Management of Laryngeal Foreign Bodies in Children

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Management of Laryngeal Foreign Bodies in Children 150 Sharma, Sharma PREVENTION 3 Haake DA, Zakowski PC, Haake DL, et al. Early treatment with acyclovir for varicella pneumonia in otherwise healthy The US National Center for Infectious Dis- Rev adults: retrospective controlled study and review. Infect J Accid Emerg Med: first published as 10.1136/emj.16.2.150 on 1 March 1999. Downloaded from eases received reports of three adult deaths due Dis 1990;12:788-98. 4 Wallace MR, Bowler WA, Murray NB, et al. Treatment of to chickenpox in the first three months of 1997, adult varicella with oral acyclovir. A randomised, placebo- including two cases of pneumonia in previously controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 1992;117:358-63. 5 Joseph CA, Noah ND. Epidemiology of chickenpox in Eng- healthy non-pregnant adults.28 Three control land and Wales, 1976-85. BMJ 1988;296:673-6. strategies were recommended, including uni- 6 Fairley CK, Miller E. Varicella-zoster virus epidemiology-a changing scene ?JIlnfect Dis 1996;174(suppl 3):S314-19. versal vaccination against varicella in children 7 Mermelstein RH, Freireich AW. Varicella pneumonia. Ann aged over 12 months and non-immune adults, Intern Med 1961;55:456-63. 8 Knyvett AF. The pulmonary lesions of chickenpox. QJ'Med after antibody testing in doubtful cases. The 1966;139:313-23. vaccine was developed in Japan in 1972 and has 9 Ellis ME, Neal KR, Webb AK. Is smoking a risk factor for been available in North America since March pneumonia in adults with chickenpox ? BMJ 1987;294: 1002-3. 1995. It is a live, attenuated virus preparation 10 Rose RM, Wasserman AS, Wyser WY, et al. Deficient and therefore is unsuitable for immunosu- response ofpulmonary macrophages from healthy smokers to antiviral lymphokines in vitro.3JInfect Dis 1986;154:61 1- pressed persons and pregnant women. Uptake 18. of the vaccine has been poor even in designated 11 Waring JJ, Neubuerger K, Geever EF. Severe form of chick- enpox in adults. Arch Intern Med 1942;69:348-408. US surveillance sites because of perceptions 12 Nillson A, Ortqvist A. Severe varicella pneumonia in adults that chickenpox is mild and usually uncompli- in Stockholm county 1980-1989. Scand J Infect Dis 1996;28: 121-3. cated and unjustified concerns over the efficacy 13 Davidson RN, Lynn W, Savage P, et al. Chickenpox and duration of immunity afforded by vaccina- pneumonia: experience with antiviral treatment. Thorax 1988;43:627-30. tion. Other reasons advanced to account for 14 Weber DM, Pellecchia JA. Varicella pneumonia. Study of poor "hit rates" are the stringent storage and prevalence in adult men. JAMA 1965;192:572-3. 15 Baren JM, Henneman PL, Lewis RJ. Primary varicella in handling regulations and matters of cost. adults: pneumonia, pregnancy and hospital admission. Ann Varicella is not included in currently available Emerg Med 1996;28: 165-9. vaccination schedules in the UK. 16 Jackson MA, Burry VF, Olson LC. Complications of varicella requiring hospitalization in previously healthy The second strategy concerns varicella children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1992;11:441-5. zoster immune globulin (VZIG). It is available 17 Potgeiter PD, Hammond JMJ. Intensive care management ofvaricella pneumonia. Respir Med 1997;91:207-12. for post-exposure prophylaxis in susceptible 18 Weinstein L, Meade R. Respiratory manifestations of chick- individuals including pregnant women and enpox. Arch Intern Med 1956;98:91-9. 19 Picken G, Booth AJ, Williams MV. The pulmonary lesions immunosuppressed persons and may be pre- of chickenpox pneumonia revisited. Br J Radiol 1994;67: scribed, on the advice of specialists in infec- 659-60. 20 Lee WA, Kolla S, Schreiner RJ, et al. 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Postgrad acicolvir, preferably within 24 hours of the Med 1986;80:1 13-19 development of the rash. 26 Laskin OL. Acyclovir: pharmacology and clinical experi- ence. Arch Intern Med 1984;144:387-8. 1 Gershon AA, Steinberg SP, Gelb L. Clinical reinfection with 27 Broussard RC, Payne DK, George RB. Treatment with acy- varicella-zoster virus. J Infect Dis 1984;149:137-42. clovir of varicella pneumonia in pregnancy. Chest 1991;99: 2 Miller E, Marshall R, Vurdien J. Epidemiology, outcome 1045-7. and control of varicella-zoster infection. Rev Med Microbiol 28 Anonymous. Varicella-related deaths among adults- 1 993;4:222-30. United States, 1997.JAAMA 1997;277:1754-5. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Management of laryngeal foreign bodies in children School ofMedical Sciences, University Hari Shankar Sharma, Sanjay Sharma Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia: Department of Abstract aspiration with subglottic impaction in Otorhinolaryngology H S Sharma Foreign body aspiration is one ofthe lead- very young children (under 2 years of age) ing causes of accidental death in children. are described. In both the cases subglottic Department of Food items are the most common items impaction occurred consequent to at- Anaesthesiology aspirated in infants and toddlers, whereas tempted removal of foreign body by blind S Sharma older children are more likely to aspirate finger sweeping. The clinical presentation, Correspondence to: non-food items. Laryngeal impaction of a investigations, and management of these Dr Hari Shankar Sharma, foreign body is very rare as most aspirated rare cases are discussed. Lecturer (e-mail: foreign bodies pass through the laryngeal (T Accid Emerg Med 1999;16: 150-153) [email protected]). inlet and get lodged lower down in the air- Accepted 31 October 1998 way. Two rare cases of foreign body Keywords: foreign body; aspiration; larynx; children Laryngealforeign bodies in children 151 Aspiration of a foreign body occurs either with objects that have been put into the mouth and accidentally displaced posteriorly or with J Accid Emerg Med: first published as 10.1136/emj.16.2.150 on 1 March 1999. Downloaded from objects that are unexpectedly encountered in food. In 1994, 3000 patients died from suffocation by ingested objects in the US mak- ing this the sixth leading cause of accidental death.' As most aspirated foreign bodies enter the bronchus after negotiating the glottis, the subglottic impaction of aspirated foreign body is rare. However, the diagnosis becomes a chal- lenge when an object crosses the glottis and lodges in the subglottic region. Two cases of subglottic impaction of foreign bodies are discussed. Case reports CASE 1 A 1 year old boy choked after putting a small fish bone into his mouth. His mother, who wit- nessed the incident, tried to remove the fish bone by putting her finger into the child's mouth, but was unsuccessful. The child then had a bout of coughing with blood tinged spu- Figure 1 Soft tissue radiograph ofchest and the neck tum and developed stridor. The child was showing radio-opaque shadow of thefish bone at subglottic taken to a general practitioner for complaints region in case 1. ofnoisy breathing and vomiting and oral ampi- cillin was prescribed. Three days later the child was referred to the casualty department of our university hospital with the same complaints. On examination, the child was afebrile and had minimal inspiratory stridor but no cyanosis. He refused oral feeds and had pooling of saliva and milk in the oral cavity. He also had occasional vomiting. The respiratory rate was 22 breaths/min. There was no suprasternal or substernal recession. On auscultation there was I , . equal air entry in both the lungs with a rough mmr-T 10 20 30 inspiratory sound which was maximally heard Figure 2 Subglotticforeign bodies:fish bone (case 1) and broken tip ofplastic ball pen (case 2). over the trachea, but there was no palpatory tracheal thud (the impact of a moving tracheal foreign body hitting against the wall of the tra- gently withdrawn and the left vocal cord was chea is felt by placing one finger on the retracted extremely laterally with the tip of the trachea). A radiograph of the soft tissue of the bronchoscope. The foreign body appeared like neck showed a radio-opaque shadow in the a "torn vocal cord" on end-on view through the subglottic region (fig 1). An emergency endos- bronchoscope. The fish bone, which was copy was planned. deeply embedded in the subglottic region, was Underall essential monitoring (electrocardio- removed with difficulty using forceps (fig 2). on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. graphy, non-invasive blood pressure, and pulse Check bronchoscopy showed oedema of the oximeter), anaesthesia was induced with oxy- subglottic region. The child was subsequently gen, nitrous oxide, and halothane. All prepara- extubated and transferred to the intensive care tions were made to carry out tracheostomy or unit for observation. Postoperatively the child cricothyrotomy, if necessary. Once the child was treated with intravenous ampicillin and was under anaesthesia direct laryngoscopy was dexamethasone. Recovery was uneventful and done.
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