Lunch and Learn C o - s p o n s o r e d b y t h e U p p e r V a l l e y J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y a n d D a r t m o u t h C o l l e g e H i l l e l o f t h e T u c k e r C e n t e r

F E B . 6 , 2 0 1 6 Professor Balmer will be speaking on: "His Own Professor Received Him Not: Jimmy Carter, Progressive Randall Balmer , and the John Philips Chair in Religion, Rise of the Religious Right"

Professor Lelchuk will speak A P R I L 9 , 2 0 1 6 about Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Professor Budapest from 1944 to 1945. The title of his talk is Alan Lelchuk “Wallenberg: The Man, the Visiting Professor and Adjunct Professor Mysteries, the 'Truths.'" of Liberal Studies, Dartmouth College

M A Y 7 , 2 0 1 6 Professor Simon, author of The Sixth Crisis: Professor Iran, Israel, America and the Rumors of War, Steven Simon will speak about the state of U.S. - Israel Visiting Fellow, Dickey Center for International relations Understanding, Dartmouth College

Winter-Spring 2016 Saturday morning services begin at 10:00 am at the Roth Center, with lunch and presentation to follow (Updated) around 11:30 am.


R A N D A L L B A L M E R Professor in the Arts & Sciences, Dartmouth College. A prize-winning historian and Emmy Award nominee, Randall Balmer holds the John Phillips Chair in Religion at Dartmouth, the oldest endowed professorship at Dartmouth College. He earned the Ph.D. from in 1985 and taught as Professor of American Religious History at for twenty-seven years before becoming the Mandel Family Professor in the Arts & Sciences at Dartmouth College in 2012 and the Dartmouth Professor in the Arts & Sciences in 2014.

A L A N L E L C H U K Author, Visiting Professor, and Adjunct Professor of Liberal Studies. Alan Lelchuk’s most recent books are Searching for Wallenberg (May 2015) and the memoir Breaking Ground: How Jackie Robinson Changed Brooklyn (Sept 2015). His past novels include Brooklyn Boy, American Mischief, Miriam at Thirty-four, and Ziff: A Life? He has also co-edited an anthology of Hebrew fiction in English translation, entitled Eight Great Hebrew Short Novels. Among other honors, he has been a Guggenheim Fellow in fiction and a Fulbright Writer in Residence. At Dartmouth, he teaches a course on contemporary Jewish Fiction.

S T E V E N S I M O N Visiting Fellow, Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College. Previously, Steven Simon was Executive Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies - US and Corresponding Director of IISS - Middle East. From early 2011 through the end of 2012 he served on the National Security Council staff at the White House, where he was the senior director for Middle Eastern and North African affairs.