

Editor’ s Note

This paper is the first in what we hope will become a series. “Classics Revisited” will appear periodically in the TRANSACTIONS;these papers will reevaluate the substance and im- portance of recognized classics, in terms of their impact on modern microwave technology. We expect that the tutorial value of these papers, and their documentation of the creative process in our technology, will make them very valuable to our readership. This series was proposed by Dr. Gupta, so it is appropriate that he present the first paper. Others interested in preparing a paper in this series should contact the MTT editor or Dr. Gupta. Because such papers are part historical and part technical, only papers that exhibit a high degree of both technical and scholarly value will be accepted.

Power in Feedback , a Classic Revisited

Madhu S. Gupta, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract-This paper is a tutorial review of a classic paper of gain for a linear twoport, and discussed some of its prop- the same title authored by Samuel J. Mason, and published in erties. The unilateral Uis the maximum power 1954. That paper was the first to define a unilateral power gain for a linear two-, and to prove that this gain is invariant gain that can be obtained from the twoport, after it has with respect to linear lossless reciprocal four-port embeddings, been made unilateral with the help of a lossless and recip- thereby making it useful as a figure of merit intrinsic to the rocal embeddding network (which provides the required device. The significance of the paper stems from the fact that feedback). Among the many interesting properties of U (a) it introduced a new fundamental parameter that is now used related to the frequency characteristics, activity, and sta- to evaluate all three-terminal active devices, (b) it initiated work on a new line of inquiry, which has led to the discovery of many bility of the twoport, perhaps the most important is the other invariants that describe the essential constraints on the result due to Mason that U is invariant to a class of trans- behavior of networks, and (c) its results form the foundation formations (linear lossless reciprocal embeddings), and is for many of the basic ideas currently in use, including those of therefore a characteristic inherent to the device. Conse- the cutoff frequency of , activity of devices, stability quently, U is useful as a figure of merit of the device, of amplifiers, and device invariants. The present article brings that original paper up-to-date, presents a tutorial exposition of both by itself, and through other quantities that can be its contents in a modern form, and points out its significance deduced from it. The title of Mason’s paper does not fully and applications in microwave engineering. The subsequent indicate its contents and applicability. advances in the subject area of the paper are also summarized Although Mason’s paper originally appeared in a jour- so that the original paper can be placed within a broader con- nal devoted to circuit theory, its results have been of most text, and understood with a more general perspective. interest to the microwave device community. This is be- cause in practice the value of the device power gain U I. INTRODUCTION becomes unimportant when U is either smaller than, or HIS PAPER is a tutorial review of a classic paper, much larger than, unity; U 2 1 happens to occur in the Thaving the title “Power Gain in Feedback Ampli- microwave frequency range for most state-of-the-art ac- fiers,” authored by Samuel J. Mason, and published in tive devices of the last three decades. 1954 [l]. In that paper, Mason defined a unilateral power The present paper is intended to be an exposition of both the subject matter of Mason’s paper, as well as its applications and generalizations that have appeared in the Manuscript received April 29, 1991; revised January 9, 1992. subsequent work in this field. There are three parts to this The author is with Hughes Aircraft Company, Microelectronic Circuits Division, P.O. Box 240, M/S 235-1234, Torrance, CA 90509-2940. paper. The first part is a tutorial explanation of the con- IEEE Log Number 9107020. tents of Mason’s paper, explaining the problem posed by


Mason, his line of reasoning, and the results obtained. (c) It demonstrates that the permissible transforma- The second part of this paper points out the significance tions can be made up from a set of just three ele- and utility of Mason’s paper, in light of its later applica- mentary transformation. tions. The third part of this paper summarizes the ad- (d) It then deduces the form that a network property vances in the search for network invariants that have been must have in order for it to be an invariant with made since the appearance of Mason’s paper; these ad- respect to each of the three elementary transfor- vances constitute the framework within which Mason’s mations. results can be understood with a more general perspec- (e) The resulting form is then found to be a power gain, tive. applicable when the device has been embedded in a network that makes the embedded device unilat- 11. MASON’SINVARIANT U eral. At the time of Mason’s work in 1953, transistors were only five years old; were fabricated in germanium with E. Problem Definition alloyed junctions [2]; were the only successful solid-state The object whose properties are under study is a linear three-terminal active device; were beginning to be devel- twoport network, and will be called a “device” hereafter, oped for RF applications; and were limited to frequencies in anticipation of the fact that the results will subse- in and below the VHF range. According to the introduc- quently be applied to transistors and to other active de- tion in his paper [l], Mason was motivated by the desire vices. The device under consideration is constrained by to discover a figure of merit for the . This search three requirements: led him to identify the unilateral power gain of a linear twoport as an invariant figure of merit of a linear twoport. (a) It has only two ports (at which electrical power can be transferred between the device and the remain- A. Mason’s Objective and Approach der of the universe). (b) It is linear (in the relationships that it imposes be- As Mason’s paper deduced a maximum invariant power tween the electrical currents and voltages at the two gain, one might expect the starting point of the paper to ports). be an expression for the power gain of a linear twoport, (c) It is used in a specified manner (connected as an which is then maximized and proved to be invariant. (Such between a linear one-port source network an approach can be found in some textbook treatments of and a linear one-port load) as shown in Fig. l(a). the subject [3].) Instead, Mason begins the paper with a search for any arbitrary invariant network property that Since it is otherwise unrestricted, the device can be active might happen to exist, and once it is found, identifies it or passive, lossy or lossless, reciprocal or non-reciprocal, as a power gain. His approach therefore not only finds the symmetric or asymmetric, and spatially distributed or invariant power gain, but also demonstrates that the uni- lumped. lateral power gain is both inevitable and the only device Although the search for an invariant property of the de- characteristic that is invariant under a specified class of vice can be carried out in terms of any type of network transformations. parameters (such as the or immit- Since the figure of merit of a device should be an in- tance parameters), the impedance parameters will be used herent characteristic of the device, and not merely an ar- here, so as to retain the flavor of the original line of rea- tifact of its environment, it must be invariant with respect soning used by Mason. Let the open-circuit impedance to some types of changes in the environment. Accord- matrix of the device be represented by 2. ingly, Mason’s stated goal in the paper is to look for a Any transformation of the device environment can be property of the linear twoport that is invariant with respect conceptualized as an embedding network, as shown in to a specified class of transformations. A complete state- Fig. l(b), through which the two ports of the device are ment of this problem should include both the specification accessed. The permissible class of transformations can be of the device and its environment, as well as the types of defined in terms of constraints imposed on the embedding changes in the environment of the device (the “transfor- network. Mason defined the problem as being the search mations”) under which the desired figure of merit is to for device properties that are invariant with respect to remain invariant. Mason’s paper therefore proceeds along transformations as represented by an embedding network the following major steps: satisfying the four constraints that it be (a) a four-port, (b) linear, (c) lossless, and (d) reciprocal. It stipulates the manner in which the device will be connected to its environment, and describes its be- havior in terms of its twoport network parameters c. Problem Solution at a single frequency. Mason next demonstrated that all permissible transfor- It represents a change in the device environment as mations that satisfy the above constraints can be synthe- an embedding network and defines the permissible sized from just three elementary transformations that are changes through some constraints imposed on the carried out sequentially; this is equivalent to representing embedding network. any permissible embedding network by a set of three 866 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 40, NO. 5. MAY 1992

12 LINEAR T W 0P 0 R T + DEVICE v2 [ZI -


- 0


-3- [ZI 0

SOURCE LOAD (C) Fig. 1. The given linear twoport device. (a) Connected as an amplifier between the linear one-port source and load networks. (b) Embedded within (E) INVERSION a linear lossless reciprocal four-port. (c) Matched to the source and load through linear lossless reciprocal tuners. Fig. 2. The three elementary transformations that can synthesize an arbi- trary linear lossless reciprocal four-port embedding. embedding networks nested within each other. The ele- that remain invariant under each of the three elementary mentary transformation are called reactance padding, real transformations: transformation, and inversion. In circuit terms, the three transformations can be described by the lossless embed- (1) The reactance padding transformation leaves the ding networks shown in Fig. 2. Mathematically, they can following two matrices unchanged be defined by expressing the 2' matrix of the transformed [Z - Z,] and [Z Z*] device in terms of the Z matrix of the device prior to the + (4) trans formation: where t denotes matrix transposition, and * denotes (a) Reactance Padding: the complex conjugate. Indeed, all quantities left unchanged by this transformation are either the ele- ments of these two matrices, or are functions thereof. Consequently, any property of the device that is invariant under the reactance padding trans- formation must be a function of only these two where all xu are real. matrices. (b) Real Transformations: (2) The real transformation leaves unchanged the de- terminant of the ,matrix L";' zi2] = ["" n12] [Z" Zn] ["'. n2j (2) [Z - Z,] [Z + Z*]? (5) z51 q2 n21 1222 +%l 222 1212 1222 In fact, this determinant is the only function of the where all no are real. two matrices in (4)that has this property. As a re- (c) Inversion: sult, the ratio of determinants det [Z - Z,] (3) det [Z + Z*] [";'z51 zi2]242 = [Z"z21 ""1'52 is invariant under both reactance padding and real The embedding networks shown in Fig. 2 are only illus- transformations. trative and not unique; the above transformations can also (3) Finally, the inversion transformation leaves the be achieved by other embedding networks. magnitudes of the two determinants in the above Mason's search for an invariant property of the device ratio, and the sign of the one in the denominator, proceeds by inquiring as to the nature of the quantities unchanged. Hence the quantity invariant under all ~ ~


three elementary transformations is impedance 2, and a linear load network having an imped- ance Z,. Then, U is the maximum achievable value of the Idet [Z - Ztll U= power gain of this amplifier, provided: det [Z + Z*] 1) The embedding network is a linear lossless recip- rocal fourport. 2) The embedded device (i.e., the composite of the given device and the embedding network) is uni- (7) lateralized. The quantity U discovered in this manner is the desired 3) There is no other connection between the source and invariant property of the device, and the principal result the load networks, except through the unilateralized of Mason's paper. device. 4) The source and load impedances 2, and 2, are pas- D. Alternative Expressions for the Invariant sive, and are the variables with respect to which the The form of U remains unchanged when it is expressed gain is maximized. in terms of the admittance parameters of the two-port: In order to comprehend this interpretation of U, and the import of the restrictive conditions imposed in gain max- imization, it is necessary to understand the concept of unilateralization first. This is discussed next. (8) I) Unilateralization: What is unilateralization? Uni- lateralization of a given linear twoport is the process of An expression for U in terms of the scattering parameter embedding the given device within an embedding net- matrix S can be found [4] by substituting for the Z matrix work as shown in Fig. l(b), such that the embedded de- the identity vice has no reverse transmission of , from the out- z = (1 + S)(1 - S)-' (9) put port to the input port, i.e., where 1 is a unit matrix. With this substitution, 212 = 0 (13) where 2' is the open-circuit impedance matrix of the I s12 - &,I2 U= transformed device (i.e., the composite of the device and det [l - SS*] ' the embedding network), defined at the external ports of Still another useful form of the expression for U is in terms the embedding network. of the stability factor k, defined as How can unilateralization be carried out? A given de- vice can be unilateralized in numerous ways, and the embedding network needed to unilateralize it is not unique. A number of different practical methods of uni- lateralization are discussed by Cheng [5], along with ex- Since the stability of an active twoport is of prime impor- amples and uses of unilateralization for both electron tubes tance, its k may already be known or determined; then U and transistors. For the sake of conceptual understanding, can be conveniently found from one possible method of unilateralization is shown in Fig. 3. In this method, the embedding network consists of just a reactance and an ideal transformer. As a result of its simplicity, the manner in which the unilateral nature of the transformed device comes about can be easily under- 111. THESIGNIFICANCE OF MASON'SINVARIANT U stood in this scheme. The added reactance at the output Having established that the quantity U in (7) is an in- port brings about a phase change in the output voltage variant, following Mason, we next turn to identifying its such that it is in phase (or exactly out of phase) with the physical significance. A physical meaning can be ascribed input voltage when Il = 0. The turns ratio (and the po- to U in a number of different ways: as a power gain max- larity) of the transformer in the feedback path is then ad- imum, as a measure of device activity, and as an invariant justed so that it introduces a voltage at the input port to under a class of bilinear Mobius transformations. Each of cancel that due to the reverse transfer through the non- these interpretations of U is examined below in detail. unilateral device. Mathematically, the reverse transfer impedance of the embedded device of Fig. 3 can be found A. U as a Gain Maximum as One interpretation of U is as a maximum of a power gain of the linear twoport device under some specific re- ziz = 212 - n(&2 + jx,). (14) strictive conditions. Consider the device embedded in a This can be made to vanish by selecting x2 so as to equate fourport network, as shown in Fig. l(b), and used as an the angles of the two complex terms on the right hand amplifier between a linear source network having a source side, and then selecting n to make their magnitudes equal. ~


Fig. 3. One possible method of unilateralizing a given linear twoport by a linear lossless reciprocal four-port embedding.

Why is unilateralization worthy of attention? Unilater- solutely stable [6] (i.e., the real parts Re [Z;,]and [&,] alization of a given linear twoport is useful both in prac- of its open-circuit input and output impedances are both tice and in concept. Amplifier designers often add feed- positive)? It is clear by inspection that the embedding back elements (i.e., an embedding network) to an active network of Fig. 3 leaves Re [Z,,] unchanged, and that device so as to prevent a reverse traveling wave in a cas- Re [Z,,] and Re [Z,,] must have the same sign if U is cade of twoports, and so as to allow tuning or impedance positive. Therefore, if Re [Z,,] and U were known to be matching to be carried out at the output port of the twoport positive, an embedding network could be found that would without influencing the tuning or matching at the input make the device unilateral and absolutely stable. By mov- port. Conceptually, unilateralization allows the twoport ing the reactancejx, from the output port to the input port performance to be analyzed and understood more simply in Fig. 3, a similar conclusion can be reached if both Re due to the decoupling of the input side network from the [Z,,] and U are known to be positive. Finally, if U > 1, output side network. both Re [Z;,]and Re [$,I can be made positive regardless 2) Gain Maximization after Unilateralization: The of the sign of Re [Z,,] and Re [Z,,]. In conclusion, the interpretation of U as a gain maximum can now be under- necessary and sufficient conditions for the unilateralized stood. Consider the device embedded within a unilater- device to be absolutely stable are as follows: alizing network that meets the specified conditions, as (1) U is positive, and at least one of the two resistances shown in Fig. l(b), and let the open-circuit impedance RI, = Re [Z,,]and Rz2 = Re [Z,,] is positive; or matrix of the transformed device be represented by 2’. (2) U is greater than unity (when neither RI,nor R2, is Since the transformed device is unilateral, positive). z;, = 0. (15) 3) Constraints Imposed in Gain Maximization: The Consider next the power gain of the transformed device, conditions imposed on the embedding network, under operated between the source and the load networks. If the which U has been shown to be a gain maximum, are very source and the load networks are varied for maximizing important for the proper interpretation of U, since U is the power gain, their impedances will attain a value equal neither the only gain maximum that can be defined (i.e., to the complex conjugate of the input and the output other gain maxima also exist), nor the global or the high- impedances of the device, respectively, provided both Re est maximum (i.e., power gain values higher than U can [Z;,]and Re [Z&] are positive; i.e., the unilateralized de- be achieved by proper embedding). These two statements vice is absolutely stable. Under these conditions, the are now briefly explained. power gain is given by U is not the highest power gain that can be obtained I ZiI I* from the device in an arbitrary circuit. Indeed, if the de- U= (16) vice is active (U > l), the maximum power gain obtain- Re [Z;,] Re [Z;,] ’ 4 - able from the device is infinite, which is in evidence when But, from (7), this is also the value of Mason’s invariant the device is used in an oscillator circuit. The power gain U for the transformed device under the condition (15). of a linear twoport in a fourport embedding will neces- This establishes that the maximum power gain of the sarily have a finite maximum value with respect to the transformed device equals the U of the device. Moreover, source and load impedances only under certain condi- since this argument holds for every lossless reciprocal tions, e.g., when the device is passive, or if active, it is embedding network, and since the U value is invariant to absolutely stable and does not have a feedback path be- the embedding, every unilateralizing embedding must re- tween the output and the input ports. It is clear that a gain sult in the same value of maximum power gain for the maximum can be defined only if some restrictions are device, and this value is equal to the U of the device. placed on the device and/or its embedding network. Under what conditions is the unilateralized device ab- Consider next the need for the conditions imposed on GUPTA: POWER GAIN IN FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS, A CLASSIC REVISITED 869 the fourport embedding network in defining U. Each of intimately related to the property of device activity. In the two constraints, of losslessness and reciprocity, is fact, it not only serves as an indicator of activity in the essential for defining a gain maximum for an active device device, but also as a quantitative measure of the device in general. Indeed, Leine [7] shows by examples that if activity. This direct relationship with the property of ac- the embedding is lossless but not reciprocal, or if it is tivity makes U a quantity of fundamental importance. reciprocal but not lossless, the maximum power gain of The conditions under which a linear twoport device is the device in the circuit of Fig. l(b) is unbounded if the active can be expressed in many different forms [6], and device is active. The two constraints under which U is a in terms of different network parameters. When expressed maximum gain are thus also the minimum conditions for in the frequency domain, for real sinusoidal signals (i.e., the existence of a finite power gain maximum when the at a single frequency s = 0 + jw lying on the imaginary device is embedded in an arbitrary fourport. axis in the complex frequency plane), and in terms of the Finally, the importance of the unilateralization require- impedance matrix of the twoport at that frequency, the ment can be demonstrated by a counter-example. In the condition is as follows. The twoport is active if any of the special case where the fourport embedding network con- following conditions holds [6]: sists of two decoupled twoports, one at each port of the device, as shown in Fig. l(c), the conditions for the ex- (1) Rii Re [~II< 0 (18a) istence of a gain maximum can be expressed entirely in (2) R22 = Re rz221 < 0 (18b) terms of the device parameters, without imposing the re- quirements of losslessness and reciprocity on the embed- (3) det [Z + Z:] < 0. ( 184 ding network. The stability factor k defined in (1 1) serves as a test of stability, and if its value at a given frequency A device satisfying one (or both) of the first two con- is greater than 1, the device is absolutely stable, thereby ditions is said to have a “negative-resistance activity. ” By contrast, a device meeting only the third condition (and ensuring that the maximum gain is finite. In this case, however, the maximum power gain (attained under si- neither of the first two) is said to have a “transfer activ- ity.” The transfer active twoports are of particular im- multaneous conjugate matched conditions at each port) is portance because they form the backbone of , 181 and include such devices as , pentodes, bipolar G,,, = (2U - 1) + 2 JU(U- 1) (17) junction transistors, and field-effect transistors. We now and this can be larger than U. In the limit of large U, this show that the condition of transfer activity can be ex- pressed entirely in terms of U as follows. approaches the value 4U. It is clear that is not a gain U This condition, given in (18c), can be written in the maximum unless the device is first unilateralized by the embedding network. following form after some algebraic simplification: 4) Other Gain Maxima: A clearer understanding of the 4 (RllR22 - R12R21) - IZ12 - &,I2 < 0 (19) meaning and significance of the unilateral power gain U where denotes the real part of Z,. If the given device can be gained by comparing it with other kinds of power R,j has no activity after it has been uni- gain maxima determined under different conditions. A number of different power gain maxima have been defined lateralized by a linear lossless reciprocal fourport embed- ding, it follows that in the literature, and are used in microwave work, from which Mason’s unilateral power gain should be distin- Ri, > 0 and Ri2 > 0. (20) guished. These include the maximum available power gain G,, [3], Rollet’s maximum stable power gain G,, [9], For such a device, Mason’s unilateral gain U must nec- essarily be positive, since (16) shows that U is positive and Kotzebue’s maximally efficient power gain G,, [ 101. after unilateralization, and is invariant to the embed- Their definitions and expressions are compared in Table U ding. But if U I. The range of applicability and utility of these various > 0, it follows from (7) that the first term on the left-hand side of (19) is positive; then the condition power gain maxima are different. As an example, for of activity in (19) can be written with the help of (7) as many transistors at low frequencies, where Rollet’s [9] stability factor k < 1, G,, becomes infinite and is there- U> 1 (21) fore defined only at higher frequencies where k > 1 ; the The magnitude of U can therefore be used to test for the other three gain maxima of Table I exist even if k < 1. presence of transfer activity in a twoport. Moreover, if In particular, is defined regardless of whether the de- U the U of a given device is a function of frequency (which vice is active or passive, and absolutely stable or poten- is the case for all physical devices), the value of U can be tially unstable. used to identify the frequency range over which the device remains active. B. U as a Measure of Activity The unilateral power gain U is not useful as a design C. U as a Canonical Property goal or guideline, unless the active device is actually to One particularly illuminating method of understanding be unilateralized. Its utility stems from the fact that U is a characteristic property shared by all members of a set is 870 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 40, NO. 5, MAY 1992


Expression in Expression in Symbol Name Definition or Conditions Immittance Parameters [SI Parameters

Maximum Transducer gain"' G, maximized with respect I Y2I /YI2l2 where Available to rCand rL(or available gain with respect x + m' G,, Gain to r,) Is,lS2 I (k f m) 2 Re [Ylll Re - Re VI, Y2J x= I y12 Y2I I

Maximum = Device just stabilized [i.e., k 1 ~btained'~'] S2 I G,, Stable Gain by resistive loading; then G, maximized with respect to rGand rL. Is,l

Maximum Power gain'3' G reached when the power S2 I Efficient added by device (for a fixed input power) has - 1 I Y2lIZ - I Y12I2 Is,[ G,, Gain been maximized with respect to rL. 4 Re [Yll Y2,1 - 2 Re VI, Y21l - 2 I Ylzl2

Unilateral G, maximized with respect to rc and I?,, Power after device has been unilateralized (i.e., Si, Gain = 0 attained) by lossless reciprocal I YI2 - Y2lI2 embedding. 4 (Re [YIJ Re IYz21 - Re [Y121 Re [Y2J 2k

1 - ISI,I* - lS*212 + ISllS2, - Sl2S2Il2 "'Kurokawa's stability factor k = 2 I SI21 IS,, I

through the use of a canonical representation of the set. sible to find a lossless reciprocal transformation which will A canonical form for a class of networks is the clearest or make the twoport unilateral, as shown in Fig. 4(b). One simplest form, employing the least possible number of pa- such transformation is the feedback network of Fig. 3. rameters, to which the given class of networks can be re- The impedance matrix elements of the resulting unilateral duced by the allowed type of transformations, and which twoport are given by displays the common characteristics of the class, or the constraints imposed by them, in an easily understood way. z;, = z,, - (R12/R22)&1 (22a) Consider the set of all twoports that can be formed from 42= &2 + "R12)X12 - X22l (22b) the given twoport by linear lossless reciprocal transfor- mations of the type shown in Fig. l(b). A characteristic z;, = &l - 42. (22c) property of the set, established by Mason, is that every (ii) The imaginary parts of the two driving point member of the set has the same unilateral power gain U. impedances Z;, and G2 can be reduced to zero by reac- Since U is claimed to be the only invariant property of tance padding at each of the twoports, which is also a this set, it should be possible to develop a canonical net- lossless reciprocal transformation. As a result of this work for the set with only one parameter. Such a "mini- transformation, the two impedances become mum" form for the above mentioned set of twoports is developed in this section. To keep the discussion intui- R;, = Re [Z;,] (23a) tive, the following development employs the open-circuit impedance matrix of the twoports; an alternative ap- Ri2 = Re [Z.,]. (23b) proach employing scattering matrix is also available in the (iii) The twoport can be impedance matched to a de- literature [ 111. sired real reference impedance R, at both ports, with the A linear twoport with a given impedance matrix can be help of a real transformer at each port, which is also a represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 4(a). lossless reciprocal transformation. The only element of This twoport can be reduced to the canonical form shown the impedance matrix that is left flexible after this trans- in Fig. 4(f) through the use of linear lossless reciprocal formation is transformations. The successive steps in this reduction are illustrated schematically in Fig. 4, and are as follows: (i) As demonstrated in Section 111-A, it is always pos- GUPTA: POWER GAIN IN FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS, A CLASSIC REVISITED 87 1

As might have been anticipated, if a given twoport is transformed, by a lossless reciprocal transformation, to a unilateral, phase-shift-less, matched twoport, matched at each port to a resistive reference impedance, the scatter- I I ing matrix of the resulting twoport is completely de- (a) GIVEN TWOPORT scribed by the forward . By definition of scattering parameters, this transfer function is equal to the square-root of the unilateral power gain.

Io 0 TWOPORT D. U as an Invariant of Bilinear Transformations (b) AFTER UNILATERALIZATION From a formal and abstract viewpoint, any embedding

0 network can be viewed as simply a mathematical trans-

0 formation applied to the terminal characteristics of the device embedded within it. The fact that the U of the (c) AFTER REACTANCE PADDING embedded network does not change when the embedding device is restricted to be of certain types suggests the

I possibility that U may be interpreted as a geometrical or

(d) AFTER BILATERAL MATCHING an algebraic property that is invariant under the class of mathematical transformations representing the permissi- 0 BILATERALLY- ble embeddings. Such an interpretation of U is described MATCHED 0 TWOPORT in this section. For clarity of exposition, the line of rea-

(e) AFTER ADDITION OF LINE LENGTH soning is presented here with emphasis on its essential elements and plausibility rather than on the highest pos- 1 sible rigor and generality. Accordingly, the twoport under consideration in this section may be assumed to be passive so as to avoid complications (e.g., twoport instability on matching, and reflection coefficients that lie outside the unit circle), although the results can be generalized. (0 THE CANONICAL FORM I) A Matched Circuit Model: Bilateral impedance Fig. 4. Deduction of the canonical network for the set of twoports created matching of a linear twoport consists in embedding the by lossless reciprocal embeddings of a given twoport. given twoport such that the embedded network has the following property: with either of its ports terminated in the reference impedance, the looking into (iv) Finally, a lossless length of transmission line, hav- the other port is equal to the same reference impedance. ing a characteristic impedance R, can be added at either In practical applications of linear twoports, it is common- port, and its length adjusted, until the twoport has a real place to attempt to carry out this impedance matching at transfer impedance. The resulting twoport is the canonical each port without introducing either additional losses or form of Fig. 4(e), and has an impedance matrix nonreciprocal elements. Theoretically, a lossless recip- rocal embedding network can always be found that will make the twoport bilaterally matched. Consider the given twoport embedded in one such matching network, as where shown in Fig. 5(a). The bilateral matching of the twoport is most readily apparent when the twoport is described in terms of its scattering parameters (defined with respect to the same reference impedance at the two ports): which can be demonstrated with the help of (24) and (7). r 7 The canonical network of Fig. 4(f) is the circuit repre- sentation of the impedance matrix in (25). It is clear that the canonical form of the twoport requires only a single real parameter for its specification. where p1 and p2 are two complex numbers. This represen- The canonical representation provides an alternative tation suggests a very simple equivalent circuit model for interpretation for Mason's invariant U of a given twoport. the matched twoport, shown in Fig. 5(b). This model em- The scattering matrix of the canonical network can be ploys an ideal fourport circulator and two oneports having found from the impedance matrix, and is given by reflection coefficients equal to the reverse and forward transmissions p1 and p2 of the matched twoport. The unilateral gain U of the circuit model of Fig. 5(b) can be found by substituting the [SI matrix elements from 872 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 40, NO. 5, MAY 1992

p; and pi can themselves be viewed as transformations of LOSSLESS.RECIPROCAL, BILATERALLY-MATCHING the oneports having reflection coefficients p1 and p2, as EMBEDDING NETWORK shown in Fig. 5(d). Imposing the constraints of lossless- ness and reciprocity on the embedding network of Fig. LINEAR 5(c) leads to the conclusion that a single lossless twoport TWOPORT can transform p1 and p2 into pi and pi respectively. The

(4 (b) two twoports appearing in Fig. 5(d) are therefore identi- I. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODEL FOR A MATCHED TWOPORT cal. We thus arrive at the crux of the argument. The circuit MATCH-PRESERVING, of Fig. 5(d) is a model for the given twoport, embedded LOSSLESS. RECIPROCAL EMBEDDING NETWORK as shown in Fig. 5(a), and a change in the embedding LOSSLESS network causes a change in only the lossless twoports N, but not in p1 and p2. Therefore, a function of the oneport reflection coefficients p1 and p2, that is invariant to loss- less embedding by N, is also an invariant of the given r=p; LOSSLESS twoport under the permissible class of embeddings. Such =-++- p1 p2 an invariant function of and can be found by either a geometrical or an algebraic technique; both of these are U U described below in that order. U. TRANSFORMATION BY A MATCH-PRESERVINGEMBEDDING 2) A Geometrical Interpretation: Prior to the advent of computer-aided circuit analysis and design software, DISTANCE BETWEEN p1 AND pp : impedance transformation and microwave circuit design calculations were often carried out with the help of graph- - ical constructions, and many graphical aids, charts, and procedures were developed for this purpose. Some of these GEODESIC CONSISTENCY REQUIREMENTS NP1,P,) = 6(P2.P1P 0 techniques are based on the use of concepts and results

6(P1,pp) + @PZ,P3)’6(P1,P3) from non-Euclidean geometry. An introduction to the 6( pl,p,) = 0 IF AND ONLY IF p, = pp concepts of non-Euclidean geometry, and their applica- RIGHT tions in electrical engineering, will not be attempted here; (e) ANGLES (1) a tutorial exposition [ 121 and a survey of applications [ 131 111. POINCARE MODEL OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL HYPERBOLIC SPACE are available in the literature, and include citations to Fig. 5. Interpretation of U as a hyperbolic distance and a cross-ratio. many other references. The following discussion is lim- ited to the one result from hyperbolic geometry that is required for the present purposes. (27) into (10): Very briefly, a hyperbolic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry in which Euclid’s axiom of parallel lines is not IP2 - P11 U= employed, and the sum of the angles of a triangle does I1 - PTP2l not equal 27r radians. As in any geometry, the distance This is then also the U for the given twoport, since the between two points can be defined with some self-con- model differs from the original twoport only in respect of sistent metric, having the properties of additivity and a a lossless reciprocal embedding which leaves the U un- zero. In the Poincark model shown in Fig. 5(e), the in- changed. terior of a circle serves as the two-dimensional hyperbolic The matching network shown in Fig. 5(a) is, of course, space, with the periphery (called the “absolute”) being not unique; as a result neither are p1 and p2. Consider now infinitely far. The geodesics (which, analagous to Euclid- the set of all bilaterally matched twoports that can be cre- ean “straight lines,” are lines of shortest length between ated from the given twoport by embedding it in different any two points on the lines) are circles that approach the lossless, reciprocal fourport embedding networks. Since absolute at right angles. The distance between two points the inverse of a lossless reciprocal transformation is also is measured along the geodesic, and can be algebraically a lossless reciprocal transformation, all twoports belong- expressed as the of a ratio, as shown in Fig. ing to the set can be viewed as lossless reciprocal trans- 5(f). One of the basic results from this model is the in- formations of the matched twoport of Fig. 5(a), or that of variance of the hyperbolic distance between two points. its equivalent circuit model shown in Fig. 5(b). This is The hyperbolic distance between two points can be indicated in Fig. 5(c), which represents an arbitrary mem- given a circuit interpretation [14]. Let the two points in ber of the set. Since each member of the set is bilaterally the complex plane be represented by complex numbers pI matched, it should also be possible to represent it by an and p2, and consider two oneport networks having the re- equivalent circuit model of the type shown in Fig. 5(b), flection coefficients equal to p1 and p2. Further suppose but with a different pair of reflection coefficients, say pi that a lossless twoport N is designed such that it trans- and pi. Indeed, the oneports having reflection coefficients forms the first oneport to a perfectly matched load, i.e., GUPTA: POWER GAIN IN FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS. A CLASSIC REVISITED 873

the transformed reflection coefficient pi = 0. If the same mapping that takes a given complex number Z into an- network N is used to transform the second oneport, its other complex number W (the “image of Z”) given by reflection coefficient will become pi. The voltage stand- ing wave ratio (VSWR) of this transformed oneport does (33) not depend on the choice of N, and when expressed in

some logarithmic unit such as dB or , is the hyper- where a, b, L’ and d are complex constants. This is a com- bolic distance between p1 and p2. This is given by monly occurring transformation in the theory of linear networks, and the relationship between many pairs of I1 - PTPzl + IP1 - Pzl . NPl, P2) = In (29) quantities of interest takes this form, e.g., an impedance I1 - PTP21 - IP1 - P21 and the corresponding reflection coefficient, or the input In summary, if the complex numbers p1 and p2 repre- impedance and the load impedance of a linear twoport. sent reflection coefficients of two oneport networks, the Supplemented by the convention that W = a/c for Z = hyperbolic distance 6(pl, p2) between them does not cy,, and W = cy, for Z = -d/c, this transformation is both change when both oneports are transformed through the a conformal and a topological mapping of the extended same lossless linear twoport. This basic result has been plane onto itself, the topology being defined by distances applied, and rediscovered, in numerous applications. For on the Riemann sphere. Such a mapping is uniquely de- example, the figure of merit of two-state switching diodes fined by specifying three distinct points in the Z plane, [ 1 I], that is invariant to lossless transformations, is sim- and their corresponding images in W plane (i.e., there is ply the hyperbolic distance between the impedances of the one and only one transformation for which this would be diode in its two states. true). This result can now be applied to the circuit model of The bilinear transformation has a number of remarkable Fig. 5(d). Although pi and pi in this model are not unique, geometrical properties, one of which is the invariance of the hyperbolic distance between them is. Moreover, since the so-called “cross-ratio. ” The cross-ratio of four com- the distance 6(pl, p,) is invariant to N, so is any function plex numbers Z1, Z,, 5, and Z4 is the image of Z, under of 6; in particular: a linear transformation which carries Z,, Z3, and Z4 into 1, 0, and 03 (provided that Z,, Z3,and Z4 are distinct from IP1 - P21 tanh (6/2) = each other). It is given by 11 - PTP21 is independent of the matching network of Fig. 5(a). This is the same as the unilateral gain of (28). Thus U may be interpreted as a function of the hyperbolic distance be- The cross-ratio has some interesting properties; for ex- tween the forward and reverse transmissions of the bilat- ample, it is real if, and only if, the four numbers Z1, Z,, erally-matched twoport. Z3, and Z4 lie on a circle. The one property of the cross- 3) An Algebraic Interpretation: An algebraic interpre- ratio relevant to the present discussion is its invariance tation is closely related to the above. The reflection coef- under a bilinear transformation: if Wl, W,, W,, and W4 ficient p of a linear oneport, when viewed through an are the images of Z1, Z,, Z3, and Z4 under the transfor- embedding linear twoport, undergoes a transformation of mation in (33), then the form

The hyperbolic distance defined in Fig. 5(f) is in fact where a, b, c, and d are four complex numbers, and are based on a cross-ratio. characteristics of the embedding twoport. If the trans- An embedding network can be viewed as a bilinear forming twoport is constrained to be lossless, the four transformation [ 161, and Mason’s U as a special case of complex numbers are also constrained, and the most gen- the cross-ratio. A proof of this statement, presented in a eral form that this transformation can take is as follows: more general setting, is contained in Section V-A below.

IV. APPLICATIONSOF MASON’SINVARIANT U The results of Mason’s paper have been employed in where A, 01 and p are all real constants. The reflection numerous ways since their publication. The first applica- coefficients pi and pi in Fig. 5(d) can therefore be ex- tion, which originally motivated the work, was to the bi- pressed in terms of p1 and p,, and when these are substi- polar junction transistor, an active device then in its in- tuted for pI and p2 in the expression for unilateral gain fancy. When biased in its active region, and operated given in (28), the value of U is found to remain un- under small- conditions, this device could be rep- changed. resented by a linear twoport, so that a bias and frequency A more general interpretation of U along the above lines dependent U could be defined for it. Several authors de- is possible. A bilinear Mobius transformation [15] is a termined the unilateral power gain of the early germanium 874 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 40, NO. 5. MAY 1992 transistors as a function of frequency, discussed the effect Since the U was recognized as an important figure of of various transistor equivalent circuit elements on the merit of the device, its measurement was necessary for value of U, and thus deduced the limitations on the range comparing the transistors, and for measuring the progress of frequencies over which the transistors could be em- in their design. Accurate methods for the measurement of ployed as active devices [ 171, [ 181. Some of these appli- U were therefore developed, and the measurements were cations are described in this Section. employed in the characterization of the transistors [3 11. There are two different ways of determining the uni- A. U as a Figure of Merit lateral power gain of a given device at a specified fre- Prior to Mason’s discovery of the invariant U, and for quency: one is by a direct experimental measurement in sometime thereafter until the importance of U was widely which a device is unilateralized and its power gain is ex- recognized, there was general uncertainty about the choice perimentally maximized, and the other is by computation of a measure of device performance that should be used from the measured network parameters of the device. The to describe the capability of a device in delivering power former method is now obsolete, and the measurement of at high frequencies. As an example of this uncertainty, in U for high-frequency devices is now almost invariably the early work on bipolar junction transistors, a number carried out with the help of an automatic network ana- of different types of power gains were used to evaluate lyzer. The measured scattering parameters of the transis- the high-frequency performance of the device, including tor can be used to determine the U in two different ways: maximum available power gain [19], and the maximum either by a direct substitution of the network parameters attainable power gain when the source impedance is con- in the expression for U given in (lo), or by first fitting the strained to be purely resistive [ 181. When used as a device measured parameters to a device equivalent circuit, from figure of merit, these parameters have a number of limi- which U can be calculated in terms of the fitted values of tations; e.g., they are influenced by conditions external the circuit elements appearing in the equivalent circuit. to the device, and they depend on the manner in which The agreement between the two possible estimates of U the transistor is connected in the circuit (e.g., common- depends on the degree of fit (i.e., on the accuracy of the base versus common-emitter). The invariant U provided measured data, and the validity of the equivalent circuit). the device designers with a fundamental criterion for Despite the fact that U is a more fundamental and ele- judging the goodness of a device. Moreover, since a com- gant measure of active device capability, it is not used as mon-emitter connection can be transformed into a com- widely in the electron device community as some of the mon-base connection simply by embedding the former other figures of merit, particularly the maximum available within a lossless reciprocal network composed of wires, gain G,, (e.g., [32]). There are several reasons for this: U is invariant with respect to the method of connection, (a) For many devices and conditions, the values of U and serves as a more useful measure of device perfor- and G,,,, are not far from each other [33]. This small mance. An alternative proof of the invariance of U to the difference is especially unimportant when the gain choice of input and output terminals may be given in terms is large. of the indefinite admittance matrix [20]. (b) All power gains are equally easy to calculate from Perhaps the most convincing evidence of the utility of the immittance or scattering parameters. But when the concept of a unilateral power gain as a device figure they are determined directly from an equivalent- of merit is the fact that for the last three decades practi- circuit model of the device, U is less obvious due cally every new active twoport device developed for high- to the need to unilateralize the model. frequency use (and some passive ones as well [2 11, [22]) (c) In some cases, U is not the most convenient or have been carefully scrutinized for the achievable value practical parameter. For example, if the twoport of U, the frequency dependence of U, the influence of under consideration is a frequency converter, the device parameters on U, and the design techniques for unilateralizing circuit must also be a frequency enhancing the device U. Published accounts of these ef- converter so that the feedback is compatible. Such forts include the analysis of: a feedback circuit is easier to use in thought exper- Bipolar junction transistors by Statz, et al. [17]; iments [34] than in laboratory experiments. Transit-time transistors by Zuleeg and Vodicka [23] ; Junction FET’s by Das and Schmidt [24]; B. U as an Indicator of Activity Silicon MOSFET’s by Burns [25]; A related application of the idea of U has been in clar- Dual-gate MOSFET’s by Burns [25]; ifying the conceptual problems. The direct relationship of GaAs MOSFET’s by Mimura, et al. [26]; U to activity helps identify a passive network, or con- Microwave Silicon MESFET’s by Baechtold and strain the kind of performance expected from it. One ex- Wolf [27]; ample of the kind of misunderstanding that can be cleared GaAs MESFET’s by Bechtel, et al. [28]; through the use of U is given in [8], where Singhakowinta HEMT’s by Vickes [29]; and and Boothroyd [8] showed how to avoid a misunderstand- Hetero-junction Bipolar transistors by Prasad, et al. ing caused by earlier authors who had treated an unreal- ~301. izable feedback network as passive. GUPTA: POWER GAIN IN FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS, A CLASSIC REVISITED 875

C. Dejinition of fmax Another commonly used method utilizes the measured S An evaluation of the relative power gain capability of parameter data to deduce the values of the circuit ele- two active devices requires, in general, a comparison of ments in an equivalent circuit of the device by a numerical their U values over the entire frequency range of interest, best-fit; the maximum available gain of the device is then since the unilateral power gain U is a function of fre- calculated from the equivalent circuit, and the frequency quency. (Only if the nature of the frequency dependence at which it drops to unity can be calculated in terms of the of U( f)is known in advance, or is restricted, for example equivalent circuit elements. If the equivalent circuit is by confining the consideration to a single type of active physically based, this method allows extrapolation of the devices, it may be sufficient to compare devices on the results to higher frequency; the need for this is explained basis of their U values at just one frequency.) Clearly, it below. If the measurement and circuit modeling errors are would be convenient and desirable to have a single-num- small, the results obtained by the various methods can be ber measure of the quality of active devices. Such a sim- in good agreement, as demonstrated for MESFET's [27] ple, and highly practical, figure of merit can be derived and HBT's [36]. from the unilateral gain U(f), and is called the maximum An accurate measurement of U as a function frequency, oscillation frequencyf,,,; it is defined as the frequency at in the neighborhood of the high frequencies where it is which U becomes unity, i.e., unity, has always been difficult for state-of-the-art de- vices. (The fmax for modem transistors lies in the mm- u(f>If=fm,,,= 1 (36) wave and sub-mm wave range, where there are no accu- rate automatic network analyzers; and even in the earlier If the unilateral power gain is a monotonic function of decades, when the f,,, values were lower, so were the frequency, as is usually the case, fmax is a well-defined, capabilities of the contemporary instrumentation.) As a single-valued parameter. It is commonly used as a mea- result, the reported values off,,, for transistors are often sure of the high-frequency capabilities of an active de- based on the measurement of U as a function of frequency vice. Its significance follows from the property of U ex- over a range of frequencies (typically, well below f,,,), pressed in (2 1) (that U exceeds unity for an active device). and then an extrapolation of the U to higher frequencies. The maximum frequency of oscillations is therefore also The extrapolation implies an a priori knowledge of the the maximum frequency of activity. nature of frequency variation of U, usually based on the The concept of a highest frequency above which power physical reasoning or a known equivalent circuit for the gain cannot be obtained from an active device, that had device [37]. long been known from practical experience, thus became Interestingly, the frequency at which U attains the value established on firm theoretical grounds with Mason's of 1 is also the frequency at which the maximum stable work, and was discussed in the literature immediately gain G,, and the maximum available gain G,, of the de- thereafter [ 171. The first explicit mention of thef,,, in the vice also become unity. As a result, alternative interpre- literature appears to be due to P. R. Drouilhet [35], who tations can be given to the quantityf,,,. More important, defined it, deduced an expression for it, and measured it it is not necessary to measure U(f)in order to determine for transistors. fmax; one of the other gains can be used if it is easier to The value off,,, also serves as a benchmark, indicating measure (and more reliably extrapolate). Many of the ear- the level of development of active device technology. lier papers on this subject [33], [38], [39] either state, or Thus, the state-of-the-art values of fmax were of the order imply through graphical plots, that the frequency at which of lo9 in the 1950s, of the order of 10'' in the 1970's, U becomes unity is higher than the ones at which G,, or and are of the order of 10" in the nineties. G,, become unity. This notion is incorrect, and a formal In principle, there are three different methods of mea- proof of their equality has been published [40]. suring the f,,, for a given two-port active device. The Several different cutoff frequencies of active devices most direct, and conceptually the simplest, is the one in (and in particular transistors) have been discussed in the which the device is embedded in an oscillator circuit, with literature. In addition tof,,,, these include the lowest (or the input and output circuits incorporating a tuner (a low- dominat) pole frequency in the device transfer function; loss two-port with variable impedance matrix), and at- the low-pass cutoff frequency of an R-C network at the tempts are then made to produce oscillations in the circuit input or the output port of the device; a cutoff frequency at as high a frequency as possible. The accuracy of this due to phase delay (e.g., caused by the carrier transit-time manual method is dependent on the losses in the tuners, in the device); the unity short-circuit current gain fre- and the sensitivity with which the presence of a oscilla- quencyfT [41]; and the highest natural frequency of a net- tions can be detected against the background noise. A work with multiplicity of active devices. Thef,,, is a fun- more modern and efficient method off,,, measurement is damental characteristic of the device, and has the physical through the use of an automatic network analyzer, which significance that it is the maximum frequency of oscilla- typically yields S parameters of the two-port; then the tion in a circuit in which the following three conditions unilateral power gain can be calculated as function of fre- are met: (i) there is only one active device present in the quency from the measured S parameters by (lo), and the circuit, (ii) the device is embedded in a passive network, frequency at which it drops to unity can thus be found. and (iii) only single sinusoidal signals are of interest. 876 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 40, NO. 5. MAY 1992

If these conditions are not met, a device may be made meeting the stated specifications. Therefore, the search to produce oscillations at frequencies higher thanf,,,, and for still other network invariants is futile unless the spec- it is possible to define other cutoff frequencies that are ifications of the problem are changed. One way of chang- variants off,,,. For example, in integrated circuits, it is ing the problem specification is by relaxing one or more commonplace to have multiple active devices, or equiv- of the constraints imposed on the device and the embed- alently, an active device embedded in an active network. ding network in Mason’s work. Mason’s statement of the In such circuits, a more useful measure of the high-fre- problem of network invariant search, given in Section quency capability of the device may be the power transfer 11-B, contains the following constraints: cutoff frequency fpT[42], which is the frequency of unity (a) that the device has exactly two ports; power gain with no unilateralization and with a load con- (b) that the network parameters of the device are con- sisting of another identical device. Still another cutoff fre- stant (i.e., the device is time-invariant); quency suitable in integrated circuits is the maximum fre- (c) that the embedding network is necessarily lossless quency of oscillation achievable in a circuit in which and reciprocal; and multiple identical copies of the device are permitted. Such (d) that the embedding network has four ports (i.e., the a generalization off,,, has been discussed in the literature number of ports of the device remains unchanged [431. upon embedding). Network invariants can be found without some (or all) V. GENERALIZATIONSOF U: OTHERNETWORK of these constraints, and the resulting invariants can be INVARIANTS viewed as generalizations of Mason’s U. Interestingly Invariant properties of networks are interesting and im- enough, some of these invariants had already been dis- portant because an invariant parameter that is a charac- covered independently, and out of necessity in some ap- teristic of the network can be put to many uses. One pos- plications, before a more systematic search for them was sible use of an invariant parameter is as a figure of merit undertaken [45]. A number of these invariants, such as of the network, that can serve as a basis for comparing those for characterizing the switching devices and the different networks, for quantifying the change in a net- high-Q varactors, find applications in microwave engi- work caused by some design modification, and for mea- neering. The possibility of still other extensions and suring the progress towards a design goal. A second po- variations of Mason’s invariant problem, based on net- tential use of an invariant parameter is as a reference or a work parameters other than impedance matrices, or benchmark value that can be used to check the accuracy broadband constraints, or nonlinear networks, or transfer of a computation, modeling, or measurement of the net- rather than driving point functions, have also been briefly work characteristic, by verifying whether the value of the discussed in the literature [45], [46]. parameter has remained unchanged. A third use of in- variants is in identifying the limitations to the perfor- A. Generalization to n-Ports mance of a network, establishing the bounds on attainable In the problem of Section 11-B, if the device under con- characteristics, and determining the feasibility of some sideration is taken to be an n-port, and the linear lossless design goal. As a result of their utility, many different reciprocal embedding network is simultaneously allowed invariant properties of netwqrks have been discovered to be a 2n-port, an invariant generalized power gain can over the years. be deduced. All known invariant parameters of networks can be As a generalization of the cross-ratio of four complex classified into two groups based on the manner in which numbers, given in (34), one can define a cross-ratio of they are deduced [44]. One group, called “quasi-power four n X n matrices Z,, Z,, and Z,, which is another invariants,” consists of quantities that have the dimen- 5, n X n matrix given by sions of power, or are functions thereof. Such invariants can be deduced from Tellegen’s theorem, or from a more R = [Z, - 221 [Z, - Z3]-1 [[Z, - 221 [Z, - Z,]-’]-’. general matrix constraint expressing the linear time-in- variance of the embedding network. (37) The second group of invariants consists of dimension- The four given matrices can be thought of as the open- less quantities that follow from the cross-ratio invariance circuit impedance matrices of four different n-port linear property [16] of bilinear transformations, or from its ma- networks. Consider now a 2n-port linear embedding net- trix generalization [44]. Mason’s U is only one, and the work, that transforms each of the four conceptualized n- earliest discovered, of the dimensionless invariants of the ports into another n-port, having open-circuit impedance cross-ratio type. Other invariants of this type can be matrices Z;, 24, 24, and 2;; the cross-ratio of the trans- viewed as generalizations of Mason’s invariant U, and are formed matrices is then found to be introduced here briefly. Mason’s method of search for the invariant property of R’ = HRH (38) the twoport not only proves that U is an invariant, but also where H is an n X n matrix whose elements obviously simultaneously establishes that it is the only invariant depend on the embedding network. Such a transformation ~


of R to R’ is called a similarity transformation, and it variants of such networks can be found in a manner that leaves some of the characteristics (such as the eigenval- is a generalization of Mason’s method, and some of them ues) of the cross-ratio matrix R unchanged. One of the have a useful physical or practical significance. unchanged characteristics is the value of the determinant Perhaps the simplest example of such an invariant is the of R; i.e., figure of merit of a switching diode and has been men- tioned in Section III-D. If the device under consideration det [Z, - Z2]/det [Z, - Z3] det [R’] = det [RI = is a linear oneport, and is capable of existing in two dif- det [Z4 - Z2]/det [Z4 - 51 ferent states having impedances 2, = R1 + j - X1 and Z2 (39) = R2 + j X2, the figure of merit is defined as regardless of the transforming matrix H (and hence the embedding network). This invariance property in (39) can be employed to develop many network invariants (that are invariant to the It is a measure of the separation between the impedance transformation through the 2n-port embedding network) values of the diode in the two states, and serve as a mea- by appropriate choice of the four given impedance mat- sure of the usefulness of the diode as a switching element rices. For instance, if only one n-port, having an imped- ance matrix 2, is of interest, the four required impedance The procedure for deducing the invariants is a direct matrices Z,, Z2, Z3, and Z4 can be taken to be 2, Z,, -Z*, application of the general procedure described in Section and -ZT, respectively. With these four impedances, the V-A, along with an appropriate choice for the four imped- invariant in (39) becomes ance matrices needed to form the cross-ratio of (37). As the simplest case, consider an n-port linear network that ldet [Z - 2,]12 can exist in two discrete states, and has the open-circuit det [RI = (det [Z + 2*])2’ impedance matrices 2, and Z2 in the two states. One pos- sible method of generating the four required matrices is This quantity is an invariant of the given n-port. When through the use of a transformation, such as Z -+ -2”. applied to the special case of a two-port, it reduces to the Then the four matrices are Z,, Z2, -Zr, and -2: re- square of Mason’s function given in (7). Since the four U spectively, and the invariant determinant becomes selected impedance matrices can be generated from the given Z by the successive application of two transforma- ldet [Zl - 221 I (43) tions Z -+ 2, and Z + -Z*, and these two transforma- det [Z, + Zf] det [Z2 + Z:] * tions commute with the 2n-port embedding provided the embedding is lossless and reciprocal, not only the numer- This invariant, specialized to the case of a scalar imped- ical value of the det [RI but also its functional form are ance Z (i.e., a 2-state, one-port linear device) is identical preserved under the transformation by such an embedding with Kurokawa’s “quality factor for switching diodes. ” network. Once again, other invariants can be found by alternative If the four impedances were selected in a different or- choices of the four impedance matrices. For instance, a der, as 2, Z,, -ZF, and -Z*, the invariant determinant mere reordering of the four matrices as [ZJ, [51, [-Z,*l becomes and [ -Zf] results in the invariant ldet - det [Z, - Z2] [Z Z,] I (44) (det [Z + 21“])2 det [Z, + Z:] This invariant has also been derived earlier by other meth- Alternatively, if the matrices Z3 and Z4 are generated ods [45]. Still other invariants can be found by other through the transformation Z -, -2; applied to the given choices of the four impedance matrices. matrices Z1 and Z2 respectively, the resulting invariant in (39) would be det B. Generalization to Time-Varying Networks [Z, - Z2] Zg]’ (45) It has been assumed throughout the above discussion det [Z, + that the properties of the device are time-invariant. In en- Both of these invariants, in (44) and (45), when applied gineering practice, there are numerous instances in which to one-ports, encompass Kawakami’s invariant [48]. a device is expected to perform as a linear network, but Generalization of the above method to 3-state and with different parameter values at different times. Exam- 4-state networks is straightforward by using the corre- ples of such devices are electronic switches, control cir- sponding impedance matrices. An extension to p-state cuits, and parametric devices. In each case, the network network forp > 4 is also possible, by defining cross-ratio parameters of the device are made to vary in a controlled matrices R for four matrices at a time, and then forming manner (or in response to a control signal), either between a chain of R matrices [45]. This would yield n invariants two or more distinct values (as in a switch), or continu- of the p-state n-port network. Finally, if the impedance ously with time (as in a parametric device). Many in- matrix of the n-port is a continuous function of some pa- 878 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 40, NO. 5. MAY 1992 rameter, the set of discrete states can be conceptually re- J. M. Rollet, “Stability and power gain invariants of linear two- ports,’’ IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-9, no. 1, pp. 29-32, Mar. placed by a continuum. 1962. K. L. Kotzebue, “Maximally efficient gain: a figure of merit for lin- C. Generalization to Other Embeddings ear active twoports,” Electron. Lett., vol. 12, no. 19, pp. 490-491, Sept. 1976. It is not necessary that the number of ports of the device T. Schaug-Pettersen and A. Tonning, “On the optimum performance remain unchanged when it is embedded; i.e., the embed- of variable and nonreciprocal networks,” IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-6, no. 2, pp. 150-158, June 1959. ding network for an n-port device need not have exactly D. J. R. Stock and L. J. Kaplan, “Non-Euclidean geometrical rep- 2n ports. If the embedding has a larger number of ports, resentations for microwave networks, Parts I and 11,” Microwave J., the given n-port device can be conceptually enlarged by vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 99-105, Mar. 1962, and vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 114- 120, Apr. 1962. adding disjointed ports with short-circuits at those ports. E. F. Bolinder, “A survey of the use of non-Euclidean geometry in When the embedding has fewer than 2n ports, the reduc- electrical engineering,” J. Franklin Inst., vol. 265, no. 3, pp. 169- tion in the number of ports causes the invariants to be 185, Mar. 1958. International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., Reference Data for Ra- replaced by constraints, expressed as inequalities among dio Engineers, 4th ed., New York: ITT, 1956, pp. 652-653. the moduli of eigenvalues of some matrices related to the E. G. Phillips, Functions of a Complex Variable. London: Oliver cross-ratio. Some details of this approach can be found in & Boyd, 1963. T. E. Rozzi, J. H. C. van Heuven, and A. Meyer, “Linear networks the literature [45]. as Mobius transformations, and their invariance properties,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 802-803, May 1971. H. Statz, E. A. Guillemin, and R. A. Pucel, “Design considerations BIOGRAPHICALNOTE of junction transistors at high frequencies,” Proc. IRE, vol. 42, no. SAMUELJ. MASON(1921-1974) 11, pp. 1620-1628, Nov. 1954. R. L. Pritchard, “High frequency power gain of junction transis- Samuel J. Mason was born in New York City, and tors,” Proc. IRE, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1075-1085, Sept. 1955. graduated from Rutgers University in 1942, received a R. L. Wallace, Jr. and W. J. Pietenpol, “Some circuit properties and applications of n-p-n transistors,” Proc. IRE, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 753- Master’s degree in 1947, and a Doctorate in 1954, both 767, July 1951. from MIT. In 1942, he joined MIT Radiation Laboratory, H. Rothe and J. Schubert, “The gain and the admittance matrix of which after the second World War became the MIT Re- neutralized amplifier stages,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 1046- 1055, Aug. 1966. search Laboratory of Electronics, and he became the As- J. M. Garg and H. J. Carlin, “Network theory of semiconductor Hall- sociate Director of the Laboratory in 1967, a position he plate circuits,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-12, no. 1, pp. held until the time of his death in 1974. He was also a 59-73, Mar. 1965. H. J. Carlin and J. Rosinski, “Equivalent circuit and loss invariant faculty member in Electrical Engineering, becoming an for helicon mode semiconductor devices,” IEEE Trans. Circuit The- Assistant Professor in 1949, an Associate Professor in ory, vol. CT-16, no. 3, pp. 365-373, Aug. 1969. 1954, a Professor in 1959, and the Cecil H. Green Pro- R. Zuleeg and V. W. Vodicka, “Microwave operation of drift tran- fessor in 1972. He was a Fellow of the IEEE. His work sistors in transit-time mode,” IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-8, no. 4, pp. 426-433, Dec. 1961. in circuits and systems led to his major involvement in M. B. Das and P. Schmidt, “High frequency limitations of abrupt- curriculum revision at MIT in the late 1950’s, and he au- junction FET’s,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-20, no. 9, pp. 779-792, Sept. 1973. thored three textbooks on related subjects. During the later J. R. Bums, “High-frequency characteristics of the insulted-gate field- part of his career, his research interests turned to optical effect transistors,” RCA Rev., vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 385-418, Sept. character recognition. Some of his best known contribu- 1967. T. Mimura et al., “GaAs microwave MOSFET’s,” IEEE Trans. tions are in the areas of signal flow graph analysis (Ma- Electron Devices, vol. ED-25, no. 6, pp. 573-579, June 1978. son’s rule) and device invariant (Mason’s Unilateral gain). W. Baechtold and P. Wolf, “An improved microwave silicon MES- FET,” Solid-state Electron., vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 783-790, Sept. 1971. N. G. Bechtel, W. W. Hooper, and P. L. However, “Design and REFERENCES performance of the GaAs FET,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-5, no. 6, pp. 319-323, December 1970. S. J. Mason, “Power gain in feedback amplifiers,” Trans. IRE H. 0. Vickes, “Note on unilateral power gain as applied to submi- Professional Group on Circuit Theory, vol. CT-1, no. 2, pp. 20-25, crometre transistors,” Electron. Lett., vol. 24, no. 24, pp. 1503- June 1954. (This work was previously reported in Tech. Rep. No. 1505, 24 Nov. 1988. 257, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, S. Prasad, W. Lee, and C. G. Fonstad, “Unilateral gain of hetero- 1953). junction bipolar transistors at microwave frequencies,” IEEE Trans. Proc. IRE, Special Issue on Transistors, vol. 40, no. 11, Nov. 1952. Electron Devices, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2288-2294, Dec. 1988; Com- W.-K. Chen, Active Network and Feedback AmpliJier Theory. New ments: vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1861-1862, Sept. 1989. York: McGraw-Hill, 1980, ch. 3. J. M. Rollet, “The measurement of transistor unilateral gain,” IEEE W. H. Ku, “Unilateral gain and stability criterion of active two-ports Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-12, no. 1, pp. 91-97, Mar. 1965; also in terms of scattering parameters,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. J. Lange, “A much improved apparatus for measuring the unilateral 1617-1618, NOV.1966. gain of transistors at GHz frequencies,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, C. C. Cheng, “Neutralization and unilateralization,” IRE Trans. vol. CT-13, no. 4, pp. 461-463, Dec. 1966. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-2, no. 2, pp. 138-145, June 1955. M. B. Das, “Millimeter-wave performance of ultrasubmicrometer- E. S. Kuh and R. A. Rohrer, Theory of Linear Active Networks. San gate field-effect transistors: a comparison of MODFET, MESFET, Francisco: Holden-Day, 1967, ch. 5. and PB7 structures, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-34, no. P.-0. Lek, “On the power gain of unilateralize active networks,” 7, pp. 1429-1440, July 1987. IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-8, no. 3, pp. 357-358, Sept. H. F. Cooke, “Microwave transistors: Theory and design,” Proc. 1961. IEEE, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 1163-1181, Aug. 1971. A. Singhakowinta and A. R. Boothroyd, “On linear twoport ampli- P. R. Johannessen, W. H. Ku, and J. Andersen, “Theory of nonlin- fiers,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-11, no. 1, p. 169, Mar. ear reactance amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. MAG-3, no. 3, 1964. pp. 376-380, Sept. 1967. GUPTA: POWER GAIN IN FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS, A CLASSIC REVISITED 879

[35] P. R. Drouilhet, “Predictions based on the maximum oscillator fre- [47] K. Kurokawa and W. 0. Schlosser, “Quality factor of switching quency of a transistor,” IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-2, no. diodes for digital modulation,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 180- 2, pp. 178-183, June 1955. 181, Jan. 1970. [36] A. P. Laser and D. L. Pulfrey, “Reconciliation of methods for esti- [48] S. Kawakami, “Figure of merit associated with a variable-parameter mating f,,, for microwave heterojunction transistors,” IEEE Trans. one-port for RF switching and modulation,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Electron Devices, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1685-1692, Aug. 1991. Theory, vol. CT-12, no. 3, pp. 321-328, Sept. 1985. [37] M. B. Steer and R. J. Trew, “High-frequency limits of millimeter- wave transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. EDL-7, no. 11, pp. 640-642, November 1986. [38] M. H. White and M. 0. Thurston, “Characterization of microwave Madhu S. Gupta (S’68-M’72-SM’78-F’89) re- transistors,” Solid-State Electron., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 523-542, May ceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering 1970. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in [39] P. Wolf, “Microwave properties of Schottky-banier field effect tran- 1972. sistors,” IBMJ. Res. Develop., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 125-141, Mar. He served as a faculty member at Massachu- 1970. setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (1973- [40] R. Spence, Linear Active Networks. London: Wiley, 1970, p. 215; 79), and at the University of Illinois, Chicago also M. B. Steer and R. J. Trew, “Comparison of the gain and fre- (1979-87), and as a Visiting Professor at Univer- quency performance of state-of-the-art MESFET, MODFET, and PBT sity of Califomia, Santa Barbara (1985-86). Since millimeter-wave transistors,” in Proc. 1987IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits 1987, he has been with Hughes Aircraft Com- and Syst., vol. 1, May 1987, pp. 19-22. pany. working at Hughes Research Laboratories. [41] C. L. Searle et al., Elementary Circuit Properties of Transistors. Malibu, Calif., and at Micr&lectronG Circuits Division, Torrance, CA, New York: Wiley, 1964, p. 105. where he is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff, and is engaged in the [42] G. W. Taylor and J. G. Simmons, “Figure of merit for integrated modeling, design and characterization of GaAs devices and integrated cir- bipolar transistors,” Solid-State Electron., vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 941- cuits, the evaluation of in-process wafers, and the development of low noise 946, Sept. 1986. technology. [43] L. A. Glasser, “Frequency limitations in circuits composed of linear Dr. Gupta is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, and devices,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1299- the American Society for Engineering Education, and is a Professional En- 1307, Oct. 1988. gineer. He has served as the Chairman of the Boston and Chicago chapters [44] T. E. Rozzi and J. H. C. van Heuven, “Quasi-power algebraic in- of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and of an IEEE variants of linear networks,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS- Standards Committee. He has also served on the Speakers’ Bureau of the 21, no. 6, pp. 722-728, Nov. 1974. IEEE MTT Society, and is a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE [45] J. H. C. van Heuven and T. E. Rozzi, “The invariance properties of TRANSACTIONSON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES.,Dr. Gupta has a multivalue n-port in a linear embedding,” IEEE Trans. Circuit The- published nearly 100 writings, including journal articles, conference and ory, vol. CT-19, no. 2, pp. 176-183, Mar. 1972. invited papers, patents, book chapters, and reviews. He is the editor of 1461 -, “Two applications of algebraic invariants to linear transmission Electrical Noise: Fundamentals and Sources (IEEE Press, 1977), Teaching networks,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS-23, no. 11, pp. Engineering: A Beginner’s Guide (IEEE Press, 1987), and Noise in Cir- 641-647, Nov. 1976. cuits and Systems (IEEE Press, 1988).