Astrological Birth Chart Prepared for: Allen September 22, 1949, 95w23, 29n45

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Page 1 of 13 Allen September 22, 1949, 95w23, 29n45

The most powerful - for better or for worse! A describes a very important character trait.

A major aspect. Can show incompatibility between two facets of a person's character. Can also show breadth of vision in that area of life.

Two at right to one another can show character traits that are at odds with one another. Can also be a spur for action, growth and change.

Two planets a third of the 360 circle apart show an easy, flowing relationship between two aspects of a person's character.

Two planets one sixth of the 360 circle apart is similar to a Trine - easy and harmonious - but not as powerful.

Two planets five twelfths of the 360 circle apart show character traits that are contradictory and not at ease with one another.

Page 2 of 13 Introduction

A Natal Chart is a snap shot of the , , stars and planets in the heavens on the day that you were born. But even if you are not sure what time of day you were born, just knowing the date and year reveals an enormous amount about you. The way the Sun and planets interact with one another, and the signs they fall in, still form a unique pattern, which reveals many of the different aspects of your personality and true potential.

To find out what's missing from your Natal Chart and Natal Report when you don't know your time and place of birth, please see the end of this introduction.

The Sun and Planets

Each represents a different aspect of our being. The Sun represents our true self, the Moon, our feminine, intuitive side, Mercury, the Mind, , love and pleasure, , action and desire, , optimism and good fortune, , boundaries and limitations, Uranus, freedom, Neptune, dreams and ideals, and Pluto, rebirth, intensity and far-reaching change. Each planet also behaves differently in each zodiac sign.

How the Planets Interact

The relationships between the planets is also of great importance. The more dynamic links, or 'aspects', a planet makes to other planets, the more powerful a role it often plays in your psychology.

A conjunction, when two or more planets are very close together, is the most powerful link.

Next, in order of importance, come oppositions, - when two planets are at right angles to one another - trines, sextiles and quincunxes. Together, all these different factors make up the unique and complex person that is you, revealing how you love, the way you think, your strengths and weaknesses, where your real talents lie, and where your life is heading.

Your Life's Direction

The signs occupied by the North and South Nodes of the Moon show what is second nature to you, and which qualities you are striving to develop in this life. And, as time goes by and the planets continue on their journey round the heavens, they form new, dynamic links with the planets in your birth chart, bringing different aspects of your personality and feelings into sharper focus as the story of your life unfolds.

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What's Missing from the Natal Chart when you don't know your time of birth?

Page 3 of 13 The Rising Sign and Houses

Without knowing your time and place of birth, it's not possible to know your Rising Sign, nor which houses of your Natal Chart, which represent the different areas of your life, the Sun, Moon and planets fall in. The positions of the planets are then traditionally calculated for 12 noon, with 0 degrees , the beginning of the zodiac, in the 9 o'clock position on the chart usually occupied by the Rising Sign.

However, calculating the chart for 12 noon does not affect the positions in the zodiac occupied by the Sun and planets, nor their all-important relationships with one another.

Page 4 of 13 Your Natal Report

The Sun Just as the sun in the sky is the center of the solar system, the Sun in is the central nucleus of your personality. If each of the planets circling round the sun represents a single facet of your personality - Venus describes how you love and Saturn how you relate to responsibility, for example - then the Sun is the conductor of your personal orchestra, giving meaning and coherence to the wholeness that is you. It is the part of yourself that you identify with, your sense of self. Its sign - your sun-sign - and position, as well as the aspects that it makes to other planets, describe your true potential; the 'you' you are deep down and are striving to express, as well as your will, your goals and purpose. While the feminine Moon represents your Soul, the masculine Sun represents your Spirit. Its position in your chart also shows the ways in which your outlook has been influenced by your father.

Your Sun in With the Sun in Virgo, the intellectual earth sign, you have an eagle eye for detail and analytical approach to life. You are realistic, thorough and determined, as what matters to you most is the real world around you. You have less time for abstract thought, although you can master any subject that you focus on with ease. You can seem detached or cool, for you are always self-contained, as inner wholeness and true independence are the real domain of Virgo. But you have great compassion for those weaker than yourself and are a rock to those you care for. Your Sun in Conjunction with Your Moon The Sun stands for what we want and where we are going; the Moon, for our needs, our instinctive emotions and our past. The Sun also represents the father and the Moon, the mother.

With the Sun and Moon conjunct, your will power and emotions are naturally in harmony with one another. How you seem is how you are, and you are not good at deceiving others. You are very a very focused, single- minded person, and, when you set out to do something, you are emotionally committed to your goal. You are also very independent, self-contained and self-reliant. But because you are so centered in yourself, it can be hard for you to put yourself in someone else's shoes or see their point of view.

As the Sun represents the father and the Moon, the mother, the chances are that your parents had a lot in common with each other and shared the same attitudes. The house position of your Sun and Moon, and the sign they occupy, are especially important for you, and will show you the area of life in which you will be especially successful.

Your Sun in Trine with Your Jupiter You are optimistic and enthusiastic, with a liberal dose of plain good luck. You also make friends easily and are popular wherever you may go. Large energy reserves, both physical and mental, help you to live life to the full, as well as give support to people less fortunate than you are. And because you see the best in others, they also see the best in you, and your generosity is usually repaid. You also have a real flair for business and a well-developed sense of timing.

Page 5 of 13 Your Sun in with Your Uranus Independence is a god to you and the more others put you under pressure to conform, the more you dig you heels in and rebel. You despise convention and will do things differently just to prove a point. You are also a great lover of theory and you run your life by your ideas, rather than your feelings. You will try anything if it is new and different, preferably eccentric or bizarre. You have a high voltage personality and can have a short fuse to go with it!

Because you are unsure of your time of birth, your Moon could have been in either of the signs below.

The Moon The Moon represents the intuitive, instinctive side of your personality. The way that you relate to others, your instinctive emotions and habitual responses, as well as your relationship to your mother and your family, are all ruled by the feminine, passive and sensitive Moon. The values, general orientation, and 'atmosphere' of the sign it occupies in your chart, as well as any links between the Moon and other planets, reveal a lot about your childhood home and upbringing, your roots and your past. It is connected with nurturing and safety.

Your Moon in Virgo Virgo is analytical and precise. It sorts the corn from the chaff, discarding what is of no further use and synthesizing what remains into a new whole. Self-sufficiency and the ability to be whole in oneself are its real domain. Virgo is also concerned with work and service, and with compassion and the ability to think about, and care for others in a realistic way.

There is an air of mystery and aloofness, even, that surrounds you, which puts you apart from others. You can be a great perfectionist and everything must be just so for you to feel relaxed and happy. Emotionally, you are cool and measured and extremely self-contained, for, like the virgin goddess after which this sign is named, your real quest is for inner wholeness in yourself and true independence. Love, for you, is not about big gestures and romantic dreams, but you are always aiming to improve the status quo and working quietly to help others. For Virgo is also the sign of service, and your ability to care for people is unrivalled. There may well have been solitude, if not loneliness, in your childhood.

The Moon The Moon represents the intuitive, instinctive side of your personality. The way that you relate to others, your instinctive emotions and habitual responses, as well as your relationship to your mother and your family, are all ruled by the feminine, passive and sensitive Moon. The values, general orientation, and 'atmosphere' of the sign it occupies in your chart, as well as any links between the Moon and other planets, reveal a lot about your childhood home and upbringing, your roots and your past. It is connected with nurturing and safety.

Your Moon in Libra is the most sociable and amenable of all the signs, ever eager to fit in with others and seeking harmony and balance. Governed by Venus, this is the sign of one-to-one relationships, and, like one half of a pair of scales, Libra needs others to feel whole. Falling in love with love - and being flirtatious - can be problems, as can making choices and decisions, but Libra is also the sign of justice, and is fair, civilized - and sophisticated.

Page 6 of 13 With the Moon in Libra, you have grace and charm, as well as a keen eye for beauty and good taste. You may well have been brought up in a very cultured atmosphere, where harmony and good manners came first. Emotionally, your greatest desire is to live in harmony with others, and you usually get along well with everyone. Libra is the sign of partnership and, at times, you can lack independence, as like one half of the pair of scales which is Libra's symbol, you need other people to feel whole. You hate conflict and will do almost anything to keep the peace. Which means that you will always compromise, even when it is against your personal interests. But you are extremely popular because you are so kind and helpful, and are always willing to put yourself out for friends and loved ones.

Mercury Mercury, the planet called after the quick-witted Messenger of the Gods, rules communication of all kinds. The sign and house it occupies, as well as the links it makes to other planets, show not only how you communicate, but what kind of mind you have - how you think and reason - and how, and what, you learn. Its position also shows your relationships to your brothers and sisters - or your lack of them. Above all, it is concerned with making connections. It also rules all forms of trade and commerce.

Your Mercury in Libra Libra is the most sociable and amenable of all the signs, ever eager to fit in with others and seeking harmony and balance. Governed by Venus, this is the sign of one-to-one relationships, and, like one half of a pair of scales, Libra needs others to feel whole. Falling in love with love - and being flirtatious - can be problems, as can making choices and decisions, but Libra is also the sign of justice, and is fair, civilized - and sophisticated.

You spend a lot of time and thought on creating peace and harmony around you. You are diplomatic and keep the interests of all concerned in mind when you are resolving conflicts. This is why you are often called upon. You are also always fair and strive for justice, but you should ensure that your own interests are considered too. You are an honest person and crave recognition from other people. You also have a knack for public performances and for art and you love to explore all the types and the various playgrounds of human relations. An evening of relaxed conversation with your friends makes you feel most at home.

Your Mercury in Conjunction with your Neptune With Mercury conjunct Neptune, you are one of nature's dreamers and you almost certainly have psychic powers. In fact, your intuition is so powerful that you often pick up on what others think before they have had time to speak. You also have a gift for poetry, and may well be drawn to studying esoteric subjects, which have great fascination for you.

Your Mercury in Square with Your Jupiter Your imagination is so powerful that it can be hard for you to keep it in check! If an idea appeals to you, you will give it all you've got before you have had time run it past your reason. You also have a way with words and can convince others - and yourself - of almost anything you choose. Often, you leave friends and colleagues working patiently towards your latest goal, while your own interest has already faded and you have moved on to something new. This aspect also gives a gift for writing and for telling stories, which could get you far in life.

Page 7 of 13 Your Mercury in Sextile with Your Pluto Your precise, logical mind enables you to understand other people's motives and see through to the heart of any matter. The truth is the most important thing to you, which makes you the ideal detective, as you rarely give up until you are quite sure that you have all the facts. You also have the willpower, and imagination, to reach your most ambitious goals, as well as to enlist support from those who count.

Venus Venus shows how you relate to, and cooperate, with others and the way you love. While the Moon is the symbol of the mother, and of all maternal love and caring, the love goddess, Venus, is a beautiful young woman. Venus's sign and house position, as well as the links it makes to other planets, show how you attract others to you and your attitude towards romance. It softens any planet that it touches. In a woman's chart, its sign reveals your type of femininity and sexuality, while in a man's chart it indicates what kind of woman you are drawn to. It also shows what you find beautiful, harmonious and desirable and what gives you pleasure. Venus also rules the arts and music.

Your Venus in To those who do not know you well, you usually seem calm and in control of your emotions. But beneath the surface it is quite another story, as you are as intense and deeply passionate as it gets. You are not interested in casual liaisons, as your approach to love is all or nothing and you can form almost telepathic links with those you care for. Venus in Scorpio is famous for its magnetism and charisma - and its interest in sex. But what you are really after is a chance to reach the heights of love and powerful emotion. You will risk your all to get there and you are not afraid to plumb the depths, or to break taboos that more conventional signs abide by. You are also fiercely loyal and will fight to the death to help your loved ones. But woe betide someone who betrays your trust, for you can be vengeful and you do not easily forget. Life may be hard, at times, for those with Venus here, but you are more likely to experience true joy than those who are more superficial and light-hearted.

Your Venus in Square with Your Mars You are a sensuous, erotic person and you may well have a string of love affairs before you settle down, as romantic conquest plays a large part in your life and you can be impulsive. You can also be competitive about matters of the heart, but as you have more than your fair share of sexual magnetism and charisma, you are usually the winner. Above all, you want and need adventure to add spice to life, as without it you can easily grow bored and restless.

Your Venus in Sextile with Your Saturn You not only have astounding creative talent, but your friends and relatives appreciate you for your loyalty and reliability. You should be capable of making long-lasting friendships because you value your relationships so much. What you want most is to live happily at your partner's side, which includes working together to realize your mutual creative ambitions. You are able to sacrifice your own personal advantages for the sake of others. In society, you appear cultivated and charming, and constantly expanding your general education is important to you. Professional success will enable you to live comfortably on an adequate retirement fund. The simple lifestyle you prefer will help you to realize this with little effort.

Page 8 of 13 Your Venus in Trine with Your Uranus You have great charm and charisma and an optimistic view of life. You can be unconventional in your approach to love, as you are drawn to whatever is new and truly original and you do not play by anybody else's rules. Friendship - or at least a free and open way of being with other people - can mean a great deal more to you than a traditional, one to one relationship, which you can find claustrophobic. You are a very social being and may well meet with great good fortune through the many contacts that you make. You are very sensitive, with well developed aesthetic tastes and beauty and harmony mean much to you. If you are able to become creatively involved in art, music or theater, then nothing will stand in the way of your happiness. You like to work in areas where you come into contact with lots of people as you thrive on the fact that people like being around you. You should also have a free and happy marriage.

Mars The fiery and dynamic planet, Mars, rules your will power, sexuality and drive. Its sign and house position, as well as the links it makes to other planets, show your energy and motivation. It is the action planet, revealing where, and how, you are assertive, as well as your courage - and aggression. It also rules your sex drive and your general libido.In a man's chart it also describes his type of masculinity, while in a woman's chart it shows what kind of man she is drawn to.

Your Mars in Magnanimous, proud and generous, like the lion that is the King of Beasts, Leo has an almost regal outlook on existence and is built on the grand scale. There is nothing mean or petty about the fiery sign of Leo, which also has great warmth and charm and a natural gift for creativity and drama. Behind its self-confidence, a great deal of sensitivity is also hidden. Leo also likes the limelight and is always center-stage.

You have enormous energy, great creative talents and a well-developed sense of drama, which means that others never fail to notice you or listen to your point of view. You also have great confidence and a natural instinct for presenting yourself in a good light. You like to keep active and especially enjoy doing things with children. Romance and love are all important to you, and you like to make flamboyant gestures and to make the one you love feel they are a king or queen. You see life in the round and have no time for details, which you delegate to others. Your main drive in life is to express yourself, and you need space and freedom, and the recognition and respect of others, to feel happy and fulfilled.

Your Mars in Sextile with Your Neptune You are a compassionate person, with a natural gift for helping others. You not only sense what others need, but have the energy and drive to really make a difference. You also have a lot of charm and the ability to project a positive self-image, which could bring you public recognition. You are artistic, and you could feel drawn to the world of film and photography. Because you are an extremely honest person and can keep your emotions under control, you are also able to identify the motives of others and avoid being deceived.

Jupiter Optimistic Jupiter's position in your chart shows where, and how, you can grow and expand

Page 9 of 13 your horizons. Jupiter rules your philosophy of life - how you make sense of existence. It is the Teacher and Guide, representing wisdom and your ability to grasp life's meaning. Its sign and house position, as well as the links it makes to other planets in your chart, describe your life path and career. It is also the bringer of good fortune, but, because it expands everything it touches, it can also bring inflation and exaggeration. It rules making journeys and discovery of every kind.

Your Jupiter in Capricorn, the sure-footed mountain goat, is ambitious and will leave no stone unturned to reach the mountain's top. Persevering and hard-working, with a sound financial sense, it values the established status quo. It is also logical and cool-headed, with great commitment and a well-developed sense of duty. Thorough, loyal and true, it is emotionally reserved.

With Jupiter in Capricorn, you have strong views on how the world is run. You are also well-respected, especially when it comes to ethical and moral matters, and you could well assume positions of responsibility in life. Because Capricorn is a conservative sign, your political and educational views usually are too, as you value what is tried and trusted. You are a also very responsible person and you always pursue your goals with great perseverance. However, if Jupiter has challenging links to other planets, you may fight all new ideas and accept the majority view uncritically, or just because you believe it will make you successful more quickly.

If there are positive aspects to Jupiter, you could contribute to solutions to global problems and provide the framework for a new, worldwide morality. If you are flexible and easy-going, realising that changing times require new solutions, you can move mountains.

Saturn Saturn shows the way that you relate to responsibility and commitment. As the planet of karma, and of limitations, inhibitions and boundaries, Saturn's sign and house position, as well as the links it makes to other planets in your chart, show where, and why, you lack confidence or are afraid, and where you real life lessons must be learned. Saturn slows down and inhibits any planet that it touches. It shows your relationship to authority and towards your standing in the world. Its position also reveals where, and how, you can realize ambitions and give your life a firm foundation.

Your Saturn in Virgo Virgo is analytical and precise. It sorts the corn from the chaff, discarding what is of no further use and synthesizing what remains into a new whole. Self-sufficiency and the ability to be whole in oneself are its real domain. Virgo is also concerned with work and service, and with compassion and the ability to think about, and care for others in a realistic way.

Saturn in Virgo gives you great determination - and the ability to work ceaselessly towards a goal. In fact, you can be a workaholic, as you are a perfectionist, taking everything on your own shoulders, instead of delegating tasks to others. You have an eagle eye for detail and like everything just so, and you can't relax until the job is finished. Letting go to enjoy life for a change is not easy for you, as you find it hard to just switch off.

Professionally, you might want to go into the field of health. Your conscientiousness and precision also make you suited for work in scientific research, or in a technical field. You are

Page 10 of 13 as thorough and reliable as they come.

Uranus Uranus, the planet of sudden change, is the bringer of enlightenment and of sudden inspiration. Its house position in your chart, as well as the links it makes with other planets,show how Uranus affects you personally. Uranus reveals where you are most unique and which areas of life are likely to offer you new possibilities for growth and change. Its influence has been described as a wind that blows the sand from a hidden city, revealing your true self. It also shows your attitude towards authority, and towards the new. It also rules electronics and IT technology.

Because it moves so slowly round the sun, taking nearly a decade to travel through one zodiac sign, you will share its sign position with your whole generation.

Your Uranus in Cancer is, perhaps, the most intuitive and sensitive of all the signs, and it is through intuition and through feeling, not through logic, that it sees the world. It is also the sign of nurturing and parenting, and its instinct to protect new life is strong. Like the crab on the sea shore, Cancer also links us to the great ocean of the collective mind, acting as a channel through which new ideas can come. And its moods change just like the tides. It is a very sympathetic sign, but also prone to worry, hiding its sensitivity beneath its hard shell.

Uranus, the planet of sudden change, was in the emotional and family-orientated Cancer from 1949 until 1955. During this time, far-reaching changes in attitudes to marriage, and to women's role, started to occur. Home life - ruled by Cancer - was also revolutionised by television - ruled by Uranus. Those born between these dates do not settle for the status quo, and often question their parents' values. The way that Uranus affects you on a more personal level is shown by its house position, and by any aspects to it from the other planets in your chart.

Neptune Neptune is the planet of mysticism, and of dreams and ideals. It describes what kind of imagination you have, what inspires you, your particular kind of idealism, and your dreams. It is also concerned with all that is unseen; your psychic powers and your sensitivity to the atmosphere around you. While Saturn stands for boundaries, Neptune, the ruler of the ever-changing oceans, yearns for freedom from constrictions. It also rules false glamour, deception and illusion.

Because Neptune takes around fourteen years to travel through one zodiac sign, you share it sign position with your whole generation. Its house position and the links it makes to other planets in your chart show how it affects you on a more personal level.

Your Neptune in Libra Libra is the most sociable and amenable of all the signs, ever eager to fit in with others and seeking harmony and balance Governed by Venus, this is the sign of one-to-one relationships, and, like one half of a pair of scales, Libra needs others to feel whole Falling in love with love - and being flirtatious - can be problems, as can making choices and decisions, but Libra is also the sign of justice, and is fair, civilized - and sophisticated.

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Neptune was in Libra between 1943 and 1956. Those born with the idealistic planet, Neptune in Libra, reacted strongly against the Vietnam war, promoting the Libran values of peace, love and diplomacy, with a strong emphasis on art and music. The way that Neptune in Libra affects you on a more personal level is shown by its house position and by any links it makes to other planets in your chart.

Your Neptune in Sextile with Your Pluto This aspect gives an ability to see beyond conventional values and to work out your own beliefs. It also gives a real ability to see beyond your personal interests and to work for the good of others. You may also have some psychic ability and a gift for art.

Pluto Called after the Roman god of the underworld, Pluto governs the unconscious mind. It is the planet of regeneration, change and transformation, showing your unconscious motivations and your most intense - and hidden - feelings. Secretive Pluto gives depth and passion to any planet that it touches, making it hard to be objective and detached.

Because it is the furthest planet from the Sun, Pluto takes so long to travel through one zodiac sign that you share its influence by sign with your whole generation, as you do with Uranus and Neptune.

Your Pluto in Leo Magnanimous proud and generous, like the lion that is the King of Beasts, Leo has an almost regal outlook on existence and is built on the grand scale. There is nothing mean or petty about the fiery sign of Leo, which also has great warmth and charm and a natural gift for creativity and drama. Behind its self-confidence, a great deal of sensitivity is also hidden. Leo also likes the limelight and is always center-stage.

Pluto was in Leo between 1938 and 1956. During this era, many of the old attitudes to sexuality and self-expression began to be seen as repressive and out-dated, and were abandoned, to be replaced by the more open, tolerant attitudes we have today. The way that Pluto affects you personally is shown by its house position and any links it makes to other planets in your chart.

The Nodes of the Moon - Your Life's Evolutionary Path The Nodes of the Moon, which mark the points where the Moon's apparent orbit crosses the Sun's, help us to understand our lives as a dynamic journey of growth and change. Their position in our Natal Chart show us our natural strengths and weaknesses, helping us to understand where we are coming from, and where we should be going.

The South Node of the Moon - The Line of Least Resistance We come into this world with inborn tendencies and talents. The sign occupied by the South Node of the Moon in your natal chart, and the house it occupies, reveal the ways of thinking and behaving that are second nature to you, and the area of life that you feel most at home in and find easiest to deal with.

Page 12 of 13 Whether or not these are gifts developed in a previous life, or are just a part of our genetic inheritance, we tend to fall back on what is most familiar to us, and can fail to develop the qualities of the sign and house position of the South Node's opposite, the North Node of the Moon.

The North Node of the Moon - The Future, Growth and Change The North Node of the Moon always occupies the opposite zodiac sign, and house, to the South Node. It shows us the qualities we need to develop in order to evolve and to become more whole and balanced, as well as the area of life that we need to learn to deal with better.

North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra The Aries - Libra polarity is all about self and others, independence and dependence, active and passive.

With the South Node of the Moon in Libra, you feel most comfortable in the company of others. You believe that you need other people around you to feel whole and balanced and you will sacrifice your real, personal interests just to keep the peace. Which means that you can often find yourself in co-dependent relationships, because you are so self-effacing and afraid to stand alone. However, with the North Node of the Moon in pioneering Aries, being independent is your real life challenge. You will find true fulfilment when you are prepared to strike out on your own, and when you have the courage just to be yourself, instead of trying to fitting in with others. Everything connected with the North Node can seem scary, but learning to be independent as your life progresses is what will make you balanced, strong and free.

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