PUBLIC! 185B, Syndicate Hours

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PUBLIC! 185B, Syndicate Hours M.UK UUNT. Sentinel. HEART-HEN DINU DINTREKM. PACIFIC COAST ADVICES. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Ncrapw from llm N»tw-b»ok of (£urckfl Ibc A Letter Dear-rib Ihk the ■itnwtlon Neutinel'a TO TUI IKNTIXKL.j Ueiwrter. In n Hooded Dlalrlct. [*FBGIAL .FEBRUARY 22. 1884. Towne'n Statement. FRIDA*. Washington’* birthday. C. L. Broy allows the Sehtisel to pub- Mnnnicer See P. N. Hansen’s San Francisco, Feb. 21.—General Man- REDUCTIONS! advertisement for a lish tho following letter from liig brother, IMMENSE “> “** •"““''‘a®'1 Sub^rlp- in coal T a Davi..»on reduction oil. ager Towne of the Central Facifio baa fur- .n Eureka. which will, perhaps, briug nearer home to -o- jMt for th. Both banking houses will be closed niahed the information regard- our people the sufferings of those rendered following owing to its a national holi- SALKS. to-day, being ing the losses to the oompany by the WTOCH day. actually hungry and homeless by the re- ^BWTKItWA*'" southern floods. He states that he has cent flood in the East. When so a boabd. Persons having bills against the county urgent MOBKINO reason to believe that the reports at first should present them to-day, or to-morrow letter comes to a brother from a distance 135a at the latest. received were mnoh exaggerated, they be- Opbir-13C'b of over 2,000 miles praying for, at least, Semi-Annual Sale Mexican—240a On account of the thaw Mr. ing given in of a greater loss McKay can- a box of necessaries, it is time for every anticipation not give the youngster* the treat than was actually sustained. He says : STILL AND promised Eurekan with in his soul to be moved CONTINUES, JSfWSSA- on the ice to-day. pity “We are unable now to givo the extent of to and We have to the over the Santa Ana The member* of the Fire sympathy charity. yet damage bridge Department some $000 in the Eureka Fire river, on the San Diego division of the sss?s3t» will have a jolly good time at the liich- sweating &d Belief Fund reserved to aid the suf- main line, and east of Los Angeles. It is MORRIS ^Cbollar-2* 115o mond Company’s Hose House being LEVY, 900 Potoei—120c to-night. ferers of this gulch by the next ! Sup- reported that the trains are running regu- Point—1 Dr. Deem* fire Main Streot, Hnrolta, Nov., 100 Crown says: "Kissing is a purely pose, when we were burnt out and were larly this morning. The working forces A NorcroBB-215o American habit.” Let us *0 Hale remember this, forced to appeal to strangers tor help, they have put the road in good condition for popvlar dry goods merchants, resolved before re. Jacket-245o dear brethren, and yellow very liberally patron- bad turned their backs upon us and said: trains 40 miles from Mojave towards Los ThecetviiiK their Spring Stock to £ ize home » Alpba-lCOc industry. "No, what we have we shall keep. Charity Angeles. There is yet considerable shovel The ice at the rink, notwithstanding the begins at home, and the day may oomc work in the vicinity of the San Fernando Still Further Reduce their Present Stock, glteS*** warm air during the middle of the day, is when we will need the help you beg for.” tunnel. Some four or five miles of track in near 350 JuBtioe—20o remarkably firm and smooth at night and We are not moralizing. We express only Soledad Canyon, Ravenna, and By offering to tho people of Eureka, Ruby Hill and surrounding country such bargains the about the same near 100 Union—3 in the morning until noon. impulses of common, decent humanity, amount Sepulveda as never have been offered heretofore on the Base Range. As we have often But here is the letter. We Station. More or Ibsb of the road is "Daggett’s new play “On the Yellow- sincerely hope enumerated the leading articles of that our autocratic trio of the Eureka Fire washed, and some of the track is moved stono” seems not to have met with favor Belief Fund will, at least, descend from out of place, but wo are hopeful of having in NewYork, at least the Sun oritic pro- their to look at it: the road and of being able to re- gBStSfc nounced the first performance a failure. perch repaired 200 sume traffic regularly within 60 hours. D»y-.23li® 2 All members of Utica, lnd., Feb. 10, 1884. CHOICE, ELEGANT AND SERVICEABLE GOODS, Mt. Diablo—2 Beatific Lodge No. 7 The line is all between the Atlantic 5 Dear Brother: The floods are ns open Contained in our we would call attention to the faet: OH Knights of Pythia*, are to be on upon establishment, oniy your 40 Bodie—9*- requested and and Pacific, and through passengers and hand at 7:30 o’clock again, causing great suffering, distress, From the ohoicest garment and Balwer-170c promptly to-night for the mail and express for Deming, El Paso 150 the of loss of property. We have lost nearly transaction important business. A and the Gulf States are sent that everything, and have been to being full attendance is desired. compelled wav.’’ Rich Silk or sast35. leave our home. We are now out of reach Velvet, Plushes, The 0. P. Death or a Pioneer. east-bound train was detained of the water, with Dr. Bruner of this To the smallest article in our stock, has been marked down to the and did not connect with the E. <i. P. San Feb. 21.—James H. «ssi —45c 50o yes- place. Taylor had to lose his home and Fbancisco, 400 Con. Pacific terday, to & washout between owing move in with a neighbor, whose house is Matbey, an aged pioneer, was found un- CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Winnemucca and Battle Mountain. The of above high water mark any previous conscious on the sidewalk this afternoon. E. & P. train did not LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE Nevada 3-lOb 345a wait but left on Union 3s 295b 3a, 8. year. Mother was not forced to leave, 130b schedule time. Despite all measures taken to save his life, MBs 340b 345a, Mexioan 235b, Ophir though the house in which lived is And for MONTH ONLY this IMMENSE REDUCTION will be they he at 2:30 o’clock. The deceased THIS placed Gould A Curry 175s 180s The Democratic a expired 130b 135a, National Central Com- surrounded by water; but it is two-story within your means to secure great bargains. 255b 260s was a native of Virginia and served as a 175b 180a, Best A Belcher 200b mittee meets at Washington to-day to de- building. They went to a neighbor’s, Colonel in the Confederate He was DCF'Cash and one price only, as usual, will be strictly adhered to. 270a Con. Virginia 20b 25a, Savage 05b cide upon the time and place for holding also. Many families are in actual want, army. 235s 230b 230s also a member of the Missouri Jurisdiction 70a 70s 70b 70a, Cbollar the National Convention. Saratoga. and great distress prevails with almost 125a 125s 125b of Masons and had letters from MORRIS & LEVY. 230b Potosi 125s 125s 120b Chicago and St. Louie are can- everybody. Business of all kinds is sus- prominent f 14-tf prominent Masons here. He came to California in 130a' Hale A Norcross 230b 235b 235a 235s didates for the favor. pended, and the result is disastrous. We Alta the early days. 235b Yellow Jacket 245b, lHb 155b, It is calcluated are in great need of help, and are now de- that about 36,000 cubic Antonio 8Ha S*ts 8Hs 85ss 8Ha 10s 8Jas, on the kindness of the com- Mardlnl Discharged. Bodi’e feet of air per minute pours out of the pependent 140a 135b 140a, Bulwer 170a Hundreds of others are in the San Fbancisco, Feb. 21_On motion of Mono 135b Sierra Nevada, Consolidated Virginia and munity. Eureka Con. 4*4s 4 tie 460b same and out for 165b 170a, Danner shaft; and that this volume car- condition, appeals go Prosecuting Attorney Coffey, the charge of 4*4b 5a, Bonanza King lib, Bolle Isle assistance from direction. I never 4»i8 ries upward with it an amount of moisture every murder against Antonio Nardini, who 40s, Grand Prize 15s, Utah witnessed such horrors in my whole life. 45a, Scorpion equal to 16,000 gallons of water every 24 shot Pietra DeLucca in the on M. White 75b 80a, There are over 200 in our affray NOTICE TO THE sohool- PUBLIC! 185b, Syndicate hours. persons 19«i Broadway street on Sunday night, was S5b, Andos 35b 40a, Benton 15b 20a, house, and the public buildings that are Through the and dismissed. The motion was in conse- 105b, Day 205b, Navajo 290b. oourtesy thoughtful- above the high water mark are all filled to Champion ness of Senator James G. the Senti- quence of the Coroner’s Jury having Fair, overflowing. The rains continue una- nel. is in receipt of the annua! and exonerated DeLucca. |{, * r. fASNItlllUKH THAf KL report bated, and the river is rising with such statements of the Chief of the Bureau of rapidity as to apall the stoutest heart. The United Mules Insulted. Brown & Tassdl’s Statistics on Commerce and DEPARTURES YESTERDAY MORNING, Navigation. Reports from Pittsburg, Charlestown, Par- San Fbancisco, Feb. 21.—A New York We are under continued obligations to M Fasaett Stella Johnson kersburg, Marietta, Cincinnati, Frankfort Painful are in cir- Mra 0 Mr. Fair for the Record and special says: reports Ahern Congressional and other points along the various rivers, H Curran Jerry other important documents.
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