
Appendix 1 Zoological checklists and catalogues

In addition to the few broad scope works mentioned in the text, I list here a representative sample of zoological works offering worldwide coverage of major groups. The reader will easily appreciate the major gaps waiting to be filled. I shall begin with , that major heap of biological diversity. For the largest groups, several multi-authored catalogues have been available for some time. There is a huge and formally complete Coleopterorum Catalogus, but most issues are now quite old and revised editions exist only for a few families or subfamilies. Matters are worse with works dealing with butterfiies, and hymenoptera (Lepidopterorum Catalogus, Hymenopterorum Catalog us, two projects stopped short at the beginning). However, a new edition of the Hymenopterorum Catalogus was started in 1969 by van der Vecht and Ferriere, as has a companion work on . Much more advanced, though still incomplete, is Orthopterorum Catalogus (Beier, 1962). For the Hemiptera, there is Metcalf et al.'s (1927-1968) work. Again, this work does not cover all groups and is out of date. A supplement on the Cicadoidea has been published by Duffels and van der Laan (1985). Diptera have never been covered worldwide within a single major work but the is comprehensively dealt with in six excellent catalogues, respectively devoted to the Palaearctic (S06s and Papp, 1984), Nearctic (Stone et al., 1965), Afrotropical (Crosskey et al., 1980), Neotropical (Papavero, 1967), Oriental (Delfinado and Hardy, 1973-1977) and Australasian and Oceanian (Evenhuis, 1989). For several smaller insect orders there are relatively recent catalogues or checklists, such as Salmon (1964-1965) on Collembola, Davies and Tobin (1984-1985) on Odonata, Illies (1966) and Zwick (1973) on Plecoptera, Sakai (1970-1988) and Steinmann (1989) on Dermaptera, Smithers (1967) on Psocoptera, Hopkins and Clay (1952) on Mallophaga, lacot-Guillarmod (1970-1979) on Thysanoptera, Fischer (1960-1973) on Trichoptera. Relatively recent monographs also cover several large insect families. Within Hemiptera, for instance, Slater (1964) for Lygaeidae, Carvalho (1957-1960) for Miridae, Drake and Ruhoff (1965) for Tingidae, Kormilev and Froeschner (1987) for Aradidae; within Homoptera, Mound and Halsey (1978) for Aleyrodidae and Eastop and Lambers (1976) for aphids; within Coleoptera, Udayagiri and Wadhii 216 Appendix 1

(1989) for Bruchidae, Mazur (1984) for Histeridae, Didier and Seguy (1953) for Lucanidae; within Diptera, Hull (1962) for Asilidae, Hull (1973) for Bombylidae; within Hymenoptera, Olmi (1984) for Dryinidae, Gordh and Moczar (1990) for Bethylidae, Townes (1969-1971) for Ichneumonidae, Townes and Townes (1981) and Johnson (1992) for Proctotrupoidea, Bohart and Menke (1976) for Sphecidae, Kimsey and Bohart (1990) for Chrysididae and Boucek (1974) for Leucospidae. For groups lacking more detailed treatments, simple checklists of genera are available, such as Blackwelder (1952) on staphylinid , or Seeno and Wilcox (1982) on Chrysomelidae s.l. For other than insects, are adequately covered by Roewer's (1942, 1954) catalogue, if used in conjunction with Brignoli's (1983) and Platnick's (1989) excellent supplements. However, there are no supplements to Roewer's (1923, 1934) monographs on harvestmen and solifuges, whereas Beier's (1932a,b) volumes on pseudoscorpions have been aptly supplemented by Harvey's (1990) catalogue. A new comprehensive Crustaceorum Catalogus has recently been started by Gruner and Holthuis, whereas family and level taxa of (Diplopoda) have been listed by Jeekel (1971) and Hoffman (1979). For other groups, things are not much better. A few recent world• wide monographs, however, deserve mention: Schmidt (1986) on cestodes; Siddiqi (1986) on tylenchid ; Stephen and Edmonds (1972) on echiurids and sipunculans; Fauchald (1977) and Hartmann (1959-1965) on ; Reynolds and Cook (1976, 1981), Brinkhurst and Jamieson (1971) and Brinkhurst and Wetzel (1984) on oligochaetes, Sawyer (1986) on leeches, Ramazzotti and Maucci (1983) on , and others. The literature on is quite extensive. I only cite a recent list of world genera (Cunningham Vaught, 1989); at the species level, however, the lists available cover selected molluscan taxa only. As for , comprehensive and updated checklists of species are available for (Frost, 1985), (Howard and Moore, 1980; and others) and (Honacki, Kinman and Koeppl, 1982; Corbet and Hill, 1986). As for , a most scholarly reference is Eschmeyer's (1990) generic catalogue. For several groups, such as sharks and several families of bony fishes of major economic interest, FAO publishes a series of illustrated catalogues. For many groups, however, world checklists are now in preparation. I am aware, for instance, of new projects on snakes, amphipods, neuropterans, scolytid beetles and others. Appendices 2-23

Appendices 2-23 include excerpts from major systematic works of the last few years. This choice of schemes is not offered as the draft of a possible system of living organisms. Instead, it may provide the reader with a first general reference to the current understanding of relationships within groups with which he or she is less familiar. Moreover, it exemplifies several contrasting attitudes and procedures widely occurring in the systematic literature: for instance, the use of non• conventional ranks in a Linnaean hierarchy (Appendix 21), or the refusal to adopt a Linnaean hierarchy altogether (Appendices 6, 17, 20); or the adoption of Nelson's sequential ranking procedure (Appendix 17, 20) and the use of Patterson and Rosen's (1977) 'plesion' convention (Appendix 18). The taxa marked t are extinct. Appendix 2


Superkingdom Prokaryonta Suprakingdom Archaebacteria Archaebacteriobionta Infrakingdom Methanobacteriobionta Methanococcacea Phylum Methanospirillacea Phylum Methanosarcinacea Phylum Methanobacteriacea Infrakingdom Halobacteriobionta Phylum Halobacteriacea Phylum Halococcacea Infrakingdom Caldariabionta Phylum Sulfolobacea Phylum Thermoplasmatacea Suprakingdom Neobacteria Kingdom Bacteriobionta Infrakingdom Eubacteria Superphylum Grambacteria Phylum Streptococcacea Phylum Clostridiacea Phylum Bacillacea Phylum Mycoplasmatacea Phylum Chlamydiacea Phylum Micrococcacea Phylum Actinomycetacea Superphylum Agrambacteria Phylum Desulfovibrionacea Phylum Rhodobacteriacea Phylum Thiobacillacea Phylum Azotobacteriacea Phylum Pseudomonadacea Phylum Photobacteriacea Phylum Enterobacteriacea Infrakingdom Spirochaetae Phylum Spirochaetacea Infrakingdom Myxobacteria Kingdom Cyanobionta Phylum Cyanophyta Phylum Prochlorophyta Superkingdom Eukaryonta Mohn's general classification of living organisms 219

Suprakingdom Aconta Kingdom Rhodocyanobionta Phylum Cyanidiophyta Kingdom Erythrobionta Phylum Rhodophyta Suprakingdom Contophora Kingdom Chlorobionta Phylum Prasinophyta Phylum Phylum Ulvaphyta Phylum Kingdom FJagelloopalinida Phylum Protomonada Phylum Opalinidea Kingdom Euglenophytobionta Phylum Euglenophyta Kingdom Eumycota Phylum Opisthomastigomycota Phylum Amastigomycota Kingdom Dinophytobionta Infrakingdom Dinophytea Phylum Dinophyta Phylum Granuloreticulosa Phylum Acanthiolaria Phylum Polannulifera Infrakingdom Ciliata Phylum Ciliophora Kingdom Cryptophytobionta Phylum Cryptophyta Kingdom Colponemata Phylum Colponemaria Kingdom Chloromonadophytobionta Phylum Chloromonadophyta Kingdom Chromophytobionta Infrakingdom Chromobionta Phylum Xanthophyta Phylum Pantonemomycota Phylum Proteomyxidea Phylum Labyrinthomorpha Phylum Chrysophyta Phylum Hydraulea Phylum Trichomycetea Phylum Mycetozoidea Phylum Pedinellaphyta Phylum Bacillariophyta Phylum Phaeophyta Infrakingdom Eustigmatobionta Phylum Eustigmatophyta Infrakingdom Choanobionta Phylum Craspedophyta Infrakingdom Haptophytobionta Phylum Haptophyta Suprakingdom Cormobionta Suprakingdom Animalia (Metazoa) 220 Appendix 2

I have translated in the following way Mohn's Gennan names for the individual hierarchical ranks: Superkingdom for Uberreich, Suprakingdom for Oberreich, Kingdom for Reich, Infrakingdom for Unterreich, Superphylum for Uberstamm, Phylum for Stamm. Bacteriobionta (without Cyanobionta), Chlorobionta (without Connobionta) and Chromophytobionta (without Animalia) are paraphyletic (Mohn, 1984, p.79). Appendix 3

'PROVISIONAL CLASSIFICATION' OF THE PROTISTA, ACCORDING TO CORLISS (1984, 1986A,B, 1987) Rhizopods Bicosoecidea, Karyoblastea Heterochloridea, incertae sedis Rhaphidophyceae, incertae sedis Acrasia Labyrinthomorphs Eumycetozoa Labyrinthulea Plasmodiophorea Thraustochytriacea Granuloreticulosa Polymastigotes Xenophyophora, incertae sedis Metamonadea Mastigomycetes Parabasalia Hyphochytridiomycota Paraflagellates Oomycota Opalinata , incertae sedis Actinopods Chlorobionts Heliozoa Chlorophyta Taxopoda Prasinophyta Acantharia Conjugatophyta Polycystina Charophyta Phaeodaria Glaucophyta, incertae sedis Chlorarachniophytes Peridinea Chlorarachniophyta Syndinea Ebriidea, incertae sedis Euglenophyta Ellobiophyceae, incertae sedis Kinetoplastidea Acritarcha, incertae sedis Pseudociliata, incertae sedis Rhodophytes Ciliophora Rhodophyta Sporozoa Sporozoa Cryptophyta Perkinsida, incertae sedis Choanofiagellates Choanofiagellata Microsporidia Chromobionts Haplosporidia Chrysophyta Haplosporidia Haptophyta Myxosporidia Bacillariophyta Myxosporidia Xanthophyta Actinomyxidea, incertae sedis Eustigmatophyta Marteiliidea, incertae sedis Phaeophyta Paramyxidea, incertae sedis Pteromonadea, incertae sedis

In this provisional scheme, Corliss recognizes a conventional kingdom Protista, with about 50 formal phy la distributed within 19 informally named supraphy letic assemblages. Appendix 4

PHYLA AND CLASSES OF THE PROTOCTISTA (CORLISS' PROTISTA) ACCORDING TO MARGULIS ET AL. (1990) Phylum Rhizopoda Parabasalia Class Lobosea Class Retortomonads Class Filosea Class Pyrsonymphida Phylum Haplosporidia Phylum Euglenida Class Haplosporea Class Euglenophyceae Phylum Paramyxea Phylum Chlorarachnida Class Paramyxidea Class Chlorarachniophyceae Class Marteiliidea Phylum Prymnesiophyta Phylum Class Prymnesiophyceae Class Myxosporea Phylum Raphidophyta Class Actinosporea Class Rhaphidophyceae Phylum Phylum Eustigmatophyta Class Rudimicrosporea Class Eustigmatophyceae Class Microsporea Phylum Actinopoda Phylum Acrasea Class Polycystina Class Acrasids Class Phaeodaria Phylum Dictyostelida Class Heliozoa Class Dictyostelids Class Acantharia Phylum Rhodophyta Phylum Hyphochytriomycota Class Rhodophyceae Class Hyphochytrids Phylum Coniugatophyta Phylum Labyrinthulomycota Class Conjugatophyceae Class Labyrinthulids Phylum Xenophyophora Class Thraustochytrids Class Psamminida Phylum Plasmodiophoromycota Class Stannominida Class Plasmodiophorids Phylum Cryptophyta Phylum Dinomastigota Class Class Dinophyceae Phylum Glaucocystophyta Class Syndiniophyceae Class Glaucocystophyceae Phylum Chrysophyta Phylum Karyoblastea Class Chrysophyceae Class Karyoblastea Class Synurophyceae Phylum Zoomastigina Class Pedinellophyceae Class Amebomastigota Class Dictyochophyceae Class Bicoecids Class Silicomastigota Class Choanomastigota Phylum Chytridiomycota Class Diplomonads Class Chytridiomycetes Class Pseudociliata Phylum Plasmodial slime moulds Class Kinetoplastids Class Protostelids Class Opalinids Class Myxomycetes Class Proteromonads Phylum Ciliophora Phyla and classes of the Protoctista 223

Class Karyorelictea Class Class Spirotrichea Class Bacillariophyceae Class Protostomatea Phylum Chlorophyta Class Litostomatea Class Class Phyllopharyngea Class Class Nassophorea Class Class Oligohymenophorea Class Class Colpodea Phylum Oomycota Phylum Granuloreticulosa Class Saprolegniomycetidae Class Athalamea Class Peronosporomycetidae Class Phylum Xanthophyta Phylum Class Xanthophyceae Class Gregarinia Phylum Phaeophyta Class Coccidia Class Phaeophyceae Class Hematozoa Phylum: incertae sedis Phylum Bacillariophyta Class Ebriids Class Cosciniodiscophyceae Class Ellobiopsids

For several taxa, only vernacular names are suggested, mostly because of troubles with the 'ambiregnal' nomenclature of these groups, officially covered by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature as well as by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Appendix 5


Suprakingdom Animalia (Metazoa) Midkingdom Parazoa Kingdom Porifera Infrakingdom Calcarosponga Phylum Calcara Infrakingdom Silicosponga Phylum Demospongea Phylum Hexactinellidea Kingdom Archaeata Infrakingdom Archaeozoa Phylum Archaeocyatha Kingdom Placozoomorpha Phylum Placozoa Midkingdom Kingdom Phylum Phylum Kingdom Bilateralia Interkingdom Aproctophora Infrakingdom Acoelomata Superphylum Parenchymata Phylum Plathelminthes Superphylum Mesozoia Phylum Phylum Cnidospora Interkingdom Proctophora Infrakingdom Nemertinea Superphylum Nemertina Phylum Nemertini Infrakingdom N eoproctophora Superphylum Pseudocoelia Midphylum Nematelminthes Phylum Phylum Phylum Phylum Rotatoria Phylum Gastrotricha Phylum Nematoda Mohn's classification of animals 225

Phylum Midphylum Phylum Kamptozoa Infrakingdom Coelomata Superphylum Mollusca Phylum Aplacophora Phylum Conchifera Superphylum Eucoelomata Supraphylum Articulata (Teloblastomata) Midphylum Annelidea Phylum Annelida Midphylum Proarthropoda Phylum Midphylum Pentastomidea Phylum Midphylum Tardigradea Phylum Tardigrada Midphylum Euarthropoda Phylum Amandibulata Phylum Supraphylum Monocoelomata Phylum Myzostomida Phylum Sipunculida Phylum Supraphylum Pogonophorea Phylum Pogonophora Supraphylum Chaetognathea Phylum Supraphylum Enterocoelomata Midphylum Tentaculata Phylum Phoronidea Phylum Phylum Brachiopoda Midphylum Deuterostomia Phylum Hemichordata Phylum Echinodermata Phylum Chordata

In addition to the names translated in the way explained in Appendix 2, I have used Midkingdom for Mittelreich, Interkingdom for Zwischenreich, Supraphylum for Oberstamm and Midphylum for Mittelstamm. Besides a few unconventional names, the arrangement of taxa is mainly traditional. Appendix 6


Kingdom Animalia Phylum Choanoflagellata Metazoa Phylum Porifera Phylum Placozoa Gastraeozoa (Eumetazoa) Phylum Cnidaria Trochaeozoa Gastroneuralia Articulata Phylum Annelida lato Phylum Phylum Gnathostomulida Phylum Onychophora Phylum Arthropoda sensu lato Phylum Mollusca Phylum Parenchymia (Acoelomata) Phylum Nemertini Phylum Platyhelminthes () Bryozoa Phylum Entoprocta Phylum Ectoprocta Aschelminthes (Nematelminthes, Pseudocoelomata) Phylum Rotifera Phylum Acanthocephala Phylum Chaetognatha Phylum Nematoda Phylum Nematomorpha Phylum Kinorhyncha Phylum Phylum Priapulida Phylum Gastrotricha Protornaeozoa Phylum Ctenophora Notoneuralia Brachiata Phylum Nielsen's system of the Animalia 227

Phylum Phoronida Phylum Brachiopoda Phylum Echinodermata Cyrtotreta Phylum Enteropneusta Chordata Phylum Urochordata Phylum Cephalochordata Phylum Vertebrata

Several ranks intermediate between the kingdom and the phylum are left unnamed. Appendix 7


Plathelminthes Euplathelminthes N emertodermatida Acoela Macrostomida , incertae sedis N.N.l , incertae sedis N.N.2 Seriata Tricladida 'Typhloplanoida' (including Kalyptorhynchia) Doliopharyngiophora 'Dalyellioidea' (including Temnocephalida and Udonellida) Aspidobothrii Digenea Cercomeromorphae Gyrocotylidea Nephroposticophora Cestoidea Caryophyllidea

Ranks are not named according to a Linnaean hierarchy. Taxa N.N.l and N.N.2 have received no formal name, because of the uncertain relationships to their postulated sister• groups. Appendix 8


Class Oligochaeta (Octogonadia?) I. Subclass Randiellata Order Randiellida Family Randiellidae 2. Subclass Tubificata Order Tubificida Family Tubificidae Family Enchytraeidae Family Capilloventridae Family Phreodrilidae Family Dorydrilidae Family Opisthocystidae 3a. Subclass Lumbriculata Order Lumbriculida Family Lumbriculidae 3b. Subclass Diplotesticulata Superorder Haplotaxidea Family Haplotaxidae Family Tiguassuidae Superorder Metagynophora Order Moniligastrida Family Moniligastridae Order Opisthopora Suborder Alluroidina Superfamily Alluroidoidea Family Alluroididae Family Syngenodrilidae Suborder Cohort Aquamegadrili I. Superfamily Sparganophiloidea Family Sparganophilidae 2a. Superfamily Biwadriloidea Family Biwadrilidae 2b. Superfamily Almoidea Family Almidae Family Lutodrilidae Cohort Terrimegadrili I. Superfamily Ocnerodriloidea Family Ocnerodrilidae 2. Superfamily Eudriloidea Family Eudrilidae 230 Appendix 8

3a. Superfamily Lumbricoidea Family Kynotidae? Family Komarekionidae Family Ailoscolecidae Family Microchaetidae Family Hormogastridae Family Glossoscolecidae Family Lumbricidae 3b. Superfamily Megascolecoidea Family Megascolecidae

A fundamentally cladistic approach coexists here with the use of formal 'Linnaean' ranks, as well as with a limited use of numerical prefixes, as in Hennig's systems (Appendices 15, 16). Appendix 9


Subphylum Scutopoda Class is Caudofoveata Ordo Chaetodermatida Subphylum Adenopoda Infraphylum/Superclassis Heterotecta Classis Superordo Aplotegmentaria Ordo Pholidoskepia Ordo Neomeniamorpha Superordo Pachytegmentaria Ordo Sterrofustia Ordo Cavibelonia Classis Placophora tSubclassis Heptaplacota Ordo Septemchitonida Subclassis Loricata t Ordo Chelodida tOrdo Scanochitonida Ordo Lepidopleurida Ordo Chitonida Infraphylum/Superclassis Conchifera Classis Galeroconcha Ordo Tryblidiida (=Monoplacophora) tOrdo Bellerophontida Classis Subclassis Prosobranchia Ordo Archaeogastropoda Ordo Caenogastropoda Subclassis Pulmonata Ordo Archaeopulmonata Ordo Basommatophora Ordo Stylommatophora Subclassis Gymnomorpha Ordo Onchidiida Ordo Soleolifera = Veronicellida Ordo Rhodopida Subclassis Opisthobranchia Ordo Pyramidellimorpha 232 Appendix 9

Ordo Cephalaspidea Ordo Anaspidea Ordo Saccoglossa Ordo Notaspidea Ordo Nudibranchia Ordo Anthobranchia Classis Subclassis Pelecypoda Superordo Ctenidiobranchia Ordo Nuculida Superordo Palaeobranchia Ordo Solemyida tOrdo Praecardiida Superordo Autobranchia Ordo Pteriomorpha Ordo Palaeoheterodonta Ordo Heterodonta Ordo Anomalodesmata Superordo Septibranchia Ordo Poromyida tSubclassis Rostroconchia Ordo Ribeiriida Ordo Ischyriniida Ordo Conocardiida Classis Scaphopoda Ordo Dentaliida Ordo Siphonodentaliida Classis Siphonopoda = Cephalopoda tSubclassis Orthoceratoida Ordo Ellesmerocerida Ordo Ordo Ordo Ordo Ordo Subclassis Nautiloida tOrdo Ordo tOrdo tSubclassis Ammonoida Ordo Ordo Goniatitida Ordo Subclassis Coleoida tOrdo tOrdo Ordo Sepiida tOrdo Ordo Teuthida Ordo Vampyromorpha Ordo Octobrachia = Octopoda

A well-worked traditional classification, with Linnaean ranks, including both Recent and extinct taxa. Appendix 10

HASZPRUNAR'S (1986) CLASSIFICATION OF GASTROPODS Subclass Prosobranchia Order Aplysiomorpha Order Archaeogastropoda Order Saccoglossa Order Caenogastropoda Order Thecasomata Suborder Architaenioglossa ?Order Gymnosomata Suborder Neotaenioglossa Superorder Eleutherobranchia Suborder Heteroglossa Order Notaspidea Suborder Stenoglossa Order Nudibranchia Connecting link Order Anthobranchia Superfamily Rissoelloidea ?Order Smeagolida Subclass Heterobranchia Superorder Gymnomorpha Cohors Triganglionata Order Onchidiida Superorder Allogastropoda Order Soleolifera Cohors Pentaganglionata ?Order Rhodopida Superorder Architectibranchia Superorder Pulmonata Superorder Tectibranchia Order Archaeopulmonata Order Bullomorpha Order Branchiopulmonata ?Order Acochlidiomorpha Order Stylommatophora

The scheme incorporated the author's new concept of Heterobranchia, with a revised placement of Pulmonata and the disappearance of a traditional paraphyletic Opisthobranchia. Several problems still appear to be open. Appendix 11


tAglaspida Euchelicerata Xiphosurida Metastomata tEurypterida Arachnida Ctenophora: Scorpiones Lipoctena Megaoperculata Uropygi Labellata Amblypygi Araneae Apulmonata Palpigradi Holotracheata Haplocnemata Chelonethi Solifugae Cryptoperculata Acannomorpha Ricinulei Acari Opiliones

The placement of Pantopoda within Chelicerata is regarded by Weygoldt and Paulus as doubtful. Ranks are left unnamed. To be compared with Appendix 12. Appendix 12


Arachnida Micrura Megoperculata Palpigradi Tetrapulmonata Araneae Pedipalpi Amblypygi Uropygi Thelyphonida Schizomida Acaromorpha Ricinulei Acari Dromopoda Novogenuata Scorpiones Haplocnemata Pseudoscorpiones Solifugae

To be compared with Appendix 11. Appendix 13


Class tOrder Hoplostraca tOrder Enantiopoda Order Order Nectipoda Subclass Class Order Brachypoda Subclass tOrder Lipostraca tOrder Aeschronectida Subclass Sarsostraca t Order Palaeostomatopoda Order Anostraca Order Stomatopoda Subclass Calmanostraca tSuborder Archeostomatopodea Order Notostraca Suborder Unipeltata tOrder Kazacharthra Subclass Order Conchostraca Order Class Suborder Subclass Suborder Order Tantulocaridida tSuborder Palaeocaridacea Subclass tOrder Belotelsonidea Order Arguloida Order Euphausiacea ?Order Pentastomida Order Amphionidacea Subclass Mystacocarida Order Order Mystacocaridida Suborder Dendrobranchiata Subclass Ostracoda Suborder Eukyphida tOrder Bradoriida Suborder Euzygida tOrder Phosphatocopida Suborder Reptantia tOrder Leperditicopida t Order Waterstonellidea Order Palaeocopida Order Order Myodocopida Order Order Podocopida tOrder Pygocephalomorpha Subclass Copepoda Order Myctacea Order Calanoida Order Edriophthalma Order Misophrioida Suborder Order Harpacticoida Suborder Order Mormonilloida Order Order Siphonostomatoida Order Hemicaridea Order Monstrilloida Suborder Order Cyclopoida Suborder Order Poecilostomatoida Suborder Subclass Class Phyllopoda Order Facetotecta Subclass Order Rhizocephala 'Order Archaeostraca Order Ascothoracica tOrder Canadaspidida Order Cirripedia 'Order Hymenostraca

Schram regards Crustacea as an independent phylum (see 7.18). This classification incorporates all higher taxa of Recent and Crustacea. Appendix 14


Supraclass Crustacea Class Branchipodiodes Subclass Polyphemiones Infraclass Speleonectioni (=Remipedia) Superorder Speleonectiformii Order Speleonectiformes tSuperorder Tesnusocaridiformii Order Tesnusocaridiformes (=Enantiopoda) Infraclass Hutchinsonellioni (=Cephalocarida) Order Hutchinsonelliformes Infraclass Polyphemioni (=Brachypoda) tSuperorder Lepidocaridiformii Order Lepidocaridiformes (=Lipostraca) Superorder Polyphemiformii Order Polyphemiformes (=Onychopoda) Order Leptodoriformes (=Haplopoda) Subclass Branchipodiones Infraclass Triopioni (=Calmanostraca) tSuperorder Odariiformii Order Odariiformes Superorder Triopiformii Order Triopiformes (=Notostraca) tSuperorder Ketmeniiformii Order Ketmeniiformes (=Kazacharthra) Infraclass Branchipodioni t S uperorder Leanchoiliformii Order Leanchoiliformes Order Y ohoiiformes Superorder Branchipodiformii Order Branchipodiformes (=Anostraca) Subclass Daphniiones Superorder Daphniiformii t Order Protocaridiformes Order Daphniiformes (=Ctenopoda plus Adenopoda) Superorder Limnadiiformii Order Lynceiformes (=Laevicaudata) Order Limnadiiformes (=Spinicaudata) Class Carcinoides (=Malacostraca) Subclass Carciniones (=Eumalacostraca) Infraclass Squillioni (=Hoplocarida) Infraclass Carcinioni (=Eumalacostraca sensu Schram 1982) Subclass Nebaliiones (=Phyllocarida) Class Ascothoracioides Subclass Ascothoraciones 238 Appendix 14

Order Ascothoraciformes Subclass Cyclopiones Infraclass Derocheilocaridioni Order Derocheilocaridiformes (=Mystacocarida) Infraclass Calanioni (=Gymnoplea) Superorder Basipodelliformii (=Tantulocarida) Order Basipodelliformes (=Tantulocarida) Superorder Calaniformii Order Calaniformes Order Platycopiiformes (=Progymnoplea) Infraclass Cyclopioni (=Podoplea) Superorder Misophriiformii Order Misophriiformes Superorder Mormonilliformii Order Mormonilliformes Superorder Monstrilliformii Order Monstrilliformes Superorder Harpacticiformii Order Longipediiformes (=Polyarthra) Order Harpacticiformes Superorder Lemaeiformii (=Gnathostoma =Cyclopoida sensu Kabata) Order Cyclopiformes Order Enterocoliformes Order Lemaeiformes Superorder Philichthyiformii (=Poecilostomata) Order Lichomolgiformes Order Philichthyiformes Order Chondracanthiformes (=Andreinidea) Order Sarcotacideiformes Superorder Caligiformii (=Siphonostoma) Order Caligiformes Order Asterocheiriformes Order Lemaeopodiformes Order Dichelestiformes Order Herpylobiformes Order Choinostomatiformes Class Halicynoides Subclass Halicyniones tSuperorder Halicyniformii Order Cycliformes Order Halicyniformes Superorder Arguliformii Order Arguliformes Subclass Cypridiones Infraclass Lepadioni tSuperorder Concavicaridiformii (=Thylacocephala) Order Concavicaridiformes Superorder Sacculiniformii Order Sacculiniformes (=Rhizocephala Kentrogonida) Superorder Lepadiformii (Thoracica plus Acrothoracica plus Rhizocephala Akentrogona) Infraclass Cypridioni (=Ostracoda)

The most unusual feature of Starobogatov's classification probably consists in his replacement of many traditional names with new ones, formed according to his idiosyncratic proposal for naming higher taxa (Starobogatov, 1991). Appendix 15


1. 1.1. 1.2. Ellipura 1.2.1. 1.2.2. Collembola 2. Ectognatha 2.1. Archaeognatha (Microcoryphia) 2.2. Dicondylia 2.2.1. Zygentoma 2.2.2. Palaeoptera .. 1. Ephemeroptera .. 2. Odonata Neoptera .. 1. Plecoptera .. 2. Paurometabola .. 2.1. Embioptera .. 2.2. Orthopteromorpha .. 2.2 .. 1. Blattopteriformia .. 2.2 .. 1.1. Notoptera (Grylloblattodea) .. 2.2 .. 1.2. Dermaptera .. 2.2 .. 1.3. Blattopteroidea .. 2.2 .. 1.3.1. Mantodea .. 2.2 .. 1.3.2. Blattodea (including termites) .. 2.2 .. 2. Orthopteroidea .. 2.2 .. 2.1. Ensifera .. 2.2 .. 2.2. Caelifera .. 2.2 .. 2.3. Phasmatodea .. 3. Paraneoptera .. 3.1. Zoraptera .. 3.2. Acercaria .. 3.2 .. 1. Psocodea (including lice) .. 3.2 .. 2. Condylognatha .. 3.2 .. 2.1. Thysanoptera .. 3.2 .. 2.2. Hemiptera .. 3.2 .. 2.2.1. Heteropteroidea .. 3.2 .. Coleorrhyncha .. 3.3 .. Heteroptera .. 3.2 .. 2.2.2. Stemorrhyncha .. 3.2 .. 2.2.3. Auchenorrhyncha .. 4. Holometabola .. 4.1. Neuropteroidea .. 4.1 .. 1. Megaloptera 240 Appendix 15 . .4.1 .. 2. Raphidioptera . .4.1 . .3. Planipennia . .4.2. Coleoptera Strepsiptera Hymenoptera . .4.5. Siphonaptera . .4.6. Mecopteroidea . .4.6 .. 1. Amphiesmenoptera . .4.6 .. 1.1. Trichoptera . .4.6 .. 1.2. Lepidoptera . .4.6 .. 2. Antliophora . .4.6 .. 2.l. Mecoptera . .4.6 .. 2.2. Diptera

Notice the idiosyncratic use of numerical prefixes and several unresolved polytomies. Appendix 16


[A. Echinodennata] B. Chordata B.l Tunicata B.ll B .12 Pelagotunicata B.12.1 Pyrosomida B.12.2 B.12.3 Cyc10myaria B.12.4 Desmomyaria B.2 Vertebrata B.21 Acrania B.22 Craniota B.22.1 B.22.2 B.22.21 B .22.21.1 Elasmobranchia B.22.21.2 B .22.22 Osteognathostomata B.22.22.1 s. 1. B.22.22.1.C.l Brachyopterygii B.22.22.1.C.2 Actinopterygii s. str. B.22.22.1.C.21 Palaeopterygii B.22.22.1.C.22 B.22.22.1.C.22.1 Rhomboganoidea B.22.22.1.C.22.2 Teleostei s. 1. B.22.22.1.C.22.2.D.l Cyc1oganoidea B.22.22.1.C.22.2.D.2 Teleostei s. str. B.22.22.2 Choanatae B.22.22.21 Dipnoi B.22.22.22 Kinocrania B. Coelacanthi B. Tetrapoda B. Amphibia B. Gymnophiona B. Caudata B. Salientia (Anura) B. Amniota B. B. B. B. Testudines 242 Appendix 16

B. Pleurodira B. Cryptodira B. Archosauromorpha B. Crocodilia B. Aves B. Mammalia B. Prototheria B. Theria B. Eutheria (Placentalia)

As in Appendix 14, notice the use of numerical prefixes and a few unresolved polytomies. Acrania (amphioxus) is placed here in Vertebrata, whereas Vertebrata Auctorum is entered in this system as Craniota. Appendix 17


Phylum Chordata Subphylum Acrania Subphylum Vertebrata Superclass Superclass Gnathostomata Class Elasmobranchiomorphi tSubclass Acanthodii Subclass Holocephali Subclass Class Teleostomi Subclass Actinopterygii Infraclass Infraclass Neopterygii Division Division Teleostei Cohort Osteoglossomorpha Cohort Clupeomorpha Cohort Elopomorpha Cohort Euteleostei Superorder Superorder Superorder Neoteleostei Series· Atherinomorpha Series Series Paracanthopterygii Series Subclass Infraclass Brachiopterygii Infraclass Coelacanthini Infraclass Dipnoi Infraclass Choanata tDivision Rhipidistia Division Batrachomorpha Division Reptilomorpha Cohort Sauropsida Superorder Chelonia Superorder Lepidosauria Series Rhynchocephalia Series Squamata Superorder Archosauria 244 Appendix 17

Series CrocodyJia Series Aves Cohort Mammalia Superorder Prototheria Superorder Theria Series Metatheria Series Eutheria

In this system, the are not regarded as belonging to the phylum Chordata. Notice the use (it was 1969) of formal Linnaean ranks. Appendix 18


Superclass Gnathostomata plesion t Acanthodes bronni Agassiz class Chondrichthyes Subclass Selachii Subclass Holocephali Class Subclass Actinopterygii Infraclass Infraclass Series Chondrostei Series Neopterygii Division Division Halecostomi Subclass Sarcopterygii Sarcopterygii incertae sedis tPorolepiformes plesion tEusthenopteron!oordi Infraclass Actinistia Infraclass Choanata Series Dipnoi Series Tetrapoda

Notice the use of formal ranks for Recent groups with plesions for extinct taxa. Appendix 19


Class Agnatha tSubclass Pteraspidomorphi (Diplorhina) Order (Pteraspidiformes) Order Thelodontida Subclass Cephalaspidomorpha IOrder IOrder IOrder Order Petromyzontiformes Agnatha incertae sedis Order Myxiniformes IClass Order Stensioellida Order Pseudopetalichthyda Order Rhenanida Order Order Acanthothoraci Order Petalichthyida Order Order Order Class Chondrichthyes Subclass Elasmobranchii 'Order Cladoselachida 'Order Coronodontia tOrder Symmoriida tOrder Eugeneodontida (Edestida, Helicoprionida) 'Order Orodontida IOrder Squatinactida tOrder 'Order Xenacanthida Order Galeomorpha Order Squalomorpha Order Batoidea Subclass Holocephali 'Order Chondrenchelyiformes 'Order Copodontiformes 'Order Psammodontiformes 'Order? (5 suborders incertae sedis) Order Chimaeriformes Carroll's classification of vertebrates 247

Chondrichthyes, subclass?, incertae sedis tOrder Iniopterygiforrnes tOrder Petalodontida tClass incertae sedis Acanthodii Order Climatiiforrnes Order Ischnacanthiforrnes Order Acanthodiforrnes Class Osteichthyes Subclass Actinopterygii Infraclass Chondrostei IOrder Paleonisciforrnes tOrder Haplolepiforrnes IOrder Dorypteriforrnes t Order Tarrasiiforrnes IOrder Ptycholepiforrnes t Order Pholidopleuriforrnes tOrder Luganoiiforrnes t Order Redfieldiiforrnes t Order Perleidiforrnes tOrder Peltopleuriforrnes t Order Phanerorhynchiforrnes IOrder Saurichthyiforrnes Order Polypteriforrnes (Cladistia) Order Acipenseriforrnes Infraclass Neopterygii Order Lepisosteiforrnes (Ginglymodi) IOrder Semionotiforrnes t Order Pycnodontiforrnes IOrder Macrosemiiforrnes Order Amiiforrnes tOrder Pachycorrniforrnes IOrder Aspidorhynchiforrnes Division Teleostei IOrder Pholidophoriforrnes IOrder Leptolepiforrnes IOrder Ichthyodectiforrnes Order Osteoglossiforrnes Order Elopiforrnes Order Anguilliforrnes Order Notacanthiforrnes t Order Ellimmichthyiforrnes Order Clupeiforrnes Subdivision Euteleostei t Order?, incertae sedis (P harmacichthys) Order Salmoniforrnes tSuperorder undescribed (Pyrenichthys) Superorder Ostariophysi Order Gonorhynchiforrnes tOrder?, incertae sedis (Chanoides) Order Characiforrnes Order Cypriniforrnes Order Siluriformes Superorder Stenopterygii Order 248 Appendix 19

Order Aulopifonnes Superorder Scopelomorpha Order Myctophifonnes 'Superorder undesigned Order Pattersonichthyifonnes Order Ctenothrissifonnes Superorder Paracanthopterygii Order Percopsifonnes Order Batrachoidifonnes (Haplodoci) Order Gobiesocifonnes (Xenopteri) Order Lophiifonnes (Pediculati) Order Gadifonnes Order Ophidiifonnes Superorder Acanthopterygii Series Atherinomorpha Order Atherinifonnes s. 1. Series Percomorpha Order Berycifonnes Order Zeifonnes Order Lamprifonnes Order Gasterosteifonnes Order Syngnathifonnes Order Synbranchifonnes Order Indostomifonnes Order Pegasifonnes Order Dactylopterifonnes Order Scorpaenifonnes Order Percifonnes Order Pleuronectifonnes (Heterosomata) Order Tetraodontifonnes Subclass Sarcopterygii Order Crossopterygii Order Dipnoi Class Amphibia 'Subclass Labyrinthodontia Order Ichthyostegalia Order?, incertae sedis (several taxa) Order Temnospondyli Order Anthracosauria 'Subclass?, incertae sedis Order Diadectida 'Subclass Lepospondyli Order Aistopoda Order Nectrida Order Microsauria Order Lysorophia Order?, >incertae sedis (several taxa) Subclass not stated Order Urodela 'Order Proanura Order Anura Class Reptilia 'Subclass Anapsida Order Captorhinida Carroll's classification of vertebrates 249

Order Mesosauria Order?, incertae sedis (Eunotosaurus) Subclass Testudinata Order Chelonia Subclass Diapsida 'Order Araeoscelida 'Order?, incertae sedis (several taxa) 'Order Choristodera 'Order Thalattosauria Infraclass 'Order Eosuchia Superorder Lepidosauria Order Sphaenodonta Order Squamata 'Superorder Sauropterygia Order?, incertae sedis (Claudiosaurus) Order Nothosauria Order Plesiosauria Order Protorosauria Order Trilophosauria Order Rhynchosauria Superorder Archosauria 'Order Thecodontia Order Crocodylia 'Order Pterosauria 'Order Saurischia tOrder Ornithischia 'Diapsida incertae sedis Order Placodontia tSubclass Ichthyopterygia Order Ichthyosauria tSubclass Synapsida Order Pelycosauria Order Therapsida Class Aves tSubclass Archaeornithes Order Archaeopterygiformes Subclass Neornithes 'Order not stated (Ambiortidae) 'Superorder Odonthognathae Order Hesperornithiformes Order Ichthyornithiformes 'Superorder?, incertae sedis Order Gobipterygiformes Order Enantiornithiformes Superorder Palaeognathae 'Order unnamed (Lithornidae) Order Tinamiformes Order Struthioniformes Order Rheiformes Order Casuariiformes Order Aepyornithiformes Order Dinornithiformes Order Apterygiformes 250 Appendix 19

Superorder Order Cuculiformes Order Order Galliformes Order Columbiformes Order Psittaciformes tOrder?, incertae sedis (Zygodactylidae) Order Coliiformes Order s. 1. Order Strigiformes Order Caprimulgiformes Order Apodiformes Order Order Order Passeriformes Order Gruiformes Order Podicipediformes tOrder Diatrymiformes Order Charadriiformes Order Anseriformes Order Ciconiiformes Order Pelecaniformes Order Procellariiformes Order Gaviiformes Order Sphenisciformes Class Mammalia Subclass Prototheria Order Monotremata 'Order Triconodonta 'Order Docodonta 'Subclass Allotheria Order Multituberculata Subclass Theria 'Infraclass Trituberculata Order Symmetrodonta Order?, incertae sedis (Shuotherium) Order Eupanthotheria 'Theria incertae sedis (several taxa) Infraclass Metatheria Order Marsupialia Infraclass Eutheria 'Order?, incertae sedis (several taxa) 'Order Apatotheria 'Order Leptictida 'Order Pantolesta Order Scandentia Order Macroscelidea Order Dermoptera Order Insectivora 'Order Tillodontia 'Order Pantodonta 'Order 'Order Taeniodontia Order Chiroptera Carroll's classification of vertebrates 251

Order Primates t Order Creodonta Order Carnivora t Order Anagalida Order Rodentia Order Lagomorpha tOrder Condylarthra Order Artiodactyla IOrder Mesonychia (Acreodi) Order Cetacea Order Perissodactyla Order Proboscidea Order Sirenia tOrder Desmostylia Order Hyracoidea tOrder Order Tubulidentata IOrder t Order tOrder tOrder tOrder Order Xenarthra tOrder?, incertae sedis (suborder Palaeanodonta) Order Pholidota tMammaiia incertae sedis (several taxa)

The arrangement is eclectic and often less than satisfactory. The usefulness of Carroll's classification is with its comprehensive coverage of Recent and extinct taxa, with a checklist of all extinct genera. Appendix 20


Actinopterygii Actinopteri Chondrostei Neopterygii Ginglymodi Halecostomi Teleostei Osteoglossomorpha Elopomorpha Clupeomorpha Euteleostei Ostariophysi 'Protacanthopterygii ' Neoteleostei Stomiiformes Myctophiformes Paracanthopterygii Acanthopterygii Atherinomorpha Percomorpha

Cladistic, following in part Nelson's sequential principle. Appendix 21


Class Aves [Subclass Archeornithes: Archeopteryxl Subclass Neornithes Infraclass Eoaves Parvclass Ratitae Order Struthioniformes Suborder Struthioni Infraorder Struthionides Family Struthionidae Infraorder Rheides Family Rheidae Suborder Casuarii Family Casuariidae Casuariini Tribe Dromaiini Family Apterygidae Order Tinamiformes Family Tinamidae Infraclass Parvclass Galloanserae Superorder Gallomorphae Order Craciformes Suborder Craci Family Cracidae Suborder Megapodii Family Megapodiidae Order Galliformes Parvorder Phasianida Superfamily Phasianoidea Family Phasianidae Superfamily Numidoidea Family Numididae Parvorder Odontophorida Family Odontophoridae Superorder Anserimorphae Order Anseriformes Infraorder Anhimides Superfamily Anhimoidea Family Anhimidae S uperfamil y Anseranatoidea 254 Appendix 21

Family Anseranatidae Infraorder Anserides Family Dendrocygnidae Family Anatidae Subfamily Oxyurinae Subfamily Stictonettinae Subfamily Cygninae Subfamily Anatinae Tribe Anserini Tribe Anatini Parvclass Turnicae Order Turniciforrnes, incertae sedis Family Turnicidae Parvclass Picae Order Piciforrnes Infraorder Picides Family Indicatoridae Family Picidae Infraorder Rhamphastides Superfamily Megalaimoidea Family Megalaimidae Superfamily Lybioidea Family Lybiidae Superfamily Rhamphastoidea Family Rhamphastidae Subfamily Capitoninae Subfamily Rhamphastinae Parvclass Coraciae Superorder Galbulimorphae Order Galbuliforrnes Infraorder Galbulides Family Galbulidae Infraorder Bucconides Family Bucconidae Superorder Bucerotimorphae Order Bucerotiformes Family Bucerotidae Family Bucorvidae Order Upupiformes Infraorder Upupides Family Upupidae Infraorder Phoeniculides Family Phoeniculidae Family Rhinopomastidae Superorder Coraciimorphae Order Trogoniformes Family Trogonidae Subfamily Apaloderminae Subfamily Trogoninae Tribe Trogonini Tribe Harpactini Order Coraciiformes Suborder Coracii Superfamily Coracioidea Sibley and Ahlquist's classification of birds 255

Family Coraciidae Family Brachypteraciidae Superfamily Leptosomoidea Family Leptosomidae Suborder Alcedini Infraorder Alcedinides Parvorder Momotida Family Momotidae Parvorder Todida Family Todidae Parvorder Alcedinida Family Alcedinidae Parvorder Ceryl ida Superfamily Dacelonoidea Family Dacelonidae Superfamily Ceryloidea Family Cerylidae Infraorder Meropides Family Meropidae Parvclass Coliae Order Coliiformes Family Coliidae Subfamily Coliinae Subfamily Urocoliinae Parvclass Passerae Superorder Cuculimorphae Order Cuculiformes Infraorder Cuculides Parvorder Cuculida Superfamily Cuculoidea Family Cuculidae Superfamily Centropodoidea Family Centropodidae Parvorder Coccyzida Family Coccyzidae Infraorder Crotophagides Parvorder Opisthocomida Family Opisthocomidae Parvorder Crotophagida Family Crotophagidae Tribe Crotophagini Tribe Guirini Parvorder Neomorphida Family Neomorphidae Superorder Psittacimorphae Order Psittaciformes Family Psittacidae Superorder Apodimorphae Order Apodiformes Family Apodidae Family Hemiprocnidae Order Trochiliformes Family Trochilidae Subfamily Phaethornithinae 256 Appendix 21

Subfamily Trochilinae Superorder Strigimorphae Order Musophagiformes Family Musophagidae Subfamily Musophaginae Subfamily Criniferinae Order Strigiformes Suborder Strigi Parvorder Tytonida Family Tytonidae Parvorder Strigida Family Strigidae Suborder Aegotheli Family Aegothelidae Suborder Caprimulgi Infraorder Podargides Family Podargidae Family Batrachostomidae Infraorder Caprimulgides Parvorder Steatornithida Superfamily Steatornithoidea Family Steatornithidae Superfamily Nyctibioidea Family Nyctibiidae Parvorder Caprimulgida Superfamily Eurostopoidea Family Eurostopodidae Superfamily Caprimulgoidea Family Caprimulgidae Subfamily Chordeilinae Subfamily Caprimulginae Superorder Passerimorphae Order Columbiformes Family Raphidae Family Columbidae Order Gruiformes Suborder Grui Infraorder Eurypygides Family Eurypygidae Infraorder Otidides Family Otididae Infraorder Gruides Parvorder Gruida Superfamily Gruoidea Family Gruidae Family Heliornithidae Tribe Aramini Tribe Heliornithini Superfamily Psophioidea Family Psophiidae Parvorder Cariamida Family Cariamidae Family Rhynochetidae Suborder Ralli Sibley and Ahlquist's classification of birds 257

Family Rallidae Suborder Mesornithi, inc/mae sedis Family Mesornithidae Order Ciconiiformes Suborder Charadrii Infraorder Pteroc1ides Family Pteroc1idae Infraorder Charadriides Parvorder Scolopacida Superfamily Scolopacoidea Family Thinocoridae Family Pedionomidae Family Scolopacidae Subfamily Scolopacinae Subfamily Tringinae Superfamily Iacanoidea Family Rostratulidae Family Iacanidae Parvorder Charadriida Superfamily Chionidoidea Family Chionididae Superfamily Charadrioidea Family Burhinidae Family Charadriidae Subfamily Recurvirostrinae Tribe Haematopodini Tribe Recurvirostrini Subfamily Charadriinae Superfamily Laroidea Family Glareolidae Subfamily Dromadinae Subfamily Glareolinae Family Laridae Subfamily Larinae Tribe Stercorariini Tribe Rynchopini Tribe Larini Tribe Sternini Subfamily Alcinae Suborder Ciconii Infraorder Falconides Parvorder Accipitrida Family Accipitridae Subfamily Pandioninae Subfamily Accipitrinae Family Sagittariidae Parvorder Falconida Family Falconidae Infraorder Ciconiides Parvorder Podicipedida Family Podicipedidae Parvorder Phaethontida Family Phaethontidae Parvorder Sulida 258 Appendix 21

Superfamily Suloidea Family Sulidae Family Anhingidae Superfamily Phalacrocoracoidea Family Phalacrocoracidae Parvorder Ciconiida Superfamily Ardeoidea Family Ardeidae Superfamily Scopoidea Family Scopidae Superfamily Phoenicopteroidea Family Phoenicopteridae Superfamily Threskiomithoidea Family Threskiomithidae Superfamily Pelecanoidea Family Pelecanidae Subfamily Balaenicipitinae Subfamily Pelecaninae Superfamily Ciconioidea Family Ciconiidae Subfamily Cathartinae Subfamily Ciconiinae Superfamily Procellarioidea Family Fregatidae Family Spheniscidae Family Gaviidae Family Procellariidae Subfamily Hydrobatinae Subfamily Procellariinae Subfamily Diomedeinae Order Passeriformes Suborder Tyranni Infraorder Acanthisittides Family Acanthisittidae Infraorder Eurylaimides Superfamily Pittoidea Family Pittidae Superfamily Eurylaimoidea Family Eurylaimidae Family Philepittidae, incertae sedis Infraorder Tyrannides Parvorder Tyrannida Family Tyrannidae Subfamily Tyranninae Subfamily Tityrinae Tribe Schiffomithini Tribe Tityrini Subfamily Cotinginae Subfamily Piprinae Parvorder Thamnophilida Family Thamnophilidae Parvorder Fumariida Superfamily Fumarioidea Family Fumariidae Sibley and Ahlquist's classification of birds 259

Subfamily Fumariinae Subfamily Dendrocolaptinae Superfamily Fonnicarioidea Family Fonnicariidae Family Conopophagidae Family Rhinocryptidae Suborder Passeri (Oscines) Parvorder Corvida Superfamily Menuroidea Family Climacteridae Family Menuridae Subfamily Menurinae Subfamily Atrichomithinae Family Ptilonorhynchidae Superfamily Meliphagoidea Family Maluridae Subfamily Malurinae Tribe Malurini Tribe Stipiturini Subfamily Amytomithinae Family Meliphagidae Family Pardalotidae Subfamily Pardalotinae Subfamily Dasyomithinae Subfamily Acanthizinae Tribe Sericomithini Tribe Acanthizini Superfamily Corvoidea Family Eopsaltriidae Family Irenidae Family Orthonychidae Family Pomatostomidae Family Laniidae Family Vireonidae Family Corvidae Subfamily Cinclosomatinae Subfamily Corcoracinae Subfamily Pachycephalinae Tribe Neosittini Tribe Mohouini Tribe Falcunculini Tribe Pachycephalini Subfamily Corvinae Tribe Corvini Tribe Paradisaeini Tribe Artamini Tribe Oriolini Subfamily Dicrurinae Tribe Rhipidurini Tribe Dicrurini Tribe Monarchini Subfamily Aegithininae Subfamily Malaconotinae Tribe Malaconotini 260 Appendix 21

Tribe Prionopini Family Callaeatidae, incertae sedis Parvorder incertae sedis Family Picathartidae Parvorder Passerida Superfamily Muscicapoidea Family Bombycillidae Tribe Dulini Tribe Ptilogonatini Tribe Bombycillini Family Cinc1idae Family Muscicapidae Subfamily Turdinae Subfamily Muscicapinae Tribe Muscicapini Tribe Saxicolini Family Stumidae Tribe Stumini Tribe Mimini Superfamily Sylvioidea Family Sittidae Subfamily Sittinae Subfamily Tichodromadinae Family Certhiidae Subfamily Certhiinae Tribe Certhiini Tribe Salpomithini Subfamily Troglodytinae Subfamily Polioptilinae Family Paridae Subfamily Remizinae Subfamily Parinae Family Aegithalidae Family Hirundinidae Subfamily Pseudochelidoninae, incertae sedis Subfamily Hirundininae Family Regulidae Family Pycnonotidae Family Hypocoliidae Family Cisticolidae Family Zosteropidae Family Sylviidae Subfamily Acrocephalinae Subfamily Megalurinae Subfamily Garrulacinae Subfamily Sylviinae Tribe Timaliini Tribe Chamaeini Tribe Sylviini Superfamily Passeroidea Family Alaudidae Family Nectariniidae Subfamily Promeropinae Subfamily Nectariniinae Sibley and Ahlquist's classification of birds 261

Tribe Dicaeini Tribe Nectariniini Family Melanocharitidae Tribe Melanocharitini Tribe Toxorhamphini Family Paramythiidae Family Passeridae Subfamily Passerinae Subfamily Motacillinae Subfamily Prunellinae Subfamily Ploceinae Subfamily Estrildinae Tribe Estrildini Tribe Viduini Family Fringillidae Subfamily Peucedraminae Subfamily Fringillinae Tribe Fringillini Tribe Carduelini Tribe Drepanidini Subfamily Emberizinae Tribe Emberizini Tribe Parulini Tribe Thraupini Tribe Cardinalini Tribe Icterini

Slightly modified from the previous classification proposed by Sibley, Ahlquist and Monroe (1988), this is by far the most impressive, though discussed, result of DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Taxonomic ranks are intended to represent degrees of molecular distance. Appendix 22


Subkingdom Chlorobionta Division Chlorophyta Class 'Ulvophyceae' Class Pleurastrophyceae Class Chlorophyceae Division Subdivision Chlorokybophytina Class Chlorokybophyceae Subdivision 'Zygophytina' Class' Klebsormidiophyceae' Class Zygophyceae Subdivision Chaetosphaeridiophytina Class Chaetosphaeridiophyceae Subdivision Charophytina Class Charophyceae S ubdi vision 'Coleochaetophytina' Class '' Subdivision Embryophytina Superclass Marchantiatae Class Superclass Anthocerotatae Class Anthocerotopsida Superclass Bryatae Class Superclass Tracheidatae Class Psilotopsida Class Class Equisetopsida Class 'Polypodiopsida' Subclass Subclass Marattiidae Subclass Polypodiidae Class Spermatopsida Subclass Subclass Subclass Subclass Subclass Magnoliidae

Following the author, undefined groups (paraclades) are put within inverted commas. Nelson's sequencing convention is adopted, except within Spermatopsida, where sister• group relationships are regarded by the author as uncertain. Formal Linnaean ranks are consequently applied. Appendix 23


Dicoty ledones Superorder Magnolianae Order Annonales Family Annonaceae Family Myristicaceae Family Eupomatiaceae Family Canellaceae Family Austrobaileyaceae Order Aristolochiales Family Aristolochiaceae Order Rafftesiales Family Rafflesiaceae Family Hydnoraceae Order Magnoliales Family Degeneriaceae Family Himantandraceae Family Magnoliaceae Order Lactoridales Family Lactoridaceae Order Winterales Family Winteraceae Order Chloranthales Family Chloranthaceae Order Illiciales Family Illiciaceae Family Schisandraceae Order Laurales Family Amborellaceae Family Trimeniaceae Family Monimiaceae Family Gomortegaceae Family Calycanthaceae Family Lauraceae Order Nelumbonales Family Nelumbonaceae Superorder Nympheanae Order Piperales Family Saururaceae Family Piperaceae Order Nympheales Family Cabombaceae Family Nymphaeaceae Family Ceratophyllaceae 264 Appendix 23

Superorder Ranunculanae Family Moraceae Order Ranunculales Family Cecropiaceae Family Lardizabalaceae Family Berbeyaceae Family Sargentodoxaceae Family Cannabaceae Family Menisperrnaceae Family Urticaceae Family Kingdoniaceae Order Euphorbiales Family Circaeasteraceae Family Euphorbiaceae Family Ranunculaceae Family Simmondsiaceae Family Hydrastidaceae Family Pandaceae Family Berberidaceae Family Aextoxicaceae Order Papaverales Family Dichapetalaceae Family Papaveraceae Order Thymelaeales Family Fumariaceae Family Gonystylidaceae Superorder Caryophyllanae Family Thymelaeaceae Order Caryophyllales Order Rhamnales Family Molluginaceae Family Rhamnaceae Family Caryophyllaceae Superorder Violanae Family Phytolaccaceae Order Violales Family Achatocarpaceae Family Family Agdestidaceae Family Berberidopsidaceae Family Basellaceae Family Aphloiaceae Family Portulacaceae Family Physenaceae Family Stegnosperrnataceae Family Passifioraceae Family Nyctaginaceae Family Dipentodontaceae Family Aizoaceae Family Peridiscaceae Family Halophytaceae Family Scyphostegiaceae Family Cactaceae Family Family Didiereaceae Family Tumeraceae Family Hectorellaceae Family Malesherbiaceae Family Chenopodiaceae Family Caricaceae Family Amaranthaceae Order Cucurbitales Superorder Polygonanae Family Achariaceae Order Polygona1es Family Cucurbitaceae Family Polygonaceae Family Begoniaceae Superorder Plumbaginanae Family Datiscaceae Order Plumbaginales Order Salicales Family Plumbaginaceae Family Family Limoniaceae Order Tamaricales Superorder Malvanae Family Tamaricaceae Order Malvales Family Frankeniaceae Family Sterculiaceae Order Capparales Family Plagiopteridaceae Family Capparaceae Family Bixaceae Family Brassicaceae Family Cochlosperrnaceae Family Tovariaceae Family Cistaceae Family Resedaceae Family Sphaerosepalaceae Family Gyrostemonaceae Family Sarcolaenaceae Family Batidaceae Family Huaceae Family Moringaceae Family Tiliaceae Order Tropaeolales Family Dipterocarpaceae Family Tropaeolaceae Family Bombacaceae Family Limnanthaceae Family Malvaceae Order Salvadora1es Order Urticales Family Salvadoraceae Family Ulmaceae Superorder Theanae Dahlgren's classification of flowering plants 265

Order Dilleniales Family Corylaceae Family Dilleniaceae Family Betulaceae Order Paeoniales Order Juglandales Family Glaucidiaceae Family Rhoipteleaceae Family Paeoniaceae Family Juglandaceae Order Theales Order Myricales Family Stachyuraceae Family Myricaceae Family Pentaphylacaceae Order Casuarinales Family Marcgraviaceae Family Casuarinaceae Family Quiinaceae Order Buxales Family Ancistrocladaceae Family Buxaceae Family Dioncophyllaceae Family Daphniphyllaceae Family Nepenthaceae Family Didymelaceae Family Medusagynaceae Order Geissolomatales Family Caryocaraceae Family Geissolomataceae Family Strasburgeriaceae Order Cunoniales Family Ochnaceae Family Cunoniaceae Family Chrysobalanaceae Family Baueraceae Family Oncothecaceae Family Brunelliaceae Family Scytopetalaceae Family Davidsoniaceae Family Theaceae Family Eucryphiaceae Family Bonnetiaceae Order Saxifragales Family Family Saxifragaceae Family Elatinaceae Family Francoaceae Order Lecythidales Family Greyiaceae Family Lecythidaceae Family Brexiaceae Superorder Primulanae Family Grossulariaceae Order Primulales Family Iteaceae Family Myrsinaceae Family Cephalotaceae Family Aegicerataceae Family Crassulaceae Family Theophrastaceae Family Podostemaceae Family Primulaceae Order Droserales Family Coridaceae Family Droseraceae Order Ebenales Family Lepuropetalaceae Family Sapotaceae Family Parnassiaceae Family Styracaceae Order Rosales Family Lissocarpaceae Family Rosaceae Family Ebenaceae Family Neuradaceae Superorder Rosanae Family Malaceae Order Trochodendrales Family Amygdalaceae Family Trochodendraceae Family Anisophyllaceae Family Tetracentraceae Family Crossosomataceae Order Cercidiphyllales Family Surianaceae Family Cercidiphyllaceae Family Rhabdodendraceae Family Eupteleaceae Order Gunnerales Order Hamamelidales Family Gunneraceae Family Hamamelidaceae Superorder Proteanae Family Platanaceae Order Proteales Family Myrothamnaceae Family Proteaceae Order Balanopales Order Elaeagnales Family Balanopaceae Family Elaeagnaceae Order Fagales Superorder Myrtanae Family Nothofagaceae Order Myrtales Family Fagaceae Family Psiloxylaceae 266 Appendix 23

Family Heteropyxidaceae Family Biebersteiniaceae Family Myrtaceae Family Dirachmaceae Family Onagraceae Family Balanitaceae Family Trapaceae Order Linales Family Lythraceae Family Linaceae Family Combretaceae Family Humiriaceae Family Melastomataceae Family Ctenolophonaceae Family Memecylaceae Family Ixonanthaceae Family Crypteroniaceae Family Erythroxylaceae Family Oliniaceae Family Lepidobotryaceae Family Penaeaceae Family Oxalidaceae Family Rhynchocalycaceae Order Celastrales Family Alzateaceae Family Stackhousiaceae Order Haloragidales Family Lophopyxidaceae Family Haloragidaceae Family Cardiopteridaceae Superorder Rutanae Family Corynocarpaceae Order Sapindales Family Celastraceae Family Coriariaceae Order Rhizophorales Family Anacardiaceae Family Rhizophoraceae Family Leitneriaceae Family Elaeocarpaceae Family Podoaceae Order Balsaminales Family Sapindaceae Family Balsaminaceae Family Hippocastanaceae Superorder Vitanae Family Aceraceae Order Vitales Family Akaniaceae Family Vitaceae Family Bretschneideraceae Superorder Santalanae Family Emblingiaceae Order Family Staphylaeaceae Family Family Melianthaceae Family Opiliaceae Family Sabiaceae Family Loranthaceae Family Meliosmaceae Family Medusandraceae Family Connaraceae Family Misondendraceae Order Fabales Family Eremolepidaceae Family Mimosaceae Family Santalaceae Family Caesalpiniaceae Family Viscaceae Family Fabaceae Superorder Balanophoranae Order Ruta1es Order Balanophorales Family Rutaceae Family Cynomoriaceae Family Ptaeroxylaceae Family Balanophoraceae Family Cneoraceae Superorder Aralianae Family Simaroubaceae Order Pittosporales Family Tepuianthaceae Family Pittosporaceae Family Burseraceae Family Tremandraceae Family Meliaceae Family Byblidaceae Order Polygalales Order Araliales Family Malpighiaceae Family Araliaceae Family Trigoniaceae Family Apiaceae Family Vochysiaceae Superorder Asteranae Family Polygalaceae Order Campanulales Family Krameriaceae Family Pentaphragmataceae Order Geraniales Family Campanulaceae Family Zygophyl\aceae Family Lobeliaceae Family Peganaceae Order Family Ledocarpaceae Family Dahlgren's classification of flowering plants 267

Superorder Solananae Family Montiniaceae Order Solanales Family Columelliaceae Family Solanaceae Family Alseuosmiaceae Family Sclerophylacaceae Family Hydrangeaceae Family Goetzeaceae Family Sambucaceae Family Convolvulaceae Family Vibumaceae Family Cuscutaceae Family Menyanthaceae Family Cobaeaceae Family Adoxaceae Family Polemoniaceae Family Dulongiaceae Order Boraginales Family Tribelaceae Family Hydrophyllaceae Family Eremosynaceae Family Ehretiaceae Family Pterostemonaceae Family Boraginaceae Family Tetracarpaeaceae Family Lennoaceae Order Eucommiales Family Hoplestigmataceae Family Eucommiaceae Superorder Ericanae Order Dipsacales Order Bruniales Family Caprifoliaceae Family Bruniaceae Family Valerianaceae Family Grubbiaceae Family Dipsacaceae Order Fouquieriales Family Morinaceae Family Fouquieriaceae Family Calyceraceae Order Ericales Superorder Loasanae Family Actinidiaceae Order Loasales Family Clethraceae Family Loasaceae Family Cyrillaceae Superorder Gentiananae Family Ericaceae Order Goodeniales Family Empetraceae Family Goodeniaceae Family Monotropaceae Order Oleales Family Pyrolaceae Family Oleaceae Family Epacridaceae Order Order Stylidiales Family Desfontainiaceae Family Stylidiaceae Family Loganiaceae Order Sarraceniales Family Dialipetalanthaceae Family Sarraceniaceae Family Superorder Comanae Family Theligonaceae Order Comales Family Gentianaceae Family Garryaceae Family Saccifoliaceae Family Alangiaceae Family Apocynaceae Family Nyssaceae Family Asclepiadaceae Family Comaceae Superorder Lamianae Family Roridulaceae Order Lamiales (=Scrophulariales) Family Davidiaceae Family Retziaceae Family Escalloniaceae Family Stilbaceae Family Helwingiaceae Family Buddlejaceae Family Toricelliaceae Family Scrophulariaceae (including Family Aucubaceae Orobanchaceae and Selaginaceae) Family Aralidiaceae Family Myoporaceae Family Diapensiaceae Family Globulariaceae Family Phellinaceae Family Plantaginaceae Family Aquifoliaceae Family Lentibulariaceae Family Paracryphiaceae Family Pedaliaceae Family Sphenostemonaceae Family Trapellaceae Family Symplocaceae Family Martyniaceae Family Icacinaceae Family Gesneriaceae 268 Appendix 23

Family Bignoniaceae Family Asteliaceae Family Acanthaceae Family Dasypogonaceae Family Verbenaceae Family Calectasiaceae Family Lamiaceae Family Blandfordiaceae Family Callitrichaceae Family Xanthorrhoeaceae Order Hydrostachyales Family Agavaceae Family Hydrostachyaceae Family Hypoxidaceae Order Hippuridales Family Tecophilaeaceae Family Hippuridaceae Family Lanariaceae Monocotyledones Family Ixioliriaceae Superorder Alismatanae Family Cyanastraceae Order Alismatales Family Johnsoniaceae Family Aponogetonaceae Family Phormiaceae Family Butomaceae Family Doryanthaceae Family Hydrocharitaceae Family Eriospermaceae Family Limnocharitaceae Family Asphodelaceae Family Alismataceae Family Simethidaceae Order Najadales Family Anthericaceae Family Scheuchzeriaceae Family Aphyllanthaceae Family Juncaginaceae Family Hemerocallidaceae Family Najadaceae Family Funkiaceae Family Potamogetonaceae Family Hyacinthaceae Family Zosteraceae Family Alliaceae Family Posidoniaceae Family Family Cymodoceaceae Order Liliales Family Zannichelliaceae Family Colchicaceae Superorder Triuridanae Family Uvulariaceae Order Triuridales Family Iridaceae Family Triuridaceae Family Alstroemeriaceae Superorder Aranae Family Calochortaceae Order Arales Family Family Araceae Order Melanthiales Family Acoraceae Family Melanthiaceae Family Lemnaceae Family Campynemaceae Superorder Lilianae Order Burmanniales Order Dioscoreales Family Burmanniaceae Family Trichopodaceae Family Corsiaceae Family Dioscoreaceae Order Orchidales Family Stemonaceae Family Neuwiediaceae Family Taccaceae Family Apostasiaceae Family Trilliaceae Family Cypripediaceae Family Rhipogonaceae Family Orchidaceae Family Petermanniaceae Superorder Bromelianae Family Smilacaceae Order Velloziales Order Family Velloziaceae Family Philesiaceae Order Bromeliales Family Luzuriagaceae Family Bromeliaceae Family Behniaceae Order Haemodorales Family Convallariaceae Family Haemodoraceae Family Dracaenaceae Order Philydrales Family Asparagaceae Family Philyraceae Family Ruscaceae Order Pontederiales Family Herreriaceae Family Pontederiaceae Family Nolinaceae Order Typhales Dahlgren's classification of flowering plants 269

Family Typhaceae Family Juncaceae Superorder Zingiberanae Family Thumiaceae Order Zingiberales Family Cyperaceae Family Lowiaceae Order Poales Family Musaceae Family Flagellariaceae Family Heliconiaceae Family Joinvilleaceae Family Strelitziaceae Family Restionaceae Family Zingiberaceae Family Centrolepidaceae Family Costaceae Family Poaceae Family Cannaceae Superorder Arecanae Family Marantaceae Order Hanguanales Superorder Commelinanae Family Hanguanaceae Order Commelinales Order Arecales Family Mayacaceae Family Arecaceae Family Commelinaceae Superorder Cyclanthanae Family Xyridaceae Order Cyclanthales Family Rapateaceae Family Cyclanthaceae Family Eriocaulaceae Superorder Pandananae Order Hydatellales Order Pandanales Family Hydatellaceae Family Pandanaceae Order Cyperales

This is perhaps the most updated of Angiosperm classifications, incorporating more biochemical evidence but still developed and presented in traditional terms. References

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Abbott, L.A. 4 Aubert, J. 58 Abele, L.G. 60, Ill, 152 Avinoff, V. 73 Ackery, P.R. 68,70, 181 Avise, J.e. 48, 52 Adams, M. 35, 60 Ax, P. 4, 12, 13, 19,21,26,37,38,68, 141, 142, Adanson, M. II, 181, 185 144, 145, 161 Agassiz, L. 6, II, 30 Ayala, F. 36,78,82 Aguilar, J.P. 162 Azariah, J. 13 Ahlquist, J.E. 44, 50, 160, 193-4,253,261 Ahmad, I. 181 Baccetti, B. 154 Ainsworth, G.C. 93, 94, 95, 109, 138, 139, 187,210 Backeberg, e. 169 Alberch, P. 18 Bailey, W.J. 163 Albert, V.A. 17, 54 Baker, A.N. 156 Alden, T. 54 Baker, H.G. 73 Aldrich, J.R. 46 Baker, R.J. 163 Alexopoulos, CJ. 137 Balows, A. 95 Allard, M.W. 163 Banaja, A.A. 151 Allen, G.M. 125 Bardack, D. 158 Allen, J.E. 75 Barel, C.D.N. 78 Allen, M.B. 131 Barigozzi, C. 62 Allmon, W.D. 42 Barnes, R.D. 142 Altschul, S.F. 107 Baroin, A. 55 Amadon, D. 73 Barr, A.R. 86 Andersen, R.A. 140 Barr, DJ.S. 137 Anderson, D.T. 140, 150 Barrett, M. 35 Anderson, W.W. 62 Barton, N.H. 53, 65, 76, 77, 79,81 Andrassy, I. 146 Bashanov, A.V. 125 Andrews, P. 60 Bateson, M.M. 133 Anthony, H.E. 125 Baum, D.A. 42 Antonovics, J. 81 Baverstock, P.R. 60 Applegate, M. 152 Beckenbach, A.T. 52 Archie, J.W. 23 Beier, M. 215, 216 Arias, D.M. 58 Belk, D. 111 Aristotle xiii, 5 Bell, G. 42 Aritzia, E.V. 140 Bell, M. 72 Arnett, R.H. 90 Belosludov, B.A. 125 Arthur, W. 181 Benado, A. 84 Ashlock, P.D. 4, 9, 10,26,27 Benedix, J.H. Jr 182 Aspock, H. 112, 179 Benito, J. 113 Aspock, U. 112 Benson, L. 169 Assali, N.-E. 35 Bentham, G. 89, 165 Atran, S. 62,63, 197 Benton, MJ. 161 Author index 335

Berger. L. 69 Brignoli, P.M. 216 Bergquist. P.R. 142 Brink, D.E. 202. 203 Bergstrom. J. 140. ISS Brinkhurst, R.O. 91, 147, 149,216 Berkeley. M.J. 89 Britschgi, T.B. 133 Berlin. B. 63. 197 Britten, R.1. 50, 156 Berlocher. S.H. 79 Brochmann, C. 81 Bernardi. G. 72 Brookfield, J.F.Y. 83 Bernhauer. M. 186 Brooks, D.R. 3,25,42, 144 Berzin. A.A. 125 Broom. R. 125 Bickel. D.1. 112. 117 Brown. W.L. 112 Birnstiel. M.L. 54 Brown, W.M. 51, 52 Bisby. EA. 4. 101 Brundin, L. 0, 9, 31 Bishop. M.J. 159 Bruneau, A. 53 Blackstone. N.W. 55 Brunsfeld, S.1. 58 Blackwelder. R.E. 21. 216 Brusca, R.C. 152 Blair. W.F. 73 Bryant, H.N. 17 Blake. D.B. 156 Buckeridge. J.S. III Blakley. K.H. 52 Buffon, G.L. Leclerc de 64. 65 Blanchard. R. 148 B ullini, L. 85 Blouin. M.S. 58 Burger-Wiersma. T. 134 Boaden. P.1.S. 146 Burlando, B. 196 Bock. W.1. 21. 42. 62. 76. 77.113 Burtt, B.L. 179 Bocquet, C. 62 Bush, G.L. 77, 79, 80 Boer, P.H. 55 Buss, L.W. 55 Boero. F. 143 Busslinger. M. 54 Bogart, J.P. 86 Butlin, R. 79, 80. 81 Bohart, R.M. 216 Biitschli, O. 142 Bohlken, H. 199 Bohm, B.A. 45 Cain, A.J. 4. 73.197 Bohme, W. 75 Caisse, M. 81 Bold, H.C. 137 Caiman, R.T. 152 Bolton, B. 154 Camino J.H. 34 Bonik, K. 71 Camp, W.H. 71 Boppre, M. 35 Campbell, D.G. 126 Bordeu, T. de 20 Cann, R.L. 53 Borkent. A. 153 Cantino, P.D. 31,166 Bortoletto, S. 149 Capanna. E. 77 Boss. K.J. 110 Capranica, R.R. 81 Boucek, Z. 216 Carpenter, J. 181 Boucomont, A. 186 Carr, S.M. 52 Boudreaux, H.B. 152 Carroll. R.L. 94. 158,246,251 Bouillon, J. 143 Carson, H.L. 78, 81, 82 Bourne, W.R.P. 183 Cartmill, M. 33 Bousfield, E.L. III Carvalho, J.C.M. 215 Bovee, E.C. 140 Casson, D. 129 Bowman. B.H. 132 Catzeflis, F.M. 162 Bowman. T.E. 111, lSI Cavalier-Smith, T. 131, 135. 137, 140 Boxshall, G.A. lSI Cavender, J.A. 36 Brandenburg, W.A. 205 Cesalpino, A. 5-6 Brandl, R. 146 Chan. J. 45 Brandon, R.N. 68 Chandler, C.R. 76 Breedlove. D. 197 Chang, M.M. 158 Bremer, B. 25 Chappill, J .A. 166 Bremer. K. 61. 164, 165,262 Charig, A.1. 9, 26, 27 Bretfeld. G. 102 Charlesworth, B. 77, 79 Brickell. C.D. 75 Chase. M.W. 60 Briggs. D. 4, 73 Chatterjee. S. 159 Briggs, D.E.G. ISS, 158 Chauvet, M. 205 Bright, P.M. 178 Chen, J.-Y. ISS 336 Author index

Cheverud, J.M. 42 Dahlgren, G. 165,263 Chilcote, C.A. 79 Dahlgren, R. 165-7, 213 Chisholm, S.W. 135 Dance, S.P. 90 Christen, N.R. 141, 156 Danser, B.H. 31, 73 Christensen, T. 131 Darwin, C. 7, 198 Christie, P. 81 Daugherty, C.H. 107 Churchill, S.P. 164-5 Davidson, E.H. 156 Ciferri, R. 89 Davies, D.A.L. 215 Claridge, M.F. 80, 182 Davies, D.D. 8 Clark, H.E.S. 156 Davies, P.H. 4, 95 Clark, R.B. 184 Davis, A.A. 133 Clausen, J. 73 Davis, G.M. 58 Clay, T. 153,215 Davis, J.1. 25, 48 Clayton, W.D. 195 Dawley, R.M. 86 Cleevely, R.J. 90 Dayhoff, M.O. 49 Clement, P. 146 De Beer, G. 30 Clifford, H.T. 90, 165, 167,213 DeBry, R.W. 34 Clutton-Brock, J. 198-201 De Candolle, A.P. 89,96 Cobabe, E. 20 Dehalu, M. 195 Coddington, J.A. 25,42,43, lSI, 181 Delevoryas, T. 137 Collins, J.P. 76 Delfinado, M.D. 215 Coluzzi, M. 59 Delle Cave, L. 150, ISS Connor, E.F. 78 DeLong, E.F. 132, 133 Conway Morris, S. 141, 146, ISS Den Hollander, J. 182 Cook, D.G. 216 De Pamphilis, C.W. 54 Coomans, A. 146 De Pinna, M.C.C. 20 Cooper, A. 160 De Puytorac, C. 140 Copeland, H.F. 130, 131 De Queiroz, K. 3,4,12,13,31,37,42,68,76, Corbet, G.B. 113,125,164,198-201,216 103 Corliss, J.O. 98, 99, 108, 109, 139, 140,221-2 De Salle, R. 52, 54 Comer, E.J.H. 99, 167 Dettman, M.E. 90 Cowan, R.S. 95 Dettner, K. 46 Coyne, J.A. 81, 83 De Wet, J.M.1. 198,202,203 Cracraft, J. 4, IS, 16, 19,25,28,29,32,34,35, Dextre Clark, S.G. 93 37,64,67,68,88,126,159,160 D'Hondt, J-L. 168 Crampton, G.M. 31 Dial, K.P. 196 Crane, P.R. 165 Diamond, J. 91,125 Craske, A.1. 38 Dick, C.W. 163 Crawford, D.J. 44-6 Didier, R. 216 Crawford, R.M. 94 Dietrich, W. 176 Crease, T.J. 58 Dobzhansky, T. 13,65,81 Creighton, G.K. 31 Dodson, C.H. 126 Crezee, M. 110, 145 Doebley, J. 204 Crisp, D. 100,171 Dahle, W. 152 Cronk, Q.C.B. 196 Doll, R. 71 Cronquist, A. 17, 137, 165, 166, 167 Dolling, W.R. 112 Crosskey, R.W. 215 Donoghue, MJ. 3,4,8,12,16,24,29,35,37,38, Crowson, R.A. 38, 154 59,68,76,165 Crum, H.A. 62 Dougherty, E.C. 131 Culberson, c.F. 46 Douglas, S.E. 138 Culberson, W.L. 46 Dover, G.A. 55, 57, 84 Cunningham, C.W. 55 Dow,M.M.42 Cunningham Vaught, K. 216 Dowling, T.E. 50, 51, 53 Curtis, G.A. 127 Downie, S.R. 54 Cutler, E.B. 147 Doyle, J.A. 38, 165 Cuvier,G.6, 19, 149,212 Doyle, J.J. 53, 61, 80 Czelusniak, J. 49, 61 Drake, C.1. 215 Dress, A. 76 Dahl, E. 152 Droue!. F. I 34 Author index 337

Dubois, A 26, 42, 69 Fischer, F.C.1. 215 Duellman, W.E. 113 Fischer, M. 163, 164 Duffels, 1.P. 215 Fisher, R. 81, 195 Dujardin, F. 73 Fitch, W.M. 34,49,61 Dumeril, A 20 Fitzpatrick,l.W. 185 Duncan, T. 16 Florschutz, P.A. 95 Dupuis, C. 8 Flynn, 1.1. 163 Dwight, 1. 102 Fogg,G.E.lOO,171 Dzik,l. 149 Ford, E.B. 78 Forey, P. 38, 158 Eastop, V.F. 215 Fortey,R.A.38, 151, 155 Eberhard, W.G. 181 Foster, M.W. III, 112 Echelle, A.A. 78 Fott,B.6 Eckhardt, M.l. 34 Fox, G.E. 161 Edgecombe, G.D. 151 Fox, R.C. 132 Edmonds, S.l. 110,216 Francke,O.F. 110 Edmunds, G.F. III Francki, R.!.B. 96 Edwards, A.W.F. 21 Frank,l.H. 127 Edwards, P. 131 Fricke, H. 158 Ehlers, U. 144,228 Friday, AE. 159 Ehrendorfer, F. 73 Friedman, S. 154 Eichler, W. 112 Friedmann, E.!. 134 Eigen, M. 76 Froeschner, R.c. 215 Eisner, T. 46-7 Frost, D.R. 52, 113,186,195,216 Eldredge, N. xiii, xiv, 4,15,16,19,25,28,29, Frost,l.S. 182 32,34,37 Fryer, G. III, 151 Elkington, T.T. 204 Fuhrman, 1.A. 33 Ellgren, H. 91 Funk, V. 25 Emerson, M.l. 150 Fusco, G. 196-7 Emig, C.C. 112 Futuyma, D.l. 79, 80, 81,181,197 Endler, 1.A. 4, 18,62,77 Engel, 1.1. 165 Gaffney, E.S. 159 Enghoff, H. 78, 153 Gajadhar, A.A. 140 Engler, H.G.A. 165 Gale, A.S. 112,156 Erdmann, V.A 55 Gardiner, B. 38, 160 Erdtmann, B.-D. 155 Gamer, S.P. 151 Eriksson, 0.137,138 Gaston, K.l. 87 Erseus, C. 148 Gates, R.R. 73 Erwin, T.L. 128-9 Gauld, !.D. 23, 154 Esbaugh, W.H. 80 Gauthier, 1. 28, 38, 103, 159, 160 Eschmeyer, W.N. 216 Gee, H. 160 Esslinger, T.L. 188 Genermont, 1. 62, 69 Estabrook, G.F. 36 Gentry, A.H. 126 Estes, R. 159 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, E. 19 Evenhuis, N.L. 215 George,l.D. 110 Gerard, B.M. 110 Fahrenholz, H. 181 Ghirardelli, E. 156 Farr, E.R. 94 Ghiselin, M.T. 4,13,15,16,27,31,34,35,39, Farrand, l.lr 113 65,66,67,70,141,148,150,156,161 Farris, 1.S. 8, 16, 17,23,24,26,27,34,35 Giannasi, D.E. 44, 45, 46 Fauchald, K. 148,216 Gibbons, N.E. 131,134 Feder, 1.L. 79 Gibbs, R.D. 44 Felgenhauer, B.E. III Gibson, G.A.P. 154 Fell, F.l. 112 Giddings, L.V. 62 Felsenstein, 1. 35,36,42,81 Gillet, 1.1 .E. 186 Ferguson, A 48 Gilmartin, A.l. 48, 212 Field, K.G. 55,141,147,148,150,155,156 Gilmour, 1.S.L. 11,73 Figueroa, F. 83 Giovannoni, S.1. 133 Fioroni, P. 149 Gisin,H.17,18 338 Author index

Goethe, J.W. 20 Hardy, D.E. 215 Goldberg, A. 165 Harlan, J.R. 198,202,203 Golden, S.S. 135 Harper, e.W. Jr 29 Goldman, N. 53 Harrington, A.J. 95 Golenberg, E.M. 54 Harris, S.A. 53 Goloboff, P.A. 24 Harrison, R.G. 76 Goodbody, I. 113 Harrison, R.W. 52 Goodman, M. 49, 61, 163 Hartmann, O. 216 Goodrich, E.S. 159 Hartmann-SchrOder, G. 110 Goodwin, B.C. 18 Hartwich, G. 110 Gordh, G. 216 Harvey, M.S. 216 Gordon, H.T. 131 Harvey, P.H. 3, 42 Gorr, T. 158 Hasegawa, M. 57, 83, 163 Gosliner, T.M. 4, 31, 34,161 Haselkom, R. 135 Gtitting, K.-J. 149 Haskell, P.T. 100 Gottlieb, L.D. 84 Haszprunar,G. 20, 30,41,142,145,148,149, Gould, SJ. 30,155,181 233 Grain, J. 140 Hauser, D.L. 25 Grant, B.R. 76 Hawkes, J.G. 204 Grant, P.R. 76 Hawksworth, D.L. 4, 93, 94, 95, 101, 102, 109, Grant, V. 4, 62, 63, 65, 74, 75, 78, 85 129,138,139,181,187,210 Grassle, J.P. 129, 182 Healy, J.M. 149 Graur, D. 163 Heath, LB. 139 Gray, M.W. 55 Hecht, M.K. 21 Green, D.M. 195 Hedges, S.B. 86 Greene, S.W. 95 Hedgpeth, J.W. 4, III Greenwood, P.H. 78, 158 Hegnauer, R. 44 Grell, K.G. 110, 142 Heider, K. 94 Greuter, W. 91. 96, 99 Heming, B.S. 153 Griffiths, G.e.D. xiv, 4 Hemleben, V. 166 Grimaldi, D.A. 194 Hendriks, L. 55 Griswold, e.E. 25 Hendy, M.D. 36 Groenhart, M.e. 70 Hennig, W. xiv, 4,8,9,10,21,22,25,26,27,31, Gromko, M.H. 76 34,38,41,42,105,153,157,230,239,241 Groves, e.P. 125 Henry, C.S. 182 Grygier, M.J. 151 Heppell, D. 96 Gunderson, J.H. 140 Herre, W. 199 Gunn, e.R. 205 Heslop-Harrison, J. 73 Gunther, E. 83 Hessler, R.R. lSI, 152, 182 Gutmann, W.P. 156 Hewitt, G.M. 49, 76, 81, 85,178 Guttman, S.1. 80 Heywood, V.H.4,45,95, 107, 184,204,211 Guyer, e. 32 Heywood, P. 98 Gwynn, D.T. 182 Hibberd, D.J. 188 Gyllenhaal, e. 90 Hide, W.A. 163 Hiesey, W.M. 73 Hadlington, S. 183 Higgins, R.P. 110 Haeckel, E. 7, 26, 30, 37, 130, 143 Hill, J.E. 113, 125, 164, 165,216 Haffer, J. 78 Hill, R. 101 Hahn, G. 151 Hillis, D.M. 4, 59,182 Hall, A.V. 23 Hodges, R.W. 89 Hallam. A. 71 Hodkinson, 1.0. 129 Hallgren, J.-E. 54 Hoech, W.R. 52 Halsey, S.H. 215 Hoffman, R.L. 112, 153,216 Hamby, R.K. 55 Hogg, J. 130 Hamilton, e.W. 75 Holdich, D.M. III Hamilton, K.G.A. 153 Holleman, 134 Hanelt, P. 202, 203 Holloway, J.D. 112 Harbison. G.R. 144 Holman, E. 71 Harborne, J.B. 44, 45 Holmes, E.B. 26, 158 Author index 339

Holmes, E.C. 161 Kaneshiro, K.Y. 62 Holmgren, N. 158 Kato, M. 165 Holzel, H. 112 Kauffman, T.e. 150, 180 Honacki,J.H.124,185,195,216 Keck, D.D. 73 Honeycutt, R.L. 163 Kelly, M.e. 93 Hooker, J.D. 89, 165 Kemp, T.S. 160, 161 Hopkins, W. 215 Kevan, D.K.McE. xiii, 88, Ill, 112 Horl, H. 55, 140, 148 Kiger, J.A. 82 Hom, W.90 Kilian, F. 110 Hou, X.-G. 155 Kim, K.e. 90,153 Hough-Evans, B.R. 156 Kimsey, L.S. 216 House, M.R. 141 Kimura, M. 56, 57 Howard, DJ. 182 King, B.L. 45 Howard, R. 113, 192-4,216 King, R.M. 191 Huber, H. 28,166 Kingsbury, D.W. 96 Hughes, A.L. 92 Kinman, K.E. 124, 185, 195,216 Hull, D.L. 8, 9, 13,67 Kirkbride, J.H.Jr 205 Hull, F.M. 216 Kirkpatrick, M. 78 Humphries, C.J. 101, 107, 166, 181,205 Kirkpatrick, P.A. 144 Hunt, P.F. 76 Kishino, H. 57, 83 Hutchinson, J. 210 Kitzmiller, J.B. 86 Huxley, J. 7,18 Klein, J. 83 Klein, R.M. 137 Iliffe, T.M. 151 Kleinschmidt, T. 158 Illies, J. 215 Kluge,A.G.23,28,30,31,34,35,38, 159, 160 Ingram, R. 53 Knight, D. 6 Ish-Horowicz, D. 84 Knobloch,I.W.75 Ivanov, A.V. 147 Knutson, L. 90 Iwatsuki, K. 62 Kochmer, J.P. 185 Koeppl, J.W. 124, 185, 195,216 Jacobs,M.89,95,103 Kohn, AJ. 194 Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 215 Kondo, R. 52 Jaeger, J.J. 151, 162 Konigsmann, E. 153 Jaenicke, J. 79 Kormilev, N.A. 215 James, J.L. 151 Komfield, I. 78 Jamieson, B.G.M. 147, 148, 151,216,229 Krajewski, e. 50 Janis, e.M. 164 Kramer, K.U. 165 Jankowski, A.W. 140 Kraus, F. 58 Jansen, R.K. 24, 57, 60, 165 Krause, D.W. 161 Janvier, P. 163 Kreitman, M. 83 Janzen, D.H. 70 Kretzoi, M. 125 Jardine, N. 21 Kristensen, N.P. 153,154 Jarvik, E. 158 Kristensen, R.M. 125, 146 Jeanmonod, D. 65, 73 Kronick, D.A. 93 Jedford, R.H. 163 Kubai, D.F. 137 Jeekel, C.A.W. 216 Kugler, C. 1 \1 Jefferies, R.P.S. 38, 157 Kukalova-Peck, J. ISO, 153 Jeffrey, C. 96, 98, 99, 131, 167,203 Kiikenthal, W. 94 Jermy, A.C. 189 Kullmann, E. 181 Jirasek, V. 203 Kumazaki, T. 148 Johnson, A. 43 Kuncio, G.S. 58 Johnson, C.S. 36 Kuschel, G. 154 Johnson, N.F. 216 Johnston, D.E. I \I, 126 La Greca, M. 42, 75 Jones, T.R. 76 Lake, J.A. 35,132,140, 141, 148 Jones, M.L. \11,147 Lamb, T. 52, 95 Lambers, D.H.R. 215 Kabata, Z. 181 Lambert, D.M. 65 Kandler, 0.132,133 Lamotte, M. 62 340 Author index

Lande, R. 78 McMorris, F.R. 36 Lanyon, S.M. 92 McNamara, K.J. 181 Larsen, J. 99 McNeill, J. 99 Larson, A. 42 McPheron, B.A. 79 Laubitz, D.R. III MabberJey, D.J. 94, 96, 97, 110, 167, 186, 189, Laubmann, A. 73 190,191,210 Lauder,G.V.34,42,158,252 Mabee, P.M. 31 Lauterbach, K.-E. 151 Maciolek, N.J. 129 Laven, H. 86 Mackie, G.O. 142 La Vergata, A. 96 Macnair, M.R. 81 Lavin, M. 53 Maddison, D.R. 29, 34 Lawlor, D.A. 83 Maddison, W.P. 29, 34,42 Lawrence, J.F. 112, 120 Madin, L.P. 144 Lay, D.M. 125 Mainitz, M. 145 Leclercq, J. 195 Maisey, J.G. 157 Lee, A.R. 54 Malakhov, V.V. 146 Leedale, G.F. 131, 188 Mandelbrot, B. 196 Leeds, H.A. 178 Manhart, J .R. 164 Leenhouts, P.W. 89 Mann, D.G. 94 Lehtinen, P.T. 31 Mann, W.146 Le Quesne, W.J. 36 Manning, E.M. 163 Leussink, J .A. 94 Manning, R.B. III Leutenegger, W. 42 Mannucci, M.P. 89 Levi,H.W.1l0, 111,151 Mansfeld, R. 203 Levin, D.A. 45,197 Manton, S.M. 150, 151 Levine, N.D. 84, 140, 188 Marcotte, B.M. III Levinton, J. 42 Margadant, W.o. 95 Levy,M.45 Margoliash, E. 49 Lewin, R.A. 134 Margulis, L. 98,131,133,139,140,222 Li, W.H. 162, 163 Markiw, M.E. 139 Li, Z.-X. 125 Markowicz, Y. 135 Liden, M. 64 Marks, J. 50, 160 Liem, K.F. 158,252 Marshall, N.B. 182 Linnaeus, e. xiii, 5, 6, II, 63, 66, 87, 124, 126, Martin, J.A. 57 210 Martinez Wells, M. 182 Linsey, E.G. 7 Martino, E. 125 Lipman, D.J. 107 Marzluff, J.M. 196 Lipscomb, D.L. 25,136,140 Maslin, T.P. 16 Loconte, H. 38,165,166 Matile, L. 4 Loiseaux-de Goer, S. 135 Matthews, R.E.F. 96 Lorenzen, S. 26, 146 Mattox, K.R. 164 Love, A. 64 Maucci, W. 112,216 Love, D. 64 Maxson,L.R.8,86 L0vtrup, S. 20,38,46, 156, 160 Maxson, R.D. 48 Lowenstein, J.M. 156 May, R.M. 87,107,129,197 Ludwig, HW. 153 Mayer, G.e. 79 Lugo, A.E. 88 Maynard Smith, J. 32,76,78,81 Lyal, e.H.e. 153 Mayr, E. 4, 6, 7, 9,10, II, 13,21,23,26,27,30, Lynch, M. 58 62,63,64,65,66,67,68,70,73,74,77,78, Lynn, D.H. 140 79,85,107,125,126,130,132,133,212 Mazur, S. 216 McAlpine, J.F. 153 Meckel, J.F. 30 McCallum, K. 133 Melchior, H. 165 McEachran, J.D. 1 I3 Melville, R.Y. 100 McGowan, Y. 101 Menke, A.S. 216 McKenna, M. 161 Menken, S. 80 McKinney, M.L. 181 Mennega, E.A. 95 McKitrick, M.e. 68 Metcalf, Z.P. 215 McLennan, D.A. 3. 42 Meyen, S.B. 165 Author index 341

Meyer, A. 60, 78 Nixon, K.e. 25, 64 Meyerick, E. 89 Norell, M.A. 39 Meylan, P.A. 159 Nl'lrrevang, A. 141, 146, 147 Michaelsen, W. 148 Novacek, M.J. 39,161, 163 Mickevich, M.F. 25 Novak, F. 131 Mignot, J.-P. 140 Novoa, e. 202 Miles, S. 158 Nylander, W. 45, 89 Miller, E.H. 89 Miller, H.A. 109, 110 Ochman, H. 56 Milligan, B.G. 53, 58 Ohama, T. 55 Milner, A.R. 159 O'Hara, R.J. 14,32,42,197 Mindell, D.R. 35, 163 O'Kelly, e.J. 138 Minelli, A. 4,13,20,27,67,89,101,102,149, Oldroyd, H. 8, 100 152,196,197,205 0llgard, B. 191 Mishler, B.D. 17, 31, 68, 164, 165 Olmi, M. 216 Mitchell, A.W. 182 Olsen, G.J. 33, 34, 36, 57 Mitchell, P.L. 181 Olson, R.R. 51 Miyamoto, M.M. 35,49,58,61,163 Olson, S.L. 209 Moczar, L. 216 Oosterbroek. P. 26 Mohn, E. 131, 136, 140, 142, 143,218,220,224 Orr, H.A. 81 Ml'llier Andersen, N. 31 Orto1ani, G. 144 Monnerot, M. 53, 83 Osawa, S. 55, 140, 148 Monroe, B.L. Jr 113,126,160,192,261 Ostrom, J.H. 160 Monticelli, F.S. 142 Otte, D. 62, 81,182 Moore, A. 113, 192-4,216 Owen, R. 18, 19,21,160,214 Moore, R.e. 94 Mooren, J.F.A. 70 Paabo,S.54 Morden, C.W. 135 Pace, N.R. 133 Morgan, J.e. 182 Pagel, M.D. 3, 42 Morgan, P.J. 100 Palenik, B. 135 Moritz, e. 4, 50, 51, 53, 86 Palissa, A. III Morony, J.J. Jr 113 Palmer, D. 93 Morris, G.K. 182 Palmer, J.D. 50, 51, 53, 54, 57, 60, 61,164 Morris, P. 20 Palmer, J.M. 153 Mound, L.A. 23, 153,215 Palumbi, S.R. 57 Mueller, L.D. 36 Panchen, A. 159 Miiller, F.P. 80 Papavero, N. 215 Muma, M.H. III Papp. L. 91, 215 Munroe, E.G. 112, 114 Parker, S.P. xiv Murphy, W.L. 90 Paterson, H.E. 65 Murray, R.G.E. 131, 134 Patterson, e. xiv, 9,10,11,18,21,22,38,41,57, 59,61, 158,217 Naomi, S.-I. 154 Patterson, DJ. 99 Naylor, GJ.P. 57 Paulay, G. 78 Neave, S.A. 94 Pauling, L. 56 Neff, N.A. 17,163 Paulus, H.P. 39,40, 151, 234 Nelson, G.J. xiv, 3, 4, 9,19,25,26,27,30,37. Pawson, D.L. 112 39,64,67,69,76,130, 157,243,252,262 Pechman, K.R. 132 Nelson, J.S. 113, 158 Peck, S.B. 112 Nemec, F.L. 149 Penny, D. 36,135,138 Nevo, E. 81 Peroffo, B. 20 Newman, W.A. 100, III, 152 Peters, J.L. 125 Newton, A.F. 154 Peterson, A.T. 92 Nicolson, D. 99 Pettibone, M.H. 148 Nielsen, C. 112, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 149, Pettigrew, J.D. 163 155, 156,226 Philippi, T.E. 80 Niemann, GJ. 44 Phillips, e.A. 86 Nieuwkoop, P.D. 158 Pichi Sermolli, R.E.G. 165 Nixon, G.A. 80 Pickers gill, B. 204 342 Author index

Pimentel, R.A. 16 Robinson, R.A. 155 Plate, L. 65 Roewer, e.F. 216 Platnick, N.!. 4, 9, 25, 26, 37, 68, 216 Rogers, DJ. 4 Platt, H.M. 110 Rogers, R.W. 90 Platz, J.E. 182 Riihrs, M. 199 Poche, F. 94 Rong, R. 75 Powell, J.R. 57, 77, 84, 86 Rosen,D.38,41,158,217,245 Praeger, E.M. 56 Rosenberg, G. 58 Prance, G.T. 126 Ross, H.H. 4 Prentice, H.C. 204 Roth, V.L. 20, 22, 31, 83 Presch, W. 25 Roth, L.M. 111 Prothero, D.R. 163 Rothschild, L.J. 98 Provine, W.B. 7, 62 Rouch, R. 127 Pugh, P.R. 144 Round, F.E. 94 Pulawski, WJ. 179 Rowe, F.W.E. 156 Purvis, A. 42 Rowe, T.28,38, 159, 160 Puthz, V. 187 Ruhoff, FA 215 Runnegar, B. 148, 149 Qu, L.H. 55, 140 Rusconi, S. 54

Raff, RA 150, 180 Saether, O.A. 31, 33 Ragan, M.A. 54 Sagan, D. 98 Raikow, R.I. 185 Sakai, S. 215 Ramazzotti, G. 112,216 Salmon, J.T. 215 RamskOid. L. 151, 155 Salvini-Plawen, L. von 112, 141, 148, 149,231 Rand, D.M. 52, 76 Samuelson, G.A. 90 Raubeson, L.A. 165 Sander, K. 30 Raup, D.M. 94, 119 Sanders, H.L. 151 Raven, P.H. xiv, 11,62, 126, 176, 197 Sanderson, M.J. 16,24,36,59, 191 Ray,J.6,11,64,210 Sansom, I.J. 158 Raymond, M. 64 Sarich, V.M. 50, 160 Reeck, G.R.C. 21 Sartori, S. 196, 197 Reichards, S.H. 75 Sattler, R. 18 Reif, W.F. 72 Savage, J. 102 Reig, OA 84 Save-Siiderbergh, G. 158 Reisinger, E. 145 Sawyer, R.T. 147,216 Reiswig, H.M. 142 Schaal, B. 58 Remane, A. 7 Schaefer, C.W. 181 Remington, e. 76 Schaefer, S.A. 42 Renno, J.-F. 78 Schaeffer, B. 29,155,181 Rensch, B. 7, 64, 73 Scheel, J. 73 Reyes, J.C. 125 Scheerpeltz, O. 186 Reynolds, D.R. 92, 138 Scheller, U. 112 Reynolds, J.W. 216 Schilder, F.A. 73 Rice, M.E. 110 Schmid, C.W. 50, 160 Richards, AJ. 70 Schmidt, G.D. 216 Ride, W.D.L. 96, 99, 102, 126 Schmidt, T.M. 133 Ridley, M. 4, 11, 16,68,72 Schminke, H.K. III Rieger, R.M. 142, 145, 147 Schopf, TJ.M. 180 Rieppel, O. 3,4,9,16,18,19,20,25,30,37,38, Schram. F.R. 141, 144, 150, 151, 152,236 159 Schuchert,P. 142, 145 Rieseberg, L.H. 58 Schultz, R.I. 69 Riggins, R. 16 Schulz. S. 35 Riley.J.151 Schulze, F.E. 94, 142 Ringue1et, R.A. 148 Schumann 169 Rippka, R. 134 Schuster, R.M. 165 Rivera. M.e. 132 Schwartz, K.V. 131. 133 Robertson, D.L. 135 Scobie, MJ. 154 Robinson, H. 191 Scott-Ram, N.R. 16 Author index 343

Seaman, F.e. 45 Spolsky, e.M. 52, 86 Searcy,D.G. 132 Sprague, G.F. Jr 135 Searle, J.B. 76 Springer, M. 50 Seeno, T. 216 Sprinzl, M. 146 Seguy,E.216 Stace,C.A.4, 72,95,179,191,204 Self, J.T. 112 Stafteu, F.A. 94, 95 Serres, E. 20, 30 Stanier, R.Y. 134 Shaw, A.B. 72 Stanley, G.D. 144 Shear, W. 150 Starobogatov, Y.I. 152,237,238 Sheldon, F.H. 160 Steam, W.T. 119 Sherborn, e.D. 94 Stebbins, G.L. 212 Shi. L.-M. 163 Stefani, R. 86 Short, L.R. 73 Steiner, W.W.M. 86 Shoshani, J. 161 Steinmann, H. 215 Shubin, N.H. 18 Stephen, A.e. 216 Shultz,J.W.151,235 Sterck, A.A. 70 Sibley, e.G. 44, 50,113,126,160,192,193,194, Sterrer, W. 145 253,261 Stevens, P.F. I, 16,25,211,212 Siddiqi, M.R. 216 Stevenson, D.W. 165, 166 Sidow, A. 132 Stewart, K.D. 164 Siewing, R. 144 Steyskal, G.e. 126 Silberman, J.D. 51 Stock, D.W. 158 Simmons, N.B. 163 Stone, A.R. 181,215 Simonetta, A.M. 150, 155 Stork, N.E. 113, 128, 129, 182 Simpson, G.G. 3, 4, 7, 9, 63, 66 Strauss, R.E. 31 Sims, R.W. 110 Stubbe, W. 176 Skerman, V.B.D. 101 Stuessy, T.F, 4,16,27,74,180,191 Slade, N.A. 34 Stunkard, H.W. 145 Slater, J.A 215 Sturm bauer, e. 60 Slatkin, M. 181 Stiirmer, W. 144 Slightom, J.L. 163 Styles, B.T. 179,202 Slowinski, J.B. 32 Sues, H.-D. 161 Sluiman, HJ. 164 Sugihara, G. 197 Sluys, R. 31 Sutasurya, L.A. 158 Small, E.B. 140 Sutton, B.C. 93, 94, 95,109,138,139,187,210 Smit, F.G.A.M. 112 Swanson, e.J. 110 Smith, A. 164, 165 Swofford, D.L. 33, 34, 36, 57 Smith, AB. 11,59, 156 Sytsma, KJ. 58, 60 Smith, D.e. 79 Szmidt, A.E. 54 Smith, E.F.G. 62 Szymura, J.M. 52 Smith, J.D.D. 100 Smithers, e.N. 215 Takhtajan, A 165, 166 Smithies, O. 48 Tassy, P. 13,40,41,161,197 Smithson, T.R. 159 Taylor, FJ.R. 98 Smouse, P.E. 58 Taylor, J.W. 92 Sneath, P.H.A. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10,23,96, 101, 102 Tehler, A. 137, 138 Snowden, J.D. 202 Templeton, A, 53, 65, 69, 77 Sober, E. 17,34,35 Thayer, M.K. 154 Sogin, M.L. 136, 137, 140 Thomas, W.K. 52 Sohrabi, H. 52 Thompson, J.N. 86 Sokal, R.R. 4, 7, 8, 9,10,34 Thorne, A.G. 53 Solignac,M.53,58,83 Thorne,R.F.60, 165, 166 Soltis, D.E. 53, 58, 80, 81 Thorpe, W.H. 79, 80 Soltis, P.S. 53, 58, 80, 81 Tillier, S. 149 Soos, A. 215 Tobin, P. 215 Southward, AJ. 147 Tournefort, J.P. de 210 Southward, E.e. 147 Townes, H. 191,216 Spears, T. 152 Townes, M. 216 Spitze, K. 58 Trainor, L. 18 344 Author index

Traverse, A. 71 Werman, S.D. 50 Tunner, H.O. 69 Werner, B. 110, 143 Turesson, O. 73 Wernham, H.F. 31 Turner, S. 45,134 Werth, e.R. 80 Tutin, T.O. 173, 184 West, 1.G. 90 Westblad, E. 145 Udayagiri, S. 215 Westheide, W. 148 Urbach, E. 135 Wetzel, M.1. 216 Usinger, R. 7 Wetzel, R.M. 126 Uzzell, T. 52, 69, 86 Weygoldt, P. 39,40,151,234 Wheatley, B.P. 86 Vace1et,1. 143 Wheeler, 1. 202 Valentine, 1.W. 78 Wheeler, Q.D. 17,30,64 Van Beneden, E. 145 Wheeler, w.e. 52, 64, 76 Van der Hammen, L. 150, 151 Wheelis, M.L. 132, 133 Van der Laan, P.A. 215 White, M.1.D. 62, 76, 77, 78, 84, 85 Van der Land, 1. 146, 147 White, F. 126 Vane-Wright, RI. 35, 68, 70,107 Whitt,O.S. 158 Van Steenis, e.O.G. 213 Whittaker, R.H. 131, 135 Van Valen, L. 20,41,66,68,80 Whittemore, A. 58 Van Z. Engelbrecht, D. 156 Whittington, H.B. 151 Verity, R. 73 Wible,l.R 163 Vermeij, G.l. 185 Wiersema, J.H. 205 Via, S. 80 Wiggins, G.B. 112 Vickerman, K. 109 Wijk, R. van der 95 Vicq d'Azyr, F. 20,23 Wilcox,l.A. 191,216 Vigna Taglianti, A. 154 Wiley, E.O. xiv, 3, 4, 16,22,23,25,26,28,32, Vives Moreno, A. 192 34,39,41,66 Vladimirov, V.L. 125 Wilkins, 1. 11 Von Baer, K.E. 30, 37, 64 Williams, e.A. 44 Vossbrinck, C.R. 137, 154 Williams, e.B. 195 Vrana, P. 64 Williams, D.M. 140 Vrba, E.S. 62 Williams, P.H. 107 Vrijenhoek, F.e. 86 Willis, J.e. 189-91, 195,211 Willmann, R 37,38,62,68,72 Waddington, e. 18 Willmer, P. 141, 148 Wadhii, S.R 215 Wills con Briggs, 155 Wage Ie, 1.-W. 152 Wilson, A.C. 52, 53, 54, 56 Wagner, D.F. 54 Wilson, D.F. 182 Wagner, G.P. 21, 30 Wilson, G.D.F. 152 Wagner, RH. 185 Wingstrand, K.G. 148, 151 Wagner, W.H. Jr70 Winkler-Oswatisch, R 76 Walker, 1.M. 98 Withers, N.W. 134 Walker, W.F. 137 Woese, e.R. 57,132,133,137 Walsh, P.J. 51 Wolf, K. 139 Walter, M.R 135, 140 Wolpert, L. 18 Walters, S.M. 4, 73,195,196-7,207,210,211 Wolpoff, M.H. 53 Wanntorp, H.E. 164 Wolstenholme, D.R. 53, 146 Ward, D.M. 133 Wolters, 1. 55. 140 Warwick, R.M. 110 Wood, D.M. 153 Watling, L. 111, 152 Wood, T.K. 80 Watson, L. 96 Woodley, N.E. 153 Wayne, R.K. 60 Wright, J.M. 52, 81 Webb, M. 147 Wyss, A.R. 161, 163 Weber, H.E. 71 Weiss, M.L. 49 Yano, T. 83 Weller, R. 133 Yen, 1.H. 86 Wendel, J.F. 54 Yeo, P.P. 165,167,213 Wenzel, W. 166 Younes, T. 96, 99 Author index 345

Young, J.P.W. 46 Zhang, Y.-P. 163 Young, J.Z. 156 Zimmer, E.A. 55 Youzwyshyn, G.P. 161 Zimmermann, E.A.W. 126 Yu, X.B. 158 Zink, R.M. 68 Yule, G.V. 195 Zouros, E. 52 Zuckerkandl, E. 56, 57 Zangerl, R. 8 Zwick, P. 215 Subject index

Abstracting services 93--4 compatibility methods 36 Acetylenes 45 continuous variables 16 Adaptation 15,42-3 genetic control 17 Adelphotaxon 26 multistate 16 Agamospecies 62, 70 mutual independence 17 see also Microspecies polarity 16, 28-31 Age of fossils specialists' views 180-2 suggestive ofrank 39 states 16 Albumin 48 delimitation 25 Alkaloids 44-5 scoring 25 Allospecies 73, 212 weighting 17 Allozymes 18,48 Chemical races American Type Culture CollectIOn 92 1ichenes 45 Amino acid sequencing 49 Chemosystematics 44---{) Anagenesis 18 Chemotypes Ancestors 37-8 lichenes 45 monophyly 37 Chloroplast DNA, see cpDNA Apomictic lineages, species 71 Chromosomes 182 Apomorphy 21-2 Chronospecies 62, 72 28 Citraspecies 73 Author's name 103 Cladistics 9-10 Authors numerical 9 prolificity 89 pattern 9,16 transformed 9, II Behavioural traits 181 Clado-evolutionary classification 41 Biodiversity 107-29 Cladogenesis 15, 18 large genera 185-93 Cladogram 10, 13, 15,32-3 Biological Abstracts 93 Class 4 Biospecies 73 Classification 4 Biosynthetic pathways 45 clado-evolutionary 41 Biosystematic categories 72--4 definition 3 Biotas 182 downwardS Bootstrap methods 36 fractal structure 195-8 Branch-and-bound methods 36 hierarchical structure 5, 6 idealistic approach 6 Cambridge Collection of Algae and Protozoa information content 41 92 Linnaean 5 Categories natural II Linnaean 13 opposed to systematization 13 Characters 15-18, 210 phylogenetic 7 coding 24-5 relationships with evolutionary Subject index 347

theory 6 Genera upward 5---6 large 185-92 Clock specialists' views 169-71 molecular 56--7 Genetic Coenogamodeme 73 distance 82 Coenospecies 73 exchanges across kingdoms 135 see also Species, biosystematic piracy 31 Collecting techniques 182 Genus 4 Colonoids Germ layers, homology 144 homology 20 Global Plant Species Information System 95 Commiscuum 73 Glucosinolates 44 Comparative biology 3, 4 Grades 18 see also Homology Grex 76 Comparium 73 Gynogenesis 69 Consensus tree 35 Consistency index 23-4 Haemoglobin 49 rescaled 23-4 Heterochrony 181 Constraints 15 Higher taxa, size distribution 194-7 developmental 32 Holophyly 10,27 cpDNA 50, 53-4 Homology 8, 10, 12, 16, 18-22 Cultivated plants, taxonomy and nomenclature biological concepts 21 198,202-5 definition 20 Cytogenetics 182 germ layers 144 historical concepts 22 Decisiveness 24 informational background 20 Deepsea, see Biotas molecules 20 Dendrogram 8 Homonomy 20 Distance Homoplasy 23-4, 33,181 matrix 8 Host-plant relationships 181 methods 33 Hybrid zones 49, 76, 85 DNA-DNA hybridization 33, 49-50 mtDNA51 Domesticated animals Hybridogenesis 69-70 taxonomy and nomenclature Hybrids 75-6 198-202 intergeneric 75 Ecospecies 73 see also Species, biosystematic Ichnotaxa, nomenclature 97 Ecotype 73 Identification keys 3, 210 Electron microscopy 180, 183 Immunological techniques 47-8 Electrophoretic data 18 Index Kewensis 95 Exerge 73 Information content, classification 41 Infraspecific taxa 74-5 Fahrenholz's rule 181 nomenclature 75 Family 4 specialists' views I7 6-9 Flavonoids 44-5 International Code Flush-and-crush model 81 for the Nomenclature of Bacteria Folk taxonomy 196,210-1 96 Form 74 types 91 Formengruppe 73 for the Nomenclature of Fossils Cultivated Plants 75, 96 cladistics 38-9 of Botanical Nomenclature 75, 96, 198 Founder effect 79 type specimens 91 Fractals, classification 195-7 of Zoological Nomenclature 75, 96,100 Gene transfer type specimens 91 horizontal 54-5, 135 Intraspecific variability Genes molecular 57-8 orthologous 61 Invariants, Lake method of 35 paralogous 61 Iridoids 44-5 348 Subject index

Isolation mechanisms Nomenclators and catalogues 94 premating 81 Nomenclature 13,96-103 Isology 12, 22 bacteria 101 Isozymes 48 blue-green algae 134 Codes 13,96 Jackknife methods 36 flagellate protista 98 Journals 92-3 ichnotaxa 97 independence from taxonomy 98 Kingdom 4 pleomorphic fungi 139 registration of names and journals 102 Linnaean stability 100-3 categories 41 users' needs 13 hierarchy 39 Nucleic acids 49-56 Literature 92--6 sequencing 51 Numerical methods 33-7 Macromolecules 46--61 distance 33 intraspecific variability 57-8 parsimony 34-5 Macrotaxonomy 7, 212 Mating calls 182 Ontogeny Maximum likelihood methods 35--6 data for taxonomy 181 Jukes-Cantor 35--6 evidence for phylogeny 30-1 Kimura 35--6 Operational Taxonomic Vnit (OTV) 8 Megasubspecies 73 Order 4 Metataxinomic ranking criterion 42 Orthology 61 Micro-complement fixation 48 Outgroup comparison 28 Micromolecules 44--6 Microspecies 63, 70, 73, 85, 113 Paedomorphosis 181 see also Agamospecies Palaeontology, evidence for phylogeny 29 Microtaxonomy 7, 212 Palaeospecies, see Chronospecies Missing data 25 Parallelism 17-18, 31 Mitochondrial DNA, see mtDNA Paralogy 61 Modular organisms Paraphyly 25-8 homology 20 Paraspecies 70 Molecular Parsimony methods 34 clock 56-7 Camin-Sokal 34 vs. morphological evidence 59-61 0011034 Monographs 89 Fitch 34 coverage 96 generalized parsimony 34 Monophyla 12 Wagner 34 Monophyly 10, 25-8 Parsimony, philosophical problems 34-5 stem-species 37 Parvalbumin 49 Monoterpene lac tones 45 PCR 51 Morphocline 16 Phenetics 10 Morphospecies 71-2 Phenolic derivatives 45 mtDNA 50, 51 Pheromones 46 comparison with nuclear evidence 53 Phyletic sequencing 39-41 hybridogenetic green frogs 52 Phyletics, numerical 9 hybrid zones 51 Phylogenetic Lake Victoria 78 reconstruction 16 matrilinear inheritance 51 tree 32-3 museum specimens 91 topology 32-3 nematodes 146 Phylogenetics paternal inheritance 52 numerical 9 unisexual fishes and lizards 52 Phylogeny reconstruction Museums character compatibility 36 policy and trends 90 distance methods 33 size of collections 90 maximum likelihood method Myoglobin 49 35-6 numerical methods 33-7 Subject index 349

parsimony methods 34-5 invasive 84 Phylogram 10 flush-and-crash model 81 Phylum 4 genetic and phenotypic changes 82 arbitrary nature 213 gradual 77 Phytoalexins 46 by hybridization 77, 85 Placula 142 instantaneous 77 Plesiomorphy 21-2 parapatric 78 Plesion 41 peripatric 78 Poliploidy 45 polymorphism of speciating permanent odd 85 populations 83 Polymerase-chain-reaction, see peR quantum 78, 82 Polyphyly 25-8 in refugia 78 Preservation techniques 183 saltational 82 Proteins 48-9 selection regime 81 stasipatric 78, 84-5 Quasispecies 73 symbiotic 86 sympatric 78 Rank by thelytoky 77 according to age 39 by transilience 77 comparability across taxa 41 virus-induced 55 Ranking II Species 4,5,62-86,211 a priori criteria 6 artificial construct 63 in a system 12 biological concept 62, 65-6 Refugia 78 biosystematic 62 Registration of names and journals 102 category 63 Reinforcement 81 cladistic concept 68-9 Renner complex 85 as class 66 Repellent substances 46 cohesion concept 65 Resources concepts 12, 62-72 human 87-9 described to date institutions 89-91 number 107-24 literature 92-6 in diatoms 71 Restriction site evolutionary concept 66 analysis 50-I existent, estimated number 125-9 data 34 flocks 78 Retention index 23-4 genetical, see Species, biological Reticulate evolution 25 concept Ribosomal DNA, see rRNA in statu nascendi 73 Rickettsia-like bacteria 86 individual 67 rRNA54-6 isolation concept 65 Prochlorophyta 134 monophyletic unit 68 morphological, see Species, Scanning electron microscopy 180, 183 taxonomic Selection, see Speciation, selection regime natural entity 63 Semispecies 64, 73 nihilistic concept 64, 68 Sequencing convention 39-41 in palaeontology 71 Sesquiterpenes 45 phenetic, see Species, taxonomic Sex pheromones 46 phylogenetic concepts 67-8 Sibling species 46, 48 polythetic concept 68 Sister group 26 poly topic origin 80 SMRS, see Specific Mating Recognition Systems Plantarum Project 95 Specialists, daily problems 168-84 recognition concept 65 Speciation 15,76-86 reproductive community 64 allopatric 78 in rotifers 71 by allopoliploidy 77 sibling 73 by autopoliploidy 80 smallest diagnosable chunk of causes and mechanisms 84 bioI divers 67 chromosomal 84 specialists' views 173-5 350 Subject index

Species (continued) polythetic 23 successional, see Chronospecies supraspecific 42 as taxon 63 Taxonomic taxonomic 62 artifacts 10 uniparentally reproducing categories 4 organisms 69 extinctions 10 unit of classification 6 Taxonomy zoogeographic 64 definition 3 Specific Mating Recognition Systems 65 numerical 7-8 Spider webs 181 phenetic 8 Stem-species, see Ancestors Techniques, preservation of specimens 183 Stratigraphy, evidence for phylogeny 29 Terpenoids 44-5 Subspecies 74, 75 Three-taxon statement 22, 25-7 Superspecies 64 Total evidence 35 Supraspecific taxa Transferrin 48 arbitrary nature 42 Transformation series 16 Symplesiomorphy 22 see also Character multistate Synapomorphy 22, 32 Transmission electron microscopy 183 underlying 31 Tree System 5 phylogenetic 32-3 natural II number 36 Systematic schools 9-10 topology 32-3 evolutionary 7 Type specimen 63 numerical/phenetic 8 curatorial problems 90-1 phylogenetic 8-9 DNA only 92 Systematics computer techniques 8 Variation definition 3 clinal74 evolutionary 7 racial 74 phylogenetic 8-9 Variety 74 research priorities and policy 183-4 Vice species 73 Systematists, number 87 Viruses Systematization 4 nomenclature 96 opposed to classification 13 Zoogeographic species 212 Taxa 4 Zoological Record 93 as individuals 12 coverage 119 Taxonomic index

Vernacular tenns which are very close to scientific names already in the index have been generally omitted; the corresponding entries are entered under the Latin names.

Page numbers in italic refer to Appendices 2-23

Acannomorpha 40, 234 Acrasea 222 Acanthaceae 167, 268 Acrasia 108,221 Acantharia 109,221,222 Acrasids 222 Acanthiolaria 219 Acreodi 251 Acanthisittidae 258 Acritarcha 221 Acanthisittides 258 Acrocephalinae 194, 260 Acanthizinae 259 Acrocephalus 194 Acanthizini 259 Acroceridae 117 Acanthobdellida 147-8 Acrolepiidae 115 Acanthocephala 110, 145,224,226 Acrolophidae 115 Acanthoceridae 122 Acropora 194 Acanthocnemidae 123 Acrothoracica 238 Acanthodes 157 Artenoides 194 bronni 245 Actinidiaceae 267 Acanthodifonnes 247 Actinistia 157,245 Acanthodii 243, 247 Actinocerida 232 Acanthopteroctetidae 116 Actinomycetacea 218 Acanthopterygii 243,248,252 Actinomyxidea 109,221 Acanthothoraci 246 Actinopoda 222 Acapypha 190 Actinopods 221 Acari 40, III, 150,234,235 Actinopteri 245,252 Acaromorpha 235 Actinopterygii 113, 157, 159,241,243,245,247, Acarospora 188 252 Acarthophthalmidae 119 Actinosporea 139,222 Accipiter 192 Actinotrichida 151 Accipitrida 257 Aculagnathidae 121 Accipitridae 192,257 Acytota 131 Accipitrinae 257 Adenopoda 231,237 Aceraceae 266 Aderidae 121 Acercaria 239 Adimeridae 120 Achariaceae 264 Adoxaceae 267 Achatocarpaceae 264 Aecidium 187 Acipenserifonnes 247 Aedes 58, 182 Acochlidiomorpha 233 Aegialitidae 121 Acoela228 Aegicerataceae 265 Acoelomata 224, 226 Aegi/ops triuncialis 81 Acoelomorpha 228 Aegithalidae 260 Aconta 131, 136,219 Aegithininae 259 Acoraceae 268 Aegotheli 256 Acraeidae, 115 Aegothelidae 256 Acrania 241, 242, 243 Aeluropus 175 352 Taxonomic index

Aeolosoma 147 Almidae229 Aepyornithifonnes 249 Almoidea 229 Aeschronectida 236 Alpaca, see Lama pacos Aextoxicaceae 264 AIseuosmiaceae 267 Ajropavo congensis 124 Aistroemeriaceae 268 Agaricus 188 Alticidae 174 Agaristidae 114 A1ucitidae 115 Agathiphagidae 116 Alzateaceae 266 Agavaceae 268 Amandibulata 225 Agdestidaceae 264 Amanita 188 Aglaspida 39--40, 234 Amaranthaceae 264 Aglycyderidae 122 Amaryllidacea 268 Agnatha 158,241,246 Amastigomycota 138,219 Agonoxenidae 116 Amathusiidae 115 Agrambacteria 218 Amauris 35 Agrilus 194 Ambiornithidae 249 Agromyzidae 117 Amblypygi 40, 110,234,235 Agyrtidae 122 Amborellaceae 263 Ailoscolecidae 230 Ambystoma 58, 69, 86 Ailuropoda 163 tigrinum 76 Ailurus 163 Amebomastigota 222 Aistopoda 248 Amentiferae 166 Aizoaceae 264 Amiifonnes 247 Akaniaceae 266 Ammonitida 232 Akaryonta 131 232 Akentrogona 238 Amniota 38, 157,241 Akodon 195 Amoebozoa 108,221 Alangiaceae 267 Amphibia 113,157,159,185,192,241,248 Alangium 213 literature 216 Alaudidae 260 Amphiesmenoptera 240 Alcedini 255 Amphilinea 228 Alcedinida 255 Amphionidacea Ill, 236 Alcedinidae 193,255 Amphioxus 157,242 Alcedinides 255 Amphipoda 111,152,169,170,172,174,175, Alcinae 257 177,178,236 Alcyon 193, 194 Amphisbaenia 113, 159 Alcyonacea 174, 177 Amphitheridae 116 Alcyonaria 170, 178 Amphizoideae 123 A1eyrodidae 153,171,172,175,177,178,180 Amygdalaceae 265 Algae 45, 130 Amytornithina 259 blue-green, see Cyanobacteria Anacardiaceae 266 brown 131, 140 Anactinotrichida 151 green 134, 164 Anagalida 251 heterosiphonalean 137 Anapsida 248 red 131 Anas 193 Alismataceae 268 plathyrhynchos 200-1 Alismatales 268 Anaspida 157,246 Alismatanae 268 Anaspidacea 236 Alismatidae 166 Anaspidea 231 Alleculidae 120 Anaspididae 121 Alliaceae 268 Anatidae 193, 254 189 Anatinae 254 Allocorynidae 122 Anatini 254 Allogastropoda 233 Ancistrocladaceae 265 Allophylus 89 Andreinidea 238 Allotheria 250 Andropadus 194 Alluroididae 229 Angiospermae 44, 45, 165, 166,269 Alluroidina 229 Anguillifonnes 247 Alluroidoidea 229 Anguinomorpha I 13 Taxonomic index 353

Anhimidae 253 Aphloiaceae 264 Anhimides 253 Aphodius 192 Anhimoidea 253 Aphyllanthaceae 268 Anhingidae 258 Apiaceae 166, 266 Animalia 131, 136, 140-2,219,220,224,226 see also Umbelliferae Anisophyllaceae 265 Apicomplexa 140,223 Anisopodidae 118 Apioceridae 118 Anisotomidae 120 Apionidae 120 Annelida 141, 147-50, 155, 156, 169,225,226 Apis melli/era 201 Annelidea 225 Aplacophora 225 Annonaceae 263 Aplotegmentaria 231 Annonales 263 Aplysiomorpha 233 Anobiidae 120 Apocrita 154 Anolis 195 Apocynaceae 166, 167,267 Anomala 192 Apoderidae 120 Anomalodesmata 232 Apodidae 255 Anommatidae 121 Apodiformes 160,250,255 Anomopoda 152 Apodimorphae 255 Anomosetidae 116 Apoidea 169, 170, 174, 177 Anopheles 86 Aponogetonaceae 268 Anoplura 153,170,172,174,177,178 Apoprogonidae 116 lXnostraca 151,236,237 Apostasiaceae 213,268 Anser anser 201 Appendiculella 187 cygnoides 201 Apple, see Malus pumila 79 Anseranatidae 254 Aproctophora 224 Anseranatoidea 253 Apterygidae 253 Anserides 254 Apterygiformes 249 Anseriformes 160, 193,250,253 Apulmonata 40, 234 Anserimorphae 253 Aquamegadrili 229 Anserini 254 Aquatic fungi 136 Anthe1idae 115 Aquifoliaceae 267 Anthemis 175 Aquilegia 46, 84 Anthericaceae 268 Araceae268 Anthieidae 120 Arachnida 40, 234, 235 Anthobranchia 232,233 Arachys hypogaea Anthocerotae 110 subsp. hypogaea 204 see also subsp. monticola 204 Anthocerotatae 262 Aradidae 215 Anthocerotopsida 262 Araeoscelida 249 Anthomedusae 143 Arales268 Anthomyiidae 117 Araliaceae 166,266,267 Anthomyzidae 118 Aralianae 266 Anthracosauria 248 Aramini256 Anthribidae 120 Aranae268 Anthurium 189 Araneae 40, 111,234,235 Anthus 193, 194 see also Spiders Antiarchi 246 Arbutus 175 Antliophora 240 Archaea 132 Anura 159,241,248 Archaeamoebae 137 Aotus 125 Archaeata 224 Apaloderminae 254 Archaebacteria 132, 133, 137,218 Apanteles 194 thermophilic 132 Apatelodidae 115 Archaebacteriobionta 218 Apatotheria 250 Archaeocrypticidae 122 Apaturidae 114 Archaeocyatha 224 Aphanobionta 131 Archaeocydippida hunsruckiana 144 Aphanocephalidae 121 Archaeogastropoda 231,233 Aphidoidea 211 Archaeognatha 111, 153,239 Aphids, literature 215 Archaeopterygiformes 249 354 Taxonomic index

Archaeopteryx 160,253 Asparagales 268 Archaeopulmonata 231,233 Asphodelaceae 268 Archaeornithes 249 Aspidiphoridae 122 Archaeostomatopodea 236 Aspidobothrii 144,228 Archaeostraca 236 Aspidorhynchiformes 247 Archaeozoa 224 Asplenium IS9 Archeornithes 253 bradleyi 80 Archezoa 137 pinnatifidum 80 Archiannelida 147, 148 Ass, wild see Equus africanus Archicoelomata 142 Asteiidae liS Architaenioglossa 233 Asteliaceae 268 Architectibranchia 233 Aster 190 Architectonicoidea 149 Asteraceae 57, 60, 266 Archonta 161 see also Compositae Archosauria 27, 159,243,249 Asterales 266 Archosauromorpha 242 Asteranae 266 Arcoophora 144 Asteridiella 187 Arctocyonida 163 Asterina 188 Ardeidae 160,258 Asterocheiriformes 238 Ardeoidea 258 Asteroidea 156 Ardisia 190 Astragalus 173, 175, 176, 186, IS9, 191 Arecaceae 269 Astrapia 212 Arecales 269 Astrapotheria 251 Arecanae 269 Atelocerata 152 Arguliformes 238 Athaenius 192 Arguliformii 238 Athalamea 223 Arguloida 236 Athecatae 143 Argyresthiidae 115 Athericidae 118 Aristolochiaceae 263 Atheriniformes 248 Aristolochia1es 166,263 Atherinomorpha 243,248,252 Ami, see Bubalus arnee Atheta 186, 192 Arrhenophanidae 116 Atractoceridae 122 Arrow-worms, see Chaetognatha Atrichomithinae 259 Arsinoitheria 163 Attelabidae 120 Artamini 259 Auchenorrhyncha 153,239 Artematopidae 122 Aucubaceae 267 Arthemisia 175, 190 Aulacigastridae 119 Arthonia 187, 188 Au1acocerida 232 Arthopyrenia 187 Au1opiformes 248 Arthrodira 246 Aurochs 199 Arthropoda 141, 149-50, 155,226 see also Bas primigenius Articulata 141,149,225,226 Aurypygidae 256 Artiodactyla 124, 161-4,251 Austrobaileyaceae 263 Arvicolidae 195 Autobranchia 232 Arynchobdellae 148 Averrhoa 211, 213 Aschelminthes 141, 145-6, 156,226 Averrhoaceae 211 Ascidiacea 113, 134, 170, 172-3, 177,241 Aves 27, 28,113,242,244,249,253 Asclepiadaceae 166,267 see also Birds Ascocerida 232 Axiidae 116 Ascochyta IS7 Axymyiidae 119 Ascomycetes 136, 137, 138, 139 Azotobacteriacea 2/11 Ascomycotina 109 Ascothoracica 151,236 Bacidia 187, 188 Ascothoracica 152 Bacillacea 218 Ascothoraciformes 238 Bacillariophyceae 223 Ascothoracioides 23 7 Bacillariophyta 108,219,221,223 Ascothoraciones 237 Bacillarioprotists 98 Asilidae 117,216 Bacillus 85 Asparagaceae 2611 Bacteria 45. 130, 132 Taxonomic index 355

Bacteria (continued) Betula (continued) nomenclature 10 I pubescens 80 Bacteriobionta 218, 220 Betulaceae 265 Bacteriobiota 131 Bibionidae 117 Bactritida 232 Bicoecids 222 Balaenicipitinae 258 Bicosoecidea 108,221 Balanitaceae 266 Biebersteiniaceae 266 Balanopaceae 265 Bignoniaceae 167,268 Balanopales 265 Bilateralia 224 Balanophoraceae 266 Bilateria 141 Balanophoranae 266 136 Bali cattle, see Bas javanicus Biphyllidae 122 Balsaminaceae 266 Birch, see Betula Balsaminales 266 Birds 27, 28, 38,126, ISS, 159, 160, 176, 180, Banteng, see Bos javanicus 192,253 Baris 194 hybridization 75 Basellaceae 264 literature 216 Basidiomycetes 137-8 non- passerine 185 Basidiomycotina 109 passerine 185 Basipodella lSI see also Aves Basipodelliformes 238 Birds-of-paradise, see Paradisaeidae Basipodelliformii 238 Bivalvia 232 Basommatophora 231 Biwadrilidae 229 Bathynellacea 182, 236 Biwadriloidea 229 Batidaceae 264 Bixaceae 264 Batoidea 246 Blandfordiaceae 268 Batrachetridae liS Blastobasidae liS Batrachoidiformes 248 Blastodacnidae liS Batrachomorpha 243 Blattaria III Batrachostomidae 256 Blattodea 239 Bats 161 Blattopteriformia 239 see also Chiroptera Blattopteroidea 239 Baueraceae 265 Blepharoceridae 118 Bdelloidea 110 Boar, wild see Sus scropha Beet Bodonina 136 cultivated, see Beta vulgaris Boganiidae 123 wild, see Beta maritima Bombacaceae 264 Beetle, flour, see Tribolium confusum Bombycidae liS Beetles 127 Bombycillidae 260 blister 179 Bombycillini 260 ground 179 Bombyliidae 117 see also Coleoptera literature 216 Begonia 189 Bombyx Begoniaceae 172,264 mandarina 201 Behniaceae 268 mori 201 Belemnitida 232 Bonnetiaceae 265 Belidae 122 Bony fishes 252 Bellerophontida 231 see also Osteichthyes Belotelsonidea 236 Boraginaceae 267 Berberidaceae 264 Boraginales 267 Berberidopsidaceae 264 Boridae 123 Berberis 190 Bos Berbeyaceae 264 frontalis 200 Beryciformes 248 gaurus 200 Beta grunniens 200 maritima 203 indicus 200 vulgaris 203 javanicus 201 Bethylidae, literature 216 mutus 200 Betula primigenius 199,200 pendula 80 taurus 199, 200 356 Taxonomic index

Bostrichidae 121 Bucconidae 254 Bothrideridae 120 Bucconides 254 Bothriochloa Bucerotiformes 250 bladhii 203 Bucerotidae 254 ewartiana 203 Bucerotimorphae 254 glabra 203 Bucorvidae 254 ischaemum 203 Buddlejaceae 167,267 braunii 71 Buddlejeae 167 Brachiata 226 Budgerigar, see Melopsittacus undulatus Brachiopoda li2, 147, 150, 155,225,227 Buellia 187, 188 Brachiopterygii 113, 241, 243 Buffalo Brachodidae li5 domestic water, see Bubalus bubalis Brachycarida 152 wild water, see Bubalus arnee Brachyglottis 189 Bulo 195 Brachynidae 120 Bulbophy/lum 189 Brachypoda 236,237 Bulimus 85 Brachypsectridae 123 Bullomorpha 233 Brachypteraciidae 255 Bumblebee-bat, see Craseonycteris thonglongyai Braconidae 194 Buprestidae 120, 194 Bradoriida 236 Burhinidae 257 Brahmaeidae 116 Burmanniaceae 268 Branchiobdellida 147-8 Burmanniales 268 Branchiopoda Ill, 151 Burramys parvus 125 Branchipodiformes 237 B urseraceae 266 Branchipodiformii 237 Butomaceae 268 Branchipodiodes 237 Butterflies 1l3, 155, 169, 176, 178, 180 Branchipodiones 237 literature 215 Branchipodioni 237 nymphalid 181 Branchipulmonata 233 see also Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera Branchiura Ill, 151,236 Butterfly, chalkhill blue, see Lysandra coridon Brassica 61,198 Buxaceae 265 campestris 61 Buxales 265 napus61,81 By-the-wind-sailor, see Velella Brassicaceae 166,264 B yrrhidae 121 Brassolidae 115 B yturidae 122 Brathinidae 120 Braulidae 119 Cabbage, see Brassica Brenthidae 120 Cabombaceae 263 Brentidae 120 Cactaceae 169,171,173,264 Bretschneideraceae 266 Caecilians 158, 159 Brexiaceae 265 see also Gymnophiona Bristletails, see Archaeognatha Caelifera 239 Bromeliaceae 268 Caenogastropoda 231, 233 Bromeliales 268 Caesalpiniaceae 266 Bromelianae 268 Cairina moschata 201 Bruchelidae 120 Calaniformes 238 bruchidae 120 Calaniformii 238 literature 216 Calanioni 238 Brunelliaceae 265 Calanoida Ill, 236 Bruniaceae 267 Calcara 142, 224 Bryatae 262 Calcarea 143 Bryophyta 136, 164, 188 Calcarosponga 142,224 Bryopsida 262 Calcichordata 157 see also Caldariobionta 2 J8 Bryozoa 112, 155, 170, 174,225,226 Calectasiaceae 268 Bryum 188 Caligiformes 238 Buhalus Caligiformii 238 arnee 200 Callaeatidae 260 huhalis 200 Callidulidae 115 Taxonomic index 357

Calliphoridae 117 Caprimulgiformes 160. 192.250 Callipodida 47 Caprimulginae 256 Callirhipidae 122 Caprimulgoidea 256 Callitrichaceae 268 Caprimulgus 192 Ca1manostraca 236. 237 Captorhinida 248 Calobryales 165 Carabidae 120. 154. 170. 174. 176 Calochortaceae 268 Carabus 178 Caloplaca 187. 188 Carassius auratus 201 Caltha 175 Carausius 86 Calycanthaceae 166. 263 Carciniones 237 Calycanthales 166 Carcinioni 237 Calyceraceae 267 Carcinoides 237 Calyptomeridae 122 Cardinalini 261 Camel Cardiopteridaceae 266 arabian. see Camelus dromedarius C ardiopteris 213 domestic Bactrian. see Camelus bactrianus Carduelini 261 wild Bactrian. see Camelusferus Carduelis 194 Camelus Carex 189 bactrianus 200 Cariamida 256 dromedarius 200 Cariamidae 256 ferus 200 Caribou. see Rangifer tarandus Camiaridae 120 Caricaceae 167.264 Camillidae 119 C aridonax 194 Campanula 175 Carinatae 160 rotundifolia 175 Carnidae 118 Campanulaceae 266 Carnivora 124. 162-3.251 Campanulales 266 Carposinidae 115 Campanulinidae 143 Carthaeidae 116 Campephagidae 192 Caryocaraceae 265 Campynemaceae 268 Caryophyllaceae 264 Canaceidae 118 Caryophyllales 264 Canadaspidida 236 Caryophyllanae 264 Canary. see Serinus canarius Caryophyllidea 228 Canellaceae 263- Cassia 189 Canidae 163 Cassididae 120 Caniformia 163 Castniidae 115 Canis Casuarii 253 familiaris 201 Casuariidae 253 lupus 201 Casuariiformes 249 Cannabaceae 264 Casuariini 253 Cannaceae 269 Casuarinaceae 265 Cantharidae 120 Casuarinales 265 Capillipedium Cat 199 parvijlorum 203 domestic. see Felis catus spicigerum 203 wild. see Felis silvestris Capilloventridae 229 Catagonus wagneri 125 Capitonidae 254 Catenulida 228 Capparaceae 166. 264 Catopidae 120 Capparales 264 Catopochrotidae 121 Capparis 175 Cattle 199 Capra see also Bos taurus aegagrus 200 Caudata 241 hircus 200 Caudofoveata 231 Caprifoliaceae 267 Cavia 163 Caprifoliales 45 aperea 201 Caprimulgi 256 porcellus 20 I Caprimulgida 256 Cavibelonia 231 Caprimulgidae 192.256 Caviomorpha 163 Caprimulgides 256 Cavognathidae 123 358 Taxonomic index

Cavy, see Cavia aperea Chanoides 247 Cebrionidae 122 Chaoboridae 118 Cecidomyidae 117, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178 Characiformes 247 Cecropiaceae 264 Charadrii 257 Celastraceae 266 Charadriida 257 Celastrales 266 Charadriidae 257 Celyphidae 118 Charadriides 257 Centaurea 190 Charadriiformes 160, 193,250 152 Charadriinae 257 see also Chilopoda Charadrioidea 257 Centrolepidaceae 269 Charaphyceae 164, 223 Centropodidae 255 Charophyceae 262 Centropodoidea 255 Charophyta 108,219,221 Cephalaspidea 231 Charophytina 262 Cephalaspidomorpha 246 Chauliognathidae 120 Cephalocarida 111,151,236,237 Chelicerata 39, 40, 150,234,235 Cephalochordata 113, 157,227 Chelodida 231 Cephaloideae 122 Chelonariidae 121 Cephaloplectidae 121 Chelonethi 40, 234 Cephalopoda 232 Chelonia 159,243,249 Cephalorhyncha 146 Chenopodiaceae 264 Cephalotaceae 265 Chiloeidae 122 Cerambycidae 120 Chilopoda 112, 152 Cerasommatiidae 120 Chimaeriformes 246 Ceratocanthidae 122 Chinchilla laniger 202 Ceratophyllaceae 263 Chinchilla, see Chinchilla laniger Ceratopogonidae 117 Chinchillidae 164 Cercidiphyllaceae 265 Chionididae 257 Cercidiphyllales 265 Chionidoidea 257 Cercomeromorphae 144,228 Chironomidae 117, 170, 172, 174, 178 Cercophanidae 116 Chiroptera 124, 162, 163, 195,250 Cercospora 187 Chitonida 231 Cereus 169 Chlamydiacea 218 Cerophytidae 123 188 Certhiidae 260 Chloranthaceae 263 Certhiinae 260 Chloranthales 263 Certhiini 260 Chlorarachnida 222 Cerylida 255 Chlorarachniophyceae 222 Cerylidae 255 Chlorarachniophyta 221 Ceryloidea 255 Chlorarachniophytes 221 Cerylonidae 121 Chlorarachnioprotists 98 Cestoda 110, 144, 170, 172, 174, 177, 178,228 Chlorobionta 136,219,220,221,262 literature 216 Chlorobiota 131 144 Chlorokybophyceae 262 Cestoidea 228 Chlorokybophytina 262 Cetacea 162, 251 Chloromonadida 136 see also Whales Chloromonadophyta 219 Cetoniidae 120 Chloromonadophytobionta 136, 219 Chaetodermatida 231 Chlorophyceae 223, 262 Chaetodon 194 Chlorophyta 108, 136, 188, 219, 221, 223, 262 Chaetognatha 112, 156, 225, 226 Chloropidae 117 Chaetognathea 225 Chloroprotista 98 Chaetomium 188 Choanata 243, 245 Chaetosphaeridiophyceae 262 Choanatae 241 Chaetosphaeridiophytina 262 Choanobionta 219 Chaetostomatidae 123 Choanoflagellata 108,136,221,226 Cha1codryidae 123 Choanomastigota 222 Chamaeini 260 Choinostomatiformes 238 Chamaemyidae 118 Cholevidae 120 Taxonomic index 359

Chondracanthiformes 238 Cladonia 187, 188 Chondrenchelyiformes 246 Cladoselachida 246 Chondrichthyes 113,241, 245, 246 Clambidae 122 Chondrophora 143 Claudiosaurus 249 Chondrostei 243, 245, 247, 252 Clavigeridae 120 Chordata 147, 155-7,225,227,241,243,244 Cleridae 120 Chordeilinae 256 Clerodendron 190 Chordeumida 47 Clethraceae 267 Choreutidae 114 Climacteridae 259 Choristodera 249 Climatiiformes 247 Chorthippus 76 Clostridiacea 218 Chromista 140 247 Chromobionta 219 Clupeomorpha 243, 252 Chromobionts 221 Clusiidae 118 Chromobiota 131 C lytocybe 187 Chromophyta 136 Cnemidophorus 52, 86 Chromophytobionta 136,219,220 Cneoglossidae 123 Chronoperates Cneoraceae 266 paradoxus 161 Cnidaria 110, 141, 143-4, 180,224,226 Chrysididae, literature 216 Cnidospora 224 Chrysobalanaceae 126,265 Cobaeaceae 267 Chrysomelidae 120, 154, 191 Coccidia 223 Ii terature 216 Coccids 153 Chrysomonadida 136 Coccinellidae 120 Chrysopelliidae 114 Coccyzida 255 Chrysophyceae 222 Coccyzidae 255 Chrysophyta 108,219,221,222 Cochlospermaceae 264 Chrysopolomidae 116 Cochylidae 114 Chrysoprotists 98 Cocytiidae 116 Chyromyiidae 118 Coelacanthi 241 Chytridiomycetes 136, 139,222 Coelacanthini 243 Chytridiomycota 108,221,222 Coelenterates 183 Chytriomycetes 137 see also Cnidaria Cicadas 153 Coelomata 141-2,225 Cicadoidea, literature 215 Coelopidae 119 Cichlidae 60, 195 Coelopoetidae 116 Cicindelidae 120, 154, 172 Colchicaceae 268 Ciconii 257 164 Ciconiida 258 Coleochaetophyceae 262 Ciconiidae 258 Coleochaetophytina 262 Ciconiides 257 Coleoida 232 Ciconiiformes 192, 193,250,257 Coleophora 192 Ciconioidea 258 Coleophoridae 141 Ciidae 121 Coleoptera 112,113,120,154,191,240 Ciliata 131,140-1,219,221 literature 215 see also Ciliophora 139 Coleorrhyncha 112,239 Ciliofungi 136, 137 Coliae 255 Ciliophora 109, 136, 139,219,221,222 Coliidae 255 Cinclidae 260 Coliiformes 250, 255 Cinclosomatinae 259 Coliinae 255 189 Collembola Ill, 153,239 Circaeasteraceae 264 literature 215 Cirripedia 111,151-2,169,171,178,236 Colonidae 120 Cisidae 121 Colpodea 223 Cistaceae 264 Colponemaria 219 Cisticola 192, 194 Colponemata 136,219 Cisticolidae 192, 260 Columba 192 Cladistia 245, 247 Livia 201 Cladocera III, 152, 170, 172, 176 Columbidae 192, 193,256 360 Taxonomic index

Columbifonnes 160, 192-3,250,256 Corvus 193 Columelliaceae 267 Corylaceae 265 Colydiidae 120 Corylophidae 121 Combretaceae 266 Corynetidae 120 Commelinaceae 269 Corynocarpaceae 266 Commelinales 269 Cosciniodiscophyceae 223 Commelinanae 269 Cosmarium 188 Compositae 60, 126, 170, 171, 174 Cosmopterygidae 114 see also Asteraceae Cossiphodidae 120 Compsoctenidae 115 Cossonidae 120 Concavicaridifonnii 238 Costaceae 269 Concavicarififonnes 238 Cotinginae 258 Concentricycloidea 156 Cotton, see Gossypium Conchifera 225, 231 C ousinia 189 Conchostraca 152,236 Coypu, see Myocastor coypus Condilarthra 251 Crab Condylognatha 239 hennit, see Pagurus Congo peacock, see Afropavo congensis king, see Lithodidae Coniferales 45 Craci 253 Coniugatophyceae 222 Cracidae 253 Coniugatophyta 222 Cracifonnes 253 Conjugatophyta 108,221 Crania 155 Connaraceae 266 Craniota 241. 242 Conocardiida 232 Craseonycteris thlonglongyai 125 Conodonts 157-8 Craspedophyta 219 Cononotidae 120 Crassiclitellata 229 Conopidae 117 Crassocephalum 189 Conopophagidae 259 Crassulaceae 265 Contophora 131, 136, 219 Craterostigmomorpha 152 Conus 194 Craterostigmus 152 Convallariaceae 268 132, 133 Convolvulaceae 167, 172,267 Creodonta 251 Copepoda 111, 151, 170, 171, 174, 177, 181,236 Cricetidae 195 Copromorphidae 115 Crickets 176, 182 Coraciae 254 see also Orthoptera Coracii 254 Criniferinae 256 Coraciidae 255 Crocidura 185, 195 Coraciiformes 193,250,254 Crocody1ia 27,38,113,159--60,242.244.249 Coraciimorphae 254 Crossopterygii 113.248 Coracina 192 Crossosomataceae 265 Coracioidea 254 Crotalaria 189 Corals 191 Croton 189 Corcoracinae 259 Crotophagida 255 Coreidae 171 Crotophagidae 255 Coriariaceae 266 Crotophagides 255 Coridaceae 265 Crotophagini 255 Cormobionta 136,219,220 Cruciferae 166. 175 Cornaceae 267 Crustacea 150-2. 155.236.237 Cornales 45, 267 literature 216 Cornanae 267 Crypteronia 213 Corn us jiorida 79 Crypteroniaceae 266 Corsia 213 Cryptocephalidae 120 Corsiaceae 213, 268 Cryptochaetidae 1 19 Cortinarius 187 Cryptodira 242 Corvida 259 Cryptomonadida 136 Corvidae 192-3,259 Cryptomonads 221 Corvinae 192, 259 Cryptoperculata 40, 234 Corvini 259 Cryptophagidae 121 Corvoidea 259 Cryptophyceae 222 Taxonomic index 361

Cryptophyta 108, 136,219,221,222 Cyclopoida Ill, 170, 172, 178,236, 238 Cryptophytobionta 136, 219 Cyclorrhapha 154 Cryptoprotists 98 Cyclostomata 243 Ctenacanthifonnes 246 Cyclotonnidae 116 Ctenidiobranchia 232 Cydippida 144 Ctenolophon 213 Cygnidae 254 Ctenolophonaceae 266 Cyladidae 120 Ctenomyidae 195 Cylindroiulus 78 Ctenomys 195 Cymodoceaceae 268 Ctenophora 40,110,141, 144,224,226,234 Cynomoriaceae 266 Ctenopoda 237 Cyperaceae 170, 174,269 Ctenothrissifonnes 248 Cyperales 269 Ctenuchidae 114 Cyperus 189 Cubomedusae 143 Cyphonidae 121 Cubozoa 143 Cypraea 194 160 Cypridiones 238 Cucujidae 121 Cypridioni 238 Cuculida 255 Cyprinifonnes 247 Cuculidae 255 Cypripediaceae 213, 268 Cuculifonnes 255 Cypselostomatidae 119 Cuculimorphae 255 Cyrillaceae 267 Cuculoidea 255 Cyrtotreta 227 Cucumaria frondosa 51 Cucurbitaceae 167, 170, 172, 174,264 Dacelonidae 255 Cucurbitales 264 Dacelonoidea 255 Culex pipiens 86 Dacnidae 120 Culicidae 117 Dacoderidae 121 Cululifonnes 250 Dactylis 175 Cumacea 111, 152,236 glomerata 204 Cunoniaceae 265 Dactylopteriformes 248 Cunoniales 265 Dalceridae 115 Cupedidae 122 Dalyellioidea 228 Curculionidae 120, 154, 194 Danaidae 115 Curculionoidea 154, 175 Dandelion, see Taraxacum Curtonotidae 118 Dapania 211 Cuscutaceae 267 Daphnia pulex 58 Cuterebridae 118 Daphniifonnes 237 Cyanastraceae 268 Daphniifonnii 237 Cyanidiophyta 136,219 Daphniiones 237 Cyanidium caldarium 136 Daphniphyllaceae 265 Cyanobacteria 134--6 Daphniphyllum 213 Cyanobacteriales 134 Dascillidae 122 Cyanobionta 218,220 Dasyceridae 123 Cyanobiota 131 Dasychiridae ll4 Cyanophyta 218 Dasyomithinae 259 Cyathea 189 Dasypogonaceae 268 Cyathoceridae 123 Dasytidae 120 Cybocephalidae 120 Datiscaceae 264 Cycadidae 262 Davidiaceae 267 165 Davidsoniaceae 265 Cyclanthaceae 269 Decapoda 60, Ill, 236 Cyclanthales 269 Deer Cyclanthanae 269 mule, see Odocoileus hemionus Cyclifonnes 238 musk, see Moschusfuscus Cycloganoidea 241 white-tailed, see Odocoileus virginianus Cyclomyaria 241 Degeneriaceae 263 Cyclopifonnes 238 Delairea 189 Cyclopiones 238 Demospongea 142-3,224 Cyclopioni 238 Dendrobium 189 362 Taxonomic index

Dendrobranchiata 60, 236 Dinaromys 125 Dendrocolaptinae 259 bogdanovi 125 Dendrocopos 194 Dinocerata 250 Dendrocygnidae 254 Dinoflagellates 140,221 Dentaliida 232 Dinoflagellida 136 Deoterhtron 151 Dinomastigota 222 Dermaptera 112, 172, 175,239 Dinophilidae 148 literature 215 Dinophyceae 222 Dermestidae 121 Dinophyta 136,219 Dermiopterans 161 Dinophytobionta 136,219 Dermoptera 162,250 Dinoptrotists 98 Derocheilocaridiformes 238 Dinomithiformes 249 Derocheilocaridioni 238 Dinosaurs 27, 159 Derodontidae 122 Diomedeinae 258 Desfontainiaceae 267 Dioncophyllaceae 265 Desmids 108, 188 Diopsidae 118 Desmodium 190 Dioptidae 114 Desmomyaria 241 Dioscorea 189 Desmostylia 163, 164,251 Dioscoreaceae 268 Desulfovibrionacea 218 Dioscoreales 268 Desulphurococcus mobilis 132 Diospyros 190 Deuteromycota 131 Dipentodontaceae 264 Deuteromycotina 109, 139 Diphyllidae 122 Deuterophlebiidae 119 Diphyllostomatidae 123 Deuterostomia 141, 147, 155-7,225 Diplazium 190 Deuterotineidae 115 Diplomonads 222 Diabolichthys 158 Diplopoda 112, 152, 153 Diadectida 248 literature 216 Dialipetalanthaceae 267 Diplorhina 246 Dialypetalae 166 Diplosaridae 114 Dianous 186, 187 Diplotesticulata 229 Diapensiaceae 267 Diplura Ill, 239 Diapsida 159,249 Dipnoi 113, 157-9,241,243,245.248 Diastatidae 119 Dipsacaceae 267 Diatoms 71, 90,131,140,177,188 Dipsacales 267 see also Bacillariophyta Diptera31.112, 117, 153-4, 194,240 Diatrymiformes 250 literature 215--6 Dicaeidae 193 Dipterocarpaceae 264 Dicaeini 193,261 Dirachmaceae 266 Dicaeum 193 Discocerida 232 Dicaryomycotina 138 Discolomidae 121 Dichanthium annulatum 203 Disteniidae 120 Dichapetalaceae 264 Diurodrilida 148 Dichelestiformes 238 Dixiidae 118 Dicondylia 239 Docodonta 250 Dicotyledones 13,28,45,165,166,263 Docoglossa 149 Dicotyledonopsida 28 Dog 199 Dicronychidae 120 see also Canis familiaris Dicrurinae 193, 259 Dogwood, see Cornusflorida Dicrurini 259 Dolichopodidae 117 Dictyochophyceae 222 Doliopharyngiophora 228 Dictyostelida 222 Dolosidae 121 Didelphidae 195 Donkey, see Equus asitlus Didemnids 134 Doryanthaceae 268 Didiereaceae 264 Dorydrilidae 229 Didymelaceae 265 Dorypterigformes 247 Digenea 144,228 Douglasiidae 116 Dilleniaceae 167,265 Dove, rock and domestic, see Columha lil'ia Dilleniales 265 Draha 81 Taxonomic index 363

Dracaenaceae 268 Elaeagnaceae 265 Dragonflies 176 Elaeagnales 265 see also Odonata E1aeocarpaceae 266 Drepanidae 114 Elaphoglossum 190 Drepanidini 261 Elasmobranchia 241 Drilidae 122 Elasmobranchii 243, 246 Dromadinae 257 Elasmobranchiomorphi 243 Dromaiini 253 Elateridae 120 Dromedary, see Camelus dromedarius E1atinaceae 265 Dromopoda 235 Elephant, asian, see Elephas maxim us Droseraceae 265 Elephants 161, 163, 164 Droserales 265 see also Proboscidea Drosophila 51, 52, 53, 58, 78, 82, 83, 86, 150, Elephas maximus 202 155, 194 Eleutherobranchia 233 mauritiana 83 Eleutherodactylus 185, 195 paulistorum 86 Ellesmerocerida 232 pseudoobscura 86 Ellimmichthyiformes 247 sechellia 83 Ellipura 239 simulans 83, 86 Ellobiophyceae 109,221 teissieri 53 Ellobiopsids 223 yakuba 53 Elmidae 121, 174 Drosophilidae 117 Elminthidae 121 Dryinidae 175 Elopiformes 247 literature 216 Elopomorpha 243, 252 Dryomyzidae I 19 Elymus glaucus 204 Dryopidae 122, 174, 177 Emberiza 193 Duck Emberizidae 193 domestic, see Anas platyrhynchos Emberizinae 192, 193,261 muscovy, see Cairina moschata Emberizini 193,261 Ducula 193 Embiidina 86, 112, 171, 179, 183 Dudgeoneidae 116 Embioptera 239 Dugesia 69, 85 Emblingiaceae 266 Dulini 260 Embrithopoda 251 Dulongiaceae 267 Embryophytina 262 Dytiscidae 120 Empetraceae 267 Empetrum 175 Eagles 160 Empididae 117 Earthworms 147 Enantiopoda 236, 237 see also Oligochaeta Enantiomithiformes 249 Ebenaceae 265 Enchenopa binotata 80 Ebenales 265 Enchytraeidae 229 Ebriidea 109,221 Endecatomidae 121 Ebriids 223 Endocerida 232 Echinodermata 112, 145, 147, 155-7,225,227, 121 241 Endromidae 116 Echinoidea 51,156 Enicospilus 194 Echiura 110, 141, 148, 226 Ensifera 239 Echiurida 225 Enterobacteriacea 218 literature 216 Enterocoelomata 225 Ectognatha 153,239 Enterocoliformes 238 Ectoprocta 112, 155,226 Enteropneusta 145, 156,227 Ectrephidae 121 Entognatha 153,239 Edentata 162, 161 Entomostraca 151 Edestida 246 Entoprocta 112, 155,224,226 Edriophthalma 236 Eoaves 253 Ehretiaceae 267 Eocyta 132 Eimeria 188 Eopsaltriidae 259 Elacatidae 121 Eosuchia 249 Elachistidae 115 Epacridaceae 267 364 Taxonomic index

Epenneniidae 115 Eudriloidea 229 Ephemeroptera 111,239 Eufungi 136, 137 Ephestia cantella 86 Eugeneodontida 246 Ephydridae 117 Eugenia 189 Epicopeiidae 116 Euglenida 136,222 Epidendrum 190 Euglenidae 121 Epilachnidae 120 Eug1enoidina 136 Epiplemidae 114 Eug1enoids 134, 136, 140 Epipyropidae 116 Euglenophyceae 222 Epitheria 161 Euglenophyta 108,219,221 Eptesicus 195 Eug1enophytobionta 136, 219 Equidae 164 Euglenoprotists 98 Equisetophyta 110 Euglenozoa 136, 140,221 Equisetopsida 262 Eukaryota 55,131,133-4,137,218 Equus Eukyphida 236 africanus 200 Eumalacostraca 151, 152,236,237 asinus 200 Eumenidae 176 caballus 200 Eumetazoa 141, 142,224,226 ferus 200 Eumycetozoa 108,221 przewalskii 199 Eumycota 136, 137,219 Eremo1epidaceae 266 Eunicida 148 Eremosynaceae 267 Eunotosaurus 249 Erica 189 Eupantotheria 250 Ericaceae 267 Eupatorium 191 Erica1es 267 Euphausiacea 111, 236 Ericanae 267 Euphorbia 175, 189, 191 Eriocaulaceae 269 Euphorbiaceae 167,264 Eriocaulon 190 Euphorbiales 264 Eriocottidae 115 Euplathelminthes 228 116 Eupomatia 213 Eriospennaceae 268 Eupomatiaceae 213, 263 Erophila 175 Eupteleaceae 265 Eroty1idae 120 Eupterotidae 114 Errantia 148 Eurostopodidae 256 Erysiphales 139 Eurostopoidea 256 Erythrobionta 219 132, 133 Erythropalum 213 Eurylaimidae 258 Erythroxylaceae 266 Eurylaimides 258 Escalloniaceae 267 Eurylaimoidea 258 Estrildidae 193 Eurypogonidae 122 Estrildinae 193,261 Eurypterida 39, 40, 234 Estrildini 261 Eurypygides 256 Ethmiidae 115 Eurystethidae 121 Euarthropoda 225 Eubacteria 132-3, 137,218 foordi 245 Eubilateria 145 Eustigmatobionta 219 Eucalyptus 45, 173, 190 Eustigmatomonadida 136 Eucarya 132 Eustigmatophyceae 222 Eucestoda 228 Eustigmatophyta 108,219,221,222 Euchalididae 123 Eustigmatoprotists 98 Euchelicerata 40, 234 Euteleostei 243,247,252 Eucinetidae 122 Eutheria 161-2,242,244,250 Eucnemidae 121 Euxestidae 121 Eucoelomata 225 Euzygida 236 Eucommiaceae 267 Exoporia 177 Eucommiales 267 Eucryphiaceae 265 F abaceae 266 Eucytota 131 Fabales 266 Eudrilidae 229 Facetotecta 236 Taxonomic index 365

Fagaceae 265 Fungi (continued) Fagales 265 gut 139 Falco 193 literature 94 Falconida 257 non-flagellated, see Eufungi Falconidae 193,257 Funkiaceae 268 Falconides 257 Furnariida 258 Falconiformes 160, 192-3,250 Furnariidae 193, 258 Falcons 160 Furnariinae 259 Falcunculini 259 Furnarioidea 258 Felidae 163 Feliformia 163 Gadiformes 248 Felis Galbulidae 254 catus 201 Galbulides 254 silvestris 20 I Galbuliformes 254 Fergusoninidae 119 Galbulimorphae 254 Ferns 165 Galeaspida 246 Ferret, see Mustelafuro Galeomorpha 246 Ficus 189 Galerina 188 Filicophyta 110 Galeroconcha 231 Filosea 222 Galium 190 Fishes 158, 175, 191 Galliformes 160, 192,250,253 literature 216 hybridization 76 Fissidens 188 Galloanserae 253 Flacourtiaceae 264 Gallomorphae 253 Flagellariaceae 269 Gallus ;;allus 20 I 131 Gameophyceae 136 nomenclature 98 Garcinia 190 Flagelloopalinida 136, 219 Garrayaceae 267 148, 180 Garrulacinae 192, 260 see also Platyhelminthes Garrulax 192 Flowering plants 165, 176-8, 186 Gastaeozoa 141 see also Angiospermae Gasterophilidae 118 Foraminifera 223 Gasterosteiformes 248 Formicariidae 193, 259 Gasterosteus 72 Formicarioidea 259 Gastraeozoa 226 Fouquieriaceae 267 Gastroneuralia 226 Fouquieriales 267 Gastropoda 149,231,233 Fowl, red jungle and domestic, see Gallus gallus Gastrotricha 110, 145-6,170,172,174,177,183, Fox 224,226 island, see Urocyon littoralis Gaur, see Bos gaurus red, see Vulpes vulpes Gaviiformes 250 Fragilariophyceae 223 see also Loons Francoaceae 265 Gayal, see Bos frontalis Francolinus 192 Gazella bilkis 125 Frankeniaceae 264 Gecko, australian, see Heteronotia binoei Fregatidae 258 Geissolomataceae 265 Fringillidae 192, 193, 194, 261 Geissolomatales 265 Fringillinae 193, 194,261 Gekkota 113 Fringillini 261 Gelechiidae 114 Frog, european green, see Rana esculenta Gentiana 190 Frogs 182 Gentianaceae 58, 267 see also Anura Gentianales 167,267 Frullania 188 Gentiananae 267 Fulgorids 153 Geometridae 114, 154 Fumariaceae 264 Geophilidae 186 Fungi 89,129-31,133,137,140-1,187 Geophilomorpha 152, 182, 186 131, 139 Geophilus 186 Fungi Georyssidae 122 flagellated, see Ciliofungi Geotrupidae 121 366 Taxonomic index

Geraniales 266 Grubbiaceae 267 Geranium 46, 190 Gruida256 Gerbil/us 195 Gruidae 256 Gesneriaceae 267 Gruides256 Giardia 137 Gruiformes 160,250,256 lamblia 136, 137 Gruoidea 256 Ginglymodi 245, 247, 252 Grylloblattodea 111,239 Ginkgoidae 262 Gryllus Glaphyridae 120 firmus 76 Glareolidae 257 pennsylvanicus 76 Glareolinae 257 Guadalcanaria 194 Glaucidiaceae 265 Guanaco 202 Glaucocystophyceae 222 see also Lama guanicoe Glaucocystophyta 222 Guirini 255 Glaucophyta 108, 136,221 Guinea-fowl, see Numida meleagris Glaucoprotists 98 Guinea-pig, see Cavia Glechoma 175 domestic, see Cavia porcellus Glires 161 Gunneraceae 265 Globulariaceae 267 Gunnerales 265 Glomerida 47 Gymnomorpha 231,233 Glomeridesmida 47 Gymnophiona 241 Glossinidae 119 see also Caecilians Glossoscolecidae 230 Gymnop1ea 238 Glycina Gymnosomata 233 tabacina 81 Gymnosperms 44,55, 165 tomentella 81 Gynura 189 Glyphipterigidae 115 Gyrinidae 121, 177 Gnathobdellae 148 Gyrocotylidea 228 Gnathostoma 238 Gyrostemonaceae 264 Gnathostomata 241,243,245 Gnathostomulida 110,141-2,145--6,171,213,226 Habenaria 189 Gnetidae 262 Haematopodini 257 Gnostidae 121 Haematozoa 223 Goat, domestic, see Capra hircus Haemodoraceae 268 Gobiesociformes 248 Haemodorales 268 Gobipterygiformes 249 Haemothermia 160,214 Goetzeaceae 267 Hagfishes, see Myxinoidea Goldfish, see Carassius auratus Halecomorphi 252 Gomortegaceae 263 Halecostomi 245, 252 Goniatitida 232 Halicyniformes 238 Gonorhynchiformes 247 Ha1icyniiformii 238 Gonysylidaceae 264 Halicyniones 238 Goodeniaceae 267 Halicynoides 238 Goodeniales 267 Halietor 194 Goose Haliplidae 122 greylag and domestic, see Anser anser Halobacteriacea 218 swan and chinese, see Anser cygnoides Halobacteriobionta 218 Gossypium 54 Halococcacea 218 Gracilicutes 134 Halophytaceae 264 Gracillariidae 114 Haloragidaceae 266 Grambacteria 218 Haloragidales 266 Gramineae 170, 172, 174, 177 Hamamelidaceae 265 Granuloreticulosa 108,219,221,223 Hamamelidales 256 Graphina 187 Hamamelideae 166 Graphis 187-8 Hamster, golden or syrian, see M esocricetus Grebes 160 auratus Gregarinia 86, 223 Hanguanaceae 269 Greyiaceae 265 Hanguanales 269 Grossulariaceae 167, 265 Hapalemur aureus 125 Taxonomic index 367

Haplochromis 78, 79,194 Heptaplacota 231 Haplocnemata 40, 235 Herbosae 210 Haplodoci 248 Heretoceridae 121 Haploembia 86 Herpestidae 163 solieri 86 Herpylobifonnes 238 Haplolepifonnes 247 Herreriaceae 268 Haplomitrium 165 Hesperiidae 114 Haplopoda 152,237 Hesperomithifonnes 160,249 Haplosporea 222 Heterobasidiomycetes 138 Haplosporidia 109,221,222 Heterobranchia 149,233 Haplotaxidae 229 Heterochloridea 108,221 Haplotaxidea 229 Heterodonta 232 Haptophyta 108,219.221 Heteroglossa 233 Haptophytobionta 219 Heterogynidae 116 Haptoprotists 98 Heteronotia 86 Harpacticifonnes 238 binoei 86 Harpacticifonnii 238 Heteroptera 112, 153, 171, 175, 177. 178, 181, Harpacticoida III, 127,236 239 Harpactini 254 Heteropteroidea 239 Harvestmen, see Opiliones Heteropyxidaceae 266 literature 216 Heterosomata 248 Hectorellaceae 264 Heterostraci 157. 246 Hedera 175 Heterotecta 231 Hedyloidea 154 Heuchera Helcionelloidea 149 Rrossulariifolia 80 Helcomyzidae 119 micrantha 80 Heleomyzidae 117 Hexactinellidea 142. 224 Helianthus 58 152 annuus 58 Hieracium 191 petiolaris 58 Himantandraceae 263 Helichrysum 189 Hippoboscidae 117 Heliconiaceae 269 Hippocastanaceae 266 Heliconiidae 114 Hipposiderus 195 Heliconiinae 174 Hippuridaceae 268 Helicoprionida 246 Hirsutia bathyalis 151 Heliodinidae 114 Hirudinea 110, 148 Heliomithidaee 256 Hirundinidae 194,260 Heliomithini 256 Hirundo 194 Heliozelidae 115 Histeridae 120, 172. 175, 177, 178 Heliozoa 109,221,222 literature 216 Helleborus 173 Histozoa 142 Helminthidae 121 Hoatzin, see Opisthocomus hoatzin Helodidae 121 Holobasidiomycetes 138 Helophoridae 120 Holocephali 157,241,243,246 Helotidae 122 Holometabola 239 Helwingiaceae 267 Holostei 243 Hemerocallidaceae 268 Holothuroidea 156 Hemiascomycetes 138 Holotracheata 40, 234 Hemibasidiomycetes 138 Homalisidae 123 Hemicaridea 236 Homo sapiens 63 Hemichordata 113, 145, 147, 156,225 Homobasidiomycetales 138 Hemipeplidae 122 Homoptera 112, 153,211,215 Hemiprocnidae 255 Honeybee, see Apis mellifera Hemiptera 112, 129, 153,215,239 Hoplestigmataceae 267 literature 215 Hoplocarida III, 152,236.237 Hepaticae 109 Hoplostraca 236 Hepaticopsida 171, 172, 175, 177 Honnogastridae 230 see also Liverworts Homworts 164 Hepialidae 114 see also Anthocerotae 368 Taxonomic index

Horse 199 Hyraxes (continued) domestic, see Equus cabal/us see also Hyracoidea wild, see Equus ferus Hystricomorpha 163 Huaceae264 Humiriaceae 266 Icacinaceae 267 Huperzia 191 Ichneumon 186 Hutchinsonelliformes 237 Ichneumonidae 23,186,191,211 Hutchinsonellioni 237 literature 216 Hyacinthaceae 268 Ichthyodectiformes 247 Hyaenidae 163 Ichthyopterygia 249 Hyblaeidae 116 Ichthyornitiformes 249 Hybosoridae 120 Ichthyosauria 249 Hydatellaceae 269 Ichthyostegalia 248 Hydnoraceae 263 Icterini 261 Hydraenidae 121 Idionycteris Hydrangeaceae 267 phyllotis 125 Hydrastidaceae 264 Idiospermaceae 166 Hydraulea 219 Iguania 113 Hydrobatinae 258 Iguanidae 195 Hydraulea 219 llex 190 Hydrobatinae 258 IlIiciaceae 263 Hydrocharitaceae 268 IlIiciales 166,263 Hydrochidae 120 Immidae 115 Hydroida 143 Impatiens 189 Hydrophilidae 120 Incurvariidae 114 Hydrophyllaceae 267 Indicatoridae 254 Hydroscaphidae 123 Indigofera 189 Hydrostachyaceae 268 Indostomiformes 248 Hydrostachyales 268 Iniopterygiformes 247 Hydrozoa 110, 171, 175, 177 Inopeplidae 121 Hygrobiidae 123 Insecta 150, 153,239 Hyla 195 Insectivora 162, 195, 250 Hylochoerus meinetzhageni 124 Ipomoea 190 Hylophilidae 121 Irenidae 259 Hymenolobus 175 Iridaceae 268 Hymenomycetidae 138 Ironomyiidae 119 Hymenoptera 112,154,211,240 Ischnacanthiformes 247 literature 215-16 Ischyriniida 232 Hymenostraca 236 Isopoda 111,152,171,174,175,178,236 Hyopsodonta 163 Isoptera III Hypericaceae 265 Iteaceae 265 190 Ithomiidae 114 Hypermastigida 136 Ithyceridae 123 Hypermastigotes 109 Ixoliriaceae 268 Hyperosce1ididae 119 Ixonanthaceae 266 Hyphochytridiomycota 108, 221, 222 Ixora 190 Hyphochytrids 222 137 Jacanidae 257 Hypocephalidae 120 Jacanoidea 257 Hypocoliidae 260 J acobsoniidae 123 Hypocopridae 121 lasminum 190 Hyposmocomidae 114 J ohnsoniaceae 268 Hypoxidaceae 268 Joinvilleaceae 269 Hyppuridales 268 luglandaceae 265 Hypsidae 115 Juglandales 265 Hyptis 190 lulida 47 Hyracoidea 161,162,251 J uncaceae 269 see also Hyraxes luncaginaceae 268 Hyraxes 163, 164 Jungennanniales 164 Taxonomic index 369

Juniperus 45 Lamellibrachia barhami 147 Justicia 190 Lamiaceae 166,268 Lamiales 267 Kalyptorhynchia 228 Lamianae 267 Kamptozoa 155,224 Lamingtoniidae 123 Karumiidae 122 Lampreys 158 Karyoblastea 108,221,222 see also Petromyzontiformes Karyonta 131 248 Karyorelictea 223 Lampyridae 120 Karyotes 132 Lanariaceae 268 Kazacharthra 152,236,237 Languriidae 121 Kentrogonida 238 Laniarius liberatus 92 Kernera 175 Laniidae 92,259 Ketmeniiformes 237 Lardizabalaceae 264 Ketmeniiformii 237 Laridaee 192, 257 Killer whale, see Orcinus glacialis Lariidae 120 Kinetoplastida 136 Larinae 257 Kinetoplastidea 108,221 Larini 257 Kinetoplastids 222 Larnaeopodiformes 238 Kingdoniaceae 264 Laroidea 257 Kinocrania 241 Larus 193 Kinorhyncha 110, 145-6,224,226 Larvacea 241 Kiwi 160 Lasiocampidae 114 Klebsormidiophyceae 262 Lathridiidae 121 Kleinia 189 Latimeria 158, 159 Komarekionidae 230 chalumnae 125 Komodo dragon, see Varanus komodoensis Lauraceae 263 Krameriaceae 266 Laurales 166,263 Kynotidae 230 Lauxaniidae 117 Leafhoppers 182 Labellata 40, 234 see also Oncopsis havicollis Labiatae 45, 166 Leanchoiliformes 237 Laboulbenia 187 Leanchoiliformii 237 Laboulbeniales 170, 172, 175 Lecanora 187-8 Labyrinthodontia 159, 248 Lee'idea 187-8 Labyrinthomorpha 219 Lecithoepitheliata 228 Labyrinthomorphs 221 Lecythidaceae 265 Labyrinthulea 109,221 Lecythidales 265 Labyrinthulids 222 Ledocarpaceae 266 Labyrinthulomycota 222 Ledum 173 Lacerta 86 Leeches 147-8 Lacewings 182 literature 216 189 Leguminosae 46, 170, 175 Lacosomidae 115 Leiodidae 120 Lacrotidaceae 263 Leitneriaceae 266 Lactoridales 166,263 Lemnaceae 268 Lactuca Lemoniidae 116 canadensis 84 Lennoaceae 267 graminifolia 84 Lentibulariaceae 267 Laemophloeidae 121 Lepadiformii 238 Laevicaudata 152,237 Lepadioni 238 Lagomorpha 161-2,251 Leperditicopida 236 Lagriidae 120 Lepiceridae 123 Lama 202 Lepidobotryaceae 266 glama 200, 202 Lepidocaridiformes 237 glama glama 202 Lepidocaridiformii 237 glama glama forma domestica 202 Lepidopleurida 231 guanicoe 200 Lepidoptera 112, 113, 114, 153-4, 178, 192, 240 pacos 200 Lepidosauria 38, 103,241,243,249 370 Taxonomic index

Lepidosauromorpha 103,249 Lizards (continued) Lepisosteiformes 247 see also Sauria Lepospondyli 248 Llama 202 Leptictida 250 see also Lama glama Leptinidae 123 Loasaceae 267 Leptodiridae 120 Loasales 267 Leptodoriformes 237, 247 Loasanae 267 Leptomedusae 143 Lobatocerebridae 147 Leptosomidae 255 Lobeliaceae 266 Leptosomoidea 255 Lobosea222 Leptostraca Ill, 236 Loganiaceae 167,267 Leptostroma 188 Lonchaeidae 117 Lepuropetalaceae 265 Lonchopteridae 118 Lemaeiformes 238 Lonchura 193 Lernaeiformii 238 Longipediiformes 238 Leucospidae Longitarsus 194 literature 216 Loons 160 Libytheidae 116 see also Gaviiformes Lice 239 Lophiiformes 248 Lichenes 45, 89, 131, 138, 171, 175 Lophocateridae 121 Lichenostomus 194 Lophocoronidae 116 Lichomolgiformes 238 Lophogastrida 236 Lignosae 210 155 Ligularia 189 Lophopyxidaceae 266 Liliaceae 213, 268 Loranthaceae 266 Liliales 268 Loranthus 191,211 Lilianae 268 europaeus 211 Limacodidae 114 Loricata 231 Limnadiiformes 237 Loricifera 146, 213, 226 Limnanthaceae 264 Lotus 173 Limnebiidae 121 Lowiaceae 269 Limnichidae 122 Lucanidae 121, 172, 175,178 Limnocharitaceae 268 literature 216 Limnomedusae 143 Luganoiiformes 247 Limnopolypae 143 Lumbricidae 230 Limonia 194 Lumbricillus 69 Limoniaceae 264 Lumbricoidea 230 Limulodidae 121 Lumbriculata 229 Linaceae 266 Lumbriculida 229 Linales 266 Lumbriculidae 229 Liparidae 114 Lungfishes 158 Lipoctena 39, 40, 234 see also Dipnoi Liposcelidae 153 Lutodrilidae 229 Lipostraca 152,236,237 Lutrochidae 123 Lisianthus skinneri 58 Luzuriagaceae 268 159 Lybiidae 254 Lissocarpaceae 265 Lybioidea 254 Lissomidae 120 Lycaenidae 114 Lithobiomorpha 152 Lycidae 120 Lithodidae 55 Lycopodiophyta 1\0 Lithornidae 249 Lycopodiopsida 262 Lithosiidae 114 Lycopodium 191 Litopterna 251 Lycopods 165 Litostomatea 223 L yctidae 121 Litsea 190 Lygaeidae 169, 171, 179,215 Liverworts 164, 165, 188 L ymantriidae 114 literature 94 Lymexylidae 122 see also Hepaticae Lynceiformes 237 Lizards 159 L yonetiidae 115 Taxonomic index 371

Lysandra coridon 178-9 M edinilla 190 Lysorophia 248 Medusagynaceae 265 Lythraceae 266 Medusandraceae 266 Megabats, see Megachiroptera Macaca Megachiroptera 163 fascicularis 86 Megalaimidae 254 mulatta 86 Megalaimoidea 254 Macroscelidea 161, 162,250 Megaloperculata 39, 234, 235 Macrosemiiforrnes 247 Megaloptera 112,239 Macrostomida 228 Megalopygidae 115 Magnolia 54 Megalurinae 260 Magnoliaceae 263 Megamerinidae 119 Magnoliales 166,263 Megaoperculata 40 Magnolianae 263 Megapodidae 253 Magnoliidae 28, 44, 45, 262 Megapodii 253 Magnoliophyta 110 Megascolecidae 230 Magnoliopsida 28 Megascolecoidea 230 Malaceae 265 Megathimiidae 115 Malachiidae 120 Melandryidae 121 Malaconotinae 259 Melanocharitidae 261 Malaconotini 259 Melanocharitini 261 Malacostraca 111, 151, 152,236,237 Melanthiaceae 268 Malesherbaceae 264 Melanthiales 268 Mallard, see Anas platyrhynchos Melasidae 121 Mallophaga 153 Melastomataceae 266 literature 215 Meleagris gal/opavo 201 Malpighiaceae 266 Meliaceae 266 Maluridae 259 Melianthaceae 266 Malurini 259 Meliola 187 Malus pumila 79 Meliosmaceae 266 Malvaceae 170, 172, 264 Meliphaga 193, 194 Malvales 264 Meliphagidae 193, 259 Malvanae 264 Meliphagoidea 259 Mammalia 28, 38, 55,113,124,155,159--62, Meloidae 120 164,176,180,185,192,242,244,250 Melopsittacus undulatus 201 literature 216 Melyridae 120 Man, see Homo sapiens Memecylaceae 266 Mandibulata 150,225 Menianthaceae 267 Mantodea Ill, 177, 178,239 Menidia 86 Marantaceae 269 Meniscotheres 163 Marasmiellus 188 Menisperrnaceae 264 Marasmius 187 Menuridae 259 Marattiidae 262 Menurinae 259 Marcgraviaceae 265 Menuroidea 259 Marchantiatae 262 Merophysiidae 121 Marmosa 195 Meropidae 255 Marsupialia 161,195,250 Meropides 255 Marteiliidea 109,221,222 Merostomata 110 Martyniaceae 267 Merycidae 122 Mastigamoebia 137 Mesocricetus auratus 201 Mastigomycetes 221 Mesonychia 163,251 138 Mesoplodon peruvianus 125 Mastotermes electrodominicus 54 Mesoprotista 131 Mathanobacteriobionta 218 Mesomithi 257 Maxillopoda 151,236 Mesomithidae 257 Mayacaceae 269 Mesosauria 249 Mecistocephalidae 182 Mesozoa 110, 145,224 Mecoptera 112,240 Mesozoia 224 Mecopteroidea 240 Metabionta 133 372 Taxonomic index

Metachandidae 114 Moeritherium 164 Metagynophora 229 Mohouini 259 Metakaryota 137 Mole rats, see Spalax Metamonada 137 Molluginaceae 264 Metamonadea 109,221 Mollusca 110, 141, 147-8, 150, 155-6, 175, 178, Metaphyta 133 182,191,225,226,231 Metarbelidae 115 literature 216 Metaseguoia glyptostroboides 125 Momotida 255 Metastomata 40, 234 Momotidae 255 Metatheria 244, 250 Momphidae 115 Metazoa 55,131,133,136,140-2,219,224,226 Monarcha 193 diploblastic 141 Monarchinae 193 triploblastic 141 Monarchini 193,259 Methanobacteriacea 218 Monera 108, 131, 133 Methanococcacea 218 Moniligastrida 229 Methanogens 132 Moniligastridae 229 Methanosarcinacea 218 Monimiaceae 263 Methanospirillacea 218 Monkey flower, see Mimulus guttatus Metriidae 154 Monkey Miconia 189 night, see Aotus Microbats, see Microchiroptera squirrel, see Saimiri Microchaetidae 230 see also Macacafascicularis; M. mulatta Microchiroptera 163 Monochlamydeae 166 Micrococcacea 218 Monocoelomata 225 Microcoryphia 239 Monocotyledones 28, 44, 45, 165-7,268 Micromalthidae 123 Monoeridae 120 Micropeplidae 122 Monogenea 144,228 Micropezidae 117 Monogononta 110 Micropterigidae 115 Monolepta 194 Microsauria 248 Monommidae 121 Microspora 222 Monoplacophora 149,231 Microsporea 222 Monotomidae 121 Microsporidia 109, 137,221 Monotremata 161,250 Microtus 195 Monotropaceae 267 Micrura235 Monstrilliformes 238 Mictacea 151 Monstrilliformii 238 M ictocaris halope 151 Monstrilloida 236 Milichiidae 117 Montiniaceae 267 Millipedes 46, 47 Moraceae 264 see also Diplopoda 216 Mordellidae 121 Mimallonidae 115 Morinaceae 267 Mimini260 Moringaceae 264 Mimosa 190 Mormonilliformes 238 Mimosaceae 266 Mormonilliformii 238 Mimulus guttatus 81 Mormonilloida 236 Mink Mormotomyiidae 119 american, see Mustela vison Morphidae 116 ranch, see Mustela vison Moruloidea 145 Miocalles 78 Moschidae 164 Miridae 215 Moschusfuscus 125 Misodendraceae 266 Mosquito Misophriiformes 238 common, see Culex pipiens Misophriiformii 238 see also Aedes; Anopheles Misophrioida 236 Mosses 164-5, 188 Mistletoe 211 see also Bryopsida, Musci Mites 126 Motacillidae 193 Mithan, see Bosfrontalis Motacillinae 193,261 Mnesarchaeidae 116 Mouflon, asiatic, see Ovis orientalis Moa 160 Mouse Taxonomic index 373

Mouse (continued) Mystacocarida 111,151,182,236,238 house and laboratory, see Mus domesticus Mystacocaridida 236 see also Mus Mytilus 52 Muellerianella 85 Myxinifonnes 113,246 Multituberculata 250 Myxinikela siroka 158 Muridae 195 Myxinoidea 158 Munnidiidae 121 Myxobacteria 218 Mus 83,195 Myxomycetes 222 domesticus 20 I Myxosporea 139,222 Musaceae 269 Myxosporidia 109,221 Musci 109 Myxozoa222 Muscicapidae 192, 193, 194, 260 Myzostomida 225 Muscicapinae 260 Muscicapini 260 Najadaceae 268 Muscicapoidea 260 Najadales 268 Muscidae 117 Nanaloricus mysticus 146, 213 Musophagidae 256 Nannopterum 194 Musophagifonnes 256 Nassophorea 223 Musophaginae 256 Natalidae 164 Mustela Nautilida 232 Juro 201 Nautiloida 232 putorius 20 I Navicula 188 vison 201 Nebaliiones 237 Mustelidae 163 Nectarinia 192 Musteloidea 163 Nectariniidae 192, 193,260 Mycena 188 Nectariniinae 192,260 Mycetaeidae 121 Nectariniini 192, 193, 261 Mycetophagidae 122 Nectipoda 236 Mycetophi1idae 117 Necfria 188 Mycetoprotista 98 Nectrida 248 Mycetozoidea 219 Nelsonioideae 167 Mycobiota 131 Nelumbonaceae 263 Mycophycophyta 131 Nelumbonales 263 Mycoplasmatacea 218 Nemathelminthes 141, 145,224,226 Mycosphaerel/a 187 Nematoda 110, 126, 145-6, 170, 178, 180,224, Myctacea 236 226 Mycteridae 122 literature 216 Myctophifonnes 243,248,252 Nematomorpha 110, 145-6,224,226 Mydidae 117 Nematophidae 122 Mylabridae 120 110,142,148,171,172,174,177,178, Myocastor coypus 202 180 Myodocopida 236 Nemertinea 224 Myomorpha 163 Nemertini 224, 226 Myoporaceae 267 Nemertodennatida 228 Myotis 195 Nemestrinidae 118 Myrcia 190 Nemonychidae 122 Myriapoda ISO, 152, 169 Neoaves 253 Myricaceae 265 Neobacteria 218 Myricales 265 Neodennata 228 Myristicaceae 263 Neognathae 160,250 Myrmotherula 193 Neomeniamorpha 231 Myrothamnaceae 265 Neomorphida 255 Myrsinaceae 265 Neomorphidae 255 Myrataceae 266 Neoophora 228 Myrtales 265 Neopilina 149 Myrtanae 265 Neoproctophora 224 Mysida236 Neopseustidae 116 Ill, 170, 172, 174, 177 Neoptera 239 Mystacinobiidae 119 Neopterygii 241, 243, 245, 247, 252 374 Taxonomic index

Neornithes 160,249,249,253 Ochnaceae 265 Neosittini 259 Ochsenheimeriidae 116 Neotaeniog1ossa 233 Ocneriidae 114 Neote1eostei 243, 252 Ocnerodrilidae 229 Neotheoridae 116 Ocnerodriloidea 229 Nepenthaceae 265 Octobrachia 232 Nephroposticophora 228 Octogonadia 229 Nepticu1idae 114 Octopoda 232 Neriidae 118 Odariiformes 237 Nerillida 148 Odariiformii 237 Nerineoidea 149 Odiniidae 118 Neuradaceae 265 Odobaenidae 163 Nuerochaetidae 119 Odocoileus Neuropteroidea 239 hemionus 52 Neuwiediaceae 268 virginianus 52 Niliopnidae 120 Odonata Ill, 170, 172, 174, 239 Niponiidae 120 literature 215 164 Odonthognathae 249 Nitidulidae 120, 172, 178 Odontophorida 253 Nitzschia 71, 188 Odontophoridae 253 Noctuidae 114 Oecophoridae 114 No1idae 115 Oedemeridae 121 Nolinaceae 268 Oenothera 85, 173, 176 Nosodendridae 122 Oestridae 118 Notacanthiformes 247 Okapi, see Okapia johnstoni Notaspidea 232, 233 Okapia johns toni 124 Noteridae 122 Olacaceae 266 Nothofagaceae 265 Oleaceae 167,267 Nothosauria 249 Oleales 267 Nothybiidae 119 Oligochaeta 110, 147-8, 169,170, 172, 174, 183, Notiophygidae 121 229 Notodontidae 114 literature 216 Notoneuralia 226 Oligohymenophorea 223 Notoptera 111,239 Oliniaceae 266 Notostigmophora 152 Omalogyridae 149 Notostraca 151,236,237 Omethidae 123 Notoungulata 251 Ommatidae 123 Novogenuata 235 Omophronidae 120 Nuculida 232 Onagraceae 266 Nudibranchia 232,233 Onchidiida 231, 233 Numida meleagris 202 Onchorhynchus mykiss 52 Numididae 253 Oncidiinae 60 Numidoidea 253 Oncidium 60, 190 Nuphar 175 Oncocerida 232 Nutria, see Myocastor coypus Oncopsis jiavicollis 80 Nyctaginaceae 264 Onthophagus 186, 192 Nycteribiidae 118 Onychophora 112,141,154,225,226 Nyctibiidae 256 Onychopoda 152,237 Nyctibioidea 256 Oomycetes 136-8, 140 Nymphaeales 166,263 Oomycota 108,221,223 Nymphaeanae 263 Opalinata 109,221 Nymphalidae 114 Opalinida 136 Nymphomyiidae 119 Opalinidea 219 Nyssa 213 Opalinids 222 Nyssaceae 267 Opegrapha 187, 188 Ophidiiformes 248 Oak, see Quercus Ophioglossaceae 165 Obturata 147 Ophioglossidae 262 Ocellularia 188 Opiliaceae 266 Taxonomic index 375

Opiliones 40, 111, 171, 177,234 Ovis (continued) Opisthobranchia 149,231,233 orientalis 200 Opisthocomida 255 Oxalidaceae 211, 266 Opisthocomidae 255 Oxalis 189 Opisthocomus hoatzin 160 Oxychirotidae 116 Opisthocystidae 229 Oxycorynidae 122 Opisthomastigomycota 219 Oxytenidae 116 Opisthopora 229 Oxyurinae 254 Opomyzidae 118 Ozaenidae 154 Opostegidae 115 Orchidaceae 60,126,213,268 Pachycephalinae 259 hybridization 75 Pachycephalini 259 Orchidales 268 Pachycormiformes 247 Orcinus glacialis 125 Pachyneuridae 119 Orgyiidae 114 Pachytegmentaria 231 Oribatida 170, 177 Paenungulata 161 Oriolini 192, 259 Paeoniaceae 167,265 Ornitischia 249 Paeoniales 265 Orobanchaceae 267 Paepalanthus 190 Orodontida 246 Pagurus 55 Orthoceratoida 232 Palaeanodonta 251 Orthocerida 232 Palaeobranchia 232 145 Palaeocaridacea 236 Orthonychidae 259 Palaeocopida 236 Orthoperidae 121 Palaeoctenophora brasseli 144 Orthoptera 111, 170, 175 Palaeognathae 160,249 literature 215 Palaeoherbs 166 Orthopteroidea 239 Palaeoheterodonta 232 Orthopteromorpha 239 Palaeopterygii 241 Orussidae 154 Palaeosetidae 116 Oryctolagus cuniculus 201 Palaeostomatopoda 236 Oryzomys 195 Paleonisciformes 247 Oscines259 Paleoptera 239 OSuulophysi243,247,252 Pal\opteridae 118 Osteichthyes 245, 247 Palpigradi 40, Ill, 151,234,235 Osteoglossiformes 247 Panda Osteoglossomorpha 243,252 giant, see Ailuropoda Osteognathostomata 241 lesser, see Ailurus 158-9 Pandaceae 264 Osteostraci 157, 246 Pandanaceae 269 Osteragia osteragi 58 Pandanales 269 Ostomidae 121 Pandananae 269 Ostracoda 111, 151,236,238 Pandanus 189 Ostrich, see Struthio camelus Pandioninae 257 Otariidae 163 Pangolins 161 Othniidae 121 Panicum 189 Othonna 189 Panthophthalmidae 119 Otididae 256 Pantodonta 250 Otidides 256 Pantolesta 250 Otiorrhynchus 85, 194 Pantonemomycota 219 Otitidae 117 Pantopoda 234 Otus 193-4 Papaveraceae 264 ireneae 194 Papaverales 264 koepckeae 194 Papilionidae 114, 171, 175 {marshalli] marshalli 194 Papilionoidea 154, 172 {marshalli] petersoni 194 Parabasalia 109,221,222 mirus 194 Paracanthopterygii 243, 248, 252 Ovis Paracryphiaceae 267 aries 200 Paradisaeidae 64 376 Taxonomic index

Paradisaeini 259 Pelobiidae 123 Paraftagellates 221 Pelomyxa 137 Paramythiidae 261 Peltidae 121 Paramyxea 222 Peltopleuriformes 247 Paramyxidea 109,221,222 Pelycosauria 161, 249 Parandridae 120 Penaeaceae 266 Paraneoptera 239 Penguins 160 Parazoa 224 see also Sphenisciformes Parda10tidae 259 Penstemon 46 Pardalotinae 259 Pentaganglionata 233 Parenchymata 224 Pentaphragmataceae 266 Parenchymia 226 Pentaphylacaceae 265 Paridae 192, 260 Pentastomida 112, 151, 154-5,225,236 Parinae 260 Pentastomidea 225 Parkaryotes 132 Peperomia 189 Parmelia 187 Peracarida 152, 182 Parnassiaceae 265 Peramelidae 164 Parotia 212 Perasenecio 189 Parulini 261 Perciformes 248 Parus 192 Percomorpha 248, 252 Passalidae 121 Percopsiformes 248 Passandridae 121 Pericallis 189 Passerae 255 Pericopidae 115 Passeri 259 Peridinea 109,221 Passerida 260 Peridiscaceae 264 Passeridae 192-3,261 Perimylopidae 123 Passeriformes 192-4,250,258 Periptychida 163 hybridization 76 Periscelidae 119 Passerimorphae 256 Perissodactyla 162-4,251 Passerinae 261 Perissommatidae 119 Passero idea 260 Perkinsida 109,221 Passiflora 190 Perledidiformes 247 Passiftoraceae 167, 264 Peromyscus 195 Pattersonichthyiformes 248 Peronosporomycetidae 223 Paulownia 167 Perophoridae 115 Paurometabola 239 Perothopidae 123 Pauropoda 112, 152 Pertusaria 187 Paussidae 120, 154 Perviata 147 190 Pestalotia 188 Pavo cristatus 202 Petalichtyida 246 Peafowl, see Pavo cristatus Petalodontida 247 Peccary, chaco, see Catal?onus wal?neri Petermanniaceae 268 Pedaliaceae 267 Petrochelidon 194 Pedicularis 175, 190 Petromyzon 157 Pediculati 248 Petromyzontiformes 113,246 Pedillidae 120 see also Lampreys Pedinellaphyta 219 Peucedraminae 261 Pedinellophyceae 222 Phaenocephalidae 121 Pedionomidae 257 Phaeodaria 109,221,222 Pedipalpi 235 Phaeol?raphis 188 Peganaceae 266 Phaeophyceae 136, 223 Pegasiformes 248 Phaeophyta 108,219,221,223 Pe1agotunicata 241 Phaeoprotists 98 Pe1ecanidae 258 Phaethomithinae 255 Pe1ecaniformes 160, 193,250 Phaetontida 257 Pelecaninae 258 Phaetontidae 257 Pelecanoidea 258 Phalacridae 121 Pelecorhynchidae 118 Phalacrocoracidae 193,258 Pelecypoda 232 Phalacrocorax 193-4 Taxonomic index 377

Phalacrocoroidea 258 Phytomonadida 136 Phalangeridae 164 Picae 254 Phanerorhynchiformes 247 Picathartidae 260 Pharmacichthys 247 Picidae 193,254 Pharyngobdellae 148 Picides 254 Phasianidae 192,253 Piciformes 193,250,254 Phasianoidea 253 Pickerel weed, see Pontederia Phasmatodea 239 Picoides 193 see also Phasmids Pieridae 114 Phasmatoptera 112 Pig, domestic, see Sus domesticus Phasmids 180 Pilea 190 see also Phasmatodea Pinidae 262 Phellinaceae 267 Pinnipedia 163 Phenacodonta 163 Pinophyta 110 Phengodidae 121 Pinus 45 Philepittidae 258 Piophilidae 118 Philesiaceae 268 Piper 189 Philichthyiformes 238 Piperaceae 263 Philichthyiformii 238 Piperales 166, 263 Philydrales 268 Pipistrellus 195 Phippsia 175 Piprinae 258 Phlaeothripidae 23, 211 Pipunculidae 117 Phloeostichidae 123 Pittidae 258 Phloiophilidae 123 Pittoidea 258 Phlox 45 Placentalia 161, 242 Phocidae 163 Placodermi 246 Phocoenidae 164 Placodontia 249 Phoenicopteridae 258 Placophora 231 Phoenicopteroidea 258 Placozoa 110, 141-2,224,226 Phoeniculidae 254 Placozoomorpha 224 Phoeniculides 254 189 Pholidophoriformes 247 Plagiochila 188 Pholidopleuriformes 247 Plagiopterigaceae 264 Pholidoskepia 231 Planctosphaera 156 Pholidota 162,251 Planipennia 112,240 Phoridae 117, 171, 173, 177, 179, 183,209 Plantaginaceae 267 Phormiaceae 268 Planthoppers, see Muellerianella Phoronida 112, 155,226 Plants 131, 134, 140, 141, 164 Phoronidea 225 Planuloidea 145 Phosphatocopida 236 Plasmodial slime moulds 222 Photobacteriacea 218 Plasmodiophorea 108,221 Phragmobasidiomycetes 138 Plasmodiophorids 222 Phragmoteuthida 232 Plasmodiophoromycota 222 Phreatodytidae 122 86 Phreodrilidae 229 Plastoceridae 120 Phthiraptera 112, 153 Platanaceae 265 Phycosecidae 123 Platanistidae 164 Phylidraceae 268 Platycopiiformes 238 Phyllocarida 151,236,237 Plathelminthes 39, 142, 144, 145,224,226,228 Phy lloceridae 121 Platyhelminthomorpha 145 Phyllocnistidae 115 Platypezidae 118 Phyllolepida 246 Platypodidae 120 Phyllophaga 192 Platypsyllidae 123 Phyllopharyngea 223 Platystomatidae 117 Phyllopoda 236 Platystomidae 120 Phylloscopinae 192 Plecoptera 112, 170, 172, 174, 177,239 Phylloscopus 192 literature 215 Physenaceae 264 Pleocomidae 122 Phytolaccaceae 264 Pleospora 188 378 Taxonomic index

Plesiosauria 249 Polypterifonnes 247 Pleurastrophyceae 262 Polyxenidae 47 Pleurodira 242 Polyzoniida 47 Pleuronectifonnes 248 Pomatostomidae 259 Pleurostigmophora 152 Pontederia 176 Pleurothallis 189 Pontederiaceae 177,268 Ploceidae 192 Pontederiales 268 Ploceinae 192,261 Poria 187 Ploceus 192 Porifera 110, 141, 171, 175, 177,224,226 Plumbaginaceae 264 see also Sponges Plumbaginales 264 Porina 188 Plumbaginanae 264 Poro1epifonnes 158,245 Poa pratensis 203 Poromyida 232 Poaceae 269 Portu1acaceae 264 Poales 269 Posidoniaceae 268 Pocket gopher, Botta's, see Thomomys bottae Possum, mountain pygmy, see Burramys parvus Podargidae 256 Potamogetonaceae 268 Podargides 256 Potato, see Solanum tuberosum Podicipedida 257 Potentilla 190 Podicipedidae 257 Praecardiida 232 Podicipedifonnes 250 Prasinomonadida 136 Podisma pedestris 49 Prasinophyceae 223 Podoaceae 266 Prasinophyta 108,219,221 Podocopida 236 Priapulida 110, 146,224,226 Podoplea 238 Primates 161-3,251 Podostemaceae 265 Primula 190 Poecilia 85 Primulaceae 265 formosa 52, 69 Primulales 265 Poeciliopsis 69, 85 Primulanae 265 Poecilostomata 238 Prionoceridae 120 Poecilostomatoida 236 Prionopini 260 Pogonophora 110,146-7,150,213,225 Proanura 248 Pogonophorea 225 Proarthropoda 225 Polannulifera 219 Problematic a 157 Polecat, western, see Mustela putorius Proboscidea 162, 164, 251 Polemoniaceae 267 see also Elephants Polioptilinae 260 Procellariidae 258 Polyarthra 238 Procellariiformes 160, 250 Polychaeta 13, 110,147-8,169,171,177,178, Procellariinae 258 182 Procellarioidea 258 literature 216 Prochlorales 135 Polycladida 145,228 Prochloron 134 Polycystina 109,221,222 didemni 134 Polydesmida 47 Prochlorophyta 218 Polygala 189 Prochlorothrix 134-5 Polygalaceae 266 hollandica 134 Polygalales 266 Proctophora 224 Polygonaceae 264 Proctotrupoidea, literature 216 Polygonales 264 Procyonidae 163 Polygonanae 264 Procytota 131 Polygordiidae 148 Proechimys 84 Polygordius 147 Progymnoplea 238 Polymastigotes 221 Progymnospenns 165 Polyphemiifonnes 237 Prokaryonta 218 Polyphemiiformii 237 Prokaryota 108,131-3 Polyphemiones 237 Prolecithophora 228 Polyphemioni 237 Promcropinae 260 Polypodiidae 262 Propalticidae 122 Polypodiopsida 262 Proseriata 228 Taxonomic index 379

Prosobranchia 149,231,233 Psittaciformes 250, 255 Prostomidae 122 Psittacimorphae 255 Protacanthopterygii 243, 252 Psocodea 153,239 Proteaceae 265 Psocoptera 112, 153, 172, 174 Proteales 265 literature 215 Proteanae 265 Psoidae 121 Proteomyxidea 219 Psolus fabricii 51 Proterhinidae 122 Psophiidae 256 Proteromonadea 108 Psophioidea 256 Proteromonads 222 Psychidae 114 Protista 55, 98,130,131,133,139,221,222 Psychodidae 117 Protoavis texensis 159 Psychotria 189 Protobasidiomycetes 138 Psyllids 153 Protocaridiformes 237 Psylloidea 170, 174, 177, 178,211 Protoctista 130, 139, 222 Ptaeroxylaceae 266 Protocucujidae 123 Pteraspidiformes 246 Protodrilida 148 Pteraspidomorphi 246 Protomonada 219 Pteridium 175 Protomaeozoa 226 Pteridophytes 164-5 Protorosauria 249 Pteriomorpha 232 Protostelids 222 Pterobranchia 155-6,226 Protostomatea 223 Pteroclidae 257 Protostomia 141,147,156 Pteroclides 257 Prototheoridae 116 Pterocolidae 120 Prototheria 242,244,250 Pterolonchidae 116 Protozoa 98, 126, 130, 136, 139-41, 188 Pteromonacea 221 Protura III, 153,239 Pterophoridae 114 Prunellinae 261 Pteropodidae 195 Prymnesiida 136 Pteropus 195 Prymnesiophyceae 222 Pterosauria 159,249 Prymnesiophyta 222 Pterostemonaceae 267 Psammechinus miliaris 55 Pterothysanidae 116 Psamminida 222 Pterygota 150, 153,239 Psammodontiformes 246 Ptiliidae 121 Psathyrella 187 Ptilinopus 192 Pselaphidae 120, 154, 169, 174, 177 Ptilodactylidae 121 Psephenidae 122 Ptilogonatini 260 Pseudarbelidae 116 Ptilonorhynchidae 259 Pseudocelia 224 Ptinidae 121 Pseudocercospora 188 Ptycholepiformes 247 Pseudochelidoninae 260 Ptychopteridae 118 Pseudociliata 108, 221, 222 Ptyctodontida 246 Pseudocoelomata 141, 145-6,226 Puccinia 187 Pseudocyphellaria 188 Pulmonata 231, 233 Pseudomonadacea 218 Pulsatilla 173 Pseudomorphidae 120 247 Pseudoperanema 99 Pycnogonida III, 150 hyalinum 99 Pycnonotidae 192, 260 trichophorum 99 Pycnonotus 192, 194 Pseudopetalichthyda 246 Pycoides 194 Pseudopomyzidae 119 Pygocephalomorpha 236 Pseudoscorpiones III, 235 Pyralidae 114 Pseudo scorpionida 170, 172, 175, 177 Pyramidelloidea 149 literature 216 Pyramidellomorpha 231 Psilidae 118 Pyrenichthys 247 Psilophytophyta 110 Pyrgotidae 117 Psilotopsida 262 Pyrochroidae 122 Psiloxylaceae 265 Pyrolaceae 267 Psittacidae 255 Pyrosomida 241 380 Taxonomic index

Pyrotheria 251 Rhamphastides 254 Pyrsonymphida 222 Rhamphastoidea 254 Pythidae 122 Rhaphidophyceae 109,221,222 Rhaphidophyta 222 Quercus 58, 189 Rheidae253 Quiinaceae 265 Rheides 253 Rheiformes 249 Rabbit, see Oryctolagus cuniculus Rhenanida 246 Radiata 224 Rhinocryptidae 259 Rafflesiaceae 263 Rhinolophidae 195 Rafflesiales 263 Rhinolophus 195 Ralli256 Rhinomaceridae 122 Rallidae 257 Rhinophoridae 118 Ramalina 188 Rhinopomastidae 254 siliguosa 45 Rhinotoridae 119 Ramularia 187 Rhipiceridae 122 Rana 191 Rhipidistia 158,243 esculenta 52, 69, 86 Rhipidura 193 Randiellata 229 Rhipidurinae 193 Randiellida 229 Rhipidurini 193, 259 Rangifer tarandus 201 Rhipiphoridae 121 Ranunculaceae 167,264 Rhipogonaceae 268 Ranunculales 166,264 Rhizocarpon 188 Ranunculus 173, 190 Rhizocephala 151-2, 236, 238 Rapateaceae 269 Rhizophagidae 121 Raphidae 256 Rhizophoraceae 266 Raphidioptera 179,240 Rhizophorales 266 Raphidoprotists 98 Rhizopoda 131,222 Rat, see Rattus Rhizopods 221 norway and laboratory, see Rattus norvegicus Rhodobacteriacea 218 Ratardidae 116 Rhodobiota 131 Ratitae 160, 253 Rhodocyanbionta 219 Rattus 83, 195 Rhododendron 45, 173, 189 norveigicus 201 Rhodophyceae 136,222 Recurvirostrinae 257 Rhodophy/lus 187 Recurvirostrini 257 Rhodophyta 108, 131, 134, 136,219,221,222 Redfieldiiformes 247 Rhodophytes 221 Redwood tree dawn, see Metaseguoia Rhodopida 231, 233 glyptostroboides Rhodoprotists 98 Regulidae 260 Rhoeo 85 Reindeer, see Rangifer tarandus Rhoipteleaceae 265 Remipedia 151, 182,236,237 Rhomboganoidea 241 Remizinae 260 Rhombozoa 145 Reptantia 60, 236 Rhopalocera 169 Reptilia 13, 27-8,113, 158-9, 192,248 Rhopalomeridae 118 Reptilomorpha 243 Rhynchitidae 120 Resedaceae 264 Rhynchobdellae 148 Restionaceae 269 Rhynchocalycaceae 266 Retortomonads 222 Rhynchocephalia 113,241,243 Retziaceae 267 Rhynchophoridae 120 Rhabditophora 228 Rhynchopini 257 Rhabdocoela 228 Rhynchosauria 249 Rhabdodendraceae 265 Rhynochetidae 256 Rhadalidae 120 Rhysodidae 122, 154 Rhagionidae 117 Rhysopaussidae 120 Rhagoletis pomonella 79 Ribeiriida 232 Rhamnaceae 264 Richardiidae I 18 Rhamnales 264 Ricinulei 40, III, 151,234,235 Rhamphastidae 254 Riftia pachyftila 147 Taxonomic index 381

Rinodina 188 Sarcophagidae 117 Riodinidae 114 Sarcopterygii 243, 245,248 Rissoellidae 149 Sarcosperma 213 Rissoelloidea 149,233 Sarcotacideiformes 238 Rodentia 124, 161-3, 195,251 Sarcotheca 211 Roldana 189 Sargentodoxaceae 264 Roridulaceae 267 Sarraceniaceae 267 Rosa canina 85 Sarraceniales 267 Rosaceae 175,265 Sarsostraca 236 Rosales 265 Satumiidae 114 Rosanae265 Satyridae 114 Rostratulidae 257 Saurauia 213 Rostroconchia 232 Sauria 113 Rotatoria 170,224 Saurichthyiformes 247 see also Rotifera Saurischia 249 Rotifera 110, 145, 173, 176, 180,226 Sauropsida 159,243 see also Rotatoria Sauropterygia 249 Rubiaceae 167,267 Saururaceae 263 Rubiales45 Saussurea 190 Rubus 71,113,173,191 Saw-flies 169 caesius 71 see also Symphyta sect. Corylifolii 71 Saxicolini 260 Rudimicrosporea 222 Saxifragaceae 265 Ruscaceae 268 Saxifragales 265 Russula 187 Scaeosophidae 114 Rusts, see Uredinales Scalididae 121 Rutaceae 266 Scandentia 162,250 Rutales 266 see also Tree-shrews Rutanae266 Scanochitonida 231 Scaphidiidae 120 Sabiaceae 266 Scaphopoda 232 Saccharum officinarum 204 Scarabaeidae 120, 154, 186, 191 Saccifoliaceae 267 Scarabaeoidea 171,175 Saccoglossa 232, 233 Scatophagidae 117 Sacculiniformes 238 Scatopsidae 118, 174 Sacculiniformii 238 Scenopinidae 118 Sagittariidae 257 Scheuchzeriaceae 268 Sagridae 120 Schiffomithini 258 Saimiri 125 Schisandra 213 Salicaceae 264 Schisandraceae 263 Salicales 264 Schizomida 110,235 Salientia 241 Schizophrynida 136 Salix 173, 190 Schizopodidae 120 Salmoniformes 247 Schlegeliae 167 Salpingidae 121 Schreckensteiniidae 116 Salpomithini 260 Sciadoceridae 119 Salvadoraceae 264 Sciaridae 117 Salvadorales 264 Scincomorpha 113 Salvia 189 Sciomyzidae 117, 174, 177 Sambucaceae 267 Scirtidae 121 Sandalidae 122 Sciuridae 195 Santalaceae 266 Sclerophylacaceae 267 Santalales 266 Scolopacida 257 Santalanae 266 Scolopacidae 257 Sapindaceae 167,266 Scolopacinae 257 Sapindales 266 Scolopacoidea 257 Sapotaceae 171, 172,265 Scolopendromorpha 152 Saprolegniomycetidae 223 Scolytidae 120, 172, 175 Sarcolaenaceae 264 Scopidae 258 382 Taxonomic index

Scopleomorpha 248 Silverfishes, see Zygentoma Scopoidea 258 Silviidae 194 Scorpaenifonnes 248 Silviinae 194 Scorpiones 39, 40, 110,234,235 Simaroubaceae 266 Scotornis 194 Simethidaceae 268 Scraptiidae 121 Simmondsiaceae 264 Scrophulariaceae 167,267 Simuliidae 117 Scrophulariales 45, 167,267 189 Scutigeromorpha 152 Sinosenecio 189 Scutopoda 231 Siphonaptera 112,240 Scydmaenidae 120 Siphonodentaliida 232 Scyphostegia 213 Siphonophora 143 Scyphostegiaceae 213, 264 Siphonopoda 232 Scyphozoa 143 Siphonostoma 238 Scythrididae 115 Siphonostomatoida 236 Scytopetalaceae 265 Sipuncula 110, 141, 147-8, 150,226 Sea stars 156 literature 216 see also Asteroidea Sipunculida 225 Sea urchins 155 Sirenia 1610-4,251 see also Echinoidea Sitanion Seals, see Phocidae 163 hystrlx 204 Sebastes 194 jubatum 260 Sedentaria 148 Sittidae 260 Seed plants SitUnae 260 literature 94 Stneagolida 233 see also Angiospennae Smicripidae 120 Selachii 245 Smilacaceae 268 Selaginaceae 267 Smuts, see Ustilaginales 189 Snail Bulimus 85 Selevinia betpakdalaensis 125 Snake flies, see Raphidioptera Sematuridae 116 Snakes 159, 179 Semionotifonnes 247 see also Serpentes 175, 189, 191 Solanaceae 267 Sepiida232 Solanales 267 Sepsidae 118, 174, 177 Solananae 267 Septemchitonida 231 Solanum 189, 191 Septibranchia 232 tuberosum 63 Septaria 187 ssp, andigena 81 Seriata 228 Solemyida 232 Sericornithini 259 Solenogastres 231 Serinus 193-4 Soleolifera 231, 233 canari us 20 I Solifugae 40, 111,234,235 Serpentes 113, 170, 175 literature 216 see also Snakes Somabrachyidae 116 Serropalpidae 121 Sorex 195 Sesiidae 114 Sorghum Sharks 55 hicolor 202 Sheep, domestic, see Ovis aries subsp, drummondii 203 Shrikes, see Laniidae Sorghum grain, see Sorghum hicolor Shuotherium 250 Soricidae 195 Silene 190 Spa lax 84 Silicomastigota 222 Sparganophilidae 229 Silicosponga 142,224 Sparganophiloidea 229 Silk Spelaeogriphacea III, 152, 182,236 chinese wild, see Bomhyx mandarina Speleonectes lucayensis 151 domestic, see Bomhyx mori Speleonectiformes 237 Silphidae 122 Speleonectiformii 237 Siluriformes 247 Speleonectioni 237 Silvanidae 121 Spercheidae 120 Taxonomic index 383

Spennatopsida 262 Stenus 173, 179, 186, 187 Spermophilus 195 Stephanopogonida 136 Sphaenodonta 249 Stercorariini 257 Sphaeridiidae 120 Sterculiaceae 264 Sphaeriidae 122 Sterna 193 Sphaeritidae 123 Stemini 257 Sphaeroceridae 117, 174, 177 Stemorrhyncha 153,239 Sphaerosepalaceae 264 Sterrofustia 231 Sphaerosomatidae 122 Stickleback, see Gasterosteus Sphaerotheriida 47 Sticta 188 Sphecidae, literature 216 Stictonettinae 254 Spheniscidae 258 Stilbaceae 267 Spheniscifonnes 250 Stipa 175 see also Penguins Stipiturini 259 Sphenodon 103, 159 Stomatopoda Ill, 152,236 Sphenostemonaceae 267 Stomiifonnes 247, 252 Sphinctozoans 143 Storks 160 Sphindidae 122 see also Ciconiifonnes Sphingidae 114 Strasburgeriaceae 265 Spiders 151, 183 Stratiomyidae 117, 172, 175, 179 literature 216 Streblidae 118 see also Araneae Strelitziaceae 269 Spinicaudata 152, 237 Streprococcacea 218 Spiny rat, see Proechimys Strepsiptera 112, 154,240 Spiralia 141, 146,226 Streptophyta 262 Spirobolida 47 Strigi 256 Sprirochaetacea 218 Strigida 256 Spirochaetae 218 Strigidae 193,256 Spirogyra 164 Strigofonnes 160, 192-3,250,256 Spirostreptida 47 Strigimorphae 256 Spirotrichea 223 Stromatoporoids 143 Spondylidae 120 Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis 55 Sponges 130, 136, 142, 180 Strongylophthalmyiidae 118 see also Porifera Struthio camelus 202 Sporophila 193 Struthioni 253 Sporozoa 109, 131, 140, 188,221 Struthionidae 253 Squalomorpha 246 Struthionides 253 Squamata 103, 159,241,243,249 Struthionifonnes 249, 253 Squatinactida 246 Stumidae 260 Squillioni 237 Stumini 260 Stachyuraceae 265 Stylidiaceae 267 Stackhousiaceae 266 Stylommatophora 231,233 Staganospora 188 Styracaceae 265 Stannominida 222 Suidae 164 Staphylaeaceae 266 Sulfolobacea 218 Staphy1inidae 120, 154, 169,171,172,177,179, Sulfolobales 132 183, 186,209 Sulfolobus solfataricus 132 literature 216 Sulida 257 Stauromedusae 143 Sulidae 258 Steatomithida 256 Suloidea 258 Steatomithidae 256 Sunflower, see Helianthus Steatomithoidea 256 Suriana 213 Stegnospennataceae 264 Surianaceae 265 Stemonaceae 268 Sus Stenoglossa 233 domesticus 200 Stenomathididae 114 scropha 200 Stenopterygii 247 Swertia 175 Stenotrachelidae 122 Sylviidae 192,260 Stensioellida 246 Sylviinae 192, 260 384 Taxonomic index

Sylviini 260 Teloschistes 188 Sylvioidea 260 Temnocephalida 228 Syma 194 Temnochilidae 121 Symmetrodonta 250 Temnospondyli 248 Symmocidae 115 Tenebrionidae 120 Symmoriida 246 Tentaculata 142, 155,225 Sympetalae 45, 166 Tenthredinidae 194 Symphyla 112, 152 Tenthredinoidea 211 Symphyta 154, 169, 170, 174 Tenthredo 194 see also Saw-flies Tentyriidae 120 Symplasma 142 Tephritidae 117 Symplocaceae 267 Tephrosia 190 Synallaxis 193 Tepuianthaceae 266 Synapsida 160,249 Teratomyzidae 119 Syncalyptidae 121 Terebrantia 153 Syncarida III, 236 Tergomyia 149 Synchroidae 123 Termites 263 Syndinea 109,221 see also Isoptera Syndiniophyceae 222 Terrimegadrili 229 Syngenodrilidae 229 Tesnusocaridiformes 237 Syngnathiformes 248 Tesnusocaridiformii 237 Synteliidae 123 Testudinata 249 Synurophyceae 222 Testudines 113,242 Syringogastridae 119 Tethinidae 118 Syrphidae 117, 170, 172, 174, 178 Tethytheria 161, 164 Syzygium 190 Tetracarpaeaceae 267 Tetracentraceae 265 Tabanidae 117 Tetramerista 213 Tabulate corals 143 Tetraodontiformes 248 Taccaceae 268 Tetraonychidae 120 Tachinidae 117 Tetrapoda 103, 158-9,241,245 Tachnisiscidae 119 Tetrapulmonata 235 Tachysphex 179 Tetratomidae 122 Taeniodonta 250 Tetzieae 167 164 Teucrium 175 Tamaricaceae 264 Teuthida 232 Tamaricales 264 Thalassocalyce inconstans 144 Tanaidacea III, 152, 236 Thalassocalycida 144 Tangara 192 Thalattosauria 249 Tantulocarida 236,238 Thamnophilida 258 Tantulocaridida 236 Thamnophilidae 258 Tanyderidae 118 Thaumalaeidae 118 Tanypezidae 119 Thaumatopoeidae 115 Taphrinaceae 138 Theaceae 265 Taraxacum 63, 70-1,113,191 Theales 265 Tardigrada 112, 154--5, 170, 172, 174, 177, 180, Theanae 264 225 Thecasomata 233 literature 216 Thecatae 143 Tardigradea 225 Thecostraca 236 Tarpan, see El?uus ferus Theligonaceae 267 Tarphycerida 232 Thelodontida 246 Tarrasiiformes 247 Thelyphonida 235 Taxopoda 109,221 Theophrastaceae 265 Tecophilaeaceae 268 Therapsida 161, 249 Tectibranchia 233 Therevidae 117 Telegeusidae 123 Theria 161,242,244,250 Teleostei 241,243,247,252 Thermop1asmatacea 218 Teleostomi 243 Thermoprotea1es 132 Teloblastomata 225 Thermoproteus tenax 132 Taxonomic index 385

Thermosbaenacea 111, 152, 170, 182,236 Trachys 194 Thinocorindae 257 Tragopogon Thiobacillacea 218 mirus 81 Thomomys bottae 178 miscellus 81 Thoracica 152,238 Tragulidae 164 Thorictifdae 121 Trapaceae 266 Thraupinae 192 Trapellaceae 267 Thraupini 192,261 Tree-shrews 161 Thraustochytriacea 221 see also Scandentia Thraustochytriaceae 109 Treehoppers Thraustochytrids 222 see Enchenopa Threskiomithidae 258 Trematoda 110, 144, 169, 171, 174, 177,228 Threskiomithoidea 258 Trepaxonemata 228 Throscidae 122 Treploplax replans 142 Thryonomidae 164 Tretothoracidae 121 Thumiaceae 269 Tribelaceae 267 Thyatiridae 115 Tribolium confusum 86 Thylacocephala 238 Trichoceridae 118 Thylodriidae 121 Trichomonads 109 Thymelaeaceae 264 Trichomycetea 219 Thymelaeales 264 Trichop/ax 142 Thyretidae 115 Trichoplax adhaerens 142 Thyrididae 114 Trishopodaceae 268 Thysanoptera 112, 153, 170, 175, 177,211,215, Trichoptera 112,240 239 literature 215 Thysanura 153 Tric\adida 228 Tichodromadinae 260 Tricolpates 166 Tiger-beetles 178 Triconodonta 250 Tiguassuidae 229 Trictenotomidae 123 Tiliaceae 264 Trifolium 175 Tillandsia 190 prulense 58 Tillodontia 250 Trigangliunata 149,233 Timaliinae 192 Trigoniaceae 266 Timaliini 260 Trilliaceae 268 Tinamidae 253 Trilobita 151 Tinamiformes 249, 253 Trilophosauria 249 see also Tinamous Trimeniaceae 263 Tinamous 160 Tringinae 257 see also Tinamiformes Triopiformes 237 Tineidae 114 Triopiformii 237 Tineodidae 116 Triopioni 237 Tingidae 215 Trioza 170 Tipulidae 117 Tripedalia cyslophora 143 Tischeriidae 115 Trituberculata 250 Tityrinae 258 Triuridaceae 268 Tityrini 258 Triuridales 268 Todida255 Triuridanae 268 Todidae255 Trixagidae 122 Todirhamphus 194 Trochaeozoa 226 Toricelliaceae 267 Trochilidae 255 Torridincolidae 122 Trochiliformes 255 Tortricidae 114 Trochilinae 256 Tovariaceae 264 Trochondendrales 265 Toxorhamphini 261 Trochodendraceae 265 Tracheata 150, 152 Trogidae 121 Tracheidatae 262 Troglodytinae 260 Tracheophyta 136 Trogonidae 254 see also Vascular plants Trogoniformes 254 Trachypachidae 120, 154 Trogoninae 254 386 Taxonomic index

Trogonini 254 U roeyon littorallis 60 Trogoassitidae 121 Urodela 158-9,248 Tropaeolaceae 264 Urodontidae 120 Tropaeolales 264 Uromyees 187 Tropheus60 Uropygi39,40,110,234,235 Trout, rainbow, see Onehorhynehus mykiss Ursidae 163 Truneatella Ursoidea 163 clathrus 58 Urticaceae 264 sea/aris 58 Urticales 264 Trybliida 231 Usnea 187-8 Trypanosomatina 136, 140 Ustilaginales 138 Tubificata 229 Usti/ago 187 Tubificidae 229 Ustomycetes 138 Tubulidentata 162, 251 Uvulariaceae 268 Tubulifera 153 Tunicata 113, 157,241 Vaeeinium 190 Turbellaria 13, 110, 113, 144,226 Valerianaceae 267 Turdinae 194,260 Vampyromorpha 232 Turdus 192 Vandiemenella (Warramaba) viatica 84 Turkey, see Me/eagris gallopavo 201 Varanus komodoensis 124 Tumeraceae 264 Vascular plants 188 Tumicae254 literature 94 Tumicidae 254 monographs 97 Tumiciformes 254 see also Trachaeophyta Turritellidae 42 Vaucheria 137 Turtles 38 Velel/a 142 see a/so Chelonia Veles 194 Tylenchidae 172,174 Velloziaceae 268 literature 216 Velloziales 268 Typhaceae 269 Veratrum 175 Typhales 268 Verbenaceae 166, 167,268 Typhloplanoidea 228 Vernonia 189 Tyranni258 Veronica 175 Tyrannida 258 Veronicellida 231 Tyrannidae 258 Verrucaria 187-8 Tyrannides 258 Vertebrata 103, 156-8,227,241,242,243,245, Tyranninae 258 246 Tytonida 256 literature 216 Tytonidae 256 Vespertilionidae 195 Vespidae 171, 174, 178 Udonellida 228 Vestimentifera 147 Uintatheres 163 Vibumaceae 267 Ulmaceae 264 Vicugna 202 Ulmus Vicuna 202 glabra 84 Viduini 261 montana 84 Viola 186, 190 Ulvaphyta 219 Violaceae 264 Ulvophyceae 223,262 Violales 264 Umbelliferae45, 166, 175 Violanae 264 Ungulata 163--4 Vireonidae 259 UnipeItata 236 Viridiplantae 136, 164 Upupidae 254 Viruses 131, 133 Upupides 254 Viscaceae 266 Upupiformes 254 Viscum 175 Uraniidae 115 Vitaceae 266 Uredinales 138-9 Vitales 266 Uredo 187 Vitanae 266 Urochordata 157,227 Viverridae 163 Urocoliinae 255 Vochysiaceae 266 Taxonomic index 387

Volvocales 131 Xylophilidae 121 Vulpes vulpes 20 I Xyloplax 156 Vultures medusiformis 156 160 Xylorictidae 114 old world 160 Xyridaceae 269

Walrus, see Odobaenidae Yak Walshiidae 114 domestic, see Bos grunniens Wampee, see Pontederia wild, see Bos mutus Warramaba virgo 85 Yeasts 138 Waterstonellidea 236 Yohoiiformes 237 Whale, beaked, see Mesoplodon peruvianus Yponomeuta Whales 163, 164, 183 malinellus 80 Whiteflies 153, 180 padellus 79-80 Winteraceae 263 Yponomeutidae 79, 114 Winterales 263 Wolbachia 86 Zannichelliaceae 268 pipientis 86 Zebu, see Bos taurus Wolf, see Canis lupus Zeiforrnes 248 Zingiberaceae 269 Xanthomonadida 136 Zingiberales 269 Xanthophyceae 223 Zingiberanae 269 Xanthophyta 108,137,219.221.223 Zoobiota 131 Xanthoprotists 98 Zooflagellates 139 Xanthoria 188 Zoomastigina 222 Xanthorrhoeacea 268 Zoothera 194 Xanthotis 194 Zopheridae 122 Xenacanthida 246 Zoraptera 112,239 Xenarthra 251 Zosteraceae 268 Xenophyophora 108,221,222 Zosteropidae 192, 260 Xenopteri 248 Zosterops 192, 194 Xenopus 51 Zygaenidae 115, 171, 172 Xenoturbella 145 Zygentoma Ill, 153,239 bocki 145 Zygodactylidae 250 Xenungulata 251 Zygomycetes 136, 137 39 Zygomycotina 109 Xiphosurida 40, 234 Zygophyceae 262 Xyelidae 154 Zygophyllaceae 266 Xylophagidae 118 Zygophytina 262