A regular meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners was held on this day at 950 Drive. Commissioners present: President Brad Lindner, Vice President Jim Goetz, Commissioner Susan Castellini, Commissioner Linda Thomas, and Commissioner Kevin Flynn. President Lindner called the meeting to order at 9:04 A.M.


President Lindner declared public comments should be turned in before 9 a.m. and will be presented at the start of Park Board Meetings. He then called the first speaker, Rama Kasturi.

Rama Kasturi asked if the Board had authorized Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) to conduct an environmental study. She also asked for clarification on the difference between the Park Board and the Board of Park Commissioners, and what Mr. Walcutt's role is.

President Lindner stated he is not aware of any authorization of an environmental study. President Lindner clarified that the Commissioners themselves are the Board of Park Commissioners and the Park Board is the entire organization including Park Board staff. Director Walcutt agreed.

President Lindner called the second speaker Joyce Rich of Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) to the podium. Ms. Rich said CTM has not taken any stance on CCAC relocating to Burnet Woods and CTM would like a continuation of the Park Board's investigative process. She added there are people in Clifton who support CCAC relocating into Burnet Woods.

President Lindner called the third speaker, Malcolm Montgomery of Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) to the podium. Malcolm Montgomery, speaking on behalf of CTM, requested the Park Board to not make a decision regarding CCAC or the Camping Education Foundation during the October 18th 2018 Board Meeting, to continue the process of gaining input from the surrounding community of Burnet Woods, and that adequate notice is given when an official decision is made.

Brad Lindner called the fourth speaker, Gerald Checco to the podium. Gerald Checco spoke of the opportunity of moving CCAC into Burnet Woods. He described a list of prominent cultural centers within parks around the world including the Cincinnati Art Museum in Cincinnati Parks' Eden Park. He added it is an assumption that building in Burnet Woods would harm the environment. Park Board staff is talented and experienced and could handle building CCAC inside Burnet Woods.

President Lindner called the fifth speaker Cindy Herrick, President of the Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) to the podium. Cindy Herrick complimented the Camping and Education Foundation as a great organization and stated support for them in Burnet Woods. She wanted to see the community engagement process continue, and stated there should not be a decision made regarding CCAC that day. CCAC has not presented drawings or conducted a study on the environment yet. Commissioner Castellini stated that in a community meeting it was decided that both CCAC and Camping Education Foundation should move forward with presenting suggested plans, including building drawings, and financials. Commissioner Castellini asked why CCAC has not yet presented any ideas.

Cindy Herrick answered by saying CCAC had a scheduled meeting on September 7, 2018 to present ideas, but CCAC was told there was an understanding that Camping and Education Foundation would go into Burnet Woods, and because of the controversy CCAC was given word to not continue working on the project. CCAC submitted a potential environmental proposal, and received two quotes, and is willing to continue working on a proposal for Burnet Woods.

Vice President Goetz stated that based on previous meetings and notes he was unclear if CCAC was asked to move forward with an environmental impact study. Vice President Goetz shared Cindy Herrick's concern about mixed messages in the Burnet Woods Community Engagement Process and understood the Clifton community perspective of the process being short circuited.

Cindy Herrick clarified CCAC was asked to pursue an environmental study at the June 28, 2018 meeting. The Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) was told the Burnet Woods process ended.

Vice President Goetz questioned the process because Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) received word that the Park Board was not moving forward with CCAC and the Burnet Woods process.

Cindy Herrick stated CCAC received word that Camping and Education Foundation (CEF) was going in Burnet Woods, but weeks passed without that information reaching the public. Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) did not ask CTM to put forth a resolution on CCAC's behalf. Cindy Herrick added miscommunication has been an issue in the Burnet Woods process.

President Lindner called the sixth speaker Steve Slack to the podium. Steve Slack commented on how Preserve Burnet Woods has strengthened the Cincinnati Parks Advisory Council (CPAC). Steve asked the Board to support CPAC's involvement with the removal of invasive species in Burnet Woods. Steve gave an opinion that Burnet Woods should remain tranquil and he doesn't support CCAC's potential move to Burnet Woods. He stated The University of Cincinnati is already a cultural center on what was originally Burnet Woods.


President Lindner motioned for approval of the September 20, 2018 minutes. Commissioner Castellini moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion. Motion was approved by vote.


Captain Neville stated Vice Mayor Smitherman asked Captain Neville to give a presentation on the situation in . The presentation will be given in conjunction with Parks Staff and DCI on Monday October 29th 2018 at the Law and Public Safety Committee of City Council. STAFF RECOGNITION

Dave Gamstetter, Interim Division Manager, introduced Johnnie Taylor Jr. for staff recognition. Johnnie Taylor Jr. has multiple accommodation letters from multiple supervisors for his dedication as a Laborer.

President Lindner was impressed with Johnnie's dedication and commitment to the job and his attendance despite challenges.


The Park Board was asked to approve the promotion of Johnnie Taylor Jr. and Louis Sand Jr. as full-time laborers for East District. The candidates were ranked as the number one and number two recommendations for the appointments.

President Lindner asked for a motion to approve the promotions. Vice President Goetz motioned to approve, and Commissioner Flynn seconded. The motion was approved by vote.

The Park Board was asked to approve the appointment of Mary Unterreiner as an Administrative Specialist with a working title of Executive Assistant. Mary Unterreiner's experience stood out amongst 500 applicants. She served as Executive Director for The Boone Conservancy, and has volunteered as a Secretary for the Kentucky Land Trusts Coalition and Rabbit Hash Historical Society.

President Lindner asked for a motion to approve hiring Mary Unterreiner. Commissioner Flynn motioned to approve. It was seconded. The motion was approved by vote.


Camping and Education Foundation

Director Walcutt introduced Hugh Haller of Camping and Education Foundation (CEF) to provide an update on their proposed plan to partner with Cincinnati Parks and join Burnet Woods.

Hugh Haller stated he wanted to bring more clarity to the proposal and ask for approval. The new Camping and Education Foundation center in Burnet Woods would involve a renovation of the Trailside Nature Center and some additional space added. Hugh Haller stated it would not be a new building, but the utilization of the existing Trailside Nature Center. Camping and Education Foundation also wanted to be involved in the revitalization of Burnet Woods, including trail maintenance.

Burnet Woods is important because ofits central location adjacent to The University of Cincinnati, a planned partner. Camping and Education Foundation is about giving kids an opportunity to experiment, engage with nature, and provide the opportunity to fail and learn. The Foundation is also engaging with teenagers, an area Cincinnati Parks is looking to engage more. The Foundation has partnered with Cincinnati Parks, and the University of Cincinnati for years, both are interested in expanding these partnerships. He added becoming a part of the Clifton community and getting to know the community is critical.

The programming teaches camping education including fire building, woodworking and boat building, canoeing, and Native American culture and crafts. The design of the addition to Trailside Nature Center will most likely be on the lower backside of the building. Some of the addition may include the woodworking and a boat building shop, outdoor classroom space, storage, and concession building renovation. Existing space is to be determined. The budget is estimated to be $150,000 to $200,000 a year with about a million dollars going into the building; and $250,000 already committed. The next steps mentioned were working collaboratively with Cincinnati Parks and coming up with actual building and finance plans.

Director Walcutt clarified the presentation was an update and no action is required from the Park Board.

Commissioner Flynn commented that Mt. Airy Forest should not be forgotten as a potential location for Camping and Education Foundation's programs. In response, Hugh Haller said he does imagine a phase two where Burnet Woods is a hub and programming expands to other parks.

Vice President Goetz asked what it was Hugh Haller was looking from the Park Board that day? Hugh Haller requested that there be a vote to approve going in the presentation's stated direction, so Camping and Education Foundation could dedicate more time to a more thorough plan.

Commissioner Castellini said she had heard that Camping and Education Foundation would not come to Burnet Woods if the Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) was approved to be in Burnet Woods as well. Hugh Haller answered that this was in fact their stance. From what has been presented on CCAC in Burnet Woods Hugh Haller said it does not match up with what Camping and Education Foundation is about. Hugh Haller does not want Camping and Education Foundation to get involved in that process, even though he thinks CCAC is a great group. He added it was up to the Park Board to decide the direction Burnet Woods is going and does not feel CCAC matches up with Camping and Education Foundation's direction.

Commissioner Thomas asked if Camping and Education Foundation does not match up programĀ­ wise with CCAC. Hugh Haller clarified that it was not about programs, it is about the physical aspects of a planned building in Burnet Woods. The space of Burnet Woods is not big enough to accommodate both. He added there is political turmoil in this process and he does not want Camping and Education Foundation to get involved.

Commissioner Flynn stated that the Park Board does not yet know what is being proposed from CCAC, and he cannot therefore vote to move forward with Camping and Education Foundation. He continued that a vote to move forward with Camping and Education Foundation would be a vote to stop the planning process for CCAC, who had yet to present updated plans.

Commissioner Thomas asked if the Park Board voting to move forward with Camping and Education Foundation meant that they expected to have a say in all future decisions regarding Burnet Woods. Hugh Haller clarified he does not feel that is needed. He stated that he was asked in particular about CCAC's current presented plans and based on that he has decided CCAC's plans do not match up with Camping and Education Foundation's plans.

Vice President Goetz regrets that both organizations feel they have been placed in a position of controversy. He noted that Director Walcutt had advised that it would be rare for an environmental impact study to come back with no listed impact. Vice President Goetz felt after receiving months of public feedback it was clear the public wants reformation not transformation in order to preserve and better utilize what Burnet Woods has. He added the Park Board has to decide if they are going with Camping and Education Foundation (CEF) or if they are allowing CCAC time to continue planning, and risk losing CEF in that process.

President Lindner added that he would love to continue to partner with CEF.

Commissioner Thomas added she is not in a position to make an official decision for either organization with incomplete information. She would vote to continue the conversation so that down the line the Park Board can make a decision with more information presented from both sides.

Vice President Goetz mentioned in past meetings the Park Board has continued to ask for further plans from both organizations. He noted that the Board had also approved a motion that directed staff to develop an overall plan for Burnet Woods incorporating input from the community. He added at some point the Park Board must officially decide instead of waiting on more information. He felt the Park Board has an opportunity to decide to go with Camping and Education Foundation's proposed vision of Burnet Woods.

Director Walcutt said when it comes to vision, we have had the vision for Burnet Woods, and it involves financing Burnet Woods with all its current needs and looking for options to help those needs. One of the options was looking for outside partners to assist in improving Burnet Woods. Vice President Goetz asked if building a twenty to thirty thousand square foot facility for CCAC fits into that already existing vision. Director Walcutt clarified that he does not believe that is CCAC's final proposal.

Commissioner Flynn believed the Park Board said an official decision would not be made regarding Burnet Woods before the end of the year. He would love to see CEF moving forward, but not at the expense of CCAC. He wanted to see CCAC's updated proposed plans. Vice President Goetz stated the Park Board has never taken a vote to say a decision would not be made till next year.

Commissioner Castellini expected CCAC to come back with more information after the June 2018 Park Board meeting. Leslie Mooney, Executive Director of the CCAC asked Director Walcutt to clarify the environmental study. Director Walcutt clarified that he wanted Park Board staff to help select the consultant for an environmental study for an un-biased approach. Leslie Mooney of CCAC said the environmental study would not be completed until November 2018. Leslie Mooney described a timeline where CCAC met with design firms in August 2018 for the Park Board meeting in September 2018, but CCAC did not make it onto the Park Board agenda for the September meeting. Leslie Mooney stated they were ready to present updated plans and financials.

President Lindner felt what the community wants matters most, and that after months of community feedback, it became clear the public is against a new building going into Burnet Woods. He agreed with Vice President Goetz, that the chances of an environmental study coming back with a low impact are slim. He added even with a low impact environmental study it does not seem like it will change the public's mind. He stated that the Park Board had to decide if they were going to transform Burnet Woods or restore what is already there.

President Lindner allowed the audience to give some feedback and comments.

Commissioner Thomas restated there is additional data needed, and the conversation regarding Burnet Woods should continue. She felt no matter what is decided there will be some people not happy. Vice President Goetz added he thought bringing CEF into Burnet Woods would activate the park and as a result of the community, conversation volunteers have led bird watching walks, litter pickup, and various other activities.

President Lindner asked what additional information is needed. Commissioner Flynn needed to see a rendering, or an idea of what CCAC is proposing. He does not feel those who love Burnet Woods will stop helping Burnet Woods if the Park Board waits to see CCAC's plan.

President Lindner allowed more comments from the viewing audience.

Leslie Mooney stated CCAC is a cultural center meant for Clifton. Being a part of the Clifton community is important to CCAC's mission.

President Lindner said it is important Parks be a place where one can reflect in nature. Commissioner Flynn agreed Parks are a place to be tranquil but they are also a place to be active and engaging, and Cincinnati Parks has examples of both.

It was suggested that CCAC look into partnering with Cincinnati Recreation by Vice President Goetz, and Commissioner Castellini agreed.

Leslie Mooney requested the Park Board wait for the information they asked for in June 2018 and the CCAC will bring that information to the Park Board before the end of the year. The Recreation facility had been looked at but presented many challenges including space available for development at this location.

Commissioners restated earlier opinions including Vice President Goetz, who said that to wait means the Park Board risks losing a valuable option. Commissioner Thomas asked for more data in order to make an informed decision.

Director Walcutt asked the Park Board of Commissioners to clarify what information should be compiled and presented for the next Park Board meeting. Commissioner Castellini thought CCAC should come back next month with their business plan and what impact it would have. Commissioner Thomas requested the placement of their suggested space and if possible an impact study.

Vice President Goetz voiced hesitation on the proposed plan of continuing the conversation, due to the affects it could have on Camping and Education Foundation's and Preserve Burnet Woods' future decisions. Commissioner Castellini and Commissioner Thomas asked if the Park Board votes to hear CCAC's plans later this year, does that mean Camping and Education Foundation will exit? Hugh Haller clarified Burnet Woods is the Park Board's decision, and he thought this decision process was further along, but it was not the case. Camping and Education Foundation will wait and see further presented data and then make a decision.

CCAC asked for clarification on what is needed for the upcoming November Park Board meeting. Director Walcutt along with Steve Schuckman answered CCAC needed a site plan and location ideas. President Lindner added to prepare a better idea of the financials. No environmental impact study will be prepared for the next November Park Board meeting. Vice President Goetz also asked CCAC to consider that if a building is eventually built, then the property will still be park property, similar to how Playhouse in the Park is leased. Commissioner Flynn indicated there are several real estate legal mechanisms in place to accomplish this.

The Park Board adjourned for a ten minute break at 11 :55 a.m.



Rocky Merz gave a recap on making Special Use Waivers more transparent and clear. Based on Park Board feedback and further review by staff the previous proposed idea of sponsorships was removed in place of a more clearly defined and structured fee waiver process.

The Park Board was asked to approve adding Section H to Rule 29. This would allow a fee waiver process to exist in regard to special use permits granted by Cincinnati Parks.

Commissioner Flynn wanted clarification about the staff committee selected to review special use permit waivers. Rocky Merz clarified it would be multiple selected staff personnel. Special use permit waivers used to be granted by one employee.

Commissioner Castellini inquired about the submission date of sixty days prior. Rocky Merz answered it is a recommended deadline, occasionally events are set up with less time than 60 days.

President Lindner asked if the offset of Park Board revenue for the time being would be funded by Cincinnati Parks Foundation and United Way. Rocky Merz answered that was true. President Lindner stated if this program ever required the Cincinnati Park Board to fund it, then the program would be re-evaluated in the future. Rocky Merz and Director Walcutt added section H is an improvement from before when the Park Board did not even track fees waived. Vice President Goetz asked about adding a category for nature programming in the fee waiver language. Rocky Merz suggested the language of nature programming could be added under programs beneficial to parks or cultural and art programs. Vice President Goetz agreed.

Vice President Goetz said he did not understand the need for a committee, it makes it too bureaucratic and risks being ambiguous. He added those applying for fee waivers should either meet the criteria or not. He also said the current fee waiver policy has the Parks Director giving final approval and to consider the Park Board having final approval as Cincinnati Recreation Commission does.

Rocky Merz agreed stating the objective was not to add additional steps or delays from the users perspective and indicated quarterly reports would be prepared as requested.

Commissioner Flynn suggested, relative to Vice President Goetz's comment, a quarterly report to the Park Board on the matter.

Commissioner Thomas stated she was confused if fee waivers were waived or on a sliding scale. Rocky Merz clarified the fees are either waived completely or not at all. Those applying either qualify or they don't. Commissioner Thomas requested it be made clear where people applying submit their fee waiver requests. Rocky Merz agreed the language will be made clear on the form and the Cincinnati Parks website.

President Lindner asked if there was a motion to amend Park Board rule 29 and add section H. Commissioner Castellini moved the motion. Commissioner Flynn seconded. The motion was approved by vote.

Hanka and Hamm Contract

Director Walcutt described how Hanka/Hamrn Consulting was integral in securing $30 million for Smale Riverfront Park. The Park Board has an annual contract with Hanka/Hamrn Consulting.

The Park Board was asked to approve a private endowment budget adjustment that allowed the Park Board to fund the Hamm/Hanka consulting lobbyist agreement from the surplus funding in the Meyer Fund of$36,000. Director Walcutt suggested next year this adjustment be calculated in the budget originally to avoid a future adjustment.

Vice President Goetz asked if the Park Board has a current contract with Hanka/Hamrn. Director Walcutt confirmed they do. Vice President Goetz requested it be made clear what the Park Board receives from Hanka/Hamm, perhaps in a quarterly report. That was agreed upon.

President Lindner asked if there was a motion to approve the private endowment budget adjustment to pay Hanka/Hamrn Consulting. Commissioner Thomas moved the motion. Commissioner Castellini seconded, and the motion was approved by vote. It was discussed if this payment would go through the new 430 private endowment fund. Director Walcutt said whether it goes through the old process or the new process the Finance Director or the City Treasurer would not say no to paying the contract.


Director Walcutt described how Parks Foundation used the 2007 masterplan to determine which areas of Cincinnati Parks needed fundraising.

Jennifer Spieser gave a presentation describing how the Parks Foundation was formed in 1995. In the last six years 92% of raised funds went to Cincinnati Parks.

Parks Foundation is working on their strategic plan for the next three years. They plan to raise money for eight parks in seven neighborhoods including: Burnet Woods, Inwood Park, Mt. Storm Park, Fairview Park, Bellevue Park, Mt. Airy Forest, Hyde Park Square, and Laurel Park. Funding will help restore trails, remove invasive species, add new landscape, playgrounds, improve accessibility, and help activate park spaces. The Parks Foundation has contributed to Smale Family Fun, 's Butterfly Show, the Releaf Program, Wednesdays in the Woods, and Parks Foundation wants to continue the activation of parks.

Jennifer Spieser went on to describe a grass roots campaign to build a statue of Ezzard Charles in the West End in Laurel Park. It is a $275,000 project and Parks Foundation is commencing their fundraising for this particular project. The bust of the head of the future Ezzard Charles statue was shown. It is planned to be an interactive statue via a phone app. Jennifer Spieser also mentioned Ezz Fest held its first celebration in Laurel Park in support of this project.

Commissioner Flynn was very intrigued with the interactive app for the future Ezzard Charles statue and is interested seeing it expanded to other statues in Cincinnati Parks.

The goals for each particular park were discussed a bit further, and the Park Board of Commissioners referenced their packets.


Director Walcutt described how the Park Board has already gone through a couple of reorganization phases. The Park Board is operationally intensive day to day. The reorganization has resulted in better cross divisional support and training, improved contract and permit processes, and improved communications with Cincinnati Recreation Commission. A more pro-active approach has been taken when vacancies occur, instead of just replacing what is gone, the position is re-evaluated.

With the current structure of a Director with multiple direct reports ranging from a CFO to someone in the street tree program, it is difficult to give those two different areas the attention they deserve short term and long term. Director Walcutt introduced the proposed Deputy Director position who would focus on the day to day operation of the Park Board. This allows the Director to focus more on strategic planning and visioning. The Deputy Director position would be paid for by two unneeded vacancies, so no additional cost would be required in the budget. A draft was presented for the Deputy Director position with listed tasks. An organizational chart of the Park Board was also presented to the Board. The Deputy Director has three direct reports, all Division Managers.

Commissioner Castellini asked if Director Walcutt were to vacate his position for some reason would this Deputy Director would become the Interim Director. Director Walcutt confirmed that would be true.

President Lindner used a metaphor to ask Director Walcutt if he was laying the tracks of the railroad to control where the train goes instead of being the train conductor. Director Walcutt used another analogy to say he was a helicopter pilot, who needed to have the flexibility to rise up to see the lay of the land, and to fly down close if needed, and to not get stuck down close.

The Director position would look toward the future, work with the Board, and develop relationships/partnerships where the Deputy Director takes those ideas and visions and gets them done on a day to day basis.

President Lindner said it would be helpful for Director Walcutt to provide the Director's changed job description. Director Walcutt stated the Director's job description does not change but hiring a Deputy Director allows the Director to have more flexibility. President Lindner wanted clarification on what the Deputy Director is responsible for because it seems there are two people with the same responsibilities.

Commissioner Thomas understands that ultimately the Director is responsible, but there are tasks the Director wants to do, that the Director is not able to do because of the day to day operational decisions. She mentioned there are strategic plans the Director has not been able to do.

Vice President Goetz agreed there should be more detail presented because a Deputy Director is a new position. If someone is calling the Director about a wedding, give them the number of one of the Director's direct reports. Vice President Goetz also wanted to see some detail on how this added position is financially neutral. Director Walcutt stated a vacant Riverfront Service Area Coordinator and a vacant Carol Ann's Carousel Administrative Specialist combined were enough to cover the potential Deputy Director Position. Vice President Goetz asked if having this new executive level puts the Park Board at risk during a future budget shortfall, and as result employees would have to be laid off. Director Walcutt answered no. Director Walcutt stated he will provide those vacant positions to the Board in writing.

Director Walcutt stated it wasn't out of the ordinary for this type of position to exist in an operationally intensive organization such as Cincinnati Parks.

Commissioner Flynn complimented the organizational chart. In his history on City Council he had asked every department for an organizational chart, and most of the departments could not provide one. Commissioner Thomas agreed. Director Walcutt wanted to clarify the Deputy Director position is not administrative fluff, or to lessen the Director's responsibilities. The organization of the Park Board was reviewed over the course of a year and it was determined a Deputy Director position would greatly benefit Cincinnati Parks and the Cincinnati Community.

Commissioner Thomas wanted clarification on the placement of the Deputy Director on the organizational chart, and then asked if the City of Cincinnati's Human Resources Department worked with Parks' staff on creating this position. Director Walcutt answered yes.

Vice President Goetz wanted more clarity on what the Director's responsibilities versus the Deputy Director's responsibilities were. He also wanted time to look it over because it is a big change to Cincinnati Parks. Director Walcutt referred to the Board's packets for a list of the Deputy Director's suggested tasks and duties. Vice President Goetz asked to also see the Director's changed job description. Director Walcutt stated that his job description does not change.

Commissioner Thomas stated that adding a Deputy Director allowed the Director to fully participate in all Director tasks. Commissioner Thomas requested the tasks Director Walcutt will have time to focus on now, with the addition of a Deputy Director, be provided.

Director Walcutt described how he has spent a lot of time in the weeds of daily operations. He went on to describe the many areas that could be improved on like operational and financial audits, finding additional funding opportunities, and assisting with work culture change.

Vice President Goetz requested for a side by side listing of the Deputy Director's duties versus the Director's duties, and to have in writing the two descriptions of the vacant positions used to fund the new Deputy Director position. Director Walcutt stated would be provided in writing.

President Lindner asked if there was a motion to get more information on this matter, and to push the decision off to the next meeting. Vice President Goetz motioned such, and Commissioner Thomas seconded.

Commissioner Thomas asked if there were any time constraints in regard to this new position. Director Walcutt does want the Deputy Director to help hire two of the Deputy Director's future direct reports.

The motion was passed by vote. President Lindner asked if any were opposed and Commissioner Castellini stated she understood Director Walcutt's request and did not find further information necessary.

Commissioner Flynn said he was inclined to support the addition of the position, but he understood the request for more information.

Director Walcutt added that the Park Board is prepared behind the scenes to start advertising for the potential Deputy Director position. Vice President Goetz said there is no need to rush, and that it is a big change for the organization. Director Walcutt requested the executive profile in the Board packet be reviewed in the interim time, and he added if there is additional information needed those materials will be provided to the Board.

President Lindner asked for further clarification on what the Director's new focus will be with a more flexible schedule. Director Walcutt answered that more time will be dedicated to external contracts, more involvement with the CFO, working with the Investment Committee and the entire Board, working with City Council, working with the Park Foundation, and working with outreach groups. Commissioner Thomas added her agreement.

Vice President Goetz stated he wanted all the information for review before the next Park Board Meeting. Commissioner Thomas said the Board will look at everything side by side and be prepared to vote officially on the position at the next Park Board Meeting in November.



Vice President Goetz stated in order to expedite the meeting he recommended the Investment Committee discussion be tabled to next month.


Director Walcutt informed the Board that he will be in West Virginia for the first week of November for professional development purposes, working with the National Recreation Parks Association (NRP A).

Director Walcutt also informed the Board about Cincinnati Parks two Ohio Parks and Recreation Association (OPRA) submissions. A video made for a submittal package regarding Smale Riverfront Park's horticultural achievement of becoming a level one arboretum and an accredited monarch waystation was shown to the Board.


Commissioner Castellini asked about the PNC bank account, how much is in it, and the plans. Director Walcutt answered further input will be provided to the Board as it relates to Cincinnati Parks Foundation's campaign.

Vice President Goetz asked for an update on the marina project. Vice Mayor Smitherman's office and a representative of the fire department wanted to know the status. Vice President Goetz asked for a status report to be presented at the next Park Board Meeting. Director Walcutt said he could provide a report right then.

Director Walcutt stated the Park Board wants the boat dock to occur, but there is a grant associated with the process and certain timelines have to be followed. He added the fire department also has a grant and time lines. The Park Board has been working directly with the Fire Chief so he's aware of the process. The Fire Department has a boat already, and they want a location downtown to dock it, a few locations where named for temporary placement of the Fire Department boat so it can always be readily available for easy response times.

In 2017, the estimated expense of the boat dock was re-evaluated; the initial cost projections were incorrect. The Park Board knew it was likely a budget decrease would occur in the future. For all those reasons it was decided the boat dock did not make sense at the time. Since that time the Park Board has gone back and worked with City of Cincinnati Procurement to figure out what can be signed so it is not an obligation, but it moves forward. The Park Board is interested in working with groups that are experts on the Ohio River for a better overall process. It is still the Park Board's goal to make the boat dock happen and to not give back any grant dollars or ruin the Park Board's standing with the Fire Department.

Commissioner Castellini asked if there was a timeline. Director Walcutt said if the City of Cincinnati is supportive of the Park Board signing the original RFP with Universal and it does not obligate the Park Board to spend money that is not present , then it will move forward.

Vice President Goetz asked for the drop dead dates on funding available. Steve Schuckman answered the extension of the grant cannot go beyond June 2020. Commissioner Castellini asked if the Park Board is working with Universal to get hard costs. Steve Schuckman clarified that it is a construction manager at risk contract. Once the contract is signed the work needed to obtain real numbers will be completed.

Commissioner Flynn stated that the Park Board wants to be sure when the hard numbers come back, if the funds are not enough to meet those hard numbers, then the Park Board can exit or try to bring more money to the table.

Commissioner Castellini asked for further explanation. Steve Schuckman answered the boat dock went through a public process and Universal had the best price to build the dock. The issue was discussed further and Steve Schuckman clarified that Universal still has to come back with an actual dollar estimate.

President Lindner asked about the awaiting contract and if it came back that signing meant the contract cannot be exited, what would happen? Steve Schuckman clarified the Park Board would not sign, but added he does not think it will happen that way.

Vice President Goetz mentioned at the previous CPAC meeting in August there was a two pager passed out with updates on Park projects. He asked that items like that be provided to The Board.

Commissioner Castellini inquired about Lytle Park's progress. Steve Schuckman stated the team came up with a redesign that hopefully will come in on budget. It is hoped to be put out to bid in early November because contractors tend to lower prices in winter with less projects to work on. The hope is to start work in January or February. President Lindner discussed the Mt. Airy Mountain Bike Trail. If there was no cost or obligation to the Park Board then a master plan for a bike trail could be pursued. Cincinnati Off-Road Alliance (CORA) staff would like to work with Park Board staff to develop a master plan bike trail at their cost so it matches or compliments current future plans for Mt. Airy Forest.

Next Park Board meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2018.

President Lindner motioned to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm ATTESTa :(h PRESIDENT ~~// DIRECTOR