W. FRANKLIN EVANS, P H.D . P.O. BOX 117 DENMARK, SC 29042 RESIDENCE (803) 780.5095 MOBILE (803) 707-0027 EMAIL:
[email protected] CAREER HISTORY 2016 - Present Voorhees College Denmark, SC President (August 2016 – Present) Demonstrating a passion and commitment to a private, liberal arts, small baccalaureating-granting institution; providing quality educational experiences enriched by the values of the Epsicopal Church; strengthening fundraising and resource development initiatives; enhancing collaborations and partnerships in a rural setting; creating new academic programs and training opportunities to support the local, regional, and statewide workforce demands; developing a cohesive campus culture and community; expanding the mission of the College in a productive and sustainable way; demonstrating the leadership needed to maximize the work campus environment; and promoting student success to the highest degree. Major Accomplishments . Increased enrollment by 39% . Incresed retention rate from 44% to 61% . Increased student residential enrollment by 25% . Increased fundraising by 27% . Inreased alumni giving by 21% . Increased alumni enagement by over 70% . Opened the Voorhees College Historic Museum . Renovated the College Track and Field Complex . Renovated two academic buildings, the Wright-Potts Library, and St. Philip’s Chapel . Established three new degree programs . Implemented the College’s first online degree program . Created an Honors College . Led a successful 5th Year SACSCOC accreditation review . Secured additional