Directory of National Organizations
ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE DIRECTORY OF NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE ALBANY BKA.VCH Founded 1H(>(>. 1'resident, Dr. M. Schlesing-er; Secretary and Treasurer, Julius Laventall, S. Pearl and Hudson Av. Members, about 35. Income of last fiscal year, $68. Meets Sunday of Passover week. BALTIMORE BRANCH Pounded June 10, ISSN. President, Dr. A. Friedenwald; Vice- President, Rev. Dr. B. Szold; Treasurer, Dr. A. B. Arnold; Secretary, B. H. Hartogensis, 204 Courtland. Directors: Rev. Drs. A. Guttmacher, William Rosenau, S. Schaffer, ('. A. Kubeiistein, and H. W. Sehneeberger, Ilev. A. Kaiser, Dr. Jos. Blum, Dr. Harry Friedenwald, Messrs. M. S. Levy, Simon Dalsheimer, Jacob Herman, Leon Schiff, Benjamin Cohen, Silas M. Fleischer, L. Kaufman and F. Fuechsl. Members, 97. Income of last fiscal year, $20:".Nil. Meets annually on the Sunday preceding- Purim. Remitted in 1899 to the Central Committee of the Alli- ance Israelite Universelle at Paris $200; an equal sum will be remitted in 1900. In answer to a special call issued by the Baltimore Branch, $1105 were collected for the famine sufferers in Bessarabia, of which $500 were sent to Baron Giinzberg, and $605 to the Alliance Israelite Universelle. IJIVEW YOKK BRANCH President, A. S. Solomons; Treasurer, David de Meza; Secre- tary, Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, 1 W. liltth. Members, 100. Annual income, $200 to $400. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH Founded October 11, 1868. President, Moses A. Dropsie; Treasurer, A. M. Frechie; Secretary, D. Sulzberger, :s:!<i y. 3d. Trustees: Horace A. Nathans, Tsaac P. Hunt, David Teller, Raphael Brunswick, Mayer Troutman. Abraham M. Kohn, Rev. Dr. Marcus .lastrow, Rev.
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