Northwest Ohio Quarterly Volume 25 Issue 1
Northwest Ohio Quarterly Volume 25 Issue 1 Ohio B\' SISTER M. IMMACULATE Melody: AIII~ri(" Ohio'.., history, A jewel in memory, We now unfold: The virgin forests fair, Shark arrows swift in air, Quaint mounds all bui lt with care, Red men untold. The buckeye state we greet! We hear stout tramping fed; The redcoats sank. With Lincoln's flag her men, For peace her brawn and pct1, Her wealth for home an{[ kin Of every rank. Lake Erie's southern land Aglow with band and band Of grapes and grain; Glass, steel, and pottery Borne f:u o'er land and sea; Ohio, thine the key To trade and fame. From thee a president To OUf fine government Seven times till now! Then, praise, great state, the Lord; Each festive civic board, Sing high with one accord Sweet thanks and bow. , The President's Page THE OHIO SESQUICENTENNIAL Ohio's entry into the Union has been appropriately denominated "the first fruits of the Ordinance of 1787." Thirty-eight years later the renowned Daniel \Vcbster eloquently said: W eare aCCflstomed to praise the law-given 0/ antiquity-but I doubt whether any single law-giver, ancient or modern, has produced effect! of morc distinct, marked and lasting (haracter than the Ordi /lance of 1787. W e see ;fs consequences at Ihis moment and we shall never (CMe to see them, perhapl, while the Ohio shall flow. Section 1 of the Ohio En abling Act of April 30, 1802 provided: That the inhabitants of the ealtern division of the territofY north Ulest of the river Ohio, be, and they are hereby authorized to for m for IhemJe/ves a cons/ifllllon and state governmenl, all d to aumne stich name as they shalf deem proper, and the said state, whcn formed, shaff be admilled inlo the Union, upon the Mille foot/1Ig with the original stales, ill all respccts whatsoever.
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