Wickham Bishops Parish Magazine July 2020

Produced by St Bartholomew’s Church www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk

Greetings! On the final page of the previous two editions of the magazine, I have included a poem by Kitty O’Meara which expresses the hope that once this crisis is over, people would have reflected on the ways that they had been living and would show a more caring and compassionate behaviour towards the world and the environment. Sadly, the events of the past week with many tens of thousands flocking to the beaches of Hampshire and Dorset, have shown that this is not the case. Of course, on a baking hot summer’s afternoon there is little more pleasurable than to lie on a beach or swim in the sea but really? Everyone at once? Have people learned nothing in the past three months? And even if many people choose to visit these beautiful places, that is no excuse for the amount of litter left behind for the local population to have to deal with. My children and I have spent many happy times around Poole and Swanage, but we will not be going this year. Perhaps when holiday destinations in southern Europe are open again, many of these thoughtless people will go there instead, but I feel sorry for the Spanish and Portuguese if they do!

Best Wishes and Keep Safe

Items for the August 2020 magazine, which may be published online only, should be submitted to the editor by Thursday 16th July 2020 Please send items by email if possible to: [email protected] or place in an envelope marked ‘Parish Magazine’ and deliver to 10 Church Green, Wickham Bishops Priority goes to church events and information connected with Wickham Bishops.

© Wickham Bishops & Little Braxted Parochial Church Council (PCC) Published by the PCC of St Bartholomew Wickham Bishops and St Nicholas Little Braxted. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the PCC nor can the Church guarantee the credentials or performance of any of the advertisers within this publication.


Church Services for July

With some easing for public services we are adding to our weekly provision of an online service at 10.30am, that of Holy Communion in St. Bartholomew’s Church starting on the 26th July 2020. Numbers for this service will be limited to 36 maximum taking into account required social distancing. Sunday Service Orders of Service, prayers and sermons are posted on the parish website. https://www.churchinwickhambishops.org.uk/

SUNDAY 5 Trinity 4 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/

SUNDAY 12 Trinity 5 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/

SUNDAY 19 Trinity 6 10.30 am Sunday Service on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/

SUNDAY 26 Trinity 7 10.30 am Holy Communion at St Bartholomew’s Church This will also be carried on FaceBook Live https://www.facebook.com/groups/churchwb/

MONDAYs, WEDNESDAYs and FRIDAYs 10.15 am Zoom Prayers (please email [email protected] if you wish to be part of this)


Parish Register

Baptisms None Marriages None Funerals Walter Ronald Gordon (aged 87) 9th June Reginald Ernest Nickelson (aged 90) 30th June (Burial of Ashes)

Parish Contacts

Revd Hilary The Rectory, 1 Church Road, 01621 892867 Le Sève Wickham Bishops CM8 3LA Hilary’s day off Priest in Charge [email protected] is Friday.

Revd Derek Clark The Leas Farm 01245 380627 Wickham Bishops Road Associate Priest Hatfield Peverel 07860 235778 CM3 2JL

Barry Cousins 3 Harvey Road 01621 891355 CM9 8QA Churchwarden [email protected] Graham Wingrove 8 Arbour Lane 07398 025442 Wickham Bishops Churchwarden CM8 3NS

Peter Bates 10 Church Green 01621 893173 Wickham Bishops Magazine Editor [email protected] Kath Adkins [email protected] 01621 891143

Church Hall Bookings


Letter from Reverend Hilary

Attending a sculpture exhibition in Leeds City Art Gallery back in 1988, it was a delight to be invited to touch the exhibits. The exhibition was designed for people who were blind and we were able to place our fingers where the sculptor, Jacob Epstein, had placed his. One toddler was snuggled inside the core of a Barbara Hepworth ‘Egg’ sculpture surrounded by the smell of cedar and polish. The experience was especially sensual as hands were able to feel the jaggedness, smoothness, enormity or detail of any particular exhibit.

David Linden claims that touch is “the sense that makes us human” (Touch, 2015). It is possible to imagine losing our sight, smell, taste or hearing, but “touch is woven so deeply into our sense of self that we could not truly imagine life without it”. As babies it is through touch that we explore the world so it shapes our understanding of it.

What goes on in the brain whilst this happens is beyond ordinary understanding, but we humans have sought numerous ways to make sense of this. We talk of expressing our ‘feel-ings’ (and notice that we call those who are emotionally clumsy tactless: literally, lacking touch). One of Linden’s chapters is entitled, ‘The skin is a social organ’. To be deprived of the touch of others, especially in childhood, can have tragic consequences. In lockdown many are lamenting the inability to hug grandchildren.

Commonly during a service of baptism a reading is heard, that people bring their children to Jesus “in order that he might touch them” (Mark 10.13).

Alex Hughes* writes “The desired touch is surely linked to the manner of blessing by laying on hands; but the act of benediction is likely interwoven with the crucial role of touch in the raising of children”.

… continued on the next page


He refers us to a passage in the Old Testament where we are given an image of a mothering God:

It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, I took them up in my arms… I led them with cords of human kindness, with bands of love. I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks. I bent down to them and fed them. (Hosea 11.3-4)

Given the social isolation of recent times, that for many of us looks to continue, we can (regardless of race, age, colour, gender, physical impairment etc) find comfort in the beautiful intimacy of God imagined by the psalmist as the God who “knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139.13).


Re-opening our churches ...

In the parish we are blessed with two marvellous places of worship – St Bartholomew’s Wickham Bishops and St. Nicholas’ Little Braxted. As guidelines are shared about easing restrictions following the national Covid-19 Lockdown, we are seeking to reopen our churches mindful that with social distancing restrictions in place, this will be different to the ‘normal’ we experienced before. We have been opening St. Bartholomew’s for private individual prayer since the 20th June. On Tuesdays, our organist has provided live music for this purpose between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. This month we will hold our first service of public worship in St. Bartholomew’s on the 26th July 2020 at 10.30am. For this service of Holy Communion, we will be observing social distancing guidelines and numbers may need to be limited. Services of baptism, weddings and funerals are now also permitted though numbers of those attending may remain restricted. With contractors booked to redecorate the Chancel at St. Bartholomew’s Church from September 7th 2020, any services in St Bartholomew’s beyond that date and up until Christmas 2020 will need to take place in the church hall. For the time being, online services will remain at 10.30am on FB Live. It has been wonderful to welcome online people who previously were not coming into our buildings for services and yet, from home, have found a new community and focus for prayer and reflection. Please pray for your church as it seeks to balance the desire to re- open its buildings whilst at the same time maintaining the on-line presence built up in recent months.


The One Stop Shop in Wickham Bishops is the drop-off point for your donations of food items. These can be placed in the Foodbank box within the shop.

Thank you for your continuing support during the Coronavirus crisis. We are very thankful for any support you can give. Foodbanks within the Trussell Trust network have seen an 89% increase across our network. By continuing to support us with your donations you are continuing to support those most in need.

We currently need:

Food Items: Other Essentials: • Tinned tomatoes • Toothbrushes • Tinned corned beef • Shampoo • Tinned ham • Soap powder/detergent • Tinned Spam

Please no baked beans, cereals and biscuits as we have very full stocks of these items!

Please note: We often ask for small packs - larger packs do not fit in our boxes and make it difficult for our clients to carry home. Also, we are unable (for hygiene reasons) to split larger sizes or catering packs.

We are grateful for your donations to the Braintree Area foodbank. However, we can only accept donations of freshly-bought, unopened and undamaged goods which are still well within their “use by” date (no less than 6 months). We cannot use items which do not meet these requirements, and the donation is wasted.

Thank you.


News from Great Totham Primary School


School News

We were delighted to welcome back so many of our Year R, 1 and 6 children as well as the children of critical key workers at the beginning of June. To hear the sound of children playing and have the school filled with laughter and smiles again has been wonderful. However, we continue to miss the other children and can’t wait to see them again.

Outdoor Classroom The building is up and the landscaping is nearly complete which means our new outdoor classroom will soon be ready for the children to enjoy using.

Fundraising Superstar We were so proud to hear that Saskia, one of our Year 3 pupils, has been busy making wooden plaques with personalised messages. She has currently raised £336 which she will be donating to Mid Essex Hospitals to support their work. Well done Saskia! … continued on the next page


Learning Fun

The children in the critical key workers class are continuing to enjoy a range of exciting lessons, one of the most recent themes was the ocean.

Here are some examples of the children’s fabulous under water artwork.

Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week The staff enjoyed spotting the various scarecrows on their way into school, dotted all around our neighbouring village. It was a pleasure to support this event by hosting a competition to design the posters for what has been a successful first ever Scarecrow week. It was wonderful to see a scarecrow wearing a Great Totham Primary School uniform!


Police warn about a Covid-19 testing scam ... A resident (not in Wickham Bishops) was called by a person pretending to be from the NHS track and trace service. They have released a transcript of the phone call: Scammer: “Good morning, I’m calling from the NHS track and trace service. According to our system, you are likely to have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means that you now need to self-isolate for 7 days and take a COVID-19 test.” Resident: “Okay. Can you tell me who that person was?” Scammer: “I’m not able to tell you that. That is confidential information.” Resident: “Right. Um… so….” Scammer: “But you do need to be tested within the next 72 hours. So can I just get the best mailing address so that we can send a kit to you?” At this point the resident provided their address. Scammer: “Thank you – and I just need to take a payment card so that we can finalise this and send the kit to you.” Resident: “Sorry – a payment card? I thought this was all free?” Scammer: “No – I’m afraid not. There is a one-off fee of £500 for the kit, and test results. Could you read off the long card number for me, please, when you’re ready.” Resident: “‘No – that’s not right. This is part of the NHS so there’s no charge.” Scammer: “I’m afraid there is. Can you give me the card number please – this is very important, and there are penalties for not complying.” The resident hung up the call at this point. “This is a scam”, a government tracer said. “There are no payment details of any kind taken by ANY of our teams.” “Please do not give out your bank or payment details to anyone saying they are from track and trace. Track and trace will only confirm details with you and offer advice, they will not ask for any bank or payment details EVER.” Tracers will also provide people with a phone number and website where they can confirm who the caller is.


Wickham Bishops Scarecrow Week …

Thank you everyone for the fabulous contributions to Scarecrow Week. The response was magnificent with over 50 scarecrows of all shapes, sizes and subject matter standing sentinel in the village from 30th May to 7th June. Families used any materials that came to hand in the Lockdown to give full scope to their imagination. As a result, gardens all over the village hosted tributes to the glory of the garden and the natural world some families recreated characters from film, TV or books and others dressed their scarecrow to celebrate the doctors and nurses of the NHS.

At Prances, there was an entire company of scouts, guides and brownies, Emmeline Pankhurst stood proud at Chantry Grove and the Reverend Lockdown welcomed everyone with a wide smile and open arms. Meanwhile over at the playing field, a patient young Beacon Hill football supporter sat on a bench waiting for the games to start again.

Many thanks to all the groups, families and individuals who made a scarecrow, helped or walked the scarecrow trail and enjoyed the spectacle.


The feedback has been hugely positive with lots of people already asking if Scarecrow Week will be returning next year.

Thank you to Jane Smith for this article (Jane and husband Rick organised the Scarecrow Week). You can view more photos at https://www.facebook.com/ wickhambishopsscarecrowweek/photos/


From the Parish Council … A general meeting of the Parish Council was held online on the 16th June. Councillors were able to discuss items via a video link and residents were able to watch via a YouTube link. We were pleased that our County Councillor, Mark Durham, was able to attend the meeting. Cllr Durham presented a detailed report on the impact of Covid-19 on the District and on Essex as a whole. Figures show a substantial increase in numbers applying for Universal Credit and this number is expected to increase as the government sponsored furlough period comes to an end. Cllr Durham also reported on several road safety improvements that will benefit Wickham Bishops. The minutes of the meeting can be found at www.wickhambishopsparishcouncil.org Wickham Bishops needs a Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator. Groups of residents, usually within a limited geographical area, have created WhatsApp groups as a means of communicating with their neighbours and these can be used to inform others quickly if an incident occurs or suspicious activity is seen. However, there is no overall coordination between the groups and no liaison with local police to pass on information provided by them. It is not an onerous task but would need to be someone with a computer and a couple of hours per month to be able to keep everyone connected. If you feel that this could be you, please contact our Parish Clerk using the details below. The next general meeting of the Council is scheduled to be held, once again online, on Tuesday 14th July at 7.30 pm and will be available for residents to view on YouTube. Please check our website for the latest details and agenda. Councillors may be contacted individually, or via the Parish Clerk on 07542 190176, or by email [email protected]

Keep Safe - Stay Responsible


From the Open Gardens … On Sunday 14th June, we should have been celebrating our Open Gardens Festival. Of course, this was unable to be held, but many of the garden owners formed a WhatsApp group to share photographs of their gardens with others. With their permission, I am able to share a selection of those photographs with you.


What a pity that we could not see these magnificent gardens ‘for real’ this summer, but what an incentive to come along next year on Sunday 13th June.


Business Directory

If I included the usual display advertisements, the size of the file to download would be prohibitively large, so I have prepared the text only business directory listed below. Business owners can rest assured that their advertisements will still be included for a full twelve months from whenever we are able to produce printed copies again. In the meantime, I hope that this is an acceptable alternative. I have included the business name under the type of business listed in the usual index and given one telephone number and either a website address or an email address.

Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Animals Wag and Go Walkies 07377 065110 [email protected]

Appliances C J Appliances 01245 225472 Domestic Appliance Repairs 01621 773709

Beauty Aquarius Hair 01621 892888 Rebecca 01621 892547 The Mulberry Spa 01621 891924 www.themulberryspa.co.uk

Building & Maintenance AMC Woodfinishers 01787 212252 www.amcwoodfinishers.co.uk Essex Kitchens & Bedrooms 01621 893491 www.ekb.direct J & J Windows & Doors 01621 788123 www.jjwindowsdoors.co.uk Joe Murrell Windows & Doors 01621 891716 Masterworx Joinery 01621 332371 www.masterworxjoinery.co.uk M H Property Maintenance 07712 671616 [email protected] M R Home Improvements 0800 303 2982 www.mrhomeimprovements.co.uk


Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Building & Maintenance cont. NB Contracts Ltd 01621 834680 www.nbcontracts.co.uk R A Lee Builders 01621 892503 [email protected] TMS Roofing 01621 815604 Wise Maintenance 07804 490684

Carers Helping Hands 01245 768718 www.helpinghands.co.uk Moulsham Residential 01245 350750 [email protected]

Computers General Geek 0800 133 7514 www.generalgeek.co.uk PC Care Essex 01621 893290 www.pccareessex.co.uk PC Doctor Operations Ltd 01621 891064 www.pcdoctoroperations.co.uk PC Help Essex 01245 381256 www.pchelpessex.co.uk

Electrical Services Electric King 01621 928315 Harry Cooper 07840 036886 Sigma Electrical 01621 892267 www.sigmaelectrical.org.uk MW Parsley 07810 391588

Estate Agents Church and Hawes 01621 893141 www.churchandhawes.com

Finance Avenlea Accounting 01245 790443 Jonathan Clark 01621 892324

Florists Brown's Blooms and Balloons 01621 892315 www.brownsbloomsandballoons.co.uk Floral Expressions 01376 500611 www.floral-expressions.co.uk


Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Food & Drink Upsons Farm Shop 01245 380274 www.upsonscountrystore.co.uk

Funeral Services A G Smith 01621 854293 www.agsmithfunerals.co.uk East of Coop 01621 834970 www.eastofengland.coop/funerals Hunnaball of 01376 573691 www.hunnaball.co.uk Richards Funeral Service 01376 513114 www.dignityfuneral.co.uk

Gardens A P Groundcare Machinery 01621 850905 www.apgroundcare.com Denmark Garden Services 07546 599871 [email protected] East Anglian Landscape 07811 800800 www.eastanglianfencing.co.uk Hughes & Son 01621 892789 James Andrew Landscaping 01621 767818 www.jamesandrewlandscaping.co.uk Lady Gardener 07443 035443 [email protected] Olivers Nurseries 01376 513239 www.oliversnurseries.co.uk Perrywood Nursery www.perrywood.co.uk

Health & Fitness Dee Witherspoon 01245 697748 www.baddowparktherapies.co.uk Lauren Northfield 01621 892404 [email protected] Massage For Movement 07778 370488 [email protected] The Physio Rooms 07584 670898 www.thephysiorooms.net Wickham Bishops Health Foods 01621 890004 www.wickhambishopshealthfoods.co.uk

Heating & Plumbing Billericay Fuel Services 01268 710310 www.bfsfuelservices.uk Blackwater Fuels Ltd 01621 868868 www.blackwaterfuels.co.uk BPA Kennedy Plumbing 01621 890039 Matthew Clark 07852 207743 Plumbing - Harry Cooper 07840 036886 Wickham Bishops Woodlands 07753 452085 www.wickhambishopswoodlands.co.uk


Business type and name Phone No. Website or email address

Home Bright and Beautiful 01376 319556 www.brightandbeautifulhome.com Dawn’s Home Help 01621 860428 [email protected] Careclean Carpet Cleaning 01621 769012 Mantsbrite Systems Ltd 01621 853003 [email protected] Powerdean Cleaning Services 01621 473727 www.powerdean.co.uk Pressing Needs Ironing 07970 642606 [email protected] Simon Houlding Upholstery 01621 859484 www.simonhoulding.co.uk Wild Things Pest Control 07771 356731 [email protected]

Motoring & Travel Markham & Smith 01376 520351 [email protected] Wenway Solutions - Private Hire 01245 380370 www.wenwaysolutions.co.uk

Painting & Decorating Colin Goodchild Decorating 07979 710517 www.colingoodchilddecorating.co.uk Deborah Cannom 01621 850927 [email protected] Finishing Touch 01621 819109 L Johnson Decorator 01621 891674 Paul Clary Painter & Decorator 01621 868355 [email protected] RC Martin Painting & Decorating 01621 817530 Square Foot Redecoration 01621 815078 [email protected]

Solicitors Mitchell Plampin Partnership 01621 852566 www.mppsolicitors.co.uk

Tuition June Cook Piano Lessons 01621 894947 Lucia Carnell (Cello & Violin) 01621 893076 Schoolserve Tuition 01376 502561 www.schoolserve.info