The Competitiveness of the U.S. Telecommunications Industry: a New York Case Study

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The Competitiveness of the U.S. Telecommunications Industry: a New York Case Study Faculty Scholarship Articles & Chapters 1988 The ompC etitiveness of the U.S. Telecommunications Industry: A New York Case Study Michael Botein New York Law School Alan Pearce Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Commons, and the Communications Law Commons Recommended Citation 6 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 233 (1987-1988) This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Scholarship at DigitalCommons@NYLS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Articles & Chapters by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@NYLS. THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE U.S. TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY: A NEW YORK CASE STUDY MICHAEL BOTEIN* ALAN PEARCE** I. INTRODUCTION ....................................... 236 II. AN OVERVIEW OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY 238 A. The United States ................................. 238 1. The Regulatory Environment ................ 238 2. Historical Background: The AT&T Divestiture ............................ 240 3. Current Types of Telecommunications Firms 243- a. Public Networks .......................... 243 b. Private Networks ......... ........... 247 c. International Communications ........... 249 4. The Equipment Market ...................... 250 5. Technological Trends ....................... 253 B. New York State ................................... 255 1. The Regulatory Environment ................ 255 2. Background ........................... 256 3. The New York State Telecommunications Industry ..................................... 257 4. Firms Operating in New York State ......... 258 a. Local Service ............................. 260 b. Interexchange Carriers ................... 262 c. Third Party Providers of Local Transport Services .................................. 262 d. R esellers ................................. 262 e. Cellular Radio ........................... 264 * Professor of Law and Director of the Communications Media Center, New York Law School; B.A., 1966, Wesleyan University; J.D., 1969, Cornell University; LL.M., 1971; J.S.D., 1979, Columbia University. ** President, Information Age Economics, Washington, D.C.; B.S., 1963; M.Sc., 1968, London School of Economics; Ph.D., 1972, Indiana University. This Article was made possible by a grant from the New York State Industrial Coun- cil. The views expressed are solely those of the authors. The authors appreciate the comments of Matthew Botein, Barry Cole, Martin Elton, Shawky EI-Towkhy, Kevin Fennell, Kristina Fischer, George Foote, John Hopley, Craig Maschal, Eli Noam, Ken Phillips, Robert Rogers and Lee Smith. Special thanks are due to Robert Mayer, Eudry Sell, Tim Wendt and Len Walczyk for their assistance in re- searching, editing and producing this Article. 233 234 CARDOZO ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT [Vol. 6:233 III. FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW YORK STATE'S TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ..................... 265 A. Two Case Studies of Location Decisions .............. 265 1. A T &T ....................................... 265 2. The Teleport ................................ 266 B. Effect of Federal Regulatory Policy .................. 269 1. T he M FJ .................................... 269 2. Information Services ........................ 272 3. Information Facilities.................... 273 4. Equipment Manufacturing ................... 274 5. Future Policy Scenarios ...................... 274 C. NYNEX's, AT&T's and the OCC's Business Strategies 275 1. N YN EX ..................................... 275 a. Advertising, Print Media, and Directory Publishing ............................... 276 b. Computers and Software ................. 276 c. Financial Services ........................ 277 d. Real Estate ............................. 277 e. International Business ................... 277 f. Equipment Manufacturing ................ 278 g. Long-Distance Telecommunications Services .................................. 278 2. A T &T ....................................... 280 3. T he O CC s .................................. 281 4. Im plications ................................. 282 D . Taxation ......................................... 283 E. Other Regulatory and Economic Systems-A Comparison 286 1. The United Kingdom ........................ 288 2. W est Germ any .............................. 291 3. Japan ........................................ 293 F. Foreign Competition in the U.S ...................... 295 1. Telecommunications Equipment ............. 295 2. Research & Development and Market Size... 300 3. Telecommunications Service Providers ...... 302 4. Information Service Providers ............... 303 G. U.S. Competition Abroad .......................... 303 IV. EFFECT OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY'S DEVELOPMENT ON THE STATE ......................... 311 A. Cost and Availability of Services .................... 312 B. Potential Impact of Increased Telecommunications Revenues on the New York State Economy ............ 313 C . Labor Issues ...................................... 316 1988] TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPETITIVENESS 235 V . C ONCLUSION ......................................... 319 The following is a list of some of the acronyms and abbrevia- tions used throughout this Article: AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph Company AT&T-Tech AT&T Technologies Bellcore Bell Communications Research B-ISDN Broadband ISDN BOC Bell Operating Company CGCT Compagnie Generale de Constructions Telephoniques CGSA Cellular Geographic Service Area CPE Customer Premises Equipment CTU Cellular Telephone Utility DOJ Department of Justice ESP Enhanced Service Provider FCC Federal Communications Commission GTE General Telephone & Electronics IBN Integrated Broadband Network IRC International Record Carrier ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network LAN Local Area Network LATA Local Access and Transport Area LEC Local Exchange Company MFJ Modification of FinalJudgment NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Agency NTT Nippon Telephone & Telegraph NYTEL New York Telephone Company OCC Other Common Carrier ONA Open Network Architecture Oftel Office of Telecommunications PBX Private Branch Exchange PSC Public Service Commission PSL New York Public Service Law PTT Postal, Telephone and Telegraph Administration RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company RHC Regional Holding Company SIC Standard Industrial Classification SLC Subscriber Line Charges USTR United States Trade Representative 236 CARDOZO ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Vol. 6:233 VAN Valued Added Network WEFA Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, Inc. I. INTRODUCTION During the last decade, telecommunications has become in- creasingly important in both economic and social terms. The telecommunications industry' accounts for a substantial portion of the nation's and New York State's production and employ- ment. In 1985, U.S. businesses and consumers spent more than $100 billion on telecommunications services 2 -roughly 2.5% of the gross national product.' New York State accounted for about ten percent of the $100 billion.4 New York's share of revenues from the telecommunications industry is large, giving it a signifi- cant stake in the industry's development. In today's "information economy," 5 the telecommunications industry impacts on an increasingly large number of other indus- tries which rely upon telecommunications to transact business.6 Due to their reliance upon computers to perform routine transac- tions, banks, stock brokerage houses, airlines and the like cannot operate without affordable, reliable and high-capacity telecommunications. Since the telecommunications industry plays a key role in the nation's and New York State's economic positions in the world market, the industry's development is important for legislative policymakers. Sound policy should encourage the location of telecommunications firms within New York State. The growth of other industries, particularly in the financial services sector, de- pends upon high-quality, affordable telecommunications services and equipment-an industrial policy approach which Japan is pursuing actively.7 A variety of factors impacts upon the viability of New York State's telecommunications industry. I For the scope of the telecommunications industry, see infra text accompanying notes 7-9. 2 See P. HUBER, THE GEODESIC NETWORK 2.3 (1987) (estimating total LEC and IC service revenues of about $102 billion in 1985). 3 U.S. BUREAU OF CENSUS, STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES 413-14 (1987) (the 1985 GNP was approximately $4 trillion). 4 See P. HUBER, supra note 2, at 1.6-1.7 (listing NYNEX alone with 1986 revenues of $10.3 billion). 5 1 M. PORAT, THE INFORMATION ECONOMY (1974). 6 For example, General Motors has budgeted $500 million to upgrade its internal communications network by 1990-in addition to even larger investments in its com- mercial data processing and telecommunications subsidiary. 7 See infra notes 200-01 and accompanying text. 1988] TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPETITIVENESS 237 To begin with, it may be useful to define "telecommunica- tions." Despite the common use of the phrase "telecommunica- tions industry," no easily identifiable entity exists. The "industry" at issue here comprises a large number of separate industries, ranging from equipment manufacturers to transmis- sion service providers to software developers. These industries not only compete with each other, but also collaborate in provid- ing services to non-telecommunication entities. For example, a transmission system is useless without

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