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Springytootwea ;.' r ^ politic, it «01 not eliminate all evil* ^prevent aU bad practice.. There 1 AMBASSADOR 8HARP*8 trtjlWUl beDc inID w,fe join8 «¦*. incoaprtutllicvu*Jwwwrr"1otficera,1 coarap- FeS^sssb j tlon In offlce. unwtae ao You cannot expect a pro- lefitfatUm law to be bo easily enforced long as the human rmce linger* on Uie In tta. betfnnlng of prfohlbitjoa u hither aide ot the millennium. been washed out But -woman suffrage la, nevertheless, and the human wrecks cleared away. ' There was a a distinct substantial time when might was How Prasa. atep. In my Judg¬ right, when the stronger took from Bright ¦HHSpMiittdin i ..aaisswiMB....¦aaaaaawaa..a ment, toward the lessening ot the evils the weaker that which belonged to PUBLICATION OFFICE and bettering the conditions of poli¬ the latter. There came a time when The Robins Look Todt Monro* Str««t. tics. Her Influence in politics, like society began to make rules to re¬ her in o£ life strain the strong for the protection one runs to the wi w when TELEPHONES influence every sphere of the weak. It is as easy to enforce Every the Business Office Editorial Room* in wljich she moves, 1b for the good. a prohibitory law in the beginning of first robin is seen. Ben m the new Cons. MO Cons. 87 Both Just and Wise. order as it was to enforce g3 j X feel quite certain that those who" the law of regulation in the begin-1 How brilliant and J^fautiful the red¬ at the PoatofBee at Fairmont, have closely observed ther effect of ning of civilization. Yet is there a breasts look when first peep at Virginia, aa aecond--class mat- man who would say that society ought youj^et woman a of as suffrage through number never to have begun regulation to gov- them; but their breads will be just red will it both ern the of men 8UBSCRIPTION RATES years pronounce Just and rights and restrain all summer. It is UK first impression when wise. I am equally sure that if the the atrojig from taking from the weak Dollarad by Carrier simply because It would arrive in that -.on* question in my Btate were left to be difficult of they thj^fearliest Spring days month. payable the enforcement? As enforcement and es¬ monthly I .45 male vote alone woman makes them m«t admired. BfeSft"-' Mall suffrage would tablishment of regulatory rules in By be continued there. other lines of hum^n endeavor have And the same is true of been a exactly thing SSJ: tSSr ::::::i'i.. I saw a statement the other day that growth, a progress, so must be in their nefa Dally, six months l.fiu the enforcement and establishment of people whe^T they first appear Dally, one year s.00 in those states where woman suffrage prohibitory liquor laws. is All aabacrtjpionit payable In advance. prevails the better class of women do Spring ajtfparel. Everything fresher, Some weeks ago the Hoster Brew¬ more has When ssUny for change In address not take part in politics and do not ing company of Columbus. Ohio, brighte*rand beautiful before it give old aa well as new address capltlllzed at $12,000,000, filed its peti¬ become common. vote, while the more undesirable or tion undesirable do take and praying for the appointment of a wholly part receiver and the winding up of its af¬ are the days to get the most enjoy¬ W; do vote. I am sure that this is not fairs. One of the causes given for Us mentT^seand create the most true. unfortunate financial condition was gratifying impres- / that the and the new While about the state of West Virginia had ~n by possessing wearing CREEDS. speaking question gone dry! Only a few days ago a 'A creed is an of not voting, allow me to call your large bank at Pittsburgh pring apparel. efficiency system suspended wait means less and less .Which makes possible an entrance into attention to the fact that in a late payment. The statement was given \ Every day you presidential election in one of the most out that some one connected with the welu* and from the new Heaven. management of the bank were con- enjoyment gar¬ The fifst creed was invented by a populous states of the Union, a state nected with certain breweries; that ments. Our stocks are at their fullest and politician who wanted a way to gov¬ where woman suffrage is now up for the business of such breweries had been much best right now. ern people on Sundays. It worked consideration, more than 100,000 vot- very injured and curtailed ers remained from the by prohibition in West Virginia. And eo well that politicians have gone on away polls. yet the brewers and the liquor people inventing creeds ever since. Every Investigation disclosed that the generally say that prohibition will not Millindhl Distinctively Different creed has something in it that is true. greater portion of those who remained prohibit! The game is to And out what this Id. away were business men who could Let no man in West Virginia bo Styles cta( the season advances. Some of the deceived! West can bo Many people have believed in a creed have voted with but little incon¬ Virginia only newest model |he handsome natural color Leghorn in com¬ made and kept a dry state by vig¬ Hats.the merVb Lizore Straws and the ever popu- all their lives trying to flud this out venience. living thickly settled ilance and constant effort. The munities.no such shamless betrayal liquor lar Mllans, emps.^Jretty flowers, velvet ribbons, new and have never succeeded. But that interests have spent a large sum of shaped wii etc. Some exceptionally chic was their fault. 0f tha duties and obligations of citizen¬ money in an efTort to break down the White novellas.In t9t assortment, fresh from our own laws of Hats.T o. All creeds are labeled "Made in ship. even proportionately, can be prohibitory the state. Includ¬ workrooms. .50, $5, Sk50, and up to $12.50. to the "better class of * ed In such expenditure is the employ a." But the maker's name is charged PARIS, France.Ambassador Wil¬ ment of the ablest la"wyers whose serv¬ women in state. , if ever, blown on the handle. any suffrage liam Graves Sharp is en route to mar- ices could be had to prosecute pro¬ Creeds are used for various purposes: If I had my way about It I would Bellies to meet his wife and their five ceedings and defenses in the courts Women'sXailored Suits forfeit a citizen's to vote when, children who is sailing from New of this state, including the federal, to start wars, assimilate countries, right York. The ambassador has not and in the federal- courts outside of shionable fabrics. no reasonable excuse, be yet tootwea el th stimulate through promote architecture, the decided on his place of residence, hav-1 the state, in efforts to break through '15, $16.50, $18.5 (25.00, $30.00. organ trade and keep the Brotherhood failed to meet this prime obligation of ing several houses under considera¬ and destroy the state's prohibitory Springy That would be far more tion. He has deferred selection until laws. Boots, of Man a citizenship. _____ Pumps, from becoming permanent Mrs. Sharp arrives. reality. If there were no creeds the sensible than to make the right to The effort of the liquor people to Women'^Coats break down the prohibitory laws of Colbnials, Brotherhood of Man idea might get vote depend Upon sex. and white check coals, Coats, commensurate in moral West Virginia has a tyirp-fold purpose. CTltocrdine Serga to be a monopoly in restraint of.differ- Will Not Condone Wrong. citizenship First, to regain the lost business in Evening Slippers iTiite Chinchilla and Serge $10.db to $18.50. You may argue until doom's day and physical stamina with the tre West failure in Bronze, Detents, kids, calf, buck, suede. Im- C<S»£, ences in faith. This would be so bad Virginia; second, any ported clo|A tops, in all shades. Over 50 effects. for the business that all the creed that women are no better than men mendous obligations which shall rest West Virginia to be used in efforts to Our price''range, Models in Misses' and have no ideals and will upon that citizenship. prevent, other states from becoming a\d Young factories would have to shut down. higher The realize that ¦' $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00. a And I maintain that in the dry. liquor people Women's Afternoon &nd Children of seven, and even younger, vote about the same way, yet politi¬ question success In West means fail¬ Sole Agents for D. & of the of in the Virginia Armstrong Co. and Red would not be apprenticed to the creed1cal gathering will inevitably act upon rearing citizenship, ure for the liquor people in contests Cros^UiiSt Footwaar.r Evening Dresses \ that is not to of the laws and the in wet states that are to be¬ trade as now, thousands of creed- the theory it safe rely making especially striving ur values are unsurpassed. In all the new silk, lace and net fabrics. v customs and which shall come dry. Failure in West Virginia makers would be thrown out of em¬ upon the woman to condone a wrong practices ir $10.00, $12.50 and up. and mould the lives of the citl will assist the liquor people in the ployment, and, in short, there would or ratify a questionable transa shape efTorts to keep wet states wet.
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