Media Release Friday 27 July 2012

Football Federation (FFT) is pleased to announce the eight clubs that will be invited to participate in the inaugural Victory League, beginning next year.

Earlier this year, FFT established a subcommittee that included an independent member, Sir Max Bingham QC, to assess the applications of the applicant clubs against five key criteria that were outlined to clubs.

That subcommittee reported to the FFT Board its recommendations, which were accepted by the FFT Board. The FFT Board have now announced the successful applicants, which are

 Devonport City Strikers SC • Launceston City SC • Glenorchy Knights FC • Northern Rangers FC • Hobart Zebras FC • Olympia FC Warriors • Kingborough Lions United FC • South Hobart FC

The Victory League will have five teams from the South, (Glenorchy Knights, Hobart Zebras, South Hobart, Kingborough Lions, Olympia FC Warriors) two from the North (Northern Rangers and Launceston City), and one from the North-West (Devonport City).

FFT President Sean Collins said he was confident these clubs would create a strong competition and forge a new history.

“The Victory League starts to take shape today – and I’m sure these eight clubs will be strong participants both on and off the field,” Mr Collins said.

“I appreciate that today will be a day of celebration for some, and of disappointment for others.”

“Unsuccessful clubs will participate in the Northern and Southern Premier Leagues, which will remain strong and vibrant leagues in their own right.

Mr Collins added that Forestry Tasmania had given their in-principle support to continue support of the Northern and Southern Premier Leagues, meaning those leagues would continue to have sound support.

“FFT is committed to the leagues that underpin the Victory League, and we’ll be reviewing how these leagues are structured at season’s end with all of our clubs,” Mr Collins added.

FFT CEO John Boulous advised the successful and unsuccessful clubs earlier this morning regarding the selection.

In coming days, FFT will write to Victory League clubs, inviting them to join the League and outlining key terms of participation.

The five criteria that the applications were assessed against are as follows:

 Governance of the Clubs, including the history of the Clubs, how well it has been managed (and is presently) together with their future plans,  Facilities offered by the Clubs, with a focus on the current quality available or the assessment of claims of improved facilities by the commencement of 2013,  Technical characteristics, including the ability of the Clubs to meet the structure of teams, coaching capability and player pathways,  Financial standing of the Clubs and its future ability to meet the commitments of

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participation in the new competition, and  The ability of the Clubs to market itself and the League in a positive manner to all stakeholders and their ability to raise financial support from sponsors/partners.


Further information please call John Boulous – 0400 869 871