2019-2020 Catalog

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2019-2020 Catalog MORRIS COLLEGE 201 -20 CATALOG 2019-2020 CATALOG Red bar does not print GLUE hinge --- TEXT-FIRST PAGE Crossover edge 2BDD<>G=B@@F1FGDF>FD%F>GA:FGD<1:AGABG6:C?1FGDB1DC9>7G6B8D>F>7GC?5G8,@<>:F5 6C@F?5CD>GC?5GABG<?>A<A8AFG?F.GDF 8<DF9F?A>G<?6@85<?1G0FF>G.:F?G6:C?1F>GC?5 C55<A<B?>G,F6B9FG?F6F>>CD4EG%FD4GF00BDAG.<@@G,FG9C5FGABG9<?<9< FGA:FG<?6B?%FG ?<F?6FG>86:G6:C?1F>G9<1:AG6DFCAFG0BDG>A85F?A>E Red bar &8,@<>:F5G,4G2BDD<>G=B@@F1F does not #--G*F>AG=B@@F1FG;ADFFA7G print ;89AFD7G;B8A:G=CDB@<?CG #- "F@F:B?FG-'G'' -- CG-'G'' ...E9BDD<>EF58 2019 - 2020 Board of Trustees Rep. J. David Weeks, Chairman ................................................Sumter, SC Dr. Audrey Potts Neal, Vice-Chairman .................................Columbia, SC Dr. James B. Blassingame, Secretary .........................................Sumter, SC Dr. Ronald D. Barton .............................................................. Mauldin, SC Rev. Aaron T. Brown, Sr. ............................................ Moncks Corner, SC Dr. Jacqueline W. Canty ..........................................................Florence, SC Dr. James L. Carter ............................................................. Baltimore, MD Mrs. Gail China, Faculty/Staff Representative ..........................Sumter, SC Dr. James H. Cokley ................................................................Conway, SC Deacon Jerry M. Earl .................................................................Pelzer, SC Rev. Ricky R. Ezell ...............................................................Columbia, SC Rev. Norman Gamble ..............................................................Florence, SC Rev. Tommy Gibson ............................................................... Eastover, SC Mr. Troy Glover ......................................................................Hilliard, OH Rev. Jamey O. Graham, Sr. ...................................................Columbia, SC Dr. Donald E. Greene, Jr. ..................................................Orangeburg, SC Dr. Isaac J. Holt, Jr. ..............................................................Charleston, SC Dr. Solomon Jackson, Jr. .......................................................Columbia, SC Dr. Waymon Mumford ............................................................Florence, SC Ms. Crystal R. Myers .........................................................Orangeburg, SC Dr. Marion H. Newton ...............................................................Sumter, SC Dr. Emma M. Owens .............................................................. Mauldin, SC Dr. Toney C. Parks ...............................................................Greenville, SC Mrs. Ruth M. Pendergrass, Alumni Representative .................Atlanta, GA Dr. Henry B. Peoples ..............................................................Florence, SC Rev. McKinley Ravenell ......................................................Eutawville, SC Dr. Leo Richardson ............................................................... Columbia, SC Dr. Leroy Staggers ....................................................................Sumter, SC Mrs. Patricia Threatt .............................................................. Pageland, SC Mrs. Mary Jo Walker .......................................................... Greenville, SC Rev. William I. Webb, Student Representative .......................Florence, SC Rev. George P. Windley, Sr. ....................................................Manning, SC *Dr. W. E. Givens, Jr., ..........................................................Columbia, SC *Chairman Emeritus/Deceased 2 MORRIS COLLEGE CATALOG 2 ++ ;GB8DG6B@@F1FG5FCD *<A:G:FCDA>GC@@G0<@@F5G.<A:G6:FFD *FG6B9FGABGA:FF ":DB81:B8AG@<0F>G6:F6)FDF5G.C4> ":4G?C9FG.F@@GF%FDGDC<>F "FC6:FDGB0G4B8A:[email protected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