Local Disaster Management Plan August 2021 logan.qld.gov.au This page is intentionally left blank 2 LOCAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN | August 2021 Important information about this document Certain sections of the Logan City Local Disaster Management Plan (the plan) are privileged and confidential and not available for distribution to the general public. Logan City Council permits the use of material contained in the Logan City Local Disaster Management Plan to be reproduced for research or planning purposes, provided that any material used remains unaltered and due recognition of the source of the materials is recognised. Any party using the information for any purposes does so at their own risk and releases and indemnifies Logan City Council against all responsibility and liability (including negligence, negligent misstatement and pure economic loss) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs as a consequence of such use. All requests for additional or clarifying information regarding this document are to be referred to: The Disaster Management Program Leader Logan City Council PO Box 3226 LOGAN CITY DC 4114 (07) 3412 3412 Website: logan.qld.gov.au Email:
[email protected] LOCAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN | August 2021 3 Emergency contact list In an Emergency, Dial 000 TTY Emergency Calls, 106 Animal Emergencies or Lost Animals Logan City Council 3412 5397 APA Group Natural Gas Emergencies APA Group allgas.com.au 1800 427 532 Energex Energex energex.com.au Emergency (24/7) 13 19 62 General enquiries 13 12 53 Power outages