Review Isolated vasculitis of the peripheral nervous system M.P. Collins, M.I. Periquet Department of Neurology, Medical College ABSTRACT combination therapy to be more effec- of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Vasculitis restricted to the peripheral tive than prednisone alone. Although Michael P. Collins, MD, Ass. Professor; nervous system (PNS), referred to as most patients have a good outcome, M. Isabel Periquet, MD, Ass. Professor. nonsystemic vasculitic neuropathy more than 30% relapse and 60% have Please address correspondence and (NSVN), has been described in many residual pain. Many nosologic, path- reprint requests to: reports since 1985 but remains a poorly ogenic, diagnostic, and therapeutic Michael P. Collins, MD, Department of understood and perhaps under-recog- questions remain unanswered. Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, nized condition. There are no uniform 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. diagnostic criteria. Classifi cation is Introduction E-mail:
[email protected] complicated by the occurrence of vas- The vasculitides comprise a broad Received on March 6, 2008; accepted in culitic neuropathies in many systemic spectrum of diseases which exhibit, revised form on April 1, 2008. vasculitides affecting small-to-me- as their primary feature, infl ammation Clin Exp Rheumatol 2008; 26 (Suppl. 49): dium-sized vessels and such clinical and destruction of vessel walls, with S118-S130. variants as nonsystemic skin/nerve secondary ischemic injury to the in- © CopyrightCopyright CLINICAL AND vasculitis and diabetic/non-diabetic volved tissues (1). They are generally EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2008.2008. lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropa- classifi ed based on sizes of involved thy. Most patients present with pain- vessels and histopathologic and clini- Key words: Vasculitis, peripheral ful, stepwise progressive, distal-pre- cal features.