Intensified Raids on North Continue
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BeaHleston Asks State Act on Aider's Complaint SEE STORY BELOW Weather COWTY M*Uy many and more com- forUble today, Ugh around 88." Clear, copier tonight, law near EDITION 60. Fair and tool tomorrow, high In mid 70i. Friday's outlook, 1 7 cloudy and cool. DIAL 74l'-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS VOL. 90, NO. 41 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Intensified Raids on North Continue SAIGON (AP) — American noi's two chief rail routes to Chi- planes from Thailand, South A Pravda correspondent said fighting, the main thrust of the China which carries about 75 per damaging from 45 to 65 boxcars warplanes kept up intensified na. Vietnam and three carriers in dozens of civilians were killed or American effort remained the air cent of the traffic entering North but accurate assessment Was im- pressure on North Vietnam's Returning pilots reported blis- the Tonkin Gulf flew 162 mis- wounded in rocket attacks that war on the supply lines from Vietnam. • i possible because of smoke and battered supply lines yesterday tering antiaircraft fire and bar- sions during the day, continuing were "possibly the most violent China soath through North Viet- Returning pilots roportcd flames. , with raids from the Suburbs of rages of surface-to-air missiles" aii above average rale that has bombings of the eutire war.'1 nam to the Communist forces ihv heavy damuga to rolling stock The Cunal des Rapides bridge ~ Hanoi to within 30 miles of the within the heavily defended been maintained recently during In South Vietnam, the guerril- the South. •••< „ M massed In yards above Ha- had been hit three times before, Red Chinese frontier. North Vietnamese heartland, but good weatiher. la w,ar of attrition inflected more Rail Line Cut noi during a week of bad weath- but since it was one of. two main The U.S. Command said the there was no report of any losses. Soviets' Claim casualties, but no large-scale ac- Warplanes streaked up the Red er which began to break up last arteries into the city it had been principal targets were rail and The previous day's raids cost six The U.S. Command's combat tions were reported. In Saigon, River to cut the northwest rail Sunday. The cars had been un- the subject of intensive repair road bridges around the North American planes. maps showed no raids on Hanoi an American GI was killed on line from Hanoi to Red China in able to move south because the work. Vietnamese capital, including the It was the third day of heavy itself, although Soviet correspon- •the way to work, and scattered five places. A rail yard 30 miles main bridges into Hanoi had Phantom and Thunderdiief pi- big span across the Canal des raids deep into North Vietnam dents in Hanoi claimed Ameri- similar terror attacks else- from China was the northern- been dropped by bombing raids. lots reported wrecking an ap- Rapides only five miles from the and around the Hanoi-Haiphong can planes obliterated a densely where, some aimed at disrupting most target. Other raids smashed Pilots of an F105 Thunderchief proach and silencing several an- city's center. It was the fourth road, rail and industrial com- populated block within the capi- the Sept. 3 presidential elections. at the northeast line, the only raid on two rail sidings near the tiaircraft sites, bat U.S. officials attack on the bridge, one of Ha- plex. U.S. headquarters reported tal. In the absence of heavy ground other rail link between Hanoi and capital reported destroying or (See VIETNAM, Pg. 2, Col. 2) Wet Potatoes Not Ask Enforcement at Marina MTDDLETOWN — With much Kavalek had announced that the Mayor Kavalek had said that tor Richard Seuffert rather than require a certificate of occupan- support from boatmen, the Town- committee unanimously agreed to the committee had unanimously the clerk. cy, just as in each ownership of ship Committee last night called communicate with Robert A. agreed to have Mr. Conrad write The political significance was:a new house. Going Into Chips on the state Health Department Roe, state commissioner of con- a letter to Mr. Roe. that Mr. Burke is opposing Mr. The ordinance drew only one Conrad's bid for re-election. He protest. Richard Bergman, Bel- for enforcement of health and servation and economic develop- Takes Exception ment through the township clerk, is backing Mrs. Jean Ralston. ford, who said he has a house he By DORIS KULMAN "Unless something happens,, we will fife codes at the Leonardo Mari- But Mr. Burke, privately, took lose a lot of money," he predicted. Thomas T, Conrad. The mayor is a supporter of the rents to others four or five times All this rain isn't putting Monmoum na. exception to the published state- County potato growers in the chips. Mr. West "guesstimated" that sales to motion of Commiteeman But the mayor's statement, car- incumbent. a year, contended the local law On ment from the mayor. It is putting them "in one hell of a potato chip firms total a half-million dollars Douglas R. Burke, the commit- ried in The Daily Register, The committee unanimously infringed on civil rights. mess," according to Arthur H. West, Allen- annually in the tri-county area. tee directed a letter through a prompted Mr. Burke to change He pushed the package plan adopted an ordinance to control Commiteemen told him the pur- town, president of the New Jersey Farm Edward Poling, vice president of different channel than was pre- the lines of communication. through the committee and in- housing rentals,. pose is to protect renters and Bureau and owner of Westtaven Farm, Chamberlin & Barclay Inc., Cranbury viously indicated. Mr. Burke sent the letter cluded a motion the letter would Under the new law, all changes also to prevent community prob- where he grows potatoes. Station, potato brokers, said die sales ac- Initially, Mayor Ernest G. through the administration. be sent by Business Administra- of residence in rental units will lems. Ordinarily by this time In August the tually register "quite a bit more than a crop would be harvested and 50 per cent half-million dollars," but wouldn't say how or more of the potatoes grown on the much more. The firm deals with 83 growers, 19,000 acres under commercial cultivation 50 of them in the tri-county area. Cite LBJ in Monmoutii, Mercer and Middlesex coun- While Mr. West expressed fear that ties trucked off to the "chippcrs," Mr. West Beadleston Calls on State "chippers" are ceasing to Cake New Jer- said. sey potatoes now because their contracts in But the rain- which swelled Hie size other states are coming due, both Mr. Pol- Promise 'of the potatoes and the crop also has de- ing and other broker, Harvey Holland, vice layed the harvest along the Eastern Sea- president of Holland & McChesney, Free- board and die sales to the potato chip hold, said the potato chip firms will honor To Block Aid Service Loss their contracts here. companies. The local harvest is three weeks To Arabs RUMSON — Assemblyman Al- to the institution. establish new procedures where- "There is a very strong prob-' "Instead of finishing the contract the late. "As a result," Mr. Beadleston by qualified attendants, who can ability," Assemblyman Beadle- latter part of August, it will be the latter fred N. Beadleston, R-Mon.. yes- (WORE THAN EVER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said, "the institution is severely certainly be trained as well as ston concluded, "that the dis- part of September," Mr. Holland said. terday called for state action to "We're in a dilly of a spot," Mr. West President Johnson has written halt the threatened loss of 16th understaffed ..." He noted that first aid squad members, will be trict's action will be supported The "chippers" are delayed here be- Mid. "We've got more potatoes than ever to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia District First Aid Squads' ambu- Mr. Arzolina has charged that on duty to care for these patients by county squads and by the cause growers in Virginia still are shipping before and we don't know what we will do to assure him Israeli troops wil' lance service to Marlboro State hospital personnel are forced to until the hospital doctor arrives." state unit. This would result, and the harvest is ready in New York, Penn- with our crop." be withdrawn from areas *hey Hospital. perform under "deplorable con- The assemblyman said that Mr. more than likely, in loss of sylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and The potatoes are of good quality, Mr. seized to 'he June war ii the ditions," that patient care is re- McCorkle, by implying that the ambulance servfcB to Marlboro MidweJtora states, Mr. Poling said, The eight-community district, West said, "but we don't know how long the Arabs make "certain arrange- as pointed out in a Daily Register duced and that "facilities are un- community and its residents will for all residents of Monmouth, "they can take only so many potatoes quality will hold up. If we have any more ments," the Beirut newspaper A! story yesterday, has indicated it der-utilized." suffer if ambulance service to Ocean, Middlesex »nd Union in their plants at one time," he said. rain like Monday night, we may have a lot Hayat reported today. will vote to refuse ambulance He charged that voltffiteer first Marlboro Is curtailed, neglects to Counties. of rot (See CHIPS, Pg. 2, Col. 3) In a dispatch from Washing- service to the.