OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN^ALASKA—MEMBER ASSOCL1TED PRESS 62nd year No. 49_NOME, ALASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1961 Per Copy 15£ Possible Military Loyal Forces Tshombe Arrested After Gov. Egan Vetos State i )|)j)oses Walking Out on Conference Two Pieces Force Maybe Used Crush COQUILHATVILLE. The Con- Alaska Steam Algerian — ! go UP) President Moise Tshom- be was Of Cuba Army Revolt j of Katanga arrested here Legislation Rate Hike Against 4-Day soldiers of the | Tuesday by Congo- JUNEAU l/P* — Two pieces of By John M. Hightower — lese central as he was WASHINGTON UP>—1The Alaska ALGIERS l.T) Forces loyal to S government the 1961 1 legislation approved by (ffl — The Ken- on his to his to leave Co. claims labor WASHINGTON President Charles De Gaulle way plane session of the Legislature were Steamship rising for home. and costs in- nedy Administration is reported crushed the four-day army revolt Coquilhatville vetoed by Gov. Egan today. operating justify be use of with a man Tshombe had walked out on a creased water rates in the to considering possible today hardly shot. The Egan turned thumbs down on freight of Alaska military force against the Castro who led the insurrection, Gen. | conference anti-Communist SB112 and HB234. trade. ! leaders in this regime in Cuba if other means Maurice Challe, surrendered to capital of Equator SB112 would have permitted The State of Alaska, opposing Jo- eventually fail to put an end to face trial and possibly a death Province, charging President the State Commissioner of Reve- an increase, argues that the com- I Kasavubu of the central the island’s pro-Communist rule. sentence. seph nue to deposit state funds in pany has overstated expenses and as a had sold out to the Employment of force last Three other retired generals government Alaskan banks on the security of understated revenues. resort is said to be one of several United Nations. who joined in leading the mutiny real estate mortgages and trust The contentions were made in

under for deal- — The conference that Tshombe plans study here , Edmond Jouhad deeds on property located within briefs filed Monday with the Fed- left was a of all with the Cuban crisis. Others — ing and Andre Zeller were not meeting Congo the state. eral Maritime Board in connec- include the of political factions except that headed by application accounted for. | Under the existing law, the tion with a hearing on a 10 per and economic sanctions against Antoine Gizenga. The French Ministry of In- commissioner can deposit state cent increase granted condition- Cuba through joint action with Tshombe’s chief complaint was formation said Challe will be funds only on the security of ally by the board in January of Latin American allies. an agreement Kasavubu reached to trial on of or- “bonds or other securities which 1960. brought charges with the U. N. command Some officials believe that as calling are to secure the an insurrection and eligible deposit The briefs were the final the situation ganizing for immediate withdrawal from step develops following of the U. S. in an usurping power. Similar charges government” before Board Examiner Arnold J. the unsuccessful rebel invasion the Congo of all foreign advisers amount to the state have been placed against the three equal deposit. Roth makes his recommendations last week, other American govern- not under the central govern- that tends di- other generals and three colonels. “Legislation to in the matter to the board which ments might ultimately be will- ment’s authority. minish the that state The dis- requirement will make the decision. to even in government has not advisers are ing participate military Belgian prominent deposits be fully adequately se- Castro. The closed whether Challe will be in “By far the most critical ques- operations against Katanga’s government. cured is not in my judgment tried as a soldier or as a civilian. to con- Last month Tshombe and the tion inherent in this and prior United States is trying desirable,” Egan said in his veto vince them On that issue could depend other anti-Communist proceedings is how to meet the through diplomatic j Congo’s message. whether he faces a consultation that Cuba as a Com- firing squad leaders in to a i ever-increasing labor and other j agreed principle HB234 would have, among other or the guillotine. ! costs and continue to maintain munist base is a threat to the confederation of Congolese states. things, authorized the collection entire The uprising ended with the But Tshombe’s service to the Alaska Western Hemisphere. walkout appeared of interest in advance on loans public,” with None bewildering abruptness to doom such a confederation. Steam said in its reply brief. of the possible lines of in principal amount not to exceed which it began Saturday. j anti-Castro actions under con- I $7,000, double the current limit. During 1960, it added, operat- Thousands of Europeans gather- sideration by President Kennedy Six American Newsmen The bill also would have au- ing costs continued to increase ed in the center of as ru- are near firm decision. Algiers ! and Released Castro : thorized an increase in delin- “without the 10 per cent in- mors swept the city that loyal by Regime They include: a crease in rates, Alaska Line’s 1960 — to maximum of soldiers were an attack. WASHINGTON UP) The State quency charges | — preparing Naval blockade in Kennedy’s | six times the author- ; operations would have resulted in But the mutinous generals Department said today six Ameri- presently view this would be an act of war 1 ized delinquency charges. I a substantial operating loss.” ! could give little encouragement : can newsmen had been arrested[ and probably not a very effective “I do not believe that the situ- The state brief claimed the to the French who had 1 the Castro bu1t I move since a blockade is settlers, by government, aimed i ation lenders is such tha1 j company’s case “is based upon hoped De Gaulle’s plan of self- | now have been released. among at strangling a nation slowly. this form of relief is overstatement of its expenses, determination for was ; Listed as released were HaroldI necessary,’ — Algeria Economic embargo a partial said in his veto letter. “It’s understatement of its revenues, K. the Associated Egan 1 is in effect. doomed by the insurrection. Milks, Press; embargo already impact on the borrower is severe. unsupported and inappropriate The fleeing generals left be- Richard Valeriani, NBC; Henry The greatest single diplomatic “In effect, it would double the valuations, improper inclusion of hind them despairing and be- ! Raymont, UPI; Martin Houseman, disadvantage of a total embargo maximum loan of this nature non-owned assets and discredited wildered French settlers of the UPI; Robert Perez, MBS; and Jay is that it would subject the United made to a rate in- theories of rate-making.” North African who had Time subject of States of metropolis j Mallin, magazine. to propaganda charges terest some 43 per cent above the Each side questioned the meth- supported their effort to over- The department was unable to starving the Cuban people. Cu- otherwise legal rate (from 8 ods of analysis and base figures throw De Gaulle and keep Al- j give further information concern- per bans still can buy foodstuffs and I cent to 11.5 per cent).” I used by the other in reaching ec- forever French. ; ing some other U. S. newsmen medicines from the United States. geria onomic conclusions. whose situation is not known Another anti-Castro operation | The company noted the state here. They include Robert Berrel- $2,000 In Area — Depressed Cuban some au- De Gaulle’s | and counsel for the board con- by refugees Speedy lez of the AP staff in Havana. thorities think such an action Funds Allocated to tended the Alaska Line rate of Victory “Heartening” Press Officer Lincoln White might still be the way out for the return on its investment was over said the has no de- Three Communities UP — department United States if the operation WASHINGTON The Unit- JUNEAU UPi — Gov. seven per cent in 1959. The com- tails on what charges, if any, led Egan today- could be properly organized and ed States government today an claimed the actual 1959 rate to the arrest of the American authorized allocation of $2,000 pany supported on a large scale. described as “heartening” Presi- in state funds each of return ranged from .19 to 1.23 newsmen. He said the only infor- | depressed to dent De Gaulle’s speedy victory of three Fortuna per cent. mation he has is that the men communities, over the French army insurgents | White The board allowed the rate in- Soviets Will Come to have been released. Ledge, Mountain and Tena- in Algeria. kee crease to go into effect The sltate Department’s infor- Springs. pending Aid Cuba If Attacked In setting forth U. S. reaction, The will be used investigation and on the condition mation is obtained from the Swiss money to help State Press Officer — Department for labor that if it was found UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. in Havana. | pay costs for projects unreasonable, Lincoln White said: embassy Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister planned at the three communities. the carriers would be required to “It has been to all Valerian A. Zorin declared today heartening In Fortuna Ledge, the projects make refunds of shippers. believers in the democratic Lawrence Waldheim his country will stand' by its sys- include sidewalk construction, tem to see the French people ral- Passes in Tacoma promise to come to the aid of brush clearance along the road to Gov. Egan Bill behind President De Gaulle Signs Cuba if it is attacked. ly George Waldheim has received the airstrip, excavation of a to defend ’s in- He declared the Soviet Union republican word of the death of his brother, drainage ditch to avoid erosion Approving $1 Million for stitutions.” viewed the question of aid to Lawrence Waldheim, at Tacoma at the airstrip and airstrip re- Construction of 97 of State Dean Hwy. Cuba even more seriously than Earlier, Secretary where he had make his home pairs. Rusk had said is a JUNEAU OP! — A measure Britain regarded its ipledge to “it always since leaving Alaska. At White Mountain, the work ap- to the free world to $1 million from the Poland just before World War II. great help Lawrence Waldheim came to involves brush clearance along the propriating see France and unified.” Ferries, Roads and con- In a formal statement distri- strong Nome in 1916 and mined on Dry airstrip approach, drainage work Highways struction fund for new road con- buted at a news conference, Zor- Creek with George until 1918 at the airstrip and along the vil- struction, on a federal in charged all attempts of the $1,174,285 in Benefits wihen he was inducted into the lage front, repairs to the main matching World War I. He basis, was signed by Gov. Egan United States at the United Na- Paid to Jobless Alaskans Army during road, construction of a cold tions “to defend and justify was stationed at Fort Davis here storage pit and the clearance of yesterday. The bill provides that in treacherous policy in regard to Month of March and later was transferred to Fort a footpath to the airstrip. using During the the state is the of Cuba and its Lewis, Washington. money, to place Republic — JUNEAU Labor Commission- emphasis on centers revolutionary government ended He returned to Nome in 1927 Actor connecting er Gil Johnson announced that Gary Cooper’s of population to the State in complete failure.” and mined at Tin City with High- in com- Worse are $1,174,285 unemployment George until 1928 when he moved Condition Getting way System that not connect- insurance benefits were HOLLYWOOD ed to Inter-American Defense Board pensation to Tacoma to take over the fam- (/Pt—Gary Coop- the system by ferry or paid to Alaskans during March. er has advanced cancer at multi- road. Bans Cuba From Sessions ily ranch. in his his condi- The During March, 28,707 unemploy- He was a bachelor and is sur- ple points body, Ferries, Roads and High- Ufi — Inter- ment checks were issued under tion is and there construction WASHINGTON The vived by two sisters in addition worsening is ways fund was cre- all three reason American Defense Board today programs, including 25,- to George here. for grave concern, his doc- ated in House Bill 44, which barred Cuba from participating 068 under the state jobless insur- tor said today. Egan signed earlier. HB44 imple- in its secret sessions so long as ance program. During February, | Peter Lawfords Are The doctor added: “With a full ments the $23 million general ob- Cuba is in “evident alliance with 23,813 checks, totaling $973,559, Expecting Fourth Child knowledge of his condition in the ligation bond issue for ferries and the Soviet bloc.” were issued to jobless Alaskans. NEW YORK UP) — Actor Peter 1 past months, Gary’s spirit is good roads approved by the voters last The board is an Inter-American A breakdown of the money re- Lawford and his wife, Patricia, and his courage is a source of in- fall. Agency charged with planning turned to the economies of some say they are expecting their spiration to his family and The House and the Senate, dur- hemisphere defense against for- of Alaska’s major cities showed fourth child in June. friends.” ing the 1961 legislative session eign aggression. these figures: Mrs. Lawford, a sister of Presi- Dr. Rexford Kennamer, in the approved identical resolutions The proposal banning Cuba, was Anchorage, $475,179; Fairbanks, dent Kennedy, and her husband j first official revelation of the which said it was the intent of presented by the United States. $277,176; Juneau, $55,960; Sitka, celebrated their seventh wedding j famed actor’s condition, said the Legislature that $1 million The vote was 12-1 with four ab- $39,294; Homer, $55,092; Nome, anniversary Monday. They have | Cooper, 59, underwent surgery in was to be used to start construc- stentions and one vote reserved. $28,195. two boys and a girl. I 1960 for carcinoma of the colon. tion of the Nome-Fairbanks Road.