The Life Histories and Population

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The Life Histories and Population THE LIFE HISTORIES AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF THE POLYCHAETE$, NOTHRIA ELEGANS (JOHNSON) (ONUPHIDAE) AND MA.GELONA SACCULATA HARTMAN (MAGELONIDAE) IN MONTEREY BAY, CALIFORNIA A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences San Jose State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts By Cheryl Ann Hannan May, 1980 ABSTRA..CT The lychaetes Nothria elegans (Johnson) (Onuphidae) and ~1agelona sacculata Hartman (Magelonidae) were examined for several life history parameters (primarily size-frequency, size at maturity, breeding periodicity, fecundity, egg size and larval settlement) on a monthly basis for a year at three stations in the shallow (14 m) subtidal sa7l.dflats in Monterey Bay, California. Both species exhibited seasonal spawning peaks in the winter and spring and peaks in larval settlement in thB spring and summer, but also had low levels of spavming year-round. Magelona reached maturity in approximately two months and probably spavmed in its first year with death occurring at or shortly after spawning. This species had small eggs, high fecundities ~nd long-lived (at least two months) planktotrophic larvae. Abundance data on other populations of Magelona in Monterey Bay indicated that densities were sometimes extremely variable form year to year. Population densities of Nothria also varied from year to year, but not as drastical as Hagelona's. At the study sites Nothria had egg sizes twice and fecundities half those of .Magelona and the lecithotrophic larvae of Nothria have been reported to stay in the water column for only sL'i: days. This species appeared to be i teroparous and thus more than one year class may be contributing to the spawn each year. It is probable that Nothria does not spa~l until its second year. This, combined with the short planktonic life of the larvae and the perennial nature of the species, contributes to its more stable population densities compared to those of Magelona. iii Although Nothria, Magelona and anotheT po aboundant at the study sites-,· Thalanessa spinosa (Hartman) spawned generally in the winter and spring with larval settlement in the spring and summer, the specific breeding cycles within this period varied with species" A single control mechanism for breeding act.ivity (_e.g., temperature or food availability) is thus unlike I suggest that factors including coastal upwelling during late win­ ter and spring, food availability, species-specific predation, and the seasonal disturbance caused by wave surge affecting burro1ving and tube building may all be involved in producing the species­ specific breeding trends. Unusual patterns of high larval settlement of Nothria and low adult abundances of Magelona during the study period Here correlated with the 1975 through 1977 drought in California. During these winters considerably decreased river runoff may have caus:ed changes in the supply of organic material to and salinities in the bay. Trends in larval settlement data as well as water character- is·tics and circulation patterns in Monterey Bay suggest that lar­ vae of both species are supplied to the bay from the south where they settle first, leaving fewer larvae to settle in northern areas of the bay. The north bay, however, may confer greater survival to Nothria adults. iv AC KNOWLEDGB-1ENTS I begin by thanking Dr. John Oliver and Peter Slattery for sticking my head in the mud in the first place and Dr. James ken for agreeing that it should be there. This thesis resulted from a communal effort by many excellent folks at 'Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. I especially thank my number one dive buddies, Larry Hulberg and Jim Harvey, for their humor, curiosity and heroics. Larry also identified the polychaetes and fed roe lunch. Mike Kelly, Kathy Casson and Lynne Krasnow also gave their valuable dive time. l·iany fine people aided in the sieving, picking, egg measuring and egg counting of the worms, in sediment analyses and in data reduc­ tion; among them are; Jim Barry, Jane Dykzeul, Elaine Goepfert, Monica Farris, Sandy Hawes, Signe Johnson, ~like Kelly, Jim Oakden, Dan Reed, Teresa Turner and Bill Wright. Though I learned something special from all the people with whom I worked, several provided especially good perspective and ideas: Bill Wright, Drs. John Oliver, Fred Nicnols, Ann Hurley, Fred Grassle and Jim Carlton. Jim also gave generous editing assistance. Drs. William Broenkow, Ann Hurley, Greg Cailliet and James Nybakken all made valuable comments on various drafts of this thesis. I especially extend my heartfelt thanks to Ann and Dr. Nybakken for their encouragement and friendship. Finally, I thank Kathy Casson for filling in all the gaps. This research_ was supported by a grant fTom the California State Water Resources Control Board awarded to Dr. James and Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES. vii LIST OF FIGURES , . viii INTRODUCTION. 1 Purpose . l Description of the study species. 6 Description of study sites. 8 JV!A TERIALS .A.ND METHODS • • . • • 16 Collection apparatus and procedures 16 Life history analyses 21 RESULTS ... 27 Abundance data. 27 ry') Size--frequency. :J~ Fecundity (_static) and egg size 41 Size at maturity and breeding cycle 56 Larval settlement . 66 Gut contents of Nothria . 72 A commensal relationship with Nothria 73 DISCUSSION. Nothria elegans: reproductive biology and breeding cycle. 73 ~·1agelona sacculata: reproductive biology and breeding cycle-.-. 86 Factors controlling breeding cycles and population densities. 97 SUMM.c\RY ••••• 110 LITERA~JRE CITED. 112 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Post--larvae size class distribution of Nothria elegans from February through May 1977 at the outfall, plume and windmill stations. 29 2. Monthly mean setiger number where eggs begin and end and mean total number of setigers, all ± two stan­ dard error$ for all Nothria elegans individuals for which these parameters were measured. 42-43 3. Relationship of number of setigers with eggs to mean fecundity, total number of setigers and time of year for Nothria elegans at the plume station . 44-45 4. Mean setiger number where eggs begin and end and total number of setigers, all ± t\vO standard errors for all Magelona sacculata individuals on which these parameters were measured . 50-51 5. Relationship of the number of setigers with eggs to mean fecundity, total number of setigers and time of year for Magelona sacculata at plume station . 52 6. The occurrence of Gyptis brevipalpa in the tubes of Nothria elegans in sieved, preserved and sorted samples. 74 7. A comparison of densities (number per m2) of Nothria elegans from 1971 through 1977 at several stations in Monterey Bay. ... 81-83 8. A comparison of densities (number per m2) of Magelona sacculata from 1971 through 1977 at several stations in Monterey Bay .......... 89-91 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Monterey Bay, California ..... 9 2. Watsonville study sites (outfall, plume and windmill), M-transect stations of Oliver et al. (1977) and Salinas River stations of ESI (_1979). • . 10 3. Cumulative percent of total species collected per replicate for Watsonville stations in September 1976 . 18 4. Rack holding jars to collect larvae and tubes to collect settling particulates. 19 5. Length and width measurement regions for Magelona sacculata (top) (from Hartman, 1969) and Nothria elegans (bottom) (from Hartman, 1968) 22 6. Plots of length times width of first nine setigers versus total length of Nothria elegans. 24 7. Abundances of Nothria elegans per macrofauna! core (area= 0.018 m~) at outfall (top), plume (middle) and windmill (bottom) ........ 28 8. Abundances of Magelona sacculata per macrofaunal core (area= 0.018 m2) at outfall (top), plume (middle) and windmill (bottom) ...... 9. Size-frequency histograms for Nothria elegans collected at the outfall station. 33 10. Size-frequency histograms for Nothria elegans collected at the plume station. 34 lL Size-frequency histograms for Nothria elegans collected at the windmill station . 35 12. Size-frequency histograms for Magelona sacculata collected at the outfall station ....... 36 Size--frequency histograJns for Magelona sacculata collected at the plume station ........ 14. Size-frequency histogra.ins for Magelona sacculata collected at the windmill station ...... 38 viii LIST OF FIGURES, continued Figure Page 15. Honthly graphs of fecundity versus size (.area of the first nine setigers) for Notfiria elegans. 46 16. Oocyte size-frequency distributions of all Nothria elegans individuals on wfiicfi fecundity- was estimated from the windmill station. • . • . 48-49 17. Monthly graphs of fecundity versus size (area of the first nine setigcrs) for Magelona sacculata. 53 18. Oocyte size-frequency histograms for all }.iagelona sacculata individuals for which fecundity was estimated at the windmill station. 54-55 19. Breeding cycle determination for Nothria elegans at the outfall station, graphing several parameters which may indicate periodicity of spawning activity. 58 20. Breeding cycle determination for Nothria elegans at the plume station, graphing several parameters which may indicate periodicity of spawning activity. ... 59 21. Breeding cycle determination for Nothria elegans at the windmill station, graphing several para~eters which may indicate periodicity of spawning activity. ..... 60 22. Breeding cycle determination for Magelona sacculata at the outfall station, graphing several parameters which may indicate periodicity of spawning activity. ; . 61 23. Breeding cycle determination for Magelona sacculata at the plume station, graphing several parameters which may indicate periodicity of spawning activity. 62 24. Breeding cycle determination for Magelona sacculata at the windmill station, graphing several parameters which may indicate periodicity of spawning activity ..•............... 63 LIST OF FIGURES, continued Figure 25. Results of the larval jar, meiofauna core and quarterly macrofauna core (data from Hannan et al., 1978) collections of Armandia orevis at the outfall and windmill stations .. 67 26. Results of the larval jar, meiofauna core and quarterly macrofauna core (data from Hannan et al., 1978) collections of Capitella spp.
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