Rewiev study AVOIDING PUBLISHING IN Albana Berisha Qehaja scheme bypasses peer review and promises quick publication, fallen victim to cybercrime. According to Memon (2016: but only after the author pays a fee. When a manuscript is 1644), ‘this academic pollution had targeted many scientists PREDATORY JOURNALS: University of Prishtina, The Republic poorly written or the science poorly designed, this arrangement after the emergence of predatory and hijacked journals.’ of Kosova is ideal. On the other hand, honest and mistaken authors who Xia et al (2015) point out that rarely you can find a scholar AN EVALUATION ALGORITHM discover their error and seek to withdraw their papers later who has not received spam e-mails from a fraudulent journal/ *
[email protected] cannot.’ conference, which tends to inductee papers/participation. They It is considered that predatory journals are the most widely may also have received emails that invite them to engage in spread category of pseudo journals, and recently they had the “peer-review” process or to join the editorial board of ABSTRACT significant growth (Laine and Winker, 2017). A total of 8,000 a particular journal. Whereas according to Greco (2016), Academics and scholars need to publish their research results. In addition, they are required to active predatory journals published about 420,000 articles in scholars who intentionally choose to send their work to publish scientific papers to prove their research commitment and to achieve certain academic titles 2014, following a pretty linear increase from 53,000 in 2010 predatory journals, particularly those in developing countries, in higher education institutions.