BeaHleston Asks State Act on Aider's Complaint

SEE STORY BELOW Weather COWTY M*Uy many and more com- forUble today, Ugh around 88." Clear, copier tonight, law near EDITION 60. Fair and tool tomorrow, high In mid 70i. Friday's outlook, 1 7 cloudy and cool. DIAL 74l'-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS

VOL. 90, NO. 41 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Intensified Raids on North Continue SAIGON (AP) — American noi's two chief rail routes to Chi- planes from Thailand, South A Pravda correspondent said fighting, the main thrust of the China which carries about 75 per damaging from 45 to 65 boxcars warplanes kept up intensified na. Vietnam and three carriers in dozens of civilians were killed or American effort remained the air cent of the traffic entering North but accurate assessment Was im- pressure on North Vietnam's Returning pilots reported blis- the Tonkin Gulf flew 162 mis- wounded in rocket attacks that war on the supply lines from Vietnam. • i possible because of smoke and battered supply lines yesterday tering antiaircraft fire and bar- sions during the day, continuing were "possibly the most violent China soath through North Viet- Returning pilots roportcd flames. , with raids from the Suburbs of rages of surface-to-air missiles" aii above average rale that has bombings of the eutire war.'1 nam to the Communist forces ihv heavy damuga to rolling stock The Cunal des Rapides bridge ~ Hanoi to within 30 miles of the within the heavily defended been maintained recently during In South Vietnam, the guerril- the South. •••< „ M massed In yards above Ha- had been hit three times before, Red Chinese frontier. North Vietnamese heartland, but good weatiher. la w,ar of attrition inflected more Rail Line Cut noi during a week of bad weath- but since it was one of. two main The U.S. Command said the there was no report of any losses. Soviets' Claim casualties, but no large-scale ac- Warplanes streaked up the Red er which began to break up last arteries into the city it had been principal targets were rail and The previous day's raids cost six The U.S. Command's combat tions were reported. In Saigon, River to cut the northwest rail Sunday. The had been un- the subject of intensive repair road bridges around the North American planes. maps showed no raids on Hanoi an American GI was killed on line from Hanoi to Red China in able to move south because the work. Vietnamese capital, including the It was the third day of heavy itself, although Soviet correspon- •the way to work, and scattered five places. A rail yard 30 miles main bridges into Hanoi had Phantom and Thunderdiief pi- big span across the Canal des raids deep into North Vietnam dents in Hanoi claimed Ameri- similar terror attacks else- from China was the northern- been dropped by bombing raids. lots reported wrecking an ap- Rapides only five miles from the and around the Hanoi-Haiphong can planes obliterated a densely where, some aimed at disrupting most target. Other raids smashed Pilots of an F105 Thunderchief proach and silencing several an- city's center. It was the fourth road, rail and industrial com- populated block within the capi- the Sept. 3 presidential elections. at the northeast line, the only raid on two rail sidings near the tiaircraft sites, bat U.S. officials attack on the bridge, one of Ha- plex. U.S. headquarters reported tal. In the absence of heavy ground other rail link between Hanoi and capital reported destroying or (See VIETNAM, Pg. 2, Col. 2) Wet Potatoes Not Ask Enforcement at Marina MTDDLETOWN — With much Kavalek had announced that the Mayor Kavalek had said that tor Richard Seuffert rather than require a certificate of occupan- support from boatmen, the Town- committee unanimously agreed to the committee had unanimously the clerk. cy, just as in each ownership of ship Committee last night called communicate with Robert A. agreed to have Mr. Conrad write The political significance was:a new house. Going Into Chips on the state Health Department Roe, state commissioner of con- a letter to Mr. Roe. that Mr. Burke is opposing Mr. The ordinance drew only one Conrad's bid for re-election. He protest. Richard Bergman, Bel- for enforcement of health and servation and economic develop- Takes Exception ment through the township clerk, is backing Mrs. Jean Ralston. ford, who said he has a house he By DORIS KULMAN "Unless something happens,, we will fife codes at the Leonardo Mari- But Mr. Burke, privately, took lose a lot of money," he predicted. Thomas T, Conrad. The mayor is a supporter of the rents to others four or five times All this rain isn't putting Monmoum na. exception to the published state- County potato growers in the chips. Mr. West "guesstimated" that sales to motion of Commiteeman But the mayor's statement, - incumbent. a year, contended the local law On ment from the mayor. It is putting them "in one hell of a potato chip firms total a half-million dollars Douglas R. Burke, the commit- ried in The Daily Register, The committee unanimously infringed on civil rights. mess," according to Arthur H. West, Allen- annually in the tri-county area. tee directed a letter through a prompted Mr. Burke to change He pushed the package plan adopted an ordinance to control Commiteemen told him the pur- town, president of the New Jersey Farm Edward Poling, vice president of different channel than was pre- the lines of communication. through the committee and in- housing rentals,. pose is to protect renters and Bureau and owner of Westtaven Farm, Chamberlin & Barclay Inc., Cranbury viously indicated. Mr. Burke sent the letter cluded a motion the letter would Under the new law, all changes also to prevent community prob- where he grows potatoes. Station, potato brokers, said die sales ac- Initially, Mayor Ernest G. through the administration. be sent by Business Administra- of residence in rental units will lems. Ordinarily by this time In August the tually register "quite a bit more than a crop would be harvested and 50 per cent half-million dollars," but wouldn't say how or more of the potatoes grown on the much more. The firm deals with 83 growers, 19,000 acres under commercial cultivation 50 of them in the tri-county area. Cite LBJ in Monmoutii, Mercer and Middlesex coun- While Mr. West expressed fear that ties trucked off to the "chippcrs," Mr. West Beadleston Calls on State "chippers" are ceasing to Cake New Jer- said. sey potatoes now because their contracts in But the rain- which swelled Hie size other states are coming due, both Mr. Pol- Promise 'of the potatoes and the crop also has de- ing and other broker, Harvey Holland, vice layed the harvest along the Eastern Sea- president of Holland & McChesney, Free- board and die sales to the potato chip hold, said the potato chip firms will honor To Block Aid Service Loss their contracts here. companies. The local harvest is three weeks To Arabs RUMSON — Assemblyman Al- to the institution. establish new procedures where- "There is a very strong prob-' "Instead of finishing the contract the late. "As a result," Mr. Beadleston by qualified attendants, who can ability," Assemblyman Beadle- latter part of August, it will be the latter fred N. Beadleston, R-Mon.. yes- (WORE THAN EVER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said, "the institution is severely certainly be trained as well as ston concluded, "that the dis- part of September," Mr. Holland said. terday called for state action to "We're in a dilly of a spot," Mr. West President Johnson has written halt the threatened loss of 16th understaffed ..." He noted that first aid squad members, will be trict's action will be supported The "chippers" are delayed here be- Mid. "We've got more potatoes than ever to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia District First Aid Squads' ambu- Mr. Arzolina has charged that on duty to care for these patients by county squads and by the cause growers in Virginia still are shipping before and we don't know what we will do to assure him Israeli troops wil' lance service to Marlboro State hospital personnel are forced to until the hospital doctor arrives." state unit. This would result, and the harvest is ready in New York, Penn- with our crop." be withdrawn from areas *hey Hospital. perform under "deplorable con- The assemblyman said that Mr. more than likely, in loss of sylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and The potatoes are of good quality, Mr. seized to 'he June war ii the ditions," that patient care is re- McCorkle, by implying that the ambulance servfcB to Marlboro MidweJtora states, Mr. Poling said, The eight-community district, West said, "but we don't know how long the Arabs make "certain arrange- as pointed out in a Daily Register duced and that "facilities are un- community and its residents will for all residents of Monmouth, "they can take only so many potatoes quality will hold up. If we have any more ments," the Beirut newspaper A! story yesterday, has indicated it der-utilized." suffer if ambulance service to Ocean, Middlesex »nd Union in their plants at one time," he said. rain like Monday night, we may have a lot Hayat reported today. will vote to refuse ambulance He charged that voltffiteer first Marlboro Is curtailed, neglects to Counties. of rot (See CHIPS, Pg. 2, Col. 3) In a dispatch from Washing- service to the. state facility next aiders are asked to subsidize the recognize that the community "It could also mean,"/ he ton, Al Hayat said "arrangements Wednesday. The deadline, it was condition by spending hours and its residents are suffering added, "the end of ambulance mentioned by Johnson" were left said, would be Sept. 1. standing around waiting for the when aidmen , and ambulances service to ail other state hospi- Tired Crews Seen Losing Ground vague but the President hinted Mr. Beadleston, in a letter to arrival of a doctor. are tied up for hours and are tals because 'procedures for ad- in the letter he meant his five- Lloyd W. McCorkle, commis- "It is the responsibility of the unable to render services to mittance are uniform throughout point program announced June sioner of the state Department of state," Mr. Beadleston said, "to others during that time. the state." 19. . Institutions and Agencies, cited Johnson called then for Arab the need for revised 'hospital ad- recognition of Israel's statehood, mitting procedures to allow squad Forest Fires Rage members to deliver patients to justice for Arab refugees, the right of all shipping to use in- the hospital, with proper com- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "We're wearing out," Ted ported manning fire lines early Woman, 54, Arrested ternational waterways, limits on mitment papers, and be per- Thompson, Glacer National today in those areas. Embattled fire crews were re- the wasteful and destructive mitted to leave the building with- Park fire control officer, said. ported-near exhaustion in the The Canadians had mustered arms race, and political inde in a short period of time. "It's getting to be a matter of Northwest timber regions today more than 3,200 fire fighters Tues- pendence and integrity for all. trying to last to the limit of Aidmen's objections to the as they appeared to continue to day, as one labor union investi- Other press reports in Beirut In $1,600 Bank Holdup lose ground to hundreds of our resources, and then figure gated complaints of long hours, hospital's admitting practice are out how to replace worn out said a trio of Arab leaders is that they are not permitted to FREEHOLD - A teller at the "A few minutes later he A desk clerk at the hotel said blazes. inadequate food and other con- crews." expected to confer this weekend leave the locked building until Central Jersey Bank and Trust brought the woman back in, the woman had been a guest However, a wind change ditions. in the Lebanese capital. The the patient is admitted by a Co., yesterday afternoon had and she was carrying a big bun- Monday night. > British Columbia and the hope of About 5,000 acres of land in (See FIRES, Pg. 3, Col. 2) (See LBJ, Pg. 2, Col. 3) physician, a procedure that often trouble convincing her colleagues dle of money. By then the police All of the money was recov- reinforcements in western Mon- the Glacier Park region has been takes from one to several hours. she had just been heldup. had arrived." ered, the. FBI said, and Mrs. tana and northern Idaho brought aflame for almost two weeks. The legislator's letter stated: About 12:20 p.m. a heavy-set, Miss Chester described the Dantes was arraigned before expectations that significant Spokesmen for the U.S. Forest middle-aged woman walked up to woman as very neatly dressed, U.S. Commissioner David Gold- progress may get under way. Service office in Ogden, Utah, "There is absolutely no reason why Marlboro State Hospital can- the window of a teller, whom the with grey hair, wearing a hat. stein in Asbury Park and turned In those areas, uncontrolled said reinforcements might be Death of Woman : not set up a receiving procedure FBI declined to identify, and The FBI identifed h«r as Mrs. over to a federal marshal in lieu blazes were reported on an esti- available from Utah' or south- that is practically instantaneous handed her a check with a note Helen Lake Dantes, 54, and of $5,000 bond. • . mated 50,000 acres. ern Idaho if the southern Idaho 24 hours each day, since these on the back asking for money. gave her address as the Ameri- A preliminary hearing and as- Washington state officials blazes didn't flare up again. patients always are accompanied The teller handed over $1,684. can Hotel, here. Mrs. Dantes signment of counsel are sched- braced for possible fire out- Seen Accidental In British Columbia, northeast by proper commitment papers." After the woman walked out, she said she is a housewife. uled for Monday. ' breaks but reported their forests of Vancouver, Canadian officials KEANSBURG — Mrs. Mary cheerful and was looking forward turned to the teller at the next were still free of major blazes In a statement yesterday an- said 337 fires totaling more than U. Binn, 63, probably died ac- to in , the fall. She had window and said, "That woman which have raged for nearly two nouncing his letter to Mr. Mc- cidentaUy, a police and medical hoped to visit Expo '67. just held me up." weeks in other Northwest states. 30,000 acres might be contained Corkle, the assemblyman said investigation is expected to de- Nothing happened. In Oregon and southern Idaho, If a' wind shift holds. Funeral services were held that Assemblyman Joseph Az- cide today. Monday morning with a Requiem zolina, R-Mon., pinpointed the A witness, Miss Sally Ann Red Bank Planners crews Tuesday contained major The new wind direction seemed Umber blazes which burned over to cause a breaking action Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper Mass at St. Ann's. Cathplic problem's cause several weeks Chester, Rt. 520, Marlboro Town- said he will make no determi- ship, waiting in the next line, more than 30,000 acres. Oregon against the spreading flames. Church, Keansburg. Burial was ago with the disclosure that an nation before receiving a final said everyone viewed the teller officials said all fires there were New men were rushed into the in St. Joseph's Cemtery, Key- estimated $1.75 million in federal medical examiner's report be- , under direction of the John iunds intended for the state with a little amusement. Seek Depot Parley under control. All but a few mi- Montana-north Idaho area Tues- cause the circumstances are so "For a few seconds nobody nor, but potentially dangerous, J. Ryan Funeral Home. hospital had not been allocated day, including 200 from Butte, unusual. would believe her," Miss Ches- RED BANK — The Planning chairman, said the reports are - "hot spots" were reported con- Mont, and 150 from Spokane, Board is seeking a meeting with "We can't explain the death as ter said. "She repeated it a cou- preliminary. trolled in southern Idaho. I Wash. Morp than 4,400 were re- state Transportation Department yet," said Mr. Keuper. "But I ple of times, and then one of The board will ask Gershen to officials to discuss the possible am inclined not to see homi- the bank managers walked out submit final drafts before the Case Bill Shows No reconstruction of Red Bank rail- cide.' the door." September meeting, and will ask road station in Red Bank. Mrs. Binn's body was found, the Transportation Department Cioffi Assails Rights frozen, in a freezer in her tome The board last night authorized for the conference to discuss last Thursday. Expressway Money a letter to the department ask- them. If a final decision on the Grant Sued ing for the conference at its : ."There has been jio evidence WASHINGTON _— New Jer- eral Northern New Jersey ex- location of the new station has September.meeting_i( that's not of violence and there was "no" in- "sey's"~request "for federal" funds pressway ofabcurseverrmlles in been made, and -it-is- too- late~to— Unit

To Eatontown Group HJVEHVTEW EATONTOWN — Miss Agnes Richard Taylor placed first In Red Bank School Bids Please Architect Patterson, director of the sum- the 50-yard dash for 10-12 year Mr. sod Mm. Charles McCor- mer recreation program at play olds. Ralph Thompson was sec- mick (nee Barbara Schultz), 14 EATONTOWN — The Board of Schmidt, Passalc,. Woodmere terson Jr., West Long Branch, grounds here has announced the ond and Tom Erb, third. Morningside PL, East Keans- Education tet night opened bids School, $15,630, Memorial School, Woodmere School, $69,260, Me- winners of the events held at the In «3ie girls' division 50-yard burg, son, yesterday. for construction of the 22-class- $17,790 and combined, $33,420; morial School, $51,470 and Van Aug. 11 Field Day. dash, Barbara Thompson was Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hemen- roora Woodmere School and the Vernon Fabricating Co., Rob- Cleve Inc., Neptune, Woodmere William Jones took first place first in the' 5-7 year old group; way (nee Cathleen CoHins), 13 Memorial School addition and binsviHe, Woodmere School, $19,- School, $100,000, Memorial School, in the softball throw for 6-7 year Susanne Taylor was first in the West Third St., Keyport, son, icneduled a special public meet- 050, Memorial School, $22,825 and $100,000 and combined, $125,000. olds, with Jeffrey Rodgers second 8 year old group ary Linda Ty- yesterday. ing for 8 p.m. tomorrow to award combined, $41,875. Bidders on electrical work- and Stephen Wood, third. lor was first among the 10 year the contracts. were: Badaracco Brothers, Ho- olds. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Panza Bidders on heating add venti- Tim Springs was first place (nee Ellen Stefan), 142 Shelburn 'Frank E. Johnson. Glen Rock, boken, Woodmere School, $92,900, winner in the softball throw for In the soccer ball distance kick, lating were: Coast Sheet Metal Memorial School, $42,700 and Dr., Lincroft, daughter, vester the board's architect, eaid gen- Contractors, Garfield, Woodmere the 8-9 year olds. Milton Turpin Barbara "thompson placed first day. eral construction costs came in combined, $134,444; Little Silver placed second and Mike Ruffin, among 5-7 year olds. Linda Tay- School, $125,000; Robert W. Pat- Electric Inc. Little Silver, Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilmoth about |1,«4,000, and declared terson Jr., West Long Branch, third. lor and Ann Dombroski won first himself pleased. He said $1.5 mere School, $105,700, Memorial Tony Spriggs was first in the place in the 10 year old and 11 nee Doris Truslow), 141 Stoney Woodmere School, $139,000, Me- School, $44,900 and combined, Hill Rd.. Eatontenvn, daughter, million was budgeted for genera! softball throw for the 10-12 year 12 year old groups, respectively. construction. morial School, $110,400; Topaz $150,000; Molnar Electrical Con- olds, while Tom Erb claimed sec- Karen Taylor won first place in esterday. Electric, Lakewood, Woodmere tractors, Inc., Woodbridge, Wood- "We're going to be all right," School, $133,600; A. J. Wolf and ond place and Mark Turpin, the marathon relay with Linda Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gray (nee Mr. Johnson said. mere School, $112,833, Memorial third. Taylor second aird Carol Connel- Joyce Altman), 119 Apple Or- Sons, Leonardo, Memorial School, School, $47,609 and combined, chard, Dr., New Shrewsbury, He predicted ground breaking $109,603. $159,811; Topaz Electric. Lake- In basketball shooting for the ly, third. within two weeks and comple- 8-9 year olds, Bob Fary won Suzanne Taylor won first place Slighter, yesterday. 1 plumbing and wood, WoodftVf School, $114,700 tion of the projects in time for Bidders on and* Mcmoriafe-fchool, $49,000. first place, Dave Connelly, second in basketball shooting for 5-6 year Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Good- the September 1968 school open- drainage were; Robert W. Pat- and Tom Shirley, third. olds. Susan Taylor and Penny body (nee Linda Wilhalne), 243 ing. Mark Turpin was first in the Rodgers won first place in the "reek Rd., Keansburg, daughter, Board members were fearful basketball shooting for 10-12 year 7-9 and 10-12 year old groups, re- yesterday. construction costs would soar Irmy Vet Soon to Get First olds. Butch Loihle was sec- spectively. ' MONMOUTH MEDICAL above the bids they rejected ond and Tom Erb, third. earlier this year as too high. Susan Taylor and Karen Tay- Long Branch Mark Turpin won the marathon lor claimed first place in the THIN AND TOMORROW — Rivprvie* Hospital will 'But the bids'aren't that much Look at Prise Won in 1966 relay. "Richard Taylor" came in island Mrs. Bruce Snyder higher," board member Benja softball thruw fur 8-9 year olds present fashion shows in observance of Know Your (nee. Kathryn Kimpel), 25 Nave- NEPTUNE - Sgt. Alfred H. In the meantime — just In case second and Butch Loihel, third. and 10-12 year olds, respectively. min Van Dover said. Overbey has been wanting to look lightning does strick twice — his Rick Fary was first in the 50- Hospital month at Steinbach Co, Left to right aro Dolo- sink Ave., East Keansburg, son, The earlier bids were rejected Monday. inside the garage at 608 Bingham wife has put her entry in the yard dash for 5-7 year olds, with res McGann as en 1880 student nurse at Bellevue Hospi- because they exceeded the $],- 1967 Steinbach Know Your Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Walker Ave. for almost a year now. Jim Haw second. Milton Turpin Fire Code tal, New York; Marianne Seeley in. a uniform of the 372,000 bond issue approved by Next month he'll finally get pital Sweepstakes which has was first in the 50-yard dash for (nee Ruth Ivory), RD 1, English- voters last year for the two three Camaros as top prizes. It space-age future; Yvonne Marques, in an avant garde his chance. The 23-year Army .8-9 year olds, with Mike RuFfin town, son, yesterday. schools. The lowest bid then was veteran will return from a year's runs through Sept. 2 and Is open and Tim Spriggs winning second Updating Set two-piece pants suit, and Beth Rassas in a 1776 costume Mr. and Mrs. Richard Apple- $150,000 too high, the board said. duty in Thailand then and see for to any Monmouth or Ocean and third place, respectively. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - worn during the battle of Bunker Hill when Gen. Isaac gate (nee Ann Drahos), 191 The board since has received the first time the automobile he County resident who signs a safe South St., Eatontown, daughter, $395,000 federal grant toward driving pledge. It can be entered Borough Council last night intro- Putnam enlisted the ladies of the church to care for won last year in the Steinbach yesterday. the Woodmere School construc- once a .day. Mrs. Overbey duced an ordinance to update its Company Safe Driving Sweep- Conservation the wounded. These models are members of non-nursing tion. stakes. doesn't really expect to strike it fire prevention code. JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL 20 Double Sessions staff at Riverview. Neptune lucky — but then neither did The present code in Atlantic There will be 20 first-through- her husband. Mr. and Mrs. John Luhrs (nee third grades on double session Nominations Highlands was adopted in 1960. "It was the first time he'd Since then, the Association of Linda Mauser), RD 2, Lakewood, when school opens here Sept. 6, 7 Teachers Due Aug. 31 Fire Underwriters adopted a hips Riverview To daughter, yesterday. Dr. Patrick Parentyy, superin- won anything, except maybe a code making earlier ordinances (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Szymanski tendent, saidid. ThTh e WoodmerWd e Given Pacts couple of dollars at bingo," Mr».

TIP TOP FRUIT DRINKS ALL FLAVORS or IMPORTED LEMONADE CHOPPED HAM 55 WfW89ffl59 BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 24 TEFLON SCOOP PRODUCE DEPT. Teflon coated aluminum. Sure SWISS IMPORT grip handle. Just wipe to SENSATION—MEN'S ...'' 'clean. '/'.•••' '' RIB-TICKLING SUEDE RUGGED CASUAL REG. CANTALOUPES 6.88 REG. 26.00 WATCH VINE RIPE 99' Anti-magnetk. Unbreakable naimpring. 2 ytar EACH Knitted black wool Is buttoned service guarantee. WHh a food purcha6u of 6$2.00 or mbn. and belted on high with bone suede, Plui tax and ono Two Guyi Trading Stamp Book. FRESH a rib-tickling device that JEWELRY DEPARTMENT HOUSEWARE DEPARTMENT results in a wonderfully adaptable GREEN PEPPERS MAXWELL HOUSE REG. OR F.LECTRA PERK REGULAR OR ELECTRA-MATIC INSTANT MAXWEU HOUSE day-into-date dress. Sizes 3 to 13 in 133 29 Junior Petite Dresses. COFFEE ^ YUBAN COFFEE Mail and phone orders filled.

OPEN DAILY 9 30 A M. 'TIL 10 P M. We reiorv* tin right to limit quantities. FRANKLIN SIMON SUNDAY* 10 A M 'TIL 6 PM, Not reiponsible for typographicdi errort. MIDDLET0WN-R0UTE35 •FOR SALES ALLOWED B* LAW Prkei effective thru Sat Aug 26,1967. MONMOUTH SHOPPING CTR., EATONTOWN, 542-3325 OPEN DAILY 'TIL 9:30, SATURDAY 'TIL 6 Station Looted Hurt Son, Father Kennedy Towers Rents Announced THE DAILY REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1967-5 given residents wlio have lived in LITTLE SILVER - A «M Sue School Board I/3NG BRANCH - Senior Cit B the city five y«ars or more. Pro- station on Branch Ave, near the FREEHOLD-A Long Br«eh **» <* ^ "f^ . M man and his m. have filed wit to jy« m Kfcinedy Twwi. Rock cessing of applications will start ratfroad station owned by Alex 1 11 AlAl ee aatt Sept. 1. Felder, 5 Newman St., River against the tog Branch ** '' - '*>* '«*nj'""n of Education and three school $37 to $80 monthly, accordindi g to Income limits lor eligibility Plaza, was looted of $338 in cash officials, charging neglige ice applicants' incomes, the Housing are: One-person family, $3)600; Wednesday night, police have re- Authority announces. when the youth was injured in two-person family, $4,200; three- ported. playground accident. The six-sided, 10-story building, person family, $4,400. Rents in- They said Mr. Felder closed Guillermo Maldonado Jr., ( third senior citizens apartment clude heat, electricity and gas the station at 10 p.m. and when and his father, Guillermo Sr., of erected under the Housing Au- he returned at 11:50, a man ran 107 St. named the board and thority, is expected to be ready for cooking. from behind a vehicle inside the Gerald G. Palaia, Ethel Bynum for occupancy in late December. The building features a large station and dived out a window, and Don Witt in the suit. Applications are now being ac- lobby, two , a commu- J. Kridel's August specials leave the college escaping on foot into the adjoin- They claim the youth injured cepted and may be submitted un nity room with kitchen, a laundry ing woods. Capt. Waiter Stearns his arm on Oct. 18 while playing til Dec. 1. Applicants must be at room with washers and dryers, man some cash for other pursuits. and Patrolman Alan Wright are at the Gregory School, 7th and least 62 years old and must be large storage spaces and acces- investigating. IJoline Aves. city residents. Preference will be sory facilities.

We're out to keep TAR SCHOLARSHIP WINNER — Patricia Allen, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen, Matawan, pres- ident and founder of the Bayshore Teen Age Republi- BOYS''BRADFIELD' DIVISION OF STOP « SHOP you cans, !s attending the week-long national conferencs and camp of the National Teen Age Republicans (TARS) being held at National TAR Camp East, Camp Caesar, PERMANENT PRESS coining Waiter Springs, West Va., through Sunday. Miss Allen is attending as winner of the annual scholarship of tha Dress Shirts back New Jersey Federation of Republican Women whose president, Mrs. John Flynn, Deal, is shown with her at Newark where the Matawan miss boarded a plane for the West Virginia confab. 1.79 School Offers 51 Courses Oir own private label 'Bradfield* shirts— MIDDLETOWN — Fifty-one I bookkeeping (beginners and ad- made to our specifications for quality courses w(ll be offered this year vanccd), Stenoscript — ABC — and value. Smart stripes in several color choices, in the township community eve- shorthand (beginners and re- styled with snap tab collar in no-iron Ding school. • 'fresher), Steno refresher, type- 80% cottort-20% polyester.. .or classroom- William : Golubinski, director,Htin« (beginners and refresh- classic blue or white, with regular collar, announced that'the fall session!")' <**•machinf' ,ABC s in 65% polyester-35% cotton. Sizes 5-18. will open Monday, Sept. 18, and!°f '"vesting, basic study of mar- will, close Nov. 29. Registration!"* blolop. workshop for substl- tute teach will be taken at the high £chool: «s, and law for the lay- daily between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.,iman- and on Sept. 6, 7 and 8, between' Workshop in elementary mathe- 7 and 9 p.m. 'matics, furniture refinishing, fur- Five new courses have heeninilure reupholstery, sewing (be- added for this year. They arelS'™"* a"d intermediate) kmt- niarine biology at the Sandy Hook 'ln8-. landscaping English for lab, home hairstyling, speechcraft foreign born, reading improve- by Toastmasters International, ment, English improvement, Rus- golf, end rug braiding. The Mc- sian, Spanish, French and Ger- Carter Theater also will conduct'; » wries of plays during the Basic Seamanship, gym sports session J (women and men), tennis, first • ' 'aid, basic drums, basic guitar, A high school equivalency pre-;basic drawing, ceramics, paint- paratlon program will be of- jng (acrylic and oils), jewelry fered Wednesdays starting Sept. making (copper enameling). 20. Those who satisfactorily passjbridge, charm and beauty, chess, an examination will be awarded; antiques for the beginner and the equivalency oi a higb school'coiiector, flower arranging, pho- diploma. tography, social dancing (begin-! Courses which are being re- ning and advanced) arid drfver, peated from other years include education.

BOYS' PERMANENT PRESS MORE ELECTRIC POWER — Robert H. Sims, Jersey Twill Jeans Central Power & Light Co.-New Jersey Power & Light Co. vice president, turns switch to energize a new 230,- 000-volt circuit that will provide more power for the Shore area. The transmission line, the newest leg in tha School Hose 230,000-volt grid being constructed in key areas of JCPL-NJPL, cost $1 million and extends 22 miles from the Atlantic substation, west of Asbury Park, to the Tough & rugged twill leans... boys Ion 'em! Raritan River* substation at Sayreville. Shown from the These are heavyweight 85% cotton-15% nylon, left «re James Morton, a substation department fore- for no-iron wsshability & active wearabify. Cushion sole, 100% cotton man; Edwin M. Ambler, coast division manager, and Mr. Real jean styling too! Black, oUve, blue, sneaker socks in white or colors... tan—sizes 6-18. English rib in fine 6X3 mercerized nsstttorisicy patterned cottons. Sizes 7-10%. BOYS' C.B.S. QUILT LINED SUPERMARKET Corduroy 36 Main St. Keansburg SPECIALS for THURS., AUG. 24 Bomber Jackets X^ CORNED BEEF 39* YOUTHS', BOYS' & MENS' CHICKEN BREASTS.. 39A Gym Sneakers 3.99 CHC.E, WINGS ISt For school & sport... for Fall & Winter ... a handsome style that's made to take it! PORK BUTTS 49ii> 2.22 Quality corduroy — quilt lined for extra warmth— with knit cuffs & bottom, laminated knit collar, Rugged, hi or low cut basketball sneakers 2 pockets, zip front. Loden, taupe, blue—sizes 6-16. SPARE RIBS 49ib • in long-wearing canvas, with full sponge cushion innersoles & arch, thick grip soles. Black or white in sizes: Youths' 11-2; BACON BY MCE 49{b Boys' 2V2-6; Men'sJV4-12. ROUND ROAST 691. Bradlees . KEYPORT LAURELTON EATONTOWN m MADISON TOWNSHIP EYE ROUND 69; ma ML mam » MUMM M * MKtMM FROM OUR READERS

-... J ",- ' • • - - •. • - •'« '.'.^ '"' Tl» Kttlitar welwrnw lettm'from its reader*, ptniM they contain signature, address tad telephone number. Letter" Established in 1878 — Published by The Red Bank Register, Incorporated should to limited to U» wordi. They should b* typewritten. M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher AH letter* arc subject to condensation and editing. Endorse- Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor ments of political candidates or commercial products are not Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor acceptable. ft Greed, Selfishness County Road Aid Lag 3 Roberta Dr. Middletown, N. J. . E. Donald Sterner, chairman of the Governor Hughes' "solemn pledge" of To the Editor: county Planning Board, has advanced Aug. 23, 1965, to build immediately a Ever since the beginning of the world, people hav« been some compelling arguments as to why $185 million Central Jersey state high- greedy for themselves. For this there have been wars, need- Monmouth should receive greater way system. less killings and, finally, destruction of civilization. Can you think of this world as nice and kind with little or amounts of federal and state funds for But Mr. Sterner was quick to wish no authority? It might be pretty bad. With authority comes highway construction. the governor and Transportation Com- laws and regulations. Do you know why we need laws and regu* The county has been "short missioner Goldberg success "in their lations. Because people cannot hold themselves from the temp- current efforts" in Washington. HP tations of greed and selfishness. This is the cause of power and changed" in the allocation of money rule. during the past 25,years, he said, mak- was referring to the new push to get The only real reason for war is power and rule, even In cold ing thjs;a'"forgotten county." federal permission to build the pro- war. When It comes to trying to settle prWlerhs, there Is al- ways at least one to try and get all he-can out ofjtj|f settle- Mr.' Sterner, to some degree, is posed expressway as part of the inter- state systfiip in place of the Union ment. correekin what he says. It is hoped Another big problem is trust. We do not trust anyone. For that the situation will improve — par- .County portion of. Interstate 278. that reason, we need l|ws so that the people, our friends, will ticularly in regard to the proposed It's true that complications have nttt be able to get near'us. te that way we will not be Abie to'- see how smart they are In some areas. If we did, then it would Central Jersey Expressway plan. halted the Central Jersey road plan —i but the blame for that cannot be placed bring us down "off the pedestal. After all, the resort character of Right now, I'm speaking of the American Citizen, I think on Governor Hughes. At least he and we are the loudest to yell when something doesn't go the way Monmouth demands that there be his transportation chief are working we want. We have not had to face real hardships as other first-rate roads leading to and from the overtime to get the project going. We countries have. We do not know how to be real close to one shore. The fact that the county has only wish that Senator Case would give another. We do not realize that other people have the same kind important military installations also of hardships that we do. the road plan his blessing. That could We are so afraid of making mistakes. By being afraid to calls for improved arteries. This should be what is needed to help make the make mistakes we make them even bigger. When we do make be a national defense priority. project a reality. a mistake we have a great and wrong habit o( trying to cover for them. Do you know that by making mistakes you are learn- "Our industrial ratables exceed the Meantime, Mr. Sterner — a former ing? combined value of those in Ocean, At- state highway commissioner — is per- Let's cut down on authority and come down off the pedes- lantic and Cape May many times over," forming a public service by pointing THE REPORTER tal and see the world as it really is. See that people are not Mr. Sterner said, "yet we can't get a up the county road lag and the state as bad as we thought they were, that the problems «re not as great as we thought them to be, that the world can be 30-mile freeway to the turnpike." But and federal funding problem. The t happy place to live In. Atlantic City, with 60,000 population, message, we know, will get to Tren- Learning from Animals Alice Werden gets a 44-mile expressway. ton. We "would like it to get to Wash- By JIM BISHOP other dogs, approaching, will understand that Of course, Mr. Sterner took the op- ington also where, in the matter of the The youngest of the sciences is called this house is off-limits to them. portunity in his talk before the Shore expressway, it hopefully will be heard ethology. It is the study of animal behavior, The little white tern will, without coach- Efficient Rumson Police and the word is only 22 years old. We have ing, leave the Arctic wastes in winter to fly Area Development Council to note by Senator Case. learned a great deal from animals, birds and 7,500 miles over the trackless Atlantic to the 3 Markwood La. insects, but we have a long way to go. My floes of ice below Capetown, Africa. He av- Rumson, N. J. To the Editor: dog Rocky walks up to a erages 25 miles an hour and must keep his A New Community Center floor mirror and see another wings beating for 12 days without landfall, A fine example of good police work that I feel should not dog. His eyes tell him that without food, and with nothing but celestial go unnoticed was exemplified this week when a scared woman The Red Bank Area Branch of the Program for up to two-thirds the cost there is another dog, but his navigation to guide-him. called the Rumson Police Department at 4:45 a.m. We live at the lonely end of a street ending at a circle with National Association of Colored People of developing community centers. And nose tells him there Isn't. Professor S. A. Barnett of Glasgow Uni- He believes his nose, and versity has studied animal behavior for many our property stretching to the Naveslnk River. Our house it and its Youth Council have properly we hope borough officials will explore walks away. years and he is not sure he knows "why." In several hundred feet off the road. This night my wife was awakened by a Sight flashing set forth the need for construction of all avenues in an attempt to obtain A tweedy zoologist his latest book, "Instinct and Intelligence," across the fairly wooded lawn. She looked out the window, are a community center on the Westside such money. friend of mine had an apart- published by Prentice-Hall, he opens a sensa- saw a ghostly truck at the end of the circle. Panic-stricken, her ment In Central Park South, tional world of animal observation. He tells of the borough. On the state level, Governor mind filled with thoughts of recent acts of violence in the state, New York, and he kept a about the neat female wasp, who will use a as previously advised she phoned the police without lighting "We Insist that Red Bank must Hughes Is stepping up his efforts to pair of birds in a big cage. small pebble between her head and forelegs BISHOP our lights by dialing "Operator." make application for federal as well as provide recreational facilities for the The female, after mating, to iron the wrinkles out of her nest. state assistance and bend every effort underprivileged. The state Department plucked reeds and twigs from the bottom of * * * Within three minutes,'a police car was on the Kent. the cage and made a nest of intricate knots with Well, what was It? It was our milk man, who, coming ear- to see that the project succeeds," the of Defense has agreed to open its Na- SOME ANIMALS and insects, especially lier than usual, did not drive into our deep driveway In order a sailor's hitch. The moment the babies ware those who live in colonies, require the ser- groups said. tional Guard armories for use by the hatched, my friend freed the parents and to not disturb our sleep. vices of a dictator. Among wolves, the male One of the kindly police officers came to the door and ad- Mayor John P. Arnone Is keenly poor. And this is a possibility that watched the next generation grow up. These who stands stiff-legged with tail up is the two had never seen a bird. At mating time, vised us of the status of the situation. He very courteously aware of the lack of such facilities in should be explored in Red Bank. The boss. All other wolves, including males, stated that the police welcomed our concerned calls for help, first armory to be used for recreational the female began to make the nest with the must approach him with head down, knees the borough — and he Is taking the identical knots. and that they would rather come out for many seemingly un- matter under investigation. He said facilities by the public was leased to bent, and tail dragging. The queen bee, while necessary calls than miss one real alarm. It went on for five generations. Who waiting for worker bees to fetch food, permits yesterday he will appoint a committee New Brunswick this week for a $1 a It is reassuring to know that we have such an efficient taught her? Nobody. Then there must be young males to surround her and fan her with and courteous police here in Rumson. year. <, something built into the brain called instinct. whirring wings. She wants the temperature to look into the adequacy of existing Arfliur H. Elnbeck This is a weak word designed to cover a mys- of the nest to be within one-half degree of recreational facilities and the possi- What the NAACP is asking is not Former Director, Civil Defense tery. A newborn monkey, placed on the edge "normal." unreasonable. On the contrary, it is a and Disaster Control, Wen New bility of adding to them. of a cliff, will back away in fright. Why? The Red Bank NAACP has declared recognition of a void that exists in Almost all birds, animals, insects and fish York, N. J. Who taught it the components of danger? have a "threat" pose. When an intruder in- support for two Westside sites — the Red Bank — and with it a good-solu- * * * vades the "residence" area, beaks are opened, 21-acre borough-owned Farr tract and tion aimed at facing up to the problem. THE BLACK ANT, to which 200 yards may wings lifted, fangs are bared, hackles stand, Escalation Fruitless a vacant tract on Willow Street Both This matter is one that deserves be a day's travel, navigates by the sun. This fins become rigid. The purajjffig,, of the places appear to be ideal for a com- solid study — and it should not be de- can be proved by catching him on his way "threat" Is not to fight or kill|HHHHD the 1 Hillyer La. home, shielding the sun with an overhead outsider. Usually, he depart Middletown, N. J. munity center. layed with 'indecision. All efforts ecreen, and placing a mirror so that light The courtship and sex lives To the Editor: A Daily Register report last week, should be made to insure that Red comes from a different direction. The ant hilarious. A male cockroach will touc Recent newspaper articles Indicate that the United State* disclosed that federal grants are avail- Bank has adequate recreational facili- will alter his, course every time. With each tennae with anyone he meets. Only the fe- plans to escalate the war. President Johnson has asked for an able under the Neighborhood Facilities ties to serve all of its citizens. step — if he has found food — he will leave a male antennae has a special secretion which increase of beween 45,000 to 50,000 fighting men. Senator Sten- •light odor so that all the ants In his particu- excites him. At once he poses In a sexy nls has aiked for stepped-up bombing raids on North Vietnam. lar colony can find their way to the treasure. position. The female then nibbles at his neck Hanoi sends more fighting men Into South Vietnam with Birds, animals and Insects appear to be glands. They make love facing away from every American troop buildup. Thousands of North Vietnamese INSIDE WASHINGTON governed by the Instincts of hunger, sex drive, each other. soldiers Infiltrate into South Vietnam despite an Increasing self-preservation and residence. The latter A spider brings a dead fly to his wife. number of bombing raids on North Vietnam and the bombings refers to an area which the animal regards They make love for an hour and pause at of roads In Lao«. Thus, hope lies in de-escalation. • belonging to him. To a bee, It may be one .times to refresh themselves with filet of fly. General James Gavin of Massachusetts proposed that tile Romania Gets Another Look square mile, and he will sting an invader to Most incongruous of all is the working bee. American forces in Asia take holding actions at key positions, By ROBERT S. ALLEN and PAUL SCOIT the basil the Mturer government was .mili- death In that area. To a dog, it may be 50 When he finds fresh flowers, he brings pollen and that priority be given to economic effort! rather than mili- New developments in Romania are forc- tarily Independent of the other Warsaw Pact feet of front lawn. on his feet to the hive. Then he begins a tary efforts,,' • • • ing State Department officials to review their nations. A domesticated dog may display "resi- dance. The thousands of other bees pause }o Now, while the U.S. government ponders what course of estimate of the degree of independence of the * * * dence" by short squirts of urine on shrubs, watch. action should be taken In the future for Vietnam, It tfould to trees and poles within the area of his home. He permits some to taste the pollen. Then wise to consider carrying out these proposals Initead of decid- Communist regime o! Premier Ion Gheorghe THE TENTATIVE decision of the U.6, to He will do this even If his owner threatens he dances In a direct compass bearing to ing upon fruitiest escalation of the war. Maurer. support Ronnnla'i foreign minister, Corneliu Instead oi breaking ties Manescu, next month for the presidency of him with punishment. Instinct forces him to where the find Is. The length of his line tells Sincerely yours, J with the Soviet bloc, the the United Nations General Assembly was also leave his odor around his residence so that everyone how far the food is. Any questions? Wanda Woodward Bucharest government ap- bated on the same grounds. pears to be moving closer to Manescu's election, which would be vir- YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Russia and the other East- tually assured by support from the U.S., would Events of Years Ago ern European satellite*, in- make him the world organization's first Com- dication oi this trend U con- munist president in its 21 years history. tained in recent statements What to Spend for House On orders from the White House, the State and action* by Romanian Department's review of pew developments in By SYLVIA PORTER lege education of your children; if property Communist Party Secretary- 50 Years Ago Romania will Include a determination whether "What proportion of our monthly earnings taxes in the neighborhood are high (and like- General Nicolae Ceausecue ALLEN supporting Manescu for the high UN post Is should we budget for mortgage payments?" ly to rise further as you make improvements); and Defense Minister Ion A team, of mules,driven by Henry Mortord of Harmony 8tlU in the best interests of the U.S. l if your income is irregular; if your down pay- Ionita. " My husband grosses $11,000 a year; how ran away and Mr. Morford was thrown out, Hs was bruliM 'Pressure is also building up in Congress much can we afford to pay for a new house?" ment is low; and if your job may force you and shaken *nd had to be taken home in «n automobile. Texts of the statements, now Being etud- for a thorough re-examination of administra- How much does the cost of home main- to move unexpectedly. ied by U. S. intelligence and diplomatic tion policies in increasing trade with Romania tenance boost the total cost . On the other hand, even in the lower William Woods, night watchman, at the plant of the Gulf evaluators, reveal that Romanian troop*-are and other Soviet bloc nations. of home ownership and how brackets, you can afford to pay more for Refining Company at Eatontown, saw a man acting suspiciously involved in "joint-training with the armed More than 130 members have Introduced much should we earmark your house if you plan and are able to do a on the company's grounds, The fellow climbed over • fence ~~ " Jorces oroBIeTTfI6mi5ers~<5f— rtrrer House for~estabHshment--of— for _ these costs, jover and lot of tha necessary maintenance and repairs and escaped. However, he lost his hat and dropped a bag of the seven-nation Warsaw a select congressional committee to rr.aka the above U»"fiMtgage~pay:" on'the house yourself; if your family is-small;-- oats-wltich he had.slolenirom.the._company'sjb|rn._ Pact Organization." inquiry. Rules Committee chairman William ments?" if your property taxes are light, and likely to The Ccausescu and Io- Coimer has assured these members he will The extent to which remain light; if you are virtually certain your nita statements contain hold hearings on the resolutions before the end you're sending me questions income will increase at regular intervals; if pledges "Romanian troops oi August, such as these surely signals the home you buy is a new one involving low will be fully integrated and Swift approval by the House Rules Com- your mounting concern over •upkeep costs — and if you are able to make a fight alongside those of mittee, which is expected, would clear the the steeply rising costs of relatively large down payment 'from your sav- other socialist countries in (§))) )W. way for the Inquiry to begin before the UN "PORTER home construction and of ings. the event of war with the General Assembly convenes In mid-September. home-ownership in general. * * * NATO nations." Backers of the probe believe this acticn could It also surely suggests there will be a record This policy shift is con- BE CAREFUL, though, not to drain too influence the administration's decision on demand for this type of financial guidance as much of your savings into a down payment. sidered of tremendous sig- whether to go through with support for Ro- a whole new generation of newly married nificance since It brings Romania in line with You will need enough cash to pay: lawyers, mania's Manescu. World War II babies crowds into the home the Russian-sponsored policy of joint military architects, surveyors or' appraisers involved * * * buying market. operations for Warsaw Pact nations under the in the purchase; recording fees, title policy * * * command of a Soviet general. A CRISIS PLAN - Vice President fees and Closing charges on the loan; insur- Humphrey is urging the nation's governors to HERE, THEN, ARE the basic rules ance and taxes on your new home; moving Until the new approach was revealed by consider the formation of "councils for civil brought up to date with the help of the Ameri. costs and Immediate repair bills. And there the two Romanian leaders, It was official U.S. peace at state and, where possible, metropoli- can Bankers Association: If you are in the low always will be unexpected expenses, v policy to cite the refusal of the Maurer regime tan levels to combat future riots." Another way to determine how much of a to integrate its forces as the principal evi- to middle income bracket, put & maximum dence of that government's "growing inde- In telephone calls and letters, Humphrey is on your house cost at 2'/2 times your gross house you can afford Is to figure out the to- pendence from Moscow." saying the councils could provide a state com- yearly income. For example, if your gross tal monthly costs of home ownership to you. munity-relations service designed to prevent annual income is $10,000, you can afford a These costs, experience Indicates, should This illusion of Romania's Independence violence and to gain community co-operation house costing up to $20,000 or $25,000. If your amount to no more than one-fourth of your had bean used by Stale and Commerce De- and hear the voices of those who have gone income tends to fluctuate sharply, use an av- after-tax Income, or the equivalent of a week's partment officials to justify sale to that gov- unheard. erage of your yearly income over the past few take-home pay each month. ernment of several strategic Worden Gravity In pledging the administration's financial years as a yardstick. If you are in a high If you figure your total housing costs meters. support for the councils, the vice president income bracket;1 figure on spending relatively this way, you must estimate and include these Vital to improving long-range missile tar- said federal funds could be mnde available less lhan 2'/2 times your gross income on a items:' your monthly mortgage payment, the geting,- the highly-sensitive mcter.s arc on the under existing programs, including those of new home. yearly amount of property taxes, insurance list of strategic materials banned from export the Office of Economic Opportunity, which ad- This Is only a broad rule ol thumb. Even and upkeep (not including utilities.) Put this to Communist nations because of their mili- ministers the war against poverty. in lower brackets, the sum you pay for a _ total on a monthly basis, [ tary importance. Also, no other nation has • He stressed that the councils could include house should be less than 2 /3 times your Whichever way you choose to figure out been able to produce the meters. "representation from all racial and religious gross income. If you will bs carrying a heavy how niuch of a house you can afford, the Im- "Why is it thot you wolk a lovely Although applications for export licenses groups In the state, the state attorney gener- debt load on other purchases; If your family portant point Is to figure it before you buy, stretch of beach and you feel like to ship the meters to Russia and Poland were al's office, the National Guard, law enforce, is large; if you plan to buy an old house re- You will be buying a headache and a heart- tto ooJy people to the •oHot" turned down by the Johnson Administration, ment agencies, and officials of local govern- quiring a lot of repairs; 1< you will haw heavy ache along with your house If you Ignore this the Romanian purchases were approved on ment." near-futurg financial obligations for tha col- key nils. ' 6- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1987 V 9 Wednesday, 1^.ug. 23, 1967—71 Substitute Teachers THE DAILY REGISTER Workshop Scheduled Two Eiflist OVFSTANDMG VALUE! f/mTASTK VALUE! 1 LONG BRANCH — The Long women to terve as substitute •He Real vHMJ " YfHBMBMa Branch Community Adult School teachers in the public schools In Marines will offer a substitute teacher's at all levels," said Mr. Dugan. RED BANK — Two Monmouth workjhop at its-tall session on To enroll, he said, a student County men have enlisted in the ORANGE five consecutive Tuesday eve- must have a bachelor's degree U. S. Marine Corps under its 10 nings, starting Sept. 26. It will or a minimum of 90 earned 120-day delay program, accord- credits from an accredited col- ing to S/Sgt. John Sheehan, Potatoes li.bag be taught by city public schools' lege or university. USMC recruiter here. JUICE staff members. Mr. Dugan said the workshop 1 John E, Dugan, Adult School They are Kevin F. Rogers of Valla aaly wM »»a aardtata of tWf ha*. ValM only wHh th» avnkata of tfcti htm. is designed to provide an orien- OM par family thr» fatoHay, Aaajvit 16,1947 Oaa ft family Ikra Sotwaay, Aagsit 74, 1967 director, announced registration New Shrewsbury, and William tation experience for prospective Fowlie, Leonardo. will be held in the new Long substitutes ^and a review course THIS COUPON WORTH 26c Branch High School library from for experienced substitutes. Top- Pvt. Rogers, the son of Frank- THIS COUPON WORTH 14c 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday, ics covered in this course will lin M. Rogers, 12 Fairfield Dr., Sept. 14, Monday, Sept. J8, andinclude classroom management, New Shrewsbury, is a graduate Tuesday, Sept. 19. In .addition, heschool policies and procedures, of Christian Brother! Academy, •aid, persons may register for lesson planning, special prob- Lincroft. VALUABLE COUPON classes by mail by writing to lems of the elementary and sec- Pvt. Fowlie, son of Mr. and GREAT FOR BAR-B^VE! 1 SUMMERTIME TREAT! the director, Long Branch Corn- ondary schools and legal respon- Mrsjjames m Fowlie, 45 Viola DR Branch High School. sibilities. toward Hie purchase of Any Pfcg. «? Leonarab, graduated from Linden House-All Haws "there are many opportunities •Those seeking Information Middletown High School and at- THIS In Long'Branch and surrounding about the workshop may call the tended Monmouth College, West schools for qualified men anhigdh school here. Long Branch. COUPON CHICKEN The i*2f>day delay program per- BOTTI1 mits enlistees to postpone their WORTH (Cut up, Quartered, Whofe, Roasting) date of departure for "boot1 .., From our Fresh Meat Dept. Rights Leader Lashed training and active duty up to SODAMHo Rat 120 days. It is designed also to Coupon atfacllva thru Saturday, Aog. 26, 1967 provide a financial benefit, as a VBM Mir "I* tka partlMM of iMf Hum. UmHi 1 par adult family. Caapaa valid Ona par family rhra latsriajr, Aagmt M, 196T aiily wilh Ida porthm* of thb Dm. For 'Unjust Criticism serviceman'* first pay increase 20 begins four months from his date LONG,BRANCH - Joseph E. rights commission member* into of enlistment. THIS COUPON WORTH 21c OjTHIS COUPON WORTH 20C Taylor, Moranouth Community believing that a firm commit- Action Program, Inc. executive ment was made." He said he Both men, who are slated for director, yesterday lashed out was "appalled that Mr. Grau- two years of active duty, will ft Michael Grauman, city Civil man would point an accusing undergo basic training at Parris Rights 'Commission chairman, finger at some one else for hisIsland, S.C., and advanced train- for ''unjust criticism" of MCAP (Mr. Grauman's) own failure.'1 ing at Camp LeJeune, N.C, They about the commission's being l rate a leave about 12 weeks "stood up" at a Monday con- Mr. Taylor said he, and other from the date they leave for ference called by the commuMCA- P central staff members and camp. nion to discuss recreation for thethe Long Branch Neighborhood city's youth. Council have been working with YES-PAY LESS! Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., City ¥ Mr, Grauman and the commis- Council President Amedeo V. Ip- •lon issued a statement Monday 7 Drivers nolito and the city Recreation "lill. V, HAS THE LOWEST PRICES IN JERSEY night, claiming MCAP officials Committee to establish much had agreed upon a meeting at needed recreation facilities. "We Are Fined that time to discuss recreation. ON THE V/ORLD'S FINEST BRAND NAME FOODS! are well aware of the need for SHREWSBURY - Magistrate Mr, Taylor said, "Mr. Grau- la meaningful recreation pro- man called on Aug. 11, inviting William J. Glading suspended a gram and are working toward $50 contempt of court fine Mon- me to a meeting, and indicated this goal," he commented. YES—PAY LESS FOR VSDA ' CHOICE' —COLD STAR MEATS! he would confirm the time and day night for William R. Johnson the place at a later date. Our Mr. Taylor said he is writing of Asbury Park, end fined him records, however. Indicate that to Mr. Grauman, civil rights $15 for speeding nine miles per -,DA CHOICE • YOUNG WESTERN STEFR no further contact with MCAP commission members and Mayor hour over the limit. The ticket was made by the commission Nastasio, advising them that he was Issued Nov. 23, 1964. COUNTY Ufffi ROAD •ince that time." will "be pleased to attend any Clemmie Stubbs, 36 Oakland IN THE BtOOK PIAZA SHOmNO ONTO! Th« MCAP director charged meeting beneficial to the comSt., Red Bank, was fined $30 for Mr. Grauman "misled civil'munity." passing a red light, and Pamela JACKSON, N.J. Hartung, 9 Woodmere Ave., Rum- son, was fined $30 for cutting M NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD RIB ROAST 0' BEEF through a gas station to avoid a HIOHT OFF RTE. 35 Find Railroad Innocent light. RED BANK, N.J. Fined $20 each for careless Prim «ff«tfvt Dim lohirday, AuouU 24, \HJ. Hanr any OVEN In Breakdown at Station driving were Michael Grecco, 32 Dmlhl twoHyo will Nun told lo dtabn. Not rwpon- 1st CUTS Simpson Ave., Atlantic High •ftlli fortypographica l anon. READY RED BANK — Acting Magis- were dismissed on motions by t*T Uu for "Country Fn.h" Dail Futoritat trate William J. Glading last Anthony Bruno, prosecutor for lands, and David C. Oates of night found the New York anthde borough, who said there was Farmlngdale. MORREU YORKSHIRE Long Branch Railroad innocent insufficient evidence for convic- Fined $15 each for speeding of tying up Red Bank vehicular tions in two cases, and the com-were Paul Azarow, 445 Prospect traffic. plainant failed to appear in court St., Long Branch, and Sheldon J. Patrolman Vernon Patterson I on third. They were the last of Lowe of Miami. BACON Issued the ticket to T. F. Clark, eight charges against Mr. Knip- per. Five were referred to the SLICED-LEAH- Ib. FRESH CUT FROM YOUNG MEATY FRYERS UGS BREASTS - conductor of a northbound train Fair This Saturday that broke down at the station Grand Jury last month. HICKORY SMOKED pkf>, on the afternoon of Aug. 2. Isaiah Davis, 227 South Pearl To Benefit Retarded FRESH CHICKEM PARTS 4* 56< The disabled train, with about St., received a suspended $50 Midgit RED BANK - Young and old s i1B BRISKET CORNED BEEF ^" *>-49« ^>'69e 100 passengers aboard, blocked fine, for being intoxicated and Taylor Pork Roll >» »•» the crossing at Monmouth St. forusing 'profane 'fanguagiTand p"aid [have,. an, opportunity to visit a l Imported - Extra Uan 28 minutes. $10 in court costs. neighborhood carnival-fair Sat- ROCK CORNISH FRESH GROUND BEEF USDA CWOICI urday between 1 p.m. and dusk After a hearing, however, Unox Canned Ham 2 Magistrate Glading said he didn't Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smock. Niwl Imported • Taitu Ortal on till Crodwn FRESH GROUND CHUCK USDA CHOKE think the Legislature had intend- nXt ^ GAME HENS ed to put trains in violation of $35 for being intoxicated and At well-decorated booths will be Danish Hard Salami »••<*« A tart. Traat games, refreshments and white the statute every time they broke loitering in the Riverview Hos- Motr.ll PrW. . Artificial Coring • Fro*. linrmnl or YauBsMaaty IL TURKEY DRUMSTICKS tt to 2 Ib. avanaa down, and ruled not guilty. pital parking lot last Friday. elephants. The proceeds will go 36 to the Hudson St. school for re- Chunk Bologna Charge* Dismissed Easy do«s it. Sell fishing SMOKED BEET TONGUE iff en iflHiwea tarded children. This charitable MNhkkSklbV Three worthless check charges equipment quickly to cash buy- enterprise is being directed by USMCHMCt against Edwin H. Knipper ol Bel ers with Classified Ads. Dial 741- Claudia and Larry Borchardt and All Beef Franks TOP ROUND STfAK MKH ITALIAN SAUSAGE inont Motors, 363 Mapls Ave.,'6900 today. Rosemary and Kim Bauer, with USDA CHOICE the enthusiastic approval of Mr. fc UADJk. CHOICE U.S.DA. CHCMCS U.S.O.A. CHOICE and Mrs. Smock. In event of All Meat Franks *•*• 68« TOP SIRICMN STEAK M.09 YOUNG WESTERN STtEt YOUNG WESTERN STEEt TOUNO WESTERN ST1ER rain, the fair will be held Mon- Pay Leu for "Country Frith" Dairy taodil USOA CHOICE day. CUBE SHOULDER FURNITURE CO. BLUE BONNET CLUB STEAK •«««" *-*1.69 RIB STEAK Keyport 264-0181 USOA CHOICE STEAK STEAK WEST Tract Split Okayed SHORT CUT BEEF SHORT RIBS » 58c MID-SUMMER MARGARINE Fork OCEANPORT - The Planning USDA CHOICE Ib. Boneleti Ib. Board last night gave its ap- k 75c Tender 98c 98c SALE! proval to a minor subdivision REGULAR BEEF FIANKEN ">68c NOW IN + application by Edward and Mar- Yet —Pay leu for Brand Name Foods! You Aluayt Do At "Big W"! Jorie Fister to split their tract PROGRESS t!i» tonntt • Padud HI Two Saporatt Cearoimra at Comanche Dr. and Nicholson \U GRINDS--SENSATIONAL VALUE! EST. 1869 PI. Soft Morforlne The applicants asked to create Krott . Open Afore, and Fri. eveningt 'til 9 a pair of lots on Comanche Dr. from ft portion ol the tract VelvtetflLMf AD Flavor) SAVARIN COFFEE Bortfeii'f^ Cheese'^3 . Axtlred er AUK • Unr M Cantwit MiM Sour Crum

LABEL Sour Dressing jump Cruft Dollshr ' 2 Ib. 1 Ib. Cheese Loaf 2b Royal Dairy - "Qualify" •> Tht R«ol Thi/ig Orange Juice APPETIZER DEPT. (where available) AJAX CLEANER White Meat TUNA


Srralmd 'lor COLTS NECK, NEW JERSEY SANDY BOY. M.ICED fRESH 2 for 33c HEINZ BABY FOODS BIGH WHITE BREAD ri INSTANT RT. 34, JUST SOUTH OF RT. 537 CROSSING 12 ox. 6 p°ck 69« Mashed Potatoes « Vi-9illln Ham %bMe Dad's Root BeerHX." bot. All Stvin 4 to 6Vi »,| A. 3 sl Purina Cat Food Vorbllii «" HamSlrami ^:ibm<» ,b^c Butter & Egg Noodles Kosher Pickles CIEAN OUT SPECIAL! WITH UMON OR LIM( Spiced Ham SUCED FRESH ib.^Sc B «.„ crc,..& .1 ,o.lla,ioc Applesauce Cake, iced or plain; Apple RICH-DELICIOURICHDELICIOUS RellSlieS, UPTON Nut Bread, Apple Crumb Cake, Grated Aggie Cake with Pecan Topping, Gold Creamy Rice Pudding 49' Crisco Shortening ICE TEA MIX FRESH Cake (old fashioned pound cake), mads ' l«l «C Cream * "«*» v* .•«» 2-Pack with all butter. Aun.».r..«i«.«iiow Pay Liu • Frtth Fiih * Sta/ood (uhtre ami(.; Co(.rW»rUno.. FRESH FRUIT PIES South Anwlcan Tlvoll-J6 le 30 Count-Pink with all the fragrance and flavor of newly harvested apples, peaches, blue-berries; JUMBO Southern Pecan,, Coconut Custard, Straw- Wonderful Cheeses berry, Rhubarb Pies. SHRIMP ; front Mann Liindft Lobster Medium Shrimp piniTl'sib'bo Fresh Haddock Fillet The fine cheeses produced by people to Cherbourg Fancy Halibut Steaks Whom cheese making has been family La Coquille St. Jacques, Coq Au Vin, King Crab Fresh Sea Scallops : tradition for gonorat' )PS. "SPRINGTIME FHKSIl FRVWS & VEGETABLES! Imperial, Welsh Rarebit, YES — PAY LESS FOR FRESH FROZEN FOODS! • Cheese-" wjflTDali- are amongJhejrozen din- FRESH FROZEN LINDEN FARMS SNOW CROP 'cJiius Or chards ners prepared for us by GREENING fresh fri^it. is per- ORANGE JUICE 2 25^ t; 6 U.S. No. 1 S. S. PIERCE FOODS Kh c BwM APPLES fect as a snack or We have the complete S.S. Pierce line of LINDEN FARMS VEGETABLES "" '?r. *'a »--» dessert,! fine foods and specialties. MAYFLOWER WAFFLES "-*— '-•* We TOIMIOH tidi'i.Fi«hrro«fl.aiof.«Mt.3«a Open Monday-Saturday 9 Iv 6.Sundays 1 to 6. Air-Conditioned. Coffee Ugbitmr ^ Cantaloupes Mdi •.IV' - ,; - -- I* • i \ I S—Wednesday, Aug. 23. 1967 THE DAILY REGISTER *Great Pond' Beautification WHY PAY MORE? " Job Pushed WEST LONG BRANCH - A "GUIDE FOR THE beautification project that Mon- mouth College has undertaken on the "Great Pond," a body of wa- ter formed by the stream at the base of the Shadow Lawn Cam- pus, is expected to benefit resi- MARRIED WOMAN dents of three municipalities as well as college personnel. The stream forms the boundary "SHOP-RITE'S DELICIOUS, TENDER, FLAVORFUL OVEN ROASTS" between West Long Branch and 'Cl'TFROM CORM-'M) VOIXG PORKERS" Ocean Township, with the pond falling on college property in West Long Branch. Last month, the college started work to im- PORK CHOPS prove the appearance; to remedy conditions that could affect the health conditions in Long Branch, and'Ocean Township and' here; OR ROASTS and, at the same time, >to im- ROAST prove the source of potable wa SHORT CUT, EASY TO ter used as a reserve supply by RIB END CUT\ CENTER CARVE, OVEN READY the Monmouth Consolidated Wa- ter Co. Drainage in the area will be greatly improved. • JJ Ib. Charles W.. Van Hart, college director of buildings and grounds said the Thomas Procter Co. of West Long Branch has been dredging where debris and mud 'WOI'-KITE'S f .S.IK. I. (iol'l. Stro were obstructing the natural flow of the creek. Loin End Cut' __ Pot Roast _ For Bar-B-Q (Where Available) The pond, he said, had become CUT SHORT 1 a mosquito breeding spot and an PORKCHOPS B..55* BONELESS CHUCK ib.75 CHUCK BEEF PATTIES ib 79' eye sore. Cut From Fresh Butts, Boneless For Bar-B-Q Fresh Thick Cut „ c Remedying the mosquito situa- RIB STEAK PORK ROAST R>.69C REG. GROUND BEEF ib.49* BONELESS BRISKET n,79 f tion is a continuation of work Country Style Fresh First Cut Plymouth Rock started last year by the Mon- ( mouth County Mosquito Control TASTY SPARE RIBS a,. 49' BONELESS BRISKET n>.99 BONELESS SfttO. BUTTS n, 79<< Commission. Eight large snap- For Bar-B-Q—A Red Treat Fresh & Lean For Bor-B-Q Why Pay More? ping turtles that had been des- FOR BAR-B-Q c $ 79 CLUB STEAKS Boneless n,. 1 GROUND CHUCK troying young ducks have been or BROILING ib.69* CHUCK STEAKS ntcut m 43' removed from the area. California For Braising or Potting Extra Lean Ib. C C Almost 7,000 yards of fill has 75 CHUCK POT ROAST it, 69 BEEF SHORT RIBS ib. 59 CHUCK STEAKS ^ % 53' been reclaimed during the dredg- FARM FRESH PRODUCE!* ing, and this will be used to in- FROZEN FOOD DEPT. TFIIY PAY MORE? crease the college's student park- ing area. Why Pay More? Why Pay More? NECTARINES DELICIOUS When the work, is completed, the pond will appear as it did SARA LEE BIRDS EYE SHOP-KITS years ago with stone wall around SWEET & it. A new bridge will be con- POUND CAKE COOl WHIP LUSCIOUS MARGARINE ttructed over the stream on the approach to the Teacher Educa- Yellow /White Each Slice Wrapped Pait. Proem tion Building. Ib. 59' 25 KRAFT AMER. CHEESE ,2^49' Beef & Gravy S VINE RIPE Plain /Vanilla/Coffee To Donate ONCOR TURKEY & GRAVY 1" 10c 2.» CANTALOUPES SHOP.RITE YOGURTS Shop-Rite ». 25' DELI. DEPT. CoUectipn BEEF BURGERS VHiy Pay More? Shop-Rite "Florida's Best1 GRAPES TOMATOEM S To Museum Seedless, Calif. Knelt Hard Ripe TAYLOR'S PORK ROLL Canned Hams SHREWSBURY — The next ORANGE JUICE 6£?77< 4 - 95' step in efforts to locate the Mu- pk f ib. 25' SWIFT OR HORMEL seum of Creative Graphic Arts Vacuum Packed Regular/Thick in this borough will be up to the iciiCREAM SANDWICHES ,r 59« CUCUMBERS EXTRAFANCY 4 for 25 museum board of directors. BAKERY DEPT.! SHOP-RITE BACON Dr. A. Bradford Judd, presi- Shop-Rite Sliced White SWEET CORN HOMKWN 10 « 39 tMOm1" 1J-OT Jjfriwnrtti OKOT* dent of the recently formed cor 4 '•££•loaves • UMKI p>< 69c PKHU>1' %i£ 39c turn '£%: 87c poration, said upon his return SANDWICH BREAD GREEN PEPPERS FANCY 2 ,,,. 29 from vacation yesterday that he Shop-Rite White APPETIZER DEPT. and his wife will donate their PASCAL CELERY -*19« AUGUST IS NATIONAL SANDWICH MONTH!! graphic arts collection to the COUNTRY- WriyPayMore? board at its next meeting. Mb. $f Shop-Rite White Sliced , HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS — The decision will then rest with toovet I lc SALE — BUr 1 FOR 59c — GET 2 fOR 60c TURKEY ROLL DARK MEAT * 99* the board, Dr. Judd said. 7 CHALLAH BREAD Shop-Rite Continuous Action FOR Plymouth Rock Dr. Judd and his wife, Mrs. Shop-Rite ( C Eleanore M. Judd, were principal COLD CAPSULES £& 2 ^ 60 SPICED HAM Sliced to Order *69 organizers of the museum. They APP1E PIE OLD FASHIONED 12-OX, m •_ Family Size' Kitchen Cooked had proposed its establishment in Shop-Rite Reg. 6-3/4-oz. their home at 942 Broad St., and •*»• 45 tube GLEEM TOOTHPASTE 59c BAKED VIRGINIA HAM 14*69' had planned to donate the prop- POTATO CHIPS «Pc Plastic Container erty and their private collection. U-ot BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE (A'SK.) Mrs. Judd is the museum direc- J&J BABY POWDER size C 300 Count , tor. CHOC. CHIP COOKIES Reg. or Hard to Hold or Unscented Hair Spray Two weeks ago their applica- 13-OT. LOOSELEAF FILLER PAPER 49' tion for a variance was with „ JUST WONDERFUL SEAFOOD DEPT. Marble Cover drawn in the face of opposition Ib. Deodorant Pink/White encountered from residents dur- 7-ox. UARD can COMPOSITION BOOK ^^29* ing two hearings before the Zon JUMBO SHRIMP 89« H£HL? cc^. Wire Bound Ing Board of Adjustment. Pink/White c Mrs. Judd said yesterday that Prell Liquid Shampoo I"" 89' Prell Shampoo !X 89* witCOMPOSITIOh insulated Bottle N BOOK oMa.,49 the withdrawal protected the LARGE SHRIMP |8» Tight of the museum board to re- Fresh Cut ,79 Wiiki^onB.a'd,, V 69-MaCecns" "2T*a- THERMOS LUNCH KITS apply, and will leave time for borough planning to take shape. FLOUNDER FILLET SHOP-RITE... FOR THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! The Planning Board is in the Letaoiude/Oranje Grape Fruit Punch Cream Style Golden ^ Why Pay More?—Spray process of completing a master Mi»*(ell'H«u*« Ektb Perk, Reg. All Grinds , Shop-Rite plan. STOKELY SAVARIN LIBBY'S FANTASTIK Set School DRINKS or Ehlers VINEGAR CORN CLEANER Ib. C C Registration a, can 1-pt. 6-oz. FAIR HAVEN - New pupils 4 cans 69 2 - 29 4 89 size In Fair Haven schools will be r lstered during the week of Aug. 4cO« 28 between 9 a.m. and noon, I King Size Win D«or..*i«'iCrR>g./PinkPine.-Grap«fruii t 1^)t1 . JumbM "' CHASE & SANBORN 167' ( school offices, Birth certificates Carrots 2^29' Dole's Drink 3'iS 87' SaranWrap ioo53 DETERGENT must also be presented to show I Shop-Rite Sweet, Cucumber or pupils are five years old before Prices effective through Saturday Night,August 26,1967. Not raspontible fortypogiophical errors. ; KOSHER DILL PICKLES A We reserve the right to Emit quantities. * Oct. 15. 15'OFF Lecture Series JUMBO MIDDLETOWN SHREWSBURY 3-lb. 6-oz. box On at Church RT. 35 and NEW MONMOUTH RD. 550 BROAD ST. and RT. 35 MIDDLETOWN — Rev. W. L. Wilson.Sr., president of the Pro- gressive Pennsylvania Baptis State Convention, is giving a .sc- NEW SHREWSBURY OAKHURST ries o' talks each evening t week through Friday at 8 o'clock 981 SHREWSBURY AVE. ROUTE 35 »! the Unk*i Baptist Church, Church La. Rev. Mr. Wilson is pastor of LIFEBUOY SOAP ^V7T 9 b the Greater New Israel Baptist o boih 07c O «o- O7c I LUA oUAr Z >boli h Church, Philadelphia. His sub- jects will include: "In Just Such *• «ize v/ • *• «i» £•! 1 Time as This," "Thanksgiving" HEM'S A SHOP-BITE NEAR YOU-CALL ESscx5-7300 tnd "New Years." The public 'i invited to attend the lectures. THE DAILY REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1967-9 In Defense Pacts Post \Stock Market NEW YORK - Brig. Gen. Wai-, The Contract Atainlstra-! Yesterday's closing ACF IM ' - \Ut M. Vann, USA, has been|tion Services Region, with bead- Jotai Mm Successful 21 wo. G RAMAN'S jnamed director of the Defense quarters at 770 Broadwajf, New Aft Prod - Jowl i I. VAfcUUM mi APPLIANCI PAIlTS CO. >Jr Ritoe 42 Contract Administration Servlceglyorlc. City, I* a field activity of A] lei Cj> 156 MONMOi»TH 3T, MD BANK, N. J. Region, here, it was announced ; Defense Supply Agency. JUleg Ui4 is' Kenfiftcott JUlt* Paw PHONE 747-5623 Itoday. He succeeds Brig. Gen. Allied Ch Kre«lt, 83 Investing The region, which has 3,300 em- 43 C. W. Clapsaddle Jr., who has A11U Chal Kroger ployees, is responsible for admin- Alcoa Len Port C been reassigned to Headquarters, n% Leh Val Ind EUREKA CLEANERS istering defense contracts valued Am Alrlln 39 By Roger E. Spear U. S. Army Europe, Heidelberg, Am Can I/OF Glass Sfctrkmd — Ltwyf — Sweeper — V« I at more than $10 billion in New Am Cyan STtt L)b McNtL Germany. 1 Am M Fdy 31H Llgg 4 My i Waxen —Polishers — Hand Cleaners ;York City; Westchester, Rock- 22* Am Motore M Litton UH Q) "We are deeply concerned rather than investments with General Vann comes to this land, Orange and Putnam C Am Bmelt 09 Lukenl Stl SALES and SERVICE Maclt Trie 1154 about our financial situation. We which she is not familiar?" C.L ties, Long Island, and all counties Am Bli 2114 multi-billion dollar defense con- Am Tel"* Tel 51V4 MoMagnavox x 43 are both 47 years old. Our in- A) Yes. Her only risk with an "We Service What We Sell" in New Jersey north of Ocean, Am Tob 34 Vt Miraui Oil 13K come has been $30,000 a year and tract arm of the U. S. Govern- AMP Ino 381; Martin M 2351 annuity is that continued inflation I ALL PARTS and SERVICE ON PREMISES Burlington and Mercer. Anaconda Maeonlte 41 could be severely cut temporar- may some day lessen her buying i KNOW YOUR ment from Fort Hancock, N. J.: Armco Btl Merck 89% Gen. Vann, a 1939 graduate of USM M'i ily. Should this situation continue, power. I'm afraid that she will where he was commanding gen- Armour 38 Si', U. S. Military Academy, served Armst Ck 5M1 Minn M4M do you have any suggestions as just have to accept that risk, HOSPITALS eral of the 52nd Artillery Brigade Anlil Oil Moblloll 41V4 It Pays to Advertise in the Register with distinction in World War 11 Atchlson Munt Ward 2t'4 to our financial situation as Jr Defense). with the First (later Twelfth) All RlchfM Nat Else 48 » Monmouth Medical Avco Corp 98% N Cash Hcf , 106 shown on attached list?" N. L. U. S. Army Group Headquarters. Babcock W Nat Palrjr Bayuk Clg Nat DUtlll A) I am very sorry that you County Banks Center Since 1945 he has held various Bell * How Nat Gyps 45U are faced with an abrupt change BendU Nat Steel . 53H iassignments in the United States Beth Steel NY Central 77U in earning power in your middle The Monmouth Medical Cente and overseas prior to going to BoeWE Nla M Pow 2214 Remain On Home Cara Program has beel Borden ' No Am Av 40% years. With regard to your stock Fort Hancock in 1965. Borg Warn Nor Pac 65% list, you seem well situated with designed to provide a comple: Brunawk Niylt Alrlln 10794 of coordinated services con At Fort Hancock he command- Bucy Erl» 85 little cause for alarm. You have Norwich Pft cerned with tho total medical ed the Nike Hercules surface-to- Bulova Outto Mar 25% no poor stocks and indeed, no Upper List Burl Ind 29*4 Owem IU 65% nursing, restorative and socio air missile units of the U. S. Cue, JI 3714 2714 very doubtful ones. It may be NEWARK—Monmouth County's Cater Trao Pan Am W14 68',i economic needs of tha patient Army Air Defense Command in Celanese 23% Penny, JC that since you are facing a pe- two largest banking firms re- Pa Pw & Lt 31% cared for in .the home. ie LOANS the strategically vital area of the Ches & Oft 6114 Wli main on the list of the 25 largest .atifyiier" - Pa wt 4Di; |riod of uncertainty your concern The Home Care Program is ar Northeast irorn Boston to Phil Cities Sv PSI>il. .Co..... would bfiJessenei by buildjng.up commercial banks in the state. extension ,of. many hospital .ser.-. Coca Cola Perkin Elm delphia. Colg Palm 51% 87% your cash reserves to a point vices into the patient's home 12H4 Pfizer According to a six-month re- General Vann was promoted to Colum Gas Phil El 32 VI under the direction of thi Coml Solv 39% Phlll Pet ' where an intermediate price de- view of banking by John J. Ryan SHADOW LAWN his present grade in July, 1965. Con Edls 27% Pit Bteel i cline would not seriously disturb & Co., here, Monmouth County patient's private physician. Pa Con Can 3914 Pub EtO 32% tients who can be served by Among his decorations are the Corn Prol 33% Pullman 51% you. National Bank, Red Bank, holds Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, Corning G 67 RCA 53 the 16th post on the list with the program include those un Cm Zell «S'.i Kcadlne Co 20 You are well represented in der Medicare, most Blue Cros High School Graduates who have reservations regard- Army Commendation Medal with Cruc fill 832 BepuH Stl 49% June 30 deposits of $154,121,210. electronics and I would hold Lear contracts of both New Jersey three Oak Clusters, and the Bel- CurtUs Wr 49 Revlon 6814 Ing college due to lack of funds, should waste no Deere 25% Keyn Met 63'i Siegler; TRW; Bell & Howell; and New York and Welfare. The gian Croix de Guerre with Palm. Del 4 Hud 23% Reyn Tol) 39% The Central Jersey Bank and time talking to our counselors, while there is still Dent Sup 6154 Rob Controli 3311 and sell Mallory, which I con- Trust Co., Freehold, had June 30 Agency can also, serve in an Dow Chero 35 St Jos Lead •H'4 sider your least impressive hold- advisory capacity to private pa Dreas Ind fit Regis Pap deposits totaling $133,835,967, ac- 33% 34 «, tients >ho requira this type of time to register. < ,. du Pont 77 li Sears Hocb 57% ing here. In your situation I cording to the report, to hold the Zar Taking Part Duq L»t 38 >i Shell Oil 1* would dispose of Waddell & Reed, service. East Kod 159% Sinclair 76%: 21st position on the list. End John 31% Smith, AO a good mutual fund sponsor Depending upon the benefits to Erie LacU 32 The state's 25 financial giants Firestone 129'/. 31T4 which might be hurt if a propo- which the individual patient i Under the New Jersey Higher Educational Assistance Conference FMC Cp 28% 63 showed a total of $29,915,000 in 954 30'i sal to regulate fees is carried out. entitled, the following service Ford Mot Sperry Rd net operating earnings after taxes Authority, Shadow Lawn has made hundreds of loans RED BANK — National recog- Gen Accept I would get out of Monsanto may be supplied: Visiting Publi< Gen Clg for the first half of this year, a Health Nurse, Horoamaker Ser- nition has been accorded to Paul Gen pynam 63 which has gone nowhere since to qualified students to defray college expenses. Gen Elec 31% Studetoaker 61 !i gain of 13 per cent. Last year's vice (part time) or Homt Zar, 152 Spring St., president of 21 % 1959. Gen Fds Texaco 73 June 30 net operating earnings Health Aide, physical therapy, the Turnpike Broadcasting Com- Gen Motors 6851 Tex a Sul 1337, I like Consolidated Foods and Gen Pub Ut 106% Textron 7814 after taxes amounted to $26,469,- speech therapy, social services, pany, for his efforts in the field G Tel 4 Tel 78«j Tldewat Ofll K!i Texaco but your commitment in medical supplies and equip- ' These loans are made directly to the student, without Gen Tire 83% Tranaamer 41H 000, of roadside communications Ga Pac Cp 28H Un Carbide 52% each case is heavily dispropor- ment, dietary and drugs (Blue parent participation, in amounts up to $7,500. After broadcasting. Gillette «V4 Un Pac 43 ii tionate. I would reduce these The report states: "Based on Cross patients). men Aid Un Tank O 71 Mr. Zar was Invitied to par- Goodrich Unlroyal 43'i holdings to BOO shares and 200 these figures, an operating over- Tha Visiting Nurse Association graduation from college (or termination of study) the Goodyear Unit Alro MS head of 82.8 per cent is ap- will supply service in the home ticipate in the first national con- Grace Co United Cp 1114 shares respectively. If you made student may repay the loan in monthly amounts, over ference on highway communica- Gt AtP US Lines 37 these sales I believe your cash parent, compared with 83.2 per on a part time basts as directed Greyhound US Plywood 5211 by the physician. The Home tion for service and safety, which |Gulr Oil 6514 position would render you im- cent for the same period a year a long period of time, in accordance with the student's *8Ti maker Service will assist 1hi opened Monday in Denver. He Hamm Pap 31 18 pregnable for some time ahead. ago." 2414 13 >4 patient in such personal ser- has submitted a paper for pre- 22% The study-shows that deposits capacity. 69 , Q). "I have an elderly friend vices that will aide in th« pa- sentation on "Basic Concepts and 28«i 38 in these banks on June 30 totaled Here Inc 4S", 66*4 who is alone and has no occupa- tient's recovery. It will, of Standards for Roadside Commu- III Cent Ind 68H (514 tion or business capacity. She has $6,054,670,000, an increase of 6 per «% 35(4 course, in addition to persona nications Broadcasting for Im-|ine Kand Wltco Chem 29*i enough money to invest in an cent over last year's June 30 This if a golden opportunity for young people Int Bui Mcb 491 Woolwth services do such housekeeping proved Highway Safety Applica- Int Harv 31 I Xerox 253(4 annuity which would bring her figure of $5,712,193,397. The 6 per services that may be required. ' to finance their own education at lowest pos- Int Nick 9714 iVngil Stl k T 38 tions." Int Paper 2814 | $500 a month for life. She has cent hike, however, falls short of Physical and speech therapy sible cott. Stop in at any Shadow Lawn office Sponsors of the national confer- Int Tel 4 Tel 9814 | savings of $9,000. Would she be last year's 8 per cent increase will be supplied by accredited or telephone Mr. Schuchart at 222-1100 and he ence are the American Associa- safer taking the annuity route over the June 30, 1963, total. personnel vither in the hospital tion of State Highway Officials, American or in tha homt as the situation will arrange an appointment to discuss your the Automotive Safety Founda- demands. Tha families ar. ledn Mare Molybdenum M'i lieeds. tion and the International Asso- 511 oyenm "We're Eager taught such procedures which Creole Pet 38 Phoenix 8tl 29y. may assist in (ha full recovery ciation of Chiefs of Police. Co-op- Equity Cp 4% Fren Hall T614 Fargo oils 4U RoUlos Inc 46% of the patient. erating agencies are the U. S. Gen Plywd 914 Sperry R Wt 1414 to Assist You The benefits of the program Kin Ark OU 3% Technlcol Department of Transportation, 29% are many but most important is Utah Id S "14 the U. S. Public Health Service, at MARINE VIEW that recovery is hastened in thi l/ ANNUAL DIVIDEND the National Association of Coun- 0/o PER ANNUM ON d home environment. From a ma ties, the National League of SAVINGS CERTIFICATES COMPOUNDED terial standpoint tha program Asks Prompt QUARTERLY Cities and the International 5 4 means reduction of medical ex Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike As- penses and increased availabil 600 BROADWAY at NORWOOD AVE., LONG BRANCH sociation. Filings Of ity of beds for tha more seri ously ill patients. In addition Mr. Zar has given public dem- of course, continuity of treat •, Oakhurit • Holmdel • Neptune City onstrations of his Turnpike LOAN ASSOCIATION Aid Claims ATL HIGHLANDS J LINCROFT ment is maintained. • Keyport • Middletown Broadcasting System and ROAD- The program, now five year ATA, a computer-assisted traffic ASBURY PARK - "Filing so- old,^ was inaugurated' originall1 ary highway information system cial security claims promptly as a pilot project for the Stat for the traveling public. never has been more important Health Department and wit the cooperation of New Jerse than it is now," says James J. Blue Crois to determine it NATIONALLY FAMOUS Caivano, district manager of so- feasibility. The response to thi cial security here. service was so great that was soon established on a per "While benefit claims may be COMPANY manent basis. An estimate! 58 BROAD ST. retroactive for a year or more," I,COO cases have been pro foods plus heads, "the enrollment period "AMUlV MM • MB »AMK • UICK TOWN ceised in its five year span. RED BANK, NEW JERSEY for medical insurance is greatly PRODUCTS MATURED AT restricted. Protection under the PHONE: 741-7160 'doctor bill' part of Medicare Know Your Dealers can start on Hh« first day of the month you attain aga 65 only if • Belmar Motors, Belmar you apply for it in one of tfie • Circle Chevrolet three months before the month Red Bank ! you reach 65. OZON • George Matthews "This restriction, incidentally, Chevrolet, Farmingdale does not apply to hospital in- • Joy Chevrolet COLGATE surance; it applies only to medi- HAIR SPRAY cal insurance," he added. • Toms River The first enrollment period set • Kirson Chevrolet DENTAL CREAM' JUMBO SIZE 14 OZ. by law covers seven months: the Eatontown three months immediately before • Muller Chevrolet FAMILY SIZE me month of attaining age 65, Matawan REG. 1.55 that month, and the three months immediately thereafter. How- • Park Chevrolet REG. 95c Aibury Park OUR ever, it the application Is filed in the month of attainment or • Pine Belt Chevrolet OUR later, the effective date is post- Lakewood " "- poned one to three months. PRICE • Surf Chevrolet PRICE If application for medical In- Point Pleasant Beach Limit 2 surance is not filed during the first enrollment period, protec- • Trenery Bros. Chevrolet tion cannot be obtained until the Keansburg next general enrollment period, LISTERINE which will be the last three Win a Camaro ! , months of odd numbered years. 14 OZ. Premiums for these delayed en- • Nothing to buy, if you rollments will be higher, and are a permanent resi- REG. $1.09 coverage is not effective until Annual Sale July 1 of the following year. dent of Monmouth or Ocean Counties and 17 Even though the applicant is JOHNSON OUR Berkshire Stockings or older you're eligible still working, a claim for hospital and medical insurance can be fir this great prize BABY POWDER PRICE approved whether or not any Thursday, Aug. 24 thru • Three Camaros to three retirement benefits can be paid. lucky winners Moreover, with the increase in 14 Oz. • Enter at any of the allowable earnings, many appli- Saturday, Sept. 9 REG. $1.05 cants will receive some cash three Steinbach Stores benefits as ~soon as a-claim -is SEAMLESS SALE 3 or at any participating BRECK led. style and description * rag. price prfc* p«ln- OUR Information and help in pre- A Dress Sheer 1.35 1.09 3.25 • Enter often but only one paring the necessary application B Lace Sheer Microfilm Mesh 1.35 1.0? 3.25 sweepstakes entry al- SHAMPOO C Walking Sheer 1.35 1.09 3.25 PRICE forms may be had from the so- lowed per person per Limit! ilal security office at 611 Heck D Demi-Toe Nude Hall 1.35 1.09 3.25 day QUARTS 32 OZ. St. Hours ate from 9 a.m. to 5 E Cantrece— Cantrtca Nylon 1.65 1.29 3,85 • Sign the safe dri/ing p.m. Monday through Friday. F Agilon Stretch — Sheer Stretch 1.65 1.29 3.85 REG. $3.00 The office also remains open pledge for the safest S Actionwear 500 — Dresi Shear 1.65 1.29 3.85 Wednesdays until 8 p.m. driving summer ever at OUR 51.59 H Actionwear 600 — Demi-Toe 1.65 1.29 3.85 the Jersey Shore! Draws Suspended J Ultra I — Dress Shear 1.75 1.39 4.1 S PRICE K Sheer Lycra — SUPPORT 3.95 , 3.19 2/6.30 30-Day Sentence With Seami See These Exhibits LONG. BRANCH — Pleading L Walking Sheer 1.50 1.19 4.15 Red Bank Stare RIGHT' WITH THIS COUPON ;uilty to charges of assault and M Model — 16" top, outsiie 1.75 1.39 4.15 First Floor lattery on his wife, Mrs. Helen Panty Hose Health Team Silbert, Woodrow Gilbert of 135 N Agilon, Sheer Heel 3.00 2.39 2/4.75 PERSONNA Rockwell Ave., yesterday drew a Heart Equipment Surgical Instruments suspended jail sentence of 30 Order by Phone GUARD days. Disposables Emergencies 4 OZ. REG. 1.00 BLADES Magistrate Stanley Cohen also To Aibury Park Store 775-4000. 542-4000 wspended a $100 fine, stating Second Floor STAINLESS STEEL 892-4000, WX-3737. To Red Bank Store 5>S :hat payment of the fine would Riverview Slide Program penalize the wife as well as the 741-4000, 671-5400. To Brick Town Store Riverview Model Room OUR 9O tiusband. 477-4000, 349-4000. Volunteers and Auxiliaries REG. 79c mW Adolphus $. Saunders, 299 Hospital Costs PRICE ihrewsbury Ave., Red Bank, paid Medicare OUR PRICS un* 2 10 after pleading guilty to driv- STEINBACH'S HOSERY, Street Floor, Limit 2 ing without license and registra- also Aibury Park, Brick Town NAME ion in his possession. See Medical ADDRESS SHOP Red Bank, Asbury Park Stores Exhibits like these ENDS SATURDAY Want buyers? Classified Ads are read by your best prospects Wed. and Fri. 'til 9 P.M. in all 3 ... the ones ready to buy. Dial Brick Town Mon. thru Fri. 'til 9 P.M. ,741-6900 now. Steinbach Stores For Teachers '10—Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1967 Tea Is Slated THE DAILY RKC1STER RARITAN TOWNSHIP - A ,.i tnt Board of Education have welcome lea will be helri (or new been invited to attend to teachers in the local school sys- welcome the new teachers. Mrs. Picnic Is Held Leaky Aluminum Awnings tem on Thursday, Sept. 7 at the | Robert Derek is chairman of the Union Avenue School from 3:30 activity. For Ballplayers to, 5 p.m. The affair is being --sponsored by the education de- PLANNERS TO MEET UNION BEACH — Members of partment of the Womans' Club. FREEHOLD — The borough the local Little League Organi- Gutters Mrs. Raymond Mitchell, depart- Planning Board will hold a zation held a players' picnic on ment chairman, has announced special meeting tomorrow at 8 the grounds of the Democratic that the principals of each p.m. in Borough Hall to continue Club. Replace those eld school, presidents of the par- its discussions on proposed re- Assisting with the cooking and ent-teacher groups and members visions to the zoning ordinance. serving were Mr. and Mrs. John wooden gutters Albrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ca- tania, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mos- with durable, BUILT STRONGER co, Mr. and Mrs. William Gray, Niw design, makes it on* of th> PRIME MEATS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dietrich, reliable Aluminum itrongeit available,' and yet, It costs HOMEMADE Mrs. Andrew Stevenson, Mrs. no more. Exclusive, patented Bridge* John Fallon, William Bommer, gutters Brace roof curve, mokei it ttrong BOLOGNAS Mrs. Gus Young, Fred Leonardo, enough to withstand oil ktndi of Jack Roche and Charles Tonks. weather. Built to give service. Rigid, 506 MAIN ST. 787-9119 BELFORD • Expert ralHo-free, vibration free, light, but Richard Goeb reminded the tremendously strong. (CAMPBELL'S JUNCTION) coaches that all uniforms must be Installation collected and returned to him as LASTS LONGER We specialize in ... soon as possible. • Free Estimates CUSTOM FREEZER YOUR FORTUNE SHOP-AT- AWNINO ORDERS HOME FOR THAT CAN (MOW featuring "Black Angus" Custom made BECAUSE IT GROWS WITH YOUR Beef Custom Cut and NEEDS-il's a wonderful Wrapped for your you SAVE, At your family growl, 10 can your ELK HONORED — More than 25 new members were Initiated by Red Bank Lodge of Silver.Top Aluminum awning. Avail* Home Freezer not whah Table Pads able in 8, 10, 12 ft. widlhi ... any Elks Thursday in honor of Edmund Hanlon, center, past exalted ruler and past deputy you spend! ft length desired. Easily converted to 0 grand exalted ruler. More than 100 persons attended the ceremony. Also shown, left Screen Room or Ranch Room that give* your home more living ipacef Easyior l-tandy B*ckir-Color 6 Applaud. LONG BRANCH 23 Wide- 53 Cuddle. TOWN- J-Looal New-Color J_Gomer PyH. USMC-Cotof 10 Legal 57 Common BARONET— Klddle Show: Snow White k Koie Nn»Min Wno H-Tttree Stoog«*-Coior 13-eook Beot-lnttrvlew - instrument., level. mouthed 54 Drops of St. Valentine'! Day Vuncrt 3:50: Red 2:00; Hiwill 1:30. AWMlHjw-Cokr >1—film Feature 31—Itallart Panoroma 7:00; 10:30; Ol«» Bottom Boat 2:00; CrtiOlld 5:» 14 Rub/out. 58 Yield. Jug- liquid. 8:43. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 7-Weorher-Antoln»—Color Jl—Newi-Herbert Boland 25 Cut, as 55 Dissatis- ATLANTIC- ,; .; \ «: 5:30 15 Assistant: 59 Glossy FREEHOLD J-Nnm-Jot Smtt-Color 5—Paul Wlnchell—Color militrT grass. faction. FREEHOLD— Birefoot In the Park 7:00; 9:15. • 1J:M' 7—News—Frank Reynold), Kelltl Ne«j spedo'l-Color paint. {—Search For Tomorrow—Serial—Color 16 In this place. 26 Flaxen 56 Old- Barefoot In the Park 2:00: 7:25; 9:40, HAZLET McBee—Color 61 Do wrong. 4—Ey« Guesi—Come—Color n—Superman—Adventure S-Newt-8111 Joroenieiv-rColor 17 Church cloth. fashioned. FARMINGDALE LOEWS DRIVE-IN- 5—Cartoons—Chlldrm 13—Cartoons—Children 11—ferry Major)—Mystery Hawall 8:20; After the Fox 11:10. 7—Donna Reed—comedy passageway. 62 Slide. 28 Check. 58 Crawl. SHORE DRIVE-IN— 31-Wlngj To Tlw World 13-Newjlront-Mltohell Krausi LAZA- 1*—JOB Franklin—Variety—Color 31—International Interview 29 Spoken. 60 Allot. Hawaii 8:00: 10:13. 18 Entrance. 66 Poker stake, The Naked Runner 3:25: 7:23; >:X. 11:4) 13—Friendly Giant—children 47—Spanish Dromo-:Serlal , 30 Preposition 61 Wicked. BRADLEY BEACH J-Guldlng Llgtrt-Ceior 10:15 19 Ardor: Fr. 67 Affection. KEYPORT 12:55 EVENING 31 Horizontal. 63 Lend. PALACE- 17—Weather—Jose I. lania 20 Body of 69 Make 5TRAND- •—News—Newman—Color cm 32 Male sheep. 64 Within. Luv 2:M: 7:50; 9:40. 1:00 , I^-News—Jfm Jensen—Color 10:M water. amends. Clrolo of Lova 7:05; 9:33: The War 5-Alon Bgrke-Colar NEPTUNE CITY 2—2 At One—Interviews—Color 4—News-lew Wood—Color 21 Human 70 Song for . 35 Grasping 65 Equal. Game 8:50. 4— P DQ^-Game—color 7—Fllm-JFalr Wind to Java— 31—Survey Ot The Arls NEPTUNE CITY- 47_New«—Arturo Rodriguez person. 68 Crude PERTH AMBOY 5—Bold Journey—Trovti Fred MaaMurray—90 mln. beings. two. War Wagon 2:30; 7:45: 10:00. 7—Fufitflve—Drama •-Fllm-The Son of Monte Cristo- 37 Incite. metal. MBOYS DRIVE-IN— ft—pgmarelo—Variety 22 Legislature. 71 Great 11— Mllllorwlra—Drama Louls Hayword—65 mln. 38 Border. 69 Likely. SPRING LAKE CarLoim 8:00; Barefoot In Uie Park l:M ll-W«tchester Classic—Color 24 Send forth. Jake. 8:03; 1210; Hud 10:22. J—News—Tom Dunn—Color RITZ— 3—A« The Work) Turns—Serlol—Color IJ-Whot's New—CnHdren 72 Dish. MAJESTIC- 31—Lee Graham—Interview t—News—Jim Hartz—Color 26 Not high. The Naked Runner 7:30; 9:30. 4—Let's Moke A Deol—Gome—Color 7—News—Bill Beutel-color Bareroot In ths Tark 3:00; 7:00: II—Scorlrtt Hill—Serlol 6:10 27 Eventually. 73 Lateral. Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle MANASQUAN 10:00; DUcnvcr America 2:00; fl:00. 47—Mew Jersey Today 9_Fllm—Track ol the Cat- 1:55 Robert Mltchum—2 hr». 28 Gift 74 Cry of a ALGONQUIN— IVlENLO PARK 4—News—Dlckerjon—Color 6:15 47—Dlic-O-Teen—Zacrierley 11—New«—martin O'Horo-Color certificate. dog. War WaEon 2:00; 7:15; 9:2S. :iNEMA— 2:00 13-+1ET Ployhouje—Comeily ,..JPo«wor«rC«Il?rColor ..,. 1:K> 31 Ocean 75 Highest BRIELLE Hawaii 2:00; 5:30; 8:45. 4—Ooys of Our Lives—Serial-Color 13—Struggle For Peace .(—Weather—Frank Field—Color vessel. "male voice; DRIVE-IN- 5—TWn «an—Myitery 7—Weafher-Arrtolne-Color 7—Newlywed Gome—Color 31—Brillsh Calendar War Wagon 8:20; 12:00; Blindfold 11:15 33 Footed vase, Down P—Fireside Theater—Grama CAS 10:15. 4—News—Jim Horn-Color 11—Fllm-Yolom*a— 31—News—Paul Monacher 34 Females. 1 Aquatic 7-Cocal News-Beottl-Color BRICK TOWN May Brlrt-W mln. 7:00 animal 11—Cocaj News—Tlltmon—^olor 36 Raved. BRICK PLAZA— " 1:N J—News—Cronklte—color 2 Opera J-«ouM.Parly-Color 4-News—diet Huntley, David 40 (Price per To Sir, Wltli Love 2:00; 7:40: 9:40, Brlnkley—Color 4-«DOrtl—Kyle Rote—Color melody. 4—Ooctort—Stria I—Color 11—'Weather—Fdrror-Color unit. POINT PLEASANT — HURRY — S-fnim-Parlc Row- 5-McHole'l Navy—Comedy 3 Job. \Gen« Evoru—2 hr»., 30 mln. II—Howollan Eye—Myjtery 42 Fasten ARNOLD- T-Drwm Glri-Contttl—Color 1J—Experiment-£clenea j—Fllm—I Died a Thousand Times- firmly. 4 Dormant. Ttie Naked Kunnur 2:40; T;30; 9:23. LAST 7 DAYS Jack Palonce-4 hrs., 10 mln.-Coloi »—World Adventures—Color 44 Fashion. 5 Born. BAY HEAD 2:55 *l—BM Stoo—Prama 4—Johnny Carson—Color OF-THIS-TOP 7—Newt—Sanden—Color 7:H 5—Film—The Moltese Falcon- 45 Burst into 6 Military LORRAINE- i 3:00 »-Outdoor World-Color Humphrey Bogart—3 hrs. Waljc out on sunny days In student. Dlvorce American Style 7:18: «:ZJ. 2-Ttl| Thl Trulti-Color T:30 flower. PICTURE 4—Anoltw Workl—Color J—lost In Spoce-^Adventure—Coloi 11—Film—Walk the Dork Street— smartest jacket with rose em- 47 Mister: Sp. 7 Jungle LAVALLETTE 7—General Hojoltol •-Vlrolnlon—Western—Color Chudc Connor*—90 mln. broidery. Start now! 49 Grow old. beast. LAVALLETTE 9-Fllro-nldlng Shofaun— J—Truth Or ConKquencm—Game—Color II:» War Wagon 7:00; 9:00. Rondolph Scott-W mln.-Color 7—Batman—Adventure—Color 47—-News—Jose I. Lanza Knit from neck down in stock- 50 New. 8 Fuss. n-Nunlng Today »-e«el>«ll-Mets-Color 1:00 inette stitch. Transfer is actual SEASIDE PARK »:M t*—Orqus—Oocumentary 4-News~Bob Teaoue-dlor COLONIAL— s 2-Newi-Edwards—Color 31—On The Job—Fire Dept. size for easy placing. Pattern 7:55 7—News 739: sizes 32-34; 36-38; 40-42; 44- t 2 3 11 12 13 Dr. Bilvago 8:30. 47-4port»-Fausto Miranda 9_News And Weather STRAND— 2-EdM WHlohf—Striiil 1:05 46 included. 4—You Don't Say!—Game—Color Luv 2:00; 7:30; 10:00. J-My Fovorlte Mdrilan 7—Film—The Mysterious Mogldan— 7-Oork ShoeJows-Cotor Joochlm Berger—1 hr., JO mln. Thirty-five cents in coins for u 11—Bozo—Cartoons—Color 7—^llm—5odom and Gomorrah— each pattern — add 15 cents for 31—Advtntum In Living Srewart Grange.v-3 hrs. —Color «-Ftlm-5o Thlt l»New York- 17 10 Delegates Named 11—Patty Duke—Comedy 4:M Henry Morgan—1 hr.# 20 mln. each pattern for lst-class mail' 2—5»aet Storm-Serial 1)—Frtnoh Chef—Cooking 1:30 ing and special handling. Send For Vets' Convention *-mM\ Gom»-Color 31-Behlixl The Law»-DlscuMlon 20 7—Ootlng Gam—Color 47—Mlguellto Voldes—Variety to Laura Wheeler, Red Bank KEANSBURG — Molly Pitcher MM 11—Surprise Show—Color t:M Register. Needlecraft Dept., Box 27 Barracks 1907 has elected 10 del Jl-Anxmd TIM Clock i-fleverty Hillbillies—Color 161, Old Chelsea Station, New 4:15 fr-^erv Grtffln—Color I-film—Th» Manic Carpet— egates to the national convention 4-NMW—KoHw-Color ll-Honeymoonen-oarwoy LudMe Bad—1 hr., 35 mln. York, N. Y. 10011. Print Pattern of the World War* I Veterans, 4:» l»-A»Klno For Trouble Number, Name, Address, Zip. J—Film—Slrtmoe Intruder— 31-SwedJsJi Scene 3-nim-«atun!oYi Hero- which will be held at Indianapo- Edmund Purdom—90 mln. 47—Bobby Capo—Variety John Oerelc-2 ho., 10 mln. and for Big, Big 1968 Needle- lis, Ind., Sept. 9-13. 4-OMD Woton- •:0O THURSDAY Dona Arxlr»w»—» mln. 2—Green Acres—comedy—Color MORN1NO craft Catalog — hundreds of knit, Elected were Commander Ed- M crochet fashions, embroidery, ward Coughlin, Ernest J. Wen- quilts, afghans, gifts, toys. Plus kowski, Edward Eisenmann, • Hmm 2—Summer Semejter 6 free patterns printed inside. Spencer Booth, Ernest Lumlnoso, «_Educatlwi Exchange-ColoT 50c. MAXV0NSVDCW 7-4>ro|ed Know-Edutotlon Ray Wujciak, Antoni Papa, Peter MIDDLETOWN Book of Prize AFGHANS. 12 Torsiello, Ray Hart and Edgard RICHABDHARRIS- %-Htm—aaitih Penio-Color complete patterns. 50c. 59 58 «-Today-Color 51 Haupt. 7—Cortoora-rChlloVen Museum Quilt Book 2 — patterns BENNETTS FIELD ON ROUTE 36 . 7:tS for 12 quilts. 50c. iS~ to J-Nnn-Joe Benti-Colof 7:» Bargain! Qailt Book 1 — 18 com- J—New*-Jojecti Btntt—Color plete patteros. 50c. SB 7—Cortoora-aillaren-Olor Book #3-.- Quilts for Today's 7:SJ 10 2—News—Ralph Penza—Color Living. New exciting collection, 5-7—t)ew» 15 complete patterna. 50c M 13 NOW PLAYING! 2Oiptoln Kangaroo ROGER VADIM'S . . S—Yoga For Health—Exerdw 7—Cortoora-CWIdren—Color For Half Sizes NAUGHTY! SPICY! 8:10 11—Fun House—Color , < •:M Printed Pattern 5—Astreboy—Cortocn 11—Little Rajcals—Comedy • with JANE FONDA 8:55 IN COLOR MATINEE & EVE. 9— Now! And Weather Plui Academy Award Wlnnir 9:00 Bridge Advice 2—Oennli The Menace- SIDNEY POfTIERROO STEI6ER 2—Candid Camera—Comedy • AHenrfe Hlghlennfa 2*1-0! 4B * *—Snap Judgment—Gome—Color kind of difference between soft ridge-playing rabbit, continued OQJ93 <3AI07S 4—Concentration—Color with a third heart. 0-11086 0 95 5—Shorthand—Lesson 7-Dotellne: Hollywood South, ruffed and could afford + K985 +QJ103 °—Broken Arrow—^Vesfern * ' '" :o lead the jack of spades as a 11-Cartoons-aiMren—Color isoom Jormeritp 10:SS safety measure. East won with • AKJ872 ktmrnmrcm 7-CWIdren's Doctor-Advice—Color the queen of spades and returned MMWIIHimWWWI 7—Hcfleymoon Race—Color South took the ace of clubs and South West North East CIRCUS STARS IN ALL CIRCUS HISTORY! 9— Llulng Past—Archeology the ace of spades, and then two 1 4 Pass 2 O Pass MARINE 11—Popeyef-Cartoonj—Color Pass 4 4 11:10 high diamonds. He continued by 2 4 All Pass HIGHLANDS 872-0751 2-Dldc Von Dyke—Comedy ruffing a low diamond and led a Opening lead - Q BARTOK Performing ELEPHANTS 4-Hollywood Squares—Color TODAY & THURSDAY S—Romper Room—Color trump to dummy's ten. This put 2 Herds—One of Largest Groups Now on Tour 7—Family Gome him in position to cash two good "THE PROJECTED MAN" o— Kingdom Of The Sea—Color DAILY QUESTION 11-Carol Corbett—Color diamonds, discarding bis two los- Plus - "ISLAND OF TERROR" ing clubs. Partner opens with one spade, HOFFMEISTER'S Pierce Family and the next player passes. You 3 Contests Spark Tougher Defense SENECA INDIANS If West had been a rhinoceros hold: S-6 H-<} J 9 3 D-J 10 TRAINED MULES 8 6 C-K 9 8 5. What do you say? ACRES of FREE PARKING Prix: DON AMECHE INTL SHOWTIME Summer Program rather than a rabbit he would AT ALL AIR CONDITIONED Llamas and Goats Answer: Bid 1-NT. A hand n SUPER PANAVrSION'WD METDOCOtM SHARPSHOOTERS • KNIFETHROWERS HAZLET - One of the most have shifted to a club after win- popular events of the summer ning two rounds of hearts. This with 7-high card points is worth Now at Regular Prices RMS TROUPE JERI PRESSLY program was held when the would deny South the luxury of a response, but not worth a bid NO Reserved Seats a safety play in trumps. of two in a new suit. The re- AIT Amazing Unicycle Stars Wizard of the Tight Wire children participated in the an- Direct From Advanced nual watermelon contest, spon- South could still make his con-sponse of 1-NT is the only re- THEATRES Price Engagement ALL-GIRL AERIAL BALLETS IN THE LOFTY PEAKS sored by the Recreation Com- ract by taking a spade finesse, maining choice. OF THE BIG TOP • BEAUTIFUL TRAINED HORSES mission. but this would give him only an A Pocket Guide to Bridge is naraiuBt Every season is the right sea- available. Get your copy by send- LAVISH COSTUMES • BRILLIANT, GALA SPECTACLE even chance. If the defenders •* UNOS BRANCBRINGH Winners of the event at theson for a soft, graceful dress ing 50 cents to Red Bank Reg- i-fc• A«* RIMIDDLE na Union Avenue School were Susan held their cards dose to the vest, PLAZAi just like this one! Sew it in allSouth would begin by leading out ister Inc., Box 3318, Grand Cen- SEGRERO firCO .Mile. AQUILAR Addy, Darleen Grilla, Nancy one fabric, or with 'eyelet tral Station, New York, N. Y. Layne and Karen O'Sullivan. Da- the ace and king of spades and NOW thru TUESDAY Daring Queen of the Air sleeves . would then run the high dia- 10017. High Trapeze Balance vid Gardner was the prize winner Printed Pattern 9200: Half at the Middle Road School. Shar- monds. East would ruff the third A ONE-AND-A-HALF HOUR SHOW THAT WILL KEEP Sizes 14%, 16>/2, 18'/5, 20>/2, 22%, diamond and cash a club, defeat- ng first place honors at Beers 24%, 26%. Sizes 16% takes 2% YOU SPELLBOUND • CLOWNS AND MORE CLOWNS ing the contract. Street School were Donna yards 45-inch. From South's point of view, he SET TO SCINTILLATING MUSIC OF LUCILLE WATTON'S D'Agostino and Karen Deegan. Sixty-five cents in coins for CIRCUS BAND • FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ... SEE ITI Second place winner was James would enjoy odds of 3 to 2 in each pattern — add 15 cents for CAIiS QPtN 7,00 P.M.-MOVIES AT DUSK D'Agostino and third place was each pattern for first-class mail- favor of an even break in either Performances Start at 3 & 8 P.M. taken by D. A. D'Agostino. ing and special handling. Send to spades or diamonds. This looks Kenneth Heckle won the cosMaria- n Martin, Red Bank Regis- better than the even chance of CO-HIT Doors Open One Hour Earlier * Come Earl/ a spade finesse. As the play tume contest at Middle Road ter, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th TECHNICOLOR "GLASS BOTTOM BOAT" School. In the' crazy hat contest, St., New York, N. Y. 10011, Print actually went, South didn't have POP. PRICES! Children $1. Adulis $2 there, the winners were Kim name, address with zip, size and to weigh these chances since TECHNISCOPEJ West's ineffective - - defense Heckle, Judy Allen and . Kerry style- number. -- - Starts Sun. - Freehold Mall allowed him to safeguard his con- Donlon. PLAN YOUR NEW FALL "AFTER THE FOX" tract against bad breaks in both WARDROBE, send now for SIDNEY spades and diamonds. PETER SELLERS new Fall-Winter Pattern POITIER .•SliOP. C[NIEfi, •• THURSDAY SPECIAL Catalog. 100 fresh, exciting "TO SIR, WITH AUGUST 24th, 1967 shapes in all sizes. Get one I man I; LOVE" pattern free — clip coupon in TtCHKKOLMI I NOW thru TUESDAY Catalog. Send 50c now. ^ A Q FRIED CHICKEN John WAYNE Four Seasons to Give Kirk DOUGLAS naroMBt £KS»i V* DINNER U ASBUJIY PAflK mniiliuiKnMl I Two Shows Saturday INCIUDIN* I Did you ever try the Fried Chicken Dinner or the Steak House? "THE WAR ASBURY PARK — A "gold WAGON" IM I . . . Believe me it's good! . . . record" doesn't appear at your panavislon/color BEST ICTOR-Plul Mitt I To encourage YOU, Bonanza will offer — on Thursday, August 24th local music shop. Instead, it is , A MAN FOR I only — four large pieces of Tender Chicken, Cole Slaw, Baked a milestone in the recording in- Potato, Texas Toast and your choice of Coffee or Soft Drink . . . dustry, signifying a million discs all for only $1.49. sold of one recorded hit, such as "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," paraMDUMt See YOU on Thursday, AUGUST 24th. "Walk Like a Man," "Dawn," no substitutions, please "Rag Doll," "Let's Hang On" "•***"—N.Y.NEWS and "Candy Girl" which the •'"' Head Wrangler Four Seasons — Saturday night's HELD OVER! stars at Convention Hall — have thru SAT. NO TIPPING! COME AS YOU ARE! notched in gold on their musical Jane FONDA rise. Robert REDFORD These four — tenors Frankie Middletown Valli and Bob Gaudio, bass Joe Long and baritone Tommy De RIVOLI Vito — grew up in New Jersey, SYLVAN starting in small Jersey clubs. STREET STEAK HOUSE The Four Seasons will give two 939-1900 "THE HOME OP THE WORLD'S 1IGGEST STEAK BUY" shows, 8 and 10:15 pjm., Satur- day. CASH REFUND ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY UP TO 3000 - HERE'S HOW: Just MAIL ONE CASH REGISTER TAPE with front labels from MR. CLEAN (2 regular or 1 Giant or 1 King Size) PLUS 6 wrappers from any size CAMAY, PLUS 4 "Net Weight" markings from any size COMET... MAXIMUM REFUND $3.00 IN CASH. USE THE CONVENIENT CASH REFUND CERTIFICATE ON THE; LEFT or the refund blanks in all Acme Mkts. Hurry, offer expires Oct. 7,1967.

fnt«iH««w4Uae^26M 1967. Quantity Right* R*> Hrvtd. Not r.tponiibl* (or Typographical (rron. ,

CASH REFUND CERTIFICATE t. Buy 2 regular or lglant or 1 king size MR. CLEAN, and 6 bars of anyslzeCAMAY.traiH cans any size COMET. I 2.UScnd'thetrontlabelsjrom Mr. Clean, the G Camay wrappers and 4 "ncl weight"markings from Comet 1 \tithl food store cash register lapo to: l'ROCTER&GAMULE.r.O.ISOXCM, MAPLE PLAIN,MINPLAIN.MIN-- I 3. YouVill receive a cash refund check Tor 10% of the total amount of your purchase (maximum refund: • This Coupon Worth 20< $3 00 for a tape indicating a total purchase of $30.00 or more). I toward purchase of 1 -Ib. pkg. I 4 Limit of one register tape and one refund per family. Important! The tapes must have the name of the I store and date of purchase printed on it. and must list prices and total purchase nmount. tlf register tapes . FIRESIDE OR LANCASTER BRAND I are not used at your store, send store's name, address, date, and total amount of purchase, and your jjro- | • 5" Procter ^Gamble reserves the right to require additional evidence that register tape scnt'reprcsents I SLICED BACON I if'oHergood only In the states of Ala., Ark., Del. Fla., Ga., Kan._, La., Md., Miss., Mo., N.M., N.Y., N.J., • I N. Car.,Okla., Fa.. Tex., Tenn.f Va., and_W, Va. ~ " ""' | • 7. Cash register tapes ' •- ': : beverages, cigarettes and dairy products, la Tennessee, • I cash register tapes must excluda fraen desserts, also Government regulations apply. I NAME ' : —— I RtdcvmobU thru Aug. 26,1967 ADDDBS. STATE_ . ZIP- limit On* Coupon P«r Family I CITY - -r _ lount lor prohibited lt«mi |« Rob 7) I To SEE DISPLAY AT YOUR ACME MKT. FOR DETAILS

LANCASTER BRAND LANCASTER BRAND This Coupon Worth 14* toward purchase ol 1O-lb. bag or more BAR-B-QUE CALIFORNIA U.S. # 1, "A" SIZE EASTERN STEAK SALE! PRICE FIGHTER FIRESIDE BRAND POTATOES CHUCK LANCASTER BRAND ALL CENTER CUTS!... ONE IOW PRICE DELICATESSEN SLICED NAME C FEATURES! Chuck Steaks 48 BOLOGNA, PLAIN, (At Acme Mkls. Whin Avaikbh) ADDRESS ROAST BAR-B-QUED __ LANCASTER BRAND, SHORT CUT OLIV£ or PICKLE- C Rtd.tmobU thru Aug. 26,1967 c Chickens.... b 59 limit On. Coupon P* Family Rib Steaks... ,..ib.79 & PIMENTO LOAF & SLICED TO ORDER _ _ LANCASTER BRAND '" BACON SPICED LUNCHEON C BeefArm Steak...... ib.69c 59 Pastrami.. h-h. 45 MADE FRESH ,_ ^ LANCASTER BRAND IAMCASTER BRAND C C LUNCH C California Steak ib. 69 Macaroni Salad ib. 19 This Coupon Worth 8 BONE-IN LANCASTER BRAND toward purchase ol 3-ox. pkg. LANCASTER BRAND Ground Chuck.... ib. 69C KRAFT PHILA. BRAND ( MEATS LANCASTER BRAND Shoulder Steaks ib. 99 CROSS-RIB C CREAM CHEESE LANCASTER BRAND Ground Round ... it>. 89 LANCASTER BRAND, PLAIN ROAST .NAME Del Monico Steak..... ib. Veal Patties , 89C HORMEL I ADDRESS ...... • LANCASTER BRAND c M Canned Ham. an' 2 Rfdnmobt. Ihm Aug. 26.1967 Club Steaks ib. 65 Ib. WITH COUPON AT RIGHT limit On. Coupon P«r Fantfy CiRESSiNG GREEN GIANT KRAFT PHILA. BRAND KELLOGG'S CREAM MIRACLE WHIP : c PEAS i- This Coupon Worth 10 SPECIAL K toward piirchase ol any S pkgs. CHEESE PIUSBURY s 17-oz. o o cans FUiiHY FACE DRINKS NAME. . ewe LABEL ADDRESS WITH COUPON Ideal Peas 5 AT RIGHT 9 NEW LOW COFFEE PRICES! FACIAL ACME COFFEE 55 i57' S J1" # 1 "A" SIZE EASTERN WHITE (WITH COUPON ABOVE) IDEAL COFFEE 59 sJ 1" 2T5 TOES WINCREST COFFEE 49< COFFEE COMPARE ,,,.»-» Chase & Sanborn Van 67C Ehlers Coffee ,ct 69( 1 COMPARE COMPARE C C Ib. bag Facial Tissue 4^69e Holland House It 67 Savorin Coffee ^ 69 i

DYNAMIC DAIRY DISCOUNTS! PRICE FIGHTER Everybody is Winning in Acme's FLEISCHMANN'S CORN OIL FREEZER SALE SAVINGS! Spot-O-Gold Giveaway Game PRICE FIGHTER FROZEN FOOD DISCOUNTS! SEALTEST TEMPTEE WHIPPED SUPREME HERE IS A LUCKY— 5 VARIETIES FARMDALE FROZEN tOTTAGE s 00 MARGARINE FROZEN MORTON CREAM BREAD SALE MEAT PIES 1 CHEESE • Homcstyle While l#000 CHEESE • Sliced Italian CREAM • Chicken • Turkey • Beef 8-oz. • Cracked Wheat SPOT-O-COLD 16-oz. » 100% Whole Wheat Mb. MIX OR MATCH cup PIES cup pkg. 27« 35* MIX OR MATCH SWISS KNIGHT IMPORTED 39 14-oz. Katharine C. Peters IDEAL pkgs. Gruyere Cheese 32 Talmadge Ave. PIUSBURY CRESCENT Chatham, N.J. VIRGINIA LEE . „. . Margarine ...2 49! Dinner Rolls... ,2^.69' CETYOUK FREE CARD TODAY! Pie.... Pio FROZEM IN BUTTERSAUa Green Giant Le Sueur Peas FRO2EN IN BUITERSAUCE

Ideal Peas 2'r-4pkfls. 9 VINE-RIPE, SWEET EATING JUMBO SIZE k .GOIGOID MINE Twin Ice Pops ^ 49' TOOTHPASTE ICE MI1K AND SHERBEr Combo Bars...: J^ 49C IANCA5TER BRAND, FROZEN ~ size - Minute Steaks 3 X' .• ARCTIC SEAl , tube?.U C otOFFUBEt •'--•' Flounder Fillet "... J£ 63 SIOUfFERS .,, ^_ Polident Tablets,^JL Z c I NECTARINES , 25 JERSEY CORN 10 39 Ronsf Beef Hash .Pt° 89 if •"•" SUNKIST LARGE TENDER ; Jlj ,< LARGE GftEEN •. \\ .COTTON SWABS ;•:•• •';.'. •Bfftff,-;,^ HONEYSUCKiE SLICED Turkey & Cravy ^ [ Jl" p g k LEM0NS10 49' CARR0TS2 25 PEPPERS21 29

LINCROFT—Newman Springs Road ar Hurley Lane FAIR HAVEN —576 River Road WEST LONG BRANCH —Route 36 and Broadway HOME DELIVERY Use Oar Want Ada i For Quick Result* 741-0010 RAIN OR SHINE •< D. I 741-6900 UIBI DAY OR NIGHT SECOND NEWS SECTION 45c PER WEEK WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1967 10c PER COPY In Atlantic Highlands Controversy Over Complex ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - sition of land for a proposed mu- Fighting against the ordi- "I cannot see the logic of ob- "If Mr. Frenchman elects, as A serious squabble is shaping up nicipal center with approval of nance were Councilmen David igating ourselves for any major a taxpayers' representative, to following Borough Council ap- the Federal Housing and Urban DeGroot, its chief opponent, and xpenditure of a noncssential na- force this issue of acquisition to proval last night of a new mu- Development putting up $135,450 Robert B. Long. ure,' he said, "until the abso- referendum by petition," the nicipal complex. for the purchase of the land'. Questions Priority ute- _priority expenditures are mayor said "the state will with- By a 6-to-4 vote council ap- The complex, which would be Mr. DeGroot said that although lore accurately estimated." draw the funds, since we only proved an ordinance to • buy. tend built. ..between Fjrst. and ..West there rnay foe a need for irn- Joining Mr. DeGroot in an ef- have until Nov. 15 to qualify." for a proposed complex to house Highlands Aves., has been esti- proving facilities at Borough ort to kill the ordinance, Mr: the mayor added: "We have administration and police head- mated to cost $310,400 to build, Hall, "such improvements should Long sai• d• i• t, was thii. e_ cletfirst«o *.*.f- two already received a letter that quarters that will be partially fi- including the land acquisition.' not head the priority list." steps* toward spending money funds will be withdrawn." nanced under the Green Acres The state Green Acres grant Blasting Borough Council for hat might be needed elsewhere, A special election requires 48 and Open Spaces funds available to Atlantic Highlands would its insistence on such a com- 'when no money will be avail- days and would go beyond the now to the borough. amount to $61,300. The grant has plex, the councilman told of his ble." time allotted for the grant. already been approved. objections. The ordinance calls for acqui- "We face the biggest expondi- The money is not a loan but ure the borough has ever made an outright grant to the commu- the sewer plan," Mr. Long lity receiving the funds. The only aid, "and this should determine outlay on the part of the re- School Board Debate Sparkedhow we spend our money, know- cipient is that amount in excess _ ing tha second part is coming/' of the grant itself. Councilman James R- Snyder Mayor Kellers said: "Mr. etaliated: 'renchman would be doing the On Snace Rentals, Class Size "It was reported about a year taxpayer of Atlantic Highlands a igo that it has been 30 years serious injustice, and I would KEANSBURG — In a meeting to see if continued responsibility Mr. Wilson also denied that the hat Atlantic Highlands was dis- marked by controversy the rent- for repairs would be cheaper for board was responsible for high hope that all the people of the ; :ussing a municipal building." borough would be aware of the PRIZES FOR POOCHES — Robert W. Kloiberg, left, president of Greater Long ing of off-premises classroom the board. taxes, pointing out that Keans- Councilman Snyder said that 6pace and the question of class Board member Wallace A. burg was one of the few towns of seriousness of this foolish move Branch Area Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Ann Kamin, Chamber secretary, and ime is running out. of Mr. Frenchman." size generated the most discus- Schaab brought the matter of its size in. the state in which Warns of Trouble Howard K. Hayden, Summer Festival Committee chairman, look over prizes fo be sion at last night's Board of Edu- rented classrooms up again when school expenditures amounted to Thinks It Will FaU awarded in chamber's 14th annual Long Branch Pooch Parade Sept. 10. Any type of cation meeting. he objected to a schedule which less than half of the total budget. "If we don't make up our mind An advocate of the ordinance, oon we are going to be in trou- The first round developed when called for the use of two class- Mr. Kellers doesn't think the pe- dog is eligible, but must be accompanied by a child under 12 years old. Entry blanks Mr. Ryan joined the defense of ble," he said. "Stop considering the board refused to act on the rooms in St. Mark's Episcopal tition will have much success. are available at chamber office, 3 Liberty.St. Registration is at 1:30 p.m. Sept. existing class sizes by suggesting and do something." request of Rev. Newton W. Grein- Church. that Mr. Schaab should increase "I seriously doubt if anyone "You haven't come up with an 10, and the pooch parade begins at 2 p.m. at the Municipal Stadium Grounds, er of the First Methodist Church Mr. Schaab proposed that space the size of all classes instead of familiar with the facts will sign lternate plan," Mr. Snyder in- to increase the rent paid for three be used in the Kennedy Recrea- just the third grade since he was the petition." Ocean Ave. Children and pooches of all area municipalities may enter. isted, "all you do is say what classrooms owned by the church. tion. Center, available at no more interested in economy than Mr. Frenchman said, "If this 'ou don't like, or are against." (Register Staff Photo) John J. Ryan, chairman of the charge. He also recommended education. plan goes through, it will kill that one of five third grades be Councilman Edmond J. Caputo board's finance committee, stated Mr. Schaab denied this, saying more ratables than we can ever eliminated, raising class size for iccused the dissenters of "jump- that the budget did not allow for that he was only trying to bring make up." the grade from 25 to 31. ing the gun" about wanting to For Assistance to Needy rental increases. He said that the third grade in line with other Mr. Frenchman cited an in- inquiries made when the budget Savings Seen >ut the matter to rest. classes which averaged 29 to 31 crease of $60,000 this year over was prepared had not revealed - A. H. Frenchman, president of Mr. Schaab calculated that a students in size. 1966. any desire for additional money rent savings of $4,300 and a sala the Taxpayers Association, said, "The increase in taxes is al- The measure failed of adoption on the part of the various land- ry cut back of $5,700 would be de- after hearing the ordinance had ready 47 cents," he said. "If this in a tie vote, members Schaab, lords. sirable in view of Keansburg's been approved, he would "imme- ordinance goes through, who Lovett, Foulks, and Mrs. Boyle 'Food Seminar' Planned To Check Bills high tax rate for which, he said, diately" go ahead with a petition knows what we will be paying?" voting in favor. Board President The board withheld action pend- the board was partiaHy responsi- to put the question on the No- George Preston did not vote, hav- Mrs. Fanny M. McCallum add- LONG BRANCH — From $60,- the city of the armory on Ocean Cioffi feels, might resolve the ing a check of last year's bills to ble. vember ballot. ed her voice to the controversy. 000 to $70,000 in food for needy Ave. under a newly enacted question and open the way to use see how much had been spent for iBoth Mr. Schaab's proposal ing been called away from the meeting. When asked if he could get the The Planning Board chairman families in Monmouth County is federal law. The building would of the stadium grounds, vacant repairs and replacements at the and his motive were attached by required.. number of signatures, said: available virtually for the ask#g be used for recreational facilities many years. Methodist Church. Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson ^main- Transportation measures cost- Mr. Frenchman said he could. "I believe the public is being through the federal food stamp ing $1,160 for 16 private school to take teenagers off the streets Director Wanted Rev. Mr. Greiner had proposed tained, with the support of Super- Start 'This Moment' misled by people who have pur- .plan, Councilman Henry R. Cioffi children were approved but a con- and for homemaking and obher Councilman Elliot L. Katz, al- that the increase include such intendent Bolger, that the third intend to start this posely distorted the facts for po- said at last night's meeting of tract offered by R. Helfrich and mo- educational programs of benefit so a strong advocate of recre- minor expenditures. But board grade was a criticalyear for chil- ment," he said. "All I need is $2,- litical gain. This petition is a Sons to carry students to Middle- City Council. to city residents, he explained. ation as a means of easing ten- member Jeremiah J. Wilson rec- dren and should not be skimped 300,000 Worth of signatures, and town High School was rejected. scare thing. AH sorts of large, Mr. Cioffi deplored a letter The new federal law provides sions in the city, prodded the ommended examining the records I know more than that many wil figures are being given out." from the county Board of Wel- funds for part of the cost, he ex- city administration on the ap- The contract called for a 15 pe: want to put a stop to toughe Mr. Frenchman has 10 days in which states insufficient plained, and the New Jersey Na- pointment of a paid recreation cent increase to $37,405. Finance taxes and fewer ratables." which to secure a sufficient num- interest hj the plan by county tional Guard, owner of the build- director. The post has been au- chairman John J. Ryan said that Mayor Jay M. Kellers dis- ber of signatures on his petition municipalities has prevented ing, has expressed its willingness thorized since early this summer, Forf s Anniversary the budget made no provision fo agreed: to force a referendum. county participation. * ~ to sell. he said, but no director has been any increase and moved that i Mr. Cioffi urged, and council The councilman also suggested hired. : •- be rejected. Instead, the boan approved, invitations to munici- public hearing of a proposal by "Council cannot do it; It can voted to meet with Mr. Helfrich pal officials and county and state Samuel Giller, a principal in only urge and cajole, cajole and To Be Fair Keynote to work out a settlement. Welfare Parley Set welfare men to attend a "food Recreation Century, Inc., for a urge," the councilman said. Re- The board refused a recom- ! NEW SHREWSBURY - The The final hours of the fair will seminar" to be held here to in- $2 /£ million recreation complex garding tensions, he declared, mendation by Superintendent Bol- 50th anniversary of Fort Mon- be given to a songfest and a vestigate the alleged lack of on the municipal stadium "We had a narrow escape this ger that Mr. Lasko be released mouth will be the keynote of the variety show, featuring winners On Relocation Plan Interest. grounds. The proposal, he said, summer; let's not have another from classroom assignments to 15th annual New Shrewsbury in the talent contest. The song- "We'll just, see who's interested has been under consideration one." teach art to all fifth through RED BANK - Re-location of the county Welfare Board's Country Fair. fest will be led by Judy Orbach or not," the councilman declared. three years, but councilmen have Frank Vanore, city business ad- eight graders. Members stressed offices to put its services where its clients are is scheduled It will be held Thursday, Fri- and Charlotte Chernus, with Eve- Armory Acquisition never been able to agree on ministrator,' said he has adver- that the budget did not permit for discussion at the board's meeting here this morning. day and Saturday, Sept. 7, 8, and lyn Orbach as accompanist. Mr. Cioffi also urged investiga- whether it is desirable. Citizens' Used for a recreation director, the hiring of an additional teach- The board expects to open an office early next month 9, on a new site at Pearl Harbor tion of the possible acquisition by views at a public hearing, Mr. but so far none has been hired. er to take over Mr. Lasko's as- in newly-renovated quarters in Asbuiy Park. Long-range Rd., off Tinton Ave. and opposite signment. plans to be discussed today include a complete move out of the fort's Hexagon. Parking Rule Red Bank and into Freehold and the Bayshore. The gates will open at 6 p.m. A letter from Frunzi and Stel- The long-range proposal calls for opening an office in Thursday and Friday and at 10 sel, attorneys for former schoo the Bayshore, to serve clients Mving in the Bayshore and ajm. Saturday. About 11,000 per- principal William Di Maio, de- Enforcement Red Bank areas. The administrative offices, now at 141 MCAP Slates Reply sons are expected to attend. manded that Mr. DiMaio be paid $982 for one month's vacation and Bootoian PL, here, would be moved to the Monmouth Amusenient and entertainment $45 for courses he took at Seton County Courthouse Annex, under construction in Freehold. features will consist of rides for Given Study Hall University is to be forward- The Freehold office also would serve clients in western Mon- all ages, exhibits by commercial, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - ed for study by the board's at- mouth County. service, political and municipal To Critics on Policies West End Grocery Co., 11 Bay- torney. Mr,, DiMaio resigned in The Asbury Park office will serve clients residing in organizations, as well as a dozen las Long Branch and municipalities south of that city. special attractions. shore Plaza, last night requested February, and the board LONG BRANCH - Joseph E. tirely without cause or foundation. worker in Red Bank, and Mrs. his The Asbury Park office will be housed on the second The official opening will be month refused to accept Taylor, executive director of Certainly all the hard work put Maureen W. Price, who left Red Borough Council to strictly en- claims. floor of a Summerfield Ave. building owned by Carl Casriel, Monmouth Community Action forth by the Red Bank Neighbor- Bank Friday as an employment staged at 7 p.m. Thursday, with force regulations regarding park- The board adjourned to mee an attorney there; Earlier plans to move the board's Asbury Program, Inc. and William C. hood Service Center, as attested aide in Red Bank because she is addresses of welcome by Mayor ing in front of the premises oc- again within 48 hours to complete Park services into the Main St. building formerly occupied Russell, the antipoverty agency's to by the record, could not have moving out of the state, also were John E. Lemon of New Shrews- cupied by 89 Clinton Inc. a its agenda. by Sears, Roebuck and Co. (ell through. deputy director, will issue a been performed by harassed, in- critical of the employment poli- bury and Brig. Gen. Paul A. statement today in reply to critics sulted and persecuted people, and cies and alleged poor employee Feyereisen of Fort Monmouth. package liquor store, at 183 First of MCAP employment practices. these same people want to set morale. Twenty minutes later, there Ave., at the Rt. 36 intersection. They said it probably will deal the record straight." Mr. Wilson submitted his letter will be a concert by the fort's Restrictions there had been with employment policies and Mrs, Fulcher, employed in Red of resignation on Aug. 11 as a 389th Army band. The first ordered following a transfer of Reconstruction of Boardwalk practices, employee morale and Bank since last November, said junior employment counselor in night's festivities will close with a liquor license to that location fhe believed the transfer to As- the Neighborhood Service Cen- a talent contest, starting at 8 over-all communication within the The order stemmed from an agency that have been criticized bury Park was an outgrowth of ter here, charging the MCAP ad- p.m. ordinance that was adopted fol- by five present or former em- an incident in which she was in ministration with displaying Friday wil' see a country auc- Eyed by Long Branch Council lowing the transfer of the license ployees. conflict with Mr. Lee. Mr. Rus- "demagogic attitudes" and "tota tion at C: 15 p.m., followed by a from the center of town to a LONG BRANCH — An ordi Robert D. Brown, employment sell yesterday said Mrs. Fulcher ineptness." Mr. Wilson said Mr. variety show featuring perform- The balls would be "floaters," he sons. This resolution allows re- location that once was an empty nance appropriating $100,000 fo aide at MCAP's Red Bank Neigh- agreed Monday to go to Asbury Lee yesterday asked him to leave ers from the Dorothy Toland explained, and would be retrieved advertisement for bids on deck- reconstruction of the boardwalk Park after she had a conference the Red Bank center and Mr. Lee Dance Studios, with Joseph Foley garage. by special nets in the sea. ing of the USO pavilion, burned borhood Service Center, in a from Madison Ave. to Laird St. countered that Mr. Wilson had of Fair Haven as master-of-cere- The Palmer officials, he added, out last year. Mr. Katz and Mr. statement yesterday expressed with him here. Mayor Jay M. Kellers said the was introduced at last night's the sentiment of the majority of Also Critical left the center on his own prerog- monies. store in question "is not in the have requested no improvement." Cornell voted no. ~:ity Council meeting — but only to the present boardwalk sites. his center's employees that re- John Gorman, who resigned in ative. Mr. Wilson told newsmen Climaxing the evening will be most desirable location in the ust. Unanimously adopted were pudiated criticisms made last Fri- April as a senior neighborhood he is "not going back to MCAP." the annual queen contest. The Attraction Value resolutions calling for a revival world." However, he' said "it TheLjneasuM_sgueaked_bxJlD_a. ..Jkm£d£o—V-_4ppolito,—council day by Mrs. Christine Fulcher of selected- young- lady will Ttrign oTa-DefiiidnToThTPublfc Utilities would be aKardshiponthe owner 3-2, vote..... , Councilme„...-:,_..n. Ellio„,„_t. Lr president, who strongly supports ~Sea"Bright; an" aide wholsbeirig over the balance of the fair. Commission for additional auto- if we suspended parking there." Katz and Robert B. Cornell vot- the boardwalk reconstruction, transferred to the Asbury Park- McGann Asks Tax Saturday's activities will begin He added that the business had ing against it. matic gates and lights at the Neptune Neighborhood Service stated the value of the boardwalk with a pet show. The afternoon brought other businesses into the "It's the first time anyone has grade crossing at Joline Ave. and Center. cannot be measured in dollars. Exemption on Medicine will be highlighted by the pre- location and added to the ratables ever voted against the board- It is the one great tourist attrac- Washington St., and awarding L. James Wilson, who has been sentation of awards in the arts of the borough. walk," Mr. Katz commented. "1 tion, he declared, that will, if contracts for the new Indepen- transferred from Long Branch to RED BANK — Former Assem- ment, we should take note that and crafts; a puppet show by the want to start some new think- renovated, attract the desired dent Fire Co. firehouse on Union the Red Bank center, and whose blyman Patrick J. McGann Jr., the taxes they paid on these me- New Shrewsbury Neighborhood Council agreed to go into a ing," he added. ratables to the city. Ave. Awards were made to resignation becomes effective believes the time has come for dicina'ls added up to $2.4 million. of Girl Scouts, and a moppet workshop Session with Borough Mr. Katz said he thinks recon- Councilman Samuel Teicher, Frank Torchia, here, heating, $3,- Friday, and Clifton H. Lee, direc- the state of New Jersey to stop "From the consumers' view- marathon, sponsored by the Attorney Michael Barnacle and struction of the boardwalk before who also favors the ordinance, 495; Anthony Palmieri, here, tor of the Red Bank center, yes- taxing the sick. point, that's a lot of money. It's Louise C. Bodman Health Center work out an agreement with making a real effort to acquire warned that insurance carriers plumbing, $5,240; Lyndell Con- terday differed over develop- Although there Is no sales tax a headache, too, for storekeepers Auxiliary of the Monmouth Arthur P. Siegfried, representing ow ratables is putting the cart have recommended razing a part struction Co., Inc., Middletown, ments within the agency. on prescription drags and medi- who must collect the tax for the County Organization for Social 89 Clinton Inc., as well as other before the horse. of the boardwalk concerned, general construction, $51,400; and Mr. Taylor and Mr. Russell cines, people who buy non-pre- state. In terms of the sales tax Services. interested parties. 'Not the Time' "How will it look if it's razed Rocky's Electrical Service Co., both were out of the county last scription types are taxed, and structure, however, it's less than "This is not the time for re- and there's just a big hole here, electrical work, $6,650. week when Miss Susan Lee Bady "this is not only inconsistent and one per cent of the total reve construction of the boardwalk," there?" he demanded. Codes Introduced of Oakhurst, who was fired May unfair but also works a hardship nues collected. Do we need this he told his colleagues. Council Councilman Henry R. Cioffi, Ordinances fixing salaries of IG as a senior intake worker in on many consumers and mer- kind of surcharge against sick Band Concert Tonightmust make a concerted effort to who voted for the ordinance, parking meter repairmen and the Asbury Park-Neptune Center, chants alike," Mr. McGann said. people to promote the general get ratables first, then use reve- parking co-ordinators and appro- RED BANK.—, The concluding concert of the 1967 summer stated that many of the difficul- Mrs. Fulcher and two other welfare? nues from them for rebuilding the ties in the city today result from priating $15,0C0 additional for The tax should be removed and series by tho Red Bank Municipal Band will be tonight at former employees, joined Mr. oceanfront, he insisted. lack of action in the past. dredging of Manahassett Creek so should the tax on such house- "When you considerothat sales 8:30 at the Marine Park band shell. If it is rained out, the Wilson in criticizing the agency., Mr. Katz has repeatedly staled were introduced. Public hearing hold items as soap and paper tax receipts in the first year of concert will be held Friday at the same time. Conductor John "WR need schools today be- Mrs. Fulcher contended that products, Mr. McGann declared in operation far exceeded all expec- the city needs at least $50 mil- cause the schools were not gradu- of the measures will be Wednes- W. Luckenbill announced this program: day, Sept. 13. "all employees in Red Bank are a statement which followed a tations of the financial experts, lion in new ratable* right away ally improved over the years; March, "Colonel Bogey" Alford and has called for revival of the subjected to indignities, harass- check he made on the effects of removal of the tax on the items we need a new boardwalk today A resolution adopted by Para- Overture, "1812" .'; Tschaikovsky Economic Development Commis- ment and insults." She added the year-old sales tax on Mon- mentioned would by no means for the same reason," Mr. Cioffi mus urging expansion to the lim- Trumpet Trio, "Bugler's Holiday" Anderson sion to get them. she became 'the target of petty mouth County residents. hamper the over-all program declared. "Let's do it now for it of police manpower quotas was annoyances." whose revenue yield has surprised Soloists Zachary Schnek, Douglass Johnson and Ralph Acquaro Mr. Cornell agreed with Mr. the sake of those who will be run- "I would include in the list of adopted. Council approved a mo- even its most optimistic advo- Descriptive, "Karen's Music Box" : _ _ Dorn Katz, adding that the rebuilt ning the city 30 years from Mr. Brown, in response said; additional exemptions for passage tion by Councilman Cornell to "This remark is untrue and un- cate." Polka, "Italian" Rachmaninoff boardwalk will do the city no now," he added. raise this city's quota of police- by the Legislature all purchases Broadway Selection, "West Side Story" Bernstein called for. In effect, it is putting Mr. McGann, a Red Bank at- good without parking facilities so Hearing Slated men from 47 to CO men. made by ncn-profit organizations, March, "Indiana State Band" Farrar residents can ilse it. words in their (the employees') many of which, after all, are aid- torney and Lincroft resident who The measure comes up for pub- Hearing of charges against Rhapsody, "American Folk" Grundman One new ratable that is avail- mouths and also is causing them ed or supported by public funds," served in the Legislature in 19G5 lic hearing at a council meeting inda's Cliff House, 100 Brighten Movie Selection, "Around the World in 80 Days" Young able, Mr. Cornell said, is .a golf embarrassment when in contact Mr. McGann said, citing such is running with Walter H. Geh- scheduled Wednesday. Sept. 13, Ave., of serving liquor to minors Novelty, "No Name" '. _ Vitto driving range franchised by with the public', both in the of- groups as first aid squads. ricke, mayor of Matawan Town- the day after the primary clcc- once again was postnoned en re- fic" r—*, in t!ie field. ship, for the two state Assembly March, "Trisgian" Losey Arnold Palmer Enterprises. He :ions. quest of James F. McGovern of "The Red Bank employees have He added: seats from Northern Mcnmouth featuring majorettes led by Carol Van Kirk and Trudy stated that Mr, Palmer and other A resolution introduced by ersey City, attorney for the tav- asked their director (Mr. Lee) "People buy non-prescription County Assembly District 5-B. Beaman, flag twirlers led by Judy Seiderman, and spe- company officials have agreed Councilman Ippolito related ern. Mr. McGovern explained to take steps to refute that, part drugs and medicines because they They are unopposed for Demo- cialty twirlers Pam and Patty Gale, Pat Armstrong and that Long Branch is an ideal site the proposed boardwalk recon- :hat a key defense witness was of Mrs-.- Fuloher's statement as don't feel well. Whether it's a cratic nomination in next month's Linda Hansen. for a range from which golfballs struction was adopted by the ill. The hearing was re-sched- certainly unjust, untrue and en- headache or a more serious ail primaries. National Anthem would be driven into the ocean. same 3-2 vote for the same rea- uled for Sept. 13. County Fare 14—Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1967 THE DAILY REGISTER Would You Believe—a Frogtown Frolic? By MARGUERITE HENDERSON all-dear date is Saturday, Sept spectacular view from their 21st son, and Mr. and-Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Robert Croken, Keans- The Moamouth County Or- 23 (alternate, Sept. 24) and botf floor penthouse apartment there Henderson, Colts Neck, also at- burg. Barbara, a 1966 graduate ganization for Social Service happenings will be held in — a panoramic picture of tended. of Middletown High School, has comes up with the slickest in- complex of barns and outbuild' mountains, ocean and Waikiki spent the past year as an Ameri- vitations. The latest one — to its ings in a Holmdel hollow know. Beach. Thirty-eight Douglass-b o u n d can Field Service student in Frogtown Frolic—is really some- affectionately as Frogtown. damsels wil! be honored at a tra- Rome. Knowing not a word of thing to croak Please call MCOSS head- "Mostly Monmouth County ditional "tea" given by the Italian when she boarded the about! U is im-quarters in Red Bank for infor- Horse Show people" convened for Douglass of Monmouth alumnae boat, Barbara did so well with printed in "lily mation and reservations. a social interlude Saturday nigh club. The party will be held her shipboard "crash" course pad green" on at the Navesink River Rd. estat Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 30an, d subsequently at school it- a "spring wil- On this "family outing," th of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stan- from. 2 until 4 o'clock, at the self'"that she finished third in low" back- family really went out — all thi ley Jr. Shrewsbury River Yacht Club. her class at Pilo Albertelli. And ground and way to Hawaii! Ainong them were: Mr. ani The girls, all of Monmouth she competed there with native- born Italians in a variety of sub- features, appro- Making the trip were Howar Mrs. Frank F. Blaisdell, Mr. ani County, are members of the jects — including latin and priately, two L. Burdge, Farmingdale, and hi:Mrs. Leffert Lefferts, Mr. am freshman class at Douglass, the Greek! frolicking twin daughters, Mrs. Mary Wi Mrs. Charles M. Jones, Mrs. women's college of Rutgers. frogs. The art koff, Pair Haven, and Mrs. Wil-Charles C. Armstrong, Miss Cecil Their mothers, current campus The Shrewsbury River Yacht work is the col- Ham Talley, Washington, N. C, Timolat, Mr. and Mrs. John C. undergraduates and local alum- Olub is on River Rd.. Fair Ha- Henderson laborated cf- with their respective children — Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Amory L. nae are invited to join in this ven. Mrs. C. Harold Larsson, fort of Mrs. Walter Molineux, Lo-IPeter Wikoff and Sarah Elizabeth Hask'ell, Jr., Miss Babmi Elli get-acquainted gathering. Fair Haven, both a Douglass of cust, and Mrs. John Work, Little Talley. and Denis Glaccum, Middletown; The speaker that afternoon will Monmouth and yachy t club menv d f f h lb Silver. The object of their affection Dr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Combs, be one of the 38 — Barbara Cro- arranged for use of the club Eatontown; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ken, one of six daughters of Mr. house. /The frolic itself will be a day-were Mr. and Mrs. ,E: F-.- Bur*??. ONE IN A HUNDRED — Five-foot stuffed frog headed for the Monmouth County long affair — to include the fa- Mr. Burdge, since last February', ert Eisner, Red- Bank; Mra. Organization of Social Service pet show and fair, is one of a collection of hundreds has been manager of Holidaj Campbell Rudner and Dr. and mous MCOSS pet show (revived of frogs owned by Harold Gannon of Leonardo. Committee members, from left, Mrs. by popular demand) from 10 a.m.Village, an apsrtmeut-hotel-in Mrs. A. R. Gilman, Lincroft. to 4 p.m. and a country supperlthe-round in Honolulu. Mrs. Wi- Also, Dr. and Mrs. Cyril Arvan- Candidates Greeted James Bulmor, Rumson; Mrs. Robert McCredie, Middletown, and Mrs. John Spurdle and dance starting at 7 p.m. Thelkoff reports glowingly on the tis, Elberon; -Mr. and Mrs. Michael Torpey, Shrewsbury; Mr. Jr., also Rumson, prepare the decorating props in preparation for the event, "Frog, and Mrs. Joseph F. Lord and By GOP Women's Board town Frolic," set for Sept. 23 on Cross Farm, Holmdel Township. Proceeds will ben- their daughters Sally and "Muf- efit the MCOSS community nursing program. , ; Ann Landers fin," Little Silver; Mr. and Mrs. SHREWSBURY '— The board Sept. 31 at the home of Mrs. George S. Howell, Mr. and Mrs of directors of the Monmouth Harry Neuberger, Middle- G. Barker Seeley and Mr. and County Federation of Republicai town. Mrs. Neuberger is the Re-MCOSS Benefit Mrs. Paul Kenworthy, Colts Women met here in the home a publican national committeewom- Insulated World Neck; Mr. and Mrs. Werner Mrs. David A. Marx, Sycamon an from New Jersey and a mem-i Thiele, Locust; William Purdey, Ave., to discuss the coming elec ber of the Monmouth County Fed- Dear Ann Landers: My hus- quite a history, fella. Maybe Holmdel; and Mrs. Estes King tion. eration's board of directors. band and 1 have a nice home, you should be grounded unti Women at Work on All-day Event Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finken- Among the candidates presen well-furnished, a new car and you take some driving lessons RED BANK — A "tandem Quinn, Mrs. A. L. Register, Mrs staedt, Alfred "Freddy" King were Assemblyman Alfred N than 3d, of Scobeyville; Mrs. Sal- money in the bank. Our two and 1 an not kidding. committee" is working to assure William I. Rlker, Mrs. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Beadleston, who is a candidati vatore DiRusso, Colts Neck; sons have finished college, are First, I'd like to make il the success of the "Freetown White, Mrs. George Williamson Borden, all Rumson. for the new senatorial post ere Announce Mrs. Frederick FjchtmueUer. happily married and doing well. clear that anyone who drives Frolic" being run by Monmouth Mrs. William G. Wrightson and Freehold; Mrs. Joseph Standler, We have excellent jobs and our ated with the new districting of without insurance is a moron Dr. and Mrs. Frank Dough- County Organization for So- John Spurdle Jr., all of Rum- Raritan Township; Mrs. Clarenca combined income makes it pos- Second, you don't say who was Monmouth County; Sen. Richard erty Jr. and children have re- cial Service on Sept. 2J at the son. R. McKim, Sea Girt; Mrs. R. sible for us to live comfortably. at fault but I have an idea you R. Stout, incumbent and candi- Nuptials turned to their new home on Cross Farm, Rt 520, Holmdel. Hoster Jones and Mrs. A. J. So why am I writing to Ann were. In this case, your pas- date for re - election; assembly- Also, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. BtiUonwood Dr., Fair Haven, NEWARK - Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Brielle. Landers? Because suddenly wa sengers should not be expected men Joseph Azzolina, James M. The dual committee is neces- Boynton Jr., Mrs. Bernard B, after cruising Chesapeake Bay Bertrand John Kohl Sr. of this find life empty and boring. We to pitch in. If someone had hit Coleman jr. and Assembly aspi- sary because of the all-day na White, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. city, announce the marriage of have no goals, nothing to strug- you and you were blameless I'd aboard the family yacht, Piker rants Chester A. Apy and Louis ture of the event, which is to James Wyer, Mrs. Philip Bern Want buyers? Classified Ads their daughter, Miss Ellen Claire gle for. We were much happier agree with you, but not under H. Aikins. raise funds for the community heim, Hans Anthony Huber, all are read by your best prospects Kohl of 313 Eighth Ave., Asbury when we had to worry about these circumstances. Representatives of 72 clubs nursing program of MCOSS. At of Locust; Mrs. H. M. Cohen, Mrs. Alice Forbes of East Park, to Michael Patrick Sheehan . the ones ready to buy. Dill house payments, taxes, mort- throughout the county attended. 10 in the morning, children and Mrs. C. M. Cubbage, Mrs. Rich- son of Mrs. George Augustine 741-6900 now. gages and tuition bills. Bergen Place, Red Bant, is The program was devoted pets will assemble for the tradi- ard Ellwood, Mrs. Bayard Stout, Dear Ann Landers: My hus- visiting her son, Gordon Sheehan Sr., 298 Broad St., Red Are we different or does this meeting the candidates for lire tional pet show, which will be Mrs. George Tyrell, Mrs. Frank band plays ball with the "boys" Forbes, formerly an employee Bank, and the late Dr. Sheehan. I ana* happen to all couples in the (about age 40) one night a week county and state offices. coupled with a fair and lunch. Sibley, all of Middletown; Mrs of the Red Bank Post Office, twilight years? We need an- and comes home around 2 a.m. Mrs. William Coleman an- The wedding took place Aug. This should go on until about 4 A. R. Gilman and Mrs. Camp- Try Our now an Inspector In Memphis, p.m. when the best pet in the swers. - THE W'S Other nights he gets home nounced that the New Jerse: 19 at a Nuptial Mass here in St. bell Rudner, Lincroft; Mrs. Tenn. show will be chosen. Dear W's: You need more anywhere from 7:30 to 11 p.m. Federation of Republican Wom- Antoninus Church, with Rev. Ig- Frank Shyman, Mr. and iMrs. Delicious Mrs. Forbes will also be pres- than answers. You need to get He hasn't had dinner with me en had selected a Republican natius L. Kohl, uncle of the biide, William Overman, Mrs. S. Phelps ent at the marriage of her At 7 o'clock the "rhinestone out of your fur-lined, insulated and our four teen-agers in three teenager from Monmouth County, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Montgomery, Mrs. Charles D. granddaughter, Elizabeth. and raccoon" set- will assemble Fruit & Nut world and become involved years. Patricia Allen, to represent the Wilmington, Del., as celebrant Marx, Mrs. Roger Jerez, Mrs. to partake of a country supper Alfred Gelling Jr., Mrs. Robert with some causes or projects This man has never brought state at the annual TAR confer- Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. John Grelner and dance in the big barn. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd or people to .whom you can de- home an extra dime for over- ence and convention in West Vir- a reception was held in the Turtle and their children, Diane, Kath- Mrs. Hans Anthony Huber ol Lawrence Jr., all of Fair Haven; Bridge Mix vote your time, energy and time and he hasn't had a raise ginia Aug. 21-27. "This is a sig- Brook Inn, West Orange. leen and John, returned last Locust is general chairman, as- Mrs. Brooks Banker, John Work, your money. in 10 years. I've been typing pa- nal honor for our county's young Friday from a vacation cruise The bride was attended by Mrs.sisted by Mrs. John Spurdle, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Castleman, t FULL Contentment does not come pers at home so we can pay our people," Mrs. Coleman said, Hugh J. Beuscher, matron of to Bermuda on the Greek liner "and since Pat is one of our own, Rumson, and Mrs. James Bulmer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolf, Mr. LB. from lapping up creature com- bills. Should I wake up and honor; Mrs. John Daly, sister of of Middletown, in charge of pets; W "Olympia." Everything was and Mrs. Ernest Voortiees, all ol forts and taking life easy. But smell the coffee? — QUIET we congratulate New Jersey on sun and fun except for a storm the bridegroom; Mrs. Mary Ann Mrs. Bassett Winmill and Mrs.Little Silver; Mrs. William Su- this you already know, since DESPERATION its excellent choice of Pat as thi REGULAR 1.00 on their first day out which Horn, cousin of the bride, and John C. Giordano Jr., of Locust, ter, Mrs. H. Glenn Rodman, Mrs. this is the thrust of the prob- state's representative to the TAR Dear Quiet — Or are you un- caught these Hazlet sailors Miss Marcia J. Van Note. supper-dance; Mrs. James Fox Roger C. Power, Mr. and Mrs. lem as you have expressed it. conference." Miss Allen was de- conscious? Did you just notice still without their sea legs ... Best man was William E. EhrJr.- , and Mrs. Gordon Smith of Robert Neff, New Shrewsbury. Get busy arid find out how to scribed by Mrs. Coleman as "a that your husband hasn't had hart, and ushers were Francis J. Rumson, prizes; Mrs. John D. make your lives count for dinner with his children in young, hard working Republican BIRNN CANDY And back in Holmdel are Mr. Maloney, John w*. O'Mara and Work of Little Silver and Mrs. Mrs. F. M. Gilman, Oceanport; something. The world needs three years? It's going to be teenager." and Mrs. J. Peter Shull and Martin D. Screen. Walter L. Molineux of Locust, Miss Laura Harding, Mrs. Wil- 91 BROAD ST. what you have to offer. And difficult to get him to etop do- their boys, Peter and Barry. The 'next meeting of the Mon- promotion. liam Opie and Mrs. Irwin S. you need to become dues-pay- ing whatever he's doing — after The- former Miss Kohl, a teach- RED BANK Mother and sons sunned them- mouth County Federation will be Spellman, Holmdel; Mrs. Allison ing members of the human all this time. You need more er of social studies in Ocean Others serving on the commit- selves in San Juan (where L. S. Stern and Mrs. Alfred Na. race. help than I can offer. I sug- Township School, Oakhurst, is an tee include Mrs. John C. Archi- thev stayed at the Pierre) INFANT CHRISTENED gest a professional counselor. alumna of Our Lady of the Valley bald, Mrs. Robert Badenhop, while Mr. Shull alternated be- ENGLISHTOWN — Linda Ma- Dear Ann Landers: Several Yes, I know, he won't go. So High School, Orange, and Cald- Mrs. William Borden, Mrs. Rich- tween Sea-Land business and rie, infant daughter of Mr. and weeks ago, three of us (all col- go yourself and learn what you well College for Women. ard D. S. Bryan, Mrs. Frederick Puerto Rican vacation. Mrs. Edward Dillon Jr., Free- Burghard Jr., Mrs. Henry A. lege students) borrowed a bud- can do to get this 40-year-old hold Rd., was christened Sunday Mr. Sheehan, who is with P. J. FOR THE FINEST dy's car. I was driving. Un- teenybopper to behave like Kenedy & Sons, publishers, New Buttfield, Mrs. Richard Cratty, Charles and Mary Lou Hen-here in Our Lady of Mercy Mrs. Alan Duke, Mrs. F. B. fortunately, we had an acci- husband and a father. Catholic Church, with Rev. John York, was graduated from Red THE TEA TASTER dent. Nobody was hurt but derson, Rumson, had cocktails Bank Catholic High School, and FJnkenstaedt, Mrs. Robert Gor- * for a couple of hundred persons "'etri officiating. The godparents TEAS—COFFEE—CAMOMILE FLOWER the damage to our buddy's car What is French kissing? Is It attended Manhattan College, man, Mrs. Craig Haaren, Mr. on Sunday. Among them were are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kost- amounted to $175. • There was wrong? Who should set the New York. and Mrs. Robert K. Herr, Mrs. PEPPERMINT LEAF-GROUND ORANGE PEEL several members of their own iar. Also attending a buffet tha no insurance so the money had necking limits —the boyor 1he Kent D. Hoffman, Mrs. George Henderson clan, including chief followed were the Kostbar chil- BITTER ORANGE MARMALADE to come out" of my pocket. I girl? Can a shotgun wedding Kondolf, Mrs. Kurt • Hofmann, * iansman John C. Henderson, dren, Richard, Theresa and Ste FETED AT STORK SHOWER CANADIAN TEA BAGS—TEAPOTS and SETS think,the two fellows with me succeed? Read Ann Landers' Mrs. I. William Lane, Mrs. Rob- Middletown, and his sister, Mrs. ven; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dil- LITTLE SILVER — Mrs. Rob-ert Ludewig, Mrs. Francis E. P. should help with the repair bill. booklet, "Teen-age Sex — Ten lon Sr., and the maternal grand- ert Lewis of Oakhurst, the for- RETAIL md WHOLESALE Dolores Griffin, also of his McCarter, Mrs. William Melha- They say, "No. You were driv- Ways To Cool It." Send 50c in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ein- mer Carol Ann Hotaling, daugh- Navesink River address. Mr. do, Miss Emily LaMarche, Mrs. 771 RIVER RD. 842-2073 FAIR HAVEN ing." coin and a long, self-addressed, siedler, Colts Neck. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hot- Is this (air? Answer in the stamped envelope. and Mrs. Peter Henderson, Rum- John L. Montgomery Jr., Mrs. aling, 68 Rivers Edge Dr., wasWilliam Pazicky, Mrs. J. R. paper because If my folks see Ann Landers will be glad to honored at a stork shower given a letter from you and find out elp you with your problems. Legal Secretaries Set Fall Events in the home of Mrs. Harold Pet- I had another accident, I'll get Send them to her in care of erson, 24 Carriage House La. Co- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Association in the Empress Mo- grounded for life. — BIG D this newspaper enclosing hostesses were Mrs. David Peter- The Monmouth Legal Secretari' tel, Asbury Park, a mock tria Dear D.: Another accident, - stamped, self-addressed enve- son, Portaupeck; Mrs. David I. Association is holding a rurrrma will be presented. It will be the eh? It sounds as if you've got lope. Schultze, Oceanport, and Mrs. sale today through Saturday annual membership meeting rvin M. Schultze, Little Silver. Grayson's, 556 Cookman Ave Reservations may be made Twenty-two guests attended. Asbury Park. The event is op through Mrs. Ruth Buxbaum, 402 all day and tonight and Frida; Roosevelt Ave., Oakhurst, or night Mrs. Dent, c/o Ronald D. Barrett, Reach stamp collectors with an Rumson Reading Institute 710 Mattison Ave., Asbury Park. ad in Classified. Dial 7414900 foi Plans were completed at meeting of the association here The next meeting of the board an Ad-Writer today. after-school supplementary classes in in the Harbor Restaurant. Mrs, of directors will be Sept. 7, at Patricia A. Dent, Spring Lake p.m. in the home of Mrs. Strong, 509 Long Branch Ave. READING - ENGLISH - MATH Heights, president, announc that the annual legal secretaries Long Branch. First Grade through College seminar will be held Nov. 4 of tew fescfory-fo-you prices the Holiday Motor Inn, We: Altar-Rosary Group Long Branch. Mrs. Sylvia Brei Ave. of Two Rivers, Rumson 842-1650 ler, Belmar, is chairman of th Slates Card Party Famous Make Famous Make Famous Make event. MONMOUTH BEACH — The Mrs. Rosemarie Strong, Lon, Altar and Rosary Society of the 235 Hope Rd., New Shrewsbury 5424777 Branch, delegate to the Nationa Church of the Precious Blood will WOOL WOOL WOOL Association of Legal Secretari hold its annual card party and convention in New Orleans, r raffle Aug. 31 at 8 p.m. in the SKIRTS SWEATERS ported on the recent event. Mr; Catechetical Center in the rear DRESSES REG. TO 16.00 Dyed To March RUSSELL G. RANNEY Strong also is corresponding sei of the church on Riverdale Ave. REG. TO 14.00 REG. TO 19.00 retary of the national associatioi Chairman of the event is Mrs, ~AT the~September meeting Harry Tober, and vice chairman, the Monmouth Legal Secretari Mrs. Philip Eager. 6.75 wt/v 9.00 Committee chairmen include Mrs. John Reilly and Mrs. Frank THERE'S ONLY ONE "WEIGHT WATCHERS" Anfuso, tickets; Mrs. Russell Famous Make 2-Pieee Spriggs, table favors; Mrs. Ea- Striped ger, table prizes; Mrs. Thomas Full Fashioned LOSE WEIGHT Patey an<} Miss Marjorie Doust, 2-PC WOOL door prizes; Mrs. Spriggs, post- ORLON WOOL ers; Mrs. Thomas Mcftugh, spe- SUITS & STAY THIN cial award and Mrs. Frank Fal- cone, publicity. REG. TO 24.00 SWEATERS DRESSES

JOIN MD CARNIVAL MIDDLETOWN — Seven 12.75 3.00 H<50 area children last Friday held a carnival at 43 Melrose Ter. bene- fitting the Muscular Dystrophy THE WORLD'S LARGEST and ONLY WEIGHT Association. Proceeds amounted Woo! Striped Wool WATCHERS CONTROL ORGANIZATION to $49. Colleen McGuire served AU SUMMER FIND OUT WHAT IT IS and WHY IT WORKS as ringmaster, assisted by James TURTLE NECK "POOR BOY" Ryan, Edward Fallon, William MEET US AT THE McGuire, William Fallon, Thom- ITEMS as McGuire and Patrick McGuire. SWEATERS DRESSES FREEHOLD BRANCH 50%.« 8 THROCKMORTON ST. SENSATIONAL SALE! 4.75 7.00 or more MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS AT 7:30 P.M. FRIDAYS AT 9:30 A.M. ASSORTED BEDSPREADS MOSTLY ONE-OF-A-KIND—ALL SIZES FACTORY Fee $5.00 {or First Meeting (Includes Registration) $2.00 Weekly Thereafter ' OUTIET Inquire About lifetime Memberihip Plan 40 to.A0%.°tS. Branches in I? Counties LUCY'S For Further Information Write , Weight Watchers of North Jersey, Inc. Huffman & Boyle BRIDGE AVE. and FRONT ST. 747-0108 RED BANK 107 E. Ml. Pleasant Ave., Livingston, N. J. 07039 Rt. 35 Circle • Eatontown, N. J. 542-1010 FhoM 201-992-8600 OPEN: THURSDAY and SATURDAY 10-6; FRIDAY 10-8 Knight Has His Day at Freehold Raceway

FREEHOLD — Jimmie Knight, Jimmie Knight came in for stages. El Faber disposed of| In the seventh race, Honor Key, Allie, Giants Are Optimistic from the Dan G*rnatt Farms ofmild support by the fans in the Valley View Flame after a half-owned by the partnership of Bill mile M 6 toto tion now Hoi Wood is gone. A Andy Gross of Auburn has im- Collins, N.Y., was a long timecrwd of 8,489 and paid $13.6O,i . 2°^ c^ ^ipopfinger and S. Ransom, had pAIttFJELP, Conn. (AP) - Wit*. Tarkenton t nUon Wfcn the bling in out of the pocket rade may be th« answer if the pressed Sherman at guard. The coming around for $.20 and $4.40. Danciflg Yankee * - the distinction of becoming the Faber first triple winner of the meet- (hfhed out for their first scrim' thhe GiantGiant?s #e cautiouslcaty y optp i 3iants can get line help. veteran Roger Davis and Darrel first triple wie f this year, ing. The six-year-old son of fcey- mage jrf «l>e year, a leather- mlstic abo&ithe yfcir. HlHaroldd If Frederickson holds up, the Dessare available. starting backfield probably will featured $3,000 Jimmie Knight rallied on the out er made his move entering Imjged (an bellowed, "Thanks fpi Svare is jfotott a major overturn' Defensively, Spider Lockhart see Tucker teaming with Bill terday at Freehold Raceway to Jimmie Knight was rated well stretch and made good for showing up, AJlie." job on the awn'ie that gave up has moved from left corner to Triplett, picked up from St. Louis accomplish his initial victory in the favorite players at $4.00 for Allie Sherman showed up all a o{ 501 points Tee safety and Henry Carr has : in a trade for Jerry Hillebrand. Valley View Flame alternated on turning back the various early $2. The win was the 11th driver right with a revised coaching last year. '. , , been tried at right corner with 21 starts this season. Allen Jacobs, Chuck Mercein and staff that is dedicated to ignor The Giants sustained 29 major Clarence Childs moving to left It was an all-New York State punter Ernie Koy are the others. ing the 1-12-1 disaster of 1986 injuries last year, including six corner. Freeman White, 6-5, 225,conquest as driver George For- ! Homer Jones. Joe Morrison, \v'- !e concentrating on the fu- knee cases that required surgery. originally an offensive end but'shey of Hamburg Del Shofner, making a fine come- ture. Tucker Frederickson, the key used as linebacker last year, has Knight around back, and Aaron Thomas are the running hack as a rookie in working at strong safety the stretch run to top receivers. Dick Kotite, a free been 1965, missed the entire '66 sea- with WendelJ, Harris, the 1966 length score in 2:04 3/5 agent from Wagner College, is son. 's wrist frac- regular. Rookie Scott Eaton of mile. •., MONMOUTH challenging Bobby Crespino at ture left the Giants with only Oregon State is another with a The duel for place honors re- tight end. Gary Wood and Tom Kennedy a chance. solved in a photo finish with Al quarterbacks. No wonder the; The offensive line which broke and R, Stafford Jr.'s Dancing There were times last year had to be satisfied with e win down last year and let the passer Yankee getting the decision over when the Giants had three rookie over Washington and a tie with get smothered 62 times for losses R.H. Howard's El Faber. Pittsburgh in the club's worst of 524 yards still is a problem. linebackers as regulars. Things season. Greg Larson at center, Bookie should be better with Bill Swain Bolin and Pete Case at guards and Larry Vargo recovering from Frederickson played the entir and Willie Young and Francis surgery and a sound Jeff Smith Results first half of the first game with Peay are the holdovers battling with Mike Ciccocella in 1ST—Pace; l-m. FRYING Atlanta. After the game, Sher- Nr-vde Yankee (St« Peay has been hobbled by a the middle. Sid Williams, ac- man said, "If anything happen \V J CounHf-L (Witi .leg. injury... Charlie. Harper .may quiredj from , is an- Stimuli (Prfatand'rlni 3.00 to Tucker,nuw, it will liave t( •JD—Pice! " 1-liT.T SLOW;' T:-2r<*.(. move into a tackle job and rookie other possibility. Fair Lola (CobDV AAO 3.00 2.40 White Canopy Bed be a 'new injury. He has been Sheer Yankee (Stafford) .... 4.20 2.80 CHICKEN , Twin or 4Q88 whacked good." Sassy Pam (Cliappcll) ...- —• 2.40 full tin ^' Tarkenton, a first string quar- (t>niir Open stock dreuen and Freehold Raceway Entries 3D—Pace: l-m.: $1,600: T.-2:08.1. terback for six years with th TotidR'nb'w(D'ncrrJr.) 3.SO 3.00 2.80 chettt to moteh. Minnesota Vikings, is the bright 1ST—l-m.; l!,0OO: Face-Clml.I itg; 8-y1-TheodDre Diamond (Carlone) Keyjtnno Aloha (PulJen) ..- 9.60 4.40 2-Beach Head (Jaeger) 5-2 5-H D Diamond (Tagarlello) Sea Wave (McOec) hope tor 1967. The former Geor- 4-GaIlant Duke (liuebech) 3-1 7-Amos W fOrgan) -I-m.: (1,000i Pacr-NVW o« 11,250. 1-Atlanta (Rpfde* B-] :ral6ht A (Bullur) .4.50 3.00 2. United Bedroom and 1-Madgcs Boy (Werner) s-2 6-Afton Blackie <9mlth Jr.) "8-1 BpilHiank (Duncliley) 5.40 3.40 Dining Rooms opening tie with Atlanta, Tarkeiv 3-Aflslst 'Sowaslu 3-1 7-Harry Mac (Swash) 10-1 8-B111 Injured (Dewland) 1-i ilncerely Yours (Lockerman Jr.) 4.20 tan* Cedar Chejtj and Tables ton was the second best runne 9TII—l-m.; $1,000; Pacc-M. S. & G.: %-y (K.riifta (23) Paid S43.S0) 7-Aflon Volo fHubbard) *-\ 6-Arcadfa Amber (Bowaah) 3-1 7TH—Pace; 1-m.; 52,000; T.-2:08.4. •oilman Cummlngs Maple Gps. on the club. 2-Aatalr (Kucla) J-J 2-Doclor Gfrdlctrte (Thomas) 4-1 Honor Key (Popllnger) 4.00 2.60 2.20 4-Early Bird Bretzy (KeUey Jr.) 5-1 7-Mr. Farr (Latzo) 9-2 Bethclen iSowaih) ...- " ~ Nelson Living Rooms Where all of this leaves Morrall 5-zip zip ' ,;•; 6-Blythe Victor (Sperendi) ft-i Blue Grass (Jaeger) -.._ is not clear at the moment. Th 6-OS CalclB (Lowden) *"•* 8-Geatry Volo (Megllo) 5-1 8TH—Pace: 1-rn.i 53,000; T.-2:0).3. Vlko Modern Sofas AE-BI!ly Comet (Roslno) 4-La Mura (Luchento) 6-1 Jimmie Knight (F'rsh'y) 13.60 8.20 4.40 former Detroit Lion did a fin AB-Paddys Day (Smith) 1-H P Direct (Marsh) 8-1 Dancing Yankee Sheraton Living Rooms job for the team in 1955 but wa 3D-nm.t d.oooi Pace-3 y.o.l l*ra. 3-Ethels Dream (Marrlner) 10-1 El Faber (Howard) (•Viennese Hanover (Uickermaa Jr) M 10TH-Hm.: J1.0O0J Pwe-N/W of »l,J50. TOH—Trot; 1-m.; $l,)00; •T.3!:0H. Stonevllle Dinettes ineffective, with little help up 6-BucX Etta (AUfca-tlello) 2-Roberta Priirtroac (Plemlnp) 3-1 Bar Boy (Marcus) 16.C" - - - front, until he was hurt las 3-Nlna- Darea (Mansfield) "-J 3-St1 m . Louix -.. t s~ FrelgJir^_ . I . m t• (TrulttM—* ...). . — Tesa Brewer (Bcrwash) Chromecraft Dinettes 1-EIeanor K (Waugh) 1-Edgewood Hca-ther (Molnar) Bpeclalltt (Smith year. He still is a fine quarter- 2-Uoae City (Kucla) 4-SUBlei Pride (Sowash) Baamrttter Vlko Dinettes 6-1 10TH—Pace: 1-m.; tl,200; T.-2:08.1. back who could play first string 5-After Dance (Forshey) 5-May S (Dawktai) Joe Btadt (Mansrleld) 10" " " Mohmouth Shopping Ctr. 7-Cheera (Dancer Jr.) B-Mlaa Clementine (Sperendi) Instinct Yates (PopHnger) with several clubs .but also i 8-Hillh Rose iTete) 7-Merry Maplecrolt (Beede) Fair Sue (Abbatiello) ... EatoBtowi Circle AX-Salcoi First (Myeri) B-Vlcky Melburn (Adamo) (Eiacta (51) Paid 131.00) valuable to the Giants as protec- AE-Junette (Forman) 4TH— l-m.; Ji.joo: r» year .Id. ATT..&489 — 5-Ttna Rainbow (Dancer Jr.) 5-2,., 8-Mlkes Discovery (Howard) 3-11 3-Bucky Squire OJeTandleil) 7-••22 4-Susan Dlamn (HoCouch) fa 6-Pride Reporter (Kldgeway) 6-1 Important Notice 2-Huimlng Bear (Log) 8-1 1-CoiieBtoga Ellen (Denrtand) 10-1 7-JoraIemon Freight (Tete) 10-1 5TH-l-m.; 11,000; Pace-S/W of 1 raw*. from 7-Brother Chief (Forihey) 3-1 G-Chucks Chance (Smith) 4-1 8-Frlsco Senator (Chick) 9-2 Sears 1-Grecntree Counsel (Tajarlello) 5-1 3-Roper (ABbatlello) S-l The Fred D. Wikoff Co. 5-Mlsalon Frost (Gray) 5-1 2-Onlooker (Long) ••} Due to the fact that our employes* are now 4-Hanj Boyle (Wlngard Jr.) 10-1 students start out in on a five-day 40-hour wook there will be no deliv- AE-Sc Muncy (HcGee) 6TH—l-m.; *i,noo; Pace-Clmr.; mmi. eries on Saturdays starting August 19th, 1967. l-Imas Gal (McCandleBfl) 6-2 8-8 E Plill (Adarao) 3-J Please anticipate your needs in advance so 5-YogIe (Bowasn) 9-2 that delivery may be made either on Friday or the 3-My Right (Fopflnger) 5-1 fl-Black Mall (Kelley Jr.) 5-1 Monday following receipt of your order. 7-Irenea Princess (Rodger* Jr.) 6-1 .FEATHER-LITE. 4-Chrlstine Wick (Abbatlello) 8-1 Our store on Maple Ave. will be open on 2-Janes David R (Tullno) »3O0. TT1I—l-m.; »!,000; Faee-NVW »T. 5-2 Saturdays from 7:30 A.M., to 12 Noon, for pick-up 3-BHI Sampson (Thomas) 3-1 2-Blaze Adlos (Fonhey) <•! luggage looks expensive, purchases. 4-Dayton Freight (Bradbury) We trust that this will not inconvenience you and thank you for your co-operation. Selections costs less, lasts longer! - r FRED D. WIKOFF COMPANY 1—Beach Head, Link C, 1*9 Spw. Z—Mad Beg Boy, Afton Volo, Bill In- sared. J—Nina narrs, Viennese Hanover, Bote Because • • • the hardy grained vinyl covered cases (Texon® backed) have t'lty. 4—Tina Kalnboff, Bucky Squire, Bnian tongue-and-groove closures that offer protection from dust and dirt. Durable Diamond. S—Frisco Seulor, Roper, Brother FRED D. WIKOFF CO. Chief. pp^ enough to resist the stress and strain of travel. Chrome-plated locks. ft-Yojtle, tnui Gal, S. E. PW1. 7—Throdorn Diamond, BUI Sampson, Blaze Adi™. 234 MAPLE AVENUE 8—Hobby Uonp, Bullet, Oregon* Flay boy, Jo*y Que. fr— Doctor Glrdleire?, Bb1 he Victor. RED BANK 741-0554 Arcadia Amber. 10—St. I.oali Frei«tit, Vicky Uelbam, Ztoberta Primrose. Best Bet — Beach Head OPEN Big Savings: To 28^0 Off! 3 DAYS ONLY! Thursday FOR 4 DAYS ONLY! Friday 10 to 9 COMPLETE STORE BUYERS 747-9894 187 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., SHREWSBURY Saf. to 6 AT THE A&P SHOPPING CENTER 99 to MEN and STUDENT SHOES . . . Student Back-To-Campus Wear regular $12.98 to $21.98 from 2 of Baltimore's leading Student Shops Choose From These Famous Brands Not only is Featherlite durable; it weighs McGregor — Botany — Lee — Kaynee— H.I.S. less than the equivalent-size hardslde lug- Meadow Brook — Robt. Bruce — Janfzen gage. Smart fashion colors for men and women. Handsome linings also. SAVE MEN & STUDENT STUDENTS' SPORT now at Sears. $13.98 Cosmetic Case sale SHOES and DRESS SHIRTS 14.98 21-in. Weekender sale 10.66 Loafers — Oxfords • Hi Styles AS LOW AS by Ramar, 21.98 27-in. Pullman sale 16.99 By these famous ONLY manufacturers . . . 21.98 2-Suiter • sale 15.66 • BATES 15.98 Companion Case ...... sale 11.66 Bruxton, ^tmm • WINTHROP not shown: • HUSH PUPPIES Ivy Court. SIZE 12 TO 20 • PLYMOUTH 7°o 18.98 24-in Pullman 13.99 • FREEMAN SIZE 6 TO 12 23.98 3-Suiter .sale 19.99 • SWISS IMPORTS NOT ALL SIZES STUDENTS' SUITS 13.98 Attache Case .sale 10.66 SCRUB DENIM and SPORT JACKETS SUCKS S JACKETS • PLAIDS AS L0WA S by H.I.S., Wnu AS LOW AS • SOLIDS O 00 Barry, Lee, Over • STRIPES the Top, Banner, 50 • BLAZERS 8SIZES 12 TO 20 Couden. 2 MEN & STUDENT BACK-TO-CAMPUS CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge CHINOS SWEATERS ONLY By Puritan, Catalina, Jantsen, 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Phone BOYS'—SIZE SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE 12 TO 20 McGregor, Himalaya MIDDLETOWN Satisfaction Guaranteed ox Your Money Back 671-3800 MEN'S—SIZE 00 Open Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 'til 9:30 27 TO 33 Below Maker's Cost! IUCK AND CO. 2 Open Sat. 9:30 'til 5:30 Bosox Take Two More 16—Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1%7 THE DAILY REGISTER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the bill rolling toward the wall. Luis Tiant set a single game Lnning and the Red Sox trailing George Scott was in a daze for He then scampered home tot a high of 18 strikeoute for the ma- 3-2. a little while and Dick McAuliffe 2-1 Detroit victory. jors this season as Cleveland Instead «f trying for a "long •was temporarily in the dark, but Yanks SpUt edged California 3-2 and Balti- tater" — Scott's jargon for a when they recovered it was the While Scott was relieving Ms more beat Kansas City 2-1 be- home run — the right-handed American League pennant race headache with a hit and 'McAu- fore losing to the Athletics 6-1 in slugger simply fait the ball where that was in a real state of confu- liffe was winning his game of other American League games. it was pitched and stroked it sion. Find The Ball, the Chicago Phils Zero Mets into right field to drive in two By Hy Cunningham Scott was kicked on the back White Sox were sticking to the In the National League, St. runs. The Red Sox then scored of the head while making a play American League's Perils of Louis drubbed San Francisco 9- a third run in the inning on a at first base in Boston's 2-1 vic- Pauline script by splitting with 0, Cincinnati topped Los Angeles sacrifice fly. That Curving Dancer tory over Washington in the first the New York Yankees. The Sox 4-1, Chicago trounced Pitts- In the first game, Bostor game of a double header last won 3-2 and then lost 2-1. burgh 8-lF Houston took Atlanta He still throws curves, only, now he is tossing a pretty broke a scoreless tie when pinch night. After the smoke had cleared, 4-1 and Philadelphia swept New good financial curve on the road to success in.a different York 2-0 an1 11-4. hitter Dalton Jones tripled in But he played all of the second Chicago was in first one per- sport. centage point ahead of Boston, "I had a headache all through two runs in the seventh. game and drove in two runs with Harold "Sonny" Dancer Jr., now 31, was a fine pitcher a bases-loaded 6ingle, sparking and a game ahead of Minnesota the second game," said Scott, Scott was put in his tempo- and Detroit. . Minnesota was a for Ooaoh Tommy Phipps at Red Bank High School in the the Red Sox to a 5-3 victory. who left no doubt that his head rary daze an inning later when percentage point in front of was clear when he came up with 50s. Yesterday, Phipps said Dancer racked up seven wins in McAuliffe, who drove in two he babbled Dick Nen's grounder fourth-place Detroit. the bases loaded in the seventh one of his seasons with the Buccaneers. And yesterday. runs with a homer in Detroit's and dove head first to tag the Ironically enough. Dancer won his seventh victory at Freehold 7-3 first-game victory over Min- bag. He made the putout but Raceway, driving Todd Rainbow in the third race for a $3.80 nesota, tripled in the 11th inning was kicked and had to leave the price. CAMP CHAMPS — Mark Mahoney of Sea Girt and of the nightcap. Then, with one How They Stand game, only to return as a hero out and Willie Horlon up, relief in the nightcap. Dancer certainly advanced rapidly in this harness racing Cindy Weinstein of Freehold receive trophies from Ry THE ASSOCIATED TRUSS AMERICAN LEAGUE sport since earning varsity letters as a pitcher Al Worthingtpn uncorked ....NATIONAL LEAGUE . .. . I,n»t NisM'n.JRrailts. . • -'4.-«jukm!t see the wild John Cittadino, director of" the Seashore Day Camp, wild pitch. Lust Night's He-suits Boston 2-5, Washington 1-3 chucker for the Buncos.' Harold' lost little - Philadelphia 2-11, New York 0-1 Baltimore 2-1, Kansas City 1-8 pitch," McAuliffe said. "I knew time getting off to a fast start winning on However, because Horton is a Chicago 8, Pittsburgh 1 Detroit 7-2, Minnesota 3-1, 2nd game, Ocean Ave., West End. The 12-year-olds won the camp Houston 4, Atlanta 1 11 >nnln(r« it went off his glove, and then I \ the track. He won his first race at Freehold right-handed hitter, McAuliffe had It. Louis 9, San Francisco 0 Chicago M, New York 2-2 titles at the annual swim meet of four events—butter- saw it rolling all the way to the in 1954, his graduation year. Later in the trouble seeing and wasn't sure Cincinnati 4, Log Angeles 1 Cleveland 3, California 2 W I, Tct. GB W " wall." year he won his first race at Yonkers behind fly, breaststroko, backstroke and freestyle. the pitch was wild until he saw Chicago 03 M .662 - Si Louis .77 4« .623 — Boston £9 M*> .561 — Ear^Wilson became the ma- Toddles Hanover... Cincinnati C7 67 .510 10',4 Minnesota .67 54 '.554 jors' first 17-game winner in the Chicago .... .68 CO .531 1H4 Detroit ... _ 55 .653 Baseball career players seem to windup Ban Francisco .64 69 .520 13 California , _,63 61 .KB Tigers' first-game victory. After in the harness sport, some after retirement Atlanta .62 68 .617 13il Washington .69 65 .476 1OVS Philadelphia. 62 69 .512 14 Cleveland .472 11 McAuliffe hit his two-run hom- and some before. The great Charlie Keller ^Ittbeh .60 64 .484' 17',4 „ ,69 GO .452 1314 er, his 20th, off Dean Chance in Los Angeles -5i) 66 .455 21 New York _ iRiS 6689 .439 15 has a well known stable, and if our memory Hoffman's Hopes Slim Houston 52 73 .416 26 the first inning, Wilson doubled Kansas City ,.J53 71 .427 1614 serves right, Whitey Ford also is a trotter- New York ....49 74 .338 28 Tonight's Games home another run in the third. CUNNINGHAM Today's (lames New York (Talbot 0-S) at Chicago pacer owner. And if you want to mention WALL TOWNSHIP - Through | With last Saturday night's com- will battle it out to the end be- Philadelphia (Ellsworth 4.5) at New (Klages 1-2) Wilson, who has lost nine, pro football, Danny Lewis, Freehold, many years with Detroit, Inaction the gap between Tom- petition rained out, Hoffman, the cause point money is paid to the York (Koonco 4-2), night Minnesota iMerrlti D-3 and Perry E-6) Chicago (Nye 10-9) at Pittsburgh

ZOZu i p.m, at Harmony Bowl, Kt. 33, Middle- responsibility of house. (571-0072 between 9 and 5. needed for all phases of thoroughbred VALIANTS SI 895 $45.85 horse management - handling, clean- town. MATURE WOMAN — To clean House ing, etc. Call 542-3S3O before 12 noon. PLYMOUTHS $2095 $50.54 MINIMUM $2.22 HOUR do some babysitting, 4-day, 20* BOY WANTED - Strong, for stock ALL GM OWNERS j hour woert. own car to Hazlet. 530. CARPENTERS — Experienced, an rk and genera! assistance. Must havo CHRYSLERS $2895 $69.84 Phone 204-3912. . apprentice, for flno craftmen's carpen driver's license, Well spoken. Carpet EXPERIENCED ONLY try. Frank Dl Blase, •162-4D69. experience prdterrud. 842-1020, $2395 $57.78 WOMEN PART-TIME WAGONS Sewing machine operators. Union shop WANTED TWO CAUPBNTBR8~— ^"~two~ca^ Vacations with pay. All holidays PRld. FREE : Frlnga bcncflU. 8 a.m. to ;j-30 r NlBhls 0 p.m. to 11:20 p.m. Permanent Call after fl n.m. pouter's helpers wanted. Oood pay. officf cleaning worn in Mlrtdltituwn 717-2609. U71-1WM). If you art looking for demonstrator models, these prices wilt ADAMS BROS. building. Good riny, nn experience nee- LUBRICATION WHEN YOU PRESENT , iry. Interview belnE hekl Thurs,, PART'flMETDIUVER DHIVEK AND COUNTERMAN wauled not suit you. The prices listed above are for new cars. Not 2T S. BrldEO Avo. Hod AUK 2i, 5:3i» p.m. to 7 p.m. al Harmony Prllvor In stores and carrier boya in for lumber yard. Call Adler Lumber, THIS AD. (No Purchase Necessary) | NURSE—Relief UN 3 tt( i 1111 p.m p.m. Tlin. s Howl. Rt. 3'., Mlrldlctown. Red Bank area, A'uat be avallnbli Hwy 3o, Mlddletiwn. AsH lor Hy, l>a- prevlouily mod. .nt ltl conditionditi . EEmory Manor from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday tt 07D0. Nursing Home, lit. 31, Matawan." WAmTESSES~WANfifn —Tn. Apply Are you having troublo with your car? Are you satisfied 508- Friday, Must bo ri-llable. $2 per hour. STOCKMAN-DRIVER — Must bo over In peraon. Mermaltl Diner, Hwy, 30," IMor Kpnolntment.JiWWiO, Ext. 112.18. Full time, A|ti>ly In person, Car- with tile iorvico you are praionlly rocoiving? If not, bring WAITRESSEB WANTED — For year Leonardo. All Sllllta._ WANTED — Good bnsg guitar player rails, ~S Broad Et., RLNI Bank. or local rock-ami-roll band. Call aflu WE CAN GET DEMONSTRATORS your Chovrolot, Pontiac, Buick, Oldsmobilo or Cadillac to round work. Stowaway Hotel Rt 3GCOOK — HOUSEKEEPER — Llvo In IJKIVEK — For Mo"nTiioutfi County Highlands. 872-1174. or out. Good waged. 0_p,m. 741-7153. For Lower Prices, call and let us know what you nood. ! our all now Sorvico Doportmont at McCARthy Chevrolet f newsi-.tpor. Deliver to fiLore* and car- FLORIST - Experienced, [or Perth _ _ 642-DSTP. "POSITION AVAILABLE in cutiinB~~De. rli.'r-boys. Flvo days, Monday to Fri- ' whero our factory trained mochanics, using tho latest tools j Amboy shop. Steady position. Call 820- u'uUBEKEEPER — For Swrdlsh lady, partraont. No experience ncceaanry. day, l'llll cnmpiiny bi-n,.fH>. For ap- 1790. and equipment are roady to servico your car for miles of lf 3-5 dayi children li (I pny, irnnri lu-noflts. Apply school. Own transportation. Rcferonces. Salmon Paper Box Co., 32 Main Bt. FULL FINANCING — EVEN IF YOU HAVE 2 LOANS confident and carofroo driving. ^ WAITRESS — Experienced, part-time Matawan. KlItST CLASS MAl'llINlST ••- An~ 11 to 2. some ovenlnRs S to H. own;nll alter 6 p.m. 812-3422, i' Inn.) wanted, for interesting, clial- —WE WILL PAY OFF OLD BALANCE transportation. Holmdel, 046-98G9, u:inn :uvi pcnuuin'rit ;>>";l[iu'i in i:ir CALL OUR NEW SERVICE MANAGER I TOOL MAKER newly expanded plant, Tajr to 53.75 SALESGIRL — Apply~lrrpcmjn,~We7t NEED MONEY LlRtit, clean Interesting work. Goo 5 YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN icn-l variety, Fair Ilaven BlicpplnK Con- per hour with ;m.ik .siiarlnn find nua- JACK WHITE FOR APPOINTMENT . River Rd. Knowledge of sowing TO outfit children for school? Pleas, miu,i and mold c;ivily experience help illziitlon, I'h'ftHn rail 'Jill-OriCH) for dujircd. •• lint work lit your own neighborhood lul but not essential. A challenging Juh olntnicnt. Ketialcr-Ellls Co., Atlantic 3 or 4 hours a day cun mono an for an nliova nvornuo mn.n seeldn 291-0305 — TPDAY — 291-1101 BABYSITTINa — i2~to"~B~~p7m.. MoiT- excellent Income. No experience security. Mora than the, iisual hfncflts [lay thru Friday, and prepare dinner. necessary. Write J. Blrchall. P.O. EnRtnt-crecl PrccNlon Cnstlnp Co,, Pal BAYSHORE i2G3!)r icr Avo., Middle town. 071.2424. nhlo to ilrtve and jilck up Karbag Box 788, Port Mnnmouth or call m back ilt>or. Must liave transporta WAITRESS—HELPER — Short shift 741-4343 or 402-3377. AR WASITEWS—PARTTTIME"WEEK- tion. Call 671-OUFi. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH cCARTHY 11:30-2:^0 Tuesday tliru Friday, Idoal ENDS ONLY. Minimum ago 16. Only LEAD Ol'ITAlUST — Experience pro- for local married women. Year round. WOMAN" to card ror two nrrmll-chtldrwi, men-conditioned nurd- work -need ap- Benefits. The Hearth. Shrewsbury Ave. 2 or 3 days a woolt, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.ply. Training Jn detailing, vacuuming, (erred. PloiLflO call 6T1-0H2.' Aaltfor 1st AVE. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Phono 747-0&56 for appointment. MUftt jiavo refcrenciifl, transportation to steaming, eto. Country Sudser Cu cimck. CHEVROLET Wash, nt. 35, Mlddletown. ACCURATE TYPJBTB — To learn new Miitawan. 660-7510. (More Classified Ads 291-9200 229-4790 J 158 First Ave. Atlantic Highland! method of book composition. Expert- BABYSITTER — TaaChWs two dill, DRIVER Lffi^^ Be^eraYoT 6^ ^ enco In priming desirable University dran. Ja fieptDmber, Occatrport. 232- ar 21. Married. Salary, Incentive, bene- % Graphics, Red Bank. 747-5830. 1451 flta. Cbokola Bcverag« Co, 660-0669. On The Next Page) HOUSES FOR SALE la—Wednesdav, Aup 2'.. V«>~ SITUATIONS WANTED . Female^ FOR SALE FOE SALE APARTMENTS APABTMENTS HOUSES FOR SALE

THE DAILY KKM-TLM ^-KETAFIAIAEF.ICAI. SKILLS-I~ ITEMS YOU NO LONGER "FOR SALET (£YPORT AREA — : mll« from &cli Lob. "Ton • iwo-spted tap* NKD OR USE WILL . . . Kft wilill HELP WANTED-MALE V-llJ HELP away for £K. Em-Ice prolesti GREEN GROVE GARDENS THE BERG AGENCY P A/iTJ. JiS — clTit>E, b&.£. Sfefi-d cwtrs, complete 7fcS REALTORS MANAGEMENT CAREER one 668Json. Worth $140. Mint anil. CHILD CA.JIE — In my home, ocean- SELL w^l throw in J15 worth Ot golfing FOUR ROOMS -.$115 In iet&ULng. RapW aflvt>ncernfn'., 3^ p-jri, MtUe Sliver, Fort Mojujwutl WJVJ. 6' c&Mnef with light a.nd fuJ] •acurlty. Heleaer Brothers, s raptf; back, mirror. 'Jee M china cabinet or $15,900 exp&Jidf&g retail chain, operating li ar*a, Call 5<2-i620. >ar. On« side unffnlBhed. Originally (OHE BEDROOM) modern department and Junior depart- WILL BABYSIT — In my own home from L.I, estate. Mirror alone worth ^r Five Roomi (Two Bedrooms!' $140 ment stores in 19 states, offers a for- weekdays lor the school year. 291 FAST }50. Will consider any price over $50. $1000 Under Priced mil management training program for 1747. Call before 12 noon, Mon. through Frt., • Efficiency (2'A Roomtl, $ 9S qualities young men who can he devel- WILL TAKE CARE of children for WITH A QUICK ACTION •A2-ZWQ. Large Recreation Room oped Into store managers and to posi working mothers, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • SWIM CLUB FOR TENANTS lions of eventual greater n-aponsmillty Call 787-0088. " LOW-COST WHITE'S HOT FREE HEAT, COOKING GAS, HOTWAT6R AND AIR CONDITIONINO Our sales manager can take all the credit for this fabulous randier. Excellent starting salary. QIJAUFICA Jig demand for WHITE JOiUMINUM Three large bedrooms, dining area, carport garage and many TIQNS: College irufnlng Uglily rtcslr DAILY REGISTER X>0RS. They will beautify the front T.V. nnd phono outlets, 12 cu. ft. refrlowators, parking ond walk-In storoM able, minimum high school graduate SITUATIONS WANTED - Male if your home, too. $39.95. Installation extras. Won't last the weekend. A real terrific buy and has low Capacity tn meet )ii^)i menial am facilities. Spacious rooms, large closets. Wolk to shopping plaic, an: taxes. physical demands of training program iptlonal. school. demonstrate lenriPrFhip aiiil'ty. liavp tlu KOR^lER liuTliiess anayllst, recently FAMILY AD DIRECTIONS: Garden slate exit 117 to M, east on 34 to Airport Shopping ONLY AT BERG necessary drive ami flexibility to MJC reiser)!>••'•! this ar*'ar will accept modest FROWN'S * Plaza, turn left, then two blocks to model apartment From 35, (j, M VETS NO DOWN NON VETS $490 DOWN ceod In the djn.ninc ;iM IHKIIIV com ncome for full time employment. Qual- LINES - 5 DAYS 12 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Fields) to Hazlet Ave., turn left on Middle Road., straight ahead petltlve chain ft ore Industry. Willing fi.-r fur S;I1PS, MannKfinunt, or whit AnAGE SALE — Appliances, lurnl- ne5s to relocate Onmi'uny licnofiis in- •iavp you? Phone 'J23-6'JO5. 3>Lr. Green. FOR $ ire, yard tools, etc. Aug. 21, 2r>, 9 clude liberal retirement, cxrellont he* EXECUTIVE—-About to retire, rieslres m. to 5 p.m. 159 Deepdale Dr., Mld- Phone 264-1846 $17,500 pitalizatlon .mi 'ina inr medical plan, business eonneciinn or association. Part JUST 2.00 letown, oil Red Hill Rd. profit sharinp hnnu.-=, jriirl viuatmn, linn- in'n' Miglit Invi-st. T'tfd Bank area. Avolloblo for Merchandise For Sale only, Four Bedrooms days and slckni'ps jilan. Minimum start' J-165, The Daily ReEister, Red Bank, Article must originate from a household ~THU RS7 FR iTamTSATr" PETS AND LIVESTOCK APARTMENTS 3HK salary .f 100 per week. Apply Nolsner and may not exceed a sate price of Lir Attic, 3G2 Broadway in Long For ihe Family on the Grow Brothers, Inc., Middltlown Shopping 150.00 per article. iranch, will conduct a complete clear- .A-l IN PROFESSIONAL DOG GR00M- Center, iMddletown, FINANCIAL Price MUST be advertised. Each addi- ince 3a!e, Everything In Uie store must ING ~ All breeds, poodles our special- SEA BRIGHT Beautiful Rancher across from the school, in excellent condition. tional line $1.00. No copy changes may ty, Formerly Canine Chateau now un- l ;o, regardless or price. Sealers wel- LOVELY COLONIAL ARMS Only 10 years new. Separate dining room, l /2 baths. 100' land- BUTCHER — Full lime. Apply In per- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES be made and no discounts or refunds :ome. We open at 10 a.m. on a flrst-der management of Country Squire 1201 Ocean Avenue son, HOLM DEL GENERAL STORE will be made If ad is canceled befoi ime, (Irst-servcd basis. Some itema Pet Shop. AKC puppies (or Bale. Hwy. lla&nlllcent all electric one and t scaped lot. Close to shopping and transportation. A "must" to see Main SL. HolmdeT LAUNDROMAT - COIN OPERATED expiration. 35, Eatontown. 542-6236. bedroom apartments. Centrally air ci this weekend. In slioppinc Hawi. SS.5O0. Call 264- dltloned. Dishwashers, disposals, com FUSHTTiN E""ATTENDANTS 2-116 or 671-3721. ______To Placo Your Dally Register UNING ROOM SET — 'labla i>5, G POODLE CLIPPING — 55. nation clothes washers ana dryers. Pi ONLY AT-BERG Hairs $25, buffet $25. Dishwasher 510. Exptrifnti'd un It^lit aircraft opera- HOTEL FOR SALE — Only hotel in Call vate swimming pool, beach, boardwa VETS NO DOWN NON VETS $700 DOWN onc block from FAMILY AD, CALL . . . -cm stove with uttel plate 510. Piano 741-0464. and parking. All electricity include tions. Parking incoming aircraft. As- Atlantic Highlands, >r trucking. Copper j u down light sisting pilots and passengers. Chocking harbur, equipped with dining loom, 1u MALE COLLIE, AKC — Reasonable. Rentals of S15S-$215. Sunerlntenden and soi'urlng airrrafi. Use of follow- txure $10. Six storm windows $1 apartment 78 or telephone Daily 9-9 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 kitchen and'rqcktall lounge. Five min- iicli. Console table $5. Boy's oak setCall after 6 p.m. 741-0150 Middletown me vehicle. Page Airways. P.O Box utes from Sandy Hook Park. Call 741-6900 51). Two iieta miirtressfta, 52S. Man's 741-95S5 671-1000 2i, Lakehurnt, J.*. J. 657-C361. mornings before 1 p.m. and after 6:30 24-Hour Service ;ray tux, size 40, 510, 512-1924. AKC SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS — KEANSBURO — MODERN TW0-BE1 717-5727. • Sacrifice. Call !l KITCHEN CHA1KS RECOVERED — ROOM. AUTO HEAT. 1N0UIRE To go into .business NVESTOR WA^flffl)—T"'Tieett'~#&iOQk OT $20 FULLY INSTALLED, 775-1727 HANCOCK ST. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE For yourself • r DlneLto -sets atid- hkr aU'olB. M Picture a home -with three bedrooms, little as £303 down, and aa low a.g (100 MECHANICS — A-l, wanted .by Tom1- 0333. ORGAN trlngs, {100. 512-5082 after 5. COLLIE PUPS — AKC trij and sables. ond Floor, unfurnished, large tile bat large living room, comfortably designed per month pays all. Forri, Keypitrt. Ford experience pre- Pet and show quality, from $50. walk-In closets. , Heat and hot-wati eat-In kitchen with plenty of cablneta, EWINQ MACHINE — {20. Crib, $15, Womietl and Inoculated. 462-1107. furnished. Fine condition. Garage, yan ferred. Apply Dick Smith, Service Man- OF ASBURY PARK tc. Ladies uniforms, etc. 51. "Sofa bed, modern batli plus an oversized masonry BEACH AGENCY ager, 264-1600. INSURANCE AKO LABRADOR HETRIEVERS — Choice location. Occupancy three < garage. Close to schools, shopping, Corner of Main St. & Mattlaon Ave. !2. Beilapread, ?2. 4G2-1596. four only. $125 monthly. 229-D130 afti churches and transportation. Land- BROKER BRAKE AND MUFFLER INSTALLER Yellow. Eight weeks old. Call evenings. 5;3O p.m. INSURANCE — Auto, home, lite, bust. THE LARGEST ORGAN AND PIAN' ARDBN~EQUIPMBNT~AND~LAWN 542-4583. scaped, and a nice lawn with which ti 151 Highway 3S MUfllelown, N. J. —Clean-cut young man. Automotive and ness all typci. ROBERT T. HATH- URNITURB. Call between B and 1 and putter. Oncn 7 dayj SJ2-2S2S or 871.2727 torch experience helpful. Excellent fu- DISPLAY IN THE SHORE AREA HIGHLJINES — Five rooms furnish ture. Apply In person only, MIDAS AWAY AGENCV, Representing Travel- tier 7. 787-3010. . AKC REGISTERED — Golden collie Eves; Mrs. Tenrl Goldman 671-5952 ers Insurance Co. 671-2666 or 5S6-30S9. Open dally "til 9 p.m. Sat. 'til 6 p.m, male puppy. Seven weeks.. Pick of lit- $65 monthly, plus utilities. Oct. to Ma All payments are approximate and lub- MUFFLER SHOP. 450 Hwy. 35, Mid- JOVING TO FLORIDA Selling all ter. Wormed and Inoculated. 671-1862. -All year threo rooms, M5. 872-022 THE APARTMENT FEATURES Ject to FHA-VA approval. dle town. lousehold items. Call a modern eat-In kitchen, large living Select from our large variety ol e 671-5308. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES GARDEN APAHTMENT — Two bee room, comfortable alzed bedroom and MALE HELP WANTED INSTRUCTION organs, all guaranteed and In excel AKC, black, and sable. Call rooms. KfUontown. Available Immcd tiled bath. AH this plus two private RIVER RIGHTS TO TRAVEL WITH CIRCUS. Top wages. ent condition. Save hundreds ot do] NIVOX-Reverb amplifier with 12" 842-4237. ately. Call M2-18M irtcr 4 p.m. entrances, Thla property affords pri- Excellent meals and sleeping accomoda- lars, josen speaker anil dual pickup guitar vacy piua an added income. For ap- LITTLE SILVER SPLIT tlons. Winter in Florida. Also want FREE CAREER TEST 1th two sets of Fender Flatwound FREB-Kittena pointment call Mechanic, single. Exceptional salary _ computer programming the profes- for the Piano buyer, wo have th« trings. $100. Call 2U1-2863. TWO ROOMS AND BATH — Unlur Four big bedrooms, three full b&thf, for tha right man. Also Truck Drivers. sion for you? Take the Iree ECPI largest selection at the lowest price* nlahed. All utilities Included, $S5 33; 787-3733 Two fireplaces, paneled den plui baie- •Apply Keller tressley, Friday, Aug. Career Test Call M2-2800 or visit ECPI featuring Ktiabe, Mason > HamJin, 'HIRLPOOIj PORTABLE DI6HWASH- Broad 6t, Red Baak. Can ba aeer between 8 A.M.-l P.M. ment gameroom, formal dlnJnj room, 25th, at Bennett Field, Mlddletown, at 265 Monmouth Park Hwy., W. Lone Sohmer, Everett, £teck, Jan&sen, Ham- IR — One year old. Excellent. $75, APRICOT FEMALE FOODLB — Bllbetweea 3:30 and 4 p.m. rear patio, two-car garage. Transferred Branch. mond, Hardman and Pianola Players. all 787-7410. months old. Call OLDE SHREWSBURY owner orfera at ?37,K>0. Many lloor models and used pianos. 741-2821 Immediate occupancy, this threc-befl- MAN WANTED — To assist In cutting OUR GRAD3 GET JOES! UNPAINTED FURNITURE FREE — To good home, kittens. COMMERCIAL RENTALS room ranch la In excellent condition. TED HALL AGENCY room. Ladles' Sportswear. Good, opi Budget terms available on all pur- Call Largo living room with fireplace, mir- tunity. Steady work. 222-0375. Devon LB.M. TRAINING IS THE KET chases. ON OUR 2nd & 3rd FLOORS 741-4146. RED BANE - store ror rant wtb ror and carpeting. Dining room and 733 River Rd, Fair Haven Knitwear, 3S5 Wharburton St., Long TO YOUR SUCCESS Largest atoclc on the New Jersey Bliore rtar pukln(. n2 We* Front BL O* ldtehen. 21' porch with screenn and Branch. md at 25% off manufacturer's list for COLLIES — AKC. Bable and white. blinds. Asking $23,000. We have the Bummer olaues now forming. NORTH- 741-1063 or tiltnw 842-4200 CHEF — References. Apply In person, 775-9300 :ash and carry. Also chairs galore, Reasonabl/ priced, Call EAST Business Machine School. 54 'leaae stop In. 446-C461. EEBIRjUiLB nmCR JTtONT suit*. HARBOR RESTAURANT, yacht basin, Broad SL, Red Bank. 7474647. on tint floor la the Toller Btdldloi. HALL BROS., Realtors Atlantic Highlands. Outdoor Aluminum RED BANK LUMBER GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — AKC registered, all black. Call 671- Call 7«7-JM0. i«i«ia» 813 River rut. 741-7(356 Fair Haven BEAT THE HEAT! MECHANIC — With genera.! knowledge U.fl. CIVTL SERVICE TESTS! SHUTTERS I Pearl and Wall. Red Bank 741-5500 Member Multiple Liming Service In tlilfl centrally air conditioned Uirte- of automobile repairs, lor garage work. ALMOST NEW CUSTOM MADE DRAP- IP YOU A«E INTERESTED — In bedroom ranch*! located. In Olds Good working conditions. 222-0273. (All Colors) ' BAYSHORE COMPANION DOG CLUB brand new modern office space, w SAVE fruitless hours d searching by Men-Women, 18 and over. Secure Jobs. ERIES—Lined, 5'x12* wide, white back- located in the center of lied Bank, coi sending- for our free comprehensive Shrewsbury, Living: TOom, famlry lUe 1 High starting pay. Short hours. Ad- PROWN'S round, -with blues, greens and rose —W1U hold obedience classes fnr be- tract use tor lurtner Inlormatlon. TH (Itcllen. (ull basement, gamerootn Deep CAR JOCKEY — Over IB years old. vancement. Preparatory training as long ginners In Red Bank starling Sept, t. catalog; modest homes; palatial Rum- lot. No tral/lc itrett. GI or FHA termi Valid New Jersey license. Apply Dick 32 Broad St. Red BanK attern $79. Green nofa, like new, $195. DOWBTRA AOKNCV. 741-8700. SOD estates, waterfronts, farms. Jdul- Smith, Service Manager, Tom's Ford, aa required. Thousands of. Jobs open, T41-750I touble antique spool bed, 565. 5200 box Call 787-70B6 or__6Tl-267B. tlplo Listings. available. Call now we have the kev Experience usually unnecessary. FREE TORO 8 H.P. TRACTOR — 12" mowei prlng and mattress, apotless, go with, LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPPIES— RED BANK — Central location tlO.100. THE McGOWAGOWAN AOENCYAOENCY' Keyport. 264-1600. booklet on jotaa, salaries, requirements. 'Tailored to lult" office space. Oroum nlt 257 N Approved by the New Jersey Board of plus spreader. Six months old. Pui< 50. "Like new" refrigerator, frost-free, AKC registered. Three iTionths old. RAY ST1LLMAN, Realtor M. 257 Newman Sprlng« Rd.. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT — Or equlv- chase price $1,000. Quick sale. $675, nc white, 14 cu. It., $195. Rocker, $15. All shota. Excellent atocH. »i^-7O46, floor. Larc< parklnir lot. Ideal lor pro Hea Hank 747-LHX10. alent. Kitchen and clean up. Apply in Education. Write TODAY giving name, lower. Call MOliV foislon&l otflcees. Immediate occupan. "Our 49th Year" person, 141 Broad St, Red Bank. address and phone. Lincoln Service, Box Lady's double cheat, elEht drawers, DACHSHUND — 10 months. Es«!lent cr. CHAS 1L TIHDALk, Realtor. 7«1 6iS Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 7«-8S0O C-142 The Daily Register. Red Bank. G. E. KEFRIGERATOR-FBEEZBR — 50. Call 671-9157. pedigree and perfect conformation. Red. 903O. STRATHMORE RESALES IS cu. It. Eight juira old. Best olfe. 1BQULATION SLATE POOL TABLE— emale. Moving, must •ell. 812-11*7. tanchui, Capti. ColonliU itarlini l» HELP WANTED-Male - Female 8424187. KXECUTTVE BUITE — Consisting $1500 DOWN even months old. Sacrifice, I17S. Call WILL OIVE AWAY — Nine kittens. 755 m (L Modern office building ne: UNOROFT — Ilirt'e • l)cdroom spilt he low 20'i. Our office located lo tke MERCHANDISE 87-9255. 1 neiart of BtraUiraore, on Hwy. 34. Call RETIRED or semi retired couple for BEAUTIFUL NATURAL MINK STOL] Call t>> First Merchants Bank, 25 Recklei Country kitchen. 23 rccrentlnn room. u» whether jeluni or buylnr. 7 davi — Never worn. Vatuo $300. Cash $22! FENDER BASS GUITAR — Four 741-8314. P;, Red Bank. Call 717-3730, betwt Study. VA imthH. Attached garage. Im- part-time gardening and light domes- FOR SALE Call 671-9043. 21 hr. .ervlce. Call r366-I«» «nrame tic eervices, In exchange live rent free month! old, J125. Call mediate PGSfleaslon. OROWELL AGEN- APPLEBBOOK OP MATAWAN, SiVl^ In a lovely, new furnished home. Wilts 787-4074 BA88BT HOUND PUPPIES - Mai CY, Realtors 74H000. Evca: 741-3CM, DESKS $15 up FILES, tables, chairs, FIVE.PIECB KITCHEN SET —(12. and (emale. AKC registered. Shotj. W5. 3500 sq. FT. LIGHT manufacture on. P.O. Box 101, West Long Branch. adding znachlneB, typewriters, office China closet, $6. Call after 6 p.m. 'RBEZER — Like new, cabinet, Pola- 812-3428. loft for lease.. Call HOLMDEL — One etory ranch, eix- equipment, etc., at bargain prices. New 7(7-1208. 747-1100 acrcs ground. Holmdel Township. Hi, RUMBON WATERFRONT — Contem- HAN. WOMAN OR COUPLE — Wanted r>ld Swinger, two-wheel bicycle with KITTENS — FREE - House trained «». STANLEY BTILWELL Heal E' porary three-bedroom, 2^-bath fcoms to manage hotel and kitchen. May or used. AAO DESK OUTLET. Bte. WALNUT BEDROOM BET — Doubli raining wheels. Ironer (mangle). 787- 35, Oakhurit 531-399(L Call 671-0338 after « p.m. and all oaBUILDIN; G FOR RENT — Large ovei tale Broker, Holmdel. &I683S3 with fireplace. High above Udewaiei. lease out both. Call mornings before bed, $50. Maple dlnettej? table, foul 620. Saturday. head door and office, 3O'xO5' with ap Japanese landscaped terrain, terraced 1 p.m. and after 6:30 p.m. 747-5727. TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. chairs, $15. oriental nig, J10. 741-274. cioua lot. On Bay Ave, Highlands. Gc-c FIVE-BEDROOM SPLIT—Living ro^m to bjlklieaii, and complete deep water EXPERIENCED chef, ahort order men All makes new or used. Guaranteed. BEDROOM SET — Seven-piece, mod- CHEAP? for large manufacturer or warehousi dining room. eat-In kitchen, 19' recrea dock. Largo screened terrace, base- and waitresses. Apply In person, Mar Low as $25. Serplco's, 101 MonmoutH Not really, but very Inexpensive — our Rent (150 monthly. Call 872-1773. tlon room, basement, 2!'» bathit Walt- ment, cedar storage cloieU and built- at Next to Uieater. 747-W85. ern. Excellent condition. MuBt sacrl REAL ESTATE FOR RENT to-wall ciLrpetlng. DlHhwasher. Recent- tinl's Diner, Hwy 38, Keansburg. Ice. $110. Call 741-5633. ».M Aluminum Venetian Blind. Will BARN FOR KENT — Euff ofr Hwy 35, ly pained Inside and out Immediate in wardrobe features. Assume iVi% GOVERNOR •WINTHROP. slant - top ast and last, never mat. 17" to 36". APARTMENTS Shrewsbury, suitable for storage posacslon. J30.500. CROWELL A&EN- mortgage. Price $43,000. 27 WATdell PRODUCTION WORKERS desk four drawers, maple. Matching NO CO-SIGNER NEEDED — Three, Larger ilzes In stock, slightly Usher. *hop. Call 741-7017 after 6. CY, 63 Riverside Ave. 741-iO30. Eve- Ave. B124001. Several openings paying good Incentive Hitchcock chair. DrejsinB trtle or room household youra for unpaid bal KEANSBURd — Four rooms unfui nings 711-3050. ance of $247 or $2 a week. Include; ' PROWN'S nlshed. No pets, immediate occupanc THE PRICE IS RIGHT - . wages alter very short training. Apply desk, anllqued blue, curved legs, 515. eight-piece modern living room, seven ATCO CERAMICS CORP.. Hwy. 35741-2065, . Call alter 6 p.m. 787-1395. Security, required. HOUSES FOR RENT FAIR HA.VEN CAPE COD ~ >m7r Lovely three-bedroom.' Hi-bath ranch. piece modern bedroom and five-piece 31 Broad St. Rea Bank bedrooms, p.mclcd living roorn wllh •wllh a basement, situated on a nicely FOR THE PERFECT WEDDING chrome dinette with all accessories. 1EFRIGERATOR — 8 CU. ft. Good, RED BANK — .Three large mode: fireplace, all new kitchen, patio. Wall- landccapiMi lot. The location Is Ideal- OFFICE CLERK — Part-time employ- GOWN—Bridesmaid dresses and all Easy credit. FIELD FtlRNTTirRE, •onditlon. Studio couch, fair condition, rooms. . Very desirable, prei RENTALS — SEASONAL — YEAKL,' to-wall carpeting In living room and near ECIIOOIS ihopping, and transporta- ment. For inlormatlon call ccssorles with Individual personal ser< 7-11 E. Front SL, Keyport. 264-3020 other items: Reasonable. 291-2172. tlge address. S125. Twin Gablei, * two bedroom*. Aiklng J1S.&X). Call 842- tion. $18,900. WALKER A WALKER, 775-5610 rice. Call Virginia. Klmbalt, Freehold. Oipen Mon., Thurs. & Frl. 'til 9. Tuei Riverside Ave. 842-4706. ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtor Rmlton, Mkldletown-Holmdel. Multiple 1064 FRIGIDAIRE — Copper twc-iioor 4G21. 462-7TO. & Wed. 'til 6. Bat. 'til 6. KEANSBURG — Two rooms, all utl lisa Ocean Aye., B«a Brlijht MMO Listings and Trade-Ins. Bend for Cita* WAITRESSES OR WAITERS — Ex. refrigerator-freezer, $80. Victorian set- US to ran Per Month HOMES - FARMS - ACREAGE log. 671-3311. psrlence preferred. At east 21 years o We MaHe J.C. BIGGINS 22 RIFLB — With scopi tee, small, and two chairs. Needs re- tieB, hot water. 25 Johnson Lam THE HERO AGENCY Now list many good bay* - Call LAM- aue. Part-time or full-time. 711-1500 a Best offer. upholstering, S45. Small breakfront, ma- Keansburg. 787-4705. RL 35 Ulddlltown rly In person. KEYS 787-7012. hogany. $40. 231-3322. RED BANK — Sutton ParK Ayatj an-iooo 462-0440 one year old. lirlck and aluminum alt- ment, Branch Ave. 314 -room avallabl 'P\STE VP — Photostat and photi PROWN'S TWO AIR CONDITIONERS — S40 am 3EOWNING AUTOMATIC — 12 gauge, TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOME! RUMSON - Kor a lar« (amtly. Near Ing. ]0 room*, 3'i balhn, heaied. H, unit operator. Prool readers. Exper 535. Call Ightwclght. 5125. Call ' Oct. 1st. See manager, Apt. 167t— For rent or sale, tus to S150 I flchMl, bui, shopping. Older houee. weather porch: 303 acres, 10 minutes euce In copy preparation for olfse 741-7500 222-6651 566-8470 month. TlAjKIRWAN CO.. REAL- from lied Hank. Excellent area Ic. desirable. University Graphics. Red THREE BOftMa UNFURNISHED Neefli d^n.UDC trur. «23,80a Call riding lioraee. S5S.OO0. 291-3IG0. __ 1967 SINGER ZIG ZAG PICTURES FOR GROUPINGS — Alsc Inquire 45 CocstnufSt., Red BanK. TORS, BeltnWL TO-6SP0. W. JUamtmn. 01T3 ';•:'*" Ba.ik. 747-5JSO. CONSOLE MODEL PICNIC TABLE SALE 7-11-7092 7ST-6GOO. Hjutlet JM-JISO. Only foSr months old. Does everything. lowly old frames for mirrors or paint INCOME WATERFRONT — Three BIX—ROOII RANCH — 75xlM*lolTon DECORATOR Ings. EAST HOUSE ANTIQUES, Hwy, ilcre'3 what we have and It's genuine RED BANK — Three rooms, nice RENTALS homes on three acrea f land. Income Amhoy ltd,, CUIfwood. Tile kitchen ami Balance only $57 or 97 month!/. Guar- 36 ^at Seara Ave., Atlantic Highlands, V. A. OEHLHAU8, Real Estate C liath. Hot water heat, A-l condition. anteed. •edwood well made: 31"xT2" table, furnished Fine location. Garage. Adull «S00 a yr. Waterfront IB vacant land (16,900. 5W-&012. MONTGOMERY WARD Credit Dept. CT-5553 231-3147. low S28.95, 28"x72" table, now $18.36,only. 741-200B. Bwy. 33 Leonardo 291-MS TOO (L road IroiAage. Sale prico {15 000 iO" diameter round table now 531.76, Opportunity lor ambitious person with BUFFET — Italian Provlnlcal. Fru! FURNISHED APARTMENT — AH utl WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS Trada all or part 741-2233. WATERFRONT decorating experience. Good commls wood finish, scale size 55" long, 36' 5" diameter round ta-tole $24.1*. tiny Funusned and unfurnished, immedtai Pr«stlge area, 3 or 4 ^edroorn ruch. alon rate for substantial earning. Fill hleh. 19" deep. $115. 7+7-9272. tables, (cocktail), $2.20 each. Last call, ities included. One mile from Lily Tuli] occupancy, SAMUEL, TEICHER AQEf Two tiled baths. Fireplace In spacious RENT A TV Call 787-8892. . VERT NICE WHrm STUCCO HOUSE time, permanent position. All company Color or black and white. Day, week l 07, Oceanport Are., OceanporU living room. Cheerful dlnln* room. benefits including Profit Sharing Plan or month. Low rates. BAYSHORE TV THEY'RE NICE RED BANK LUMBER THREE ROOMS AND BATH — Ful 3500, iclence kitchen, large porch, Studio ami1 discount on purchases. Apply Per 58 Church St., Ktansbute. 7874400. nlshed. .Couple only. No pets. 99 Her. — Black *huUer«. 47 South St., Redapartment with bath and kitchen. Well You'll love the New wooden windo 'earl and Wall Red Bant 741-5500 RED BANK — six rooms, (three bet sonnel office, Monmouth Shopping Cen shades and rollupa. So many colors -s bert St., Red Bank. No phone calls. rooms) furnished. Excellent locattoi landscaped grounds. Dock near deep ter, Eatontown. EXTERIOR PLYWOOD FOR many patterns and designs. Bee Mrs. Bank. Call 671-1404 for detain. water. Asking $54,000. WALKER A UTCHEN RANGE, sink and base cabl- FURNISHED FOUR ROOMS — Garage - Oct. 1. 5150 monthly plus uu: WALKER, Realtors, Hwy 36, Shrewi- An equal opportunity employer Roberta or Steve. Really beautiful win- let All in excellent condition. $100. :». 05 3rd Ave., lUes. Call after 6 p.m. 7U-«ZJ1. BOATS "IN SMALL SIZES? dow decor. JIIDDLETOWN — Charming 3-bedroom hury. 711-5212. 24-Hour Service, I HAVE ROOIM for two neat, capable 141-8250. Atlantic Highland* WINTER RENTAL — Monmouth Bcac hairdressers accustomed to line cllcn- Our basement is fall of exterior ply- Caps. Largo living room with fireplace L1NCR0FT - Ntne-yeiToW ranch PROWN'S iTLAS GUITAR — And Sonart ampli- YOUNO WOMAN — 22, willing to shar Six rooms. Two baths. Furnished. A Hustle setting, Call 291-1865. horni' nn one-half acre ahaded lot. -tele. Steady, one evening. Salary plus wood In handy panel sizes, ooir yard er. double pickup. Like new. Inquire expenses with youns "°raan jrt*" tractive. JJ160. 222«B3. commission. Call Larry Elsemau, 74.1 is loaded •with 4x8 plywood In both 32 Broad St Red Bank 741-7501 "ony's Victory Market or call 747-1339. Three bedrooms, living room wiUi Ilre- Interior and exterior, at low cash and DOUBLE BED — Box aprlng and ma aplrtment In Bed Bank-Estontown- BELFORD — Four rooms and batli NEW THREE-BEDROOM RANCH l>lace, formal dining, lull bueinent,. 6010. Contess-a D'Or, LlriCroft. Mlddletown area. Call eventoBs, 7-47- HOME — Largo living room, kitchen irry prices. Boat owners atop In. tress; two antique chests-of-drawers W" BOFA — Antique bassinet (extra Near all transportation. Business coupl and dining room, laundry room and two-car garage. MEN ANU WOMEN oflda and ends. Call after 4 p.m. 74,1 arge). Portable stereo. Imported glass 1520. or retired couple only. 787-3129. attached garage, on landscaped plot Tranalerred owner aaklng 127,990 FULL AND PART TIME RED BANK LUMBER 1054. jtemware (40 pieces). • Small appll- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Furnlshej $17,900. Terms can bt> arranged Call STERUNG THOMPSON * A89OC., Local company needs 20 who are clean .nces, books, etc. 229-5106. apartment Three rooms and oaui. A MODERN furnished 3-ofedroom ranc; Realtors, Hwy. 35, adjacent Cobble- cut for 1st and 2nd shifts. $95 to 5150 Pearl and Wall Eed Bank Hl-5500 BANJO — Gibson, five string, RB10C Large modern kitchen, recreation roor between 7-9 p.m, 741-4170 $150. Call IVERHBAD PIPE DOOR — *30. four utilities Included. Just redecorated. Call stones, MlddJetown. 747-6609. tn Blart. Call for appt. 741-4015. ROYAL HAWAIIAN — Surfboard 9' 281-3388 after 32 noon. fireplaces, garage, circular drlvevra SANDY BEACH — Huge rock garden 10", perfect condition. $», 842-0702. •ears old. M'x60"xl8" Power Craft reel Acre beautifully landscaped, garde: Fabulous view. California — Florida TREE, TREES, TREES! Lovely Hve- PHOTO FINISHING SHOP — I>own- lower, S20. Call 812-0158 before S a.m. KEANSBURG three unfurnished loom fruit trees. Beautiful view. Unuaua ranch. 3 bedrooms, den. 2!,i baths bedroom ranch home in park-Ilka set- lown lied Bank, needs full-time eJ* * 711-7032. HEAVY PLATE GLASS DOORS — Available Sept. 1. S3W a month. 291-08- ting on quiet, dead end street tn Rum- - Blstant. Basic interest in photDpraphy Four, $25 for lot. Howard TUton, 30 at noon. Heat hot water. Complete kitchen sup Asking $41,D00. Principals only. 291- BOFA — Brown, 82" long very good Center St., Rum son. MAPLE BEDROOM — Spring and mat- piled Air conditioned. Rent *10S, pe: FOUR BEDROOMS — Furnished. Jlc son's most exclusive area. Unusually and nominal typing skill required. Ex- condition, month. 787-.106O. large living room, dining room, kitchen cellent 'working conditions, liberal in- 741-1173 MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE — tress. Dresser, mirror. Cricket chair. ern appliances, neatly decorated. Avai MATAWAN BOROUGH — Three bed- with breakfast room, paneled1 d«n with surance protection. References re- Night tables. $50. 741-2428. FREEHOLD — Furnished apartmen ablo sept. 1 to July 30. 291-rnso. rooms, l',4 baths, largo heated porch. Mreplace. Three bains. Jaioutled porch, quired. 741-1023. SURFBOARDS — HEALTHWAY8 0' 6" Elfcht pieces. Very good condition, Good location also one furnished • SEVERAL S80-S9H100 Sacrifice. ?75. Call 741-2676. MARLBORO AREA — Four-room u: Full basement, screened patio. Ap- patio. Many extras. Call lor appoint* [lcency. Call 46M231. furnished house. Quiot area. Secur proximately two acres with fruit trees, ment. Ileallailcally priced at 963,750. oKNEP.AL cleaning man or woman, 872-HM COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR — 11 MACHINERY FOR SALE grapes, etc. • Excellent commuter lo- REDDEN AGENCY, Realtors. Rt. "\ Year round employment, 0 or 6 daya cu. it. Excellent condition, *35. Call FIVE-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT— deposit Call after 6. 542-8870. cation. Trice $26,300. Call for appoint- a week. Room and meals can be ar C0U)R TV'S — REPOSSESSED AND Water and heat oupplled. Fay own 301 Maple Ave., corner Bergen PL, MEW. SO MONEY DOWN.' $1.50 PER 291-0369. ' >NE H. D. 11E BULLDOZER — One V,i BEDROOM WATERFRONT — U' ment. 566-5073. Red Bank. 741-fllOO, ranged/ "References I D. 5 bullaoier. One H. D. 8 loader. electricity. ft25 per month. 283-2173. Ing room, dining room, kitchen. appointment between ao. a.m. and 1CWEEK. FREE ANTENNA. INSTANT TOi'6" SURFBOARD — Perlect' cond: NAVESINK — Will build on four acres CREDIT. CALL MR. DRAKE, 373-6636. Excellent condition.' S29-TS63." KEANSBURG — Three or four rooms, Pemberton and Main St., Oceanpoi FIVE-BEDROOM SPLIT—livin1g room, p.m. 872-1351. tlon. For Information fca.ll rurnlshed or unfurnished, utilities su 1125 a month. Call 741-2233. to lult. Call dining room. eat-In Kitchen, IS recrea- 747-4272. ITEEL TANKS for sale. Cheap. 3000, DRIVER WITH STATION WAGON BAND SAW — Also sajider with stand. plied Good location. Immediate o 787-1167. tion room, basement, 2'£ baths. Wall- Walker Turner. $35 each. 000, 6000, 10,000, 16,000 gallons and TWO-FAMU/y HOUSE — Furnish*. to-wall carpeting. Dishwasher, Recent- WANTED. Two hours dally. Call 820- APARTMENT SIZE — Automat iome larger. Call 566-2400 between 9 cupincy. 787-1962. Available after Labor Day. Heat p MATAWAN — Lako front Swim and S256. 787-6180 wringer-type washer. For Informatio ly palnte4 inside and out. Immediate ind 4. TWO AND THREE ROOMS — El all utilities, $100 per month per floo fish. Three hedrooma, two baths $23,- possession. 530,500. CROWELL AGEN- BILT—RlTE baby eoich, white an call 741-3598 after 6 p.m 842-2573. &0O. STERLING McCANN, Real Estate, COUPLE — Wonderful opportunity or clency apartments. 66 Main St, Keans llatawan, G&J-&G66. CY. 63 Riverside Ave. 741-4030. Eve- country e-state. IIan must have experi- gray, $35. After 5, call GARAGE SALE — Dally 11 to burg. Call 842-1703. nings 741-3655. , 946-8S2O HotiBpwarps, hooks, records, clothing MERCHANDISE WANTED PAIR HAVEN BUNGALOW — Fur ence in maintenajice ot grounds anc NORTH LONG BRANCH — Nice Uhed or unfurnished. Available n MIDDLETOWN—Fox Run. 3-bedroom buildings. Woman for housework, Ont PORTABLE RCA TV — 19". Three etc. 7 Birch Ave., Woodland Park De split ranch, full alr-condltloned. Built-in RED BANK — Spring St. Three b*d- •mull «hlW. Salary up to $100 month, velopment, Hazlet. COLLECTOR — Wants old toy trains, furnished 4%-room second floor apari Ideal for couple. After i p.m. 747-373 rooms, living room, dining room, kitch- years old. Plays good. UHF all Chan, ment. Private entrance, all utilities vacuum, Intercom In every room. Din- en, bath. Enclosed porch. Baiement with delightful separate furnished ncls. $50. 787-6180. any condition. Pay cuh or will trade: H25 a month. Call alter 7 t.m.229-O7« BAST KEANBBURG — Five room fi ins room, living room, family room house. Call 431-0297. TOO EARLY , 027, ' 0, standard gauge. 771-3710. nlshed houae. Supply own utilltli with fireplace, 3 baths, kitchen. Lard- Only $17,500, 8CHANCK AGENCY, GOOD TOP BOIL — Five cu. yds, »1S From Sept. 15 - June 15. Call «53-67( Realtor, 8 Linden PI., Red Bank. 747- per load. 462-1000. or to get up? Sleep later window shad ANTIQUES — Used furniture a3i< FURNISHED -•- - — scaped. Mid $40's. Q71410B. 039T. SITUATIONS WANTED • Femali 462-3763. on your rollers for only (1.59, up 36'household food» wanted. OUR ATTIC, looking Bay. All utilities lncludllng air ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three-be, EATONTOWN—Near Fort Monmouth. wide. $1.98 wltn new rollers. 229-4146. conditioning. Individual preferred, *125 room. Year-round. Available Immed Bungalow, two bedrooms, living room, RDD CROSS SENIOR LIFEGUARD — BEDROOM SET—SIX-PIECE. TAKE per month. 291-1742. ately. $110 A month. See owner. OVER PAYMENTS, $1.50 PER WEEK. PROWN'S ANTIQUES — Tifrany lttms, toys, fur- dining room, kitchen, bath, expansion HOUSES FOR SALE Available. Write Box A-125, Tha Dall niture, china, palntlnei, statuary, coins, UNFURNISHED FTW» "W Bay Ave. attic. Pull cellar, baseboard heat, gas Register, Red Bank. NO MONEY DOWN. FREE LAMPS, 32 Broad St. Red Bank 7U-75C INSTANT CREDIT CALL MR. DON. lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining ROOMS — Small family. *80. Ocean HOLMDEL — Two Bedrooms, llvta fired, BUnporch. Fenced yard, sewers. AT GROSSMAN. .373-6338. WILL TAKE FAST SALE — On room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, port. 747-J5U. room dining room and kitchen, $135 po Asking 515,000. CHAS H. TINDALL, INSTRUCTION special group' or discontinued thre OakhuraL 631-1699 or 229-0892. RJJD BANK — Three rooms and oath, month Carl F. Zellers, Realtor. 91' Realtor. 7U-9030. BOOK—TOY SHELF. 12' Ions. $10. room outfits bought at closeout. You 4443. Mr. Chlld'9 wooden rocker, S3. Hobby horse, for a fraction of original cost Mod BABY GRAND PIANO — Send de- p,u. utlllUes. Oll RUMSON — Compact six rooms. Half «. MahOEtuiy rocker, $12. Call 741-1671. em three-room outfit consisting c scription and price In writing to Box UNFURNISHED — 214-oedroom horn block River P»d., close to public schools. A-131, The Daily Register, Red Bank. 1 Three bedrooms. VA baths, dining "Home LEARN TO DRIVE eight-piece foam living room, elRh RED BANK — Two tearooms, llvlni Convenient residential area. Call T room, hardwood floors. Fireplace, full 21" RCA TABLE TV and table - $50. piece double dresser bedroom and fivi OLD PURNTTURB — Antiques, china, room, kitchen, bath. All utllltlej In 2S12 after 6 p.m. Licensed qualified instructors • Call basement. Asklnp price $18,900. Call M2-M70 ' piece dinette. $275 for the whole worm glassware, art objects and Drlc-a-brac, eluded. Washer amd Air condUlonln 812-1967. NO AGENTS. Finder" : wailing to iervo you. $2.50 a week. FIELD FURNITURE. 7 mmedlste cash tor anything anl every- J1S0 a month. 85 Branch Ave. Cal 1D65 RCA WHIRLPOOL — 13 cu.' ft.11 E. Front Bt., Keyport. 264-3020 thing. Hindi's 2S East Front St., 741-741-2233. WANTED TO RENT LTNHROFT RANCH — Impeccable. TOWN & COUNTRY food freezer. Best offer. Call after 6 Opi-n Mon., Thurs. & Frl. 'til 9. Tue! Three bedrooms, On lovely landscaped Recommends p.m. 787-7562. ATTRACTIVE, nicely furnished be 4 Wed. 'til 6. Sat. Ull 8. WANTED — Ola clocks. Wall, mantel sitting room, private cooking, for gen-DESPERATE! Need three and fou acre, Large kitchen with dlshwisher. DRIVING SCHOOL 10,000 MUMS -— Over 1O0 varieties. DISHES — CHINA — White with gol etc. Any condition. Call tleman. Convenient 741-8394. bedroom unfurnished yearly rental Family room, livlngroom, two [ire 60 Main St. 566-6100 Matawan up to $225 per month. For young exec places. Enclosed porch, Central air TREES, TREES, TREES. Hockhockson Farm, Rt, 537, between trim. Never used. tot). Service ft .112-2342. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT — Nice- utiva larallles. Occupancy any timi condltiQncr, electric powered fcaraRe Colts Neck and Tlnton Falls. twelve. Call 229-2018. ly furnished. Reasonable. 118 Ocean after May 15. Can supply excellen doors. Full, dry baaement. Convenient Ave., Monmouth Beach, upstairs. reforencea. ALLAIRB-PARROW ACEl to Parkway, churches, schools, shop- Elegant two-story Colonial horn, PETS AND LIVESTOCK CY 199 Broad St., Red Bank. T41-346) ping, public transportation. $38,300. CLIPPWOOD — Beautiful, new fu Agk for Mr. Crewe. E.A. Hanlon Real- sifuatod on approximately two •AKe-ftBGISTEREO-COLLIE-EUPEIES jnlshMlLpartment Martmer . Lpcated woode> RES|PON31B.L.U EXECUTIVE — Ne tora 842-0110. SablB and white. Heady tn go August 26. flrea. !"V biock 'from alf""bllfles"~ 3-4-bedroom- house, - By -fleptember acres of parlc-like ground in Call 261-3611 shopping center. 566-3735. Call 671-5118. EAST KEAN3BURG — Tliree-bcaroorn Holmdel. Spacious msjtBnuitt CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY FAMILY OF 10—Desperately need home. Enclosed porch. Gas baBPboard heat. Plus nice three-room Hummer consisting of bedroom, sitting APARTMENTS APARTMENTS house by Sept. 3. Sayre woods, Mlddli home with screened porch. Both fnr A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! town area. Up to JlfiO. Call 3il-9238 c $12,900, CHATEAU REALTY, Real Es- room, dressing room and bsfh. contacl Mrs. E. Wahlers, 70 James SI tate, 215 Carr Ave., Keansburg 787- Toms River, )S84. Throo ordor large bedrooms THREE OR POUR—ROOM APAH NEW SHREWSBURY — Eye-catching and another full bath. Powder LIVE ON THE OCEANFRONT MENT — $50 to $75 a month. Ft ranch. Three bedrooms, two bath a, Adding Machines — Typewriters General Contractors Pearl and Bead Restrlnging working woman. Call 2U1-2220. Two-car garage. 30' living room, rec- room on first foor. Breakfast TWO OR THREE-BEDROOM HOUS: reation room, Utility room, (ull base- RALPH A. COLE, BUILDER — New — Or apartment. 2-3 year leaaB pn ment, etc. An attractive lanclBcaped room. Full basement. This home ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters homes. Additions. Alteration*. Ga- Expertly on braided nylon. $1.60 & sold, rented, repaired. Berplco's, 101 Btrand. Sterling clasps from 75c. ferrcd. Post Office employee, SllOinont 30,000 HO. [t, property priced low to offers unusual features and Monmouth St., Red Bank, 747-0485. rages. Roofs. Call 741-3305. REUS3ILLES.' 36 Broad St., Red SEA VERGE limit, unfurnished, wltli or wltliout utl sell, $22,450. Phone 542-1567. MASONRY — Steps, sidewalks, patios. Bank. tics. Write Box J468, The Dally Regli must bs seen. Offered at Carpentry and painting. Reasonable ler, R«d Bank. NEWLY LISTED New Shrewsbury Asphalt Paving ranch. Trees. Three bedrooms. Two $41,000. rates 8*2-4385, 747-2338. _____ Plumbing and Heating ELEGANT HIGH RISE APTS. laths. Living room, dining area, kitch- GENERAL ASPHALT PAVING INC. WORKING MAN'S CONTRACTOR — JURNISHED ROOMS en with table space. Good carpeting, Blacktop drlvewaya and parking lota. Alterations. Repairs. Masonry. Small PLUMBING — Heating and bathroom ecreatlon. room, full basement. New Call lor free estimate. Jobs, too. 591-9714. remodeling. lriv£way. Excellent schools. St. James PEAK OF PERFECTION West End - Long Branch, N. J. RED BANK — Furnished rooms 01 parish. B3 first to cull...$23,700. E. A. insulation & Siding CORRIGAN'S ground floor with private entrance lanlon Realtors 842-0110. Ono of Little Silver's finest. Bus Tours 127 Oakland St., Red Bank 747-2706. APARTMENTS OF LUXURY, PRESTIGE, kitchen prtvilcgos. Women only. Inquiri INSULATION & BIDING , CORP. — 43 Peters PI. JITTLE SILVER — RIVER RIGHTS Just right for the small family BUS TOURS TO EXPO 67 NOWAlso windows, roofs, gutters, etc. Roofing, Siding & Insulation CONVENIENCE SINGLE ROOMS — Clean, comforlcLb: Pour-bed room, three-bath, split level. AVAILABLE FOR GROUPS ONLY. 10-30 year guarantee. Day or nlgM reasonable. Gentleman preferred. Paneled den with Mreplace. Fireplace that neods spaco. 13x22' living PETERSEN TRAVEL, 741-5550. 775-MO7. Adim Llnzmayer 291-0302, • A FEW. MINUTES TO RED BANK Vallace OL, 711-5392. Oaraee. In living room, also, dining room, ilfi- OLBEN CO. INC. Rooflns, skiing & IUXB Kitchen. Soma carpeting. Over- room with fireplace, dining Odd Jobs Insulation Installed and guaranteed • 20 MINUTES TO HOLMDEL ilzed two-car Karage. Gameroom In room, and kitchon. Two master Ceramic Tile Contractors [or 10 years. 775-0705. 291-OMO. • SCIENCE KITCHENS * COMMERCIAL RENTALS lasement. Asking $37,500. RUB3ELL YARDS, CELLARS, garages, stores M. BORUS REALTORS, 600 River sizod bedrooms, 16x19 and cleaned up, Have truck. Free esti- SIDING — AIJCO, Dupont Tedlar md • LARGE ROOMS AND CLOSET SPACE Rd., Fair Haven. 74T-4532. Member CERAMIC TILE Alcoa, Work guaranteed. Would you like a modern ceramic tile mates. 741-2145 after 3 p.m. • CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING Multiple Listing Service. ______I2'/IXI6. Basement and at- baih or kitchen? All work guaranteed. PROWN'S Frto estimates. Ca.ll 25*3363. Painting and Decorating • INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTATS DISTINGUISHED ICKYPORT — Three-bedroom house tached, garage. One half acre 32 Broad St. Hod Bank 711-7500 furnished. Call CARL B. JONES — Painting anj • DOORMAN - OFF STREET PARKINS 2B4-8518 well shrubbed lot with many Carpeting wallpapering. Fully Insured. For tree Sewer Cleaning • SWIMMING POOL AND ACCESS TO BEACH OFFICE estimates, call 747-3011. • NEAR SHOPPING, RAILROAD AND WORSHIP HOUSES trees. Priced to tell at WALL-TO-WALL Installations. Inrtonr L. -H. HILL — Painter Interior anil JACK'S SEWKIt CLEANING — With SPACE HOUSES FOR SALE $22,500. and outdoor. Kitchen carpel special- crtorlor. No Jobs too largo or too Electric sow EXTKK1OK paint. All these fcaturea provided: . RUMSON - NEW 9 to 5:30 Diamonds Bought or Reslylcd iriR Alan de com tine. Our pricrs arc Tel. Answering Service • Central air conditioning A rare find. Brand new three-bed- rdcftpcr th.'in theirs Call Stuck Pnlni- BEDROOM APARTMENTS. • Belt service elevator SUNDAY 1-5 p.m. Inf." C> f-T (re*' efltlmntps 74]-4!)',O room Colonial with living room* full U't us buy Hie tilnintin'U you ilnn'i LET L'S hK yoLir sei-.relriry. No need • Private parking apace dining room, big kitchen wllh beau- CALL NOW! v-'-Rr or I'-l in reslylB t^cni Inr yiu lo mi™ rnlH 24 hour answerlne • Complete janitorial service prrsonilly. ni-ussllles', . 3C I'.rfia-! SI INI! — I2..VI an hnu: on- • Individual thermostatically con- tiful walnut coblneti, 22' family Fully Infirm. 1'al service. 74M7O0. FROM $140 PER MONTH trolled heat. room, full basement, One block from r'vil-c™ (INCLUDING UTILITIES!-- — • Wall-to-wall carpeting Rumson schools. 524,990. STERLING . Sterlinling II hompioI n 4 #» iio«. Entertainment Window Cleaning Call for appointment {o "Inspect, THOMPSON ASSOC,"," .""" THOMAS SLATE REALTORS W-5WQ IN5URORS Mrki-ts nvallablo for latest !5m;tr|- Frets Estimates AAA WINDOW CLEANING 385 OCEAN BLVD. TEL 229-3371 RUMSON Hwy. 35-Adlaant Cobblestones y Shows nnd Major Sports Events Painting and DrmratlnK COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL 747-1100 !"0 Monrnoulh St., Red Bank Insured 842-3163 741-4335 747-4513 • SUPT. ON PREMISES TO 7 P.M. 51 Broad St. Bank 45 W. River Rd. 747^900 AUDDLETOWN, N. J. HOUSES FOR SALE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTIC THE DAILY REGISTER Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1967—19 lODDUTTOWH WIT. — CommMelaJ NEED 5 BEDROOMS? property Aloof Hwy. 15 or X. yrom City Accident Series )DENN|S THEMENAC E By Hmh Tbli inuntculAl* t&MMt o*w, borne) HlTta U sens XDIUMR tttli. PROPOSAL 1 fe&i tbwo plm 2% bB-tfcj, dicing room, It «7l-5UL » !• hereby 'fiven Uoat sealed /(ret floor ftiBlly iwwn, butmeot d yiOHDH _ Iht UTM e&UM tW» wlil WJ received in the Reception W iYKWV two-ear furjLfe.- % acre of Awem DIVISION rrotauU. Xodudef wall-to-w&il otrpeM,DIM Kwtr to Ooui«s , Csflparm •imd Trade-ins—Exebangea on.ount ol the contract of a company 14, Black 2, as ahown on said Tax thence (3) easterly thru lands of •creen windows and doors, Nicely laad> Cmmercls! and. Investment properties •authorised- to do. business in the State "Is-p: . said Railroad Company along Bald and released. Riding a bicycle, MXnL SM.OTO. 747-9123. Member Two Multiple Uatttg~BmUM of New Jersey. tlienfce (4> Easterly ttloDg Uifi iwilh- easterly1 prolongation rf said aouOierlx WALKER 4 WALKER erly aide of said Lot 14, Block 2, 133 }ie ran Into the door of a'carte Iteiltora BTATE OF NEW JERSEY line of Lot No. 15 a distance, ot 68, feet 8 inches to the westerly side of et mnre or leas to a potnt^in 'the irewsburr lum DEPAHTMElfT OP THE TRl Ocean Avenue and the point or place 1 ing parked on North Broadway LOTS AND ACREAGE j661,Broal 81. SO»BWT» Division of Purchase and Property ot BEGINNING. ild easterly right of way line ol i "'* 741-5213 87Z-3311 CHARL.ES F. SULLIVAN, Director Railroad company; by Samuel W. Walman of 762 .OtTMWI IVAS60NNAK/WE IMS Aug. 23, 30 (29.30 SECOND TOAJOT: BEGINNING at a thence (4) northerly along aald ei Greens Ave. No summons, was m FROM OKB LOT TO 100 ACRES - point In the west side or the Right ol erly right of way line of said Rail- MUCH TPOUBLE WHEN X WAS SOW! Hither eommmitUl or residential CaU NEED VACANT LAND Way of the Long Branch & Seashore road company, a distance of 150 feet issued by Patrolman James L. LEGAL NOTICE Railroad as shown on the Tax Ma,- Small lot or law tracts. Call M of the Borough of Sea Bright, at th< 1 more or less to the beginning point. Jones. HOLMDEL VILLAGE — Business lot LANEY REALTY. «U-61U. AN OKDINAiNCE ENTTTlEDt northeasterly corner of Lot 14, Block Being commonly known and desig- 100' frontase, city water. Call 8M- AN" OEHMWAKOE ESTABLISHING 3, as shown on said tax map; nated SB Ho. 1340 Ocean Avenue, SP* A car driven by Ivan Mildin, RUL.ES, REGULATIONS ANI> STAN- Bright, New Jersey. HELP thence (1) northerly along the west- The approximate amount of the 38, of Lewis Point, Fair Haven, "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean rEAUTIFULLl LANDSCAPED LOT — l DARDS GOVERNING LAND SUBDIVI- erly side of the right of way of Baid Judgment to be satisfied, by said sale 128* frontage x 127* deep. Finest Fair Us\\ngB wanted. StraUiraiJT*, Lai^erWB^ BION AND BUILDING DEVEIX)P- [Railroad 150 feet 2 Inches to a point, struck the rear of a vehicle Elm resllemlll area. Asklnr »13,0O0. 'Holmdel, Colts Neck, surrcunding «>m- being tho southeast corner of Lot \B, Is the sum of $1,700 together -with the B0L8T0N WATEBBURlf, REALTOR munlUeB, Members of two area listing ME.NT wrnnK TIIE TOWNSHIP OF Bloi.k 3, as shown on said Tax Map-coats of this sale. driven by Alan G. Quackenbush, Thursday, August 24 • II W. Front Et., Red Bank. 747.3500. services and two nationwide home find- HOL.UDEL, MONMOUTH COUWTY, thence (2) westerly along the south' Dated July 11. 1067 ing referral servlcei. Remember, In boy- NEW JERSEY: SETTING FORTH ~rly side of said lot 16, block 3, 127 PAUL K1EHNAN, Sherlir. 19, of Valley Dr., Navesink, as KEANSBUBO-Corner lot, 50x100. Bett- luff «nd selling, Applebrook of Matawan, THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED feet to the bulkhead in the South Novofsrod, Eugarman Present—For You and Yours .. • Work may ers, paved streets, clean. Three bloclu Rctltora, Hwy. 34, Jlatawan. Pbone BY THE PLANNINO BOAHD ANT) Shrewsbury River; the Quackenbush car turned into from church, parochial and public ^66-7600. & lotrocaso TITE GOVEimitlG BODV 3H APPLY- beginning again at the aforeaald be- 1128.80 a driveway at 294 Branchport not go welt in a.m. Configurations accent necessity schools. Ramsey and Oarfleld Aves. ING AND ADMINIBTEEINO SUCH . .__ tt]ence ,3;. 10, Sept. 6, 13 I23SU or mile oiler. Call CO 3-3977, ESTATE COTTAGE — Or Jmall two, RLE REGULATIONS AND STAN- LEGAL NOTICE Ave. for discrimination in choice of associates. Danger in three-bedroom houae with acre of TTES Kfft THmjemmm^E VIOLATION THKHE^^- aald Lot 14, Block 3, on said Tax AN OBDINANCB EUTTTLED. Maureen Quackenbush, 15, of HOLMDEL — Acra 1OU. some wooded. grouad. Write Box SOT, Perth Amboy. !OP. (#10-07) was presented for latro-' Map, 248 feet to a point in the Bild AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING going to extremes is particularly stressed. In dealing Akl JUOOC each. LIBTINOP NEEDED! W» l)*ve cllenU. ductlon and first reading o..-,.n July. 17, bulkhead In th« South Shrewsbury IUv- FUNDS AND AUTHOREtNO EXPEN- the Navesink address, a passen- with others, remember that praise will give them in- Call 671-2359. anzlowl to §ttUo In this TtctBtty, Ple*»'i367 by tho Township Committee of the t; DTTUMi THEREOF FOH THB PUR'ger in the Quackenbush car, was HOLUDEL — Nino and one-quarter can oa If your property la for rent wfI«»I«IIII~ "'I of*i ..w.iuuvKolmd'eil «an—-d. ~O-» Q ..-„—. » . thence (4) along said bulkhead In CHASE OF A 1M7 INTERNATIONAL centive, for greater effort. aeres to Holmdel Township. Open salt. BROOK AGENCY. Bin* BntUUUL 21, 1967 waj finally adopted and *p-|fc northerly direction to th» ending'iTRUCK. MODEL V190 FOR THE treated at Monmouth Medical ! TOWNSHIP OF HOIJMDBL, COUNTY ground. 130,000. STANLEY 6T1LWELI,, Atlutlo BJthluiia. 291-1717. proved. point of. the second coarea herein, be Center for shock and released. foal Estate Broker. Holmdet Ota-8383. [the "*autance_ what It may. OP MONMOUTH, STATE OF NEW 8*14 premise* are, known MM Lot 15, I JERSEY < #Mff) waa presented for -HOLUDZL — Eight one-acre wooded Get yoar share of service busI-! Major Bloclk k 2,2 " andd l*oLott IS15, Block 33,- -"- (Introduction and first reading: on July Richard Wall, 11. of 16 Colum- The Day Under Your Sign lots for eale In Eolradel Township. Township of Holmtlel spectlvely, on the Tax Map of tut n, 1967 by the Township Committee bia Ave., Atlantic Highlands, JTANLEY BTILWELL. Heal Estate ness with a "Business Services' [Borough or Bea Bright of the Township of Hotrndel and on Ar;«.BomMar.2H»Ar*.l? Libra. Sepi. 23 to Oct. 22 Broker, Holmdel. HJ-83J3. |Atteit: ,1 THIRD TRACT: BEamOTNBEqmNDJO In_thIn te lAus 21," 13«f was* finally adopted was taken to the hospital by Mr. If you da what you're con* Take time to think and yon 1 B CHOICE BLOO. LOTS — 100x210. Ad in Classified. Dial 741-6900 JOHN T. WAKQHOTON ^easterly right of way line of the Kail- and approved. Mildin, where he was treated pur con "[> v'U> unique and tOTjilatins, Joa ™ E**ly •» Norwood Awe., near Cedar Avc.. Long Clerk road, of the Central Railroad Co, of EDWIN LIBBENOW profitable idea. wind up with jtKltts. today. $7.3S'New Jersey, at a point where Bald for shock and a bruised right eye Branch. 19,000 each. Owner 220-165:. Aug. 23 Mayor T«mjs.April20toMay20 Scorpio. Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 Township of Holme's! and released. By CHARLES M. SCHVLZ Attest: Sfotj bare a secret wish and Tine dajr for pottering around PEANUTS JOHN P. WADETOTON that's the way it should stay the house ana yard, bat not Cleric No summons was issued by for the time being—start! much for career scatters. Aug. a S5.06! Patrolman Joseph McGarvey Jr. Gemini. May2I to Jur»21 Sagitfariuj.Nov.22to D«c2l THB COULD VWU0L6E1HE HOST Estate recent experience and Consider your obtectire with an LEGAL NOTICE pending further investigation. astute eye on ultimate financial IMMgTAHTIW/OFWKUfEIUHBI AN ORDINANCE ENTtTLED: •et new goals. Yon need a dial* AH ORDINANCE. DESIGNATING Icnfce. gain, CERTAIN THROUGH BT&BETS, STOP Cjncer.jBi»2HoJu!y2l Ca prieom. Dees 22 to itn. 20 INTERSECTIONS AND YUEL.r> MGHT 8,000 AT PLAYGROUNDS OP WAY BJTERSECTI0N8 IN THE Scraethine that is good for Some changes ••> *e maWof TOWNSHtP OP HOLMDEL. COUNTY RED BANK - The Parks and someone else may not be suit- ire for the best, •> quit fret- OF MONMOUTH AND STATE OF Recreation Department an- able for. you. tin?. NEW JERSEY. (#«-«7> was presented Leo. July 22 to Aug. 21 Aquarius. Jan. 21 to Feb. I? Cor Introduction and first reading on nounced >ts playgrounds closed Work should go along vithont a You are in an memisitive frame July 17, 19GT hy the Township Commit- Friday after logging nearly 8,000 litck, tat' don't enter anf new of mind but it> better to mind of ibe Township of Holmdel and on your own affairs, Ausust 21, UOT was finally adopted visits by borough youngsters this •eotores now. and approved. Virgo. Aug. 22 to Soph 52 Pisces. Fs>b. 20 to March 20 summer. Take a compliment with E"* Before resptodu* to SOS. EDWIN LIBEBNOW check on story tkat appeals IB Mayor The traditional closing day ac- rioosness and return it af- Township of Holmdel fectionately. Don't be sir! your ajnoatij—and purse. AUtBt: tivity included a junior Olympics, By Chic Young JOHW P. WADINGTOH with races and athletic competi' 1967. PnMahas-Hall SraBcate BLONDIE Clerk Aug. 23 $ tions, and a picnic. THEY GIVE A LOVELY I FIGURE THAT IN JUST By LEE FAIK GLASS IN EACH TWO YEARS WE'LL BY THEN THE FIRST THE PHANTOM GIANT-SIZE BOX HAVE A COMPLETE SETTING SOMETHING OF LAUNDRV SET OF SIX HEOBVTOUSL/POIJNP 1 BEAUTIRJU FREE GLASSES SOMETHINe-THE _ -WHAT?




SNUFFY SMITH By FRED LASSWELL POGO By WALT KELLY WHO I THAR YE BE, V -flM'JAMEV'S6OIN V. HONEY POT J~ TO BUY HISSELF JAMEV'S GOIN'TO SflVSVE is *u OUT or is'NrfPietdN' CflNt? MINP? 1 DOH'r SWAIAOW _. TH'MOVIN'PITCHERS 2* fl SACK OF TODAY flN'(SNIF-SNIF) POPCORN I CANT SO WIF HIM 20—Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1967 THE DAILY REGISTER SUPER NO WORKI NO w«ri( iw womtri ^ London Broil ^•-^d- * pi California Steak fi Fillet Steak Chuk lb c Shoulder Steak Boneless 89 TURKEY ROAST |USS* MCE Bar-B-Q Beef Ribs bjgc BONELESS 11 California Roast chuck U.S.D.A. Ground Chuck lean Tosfy ExtraUon GRADE"A" Ground Round lb c chuk 3-5 LB. AVERAGE lHl r Steaks 89 LIMIT M.EASE lb c Skirt Steaks WITrimmed 89 ifc. IJyron Wortman CORNISH HENS BEEF UVER ___=== FRESH CHICKEN PARTS .U.S.D.A.aRAM/A-_45e •. saecrcD.a!cH>.. A A. w Nariie Hospital RIBROAST LUXURY EATING FUll VIEW PKG. <*af CHICKEN UGS W.THTH.GHS DANISH BO.IEO HAM ; WITH RIBS PR Director TUSDA7 FIRST 4 RIBS ,. TfOi PRANKS CHICKEN BREAST LONG BRANCH - C. Byron (CHOICE) OVEH READY ID" ® W' Wortman, former assistant Sun- WINGS 33c LIVERS day editor of the New York TANIiY SAUERKRAUT <«>^ 17c World Journal Tribune, has been appointed public relations di- APPETIZING SAVINGS* from Ocean To Youl rector of Monmouth Medical Fresh Cod Fillet "• 58c Center. CHUCK STEAKS lb Mr. Wortman replaces Cyrille ROAST BEEF .JR. 85 Fresh Cod Steaks 43c 3. LeBlanc, who recently re- jUSDAi ONE PRICE c Fish Sticks H«H»S«,. it.55e signed to become public rela- Ib. CHOICE' OBIY! ** Ham Capp. 5. Rath " Genoa *-*\ .35 Oceon Perch ««**»«•• it. 59 tions director of Waterbury Hos- 39 PAST. PROCESS C pital, Waterbury, Conn. IONGACRE PAST PROCESS A Long Branch native, Mr. Chicken Rolll »i» 69c American Cheese *> Wortman began his newspaper •AVAILABLE AT STORES WITH APPETIZER MPT. career in 1928 as a reporter for the Long Branch Daily Record. In 1937 he joined the staff of the Asbury Park Press and went to the New York World Telegram in 1947. He was serving as fea- lure editor when that paper merged with the Journal Ameri- can and the Herald Tribune Jn 1956. Mr. Wortman and his wife, the When it comes former Inez Howland, live at 5 Hendrickson PI., West Long **•».! Branch. LA) Gets Degree SUPERMARKETS 6 MAYONNAISE KeehSer Cocoanut Chocolate Drops Habisco Sugar Wafers "WAfH E CREAMS Educator Sea Pilot Crackers woz.pig.39c Scotties Facial Tissues '"> 2 25c

CHOICE OF RH>, YELLOW, GRAPE OR ORANGE ^^ tf^J^fc Hawaiian Punch 3 or WilUam M. Olsen CLEMSON, S. C. - William 'YOR' GARMN- UNSWEETENED ^^ ^fc ^M Michael Olsen, son of Mr. am Mrs. William Lars Olsea, 62 Standish Rd., Little Silver, N.J., C received a bachelor of science de- gree in industrial engineering Aug. 5 from Clemson University, Grapefruit Juice 3!!85 here. He has accepted a position with Burlington Industries, Fay- FINAST JUKI DRINK "'^ jHBk ^1^ etteville, N.C., assuming employ- C ment Aug. 28. Mr. Olsen, a 1963 graduate ol Middletovm Township (N.J.) High Pine-Grapefruit 4: 89 School, is married to the former Pamela Lawtqn Eitner, daughte: REFRESHING ORANGE ^^ ^L ^p^ of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Eit- ner, 38 Riversedge Dr.,' Little C Silver. They are parents of a year-old son, Michael. 10% Tropi-Cal-LoDHnk 3 89 Members Drive link from Ml, OEM Of GRAPE, ORANGE, TROPICAL TREAT or ORANGE-PINE. NUTRITIOUS-DELiaOUS wrapper* from CAMAY | q1 qf. 1z4 oz. Starts Sunday (OMlt ony *Ht MM FINAST JUICE DRINKS 4 T 99< LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE LONG BRANCH - Sunday PlKWit marks the start of the Greater to* will revive c rt^fc from Prwi FROZEN SUPER SAVINGS Long Branch area membership , imount of your food ^or^ puithoso fls $bo^n on yw ffghteriepe FIRST O' THE FRESH SUPER SAVINGS drive planned by Joseph Finke I, (mqxSmwm refund $3.00), ' \ Lodge, Bnai Brith, Harold Entia *NOTS; Refunds may not be claimed on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes president, announced yesterday, tttd dfliry products. In odditiorr, local tows may require the exclusion Dr. Allan Solden and Morri Newberg, co-chairmen, plannei of other items. t t + the drive. The membership com RICHMOND mittee also includes Jules Weller, \ COMING SEPT* 4th: MAXWELL HOUSE | Phil Israel, Harvey Goldberg, 6 DZ. George Jacobson, Mel Moss and 1 10% CASH REFUND OFFER SEEDLESS Seymour Greenspan. Membership CALIFORNIA teams will be stationed at leading V/ateh f'mast for details t cans beach clubs and resort spots in SWEET ftp JUICY the Long Branch area. 8 IOo*.« BIRDSEYE SWEET PEAS FIELD FRESH FLAVOR pkgi. -LEGAL NOTICE LIGHT, FLUFFY BY THE NOTICE Ib. 'YORVGARDEN FRENCH FRIES "=^4 PIECE 801. $ SliBRlFKfi fcACE 5 BUFERTOR COI'UT OF -\K\V JERSET Watermeions 3 pk0>. CHANCERY DIVISION' FINAST FISH STICKS "- — MUNMOUTII COUNTY 7oz. $ Ifctckrt No. V 3S14-66 1 3 pkgi. MOHAWK SAVINGS AND LOAN AS- SW£ET, JUICY Ib. 25 'YOR' GARDEN ONION RINGS — iOCIATION, a corporation of New Jer- •ey, Plaintiff vs: JOSEPH PAPIKAS, Nectarines et al, Defendants 'YOR' GARDEN MIXED FRUIT ^H By virtue of a writ of execution in the above stated action to me di- DAIRY SUPER SAVINGS rected. I Bliall expose for sale at pufi- ]lc vendue, at the Court House In the «— NO COUPON NECESSARY ^ Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- mouth, New Jersey, on Monday the 11th dny of September, 1067, at 2 o'clock, P.M. Prevailing Time, AH the following tract or parcel of 200 Extra Jj/ Greem Stamps land and the premises hereinafter par- Cream Cheese ticularly described, situate, lying and 100% Whole Wheat Bread bchif,' in the Dorough cf Oceanport in WITH PURCHASE OF ANY the County ol Monmouth and State of New Jersey: Finast Old Fashioned Donuts HECINNING at a point on the west PHILADELPHIA Bl If of Bunchpurt Avenue distiint 8 oz. pkg. Cr>:>20 feet In a norUicrly direction frvin a point formed by the intersec- HEALTH & BEAUTY SUPER SAVINGS PAST. PROCESS tion at the mirth side of PortaupecK LAWN FURNITURE Avi'nii*.; with the wt'Bt side of Branch- 6c OFF LABEL • REG. 89c VALUE «• H P'irt Avcnuu; thence (1) along the west € (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) Bide of Hranchport Avenue North i'J SAU SEA d'^'rets 40 minutci Wejtt 75 feet to a Shrimp Cockfai! 3 £ 89 pfjlnt therein; thence [2> Buuth TO de- COLGATE TOOTHPASTE tu°be ^ Jf C grees 20 minutes West 150 feet to a KRAFT SLICES 12oz. p'jlnt; thence f^) South 19 degrees 40 REG MC H Prlcei tHectivo thru Saturday, Auguit 26th at all New Sanay, minutes East 75 feet; thence (4j North American Cheese PAST. PROCESS pkg. 70 degrees 20 minutes East and at Du Pont Toothbrushes «* 3 •» 79« Now City, Pearl River and Staten-lilahd itorai. Wi r«i«rvt the riRht angles to Urancliport Avenue 350 FINAST SLICED 8oi.^pr fei't to the point or place of BEGIN- REG. 51-50 20 oi. con right to limit quantttlei. Not re»ponsi$[« for typographical trrort. NING. ! Troi Shave Cream American Cheese This description Is In nrrorrJanrt v.-iih a survey ;na:le by Vlctur J. Lo- I'info d.itrrl :i, I'.iVJ, (iml Continue! through July 30, ISrGi. -• l:nnp commonly known ami (U-SIK- nn'rti nv Nn. r^ Hr;!tichj>ort Avenue Oi:i-,:u;»>\ I, .New Jersey. 'I!.'; iiiipraximate [uiu/unt of the Judp- in'Tjt t-. IJ" sail•.fli.'d li>- ."aid unlf ]>, the f.uin r.f Jil'.C'iO tfifiethLT wflh the £!)•,!- (-1 -IAH tm>. I)at"fl July 7. 11-67 J'AI-'L KJEKNAN, Sheriff. , I'j-iU J. Cohi'n ' ' Ally. ROUTE 36 and FIRST AYE., ATUNTIC HIGHLANDS Aug. 10, 2'i, 30, Sept. 6 $54-2b| 320 THIRD AVENUE, LONG BRANCH