CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E379 HON
April 13, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E379 Nicole Janka and Alexis Janka; and 2 great- Prickett, Kindra Pridey, Caroline Priebe, Re- Rechtenbaugh, Candace Rechtenbaugh, grandchildren, Cora Brock and Ryleigh becca Prill, Lisa Prindiville, Tami Prins, Tracy Narcy Recker, Carolyn Rector, Kristi Rector, Fritz. Prins, Krysta Prior, Ericka Privitt, Douglas Kathleen Red Dog, Denise Red Horse, Caitlin A memorial service will be held at a later Probst, Amanda Proefrock, Michele Profeta, date. Memorial donations may be made to Red Leaf, Lea Red Leaf, Tasheena Red Wing, the Center for Strategic & International Larry Prokop, Jessica Prouty, Shannon Rachel Reddick, Sophie Reddig, Marcia Studies (CSIS), Prouty, Evelyn Provell, Carole Provencial, Rederth, Twila Reding, Ashley Reding, Car- grams/support or the Cal Ripken Sr Founda- Danielle Prudich, Rachelle Pruis, Susan men Redlin, Thomas Redlin, Destiny Redlin, tion Prunty, Hannah Pruss, Linda Pudenz, Allan Laura Redman, Traci Redmond. nate. Pudwill, Alexandra Pudwill, Lisa Puetz, Jennifer Redmond, Jordon Redmond, Funeral arrangements have been entrusted Lyudmila Pugach, Charles Pugsley, Erick Marcia Reed, Roxanne Reed, Debra Reed, to Martin Funeral Home & Crematory, Stu- Pugsley, Lexi Pugsley, Isabella Pulaski, Abigail Reed, Cassie Reed, Lisa Reed, art Chapel. Tammie Pulling, Heather Pullins, Tiffany Kassandra Reed, Shannon Reed, Brittany f Pullins, Karen Pullman. Reed, Miranda Reed, Donna Reed, Julie Paula Pulse,
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