
THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County YEA&—No, 30 1 Published "•wflSagN*! " WESTFIELD, . THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1956 Wvery Tlmrndny 32 Pagw % CM* [w Teachers Appointed Ninth Annual Lions to Hold Board Of Education Antiques Show Easter Egg Hunt County Aspirants Opens April 17 At Park Saturday Mental Health Group To Appear Here wity To Meet Wednesday Congregational Annual Event Parish House Is Now Set After Be Posts The Westfield Mental Health LWV Sponsors group will meet Wednesday at 8 Site of Affair Postponement p.m. at the home of Mrs. J* B. eptember Hornbeck, 175 North Euclid ave- Early American items will be The annual Westfield Lions Public Meeting nue. Anyone interested in the among the offerings at the ninth Club Easter egg hunt, postponed I Board of Education Tues mental health organization is in- annual antiques show from 11 from last Saturday, will be held ,t appointed ten additional vited to attend. a.m. to 9 p.m. April 17, 18 and this Saturday at 2 p.m. in Min- Wednesday Night posts in the local As is the custom, a film will be 19 in the parish house of first dowaskin Park. [system. Congregational Church. There will shown at this meeting, followed by Donated by local merchants, Moderator for the liouhty candi- include Mrs. Evelyn L. a general discussion. At past meet- be 21 dealers and three exhibi- 1500 prize plastic eggs will be of 928 Harding street, tors. Luncheons will be served dates' meeting Wednesday »t 8:16 ings, psychiatrists, social work- hidden along with 1500 colored p.m., in Grant School auditorium ill fill a vacancy in Lincoln ers and personnel directors have daily from 11:30. a.m. to 1:30 eggs that were contributed by the ol kindergarten beginning MOLLIE GLADSTONE p.m. Proceeds from the affair are will be Mrs. K. D. Smith, a fomwr addressed the group. OR, C. PITT BEERS markets in Westfield and colored president of the Westfield L*»«ue il. The nine others who will for Congregational Christian ben- by the Home Service of the Eliss- eaching in September are The film to be shown Is "Pref- evolences here and abroad accord- of Women Voters and now ftntnea aee to a Life" which presents the abethtown Gas Co. More than a chairman on the state board of thl ^ou Warnecke, Short Hills, Temple to Hear ing to Mrs, Halmer A. Peterson, thousand bags of jelly-beans'plus fate of Wilson College, who basic idea that children must be general chairman. Begins Interim New Jersey league. Mrs. Marlon iceive her master's degree understood and respected, as indi- several hundred toys will be dis- C, Reed, Westfteld league preli- from Cornell University, viduals, young personalities with Talk by Actress A Pennsylvania Dutch baby bug- tributed. dent, wi)l preside «t the session III teach the sixth grade at their own emotional needs and gy will "be shown by Pearl Phelps Pastorate Here The hunt is limited strictly to and welcome those attending on School; Adele Elizabeth rights. Dr. A. Eugene Shapiro, Brown of Millburn who will also children up to and including nine behalf of the eight leagues In the 274 Canterbury road « a local resident, consulting psy- Will Tell Of exhibit a Sunderland pitcher and year olds. There will be three dis- county who have cooperated In chologist with offices on Clinton bowl about 1840 and early Chinese Will Take Place tinct groupings, each of which sponsoring the meeting:., ' Jraduate of Wagner College, Work in Israel china. An early American pine 111 teach the second grade in avenue, Newark, will lead a dis- will be assigned a special section —Augunta< Bern According to Mrs, Smith, thl cussion on the film. two piece corner cupboard with Of Rev. Gates of the park as follows: MRS. K. D. SMITH |bus School; Alyce M. Pres- Mollic Gladstone, actress, art- OG base and a small Victorian meeting Wednesday evening will a June graduate of. The group also will discuss tha ist and costume designer, who re- love seat, both original, will high- Dr. G! Pitt Beers, former pas- Group 1, all children, both boys be conducted along slightly differ- ek College of Boston, will drive scheduled to take place dur- cently returned from her latest light the exhibit of the Foxes of tor of the First Baptist Church, and girls, up to five years old. Thin League Plans cut lines than those In the lut third grade in Jefferson ing Mental Health Week. extended period of residence in Lyme, N.H. They will also bring Paterson, and formerly executive group should not have any child few years. Questions may b« triced Alice Mary Brady, 805 Israel, will speak at Temple Eman early New England furniture in secretary of the American Bap- who now attends kindergarten. at this meeting orally front th« •way, who will graduate u-El Sunday evening in behalf of pine and maple together with tist Home Mission Society, will Group 1 will congregate in East Bundle Day floor. As at other league'meetinfi It. Mary of the Woods( In the United Jewish Appeal, which lamps, bric-a-brac and iron ware. begin an interim pastorate in the Broad street between the lake there also will be members with •this June, an'd will teach the is the chief beneficiary of the Firsti Baptist Church Sunday, and the grounds of the Presbyter- paper and pencil for thoie in th« 1 grade in Franklin School; Also showing iron ware will be ian Church, audience who wish to write their United Jewish Charities of West- Katherine S. Conaway of Clinton. taking the place of the Rev. El- Annual Event I Joan Patterson, Oakland, field. Group 2, consisting only of questions. ' kriio was graduated from She has hand made iron utensils bert E. Gates Jr. who is on a trip Set For April 14 and other iron primitives. A gen- around the world. girls between the ages of five and Freeholders running for nomin- Virginia Wesleyan College, The affair was originally sched- up to and including nine year ation will be heard first on the uled for March 18, but had to be eral line of furniture, glass and Dr. Beers is a graduate of Col- (S»» pictur* OB |M|* 3) teach the first grade at olds. This group will gather at thtt program, each of the nine being Jbus School; Mrs. Ann H. postponed because of the storm. china completes her offerings. Mrs. gate University, both of the col- Over the ;i-e»ri bundles of old Anita A. Grotcfend of 713 Knoll- Euclid avenue entrance to thu allowed three minutes each to j), the Bronx, N.Y., who was Chairman of the local drive is lege and theological seminary, and park. clothing and houwuold articles do- answer their leigue-prep»rfd jted from the City College Herbert Mandell, 38 Westbrook wood terrace is featuring hand received his doctorate from that nated to the Thrift Shop have net- question. The three candidates for York and will teach the road. made picture aprons using finest institution. He has held pastor- Group 3, all boys from the ages ted the Westfield Service League of five and up to and including state senator -will be allowed jrade in Jefferson School; Mrs. Gladstone, former director imported domestic fabric rendi- ates in Springfield,' Miass.; Balti- more than $58,000, all of which eight minutes each and those run- i Giioud, Rahway, who was tiqns of Currier and Ives prints. more, Md., and Paterson, N.J. He nine year olds. Tho boys in this has been given to charity. Con- of arts and crafts in the Sholem group will meet in Eas|, Broad ,nlng for Congress, 10 minutei. |ted from Wheelock College, Alelchem Jewish Folk Schools in Included are Williamsburg Res- has been leader in interdenomin- tributions of almost anything sale- Careful timing Is neceosary, ac- , and will teach the kinder- toration, Henry Ford and Coopers- ational circles and for several street between the lake and the able are welcome at the shop at City, has lived and Municipal Building. cording: to Mrs, Smith, in ordei lat Lincoln School, and Jean worked in Israel and shared in town Farmers Museum. Also years was president of the Home any time, but once each spring that each of the candidate! bf ers, who will return as a the life of the new settlers there. French, Chinese, Moroccan and Missions Council of North Amer- and fall the Service League des- heard and also to allow for I 10. school teacher after She studied housing, education Virgin Island motifs, A selection ica. ignates a Special day, called "Bun- dle Day," when league volunteers minute question period for tack r's absence. and other problems relating to of antique prints and old rare In his first sermon to the West- Open Meeting For of the three groups, mass immigration and worked at maps from 1650 to 1850 will com- field congregation, Dr. Be'ers will drive through town to pick up do- i teachers for the 1956-57 the docks, airport and reception plete her exhibit. preach on the subject, "Where nations placed on front porches by Chairman of the Westfteld [year were added to the camps as the immigrants arrived God And Man Meet." Music for College Men Westfleld residents. Saturday, Voters' Service committee Is MM, the board last month. in their new homeland! the sefvice includes an anthem by April 14, has been designated at Harold S. Jensen. Voters' Rervic* included Miss Anne C. Ma- the church choir directed by J. Bundle Day this year. chairmen from tho other seven 11536 Colea avenue, Moun- Shortly after Israel declared its Speaker to Tell Talk on Acoustics co-operating leagues Include independence in 1948, Mrs. Glad- Lester Robertson, minister of mu- Within the last few years ths V, a graduate of Smith Col- MADAM sic,, and a number by a wqmiSn's Service League has made substan- Mrne»- ft. Bradneld, Crtnfotdi |rtw> will receive her mas- stone* made her first trip-' ther#. To Be Featured Leonard Frank, PUinfleld; W. C.1" SOPHIA PIMEflDES PANTAZI She was a guest of the mayor of ant Work trio composed of Eleanor Mueller, tial contributions to the building :r«c in June from Harvard Dorothy Waugh, and Lois Al- funds of Muhlenberg, Overloo] KJeinfelder, Summit; Lloyd Pes- ill (each social studies . in Haifa, and of leaders of the F. K. Harvey, a member of the W, Lindens T, -E. Ruff, -EJiia- Kenesset (Parliament) and parti- paiigh. The ordinance of the Lord's acoustics group at Bell .Telephone and Rahway Hospitals, the Chil- •for high School; Mrs. Ruth Program Will End Supper will be observed, and there dren's Country Home, the Com- beth; G. E. Schindler, New Provi. Vpbell of Rahway, a 1956 ViolimstTo Be cipated in many round-table dis- Laboratories, will address the dunce, and David T. Stumelman, cussions on the country's vital will be a reception of new mem- Westfield College Men's Club at munity Center, and the Westfieli jte of State Teachers Col- Family Night Series bers into the church fellowship. Rescue Squad, as' well as donu Springfield. 'rcnton, -who will . teach problems. the Grant School Monday at 8 tions to many other- local and na- They have worked with Mrs. Concert Guest Before returning from her last At 3 p.m. Sunday the church p.m. He will speak on "Hearing, [grade in Franklin School. Dr. Alexander H. Shaw,, direc- will hold a reception in honor of tional charities, Jensen In planning the meeting Charles W. Jackeon of stay in , Israel, Mrs. Gladstone tor of work among migrants, New Speech and Music." This will be and In preparing £ho Voters' In- made a color film for the Israel Dr. and Mrs. Beers at which time an open meeting with all members, In addition to all the, financial i a graduate of Trenton Artist To Appear Jersey Council of Churches, New- they will be formally welcomed assistance the Service League ha1 formation Sheets which will be Teachers College, who will1 government. In this film, Mrs. ark, will bo the guest speaker for their families and friends invited. mailed to householders in league Gladstone and her daughter play into the church family. The affair given, the 50 active members of sixth grade in Jefferson Here April 14 tho Church Family Night at the is in chaiye of a special commit- Tho physical concepts under- the league contribute more than areas next week. These sheets Mrs. Norma M. Hocken- the roles of American tourists in First Congregational Church, 125 lying the speech process and hear- contain biographies of the candi- the country. tee, with Kenneth Thompson, 6,000 hours of service to the com- 1421 Elm street, a graduate Madame Sophia Pimenides-Pan- Elmer street, Sunday at 5:30 chairman, Other committee mem- ing process will be outlined. Meth' munity every year. At the Chil- dates and their answers to league Juglsss College, who will tari, Greek violinist, will be guest Mri. Gladstone's mark in the p.m. DT. Shaw's subject will be ods of analysis and synthesis of dren's Country Home they assist questions. The Conireismtn art "nglish in th« junior high artist of the Choral Society of theatre was made in Broadw»y'g "Migrant Workers and the speech snd music will be discussed the nurses with the Kenny packs answering th* urns question on Mrs. Martha Conway Westfield at its concert April 14, memorable musical revue "Pins Church." His talks will be Illus- (Please turn to page 2) and also narrow band speech for polio treatments, they equip the sheets as at the meeting, one fr of 833 Village Green, a at 8:30 p.m. in the Roosevelt Jun- and Needles." She designed cos- trated with colored slides. The transmission and automatic do- ptd a playroom and now super oh foreign and one on domestic fte of East Carolina Col- ior High School on Clark street. tumes and has coached several program will conclude this series Ladies Day Out vices for the recognition of speech vise it two mornings a week, and isucs. State Senate candidates rho will teach fifth grade in Her accompanist will be Mrs. Dor- Hollywood character actors in dic- of events for the season of 1955- grounds. Several demonstrations aro answering a question on the tion and dialogue. A number of they give a birthday party for School; Jean Victor de othy Schneider of Westfield. 56. It is sponsored by the Com- To See Travelogue of synthetically produced speech each child In the home. They sheets dealing with state aid for o of Staten Island, N.Y., a her wood carvings have .been ex- mittee on Christian Social Action, sounds and musical tones will be schools. The question of mental Madame Pimemdes-Pantazl gave hibited at the Metropolitan Mu- given as well as examples of also do' volunteer work ut Muh- te of Wagner Collegej who a recital in Town Hall in New Mrs. T. K. Uossiter, chairman. Mrs. T. E. Arthcr and Mrs. lenberg and Overlook Hospitals; ealth and child guidance clinics "ch sixth grade in Wash- seum. A native of New York, Mrs. Leonard Hardell are co-chairmen speech and music recreated syn- s tho topic selected for freeholder York in 1951. She is well known Gladstone is a graduate of Hunt- Dr. Shaw is a native of New make layettes for local distribu- School; and Miss Kathleen for the general interest meeting thetically from actual speech and tion by the District Nursing As- candidates. in Europe and in North Af'Ica as er College. Jersey and an alumnus of Colgate of the Ladies' Aid Day Out group music. Hy of Maplewood a grad- a concert artist. She played her University, Hamilton, N.Y., and sociation, and supply workers foi Speaking for the sponsoring f Seton Hall University who of the Westfield YWCA Tuesday. Mr. Harvey has been engaged in the Well Baby Station and finita- first violin solo'at the age of 12, tho Colgate-Rochester Divinity The program, which will start nt leagues, Mrs. Reed urges resi- ich sixth grade in Columbus and then went on to study with Arrival of Squad's . School, Rochester, N.Y. A formei acoustics studies since he joined uial assistance when it is needed dents to attend their county can- !>:30 a.m., will feature a colored Bell Laboratories in 1929. He has by the DN'A. They have recently Mathieu CrickboOm at the Royal Ambulance Delayed pastor in Highland Park, Dr. Shaw slide travelogue called "Thu didates' meeting. "We need to bo Conservatory in Brussels. After served eight years as executive di been associated with such devel started assisting the Wcstlleld sure," she says, "that our govern- ical inspectors were ap- Strange City," based on Harnctt opments as air raid alarm sys- Rescue Squad by helping provide as follows: Chief, additional study in Paris and a Arrival of the Rescue Squad's rector of the New Brunswick T. Kane's book, "Queen New Or- ment representatives on all levels Dr. series of concerts throughout Eu- new ambulance, which was due Council of Churches. Following tems, a locator for gun sounds and daytime telephone answering aro the best people we can find, leans." E. W. Millar will pre- a vibrating reed indicator for air- service for ambulance calls. Mem- PI ~ rope, Madame Pimenides-Pantazi March 31, has been delayed indef- this," for eight years he was min- sent the travelogue, which he has and one of the best ways to lease turn to page 2) i returned to the Royal Conserva- initely, the squad has announced. ister of the Union Church, Bal- craft, lie also aided in develop- bers assisted the Hoard of Health udgo them is to see them in per- prepared and given professionally. ment of a technique for photo- in the mass polio vaccination pro- tory in Brusseln as an instructor, When the new ambulance ar- boa, Canal Zone. In September, Mr. Millar, a member of the Pho- son and listen to what they have which post she held for many rives, the squad intends to send 1955, he was appointed associate graphing sound waves. gram. o say," ,-This in-person contact tographic Society of America, has An electrical engineer, Mr. Har cher's Salary years. She is now livi.ng in West- the present ambulance to a garage secretary of the New Jersey Coun- done travelogues from trips he -ogethur with the material in the field and is teaching violin. Her for a complete overhaul. Serving cil of Churches and director of its vey received his bachelor's degree nformation Sheets, she feels, will has taken to Cuba, Florida and from New York University in program will be aa follows: "An- on the ambulance committee are work among migrants. . various historical American cit- Y Indian Swim help the voter use his voting priv- s to Widow dante-Symphonio Espagnole," La- Deputy Captain Brian Mahoney, 19119. He is a member of the ilege'intelligently when he goes to lo; "Spanish Dance 7," Saraaate; Here in the Garden State, a ies. IRE, the AIEE and the Acousti- chairman, Lt. Iver Berry, Anthony migrant force of 18,000 workers h polls for the primary election "La Vida Breve," DeFalla-Kreis- Dechellis, and Lt. Bruce Kampe. Following the program, Mrs. La cal Society of America. Glasses to Start April 17. Board of Education Tues- ler.- • I Drivers of the new ambulance is employed annually in harvest- Moine Johns will be' hostess at a Rnt voted to pay the salary ing a $312,000,000 crop of fruits, coffee hour. Information about patron mem- will be required to take a special Country Dance Set The spring term of Westfield late Charles P. Turek Jr. course iii driving the car with vegetables, and other produce. To On Thursday, April 19, Ladies' YMCA Indian swim instructional •ocul CD Council 'ch Plnins for the remain- bership or individual tickets may care for these people, there are Day Out members, friends, and be otbained by phoning Mrs. Thos. power-steering and power brakes. The Girls' Sports Council of elusscs will begin registration for tne school year to his widow. 2,359 registered camps. If is guests will attend a matinee per- Westiicld and Garvvood residents To Meet Tuesday 25-year-old teacher died Knceshaw, We, 2-2340-J or Mrs. Mr. DeChellis was elected treas- among these centers that the New formance of "The King and I" Wostfk'ld Senior High School will A. R. Rescorla, We. 2-6057. Tick- urer of the squad Tuesday night, present its annual country dance Wednesday. Registration for res- 21 in Muhlenberg Hospital, Jersey Council of Churches car- at the Paper Mill Playhouse. idents In areas not included in the A Civil Defense Council meet- °l'i. after suffering a heart ets may also be obtained at the replacing Frank Judson, who re- ries on the ministry directed by Guests are welcome to join thu Saturday, April 14 in the high ng has been called for Tuesday door on the night of the concert. signed. school gymnasium from 8 to 12 United Campaign will begin Wed- while under treatment for Dr. Shaw. group. Tickets .may bo purchased nesday, April 18. t 8 p.m. at civil defense head- •omn. He had been a sev- The family night program in- at the YWCA on or before Tues- p.m. Dr. Kraua will be the caller, uartors >to plan a local exercise The dance will hu "g'rl-ask-boy." The- classes will run for 10 •rado social studies teacher cludes an exhibit of, materials fea- day. weeks beginning Saturday, April n conjunction with the state-wido •kwveli Junior High School turing the religious and educa- :ivll,defense,tcHt planned for tha r(1 Reception, Tea To Feature 21 with the third and ninth les- • e years. tional ministry to migrant work- 9 son being parents' visitation days. ivening of May 1. resolution the board stated: ers, together with motion-pictures Try outs For Boys Baseball The fees for the course are a year- All division directors aro ro- ivcstlield Board of Educa- Opening Of New Clubhouse and film strips. The committee ar- ly registration of Jll and a tuition lucstcd to attend with as many of ">hes to pay tribute to Mr. ranging the exhibit includes Mrs. of $ti for the 10 lessons. heir workers as they deem noces- whose untimely death has men arc advised to call Mrs, II.' Loren B. Gasklll and Mrs. John League To Be Held Saturday Parents are urged to register lary or advisable. ">i't a career which gave Tho official opening of the R. Cory, rentals chairman, im- B. Lnffcrty. Mrs. John M. Brown e flow clubhouse of the Westfield early since class enrollment Is lim- Dr. Frank Nelson and Dr. Ger- : of creat promise in the mediately to schedule dates of and Mrs. B. M Goldsmith arc anil nine will try nut Saturday an iU'd. Thu schedule for the vari- ald Demurest will assist Dr. Ed- education, Woman's Club at 318 South Eu- their April and Mny meetings. Tryouts for the Westlicld Boys' follows: Kight year olds (Grass- clid avenue will lie held Wednes- Baseball League will begin Sat- ous Indian classes is us follows: ward ti. Bourns and act as assist- associates, ho rsonified Rentals may be' arranged for (Please turn to page 2) hoppers), I) a.m. at Roosevelt Jun- Poly wop I, 5, G:30, 0 p.m.; Poly- nt medical directors for civil dc tributes allied with the fin- day from 2 to 5 p.m. when a re- dates after April 15 and informa- urday, Herbert Wight, president, ior High School and nine year olds ception and tea are planned. announced today. K II, 3, 3:30 p.m.; Minnow I, 'ense in WoHtlield. teachers. To parents, ho tion may bo obtained from Mrs, (Atlantic Division), 0 a.m. at 2, 2:30 p.m., and Minnow II, 11 >W the ability to elicit' Past presidents will pour and Cory. Skating Program Boys of league ages 10, 11 and the clubhouse committee will re- Franklin School. 12:30 p.m. efforts possible from his In recent weeks the clubhouse Begins Tomorrow 12 years will try out at Tamaques League age IH that age attained All classes meet on Saturdays, In This Issue And by his pupils, ho ceive guests. Executive board Park this and next Saturday and members will be hostesses. Mrs. committee has been considering by u boy before Aug. 1 this year Registration must be mudu in loved because his under- estimates from various contrac- The municipal skating program succeeding Saturdays in event of (i.e. whatever age he will bo on person and fees me due upon reg- About Town With . •S i imp i red mutual respect. G. A. Smyth and her committee rain, at the following times: 10 aro in charge of hospitality, and tors on the parking area and work will get underway tomorrow and July 31). istration. No registrations will be Sally 0, 10 i"n, but Kentle insistence will start as soon as weather skating space will be uvailablc year olds, 0 a.m. to 12 noon; 11 Play for the regular iichedulc In accepted over thu telephone ,or «oorry and geography are u Miss Jo Kunkel and members of 1 year olds; 1 p.m. In 2:30 p.m., and HusinL'!!d« for thin Chnrles P, Eddy, chairman of Coming Events 14 work. tlic Recreation Commission, npun- 14 and 15 will try out tit Tum- garni! on Saturday. Much team will "An Kviming In Monaco" will Set The Itev. Dr. Frederick E, iqunit Park, Saturdays April 14 Kdltorlnls 18 Christian, minister of the Preshy- Tho grounds committee ban lmr the program, announced pluy a 10-Kaniu schedule, two IK? the tht'inn (if tin* VVi'sinareo Hint the skating will be under, anil 21 nt these times: 13 your gainer against teams in its own 1 Ohlt'inriuH 4 "'(.'istration find inspce- tcriuM Church, will offer the house conferred with the county agent mvi'ting tonight ut tin YMCA. Kx- ami iiovnral experts <>" trees mid the fupcivlslnn of acting director olils, 2 |i.iii. April J •! anil 3 p.m. li'iijtue mid oni' gunu; with lciiin» trii playing nictncy will be award- Playing thu Cards ,'..19 ;;' hcl-l Saturday from II bliwinit at ;ii!l(i P''ii- „ ., 1 shrubs and tho result of tholr Joseph Hushlnia'r, basketball and April 21; 11 anil 15 yi'iii.i olds, in the other Icngui . • I'd us a bonus for those who bring Huciiil U-14 < '- noon at the roar of Tho clubhouse will bf available 1 p.m. April 21, juartcira. Safety Offl- findings will bo «ppllcd In the euro assistant football couch ut tho Pony League schedule will be u family photo for tho Wesmarco Sports ', ..aO-32 for department moetlngH after of the lawn, shrubs and trues, junior high school, emus Catalon la m charge. Wednesday, and department chair- Boys of minor leuguu ugeu uiifht amiouiiuud ut u lalur duU. ucxup book, Guests in invited, Theatres • ...... 88 r. APRTL s. mm: wwrnrnxt m f i : «srack by a vehicle lacerations of the right leg andturning into SARToHoU ! Vliet to Attend Two Injured fci- C V, Wt*d „£ <,Sk-*rs of the Wwt Fields piace. will attend tte seeOBd sa- Dr. Ross Mugjrio and Dr. Alice' Chapter of the Son* or the Amer- una' meeting of tne Travelers In- is of TIS S Tyndall; juaior high, Dr. Guy •• ten Revoiutioa wiii be held st th? Loral Chamber t!t-r Cirele, sn orjraBBatioB af the Hopper, Dr. Martha Tymtalf;! YMCA Tuesday at 8 p.m. Writes to Mevuer ie-adins Me. accident and health Elm Street School, Dr. A hits'- One of the new memtsers of the in>uraspe producers ef the Trant- Setraytr Mtd Dr. Gloria Schrsyer. f society. Join F. ifatihewson of The Chamber of Commerce ers Insurance Co. The swiinp will 1 HEADING Also. Ce!un;bu.-i, Dr. Charles Wcstfield, will be the prinripal iser *>f Summit sv^nut M'onday called for ae- t* he;d at the Arizona-Biitasor* street- Both were listed is Hriy; Franklin, Dr. Francis Nei- I *J»ak«-r. He wiii give a short talk ,iOI1 to forbid the Sunday opening'. Hotel. Phoenis. Arit. from April erudition yesterday. son; Grant. Dr. Daniel Hackett::on "The Britain I Saw," of retail shops along the main • S* to 13. They sere taken ta Overtook SAVINGS INSTITUTION Jefferson, Dr. Arthur Staub: Lin- > highways of Ken Jersey. In a jfr. VSiet is representing the Hffspiial by the Vnrift* Resea* coln, Dr. Dudley Roberts; Mc- : letter to Governor Meyner the; Travelers through the Newark of- i Squad. Wukosets, a passenger fa Kiniey, I>r. E. C. Honen stein; Speaker To Tell business group outlined the prob- • gj^ i a oar driren by Edward F. Baitach . Dr. Paul Sandra, : iems which Sunday retail sales • Invitations to the Inner Cirele * of Avenue. Ms treated for a frae- "WHERE FHEHHY SnVKE TO YOU and Wilson, Dr. Joseph Ka!- \ accentuate. I were extended by the msuranre I t. d forearm. Koos was treated fcacher. (Continued from page 1) are cha f lhte4n!ed ou out !ht e the j street when the two whicies pol- oseph Connell, sixth grade Car of Visiting ! tided. The Koos ear had t» be te&cher in Grant School, reported feature "The Beani Pickers and i traffi(. b!ms (.81.5ed by car3 "Plains Priest Stolen I towed s»sy. on organuation ef the safetr pa- MS Hemp arranged by MSs> Made-. }e%^nf sni going on!o the high. uUN! > OPFNED B ; huth e M. Wynn. Other members of ^. es^biish- .Mr*. Marion Meyer of 625 Hcrt trol at his school. James T.'Cox, i * arrangements i way wheDmn theth eretai roadi s are jtJisree emnniittee on arrangements i me^w when the roads are flii(,d .The car of the Rev. John Caul-' street was admitted «o UuhieMiberg administrator intern iri the of-j Harry D«-rtm, Robert O. I th tt-eekend drivers. field, of St. Bartholomew's Catho- i Hospital. P!a;nReSd, Saturday, aft- URN >K)M IHf fice of Dr. S. N. Ewan Jr., super-! The dan r of m !ie Church, Scotch Plains, tras re-: - intendent of schools, gave a re- f L. Mrs. Howard i v^ nl•"h !UI "ew\n bu m«a Richard C. t'nderh!!!. \ ««"l«nt* *f * P * '^:. J ported stolen Tuesday mornmri The best doctors is the world port on a public relations work-; re E Rossiter trill be in! Messenger saia the letter did notfrom in front of the rectory of | are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet an shop which was conducted te-1 refer to MJ of nroiet-Hon ' particular N>w Jer-! |jo|v jriniiy Church. Doctor Merrynlan. eently by the teachers of Lincoln • , „ ,„»,.„., Houirhton, of 1 -Jonathan Swift Sehooi. • j Soppeofpro;ect,onr resermtfon. s must •••!j se mighy _ highwat occuyr on which collisions f ! ^tter ^j, j. , msde not !st 0 Ho!v Trinity, reported the theft f Mrs- Jolius Jackson of the i " ***" t"* "-™* The letter. Messenger said, jt o f^gj p0Hce a! 10:20 a.m. and I a VOmeB at th Bi d > ?tressed th reli?iou3 ^'^ l} y. ^ ' l \cZ"^^Ll ChuJh * «snificanceipolke ,« eontinuin? the invest! the board foi- partietpatmjr in the j ^ongregatiopai inm-cft. 1o f most r?uj, stom ^.^ r,0!ed P^ recent "Meet Your Board of Edu-1 _ ^ i on Sunday and questioned why At 7:35 a.m. Tuesday Frank B. | Squad Takes ftesident to some should be permitted to re- jSutherland, supervisor of irrounds, I ACCOUHTS cation" program 'Philadelphi" " ™* " "a" ™'Hospita-*" "l " ' main open on the high-speed ar- reported that E!m Street School teries. had been broken into and papers TO SUM Teachers' Salary A father of fonr chffdren sst- The letter was an outgrowth of burned. Also police were told thai feriB|» frdm a rneiunsHe heart a meeting last week in which Sun- an estimated 20 windows we (Continued from page 1) condition «*s transporfea yester- day retail businesites was the sub- at Roosevelt Junior High rital part of our everyday life dty to * Philadelphia hospital by ject of lonp discussion. Although [ School, die Rescne Squad. the letter sidestepped naming any amused an interest that will lire specific highway, it is generally on in the minds and hearts of his] Edward McCarthy, 45, an en-understood that businessmen here stodents. We hope the realization gineer for the New Jersey Bel are dissatisfied with the amount RESOURCES IN EXCESS OF $20,000,000 that Mr. Turek will be affection- Telephone Co., was taken from of retail merchandising that is ately remembered by his papiis al- his home at 114 Lincoln road a taking place on Sunday along ways, wiii afford comfort to, those 9 a.m. and arrived at Hahnentann Route 22. who feel his loss most keenly and Hospital at 11:15 a.m. His wife Conveniently Located at itoadi and Prospect St». to whom board members offer their said physicians will determine Meanwhile, a Mountainside bor- deepest lympathy." whether McCarthy will undergo ough official said that Sunday delicate heart surgery. Tie was re- restrictions "are not being con- leased from Overlook Hospital in sidered because there are no re- Summit about three weeks ago. tail stores open on Sunday in WESTFIELD FEDEBAL SAVINGS Begins Interim Mountainside." Squad members George Dag- A meeting of the officials of (Continued from page 1) ostaro and John Ward took Mc- Carthy to the hospital. This was Mountainside, Onion, Hillside, HAVE YOUR bers include Herman Childers, Ray Springfield and Kenilworth is Crispen, Mrs. Orlin Johnson, and the squad's second trip to Phila- ! delphia -within a month. Another scheduled for Monday. Officials UN-FOR-EVEftYONI Mrs. Kenneth Strandberg. The en- will study public reactions to a I tire church is invited. resident was transported to Jeffer- PARTIES AT son Hospital March 9. sample Sunday ordinance and de- Dr. Beers will continue as min- termine what joint action would THE ister of the church through Sun- be necessary among the several day, July 15. Rec. and Mrs. Gates Issue 20 Permits communities. 110*0 41 riosricr y will rqturn to Westfield Saturday, Sept. 22. Twent}' building permits for Teach me to feel another's woe, n*naur«nt _ one-family dwellings were issued To hide the fault I see; N«warfc Airport1 .»„«"•,„„ A SAM** mnforn More people are Mattered into during March at the office of j That merry I to others show, MArfc«t4-i WfSTFIHD: Bm t Oitrt, SM. OPEN DAIIY 8 A.M. TO 3 P.M. - MONDAY tVl. 6 P.M. TO 8 yirtue than bullied out of vice. . Building Inspector Bernard A. 1 ThThatt mercy shoh w t o me. NfWMUC: 4M —Robert Smith Surtees Jan I —Alexander Pope

John franks



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Th. pun wool wonted wM. ttu, "BgHt^ look for Spring." Natural Kn«, Ifira* button, u bnaifed In light bluel, brown antl tall grays. Suit! by Solon, _ M«ho«b. Stem far coiuol wear — medium grey from $55.00 nammh and lighrweight wonted' ttmti, iffm $„,, wirtl adjustable ; Nothing mcaiurvt up to tho luxury touch of bodk ifrap. otl-Woot V-n«clced * pull-overs and iltevelni sweaton, bright with color. from $13.95 from


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OPEN MGN. & FRI. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 mrnmew U*» cor r.or entrance for direct aeceis to E. Broad Street from town THE WKSTFTfiLD (W. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 5,1956 invited To The invitations were mailed by women members of the Citizen* 'Plains Man Fined and the reipoiwibQitief of Candidates Local Group magistrate. Committee for Sound Government. Group Backs For Speeding Here Both candidates have been en- rCH PLAIN&-About 1,000 Backs Candidacy Police Investigate dorsed by the organization is the Irene T. Griffin Albert C. Bulgreen, 1708 Front voters have been invited to ^pril 17 primary election. street, Scotch Plains, was fined Vandalism Outbreak rith Mauro A. Checchio and Of Mrs. Griffin Endorsement of former Assem- $13 Tuesday in Magistrate's Court ,m Devies, GOP Township Content thyself with thine estate; blywoman Irene T. Griffin of 404 SCOTCH PLAINS—Police art L candidates, «t a tea 3-5 Neither wish death nor fear his for driving 43 miles-pwiour in a West Dudley avenue for Republi- 1 investigating an outbreak of va»- might. A committee of Westfield worn-1 can nomination as representative 25-mile-un-houi zone. dsy at Shackamaxon Coun- en who have been identified wnn daltsm in Seneca road which fcb. —Henry Howard of the Sixth Congressional dis- Michael J, Cotsakos, Puterson, community leadership have i n- trict "because of her outstanding brought in two complaints with* dorsed 4>e candidacy of Irene T. was fined $6 for illegal parking. A qualifications, education, service, disorderly conduct complaint was in 20 minutes Tuesday. A. wi- Griffin, former assemblywomen,' experience, sincerity, honesty and for Congress of the United States I withdrawn against Wilfred M. den-, of Oeetwood road told jwlw* leadership," was announced this Boucher, 838 Carleton road. on the Repubilcan ticket. Mrs. i week by a group of Garwood res- at 9 p.m. that vandals had brokm Robert J. Harley of 1067 Rahway idents. Close to 15 senior high school two streets lights in Sense* road. avenue, who organised the com- pupils of the "Problems of Democ- At 9:20 p.m. another resident im- mittee, made the following state- The group noted that "Irene T. racy" class of the high school at- ported that the aerial of hia CM ment : Griffin was the first woman in the tended the court session and Mag- had been broken while parked in more than 90 years of history of Seneca road. Patrolman Joha • "Sometimes during the 'heat' of istrate William M. Beard explain- Union County to be elected to the ed to them procedures of the court Trembicki responded to the calls. a political campaign voters search N. J. Legislature. The Hon. Wal- for factual information on candi- ter Jones, who was the Republi- dates and are unable to obtain WHY WE SELL, the same. We, who join in en- can majority leader in the lower dorsing Mrs. Griffin of Westfield house jn 1945, wrote to her at the for Congress, are doing so for the end of'the session, "As I look back following reasons: i over the record and analyze your services in the Assembly, I can "1. Irene T. Griffin presents a only say that I wish that I could fine legislative record as our for- say for myself that I was as good mer and first assemblywoman. She a-majority leader as you were an POWER MOWERS... served on the key committees of assemblywoman." As specialists in lawn and garden supplies, our busi- education and public health while Mrs. Griffin has resided in West- a member of the lower house and field for 30 years. She has been ness depends on satisfied customers. That's why we introduced important educational recommend and sell Jacobeen ... America's most legislation. Her research and A c.ll for biaaUlM ia kaiag muk by th. Wkatfi.U Sei-ric. U|U. the widow of 0. D. Griffin since study ability were greatly respect- Mombara of th« lat|ue contribu t. mor. than 6,000 houra of a»r. February, 1954, and is the mother distinguished name in Power Lawn Tools for more ed. vic. yearly. Shown lift to risk t preparing for th* annual Bun- of three children, Ruth G. Col- 5 TINY, JEWEMJKE MICROPHONE, want bars « d» bad, lins, wife of the Rev. Robert M. than 35 years. There's an easy starting, quiet run- ... - --.,«, BiupaHI. li'a part of Zmilh't •*» atU Day April 14 ar.: Mra. Dw ifht E.ton, pruidamt; Mra. A. "2. Mrs. Griffin has an excellent Qyipp, fall tim* .roploy..) ••• Mra. Narbart W.ldon, Thrift Collins, Elizabeth; Harriett G. ning Jacobsen for every size and _ „ - J «j*Willi liie »^k«» the cUuio (implicit? «nd grace of lino typicll of p»tt «re«t Also Mesdames Stewart W. Ev- THE HOME ittmnkmu Tho Sldnwij Contemporary with matching bench can be d«liy«wd ans, Albert Larkin, R. C. Heath, professor of education at Teach- YOUR home. And now, with Spring approaching, mthoneby • small down P.y»iMt«ilhtJ»W«ilo»»J*««doT«.pt*iodoIjreaM. Ralph S. Wallace, David Brandt, ers' College, Columbia University. DELIVERY F. A. Korn, Carl Fischer, Donald Assisting Miss Muaselman at it the time to consider home improvements. Get Rindell, George R. Feeley, E. S. the booth during tho week-long ex- 1 fhrmtn rd* m Hi* Stabi- YOU WANT Stockslag'er, Riobert B. Sosman, position will be Jack Cary, Child- :«cluil».|y.VAN CLIBUHN, craft's eastern division manager, your estimates — and then — if ready cash isn't Jut jronng American artist pic- Howard F. Brock, Edward H. ... is easy to find in the & « rijlit, w th, Stdmt ay M. Smith, R. B. Russell, Henry B. handy Yellow Pages of available come to us for a low cost, easily arranged l «• do Badura-Skodi, Mackie and Willard V. Kaylor. 'Plains Brownie BrachoUerle. Firltiuny, your telephone book. KnoOu«tM,MalcMyiiikitMlki . Troop 47 Active "on Gonld, Ormandy, I.aao Competition Should Set SEE: HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN ".G«rit«Sa.ll,Alb«t*H,r- TtllicUk and many, many Rates' Kitvanians Told SCOTCH PLAINS — Members Milk and .. aUo nearly all the na. of the third year Brownie Troop Milk Products Retail ""I "ymphony orchettrai MOUNTAINSIDE —The pub- 47 which meets in the St. Barthol- Up to 2% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts ridio and ulnlaion BUtioni. lic will benefit from better trans- omew the Apostle auditorium, Oils-Fuel portation service at lower coat if have completed tenderfoot require- Diaper Servioe competition, rather than govern- ments. They also attendod a Holy ment control, is permitted to es- Laundries STEINWAY Hour service at St. Mary's Church, Druggists THE INSTRUMENT OF THE IMMORTALS tablish rates, John J. Kicrnan, Plainfield. reprcasnting the Newark Railroad Girls aro malting surprises for Beverages IWU/UHUV TRUST COMPANY Community Committee, told mem- their mothers which will bo pre- You can find any FILL OUT-TEAlt OFF AND MAIL bers of tho Mountainside Kiwanis sented ut tho mother-daughter din- »»Mud m* catalog en Sltlnwey Planoi Club Tuesday flight. ner May 15. There will hn ;i cere- Borvice—LOOK I with to rant a Sl«lnway Q Porchou a Sltlnwoy • SpeHkinit ut Mountainside Inn, mony for Ihone who will "fly up" WESTFIELD - CRANFORD Kicrnan, who is division freight to (ilrl HcouU. They decided' to In tho agent for the Lchlgh Valley Rail- reserve money in the treasury for GARWOOD - PLAINFIELD road at Newark, said that in many two picnics, one to he in May and SCOTCH PLAINS .instances the present regulations one in June. They aro planning a YELLOW which prevent railroads from1 of- "The Music Center of New Jersey" roller skating party. Mra. Jean ASSETS $45,000,000 fering lower yet compensatory Carlock is their leader, Mrs. Edith PAGES! rates "cost shippers and the pub- Bchafor tho eo-jeader. ot your phone boow OLDEST BANK IN WESTFIELD GRIFFITH PIANO CO. lic millions of dollars." Kicrnan cited the recent report ORGANIZED 1892 -STE1NWAY nEl'liraKNTAtflVES— of President Eiwenhowcr's Advis- tional polk'iet'. I.eglslHtion bear- 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, N. J. ory Committee on TranHport Pol- ing on the recommendations of tho NEW JERSEY BELL TLUPHQNE COMPANY Deposits Imursd Up To $10,000 By FDIC Opnt Wednesday Evenings until O-Phone MArkrt 3-B880 icy and Organization, which rec- report Is currently pending before ommends a major overhaul of n«- both houses of Congress, the tax problem, Mr. Crane as- i sorted, is an increase in .the ctg- Pi r.+ori F-ireral Lack of Action t »_.<•(;v levy and the prospect of an OBITUARIES Loeal CoMmittee I Visit Mental • rrerirtiuy price of 30 **ente for | U 1933-34 On Projector Cited eitiier a pack of cig-areUts or a!fornia throne* Mrs. C. Srttlf-mavf-r r: '• > Hufh Kent Formed to Back Health Clinic j^iik'n of ga»oliue. • ! i A tax convention, patterned] «f 690 ftatrfgy j[i-r,i,i, '• (•/) )a.J* Bv R. €. Crane ' if'.rr the conclave that overhauled! .svt J t'tte a,; ITtiunuay -—.' H'<»:."«.i Carlvle W. Crane Tour Made By tn<> aut-moded constitution, is the PJ*»nn*id, 6f'!T a w *.' , '• f— Sr.f ' r a- .1 Ts-j-f 01 f r Loral Wonwn «.!y means, he argrued, for im- >•«* toe w>«c,w cf r.-r* A. S-t- ;. fa, i:<: vc."' h--i-i A !1 .raM It Bmrjror and Robert1 proving the state's tax structure, T r t Ki • : cf <:.!" 5-V ! ii.u!i.\. ii"t'i piomlr.rrr ir iocai, of lora! women visited but again his rivals—those seek- whet *»' a t'jwr mj...-. --n *T .1 <• .' T .» .-.f n •'• I!.' - K* r ri''tun at rivit if1*, «ill be eo-j Health n nie aj Plain- inf " piomotion"-—4tave abewB no and e©jpt a*l(ridir-t a* the Uni'j:; .i-ai. Hi **•'«• a •t,a . \U-< • a f" • " v- h (.'mull ' 'in"} !t'i, (i- of t'rt-FOOK, W«-if.(-'-s fi%*- n.-ir-e r,,, A^omWymdn rar'r!s • jf* "function". Tli» riraio ^upnoi"-- a >-r. Born fn Bi'rt,',a, N.Y . Mi- IV f iaje, fardidate Tor State , ^ ^.^ |(jt.al Mental Health Ari- Scttifmayer tu.j rsaideci .,. We-r,- oj- r.- Sf.atoi. , ml.i»t'.ar., was established fcs ajd WestficldBkr ftpid 55 year- Mr Kent ,.\=u(*^ihlyman rrsne. fflnn*»T j _er,on^ I7I rwwtwTing their ffmo- She U ••..rvvi-d by a daughter, Arrs.>r A. Jr.of ' r Major of Plainflpld, is «*kinr the I | difficulties ami in re-medjr- ar,-J tl0M Writes Article Mr*. CatrssT.!,<- E. Ovsrwx. of Krpjt>>ran ponunanon for State ;n)r them 1* t3 hope*! **«* *«*- Mr**. B^rtrand of j • . • • Elizabeth; a -or. hVai.k W. of 5*;,ator ii the Apr.I 17rh Rppub*|ou, emotional iHseswt »til b« pt*- 687 H&rt stiver: tA'u (fra^dfhiS- n!i and Mr-. , •n "IJ» uuiny < vvta in ^he Capt. Robert N. Bock of IS? dren ar.ii f&jr »!ieat K:aMji.ii..'Jit-ji. Tom* River. ! F<.r Mi ¥.- Of-' with Mr BajrFer and | f «sranal aid 'n their tMtnmi.y j.ru -iii absencw of ac- ! Bright-wood avenue, . die famed e r Fttneral «i-,"tea were held Mon- Funeral =«r wf-rf rcl-j gat | JJj-ic • l. Mr. Harley are the fo!!o«rin« loeal lans rg tins fact «ar!y ;on in wtki*n' ^uppiy. ^LX3t^'J&, and"boy pilot" of the early 1930s, has day afternoon in Gray'-t Funeral j whieh is now a Sammer theater. • . V "* \ a day afternoon m Gray's Funeral. - --* — —- - ; „,„,.„ ...... - .,- — ... . . How- seek help thtough iilitm; written an article on transoceanic Home, with trie Ksv. Frederick W.fKome, with the Rev. James D. The Clinton Point package ard Coi, Paul E. Davis, IJBOB i. ' hfilp-i children ani» .\.-oeinl)iy'*oinr«imnpan.' •''•"tjutfi'tly voted the gaged in transoceanic (lying fat OtherOther (nurvio M iincludn e hh wife,,;; pjeM(wt> rjonitanee CC.. HiaHerora ea«ioB*fly, court. jtjit»r way, ^l* ^tirte*i. the past 13 years. H* has been Arthur A. Hensel ht Kent and a i jeM(wt> C lb Oil Mrs. Viola BuiTOWeS Mrs. Marjone Sheets Kent and a i £ C. Slierbsarae. tt to •nay be "Hast w« wn.r. uatH we liave with Trans-World Ai*linea fer 1» Arthur A. Hens*! Sr. of »Sg sister, Mrs. Horace Souie of Aa expe«eznAY$ 10%, Bom in Mitidlebu^h, Mrs. Bur SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. Eliza- i In a statement, Mr. Bagger^andj t(} about it. Psychai^HficaJ *s- ' ley Kuu^i dr 1 ^tiries of &2B& along at the ag« of la U> b#*9ni* Hie "was the widow of Richard beth Mae Ehiy Levengood died [Mr. Harlty commented: "We may men IM maUe fifth seat in the Assem- officer of the Air "Line Pilots Bom in Charleston, S.C., Mr.san Levengood, aH at home; a Crane's Senatorial eaudiiiacy join | bly, umi*r the new constitution,Assn. During World' War II ' he Coionel had raided la Westfie] Bister, Mrs. Mabel Davis of Geru-* ih this earnest and srac«» ite- g the trip to the clrnic the senatorial candidate contin- served with the Air, Transport £5 yean, fle was a member o: mantown, Pa.; and three broth- ommendfttion to &ar fellow towns- were the Mcsdimcj Jules M. Ctu- ued, tkat rirht still is nullified.Command. • Bethel Baptist Church and thera, Milton, Joseph and Robert folk." bard, E. Schlesenfeer, R. M. tiflj- The "prestife" of his rivals for The Westfield pilot has held six John 6. i Newcomers' Club here. Ehiy, all of Norristown. ciw semiaatwa has not been able authenticated flying records. In The local eonBBEttee's co-ehair- ley, H. R. Welch Jr., Deai» S|wse#, He t« survived by his widow, Funeral services will be held at Bryan Demmick, L. T. MacGiH, J. ti» op«B the way for another Re-1936 he set the world's non-stop Mrs. Lottie Colonel. men have bees active in civic and ps&Eieas vote in the lower House, distance record for light airplanes L. L. MANNING A SON 2 p.m. today in the Boyd Funeral political work. Mr. Bafger, a for- R. Weiss, C. W. Carlisle, Vn4 312CiDMiT.,( Funeral services wijl be held Home, Norristown, and interment Hall, E. H. Swint and R. H. Mel-he slid. by flying 1,986 miles from Bur- Unmet. Owmtt at 1 p.m. today in Bethel Baptii mer councilman, has been a can- TSta anty "progTeaa" visible on bank, Calif., to Columbus, Ohio. He TIL CRANfQM will be in the Riverside Cemetery didate for Mayor and Assembly-nert. m M tnm H. M HatlrfMM MTM Church, Trinity place with the there. Ud BooklM feat ffn Rev. Robert-H. Smith officiating. man. He U a pnbtk relation* ex- — Bulldefi of OaaHtr Intenjient will be in Fairview ecutive with tb« New York Life Etiehlhg Telephone C'emfltery. Friends may call at the Insurance Co. Mr. ~Harley is a U ror M f«ara Endorses safes executive with the National Servic* at Internal as seen tit... Tube Division of the United States Steel Corp. He is a member of the Revenue Offices Mrs. Dwyer Westfteld Board of Adjustment. YOU ARE SAFE Both Mr. Bagger and Mr. Harley Joseph F. J. Mayer, Newark dis- Assemblyman William R. V are members of the Westfield 1 trict director of the Internal Rev- Whan yaw buy fr»m us, m y*wr wwwwwt win b« publican Committee. enue Service, announced today an derbilt today endorsed Assembly- extension of tax assistance to fed- woman Florence P. Dwyer's can- era], taxpayers.. He said that the INSURED didacy for Congress on the Re- telephone tax service, now avail- publican ticket in Union County's Legionnaires able at all internal revenue service «f Landau. WrHa far sixth ^district, describing her as offices- during regular weekday "One of New Jersey's outstanding business hours, -will be extended in legislators." To Be Honored certain offices from 5 to 8 pjn, LINCOLN MONUMENT GO. "As a colleague of Mrs. Dwyer each weekday evening from Moc- ill Union County's Assembly dele- daj\ April 2 to April 16, ineEasire, 403 Orang* Road MOntclair 2-1800 gation, I have seen first hand her Twenty-two members of Martin constant fight for the principles of Wallberg Post 3, American Le- Tiie offices which will provide CM* 300 LOCAL gion, will receive awards April 17 this special telephone service and good government," Vanderbilt for maintaining membership for their telephone numbers are: New- from 5 to 25 years. ark, Mitchell 3-5056; Patenon, "Itating her seven years of high Sherwood 2-9484; New BrutUwict, romplMhTmrm in Trenton, she Presentations will include nine S-year pins, eight 10-year pins, Charter 9-8200, and Jersey*€!*?, 1m* been a full-time legislator, Henderson 5-4100. A4 her cottijnon-gense grasp of four 15-year pins and one 25-year h eofftplex problems of govern- pin, according to Charles W. Grin- Mr. aiaycr explained that the rijiitt Is taxation, education and er, commander. telephone service has proved pop- pittnlnc for expanding needs of a Four new members were admit- ular with taxpayers who take ad- fftwlnfr »t»t» hag boon evident at ted Tuesday night, including Wil- vantage of the opportunity to ob- Compmtnm ll tilhe*. lis A. Johnston Sr. of Funwood, tain expert answers to their tax "Mrs* DWyer's record Ai thewhp transferred from another problems by simply making: a com- Ctmtet Ute legislature contains rt'pc-at- post.' The others are Thomas K, fortable phono call from their «d.«x«thples ot the militant, cour- Parsons, Lester Opdyke and Po-home or place of business. Confident* ftfteou« le»dorship we need not only lice Sgt. Alfred Vardalis, all of The director warned that this on "a otate but a national level. Westfield. extension of telephone service "She sponsored and led the suc- Members received an Invitation should riot be Interpreted to mean cessful fight for Interstate uir pol- to the anniversary party of thethat the internal revenue offices lution control legislation, bringing post uuxillary at 8:30 p.m. April will be actually open at night to together for the first time In our25 ih the post rooms. render assistance to taxpayers fn nation's history the governments person. He said that the present f three states In n co-ordinated Mi: Griner appointed Edward plans provide for all offices to program to combat this serious Wlttko, Hokan Kjellmark and Lou-continue to render personal ser- problem. is Ehlen to a nominating commit- vice only during the regular week- tee. "Hho authored and pushed thru day business hours, 8:30 a.m. to equal pay for worhM 4n New Jer- Elizabeth Topham and Douglas 5 p.m., with one exception. The sey—0 law which now Is buing Eaton, first and second place win- Newark office at 581 Broad street usod hy Congress as n model for ners, respectively, in the post's or- will remain open to provide tax- national legislation. atorical contest, will receive their payers with both telephone and 'Narcotics control, the control medals April 17 at ceremonies in personal assistance up to 9 p.m. on of the sale of dangerously inllntn- the post rooms. Monday, April 10, the last day ffittbli! fabrles, far-sighted legisln- The Memorial Day committee on which an individual, calendar tlon for teachers' minimum sulnr- urged all members to participate year federal income tax return lt'» nnd other benefits—these ura in u parade to be staged that day. may bo timely filed. but a few of lier accomplishmonts The uniform will be dark trous- which have benelitted vast sug- ers, white shirts, black shoes, a monU of our population." Region tic and hat or a black tie. Boy Scout News Committee reports were given as follows: Junior baieball, Nor- Troop 74 Proclaims Cancer man T. Sprague; publicity, Al- bert K. Daraghy; Americanism, Congregational Church William Nevin and c'abroom At the troop meeting last week IELD Control Month equipment »nd r«pair», George C. it was announced that Saturday CRANFOIb Hlsekman. and Sunday there will bo a sports 3)8 |. BROAD ST. 12 SPRINGFIELD AVf weekend at Catnp Wntchurig. The Phon. W£ 2-0143 Phon, CR tf-0092 April han )n-«n il* troop committee approved Ken ennerr control month Ensign Scott and Bill Shellenberger as merit proclnmiitiriM lasuofi \, junior assistant scoutmasters; In II. S. Naval Reserve Dean MTacLaughlin, senior patrol Cnncer i« one ,,f th» mc criti- leader; Jerry Varnum, quartermas- For bibliophile, bon vivant, or any man who knows enl public health prrAltrmi f rmt f;harl(ii I). PUHH Jr. of 881 ter and Alan Peterson, scribe. imes, Home '/T,(>,t,M, Amw^an-., !ra/lford avunuc! was commission- At Monday's meeting it was de- find clothe«, the answer is easy: Encomiums (or more than h.SrtO if, >f^.v- Xnt^ry, f.ii an fenaign in tho U. S. Nuvul cided that the Scouts will leave for will din of ctn.r^t thi» •/<•$(, if thK*.«rve e at Newport, It. I., March tho sports weekend at 9 a.m. Sat- high praisfe) ait ftattirally accorded suite by Select Your Memorial Now rat<- ,-r,,,1.\t,u^. It, a,uH.2H aft*:r completing un 18-week urday and the Explorers will go .ion, It li <-.if,n (Umnt.y(U h , and in a member of Alpha Delta SUB thftm hcnj-you'li add your dwii <§HetomiumB. Compare Our Pricei Chi fraternity. !«y« an fm-p/yrtan-t role In this Will Air Queetion Of GRAVE MARKERS, i r- A Ho will report to the Naval A A School of Minn Wnrfaro «t Vork- From $75.00 Htreii, Mf»if» nn,f Hiirntlon. TKV- Reconciliation Parley* fom 45.00 'J^ th*. ltff'-<*nviriK itift«- lown, Vn., for further training *n^'** fit futX before l'L-porting to the UHS Huni- discovery nnd promppt SINGLE GRAVE *!OCA/\ tmwi>nt; bilt »t ChnrlfHtun, S. C, The controversial i>«iili«n rrt tho.w stricken and tho dr,ff--.r< miinddtory rtn:nni'WM.y,tt i-,,t,i*.t.\ «ff ". v.vUhlH, MONUMENTS, from I ZD.OO on tcch- mem in iWintrn a-f.fvf,,, tf-t,tn- DOUBLE GRAVE $nnr- #«#* innos in detpction and trentment. Primary Bullot In meniled In « fft,r,f, tfpttrl iti a The Amnri^dn Cancer Society New ieti*y {fap>r*m;ii»t.ivB i Day or Night hrrnby prnclnim that, the residents County I >,f i tiiw rit i . nhnll nlwows April na Cnnfer Con-1 t.he ever to fHftr til mnnifiif for !*«( widened and fntenftiflpd in an vt-\* *""" thlng.—Kdwarit John fh«lpu th« Dn to mutt. f»« t<***t WYATfS Customers* Corner A&P't FAMOUS "$ii^#r.«/f fcf' "My Hubby h My Hobby" . . . of it) *ith tkit particular hobby. How do we do It? By Thi» being National Hobby Month, we've looked into the art of supplying good food for your apouie («d thai the iubjeet. And we find that keeping hubby happy ii rest of your house), while keeping pricei low. OF hobby enough lor many women. It'i to eaiy to nerve artfully, and aava when you do A*P hat • «nit deal of experience (almost 100 yean your shopping at AH1. CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT A*P Food Store* 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. II lack ,. 7tac* .. Cit !•• C« W' LOOK TO THE LEADER ... A4VP! TO CUT YOUR FOOD IILLS MORI!) 43 Take advantage of our low prices on famous brand Items and save! to MlMtf«t«i II" Oven-Ready Ribs of Beef MMtHpU. 49c : Hydrox Cookies Dole's PhKMppk Tidbits 2','j: 37 Ck 2^45' Motfs Applesauce . 2 IMELESS-toFitMM Nabiico •><•* TOP ROUND .' fmk Fllltt Plain or"Salted 2 Sweet Peas ™^«^% »•«• 35c All varietiei TOP SIRLOIN .T» Shrimp n».ft* Pikbury Cake Mixes BJM Baked Beans. . 2';: 4^ BOTTOM ROUNDS 63 FMS pISfeVAVR Corn rtiuffiii visit t Dd Monte Ketchup . . ^.19° All tun «f Mwnd Pot Roait ii w«ll M Tap Slrtoln, and Tea. C I Roait or Steak* included in thlt one law price at AfrPf Froiax-lxlM PiUsbury Pancake Flour Tomato Sauce ?£? 6 «~; 47 Ca.'.J.k.'i a. da c rib end Log Cabin Syrup . . Ik. Contadina Tomato Paste 3 t:;28 Rffi Steaks PorkUhs . 7 rib 2 |r|§| rib half UInhaH Golden Blossom Honey Morton's Salt ."M-W^.. £ Steaks • » * *«••*••»•. Pork Loins Royal Gelatin Desserts Libby's Peas (Carrots 21:.: Cubed Steaks B-'- lb 75C Veal Chops . «• "-59* L"- Del Monte Raisins il*AA»m fa- Green Giant *J 17 oil. Boneless Chuck Pot Roast. QOHNIIVUfll Cream ityle « cam Boneless Veal Roast »-*• I MM *f I «MaL Regular ityle Dole's Pineapple Juice !l USkaAlr Green Giant •) I2ot. cam LeQS 01 LdlnD Whole or either half Campbell's Tomato Juice 31' niDIClS Whole kernel corn at libby's Sliced Beets-; & earn •' Beef Liver 15'A oi.' s Fruit Cocktail />*«• 2 cant 47" tan Rib Lamb Chops 79 Frankfurters 29 ox. String Beans Lnchityie Del Monte Peaches JSL •an 31"

Del Monte Spinach 2 earn FROZEN R&R Chicken Broth 2 cant T..— CSoL ' Chicken of the Sea Libby's Orange Juice SWEET CORN lunansn wh;t.m..t can Birds Eye Peas r Frort Cillfomla Wilson's Chopped Beef . Birds Eye Spinach ASPARAGUS LAR8E SPEAM Instant Postum . . . , lOlb.QCc Bird Eye Lima Beans : 2»>. Jack Frost Sugar *-••••<« Fresh Carrots cello baf * cello baf 15' California Orangeg s Birds Eye Rhubarb Western large Iceberg Lettuce head W* Delicious Apples «-"-«<-*- More Grocery Values! Swanson's Fryers Washed 10 di. Brand cello bag ^ YellowBananas Florida i t 16 oi. French Fried JBS5 String Beans La Rosa Elbow Macaroni 2 pkgt. >19" Pascal Celery ". iri9 Libby's Fish Sticks te 16 oi. * *; Cucumbers IT* Yellow Onions Greenwood Red Cabbage 2 jart Birds Eye Pies 2 stiht Mdy r 3l/4oi " * Vigoro Liverwurst Spread * can 14 Vigoro *-*-.•-*-• 1 i V- Broadcast Pigs feet , . 22 ^ * **. f. *A • 01. 1 Crispo Oatmeal Cookies , pl,. IS Jane Porker Balrery Vafras Ann Page Fin4 Foods Sliced American WISE Potato Chips . . 6% 01. AnnP Pkg. . Salad Dressing "* Muenster Cheese Nedick's Orange Drink:;6 7 M. Dutch Apple Peanut Butter '^35C Italian Romano la*BielakBe HaMAaMaJ* Sugared or Chocolate Gelatin Desserts S **• It Imported Provolone Cheese ";;'lb- joroan AHnonas ChocolatCover.d-e covereB.nn.d r4 •% oi. 2 raiiini and nuh bag Pie 39< Tomato Soup 2 1°;31 Sliced Swiss r™t4««Mfo+** *• Chunky Cuties Filled with juicy apples . . . Small size 2 f°r 23' J C l6 topped with crumbly streusel Beans 2 i°; 35 Kraft'sCheez-Whiz . ]Z» ,4? (Kd-O Sponges .'. . and baked to perfection! ( Get Cup After Cup off Pltasure... Newl Delicious! Strawberry Preserves 3 V: 100 Breakstone Cream Cheese 2 t; 35 CHANGE TO THE COFFEE THAT'S Cinnamon Rolls Golden Honey Swiss Knight Gruyere «-^ JJJJ* c Bod 4 Danish Filled Nut Ring 39c Syrup bo- 25 bl:45 LiederkranzCheese - P:;39! A np 2 < r. 01C Marble Iced Loaf Cake 35c Vanilla Extract " *9« bottltie 01 J 8Parker Borden's Milk AMOICA'S'rORIMOST FOOD MTAIUK . .. lINCi IIS* WITH FLAVOR! White Bread - Cl^aretfes Priced Law! Mild « 1 Cimali, Ch.il.rllild, Kool, Old Gold, Philip Morrli, Lucly Slrik. Mtllaw EICHTO'CLOCK 79CS2 3 English Muffins JlHL CIGARETtES «u^- RED CIRCLE BOKAM Crumb Square Coffee Cake . ASP h>i 0 complgta Una of King Slit • AQo Whila e 8'/, oi. «7o 2 I7»". 070 plcgi. q 2 bath 250 51>"49° 6>'89° 2 cam *• * cam "• «an "** can ^^ 5i'"49 6 '89° oMOO «

155 EUV. STREET WESTFlt=LD# N. J. Large Free Parking Area Open Mon., Thurs. and Fri. till 9 P.M. L arm, K. «SS iJIBES or. IMMB • REAL E5TATE-SAU • • tEAi ESTATf-SALf • tfAl ESTATE-SAU • • MEAL fSTATE-SAtf • • ttAL ESTATt-SALI • • ttAl F5TATE-SA1E • • WEAl ESTATI-SAU •

tANOOim-WlEGMAN C I. KfYNOtDS « •fTZ HARRY H.MAiiCTT PEAat&Ali CO. SAUNDEM t COMPANY! * SCOTCHMAN! HtANKENSACM •*• Wat! EDWIN OEDWAMW lARCETT « CtAIN, amunw «»« III ««£r; us tin st, NOTICE TO w » the rapid larnoTt* la ^ 11 tear " *,T.aE>' sev iistiasja. 1/ your ? eoiBe or commercial proper^ la 1 for «sl«. liludir cootact us at once. ou) SNOOTWE Th« UMUSUA* MAMD DKW SH.200 * WANTED snn uvti Small and Urgz parcels of TWOHO4MCS THREE PLANS, ONE IS FOR YOU

THE tUNGAlOW UP FOR bai nsron, living room, dinlnar • room, kitchen, two bedroom* aru $30,900 ! bath and is Immaculate inside *Qe~ I cut. The price Is only 111,100. TkS* I fcolrain ail "" »" J«*| OftAWT SONOOt line. Tfce lions room I*** * fi"' THE COLONIAL S'i«*'t* SiJiHS 4**'£* djlii** if**, xrn double ga'rai fciuto«s a* Mr«teiffi'^ -^^d tfc« has a stone front, entran •*« Halt, ftsl«*d I^ii3i tw# a gi*rei***"*»a* \aE J living room, dining room, tiled only 119. u" KM A lAIGf FAJMM.Y B*srK. TSa* j?*r-i*e i* ^tl^ift*^. *•' kitchen, den »nd powder room on i-^Brse, *¥d ih* *trt*Ji*-a j»orcr. al- the first floor. Upstairs are iou~ NEAI GCANT SCHOOL ff©rd* thai imucfc ^csss^i i^rjiatj- Large bedrooms and two Ula baths wit Ii showers. We know you 0IST1NCTIVE DESIGN will like this it you like Colonials. IJ1.S&0. S37.S0O EDWIN O. EDWARDS aa* r»»«» v>aaT raaaa. W-Caat •••iaa mat ts in a ffood golnnv location on a. UaMto arMb all kta^a •! large landscaped plot. It naa a m|>iarf atartl larav larv« pine family room for infor- a»raaa Sawr aa4 a FANWOOD many new homeaeekera are bearin- •lea aaal Call aatk •• »Ut level on a lovely lot alal aai • kaall la aae at Artkair V. Aa«««M n_ t» I !•• In the Wj-chtrood 8cMool NOW IS THE TIME •ar prrtltaal aeitlBfja. A RAMMING RANCH Maltlple Lbtlac W**T, Hiiirui. Uvlnar room wla M* Recreallaa. raaa la JUST REDUCED 111 O^narral Ave. . Vt.ll window and fireplace, full dlrinK TO tUY Ot SEU aaaeMfreai* mimwty, lit- ON 4 ACRiS irar e*awitrartt*a, l«ra- room, klu-ben equipped with built- Built In 1947 on a quiet street in And heat at all, a swimming pool in raaE^ and wall oven. 3 bed- car ' altaekcd K • ' • aT •• beautiful Kunwood it* this Colo- LOTSFOISAli g chool. rooms, recreation room and lty Maater* aaal la aal>taaa- haa already-been started. In a pic- HBUE IS A SEIECTION OF « laar raaatlUaa. nial type home. There i» a large turesque setting, surrounded by JVi x 1 lviaff rooss. twparate bafhx. There l«time for you to HOMES PATTEtNED FM living- room wlfh fireplace, full many fine trees. lawn and snrabs, dining room, and modern kitchen choose your own decorating 2nd dinlne room, large den.\ kitchen this low, attractive home oners on main level. Three bedroom* sod color ftcbemea. Price 12499 YOUR NEEDS IN HOOR and powder room all on the first an entrance vestibule, spacious 3 tiled hath* are on the tipper floor. Three large bedroom* and level. A lovely balcony with living room with los burning fire- PIAN AND NEIOHIOR. tile bath are on the second floor. lace, panelled den. dlnlnff U wrought- iron railing overlooks A HIUTOf HOMI BARRETT « CRAIN, ,v(. Full basement, attached itaraBe. the livinK room. A 14 x 22 fin* HOOD, AND PRICED JUST A real buy at .... |20.900. Eright streamlined kitchen, cera- W ATCHUNG t»h«d "Htc** room pluar a 4th bed- •PLTIFI.B Lirri.vG •«!»•»* mic tiled bath, three bedrooms, room and lavatory are on the Havf you hetn looking to find a UNDER $23,000.00 and expansion for a fourth bed- Kruund level. I^arge plot. J-car ta home fitu&ted in (lift hills over- 43 Elm St. W«*tfi4rld 2-1100 room and powder room. Attached rage. Gas heat. lookinK We«tne)d? We have It t. WBHTFIBI.D BA»I)I»« — ReaMeae* Trtovkaaa Kaaikera two-car garage, screened porch. now. Cuutom built about a year One of fho«e line older Dutch CavtfaaWaaai V. Crala . . . Wfe. S-TaMI CHARLES C. BAAKE Tull basement, and an ideal loca- »Ko on over ^ acre. Thf living Colonials with a lovely yard. MasWlUlaa. ea. A. Clark . . . ,We. 1-T — tion. Listed at I2S.00O. Almost too WOODED NHUM HOT JUST SCOTCH PLAINS room IK 2* x \-> J»nd tncludti! din- RtMHar S», 1^—A very w«ll kept, S-year-old ing ur^a and nreplace, al«o a 9-ft. 3 bedrooms, sun room, screen- M e •MUfc j w.. ~ good to be true, but see for your- fi-rooro, colonial with enclosed picture window. TouMl MW-oon^at ed porch and : car carage. ISCURAXCB MORTGAGES self by calling. umoi porch. leu «ltuat«d on it fully the upaclouent-cc of the kitchen 121,900.0". •arsamtk *»•- w- wanaw, x. J. On one of Faimooil'K prillleel lnndfitaped itiO x 100 lot and ha with \tn Kcpnmte din In if Mpace. 2. I,1SCOL\ STIIOOI, — AJJ, — »; CO-OP Mkt. Aasla rarkia* BEAUTIFUL SPUT LEVEL 233x254 •Irwrl*. »• twve a trarlou» cen- an attached ff&ragc The bane There are three bedrooms If you BRICK CONSTRUCTION — aT tnent ft* fuJly panelled and In- need th(?.n, or one is well located Pkvae We. 2-TM»—TSU 4 BEDROOMS, 2tt BATHS t«r hall cnlouffll at-aflable for Im- for a den. The two attractively Located JuBt olT Khackaniaxon CaraeMa Elll«K3 .l . We-ZaMWx Biitltatf t*«Kffccs)tiii. Livltix rfom eludes A bar and asphult tile floor. IJrlv* and quality con»truct- Olca P. Graf .... Wc.S-Tiaa wltH flrrplare; dlntny riom: tiled LJvtns room flreplace, IS'S niaoter tiled bath* are much Jarjjor than Perfection In iriodern living can UHUully found today. The open ed throughout, i bedroonm, Laalae M. Baake . . . »>.S-I5II $4,*«0 fellrlira: lavatory: lurce Mfrrened bedroom, oil lieat. I22.S00. porch Is on the ft'feu* side of the lu baths, attached fttmge, M. A. MERCNER esaken Maltlale Uatlsc syat be yours in this custom-built 5- vorrh. Three ttfee b«droDm«, tiled home and ts screened in summer sun deck and partial game year old home thaf offers a spa- ulb and oodlen of CIOMID. Klalni >•. 2.—A newly listed J.fiimHy house and fcliuswed In the winter. There's room. Dishwasher In kitchen. > Healtar, cious living room with lor-burn- la •tormee stele. SetlnUbl Iwcafed with In walKlng dlHtance a marvelous JK x 15 recreation I2I.9OO.00. III Iladlrr leart Ing fireplace, panelled den, powder "rre" roomom. o»» hnihni; ntm.hi^; ] of the nhoi»pln» center. The first a marvelous JK x 15 recreation room, dining room with bay win- «»(» Attctlr t t d ll d 2car ( Attnictlre netting: aith floor apartment con*IBIS of 5 very room nt ground level and a 2 2-car 3. Also In the M>COL!» SCHOOL dow, large streamlined kitchen ARTHUR F.MAa,BA119 mil trtr**»: plot Ij » JJD, price Rood-ahed roomn and bath and lit ttruratce. The price In 145,00,000.0 Bcrtlon and particularly con- CALIFORNIA SOUND I with dishwasher, four excellent bed- presently owner occupied. This venient fo the bus and Pa- rooms, two exqillHitelv tiled baths, apartment will be vacated upon delightful porch, attached 2-car Baybarry Lam Ft rochial School. Brick front IH the reaaon thin attractive house W Wtwnim.n. «•« h»v* Ju.t ll»t- transfer of title. The second floor COZY RANCH HOUSE Cape Cod an pretty »• pic- garage, full basement, excellent M H I»r»»r brick and frame cen- apartment consist* of a t*> at 2)1 ture. Built In 1917 with 3 of old charm i« being offered for condition throughout, and located ter hall colonial and feel It l» living room/dinette and a bed- ualc ' In one of the finest residential lUinch buitgalQW built In 19^1. bedrooms, 1U baths and deep, "alljr •ametblos ta Ilioul about: room, kitchen and bath- 3team/oil at.p yard. IJ4,»00.0o. PETERSON.RINGLE. areitH, Definitely an outstanding Net <>Blr !• It "Tor«lx to look at," heat, attached sarsKC. It 1» cer- l^lvlna room with- fireplace^ dln- Living room with fireplace, li- home, llttted at $34,100, that you •at It h» ceaaUtaa «tt» Tain* tainly wortti wbiU tttilDS at 115.- •tt«•t«, , kltchan ha« brtakfaa a t count- brary, dlntns room, kitchen, porch •hould see. iMftirta that maka It an txcallasl er. TThrah a kadfooma and tll*4 4. 4 Badrocma, H4 bathi, (acraenvd), i bedroomi ana 3 tll« NEWMAN, INC. »u» for ions Ufa and naUmnm bath, rail buimint with racr» OHAXT tCHOOL. ptrfaetlT batht, 3-car sarag*. • REAL ESTATJ-I spk«ap. lltui lar«t I!T1O« room DANKER ft DANKER tlon rooroom ajiic*j . Fl«fatonFlt a patiopatitio; maintained — attractlv* e»- I Park Are. leclek Plalat ALL MICK RANCH with bay window on the front ana attachettached iaria-iaria-«« . Lot t 71 * ISISOO. terlor. Llvinl room, dlnlm Id«al location for D«t\tUt or Doc* p Clur. window on the b«le; 8re- room and hall carpet In- •eatkera af WeatlaM 4 4 < plat-e with built-in bookcaMa; latrian MnaM Price J17.5M. cluded. I24.7S0.00. tor. Children &l*o can romp here Malllale LUtlns This home was built by the own- STORAGE Plu*-" ?l!a l&. M formal dlnfos; rtxmt with t>zy win- with plenty of elbow space and er, a builder himself, for his own atable. Call after «:0« I'J'-Sl within nafe and convenient walk- use. No doubt about It then, It Is 1908-J. _^^^St do«r: tniclminr kiirbra »isa eas- K. w. ;_ .. i. 4 Bedroom ». H4 bathB — ing distance to Junior High and GLEAMING WHITE Inv «pjic«: DacelSed d*n fvftli awe* J»»»pk D. WeBJaat CHIUMUN WANTED rUMKUI BCHOOI. — four quality from top to bottom. From l»lf 4tlnd«wxi fend ^ull^irf (A«r; iHnjn,mln Franklin pchoolu. WESTHEID BUNGALOW the entrance vestibule there ts i •\IWrl e. ~ " j room first* floor plan tnclude» • OFFICES KH«ENl] powder room. Tfcr*« l#ne« &^d- Hurry T. >rre *Tial »ill be appreciated a den. 2-car (ara|Ee. 124.- $21,900 living" room 21x15 with log burn roomn and tll«l bafa. Kiiatllviot " t' TWI ha*e a family; It Is Caalvaa kallt livo hrt- ing firoplace, full dining room, vlot nu> J SOO.00. scientific kitchen with electric P. CAMIUO * $OM *'!rrl»Bl IO »«rhO'jl(". HtlOPl*. ' Other PropertleH room haaf an wrll- tOMPLBTK doctor 6. On itie aol'LRVAItn, rloxe from J9.70O to |60,U00 ikrabbcd lat la top rangu, 5 spacious bedrooms, and UK.U. evT.t-n: imm 'ift * - *-r rail tran»porta- nelatkkorkoa)!. l.ovrlj IH exquisitely tiled bath witti show- professional buildin ra inm HE. W. ' -*»r n»»d««l. Heelde the to bus. Erade. Hlrh and l'»- er. Attached 2-car garage. Full i t T r*-or»-* -*nd 1H bathn, roclitroclitaa l nchoolho-o Bric kk front—4 foot llvlaar room iflla •• i inri « £ bd 'i bh tia-top M, A. ^ woad karnlaa; llrealaee. basement with fireplace, and fu- » M t •»-• den plus a quIM bedroom*, l'i b;uh». Reallur — laauraacr dlalnaT ell and ckeerlnl ture recreation area, fiber glass - i- !r Ld'»l for Junlor'H condition. t2l,SO0.OO. •U Dadley ( oart Wr.tDrla 2-«t4O kltekea. Attacked Ka- iuHiilHtlon throughout, spacious lauliruU> TJ. k!t<-hi-n i» tiled. V. K. MaeLellaa WntHela S-TSSS raite witk kard top drive. plot and an excellent residential 194. Kz<<-l t vn- location. For the besf In one-floor brief, you lraia Raek Westae Zao Kconomleally keated for ln« thl» pr only S)75.0O prr yrar. living:, tie sure to see this. Listed coo, Flrat time offered. at $25,000. GUY D. MULFORD $16,800.00 1 RaaHar — Inwirer PATRICK L HEDDEN H. ClAY FRIEDRICHS, btc.3 W«. 2-3321 FANWOOD COLONIAL •Mllar 'i LEE K. WARING Realtor ball iln, r He*. Pawaea C«M(»m fcallt for pr**- rA I-fTaa Ja«1 Reartek .... Wl-MMI-W •EAL.TOR . . IHSCROR SM Park Anne, Hrotrk PlalB* Keala M Maltlale Llsllac Menker rnt •wnvr In 1KUI. II•• PA 3-»l« »tr Mar Clark **• * •M* f#ot 11 vine room with Kvrnlnit. PI. .VS6M> — Pa. S-T«M link rUHrlra. . . . »».* S-TTM H rr plmcr, roll tflninic Raul 1Mb* n. t-jT"» room. K»dKPt klU'hrn JVaMMcM klalilalr Umlaar »irtr— BRICK AND FRAME \rtth fcreakfaet are* and WESTFIELD |M>wf«»m. Thrre l»«d- Colonial, top North side location, ro«m«, ARC tile balk OH A STATELY HOME lltR rouni, Kltth*-n. 4Srt-rt!-_ f—t- close to Hchocl, loo. ijiirg-e llvlns; •rrnnd l«or pfax mmlly On the nibfttf beautifully land- l'diltluli rf burning fireplace, rmtm 17 .« 25 on third Hc-nped lot you have ever seen. H rouin, attWh*?rr*f*. Three ideal 2nd floor bedrooms, (»t-> of extra*, Monnd aa It has 3 ^ rootnx on flmt floor; THE JOHNSON AGENCY colored filed bath. Oil he^t, at- » dAflar. Jie.too. pi. s-<;u. tached KiiraK;*, large lot, m»ny three bedrooniM and a large col- extras Included at SlM.Oou. ored tiled bath on second: one $19,900.00 finished room on tho fhlrd floor; REALTORS large porch; new hot water heat- WYCHWOOD COLONIAL Ing unit. This 1« not only a de»ir- 26 Pretpicl SlrMl W*. 2-1190 or W«. 2-0002 FOUR BEDROOM - nblc home but It !H nl«o sontid OUR OUTSTANDING BUYS I»r*amy l.'ape Cod style rrnntom for business. Price $20,000. built In the Lite 'Jim. Inviting cn- COLONIAL ABOVE THE TREE TOPS SPIC AND SPAN SPUT IEVEI tr»nce ball, b^antlful Urjfe Itvlnit A FOUR-BEDROOM NEED SOMETHING SMALL? r'i'jm with i,^f hurnlns tlrftpja'''* excellent dining- rwm, . n*y hr«ik- WILSON SCHOOL two-bit th home In a dcmirsblo f<*t M* «k*« *n tbl* nvt-.tan.itan? h#m* In Wyrfcwood Over memt of WdHtUeltl Hnil Ju»t four yeum old arrf bet- fart buy. •ff!,:lHni'y kld'hen. P'lrat. North side locution. Thin 3-year- pvtWr »f wnty fSXSm. llttme U li.imavul.Kr. It hn- on ii inili-t tlnttd-Kiul wtrt'ft, ter th'tn nt*\v. Convenient tlrrfir pnwdftr rnrmi ,md wrtnn-tt old home nan a large living room *, • ),mnHtui Brvpla.-r and chnrnilis kltclirn. rnlruiu'f' v^^tibule. living JVOTIfKn FIRST. Ilrn- with fireplace, dining: room, kit- JACKSON l *>*»r Zl i>*t l«n . TnTe« otilr «»H«. IH a letvtily ranch homo with room tinvhiK larg*- ve)mir>*» sorrh. ThrRp ov«rfy l:irjf^ 2nd flrtnr ry WfMf hnlll with innny- K chen, bedroom and complete bath bt'tlroo b»n*t«B|i«4 d h l tliifo iM'drooniH untl two and drepl;tcfi( full dining (!««• f^ntnr#M. Wood on lirst floor; rtireo bedrooms and room, modern bright kttch- r, r*^Rrion hMH«m«snt tmrnfnat (troplare, fclaiwt htitlm. Tho HvlnK room, tHn- with Hr«pla-i unit h*r. fjsw hnxt another complete bath on second. beiich. en; thrcd b^'lroomn f i: wo n hrf«*fc tn dlnlna; rnnm, I»arge lot, planter walls, porch, hot l»ff room antJ punullud p Martnic otlilty at $21,000. Call our office for an deck. Wa. «• '••>» rineh on plumicd, ult I'liH-lrii) hitclum vnr at'..M;he suJfliO^n^t ,•*rfl--r,nr-j, iu1 wtr- m*l<«t»ly r^mndelted. UHH heat, 1urK«) Int. SlCOmi. itrfK-Hhni'hnnft, Mpiire1 for .Ulj.ST KKI.I. _ Owner trannferrcd. Split level 1 yeur old. excellent *••""" *"»• ""• "">»* •*«* fnal,,*.. In the two *•!•»•»(. R«* the FlflST NHAttfBtOOM Split-Uv«l ft* i««tief*\ fail sort*. condition, coinplotely landscaped. THREE.YEAK-OID rontiixtinB of 3 hedrootnii, larire f lint* un IIVIIIK rotim, dininff room nnd Kit- IM WA fiMliNG VAUIYI Adjoining (foasrvarion $28400.00 chen, lurpc knotty plno recreation Pi-W) if>Htmri^lrt flf*» 1m- ,rntf rt«fy "flittft fflltn** f»f R#vl>«l»T Hplit level In WealfleM. Rn- room. Trlplo Htorm wtah and < 1 irunc« vtallbule. lane? 11 v. 2» ?9SJ* •«i* "'' "••""• """* """" <"•«"' TOM w»«* rnf f 1' percent*, .wooden Venetiun bllndii. tMir roflm with Hrrpl tr», tilt* FOR RENT Corner Int In nno renldontiBl HOC IhlKM y««I ivnti ynuiiK rf«.nrf r»nlt iw>, •»», ,|» ,„„«,« f 4 d f tlnn within wulklng dlBtani'C to Iw fWx HilHW »>•* .1III1« Pltvaf In !•»«•»• pin Inn H'-hooln. convpnirnt comnuitinfl to blr Ini. Newiirk nnd Now Vork. Priced for Jl'Ji"1' . "Mll! "t llR.r.OO. We. 2- ,n,h-rt-.h in ti M PETERSON-RINGLE- WALTER KOSTER REAl iSTATf ^ if INSURANCE PEMBROOK ROAD AND ROUTE 32 NEWMAN, INC. «e»tefc Plala. < -ftA o HAROLD E. YOUNG CO. Mountoin»ltl« «re. 2-7713 nil tnnnm nf INSURANCE /Ar, Ko»»or, Jr., FA 2-664) Mr. l?udo{ph, ft «.?.M1 TMi M7 K. Urond HI. ' We. 3-fiOH FACTOIIB M*. Schl«nkar, CR 7-1053 Mr. Munich, WE J,.fTO? l-tf t*a. Wln»«ri, WE 2-8480 Mr. Mohan, WE 2,g83T Mrrn, USE CLASSIFIED ADS 0SR LEAOE* WANT ADS TO BUY OR SELL •a PARTMINTS--WENT* FORJAU FOR SALE • USED CAM • HELP WANTED Boiri u. N>Aaik, Ueateiiairt. • EMPLOY. WANTED • Bcnningei- j >:'i«J •' n j-erre I^ L.,iE - ,io«Ml ulmir - conditioned Police Lieutenant ' X!,t Hot water und heat AT GMU'S oo ret B sprlnB ib.thes need re- CHll.U day i-arp for children <>f wkj« patr&l&#n lime „,.„ „..,.., stove and t Iook "ylinir or » jiooj attinu f<.r fh.it nniklns iiiullirr- Hi,I HH'.llk su- "Jj 5,tf^,' V "mart in slmpli- 19..6 Blen,4er loukV Call e*p rl- their bents on bicyc!«l. MM nc-ludrng ceramic Ule to-«ew style* ana easy-to-launder 1 f pervised play. We. 2-ltHtS-M -ed natures. Immediate enced dr^ssmskei . We. 2-5.'i7g-R ' >« Officially Retires »s a pliiindothes detective in 194 E. T. WilllB, owner and 4-5-tf and waa promoted to sei'gcatit i GWU-S SILK » COTTON VISIT THK «OI,D CRIVTEBVn.lJR fli CIHI, would likt- domestic wurk m.mm tSayw u we.-k. s hums u dav V\V 18»2. In Pebraaty, 1962, he 1»« 13 B H'l'OBB." Antique,- dlspltiyert In iin ^-._T. worHer — typlag, pome Police Lieut. August H. Bennin- old slore usinosjihere. Juxt ofr tt.mt. bookkeeping, filing. Si»e**d and .ie- S--IS2 made heptenant. " Jtmite 202 benvem somerville and cufacy ffpfcfitiul, experienf* de^i^- %er of 536 Cumberland street of . Fleming-ton on historic Old Vork flcially retired Saturday after The 58-year-oW Wesft«flcl«ie • , -—. — JE, lndivid- J^Wd4 more than 27 years on the force. employed by the Wtgtiaglwt ~-~- .,., I'nfurniKhed, three aeshjned nupporL". Over 20 Electric Co., tii^ark, ti*foiw fl eK €r enc t^Kt-ttut \n Westfieid, high • LEGAL NOTICES • The veteran police officer, who r"" -ind b«lh.. First floor; 1^4*0° P l e, Plainfield 6- <-. ltrt «-«ooiv treen, R&B, S**hool grjtduii t ** fj'ptaK i ffful^pd F""" H i .ri-li and yard; all utlll- CLOSING OUt rUINnftO ~ nuttlv 1200. We. S-03SS-W injf the local im<:i. Be 1» '^ r r MBS. mi^i, MA MM *hoitham3 pirt'ffrred. Write ijuali- joined the force in September, l '' "u["l> ""I- liusinesp person or 544t-«e,i Front SI., rlnlnfieU STOtf AFTft SIX YEARS HfBtifinu nnd (#-!*hune nutiibpr to STATIC OP XEW JlJtMIV 1928, has been on a leave of ab- biothPr of Freeholder Afterf- fulili- »'•"• JI«'W occupancy Take advantage of this sale to at B*>s 7*S4, caj'e ^V^tHeld Leader JJeparliiLeiit ut Malv Benniniter of MountBinside. last get the bookcase, exfin chest, JAblAM, l«5?, Salon Mark Vfl. liki- cimTli'It'ATi-: or uisisui.i TION sence since Feb. 1. His resignation or horw table—Mcktail, end or dinette— new, me4*pantcalljr jiepfect. Orig- \\iin ted I'm 1 roiling and To all to wltum these iive^ents, inHy Lieutenant Benninper II manure, rolled. Bn- you hftve been wanting but felt inal owner. Red botfy. Katlier, au- COUU-. (Jl-eeltiiff was accepted by the Town Council , rich roses, rhododendrons, flower you could not afford. toitmti? trn])Km!#»lod. S9.D0O miles. WHKRI'JAS, it uppt-iH1* to inv s.tt- JUII. 9. vinl in iaii) to the former Mis» bean, enrubs, garden. Also top soil Hent offer. We i-gSSt-J. ueek Wentfteld \ Joinlty. Mu*>t isfactioii, hi Aul} authentlcat'ed ret- Dorothy Brown. They ftave ito«^ •». delivered" Murdot-lt 8-488S, MAtKOOWNS TO COST tin\t« own car. Salary |& daily H-tif? urd of fhe proeeedlngs for the vol- Chestnut Pnrnls. 4-5-tf ^r aliowiunee Write Box r»»f*. care daughters. - ^i AHB NtOW iSl ^fiWffS-4ot>r «ei«n. 8-ton. w^Btntld M-ader, ffl\in^ full par- untary dissolution tnereof by the and bath unfurnished w H green, S cylinder with overdrive, unanimous consent of all the stock- As the result of hi* if«tir«iW8l|l Heat, electric nnd hoc ** E»f—Used a"n~d rebullt7ou"a7^ All brass and rltt Items one-third R&H, rood tires, excellent overall tlculars. holders, deposited in my office. thfH • LEGAL NOTICES • unteed, $2., nnd up to one-halt origlrml price. condition and appearance. $87*1. two other police officer* i**e*}*4J* T fn^im-ss woman preferred. S\O«I)EI> APP|,IA\(1.S KXCHn donipntU- unrktr CoollllK Eiiuipmcnt Dlslrlbururs, Inc. c'sotlVli'Av.:.. We. 2-8322^ Cup be seen Saturday and Suttdny, a coipm-atlon of this Slate, whose WI'M'K-OI'" IKITWUKvr permanent boosts in rank SaTujv • 4fl >unh .j»v.». »*«(• Wratnrl* UNf AINTID FURNITURE CO. We. 2-7131-J.' - every Thursday, tl ix*r h«>ur, principal oR'k-e Is sltUiUed Ht S'<». Xotlt-i, la'rlrrcby (ilven, thnt the Will 2-tMKl \\ pst field lehltlfiH ptcrenH Muhl* H Woutli A^ellue, in tile lUifouRh nf fiturth interniefliate ari^.nut /.f the day. Albeit W. Eeimer, 48, oi «§| •1 W. Ff..l St., PlalalrU, ft nODGR, \tn 4-»oor radio heater, hitpph rtfeien*et \\ e i 6s t Kanwood. County of i'nlon. Ktate of subM'rlber, Snburlmn Trunt ('"111- Kimball avenue was appointed - nuid diis e, ne>f brakes man* New Jersey (Henry Ortlepp, heln^ imiiy, jiucocyHoi' tt* The WV^tll.-ld SfEXRB rORBETIRHF. Indlvidtl- other features attr»eU\e to used WOMAN for crpRnlHie Neiu' Cm wood the ateiil flierein nnd in charge TrtiKt Ooniliany, trustee under l'h« lieutenant to replace RUy deRlened »upportei for men cur buyer. Best offer. Sunset 9- on bus 4 route We 2 2**26 thereof, upon whom process may l>elii^l will and teptamenl of N'i.ILl.V Donald Goejel, 31, of B4S ana women., Appolptiu^nu made served), hits complied with the re- A. II, TOOK', deceased, will IH- aud- Apartment Living In the home. Chestnut f.-ftsTi. 10 ITM it Ionian — cooklns Hi-lit ited and Htatert by 1 he Hurn.K:Hth. quirement* of Title 14, CorpnintlwnN, Ave., Jlonelle-I'arlt, X J )-5-t"f tone (Jeiu-rnl, of Ur vised KtaUilcs ,,r Sf» and rt'portod for Ket I Innt'iit tu I*l4v to replaue Goetcl. Each has Djltaflo alls .Apartinfrtt—i persoii. T&I. FI. 4-Jersey, prelinilnary to tile issuing of I'nii.ii C'ountv t'i'urt—l'rtihnit' i>l\i- his new rank on & temporary ifESTFIELD MANOR COR0WOO0 fiillj eqU f|50 fsf £ sale 7?Sff 4 It this CertiHciite of I Hssolul loll »lon, mi Friduy, April ad mil ul 10 Any ounntlty. Call Fanwood !- i[uljM;r-d mfter Te* 2 A.M. since Feb. 1. ' -i. 5878 after 6:00 P.M. 1-19121 Ntiw THi-:ni-:i''oiii.;, i, n)c set-rr- Suburban Truwt Comi>aiiyt 140 Minute* fr*m N.V.C. ITOM(M>UND?TT tary of .Slatv of the StJtlc of New- Dated lln 11I1 211, l!i.".(i ' The vacancy on the police • »re our Hairriili) ranituiii Pllprtt nti\ incpnient opinirtun Jersey, Ho I-Ierehy Certify unit tlip Heard * .Mfdjill, Atlorneys, Prleri from «7.»n •. AHiOg—New, used. Bargain priced ill Hat Uon.dma»t£r Uld, i/M«..un, for ImllUduil with kn«wlt-dRe Kiild cnn»*ir;ttioii tlld, nn the Twelfth force caused by Lieutenaht B«- " 175 up, guaranteed. Iitmv for radio ^.ood looldni Mf, wtl\ buck keening \\ 111 c oin-liUr ( (it. Klin St.. _ . WriKkl'a Ihn. s.up Baldwin, tester, Kohler and Camp trealefl I4i> fall We S-28»7 'lay of Mui-i-h, li -Hi. l^le In my oirlep W.Otlield, K\ ,J. ninger's j'etirement wili be ftlled ^ ' »"•" •«• We. S-JMllS mhool senior (Ii 1\ ( lor a pp.n# m iioi) On '1 T Tor sent' in writing I" Hie rilswfjHiTlon of < HHim Kli. l"-l" 4 door sedan . tiilif* bani>* tllL Kratlutttion, DUDKIN fIANO CO. (iinilltlin Mill. fllpcovi-rB wnid <-olpnration, t-Xecilt«-fi liy nil the i»i ni.ir lir.AiiiM; recently took the department's [dm Air toadlfl«ned hiboiiitorv. stockholders thereor, wlileli snlii Now tenting North An. at H.H. Kla. »>. 2-§Ul tiles lou mlleaaTe one (3 -hi bplipfitu fontm t Mts. I.I)M\K O1I1II\\N< i: examination for patrolman. Four- 4-.i-tf $3,11 We Z 4S71 ft consent and I he record 'of the pro- AinuiitalnHile, N. .t. 5Va SNtf ceedings aforesaid are now on file April 8, l«r,ii new patrolmen will be selected * M*iui*Ra"|i|i MRdADLOOat carpeting—clngeout or In my mild office nn prnvldi-d hv law. by the Police Board for apprpval c 6p» HOI FT, lart IN TESTIMONY WHKRBOK. I NOTICE IS HHHMUY 1I1V10K thill large manufacturer at $4.91—usual pissePIS! d tVbr'ulrjr liiswUmM, *,it-; •M.fbtww un, we. a ptihlir heailng will he held by ur Choice o ? price $14.9B to fU.Bfi'per >d " 000 have hereto set my hnnd nnd afflxeil by the Town Council within the iirpttirp , good inechrtnical tdnditlo my oliTriHl sc;il, lit Trenton, tills Hit- Itoiil-tl of K>'iilliK Adjustment In drsomt and Pining INM 4-r,-tf yds. stttir carpet and hall runner SI00 f ill Wei fSiiivT llle ('"Uttfil ('lijunber, llnrmiBli Hall, ne*t fe* weeks. at .10c. oer yd. uj^. Twelfth day nf Mnri-h. A. I), iilii' JKnidny vvenlnK, April II), lllf.ti nt «1«3 MONTHLY r RllOlltlll Hu* r.«.li«nlfe thousand nln» hundred und fifty-six. STAMPS — POHEIGjj~gTAJIP» OW f YMST CLERK EDWAIII) J. PATTICN. Sil", n'l'lnuk, on Ills niattrr iif an Immediate Occupancy l)Hli;i\AI, KHKHI, HIRH Alll- •Mil Morria Ave. RlliKkrla, >. J. millionth,n nr Hubert A. Jllller, Special Officer Film itf ^jsfflij'nt Dorlnniient posltb.n, Kecretary of grille. IlliH'k l.'iIO, Lot 4, KI70 Stlonyhronk OARAOES AVAILABLE NAII, VAMKK. 1M II'I'jMII'a'.FQH dfty, 4(l-bour w^ek. (^nll for an- (SRAM 1 a-22»Jtt Fees jan.llf l^me, t'o ereet n "he mid one-hnlf Our Furnished Model Apartment t'OI,l,BCTOrl8. Charles Causell n«B rtighl table, dough trrty, chest ScifiVtnwntfi>i>r. . Hliteloni,Ai>r-, 8-.-1H7ii i-is. i wlnry iruuie- one-fiimlly dwelllnur. To tii\ Shown Women 217 Elmer St., WestneW K$865( of drawers, blanket chest, marble nt Offlt'i' Work. Plettxnnt mtr- VIlTKIl TO (111)1)1 IOIIS All eontriiry t» the Zoning Ortll- . an PremitW forth; 9:1)0 to r,:(IO only. 4-H-Vf top; VvariiKtlmd, framed fan, rtnd _lb(fH. llrnncb OITUM- <>r Nu- Kstntu of WAI.I.ACIO WIl.l.lAM- braB~e lamps. 33! Walnut Ave., Or, i.Conrern. All lurKt1 coitipnny (>K, also known us WAi.l.Acio M. ll(IAIli> OF AIUIWTMRNT the American Cancer Society I Ave. and) SmwciJ*fifc#- 13A»V spin wnsher,'l((l. 6-0185. , t-it-H •if-tjr B.> — llieliiful lint not WIMJIAMSON, Kit., lln-nn-il, italiib 13. Diets, (Miikirinun will sponsor at the RiiltoTh«i.v Illleld, N. J- WwtlM* 3-A4TH 4023W <-r,-tf rursuant to the order of CIIAUI.HS l-.-.-lt k . . F«e» 14.14 rnr:ir prie™ pSff A, OTTO, JH., HlimiBnte of the tre on Broad street Thuradtyi IllU'TM'E modern 3 large rooms Immediate pickup. County of Union, lllltde (m the NOIK'l: «l' IMOAHlMi PIRHIIII * Oricaiia Sin r IM7 4148-.1. -tt- April 10 at 10 a.m. a special show-' ' I.-„„,„,. rir»t2fl*,^n p., l.nrKr Mrlrrllon •) l.ai l-rlpm twenty-lirsf day of March A,!)., Ill'ifi, • Tnko nntlne tlnit.the undei-Kltfiied Slu«le«l Iprliclii » upon the application of file liiider- will! apply tu the I'nlon County in^ for women of the filiti "Br«*s{ •/•>IIIII,IIiv c;iilbmnNeii Nplnet -M.1. NI-OHTHWIOtll K m lUrfinn. [ROOMS Ruhmfr t'oiumle «ca«He we have lAUrl r*OH MRN'II if, under ont'h or nff Irmattnn their For many years this film hlf llaniMioliii OrKHii < t'Mrd> ...... 11*1. the largest" selection in this 1 claims and demniidH HB'utnst the imiilFK of TiA(ilI> AI-PHHIl VAI-AN- •Miiulrr About Our Hriil>l'l>iir< kaKr it* habits, boot«,Tljitliu*ii, c - estate of said deceased within six TH, .IAMUH I'ilANK VA1.ANTK und been the source of life-savins: facts area. Use your Hundi-Charge fuTnlture, braaaw#*,' il«.s», I'blni months from the date of Haid order, VlltqiNlA A VAIJANTU!, r«m>eu< El 2.WHIK H«"r" M-i-Hit Woln"», 118 MaiJI»»n JCv*. fr«J. R or they will be forever burred from lively. and has been seen by million!) of ,• IHMMTS prosecuting or reenverlnK the sanle UHHII AKred Vlgilantl, gainst the subscribers. women throughout the country,. bitoOM for rent. Refined busl- AUtNIURG PIANO R9Vtt, We XII fi. Br»ai St., Wr»IHrl4 indlviiliinlly and nn tuitural Through the use of this film many 1I.-.1I I:. .Irr»r> HI.. h , u i: Hi v t«mit , Wallace Williamson, Jr., Bllardlun of Jiimi'H Trunk s mftn. Near oil transportation. One or a thousaml. please caH,fH,fddr nnd I.OUIK J. Dug'hl, VlirllmiLl. an InrullU women have learned to apply the Vivu.c. \\'i'. l'-7li74. 4-0-tr TWO Drunnwlck tires, prnctlonlly dotalls. P.li. Hoi/k shop, 330 PiifPiifk ti deliver n«w » morn Executors. VlrcliilH A. ViBllanll new,. 8.20xK», with heavy duty Aviv, PI,, 4-3900. l'Vt Hutchl * .TohnHtone, Attys., liornee \Z. linker, Atl'urney technique for detecting: turners • in ainsle. and one dpiiMe room, 4-S-tl l-'.V-tf Itttti or r A(urno bliy SteliP - MODERNIZING lANDSCAfI NURSIRYMAN iiiHTiviiivsTnxKHiiis Trucking IKI3 rooms, bath, utilities, *a- »>, 2-11*1 oonstrucrmny foTrilflu, with pudded U> bliy and moving.. Kniull jnhs solicited ay or other ffoo'd rtla>i6( locilly\ llriiaiMiMiil riHiill"«« Trips to shore. Tot. WE 2-3004. je, attic. sliare laundry. Adults, back and seat.. Price- $30. Call We. Pllease e state mnKe, UKrtla>i6C atid l lirlc. GENERAL Rf PAIRS allable March 1. No pefR. $110. 2-10ir,. [^•n'H Cwnairiit'llun l^4 Wrltfrltft llloj 6*8, cure Weifeiftfleiit i Allrratioiia a»4 MalMlenaat' Tre<>N 'rrlitimed ana HrMnvH •J-SSll. . 4-ii-tf Lenderd , 33-29-S2 t We. IMIftUI nr H>. 2-lliTU HAK<1RNT'» MOVING * KTORAIJR 1MI1 I'NIVBRSAi, elertrlr stove, ex- AnllqueN' ffttin Small J»bt a Specially livr'a Nfl'r Ul«l Now loading household K°odB to fel.y furnished roam, nemi-prl- cellent ''(fiidltlon; ilntUilie • silool Ol.l) si.i:ic;illiA< K mahoirany all 4H tUnttiH. and Canada, speolal- It" l.nth, kitchen privileges, near tluuble bed, l>utch dry sink, Boston WAN'TRll — Kfty Iterrt in fUfhiT\Sit^ DAVIDSON'S JIM LOVIIAND ktiisportatliui. Kxeiuitlve or husU bed; prlmltiVH rocker-' llol'h In the izlng In New England,. Florida TdUW. Call'We. 2-B3S9-K. rn'cker, collertor's-Iteiiis in nap-. •liric-a-hniO, ru^n, *amex. flpqrt- und California uhlpmehts. Rams W couple preferred. Reference. kin tinirs, uhlna, fflass, chair can- IIIK equipment, IOOIK ana wpll- vun to destination. Let us estlmatl 'rile ' Box "»S3, care Westfleld <;AIIII1;\ tools, lS-ft. wood ladder. Ing:. imoHN, etc.. 11+ wntited by the W^«t* nriii.iionirif AMI G y"ur next move. United Van Lines, 'mler. •• l-5-tf The Miiliinlnit, U'hrrl ilcitl i^frn'M ni\o» for thPlr AUpUofl ir nic TI1RE KEHVICI5 Ted Sargent, Agent. 'We. 2-3033, Call ,'it 18 Falrhlll lid. to lie li^lti Monufiy nftRi-nndn' nnu I,, li, SIIKIOIIAN • imurral (or Vour Print,-te home. Semi-private bath, gu- I,AMPS AM> HIIADP.8. HIK reilue- f3ni>Arlnnrket 6ry $<\t\ft XHr JMy l-5-tf houpe, JameB portnble elpctrlc 1 Item tlnnaxed to help the club In AccoarrrANi A»IMANI IIRNItV P. TOWrt»F.?«n re. Renponslhle business man. dishwasher, electrli' bliinKet, elec- Itr Ull- MnvInK — Tmrklni —Mnn» We. 2-34IIG-R. ^Yell selocted lamps und slmdes. 1 m tric traliiH, younsr .woinnn'H. suit VJi I)S ttillliiK any of the followlnsr rten ftrpn. .Tynfnfi:' ^HH'ebtllll. (ifn- RQCfiNO Dll TrlaTl a iill l tkm (hnrc ntul dreBHes size 12. PI. 5-588R. : «en evejllnrs, 7:J0, tl)V(l',O(»,,.lj). T.. Tnrn\%?r»i R. U. f*row, Jr., W*. 2- eral.lCu&upjji, (J«lt JfKftWiml) S.260O HIANK A. IIQUORI •.Ml NOHTH A ' " hed-H\IH8: room: smaller -. VPIWInms.vtSS Ceurrai tym,t»«v 07!ifi; .Totin^l,,. Fay, We. 2-:(027;' IVK.-' am; garage; nil utilities: 2 min- OAK buffet,.-,Waterman gas stove, Grove Ht. In Westlleld. N'n pnrlijiuj l(oht. A'. SchAViirz, We. 2-<)4(H; and General Repairs < to triiiLsportii tlon; iidults. Call (1.10.' rolluwny Jroner. pnone We. "problem. We. 2-213S. 4-KTTf Alvn O. Pttpri, ^"fl. 2-774H; Hti'pl.on TKA1NH LANDSCAPE I GARDENING 2-:.r,ar,. , 4-3-tf 2-12li«-J. fl. Cox, We. 2-inST; Kflnuinii ''letn- J. J. MORAN MAINTENANCE e TIKm lTCIHO^i >AI0T, maple, r> pieces, entH, AV*. 2-Uri4 or DOU^IHM Klpld, llpnt opportii'in'tV Mr-I'litelil- \'niv Knit Tfnir iMSHKlV room In private lionie, tllblo 2S.V4O, extends to 4SK4O. .- ...,.-. sofn — crotch hiaho.ifivny, V*i'. 2-3041. 4-r>-;it B-enl hl^h school Kriuluale with •IIO Flr.l Hlrrrl. OBAI1DATK OI' HITOI5IIS HV. pluck from hus. Business person wine antique' velvet, (food condl- Sturdy conKtructlon, excellent con- soriie khnu'ledKe of dmftliiK' iirln- WilFlfD GAINES elVrrfri. Tc-I, We. 2-0O2!l-\V be- fifin, best offer, lla. 7-4702. dition. Tel. franford (1-37SO. clflltts. Alu'st he WIIIIIIK to leurn Wr. J-:I:I;.1 — II.MIMI Ah' I,A.V1ISCAI'|] MAI.\THXA>CK Oild John • noon. 4 - ri - 21 WANTIlS T|MK. (lai'ilimlhfr contrat't. flradlnK. erpnees I'xchansed'. Cull We. 2- We. 2-0247. • pfliuiahU Jnr«mfi with lon£-puH Hi rt (i. (IhlMril , Ciiinpli-t,' seiitlr systfUns. PiM-mn- • MISCELLANEOUS -i-U evoiliupM. proHpect's, for lnrBPr (livltlfnd« ;unT SALESMAN 07 firuvr Nt. Wr, -'-IT77 ni'iil drlvBwnj's, nnrdon work. .%10-r. lirtlllriT SO lli«.»2.'JX higher jiiitrlu-t vuluex. V«m can l.iiu-nx rnlied wilii pitw«r roller. M'Olin :i rooms, business sre- ARCHIE BUYS AND SELLS ." 11m. <:iillrlliilr<*il KrfiHM Se«-«l. . JKI.!!» Htart wttli ?-.oi) anil mkl niorf «.« Full tlnrf', vllth ,i.?iti)bHt,lifiV 1011- Call We. 2-SI10. 3-|2-Jt AVAII,A||M1—I mnirU'lan, K^od, nnil "• Snltiibu. for profession or Killson Vlctrola for cyliiidi't- rec- Mother i your siiylrwCH iirmv-.J^ry /t-cs u»» a cfrn I'I-CTIT cvlicrl'.'iii'Hil |\crf,in , al, tl, will travel. Kneelnllsjlnff in clill- I'll I »l.u full1 O'hfaTiir iVliYfv ffut ivlTI iJcmHIllvr snnit'iin^. u'lin itrt-n's plirtU'H. ('(mlui't Michael jnnriM loniilc. mil We. • 8-3648 ords, $22: living room bar, H2: reKl«t*'rf<1.,IJive«im'(im iia\'lt«(*f rt'fe Hliiii-H, dormorM, ponliPH. rticri-u- rbvliuinel. 1 Wosllirook lid.. We. (ilf rluliH, ."He and up: old (lax Mint ' «iil. W.TT liiis" liiiil nth'i'r liiinlno»s trulnlns. t Ion mid in tic rirouiH, TOxpertly SHRUB PLANTINGS K very nuii.f'ivt**., sftwi.Wt ottiii',, oii-n liMur rjuiuin- 2rii« au4 J dtm'n bv I^Iwnrd Pudlck. Cnll wheel, Vi": choice of 50(1 rpoords. • » •* l.",c Sncli; odd chairs, Jl cnclV; atim I'litlniFii llrwt li-tter: IntiM'VloV vVill (*nuif,n-(l t!-!tt:.(l. ! -;i-u DESIGNED AND PLANTED 1 leliAiihles, $11.7.-, nnd HPi,l>lft'« t*Jij ;jK4t be nrrsitiKiHl. Wrllf llox .',!i7, rsu-e liiinlrn AVjilliN. Wnlls iii.d ••nllus TOP HOII., FH.r, nil?'!', sravel beds, SI0 eni-li: 2,1100 tiooks, r.,r Kiind, vi-ushod stone and cinders OPKX ttfXlf.tX \illM;vii;i,, hiKlily expei'lem-cri. CMII iwlwoen 8:00 nnd 8:00, Hall- ejicb; lnts of china, irlnsH, boolis. Uill licln you Dlati.iuid Imtld yniti Rotary Tilling Service way 7-7--I. l-'.-tf ,'hy not list your home or brlc-n-br.ic, Kood furniture, some IH'W lutiiii! 0-W. l>'f>r free I-;NI1IMIII«*N Cull IliK' supplleK. Open dally except "OS rei'ilrlll Ave. We. 2-0111 #1 *\J • . AtlfEi LIME SCAlf REMOVAL ices are always available to Wednesday, S to R. Archie's llesale SMYTHE'S LANDSCAPE SERVICE I:\OIOII HOT «ATI: 111 We. ^-ldll.1 Linio scnle relimveil frcm ;im:'a* and w«f will be meSst happy Shop, across from grocery store HOTHOIXT wnsjier and dryer. Call : J.OST—Will tPo ffVa*rt?. « W'olr.a- In Myersvllle .Mllllngton 7- . We. 2.1119-n. man's soft graray Hat, itti. 5.W »¥. in or.. -I - •-. -1 f COIIK, tanlcteftN henterH and nil hent erve you In ai\i real estatf IIBC-W.. mlstnki< at the 9:30 service at th Call 2-61210-M rifte'r excliifrtKern. Work done on nretn- Ba Methoillat Chh H I Sun ."1 -1' III, fill IPJ i I iiLif I j *>4*'| >« n Methoillat .Chur.ch UP. Has I or Sun- Braxton's Cabinet Works IHOH. All work sruiiranteed. Scnnlblfl lers. Call or see (n fS&ay. fti5Srrf^.l run, ID ft'. li.WjUJ fe'. ,,„,, ,,.,rlaKe, ?2n; na/thlArt, V:, dday , pleAlAs phone We. 2-70W-H: • REPAIRS I.lnie Henle lOfiuipinent Co. Call $4-,- cluli chair with Bllncover. «»: inifckst'tnV mitniVliVtlc wnVlttcr. Calt Formica Products Wo. 2-4999 BERT j. BENNII4&*, INC chest of drawers, $r,; formlcn tor Pnnwoiid 2-77".i. f.OS'l'—Vi'mtu lonc-linlr.'ii cut, pink i-veiulnii._ rail afti-i' .*.:'!ft or' f kitchen table, $10: Klasx top eolTee • •iilliir. Will I'limi. tn tlm rull w*. i ;t-1' r. -1:' UPHOLSTERY Moontnln \vr talile, $:l; two American kitchen fJllll.'S 2fi" bicycle, excellent C'Widl- "I'ffP." IWwurd. We. 2-r.lin. Free Estimate! wall rnhlllPli, H" X 3li"; trlc-ycle llnn, with basket, ll.'ii crolch inn- ABliK-VIXb Unlit. trHciilnK.. clpnn, FURNITURE REPAIRS BAB »>, a-. 4-5-t almost new, pnlpndl $$30, will sell for I'.OST—T«'o ret! tfii$£l''N. one r^d cellnrs" niid n'ttlos, nnd odil Job's. hoffnny piecrust t'ier talile, $ir.. l DON MAXWELL HIIMAVDM- I1HIVHWAVS $10. WeW . 2-4788-'M24788'M. We. 2-87--,7. sent nnil ri* eiKht-room -or twd-famlly SOI,F n,I'IIS for sflle, RTeffistpred fc.\X. Dutch schohlmnrter's desk, Ity Helirtii'r* l'l. Tel. We. WW. _ l,ArNI»HY-*-Irnnln[ B nnd curtnlns to HlKKlnK. llnlldiiaer Sen-Ice. Kstl- «!". Mall details to Box 74\ SpnldlnB . IronK. Kroydnn nutter. 2 pine chests,, l-drn%ver cherry do in niy own lionie. Tel. We. 2- 3-21-ii i-r,-t' inati's I'tiet'ifully slvun. \V. noy- "•u-y.. Florlri., _, .,4,22-M 2 Armour rfoo'ds. We. J'-Snlln. Htnml. nTnle~Tesire MA1IOGAST dresner nnd chest with Inr free ,-«llninl,-» RUSKIN'S rt'iu mi elsht room house as mirrors, sood condition, but mil"I-PII'H'K living room set wltii slip- UKA.SO.VABI.I; unrdenlnit. Call H> ^ Cnll Wii.Mllirliliti. M.ll^ls OLIVER A. HOWARTH, JRI mi «» pomlhle. Write detnllw'to of dale. Oak rocker, $15. «e. 2- covers, flood condition. JlnlCL- offer. 2-,12«(-M, 3-22-41 .\u>r III Winter llalrH 1JIS1-W. INSTRUCTION 3-2II-II »_'l. Denary, Florida. 4-5-3f WAXI'.IUFI woman would like hahy 112 North Are., rl,AINKini.l) I-IIIIMI Sewer Trenches & Footings Dug ill. lll'HXKII. Fluid Heat model sVftliW. ft'o'..il A'l'tH chlldn-n. Sat- T. M. REDD ^'i.iiuiture lu-Kro fftniliy desires p.,:K* forctsd air clrcrtlntpr anil TITOIIlvri—IHKh School nnd AoV-' urdavs and Suiuliiys. daytime (ir Oil Tanks -• • •; niiini npiil'tment. Tall col- Mollnnd hot nlr flinUCe, Sin. U II F6R SALE • le«r subjt'ct*. Carolus T. ("larkj eVenin'lt Cftll 4:011 to H:»»• • LAWNMOWERS AMI1 wllllVt;, riM'iilrlnit, mount- 'Piircd In either our office oi $111; Hoover uiirluht vjcuuiv iii,«-i,,.t pSV (illirV jVlslies d-iy's wnplt tfnt'urilay. ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS IIIWN. Win-H ilniie nrllstlcully nnd - ,-'":" i'"ine. Hnt|rs: itally clenner, ntlni'linifnfs and Imse. DOG TRAI^KNTG COURSE (nil ur Write fur liir,,ri,il .1 hours. Cull We. 'J-ORICI-M. Allli' nnil llei'i-etitlnii ItunuiM r.'iisiinulil.v. f'r. n-nisr,, 3:is Wulnut Jin: niiHile Vlctr..lu record lalile- «(nVVf?W Tiiesdnj . April S4T, M;|MI P.M. {•11 M>. r.,ii-ll,l Ayr. We. •J.tTMR-W MclNTYRE'S .Ivi-., ('liinforil. l-Ti-tf $1 ;,o- Fudn television ("•t.,..).' I'lMfl'ICAl, nurse wishes part lime Kllelieii HeiiMMlelliiH: '••• Punt Ave,,'Scotch Plahm 1 *f » l.l>i»llloi\ nnrsliiO', linliy en r» or Te'. We. 2-^OIi2-.M. Mules—service—PurlM Hrrrrns, Klis GENERAL JOBBING *!"- 1-K-13I ii'. H. IIK.vVK'l-f, TeHV'her of pKWft''. coWpnnion. cull Sunset n-onnr,. M.1V HtMl & IMIWI'.II MOn'FMIf "f tCK" D6flral B!}p P''p- WM. GRASING l.inilirM liiillera ri-iKrBT.mpl.nmish Tln (inrilrit I'JiilllptiielK i>r,n Al' INr<»lf; TAX rptnrni- nl:ir. hewHimft I'n' s»itr .Finnic IRQ i'X«W "fhiit work. evi'nlnirH—typinit lloiverN, HnlirrM. and Miilkc OIHI' yiMI Omvf Nl., I'^irnl ANiilinlt Ilrlvenn>-H ItfNiirfni'i*il nnil 1 ,,,'">, pr-iinrpil at vmir home. -.-t'wltli hutch cabinet, $< riorliin Jtil., Wectllelil. r-iill W'ri.1- fin- Hellt llll We. 2-Ollllft. linrl H. Mrhnilil. Director Uli.l/,,1- nililr-sslliir enrils. I'I.II Wrstt'^lll, >'• .1, I'rualipil Slnne i'ii»«i'll, Ifumvood 2-800.'.. Cninfnrd (i-072.1 after C.'lfl !••>• C,,liililelt> Him!!"' Mfrvlff 1-19-1.11 Aiitli»rlr.ril llenler for \\'<>. U-1IMIII We. 2-4663-J ACT(IIIIII, ^-2."»^H Ilniull-Clinrur SERVICE & REPAIRS CnvrreU liy InsilrlllU'p Mutt, 447 Lomtfellon- A ye.,Bfu»lt W? wIsTlcs wa'«hln(c nnd In.nlni.' r / In1 oW'n home: nnil curlnliiH. too. i:;ir> Klmer Nl. (Cor. Mirth Ave,) Antenna rrmilra nnil liiKliilliitlnn W. llnjlun HI! Kvrrann l'l. iAn v",,nrr|,iBe. Bond condition. Cnll up nn your duncInK, iirfjM* Jftr Kntllhllsheil II'L'II . We. 'J-H.1TI «>• J-n»17-.l :•'. I'linih.T Wl'sllleld J-:IIH I We. 2-fM44-n. We. 2-fni4O-M. ! • pen l-:\i-niiir- 1 -ti-1 f l-Ti-t! l,rilri i\l\ i i-oniii ci.ticli. nsklnu SI-'- "-' Loahs Up To $500 WHiothn: if. nur«e. «ill can- i-:.-ir Hciilb Ave. Cnll W». U-s:i22. fni IIWIIV ll'hil-'T -1 M""lllis "''I, In Ib Ave. i-i I l» TO 24 1IONTHN Til I'AV II'IT invi'lv liniu* wllh ynnl. I'.y • DRESSMAKING VILIANE & SONS, INC. NEED SOME HELP ? nwcM i\.s'rm'("ri(»\—f'lnfppi^ b^-. • PIANO TUNING IllfiS — One l 111 IIKIV I'UMl I'll, Time for Sprinri Cleaning " Hlra'' 'i,!"'"' "','!' " ''"'''' '"'' Phone. John E. Pitcher (inrinrrl>- Crntiforil I'iniin Co.) 1 f (i-Vv a"(i" nttlc ivlndnw fun, Yi price r'urKM AlttMil tlte l>i'Udui'r> -ni. Will ,,ji|] aj y^ur linme. Cnll We. 2-4-73H-M. HtPKTllKNCKT) tvninuu will olflin • unlllK n»'l HrliiillillUK Westfield 2-4800 woodwork, wax flnors und other I1IIKMHU.4K1MJ nnd (leslKnlng ex- «IT Norlh A*f. W. We, 2-NNI !•• Farr, WEstfield 2-7916 heavy cUanlnit. Wftrk wjinf»ri he. pertly ilnne; .IIHO altpi-ntlfiliH We. Argonaut Household twen hours of *:*ul A.M. nnd 'i;n(l £35«r 3l-ll S-22-3t Friendly Finance Co. r.TtT.1 tT.Tfi nri hour. Write llox Services fi!>§ earn Wrstfleld Leader. , U^ratlmiN, Drapn- MH T,\x—-All types of ImllvTcT- ( • ROOFING do It tt,r run. 1 'JUS FI, llrond St. WMlflrlii Hporl Hhlils. I-J»pprl- n- , i ,"""" • l"i»ln.MK • return* (Ion* «t h'«i«». Cnll rv>. »7!K lrlt Walls mid ivnndwurlt Wusheil, '„„.'•". ".">' '"The. npoil every Mo, No. 720 fil'TTBllfi CI.IO*M5II, rmialied anil t'lnni-H t-leitiicil and WIIM'II, >Vlu- replili'i'il. Hoofs repaired, rieimral ihnv* HH-^II'MI, HI U'eiii' Ininir i'hmie We. 2-UZK-W, UT1HRU, nnKH.iKFn uirty. Anirinii, rui-pi-miy. Altrnitldii^. .1. 1.,-lKli. Hart In WIIIIEMI W*. U--I3TK We 2-1 tflil nlWhly rfconirtiriidp'l: fimnll funt- \vi»it. '.'-liiiiii, i-r.-tf l-",*tf • BUSINESS SERVICES Itv or single nurty. Weeltilays cnll USE CLASSIFIED ADS III'.-IIIXII'IM; - - Hlille und Tile, roof HUNTS WlVtlOiV i;f,BAJI1(l ~ We. 8-4Hl:l-M. r*»|inlrliiK. Lenders and cullers, I'lunr WiiMlntt— WiirMlirorh Kmn SE CLASSIFIED ADS a r. s r.. AHUJSlM. ficotch, wlnrip« "


Armow's Star and Swift's Premium •on* la First Time Anywhere! CHUCKOCc NATIONAL'S GOLP TAPE PUN ROAST e£\) —i SwUti sssss CROMRIB ROAST SHUCK FOR STEW u. CHOPPED CHUCK 49* Wear-Ever **^ Tender ami DellcHMH . - ALCOA CHUCK STEAK __ i ALUMINUM FRANKS _____ Start Today... Cash in GROUND BEEF Vn. 990 on th*s« Wondorful Valves Right Away! FRESH SEAFOOD TM. iwgfauiiiis itMK IZS.M ym c«sh N«if rmt TnlT 1 Own riwh tot Mccfptc «• liteMliy worth Iheii wtigfcl ^ 190 POR8IES In ««M towaid lh» bwnitUvl Wia-tni SMELTS sis Hrau on 4Upl«ry at NOUMMI. Sa. start mta| rmh rn«i «f PMIciMH 4l ?•"•*•••• HADDOCK ^.490 DlinERHSH

Fresh and Delicious CREAM CHEESE Domino or Jack Frost SLICED Granulated BOLOGNA SUGAR 5 Apple Sauce FRESH PRODUCE Soft Weave Colored or Marcal

Fresh, Calif. Fancy All Green Toilet Tissue ASPARAGUS BEEF STEMS Snow Crap F u. 23 PEAS & CABIOTS 2 Krispy Crackers New Crop, Finest Grown U.S. #1 Grade, Florida WHITE fruit of the Vin POTATOES ICE CREAM KHArnrr WkH. Angel rood C Snow Ctep SUc«d I'rcwn Cake Mix 3 19 STRAWBERRIES Fresh Golden Yellow BANANAS 138 CENTRAL AVENUE c 10 WESTFIELD, N. J. b. 'PLENTY OF • PAYROLL CHECKS «I» P.M. FREE PARKING CASHED FREE OF CHARM Nabisco Beechnut Strained Bseehnut Junior R1TZ CRftCKEHS 1b. box 33c Wonderful Liquid Deteigent Blu« Burry't Oxford BABY FOODS BABY CEREAL TIDE CICME SANDWICHES pkg. 29c BABY FOODS IVORY SOAP JOY CHEER IS KMbler Giant CINAMMON GRAHAMS pkg. 39c 5 i~, 49* 6 i~« 89* 22-ox. g^0 2 can sixe THE wmtwrn® m, *.} mmm, THTJRSBAY, APita g. And Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Power low* With Jean Mohaghan Betrothed Nancy Glover to and their two daughters, for- merly of Westfield, have moved Sidney W. Coe of 22 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Ward and Married Monday fiom North Hollywood, Cal. to in View drive, Mpuntam- their son, David, of 155 Effinghanv Wed Joel Goudy Atlanta, Ga. btertained a large group of place are spending this weekend Thursday afternoon at a in Washington, D.C. In Holy Trinity Church Mon- Mr. and Mrs. George E. Holt of •se party in honor of Mrs. 3. «•*• day morning at a 10 o'clock Nup- 2401 Hill road announce the en- • Austin of 415 Linden ave- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. DuPuy tial Mass Miss Jean Monaghan, gagement of their daughter, Miss lh0 is leaving Westfield in of 14 Greenwood road, Mountain- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis N'ancy Glover, to Joel C. Goudy, Lr future to reside in Pitts- side, have returned home from a A. Monaghan of 671 Westfield son of Mr. and Mrs. Geargi L. ffa At the tea table were six-week motor trip through avenue became the bride of John Goudy, 78 Forest road, Fanwood. Florida Le8 William H. Orr, Rufu» McDermott Jr., son of Mr. and Miss Glover is a graduate of (r Osgood Rogers, and W. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hudson of Mrs. John M. McDermott of Jer- Scotch Plains High School and t-'rison. Assisting the hos- Watehung Gardens, Plainfleld, for- sey City. The Rev. Kevin Cahil attended Union Junior Collage Iwere Mesdames King E. merly of Westfleld, have returned O'Carm officiated. where she i was a member of the 1 Robert Ferguson, Henry from a three-week trip through the Escorted by her father, the Phi Eta Omicr6n Sorority. She t and Charles Holder. Dur- South and Florida. bride wore a gown of nylon tulle is employed by the N. J. Bell Tele- ,e afternoon the group was and net over « white satin under- phone Co., Elizabeth, as a secre- lained by Mrs. Lloyd Manley Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Rieck of 845 «kirt, with appliqued lace on the tary. Tpiano and Mrs. Ralph Hall, Village green celebrated their 59th bodice and skirt. Her three-quar- Mr. Goudy also was graduated I Mrs. Austin was present- wedding anniversary with their ter length veil was held by a from Scotch Plains High School tjlvcr tea tray by the group. family Easter Sunday. crown of seed pearls. She carried and attended Davidson College, L on the occasion were a a prayer book with white orchid Davidson, N. C, and was a mem- Lr of out of towners who This evening Mr. and Mrs. Wil-' and Btephanotis. ber of Sigma Chi fraternity. He (former Westfield residents. Ham R. Cox of 609 Leigh drive Miss .Josephine Tersillo of Long served two years in the Army, and I included Mrs. E. C. Mos« are entertaining their bridge club. Island City, V.Y., was maid of is presently employed by Western MISS DIANE JOHNSON Lra. G. M. Miller of Kinter- honor. She wore a gown of pale Electric Co. as a technician on fpa., Mrs. Geoffrey Esty and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wister and their son, Chuck, and daugh- blue embroidered nylon organdy the New York Guided Missle Proj- •Ernest Wigner of Princeton, over blue taffeta and carried a ect. . Irs. G. William Ellis of Belle ter, Nancy of 605 East Broad Diane Johnson, street spent the Easter weekend cascade bouquet of yellow gladioli, No date has been set for the as guests of Mrs. Wistar's parents, blue iris, and small yellow chrys- wedding. r -m •%• anthemums. Rev. Purdy Engaged | and Mrs. Guy R. Hopper Mr. and M's. James MacFee of Shamokin, Pa. Miss Ethel O'Brien of Westfield hi Lenox avenue have re- was bridesmaid. She wore a gown College Women L from a two-week visit in Mrs. C. P. Eddy Jr.< of 617 of nylon organdy and carried Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Dean (Beach, Fla., where they were Boulevard entertained at a tea flowers similar to the honor at- Johnson of 543 Shackamaxon Hear Cartoonist lieats of Mrs. Hopper's par- Tuesday for the Latin American tendant's. drive,, announced the engagement I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Group of which she is a member. Best man was James McDer- of their daughter, Diane Louise, W formerly of Westfleld. mott of Jersey City, brother of to the Rev, Samuel Edwin Purdy. Members of' the Westfleld Col- Visiting Mrs. Clara Harvey of the bridegroom. Serving as ushers at a family dinner given EaBter lege Woman's Club heard Burr .. and Mrs. Marcus A. Me- the Carlton Arms Apartments for Day by her grandparents, Mr. and Shafer, cartoonist, Tuesday eve- Em and their children Marcus, were Dr. John Knightly of Wash- the Easter week are her son-ln- Mrs. John I. Blower of Plainfleld, ning at the Masonic Temple. - The Hotel Suburban jk, and Andrew of Hanover, ington, D.C., and Paul McConvill ilaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. of Jersey City. The wedding will,take place Aug. Mr. Shafer, who has a music fare visiting Mr. McCorison's Edward Hadden and children, Lee, 25 in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. business in California, considers hoi everything that Its, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Cathy, and Janet of Mechanics- Miss Johnson will be graduated himself an amateur cartoonist. He it takes for 1h» perfect tCorison Jr. of 840 Bradford burg, Pa. They are former resi- Local Artist Wins n June from Centenary Junior described 'his main cartoon char- Ee. Mr. McCorison it chief of dents of Midwood place. Place in Show College, Hackettstown, where she acter, J. Wesley Smith, as "the wadding party. Beautifully „„... book division of the s secretary of Phi Theta Kappa, greatest mah in history because 1 1 daceratad banquet roomi, houth College Library. Following the Saturday evening Norman Webb, a Westfleld resi- national honor society. She has he represent* the common man, performance of "Two Blind Mice" achieved recognition in piano re- always present at each great event I. and Mrs. A. D. Bauer of 5 dent who pursues art as a hobby, , excellent food and bever- by the Gommunity Players, the has had one of his paintings ac- cital work, having performed for In an insignificant capacity. He Ihorn drive and Mrs. H. E| cast will hold a party at the club- church and club activities, and is is plaintive, well-meaning, fearful ages, exacting tervlte lad of 421 Kimball avenue cepted for the American Water house. Mrs. E. P. Gehrlein of 616 Color Society show «t the National presently under the tutelag* of and ineffective. He assisted at with a mind for detail and freturned from a two-weeks Shackamaxon drive is in charge Mrs. Eva Onken of Finland. the decline of the Roman empire • in Sanibel Island, Fla. Academy in New Vork.. Out of of arrangements. —Lee Brian thousands of pictures submitted, in a minor way and he waa a fail- a genuine deiirt to make The Rev. Mr. Purdy is the.son _. and Mrs"william H. Inglls -•- Mrs. Richard Inman Rule, the former Mra. Anne Sperry Spof- only about 200 are hung, and ure as a Minute Man because it you happy. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wells Jr. ford, daughter of Mr, and Mra. Thomas A. Sperry of Palm Beach, these have won a two-thirds ma- of the Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Charles took him a half to get ready." •their four children, Susan, Edwin Purdy of Bath, N. Y. He I James, and David of Clar- will entertain following the Fri- Fla., formerly of 827 Highland avenue, who was married Saturday, jority vote of a IB-man jury. Mr. Shafer illustrated his talk day evening performance of "Two March 24 to the son of Mrs. Craddock Rule of Miami, Fla., formerly Mr. Webb's picture entitled was graduated with honors from by drawing cartoons of his well- i Hills, 111., are spending the Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Call Miu Carpenter jr holidays with Mr. Inglis' Blind Mice" at their home 201 of Grenada, Misa., and the late Mr. Rule. The ceremony was per- The Last of the Light" is a win- known little character who has Harrison avenue. Their guests will formed in the Royal Poinclana Ohapel of Palm Beach. Mrs. Guy ter landscape painted in the near- Quebec, Canada, and was elected appeared regularly for 10 years fcts, Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. to the Golden Mitre Society. He for detail* \ of 857 Highland avenue. be Jack Leahy, the director, sev- Robert Hopper of Westfield was > matron of honor for her sister. by woods outside of Westfleld. He In the Saturday Review of Liter- eral members of the cast, and Thomas A. Sperry Jr. of Plainfield was bcBt man, and ushers were has done post graduate work at will be competing with nation- ature. B CRettvlaw 3-3000 I. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jack- •friends. Mrs. Wells Is prompter Dr. Guy R. Hopper and Lieut. Robert Henry of Los Angeles, Cal. ally known artists from all over the General Theological Seminary, Mrs. Norris Barnard, president |nd their children, Joy9e and for the play. The bridegroom, who is a major in the United States Air Force, will the country. This exhibit is the New York. Tho Rev. Mr. Purdy of the club, announced that Mra. of 810 Fairacres avenue ••- be stationed after April 15 in Trier,- Germany. The couple will reside 89th. annual show the society has is an associate of the American George A. Plenty will be chair- the Easier weekend in there after a wedding trip to Jamaica, BWI. held, and will be on view at the Guild of Organists and served a man of the annual dinner meeting Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Keogh three year enlistment with the on, D.C. v of 720 Highland avenue enter- National Academy; 1083 Fifth which will take place at the Ma-. avenue in New York until April United States Signal Corps in Eu- sonic Temple May 1. tained Mrs. Keogh's mother, Mrs. rope. |. and Mrs. J. Frank Culver of Robert J. Lees of Brooklyn, for Music Department . Camera Club 22. Following the lecture there' was OTEL • . tcudder road have ' returned Easter. Meets Tuesday Meets Tonight Mr, Webb is an active member Following ordination to.the min- a social hour. MrB. Aahcr Tourl- a sojourn at the Escape -•- of the Westfleld Art Association istry, he served* as vicar of St son, who was the hostess waa as. , Fort Laudcrdale, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Payne The music department of th« The Westfleld Camera Club will and will be exhibiting in their Stephen's Mission, Waretown and aisted by , Mesdames Wilbert A. IJBURBAN and their two children formerly of meet today at 8 p.m. at the West- spring shhw Mtli month. for the p»»t two years has b«en Allen, R. Glehn' Bauer, Donald . Donald R. Finter of Alex- Woman's Club of Westfleld, wilt S70 Springfield Ave. 1727 Florida «.treet are. now at meet Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. at fleld Tennis Club. Mrs. Catherine earlte of St. Paul's Church. Byers, William lrwln, William V. »,Va.,vja3 honored at a baby home at (heir new address, 204 1 Von Nostitz and Miss C. Faith April 15 he will assume the rector- Johnson, Frank Elwood, Data Jun- ' Saturday In the home of the home of Mrs. Jay M. Allen , To Talk on Summit, N. J. Sinclair place. 141 Linden avenue. Members are Sperber will be hostesses. ship of St. Thomas' Church, Bath. tiila, David Opdyke and Willaid nother-in-law, Mrs. R. W. Flower Judging E. Sauerbrun. Jr., 2316 Coles avenue, Mary Ellen Morbeck, daughter requested to bring a box luncheon The scheduled program will fea- fh Plains. of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Morbeck of Beverage will be served by Mrs. ture a lecture and demonstration Mrs. J. Wcstford Cutler of Rake and Hoe Club 761 Hyslip avenue, entertained Robert Purvis and her hospitality presented by Frederick Simmon Canterbury lane will address the i shower was given by Mrs. committee. Meets Wednesday 1 Lentrsch of Basking Ridge friends from Westfield and Fan- of Simmon Brothers, Inc., manu- New Jersey Flower Show Judges' Wrs. Doris Boyd of Martins. wood at an Easter party Saturday The program, under the direc- facturers of photographic equip- Council today at Montclalr on P? FOR ALL OCCASIONS ^Attending the party were 25 afternoon. tion of Mrs. William Hutchinson, ment. Mr. Simmon will be assisted "Judging Junior Flower Shows." Rake and'Hoe Garden Club, a i from Yonkers,' N.Y., West- -*- will be a musical history of Scot- by Charles Diefenbach, a former Mrs. Cutler is a specialist in jun- YWCA sponsored organization, Scotch Plains, Union, Ir- Newcomers to WcStfield are land in costume. This program resident of Westfield and pres- ior gardening work, and ia the will hold its April meeting at the ton Newark, Cranford and Mr. and Mrs. -R. W. Williams Jr. also presented by members of the ently the general manager and author of "Junior Flower Ar- Y Wednesday. A business meeting r vice president of Simmon Broth- will be conducted by Mrs. Edward Ihung. and son, Robert, and daughter, department at the annual Fifth rangement," a book used as a ref- District Spring Musical Festival, ers organization of Long Island erence by many junior gardening L. Gaven, president, and nomina- fs. Finter was here during the Leslie of Kew Gardens, L.I. Mr. held Monday at Roselle. City. They will speak and dem- supervisors. She is a member of tion of officers will take place. lay weekend visiting her and Mrs. Williams reaide at 776 onstrate specifically on the new the Westfteld Garden Club, and Mrs, Beverly Hachman, chair- ' and father, Mr. and Mrs. Fairacres avenue. Mr. Williams is versatile Omega enlarger. The is second vice president of the man of the program committee Stuart of North Chestnut associated with the Ohaie National Bank. ^ PTA Congress topic of the preientation is en- Garden Club of New Jersey. has announced that the program Plans Conference titled "camera makes the negative Mrs. Cutler acted as advisor in subjects for the day will be Cock Mr. «nd Mrs. Jules M. Grau- and the endarger makes the writing the schedule for the Jun gardens. It will be a member par- jr. and Mrs. F. J. Madea of print." •Highland had as their guestB bard of 640 Lenox avenue left "Keys to Effective PTAs" will ior section of the Eighth Garden ticipation program. Members tak- pe Eastor weekend Mr. and Monday for Dallas, Tex. Mr. be the theme of the Central Spring Non-club members are invited State Flower Show to be held In ing part will be Mrs. Beverly JEWELERS \ G. G. Ruenes of Poughkeep- Graubard is addressing a conven- Regional Conference of the New to attend the demonstration. Orange May 15-16-17, by the Gar Hachmann and Mrs. Charles War- S1NCK 1UOO N.Y. Mr. Ruenes is Mrs. Ma- tion of the Hospital Asso- Jersey Congress of PTAs to be den Club of New Jersey, an affili- necke. ciation there. i brother. held Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the ation of 130 garden clubs from Slides of rock gardens will be 206 BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD, -•- -•- Far Hills Inn, Somerville. Mrs. A. Chi Omegas to all parts of the state. This will be shown. Mrs. Arthur Macaulay, hos- aving tomorrow for Boca Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Leggott Jr. G. Link of Newark, president, will the largest exhibit of junior gar- pitality chairman, will be in charge n, Fla., are Mr. and Mrs. E. of 330 East Broad street had as develop this theme, assisted by Meet Monday deners' work ever staged in New of refreshments. leckwith Jr. of 621 Arlington house guests for the Easter week- Mrs. A. E. Burdge of Little Sil- Jersey. |ue. Mr. Beckwith will attend end, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Shoe- ver, parent education chairman, Mrs. L. M. Hirsch of 207 Second fmvention of the American maker Jr. of Garden City, L.I. and Mrs. H. J. Brogley of Bound street, Fanwood, will entertain Flower Show School , maccutical Manufacturers Mrs. Shoemaker is Mrs. Leggett's Brook, state publicity chairman. alumnae members of Chi Omega Elation. sister. Edgar P. Lcggett, son of Guest speaker will be Professor sorority at hpr homo Monday at To Be Next Week Dr. and Mrs. Leggett, left Sunday Rychard Fink of State Teachers -*~ 8:15 p.m. for dessert. There Is still time to register Newest flight of fashion... and Mrs. A. P. Dennis Jr. for Cleveland, Ohio, after a College, Newark. month's stay with-his parents. Chi Omega alumnae in the area for the 18th Flower Show School, 1 Ramapo -way will entertain Mrs. Frank II. Steudlc of Un- may make reservations for the course four, presented by the Gar- P of friends before the Mrs. J. M. Logan and her ion, president of the Union Coun- evening by. calling' Mrs. Hirsch, den Club of New Jersey Tuesday; dance of the Echo Lake daughter, Loric, of 334 East Dud- ty Council will be a member of a Mrs. O. O. Deane, PL 5-7763 or Wednesday and Thursday at tho try Club Saturday evening. ley avenue spent last week in panel of county presidents in Re- Mrs. John Corbett Jr., WE 2- lub's headquarters, Orange. Wilton, Conn., as the guests of gion 3, comprising Mercer, Mid- 5877-J. Mrs. Harold L. Brooks of West- Louise Jewett, daughter dlesex, Somerset and Union Coun- Irs. Charles H. Jewett of 12 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith. Mrs. E. E. Gullekson -will pre- field, president of the Mountain- nwood drive, Mountainside, -•- ty who will discuss the highlights side at the business meeting and side Garden Club, is vice president red last Thursday to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Treut of parent-teacher work in their bridge and canasta will follow. of tho school. Inspired liy our nun .Southwest, llicse counties. « vacation at home. MISB of 633 North Chestnut street will exotic little poplin shells perched on entertain their supper club Sat- tt is a teacher at Centenary Mrs. Steudle announced that a tvhilo pntin rul'bcr poles, will "ju.'si fly** or College, Hackettstown. urday evening. meeting of the County Council you over jmichci! summer earth! -•- Board members will be held at the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Johnson home of Mrs. Richard Vennie, 47 Cushiony inside! Bnrninlicil-wilh-gold ?• and Mrs. H. S. Kelly of and family of 5 Stanley oval are Raymond street have returned Robbinswood trrace, Linden, next Indian braid "foliar", burning leaving Westfield today to make J a two-week trip to the west Thursday at 10 a.m. cnclus-counlry colors. their home in Jacksonville, Fla. More than 200 members of M and N widths. 4.95 oir daughter, Susan Bea, en- Mr. Johnson has returned from a local PTAs throughout Union •ncd 10 girls at a luncheon trip to Spain. County are planning to attend the ay in honor of her eighth (Please turn to next page) regional meeting. day.

See Our SPRING COLLECTION OF FURS Quality and High Fashion at Lowest Prices Express Any GAMBURG FURS Lamp* — China r- Crystal — Dinnerware— Message * Kur nip of ninllnillon Revere Ware — whatever the occasion, MADK TO Oi IlKADV-TO-W!3An THC WASHABLE CASUAL* Better Than JIBMODEUNG choose your Gift here. ., STORAGE CbKANINO Word* 249 E. BROAD ST. Open MenMon. 1I FrlFri. EvesEves.. WE. 2-3423 THAT TMEDOLD COAT CAN START LIFE ANEW SCOTT'S AS A FASHIONABLE "LITTLE FUR" Jeannette's Gift Shop FREE ESTIMATES 227 EAST BROAD STREET Quimby ut Central STORE YOUR FURS Open Man. A Frl. «vei. We. 2-1072 ., TeLWe. 2-2400 Westfield WITH A MASTER FURRIER Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking Lei : v' Open Mondays 'til 9 p.m. T.FAflffi, fTTTtMftAr APBTT 8. 13-W Players' "Two Blind Mke/* for V SALLY Travel Department April Meeting £or/v ^I#M7 4rfif* Tiro At Marlboro Meets Tomorrow (Continued from previous page) Opens Tonight in Junior High School Made b The travel department of the; Of Musical Club Miss Bonnie Gordon of Minneapolis, Tonijtht at 8:30 the curtain goes up on the first performance Minn., was thp vL*t-ekt*nd visitor of Westfield Woman's Club will meet I seeri tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the! of »Tm Jtttnd Mie<>" at the Roosevelt Junior Hagh School. This TJutti Dahls-uom of 545 Alden ave- Is Arranged corned b • Samuel Spewack is the 40th major production of the Com- soc-iation in,- nue. home of Mrs. Adam Piret, 872 ' that the mental Winyah avenue. ' Mrs. Allen Kittieaon will bf in Mrs. John Walker of 425 South Mrs. Eugene Eddy of Millburn ; charge of the program at the Apul for the playing tomorrow or Sat- Chestnut street, who has been vis- will talk on the function of a : meeting of the Westfield Musical in "The Pirates of PenzaBce." Be- itiiig in San Francisco and North travel a^ent and give practical » Club to be held Wednesday at 2 urday. , / sides working on the construction Hollywood. Qal., since November, "Tips for Travel." Mra. Eddy p.m. in the home of Mrs. Delbert Geraldine Purdy (Letitia Turn- committee, Mr. Barnes stepped in last week in arrived home for the Easter week- lived in Europe as a young girl j Brown, 614 Boulevard, buU) made her last appearance in in an emergency in the cast of Scotch FUini end. Accompanying her were Mrs. and spent three years overseas | "My Three Angels." She has also "Joan of Lorraine," the 1956 NJ- Miss Tufty Milton Holik-rt and her daughter with the American Red Cross in!. The following program will be •cted in "Happy Birthday," "John TL tournament entry h ers to of North Hollywood. They are vis- World War II. She has been a ! presented. Lore* Mary," "Claudia," and scored highest in the first gQ state mental i iting Mr. and Mrs. William J, travel agent fer six years. ; Marcriia Hall, soprano, acrom- Blithe Sjniri*" besides directing al section of the statewide conT Stated that 300 Mehlc of 662 Summit avenue. Mrs. Hostesses for the afternoon will j panied by Josephine Lauver^will several worshop pl*ys- test. ..'.,' ; ' •- are needed t|,» Holden is the former Lois Mehle be Mesdames W. E. Benedict, Mrs. I sing » group of »ong»: "O Wusst # Marfrot Valentine (Crystal Louise Armstrong. >/.', Jame . s Criw- . - tients adjust of Westfield. J. T. Eash and Mrs. A. V. Ward. I 'ich doch den Weg zuruck" by environments Brahms, "Depuis ie jour" from Hower), in addition to perform ford, Wanda Crawford, Marcelia to* for the CeUegre Woman'* CiubHall, , Betty Kittleson, Betty Kolb, "Louise" by Cbarpentier, "Chan- home. .h son Servefienne" by Fourdrain, hat appeared for Community Frederick font* Ingolf Poulsen, and "Sing Again" by Protheroe. Players in "Happy Birthday," Palmer Quyrin, Riehard 'Thomp- It is impossible jM Studio approximately 19 Virginia G. Stanley, pianist, will MISS ELIZABETH HAKKKADER "Hay Fever," and "The Man Who son, Margaret Walsh, and Sondie Came to Dinner"—to name only about 60 „„,„,, present n alllly alll th el leading galleriei s off thihis guests • from other local garden music and the development of in. .-= Robert Carpenter (Wilbur yearbook. . Itjr workmamaip, the line cotton, fetal-tint prints. country. His work is included in clubs will be invited. The speak- "Phreadwaite) • is well known for struments used in the present-day the permanent collections of Art er will be Mrs. J. Henry Staub, Mrs. George Moore of WestfielS orchestra will be explored. his varied' character parts in "My Galleries in New York, Buffalo, assisted by Mrs. Fred Rover, both Sister Eileen," "Hay Fever," will show i end Mrs. Robert P. Wbtrf W4.TJJ This meeting will be held in the :hicaKO, Milwaukee, Port Worth, of the Hunterdon County Garden "John Loves Mary,"' "The Man There will be a cookie exchange. walk, Conn. new club house, 318 South Euclid Nashville, Macon, Georgia; the Club. Mrs. Staub's topic will be Who Came to Dinner," '.'The Little avenue at 1:30 p.m., when Mrs. Randolph-Macon College of Vir"Sprin- g Flowers." Foxes,'" and "Light Up the Sky." A. M. Goodloe assisted by Mrs, ginia and Harvard College Library W. A. Hagerbaumer and Mrs. J. Plans and arrangements for the Frank Blifford (Major John Jane smith and in many private collections. Groh) has acted many times for DOUT WST LOOK AT NEW E. Weelands will serve coffee to He has received many awards in- June flower show to be given by .1M-141 CfNTRAl AVI. Wl. 2-2S5I those members wishing to bring a the members was also discussed. the Kenyon Players of Plainfleld cluding the Wanamaker Prize, the and the College Woman's Club of sandwich-lunch. Walter Lippincott Prize and Hon- Members will take a four week ...WEAR THEM! flower arranging course in prep- Westfleld. His past roles for Com- orable Mention at the Paris Salon. munity Players include "The Formerly, Mr. Dufner was ac-aration for tho club's flr^st flower show. Little Foxes" and "The Doujrh- Ustomed to spend his winters in jfirls." ... THE SWEETEST BEDTIME STORY EVER TOLD! New York and his summers in the artists colony of Boothbay Har- Son to Greenes William Quinn (Lt. Col. Rob- hor, Me. But for several years he bins) sang tenor roles in "The has made his home in Short Hills. Lieut. (j.f».) and Mrs. William Mikado" and "The Pirates «f He' has recently retired from ac- P. Greene'announce the birth of Penzance." He has previously act- tive work in painting and teaching a son, William F, Jr.. March 25 ed for the Merck Circle Players but his many canvases are still at the San Diego Naval Hospital. of Rahway. frequently exhibited in this state Mrs.- Greene is the former Audrey Edward Walsh Jr. (Commander and elsewhere. White of Westfield. Thomas Jellico) is another mem-, Exciting *Catmtnmm •• ber of the stage crew and con- struction committee. He appeared' NO-IRON Cotton Batista KPPIMf? briefly in "The Doughghls." John Kennedy (Dr. Henry Mc- Gill), besides playing in "Happy Birthday," is a veteran of many workshop plays, including the very well-received version of Shakes- peare's "The Taming of the Shrew." Robert Lewis (Sergeant) makes his debut with Community Play- ers, having formerly acted with HOOVER the College Players at Lafayette. 1 Robert Haiiies Jr. (Charles Brenner) has had a great deal of experience with the Kenyon and SALE Proscenium Players of Plainfleld. His Westfleld credits include two workshop, plays and "My Three Angels," ' $6995 David M, Smith (Ensign Jam- ieson) is another newcomer to> Westneld board*. His flint appear- WHILE-THEV LAS ance with Community ,PIuyers was In a worUnhop play |UBt fall, Emil Singdahlsen (Senator Krugor) was »een in "Ten Little ," "Hay Fever," "Rebec- Lose 3 inches without dieti with toote en," "The Little Foxoss,'" "The DoughKirla," and "My Throe An- S717MS Strong's gels." In addition to his actlnj? k beata, jtitnraepa, w atefcauai Mr. Singdahlsen has directed —NodVaat f»g to empty. COM workshop plays. Wnller Barntu (Second Visitor) played one of the comic policemen- You can weac a size smaller dress by controlling rebellious curve* WESTHILD'S with a P.1N". Practical Front garment. P.rT. Slims yotlr figure as much Easy-to-launder, Dri-smooth, SUNDAY DRUG 03 3 inches, supports you In comfort Carefree cotton batiste Qnautkitt fimiteL STORE SCHEDULE all day—and, thanks to ita front which needs no ironing Bond new 1955 cfcanoa lacing, gives you a fresh fitting; ...In pastel pink, maize, blue or mint ift anginal (hipping OPEN THIS SUNDAY evorylima you wear it. V ld fat *VHM. trimmed with row on rota of matching tinted, gathered nylon from $3.93 to U&.50 >a*bfc BARON'S full*. • *• M. li, II WHERE ELSE BUT p ARK1NG for our Customer! CLOSED THIS SUNDAY THE CORSET SHOf Entrctnco at , jane Schaefers 132 Elmer St. Whelan's ir Jdrvis Tho Foundation of our Bo«in«" t 133-141 CINTRAl AVE. WE. 2-2558 No Poor Goods At Any Price" We«rtlaW Pharmacy h the rlflh» foUrtdolIon for *»» 148'. E. Broad St. THE WESTfTELP

are being completed for ART SCHOOL Smith College Alumnae of the The Purdue Club of Northern ring exhibition of the West- I'lainrteld- Westfield area decided trom A Morning Clan (Advil) irt Association P"' at a meeting recently held at the New Jersey elected officers for i it was announced today by llartridge School in Plainfield to 1956 at a recent meeting held at Children's CIOM L> president, Leo Monta- become an independent organiza- the home of the retiring presi- st • The 31 annual member tion known as the Smith College dent, Arthur Frantzreb of Me- INFORMATION Ition will be held in the W*- WUTFIELD V «tr.«*Mt "lub of Plainfield and Westfield tuchen. T Room of the Memorial Li- rather than function as a unit of Hit and will include original the Watchung Hills Smith Col- Joseph H. Zettel of Martins- in all mediums including lege Club. ville will be the new president. re, many of which may be Permanent officers of the newly- The vice president-elect is Dr. Bed. Judging will be by formed organization were elected Lee Beach of 616 Clark street. Dr. pindler of Maplewood and at the meeting and are as follows: Beach is associated with the Esso Eh. sv Coes of Montclair. Cer- President, Mrs. George J. Cole- Research Laboratories, in Linden. i will be awarded to the man Jr. of Westfield; vice presi- Louis Fletemeyer of 245 Grove n at a reception in the Wa- dent, Mrs. A. Turney Savage of street was re-elected as secretary. MANSARD Room for membeVs only, Westfield j treasurer, Mrs. Howard Mr. Fletemeyer is plant superin- _y April 15 from 3 until 6 Carter Jr. of Plainfield; recording tendent of the E. .1 du Pont Elec- [The exhibit will be open to secretary, Mrs. Frank N. Repp of tro-Chemicals plant at Perth Ain- Fanwood and corresponding secre- Lblic starting Monday, April MISS JUDITH WARMER boy. 731 We*t Seven* MtMt il Saturday, April 21, from HISS JAN BUSH MISS HELEN THOMAS tary, Mrs. Rtoland R. Graham Jr. of Cranford. —Buchraoh The new treasurer will be Ken- PlainfieU MM1 1 6 p.m. and 7 until 9 p.m. MARY JANE COULBOURN neth John of East Orange.. Charles M. Barnett Jr. is Heinn Tomfohrde Mrs. Carter also outlined plans Ian of the exhibition, and Jennings-Bush Pope-Thomas at the meeting for the Smith- Publicity for the club will be Luncheon and dlnne*, s her committee Sidney De Princeton Glee Club concert to be Troth Told of handled by Ralph L. Gilbert of Wadding ami teae, treasurer^ Irving Donald- To Take a Bride Engagement Told Troth Is Told given April 21 by the Watchung 1004 Irving avenue. catalogue; Mrs. John Hop- Hills Smith College Club. The Under the guidance of th« new- ! receiving and dispersing; concert will be followed by a dance Miss Coulbourn ly elected officers, a tentative pro- rQrtw ttMn . Mr. and Mrs. Wendell E. War- MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. and at the Baltusrol Club- gram schedule for the year was ; Langstaff, hanging; Mrs. ner of Wayne, Pa., have announced Mr. and Mrs, Samuel LeRoy I Langstaff, hostesses; Mrs. Mrs. John W. Bush of Ports- Thomas of Holly-Brook Farm, Mrs. Coleman reported on her outlined. The first major event the engagement of their daughter, mouth, Ohio, have announced the recent trip to Smith as an Alum- SCOTCH PLAINS — Mr. andwill be a "Scholarship Mixer Par- lUNCHtONf and MNNMS Schaeffer, judges; Mrs. Miss Judith Lea Warner, to Heinn Scobeyville, formerly of Westfield, Mrs. William H. Coulbourn of Kinouse, assistant chair- engagement of their daughter, Jan have announced the engagement of nae Council representative. ty" May IB at the Park Hotel, in CUHIa MONMVf c Frederic Tomfohrde _III, son of Hayden Bush, to Richard Louis 1954 Bartle avenue have an- Plainfield. ed publicity; and Mrs. Heidi Mr.' and Mrs. Heinn V. Tomfohrde their daughter, Miss Helen Ann nounced the engagement of their Jennings, son of Mr. and MrsThomas. , to Charles Albert Pope n, refreshments. Jr. of 781 Shadowlawn drive. Louis Alpheus Jennings of 316 Miss Doughty Retires daughter, Miss Mary Jane Coul- > is no admission charge to Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles bourn, to Albert F. Haiback Jr. Miss Warner is a senior at Cor- Partridge run. v at any time, and hostess- A. Pope of 2 Greenwood road, As School Principal of Union, son of the late Mr, and nell -University and a member of _,,i the association will be on Miss Bush will be graduated Mountainside. Mrs. Albert F. Haiback of Irving- the Alpha Phi sorority. Miss Edna Doughty of S52 Ar- /during visiting hours to an- from Ohio University in Athens, Miss Thomas is the granddaugh- ton. The betrothal was made Ohio, in February with a bache- lington avenue retired,from her Itny questions or provide lists The prospective bride is a grad- ter of the late Mr. and Mrspositio. n as principal of a Red known at a family party Easter t exhibitors. uate of the Baldwin School in lor of science degree in education, Holmes Thomas and the late Mr. Sunday. She is a member of Chi Omega Hook district school in Brooklyn Bryn Mawr and is a provisional and Mrs. Edward C. Geyer of The bride-elect is a graduate of social sorority, president of the Friday after 46 years as a teacher member of the Junior League of Baltimore, Md. Scotch Plains High School and the Canterbury Association, vice pres- and principal. Philadelphia. Mr. Pope is the-grandson of the Berkeley School, East Orange. sl Secretaries ident of the Secretarial Club, and Miss Doughty, who started her Mr. Tomfohrde will receive his late Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Pope and teaching career at a one-room Mr. Haiback holds a B.S. de- nsor Workshops degree in chemical engineering a member of the Center Program the late Mr. and Mrs. H. Warlow. Board and Women's League Lead- school house in Piscataway Town- gree from Rutgers University from Cornell University In June. A June wedding is planned. ership Committee. ship near where Hadley Airport where he was a member of* Delta i New Jersey Association of He is a member of the Delta Tau Is now, taught for a number of Sigma Pi fraternity and- an M.A, In Aluminum, Redwood and Steel Secretaries will sponsor Delta fraternity. Mr. Jennings is a senior at Ohio years in New York schools and degree from' New York Univer- orkshops during April for University where he is majoring Dentist Opens served as principal of two Man- sity. He is associated with B. j. for Porch, Patio, Garden or Beach Jersey educational secretar- in civil engineering and mathe- Practice in Borough hattan schools before going to the Van Ingen and Co., investment Jhe North Jersey workshop Kathryn Klein to matics. He is a member of Alpha Brooklyn job 11 years ago. bankers, Ntew York. When you viiit Ebcr> now you'U lind Election* meet at Montclair State Tau Omega social fraternity, of Dr. Henry W. Langhelnz, for- After graduating from North Wed Robert Apgar which he was vice president, Tau bigger, better >hd more exciting than ever, lers College April 14. Jo- mer Elizabeth dentist and resi- Plainfleld High School at 10 as 'Pjains Juniors C. Clayton, assistant com- Beta Pi engineering honorary fra- dent for 26 years, who moved to valedictorian of her class, she nan NOW to make ike moat of your patio, lawn, biner of education will head a SCOTCH PLAINS — Mr. andternity and was president of the Mountainside eight years ago, haswent on to the New Jersey State To Collect Clothing den, playroom end porch. Come in TODAY and Mrs. Carl R. Klein of 797 Muir Canterbury Association. He will at both workshops on the moved his practice to his home, College at Trenton for her chooM from the new** designs. EVERYTHING let of school law. terrace, announced the engage- attend tho University of 324 Partridge run. normal school education. Her first SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. Ray. intclair Superintendent of ment of their daughter, Kathryn upon graduation this June for After graduating from Colum- teaching job in Piscataway paid mond Winter Jr. and Mrs. Law- you need for a happy Summer, indoors and out, tls, Dr. Clarence E. Hinchey, Rae Klein, to Robert Kenyon Ap- graduate study and research. bia University in 1923, Dr. Lang- her $600 a year and to get to it rence Sprague are co-chairmen awaiti you at Eber't, • • lead a discussion on "Thegar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold heinz completed one year of pie- she had to take a trolley to Dun- for a clothing drive to be conduct* {•Informed Secretary" at the L. Apgar of 2056 Newark avenue, medical study at New York Uni- ellen, then walk four and a half ed by the Scotch Plains Junior telair meeting. Dr. Robert E. Easter Sunday- 'Plains Symphony versity. He was graduated from miles to the school. Woman's . Club Saturday. This Miss Klein is a senior at Scotch was announced last Wednesday for- year 'round Comfort ... ns, Superintendent of Schols Rehearses Presentation the University of Illinois College Miss Doughty has been feted gewood is to be the lunch- Plains High School. Mr. Apgar at- of Dentistry in 1929 and served at a dinner at the Mansard Inn night at a meeting in the Rescue WROUGHT IRON AND RATTAN tended .Scotch Plains High School as an instructor in matology and by some of her fellow commuters Squad building. and served for four years in the The Scotch Plains Symphony embryology there for two years. and at the Hotel St. George in The women will make a door- CASUAL FURNITURE Navy. He is now with the NewOrchestra under the direction of Dr. Langheinz started his first Brooklyn by the Principals Asso- to-door canvass of members and toe den, TV room,.recreation room, rumpus 1 Jersey Foods Association, Inc. R. Happe is in rehearsal for a also will pick up contributions. den Club practice in Elizabeth in 1930 and ciation of New York. The latter room or any room in your home. musical presentation to be pre-served seven years in the Eliza- group has purchased a statue of Mrs, John McVoy presided.and its Tuesday sented at the Scotch Plains High beth General Hospital dental St. Francis of Aasisi for her. The Mrs. Raymond Clark reported on Daughter to Smiths School Thursday April 26. clinic. For one year he did post- statue will be erected In her yard, the recent operetta "The Merry Anne Randolph of Moun- This group, comprised of over graduate work in oral surgery at which Miss Doughty has tram Widow." Roil* 22, 40 instruments, -was organized in former into a bird sanctuary. A talk on interior decorating e will apeak on "Cooking Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Smith Sydenham. Hospital, N.Y. 1953 and is currently in its fourth He Is a former director of Civ- was given by a representative of ' Herbs" at the April meet- of Monroe, N.Y., are the parents year. - ilian Defense in Mountainside and a paint concern. PlMlfilM fte Garden Club of West- of a daughter, Linda Lou, born Rehearsals are being held in had' been a member of the Board Juniors Will •* mat we* ei - > be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. March 26. Mrs, Smith is the for-the School No. 1 auditorium in of'Health for eight years and has BovVlers to Meet | PATIO SHOP Semenet Street Scotch Plains each Thursday i home of Mrs. H. L. Moriier, mer Lorctta Nikola and Mr. Smith been president for two years. He Elect Officers •: Open DaUf IIKJ. Sudar. • A. M. to 10 P. M. starting at 8 p.m. Invitations to Tho evening bowling group of is the son of Mr. and Mrs. CJiarles has been chairman of the Juvenile I Ih. T«tr Hound fromont avenue. Members will try out are extended to instru- Conference Committee since its the Mountainside Newcomers Club i note this chahge from the S. Smith of 200 Nitf-th Chestnut mentalists who desire to play with inception about three years ago. The regular meeting of the Jun will meet Saturday at tho Echo gtw'i Patio Shop — Cauuil Furniture — Ebtr'i Patio Shap — C« street. the orchestra. ior Woman's Club of Westfield will Lanes on Route 22. at schedule. be held Tuesday at 8:16 p.m. at 'Plains HS Students the American Legion Hall on •KADEN'S WESTFIELD North avenue in Westflold. Mrs. Appear in Magazine J. D. Stanley Johnson, president, will preside. The officers for the Three Scotch Plains high school coming club year will be elected at students are pictured in a fea- this meeting. ture article about New Jersey Mrs. Robert K. Berry, Federa- in US magazine, now being dis- tion secretary, will speak on the tributed nationally by United forthcoming convention of the Rubber Co. junior membership department of Carol and Walter Hampton are the New Jersey State Federation shown walking home from school of Women's Clubs which will be near their home on Harold street, held in Atlantic City on May 11- Fanwood. The photo was used as 13. Mrs. Berry will accept reser- a typical scene in a pleasant su- vations for convention up to the burban neighborhood in the Newclose of this meeting. The conven- Jersey metropolitan area. Wal- tion committee has specified April ter Hampton Sr., their father, is 10 as the deadline for reserva- Swiss Italian Straw associated with U. S. Rubber's tions. tiro, division in New York. Refreshments will be served fol- ...spring's light delight In another photo Carol is pic-lowing the meeting. Mrs. William tured with Carolyn Goodyear, R. Ilcddon will servo as hostess Scotch Plains, 6n a hike in the for the evening. Watehung Reservation near Sur- Tho garden department of the priso Lake'. The article points out Junior Woman's Club of Westflcld that one of the contrasts to bo will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. at found In New Jersey is thls'wood- tho home of Mm. Harry D. Blair, ed park within sight of New 1332 Wood Valley road,' Mountain- York's skyscrapers. side. Mrs. Russell G. Ernest, The article was prepared as thu chairman of the department, has company's salute to a state in announced that the discussion will which it has 4,000 employes and concern flower arranging. Re- maintains five plants, branches and freshments will be served follow- laboratories. Editor of the maga- ing the meeting. zine is Marshall Sewell of 2318 Mountain avenue, Scotch Plains. Residents Exhibit Much of the research for the New Jersey story was conducted by Ed- Art in Newark ward J. Mass of Plainfield. Local artists who will have work exhibited at tho Annual Seton Hall University Art Show which Nancy Reynolds Is will open Wednesday at University Speaker at Conference College, 31 Clinton street, New- ark, are Annie Lenney, Joachim Miss Nancy F. Reynolds, West- Loebcr, Evelyn Mott, and Meyer field realtor, will speak tomorrow Rohowsky, all of Westfitld, and at tho 10th Regional Conference Bort Souder of Mountainside. You'll feet like done- of the Pennsylvania Realtors M- The show, which.will bo open to A. Puff-jOcovod ing in your waltz- sociation to bo held at tho Hotel tho general public afternoons and brunch cuul, bri|ht.e«look I**** to Altamont, Hazclton, Pa. evenings, will run until April 25. KIZOB 10-18 length sleep-timers . dbc CM* «*««•"« ***** <*"•»"••• . •» anrt. Headed kmm ** af Please place on porch: r fcetaf. toe.••»*£*•-" Furniture Picturo yourself in a light-hearted 93 u waltz gown of wondrously care- No-Iron Magic Crepe 12 N Clothing free cotton Magic Crepe. Imagine a Toy* fitted brunch coat to go over it, . D matching It even to the lace- ombroiderod nylon inserts, tho $5.98 Each All ribbon tie belt. Both wash D beautifully, never need ironing. Prbteif)* • White, Pink, Blue. Kdden's Shoes Go to Charities >' OPEN i^aa WESTFIELD 2-3680 SATURDAY, APRIL 14 MONDAY IVES. W 171 E. BROAD ST. THRIFT SHOP Doctor* Prescription* Filled CtcQuimby Stree.t Wettfleld 2-1131 Sponsored by the Open until 9 Monday and Friday Ivtnlngi '* WESTFIELD SERVICE LEAGUE Represented in Art Helga %av F«ar»cee hibiting li Easter Brings Engagement Announcement* Seton Hall Show mouth. Blue Star Garden Cfub Members Hear Of Richard Brooks Mrs. Bert Souder, Mountainside, 31OUSTAl>C#IOE — •*>• wilt have a painting in the Seton Plans for Arboretum for State Club Mr.-. Eiml Rnu of Summit road have annuuncvd the enBagCttWJJt Hail University Art ShoiV at the MOUNTAINSIDE—Mrs. Austin Sayre, chairman of arboretum o: iheii- daughtci. Miss Helpa R*«, students' lounge, 31 Clinton street, ftw the New Jersey State Garden Club, sp&ke OJJ the state project ;o Rivhaid H. Bsoote. son of Mr. ? Newark, which will start Wednes- before the mpn.bei., of the Blue Star Garden Club of Mounts inside, and Mi>. Charlo.- Brooks of % er- day and continue through April Tivraduy af tei numi. In her discussion, whkh was illustrated by a ona. 25 daily from 1 to 9 p.m. Her en- topogmpbiciil mip of she 40-aere tract in Cwn Brook Sanctuary, Mis* Rau is a senior at Jona- FLO WH( Falissade* Interstate Park, Mrs.! — • • than Dayton Region*! High School Itry will be a spring seascape en- Sa/re said tlie arboretum has first; P|nnS> in Springfield. Mr. Brooks wag | titled "Shoal Harbor." facer* laken undei ooimderation by rlUII!» graduated from Central High Mrs. Souder also exhibited at the s-tate riuti in 1938, but it was) r 4 • PL SelHMi and served with the Army the ninth annual Knickerbocker »Mt until 1S<« that the dedication | rOf AfWUal bl)OW in Gerraany- He is employed by Artists Show at the National Arts was pus&ihle. All kinds of trees, th* Fidelity Union Trust Co. Club, New York, showing an oil |tfant« and animal life indigemm: entitled "Cyclamen." " She is- an to tiw area are encouraged an< Of Violet Society The conplt ptans » fail wed- active member of the Westfield slrotacted, and aid is solicited from aing. all member dubs U> further the Mrs. A. B. Lawrence of Fan- plantings, either through donation if funds or labor. Mrs. Sayre said wood, president of the Union African Violet! to Star the completion of the dsmming o* County Chapter of the African On'Woman's Work' Show tlw pool in 1954 has increased the Violet Society, announces that Wild bird asd migratory bird lif. months of preparation will come Some secrets of k*»ping- Afri- to a climax at the third annua" MISS ELAINE VINCENT fca the area; and is addition to the MISS LOIS UMSTEAD MISS MARY DOLAJJ can violet plant* healthy will be KATWNAUY-ADYBtTKa transients, 383 types of birds were African Violet Show and Plan revealed * during "A Woman's Asund nesting in the June censo* Sale to be held It the Masonic Work" Thnrsday, April 19, from list year, including 51 differen Temple in Westfield, Saturday, Frank-Umsfead Mary Dolan Is Elaine Vincent 10 to 10:30 a.m. afweies. She particularly issued from 2 to 8 p.m. •n invitation to club members to Mrs. Howard Secor of SoaiCT* Mrs. A. P. Hewlett, Madison, a attend the Arboretum Day pro- ville, chairman of the show, and Troth Announced Prospective Bride Plans Wedding member of the Union Countj- Af- gram to be staged in the area Mrs. Edgar L. Klots of Fan wood, rican Violet Society, will be the May 31. co-chairman, have been working MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. and guest of Mrs. Margaret C. Shep- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Umstead Mr. and Mrs. George Cormac ard, Essex County home agent. in co-operation with, the follow of 824 Coolidge street announcs Dolan of 525 South Chestnut Mrs. Fabian E. Vincent of 4T6 During the business meeting tut committee chairmen: Sched- Summit road announce the en- Mrs. Hewlett has 150 to 200 va- which followed Mrs. Say re's talk. the engagement of their daughter, street, announce the engagement rieties of plants, does all of Tier .33% to 50% off ule, Mrs. Key C, Collins of Ma- Lois Ann to Harold C. Frank, son of their daughter, Mary Kather- gagement of their daughter, In E. Aider Owens, president plewood and Mrs. John Couser of Glenn L. Cederquist, own propagating and has done a ' * Sssdss .Meets of Lssdtae B^B^I^>__ •f the club, announced the sched- of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frank of ine, to John Maxwell Bucher Jr., j Elaine, to great deal of lecturing on the sub- Berkeley Heights; staging, Mrs. 35 Mohawk trail. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. • Ike •mi Mew h Uwmp* m tmy •* ules far the fall flower show to George Beaton of Scotch Plains Cederquist of Arlington. ject. She will show examples of U Ma U Traulside ilu«eura un- Miss Umstead is a senior H. Bucher of Pe!ham Manor, N. plants which are victims of under- entries, Mrs. P. W. Bodde of Fan- WesUield High School and plans V. Miss Dalan is a graduate of Miss Vincent is a graduate of reg.%n ••21 .fl... OUR HUCI 4.H»« U,« der tht sponsorship of all Union m«d; daasHicatioii, Mrs. F.'G Jonathan Dayton Regional High, nourishment, overwatering and County garden clubs, had been to enter Berkeley Secretarial Westfleld High School and Pem- various insects and she will ex- completed and would be preseateil Sterans of Elizabeth; puWicrty, School in the fall. broke College m Brown Univer- Springfield and Berkeley Secre- Mrs. K. P. Veil* of Westfidd; tarial School, East Orange. She plain .how to avoid these hazards. far approval at a meeting of her Her nance is an alumnus of sity. I committe in Warinanco Park judces, Mrs. R. K. Dunn of Sum- Union High School and served twti Mr. Bucher, an alumnus of Am- is attending the University of Ari- "A Woman's Work" is a pro- headquarters April 12. lira, Ow- mit; hospitality, Mrs. G. B. Hud- years in the army, 12 months of zona, Tucson, Arir., and ira mem- gram of the Essex County Exten- N son of Westfiald; plant sale, elrs. berst College, is with Time, Inc., turn tna, who i» chairman «f that ahvw which were spent in Korea- He in New York. ber of Gamma Phi. Beta sorority. sion Service, which is supported C." for th» sm»d year, stated the W. L. Orr of Westfield; tea raom, now employed by Westfield Her fiance is a graduate of by the Essex County Board of TraUaide show would be held Sept. Mrs. Charles McGuide of Santh Plumbing and Heating. Kearny High School, JCeany, and Freeholders, the U. S. Department H4 flVMNtfML0 AVl, SUMMT River, and financial chairman It •N'o date hats been set for the Free Leaflet Explains will be graduated from the Uni- of Agriculture and Rutgers, the OHNf AM. H • fJ4. - MIDAVIH •W Mrs. C. E. Hbward of Westfield. wedding. versity oi Arizona May 30. Mr. New Jersey State University. The Blue Star Club voted to The show schedule includes 17 How to Landscape Home Cederquist is a member of Theta hold • foil »pen homes ibow Sept classes of specimen plants of sin- Chi fraternity. 2t, with four homes open to the gle crown named African violets; Junior Auxiliary public and «ne garden on display. Trees and shrubs grow, but A June wedding- is planned. the IBth class will consist of Afri- lans Activities houses don't. That cute little tree Mrs. William Heine will act as can ciolet species. The second that seems to be just right at the general chairman for that show section is for the novice class; Richard J. Cogswell, son of Mr. and details Will be announced in The March meeting of the Jun- front door of your ranch house and Mrs. George F. Cogswell of the third section will include ar- or Auxiliary to the Children's this spring- may turn out to be a the future.' tistic arrangements; the luncheon Rahway avenue, is commanding Most of the club members are Country Home %vaa held last disagreeable surprise. officer of Scabbard * Blade; com- table class being by invitation, Thursday afternoon at the home In 10 years or so it may shut . assisting at the spring show of and Mrs. R. C. Collins, Mrs. Se- he lieht'out of your living „„„,[ »«"I»K o^wer of Pershing Rifles, the New Jersey State Garden f Miss Carol Hoppin. The presi- ind begin to tower above the roof ""f. J1" recently been •PPomted cor, Mis, Harley Stewart of Chat- ent^ Suzanne Werber, presided. Club to be held at club headquar- ham, and Mrs. Floyd Valentine of ine. By the time the mortgage Cadet Colonel of the ROTC at ters in Orange May 15, 16 and The Ajiiil project will be a s paid off you may have to hack Leh.«h University, where he is a 17. It was also announced that Plaiflfield have been Invited to party for the children at the home. make arrangements. Section IV The suggested theme was an TJn- S-our way through your tree to senior. > the club is sending Mrs, Stephen will include non-member specimen Qamp to the fourth flower show Birthday Party as portrayed in ipen the door. He is a member of Chi Psi and . school beinf held in April. plants of named varieties. Sec- 'Alice in Wonderland" with mov- What is worse, if you have a past officer of the fraternity. He tion V is by invitation to members and other entertainment as planted several of these little is studying liberal arts, business A letter Was read from Mrs. of New Jersey African Violet rees, you may find yourself, like administration and majoring in • Francis Merriam, president of the well as refreshments. accounting:. Clubs, and an exhibit by the New Pennies in a Mile" will be the t or not, living in a dense for- .' N«w Jersey State Garden Club, Jersey Council of African Violet t • He has maintained a high rat- congratulating the local organiza- Clubs. • May project, and the date has not tion an the effectiveness of its 1 set as yet. Employing the The hig specimens that used to ing in his military activities at the three garden centers held in Octo- The theme of the show, "A Mel- measurements 16 pennies to a look just fine around a Victorian University and at Camp Meade, ON FRESH, SPRING ber, December and March. Shs ody of Violets" will be depicted by 'oot and 48 pennies to the yard, mansion can make today's com- Maryland, in his junior year. Mrs. A. P. Hewlett of Madison in the dub will strive to raise a pact and efficient ranch house and Among the honors he has received . stated she was particularly pleased an arrangement introducing new- Cape Cod styles look more than ~ with the co-ordination, of youth ampaign it has been announced ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY Mrs. Dwyer, in a brief address Pamela Clark is among the ture will breed a smarter mouse. by Lee H. Bristol, national chair- ja the group, discussed the in- more than 100 students who re- —Sol Broad. man. Summit 6>1000 creasing responsibilities in gov- ceived dean's list recognition for COTTONS, NYLONS, ETC. ernment being assumed by the the first semester at Middlebury women of America. College, Middlebury. Vt. t Sizes 1 to 3, 3 to6X, 7 to 14

Reg. $6.98 fo $91 this tune ef year danger semen for fun. They know that FREE —2 SILVER DOLLARS from now en, every day is here! brings needless danger WITH EVERY-PURCHASE OF BOYS SLACKS to valuable furs —j Sizes 6 to 18 dauBft^k^BB^Bk •• •Ma^afc^ttaak aa^aa.^ •on here at tfaav PARK witk am dint and hear! Thof * if already crowded* banquet book! why smart wemen feel And because we like la accon» sfcti it VrxMft tnsy modal* all oar friend* and send their fun to You Do Your Own Altering 6. O. Keller's for patrons wt auk that party plaa* • ONE SILVER DOLLAR FOR MOM nrr* mufcn rew.rratiora fat summer cold storage. I Sprinjj and! Summer »NU lew Attractive Price* • ONE SILVER DOLLAR FOR JUNIOR ONIY 7% Of TOUR VALUATION affair* at tits earliest poaaibie Wash rn Wear Dacrons, Washable Wool and Gabardines WMWUM CHAM< tern urns «ao „ . Are All Included NOTE THISIIOW MJNIM0MS WOOUNS H. 6-3400 , nousnts MOOTS, SWEATBH wooi SHUTS I oitBSses

fABOVf Can 0«hw r


PLAlNFiE' I-) TWB T, J.) IjEADISR; , AFgtL 5, jfg6 Piano Soloist Choose Lingerie To slip. This will prevent lolling and ficiently and yet be comfortable lory Receives National Music Week To Be May 6-13; give additional strength. to wear. Fit the Style As Lace trimming should be of good The care you give your lingerie •from Local Programs Planned in Celebration Quality and stitched on with is us important as careful shop- Well as Durability enough underUp of slip fabric to ping. Careful care of all fine prevent the laie from being pulled fabrics will provide longer wear. >na Davies Westfield will be among more than 3,600 communities through- BV CABOLYN YUKNVS out. out the nation will participate in Music Week 1956, according to Associate H&me A Wells Luncheon advance reports received by the National and Inter-American Music For slender figure!, Was-eut Mona W. Davies, who wag slips fit more smoothly. Straight- w Week Committee in New York. Again this year, every state and The Wells College Alumnae As- I recently a resident of West- Slips and petticoats have a new cut slips are more satisfactory for territory governor of the United States has accepted membership on sociation will hold its annual |, d who had been active in look for this coming season. The women with fuller figures or large n the Honorary Music Week Com- spring luncheon Saturday, April L departments of the Wcai- "reed sfim" shilouette in dress bips. mittee. fashions demands a similar look 14, at I p.m. at Town and Coun- f club, has presented to the Music Keeps Your Life in Wilson Choir to n lingerie. The slip and petti- Slips should be about one inch try, 284 Park avenue, New Yerk, |(. department of the Woman'3 1 coat has blossomed out in slimmer shorter than your dress. Although Dr. Paul Alexander Knaplund, the "Macmillan Eneyclope- Tune' is the musical keynote se- straps are adjugtable.it may not lected for the week which will bu Give Concert styles* now colors and fabrics for John Hay Whitney, professor of • Music and Musicians" for spring. be enough to shorten a slip suf- history at the college, will speak. lepartment to present in her celebrated this year May 6-13, the to the Westfield Memorial 33rd annual observance. The sec- The SO-voice Wilson College The petticoat look for spring is not the crinolined, stiff layer-up- ond Sunday, Mother's Day, is in- hoir of Chambersburg, Pa., will cluded in order to provide an op- ion-layer of ruffles that we have Ijs large reference volume will give a concert at the Presbyterian had for the past seasons. Instead, portunity to honor motherhood Church on Friday, April 13, at i use to the many people of the petticoat has a whittled down, with music, 8:15 p.m. They are appearing \\\\\\\\\\t III//// WMW^/ who are interested in softly flared style. This shape lield and has been acknowl- "Programs featuring local com- under the auspices of the Wilson adda body to the outerikirt with- on behalf of the Board of posers and musicians will be high- College Club of Northern New out exaggerating the shape of the ^ wise time to buy your year 'round "little" furs jitees of the Weatfleld Memo- lighted in many communities," T. Jersey. dress. E. Rivers, secretary of the Music ILibrary by Miss Shirley Lou. This is the second year that the —Edmund Kramer Week committee and assistant ex- More color has been added to IPrig-ht, librarian, choir has aceeeded to a request for KATHLEEN CUCKLER ecutive director of the National off-campus concerts,. They sang the lingerie line. Slips and petti- companying the books is a Recreation Association has an- coats are available in soft pastel Aation from Mrs. Davies, ast year in Baltimore and Wash- nounced. "We are urging every ington and are performing in shades that blend or compliment |h reads as follows: Musical Club musical group, large or small, to Easton, New York and Morris- your costume color combination. fie have lived together in the recognize the outstanding works ville following the appearance When you are shopping for . of music. With the ksy of Makes Plans for of present day composers and to here. slips, remember that fabric plays -eciation we have opened ev- an important role. The fit of the perform some modern American Under the direction of Albert [door and wandered through music of high quality during Mu- slip is affected by how the fabric ScholarshipConcert Van Aekere, accompanied by Har- is made and finished, how it is cut looms to find a golden' treas- sic Week," he added. ry Gay, the group will present a [of melody and harmony. To- and how it is cared for. Last year Music Week was pro- program of sacred music. Mr. Jer we 'have poured our hearts Many of the newer styles are Kathleen Cuckler of 31 Haw- claimed throughout the land by Van Aekere, formerly a member little fwn today are a •souls out to others and to God of the faculty of the Royal Con- made of thinner cottons or dacron thorn drive will be presented as 42 state and territory governors. and cotton blends. These fabrics [ugh this one great universal servatory of Music in Brussels, "ytar 'round" wardrobe piano soloist at the Scholarship An encouraging letter of commen- are lightweight, cool and comfort- turn,'and the cords that bind dation was received from Presi- toured extensively as baritone so- • hold us will never be broken Concert of the Musical Club of able to wear during the hot sum- "muit" for tmart warned... dent Eisenhower. Hundreds of loist with the celebrated Belgian mer. I will stretch strong and true Westfield on Saturday, May 5 at musical mayors also noted the week by group, Pro Musica An- Since slips and petticoats are buy your "llttl«" fur n«w lie end of our lives. the Senior High School. proclamations and statements. tiqua. jfith sincere musical affection worn between the foundation and Mrs. Cuckler, who has been a • Chie'f participants in Music Appearing with the choir will outers garments, they are subject at our low Minnesota and went on to do it, is a knit, it should, be firmly Fondly yourC - partments, rural and youth the lounge of the church immedi- woven of strong yarns. (signed) Mona M. Davits" graduate work in piano and organ groups, In many communities ately following the concert. 'The at Oberlin College in Ohio. She public is Invited to attend the con- Un.dergavments must be washed Music Week committees have been frequently; therefore, good con- ha»'prMeltMd concerts throughout formed to co-ordinate activities cert. There will be no charge for admission. . struction is an important factor the Back the Minnesota area, and has held and direct special events, In oth- to check, Seams should be sewn er communities, organization is in- [Straight Skirts ' \ professional organ jobs in addi- •vith close and him stitching. The tion to her work as teacher of formal and diversified with indi- seam9 should not pucker but be I Prevent Bagging piino. , Since moving to Westfleld, viduals, Khools, churches and flat and secure with all threads Mrs. Cuckler has accompanied the clubs planning their own pro- Family Life Today well fastened. grams in honor of music. §By CAROLYN YVKNUS chorus of the Musical Club for PHYLLIS PAGE~BRADSHAW Seams on synthetic fabrics aro PLIMINCTON PUR Associate Home Agent two years, and she is at the pres- The two main objectives of Mu- Specialist in Human Relation* more durable when sevt'n with syn- ent time the accompanist, for the sic Week are (1) to stimulate Rutgers, tht State Univeriitv thetic thread. Straps, should be V v v> tila season's narrow skirts de- Lincoln Siiwers. She is also ac- year-round interest in music and fastened securely with firm stitch- v J a skirt lining lf_you wish to tive musically in the Westfield music education; (2) to advance A PLACE FOR~POSSESSIONQ with the skirt back. Any t allowance should be ellmi- •d when you cut the lining. BEST & CO. Now Westfield Federal Savings brings you the skirt is not put together another new service to make it easier for then baste the lining panel the back of the skirt on the you to do business at Westfield's leading side and stitch the skirt' to- savings institution. Juit follow the simple instructions in the usual manner, fan also turn under the and we'll do the rest. Once your account "> allowances and hand sew the Is opened, you may use our regular Save-By-Mail '(,' to the side seams and waist Service. Special postage-free envelopes are !

MONDAY THKU SATURDAY Mai/ and p/ioitt order* AUed APRIL • thru 14 71 s» INFANTRY IROAD AT PROSPECT ARMORY VATCHUNG Stale Hiohway, Route **~Hofnfleld 7-O30O"AJ«rT.E PAIttflWO WESTFIUD 2-4500 A SAVINGS INSTITU "k AVINU! AT 34th IT. - ' ,.. • • • i • • • • * • THURSDAY- APRIL 5,1»S6 Ohio Wesley*n University Wom- th* membf rs of «,, en's Glee Club that presented five dearth gr.de whf* Installed a» CAR Officer* Newcomers Name With the Collegians concerts in Pennsylvania and New town ested Mrs. Knitfin to jersey during its annual Spring f 627 Tour last week. the Coming Events Committee Heads Dr. tiebrge H. Penny Jr ° Jockey Hollow Address Club Forest avenue has registere William T. Meglaughlig n Jr. of h b ldd * rs Club of West- j post-graduate study et the 420 Kimball turn has been pledged Delta Chi, national social fra- Barbara Cl- "; , APRIL Mrs. H. A. Kinffm, president of West Virginia „ the Children's Country Hotne will I Buckhannon, ty v g—S'ijljlic welfare department of speak concerning the history of j I'"'- , Woman's Club, 1:15 p.m., 734 tie Country Home, its activities, i V * Bcjvidere avenue and the work of the volunteers at ( •(ilUil «fr TTtf-V.*,. t ficers at the 26th Annual State Id Bennett Adams, honorary na- at the Y. They will also bf sold Peter's College, Jersey City, this Students in American Universi- E**y-to-Fix Foods at the May luncheon. . p.m.,. "SUM?* Conference of the New Jersey ional president, CAR*. The speak- June. ties and Colleges,, is a past presi- Hostess of the day was Mrs. By- MAMY D. ARMSTROSG State Society, CAR, recently held r of the conference was Graham # * * dent of the Student Branch of NEWWHTnilDHOU* tiun ftm Qjowir- Oi Stwucts,, 3> mallwood from Washington, D.C., Don J. Bauer assisted by Mes- I'K&m County Hmm Agent n Princeton, Robert E. Singdahlsen of Dun- the A.Ph.A. He is a student coun- Daily 9.00 to &00 1i». * p.m,,, 13.0 ISfi C! Ralph, who will serve as junior lonorary national vice president dames Wil(iam Amberg, Robert can Hill wrote a number of the cil representative and a member Bellamy, Joseph Betts, William packaged dried fruits jtate treasurer along with Mrs. or life, CAR. His topic was "The songs heard in "Jamaisan Jaunt," of Delta Sigma Theta fraternity. Mondays and hUtm Black, Lewis Bowman, Byron t&ke but a short time to get ready Minor B. Tilton of Red Bank, the "rice of Liberty Is Eternal Vig- the eighth annual production of * * * Until 8:J0 P.M. meal time use, and deserve to jenior treasurer. Ralph has held lance." Cleveland, Frederick Fay, Joseph the Dickinson College Follies, un- Jeffrey Shawcross of 1408 tie Club Qoasa Robert French Society was Fiedler, John Haldeman, Elliot 3« used more often. the offices of junior president and dergraduate musical comedy or- Boulevard and Geoffrey Crane of NEW PHONES: , 17—lnt»rm*liatu dirparttnettt of Yes, these are real foods, al- wording secretary for the Robert warded the first prize for the Haller, Isabel Hammond, F. J. ganization. The shpw, presented 329 Hillside avenue are among Woman's Clu.Ij, 8:i:5. pun., the- BBgh you may think of them as 'rench Society and has recently •eatest increase in membership Hewitt, Charles Horn, Donald recently on the campus, waa writ- WEttfield 74m-* Club Hesse onacks only. AH. dried fruits of- his year. Richard Ruebling, son Keel, Martin Koos, Robert Mar- 17, 18. 1>—Fir* C«n*r«gatKm«l nished a term as color bearer ten, staged and directed entirely 'er dividends in vitamins and min- _'or the New Jersey State Society. f Mrs. Agnes Ruebling of Forest tin, Robert McClaren, Kenneth by students. . Church »titiqu«i sites rals in addition to food energy, venue, received a baby spoon for Pratt, Alfred Richardson, Roland 17—DMA class f»r e*p*eUnt He will go to the National Con- Robert, a junior at Dickinson, ompared with fresh fruit, how- entiori in Washington, JD.C. April eing the youngest enrolled boy in Robert, Eugene Shapiro, E. J. is a member of the Mermaid Play- mothers, t;S8 pjs^ 521 Elm rer, they are low in vitamin C, ew Jersey this year. Smith, Richard Stump. •treet :0-22 both as a delegate for the ers, campus drama group, and •hich is destroyed by he«t and ox- lobert French Society and also as Other members of the Robert An invitation is extended to new serves as president of the Dickin- 18—Art department at Woman'* ation. A ready remedy for this Club, 1:30 p.m., 44? Long- representative from the state 'rench Society attending .the din- residents of Westneid and Gar- son chapter of-Beta Theta Pi. lortage is to plan to serve toma- lociety. er-dance and Conference were: wood to attend the prospective • * • fellow avenue >es, canned or fresh, or fresh cab- Fortnightly group of Wom- Santita, who will serve as jun- udy Shelton, retiring junior pres- members luncheon April 18 at the Among the students at Mount bage, at the same meal as a des- YWCA. Please call Mrs. Rita Hermon School who have been an'« Club, 8:15 p.m., 720 rt made from dried fruits. or state registrar will work with lent of Robert French Society; Harding street ' Mrs. Albert Sayman of Elizabeth ichard Beck, incoming junior Pecca, We. 2-4943-J, membership named to^ the honor roll for the Do you think mostly in terms third marking period ending 1(—Orientation program for pres- frozen or canned food or ready rho serves as senior state regis- resident; Lynn Humphrey, and chairman, for reservations. Child ent ninth grade parents, 8:15 repared, when you consider quick- trar. Santita transferred from iaiy' Ann Lea. They were ac- care is provided. March 10 is Norman C. White of p.n>., Westneid Senior High prepared meals? You really Morven Society in Princeton in ompanied by Mrs, Arthur J. 2038 Arrowwood drive. riner, senior state recording sec- 'Tis said that gals need beauty * * * School , lould consider the dates, figs, A PI 4-901* It—Binjamin Franklin P T A aisins, apricots and other dried etary and Mr?. Byron M. Vander- more than brains because most Marion Alice Mowry of 266 meeting, 8:19 p.m., school ruits. These have the cleaning, Decorama Course ilt, senior president of Robert men can see beter than they can Sylvania place is a member of the auditorium jeeling and cutting up; If needed, 'rench Society. think! l»—Indies' Day Out trip to the 1 done for you. They usually Coven Color In _ Paper Hill Playhouse for equire only a short cooking time Hotne Decoration matinee performance of "The be plump and tender. They can Kin* and I" ie served plain as dessert, in sal- 20—Antiquei department of da, puddings, breads, cakes and Gold, the "crystallized sunshine" Woman's Club, 2:15 p.m. cookies and on cereals. if the ancients, has lost none of I It's New!—Its OU! the Club House ,ts popularity today. Nor has A recent study in , how- green, the sacred color of Mo- 20—Westfteld Alliance, Delta Del- ler, showed that 250 women, in- ta Delta, mixed bridge party luding both city and iarm, some hammed, or violet, the earth-color 8:30 p.m., 922 Kimball mployed outside the1 home, spew ot. Egyptian mythology, nue : in average of one-fourth of their the hue of Jehovah. S3—Literature and drama depart- lomemaking time on food prepa Gold and green and violet and ment of Woman's Clab,. 1:45 'ation. Feeding your family well blue—and every other color of the p.m., 726 Carletpn road [eserves whatever time you need rainbow—and the countless taste- PRESENTS i4—Westneid Service League, 535 to give it. But using dried foods ful ways in which they can be used Highland avenue instead of fresh or canned, occa- n the modern home, make up part A blue ribbon carpet by LEES: 14—DNA class for, expectant ionally, may be worth while. of the "color" section of the new mothers, 7:30 p.m., 321 Elm Even if time is not a factor in Decorama,'' a 90-minute course •treat ' /our planning, you will find that n home decoration being present- 26—Fireside Council, Royal Ar- ;hese dried fruits add variety to id daily now through Tuesday at canum, 715,8:15 p.m., Ameri- our menus. Koos Bros.' Home Show in Rah- Dignity can Legion Hall Raisins are probably the. most way. 27—International relations de- commonly used, perhaps because "Decorama" also covers such The sophisticated styling of loop textured Dignity partment qf Woman's Club, hey have no pits to worry you. varied but essential decorating 1:30 pjn., the Club House ut dried apples, peaches and ap- makes this all wool wilton a perfect carpet choice. 17—Friendship Club of YWCA; 1 ubjects as traffic patterns, room icota also fall'into this class; all ihapes, furniture groupings, drap- Enjoy Dignity carpet with a luxury look for a modest p.m., YWCA re good, separately, of course, eries, floor coverings, lighting, investment and a more beautiful, comfortable home. 80—Woman's Club tea for new 'or fruit tapioca. But dates or wallpaper, mirrors, and period se- numbers, the Club House cooked prunes can be pitted in ad- lection. MAT ance of need and kept ready—I • six rich decorators colors in- • 1—DNA class for expectant ike to keep some dates already cut In the color section of Decorama eluding Linden Green, mothers, 7:30 p.m., 321 Elm ip for handy use—for sweet lune Cabot, home arts consultant Hisque Beipre, Rose Quartz, * 'street reads, cookies, salads or puddings. or Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Nutria, Bayberry Grey, und - 4—Music Festival, 8:15 p.m. One old favorite salad is cot- examines the historical and psych- Ocean Green. Roosevelt Junior High School tage or cream cheese, or peanut ological significance of each of the • heavy multi-level all wool auditorium 'miter, stuffed cooked prunes. It major colors; discusses in detail pile hjdts footprints und 4—Roosevelt Junior High School takes time, however, to stuff the ontrasting, monochromatic and welcomes wear. related color schemes in the home; music festival, 8:15 p.m irunes. Another salad using th • handsome with Modern, school auditorium lame pleasant flavor contrast cuts ndicates the way in which colors 8—DNA class for expectant ip the prunes and combines them n a painting, drapery or art ob- • lovely with Tritdittpnal. mothers, 7:30 p.m., 321 Elm with other fruit and the cheese in ect can provide the basis for a • dollar for dollar your best street gelatin. The recipe given below complete color scheme, and points carpet buy is L.BI33 DIG- 15—DNA class for expectant takes only a few minutes to put up other areas of interest to the NITY. mothers, 7:30 pan., 321 Elm together to set, and is quickly homemaker. She also touches on •treet served. the decorative use of mirrors'to 25—Ch&nsonettes spring concert, ccent modern color schemes, and Benjamin Franklin School Fruit-Cheese Salad on the importance in mirror-ac 2 cups pitted, cooked tender- cent of completely parallel "twin ized prunes ground" plate glass to eliminati 1 No. 2 can grapefurit sec- distortion and hazy images. Cancer Crusade tions, drained 1H tablespoons gelatin Miss Cabot's lecture is illustrat- Begins in Fauwood ed by full-color projections on an 3 tablespoons cold water 8-by-20-foot "big screen," the first Dignity, all wool FANWOOD — Mrs. C h a r 1 e s 1 pint cottage cheese of its kind used for educational hrimdloom, installed Sheelen Jr. and George A. Smyth 1 cup mayonnaise purposes in the U.S. The "color' wnll to wall with are co-chairmen for a "neighbor % cup chili sauce Roberts TuckUas ln- Years G®ite By portion of the course, because o Htiitlntlnn and fa- to neighbor" cancer crusade which Vi pint whipping cream its life-like color representation lettuce cupa for serving mous Custle Padding' started Monday. allows the hoTOemaker to gain by oslie. Indorsement of the drive has Cut prunes into pieces. Soften clear und immediate grasp of th been given by Mayor Bichard P. gelatin in cold water and dissolvi subject matter, and to apply it ti Hatfield in making the first con- ver hot water. Combine cottagi thu decorating problems of he: tribution. The Fanwood quota u hecse with mayonnaise, chil own home. $1,685. auce and dissolved gelatin. Bea the cream until stiff und add it, to. Installed by our own exclusive me* Bits of Westfield History, 10-15-20- Aiding the co-chairmen are Mrs. i.-hiinlcrt to fftHure you of the ttnestf ' gether with prunes and grape- No man ever sank under th installation and acrvlco available. Bichard Crocker, Mrs. Richard ruit. Blend thoroughly. Pour in Perdunn, Bruce Conlin, Mrs. John burden of the day. It is when to- o shallow pan and chill. Cut in morrow's burden is added to th 25-35-45 Years Ago, Taken from H. Bryan Jr., Richard SUebler, to squares and servo on lettuci John Kimberley, John Brigden burden today, that the weight PER SQ. YD. 1 Makes 10 to 12 servings. Mrs. Ted E. Dra-ris, Mra. Rober more than a man can bear. Neilson, Mrs. P. W. Cook, Vincen • No dawn Leader files. Dalaisio, Mrs. Flank Kelly, Mrs, John LoTing and Roy Coleman. payment necessary Mra. Clarence Oldford, public ity chairman, haa distributed pos- • Up to 3d ters. Mr. Sheelen is serving a months to pay treasurer and will distribute coi NOW EVERY WEEK O..N containers for the drive. The Malm • Payments as low CAMP W1NNEWALD as $10 a month Nr 14b«y&-Agot 9-12 • Quick easy approval Offers varied possibilities for group THE EDITORIAL PAGE OF Unr«gimonted. Individual attar)' lion. Home atmosphere. Idea gatherings, whether dinner meetings, for firtt year campers. Animal wedding receptions or club teas. Superior food. Sports —trips — erafu — swimming — tennis. 4- woekt. Season $290, THE WESTFIELD LEADER

••':, —. I'nlclcr — Mr, anil MM. I. ludwlg On Rout* 202 Bernardtvillo, N, J. !;"; Ubanon, N. J. BE 8-1150, 1151 540 North Ave. ,,,"•"' ELiiaboth 2-7400 >&'• ,m* Flint Local ItrpnteoinU Raymond M. Conrwell, Innkespor Open Man., Wad. and Thuri. Nlgltt* Till 9 P.M. E - . . H. i around trees — «ntcelleni, around the Board of FreeholUtiis two Apple Siuee Is The Getting Garden i hollies, broad - le»ved evergreen*. Marine Sgt weeks ago to replace two mem- j generally, anil exceptionally good Completes PAD Course bers who resigned from the three- is of Many G#«d Desserts j mound Laxus. member body. Soils in Shape \ Common stable or horse manure Marine Sgt. George A. Griffith Only Elisabeth. Hillside .Roselle, IF. ARMSTRONG i when you can get it — can be Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Linden and Rahway still have rent, t %• cup shortening % ERIC H. PETERSON JR. ! used at rates u» to 209 pounds A. Griffith of 1111 Central avenue, controls. j „',",„ Comity Ifmne Agent 2 cups Delicious applis coarse- Afficultwal Agent ; per 1,000 square feet, either foi completed a course in "Problems ly grated ! top dressing or for spading in. of Democracy" offered by the Arm- Iritis, summer, fall and win- % cup granulated sugar Any sf the manures can be i Remember, that when any kinu j I had never had a piece of toast ipplesauce is available. Wheth- spipad in eaily spring to improve •d Forces Institute March 5 at Jhi-.- Mi teaspoon cinnamon i of manure is used, less commer- Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Particularly long and wide, v lu make your own or use the I tablespoon melted, butter gai'ea soils. But ktep in mind cial fertilizer should be added. But fell upon a sanded floor, led or frozen variety, you. havi mat it'» possible to use too much Point, N. C. ce Sift together flour, soda and If plants are not doing as well And always on the buttered side infailiiK som' of tempting Ht is serving as electronics tech- salt, and mix thoroughly with Poultiy inaauie, especially, can j as the gardener would like in nician with Headquarters alid —Jatiieti Payn itious desserts. How many do brown sugar snd oatmeal.' Work bum tender loots, and it's better j summer, more fertilizer can be Maintenance Squadron "32 of tht Itaow? in shortening until mixture is to put it on m fall. However, it j added. But if too much fertilizer 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing there. Irve applesauce alone or as a crumbly. Spread one-half of mix- can be, used now with care. I is applied with the manure it can't Before entering the service in Bnjr for gingerbread. S«r»» it tare I* well gr«s*d eight inch If poultry manure is to be spad- be removed, and the garden*! July, 1952. he attended Columbia warm baked pudding com- square cake pan and press down ed into Jhe soil for a vegetable could be in for trouble.' High School in Maplewood. | with bananas and covered firmly. Grate Delicipus^ apple on oi fjower garden, don't pUt on « fluffy brown meringue, coarse grater.: Two medium-large moie than 100 pounds to' 1,000 fan applesauce cake (it keeps Delicious will make tvp CUDS of squaw feet. If you use it as a Plan Open Home Name New Chairman lerfully) to eat plain or with grated apple., Mix thoroughlv top dreasins, BO pounds to 1,000 Of Rent Review Board d cream or lemon sa«c# tor sugar, cinnamon and melted but- square feet is enough. At Overlook HotpiuA -n. Make an applesauce snow ter. Spread evenly over oatmeal When dried poultry manure is The Board of Trustees and the ELIZABETH—Mrs. Mary Reiss (gelatine and egg whites. Or mixture. Top with balance of oat-used, eut these recommended 1 a pretty, tasty, pale green Women's Auxiliary pf Overlook of Elizabeth has been appointed meal mixture, pressing down with amounts in half. Any of the dried Hospital will hold "opeiji house" in chairman of the Union County by P

E MASTER GARDENER if the spring season is a • , * ^ dry one in your locality, t let your bottled up gardening lusiasm run away with your A REAL "6 |fr judjment as to the time.to Setting out tender trans- GIANT I its or seeds before the average Silky and gleaming, with bows end bells . . . of the last killing frost is 32 INCHES \m*'\ a giant Eatt«r Iwnny to delight th« heart pip a lonff chance* Even if you TAUl of any child. You'll want mor« than on« at thit lucky enough to escape killing |t, cool, wet and cloudy weatli. sensational price. There*i no limit on quantity I just not growing weather for ... but don't delay . . . offer in effect only jts that prefer warmth. To- i and cabbages, for instance, while supplies laet. i purple and stop growing when the temperatures tin the forties. Transplanted |is don't even bother to change BUNNY MEM'S they merely exist looking [oughty miserable. tants always do better when i continue growing without a SUITS Oft or a set-back early in the In the New York area •IAIN • date of the last killing » the spring is April 15. is be your guide only. If should come late! better me planting until a week or CLIANI0 AND PtESSfO EACH "ter (he dates indicated. This I is based on averages and ean- lof course, take into considerr PtAMt I such disastrous events as the |ual late March freeze of 1955 i did so much damage in the SKIRTS gt while you are waiting." for- r SWEATERS fie date to arrive, soil prep- REG. $1.9? Of including liming,, spread- VALUE fortilizer, spading or rotary jvatintr should be completed. WITH EVERY >>.5O D*Y CLEANING OR TROUSERS' CLEANID i HNISHID [lai-ians Told Of SHIRT LAUNDERING ORDER BROUGHT IN EACH chanical Cleaning

A. Bowling, sales manager •* Magnus equipment division NO LIMIT T ANT O0t» GARMENT MADE anvood, addressed" the Wes.t'r Rotary Club on the subject, NUMIIR hanical Cleaning," at ife heon meeting in .the YMOA YOU CAN WATER "lay. The speaker illustrated talk with colored motion pic- s of novel installations -in- mciivi KBeT CLLEPJI flUS ClIAMINGi ei in the cleaning of metal- native of Balitmore, Mr. CNAI6I ling practiced law for seven s. After serving five years in WHIIE U.S. Air Force, he left hi* SUPPLIES EXPERT TAILORING career for industry. He joined LAST Magnus company in 1»48. Thr TRQUSa CUFFS 79< «« was introduced by Williani »'. district governor-elect, and POCKETS 79* PILLOW M in behalf of the club by "•'ft Wight. -.. SKIRTS 1.19 miles Clark introduced the CASES "•"iK guests: Martin Prein, ZIPPERS—TlWSfIS 1.79 l«i Frank Winslow, Plain- I.A-JNDERID & Wallace Scanlon, Newark; Ul'd Smith, Cranford; E. H. f-inn, (iarwood; Joseph W.' !r SLIPCOVERS SPREADS 99c . I'finceton; Elton B. Hnll. CUANID * riNISHID "'•a Falls, NtY., and Dr. Ar- «n«Ht HIM! «illlams, Roseile Park. 'uiles Farrow delivered the DYID nuion and Pitz Jeffrey led, the 29c 7?c 1.09 «¥ ^BLANKET 89c MMPtl tNAMS MO«I "X- President Henry Uoat wai" pn.r.nw (IIAIH k'fKe of the meeting. C1EANE0 & FlUFKD nM.iNnn MEN'S "h each returning year, high- ! r '>'*• holier ainin, a inii«r peace DYID BUSINESS livinei- energy, should freah- •Mi».:i-»t.T- "SniS l^ fragrancv of being. CUAMD «rf WMISHW —Mkry Baker Eddy

wurk of mine shall be othei 'me irn-tal—-if copper, cop- >< iruld. gold—but iiol coppi-r SHIRTS "—•'• J. Auriubbn HOUR SERVICE mncnr ON DRY CLEANING 4 SHIRT LAUNDERING . FEATURES Consult NO EXTRA CHARGI DRYSON'S STORE HOURS AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY 7:30 AM. FURRIERS * Hf OKI NOON b TO 6:00 P'M out your fur problems. WHERE P/RKING Hollanderiting AT DRIVE-IN 100 NORTH AVE Central and Broad. PIANI STORE ONIY c Regular 20 each Upstairs GARWOOD We. 2-1078, SINGLE SHIRT 25< . J.) LEAPm, •TTTTTHSDAY, APRIL 5,19S6 week radio program over *«£ those of a highly erudite scholar and in 1949, «>"• Sanderson nut- Annual Easter Egg Naturalist To ated the first natural history pro- Westfield Antiques LETTERS TO THE who will ponder thoughtfully up- on every problem at the time it lions to Hold Hunt Held in Boro smun on television bringing every Firtt Congregational Church kind of live animal from elephant. EDITOR arises before him, and will then Address Gub 125Elm.rSt. act according to his best judge- Several hundred children from to water fleas before the cameras. Annual Auction He has served as science director ment of the public interest. pre-schoo! age through fifth grade nd » Tuesday, Wednesday, participated 'in the annual Easter of station WB-VL in Baltimore Back* Kefauver It is an unhappy fact that aft- Guests to Mte and has be*« a regular weeW> er reading the words of either of AffaJr Scheduled egg hunt sponsored by the local APIIL17, 18 and 19 Civil Council at the Route 22 Meeting Monday feature on the Garry Moore sho» Editor, Leader: these two highly honorable gen- For April 23 be II A.M. to 9fM. Daily The evidence is becoming clear- tleman, who fought it out in 1952, School, Saturday. Ivan Sande'SoZSanderson.' „..„....»—naturalist-»-,1 fafor several years,. He may er d»y by day that Senator Estes ail too frequently we remain un- The Westfield Lions Club will The committee in charge was ologist, wilrilll spea«peak at the annual j heard currently ont bi_-s- - Tw» HOT Wt^lmft af Kefauver' is the one man now un- certain as to where the speaker have its own contest during the composed of John Keuler, chair- meftinmeetingg. o„{f the Woman'.Woman's, CluClubb | proprogra* ram on station W" 'OR . . • Mb by hlaMilm D«kr. der consideration who can defeat stands, or what he proposes to do, next several weeks with the end man; Joseph Pollin, Theodore Admission *5< I>wight D. Eisenhower nest No- about the problem he has just of the battle climaxing' with the Byk, Samuel Purcell and Mes- vember. Without distracting from talked about. club's annual auction to be held dames Joseph Mullin, Ronnie Far- the unquestioned abilities of Adlai As one of the mugwumps vrho Monday afternoon and evening rell, Richard Kapke,. Joseph Bar- Stevenson und AvereU Harriman are disfranchised in the Kew Jer- April 23, in the Mayfair Super- ry, David Davidson, Edward Hart- DO one caa dispute the fact that market, North avenue. man, Ralph Johnson, William Mc- ning Post, Atlantic My sey primaries for not staying put JZStTZZ =£j SSlEWReader's .Digest ^n^^thiy" and "Thi,s the lanky Senator from Tennes- on one sil the &heer power of his personal- entered the House of Representa- members are grouped into three otbained the prizes and dyed and his subject fascinating and ! small living animals. These now «-6-4 ORGANIC FERTILIZER ity, which can compete successful- tives in 1989. That record is un- separate groups representing hid the 200 dozen eggs, fearful to millions of people. number over a hundred, and are ly with the glamour attached to matched by any member of either roughly the First Ward, Second There were 40 pririw eggs at A nnative of Edinburg, Scot- managed under the names of Ani- 10-6-4 HIGH OUGANIC the great military record, the party for a consistent stand in the Ward and the south side. These follows: Ten yellow nest eggs for j land. he was educated at the pri- raodeis, as the only animal agency No. 4 IAWN SUO _ striving for world peace, and the interest of the "little people" on groups vie with each other and the vgte schools, attended Eton Col- in the world. Mr. Sanderson i,? pre-schoo! children; 20 red eggs lege and was graduated from BUCH UME SPREADER, 30" wida appealing human qualities of the the nation—the small business group which procures the most for the kindergarten through third now rebuilding his own private President. man, the family type farmer, and items for the auction is declared Cambridge University! in 1931 loo on Route -16 which was heav- OHIO WHSEUAMOW _ ._...'... grade age group and ten blue eggs with honors in geology, zoology all of the other unpretentious the winner. The event is tied to for fourth and fifth graders. ily damaged by the floods of last And it is that relatively new American citizens who seek equal- the preliminary spring housekeep- and botany. He has travelled ex- "mass vote" which In recent years The prize eggs were painted by yearar.. ity of opportunity for themselves, ing time and all articles that have tensively over Europe and after The annual meeting will feature FOR RENT ii in active revolt at the machine the Girl Scouts under the direc- his graduation he made a trip Th with education, health and a good outlived their usefulness for one reports of the committee chair- ROTOTILLEtS ROUERS control of each of the two party's life for their children. reason or another are being tion of Mrs. Joseph Barry. around the world collecting ao- organizations, that undoubtedly sought. Such items as furniture, ological specimens for the British men, election of the officers for will elect the next President of Estes Kefauver is neither a fuz- rugs, bric-a-brac, games, sporting Co-editors of WHS Museum from Indonesia and oth- next year. ALSO there United States. In this state, zy minded do gooder, nor a fence equipment, tools and appliances er sections of Asia. In 1931 be "There is no such thing as a as Governor Meyner may realize, sitter in his hostility to the psuedo will be accepted and contributions Newspaper Named organized and led a scientific exA state grant. That's a misnomer, AGRICO - VIOORO - ROVUNG - he was elected to his present of' ideologies and police state lust for will be picked up by any member pedition to West Africa in behalf Th,„- e ,peopl ,.„e back home think SPUT RAIL KNCINO „ _ _ 10*. fie* as a relatively unknown mem- power of the Kremlin leaders. On listed below. Carol Hoppin and Jo.hn Swinton of the Britsh Museum, Cambridge they're getting something for ber of the State Senate. His vic- his record at Washington the Sen- have been named co-editors of and London Universities, the Roy- nothing, but as a matter of fact tory VH due to the protest vote Stephen G. Cox will head the ator has always striven to First Ward committee and will be Hfs Eye, newspaper of Westfield j il Societie and the Linnean Soci- what actually happens is we in of resentment at the rejection of strengthen the American way of High School, Bernard O. Thomas, L. BARTELL Clifford Case for the Republican assisted by Alan Bruce Conlin, ty of London. Since then he has the states furnish the money to life in a really "free enterprise" William Clelland, Edmund Clem- adviser has announced. They will raveied in aome 65 countries, and the Federal Government that goes 140 CENTRAL AVf. nomination—and a wise protest system. He contends that the first the Governor has proved that in' ents, E. R. Crow Jr., John L. Fay, begin their duties this month. led eight expeditions in behalf of to Washington And comes back to TIL RAHWAY 7-lStl line of defense against the Soviet's Edward C. Gray, Walter J. Lee, Both are juniors It would be hard to imagine any nomination. Estes can meet Ike Police Candidates Civic Group To : one drawing up a bill ol particu- on even ground. Hear Councilmen m our history. Fill in this lars with more reasons in Estes1 HOWARD W. AMBRUSTEIt To Be Interviewed favor than the arguments which Eleven candidates for police- WRITE ticket, firing it to our The Manor Park Association we are now hearing why he should Vandalism Acts men will be interviewed 'in the »ot, or can not, be nominated by will hold business meeting the Democratic party. Its leaders Reported Here near future" for four vacancies Columbus School Tuesday at showroom. We'll bend on the force, Councilman Arthur p. m. • »nd bosses will accept him because D. Bauer, police commissioner has v V»ey wjU have to—and like it, An unidentified youth threw an . The two councilmen represent- oyer backwards to give ; They will have no place else to go egg through the open front door! ing the Manor Park area will at The commissioner, who re- tend to brief the membership on you trie dear you want. : The Southern voters, choosing: be- of the home of R. A. Dodd, 422 jturned from his vacation Satur- tween Estes and uncertainty, will current civic affairs. They will Alden avenue Monday evening. day, said that the candidates in also take him. Patrolman Peter Ouelks inves- also discuss the proper approach elude two persons who took an on the part of local residents to Perhaps the highest compliment tigated the incident which took examination given several months place at 6:15 p.m. He said that the municipal government on mat- that has been paid to the Senator ago, one person who passed the ters affecting their interests. I would like to pay $_ recently came from Raymond Jlo- the Dodd's daughter went to the February examination and eight door to answer the bell. As she • '- leys who began a "Newsweek" persons who became eligible for per month column by expressing his dislike stepped back after finding no the police force by passing the > for Estes and then commented that one on the threshold, she had to March 14 examination. oo«t« so Illtl* duck an egg, police said, which Kefauver "has a species of convic- Ten persons took examinations .for i tion" and is "made of sterner splattered on wallpaper and panel- in.March and eight took tests in to phone) I would like stuff" than Adlai Stevenson. ling within the home. February, The candidates will be One great appeal which Estes Mr. Dodd drove to the police interviewed by the Police Board my present car Kefauver makes to hii listeners station to report the vandalism which is made up of four council- anywhere and police searched the neighbor- la that he neither talks over their men, Mayor H. Emerson Thomas Pfnabarfh j heads nor hedges. His prose it hood. jsnd Polic* Chief Albert P. Pflrr. MAKI not flowery but he does not indulge On Sunday morning W. E. Rick, mann. Boltfaaon in doubletalk, which so many of New Brunswick reported that win- •k^_ ^^^^^^M a^^ea at I'M dows had been broken in the home One of the four vacanlea on the political leaders of the current the force was caused by the resig- I am interested in a («op delight in using. When the which he is building at 125 Kim- ball Circle drive. nation of Lieut. August H. Ben' •:•' Senator burns his bridges, and ninger which was effective Kun- MERCURY. states his reasons, in debate on day. Montclolr, Monterey, Cuitom, MedaHtl the Senate floor or on the stump, Five Injured In on any of the vital issues, lie kConvertible, 2- or 4-door hardtop. 2- or 4-door ledin, kavea the stream he has crossed Two-Car Collision station wagon Jb messed up with burning tim- George Chong't Completely New that there is no retreat for Minor injuries were suffered by TICKET Irunsels f nor a safe swimming pool five persons involved in a two-car foe his opponents. accident Monday afternoon at CHI-AM CHATEAU Inc. Estes Kefauver is invariably Hazel avenue and First street. U. S. HIGHWAY 22 MOUNTAINSIDE. N. J. moderate in speech but his reasons Police said that a car operated for a vote or for a position arc . by Mrs. Helen B. Dunn of Bridge- RAY OEVAUE and HIS ORCHESTtA s» clearly stated that there can be 1 and make big savings on THE BIG water, was in collision with a car ] Evary Night Excapl Monday ami Tuesday .•«* doubt where he stand?, and driven by Joseph A. Ellis of Cald- •why*. By contrast the public state- well. Both drivers suffered minor STEAKS • TURKEY • CHINESE FOOD ments', and state papers of presi- abrasions. dent Eisenhower usually appear Passengers in the Ellis auto -who as those of a high minded ideal- Catering to spatial partial in our new private dining wer* injured included Mrs. EJlis,, room, (moll or kirga groups Mating up to 400.' ist who sincerely hopes that some , Patricia Ellis, 14, and Joseph Ellis,) member of his "team" may come ! 8. Person"" s i'n both car* were; MAKE torn RESERVATIONS tip with a right answer to the is- < treated by a physician. Patrolmen f sue discussed. Likewise the ad-! Floyd He-»-i!S and Peter Duelks i Phone WEttfield 2-3873 dresses of Adiai Stevenson

Distinctive Portraiture YOU'LL SAY

Come In today! 5 REASONS WHY YOU CANT See why your big buy is DO BITTER THAN THE BIG I*

Heavy-oil Portraits N«W 312-cub!citlch SAFfTY-SUMS 4-barrel carburetor an all medlU Miniatures THE BIG every time you tmfe OF hausts on mod modal* WetfcSitg Candid* Family Groups Motihe loWew c«n

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NEW •ESIGNEK'S CAIXESY 72 EXCITING MODEL ROOMS! MIRACLE RROABLOOM SaWWt For thoie interested is the fine, UM omuael , ,. Ken Huntinf lor ireah sew decor»ting ideu? You'll lisa Youll aee .pill, like ink and catnip ililil eel praenti "Doigner'i Cilery." Hot, in treat au* 5 thonsandi of 'en in our "i, yei. 72 ... intpiriui model Bigelow . new miracle broadlooia, "Baton," ianfaf ' sificence, you'll tee Baker'i New World Collection, roonu! Yortl actually walk through 40 be.ulifal iU lovely color completely freth, new, and mnaWecledl -The French Provincial Soon, John Stwrt't Danish living rooms I 23 clamorous bedroonu! 9 elegant din- Yea, right before your eyei. well deliberately a>e( Imporu, Grand Rapid*! Guild muterpjecea... in all, ing roonu! AH complete in every detail from window Iliii beautiful new carpeting with the moat Imdnnal 20 new room, and vignette, each in aa exciting fashions to aih tray*, all deiigned and color- out .oil. we know oft THEN well remove every Brace decor ... created by Koo. Decorating Suit coordinated by Koot own decorating aUffl ol them with jut ordinary hotuehold deanaartt

FABULOUS FAMIC SHOW A NEW PROVINCIAL COUHT NEW BEDatOOM raUHNAM! Il'i a «how-wiUiin-a-8how, itarrini SchuaucWi «• Completely captivating ... leaturei the new "Evertut It'l even bigger than before) Y.», we've mat wry Story"! Yet, all eleven of in model roomi... dew dtinjly now 1956 fabric. ... and ataf 14 in li» many completely re-deeorated iu •rlghul 1} awdel reeaH, in elegant French Provincial, of eonrte ... ha** K« roomi in Koot' new Deufner'i Gallery. II yea been entirely re-decorated u»lng the .letting new we've even added two new wingit OB* ta fciml appreciate really lush fabric. , . , eiquitite tutoru, Evcrfait polished collonn. In room alter room, yevll •ntbely to Early American... Hairing "Splee-BeK", a heavenly weavet, Inipired deiignt, toft delicate color* tee how beautifully our decorator! have coordinate! charming new maple collection*. The ether.] in|i, fret* vivid colon... tiui Fabrie Shew U a sub •ofat and thairt with window lathfam today'. BawMaakiiif deiigu if atJu Wdfi



Each year ttaousand§ wait {or it, watch for It, flock to it! It's Kooi .sparkling new 1956 production, 10 jam-packed with fresh excitement for homemakeri, it runi all week.., every day, every night! Just look! You'll attend fascinating ttage ehowi.. .meet famout pertonalitlc*. YJOUTI browse through 72 model rooms . . . visit a fabulous new' Detlgner'i GaUerjr... discover Pina Boute, bur newest model home .. . find DrexelT« famous Siro'cco Collection •tarred la another. You'll walk down Badroom Promenade, boasting brand-new decors ... enjoy tne Everfnst Story told throughout Provincial Court... Ma Slipcover Square done in House & Gardens 1956 colors. Yes, there's SO MUCH to anjoy, you'll want to spend an entir* dayl And, unlike many Home Sliows, it's ALL FREE!



MISS GRAYSON STAGES "WHAT GOES HIXH WHAT" HARRIET CLINC.MAN IN MISS CABOT HILL GIVE "WELL-OKESSED WINDOWS" STARS MISS ANNE MASON AMAZING SHOW ON COLOR DECORATING COURSE . . . It'i too dramatic, loo glftmoroui, too informative to Youll want to meet her ... she's the famous home On singe, right before your eyes, you'll see Miss Don't miss it! It's Koos most exciting decorating mlait AND it's presented by the nationally noted decorator from the Lees Carpet Company. Her show, Harriet CHngman, internationolly.known home dec* class of all timel It's Decoramu ... a complete decorating consultant and lecturer from Better "What Goes with What," has already been enjoyed orating mitliorily from V. Schumacher & Co., create capsule course in Interior decorating conducted by Homes and Gardens, Miss Betty Grayson, who'll coast to, coast by thousands of delighted homomalcers fabulnu* correlated color schemes for 50 different thn well-known home stylist for Lihbey-0wens-Ford, •how you llint windows nrn like people! You can • . . now, see it at Koos! Right on Kuoi Bros, singe, rooms! Starting witli a wide, wide collection of Miss June Cabott It runs for 90 minutes * . . with make them look taller or shorter, thinner or fatter wonderful new spring fnhrics, she'll BIIOW you not Miss Mason will show you how to create a beautiful only how to pick the right weaves, piitterns, and two intcrmissioni . . unfolds in brilliant color on COME FOR . , . jiut by the woy you dress them. You'll *ep 75 room by starting with your rarpet! She*!) take sam- a giant 20 foot cineramn-like ncrecn, making the model rooms . . . learn how to treat 75 different colors for your furniture and windows .. . hut even ple after sample of todny'i most exciting broadlootn whnt colors to pick up for your floors find walls! model rooms ncttwlly Hfe>sizel You'll lenrn how to kind* of window! , all shown LIFIvSIZE in vivid weaves , . in today's moat fnbuloufl colors . . . color . . . from problem wiudows found in old .She'll show you whnt fabric would sitbdne that rreato anforuetinMe (clamour with color . . , bow to homes to bis sweeping windows in contemporary correlate them color-wise witli nctunl samples of over-largo gofn . . . bow to give tlmt dark, drab place >uiir Furniliirn so you'll have beauty as well homes! You'll learn how to glamorize bay groups, the neweit 1956 wallpaprrs p.nd fabrics ... to give rorner new life and new importance through color! an rasy-f lowing truffle la net . . . hnw to create cifcmen! and corner windows, how to make cornices, you room schemes, that up to now. you've only It'» « show *o fascinating, BO jam-perked with Uftable illiinionfl with mirrors . . . hnw to ii»n in one room Breakfast valances, and iwuge. You'll see wlint hardware to dreamed about! She'll show you how to bring vital, ideas, you'll go scurrying for pad and pencil to furniture of mnny periods . . . and morr, much, ' me and how to hung even the most "complicated* exciting color Into your home for the happftwt make notes! Anil if you have any ((uc&llons, Ml»» much more! Koo* tlroc bring* this cour*B to looking" treatments! After the nhnw, !.fitg Grayson experience in decorating youVe ever known! Re- Clinpman will be delighted to answer them during you FREE . . . flrM limn it's hern presented In Why not fat on fitly M"* and will personally discuss your problems with yon! member, it starts at 2 sharp every afternoon . • . the open forum to follow! Admission, of eonne, is Jersey without rharse, Class starts promptly at ie our (uul ol break/aH? En- Don't mils "Well-Dressed Windows" , •very better come early for beat seats! free • . . time is 3 o'clock every afternoon! 7:30 ... no srnti reserved. hy lanty orange juice, dtllcioiu morn in i , . , 10:30 sharpl pmlry, and co//e«, all on lit* liomg ., , served 9 lo 10 AM. Free 52-pnge Book . . • Free 22-pngo Booklet - New "watch" hook Ilecorntorn io\< Hook . . . tvmry morning thh tcee'c< packed with hundreds o} ideas lor deevruttng show$ in color, coordinated color-schemet for .., juat out, conlnim samples of 90 new Schuntachtr tummnrifs point,% covrred in c! the Boi"d L the Boi"'d The thought occurred to me, the same tiniv ss ^ fruit tree, which however full of nutri- Trade »nd his arguments coveied other day that few residents of ^'e "'(ft- We,.^ tious elements, does not bear money. about all the field of objections to Westfield would hire an employee reac' the sheptj , J facing the school facinr on Stan- without seeing him, without ref- "jertinir i«; lit t\'c-i fMd, S«<'W Jersey, bill was delayed and delayed, while the few questions. And yet, that in »«•>%• " Coiiiiiuiiy AII Inilt'in-iiiii-T'l NowMMper. lawmakers explored method* of raising The Westfield Golf Club is going effect is what many do who vote for the money. They fmalb* came up -with to provide plenty of amusement for their government representa- l and pleasure for its members tnia tives (and help psy their salaries) iUiitM » y in the cigarette tax increase, which it is coming year. One feunire in par- without any real information » >>>»r n"* nt I*«IM1>, in faff to say. probably will arouse the least ticular will be the program of en- about them. K*ial>ll»liiMl 1S90. tertainment of the wives and protest. But the fact remains that only 8 Let's look at the salaries the OffKe: ?.« Elm Hlreet, WtstBeld, N. J. daughters who are membe' ' •_• • winners of this yeaf'i county elec- Tel. WE. S-«40? — WE. S-an non-smokers, who must be in the minor- f It is planned to hare freiything tions Will receive. Our V. S. Editor, Mtmbtr ity these days, wen*t ha%e to dig in their possible that will attract the ladies pockets for the several million dollars and be *n incentive for them to Representative will be paid fl2,- 600 a year for two years, our which the bill will require. take an active interest in club af- 1 fairs, mdre than they have previ- State Senator, $6,000 a ye«r for fe In view of the fact that there are con- ously done. four years »nd our three free- for * * * three ye»ts. • " „„_ . . .-,-.- • tinuing demands for "help" on all gov- d f( ernmental levels, it would appear that Wegtfleld needs additional mail Personally, I should .think tt» S. " *'ng carriers, more frequent mails, a people who pay the salaries would omakf oue ran excellent the lesson has not yet been learned. new post office building and some want to fci»w the own and women However, it may be that the public will Sunday mail facilities. It can get who receive tHem. AH ef ns, to- now be » bit more realistic. Ntew Jersey them all if proper effort is made to grether with other residents ef the elected sefUre them. county, h«?e a gooi opportunity 1 ' should realize any more demands of to meet the candidate «t the '/m * r^fem sizeable amounts will inevitably result League of Women Voter«» CanoM- Zzfr1 T= THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1956 MATLBOYSCWS wee* thls in a state income tax or a state sales tax Cis attend the mating wit! be *ble to OTHE« LETTBM m ' t* » 'esi two member* dissenting, with an all in- jT tii* clusive ordifWiwe to regulate the build- The Plight of the Handicapped Ann fKim^rS TOM£t' .„ bind «"Town CouMil t ing, enlargement, alteration or simply A child's world contains many small cuig •Urt tte nroDOStl far fsUblisn art books the moving of a businew from one loca- things. A favorite toy, a playmate, a Praise* Candidate tion to another, turning' the control over pet. A ehild'a world contains many im- A «ood rtitrmnc* bomk Ha grant . to the Town Planning Board in fact, al» portant things too, his ability to. be in- dependent to find a world of his own in Editor, Leader: providat inipirofion. We carry in ttock • ton. though there is provision for a hearing f In Years Gone By I have been a resident of West- and final approval by th« Council itself. which he is free to discover the satisfac- field for years and during most fully scr««n*d tel«cti«n of sound Aft loot, tion of competitive play and the joy of of that time my business has tak- This is an ordinance Went field can en ro« out of town a great deal, pfle- few tdiaels in the norton »M. a leeotd of 94% at. "the spenders underestimated receipts." Town Council in the May primar- The high school w«h on enrolimenl U 1956 o( 8S7 rf»/«"K N ies from the second and third graduates entering uimgtiXtt. Tht new h-gh idiool building highly rated for ils edycttfotMl standards. The gymnouum ond Pointing to the new federal budget wards, respectively'^ an Dorian Road «m medtd m 1>52 mad vli os a site an- athletic program j» second Id iftne art* the school lie* *»»»P*f On it wiH be nans* of all candidates - proposing even higher expenditures in * * • Menorioi Hataingi and oSwwq freedom of space for tporti tfimsof which Wtflfitld reiWenfs con be vtr/ed* from the coun^r, a brief biography of the fiscal year beginning July l, next, The annull maintenance fund and atttetic ii each and his answer to a question of campaign of the YW-YMCA offi- and to other new spendisg projects being cially closed Monday ni*fct with interest to the voter. These sheets are boomed in Congress, the Ne-w Jersey pledges totaling SlT.tfOO reported. prepared with roach fare, a great deal Taxpayers Association in » letter to Kew * * * of hard work and at no small expense Work on the grading- aisd im- J*rs*y"s Congressmen calls for Cojigrei^ provement of the proundi in fkt (last year's amounted to almost SSOOi. sJonal resiraiHi. and control GT«- the E*TST rear of Theodore Hoo been ftJtrt*d aia4 every person votes, knows for whom he "While we are hearten-ed by r*j»rti f© TTirn ^sjfre >t-en nsfi^eij to 1fe* votes and ... just as important. . . why. that s balanced budg#i fiuailj- jj •& *6(s4 cs fp-h&t-i 1,3 rail* mvve The amating thing about the leagne the offingr." said the letter fwa KI- ef is how well it doea . . . both locally and TA President Frank J. Pir^r*. •*-«•+ nationally ... on a very limited budget. are at the same time conc-tritc •,*_ THERE'S ONLY 1 FIRST FEDERAL Every year, the Wastfield organization cause: (1) the promised p-;rj'w -JJ of such paper-thin diiot-saatat*, i approaches public spirited citizens in As msMeir m Hod! several members of the First Federal the sown for financial help. Those who even this balance Is HUMS* ti* if -Ate mpp&rt tie league can be justifiably . precarious because it rtepxarei: FHA s» Shatter* me gro£ JA(; •.$.- VSTCA. Mat-* tnnjz VJ SMsnAtrs af projected nfsr fpr^dzjsr w*T*a.Tn* :h*» 'hih in-f 3.-os:b;«igEiri""i frsxsi inwme ^mxjerj is so apparent at First Federal. now lirwih* /.vv i* fhe secwrrty and convenience of a saw- T w mm j -Pt- Tin?s «• federal. It fakes only a few it.inu.es to -hi- jnasbook and you'll receive high unlit in i.itl i •: ; •_L » • n,i ,rj-* ' JIV "tl 1! on your money, currently ....

'' "H-.-ii in^ i I.,,. ,„ H J.i.i-i i' Liin- ti mi ri-.i if ln» iessc-rs .i.v - i.";:nimitt n-v u-1 mi."- in'in- ii'r'i I"II'MI Vj:, J („,. •- "!.in-rr.iii -i |.,. ,«•. ..„..!„, 0 ihi&g- i-'t -;:" ii.f~ SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $IO,ODO° ,

' '-.1 ! '•I'll,' "i'r ir|,.r'i' •V"ttlH''..Hl ACCOUNTS OPENiD BY TMi 10th • cijrareH? tax lo r^T i'" ••mu)ii- iAKN DIVIDENDS FROM THE Ut. bill «imod 1<» K,; ,: ;,;,, ".V.. .•-mil,i f,...., „ ,,.„,, ll;i, lv tlon of new Mhiv/n < >in •.' :,ii» -mm.- v,-, „,...... i,ii.,,..r, ,. , Vii '-•'. t "nehonlH," which is not ji.c\,dl«-c j.: :r« '•>*-•«"•••• u— I v,., ,cri;,tll;. lv- |(J _., Mtf in that ono of thought, which .v.r-:t I I li S T F E »>

IP" tf finlo from municipal. ISO I.I.'M vf HlA.l. V. r THE WEBYFIEL& (H. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. AYRTL S, 1956

when England was -vanquished at Rapid growth of municipalities ne- ning board shall cause to be made .TTBRS Tome Hastings by William the Nerman, cessitates careful planning and careful and comprehensive surveys it was not the end of England but adherence to regulations as set by and studies of present conditions Playing The Cards EDITOR the beginning! the state legisalture. Municipali- and the prospects, for future E. H. ROTHMAYEB ties are mere agencies of the state growth of the municipality. The Bp ALEXANDER SPENCER and power of the legislature over master plan shall be made with the Sun Set? them is broad and well establish- the general purpose of guiding and If you would- like to test your- Explains Proposed ed. accomplishing a co-ordinated, ad- self at defensive play, cover the • Leader: Zoning Amendment justed and harmonious -develop- South and West hands and play often use a formula, _a short Recent ordinances passed by our ment of the municipality and its the East cards. Town Council indicate that our environs which will, in accordance NORTH , come to a conclusion. Editor, Leader: governing body has' not followed present troubles of the with present and future needs, • 8 S 2 There seems to be so much in- procedures as required by the then, were cauBed by the best promote health, safety, mor- • V Q 7 terest in the zoning ordinance state. The New Jersey Superior ge of the English pound and als, order, convenience, prosperity • A Q 7 3 2 amendment introduced at the last Court has said: •tting of the sun on Britain and general welfare, as well as • Q6 5 Mortgage Money meeting of Town Council that • "Proposed amendments to zon- efficiency and economy in the pro-WEST EAST empire. For centuries the word of explanation is merited. of most currencies was its ing ordinances shall first be sub-cess of development and the main- • A J 7 * K 9 5 4 nge parity into the pound The existing ordinance, adopt- mitted to the planning board for tenance of property values previ- •9632 VA85 ed in 1946, prohibits in the busi- approval, disapproval or sugges- ously established. To such end, !£, that .'s a # pound weight • 10 9 #854 ness zone any structure or use tions, and that board shall have a the master plan shall also include m, and later into gold sov- • J 10 9 7 * 8 4 3 "which is any way would be detri- reasonable time, not less than 30 adequate provision for traffic and SOUTH mental to the health, morals and days, for consideration and report; recreation, the promotion of safe- • Q 10 6 Available Here centuries too, international public safety of the community." and in the event of an unfavor- ty from fire and other dangers, nd just plain moral law was V KJ 10 4 Who enforces this prohibition? able report by the planning board, adequate provision for light and (j by the English navy and air, the promotion of good civic • K J 6 What is the procedure? The ordi- the amendments, shall not become • AK2 by her troops far from the effective except by a favorable design and arrangements, the wise nance requires that the building With both sides vulnerable, the ll. The pirate and the glave vote of two-thirds of the govern- and efficient expenditure of pub- inspector, before issuing any per- bidding goes: on disappeared and the idea of mit, must decide (1) whether the ing body ..." lic funds, and adequate provision was established throughout for public utilities and other pub- South W..t North E»t proposed structure or use would orld and its desert sands arid Our Town Council is continually lic requirements." INT pass 3 NT pass involve exceptional risks of traffic istes by grabbing a few stra- putting the cart before the horse. pass pass congestion or public safety, and spots and poling the Union Zoning and other ordinances are Your partner, West, leads the (2) whether the design of the Failure by our governing body there. For it must not be being passed before the Planning to follow the procedures as set up jack of clubs and the North hand Residential {Properties building would be so markedly in- Led that this was altruism, Board has even set up a compre- goes down on the table. Declarer congruous with the character of by the state affects the future of kigh England, always of her hensive master plan and submitted wins the first trick with dummy's the neighborhood as to be serious- our town and the value of our (was generally better than it it for approval. The State legisla- club queen and then leads the ly detrimental to the value of near- homes. It is also necessary that |t was the result of discovery, ture, fully aware of the vital ne- seven of hearts. What is your best by property. If he finds either to our mayor take his place on the •y and conquest and a belief cessity of town planning, has en- play at that point? he the case, he must refuse the Planning Board. [r destiny. acted legislation along the follow- We sincerely hope that our The lead of the jack of clubs permit and refer the application ing lines: jter "pacifying" the lands of to the Board of Adjustment. council does not hire so-called ex- should tell you that partner held Inquire about our Immediate neighbors and with (What the Board of Adjustment "The governing body may by perts on town planning for West- ace, jack, ten, etc. or jack, ten, itempt for the pretensions of than does with it is not wholly ordinance create a planning board field. Usually these costs run nine, etc. If your partner led from nations, England was en- clear.) of not less than five nor more than from'|7,000 to »20,000 and from ace, jack, ten, etc., South must Attractive Plan to defeat or destroy the nine members. The members shall the contacts I have had with some hold the king and one or two small and powerful empires that Our town attorney fears that consist of and be divided into, for of our neighboring communities, it clubs. But that cannot be the case themselves at her. After the existing procedural provisions convenience in designating the would have been much better if because declarer did not let the a British garrison and a are illegal. He points out, among manner of appointment, the lour the planning board had made sur- lead ride to his king but immedi- I of sea-coal for her ships other things, that a great deal— following classes: veys and study with community ately went up with dummy's kd every British owned island perhaps too much—is left to the Class 1—mayor. . help. The more Westfield people queen. Why, then, did declarer [victory won land—end. Her sole discretion of the building in- Class 2—one of the officials of involved in the planning work, the play it that way and also why did PEOPLES BANK bristled toward all cross spector, who is given virtually no the municipality to be appointed better are the results to the town. he then immediately lead the seven and sea lanes and, bluntly, "standards" 'to guide him. This by the mayor- The Westfield Board of Education of hearts, with only two of that •d all other countries. An is- particular criticism of our present Class 3—a member of the gov-has done a splendid job in plan- suit in dummy? & TRUST COMPANY' erapire protecting its life ordinance seems to me (a law- erning body to be appointed by it. ning for the future. They have It should be apparent that South "A ConMtvativt Institution yer) to have considerable merit on Class 4—other citizens of the made many surveys with volun- has the club suit well in control. r technical legal grounds. Even apart • For CenMrvaliv* P«opl«" municipality to be appointed by teer help and have made many Also, since South opened the bid- jnsidering the methods and in- from legal technicalities, govern- the mayor. contacts for study, and as a result ding with one notrump the likeli- | of her enemies, England's ment by discretion seems bad. I Opposite Railroad Station When the board consists of less they know what should be done hood is that he does not hold a (ration and lack of vindictive- firmly believe that Tyestfteld resi- and how to do it without undue five card heart suit. The inference after victory was—well, Eng- dents deserve to be free from "dis- than seven members class two shall be omitted. All members of cost. then is that declarer is trying to Having shown she was in-cretionary" rulings by our home Failure by our local govern- steal a 'heart trick. Westfield, New Jersey jble against any enemy or co-town government at least. Equally the board shall serve without com- pensation, and the members of ment to keep in close touch with On that basis you must play the in, she bore no lasting grudge, firm is my belief In the value of county and state can only result ace of heax'ts and shift to spades. HT NMMANCI .COWMATMN remembered. She chose her public hearings*as one means of as- class four shall hold no other mu- nicipal office, except that one' of in constant increase jn taxes and Why spades? Because South holds B-al3 and ministers indiscrimi- suring that freedom. poor planning for the future. We clubs and undoubtedly holds pretty ly from conquered Scotland, such members may be a member The proposed amendment seeks will all get quite a shock when we good stuff in hearts, judging by his Ind and Wales as well as Eng- of the zoning board of adjustment to improve and legally strengthen and one may be a member of the look at our local tax bill for 1956. lead of that suit at the second our present procedures in four re- board of education . . • No mem- We will find that the part of our trick, Diamonds, of course, offer illand and Denmark who were spects : ber of the planning board shall be local tax taken out for our share no promise for the defense, so it badly treated by England, permitted to act on any matter in of Union County Freeholder costs looks as though the only weak spot pleaded various exigencies, 1. To substitute the Planning REMEMBER which he has, either directly or is almost as much as the amount is the spade suit. happy in their friendship Board for the building inspector, indirectly, any personal or finan- that is required to operate all our You lead the four of spades and her. There was complete as the reviewing agency of pro- EVERY WEEK posed business structures and uses. cial interest . . ." town expenses. People say that South cannot avoid losing four ort with her ancient enemy spades and a heart trick. WELDON county costs are mandatory. If A Different tee, somewhat less so with 2. To require the reviewing "In scope the master plan may agency to consider all pertinent as- we accept that statement we are If-you play a small heart at the n. Our relations since our cover proposals for: (a) the use not worthy to be citizens. Union second trick, declarer wins and FLOWER SPECIAL War appeared indissoluble. pects of the matter, includintrthe of land and buildings—residential, probability of creating a public County costs should never be more then runs 'home with five diamonds, nany, what was left of it, and commercial, industrial, mining, ag- than 25 per cent of the total costs two more clubs and the heart trick at .in, what was left of it, looked nuisance due to odor, noise, ob- ricultural, park, and other like CONCRETE CORP. jectionable illumination, etc. of town government. which ho has stolen. ther toward Russia, the lat- matters; (b) services—water sup- Perhaps the time has como whon ipirant for the sceptre of 3. To specify (in some detail) ply, utilities, sewerage, and other Westfield Flower Shop 141 CINTRAL AVINUI, WISTFIILD the "standards" by which the plan- we should all take a good look at conqueror, like matters; (c) transportation 1938 when the Liberty League was 250 Sprlngflald Av«. • TIL Wl. 3-4444 ning board must be guided. town and county government. An irenthetically, Lloyd George —streets, parking, public transit, entirely new concept is required, formed with Al Smith's help to -™4, To. OHOTEUf* *or P"!>l>c hear- said in response to some Caus- freight facilities, airports Mi) ttjif'fjtillsh to just accept the idea defeat P. D. R. and the New Deal ingt „ , I ,.," • • .merits, "Britain has no eter- other like matters; (d) housings- TWbt-mxc'S must always go up in Traynor always commented, that PUNT PHONE FAnwood 2-4300 r/othing more is intended. Cer- enemiea, and no eternal residential standards, slum clear- local and county government. It's his 1928 prediction became true tainly no member of Council wish- Is, only eternal interests." ance and redevelopment, and oth-our duly as citizens and the duty when Westfield did its best to do es to license or "control" all busi- t about the world today. Let er like matters; (e) conservation of our elected representatives to feat the New Deal candidate in ness in Westfield. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS ss from international monet- —water, forest, soil, flood control, see that they do not. 1936. READY MIXED CONCRETE The language of the proposed >n by saying that nowhere in and other like matters; (f) pub- Our first step is u master plan There is no reason to believe •orld today is {here stability amendment is that of the Moun- lic and semi-public facilities—civic that Westfield will ever vote Dem- BRING RESULTS tainside ordinance, with modifica- and proper planning for the fu- rrencies. All bob around flt- center,, schools, libraries, parks, ture without the present system of ocratic, but hero 20 years after with resulting inflation and tions suggested and drafted by ourplaygrounds, fire houses, police Wcstficld showed its anti-New town attorney. More than two hodgo podge ordinances. nge restrictions. The stand- structures, hospitals, and other WILLIAM M. NEVIN, Deal philosophy by going over- is gone. months prior to the March 23 like matters; (g) the distribution whelmingly Republican in that council meeting, this matter was Democratic Candidate itain is in great trouble: The and density of population; (h) for Mayor. election, wo find that the Now informally referred to the Plan- other elements of municipal growth Deal philosophy has insidiously ktion of Ireland and the theft ning Board and commenced to re- |he Stone of Scone by Scot na- and development. crept in through the back door of ceive activg consideration by th« "In toe preparation of the raas- Protest* Amendment our council chambers where an all- itlists; withdrawals from In- Town Council. During that whole Jerusalem, Egypt, Soudan and Ur plan the planning board shall Republican governing body was time none of us proved able fur- give due consideration to the prob- Editor, Leader: elected by a community essential- f, demonstration! in Spain ther to Improve the language. Gibraltar (one of those land- able ability of the municipality to In 1928 a banner across Broad ly conservative and anti-New Deal 1; riots in Cyprus and South Nothing is perfect. The final carry out, over a period of years, street proclaimed "Westfield will in its political inclinations. form of this amendment will not a (another land-end); inci-N the various public or quasi-public be for Al Smith." Former Demo- I am of course referring to |ts in the Falklands, Jordan, be determined, of course, until projects embraced in the plan with- cratic Postmaster, John II. Tray- Councilman Savage's attempt to ig Kong and Singapore (still after the public hearing on it. out the imposition of unreasonable nor, used to say about the banner flier land-end). None seem too Meanwhile, any constructive sug- financial burdens. that he never really bolieved West- (Please turn to next page) Ml or too mean not to twist the gestions would be truly welcomed, "In such preparation,, the plan- field would be for Al Smith until Is tail. Of course, many have I am sure, by all council members B this in the past' b'ut none who voted in favor of the amend- e drawn a single tooth. In ment on first reading. By way of how an past that is. Has the British encouraging such suggestions, itself ground down its teeth council when introducing the ordi- humiliation? To change the nance formally referred it to the aphor, is John Bully Boy chary Planning Board and fixed the date INVESTMENT CLUB using the knockout blows he for public hearing four weeks Packs? away, not the customary two weeks. ations conic and go. But the Sincerely yours, '"""on of the homogeneous A. TURNEY SAVAGE, can , of the still sun-drenched Chairman, Laws and ish Empire would be a catas- ' Bules Committee Town Teach you to invest successfully 'hic cala'mity. Council ut things arc not always as, " appear. The loss of her Help you to build financial security Mrican colonies was not a ca- Town Planning f'ty to England, but a.progres- Open new social and business contacts f blessing. Our interests, if Editor, Leader: Hernally so, are now linked We need a new concept of local IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN FORM- hers. And be it remembered Can you Bet aside as little as $10 a month government, here in Westfield. for investment? And do you know a small ING AN INVESTMENT CLUB ... our group of men or women who would join services can be of value to you. First help- with you as a "syndicate" in a long-term ing you to form your Investment Club . . . WESTPIILD investment program? then helping your group to operate suc- cessfully. If so, you have the makings of a successful FINANCE and PROFITABLE Investment Club. At your request our Investment Depart- Today thousands of Americans "In all walks ment will assist you with securities, an- Has.., of life look to Investment Clubs ss an ex- alyses and statistical studies—and huvu cellent way to share in our country's tre- available qualified personnel to attend your meetings and discuss investment matters. MOMY WHIN YOU WANT IT mendous growth . . . and to build towards To receive your free copy of our Invest- • • security ... to learn the methods of suc- cessful investing. ment Clubs Brochure you may telephone HOW MANY OP THBSB ITBMS Mr. R. T. Leahy at WOrth 4-0220 or mail the handy coupon below. Tho brochure ex- are you planning to buy? 3 MAIN PRINCIPLES plains the investment cluh idea, and shows t* rammiM TOAIW how you. can start your group on tho roud witoumr wn to profitable investment. tumm ten VACUUM OIAMI MOKM Investment Club principles arc simple. mum* mum* MONM MWWV\ Your group invests regularly regardless of tun tOOU MRIMtATOt IANN «MW CM stock market conditions. You reinvest •KtCU earnings to make your money grow faster. "" J.W. SPARKS & CO. ^ Mojmei. MUW • rmooume MWMUNT You choose [jrowt-li securities — companies that should become bigger and stronger Members New York Stock Exchange Members American Slock Exchange ... tmrwrh «l hum*, I* 0m with the years. 1120 Broadway, Ntw York 5, N. Y. All., Mr. l«ohy Thus working closely with our Investment Telephone: WOrth 4-0220 LOANS '25 to 'SOO Department you learn to appraise securi- TKLKPHONB • WRITI • *r VISIT\ ties and develop biminosx skills and while you lenrn i/uit earn. . . • intelligently and I Nil! WESTFIELD FINANCE g sufoly. 131 Qntnby Ut**±»f.2md Hear V*.- R**a 41 IH « tic. Ma u» » UUphow WtfU City Zons Hlulo M>AM$ MABI TO •MIOIMT* WAU fITR WEBTTIELP ffl. I.) UEAPgS, AWTTJ. 1SS6 sf Linden'as a basis of compar- foreign policy demands an under- Fejsoa cioatd ha 1'renta in 19611 ison. standiiig and clear knowledge of is *ti effort to skiffle free HI0H IMMOYMINT LIVHS ingB »d 5cotcft Plains-Fanwood Newt lion. The reopening which Mr. Mr. E»u noted that the school 1940.19SS history if mistakes are to be avoid- possibility of endorsing a last- district here were consolidated in ed. All 435 Congressmen and 98 Idoyoga effected is a landmark in e-quartfr to ooHVifd fflH minute public program because of 1903, eight years after the bor- Senators cannot take the time to the restoration of freedom in Ar- h i l ird Advised » complaint during the meeting ough of , Fanwood was created. keep up with the complex details gentina. by a civic association spokesman The mile-square area in the mid- cf foreign policy—involving not that vaccine for private use by dle of Scotch Plains was part of only special problems relating to ' CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Vaccine Supply physicians was scarce. The spokes- Fanwood Township when that area every part of the-world, but also man also received support for a withdrew from Wetstfield in 18Sf. involving diplomacy, international State Queried public program from Mi*. Irene economics, psychological warfare, When the hoi-ou^h was created EMPLOYMENT AS A and military policy as it relates Griffin of Westfield, chairman of the remainder of Ptnwood Town- Scotch Plains the Westfield March of Dimes, Of THI CIVIIIAN LAIOK to foreign policy. Obviously, if ship took the name of Scotch all members of Congress attempt- an4 one of the leaders in the suc- BJBins. •OTCH PLAINS—Should the cessful fight to get public clinics ed to do this, the many other areas of Health decide to ho!d a in Westfield. of legislative activity would suf- d fer grieviously. The Foreign Af- ,. Sa]i; vaccine clinic bpfore Because the proposed clinic will Public Notice 1 Woman Injured fairs Committee, consisting of S3 er there probaWv "Will; be m*Ue for the most part children ,h' vaccine" in Trenton ta In Fanwood Crash members, is charged with the prin- Not tuwt wt iotro4*c*4 ott 18 11 M in the combined school district: ciple responsibility for handling ,i,. the *»'<* ii"*" *'* - •with Fanwood, the local board! Hut bred over » • to the State Board of MM legislation in this field in the would have to. get an agreement t SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. Theo- House of Representatives. Bipar- Mo. hi a new Joif created lack from the Fanwood health board dore Sw»rer of 416 Forest road, WIMHI IT HIM ffm eOVMNMHIT ITAT1ITKI tisanship is more important in this cna-d J. Rosso, attached to to £o ahead with the program. suffered a possible concussion sphere than in any other. Clearly, week Mi- rHealth Commissioner's office Both boards last December jar' Thursday when the car she was NsrauJlr w* mar »p**t tk*t 24 out of every 2S ci»iii»»« in the no matter who controls the Con- ,CPk wired Health Officer sued a joint statement recom- driving- on Martine avenue, Fan- labor feree fceve jebe. ThM •• the *ppr*xieaete avereffe for tko tioail tkouiiaej o( keeuauktu 1 grass or the Whrj* House, the Mottley that although no mending that local inoculations wood, went out of control and yeer. .inc. 19*0 »» pictured ear th. chart. Wkile it U uaeeriUae - basic facts of international life .mi line is on 'hand now, a lartre be handled only through a private crashed into a telephone pole near •ble that th* higfc.»t l.vela af civilian employment wore .turned remain the sarno in this age when MM |ritifyi«| of all. auy ttkt the -OTt w expected shortly. Mr. basis in physicians' offices. Under Madison avenue. Killed in the during the World W»r II uul K«r«> W.r period., it i. remerluble nuclear weapons are In the hands 0 aiSo asked for * breakdown this arrangement, parents plead- smashup was Mrs. Swarer's chi- thmt 'emplojre^eat. lovolt romaiiw^ *° close to the war peak* in the of aggressive, leaders of Soviet tiau aid troakle to write w ko* BOv/ many children and pretc- ing financial hardship would have huahua dog. The car was wracked, poitwir yt»t. A« wo cmcrfoat from the l»3O», mpl>;m>it ley.li Russia. nitcp \Uj tike it. Genii. women would be eligible for to undergo a "means test." according to Patrolman Fred incre*«e4 Is • soak ia 1M4, when »*.» per cent of the labor force shots. Bremmer. Mrs. Swarer, wife of were employed. Is 1848, > reunion year, 94.5 per cent were em- Consistency in our basic policy otfrglewwi &c«ft, AftNOlP lard of Health president Phil- the Scotch Plains clerk to the ployed. The chert showi that durjaf the Korean War employment is highly important to success, HEARTHSTONE! HUE ink* | Cobb was dire«te(J if tfre Benefits of Fanwood- board of assessors, was taken to level. 4id not etteia the Kllk. tecorded durinf WorU War II, but and consistency dependi upon a kind 4 red. oUWttlioMB km. ft to make a study of the local Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield, it it noteworthy that the decline in 1#J4 we. only to M.» per large measure ef bi-pmtisanship. 'Plains Merger Told I can say with compjete sincerity tkpt torn of W rtaeeih r us otktn ,tion as to how many children by the Fanwood Rescue Squad. cent, a hi(her level then durini t>4>. that bi-paitisan cooperation on •( «• aivc Mvcrkeowi. Wh'wk will it mothers have had private in- SCOTCH PLAINS—The amal- the Foreign Affairs Committee ia ations. ... W for you:..« iefpy aeaory coat tritt gamation of the borough of Tan- MUutrel Show •* the stage internationally, the job not a symbol, it is a living fact. ie board voted to explore the wood and this township would of evaluating legislation has be- Of course, this does not menu we —oriwoniltrtiil Btwcitii| expcricicc? effect tax savings according to a Program Compete come more and more difficult. No are rubber stamps. Members on Try iloif, ioo«, laiUtaikaow. , citizens study, George J. Rau, Newsletter single human being could possi- both sides, of the table carefully has reported. SCOTCH PLAINS — Program bly acquire enough knowledge to study administration foreign pol- Savings would result from in- for the tninstrel show to be held at intelligently eyaiuot*, criticize and icy recommendations, eril creased efficiency in departments St. Bartholomew the Apostle appropriately change the literally when it is felt necessary, and alter and not by the elimination of em- Church today, tomorrow and Sat- From th» d**k ef thousands of complex measures where desirable. But, and I think ployees, the group stated. urday is now completed^ Henry I. Rep. HARRISON A. WILLIAMI JR. submitted in the Congress each this is significant, I cannot recall There would be, however, a Marshall, director and producer of (Sixth Dl»t.—Union Count*) year. The committee system is a single instance on the sommit- diminished need for increasing the show has announced. ideally Buited to oversome this dif- te» where a vote on a cQBtrQyer payrolls as the area continues HOW DOES THE* ficulty. It gives indlvidilel members aial measure has been utrictly )UCS ANONYMOUS Included in the casting for the CONGRESS OPERATET of both parties an opportunity .o along partisan lines. This, it «e*m» continwtt *• •** «M to grow, it said. There also would chorus are Ralph Appezaato, Wil be savings in equipment. In »oine democratic UfUai specialize In a particular area of to me, points up', the fe*t th»t bi- to any who have art liam Schick, Nicholas Santasalvo, the method of opei-»tl»o is b»s«d legislation, (tain expert know! partisan co-operation is imp«r» 1 •honest desire «e tfp The committee will distribute Mary Crilly, Mary Evans, Frances on a more or less party ceucus edge, and thereby permit the Con-tin —not only for the lake of «on sample ballots to determine pub- O'SuIljvan, Helen Stnborn, Ruth drinking. system. Under this system, a ma- gress to perform its assigned role sUtency but also because construc- lic interest, Mr. Rau reported. Dowd, Jerry Sira, John Flynn, jority decision of the party cau- in a more orderly, intelligent and tive and needed efforts •!'• impos- P. O. BOX 121 The citizens group, called the Annelou Johnson, Alvira Kopp, cus is binding on all members and efficient manner. sible without co-op«r«tion. Citizens Amalgamation Commit- Robert Koi-ner, William GeaTy, Joe action in committees and on the VISITING DIGNATARIE8 WESTHHO, N. J. tee of FatnVood and Scotch Plains, Giacolone, Joe Lobus. Roger Grilly. For example, I serve on the floor of the legislature Is a rou- Foreign Affairs Committee. Thi Last week I had * highly in- •r Call MA, S*7Sai has studied the amalgamation in Usherettes for the minstrel will tine execution of party caucus de- 1925 of the Township and Borough committee is charged with the formative session with » group of be Mrs. John Lestrange, Mra. John cisions. The Congress does not heavy, responsibility of keeping 30 visiting lawyers' and judges Shea, Mrs. Anthony Puchel, Mrs. operate in this fashion. The basic abreast with developments in the from 11- countries. They are in Edward Gill, Mrs. Maurice Dullea, and most influential units of the world and with our efforts to meet the United States atudying under Miss Margaret Sylvester, Miss Congress ate the bi-partisan com- the multiple challenges and op- the Educational Exchange pro Grace Rlgante, Miss Delores Puz- mittees. The committee system, it portunities. The conduct of our 'gram. One, of the group was Rt- suti. Miss Anita Checchio, Miss seems to me, reflects some basic foreign policy today—as never be- caido C. Idoyoga, the Assistant IS YOUR CELLAR FLOOR WET? Jean England, Miss Patricia Lynch, facts of Ajiierlcan political life. fore—could well determine, not Attorney General from Argentina Ay waterproofing protest it absolutely guaranteed to give Mra. Henry C. Newman, and Mis3 NEED FOR COMMITTEE only the future of freedom in the He is the man who drew the or. Katharine Zmuda. you a dry cellar floor I No charge until job hat proven SYSTEM: world, it could well determine our der permitting the newspaper, La Mrs. Arthur Schiller is president As our society has become in- very survival as a nation and as Prmiaa, to resume operation as Ientirely satisfactory. ' and the Rev. John B. Caulfleld is creasingly complex and as the U. Individuals. Therefore, the role free newspaper. spiritual director and moderator S. has moved into the center of of the Congress in dealing with Many of you may lecal) Estimates cheerfully given ... CALL of the Rosary Society which Is sponsoring the show. V,

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At left, safely out of children " rsscli. about our modern financing plan —low, low pay- You'd httYfl to pay hundreds of dollars more to MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT ments make owning n Plymouth oa»ior than ever! MEMBER FEDERAL Watch Plymouth's generous trunk space, over-all You'll own the top performer of tomblned. P—» Twtmtr yesx of tuti- ness, lnv«#o» Divei«find S' i feat capitalism ...we sfesii t*J« I Prate*** Amendment v-ices, Inc. has shown steady grow- \ H by the senjff of the nfcek." As ft j ' th throughout its history. Since i "Leninist. Mr. Kferushchev, bow de | ~" . . the company, was founded in 1894 MICROSCOPE coni*eptf of property to meet the investment needs of 'you plan to defeat capitalism!' tfield would be prohibited un- COMMUNISM but must not mer^re with it." Is i ^er the terms of his Ordinance from labor, but greater tasks. this what is behind the current So- \ f^m slu-ring- their business proo- —Follen viet peace offensive? Are you fol- j ej^v jnan y way without first ob- Jowinp Leninist principles wheat tainine the approval of 28tji Communist Party Cong: you order the American Comreunr j goar{| members and members ef Pock Up and Com* T« By laat month. What is equally tru ist Party to come above ground j the Town Council as t« fixtures, PR. ALEXANDER S. 8ALIKKY qy and recreate a united front? design, business use, location, and bat less , is the fact tha . Assistant professor of economics th# rulers of the Kremlin new Mr. Khrushchev. Jn Lenin's ««i every other conceivable modifica- a)nd specialist in Russian affairs claim that they are reverting (ful words: "The dictatorship of thetion of existing structures forus e jfod economics, Rutgers University, IF and completely) to Lenin am proletariat is a most severe and in the business section. lite State University of New Jersey Leni&ism. The implication, most furious struggle, in which The Westfield community has course, is that Leninism differ the proletariat is obliged to fight long respected the rights of prop- Khrushchev's and BulganuTs the whole world." As a Leninist erty ownership aad the use of such Mr. •»* Mis. *m«4 from Stalinisa*. lOtrusbchev an property within the law. Never IV 1. tkMr «'• #oming" visit to England can serve Bulgsnin would have the worli do you fee! obliged to fight the rrtut*** lr«» Sir. »»* #ur best interests or those of thebelieve that Leninism is eonsisten whole world? How is this Lenin, before have councilmen been called Karirn C. B««l.r. R»IM. Kremlin, depending upon how the with tbeir current line of peacefi ist principle consistent with your upon to express an opinion con- -a. • lanlNilr d f»roe is played. Siuce ail such coexistent* and that it was Stalin peace offensive? cerning architectural design of a Fer a n«vf-l»h» f»ra)»l—n Visits by the super-saJesoieQ of is» which was responsible f«r tar- store front to be placed upon an-) portage thereof, he will probably km auWotr »•"'• pmmtin , |t«Maw are p»r« of a. program *i liav inside the USSR and PPM war Mr. gulfanin: You have reject- -.v— :.J^J,,.I-individual's. \,,,\\A,n,rbuilding. ?*Vmr ggree that a mintaaura *>f 10 weeks Local Man Wins Mythological warfare, the British ed Stalinist tyranny. Vet Lenin before in Westfield has there been biank in performance during a in th» •nth the Western world. wrote, "Dictatorship is power pav* a decided responsibility for Here are some questions whicl a challenge to the rights of prop calendar yyea r is subjecj t to »n •xpartly taming that visit to the a«Vaa*a#* upon force and unrestricti erty ownership acquired by theearnest attempt on his part to Company Honor reporters might very profitably by any laws. The dictatorship at •f th» Western world. ask Khrushchev and Bulganin— blood and tears of our Revolution- prove thU truancy record should the p^oletsriat is power won am ary ancestors, and guaranteed by Writ* ftrn br Mi inffraa«tiMi Listed below are some rfiiestions profitable, that is, for the cause maintained by violence . . . powei be be re-elected- Record 1955 sales of faee- 1 federal and state constitutions. M. DELMAR RITCHIE frhich the British press can andof the democratic nations. These that is unrestricted by any laws. Never before has New Deal polit- amount investment certificates and or (MttMl MfHTNMB nAVH, Inc. - th*\l\A ask the Soviet leaders dur- questions—even if evaded by theSince the Soviet Union (by you? ical paternalism reared its ugiy Republican candidate for mutual fund shares of the subsi- **«" ten-day stay in England, Soviet leaders—ean only help own admission) is still in the dic- threat to individual liberty in Council, First Ward diary and affiliated companies of full implication of these ques- bring ««t the basic falsehood o: tatorship of the proletariat phase Westfield. Investors Diversified Services, Inc., fims and how they can be used thier paitio* «g peaceful of history, do you still subscribe to the advantage of the Western ence. The questions: In spite of the fact that the Give A Break To Minneapolis, have won national to the Leninist principle of "col- town attorney and three other lo- recognition for James F. McLaugh- 4c*Mcracies must be asaeased in To Mr. Khruschchev: Since you lective" rule unrestricted by law fetation to the following: farts: cal attorneys are quoted as saying Motorists Making Turns !in of 530 Summit avenue, zone have renonuneed Stalin and gone Mr. Khrushchev: Lenin stood that his proposed ordinance is il- manager in this area for IDS. From the time of Stalin's death, back to true Leninism, the pre-for the following principal: "The legal, unconstitutional and unde- "Gire the left-turner * Mr. Mclaughlin will receive an jb* new "collection leadership" sumption is that you agree with array is needed because great his- sirable, this first ward councilman prges Keystone Automobile Club award for top sales and service •W pursued a policy of desu-oy- pad accept Leninist doctrines. torical questions can be solved only nevertheless insists on putting; it in a safety buUetin asking motor- achievements, including member- lar the Stalin "myth." That pol- Lenin wrote; as soon by violence and the organisation over on the people for his own un- ists to show nore consideration ship in the IDS President's Club, waa formally announced it the as we are strong enough to de-of violence in the modern struggle disclosed reasons. is a military organiiation." How, and courtesy to feUow drivers an annua! honor roll of the com- then, can you reconcile your Len- There is no reason why anywhen making turns. p a n y ' s leading representatives. inism on this question with your business property owner cannot Arcideit shew, accord- He iron President's Club mem- Compl— ISOT Whaal and Framt! :urrent peace offensive and wil}< improve or alter ius property Jaw- in* to Edward P. Currxn. safety bership in. competition with more ingness to discuss world disarm*- fully according to his own pref- director of th« club, that numir- than 3,300 representatives, who • WHEEH L AUCNMENT • WHEM, I ment? erences and within his own budget ou* accidents a» caus*4 directly serve more than 810,000 customer GENERAL AUTOMOBILE limitations. If he is successful in by the failure, or refusal, of driv- accounts over the North American Mr. Bulganin: You condemn his fight against the business prop- ers to show common courtesy to continent. Stalin for his terrorist methods. erty owners, the first ward coun- cilman will be only one step from fellow operators at ctrmt aad The awards reflected the results But Lenin wrote: "We have never road intersections. rejected terror . . '. nor can we do •nforcing his will against residen- of a record year of greatly in- WHALEN'S GARAGE Terror may be usefully ap- ial property owners who may de- "A considerable namber of mo- creased investor activity. Gross plied, or may be essential in cer- sire to put one more bathroom in torists apparently think only of sales production in the United their bouse that the councilman their own convenience," he said. States rose to more than 1515 tain moments of the battle." In million, an increase of $36 million •00 NOftTH AVE., E. TBLWLI* w lE^a^^H^w H^nv '»wWt fflr^B^V^^PaV - what way doas Laniaiam, in this feeU is unnecessary. Eves st i«* risk of personal h>- itter of terror, differ from Stal- iury they will j»t yield a few over tise year-ago figure of $47? Essentially these are the reasons seconds to the driver who has sig- million. Sales of shares in the four i rhy a committee was organized to naled his intention to make a left mutual investment funds managed Thaas qvwtioai are all based on promote the candidacy of Del turn and is in tie proper posi- and distributed by IDS amounted exact quotations from Lenin's Ritchie for first ward councilman. U> more than $20G million of the He will be elected if the first ward tion to complete the turning move- writings and speeches. The fact at. total. LET THE LEADER PRINT WIIKOMMEND f the matter is that Stalin learn- voters are properly alerted to tic K] his art of terror from Lenin, dangers of the irresponsibility of This is especially noticeable ere Khrushchev and Bulganin the incumbent councilman. cars are slopped at traffic incere in repudiating terror and ROBERT A. SCRWAEZ signals. The mas with his arm tyranny, they would be forced to extended showing- clearly his in- CANTLAYBROS. enounce Lenin along with Stalin tention to turn to tie left is, in •—the teacher along with the pupil. Uarifies Points many instances, compieM-Jy ignor- Be demoting Stalin and reaffirm- ed by drivers at the bead of the ESSO SERVICE ing their belief in Leninism, the Editor, Leader: line of oncoming traSe. More- rulers of the Kremlin are giving At a meeting sponsored by theover, it is not uncommon to see way their hand.* What they real- League of Women Voters in thea car swing to the left of one North Av«. at Prospect, WMtffMd ty mean is that the Stalin image erman home Wednesday evening: which is about to make a left tern, tands in the way of their own Councilman A. Turney Savage thereby endangering occupants of personal ambitions. Like StaITn~ raised some points which in ar both." they are going to the source—to opinion bear a little clarification, the master himself—on this whole in the interest of those in attend- The Golden Jubilee of Boys' usiness of strategy and tactics. ance. As it was, the evening, Clubs of America, being cele- though most enjoyable, was a Ion? brated this year, represents a •Shw your car a brack! Tak* if to one and in my own mind I could half-ccntuvy of experience guid- "la it not true that our com- not justify further imposition by ing boys into healthy pursuits. thtw txptift for 9 thorovth Spring plex economy, in releasing us from way of what might have become Inquire into the constructive ben* he necessity to weave our own a drawn-out debate. For thu in- efits of a Boys' Ciub for your dwck'wp. loth or make our own candles formation, then of those people community. las also released us from many will touch herein on three of rushing elemental anxieties and the points in question: ong exhausting hours of manual Item 1. In referring to a cer» ibor which characterized the han- tain tract adjacent to what we WESTFIELD icraft economy? Were not our now as Indian Forest, Mr, £>av- HEALTH FOOD CENTER A MtVKl KM MWOOMttS TO WMTFIEIP individualistic ancestors, in many age stated that he had in his pos- respects more regimented than we session a letter written for ths Headquarters for ,r«r_Utica (N. Y-) Observer development company by their at- Whole Wheat Flour >ispatch torney. He did in fact read some ortions of that letter. He in- Sugar and Salt rre* 'erred that Indian Forest resi- foods lents were thereby adequately irotected against 'look alike' home levelopment. Actually, as a law- B-BAN, >h» Banana •er, he must have known that the laxative Food letter, couching as it did, an agree- ment in terms of 'present inten- tion,' was no covenant, but mere- WatrfitM 2-aOOt ly a gentleman's agreement. He must have realised also that even the moral obligation represented by the letter is lost should the developing concern sell the tract tomorrow. Yet Mr. Savage, as chairman of the council's town properties committee released the better auto iusuance property for Bale on such thread- bare reassurance. Item 2. With reference to an Union County's First ordinance introduced by Mr. Sav- age in council on Monday, March Where's the 26, and referred to by him in this Wlf meeting: This ordinance is a wa- tered-down version of the so-call- HOUSE, GARDEN and HOBBY SHOW ed 'Mountainside Ordinance.' In his reference, Mr. Savage admit- nearest phone? ted that our town attorney had termed the ordinance 'unconstitu- tional' but offered that town at- Never very far them (fays torney had said that the ordinance Westfield Armory—April 21st to 28th was "not as illegal as certain or- We're trying to put telephone pertfat wherever you might dinances now in effect in Went- e field." I ant unwilling to ie. «•« ? need it. That's why you see more and pjppe Qutdoor pho° that «:tfi*r Saury*; -m'n'A b booths—on the highways to serve you when you travel- to an a.i Homeowner*— degrees in the cities and in the suburbs. «h» .» twr awKtimirr * tin, ft* bM cUvaJa^mMtft In praduott and »rvic*s to att in^T •_».. You'll even find outside telephones on tfce bosrdwalkft Itera 5. Ji the beaches and recreation areas. In fact, should you need it, you can have your own out- V.i 1 «:! in- mi,'i uinm iu( M» weatherproof telephone installed on the patio or 5'U.i j 'I i .inn... ,i „,, „ ;„, i.nu-1 me uiiitiii iii/..,. i >-„ —,,,„,., at handy spot. lksbby show IV i.t"' viiiii HI , iv., mi.n'i.' Outeide booths and outside extensions—U^e ey^y firm h« a *»ale- Ml) in Kn'iipi „,« .-.„ !,„„ ,Ml( i>""l )m.,lll.. ,. ,,„> ,„,,.•„., ^phone convenienca-rhave this In eommon'- »U **• ' »» "' .1 IIU . f , i „ 1 . ' , to make service ever more conyenfept for you. nun mil ,»i i „, , rj -,, iltf. ili-'iu. i i , p 1 , . j,. .„ , , , 1i».i !•« i,. , / ,| i. , . art — is the fulHime job of th« lopal tna***8 This ia AVexander Maobert, ManagM of the K Office, one of the 87 bueimws afflices now «crv»np New Jersey, UNION COUNTY EXPOS1T10IS "ll '.li HOSPECT STR6IT, WI$Tmi>, M. Jl ^^mm »EW aBKSBT IMttA TJBtaWlOlffll 186 Elm StfMt, Waatfldd THE WfeS¥HlllP'(H, I.) I^ABES, THUSSDAY, APEIE 5,

train ing they have gmm his. viU Advises Parents greatly Affect his traffic atti- Young Republican tudes." BUSINESS" DIRECTORY In discussing a child's early j To Stress Safety training-, the mayor said that ex-) Chairman Backs BUSINESS HOUSES ample is of grrtat importance. A j chiid i* iik**i>* to do what he sees \ Gtes Importance his parents do even if it eunf-ieti-j Carlyle W. Crane •with Trvhut the parent* teach- Par- j ; • FLOOR COVERINGS STORAGE Of Early Training ents who cro^5 mjtet* oniy at in- John K- H'hittsker of Summit. ! •AIR-CONDITIONING tersecUtms, sra.it for the signal oh»ii'«ian of the Young Republican { . — 1 "Parents, teach your children and look both ways and for turn- org-anizaUaii of Union County, an- -IMAJMS HEATING CO. IfiC* BROWN AND KELLER'S ELM LIQUOR SHOP HENRY P. rc tow to stay .-afe in traffic!" 1 OW ing traffic te»cij a histing safety j Assembly mar, Carlyk W. Crane. | Cl.i:tVF,H> 4M) D1K«9 Allred J. Miller—Hilda W. Miller That was Mayor H. Emerson lesson, he said. j Psainfieki, for nomination to the Al R-f'< IN £28 E. Broad St. Thomas's advice to parents who Mayor Thomas also stres$«d the , *t«t* Senate. Mr. Whituker, who HEAT1NO — "3am« Day Dry Cleaning Service" WINES •MOVING*., •re concerned about the heavy necessity for full cooperation be- said that h? was p VEAR-ROCND WKataeM » IMC child pedestrian death toll. The individual and as one intertfled .41R -CONDITIONING SYSTEMS Mala o*Tle* e»« Mil LIQUORS tween parents, schools «nd traffic • Linoleum mayor made the suggestion today officials in teaching" safe ir&fftc in the Republican party, stated: t . S. Hwy. 2 PtatM 11-18 WuUadM in Asphalt Tile COLD BEER as be discussed parents' responsi- habita to children of school sge. "I am enthusiastic about K A owned SJJln Pl«i««eU. s. J. PL. « «laa Rugs * Broodloom bility in the current child pedes- He advised parents to find out AssemMyman CaHyJe W. Crane's ! = . SODA WATER trian safety program which is PABKIKG—»»II»GKT TEBitS what ttethe achooschooli isi t&&chingtg ^he bid to be nominated as the Repub- j # ALUMINUM PRODUCTS IN WB8TFIELU: •WE DELJVBR PB01O>TL.Y •STATIONHri feeing conducted by the Westfidd hesn candidate for State Senatorl ..._.. . IM X»rta 1«I1 M ». children *nd then to sec that th • COAL DEALERS Ave.> WE. 3-311) Safety Council and the National instruction in the home supple- and I will work active;y for hi^ Cktcrviaw Jaloustai Safety Council. nomination. Carlyle Crane U both Storm Doori and Window* IN UNION: Drlrr-In 9-11 ELM ST. WCSTFIELD merits the school training. fib#rgle* and Aluminum I. HI*a««> S3 <<>>l> youthful and experienced. He has CRANFORD COAL CO. tr "Parents probably hare the "Be careful of your childrei Awnings EDISON (Fo"i *Riiritan Twp.) Next to People* Bank 4 prime responsibility Sor their child- already proved himself by his able Ill SOUW AVI. t, wheri they're »t play, too," Mayo work as a councilman and mayor ALUMINUM RAILINGS U. S. Highway 1 CN. J- »») ren's safety in traffic because Thomas said. "See that they pia; CAU Ct. t-IJU they have the care of the young- of P.ainfie.d and as an A&semhSy- The beat e*#*t leu „ * . Nut w Sh.». *lM tvek UH • MONEY TO LOAN only in approved play area*—no man and his accomplishments bear Call MU «-3t49 FLORISTS sters in their most formative in the street—and teach them P«i IMS Ktm year*," Mayor Thomas said. "Long testimony to his ability to repre- FOR FREE ESTIMATE Why Fay how to use roller skates, tricycles sent Union County as its state •uy xriy ond So.. before • child reaches school age bicycles, scooters and other out? J. STIIMASCZYK H. E. GOSLING a* has been out in traffic with his Senator. His record bears out that door toys safely. Above all, im he has used mature and sound 1052 Schneider A». , Union, N. i. r LOR IDT Loans to $500 parent*, and the kind of safety press them with the /act tha Plowera For AJ1 OccaslODB judgment in fulfilling his obli- • CORSETS Up to 24 months to pay safety rules must be given th gations as a public servant. call same respect and obedience a •AUTO BODY REPAIRS other rules of conduct learned a "Considerations of personal in- ATC tegrity and ability are of utmost THE CORSET SHOP eosfs so lilt I* home and in the school." concern and Carhie Crane meet F. K. HANSCEN A SON •To Sell Cornets to phon* high standards in these respects FUEL OIL Phone John E. Fitchew We must also not lose sig"ht of th< Is Salesmanship" Attends Lecture Series necessity of nominating A sincere •To fit Them I» Art" Wettfield 2-4100 anywhere Republican who will be guided by WOKK Braaaa <• Ckvs HUGO J. FUGMANN H. K, Roberts of 24 Bell drive the general principles of Repub- l*s E. •»•• . WbllrM ••Ml* Friendly Finance Co. was amonir 74 pharmacists who licanism and who will properly FUEtOIL Pittabwih attended the 12th annual semi- BattiiDon. reflect the feelings and opinions of At TO BOI1V HEP.4im\« . TM. nar lecture series for practicing the people ot the county who elect outiUtr Fnil K«J « • COSMETICS Nttlu WMtaela u< Vldalu pharmacists held at Rutgers Uni- him. ,U)|HM(RI Berrte* versity College of Pharmacy New- 'I was deeply disturbed by ce WEstflrU S-S»12—S-lt73 •all WBaMaM 1-ari ' NURSERYMEN ark during the past four •weeks. Nor<» Avr. W«HkU Miftlf NORMAN Mr- Roberts is associated with tain newspaper reports which were Ayerst laboratories, New York. so slanted as to indicate the en- • AUTO DEALERS COSMETIC STUDIO • GREETING CARDS CRESTWOOD GARDENS dorsement of a particular prim- IM i. MOAO IIHR LANDSCAPE SERVICE ary candidate by the Republican wt. ttnt party organization. In my opinion LAING LEEDS TIM — Ikraka — riaM* it reflected poor judgment on the ftH OCMONtnAtlON «f Wmtfield's Card and part of some of our county lead- MIIA^Ot WtATMBJt ers. A dictatorial attitude and the MOTOR CO. Book Center . use of pressure tactics to eliminate AT &M » OWMir ITS WINDOW SHAD! lw«Mt hL»H«l» at OiittMtK* •CAR the open primary is a dangerous thing and they should reeai! from CADIUAC O»—lliie Cardi In Taw* Electrical - Brake, _< • DAIRIES W.. l4»47 FINEST QUALITY _ DEAD FINISH the experiences of the past that • OFFICE SUPPLIES & Complete Aw* | such activity can lead to disas- Salw and Swvtn HOUAND - SIDE HEMMED trous results.*' •HEATING CTRACTORS TERRILL'S Offer Spring Edition SCHMALZ ProepectSt. PLAINS HEATING CO. Inc. W: 2-5623 lift Elm NOW ONLY Of 'New Jersey Today' UKATI.VO VKNTILATl.VG Contractem MONAHAN HQJi] Interesting places to visit—none Commercial Stationery jf them far from home—are sug- V*«rU Filing SuppliM ouirumcr AIR-CO.VDITIONINO gested in the current edition of NORRIS ' Printing n itself and the rein may not al- KIVJ St. - w*«tSelHIIIMM la W[«H1«H 2-3700 B*4 Ceatral ATC. WBet»el« a-1488 MANUFACTURERS Paklleailn rmrinMm 433 Nor* Al: WntfteW Canaan Balll Caa Faireslea Caamtar Tap* TELEVISION, tNC PACKARD WESTFIELD CO. • ELECTRICIANS ISC. Seals, Ave. avaataeu X-«aa BI.BVllIG'1 • PHOTO SUPPLIES All THEMSELVES" CHARLES T. BRENNAN QnarantM" Wort J PACKARD • LAMP REPAIRS, SHADES an »oa<«, ATLAre.. W«> *1 1 ELECTRICIAN WESTFIELD STUDIOS EstSeM »-«•»• Cost Less, Too. Sales & Service ikit tka IAM» MOUNTING Aafws Frle* Aalkorlaes! DMUC* DWt Arc B. W». 1-MM •Mat ml torn. Just sow 'em and reap! They'll spring to life at tmmp baM, psrta, diiUlnc, repair Koask — Jkrmrnm — w*. Ins. Dlatlnc dona. All trv« ot •ell * Bawd! one* to give you a lush, plush, greener lawn ah*dM io stock- Also recoverlnj • TYPEWRITHIS aad made to order. All work do Polar*!* Las* Ci that's the envy of the neighborhood. Specially BERSE BROTHERS on premise*. Reasonable, •NiTtHi View M«at>T*Stat«aKa«llai 1« Ceatral Arc »r«r •»•• It. blended for New Jersey and Southern New Authorised -restart*. II. 1X1 Caatral A»e. WaatScM THOMPSON'S DB iOTO — PLYIHOCTH J & B ELECTRICAL b) York soil. More for your money — ony way CATAUNA UU*P SHOP you look at it. Salea & Service CONTRACTORS TYPEWRITERS, INC WntltM MM-MM In. W. WntltM 405 N. ScsMi Moin. A^. RESTAURANTS New 4 Uitd A TIMI FMTILIZtt A TIRRE SEID FOR EVIRY NIID W«. 2^914 WnlfMl, H. 1. ' LAUNDRIES IVMY PURPOSE MOUNTAINSIDE INN for fin*, Deluxe Westfield Standards for LAWNS SCOTCH PLAINS Lunobeona tod Dlaaan LAWNS Motor Sales Co. -.*• • ELECTRICAL HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY iteaka — Chopa — 8a* Foe* Sales_Servlct LAWNSPUR Banquet Accommodations PENNYPACK APPLIANCES ). • rttirr DRTIN. 9t meswrratiaau, aall ADDING IAS. *W fw Heavy «n Blue, MserTin|c Kord Ovrnrre Over 35 Yr CUSAJIIXG • DTIUl F*scu*t and B«nt. Sibt-6.10 n Kulfleld :-lr»J Avem. farftOSfS Sun or umi-thod*. 5H»-4.S0 4 S«T9> • UPHOIS««^ A«thertsr4 LAUNDRY CO. ASHBROOK mi SOIL-9UIUHN0 Oldsmobile ORGANO GREENWAY SHADE TREE AUSTEifS STABLES FLINN.BROS. Quick growth, hardy A fine blend for moltt 1111 KARITAN ROAD blend. Thrives anywhtr*. toil and shade, • SCOTCH PLAINS Jib. 3.70 Jlb».3.95 Harry Milter Clones now forming — groupi and «,«•», * f ft ****, individual Instruction. Hon.i boarded. SAMOSET LAUNDRY . Tel. PI. «-43*o Motors, inc. 1« r. irM D-CLOR: Msf Lawn Insurenf Known SERVCE, INC. oymnrt Instt Oamag* of all kinds. JL^C Ktxir — zxtr cuci>na RUG CLEANERS &>^0t- * * •% mM. #tawt jiwtfcirf*- taty *s • ROC* COVBOH&S 4rt o»i- »t tairf "- «^rtW Ht%> -J b^a ^ em. 35lbt.4.7$ l CSJTT GAROENSPUR N»rt,i ft «,«•. *•',. i—n LOW •* hi BROWN & KELLER'S • VACUUM Ms> 3 • 1C • It UMl »!<»•• t. rtmtmttM Experienced GOODWIN Oriental and Domeatla *-»*- 3.95 •CO Ot.Mie.NMa ! CORF. i '•LAWN MOWERS Modern Cold BtorBBe Vault" ! Al - II'II.L.I i 138 K.nrosd, Wnllrll WE. l-a*M for HHOOOOENOKOWf, fose". *«!• bo— to faufet, Poper Bag 12-18 WasklnittOB Avr. Pla|a*eli ( AZAUAS, LAVKEl ftv GRANDE PL. 0.8400 Westfield Seeing 4*!,- rajfa, *«, 110 E. Brood St. RODO-GRO w»r Repair Shop TKe • SHADE AND LAMP REPAIRS Co. fell *7|M« Wril* for fm bookfeti T*c» TERRE »WATER •bovt Ten* Hfa LAMPS AND LAMP SHADES We tan duplicate ony shade - hgndre* In Hock. For the beit In ihod.i and lampi Soft on mutts-etr nk*c m rmm DUMP*. ••• vi. Complete tamp mounllna, rapoli CAKDtN CCNTED and uplatement parti. re« tttvi Hlrerltt E. T. WILLIAMS V JM Central Avenue (Near Oreye ll. .. txeeltaM awnilntl WatlOaU Mill THB WBSTWEL1) (H. -7.) TJtAPBK, THURSDAY. APRIL 5, IfM Pmrntn piominence when he unexpectedly ird Bernstein, ttr, A. C. Henrich, Alexander ] subotituted for Biuno Walter a.- | Full Tax Boost Mitchell to Speak ac Stern to Feature conductor of the New York Sym- Ouy, W. S. Wilkinson, L. W. | who i» pT«.! fromj^hy's • pix- anal I" new at the Paper Mill sultant to D. Cfca'iles Beuusolpil Employee Representation plan set [he Bandstand apropos comments on the conduc- ' " belief it wrtulil lead Hartioe»e, Mlllburn, tlrr««a anu'l >tm Mil ( kllHK HAHIIWICHr. MIUMMN, N. J. was #$,achievement bf taste and IBM Ifcr I'alna llrlvr la la «a Irii lipping Cigarette Tax AA*«* outauor Ihrafrr rwa're *Tr all Musical Inrtrvmentf Prank Carriaaten, Nrecter imagination with scenes that wore allrnara. HM)H|irMri( Pr«< "HIUN OF TROY" NEW MUSICAL SEASON exciting and at the same time very touching.- Dprothy Stndlin was the " TRENTON—Gov. Robert; B. ' Frank IMATM-Klai NOVAK NOW TOM. thru Sat. «:30- Meyner last week signed into law Oivrdt May Sun. aVOO-Matt, Thun. widowed English governess who 'MAN WITH TNI OQtMN MM" AIM _ H|l.I. 1»||,MAMI la went to .Siarn. with her young sop it two-cent increase in Now Jer- I Sat. 2:3* to ' tutor • th'e' cVoWh ririiiee art'd sey's cigarette tax which takes alm-la TacK. t ClnemaKaa* Why O« In lov«T~ "WltE TAPKRS" D*f*lhy Sandlin t fid Scott in stayed for seven years, in the in- effect April 16. free* MAC MUftlAY-Derettiy MAtONI T FXTRAI: The increase in the tnx from irn :*i|«c"a(in» Smiting In politi- "AT OVNFOINT" three to five cents a pack U de- Iddto My Uv»-nTt«n Qw»*n» cal and occidental human "BIUL'H. signed to finance u m million ITAHTJ IUN0AY ONI MO WllK K The .King of Sinm,.mas par- Tha M«f k T«w«h-.Th» Plotters dollar school construction aid 1 - Celer-ClnemaKeea Hin — 1 liy Richard Hottgirs nnd trayerf by ffid'^rjtt/' . • • .' Irewar AprlflM7 INT program. Alaa lAM-M*. O. «MINSON Oacur HnmmerHteln 2nd Norma Larkin was Lady Thiang, ,*rnUi-ui> Awa.nl Wlaarr , MM* IV PHONE - »AY IT MAIL The tax bill and two measures "•MIL ON nilCO IAT" role- which she learned as a ASSA MAV.MA.M ' PHtXH e-4341 Betting up the aid program were •lui-Jant lUISfU-l.ann. (TRAIN member of the Broadway produc- passed by the Stalt) [ weuka oJ" Special praise is due Lee Venora, CINEMASCOPE* wrangling over thu bust way to IXTIA-IUNDAY-t:4J- "ROSE TATtOO" the slave girl, Tuptiin, Peter Kel- CARIOON-O-RAMA tf andlotor help local school districts pay •ARIAtA HYAN l>«— MtlRKHV O'HAIIA '• :+3m COMPARE ley as Lun Tha, her sweetheart, for new buildings, Alfred Cibelli Jr. as the Prime V Ih* Itraat Wa, 1-I44» Meyner's office" announced he "LADY 6ODIVA" Yw Buy Minister, and Leslie Barrie in the Oa.fi Man, t Pri. I»M T* * PM, roles of .Captain.. Orton and Sir signed all three bills, 138 HARMONICAS Edward Ramsay: • • Completing the cast were Sandy Simons as Louis Leonownes, TWIRLING Anna's son; Feljeiano Binaso Jr. .95 as the crown prince, Joseph Ribenu BATONS 1 as Phra Alack, Wade Miller as the HKARIMO AID MUSIC interpreter, and Dorothea D'Arco feramatlc new Zeaitk coimt !• V50 as the Princess Ying Yaowalak. Irini «w ind npar> parfarmMsal STANDS The dances were created by i> DOvelly or "jiraiiea"!: .• aamiaa JEKNSMMOHS 4ft Umttu OJb* keit quality, full foitrti Zenllkj Mavis Vsy who da|iced the rol« di iidt 4-tracmlor circuit, aaeja. < Eliza-in the ballet" "The..Smal) • {Mended raata Perraiprjoae*) House of Uncle Thornas." .C$\ f Ihmoui Zenith fintartip controle GUITAR*: •kine to offer remarkable power The sets are the work of Her- Jdirirx.fK/rtiZfaUV ACCORDIONS man Rosse. The production was •

"•*'• ••• ,' •"•• • . ' small devices 'which are iidapted - and - to submarine cables in order to > and Quarry Company provide faster and more automatic I DORY' CAIHOUN telephone communications. ( "RED SUNDOWN" Members of the Summit Old! CRUSHED BlUE TRAP ROCK Guard were, guests of the local j Sun., Mon., Tuei. For Itadi, Walki, Drlvts, ttc. club. Clifford Jackson, club direc- tor, presided. John K. Rath .tanar; "3 BAD SISTERS" two solos, assisted by Frank' - qn. - Call Woodruff at .the piano. "BOWEKY BOYS • Birthdays were abserved for CIASHINO US VEGAS" FAnwood 2.7140 the following members: H, M. For PrkM and DoNvtry Kress, Louis tincofn, Q. Hi. Smelt-

LANDSCAPING i > SUPER i Panenger Permanent Driveways and Curbing 2 D or R vera, riLL YOU join us in welcoming Spring? Model UH Masonry • Waterproofing Will you be our guest at the Spring Fashion Festival of the Best Buicks Yet? of that new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*—whero Thoroteal System getaway and gas saving hit new highs at only We can promise you the season's most exciting pa/ithrottle—and where you can switch the pitch LEADER DRAINS CONCRtTI WORK vista—a fashion display of the stunning new Buicks, for,a safety-surge of full-power acceleration that's, STONEWALLS >AflOS all iri gay Springtime colors, including the very newest: Apricot and Bittersweet. pure thrill. FREE- So—come be our guest—at our Spring Fashion A. S. MANNINO & SONS And, if such is your desire, you can blossom out Festival—and at the wheel of the most spirited Serving Wejtfleld for,25 Years Pick AJp and Delivery Service in your own new Buick—in any Series, in any model Buick yet. 2-4935 or We. 2-7891-M —with the Springtime freshness of any of these *New Advunced Variable Pitch Dunaflow to the only Dynaflow with our specially equipped auto. Elim- bright colors, lliilck hullds todau. " I' standard on lloadmostm. Super aiui • Century—optional at modest extra cost on the Special, inate, all inconveniences to our custo- But when the looking is done, there's the driving ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc. ••..'• i. you can do—and that's the sheerest thrill of all. men. Call us today for all your service '912 VVM. G. MUUER, Prei For that's when you feel the solid comfort of Local and Long Distance Moving and body requirements. Buick's greut new ride. That's when you feel that sweet new handling. That's when you feel the silken Household Goods Exclusively might of Btiitk's lofty new horsepowers. Laing MotorCarCo. And that's when you feel the spine-tingling sweep STORAGE SHIPPING BEST BUKK YET Cadillac & Oldsmobile 8H MCXlt 01M10N ON TV Every Solurdoy (venlpa WHIN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARI HURT BUICK Will IUIID THEM SALES and SERVICE WHERE BUICK DEALINGS PACKING 119 East Fifth Street, Plainfield, N. J. 113 South Ave, Ea.t , EtlinlalM Cheerfully LALLY BUICK, INC. ARE GOOD AND FAIR AND PROPER _ Cranforcf, N. J. Given on Any Tel. PL 6-2241 430 NORTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD WE. 2-8484 =0" «wfard A4.es Movlntf Mbtairf r Fined In Boro Drrw- Brings SI 09 in Court

MOUNTAINSIDE—A sn* p**4 che re. light m Rosjtj 22 at ?>«"* Pro-ti Clipper Craft ienee roaal cant eight raator-tita total of f 10» ia fiaes Wedrwsda; ft%to in MagiiOaEe's Court. Ixwsg c&Ti*Hleress«e in reeest raori'h fcare ha THE "MIRACLE SILHOUETTE* EDWAEP 1. KCNNES pas* through whils the -jr.: as, i dargt tg*i&s& :« Jae»& Baser its of Hsluaie s! 4ri*img Esso Advances pomd a f»ns of $18 on Stewart Fined $53 For W. B. Gumming* of N'eshanie for is b Local Attorney carriesa driirmg. The gummsa* was iadaed 3£areb 13 wheQ poii£e Careless Driving j #f 155 •aid Cumm'mgs vetr*4 into tkt to Edwmrd J. JJrtmMr of 100 Sar- left lasts of Roote 22 at Ke-x Lee R07 ToaataJI of t oa tcy laae luu been nanwd * senior Pri7Tirfen Linden. , fisei to for a ptrkutr rwriation. With E*m B**e»rch'» patent di- Otfeen fined 113 each for p*w- Wh«t I« the "BCmle ST&wiHti'*? It'i tke *i«M xfoe* 19SS, he begin hi* tn£ a red light at thu comer are T'n* aT.fU:tI was Riade bj mapnjr ear**/ is 19S0 at Use Hattbetr S. Fonseea of Kewsrk, Hareid- E. Jlostaiaat of KS Pros-1 "Mo©oj»fy wwer did fit into ou Bwtaa Rouge Refiner? of Es*o John W. Grigg* of PUmfteld; peet itreet fatlovisg as mrddemt \ ideal of a free nation. Bette new Clipper Crab model that pm yon a fttadani Oil Co. Mkrh»e! Longa of Kew York Chy, March 17 in /rant of hu borne in-: IOAS »cy ott*r nation, we kno< A veteran of World War II Fabian H*wl«7 of HackeEtrtowc TOvinjf Mr. TiirnaUli'a autorno- f sae Taise to cvnjaroers of compe- John L. Strauchon of Moutclair handfomc Mmbinatioa of wcariaf^aM and Mr. Brenner spent two years o te and one drnren by Mr. Koota- -"••— —* •*the• valu'—e -to •"-'busines— s Inrtn Miller of Piamfield, and Ab- of in* litftktm U> compete. Bu hi* military terriet on the iroir- mat. ram Feldman of Newark. far worse thmn any monopoly i cntmen*'* atomic energy project A complaint by Mr. TanstaH, (mart appearance (tbe hlend you want!) goods is a monopoly in people— •t Oak Ridge, Tenn., and was a charging Mr. UonUmat with Truck driven continued to f:l. like Uiat of Soviet Rossis. Mon awmber of the radiological safety the coffers with the largest fines backing oat of his dri»ew*yr and opoly power over people, whethe, trtipn daring atom bomb t«*U on Thomaj E. Roberts, drifin? f not stopping, was dimined by , , , at a price that really goes easy on your its use is attempted by govern' Bikini in 1946. tratler-tnick from Le«ftburg Lakef, Magistrate William M. Beard. nunt or by any group or organ Hr. Brenner, who haili from Fla., traveled more than l,00C Another $SZ fine vas imposed ization, is intolerable in any na< budget Come choose frwna sngle-itreafted, Wiacotwin, ni graduated from miles through eight states bef& tut ttal tnUtte fraetiee in ReadingRi , !'»., speeding; Georgi &* »*Kv.- 'aimmt. At Ifce *»m« Spitz*! ot Heading, I'a., eroninf wm -$M*& as Sfeej* safety iibtnd; P»o! Strsni at iriifiS S ;i SwKSo PbAtltcidl, ttaaii^ ^il S M w \$i*f mmttt tsd »fcfe»e« of tmttt: tfamyftcet tfc# 'm * eemtmteUiS vehiefc. psr in **>k Alv>, YAjt»ti% SehiUt-e of vifun, iwl iMr work would h«rtvill#, failure to dfaplay nam h#«n ormvulllni? without the *wd mldrem ot owner un »ut«(andlrix eoor/eiuf.iun of the mpfcial vehicle; Au«ust II, Ku«. Foulard Ties •v#n«c» of imhlle Information," of 183 Victor »tr*ct, Beotch l'laln SAVE Hid LOUKMIII, liliiwlf M former df l ,Hl Woortbucrtucyy nwitnilpemiiin. Pidfnifi .lami'H F, Hlnnchard 1 1 l,ov|U«wn, I'M,, cionnliig rnifnt; BANK-AGENT PLAN , "Ttl"Tt a ppi * ** of the nUta, «nd tho IN PURE SILK i lll || l IBIHIHI, Komild I). Webb of Bum radio nl*lloti» »« w<>||, opoidl mil wait flnofl $H bcciiuii« liln ren, When You Finance Your Automobile •pl»n<1l(llv mid thus [ierfonnti(l t llci'iiDo plain was covered wit1 not*bl» public •trv|c«, W« ipprt- dirt. Use Your Local Bank and Your «ltt« thilr hilp ln iinndavor that 2.50 Will< I tin convlnc«d, i«rv* the 774 Dogs Given Local Insurance Agent Men! See thia wonderful collectioavi VtH InUrttt* el our oommwnl- pure silk tie* with unuiual ipert (IM »nd nil out «lt)**nry," Vaccinations Here figorei and motif• t« perfectly com- plement yonr new Spring >uiu wd Tarty ptf emit of all death* Vocctnatliirtit were iflvn Press Check rUiitlten 1>' M ynttr* tiht are •hirtj. All wanted colon to go with >toiti In B four-ilny fionrd of every suit you own! iiit* at *(:cfm It would run well Into the 0 0 00 0 thouKundn. fj USE LEADER CLASSIFIED AI»? Approximately a dozen compan- ies, inoat of thum ufniiaU'd with The. newest nbirt by Manhattan will be a i (.'ompiinU'n, wnrc ut'cuHcd winner in thin year'n men's fashions! EVERYONE ENJOYS A limt week by the department of K .innximum r»te» for col- Dimlnative lattenmll checks in all the MAGIC SHOW I llHion Insurance on flnnnced auto- new SprinK color combinations, com- mobiles even though the motorl»t» bined with the well known ' "Blnke" Sparkling Fun, Loff« and Carried/ •with Llvo Rtibbif», Doves involved were entitled to lower collar and reKular barrell cuffs. Sizes rate*. Maximum mteH are tuip- 14'/ t« I"'/' neck, 32 to 35 sleeve. •- Souvsnlrt — poaed to apply only to cars with ClUIJ - CHUKCH - BANQUET drivers under the ajee of 25. MB.S"H nm.NlKIIJNG, STREET FLOOR Your Child's Birthday Parly It was revealed that the com- panies are now belnif required to SANDORSE Ko over every policy they had in force on July ill, 11156, it nil ri> ft: THE MAGICIAN classify thorn* with (liivern over 25. Itcfundn will then lie ninilv ILiMib«)h 3-4939 to nil olili.M1 i'iir avxwsr* who v/vrf, —- 6&pi m 1*t tylvif K«l«r«nc« middled with the tiniler-S!fJ rnt«.~ Newark KVCIIIIIK News.

AffiNTION—- At our Office You Aro a Nolghbor - Wiftmtt Any ^bUguihn To You, Not a Fib Number Initialed HAVf :1Om fftflS EXAMINED NOW CALL US BEFORE YOU ttJRCHASI - for Pruning Spraying, Bracing, Feeding and STRETCH SOX Bettor Fruit THE COST WILL U tISS — by the — A marvelous idea b/ BOYLE TREE SURGERY CO. 100% nylon stretch sock, ELIZABETH 2-4124 PKESiLliFR \\w\m with your initial In block *yP• Finish off your aprinp <•»*"* Jffl «* John C. Boyle, Prop, of these stretch BOX in all »««?«, fi(J 'find renmmbor. it'* the m* »• (COM«£TE1T COVERED BY INSURANCE o0It STATE CERTIFIED TREE SURGEON ' everyone. ,..rl,PFTF'l' -•-' SiSbrilt1'\ '^j 0 timvmUtfti To Phorts From vV«Hle|d( Fanwood, Plainfield Call - 3 THE WESTFRSU) (N.?.) LEADER, THPRSP AY, APRIL S, If 56 zetti, *nd Jean Van4erbilt, assis- tant patrol leaders. M Three Local Men More and more people say... As are all other senior troops in JCIRL SCOUTS'O the Westfield council, Troop 2 has been selling Girl Scout peanuts Join Esso Staff dance and sang "Pale Moon." Re- and (nixed nuts to finance the "we've shopped around . Troop 8 Three Westfield residents have School cently they visited Newark air- scout trip to Washington, D.C. joined the staff of Esso Research roop elected the follow- port where they saw the interior The girls have completed almost and Engineering Co., Linden. They era: Susan Chiego, presi- of a Constellation. Each girl all of the requirements for the are Leonard W. Fish of 1037 Cool- rry Russell, vkepresi- brought back a name plate. The midshipaiite rating. They have de- idge street, Walter S. Kmak of aiol Hunt, scribe; and Mer- Brownies have been doing table voted the informal portion of their 1110 Wychwood road, and James and now meetings to completing this work. }Ln treasurer. Members held setting relays and practicing a E. Reed of 2481 Hill road. pantomine of the laws for their A trip to the shore is planned ti'ne's tea for their moth- Mr. Fish is a native of New the home of Nancy Wistar, fly up. for later in the spring, to obtain practical experience in water safe- Haven, Conn. He was graduated out invitations, made cor- Brownie Troop 12 from Worcester Polytechnic In- were doubjy sure ty and water sports. i baked and served the re- Lincoln School stitute with a bachelor's and a ftents. For the Juliette Lowe The girls are making sit upons master's degree in chemical engi- •they performed Mi Indian in their meetings. They sang sev- neering. His profession member- eral songs in the Juliette Lowe Lizzie Letter ships include the American Chem- program at Lincoln School. Troop ical Society, the American Insti- 12 had a valentine's party at which Dear Sis, tute of Chemical Engineers and IPTURE-EASER time they played some games. the Society of Sigma Xi. Mr, Fish latermodiat* Troop 117 I'm so glad you are attending served 19 months with the Unit- the county candidates' meeting ACME Lincoln School ed States Army Chemical Corps with us next Wednesday evening. The troop made and dressed and assisted on the San Jose Proj- Why don't you and Jim get a ect in Panama. He hai been as- HAS THE one-foot paper mache dolls to sitter and come in for dinner and make up a square dancin set for signed to the company's petroleum then we can go over to Grant development division. the Americana theme. The troop School auditorium from here? •has almost completed work on sec- You'll excuse me if we don't have Patent attorney Reed was grad- ond class badges. Like all other the usual after dinner coffee ses- uated from West Virginia Univer- troops, members participated in sion? The league prides itself on sity with a bachelor's degree in the Jjiliette Lowe program. Offi- starting on time and at 8:15 chemical engineering and law. He cers are Jlarylin Mueller, Suzy LOW o'clock I know that our president, served two years with the U. S. Schaub, and Cathy Boyton, patrol Mrs. Reed, is going to bring the Air Force as a lieutenant in the leaders; Joan Hamm, Helen Guz- gavel down and it won't take long Air Research and1 Development for the Freeholder candidates to .Command, stationed at Baltimore, start speaking. Md., prior to joining Esso Re- BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS Following them the candidates search's patent division. for the State Senate and lastly Dr. Kmak, a chemical engineer QUALITY ;AS STATIONS • PARKING AREAS those running for the U.S. House in the company's process research of Representatives will speak. Thi division, was awarded a bachelor's RESURFACING AND KNETRATION WORK promises to be an interesting meet- degree in chemical engineering ing. from Pennsylvania State Univer- You asked if you should tell al sity, and a master's degree and a your non-league friends out in doctorate in chemical engineering Wm. A. PARKHURST your section about it and the an-from the University of Illinois. He swer is, "Yes!" Tell them to be served aboard the U. S, Navy's CONTRACTOR sure and come. The league wants USS "Mississippi" from October, every one who can to see and hear or round stood ••_ m WMriteM *-17M to. MM UM 1950, through September, 1953. He ID> . 0. lox 114, WMtNaM MMMIMMM*, N. J, the candidates in person. is a member of the American s—Top or lottom Tell your friends, too, to read Chemical Society and a native of Round Roast the League Information Sheets Garfleld. they will receive in the mail nex None finer-at any price. No fat added .. AH solid meat! Try one thia weekend. week. It's good to know the back A. W. Ritchie Enlists ground of the people running foi LONG ISLAND OVEN READY office and also, to see how they In Army Reserves answer questions of interest to ail PEOPLE'S RESTAURANT of us. The Congressional candi- Arthur W. Ritchie of Carleton dates are indicating their thinking road, who enlisted in the Army both on international and national Ducklings Reserves recently, was sworn in 14 ELM STREET matters when they answer the twi as a member of the 903rd Field questions: A. Please indicate the Artillery Battalion at the New LANCASTER IRAND OVEN READY WESTFIELD aspects of U.S. foreign policy with Brunswick Army Reserve Train- which you are most in agreement; ing Center, New Brunswick. 7-inch those of which you are most criti cal. B. In what domestic legisla Major Louis Rockwerk, Army Cut W« SfMdalin in Breakfast tion.are you especially interested adviser to the unit, administered Rib Roast Please state your support or op the oath of enlistment. and luiinMHnan'i Lunch position. Ritchie is a graduate of West FRESH field High School and attended (5 or 6 varieties each day) The State Senators" question the University of Miami. At pres- will bo of interest to you, I'm sure. ont, he is employed by the F. W.' It is, "Should the state help local Woolworth & Co. store, Plainfleld. A Frtsh Roast Each Night communities which are unable tc for a Delicious Dinner finance needed 'additional school Mr. Ritchie has enlisted fo Ground Beef 3»»85 buildings? If you think financial eight years, six month of whic Fresh Vegetables aid is necessary, how would you will be on active duty with thi LANCASTER BEEP C raise the money?" .United States Army at Fort Kno» He will receive additional trainin Meaty Scrapple STE 39 County Freeholder candidates ai a member of the United States Smoked Tongues ...43* will answer on their section of the active, reserve through attendance LANCASTER SLICED ...... , , . , FititFeature* sheet, "Do you think the'eduffifjr #t weekly drills and also tw, budget should be expanded to pro- weeks summer field training a e vide adequate preventive mental Camp Drum, N. V. Bacon Ends :, 23' Pollock **%£?• 'i 25 health and child guidance clinics LANCASTER BRAND throughout Union County?" naQCIOCIC Pn»oh med pkf. 4"i# At the end of the Information Sliced Bacon Oifc e Sheets is material on the presiden- LANCASTER PORK S 27' tial election. Do you know how Mackerel • " * 19 many delegates are named from C New Jersey to attend each of the TERMITES Smoked Hocks Shrimp S *99 political party conventions? They * 19' will be on our ballots so be suro are flying again. Watch for and read what the sheets have to "Swarms" of "Flying Ants" say about their choice. which com* with Spring, shed their wings, then dis- Aren't elections exciting? I al BAKERY ways enjoy the feeling of being appear. These weed de- BROADCAST t part of deciding who is going to stroying Insect* cause much CORNED BEEF run our government, whether it is damage to property, Build- ALMOND on the town, county, state or na ings not protected during tional level. I hope everybody else feelB the sama way and then construction usually require there'll be a hundred per cent par- it later. A DANISH $100 F THE LOW SPRING PRICE ticipation in the primary! FARMDALE I hope we see all our friends at We Specialize Exclu- Virginia the candidates' meeting next Wed- sively in protection Lee EASY-PAY PLAN nesday . . . 39' of property against CREAM FILLED "l»'« GREAT! lf» WONDER- EASY PAY PLAN) Pay in LIZZIE OP THE LEAGUE LOUELLA tall ULI" That's what people are smell monthly payments — (Lizzie is a composite of the TERMITES and other COFFEE CAKE EVAPORATED cans aying about the Koppcrt only $1 per ton deposit. No Westfield League of Women Vot- Wood Destroying In- ICED WALNUT "ok. Budget Plan. And "fuel bills to worry about ers.) sects, using dependable ire'i why: when winter comes! engineering methods. We POUND CAKE Westfielder Elevated SAVE MONEY I You can Take advantage of this are not simple extermina- CHOCOLATE HUNT'S •t Koppert Coke at the reck- wonderful offer NOW! It is By New York Bank tors. Every job is supervised ottom price—and enjoy a for a limited time only. CHIFFON CAKE TOMATO by an experienced, techni- »G isvingt on every ton. Phone TODAY I Thomas A. Herbert qf 913 Hard- SUPREME OLD MUNICH - ing avenue has been elected an cally trained, licensed en- assistant treasurer at Bankers gineer. RYE BREAD 1 16-or. $100 Trust Co., N . Y., it was announced cans COMPANY. by S. Sloan Colt, chairman of the We are a New Jersey or- Tomatoes I board. >00 SOUTH AVC.WCST !||9^ WCSTFIELD, NEW JMBtV ganization, employing New •Mr. Herbert, whose assignment Jersey residents, and we is with the investment research di- KRAFT Phone WE. 2-1492 vision of the bank, joined the com- have served New Jersey SWANEE 1000-sheerolls t £LQ c pany in 1954. He is a graduate of property owners success- BATHROOM LUMBER o MILLWORK o MASONS' MATERIALS Dartmouth College, class of 1038, fully since 1935. Our I ISSlIC 0# COAL • COKE o FUEL OIL • OIL BURNERS with a B.A. degree. reputation in this field is VELVEETA unsurpassed. BUILDING HEADQUARTERS CLASSIFIED ADS PAY ib. TAc x Thousands of references 2 b<> # W 00 are available in New Jersey Melt it, slice it, spread it! Crackers - —not in some distant State. Our work is GUARANTEED MT. HOPE COLBY This Coupon Worth_$3.00 FOR 5 YEARS without ad- C This coupon and $2.95 entitles bearer to two complete ditional charge-a one-year CHEESE Keebler Cinnamon Crisp ' *T 39c sets of the genuine MORIAND ASSOCIATES KLEER-PIA guarantee is worthless. MILD 43 Refreshment Trays and Glassware, formerly sold at FANCY RINDLESS DOMESTIC SLICED For Information or Free In- 95 C FRUITS a VEGETABLES 3 DAYS ONLY spection and Advice-CALL SWISS m«1 59 THURS., FRI., SAT. - APRIL 5, 6 and 7 TERMITE •SPRINGTIME IS SALAD TIME" LIMIT 4 SETS TO A CUSTOMER CONTROL, Ideal Frozen LETTUCE 2a25 This offer Expires at Chopped or Whole Leaf INC. „_. Fancy Iceberg. Crisp and good. 1 Sot as shown $1.95 Midnight, April 7(h, 1956 2 Sets 2.95 2 Locust Street HANDY for oil occollonl. SALE PRICES A«e BEIOW Thi. adv. .ppurtd NOW $2.95 ROSELLE PARK, N. J. ™.. TOMATOES Add 50e for two sets on °ll Mail Orders. No Mail COST ip MANUFACTURE. luit Dec.mb.r , with This Coupon Telephones': C Orders on 1 Set. Orders M. "^ Z.O I Cartor. n ^# ^C C oc"pted in advance of ON SALE ONLY AT CHestnut 5-1492 ">'« for delivery during F. T. MORRIS, INC. JARVIS DRUG STORE, INC. or Rich In IronMm. Ful lPkK" of -energy Mm. MFeature d at all _ Carton # ^ < Or Firm, red ripe! ,Iust right Tor salads! •';!" «f»or sale. Dmgglitl Slnca 1*11 ' A this weekend. 244 No. Broad St., EHiobeth 54 Elm St., Wostfield, N. J. CHestnut 1-1492 ! All Advertised Pilcss Elective Through Saturday. April 7 Activities In The Churches of Westfigld_and_Viinic i Redeemer Youth Group Woman's Association n to Cameroun Missionary to Inaugurate To Take Part in Rally John B. Greies Meet Thursday Sermon of the Week The youth group of Redeemer • "WHAT JF THEUE HAD »EEN NO EASTER" The circles of the "Woman's AB-JPresbyterian Post Easter Series Lutheran Church of Westfield will ture" w bj Th* Rev. Walter A. Reiuunf sociation will meet next Thui take part in the mission rally of The Rev. L. K. Anderson, Ph. | Apt -it at the parish house, will be the. New Jersey District Walther guest p ; h futar •( R»4**ln*r Lutlwm Church day at 1 p.m. in the foilowin 4., Presbyterian missionary on i held from 5 to 7:30_ p.m. and wii t eake homes: include a supper. Members from League Sunday at 3 p.m. The meeting of IUv« you ever stopped to consider wh*t life would be like if Mrs. Howard Allen's circle furlough from Cameroun, West event will be held at Redeemer th m Africa, will be the g-uest speaker parish districts have been especial Church had been no Eattw—if Jesus Christ had never risen from the the home of Mrs. J. C. Wilson, 82: Africa, g p ly invited to the first meeting but Lutheran Church, Broadway and grave? One of the write** of the Bible g»ve soa>« serious thought to Mountain avenue; Mrs. C. A. Bat at the Presbyterian Church in Carteret street, Newark. Ar- Westfield Sunday. He will preach anyone is welcome to attend one just thut possibility; what if ten, Mrs. Robert Elliott, 1136 Ir or 'all of the four meetings. ranpements for transportation gre Christ had never risen from the drive, Mountainside; Mrs. E. Cthe sermon at the regular worship in charge of Edward Schmidt, Book dead? And he came up with four Hermann, Mrs. Dudley Jacobu services in the church at 9:30 and Dr. Anderson, field representa- president of the local Junior Wal- spins-chilling answers to that ques- ESI Canterbury road: Mrs. F. ( 11 a.m., and in the evening wil tive for the Board of Foreign Mis- thcr League. sions of the Presbyterian Church tion. You will find his answers i Hitcbings, Mrs. Elmer Sprenkli inaugurate the post Easter serie. Of special interest will be the first Corinthians 15, 14-20. H»ri til Cowperthwaite place; Ml*. W of meetings recently announced by in the U.S.A. in West Africa, will the church on "The Mission of thi be telling of the work of the panel discussion on "Mission they are i» capsule farm M fe C. Jackson, Mrs. Walter Marvin Fields and Activities in New Jer- lows. 112 Brightwood avenue; Mrs. Joh Church." Thase meetings, to bechurch on that continent. He be- held on the Sunday evenings gan his missionary career in 1926 sey," conducted by the moderator, If Jesus Christ had stayed 1 Ley, Mrs. A. A. Gillis, 14 Gallo the Rev. Victor Albers, assistant the grave on Easter morning, th. wae; Mrs. W. H. Martin, paris as an evangelist in the Bafia area. Accredited to three stations, Me- executive secretary of the Luth- Bible tells us (1) then all thihouse lounge, 140 Mountain ave- eran Atlantic district. The panel preaching of the Christian rhurc nue. tet, Lolodorf and Bafia, h* spent long periods of time in travel, will include the Rev. Charles Ert- would have been useless, since itt Also, Mrs. I. N. Maxfield's cir- J. HAKOLD THOMAS man of Hackettstown, the Rev. central message would have been cle at the home of Mrs. J. U. Gris- maintaining oversight of church and congregations in each field, Bruce Opsahl of Flemington, the he children based upon a lie; singer, 25fl Canterbury road; Mrs. Rev. Paul Vojtko of Point •Pleas- (SO Then the faith of the Chris F. L. Miller, Mrs. Leon Seigle, 55i training African leaders, working Set Sp«"ial Services the parish &,t inyl with individuals and carrying re- ant, and the Rev. Fred Chapman Coffee and c.k«. will tian people down through the cen- Highland avenue; Mrs. S- R. of Newton. 8 p.m. in the Guild turies would have been futile, tot Shamp, Mrs. J. C. Walker, 71 sponsibility for a great amount of At Church of Christ they would have been the victim Monut»in avenue; Mrs. E. M. dministrative work. An open discussion period will of a gigrantie hoax; Staub, Mr». Scott Eakeley, 648 In 1939 Dr. Anderson was made A series of evangelistic services give opportunity for pertinent Conference W Then Christ would not have Arlington avenue; Mrs. VV. E. secretary of the Presbyterian will begin Sunday at the chapel of questions. The offering: to be re- been the Son of God, a« H We.Wr, Mrs. Charles Rancke, 127 Board of Foreign Missions for Echo -Lake Church of Cnrist. Iceived will go to; the mission ex- Plan Annual S claimed: and the humBn rac Jefferson avenue; Mrs. P. R. Wolf- West Africa and Latin America. These services will feature gospel pansion fund of the Atlantic dis- would have been ransomed from r«ng, Mrs. P. R. Wolfgang, 1036 In this capacity he made several sermons by J. Harold Thomas of trict. the powers of Hell; and all men Boulevard, and Mrs. C. H. Yoder, visits to the Missions in Africa, Bangor, Me. Congregational sing- The annual apriu would still be lost in tin; Mrs. J. N. Rugh, 864 Boulevard. Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, ing will be directed by men of the Conference '"onm', (4) Then thoie »ho hav« died, trotting in Christ for their sal- Venezuela, Chile and Brazil. These local church. The meetings, will Baptist Men To Christian Service of fc ratien, would h»« perished; that is, would have been lost forever. administrative visits afforded op- be at 8 p.m. each evening. Hear Cartoonist Church, honoring Elizabeth Presbyterial portunity to discuss the future of out the coirferenti But ttw same Bible writer goes on to assure us that Christ did Mr. Thomas is a well-known cial memberships ,,, rise from the (rave. And because Christ arose from death (1) theTo Meet in Metueben Protestant missions in Latin evangelist among churches of Harry Devlin, well known car- year heW preaching- at the Christian church is, indeed the power of God unto America with leaders »f church Christ. He has served churches in toonist of the comic strip, "Ragg- J' Ti" y* « « salvation, /or it* niM|e has been certified and validated by God The Elisabeth Presbytffial will and government in these various Boston and in Bangor for the past wood Methodist Ckuns' Himself. (Romans 1, 16); , niopp and the Kids," will speak hold its next meeting Tuesday at countries as well as with repre- 13 years. He conducted a similar at the meeting: of the First Bap- wood, Monday it 2 m (2) The faith of Christian people i< a glorious and victorious h* Presbyterian Church in Me- sentatives of the United States series of services in Westfield in tist Men's Club at the church to- The speaker will k thing (wine based upon an all powerful, devine Redeemer of whom God tyehen. Toe program will begin DR. L. K. ANDERSON government stationed in Latin 1954. morrow at 6:30 p.m. In Fellowship nelia Russell, executin Himself has said; "This is My b*lov«d San" (Mathew 3, 17; Romans at 10 a.m. and continue until about America. " of the Bureau of Ton Echo Lake Church of Christ Hall. Outstanding humorist and try Work, who will j 2:30 p.m. Those planning to at-Monthly CYA Holy Dr. Anderson was appointed meets at 00O Springfield avenue, lecturer, Mr, Devlin will produce (3) Every believer can be assured of full and free forgiveness tend are asked to bring a box field representative for the West work at Yumi 1 of hii sins and of eternal like with God in heaven. Why? Because by between Echo Lake Park and gome pf his famous cartoons as he sion, Yuma, Aril, lunch, and coffee will be served by Hour Service Sunday Africa Mission in 1949, and in Highway 22. The public is invited speaks. raising His beloved Son from the grave God the Father has told 1950 returned to Cameroun to tak« will go toward fun •II men that He has accepted the sacrifice of His Son as payment in the women of the church. to attend all services. ery there. Speaker f»r the morning ses- The Rev. Joseph Bernler, found up the responsibilities of this of- The program is in charge of full for their transgressions (Romans 4, 25; First Corinthians 15, fice. Jack Alpaugh. Other features in- The progra 65-57); sion-will be Mrs. Donald R. Fletch- r and national director of Cath- er, a native of Trenton, who went ilic Youth Adores, will preach at A Canadian by birth, Dr, An- Baptist Circles To due community singing led byby Mrs. P. J. .,..„,„„ (4) Now we can be sure that those who have died trusting in with her husband to Antofagasta She monthly CYA holy hour serv derson is a graduate of McGill Jack Weber, and a spontaneous mit avenue, vice pteiidat Christ as their Redeemer, have found the fulfillment of His promise: o establish a Presbyterian Church ice Sunday in St. Mary's Church, University and of Princeton The- Meet Thursday act under the direction of Gilbert conference. "I *o to prepare a place for you . . . that where 1 am, there ye may in this mining area of northern ological Seminary. He earned his Rust. Bap Crispen, president of be also." (John 14, 1-3) . Elizabeth. the club, will preside. Dinner will Chile. More than 1,000 young men and Ph.D. in the department of lin- Let ui remember that abore eight points, four ef tragedy and In the afternoon, Dr. James H. guistics at Princeton University The circles in the First Baptist be served by members of the Wom- WSCS to Hold four of triumph. This is what the Bible itself baa to say about the women from parishes in Elizabeth Woman's Society will hold their an's Society. Reservations are re- Robinson, a member of the Board and adjacent communities are ex- Graduate Shool and wrote his dis- All Day Meeting Eattter miracle, the resurrection of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. f Foreign Missions will apeak. sertation on the grammar and vo- April meetings Thursday, April quired. AH men of the church and But how can Easter, you ask, come to mean all this to me per- pected to attend the rites which 12, at 1 p.m., according to the fol- congregation are invited to attend, fvill begin at 7 p.m. cabulary of the unrecorded Bafin sonally so long after the event took place? Easter can have no mean-. language. He helped in the final lowing schedule: The all day meeting «f|] ing at all without humble acceptance of what the Bible teaches. The Father Bernier is assigned at Circle 1, Mrs. G. Albert Smyth, CS of First Methodist Ctaj Cana Family Action St. Jean's Church, New York City. preparation of the translation in- Bible tells you to approach God in true repentance of sin, your per- to Bulu of the Old Testament leader, at the home of Mrs. Jack Evening Guild be held April 12 at 10:M| sonal sin (Luke 18, 10-14). The Bible tells you to trust in Jtius Workshop Scheduled His organization last month pre- Brownell, 528 Dudley court; hos- Luncheon will be m sented a plaque to the St. Mary's printed by the American Bible Christ, Gad's Boh, for cleansing and for your salvation (John 3, 16). Society. tess, Mrs. John Taylor; circle 2, Hear Missionary 12:30 p.m. by circleeiglt The Bible tells you that, no matter what your sin may be, Jesus A Cana Family Action (CFA) YA unit as one of the program's Mrs. Lyman Lull, leader, at the Mrs. L. H. Yeam „ Christ had died to pa; your penalty and to open up for you the doors workshop will be held April 27 outstanding groups. The committee which has made home of Mrs. Frederick Schork, the arrangements for this first The Evening Guild of the, First lead the devotions at l:Ij of heaven (1 John 1, 7; 2, 2. for 60 priests and 300 married Similar services will be held at 601 Kensington drive. Hostess, Methodist Church, W3CS, meet Miss Cavojini Moses iri The Bible tells you that in order to remove ail dvubl about yoir couples interested in the Cana Holy Trinity Church, Westfield, meeting consists of Elders A, I.Mrs. Walter Downey; circle 3, MeFarlan, C. L. Schwartz, G. H. next Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the guest speaker. She will ip redemption, God the Father raised your Redeemer from the grave movement here, it was announced and Christ the King Church, Hill- Mrs. Lester Terwilliger, leader, at the "Christian Orank it i ide. The Rev. James Pender of Denny, Baird Parks, Howard B, assemebly room of Wesley Hall. (Romans 4, 25; 1 Corinthians 15, U-20; 55-57). this w«ek by the CFA coordinat- the home of Mrs. Terwilliger, 1121 The speaker will be Mrs. Har- will sing classical nets U The Bible tells you that all the Westings of Easter will be yours, ing committee of the R. C. Arch- St. Mary's Church, Bayonne, will Vail, R.' H. Mulreany, Mrs. Juleij Wychwood road; hostess, Mrs, Favre and Dr. H. H. Palmer; Deai old BreWBter, a missionary on dance. if only you will believe (John 20, 28-29). diocese of Newark. The workshop speak at the Westfield church. 1 •JVed Hoffmann. . * cons J. P. Prescott, J. Kefalonitis leave .from" China. "Mfg. Brewster Miss Moses u itafyni * It was a man who believed that the Easter miracle occurred for will have as its two-fold target Chriat the King- has scheduled the i- Also, circle 4, Mrs. Albert Pfirr- Union Thcolognil fatnu Rev. John Finn of Our Lady of and H. C. Hertman; representa* has recently toured several coun- him and for hi* benefit who wrote; increased effectiveness and exten- mann, leader, at the home of Mrs. tries in the Far East, and while New York. J know that my Redeemer llves- ;ion ot CFA. Mt. Carmel Church, Ridgewood. fives from Presbyterian Men: G. C. Grow, A. A. LePori, E. E.Dodd Slocum, 753 Summit ave- there, studied their medical work. She is the daug^it ( What comfort this sweet sentence civ*. I Delegations from Essex, Hud- nue; circle 5, Mrs. Charles Mat- Slides from this trip will be shown. 0avid Moses, who a active He live*! He lives, who once was dead, son, Union and Bergen counties LaDue; key women from the Annual Pot Luck Woman's Association, Mesdames thews, leader, will meet at tho Dr. Gordon Michalson will lead Christian Church in India. He lives my ever-living Head. will Include .priest moderators, church and will have as guests Mrs. King E. Gould nl parish key couples, moderators Supper Set by Guild R. Workman, M. MeFarlan, A. F. the devotions and there will be Florence, A. LePori, N. E. Loom-members of the First Baptist special music by Miss Shirley aide. So He lives triumphant from the grave. ind members of CFA groups and Church, Union. He lives eternally to save; other interested Cana couples. The R. Olson, A. S. Campbell. E. Douglas, pianist The Jane Morrow Guild of the E. Hornung; and Westminster All women of the church and Hostesses will be Mesdames C. Whom the jrod» low i* He lives-all-glorious in the sky, .. '' workshop will be held in the audi- 'resbyterian Church will hold its longregation are invited to at- He lives exalted there on high. torium of Sacred Heart R. C. Fellowship young people: Allan Caldwell, W. Gibson and T. Rete- 'was said of yore. innual pot luck supper and sew- tend one of the meetings.' laff. Church, Bloomfleld, from 8:45 to ing meeting in the Assembly Hall Fraser and William Fletemeyer. —Georp, Unl He lives to silence «U my fe«rs, 10:46 p.m. There will be an aft- this evening at 6:30 o'clock. Mem- Members of the senior high • He lives to wipe away my tears, ernoon session for priest modera- bers and guests are reminded to Westminster Fellowship will at- He lives to calm my troubled heart, tors only at 2:30 p.m. and an bring their own place settings. ' tend in a group with the Rev. He lives all blessing to impart evening session for priests who Hostesses for the evening ara James D. Cole. A special pro- annot attend the early session. Mesdames Frank Caroselli, Chas. gram for the younger children has He lives, all glery to His name! - ' Mayne, William R. Mahoney been planned by the Rev. Richard He lives, my Jesus, still the same; md Stanley C. Young. L. Smith. O. the sweet joy this sentence gives; 350 Take Part In Hear Christian "I know that my Redeemer lives." Easter Sunrise Service Christian Science Dorian road and Kahway avenue An estimated 350 persons parti- Echo Lake at 8:30 p.m. His subject will he cipated in the annual Easter sun- Science Healing "Christian Science: The Operation rise service of the Council of Lecture Due Here of Divine Principle in Our Be? Ihurchea'' Youth Council Sunday Church of Christ half." The lecture is open to the in Mindowaskin Park.. invites you to hear The application of God's heal- public without charge. The R«v. Dan Bowers, assistant Explained ing power to problems of everyday Prior to derating his full time minister of the First Methodist J. HAROLD THOMAS living will be the topic of a Chris- to the practice of Christian S«i- Church, preached a sermon titled tian Science lecture"* to be given jf eoceocee, MMrr. Wagers wiwas in the lumlum- A New Beginning." The service Each evening, April 8-1S, at 8:00 P.M. You can benefit by knowing how G«dV here April 13 by Ralph E. Wagers [ ber business in Wisconsin, and vas conducted by Robert- Lens- Services conducted at the chapel, 600 of Chicago, 111. | was at oce Jitne chairman of the j kold, David Luerssen and Judith Springfield Avenue, between Echo Lake power meets human probjems. Mr. Wagers recently completed agricultural commitu* «f the Wi*. | Thompson. Park and Highway 22. a tour of the Orient .during which consin Retail Lamhettn&n'i Aiso-j _____^^___ he visited Korea at the invitation iia&twuciation. H«ice lefteltl businesVUAUJC2s2 iEnD 19217M5 tUJo ' » —_ of military authorities. Also he become a Christian Science- pr*c-|«lPT., Iflrs. recently lectured in South Amer- titioner. He beearee *o asttborwd r -_-,_ „_ T«nr ica, lie will speak locally at the teacher of Chratiaa Sdrzee in L*m>e on J our CALM OF SINS FORGIVEN invitation of First Church . of 1940 and a member »i the C!»ri*- J. HA1OID THOMAS Free Lecture Entitled Christ, Scientist, Westfield in tian Science Board of Leetaresilp Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., pas- Westfield Senior High School, in 1946. tor of First Baptist Church, and The unhoppiness of unhappy people is usually a complex Mrs. Gates, left Sunday by air problem involving several factors. Bui one factor in nearly from Idlewild Airport for a five- every instance of unhoppiness is a sense of guilt of sin. Much Christian Science: The month tour of Baptist mission physical illness, unhoppiness in personal relationships, and fields in Europe, Asia, Hawaii and many "failures of efforts or enterprises have their roots in fhe the Near East. consciousness of sins unforgiven. He who bears the burden The Rev. Mr. Gates also will of his sins has little strength with which lo bear the other Operation of Divine THERE'S SOMETHING visit churches in Australia and problems ond crises of life. participate in a Baptist conven- tion. Tho Gates will return to So many people hove not learned the art of dealing grace- FRIDAY EXTRA SPECIAL Westfield Sept. 22. fully with their sin. Some deny their sinj some justify their Principle in Our Behalf Gifts wore proaonted the pastor and his wifo by members of th sin. But these are never really free of the consciousness of EVENING Y«s, there » something "extra special" about congregation, the Woman's Soci sin. Those who deol gracefully with sin confess fheir sins. By RALPH E. WAGERS, C.S.B. ety, the FrlontUhlp Guild, the They own their guilt ond seek forgiveness of both Gad and Younft Ailult Study Group men agoinsl whom they have sinned. April 13, of CHICAGO, ILLINOIS owr laundry sarvuw , . r though it doesn't add the Doubles Club. M.mb«r of lha toard of Uclurathlp of Th. Moll"' ch""h' God ha» prontited the foil forgiveness of sins »o those who ltI 1956 Tht Flnt Churth of Chriit, Scl.nli.l, In imion, Mo«i«l'"" an* «rtw cant-1» y«»r Kit. We take extra care will confe« ffseir iinj and in penitence ond faith submit to His gracious twin. Thot* who do so can be assured that their te launder aach piea* t» perfection ... double- sins and trnquffSM wfll b« remembered no more by Him for- 8:30 P.M. In tht ever p*remW! 3T-34i. On* of the sublime messages of th« eriad* aadr bundle to make sure you get back external action- of th*i> baptism into Christ it the burial and ^ WESTFIELD SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL the ptatfing off of rr>« body of their sin and their resurrection Alt- yow laundry. Try os- THIS week. to fienwnmi at Mm flfomon* &-A-A). Dorian Road and Railway Avenue Wesrflald, N. J. On* of »h« trust- w,i ef p,jnirrg a eofidsmrted criminal fo WATV <**oTn in- ancionr rtm«w w« by bindfng » his body anoth*, Channel 13 body alrsddy d*a4 so ffiot ft* bv'oVtn of kh body and in pui¥*faeri on waultf intfutfr tH* dWotrf rj ffc# candtmruid nun. , Reserved Seal — If thin it the first Chilian Sd««* Tuesday, 9 9M* Such »• practic* i* r-4f*rr*d ft, m ^m y, u, wtwe rfw» IVORY DRY CLEANERS lecture you have attended, we will save a seat for 5^ wdwrt. 8of imnaj. WOft 710 ^ OfMr wha in the auditorium until ten minutes before thei lw» AND LAUNDERERS Sunday Evening — 74$ , fraud/from Sl>«H *f ihw death"?" tW 6* m* from tfi* Just present this coupon to any usher at the • I* PROSPECT ST. 2-5C29 Christ'

Fellowships. church in West Africa. 3 p.m., service of ordination of boys choir rehearsal. Wednesday: 3 p.m., Girl Scouts, mit avenue., Westfield. 5:30 p.m., church family sight, 8 p.m., meeting with parents deacons. The sermon for the aft- Wednesday: 7 a.m. and 9:30Troop 111, in Fellowship Hall. Thursday, April 12: 8:40 sponsored by the Christian Social who wish to have their children ernoon will be preached by Dr. J. a.m., Holy Communion. The Altar regular weekly broadcast by Action Committee, will be held in baptized April 15. The ministers Vance Mclver, minister of the Un- Guild meeting will follow the latter MOUNTAINSIDE UNION Rev. Mr. Aichey over radio itatiw| Loomis Rail. There will be dis-will discuss with this group in the ion Baptist Church, Orange, and service; 3:20 p.m. boys choir re- CHAPEL WAWZ—1360 k.c. plays and a short filmstrip on mi-lounge the topic "Why We Bap-president of the Baptist Ministers hearsal: 7:15 p.m., adult choir R.T. Milton P. Acbajr, pastor grant workers. A pot luck sup- tize Our Children." Conference of Newark and vicin- rehearsal. Today: 8 p.m., choir rehearsal What are ye orbi? TIM W«r4t per will be served. The Eev. Alex- Monday: 7.30 p.m., Boy Scouts ity, and president of the Lott Cary 8 p.m., the Woman's Auxiliary at the chapel. of God? The Scripture* at tfc» ander H. Shaw, director of the Foreign Missionary Convention, skies.—Gamaliel Bailey EEMER LUTHERAH j for the next group of adult mem- Troop 72 in Westminster Hall; 8 (evening branch) will meet in the Sunday: 8:45 a.m., Sunday New Jersey Council of Churches Inc., U. S. A. His congregation bers to be received April 29. The p.m., a special meeting of church parish house. Speaker will be J. School for all age groups from CHURCH will speak on "Migrant Workers and choir under the direction of class will be held in the Wesley members will be held in the as- L. Lafferty, owner of the Town nursery through adult classes; 11 R«». Walter A. R«Mi»«, and the Church." His talk will be Professor Tillary will accompany More Church. Nmm Hall, led by Dr. Michalson. sembly hall for the purpose of Bqok Store, whose subject will be a.m., worship service with the putor illustrated with colored slides. Res- him. 5:30 p.m., the Young Adults of considering and acting upon an "Religious Books in Current Lit- Uev. Milton P. Achey bringing the Next Pag* y: 7 to 9 p-m-> office hours ervations may be made with the authorization to the trustees to 7:30 p.m., regular worship hour. erature." message. Junior Church will be the Njewark Conference will hold church office, We. 2-2494 by tomor- church study; 7:46 p.m.thei, r spring rally at First Metho- purchase a house for use as a Monday: The Bethel male chor- Thursday, April 12: The Youth conducted for children in the first choir rehearsal. row. . manse by one of the associate ; dist Church, Westfield, this year. us will rehearse at 8:15 p.m. un- Consultation Service will hold a through the sixth grades. Super- mow: 3 30 PJO-f junior Supper will be served in the social Monday: 8 p.m., Board of Trus- ministers and to arrange for de-der the direction of the Rev. Mr. work meeting at 10:30 a.m. at the vision will be provided for the •hearsal; 8:30 p.m., Couples hall at 5:30 p.m. The program tees meeting in the Henry Neill molishing the old manse located Smith. The crusaders will .re-' home of Mrs. Clinton C. Turner, nursery age group enabling par- leeting, one week earlier will be held on the third floor in room. on the church grounds and to take hearse at the church at 8:30 p.m. 40 Sunnywood drive. Members are ents with small children to at- isiial. Topic discussion, Wesley Hall. Miss Sue Davis ia Tuesday: 8:15 p.m., Christian any other action that may be ap-under the direction of Mrs. Woods. asked to bring a sandwich. 7:30 tend the worship service. ian Worship," to be led byin charge of arrangements. social action committee in the Coe propriate in connection with these The pastors aid club will meet at p.m., parish choir rehearsal. 7 p.m., Youth Fellowship meet- la Pennekamp; 7 p.m., ral- 5:15 p.m., chapel choir rehearsal Fellowship room. subjects. the church at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Al- ing at the chapel; 7:46 p.m., serv- ie Lutheran Women's Mis- in the choir room; 6:30 p.m., youth Wednesday: 8 p.m., Christian Tuesday: 10 a.m., Elizabeth ma Tucker, president. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ice. League, Newark lone, will choir rehearsal in the choir room; education committee in the CoeNorton Bible Class Board meeting Tuesday: The celestial choir will Tk. R.v. Elbwt GmU. Jr. •ith dessert. The rally is Tuesday: 7 p.m., senior Youth 6:15 p.m., JIF supper and meet- Fellowship room; chancel choir re- in the lounge; 3:15 p.m., primary rehearse at the church at 8:30 ...Id at St. Lukes' Lutheran Today: 9:30 a.m., woman's board Fellowship meeting, ing, social hall; 7:30 p.m., MYF hearsal. choir in the nursery room; 3:30 p.m. under the direction of Mrs. .Madison avenue and Fifth meeting in the church lounge; 7:30 Wednesday: 8 p.m., prayer and meeting, Wesley Hall. Thursday: 1:30 p.m., readers p.m., Girl Scouts Troops 99 and Darby. The ushers board will Pateison. Devotions will p.m., three year old nursery staff Bible study meeting at the horns Monday: The Official Board will group will meet at the home, of 110 in the parish house; 8 p.m.,have its monthly meeting at the at 8 p.m. The guest speak- meeting in the children's building; of William Courtney, 624 Sum- meet in Wesley Hall at 8 p.m. New Mrs. Harry Egbert, 536 St. Marks session meeting in the assembly Church at 8:30 p.m., Miss Ida be the Rev. Herbert Kern, 8 p.m., missionary committee in Jersey State Teachers College avenue. Miss Lilly Schmidt will hall; Board of Trustees meeting Jones president. returned from a tour of the church office; senior choir re- Course, Wesley Hall, room 209, review "My Aunt Lucien" by Rose in the Bible School office, ,je and the Middle East. Wednesday night:' Prayer meet- hearsal in the music room. 7:15 p.m.; Boy Scout Troop 78 will Feld. Wednesday: 11:30 a.m., church irday: 9 a.m., confirmation ing with Deacon Samuel Giliis Tomorrow: 6:30 p.m.. Men's meet in the Social Hall at 7 p.m. Friday: 7:15 p.m., the Couples' staff discussion and prayer meet- ^tion class, leading. Club dinner meeting in Fellowship Wednesday: Tower vespers will Club will have a pot luck supper. ing in the library; 7 p.m., elders day: Two, services will be Those interested may call the dinner at the William Pitt in Chat- Hall. Harry Devlin, humorist and t 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. The convene for the spring series this ST. PAUL'S CHURCH lecturer, and cartoonist for the week and continue for six weeks. Rowes, We. 2-7316 for reserva ham; 8 p.m., Westfleld Chapter, LAWN CARE i subject will be "The Abid- tions. Hugh L, Donley of the RCA National Council of Presbyterian Tk. R.». Fnimtick W. Bl.li, comic strip, "Raggmopp and the resence." The junior' choir Dr. Michalson will lead the discus- r«ctor Kidds," will speak. Dinner by res- PRODUCTS sions, which will be held in Wesley laboratories division in Princeton, Men, executive committee in the ing in the earlier service, will be guest speaker. Bible School office. Today: The circles of the church ervation only. Raymond Hess accompanist. Hall at 8 p.m. will meet at 1 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m., worship. Ser- BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Luther choir at the later THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday: Low Sunday: 8 a.m.,mon by Dr. G. Pitt Beers on-the L. BARTELL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL R.T. Rofc.rt L. Smith, MilLltr subject, "Where God and Man B, Mrs. Edward Went* ac- IN WESTFItLD Holy Communion; 9:15 a.m., nist. CHURCH Today: Monthly meeting of the Church School carol and presen- Meet." 140 Central Av»., Ckirk, N. J. R», F. E. Chrittiaa Tk. R*T. J. L. McCori»a, Jr. D.D. congregation at the church at 8:15 tation service, to be attended by U :15 a.m.. Church School. Class- T«l. Rahway 7-13H I a.m., Sunday School, with MiaUUrai p.m. g devotions in five depart- MiaULr both sessions of the Church school; es for all ages including five adult Today: 4:30 p.m., in the Union R.r. R. L. Saitk Tomorrow: The gospel chorus 11 a.m., morning prayer and ser-classes; 8 p.m., church reception New enrollments received R.T. J. D. C.I. main door before the open- Congregational Church, Mont- rehearsal at 8:30 p.m. at the mon by the rector. In honor of Dr. and Mrs. G. Pitt mr. Bernhardt II. Mahler, clair, the examination of our for- Today: 9:30 a.m., circle of pray- church. Following the 11 o'clock service Beers; 5 p.m., Youth Council in ^ costs so Illtl* ntendent. mer minister to the Junior Church, er in the chapel. All women are Saturday: The junior mission- there will be a coffee hour in the the board room; 6 p.m., youth sup- invited to join in this half hour m., the mission rally of the Robert K. Meyer, will be conduct- aries will meet at the church at 1 parish house, sponsored by the cir- per in Fellowship Hall; 6:30 p.m., to phonb of silent prayer i 10 a.m., the ex- er League, New, Jersey dia- ed by an Ecclesiastical Council, p.m. cles of the church. Mrs. Ralph W. junior high Youth Fellowship; se- ecutive board of the Woman's As- will be held at Redeemer and will then proceed to his ordi- Sunday: Church School and Hey, chairman. nior high Youth Fellowship. sociation will meet in the lounge; M f* Fill IliTIM SHUT tan Church, Broadway and nation to the Christian ministry at nursery department both meet at 3:30 p.m., the senior Y.P.F. will Monday: 3 p.m., Girl Scouts, 6:30 p.m., Jane Morrow Guild pot anywhere et street, Newark. The lo-the 8 p.m. service. 9:30 a.m. Miss Sarah Scott, gen- leave for a convocational meeting Troop 124, in Fellowship Hall; 7 GENERAL & ELECTRIC luck supper and sewing meeting in aguers, with parents and 4 p.m., children's choir rehearsal eral superintendent. Worship at at St. Petor's Church, Spotswood; p.m., Boy Scouts, Troop 71, in Pittsburgh BOo the assembly hall; 8 p.m., chancel s will attend. in the parish house; 7 p.m., youth 10:45 a.m. The sermon will be 6 p.m., junior Y.P.F. meting. Fellowship Hall. CHAPMAN BROS. choir in the choir room.' Tuesday: 3 p.m., Girl Scouts, Baltimore...... Rev. Victor Albers will be choir rehearsal in the parish preached by the Rev. Robert L. Monday: The Annunciation: AvAarfn* O.I. Hi .Urn.—J Sunday: 9:30 and 11 a.m., Bible Troop 129, In Fellowship Hall; ator of a panel discussion house; 8 p.m., Odds and Ends in Smith, pastor. Music will be by 9:30 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 III d.,>nd.y. » •!•. lt»*» Air Crf School and, church-hour nursery; 6:15 p.m., Fellowship Guild sup- Jersey Mission Field* and Loomis Hall, the celestial choir, Mrs. Nancy L. a.m., eccesiastical embroidery n%m 10% IM. t » Mta* 9:30 a.m., Elizabeth Norton Bible per meeting in the lower lounge; M Nsrrii Av«. I. ty." The Pilgrim's Fellowship's an- Darby, organist, and the gospel class. nual work week for Christ ex- Class for women; Men's Triangle chorus with Mrs. Florence Thom- Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., District 8 p.m., Board of Trustees in the Cranford 4-1310 iday: 9 a.m., the sessions of Bible Class, board room. r Hall Christian Day School tends to (Saturday, April 7. Mem- as, pianist. Nursing Association; 3:20 p.m., e res'imed. Teachers . Miss bers will handle any odd jobs, such 9:30 and 11 a.m., worship serv- Beck, Mrs. Arthur Lin- HS window cleaning, car washing, ices. Dr. L. K. Anderson, field and Mrs. Walter Keuning; gardening. , Those interested may representative for the Board of , the cbnftrmation class will call Bob Lenskold, We. 2-5009-M. Foreign Missions of the Presbyte- Here's the BIG Fact You Need to Know 8 p.m., the third seminar Proceeds go to the Christian World rian Church in the USA in West •ganists and choir members Mission.' Africa, will be the guest preacher. held in Luther Hall. The Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church 6 to 7:30 p.m., the firet of the reviews on "The Practice of School in the parish house and post Easter "Mission of the Music" will be continued worship in the sanctuary. Church" meetings will be held in the assembly hall. Members in About the Mobilgas Economy Run! Mrs. Earla Bortichowitz 10:45 a.m., the nursery school ig chapter seven and Mrs. meets in the nursery; 10:50 a.m., districts 1 to 8,are invited in, the assembly hall. Members-In U y Follingstad completing worship. Dr. McCorison is preach- ,»'i tricts 1 to 8 are invited to attenc six, ing at both morning services. 1 There will be no evening meetings the supper and to hear Dr. X. K. ay: 9:30 a.m., the New Anderson tell of the work of tho Pastoral Conference .will of either the Junior or Pilgrim Jin St. John's Church, Clif- '3 p.m., Christian training Miss Beck; 8 p.m., the of Parish Education and ier boards and committees ring reports for tho April •' assembly will meet in vari- >ms of Luther Hall. lesday: 10 a.m., sewing de- Pontiac Beats nt of the Ladies' Aid So- 7:30 p.m., Church Council 8:30 p.m., Voters' As- All men of the parish in fanning and business actlvi- >f the congregation. William !, president. ly Baptism for children is luled .for Sunday, April 22, at All Eights of All Makes •»ter service, 10:45 a.m. Ar- ments may be made with the r by telephone, We. 2-1512,

ST METHODIST CHURCH Iordon £. Michalion, miniit.r Rev. Dan S. Bowari Rev. Erneit C. Barl.ll day: The executive board of WSCS will meet in Wesley in Actual Miles per Gallon! at 9:30 a.m. This is also AND A VERY GOOD TIME •S day; the New Jersey State hers College course will be in room 2U9, Wesley Hall at to consider heating your p.m. ie choirs are sponsoring an- home with oil. party tonight at the Acad- Positive Proof That Pontiac's Great Strato-Streak V-8 Kink, Plainficld,. at 7:30 :K. Those needing transpor- n m asked to contact the Now, before next heating s'ry of music. Proceeds will or new choir robes, season opens, is the time to Is America's Most Modern and Efficient Automotive Engine 'morrow: There will be no t rehearsal for the santuary ' this week. talk it over with us. To ex- turday: There will be no re- plore all the advantages sals for the crusader and Wes- ; wys choirs this week, '•"lay: 0:30 a.m., all depart- and the economical cost of * of the Church School meet; 11. XMTUC 21.1098 mibs p«r gallon 9. CAR H..,.19.7044 miles per gallon »nd 11 a.m., Cradlo and Crib, making the switch to oil. Official Results "ooi- Wesley Hkill; 9:30 a.m., 2. CAR'A.. .21.0420 miles p«r gallon 10. CAR I...19.1552 miles per gallon i Uoor Bible Class, Wesley i Men's Biblo Class, Y; Chris- Released by General 3. CAR B....20.9012 miles per gallon 11. CAR J.. .187496 miles per gallon Citizenship Forum, Y. We'll be happy to make an 30 and 11 a.m., worship sorv- 4. CAR C...207124 miles per gallon 12. CAR K...18.669. 4 miles per gallon m the sanctuary. Dr. Gordon estimate of cost to install in Petroleum Corporation; lichalson, minister, will preach Making the Most of Major 5. CAR D....207032 miles per gallon 13. CAR L.'..18.075. 0 miles per gallon ™»." A soloist will sing for YOUR home. •1:30 service; music for tho Sponsor of the Event 6. CAR E....20.6793 miles par gallon 14. CAR M...17.8341 niiles per gallon id service will be by the sanc- y choir. 7., CAR F....20.5217 milos per gallon . 15. CAR N. .17.7798 miles per gallon P.m., first preparatory class 8. CAR G.. .204194 miles per gallon 16. CAR 0...17.4191 miles per gallon

FIRST [INITARIAN CHURCH I PARK AVE., PLAINFIE1D Bee Your Pontiac Dealer for the Greatest Economy plus the Greatest GO on Wheels IHimUD AND imVICID petwoen 7th and 8th Sts.) A MBMBBB OF Oil. MEAT INSTITUTE! TBL. WB. 2-22O0 I'A.M. Sorvlc. of Worship ROTCHFORD PONTIAC, Inc. pu Church of the inquiring Wo Service What We Sell j mind and liberal ipirit." 433 NORTH AVENUE E. • WESTFIELD WE. 2-3700 I " " ' '• fiffi WEST-FIELD CM. J-> LEAPES THTWtSPAT, AFBH, 5, 1M* Wins Two Awards th i g J>JB.. evening Bible J( pack To f Two awards totaling fM have Wednesday: 12:30 p-cs., after-J been granted to Westfleld's Kils Activities In The Churches DOMI Bible class; 8 p,m,. the se~-J *• fi« Prof. Peterson under the suggestion sys- tem of the Esso fiesearch and En- Thursday: 8 p.m., $ ! 11 of; COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Sunday: T p.m., the S^Bior foe »es OUPSn^Istd Hi!iS>B|T theHaseIV£», 5M£'• blue section on Aprs! 13. the fr. 1 n , « * * i- - » i' ' •"rtwr. of A aoeia! haur followed. t<-non awards were for suggestions per- J»JIL, mwtinp of the f-sttion at the ! Tuesday: 8 p.m., the primary \ ing. What thiiigr is this? what sew section on April 20. it.^ ^n- f- E r - ^*r ^ - tame of Hekert Britten, 2S» Old idepartniest of the Church School doctrine 1$ ilws? for with s-athoriu Professor Cookmaa is a memhwr Tot* road, i will bold 9 parents' i*i#ht: stew- eumm*ndeth he even the uncjeaa THE ALOAHCE CHURC«i 1 ean, W ith Esso j >^"rit^, ana they do obey iiim." Sunday: 9:30 am.. Church! ardship committee meeting. ulg«^,. —- Explorers Sehwl for ail sges. Toddlers cared Wednesday: 7 p.m., yo»th choir: I Asfcong tiie corTtiStive pa^ssgtl Or. Georjc A. Aitcbe.on, sutor and is chairman of the Stas* Wild W»!«O!5 W. EWridpe_. Ill, of for in nursery. Atij)t study yroap.: 8:16 p.m., the first mmingr of to h* ieiid fi"Oiii Si leait* sod Ts«ia.v: 10 ».m., Home Missioo- Life Comnjisiion of the Parks and 11S0 Bosierar-d has celebrated ten Warship ierriee. j prospective members with the pas-i He«Hh is the following nil: llj: siy Society. Recreation Association of New years* s*rri« with the Bsso Ee- 11 a.m.. worship service. Bap- tor; 1 pan., iater-musion meeting \"li U Bot *'eil to imag^ise that Toowrruw: 1 p.m., cars »il! Jersey. He will taik,to the Cabs seardi aed Enjiiiesrinp Co., Lin- tism «i!l be administered. Child- j at ZioB Lutheran Church, Ran- I Jesus demonssr*ted the divine leave the church for God's Light- and their friends sboot some of den. Mr. Eidridge is Jn engineer care lervics for children whose, iray- Wonotn will leave the ciiunh j power Jo heai only for a sei«t the uBiqoe members of U*e werW ia the eesspaay-s products research '"' '"'^ parents are is church. 1 at 12:30 p.m. *."- or for a limited t^eriod of Saturday.' & a.m., work morn- of birds. Frofesssr Cook- division. Wednesday: 8 p.m., choir prac-; Thursday: 7:30 p.m.. Boy Scout time, since to all mankind and ia ' ing: T:30 p.m., Alliance Youth tic* at the Troop 84 is Fellowship Hail. every hour, divine Love suppiies j Fellowship party. all good" i Sunday: 9.30 a.m., Sunday CALVAKY EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I SchooiSchool; II ajajn., , worshihp service;; tUTHEJtAN CHURCH (UCLA) Ckanh Edifi«, 42Z Ea>t Brtw« St. GRACE ORTHODOX 6:30 p.m., Alliance Youth Fellow- CruforJ PRESBYTERIAN ship; 7:45 p.m., service. Tfc« KM. AnaM J. D»Ma.»i.t 11 CHURCH Monday: 7:30 p.m.. Pioneer B«»i«»«rd at MMralc Girls, colonists; 7:45 p.m., Sun- Sunday: Regular gerrkes of Tk« Rev. L««iie A. Danm oimuHr day School officers. Worship will he held at Cilrarj- Avaiiability today of God's heal- Today: Women's Missionary So-j Tuesday: t p.m.. Pioneer Girls, Lutheran Church, Cr an ford, at ing and re^jenesative power will be ciety meeting at the church. Ke- j pilgrims. $:15 UB. and 11 a.m. The Rev.Drought out at Christian Seienee i ports from missionaries in Eri-i Wednesday: 10 a.m., Women s Arnold J, Dahlquisi, pastor, will serriees Sunday. trea Korea, Japan and Formosa. I Missionary prayer band at -toome freach o» "The Intolerance of Heading? from the King Jam' Saturday: 10 a.m., youth raliyjof Mrs. L. A. Conover, 10 Ret- ChrUtiamitjr." version of the Bible and correl; at Crescent Park. ford avenue, Cranford; 8 p .m., Su»i»f Church Sekoel eonvenei tire passages from "Science Saturday: 8 p.m., Chi Club of [prayer meeting. STOPS »t 9:M u>. A nurwrr U held Health with Key to the Scriptures' Grace Church. Sunday: 9:30 to 10:40 a.ro MADISON AVENUE CHAPEL ' fc» ta« ekurth Khoel roomi dur- by Mary Baker Eddy will com Sunday: 9:30 to IU:4U a.ro., m« W~-. Morris" ". , >MaWaT l »i: T~ LEAKS i>C the 11 a.m. cbarch senrice. prise the icaos-sermon entitled Send., Ichool clasae, for all age, '--»*9:45 .a.m. ¥"^.**, Sunday -School -«; H~ MMMI fMlf Tomorrow: 8 pji., the youth "Are Sin, Disease and Real?" Formal ceremonies of groun< breaking for the new Sunda a.m., worship service. Mr. Mor- thDir wiB hoU a p«"T is Fc'Iow- CBriat Jesus' bealtng of th ris will preach the morning ser- thip Hall, "man »ith as unclean spirit" »-i School building: 11 a.m., worahi serrice, sermon, "BeJwld The mon.

«JnKing**g ; 7' p.m-P-"«->, worahip»t,«atui.. Gliesu«- ! it j9 ]ore whieh paints the petnl

preacher Robert Denny from »ea*- wiih mytja

4*ld Tbeoiogieai Seminary m Phil- warm 3unbeam, arches the cloud adeiphiaidelphia. .yjth the bow of beauty, blazons IVclihs Pant & )\i Wednesday: 1 p.m., choir prac the night with starry gemsg, and tiee; 8 p.m., midweek service of ar covers earth with loveliness.— 214 E. Brood St. Bible study, prayer aad praiaa Mary Baker Eddy w..: TEMPLX EMANU'EL fice? to br rated for at A ila>1>r for tfc* Town of West* Fir«t ward, Sixth Diitnot—Muni- Rmbhi Jack Stan Jr. sorter, or PHIMAMY ELRCTIO\ Third Ward. Twa Vt*ttm OVhv Primary Election: fi*WL cipal Bulldlnc feraon School Tomorrow: 8.15p.m. Sabbath T t h KletfofK of * l*r«i.!t»l » One Councilman from each of the Second Ward, First EHatrtet — service- Sermon topic: "Judaism MaalXpal llMfirflac, «'Mt«rl«l, ti. J. Prealdenl of the CaU«4 St» sWr WjfdiL Grant School April X ittStf 3t|^f# ai.4 Female il*mb#r of the Second Ward, Second Dlitrlct — Today: Reform." Notice Is hereby given that the are le* Ceaotj- OxiBRBiEtV-e «r1II fee elected by Grant School K£B?£S3 Saturday; 9:30 a.m., pre-conlir- District Board of Registry and Klec- by each of the 111* fi*pubti«^js and Pemooratic Par- S.cond Ward, Third Dlalrlct — Fourth Wart tion In and for flie various Election ocratic ptE Si^* Irons ejcli Ke*xitOFi I>istrlct. Washlnston School McKinley Srhool mation class (grades 8 and 9). Districts ot the TOWN OP WRST- DtrlDll e Tlte places in th* several districts Sunday: 9 a-m., primary school 'IKI^D, will meet in tlie places here- Dlftrict 0elei«w4te# where th* sai-J Bo*rds of Registry Second Ward, Pourfli District — nafter de.xjtfiuted on the dates and Convention ir«? la fo i£& Eleetioa will meet are as fol- Wilson School kindergarten through grade 3); between the hours hcreinaftfr net of the Kepttt,tkua lows: Second Ward. Fifth District — .0:45 a.m., elementary school Forth, for the purpose of conducting Partitss front tbe ttrwt Wart, first District—Roos»- Wilson School Fourth TNITA, 1 Primary JO lection for the nomina- N tonal Distrkt T«it Jusior High School TUtrd Ward, First District—Lin- (er.oti School (grades 4 through 7). 8:30 p.m., ion and election of persons to the A MvDJiber of /&# First Ward. Second District — The boundary United Jewish Charities affair. various offices listed below: iatj tf t& e<&««r£li Junior Hlcn Scaool coln School The hours and dates at said else- Ftr»t Ward, Third Dlstricf —Ben- Third Ward, Second District—Un- Speaker: -Mrs. Mollie Gladstone, ion are as follows: A Sheriff. 1 rear Una. Jasrun Fr*nkUo School coln School aftress and lecturer. PRIMARY DAY, April nth, 19&6, A County C£«r&, 5 y«or i«rm First Ward, FourCli Oiatrict^-Mu- Third Ward, Third District—Co- liMT.1 etw-een the hours of. 7 A.Af. and Tbr#e 3IeenB*rs* of B>oanA off t kil BalldinfBlldi f lumbu* School Friday, April 13: 8:15 pj=., P.M. n FreeliaMvffVh 3 y«atr t«r^^ t V\*rd. Fifth District—Berl- Third Ward. Fourth District—Lin- 'Judaism Today: Conservatism." The following la a list of the of- Three ~ . - . Franklin School coln Schoof Jaeg Sbabbat (delight of the Sat- in) and "Ask the Rabbi" pro- ram following the service Sunday, Apuil 15: 6:30 JMB,, UUrhood smorgasbord. Rabbi Jack Stern, Jr. and Can- tor Martin Rosen officiate at all services with the temple choir and Miss Mary Elizabeth Bonnetl, or- DINER ganist, officiating. WOOOSIDE CHAPEL RAILROAD STAT/OH' Tomorrow: 7:30 pjn., "Happy Boor" for children in first through fifth grade. Arthur Slayer of ^En- wood will bring a message ot- i»» Wrest to these young people. Tbe unior Young People, sixth thru liath grade, will meet with Geo. JACK Of All TtAMS. kk. Sunday: 11 a.m., adult service MASTER OF md Sunday School. John Smart if Plainfield will be gutnt speaker. t the 8:30 p.m. service Herbert V Borleis of Scotch Plains will bring he message. * Tuesday: & p.m., Ernest Wood- ouse, who will conduct a series of uesday night devotional meetings, will present his third message ia a study from the book of Mark.

WILLOW GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. Julian Alexander Jr. Sunday: The Rev. Julian Alex- inder Jr. will preach on "A Grow- ng Church." Worship services are at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday School classes m«et at 9:30 a.m. Monday: 8 p.m., a new six-weeks liscuasion course on "What Chria- ians Believe" will begin.

A molt tfflporiani port of yovr penonoi wemif/ to TV with COLOR FREE with 3 ROOMS of FURNITURE your insurance ... on your cor ... fwrnitur* ... Fine Opportnaltr — Take o.rr butsu-F of SSM> •>• 3 htui u, honw. Such inwranc* it a complex and rrtr-chonging (never nnedj romplete rooma of beautiful furaiture lacluitiH TV with COL.OH. I.IT1>K room •«, a busineu Kieno. "•<,«»<>J~"<«!«, nn Mu rac awl lance »"1 ajw. Vt»»» »y||r. has* You wouldn't dream of ktrnng surgery parfof—d by on »l"""drrurr1 aaawd Vtmirror» . ear»t| a hand brd, >prlnc and nattrewl S-mr. Formiet RC<. I»ay only «4J>O -?«««4i. •leclrician ... or your legal dafan* handled.by a ^d.?'*' £"• ""• |tho"' Humboldt J^sss. r'oarlk St. nankow, bus drWer... no matter how skilled they might b* at ••""rib HI. and Oatml An. Hwrt- >rk. A«k far Mr. ll»rb,n. Jan 14 their own jobs. H is no less important thai your liK. throuKh Gardru Ntnte l*fc- unda>) 10 to at Uon. « Krl. tu ||. insurance counsel come from o qualified, independent insurance agent ... a specialist who prescribe* me fight insurant! at the right arks to met your specific naedt. SEE IT IN ACTION at tlu .UNION COUNTY HOUSE 1 witn yaur quafified insurance oOenf b ossuranc* ana) OARDIN SHOW APKIL 11.28 rftQt you will never be taead with a enrikkq lost and. WMtffcM Arimty beferud la say. •Nobody ever told me the difference!" ' Booth No. II OUTDOO* IHOWEIt A catf from you will liart us on the jab of analyxing jour AutomaHe—Wotar ttopt whtn fou s**a off plot* ntwKHK*. There it no obligation and we sincerely belief* ' form. IDIAl FOR (fktrwbest woy to know FOR SURE before anything happens) NOME UWNS SWIMMING POOU PLATOtOUNDS SHORE HOMiS

Jotutfan. Insurance Counsellors 26 Prospect Street Westfield, N. J. m. WE. 3-JI90 lOfl Oolmfcy si, vVMtfbhl, N. J THE WESTFTELft (S. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, APRIL 5. n party and its success nesrtij headed by Mrs. C. H, Birdsall Jr., which are usod so widely today in A star is toautiful;.it # Republican November, to disapprove ef their Pupils' Talent Show to Feature assisted by Mrs. Williwo Freder- Service League garments and household articles. not front what H. if tr" endorsement of the publisher who icks, Mrs. A. Karomerman, Mrs. Assisting Mrs. Thompson were da. or to give, but gimply by is a Republican candidate for the i. B. Lafferty, Mrs. H. B. VaU, and co-hostesses Mesdami-s David O. what it is.—Thomas Cariyle to Back Senate and whs has consistently Annual Meeting of Roosevelt PTA Byron D. Stuart. To Aid Squad supported Democratic candidates Sargent, George C. Putnam, Rob- in reeent general elections. ert H. Silber, Ralph Braun, H. FOR BEST RKfULT* "The Students Present," a tal- to a reception in Mr. Stuart'* hon- The Westfield Service League rlylef. Crane "1 consider it a real privilege to t show, will be presented by or, to be held April IS, wHl be ex- Invite Grant PTA To Kenneth Haller. USE LEADER CLASSIFIED *•# support the candidacy of one of announced a new service project upils of Roosevelt Junior High tended to PTA members ami Showboat Parly Tuesday at its meeting last week. In keep- Plainfield'a outstanding citizens School next Thursday at 8:15 p.m. friends, by HTS. W. S. Eleom* and public servants, Assembly- ing: with its purpose of serviee to in the school auditorium. This will Jr. Members of the Grant School the community, the league will as- ELIMINATES IR0MN6 OF Mi man Carlyle W. Crane, for State the annual meeting of the PTA have been invited to attend ftee todny announced *is The talent show -wffl feature the sist the Westfield Rescue Squad Senator. I have observed Mr. toosevelt PTA. The slate of offi- the general meeting of the Wash- of AssWblyffiSB G&rlyle highlights of the three talent pro- which, it believes, contributes one Crane since his entrance into pub- ers nominated for the coming ington School PTA Tuesday st WASH Brane for nomination as Sen- grams given by the pupile of each of the town's most important serv- lic life as councilman, mayor, atid ear will be proposed at the short 8:16 p.m. In the all-purpese room from Union County. Mr. grade in assembly programs this ices. The specific duty of the as Our present Assemblyman. •usineas meeting preceding the when a showboat party will take », st»ted: "It is a departure year, The variety program of danc- league will be to supply personnel 'TMUSatS There has never been any question irogram. Byron D. Stuart, retir- place, preceded by a short busi- "the general'practice for a ing, singing, skits, pantomime, and at regularly scheduled times to of his sincerity, ability or devo- ing principal of the school will be ness meeting. There will be enter- ,, county d»irm»n Of a PO- 1 twirling, was selected by a com- cover the telephone switchboard of tion to the principles of sound Re- LOnored at & special ceremony iol- tainment, followed by daneing and cemmittee to endorse candi- mittee of teachers and students. the Rescue Squad headquarters, publican government. Throughout owing the student program. Ex- refreshments. All members are In- to a primal? election. How- Masters of ceremony will be Miss Spring street. This his been test- his career Carlyle W. Crane has jbita of arts and crafts, examples vited. the current Senate contest is Judy Leonard, for the ninth grade; ed successfully on a trial basis and attempted to perform the duties f the pupils' work, will be dis- ,1 to the Republican £arty in Robert Wolfgang, {or the eighth At this meeting candidates for now will become a regular activ- h County that I depart from ef ills office to help the vast ma- ilayed in the school rooms. jority of our citizens. Proof of grade; and William Stirrup for next year's officers will be voted ity of the league. haul praetics «d want to the seventh grade. Miss Josephine upon. They are: President, Mrs. his accomplishments has always Mayor H. Emerson Thomas, Dr. The Eahway Memorial Hospi- Tit clear t*at I sp»aR as an Tei'slllo is directing the program. Carl BergquiBt; vice president, J evea thetigh I know that been registered by his overwhelm- William C. Child, president of the tal will receive »600 voted by the ing victories at the polls on elec- Board of Education, and Dr. S. Mrs. S. A. McCaulley; secretary, *rs of our C&rComrnit- The slate of officers for theMrs. Robert Tiemann; and treas league at the meeting, held at the ive overwehlming support tion day. Mr. Crane not only de- Ewan, supervising principal of home of Mrs, Richard Thompson, serves elevation to the Senate but PTA, proposed for the forthcom- urer, Robert Miner. . W. Crane In his bid for Westfield school^, will pay tribute ing year include; Mi's. Grover 222 Kimball avenue. This is the jnination. by his-devotion to th« ljest inter- ;o Mr. Stuart's work with the The teachers of Washington second yearly payment of three ; est of the pepple and his loyalty, Baldwin, president; Mrs. Orrin D. School were entertained at lunch- hildren of Westfield. Also speab Prudden, first vice president; Mrs. pledged to the development p ADULTS 2 pr. $1.21 mm,, urn view of ttie action taken by he has earned this opportunity to ing in honor of Mr. Stuart will be eon recently by members of thegram of the hospital. , leaders high in the official Abner W. Jackson, second vice board. Mrs. J. J. Donahue and fill the vacancy in the Senate seat Miss Kathryn G. Rumble for the . of our party, I, feel it is of Onion County. president; Mrs. J. M. Hogrefe, re- Mrs. A. R. Garabrant were co Mis. Carolyn Yuknus, associ- ty a« an interested oititen faculty and staff of the junior cording secretary; Mrs. F. E. Good- chairmen of this event, assisted ate home agent ot Union County "Carlyle Crane is the ideal can- one who is vitally Inter- high school; Mrs. Ealph Braun, win, corresponding secretary; by Mrs. S. A. MeCaulley. . extension service, Rutgers Uni TAYLOR HARDWARE didate. He knows politics, he has i the welfare of the Bepub- president of the Roosevelt Annex Mrs. K. M. Parkinson, treasurer, versity, spoke on "Fabrici and willingly served his apprenticeship PTA; Nunzi Grecco, president of and Mrs. C. L. Fleming Jr., ad- The fault, dear Brutus, is notFinishes." She stressed the im> 125-129 Elm SI. W«tft«M, N. J. in government and in party affairs, :he Roosevelt Student Council; and visor. in our stars, but in. ourselves, that port ante of homemakei'a obliga and he has vision, knowledge, and Mis. C. L. Fleming Jr., president The nominating committee pro- we are underlings. tion to learn everything possible OKN tlU t P.M. MONDAYS I ftlDAYt phon* • keen sena* of obligation to of the school PTA. An invitation —Shakespeare about the 13 man made fibers raf * constituents as a whole. posing the slate of officers was "I urge all the Republican voters of Union County .to rally to the i-OW support of Assemblyman Crane on Primary Election Day, Tuesday, April 17. A vote for htm wiV greatly strengthen the Republican Party and further guarantee the presentation of the Open Primary system which is vital to our rep- resentative form of government."


WHEN IT'/ TIME TO MOVE THINK OF TOWNSEND icidents will happen . but when you store bur valuable house* bid items with us, Jiere is much lest nance of anything hppening to them, odern storage . . . derate rates. IENRY P TOWNSEND MOVING L STORAGE LOCAL i. LONG VISTANC€ 7IZALLIED VAN UNEV_J !4I NORTH AVE. flPwESTFIELD 2*4464 fi A "nmst" far ROADLEAF EVERGREENS

iODODENDRONS] AZALEAS AGRICO DOGWOOD LAUREL FOR BROADtiAF EVERGREEHS ' This vital, special formula is a necessity for acid-loving plants —builds up essential soil acidity in right balance, Ea»y to apply—instructions on pkg. Get AGRICO for BROADLEAF EVERGREENS now—see the Wonderful AGRICO difference in health, beauty, growth! One of the 7 AORIOO Special- Purpose Plant Foods. Made only by— Thl AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co. A Little \&,cation In Every Day ! Get your Garden Supplies, Agrico an interlude that refreshes a man and and Agrinite from —. What's it like to take the wheel of a 1956 And how quiet and restful it is. The car enriches his spirit. Cadillac? is so smooth and silent in operation that L. Bartell ' John K. Meeker your only sense of motion comes from the If you don't already know, then we hope As one of our friends put it—"It's like i and Garden Suppllrt sound of the wind and from the passing having a little vacation every dayl" 1100 Seuih Av«. you'll come with us now on a little imagi- landscape. |l 40 Central Av«., Clark nary journey in the "car of cars". • * * Tel. Ro. 7-1581 WMtfleld 2-8717 Driving? Well, what could be more relax- Belter come in Jor a visit some day soon. Suppose, if you will, that you're in the ing 1 Starting . . . stopping . .. turning—all driver's seat. The hour is eni-ly morning as If you should decide to move up. to a McEwen Flowers • are regulated with the lightest touch of toe Hyde and Ellis, Inc. you | turn from the driveway and sweep out and hand. You simply lean back and enjoy ' Cadillac, it will be our purpose lo make you s into the broad, inviting boulevard. as pleased with your relationship with tut, as 540 Soulh Ave. the ride . . . and the car docs all the rest. 501 Grove St. How wonderful you feel, Those deep, your dealer, as you are certain to be with the Weslfield 2-1141 luxurious cushions hold you in perfect What's it like at the wheel of a 1956 car itself. _ . f Wastfield 2-1142 comfort—your hands rest naturally on the Cadillac? The Cadillac name has long been a symbol slender wheel—and all about you are vision Taylor Hardware Co, Westfield Paint and Well, we've heard it said that a drive in oj automotive integrity and honesty oj ,.. and beauty ... and luxury. purpose—and we make every effort lo have Hardware Co. a new Cadillac isn't really a drive at all, 125-129 Elm Street It's an inspiration just to watch the miles in the normal sense of the word. It's a time our own business rejlect the same ideals in 233 North Ave. W. for rest and pleasure and relaxation . . . our dealings with owners. Wejtf|«|d 2-1500 W««?fl»ld 2-3000 go by.

|ountainside Paint & Westfield Nursery LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY Hardware 1218 Central Ava. 858 Mountain Av». 119-121 EMt Filth St. PUinfield, N. J. PLFD. 6-2241 Woilfield 2-5655 2-1845 . APRIL 5,19S6 iSeSSc. Season Aprjil Holy Trinity's Telephone Bowling Warren, Ross Top Blue Braves Trout Season Boaze, Welch McKinley School Wins Lead Increased Tourney Sunday Starts Saturday Volley Ball Touruainent Loop Averages In Merchants Some 300 five-man teams will Nine May Lack Tie It Up In Defeating £im Street School, participate in the fifth annual New Approximately 250,000 trout who were North Side volley ball Jersey Beil Telephone Co. handi- Les Warren, with 186 for 87 will have been liberated by the winners. McKinley School, as cap bowling tournament Sunday g-ames and Ran Ross with 195 for State Division of Fish and Game Pin League 87, lead the averages of the Power at Plate when the 1956 U"out season opens Neighborhood South Side winners, again cap- at Echo Lanes in Mountainside. tured the town championship at Male telephone company employ- Sportsmens and Recreation Bowl- this Saturday at 8 a.m. Fishermen Romeo increased its lead to five ing Leagrues respectively as the When Holy Trinity's baseball will have until Nov. 30 to haul Boaxe and Welcn tied for thethe fina! match held at Elm Street ees from every section of the state lead of the Neighborhood Bowl- School last week. games last week by defeating will compete. Bowling will start at loops head for three bumper ses- braves open their season against out the large stock of rainbow, Towne TV in two games. Je»n- sions from here on in. Rngry of Elizabeth April 10 thebrook and brown trout. ing League Monday niifht when The following boys and girls 8 a.m. and continue through the Boaze swept Winter and Welch were members of the winning team ettes moved up to third after a day to 11 PJB. In the Sports league, Fugrmann $>i£gest headache for Coach Res- The limit is eight trout a day, sweep of Weathercheck, Grander has high game, 1082 and shares ianii* will seem to be the power at lost two t;ames to T. Terry. Frost ;oaehed by Mrs. llarry Peterson, Defending champions will be the except for special designated fly held third place despite the loss of j j i h grade teacher: George defeated Knoblock in two, Manfra high series, 2854, with Oil Heat. the plate. Bob Westricta, batting stretches from May 7 to Nov. th(1 r s xt won a pair from Wmneld P & HCollingswood Eager Beavers witti two games to Matthewson, Griner j Bachert, Michael Cirincione, Fran- a gross team score of 2990; Steve Joe Ciraolo'e 278 is the high game over .350 for three games last 30. There is no size limit and and P & S took two from Eliza- and Harry Wahl's 665 holds the won the firstfirst ttwo from Morton and jce s Cothran, Rosemary Giordano, Nemeth with a gross individual year before he broke his wrist, fishing after the first day is from h tid from j j^,.; Helberg, Sandra Hoffman, beth Journal. season set record. Warren has had should be the big man again this sunrise until 9 pjn., EST. TwoK. Terry the outside games from mark of 697; the Plant Dtvision- 27 double centuries and five honor year. His lack of speed might see landlocked salmon (minimum size, artz. j Kenneth HollandHol, ,Frank Louno, High score bowlers were S. aires with a net tally of 2583 and MartzMatthe-wso. n was easily hig-h man | Gaii Reid, John Reidid , WilliaWilli m Perry 214, 202, Robinson 212, 204, series. The loop will hold its an- him starting in rigfct field. Another 15 inches) can also be taken daily. Henry Martin whose net high was nual banquet May 7 at Arbor Inn. senior, speedy Fred Williams, has ith a 236, followed by Stiles 214,1 Roehrich, Kenneth Seeley, William Hidi 212, Sisto 211, W. Perry 208, 601. Sommers and Hill 211, Frost 203 Spence, Donald Tokash, Jon 205, Staimer 205, Novello, Mig- Bonnetti has the top game, not been too good defensively 093, in the Recreation League but makes up for it with the lum- and Zebrick 202. Waynes and Barbara Vitale. liozzi and Pecina 203, Severage SEETHES! V< I. 202, R. Smith 201. nd Danker the high total with ber. Fred is in his first year on the ffidi Rolls 638 Welch I.. 3 3 No Change In 990. Don Longo, with a 682, tops varsity and possesses the speed lio.ne Romeo's I.Jull ... 33 he honor series and Dave Stile* to play center. Jules Parretla at Kri'M Towne Television 35 Griner Dodgers Cut 38 nd Larry Payne, each with 277, In Carwood Loop Matthe 3 jeanneueV (Jift shortstop is perhaps the speediest ws Knoblock Motors 33 Church League ave high games. Ross has 36 ballplayer on the team. He led the T Terr 1'ftS Windows .. 42 VIn 42 oubles and 12 honor sets and Al team in stolen bases last year and K. Terry Into YW Lead Weather-Check . Al Hidi rolled 208, 245—638 Mints . • . Manlra & Sons - 42 There -were no changes in the .tranich also has 36 doubles. «•* one of the most consistent Morton . . \V. O. Grander 4S and Jim Test* 226—606, but Rog- West. Ft. & Hd»e Church League standings last Utters on the team. Last but not ers failed to pick up any ground Thirty-four teams have signed ]«ut of the sluggers is Freddy BOA SIR Dodgers, two same winners over Kli*. Journal . week, but Madison Avenue Chapel or the annual two man over the oa the leaders in the Garwood 1-.3 16 Bowlaways last week, edged nearer :, Wall. Fred has the power and abil Men's Bowling League last week. 133 16.1 JiANFHA & SONS lost some ground when it dropped verage sweepstakes, which will be (iouu VALIE ity to sit a lone ball and will be 10;. l-'-s the leader in Ihe YWCA Bowling :„ Schneifler ... 171 143 two games and three out of four «ld April 27. Rogers was held to two games as Hell . !61 League. Third place Walkers also BU. OirI'irr r 1J1 another big gun. Al Davines paced Williams with a Kraft !S6 \V. RRobblno s . . . 15Ml3 192 points to Methodist. St. Pauls SPORTSMEN'S LEAGUE The pitching staff is a very good lost ground as fourth place Go- \VV. BBrown 144 149 swept Presbyterians and won four Av«. 252 to win the last game. Metro- . . S2S getters won two from them. Whirl- T. Saumlt-rs 1J2 1S7 i:.6 I.es Warren .. 1SS on*, one of the best in years, prob- WI.N'TRR U Andrewjeski . ist points. Hitting doubles were Trot- Carl Culloro .. 183 politan pounded out a 2815 series mi IS7 lie aways swept Spares and Strikers lt<8 182 ably the most effective pitcher will 163 Kindavater . m mart 204 *nd Imhoff 212. Chas. Space... and only won two games. They had ii'e 1'". won the last two from Runners. iandlcap so Joe Fiadino . • 188 be senior Jack Mannion, who hasa 1032 middle game. In the only 14!) K<7 1(6 Pll Phil Ferrara . 178 -.. baan hurling for four yean. Jack Sledleckl H« I2o Dot Anderson's 244 nightcap for Totals S5> 1018 Sal Lobrutto . 179 sweep of the night, V&S kept their 1«< 183 Walkers was the only double. iladiBon A.ve. Chapel Bernie Alzua . 178 turned in a record of 2 wins and 1 hopes alive by downing Garwood 14 14 PlueopWESTo . PAIN15T 7t HDWE1*7 . Methodist Joe Ciruolo . . . 17* low. Even better things will be ex- W Smith SOI 128 137 St. Paul John Petrlcelli 178 Rest. In the other matches Gar. 700 l>«dK*r» 41 it* itytr 161 is; 1S» ST. PA I I. RECREATION SUE er with the most to overcome is Walker* Slsfo 16« ISO Andrew 1-*S bockers and Excellent won two 151 li'.S 36 7J orintn i"'5 A 1 S>< 176 5 Handicap IS 169 R. HOBS ..;... 87 ^v Davft Anderson, also a senior. Dave from Hefler-Snyder. T. Terry IS 4 t^lrlkf rf Sll Maltbie 1": Al Stranick .. Tlngley . 16S 125 97 Kunners 34 40 Lake 1S1 170 sr m was pretty wild last season with a ITS 211 1SS 32 Tomls 885 1 204 I^arry Payne.. Also rolling 600 was Bob Fon- 169 pa 41 Trotman I" Al Davines ... 75 192 t and 4 record but his walks were 174 31 41 951 Moulfon 171 163 192 60 60 Whirl-a-Woys 31 TOWNTO B TELEVISIOELE ION Dave SUlea ... Bl tenelli, the fourth of the night. Handicap 19| Handicap 21 34 Jerry Jjonnetti 81 191 three times as many as his strike D. Perry 139 19| 189 High team series was by Metro- BOWL-A-WAVS R. Perry 214 liS :oi s Mike Rich 87 ouU. Also trying to overcome J. Mrln -h ..... l.>» 136 140 20| 155 Totals 854 " Hoot Olbson . . S7 187 politan Door, 2815, us well as high WEWH 110 107 ,V. PerrJ SOS PRESBYTERIAN «7 185 wildness is* Fran Cagnassola. Fran 169 J32 1S5 j. urirrin ... 115 _. Stornelii J 17« 1S2 174 H Totals 17 KKO Totals 775 739 natural hop on the ball but he and Unrwoud Rent. ... !S 54 731 Walters 119 US 1ST W. Hoblnsoblnson 2»44 17177 SIS )ld Bridge Stadium, on Ruote 18, . North and OMMU v JahrlinK 78, 10S 133 MADISON AVK. CHAPEL all"the freshman and sophomore MATTHBWSOX 150 1. Zapranicfc .. 1«S IS* 155 Fetter 130 163 ight miles east of the Jersey R. Brianf 111 t>. Anderjson 164' 139 244 IV. Snyder 13a 149 . . 109 152 pitchers except Ron Westrich, lack QAHWOOD TV & APH. 2( 169 179 15S 1S1 Srhnik .. 'atton 132 S. Van Pelt 117 . Eelman M3 IS* Skor^ ... .. 14? 1S2 urnpike at Exit 9. < T. Schroppe 20S 1S1 182 104 1ST Handicap 73 73 134 151 .. 131 141 the experience of the older boys. C. Rose 176 131 171 ten 126 •. Hao»er Peterson , The top ten in state standings 336 Handicap M < Nelson ... .. 154 192 Ron played three yean of organ- W. KHingliiim ... 164 ICO ISO klatthewson 175 1ST Totals , 331 70S 5 last year are included in the huge USEDCAIIOT J. Volpl 180 193 815 GO-GETTERS Handicap lied ball In the local little League J. Clrinclone 199 1J1 163 779 ~S32 Totals 5S3 US Til Totals ... J. Hcutber , lo« 155 117 VC. G. GRANDER .. 677 mtry list for the five event card and CYO. He has good form and M. Pratt • . . lit 141 17» B. S^vemge ..". »M J7» rhich will 'kick off promptly at 614 NORTH AVE. I a fart delivery. Another freshman, Totals 924 Stl 911 ORINER .V. Bishop . 147 147 153 . Kitburg- 125 lit KNICKERBOCKERS Carter 179 its 117 B. Keber . . 150 lid 143 53 :30. Sunday afternoon'programs WE. 2-0211 183 197 219 168 I*. Caiman~ ' o 1«! 1«* 17* Wayne Wall, seems to be as sports Fontenelll Hill 211 1?6 Handicap . 71 71 71 M. Buccino lil \H ... 193 1SS 146 r1. Brlant IF! 1S3 US 5 will be presented for the next five OptnUnMtM minded as his brother, Fred, has ... 137 129 1<2 134 IS" M. Ca*t»ldo W IS? New Eeho Lake Ciriner ... 11* Totals . . 616 Handicap •- 71 71 weeks. good form and a good follow Dicker ... S13 190 1S2 .ebrlck .. 177 2il» 191 ... 196 159 17B through. If he can improve what SPARES S?» Totals . " SB7 SSI 80S Totals lies in between those two, he will Totals ... 922 S97 MORTON' D. McAllister ... S3 S3 S3 Pro at Masters 1S9 1M J. Carllnle ' Ss S" 110 be % very effective pitcher. Last R. Hruda m M. Oavlyon 149 11(1 17« is; us 3IETHOFOUTAN DOOH CO. Cline 154 142 192 A. Saparlto ... , on the train is Nick DelMonaco, a 111 163 B. Nleml 139 10S 149 A. Mafon 143 153 1!5 Al Slengcrt, new professional at ]S6 324 Owreti ... i:.« Handicap 122 122 its J. Saparlto ... 1S» 114 sophomore with a good fast ball. A. Sttiaiwtma S80 •m Mueller .. 156 4 ITT 135 Echo Lake Country Club, is in J. Aalamone 176 130 13 lift B. Parandrea . Pre-Season , Completing the batteries, there -13 S 3 Totals 5T4 A. Hldl 1S1 14S IBS Augusta, Georgia this week, where C. Cuccaro .. SOI 2SS 3 4i is, 4S n. Slsto 174 193 773 "54 853 WHIRL-A-WAYS Handicap a first string catcher Dave Ryan. ISO Totals P. Wright 132 144 1.13 he is playing in the Masters' Tour- This will be his second season be- P. Bflfley . 105 50 Totals 874 787 nament which opened today. Men- limitaid Tim* Only 9S7 SIS K. TEliW S9 JOURNAL. Mnd the mask and glove and he DUPONT Davis. Jr. 167 122 8(1 95 ELIZABETH gert arrive^) at the local club only IS4 173 Ourllni,- 137 177 O. Relwitieer .. 137 168 154 ; K. Terry 128 123 100 121 , did very well last year. His hitting 110 IS9 161 Handicap ... US D. Vnrke 123 recently and met the membership is: VoKht H-" 162 isa B. HlBBins ... 124 139 168 •was inconsistent but he haii im- 155 MctConlcnl 1«» 167 1U3 this past weekend before going Monahnn 1ST 191 1SS Cla 167 1SB Totals 1.. Yorke 173 i proved a great deal offensively. 130 _. Tennenon .. ir.4 156 196 South and admits he has not had iltcardo . 213 IT: Plus 11 11 Alternating with Dave is Andy ": Totalii . 7SS 824 S4T STRIKERS mind 125 much time to practice for this 7SS MAIITZ B. Sauerbrun .... 112 133 Handicap 126 126 "126 GOLF ' Kisonak, also a junior. He works K. Hriina IBS 17S D. Hoyle !I7 124 big spring event. 14S 171 n. Southerton ... 136 146 1.14 Totals. 836 /the pitchers on an equal basis with HHEFLEIt-SN'YDEE SNY R IVeldon ...... 144 139 The 26-year-old six-footer was 17:. i"0 IIS 172 135 C. Straehen 125 ' 130 IS. Gilbert 174 lrlon .... 77 77 JKANWETTE'S OIFT SHOt" *yan. U Stranlch 13S 171 151 Mart! 167 122 1«1 Handicap 77 runner-up in the 1952 National 171 171 romvny ..... 164 1S8 157 off In the infield is Fred Wall at H. Chapman H3 166 *e ...... 177 Totals r.ni "620 155 amateur championship at Seattle K FliMlner 1«S 177 Totals . S35 . Sll O. Snkovlch ... 199 172 BAGS first, at second is a sophomore in !2 RUNNERS Walsh 179 138 126 and has been on the pro circuit hU first year on varsity, Joe Mon- Perry H. rhevlrj! S7 111 127 Hadden 1S« . 169 192 Krtswalua J. Richardson ... 138 107 A. Haane 161 173 HT. since 1953. In 1952 he won the tonari. He has played Little League Top Mountainside M. 'Melsoll 88 85 Handicap 128 12S 128 Pacific Northwest Open champion. ball and U pretty fair with the bat. Totals 839 860 Pin Teams Lose M. Franck 139 107 89 ship with a record-breaking score H BrlntUuEXCELLENn T DINE16R9 300 Handicap 136 136 136 Total! 989 941 Men's and LadW Medals in solid color A potential second baseman is W. PrUh J48 173 SS2 WEATHER-CHECK of 265. He tied for 18th place in freshman Eddie Eagan. Although P. Steiertnann. Sr. 177 199 126 Trucktor and Wilhelm, leaders Totals 544 O. Staimer .... 17S SOS 191 the National Open at Baltusrol two 8- . Clark 1.153 1S1 170 D. Shnw 107 143 13S good at fielding, he has had no 202 157 in the Mountainside Bowling BOYS BASEBALL 10» years ago after shooting 71 and 72 Canvas, Plaids and the new Motommu F. Stelermann. Jr. 168 H. Calderone .. 121 145 157 previous experience. At shortstop League, lost their matches Mon- TRY-OUT SCHEDULE C. UpKe 163 170 193 in his first two rounds. ?3fi J. Testa 167 17» colors in tough, long-wearing vinyl. : is Jules Parrella, whose position is day night, Trucktor by two games Handicap 89 89 89 He's planning on the New Jersey assured. He is a good all around TRXACO to Chrones and Wilhelm by two Open, slated for July 12-14 at l«l 177 127 Pony League Totals 822 028 player and has the speed needed 159 e;s 191 to Fugniann, There were two April 14 Braidbum, and the State PGA . to beat out a bunt. At third is John K.« i<7 116 sweeps, Owens over Sunny Slope 13 year olds^—Tamaques 2 p.m. tournament, to be held May 17-19 Whtatly who will have to hustle if J. Buctino 13$ ir.9 and Legion over Eastcoast. Other April 21 at a course yet to be selected. lie wants to retain that position. two tranie winners were Spring- 13 year olds—Tamaques 3 p.m. Additional Sport* Mengert is exempt from qualifying Although John, a senior, made Total* K. 1VIIJ.IAUS CO. field Auto over Winckler, Kosters 14, 15 yr. olds—Tamaques ..1 p.m in the U.S. Open thU year because good there last year, Jimmy De- ««- .... i«: i^ ers were DiUel 201,- 223—605, 11 year olds 12 year olds Tamaques 2:30 p.m. M$9 and fairly consistent with the bats- j ,,4, 'Sullivan 204, 214, Krupinski 220, Mtnor LLvafuc 135 Central Av. *•• ' Both are hustlers and playing Jheir j M. Jii~a^ '"!• WingeS 224, Beno 212, Hinman April PROFESSIONAL TROUT HSHING LESSONS Op«n Men. Jind Fri. until 9 P.M. Brst year of varsity. Completing'-• " Yii : 213, Schoemer 209, Hill and 8 year olds—Roosevelt 9 a.m the twenty-two man squad and EM ; Evans 203, Starr 202, Bahr and 9 year olds—Franklin 9 a.m competing for left and center tit Hi Curry 201. positions are two seniors and a April 14 For Bu*ii»ss Ex«cvf£v«s ani Otlwn jjhtfhn Coii!*ir. 49 Player Auctions 4 p.m, junior. They are Frank Zegur, !T T«p« Dini-r IS Age of the player is determined Johnny Heroux and Ed Cashin. j w A:iH>rH-.in I^-Kidn 47 Interested in th« Out-of-Ooora. Uv M.irtlnWnic .. 17 by the age reached before These three are equal in speed and j * riicnlami Kut-l m*'s Tuvt'rn ball for four years and that should! Kt Kl NOW! give him the jump. Hi- will prob-i K USE LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS of United States, Canada Tydol .. ably team up with Westrich and j CllmmIt \in» In t.r' lMtimnp Williams to cover the outfield. !OUIDI111l IlIDC 1H lifUit Aulo Writ* or Phon* . Koo.l See Our Assisting Restanio, head coach, oii & Jolins will be Carmine Alfano who wili coach pitchers and catcher.*. GRANT E. KRAUTTER The schedule over last years in- IQ/2X Its Advantages Qf BOAT and MOTOR DISPLAY cludes Our Lady of ihe Valley for I fhe addition of the Summit 600 MAKE AVE. KOSEUE, N. J. two senses whde St. Mary's of Re(i Sox .,v;n turn the Union Baint aod Eiugtri prep have j County Baseball League into a b*ea dropMd. j nme-teini organization when the SINCLAIR'S at NORRIS CHEVROLET iI-MTi.- ": M • reason starw May 6- The TJCL, A-A-iy : iwi ; which will be in its 30th season, NORTH and CENTRAL AVES. \ v;!v ; lilt • 'H t^a* state's oldest diamond loop. COMPLETE r .iiMim. iii-'mi : Th» Summit entry was a stand- ilmm- J:ti, •mlt jtl tj^e now-defunct Lnekn- ;i(^n». ...r.f»' wanna L^ajrue. With a nini'-tenni HOME HEATIN6 Showing - . tfiifii'. i 1<» '• l'Itt3*y' jr:"nes may be Kcheduletl tM'm^ i-.zh • on Saturday nijrhts "with one teair _ BARBOUR SEA SCAMP llt'rn^ ;••!»; pl^yinu twic« over the weekend. SERVICE W-W COMPOS? ; St'von nf latJt ytuvr's (fi^ht com •A- High Quality Sinclair DELUXE YELLOWJACKET A'W"'V J•I'I' 1 n'"-i"K t«'iimH were represented at Anll-Ruil Fuel Oil ~ a*mml i thm we^k'ri meutinir at the Union •A- lew Coil Compl*l« S EVINRUDE MOTORS ,,v*v;tr ,\:ti' j crtUnty pa{.)( Commission officer ',-,1.1 .A»«y .i:i:. i On hiinrl wuris dufenrting cham- Scrvtc* Cw>riori | [Him Linden Buci**'"'"*, ptavnff it A M«l Camnmmmi ) '• winner K\iaab*.th Brav^, %\YA,I- Others On Display At Our Shop, ive ciuad anu *fK viny fiifiny ubout up- We I SMITH MARINE ((>*t*M;iMi'«'' B»h 1 was 1 u nnei up Wetmore Wins 1 Wetmori reth'ed the Trapshoot Event I tjjophy in 1950, hot t&ate DDITIONAL SPORTS five trophy winsere iave hems Defending champion a second win fit* OOM.IBGJANS of Cranford failed to Koppe I 7 •> >in League ,, m session of the Union County Ttap- Smallacombe of Union I'lfy 127 US I shootin g Championshipp p p y 45-. gd Buhr uii HO 1S!» : when Dr. E. B. fyptmore, Moiris- Scotch Plains tar«ed.in #1. Tightens Ha.HH.a, KB I town, won the 23rd annual event Totals T i with 48 hit» out of 50 at Cianford MORE 5POMTS WOOljCHO |e battle for the lead of the Sunday at the Union County Park Monday "Night Bowline Smith ] CLASSIFIED ADS Traps. on Page 32 c tVhteneji this week when v0 leading teams lost two .0 and three points to the Totuls r placed teams. Collegians up- •R'oodchoppers and are only i point* behind the leaders. K 8 defeated sefcond place Women's Rec gtora in the first two games. tberts of the Keys hit a good _649 score, Koppe had a 213 Standings Hold , Finn 209, Kubach and Hoel- Bowling Title ,' 202 and Colucci 200. Standings held fast in the Wom- Point* en's Recreation Bowline Leaeue AIMING FOR THE N. J. BOAT I. SPORTSMEN'S SHOW? < 8 last week although leading Eller Event Tomorrow !^;'s "'. . '.'.'.\'.\'.'.'.'. 20 Well, th« pretty brunittc I*. Sht knows exactly what she's got her A* IMf Drive Brinft Y»v I* went further out in front with a eye on. "Pop" over there in the boat knows what he's got his eye on, two g-ame win over Stalknecht aa A new chamnion will be crowned too. But he's all turned around. . . . Stoati, mstora, fishing gear, gawk- second place Breboeck lost a pair ing Pops and plenty pretty mermaHa—all will be there at this strictly 135 when the second annual Champion is; to Miller, with Miller leading her of Chnmpion-«- howlintr tournament New Jersey show, which will run April 7th through April 16th at the 150 team with a 206 nig-htcap game. Teaneck Armory, Teaneck, N. J. . . . How about you? Ml 1SS lfiii winds up at Echo Lanes tomorrow 192 ^ln Foster held third place, winning nipht. i M the first and last games from flraz Caitellano, running sec- 817 Raichle. ond, has a chance to catch Georere A. Mill-kiln SPORTSMEN'S SENATORS Early Birds IJ. HUBhru . lin 0» IS .... 185 !81 174 Eller 56 r. Billick. They meet in a six (rome R. Wac-hunl Mil 117 136 ... . H9 150 209 28 huHle that will be televised over W. Hle»» . 130 13S 140 ' 155 1)4 20! Breboeck , 44 40 1«111 1 55 Foster 42 42 WPIX (Channel 11) beginning at 171 ids (3 8 p.m. Leader Gains SillieHtnlkrj 41 4« 837 Ilalrhhi so 54 Even thoueh Billick was beat- AI.VlOHH Th* L«r0«if Swcfc Sh»w in Jtnty Southerlon, who took the lead l'"l«h 1119 1:1 POST BTl en, 4-2, by Frank Okular last week, Iliiiii I Ml Valdwell in the Early Birds Bowling League 1:"7 17(1 12R ll HIS HIS - . -- inn 130 he didn't lose his four noint lead. a week ago, went further ahead Mnrron 12» 129 Billick's biir series, 1,2841 kept him Tuesday when they won two TEANECK ARMORY Harden 1f,» 151 174 from losing ground to Castellano. (fames from second place Kiean in Tlltill* r.i:: TIANICK, WW JH$IY Totals C27 r.n who took the measure of Chuck a bumper session. In the other Ml ANY nAIf B Pezzano, 3V&-2H. HI fnlrlilp . 'Vn HI matehes, Walters swept Mulreany, .. Kilwjir 111! 1 a .I Tfndeking 117 7 Series honors went to Okular. Spre'nkel won two from Zimmer- 1 U2 1 ~-d HnrkHDn 191 Kit HIV I 9 PMLL DAYS 9 HIT 152 1!9 who tallied 1,292. The highest man and Linck two from Con- Ftig-mnnn sintrle—258—was by Chuck Pez- nelly. 4J6 "STT Total« zano. Hiiulhiirton I«H I'M HI'KKNKISL Illess Cornell isr, in Hllllrk ... 4 1 U, XftK 15 VI Illtllt-y .'. . 70 100 1:7 Pnvelpp 140 14(1 Pn»lolliino 4:11.'. fsii II. IliUhlllMS 117 117 117 Diets . 190 17S 111! nr. 14 mi 14 1'. Siu- If, S |»B l Eller 135 141 142 S22.12 D. Aml IIS HO an nn l.inck . . . C2B r.73 rimnrlly (0 as 1.4 3^14 320.14 Mulri'iiny (» V4 'INIIHIH 1112 4»l KI.MM10IIMAX I.. Kiilxor 07 !H soirnmitTON I IN JIT. . MchilUHl11'rliliK i .... 117 It18s1 1 :sr. .\f. l>i)lli)Vh'l'l" '. '. Ill I 13 I Senior HS Spring Sport Schedule ('. Kim.•hull li" U'll II. y.llllrili'l'Miiin . IMl H',1 111 II. Mnntliertn Hli 12a till T0I11I8 .. IK!) 53;'. fill 7 Totuls 37? ~f,^i lli:t APRFL IS—TteRlona .Here Aw'iy 17—PltlKry .Here "0—f'ronford ...... I Help 23—Union ..Here Pert tl A nihoy ,\ \va y 27—Jefferson .Awny NforrlRtown MAY 1—Open MAT 4—Snniervliie Awny Ornnffe Ainv R—Mound Urook Here 3ialntltlle d Vwnv 1.1—North rlulmlelil Away ,>vviv Equipped H—I'lnereyy 1 5—Ruhwny Away 1r"infnrif 1 T l..»-i. 1S—Plainflelrl ITorc- —-r.ln<1<-n Hfrn 22—l.lnvlen Hern rlllrn Awnv SB—Holy Trinity Here —Jefferson .Tvnv 30—Roselle Park Away —rMulnflpld "e JI'.VR —Rnhway Here 1—Went OrniiKe Here JI'N'B 1—Trnnford jtMiin viiisrn IIASI:II\I,I, , APK1L, THACK ' fiom 13—Hefflonnl Here 17_South Plainflcld Here APRIL 23—TTnlon .Here ..I .j t 27—JefTemnil',. t\ Away IS—Rahwny 5H.-iPltminl.1fl -V.'.y. V.',, 4—Bninervllle Awny 8—Bound Hrook ...1 Here MAV, t1—N0HI1 Plnlnlleld Awny 9—Ppfflonnl 1.1—Rnhw.-iy' Away 7—I.lnden .. Ker'e 1S—Plalnlield Men- •M—^>'ent Oranirp ...... He 22—r.liKlen ., .Here 2S-Tl!nmil] Mronk He erto er...

iiinn II\SI:IIAI.I, 12—Rnhway Here 10—Union Away 24.—Wput Orflnsre .' ...... Here 2fi—Jefferson Away \r,—Smllh Plnlnfleki Hoir»> 30—North.Plaintleld ; Away 19—Rnnclle Park Awny 24—Xrnlnn Awny MAT 27^Itahwny .Home ITH MARINE 3—.TefferRon Here N«W StTMt 7—Union Ilerp MAY 10—Mlllburn Awny 14—North Plnlnlleld =... .'Here 1—Crnnford A wny • South I Central AVM. 4—-TTnlon Home '56FoidV8 17—Oranford Here 21—Linden Here ' S—PJnlnfleld Away WEttf ield 2.5034 :i—wm orange Awny 11—.Cranfnrd Home 28—Rahway Awny 15—Rnliwny Awny Hen Mon. I Fri. EVM 'til 9 31—Crnnford Awny IS—BoKi'lle Park Home JUNE 5J—«'-nfli I'lulntleld Away 4—I.l'mlen Awny •.>r,—Plnlndi'ld 11n.no "MAINUNER SPECIAL'

MORE LOWER PRICES-EAT LIKE A KING-? Days a Week hoice Meats —' • Frozen Foods — Fresh Vegetables — Groceries

• Swift Premium Birds Eye Famous Fresh Cut California - SAVE - CHOICE RIBS ORANGE JUICE ASPARAGUS Premier Foods BEEF Tuna 4 4 cans 59c 23c ,b Tomato Juice 8 59c .b Apple Sauc* 8 MIXED FRUIT .Florida Strlnq Btant 6 LEGS S BREASTS Melon Balls • AA. POTATOES Cut Bee«s 6 CHICKEN Raspberries Z/C Evap. Milk 8 No. Ib. OYC Strawberries pkg 3 lbs. 19c AVAILABLE Fluffo Ig. 79e Very Tarty 2.pkai. Florida Cut Corn Crisco Ig. 7°e CORNED BEEF GRAPEFRUIT FOR French Fries TIDE : 29e Solid Spinach eat Ib. 69c 5 for 25c Dreft 29c ^^ DELIVERY NOW! SARA-IK CAKES Planters Peanuts 35c s Genuine Pink Cheesi NEW CABBAGE aby LEGS LAMB Coca Cola, large 19c PER Choc. Fudge 79c E-Z Pop Corn 39e Coffee Ring* . 5cib. 00 69c Riti Ig. 33c MONTH 10 Flavor* ICE CREAM Crest Cookie* 25c S Choice Cut Tender BANANAS SIRLOIN STEAKS Heinz Catsup 24c '/, qal. 1.05 Mr. Mustard 25c STRAWBERRY 2 lbs. 25C 89c Ib. Large — Ripe Horse Radish 15c Insurance and carrying charges included. Solid Meat-No Bones PIES ea. 59c If your old car is of average value it should locltwurst CHICKEN 4 for Country Butter ... 69c more than cover the down pnyment. State Knockwurit Shop BEEF, TURKEY J.D, Olio 2 lbs. 49c and local taxes and license extra. >«ef Franks PIES J.D, Egqs dot. S9e This "Mainliner Special" can be delivered in Ib. SWIM Cheese, pk. 39c J.&M. Fordor, as well as Tudor models. Six-cylinder Bonelais Grand Dutches! Muorntsr engines also available. POT ROAST STEAKS Chee»« pko. 39c SUPER Import. Swiss, Ib. 99e Lean Ib. 59c *TW Vpkfl. Imported MARKET Roquefort Ib. 79c Choice Cuts Meat All the Finest 856 . ALWAYS Frosted Delicacies FRUIT SALAD Mountain Ave. , Limited offering! Come in and talk trade NOW! Capons - Be f Fillets 9 PARTY SNACKS Freth Florida Sweatbreatls - Ducks . PIZZA PIES Hundreds of Squobi SPECIAL, TODAY LOBSTERS to Broil Spedals Chicken Llvari Westfield Motor Sales Co., Inc. CRABS ready to sarve , Club Studlf. pint Every Day in "ollon Veal Cutlet* RABBIT MEAT 29c Rag. 45c jar the Week. WESTFIEt.D 2-1038 Hot Sauiagei COCKTAIL FRANKS 319 NORTHi AVENUGREAET TV. FORD THEATRE, CHANNEl 4. 9:30 P.M.. THURSDAY Thirty-Two THE WESTTTCLD tS JT Additional Sports Pro Breaks Tie For Lightning T In 7 PM Loop , v n c j»k * i -I FREE

"BETTER LAWN SEED iJ. ' MIXTURES" *»"• -**. Have Your Doctor

• VELVET • SPECIAL • SHADY a k. Ju • DRY and INFERTILE SOIL MIXTURE Mar BARON'S GARDEN CENTER FORMULAS Of - (Proven Beet tor This Area) r —• Save 39c E.•. me*t tiw bask requirements of Hie New Jersey AgricuttvrsI V - Experiment Station at Rutger* University. II I SQUIBB'S Authorized Dealer VAUGHAN'S J: f Ih MATCH YOUR rf* md TOOTH A&D PEAT « ' ' i i I Nature's Finest Soil Builder * WORK CLOTHES p u i or 1—2—4 Bu. Bags and Bulk r" l' ' r H PASTE CREAM ^^r u <1«! arC WITH ANYONE ] *U ui Iniol ^ SOIL TESTING KITS r ii VPI f r Hi cU i t t I r H).r aril i it id I I run Large Selection of i — i /t p^ f-»r rur t .1 in e i i) i \ i *, M ii ir i ^ FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS PI I^r H Hi- ll u S , • • firry Morse • Burpes • Mandeville King FIRE CHIEF SPECIAL VAUlj * ' I 1 l< 1 - / r f. i r 1 ur Seed Starting Trays — Sphagnum Moss — ( . i in L 1 • n- lhi\l rl Im EXTIN- KOLYN05I Vermiculite and Seed Growing Accessories fui ] I 11 (- I lln M j r *. *• I" *> TOOTH -i U ^ e GUISHER GLADIOLUS BULBS i- t t t i =. ^r • Every Home Needs PASTE T i r ] -il] r n n i n d ]t TT P I At Least One - J -i*-'' Irter He 1 fi I-I MIXED COLORS liMt-f, iipiirovin^ liil *> f W frl *^»i«rUi inri Ii I ^ T Id1 ALSO CHOICE NAME VARIETIES } * I * 1 i ] t- •*• r r l inr* r r i r I n r i r He « 2 for 69c] 1 E a i i a J \ 85c to 1.25 Dozen 'It, 1 vr- r *< r 1 I r <"V 1 (i 11^ red lh< llf n «1 d 2.98 _, - -ft] AM tat I i I J» • PERUVIAN DAFFODILS ("ISMENE") County. It could hardly be expected to be unbiased in pre- Vi Price Separate panH 3.95 5<>ntni[r the news or editorials rp. boon ,m ardent nei oeratie STOP (N Tan J I ('•f.P '"'"?' "1 ™»did«tp.s highly disturbing ADVICE USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN h Air Force Blue pivc liim the nod as QP5W SUNDAYS 9 .ic 4 Dark Green O t»- i^.i^Kr I 1 1 ir ninc lesirp for Sl Grey for - .!n1'"w''-!n v'' " . -.! ""c J'fnrs to be tapped Age 6-18 1 1 Jab": "!f S7n.-n?|™t 'bVi^s "TT(l "'' };""'!«.«»"P""-'^ The Our Twill Pants are guar- frat ra'n" • . "' "• " '' ">' H Iiopuliliesin or a " 1110- t n two onieed to wear better \tlf»r. " * '{'"'j' ."' - '" * party syMcm t as ours l ' <• in no kiu-li thin;.', yoii'ru nitlicr one li|1 h 1W! 1 ;l1 rP :ll (l for 1 i*ft f, u r c h o v D d tiny- rr--.'V"i'. r""' !',', , " ' "r """ " ' f"" '"o'no • '"•it, r«^«>d3e*» of ! l l n ll !«•»" |J • '"' " " *° '"""y '«t it nr-..f|s this sup- .,, „ .' '''"''" "' r'T"-'--'-''nt H fi'iup infillratinn.

i{n»' Ti \ Hl> o'l(r lhd « 1 LANDSCAPE CRAFTSMAN • CERTIFIED Tfcli £/.*•££! r,.,,b ^ ,-^i, " * " lttr'?'")t It » )• ,-, ,r,wi,y of ,oli(, Jlegiilar Kci,ub].canl)( 243 E. BROAD ST, PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO WE. 2-8717 - WE OtU/tM

I TOO SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD Ojxtci £ tri, mp«i8n Commit rf CARLYIE W. CRANI PRESCRIPTJON Phone WeitfieW 2-668°