Clerk : Mrs Adriana Jones, Ware Farm, The Street, High Roding, , CM6 1NT Tel: 077 377 36365 Email: [email protected]

5th July 2017

You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held on Monday 10th July 2017, in Moreton Village Hall at 7.30pm to transact the business shown in the Agenda below.

Adriana Jones Clerk to the Council Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting


1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To RECEIVE any apologies for absence.

2. OTHER ABSENCES To NOTE any absences for which no apology has been received.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To RECEIVE any Declarations of Interest by Members. A Member with a personal interest in a matter must consider whether it is a Disclosable Pecuniary, Non Pecuniary or Other Pecuniary Interest, and declare it accordingly. A Member who is unsure as to how to declare their interest should seek independent advice.

4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES To APPROVE as a correct record the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15th May 2017 and to discuss any matters arising from these minutes, and agree any outstanding actions.

5. PARISHIONERS FORUM To RECEIVE questions from members of the public. In accordance with an agreed procedure, the time allocated for public questions may be limited to 10 minutes or such other period determined by the Chairman of the Meeting.

6. REPORTS To RECEIVE any questions emanating from any reports from Councillors who wish to give a report and/or who are representatives on Committees, Working Groups, Outside Bodies and other meetings that Councillors or the Clerk have attended and which, if available, will be reproduced if they have been submitted by Councillors for inclusion: a) Bobbingworth Nature Reserve b) District / County Councillor Reports c) Parish Councillor Report d) Neighbourhood Watch

7. STANSTED AIRPORT, AND THE STOP STANSTED EXPANSION ORGANISATION On 2nd June 2017, Stansted Airport Limited submitted a Planning Application requesting and EIA scoping opinion under Regulation 15 of The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 for a proposed increase in the annual number of passengers to 44.5mppa and corresponding increase of 11,000 annual aircraft movements with associated construction within the airport boundary including two new links to the runway together with six additional aircraft stands. This application is prior to the expected formal application expected later this year. The 'Scoping Opinion' application is to allow District Council and other Stakeholders a chance to review the technical scope, assumptions and methodology of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the proposed development, and for an opinion to be given. The 75 page 'scoping report' explains the planning background and principal elements for the proposed development, as well as outlining the Airport’s projected growth (i.e. ATM and passenger forecasts) which underpin the need case for the proposed development. It then sets out in detail the intended scope of the EIA in respect of those topics which can be considered to have the potential to give rise to ‘significant effects on the environment’. It also describes those topics which are proposed to be scoped out of the EIA, in agreement with UDC, on the basis that they will remain substantially unaffected by the proposed development and/or do not have the potential to give rise to significant environmental effects. A full copy of the 75 page report can be found by copying and pasting the web address below into your search engine. applications/files/B9A9E9C6A90D033306D76A418A2C310E/pdf/UTT_17_1640_SO- EIA_SCOPING_REPORT-2538048.pdf

It should be noted that the Parish Council has not been formally consulted on this proposal as it falls outside the District, however historically the Parish Council has been actively involved with developments at Stansted. The deadline for responses to this application is 7th July, however the Clerk has emailed Karen Denmark, the Development Management Team Leader at Uttlesford District Council, requesting an extension to this deadline to allow the Parish Council time to respond.

Councillors are asked if possible to review the application (UTT/17/1640/SO) and scoping report prior to the meeting so that an informed discussion can take place, and agreement reached as to if the Parish Council wishes to make a formal response to this application.

8. CLERKS COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE REPORT To RECEIVE the oral report of the Clerk on matters which may be of current interest to Members and which require a formal update, and to RECEIVE such correspondence and communication as the Clerk may place before the Council. Items under this agenda item are for NOTING only.  Moreton Bridge - Final installation of the stone cappings (hand-cut and measured Portland Stones with agreement being obtained from the Senior Conservation Officer at Council for the materials used) are expected to take place from 31 July to 4 August. Works are unlikely to require a full road closure, instead it is proposed that traffic will be managed with stop/go boards between the hours of 8.30am – 5.30pm.  EFDC Draft Local Plan - results on consultation are going to Cabinet on 11th July.  Safer Communities Partnership - update from crime stats for the district and County (attached to the agenda)  Neighbourhood Planning - letter from EFDC advising that they have secured the services of RCCE to support the 10 councils progressing a plan (half day per week collectively). Clerk has written to EFDC requesting support with reviewing the updated Draft Neighbourhood Plan following inspection prior to a further 6 week consultation period.  BBC2 - The Repair Shop - looking for local repair projects to feature in their program - Clerk has responded suggesting the Pump.  EFDC Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Workshop 8th July clerk will be attending  Countrycare Events - leaflets on notice boards and website.

9. PLANNING a) Councillors are asked to NOTE that at an EFDC Planning Training session the Clerk attended on 30th June, it was confirmed that going forward EFDC would be taking a closer look at when planning applications should be considered by the relevant EFDC planning Committee, and it should no longer be assumed that simply because the Parish Council objects to an application, it will go to a committee and not be a delegated officer decision. This will depend of the type of application and the planning merits of any objection raised by the Parish Council.

b) Councillors are asked to CONSIDER the following matters: 1. To CONSIDER any planning applications submitted to the Parish Council for comment - EPF/1794/17 Land adj to Tilegate Farm, Certificate of lawful development for an access road. CLD Tilegate Road, Magdalen Lavers oint.aspx?SEARCH_TYPE=1&DOC_CLASS_CODE=PL&FOLDER1 _REF=596676

EPF/1461/17 Laughters Farm, (i) Two storey side extension (ii) First floor side Faggotters Lane, extension (iii) Insertion of two additional rear dormer windows to serve enlarged accommodation in roofspace (iv) New main entrance door and porch canopy to left hand side flank elevation (v) Increase height of chimney stacks.


EPF/1654/17 Wood Farm, Moreton Demolish 3 existing agricultural buildings and build a Road, ONgar replacement steel framed storage building oint.aspx?SEARCH_TYPE=1&DOC_CLASS_CODE=PL&FOLDER1 _REF=595935 EPF/1590/17 Nether Hall, Moreton, Certificate of Lawful Development for existing B8 CLD Ongar storage use Existing Use oint.aspx?SEARCH_TYPE=1&DOC_CLASS_CODE=PL&FOLDER1 _REF=595615 EPF/1489/17 Great Wilmores, Workers Proposed ancillary outbuilding (re siting of building & Road, granted under EPF/0068/17) EPF/1493/17LB oint.aspx?SEARCH_TYPE=1&DOC_CLASS_CODE=PL&FOLDER1 _REF=595203 2. To NOTE any planning applications which have been responded to by way of the Clerks delegated power EPF/1271/17 Irenic, Ashlyns Lane, Proposed part landscaping scheme to the rear of Irenic Ongar CM5 0NB (Irenic Orchards), to include raising of land levels by 700mm and the installation of fixed garden furniture. NO OBJECTION 3. To NOTE any planning applications upon which EFDC do not normally accept comments

EPF/1313/17 Sagamore, Weald Bridge Application for approval of details reserved by DRC Road, North Weald condition 8 'verification report' on planning application EPF/3085/15 (Demolition of existing barn/outbuilding and extension to existing detached residential annexe to form a separate dwelling. New vehicular access to north side of existing detached house). EPF/1160/17 Spencers Farm, Tilegate Application for Approval of Details Reserved by DRC Road, Condition 4 'surface water disposal' and 5 'flood risk assessment' on planning application EPF/2360/16 (Erection of a steel portal framed agricultural buildings purposed designed and multi bunkered to store grain). EPF/1191/17 Nether Hall, Church Road, Application for approval of Details Reserved by DRC Moreton Condition 2 'flood risk assessment' on planning application EPF/0061/17 (Erection of a steel portal framed agricultural building to form a farm workshop. Bunded chemical store and sprayer filling area).

4. To NOTE any update on, or new, enforcement actions or appeals

EPF/3006/16 Rose Cottage, Appeal against refusal of planning permission for Single 17/3175362 Gainsthorpe Road, Storey side extension. Parish Council OBJECTED to this Bobbingworth, Ongar, application, and it was refused on Green Belt Grounds. Essex As this is a householder application, there is no right for third parties to give any written representations.

c) Application EPF/0561/17 - Envilles Farm Councillors are asked to NOTE that this application is on the EFDC Plans East agenda for 12th July 2017 with a recommendation to grant - a copy of the agenda and relevant paperwork can be found on page 43 of the following link: 2017%2019.00%20Area%20Planning%20Sub-Committee%20East.pdf?T=10

10. EFDC LOCAL PLAN MEETING Epping Forest District Council is currently conducting further work on the Local Plan and associated evidence base in preparation for the Publication of the Pre-Submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan. As part of this process the Council is undertaking further site selection work to assess 3

a number of additional / amended proposed sites which have been submitted for consideration as a result of the Draft Local Plan Consultation. As a Parish or Town Council that is in the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan, EFDC would like to invite representatives from this Council to attend a meeting with the Planning Policy Team so that they can provide an update on the further site selection work that they are undertaking, and also to enable the Parish Council to share any further evidence or proposals with them that may help to inform the work that the Council is undertaking to produce the Pre-Submission Local Plan. This will also build upon the dialogue which will be taking place in relation to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, and the workshop which is taking place this Saturday 8th July. During the meetings EFDC will be further explaining the site selection process and giving a list of those sites which the Council will be assessing within this area. EFDC are also happy to discuss the potential implications of this with the Parish Council for the work that is being undertaken in producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

Meetings will be an hour long on either August 1st or August 2nd, and EFDC has asked for responses by 13th July 2017. Council are asked to CONSIDER if they would like attend a meeting.

11. SALT BAG PARTNERSHIP Council are asked to CONSIDER if they wish to take part in the 2017/2018 salt bag partnership with Essex County Council. A copy of the notice letter is attached to the agenda. Council are asked to take the time to read this letter paying particular attention to the obligations of this Council if it is decided to move forward with this scheme, as well as agreeing a location at which to store the salt. The deadline for responding is 27th July 2017.

12. TELEPHONE BOX ADOPTION A signed contract confirming the formal adoption of the following three telephone boxes has now been received.  Nr Cedar Lodge, Road, Moreton  Nr Red House Cottage,  Nr Post Office, Bobbingworth BT are in the process of arranging for the telephone services to be removed from these phone boxes, and will provide a 'completion certificate' once this has been completed. In addition, the clerk has provided the Parish Councils insurance company with costings for the supply and installation of these phone boxes and is awaiting a formal insurance cover quote.

13. BUS TIMETABLE CHANGES Councillors will recall the bus service consultation that took place in 2016, the routes included in the consultation that affected this parish being:  46C...Ongar/Moreton on Tuesdays & Saturdays  46B.../Epping - Mondays Only  47/147...Ongar/Toot Hill /High Laver / Mark Hall / Harlow - Monday/Wednesdays/Saturday During the review the County Council looked at a range of options to reduce the cost of providing the services while maintaining key transport links. For many services a number of options were consulted on, including reduced frequencies, reduced hours or days of operation and in some cases Demand Responsive Transport (DRT). The aim of these options was to increase operators flexibility to provide best value for contracted services. ECC's approach was to award the highest level of service that met the cost per passenger journey upper support limit of £5.00 per passenger carried. ECC has now confirmed that a new contract has been awarded to Community Link to run the SB SB10/11/13 services (previously covering the 46c, 46b and 47/147) from August 27th 2017 until July 2020. A copy of the timetable for this service is attached to the agenda, and will be placed on the Parish Councils website and Notice boards.

14. FINANCIAL MATTERS a) To APPROVE the following payments detailed below, and NOTE the current status in terms Expenditure and account balances.

Payment To For Amount Number BACS RCCE Annual Subscription 2017/2018 £72.60 (£12.10 VAT) BACS Adriana Jones Home Office, Mileage and £242.45 Expenses reimbursement (3 April to 30th July) BACS Adriana Jones Clerk Salary June and July 2017 £773.14 4

BACS HMRC Clerk PAYE Payments June and £238.32 July, plus £44.92 underpayment (as advised by HMRC) BACS Unity Bank Charges £18.00

Income: £4.24 Interest

Bank Balances as at 30th June 2017 Unity Current Account £ 2,357.85 Unity Deposit Account £39,197.17 Barclays Current Account £0 Barclays Deposit Account £0

b) Unity Change of Signatories Confirmation received that the requested changes have been made.

c) Internal Audit This was completed by Mr Taffs, local resident, and no issues were brought to the attention of the Clerk.

15. DATES OF NEXT MEETING Members are asked to NOTE dates of the forthcoming meetings:  11th September - 7.30pm Moreton Village Hall  13th November - 7.30pm Moreton Village Hall  27th November - 7.30pm Moreton Village Hall

There may be Planning Committee meetings held in-between these dates if there are applications that need to be considered.

16. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND THE PRESS In the event that the Agenda contains Exempt (pink) pages, or an item needs to be discussed confidentially, to CONSIDER the following motion to be proposed by the Chairman: “That the public and the press be excluded from the meeting, the Council believing that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business about to be discussed.”

There is currently ONE confidential item to be considered