
Vagus 1

Nerve: Vagus nerve

Plan of upper portions of glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory .

Course and distribution of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves.

Latin nervus vagus

[1] Gray's subject #205 910

Innervates , Salpingopharyngeus, Palatoglossus, Palatopharyngeus, Superior pharyngeal constrictor, Middle pharyngeal constrictor, Inferior pharyngeal constrictor, viscera

[2] MeSH Vagus+Nerve

Cranial Nerves

CN 0 - Cranial nerve zero CN I - Olfactory CN II - Optic CN III - Oculomotor CN IV - Trochlear CN V - Trigeminal CN VI - Abducens CN VII - Facial CN VIII - Vestibulocochlear CN IX - Glossopharyngeal Vagus nerve 2

CN X - Vagus CN XI - Accessory CN XII - Hypoglossal

The vagus nerve (pronounced /ˈveɪɡəs/, us dict: vā′·gəs), also called pneumogastric nerve, cranial nerve X, the Wanderer or sometimes the Rambler, is the tenth of twelve (excluding CN0) paired . Upon leaving the medulla between the olivary nucleus and the inferior cerebellar peduncle, it extends through the , then passing into the between the and the internal down below the head, to the , chest and , where it contributes to the innervation of the viscera. Besides output to the various organs in the body the vagus nerve conveys sensory information about the state of the body's organs to the . 80-90% of the nerve fibers in the vagus nerve are afferent (sensory) nerves communicating the state of the viscera to the brain.[3] The medieval Latin word vagus means literally "Wandering" (the words vagrant, vagabond, and vague come from the same root). Sometimes the branches are spoken of in the plural and are thus called vagi (pronounced /ˈveɪdʒaɪ/, us dict: vā′·jī). The vagus is also called the pneumogastric nerve since it innervates both the and the .

Branches • Auricular nerve • • Superior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve • Inferior cervical cardiac branch • Recurrent laryngeal nerve • Thoracic cardiac branches • Branches to the • Branches to the • Anterior vagal trunk • Posterior vagal trunk • herring breuer refiux in alveoli The vagus runs posterior to the and inside the carotid sheath.

Innervation Both right and left vagus nerves descend from the brain in the carotid sheath, lateral to the carotid artery. The right vagus nerve gives rise to the right recurrent laryngeal nerve which hooks around the right and ascends into the neck between the and . The right vagus then crosses anteriorly to the right subclavian artery and runs posterior to the and descends posterior to the right main and contributes to cardiac, pulmonary and esophageal plexuses. It forms the posterior vagal trunk at the lower part of the esophagus and enters the diaphragm through the . The left vagus nerve enters the between left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery and descends on the aortic arch. It gives rise to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve which hooks around the aortic arch to the left of the ligamentum arteriosum and ascends between the trachea and esophagus. The left vagus further gives off thoracic cardiac branches, breaks up into pulmonary plexus, continues into the esophageal plexus and enters the abdomen as the anterior vagal trunk in the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm. The vagus nerve supplies motor parasympathetic fibers to all the organs except the suprarenal (adrenal) glands, from the neck down to the second segment of the . The vagus also controls a few skeletal muscles, Vagus nerve 3

namely: • • Levator veli palatini muscle • Salpingopharyngeus muscle • • Superior, middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictors • Muscles of the (speech). This means that the vagus nerve is responsible for such varied tasks as rate, gastrointestinal , sweating, and quite a few muscle movements in the mouth, including speech (via the recurrent laryngeal nerve) and keeping the larynx open for breathing (via action of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, the only abductor of the vocal folds). It also has some afferent fibers that innervate the inner (canal) portion of the , via the Auricular branch (also known as Alderman's nerve) and part of the . This explains why a person may cough when tickled on their ear (such as when trying to remove ear wax with a cotton swab).

The vagus nerve and the heart

Parasympathetic innervation of the heart is mediated by the vagus nerve. Specifically, the vagus nerve acts to lower the . The right vagus innervates the . Parasympathetic hyperstimulation predisposes those affected to bradyarrhythmias. The left vagus when hyperstimulated predisposes the heart to atrioventricular (AV) blocks.

At this location neuroscientist first proved that nerves secrete substances called which have effects on

receptors in target tissues. Loewi described the substance released Fibres of the vagus nerve (right/bottom of image) by the vagus nerve as , which was later found to be innervate the sinoatrial node tissue (central and left of . image). H&E stain. The vagus nerve has three nuclei in the CNS associated with cardiovascular control, the dorsal motor nucleus, the and the . The parasympathetic output to the heart comes mainly from neurons in the nucleus ambiguus and to a lesser extent from the dorsal motor nucleus.[4] The solitary nucleus receives sensory input about the state of the cardiovascular system, being an integrational hub for the . Drugs that inhibit the muscarinic cholinergic receptor () such as and are called vagolytic because they inhibit the action of the vagus nerve on the heart, and other organs. drugs increase heart rate and are used to treat (slow heart rate) and asystole, which is when the heart has no electrical activity. Vagus nerve 4

Medical treatment involving the vagus nerve (VNS) therapy using a pacemaker-like device implanted in the chest is a treatment used since 1997 to control in patients and has recently been approved for treating drug-resistant cases of clinical depression.[5] A non-invasive VNS device that stimulates an afferent branch of the vagus nerve is also being developed and will soon undergo trials. VNS may also be achieved by one of the vagal maneuvers: holding the breath for a few seconds, dipping the face in cold water, coughing, or tensing the stomach muscles as if to bear down to have a bowel movement (Valsalva maneuver).[6] Patients with supraventricular tachycardia,[6] , and other illnesses may be trained to perform vagal maneuvers (or find one or more on their own). Vagus nerve blocking (VBLOC) therapy is similar to VNS but only used during the day. In a six month open-label trial involving three medical centers in Australia, Mexico, and Norway, vagus nerve blocking has helped 31 obese participants lose an average of nearly 15 percent of their excess weight. A year long 300 participant double-blind, phase II trial has begun.[7] (cutting of the vagus nerve) is a now-obsolete therapy that was performed for peptic ulcer disease. Vagotomy is currently being researched as a less invasive alternative weight loss procedure to .[8] The procedure curbs the feeling of and is sometimes performed in conjunction with putting bands on patients' stomachs, resulting in average weight loss of 43% at six months with diet and exercise.[9] One serious side effect of a Vagotomy is a Vitamin B12 deficiency later in life - i.e. 10 years - that is similar to Pernicious Anaemia. As one gets older, the stomach produces less acid. The acid, and one of its components called , is needed to metabolized B12 from food. The vagotomy reduces the acid that ultimately leads to the deficiency which, if left untreated, causes nerve damage, tiredness, dementia, paranoia and ultimately death.[10]

Physical and emotional effects Activation of the vagus nerve typically leads to a reduction in heart rate, blood pressure, or both. This occurs commonly in the setting of gastrointestinal illness such as viral or acute cholecystitis, or in response to other stimuli, including carotid sinus massage, Valsalva maneuver, or pain from any cause, particularly having blood drawn. When the circulatory changes are great enough, vasovagal results. Relative dehydration tends to amplify these responses. Excessive activation of the vagal nerve during emotional stress, which is a parasympathetic overcompensation of a strong sympathetic nervous system response associated with stress, can also cause vasovagal syncope because of a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate. Vasovagal syncope affects young children and women more often. It can also lead to temporary loss of bladder control under moments of extreme fear. Research has shown that women who have complete transection of the spinal cord can experience through the vagus nerve, which can go from the , and probably the vagina to the brain.[11] [12] Vagus nerve 5

Effects of vagus nerve lesions The patient complains of hoarse voice, difficulty in (dysphagia) and choking when drinking fluid. There is also loss of gag reflex. Uvula deviates away from the side of lesion and there is failure of palate elevation.

Additional images

Section of the neck at Transverse section of thorax, The arch of the about the level of the showing relations of pulmonary , and its sixth cervical vertebra artery branches

Dura mater and its The tracheobronchial lymph Section of the Hind- and mid-brains; processes exposed by glands at about the middle of the olive postero-lateral view removing part of the right half of the skull, and the brain

Upper part of medulla spinalis The right sympathetic The celiac ganglia with the The position and relation of the and hind- and mid-brains; chain and its sympathetic plexuses of the esophagus in the cervical posterior aspect, exposed in situ connections with the abdominal viscera radiating region and in the posterior thoracic, abdominal, from the ganglia , seen from behind and pelvic plexuses Vagus nerve 6

The gland and The of a full-term fetus, its relations exposed in situ

See also • — This rare disorder can cause seizures and damage to the vagal nerve. Diagnosis, in some cases, may require DNA testing. • • Vagus nerve stimulation

External links • MedEd at Loyola grossanatomy/h_n/cn/cn1/cn10.htm [13] • Cranial Nerves at Yale 10-1 [14] • Human anatomy at Dartmouth figures/chapter_24/24-7.HTM [15] • cranialnerves [16] at The Anatomy Lesson [17] by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) ( X [18])


[1] http:/ / education. yahoo. com/ reference/ gray/ subjects/ subject?id=205#p910

[2] http:/ / www. nlm. nih. gov/ cgi/ mesh/ 2007/ MB_cgi?mode=& term=Vagus+ Nerve

[3] Functional and chemical anatomy of the afferent vagal system. Berthoud HR and Neuhuber WL (http:/ / www. sciencedirect. com/

science?_ob=ArticleURL& _udi=B6VT5-41TN409-2& _user=10& _coverDate=12/ 20/ 2000& _rdoc=2& _fmt=high& _orig=browse&

_srch=doc-info(#toc#6281#2000#999149998#220094#FLA#display#Volume)& _cdi=6281& _sort=d& _docanchor=& view=c& _ct=23&

_acct=C000050221& _version=1& _urlVersion=0& _userid=10& md5=540993eae7f65c7a08bcabc6693627c1) [4] Central Control of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems and Their Interactions in Vertebrates. Taylor EW, Jordan D and Coote JH.

(http:/ / physrev. physiology. org/ cgi/ content/ abstract/ 79/ 3/ 855) [5] Nemeroff C, Mayberg H, Krahl S, McNamara J, Frazer A, Henry T, George M, Charney D, Brannan S (2006). "VNS therapy in treatment-resistant depression: clinical evidence and putative neurobiological mechanisms.". Neuropsychopharmacology 31 (7): 1345–55.

doi:10.1038/sj.npp.1301082. PMID 16641939. link (http:/ / www. nature. com/ npp/ journal/ v31/ n7/ abs/ 1301082a. html)

[6] Vibhuti N, Singh; Monika Gugneja (2005-08-22). "Supraventricular Tachycardia" (http:/ / www. emedicinehealth. com/

supraventricular_tachycardia/ page7_em. htm). eMedicineHealth.com. . Retrieved 2008-11-28.

[7] Mayo Clinic. Device Blocking Stomach Nerve Signals Shows Promise in Obesity (http:/ / www. mayoclinic. org/ news2008-rst/ 4892. html)

[8] Ulcer surgery may help treat obesity - Diet and nutrition - MSNBC.com (http:/ / www. msnbc. msn. com/ id/ 19563617/ )

[9] http:/ / www. cnn. com/ 2007/ HEALTH/ conditions/ 07/ 09/ obesity. nerve. ap/ index. html

[10] http:/ / www. pernicious-anaemia-society. org

[11] (http:/ / www. wired. com/ medtech/ health/ news/ 2007/ 01/ 72325) [12] Komisaruk, B.R, Whipple, B., Crawford, A., Grimes, S., Liu, W-C., Kalin, A., & Mosier, K. (2004). Brain activation during vaginocervical

self-stimulation and in women with complete : MRI evidence of mediation by the Vagus nerves. (http:/ / psychology.

rutgers. edu/ ~brk/ brainresearch04. pdf)

[13] http:/ / www. meddean. luc. edu/ Lumen/ MedEd/ grossanatomy/ h_n/ cn/ cn1/ cn10. htm

[14] http:/ / www. med. yale. edu/ caim/ cnerves/ cn10/ cn10_1. html

[15] http:/ / www. dartmouth. edu/ ~humananatomy/ figures/ chapter_24/ 24-7. HTM

[16] http:/ / mywebpages. comcast. net/ wnor/ cranialnerves. htm

[17] http:/ / home. comcast. net/ ~wnor/ homepage. htm

[18] http:/ / mywebpages. comcast. net/ wnor/ X. jpg Article Sources and Contributors 7 Article Sources and Contributors

Vagus nerve Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=378254258 Contributors: 130.94.122.xxx, A314268, AAAAA, Afaprof01, Alcmaeonid, Alex.tan, Ambulating twig, Andre Engels, Andylepper, Anthonyhcole, Arcadian, Aron1, Atlant, Azquelt, Backin72, Betterusername, Bobet, Brim, BullRangifer, Captain-n00dle, Chafiman, ChrisPomfrett, Colin, Corpx, Danglingdiagnosis, DanielCD, Dcfleck, Debresser, Dethme0w, Don't give an Ameriflag, Dreyer, Elkman, Ericyu, Eyejuice, Faigl.ladislav, Gaius Cornelius, George Burgess, Giftlite, HenkvD, Heron, Hydrargyrum, Iknowyourider, Jeffq, Jfdwolff, JodyB, Jonathan.s.kt, Jyaroch, K-MUS, KMT, Kitb, Kwamikagami, Kylelovesyou, L Kensington, LearnAnatomy, Lipothymia, Lyrl, Mikael Häggström, Moioci, Mr. Lefty, Narvalo, Nephron, Nihiltres, Nimbex, Nrets, Orlandoturner, Pem915, Piano non troppo, PolarYukon, PseudoOne, Pvanderaa, Qaz, Quarl, Qumsieh, Rajab, Redpriest187, Richardcavell, Rjwilmsi, Robert talan, Ryanbhunt, S Levchenkov, Scottalter, Sentinelk9, SirGrok, Snellios, Sqroot3, Squash, Supergee, Supten, Sweetmoose6, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, Taimur1988, Tarquin, Tatterfly, Tero, The Jack, The myoclonic jerk, Three-quarter-ten, Tony Sidaway, Tristanb, Unyoyega, Vice regent, Voidxor, Watchitbit**, Will Beback, Woohookitty, Zandperl, Zargulon, Ziga, Zozart, 135 anonymous edits Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

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