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A PREDICTION THAT CAlUE TRUE - Members of Delta Sigma Pi proved to be good weather forecasters. Their float featured a huge type writer and a "weather report - Hurricane Tulsa Fizzles!" WINNER OF THE MOST DESCRIPTIVE AWARD was Pi Kappa Alpha with their train engine and slogan which told the Raiders to "Shake, Rattle, and Roll." EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President HART SHOEMAKER, '41 Vice President RALPH BLODGETT, '41 Ellll 2nd Vice President J . P . SMITH, '85 El:H 1111 Director PAUL NEW, '42 Director ROBERT WORK, '37 Vol. 5, No. 7 November, 1954 Director CULVER IDLL, '82 Immediate Past President JACK MADDOX, '29 CONTENTS Rep. to Athletic Oouncil YANCEY PRICE, '85 FEATURES Ex. Secretary L. C. WALKER, '49 Mural Dedication 2 Council Meeting 3 LOYALTY FUND Fraternity Housing Studied 3 TRUSTEES Homecoming Review 8 Kenne~l!_ ~ftwich 'Ralph Blodgett Texas Heroes 9 James Whiteside O. B. Ratliff Hugh Rowland DEPARTMENTS Charles McNeese Observin' Sports 4 Don Wooten George Langford D. M. McElroy Sear Our Banners 10 Jack Maddox L. C. Walker Class of 1976 14 Managing Editor: SIJirley Hammer, '55 Published In February, April, June, August, September, October, THE COVER November and December by the Ex-Students Assoc I a tl o.n of Tiny Terry Tuck, two and one-half year old Texas Technological Oollege, son of H. A. and Jennie (Corcorran) Tuck, Lubbock,. Texas. classes of '51 and '53, is pointing up to the huge Matador that stood in the middle of Ent.ered as skond class matter at the Post · Office at Lubbock, Memorial Circle during Homecoming.
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