Felix Issue 504, 1979

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Felix Issue 504, 1979 THE NEWSPAPER OF IMPERIAL COLLEGE UNION Friday, November 9th, 1979 Issue No. 533 EXEC EXHAUSTED AFTER 8 MONTHS OF CONTROVERSY FELIX EDITOR DISPUTE FINALLY SETTLED COLIN PALMER RATIFIED Gary Dearmer speaking at the UGM Photo by Colin Palm, BRIGHTON 79 ICU LEADS THE WAY a driver's view An opportunity to drive in the London to On Wednesday afternoon, the Union's 'Death Brighton Veteran Car Run is a unique to British Education' Coffin led the NUS march experience, and I feel privileged to have been outside the Department of Education and given the opportunity to drive Boanerges in Science. At this stage the NUS Exec were this annual event. The build-up to 4 playing ultra callous by ordering Union banners November was nerve-racking to say the least, not to be raised. Yet earlier they had amongst, and preparations had been in hand for a good almost chaos, sanctioned a march along the two months. Waking up at 6am to a cold and pavements from Malet Street without full police wet day did nothing to subdue my spirits so I approval. Thus, as the 400 strong demo passed dressed in what I thought would be necessary the DES there were no placards and no banners, to keep out the cold, and then doubled it. a feature of any successful demo. After a final check at the garage, we loaded up To applause and clapping the coffin was the car and set off for Hyde Park, along with brought out from Waterloo tube entrance direct Sir Hugh Ford, the Guilds Motor Club from IC and across the road. It was held high and President, and Jo Armitage, theGuilds Union became the central focus of the march. That, President, were Peter Moody and Victoria however, was as far as it went as the contingent Westgarth who were to share the co-driving. now crossed the Thames, in groups of ten to The enormous crowd in Hyde Park lobby members of Parliament. included a brave band of pyjama clad Guilds Having left the coffin in safe keeping (ie in the supporters who sent us off with a hearty opposite Harlequin record shop) Philip Cole, Ian Boomalaka. But before we were out of the Greenwood and Roger Stotesbury then went on Park, we were carved up, as usual by the to join the lobby queue. At 6 pm, Peter Brooke, enormous Mercedes, that starts just behind the MP for this area, emerged from the chamber us, and for the next ten mile, we were and discussed for 25 minutes the proposed continually passing, and being passed by, the education cuts. 1902 Dennis from which Leslie Crowther was Photo by Jeremy Nuttns (continued on page 3) BO AT WESTMINSTER LETTERS MORE RAG MAG \ Dear Sir Has correspondence on one of bolting the horses after the door - IC's more notorious publications oh well, you know what I mean; (no, not the Blue Book. That's a specific solutions to specific notorious Oxford publication. Or problems, usually too late. Come USAF) been closed, or can I on ICU - generalise; after all, the be stunningly original and fly off we** of ^."^ constitutions remain as full at a tanget from previous of loopholes as a sieve (if mixed correspondence? metaphors are good enough for Consider the Rag Mag - here we Bill Shakespear(e), who am I to have a situation where the Union argue?). could find itself liable in court for Now, this year ICU is privileged the actions of an individual (if to have a strong PWP who have Mary Whitehouse were to pledged themselves to great prosecute), despite having things, not to mention leaping tall strongly opposed those actions. buildings, so how about it, Mxs Sorry, but the Union would find it Berry, Hepton et al? Why not have hard to disown the Rag Mag. a go at making IC's numerous Now, before Ruth (this is your constitutions as foolproof as a mention), Rae, Tansy and other duck's eyelid? If you do not see NAT WEST BANK intellegent young things leap to the need for such action, I am sure my feet, objecting that in future that John Tidy will be pleased to the Rag Mag Editor will be Dear Colin explain in greater depth. After all answerable - sorry girls, but the he knows your addresses. I read with great interest Mr but we do believe that we are Rag Mag is just one example of Yours fably Whitehouse's letter" to you taking a real step forward with our ICU's continued policy of K J Fenning drawing attention to the long present plans to provide a muddling through on the Somewhere-Outside-Devizes waiting periods that he Servicetill adjacent to the main assumption that it will all come PS - As I recall last year's UK experiences from time to time in li fts on Level Two as soon as the clean in the wash, rather than an concert, the 'Walkout' was caused our branch in the College. As he Post Office can provide a line and isolated abberation. The changes by an ugly rumour that Brendon quite rightly says, at certain times the necessary preparations have in Rag Committee structure are had called last orders, rather than our premises are very crowded been made. This will be available just another example of ICU the group's musical abilities. indeed and it is a source of to our customers to provide cash concern to us that we are not able 'and accept instructions for to provide the speed of service cheque books and statements on which we would like. a twenty-four hour basis. This has As Mr Whitehous mentions, we not previously been publicised as FELIX PROBLEMS have introduced a Quick Service it is unlikely that the work involved Dear Sir We therefore had mixed Till and Mail Box, which I can be completed until well into We agree that FELIX has had feelings regarding a certain appreciate has not solved the 1980. more than its fair share of photograph on page nine of problem but I do believe they have In the meantime perhaps I could problems this year. This FELIX no. 532. Its only saving made some contribution. As far as draw attention to the Cash doubtless explains why an article grace was the caption 'Jez on the the Mail Box is concerned, it is Dispenser which is situated by the on Jezebel handed into the FELIX road?'. now the case that some corridor parallel to that which Office beforethe copy deadlineof Forthose interested, the answer customers who otherwise would leads to the bank premises from the Freshers' FELIX has still not is NO! This is a picture of a 1914 have waited can deal with their Level One and from which been printed. machine which is owned by business immediately. amounts of ten pounds can be Without the above article Dennis Brothers of Guildford. There are obviously major drawn. having been seen, we are grateful Yours faithfully problems involved in any Yours sincerely for any further publicity which can The RCSU Motor Club extension of the bank's premises B D Hunt J P be given to the rebuild of Jezebel's PS - Why no credit for the photo even if the space were available, .Manager engine. on the back paqe? the bastion of democracey in the REACTION TO THE ZIMBABWE ARTICLE area, Dr Kaunda eliminates his opponents by changing consti- Dear Sir Rhodesian as any other man born survivors were fired upon. Ages? tution to allow no one to stand Although I am not at your in our country. I would like to Two girls aged four and eleven, against him. college, I had the misfortune to point out a few facta as a reply to seven women and one man. After Of course the country is not read a copy of your students i this gentleman's fabrications or which not content to admit it as an perfect, very few are, but if the paper entitled FELIX through a trash (is there any other way to accident their gallent leader went peoples inside were allowed to friend of mine at Imperial. The describe the article?). on TV to laugh and snigger at this look after ourselves we'd have one paper itself was of admirable 1. The torture and suffering bloody affair suffering! of the most prosperous and quality, when I came across an brought to the people is to the 2. Of course over 95% of our peaceful states in Africa. Before article which struck near to my most extent caused by callous country is under martial law. Most people said we were Britains heart. I refer to the article by a and blood thirsty butchers, who are when under Seiger from responsibility, now its accepted, certain Jan Czernuska on without conscience slaughter neighboring countries. We get your judged as biased, where are Rhodesia-Zimbabwe. The article hundreds of innocent men, wild claims of 'democracy' and all these double standards was written with such gross and women and children of any -'justice' from these states, where coming from? From people and unbelievable errors, that one can colour, creed or religion, to satisfy they claim their peoples live in countries who can least afford to only suppose it was written from their desires. As in the cases of the peace and harmony. In be examined themselves. either sheer ignorance or a family of twenty-three burned to Mozambique there hasn't been an Yours sincerly wicked deceiver. death while locked in their home, election since colonial days and Karl Anderson or of the crashed civilian plane of I am a third-generation when there will be, only one party PS - Let people speak from which ten of the eighteen Rhodesian, and as such as much a will be able to stand! In Zambia, knowledge, not ignorance.
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