ST. NECTARIOS AMERICAN CARPATHO-RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 405 Marcum Road, Lakeland, FL 33809 • Rev. Fr. Demetri Glimidakis Fr.’s Cell: (970) 620-3899 Fr. Demetri’s Email:
[email protected] JULY 2019 BULLETIN From the desk of Fr. Demetri: Many faithful have an image of God in their mind, and the use of the icon in the Orthodox Church is believed to be, not an idol, but a window to something In continuing with the next two glorious. The icon is a vehicle to give us something to focus commandments, we will be looking on. Much like pulling out a photograph of someone we at commandment two and three. love from our wallets, the icon only represents the person St. Nectarios of Aegina These two commandments are depicted. Many have gone too far, and have worshiped Born: October 1, 1846 again in relationship with how we the wood and paint, and have even eaten the materials in Selymbria, Thrace relate to our Lord. in hopes that miracles would be bestowed upon them, Reposed: November 9,1920 in Aegina, Greece but the true teaching of the Church is clear: there is only Canonized: April 20, 1961 The Second Commandment one God, and idolatry is a sin. If we look closely at each Feast Day: November 9 icon, they are supposed to all look like Christ in some way, HOLY SAINT NECTARIOS, “You should not make for yourself any carved image—any PRAY UNTO GOD FOR US! because each saint is a reflection of our Lord. likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in Directory: the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; The image of God is found in each of us, and you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.