Roman V.Yampolskiy Leakproofing the Singularity Artificial Intelligence Confinement Problem Abstract: This paper attempts to formalize and to address the ‘leakproofing’ of the Singularity problem presented by David Chalmers. The paper begins with the definition of the Artificial Intelli- gence Confinement Problem. After analysis of existing solutions and their shortcomings, a protocol is proposed aimed at making a more secure confinement environment which might delay potential negative effect from the technological singularity while allowing humanity to benefit from the superintelligence. Keywords: AI-Box, AI Confinement Problem, Hazardous Intelligent Software, Leakproof Singularity, Oracle AI. ‘I am the slave of the lamp’ Genie from Aladdin 1. Introduction With the likely development of superintelligent programs in the near future, many scientists have raised the issue of safety as it relates to such technology (Yudkowsky, 2008; Bostrom, 2006; Hibbard, 2005; Chalmers, 2010; Hall, 2000). A common theme in Artificial Intelli- gence (AI)1 safety research is the possibility of keeping a super- intelligent agent in a sealed hardware so as to prevent it from doing any harm to humankind. Such ideas originate with scientific Correspondence: Roman V. Yampolskiy, Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Sci- ence University of Louisville. Email:
[email protected] [1] In this paper the term AI is used to represent superintelligence. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 19, No. 1–2, 2012, pp. 194–214 Copyright (c) Imprint Academic 2011 For personal use only -- not for reproduction LEAKPROOFING THE SINGULARITY 195 visionaries such as Eric Drexler, who has suggested confining transhuman machines so that their outputs could be studied and used safely (Drexler, 1986).