Bèja-Technicien principal - Rjaibi Ridha) (Annex 9) 4. Huile de Myrth (Annex 9) 5. l’Écotourisme (Mr Med Saadi Debbiche - CRT ) (Annex 9) In Kerouan 6 focus groups were constitute: 1. Huile d'olive (Mme Rahma Rahmani -Ing. principal CRDA arrondissement Prod. végétale) (Annex 10) 2. Figue de Barbarie (Hammadi Baklouti - coordinateur du projet Fix Kairouan) (Annex 11) 3. Tourisme écologique et culturel (Mme Refka Dhahri - Asso. AKAD Oueslatia, et Mme Sahir Ben Garouia Sahli - Architecte principal - INP) (Annex 12) 4. Élevage Camelin (Mr Lotfi Hamdi - Vétérinaire chef d'arrondissement Prod. animale CRDA) (Annex not available)


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5. Abricot de Khit El Oued (Mr Mohsen Haddaji -Chef de service Vulgarisation CRDA) (Annex 13) 6. Lait (Mr Najib Ajili - Société laitière Délice) (Annex not avilable)

b) Desk Support The following documents were delivered at support of the field activity. 1. The document “Axes stratégiques pour le développement de les filières: what is the final achievement” (Annex 4) was delivered. It is the model for achieving the final result of value chain development -that is the strategic guidelines-, in order to motivate the actors to the field work, and to show it to the UNOPS ATLAS Program for follow up. 2. The 11 value chains work was checked, and comments for discussion were prepared. The revision was systematized and provided a better presentation of the results, to be checked out during the following December workshop. 3. The document “ Un format pour présenter les résultats de l’analyse de les filières” (Annex 5) was prepared. It is the model for presenting the value chain field works results, based on the document 2. 4. The presentation on “Méthodologie pour construire les lignes stratégiques d’une filière à partir de l'analyse REDCO” ( Annex 6) was prepared. It is a methodology, which allows to easily elaborating the preliminary strategic development guidelines, based on the information included in the document 3.

Phase 3: Preparing value chains strategic development guidelines

This was carried out through a 3 days workshop in Hammamet (15-17 December), with the same participants of the first one, although a higher participation of producers was recommended. In the first day, the model for presenting the value chain field analysis results was introduced, and working groups were organized for organizing the information accordingly.


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The new presentations were provided, and discussed, and they regarded all the analysed value chains with the exception of the art and crafts of Jendouba. Afterwards the model for elaborating the strategy was introduced and discussed (Annex 6) The algorithm for elaborating the strategies is included in the REDCO methodology and it is based on the information coming from the previous analysis. It puts in relation strategic action identified with regard to: a) the strategic objectives b) the value chain weakness c) the obstacles and their causes 3 working groups were then organized for elaborating preliminary value chains strategic guidelines:

• Milk (Annex 14 - Axes stratégiques de la filière du lait) • Fruit of Lentisque (Annex 15 - Axes stratégiques de la filière des Fruit de lentisque) • Olive Oil (not available) The presentation of the result was excellent, showing a very good level of learning, and readiness to disseminate and to apply it in the regions.

Phase 4: Finalizing value chains strategic development guidelines

The final elaboration of the preliminary strategic guidelines for the 10 value chains presented in the final workshop will be then provided, systematizing the received information. This should be considered as “preliminary” exercise, because of the partiality of the collected information, due mainly to lack of the time1, and partially because of the legitimate inexperience. The partiality of information regards mainly the sustainability of the value chain, which often requires quantitative not easily to provide dates. ETC.

1 The ILS LEDA experience highlights the REDCO process takes not less than 6 months time, when assisted by an

5 expert. In the Tunisian case the process took only 1,5 months, with little assistance (only in crucial phases, realised during 8 days workshop)

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The participant evaluation on the entire process, has been very positive: the training practical and instrumental approach, the methodology itself, the interest on the effective utilization aimed at helping people, preparing projects, and raising funds were very much appreciated. The ILS LEDA evaluation on the process is very positive as well: the methodology was very well understood and tested, the participants were very enthusiastic in being involved, and interested in following it up. A follow up is recommended, as it follows: 1) Completing the value chain analysis, through

• Including more actors, specially producers and sectoral experts for better information about competitiveness and productivity;

• including the sustainability factors, specially those regarding quantitative data 2) Constituting an Intelligent Network for Valorising the Value Chains (INEVV) or in French “Reseau Intelligent pour Valoriser les Filiéres (RIVAF) ». The main objective of RIVAF is to maintain the intelligent human capital built during the REDCO process, and its capacity of thinking at the regional economic development though a common vision, and of actuating through the value chain development. Nevertheless an initial social and relational capital has been built also with the local actors of each value chains during the analysis process, and it would be a pity to loose it. RIVAF could then carry on the completion of the value chain analysis, starting some low cost activities included in the plan, be active in the relations with local and national government and international framework for raising funds and establishing partnerships. It is at the beginning an informal structure based on voluntary contribution, and it could be formalized according to next needs and results. The following picture shows the RIVAF organizational chart.


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Secrétariat formé par les participants à l'atelier

Personne de contact

Focus Group de la filiére Focus Group de la filiére Focus Group de la filiére A C D

Focus Group de la filiére Focus Group de la filiére E F

3) Defining the RIVAF starting activities, such as, for example: • Promoting and establishing Producers Associations • Completing the value chain analysis’s • Starting realizing dissemination of information, such as the opportunity of the access to credit, the current regulatory frameworks, etc., through agreements with the local media (newspapers, tv, radio), and establishment of social web groups (face-book, etc.) • Starting sensitization campaigns (on entrepreneurship, environment protection, participation to the value chains framework, etc.), through agreements with the local media (newspapers, tv, radio), and establishment of social web groups (face-book, etc.) • Starting realizing agreements internal to each value chain for common commercialization, and commercial relationships between the value chain actors • Starting realizing relationships with national government ministries, for improving the support to the value chain, utilizing the current public programs and policies • Starting realizing relationship with regional actors, such as with veterinaries (in the case of livestock), and with possible buyers (hotel, pharmacies, thalassotherapy centers in the case of medicinal herbs; commercial centres and chains in other cases, etc.).


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1) Lignes directrices générales des stratégies de développement économique territorial durable 2) The Redco methodology 3) An example of the field analysis of the value chain : 4) Axes stratégiques pour le développement de les filières: what is the final achievement 5) Un format pour présenter les résultats de l’analyse de les filières 6) Méthodologie pour construire les lignes stratégiques d’une filière à partir de l'analyse REDCO 7) Fiche de la filière de la lait-Jendouba 8) Fiche de la filière Miel Biologique – Jendouba 9) Fiche de la filière Fruite de lentisque-Jendouba- myrt - Jendouba 10) Fiche de la filière Huile d'olive – Kairouan 11) Fiche de la filière Figue de Barbarie – Kairouan 12) Fiche de l’abricot de Khit El Oued – Kairouan 13) Fiche de l’Ecotourism – Kairouan 14) Axes stratégiques de la filière du lait 15) Axes stratégiques de la filière des Fruit de lentisque


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