North Council Local Development Framework

Sites and Policies Development Plan Document

Evidence Paper Nailsea

March 2013


Total population

At the time of the 2011 Census the parish of Nailsea’s population was recorded as 15,630 people. This is a decrease of over 900 people since 2001. The population has in fact been declining since 1991, when the population was at its peak of 17,230 people.

Population of Nailsea over time



16000 2093 2802 14000 3643 1521

12000 65+ years 10000 11225 16-64 years 10497 8000 766 8694 0-15 years 9378 6000 5148 4000

2000 3971 3912 2700 3247 2609

0 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Population by age

Whilst the overall population is declining, the proportion of older people within Nailsea is growing significantly, at a rate faster than the average. Conversely, the proportion of children aged 0-15 years within the parish is declining.

Proportion of people aged 0-15 years

Proportion of people aged 65+ years

Housing completions

There have been 10,247 housing completions across North Somerset in the last ten years. Only 166 of these completions (1.6%) have been in Nailsea. 52 of these dwelling completions recorded were on one retirement housing scheme on Silver Street in 2009/10. This accounts for nearly a third of all the completions over the ten year period. No affordable housing completions have been brought forward within the town through the planning system.

Housing completions 2002-2012 by area

4.0% 1.6%

14.9% Nailsea Other areas 45.5% Portishead Weston-super-Mare


Housing completions over time by area




1000 Weston-super-Mare Portishead 800 Other areas Nailsea 600 Clevedon



0 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12

House sizes

Of the four towns within North Somerset, Nailsea’s housing stock contains proportionately the fewest small units, with one and two bedroom properties making up only 22% of the total, compared to a North Somerset average of 36% of properties in these categories.

House sizes in North Somerset by area

North Somerset total average 10% 26% 38% 20% 5%

Rest of district average 5% 21% 39% 27% 9%

1 bedroom Weston-super-Mare 14% 33% 37% 13% 3% 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms Portishead 8% 24% 35% 28% 5% 4 bedrooms 5 or more bedrooms

Nailsea 6% 16% 44% 28% 5%

Clevedon 12% 26% 42% 16% 4%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Nailsea is also the town with the highest proportion of dwellings in the owner occupied category. It is also the highest in terms of owned outright. Nailsea has the lowest percentage of homes in the shared ownership, social rent and private rent categories.

Proportion of homes by tenure


Over the past ten years records show that 3,146 square metres of new employment floorspace has been completed within Nailsea. This is 1.7% of the total for North Somerset. The only town with less employment development completed is Clevedon, although adjacent to Clevedon’s boundary there has been significant business development, which is recorded in the rest of district category.

Employment floorspace completed over ten years across North Somerset

0.3% 1.7% 19.2% 25.2%

Clevedon Nailsea Portishead Weston-super-Mare Rest of North Somerset


Self containment

At the time of the 2001 Census (currently the latest available data), 33% of the working age population of the Nailsea wards, who were in employment, worked within the town. A further 21% travelled elsewhere within North Somerset to their job. 9% worked in South Gloucestershire, 1% worked in Bath and North East Somerset and 31% worked in . The remaining 5% travelled outside of the West of area.

For further information please contact

Planning Policy and Research North Somerset Council, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01934 426 177