Hatfield Annual Town Report

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Hatfield Annual Town Report ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE TOWN OFFICERS Town of Hatfield FOR TJHI-: Year Ending December 31, 1921 The Metcalf Printing Co. northampton", mass. 1922 — : : Finance Committee Your Finance Committee recommend the following Appropriations : Ninth payment and interest Center Schoolhouse loan $ 3,035 West Hatfield Schoolhouse loan 5,000 Article 5—Highways Ordinary repairs highways and bridges, and patching, oiling and repairs Stone roads, 7,000 Article 6—Necessary town expenses Bonds—Town officers 100 Memorial Hall—care of 150 .<. Tree Warden . 200 Inspection of Animals 200 Fire Department 800 Insurance 300 Contingencies v 1,500 Poor—care of 1,500 Interest 2,000 Salaries—Town officers 2,200 Schools—Maintenance of 30,000 Article 7—Memorial Day 120 Article 10—Care of Cemeteries 100 Article 11—Public Library 750 Article 13—School Physicians 100 Article 14—Hampshire Trustees for County Aid. 150 Article 15—Smith Industrial School 200 Article 18—Street Lights 4,300 $ 59,705 4 The f6llowing appropriations for stone roads and side- walk construction are not recommended by your Finance Committee, who believe in "Economy" as our slogan in 1922. However, these projects have been suggested to us and. recognizing the benefits of good roads, these articles have our approval. The voters must decide how far they will go in the direc- tion of these permanent. improvements. Article 22—Stone, road for underpasses—West Hatfield $ 2,500 Article 23—Extending Stone road in Bradstreet 5,000 Article 24—Stone road, North Street 5,000 Article 25—Cement Walk, Main Street 1,000 Respectfully submitted, JOHN C. RYAN, HUGH McLEOD, Wm. L. BELDEN, Finance Committee. — — Articles in the Warrant For Town Meeting, February 6, 1922 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Hampshire, ss. To L. H. Kingsley, one of the Constables of the town of Hatfield, in said County, Greeting : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Hatfield, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Town Hall in said Hatfield on Monday, the 6th day of February, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following named articles, to wit : Article 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. Article 2 To choose all necessary town officers for the ensuing year:—Town Clerk; three Selectmen; one Assessor for three years; Town Treasurer; one School Committee for three years; one Water Commissioner for three years; one Sinking Fund Commissioner for three years; one Trustee Public Library for three years; Auditor; Tree Warden; Elector,—under the Will, of Oliver Smith; Tax Collector; Director of Hampshire Trustees for County Aid to Agricul- ture; six Constables; and to vote on the question—"Yes" or ' " No ' —Shall License be granted for the sale of Certain Non- Intoxicating Beverages in this Town ? All the foregoing to be voted for on one ballot. The Polls will be opened at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and be kept open at least four hours, and for such longer time as the majority of the voters present shall direct, but in no case shall they be kept open after the hour of eight o'clock in the evening. Article 3. To hear the reports of the various town officers and committees and act thereon. Article 4. To receive and pass on town accounts. Article 5. To take action in relation to maintenance and repairs of highways and bridges the ensuing year, and raise and appropriate money for the same. Article 6 To take action in relation to raising money and appropriating same to defray the necessary expenses of the town for the ensuing year. Article 7. To see if the town will raise and appropri- ate money for Memorial Day. Article 8. To take action in relation to support of the poor for the ensuing year, and raise and appropriate money for the same. Article 9. To revise and accept the list of Jurors re- ported by the Selectmen. Article 10. To see if the town will raise and appropri- ate money for care of cemeteries for the ensuing year. Article 11. To see if the town will raise and appropri- ate money for the Public Library for the ensuing year. Article 12. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of revenue of the current financial year. Article .13. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate money for the employment of one or more School Physicians, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 502, Acts of 1906. Article 14. To see if the town will appropriate $150 for the support of the Hampshire Trustees for County Aid to Agriculture ,and elect a director of that organization who will be the official town representative for said Trustees as per Chap. 273 of the Acts of 1918. Article 15. To see if the town will raise and appropri- ate money for the payment of tuitions of Hatfield children attending the Smith Industrial School. Article 16. To see if the town will raise and appropri- ate money for supplies and maintenance of the Fire Depart- ment. Article 17. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate money for Tree Warden and Gypsy and Brown Tail Moth Work. Article 18. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of Money for Street Lights, and authorize the Selectmen to make a one-year contract with the Amherst Cias Company. Article 19. To see if the town will vote to accept Sec- tion 25A, of Chapter 41, of the General Laws, "An Act to authorize assessors in towns to appoint assistant assessors." Article 20. To see if the town will vote authorizing John Borowski to fill up, grade, and improve the town land front of his residence at Riverside. Article 21. To see if the town will vote to accept the relocation and establishing of the boundaries of the road from residence of E. N. Dickinson, Westerly to bars of George B. McClennan's pasture at Chestnut Mt. Also, road in Indian Field. Article 22. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 for constructing and draining a stone road under and between the two Railroad underpasses at West Hatfield, or act anything thereon. Article 23. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000—together with a like amount received from the State—to be expended in extending the stone road in Bradstreet—North or South, or act anything thereon. Article 24. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 in building a stone road on North Street, or act anything thereon. Article 25. To see if the town will vote to extend the cement walk near residence of David Billings Southerly, and raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for same, or act anything thereon. Article 26. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for police protection for the ensu- ing year, or act anything thereon. Article 27. To see if the town will authorize the Select- men to add to its present By-Laws by establishing certain by- laws for regulating the construction and situation of build- ings erected in the future, according to the provisions of Section 25, Chap. 40 General Laws. Article 28. To see if the town will vote giving the Water Commissioners authority to purchase two tracts of land owned by Joseph Sadoski and Charles Keszontsk, so as to pre- vent all further danger of contamination of Hatfield's Water supply. — Selectmen's Report To the Citizens of Hatfield : In accordance with the requirements of the Statutes of Massachusetts, the following report for the year ending December 31, 1921, is respectfully submitted. STATE AID State Aid paid to one person $ 48.00 POOR EXPENDITURES City of Northampton $ 864.00 Fan-en Memorial Hospital 307.72 Dickinson Hospital 37.00 Eye & Ear Infirmary 212.30 Beaven-Kelley Home 54.67 Providence Hospital 31.25 Dr. Chas. A. Byrne, medical attendance 9.00 Dr. Geo. A. Cook, medical attendance 36.00 Dr. P. E. Dow, medical attendance 6.00 Dr. A. G. MinshalL medical attendance 3.00 Mrs. "W. H. Dickinson, medical attendance 21.42 M. J. Ryan, sup 57.66 A. W. Stone, tickets to Poland 144.50 Scott Harris, trans 10.00 Carrie A. Gauthier, trans 4.45 J. S. Bardwell, digging grave 5.00 $ 1,803.97 Hampshire County Sanatorium $ 94.50 10 OLD BILLS Smith Academy $ 1,000.00 0. E. Belden, salary, 1920 50.00 Thos. B. Cunningham, salary, 1920 75.00 Adam J. Smith, salary, 1920 * 60.00 H. W. Wolfram, labor, orcl 15.00 S. W. Kingsley, labor ord 26.00 J. T. Powers, labor, ord 8.00 H. L. Stoddard, labor, ord 21.00 W. C. Tannart, bal. cement walk . 400.00 L. H. Kingsley, recording births, marriages and deaths 134.50 Leon Zaskey, labor, ord. 12.00 Andrew Klekut, sand 7.50 George Fusek, sand 3.00 M. J. Walsh, cement . , 7.50 F. L. Betsold, labor, ord 31.55 M. J. Ryan, sup. ord 40.34 $ 1,891.39 TOWN OFFICERS Chas. E. Warner, auditor, 1920 $ 10.00 S. W. Kingsley, police 16.00 Marian C. Billings, ballot clerk 5.00 Chas. J. Stowell, ballot clerk 5.00 Dennis E. Holley, ballot clerk • 5.00 Joseph E.
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