arabic comes to puget sound

Starting new kind of aconversation... After a petition of some 300 signatures,

the University now offers a not-for-credit PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG Typing: Arabic keyboards display the English alphabet as well course on conversational Arabic. as the Arabic characters. By MIKE KNAPE tually be offered as a minor and/or creation has not been entirely major,” Lutfala said. “I believe this problem-free. According to Bren- nspired by his experience learning Chinese in high school, current sophomore is a step in the right direction for fleck, finding an optimal timeslot the University and will support the that wouldn’t interfere with for- Phillip Brenfleck came to Puget Sound with his sights set on yet another school’s mission to support diversi- credit coursework was a difficul- linguistic challenge: learning Arabic. To his disappointment, however, the ty within its student base. Arabic is ty. Similarly, some students felt left an important language in the pres- out by registration process, which University did not offer an Arabic language course. Brenfleck began working ent and will only grow in impor- was handled on an individual ba- tance in the future. If UPS is com- sis through Brenfleck and Rocchi with Michel Rocchi, the Director of Language and Culture Programs, in mitted to making Arabic a priority, rather than through Cascade as a the fall of 2010 to try to bring Arabic to Puget Sound. One year and some it will reap great dividends for not normal course is. only the students but the reputation “When I transferred here from 300 signatures later, Brenfleck and nearly 50 other students are learning the of the University as well.” the U of O, I was upset that Ara- Lutfala emphasized how Ara- bic wasn’t offered. It was brought language on-campus, free of charge. bic can help students with careers to my attention last year that there Yasmine Khattab, a native speak- retroactive credit for the course, don’t have to worry there.” in the Middle East and around the was a petition going to get the class er from Egypt and the spouse of Re- but students do not appear too wor- The class encompasses a variety world. Like Lutfala, Casas sees Ar- started and I never knew the class ligon professor Matthew Ingalls, is ried. of academic interests and experi- abic as an important language for was being offered despite putting teaching two sections of introduc- “I am in the course for the op- ence levels. Freshman Andrew Lu- graduates in today’s world. my email down,” senior Jack Simon tory, conversational Arabic from portunity to learn a new language,” tfala is a Politics and Government “Spanish, Mandarin and Ara- said. “I felt it would have been ben- 4-6I p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs- freshman CaroLea Casas said. “I major who grew up speaking Ara- bic are three of the most important eficial to me after taking two years days. Khattab has previously taught would love to be given retroactive bic with his Lebanese parents. languages in today’s world, and I of Arabic and passing a proficiency similar courses at Yale University. credit for it in the future, but I’m “It means a lot to me that Ara- was really excited about the pros- test at the U of O to continue my Both sections filled up quickly de- excited to take part in the course, bic has been recognized by the uni- pect of learning all three,” Casas studies here.” spite the fact that the course is cur- and that is reward enough at least versity and that hopefully this Ara- said. rently not-for-credit. Brenfleck be- for this semester. My language bic course will become an officially Despite the overwhelmingly pos- Editors Note: Phillip Brenfleck lieves that students could receive credit is already taken care of, so I credited course next year, and even- itive responses so far, the course’s writes for the Trail.

Alexander the Hella Chill Off-Campus meal plans Inside the process of Conquers Greek System unfair to students hiring professors rock solid Combat Zone page 5 Opinions page 3 Features page 7 A&E page 11 2 NewS The Puget Sound Trail February 10, 2012 [email protected] Wetlands presses on, gathers submissions By ERIK PRANG comfort and sex-shyness with its deliberately explicit and sug- his semester, Puget gestive style. They have begun Sound will have a drawing attention to their cause new student-oper- with edgy signs and artwork. ated art and liter- Last week the group adver- ary magazine with a tised with sidewalk chalk signs theme of gender and sexuality with slogans such as “cum and studies.T bring a friend,” and “the wetter The publication, titled Wet- the better.” Some of these were lands, will consist of student- removed by Facilities Services submitted works of literature despite the group saying they and art with the goal of provid- had the approval of the admin- ing a realistic depiction of sex- istration. uality in society from the point The students behind the new of view of Puget Sound students. publication say they hope to pro- According to the group’s man- vide a safe, honest and open fo- ifesto, certain subjects of sexual- rum for healthy sexual explora- ity have acquired a taboo status tion and expression and bring PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG in our soci- awareness ety, despite to issues of Celebration: Same-sex couples in Washington moved a step closer to full marriage equality. being a per- “ We seek to creat a safe, open, sexual re- tinent topic pression in virtually and honest discussion about a and shame Washington state senate approves everyone’s topic pertinent in our daily lives, in our com- lives. Many munity. feel that but often silenced, shamed and The pub- same-sex marriage in 28-21 vote this repres- when expressed, often falsely lication is sion of sex- represented. ” the project By MATT ANDERSON it expected that it will pass with- signature. uality is of gender out issue. State Governor Chris- The United States has long been unrealistic studies stu- The Washington State Senate tine Gregoire has already indicated locked in the debate regarding and coun- dents and voted 28-21 in favor of extending that, except in case of any signifi- marriage equality. Currently six terproduc- seniors Me- marriage equality to the state’s gay cant alterations to the bill, she will states allow their LGBT citizens to tive. “More people on this cam- gan Chambers, Anya Callahan and lesbian citizens Feb. 1. sign it into law. marry: New York, Massachusetts, pus are having sex than not—it and Ruby Aliment. The vote was not divided entire- “Now it’s our time, this genera- Vermont, Connecticut, Iowa, and only makes sense to talk about Wetlands is supported by the ly along party lines, with four Re- tion’s call to end discrimination — New Hampshire. The District of it,” one member commented. University of Puget Sound Gen- publican state senators crossing the discrimination against our gay and Columbia also allows gays and les- “We seek to create a safe, open der Studies Department and aisle to vote in favor of same-sex lesbian citizens. It is time for mar- bians to wed. and honest discussion about ASUPS, as well as a growing fol- marriage rights and three Demo- riage equality,” Gregoire said in her Gay marriage was legal for a a topic pertinent in our daily lowing of students. They cur- crats voting “nay” on the bill. The speech endorsing the bill in Janu- time in California, as well. How- lives, but often silenced, shamed rently operate a tumblr blog and vote followed nearly 90 minutes of ary. ever, Proposition 8 passed in 2008 and when expressed often false- a Facebook page and are plan- debate during which members of The legislation’s opposition, a which amended the state’s consti- ly represented,” the group says. ning the first issue in the com- each camp voiced their opinions group of religious and political or- tution to define marriage as be- These issues include more than ing weeks. Wetlands will be ac- on the bill, culminating with Sen- ganizations, has already promised tween one man and one woman. just talking about sex: related cepting student submissions ator Margarita Prentice (D) say- a ballot initiative to repeal the leg- That proposition was challenged issues include gender identity until March 9th. Contact puget- ing, “I don’t know about the rest of islation. This would require the pe- in court shortly thereafter, and was and equality, physical and psy- [email protected] for you, but I’m ready to vote.... I think tition of over 120,000 Washington struck down Feb. 7by a Federal Ap- chological health and certainly more information or to submit we’ve just about wrapped it up.” state citizens after the bill has been pellate court that cited the law as much more. your work. At press time, the House of Rep- signed into law by Gregoire. The “unconstitutional”. This decision all The group is already confront- resentatives was expected to vote bills opponents would have until but ensures the United States Sur- ing controversies involving dis- on the legislation this week—where early June to gather the necessary preme court will hear the case.

Security Report The following incidents occurred reported stolen from outside • Security staff contacted 4 Crime Prevention Tips: securely. Avoid bringing on campus and were reported residence halls. One bike separate rooms in different valuables to these facilities. to Security Services since classes was locked with a cable style residence halls about reported • Valuables left in vehicles Report suspicious locker resumed Jan. 17: lock and the other was left marijuana violations. attracts thieves. Do not leave room activity immediately to unsecured. Residents called Security in purses, wallets, backpacks, Security Services. Larceny Thefts each case to file a complaint. luggage, sporting gear or Suspected Alcohol Violations All four cases were referred to portable electronic equipment • Help prevent crime by being • Approximately (10) 10’ Student Affairs. in your vehicle. Always secure an extra set of eyes and ears sections of copper gutter • Security staff contacted your vehicle. and reporting suspicious downspouts have been 3 students in two separate Locker Room Thefts activity right away. Security is stolen from the exterior of suspected state and university • Always secure your room open 24/7. The main reporting Weyerhaeuser Hall. The alcohol violation incidents. • Two thefts occurred from or office space while you are number is 253.879.3311. Please copper was most likely stolen Two cases were referred to the Warner Gym men’s locker away. Never leave personal program this number into your for its scrap metal value. Tacoma Police and all three to room. Both lockers were left or university property phone. Student Affairs. unlocked. Misc. clothing, unattended or unsecured. Bicycles Stolen From Campus two cellular telephones, and a Suspected Drug Violations laptop computer were stolen. • If you use a locker on • Two bicycles have been campus, please keep it locked

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1095 Wheelock Student Center, Tacoma, WA 98416-1095 | (253) 879.3197 The Puget Sound Trail [email protected] | [email protected] Editor in Chief...... Zane Muller Sports Editor...... Hannah Chase Managing Editors...... Justine McDaniel A&E Editors...... Tommy Stone ...... Melanie Reiff ...... Elisabeth Schyberg News Editor...... Matthew Anderson Combat Zone Editor...... Jeff Winograd Opinions Editor...... Harrison Diamond Business Manager...... Jaki Nestor Features Editor...... Kristie Dutra Photo Services General Manager...... Jane Cornell Faculty Advisor...... Rich Anderson-Connolly

The Trail is an independent, student-run organization funded by ASUPS. The Trail seeks to produce a credible weekly newspaper that serves as a comprehensive source of information relevant to its readership. The Trail acts as an archival record for the university, serves as a link between Puget Sound and the greater Tacoma community and provides an open forum for student opinion and discourse. The Puget Sound Trail Opinions 3 [email protected] Feburary 10, 2012 Off-Campus students suffer in the S.U.B. checkout line By KATE EASLEY I wondered what exactly these “over- forthcoming about the financial blows head” costs were and why it seemed that result if a student runs out of din- Last semester, I ran out of dining like off-campus students were creating ing dollars on his or her off-campus dollars about halfway through the se- more of these costs for the school. plan. In order to find this informa- mester. Apparently, I had not accurate- The staff member assured me that tion, one must scroll halfway down the ly calculated how many delicious meals “off-campus students do not create “Your Meal Plan” page on the school I would be consuming at the S.U.B. I more overhead costs than students liv- website. If the school is going to con- wasn’t too concerned about my lack ing on campus. As an off-campus meal tinue with this practice, then the in- of dining dollars because I assumed I plan holder they do contribute a small- formation should be stated more ex- would be able to purchase more and er dollar amount towards overhead plicitly in a clear warning before one continue to enjoy some nice raw po- than students living on campus.” purchases a plan. tatoes everyday (okay, the S.U.B. does Although it is true that off-campus Say I live off-campus and have pur- have good things sometimes). Upon meal plan holders are spending less chased an off-campus plan. I have been buying more dining dollars, I saw that money than on-campus students, they diligent about making sure I conserve I would be receiving $6 in dining dol- are also purchasing less food and visit- my dining dollars, but I run out with lars for $25 cash. ing the dining locations less frequent- two weeks of school to go. It is read- I thought this seemed a little off but ly. It seems to me that they are, in fact, ing period and I’ve been at the library assumed that either they had changed contributing the same dollar amount all day. I would love a nice cup of coffee the value of dining dollars or there was towards overhead in proportion to to keep me going and a sandwich from a mistake online. I quickly realized af- their use of the S.U.B., Oppenheimer, the S.U.B., because I don’t have time to ter running out of dining dollars two the Cellar and Diversions. go home and make myself dinner. days later with a plate of food in my I was assured through the use of If I had decided to put more points hand and the cashier staring me down a table that “as an off-campus meal onto my card, these two items would that I was in fact being charged $25 for plan holder you will receive more din- cost me around $12.50. A hungry per- 6 dining dollars. As my friends began ing dollars and pay less in overhead.” son who is not a student at the school to run out of points, they too realized When I did the calculations myself, I wanting these same items would spend the price was being jacked way up for found that the percent of the total cost around $7 by paying in regular cash. In people who live off-campus. that goes toward overhead is about the this situation, a student who is enrolled Those with an on-campus plan who same for both plans, provided the stu- at Puget Sound and pays tuition is be- run out of points and wish to pur- dent doesn’t exceed the allotted points. ing charged more for food than some- chase more pay $25 for 25 dining dol- But this doesn’t hold up if that same one who does not attend the school. lars. With this system of payment, a student should run out of points. In This unfair policy was never ade- lunch consisting of a sandwich, a bag fact, in that case the on-campus plan quately explained to me even after a se- of chips, apple slices and a drink would offers nearly five times better value for ries of confusing calculations meant to the same expenditure. justify the arbitrary cost difference. In cost $17 for an off-campus student PHOTO COURTESY / HATTIE LINDSLEY who has purchased more points while When I asked if this seemed like a my opinion, this practice penalizes not fair way to treat off-campus students, I only students who live off-campus, but this same meal would cost $4 for a per- Short Changed: Reloading Dinning Dollars comes at a hefty price. son with an on-campus plan who has was told, “We are trying to be transpar- also students from the area who can- also bought more points. ent in what the costs are upfront and not afford to live on campus and pay Following the same logic, the cost ences, I decided to keep an open mind ence Services, “The way the program is to provide tools to best aid students in for an on-campus meal plan. of a large pizza from the Cellar would and contact Dining Services to find built, with regards to adding addition- their decision-making process.” Punishing its own students for giv- be about $30 as opposed to $6.85. Al- out more information. al dining dollars, is to keep the balance I found this statement a bit trouble- ing less money to the school is some- though I was eager for an explanation According to a member of the man- between dining dollars and overhead some because I don’t feel that the Din- thing I do not think the University of of the seemingly absurd price differ- agement staff for Dining and Confer- similar among all the meal programs.” ing Services management staff is very Puget Sound should continue to do. Umbrella animosity unappreciated Iran’s nuclear goals By CAROLEA CASAS threaten regional calm I am not a “T-Loc.” I am also not a native of Washington. So, By ANDREW LUTFALA ence spreading throughout the naturally, prior to my relocation to region, for there exists the seri- this lovely state, I had no idea that After years of tension be- ous possibility that Iranian nu- there would be so many hostilities tween Israel and Iran, it seems clear technology could fall into from the natives. that the relations between the the hands of terrorist organiza- I should probably clarify that in two countries have reached a tions. However, Iran would be saying “hostilities,” I speak of what boiling point, as Iran’s immi- hesitant to allow their nuclear I can only perceive as a bizarre nent development of a nuclear arsenal to fall into the hands of phenomenon involving the public arsenal has led Israel to set sev- any other organization or coun- opinion on the weather—or more- eral different courses of precau- try out of fear of retaliatory ac- over, reactions to the weather. tionary action. A preemptive tion by the United States and I’m often teased for being the strike against Iran seems plausi- Israel, and to preserve the polit- silly girl from the OC who doesn’t ble, and its ramifications could ical clout the nation would gain know how to handle weather more potentially bring about a global from acquiring a nuclear arse- extreme than sunshine. I argue economic and political crisis of nal. that such an accusation is unfair. great magnitude. Allowing Iran to attain nu- See, I’ve also lived in Maryland A preemptive strike by Isra- clear capabilities would come and West Virginia for extended el may be disastrous because it at the heavy cost of dimin- periods of time, and neither of could threaten the oil trade in ished U.S. influence in the Mid- those states can be described as the Persian Gulf; however, it is dle East, which would severe- endlessly sunny. I’ve also been to important that Israel and the ly jeopardize the stability of almost all fifty states, and never United States act quickly or else America’s trade interests in the before Washington have I encoun- the consequences will be great. Persian Gulf and surrounding tered such opposition to umbrel- Israeli intelligence has con- regions. las. tinued to monitor the progress Therein lies the dilemma of There. I’ve said it. What is up PHOTO COURTESY / DAVID PENDLETON of the Iranian nuclear develop- whether to take active actions with the anti-umbrella sentiment? ment and now estimates that in pursuant to derailing Iran’s de- At first I thought it was a myth— Ridicule: Northwest natives regard umbrella users with disdain. six month’s time, Iran will have velopment of nuclear technol- that is, until the day my rain boots the capability to create nucle- ogy or bargaining with Iran to and I traipsed across campus with plying sunscreen compulsively. Is to be so snarky about the subject. ar bombs. If Iran were to gain a limit their use of nuclear ca- my houndstooth-patterned um- it so bad that I take pride in show- After all, as a close friend of mine nuclear arsenal, the balance of pabilities for energy purposes brella. On this particular day, as ing up to class with clean, dry —a former Seattle coed turned power in the Middle East would only. is often the case, there were chil- clothes and styled hair? New York Fashion Power to be be set off kilter as a nuclear ar- A possible dramatic conse- dren playing on campus. I walked Apparently so. In other news on exact—once said to me, “Yeah, senal would give Iran the abil- quence resulting from an Israe- past the back side of Jones and bizarre weather sentiments, frosh people in Washington are snobby ity to influence other Middle li pre-emptive strike upon Iran caught the most judgmental glare Rachel Rattenborg claims she has about umbrellas. But there’s noth- Eastern countries without fear nuclear research sites would be I’ve ever seen a five-year-old on a been plagued in her first year by ing snobby about fugly hair.” Wise of reciprocal action, while Is- the doubling of global oil pric- tricycle muster as he pointed and people that find it shocking that words, I think. So don’t mind me rael would be hesitant to react es, resulting in the creation of laughed at my fashion-forward the cute Iowa native wasn’t enam- and my umbrella. We don’t mind forcefully in response to poten- economic catastrophe and pos- umbrella. ored with the thought of spend- being the only ones not dripping tial Iranian aggression. I recapped the encounter for ing our series of snow days this our way through the halls. The fear lies in Iranian influ- see IRAN page 4 fellow freshman Kyle Whitcomb, semester in the great outdoors. a Tacoma-local who politely ex- “People assume that just because plained to me, “We just don’t re- you live in snow, you must love it. ally use umbrellas here.” I don’t. I moved away from it for Want your opinion to be heard? But why? And why is it that I a reason.” If you have a strong reaction to an article, e-mail us at [email protected], or visit our walk out of my dorm awaiting rid- So what gives, Tacoma? Wel- new website at and share your voice with us. We will select responses icule for doing so? I wouldn’t scoff come us in, snow-haters, umbrel- each week to publish in the next issue. at someone visiting SoCal and ap- la-users and all. There’s no need 4 Opinions The Puget Sound Trail Feburary 10, 2012 [email protected] Log Jam aside, campus groups should become more accessible By CHELSEA NOACK new events must work for such a status. After the University of Puget Because honestly, how many Sound’s Log Jam event every Sep- times has there been a quasi-cool tember, various club participants event in Marshall Hall that you just tend to fall into three general cate- walked by, half-mindedly shrug- gories. ging your shoulders at? There are First, those who signed them- some events on campus that could selves up for every club and whose be appealing to the students but just current involvement consists of re- don’t have enough historical legiti- ceiving chain emails and making an macy to attract more participants. exclusive appearance at maybe one ASUPS President Marcus Luther meeting. Secondly, those intense- agrees that Log Jam isn’t enough. ly dedicated to or perhaps even Instead, ASUPS’ focus is to “en- leading a club who often surround courage clubs to be more visible themselves with fellow club-goers. throughout the year via a social me- And finally, those who do not be- dia presence, connecting with their long to a club at all, be it due to per- ASUPS Senator liaison and utiliz- sonal preference or lack of informa- ing our communication systems tion about the multitude of groups with the student body to highlight on campus. clubs looking for more members.” It seems now that if one miss- The ways in which this has actually es Log Jam, they miss the entire been carried out do not seem to be club-joining process. After Septem- showing results, and Luther admits ber, one must hear about a club, get there is still work to be done. forwarded an email about a club But why join a club anyway? meeting or serendipitously pass by For those reading who are al- a poster advertising the next gath- ready involved in a club, don’t care ering or event. This doesn’t seem to join one or are simply indifferent to the entire phenomenon, a second fair to second-semester transfers PHOTO COURTESY / DANIEL PENDLETON or those with a renewed vigor to Log Jam may mean little. The desire “get involved” after winter break. to get involved does not apply to ev- Nor does it seem fair for the over- Opening Ceremony: Log Jam remains the only opportunity for students to join on-campus groups. eryone and that is okay. all population of students who want In the end, college is what we to know more about what they can the year’s email list. Whether or years, the organization ran an event most of it had to do with timing. make of it. We can choose to self- do around campus if they so desire. not they actually attend meetings called the Activities Fair carnival Students are busy as soon as they inflict isolation, stick to a five- The University of Puget Sound’s is a different question. And while that was modeled after the Log Jam step onto campus for spring semes- friend max, get involved with a club Log Jam is a student-driven event most clubs around campus certain- event but, due to spring weather, ter and recruitment for sororities on campus or become over-invest- sponsored by dedicated universi- ly want as many members as possi- was hosted safely in Marshall Hall and fraternities is occurring also, ed in everything. The point is that ty staff members and ASUPS. The ble, such welcome arms seem invis- or the Fieldhouse. It replicated Log so our success post-Conspiracy of this is a time in our lives when we event is seen not only as an intro- ible with lack of sufficient publicity. Jam so far as to have a Benefit Con- Hope was small.” should have the ability to explore all duction to all of the clubs around So what is the solution? Could cert, a major speaker and a commu- The awkward timing is a well options. These collegiate years allow campus, but also a “welcome back a second Log Jam event probe stu- nity service day dubbed the Metro enough reason as to why a sec- us to see which lifestyle, whether to school” event, complete with a dents to new opportunities, friend- Dive and modeled after the New ond club orientation day would hermit or social butterfly, will suit barbeque and singing performanc- ships, or simply a way to spend their Student Orientation Urban Plunge not flourish as well as Log Jam. But us best in the “real world.” es. Luckily the Northwest sun is free time? The idea isn’t far-fetched. program. The organization has there is also the fact that Log Jam Therefore, even if it’s not an activ- kind to the students in September, Director of Student Activities since become inactive. has an upper hand—it is a years- ity fair, we should be able to attend allowing this large event to be held Marta Palmquist Cady stated that Palmquist Cady commented that long tradition as beloved as Mid- school and constantly be exposed on Todd Field. in the past, the University had a “post-Conspiracy of Hope, Student night Breakfast. Such events con- to new opportunities rather than Due to the vast array of choic- second Log Jam-esque event creat- Activities and ASUPS tried to spon- sistently have a large turnout and deadpan pick-and-choose during es, clubs often get many students ed by a school organization called sor just the Activities Fair and had are defended and maintained by one fleeting September afternoon. signing their names and joining the Conspiracy of Hope. For five moderated success at that. I think the entire student body. In contrast,

IRAN continued FROM page 3 Americans Elect pushes for legitimate representation sibly causing the global econ- By MEGAN EVANS dent from a party other than their omy to spiral downward into own. Before the election, the results levels resembling the recession The bipartisan system does not that Americans Elect collects will be of 2008. There is even the pos- work. put forward and the candidate with sibility that the economic con- Dealing with this problem is the most votes will be added to the sequences of an attack on Iran where Americans Elect, a non-parti- ballot under a third party. could create an even worse fi- san, national, online primary comes However, this system contains a nancial crisis, given that the in. Unfortunately, there are still flaws few flaws. The first and perhaps big- global economy is still barely in the system. gest issue is that the ranking system recovering from the previous Our present “Democrat or Re- which helps them gather data on the meltdown. publican: Circle One” system de- issues only asks how much an issue Another wrinkle in the deci- fies every democratic ideal. Political means to you, not how you think it sion to attack Iranian facilities views in a country as large and di- would best be fixed. In essence, you is the timing of Israel’s actions. verse as the United States cannot be may agree with Ron Paul that the It appears that Israel is posi- whittled down into one of two cat- economy needs a lot of attention but tioning these attacks to corre- egories. disagree on the best way to fix it. spond with the American pres- It is rare for people to complete- You can still vote for a different idential elections in order to ly and whole-heartedly believe in candidate based on his or her bio, push the Iranian question into exactly what “their candidate” pro- but your weight may still skew the the forefront of American po- poses, but rather common to dis- results in favor of other candidates litical discourse. This tactical agree more strongly with enough of with a different opinion. Moreover, decision by Israel puts Ameri- the opposing candidate’s viewpoints in the end it still comes down to one ca in a difficult predicament as to accept the flaws and trumpet the candidate. the remnants of the Iraq War greatness of their party’s candidate The final stage of the process, the are still haunting American cit- regardless of his or her imperfec- end product is still filtered down izens to this day, and the emer- tions. into a single person who may or may gence of another war could de- It is not just the social aspect of not have anything in common with Johnson have no hope of competing on the “big ticket” issues, such as en- teriorate American morale and this polarized system that keeps it your opinions. People should have financially. ergy, healthcare and the economy. cause the American public even embedded in U.S. politics. It is also the opportunity to have their opin- This is where Americans Elect Americans Elect is a national on- greater frustration towards the in part financial. Because these two ion matter in the political sphere. comes in. The movement is defined line primary. This means that states White House and Congress. parties have been around for so long, Instead, the country polarizes the by its slogan, “Pick a president; not a like Iowa, New Hampshire and The Iranian conflict will not they have an unbelievable amount of process to the point where democ- party.” The website encourages visi- South Carolina, whose primaries al- go away until Israel decides to financial resources at their disposal. racy is essentially obliterated in the tors to define their political position low them to vote months before the play its hand. Whether or not According to, face of two parties. Americans Elect not on a line from left to right, but rest of the country (effectively giv- Israel chooses to attack pre- the Democratic Party has nearly is a great start towards finding a so- rather a sort of scale. Visitors rank ing their voices a disproportionate emptively will change the polit- $300 million at their disposal for the lution, but its rough patches need to the importance of each issue and amount of weight) have only limited ical and economic landscape of 2012 elections. The Republicans are be streamlined to comprehensively based on these predilections, candi- influence on the outcome. the world. The Iranian question close behind with over $250 million. address the problem of a polarized dates with similar priorities are pre- Additionally, Americans Elect fi- needs to be answered, and it ap- Third parties, like Libertarian Gary American polity. pears Israel will answer it soon. sented. Each candidate has a full bio nalists have to choose a vice presi-

Opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Trail staff, ASUPS, the University, or its Board of Trustees. Articles and letters in the Opinions section are printed at the discretion of the Trail editorial staff. The Trail reserves the right to refuse any letters submitted for publication. Letters to the editor will not be edited for grammar, spelling, or content, except in the case of material that is considered to be offensive, as determined by the Trail style guide. All letters to the editor must be signed and must have an email address or phone number. Letters for publication the following Friday are due no later than Monday at noon and may be sent to: The Puget Sound Trail, 1095 Wheelock Student Center, Tacoma, WA 98416 or [email protected]. The Puget Sound Trail Combat Zone 5 [email protected] February 10, 2012 The Combat Zone is intended as a satirical work. The views and opinions expressed by the Combat Zone do not necessarily reflect those of the Puget Sound Trail, ASUPS, concerned parties or the University of Puget Sound. Please submit compliments or complaints in the form of letters to the editor. Alexander the Hella Chill conquers Greek Life By GILES FERGUSON However, the serpent-tongued resist, the holdouts are few and far critics have been quick to point out between, as all other, less adequate After a year of internal struggle that Macedonian Life membership forms of leadership were mercifully which saw the cancellation of chap- has surged, and most of the newer re- crushed without clemency when Al- ters and fierce battles for leadership, cruits are furiously having sex with exander the Hella Chill, whose areo- Greek Life has been replaced and will each other, skewing the data. las could cut diamond-studded glass, henceforth be known as Macedonian Upon hearing this shameless li- took control. Life. bel and slander, Alexander the Hel- On the topic of the great future ex- The great conqueror of the Greek la Chill, lifter of a thousand-pounds, pansion of Macedonian Life, Alex- Life is senior Alexander Jovanoski said, “Be cool, brah, and hit this shit.” ander the Hella-Chill, selfless leader the Hella Chill—cooler than a polar Take into mind, ye who listen to with O-positive blood, stays mum. bear’s toenail, fitter than a snug cash- what you read, that the Macedonian Sources within the Macedonian em- mere sweater and more merciful than tradition is about more than sticky- pire say his ambitions lie beyond N. a labrador’s best friend. All hail this icky and mutually respectful anal sex. 14th street. achievement for what it is: a glorious “It’s about peace, man,” said Mr. The empire shall likely expand to step forward in the history of the fra- The Hella Chill, bloodthirsty tiger claim the sororities. The barbarous ternities. of field and stream, whose bong-hits masses of Alpha Phi, recently weak- A San Francisco native, Alexander bring forth fear that Rainier is erupt- ened by nigh-incomprehensible dra- conquered this social scene with nary ing. ma, lie like plums strewn by the wind, the flick of his lighter finger through Indeed, under unified leadership waiting only for to be plucked by the his vision and leadership and by the Puget Sound’s fraternities enjoy a mighty calloused hands of the Hella- blessing of father Zeus (Jovanoski). new era of prosperity and joy. Steady Chill Alexander, wearer of many fine In the weeks since the unifica- relationships supplant casual hook- aviator glasses. tion of Greek Life into our Macedo- ups, shameful binge drinking gives The considerable power, influence nian empire, members have noticed way to gentlemanly wine tastings, and mercy of the Macedonians, not dramatic improvements. Thus spake and Skrillex begets “slightly mellow- to mention their prowess on the flip- pledge Josh Neumann, who said, er” Skrillex. cup table, make such a conquest in- “The bud is stickier, the girls are fin- For all his bounty, some naysayers evitable. But whether he ultimately er, and the liquor never runs out. Oh, refuse to give their loyalty to the new proves to be a conqueror or peace- and we’ve got moral rectitude out the king Hella Chill, bather of cute ba- keeper, one thing is certain: led by ass, I guess.” bies: “It’s bullshit,” said one cowardly Alexander the Hella Chill, owner of Regardless of the precise origin of bitch-child who requested anonym- many leather-bound books and mag- this rectitude, it is doubtless growing. ity. “I didn’t join Greek Life for this azines, a new era has begun. Macedonian crap…. What the hell is ALL HAIL THE HELLA CHILL After only two weeks, all houses are PHOTO COURTESY/COURTNEY RIDGEL reporting a record number of con- consensual? You can’t make me con- ALEXANDER JOVANOSKI!! sensual sexual encounters. sent to this madness.” Hella Chill: Son of Zeus, whose skin burns like a Delphinian opal. While some pockets of folly still Mascot replaced by Superbowl airtime too costly for actual logger, ex-con NFL to continue airing Superbowl By ED SIZZURPHANDS anonymous. “That way, the Super- feel that while the Superbowl is im- By PEARL KNUCKLESON ing to deal with work site concus- sions anymore, Gunther is quickly bowl can be put on Animal Planet, portant, tricking people into buying learning that being a mascot has Due to the high price of commer- at cheap prices, for real football fans.” our beer with commcercials that rely After years of loyal service, its own challenges. cial airtime, the National Football A unionized group of fans is now on sexist humor and nationalism in- Grizz T. Logger is no longer the “First time I’m working League no longer has enough money pushing for a “secret Superbowl.” stead of product quality is more im- mascot for the University of Puget un’neath a roof. Hot damn, Jim- to air content during the Superbowl. According to their model, the Su- portant to our organization. As it Sound. In a campus-wide effort to Bob’s joining the future. I actually Competition between national perbowl would be played on a ran- is, we are very pleased that the Su- promote a greater sense of authen- cut some of the wood in the bas- corporations has made Superbowl dom day, preferably a Tuesday or perbowl will no longer be competi- ticity in the Puget Sound commu- ketball court not too many years advertising the most contested of Wednesday, that’s not announced tion for our fine Bud Light and Bud- nity, veteran lumberjack Jim-Bob ago, right around my first ‘acquit- any space all year, and companies until exactly one hour before the weiser commercials.” Gunther has replaced Grizz. tal’,” said Mr. Gunther from his forking over huge amounts of money game. Ideally, the game would hap- For now, NFL fans can only hope “Mr. Gunther’s employment is new residence in the President’s no longer want to give up their space pen between the hours of 11 p.m. that serious changes occur to either the first step the University is tak- and 7 a.m. in order to take advantage improve the horrible Superbowl de- st Woods—a hut consisting of only a for silly trifles like football games. ing to bring us into the 21 cen- tarp and a cup of old yogurt. The League’s financial problems of low viewership. bacle or accept an unthinkable con- tury,” said University spokesman When asked about his previous have been caused by the 4-hour long Businesses have expressed plea- clusion: that they must invest their Phil Moore at a recent press con- run-ins with authority, Mr. Gun- Superbowl and its array of capitalis- sure at this recent turn of events. A feelings of love and affection in oth- ference. “Also, having an anthro- ther only flashed a toothless smile tic philosophies. An average game, press release from Anheuser-Busch, er human beings and animals, rather pomorphic bear who chops trees and .44 Magnum revolver. “Hell, at 3.5 million dollars per 30 seconds, one of the top advertisers during the than a group of enormous helmeted for a mascot is ridiculous when we boy, that’s why my crew call me would have to pay its networks 1.68 Superbowl, had this to say: “We... men. can hire an actual logger to pro- ‘D.J.’: Stands for ‘Double Jeopar- billion dollars to air during the Su- mote school spirit.” d y ’.” perbowl. Mr. Gunther, who was de- Last week, during the men’s “We regret having to inform the scribed by his parole officer as basketball game against PLU, public that unless we get rid of the The Revue Review: “well-intentioned and psychotic,” Mr. Gunther debuted his half- Superbowl to lower advertising impressed campus administrators time show to mostly positive re- costs, we’ll never be able to have an- The Vagina Monologues with his long and illustrious ca- views. While some were critical, other Superbowl again,” stated com- reer logging in the Olympic Pen- others found it invigorating. His missioner Roger Goodell. By FORD DENT insula. show consisted of speed chopping Last Sunday’s game may very well Holding the Felltop Logging fifteen tree trunks on the court be the last televised Superbowl in What can I say about this show that hasn’t already been said? Hilari- Company ‘s record for most con- whilst shrieking the opposing human history, and some horrified ous, profound and at times deeply unsettling, The Vagina Monologues cussions while on the job site, players’ names to the audience. fans have suggested simply not hav- challenged my ideas about what it means to be a fully realized human Gunther’s primary talent is his The Loggers won the game due ing the game during that hotly con- being. ability to eat live animals. to the PLU team sneaking out af- tested air space, ceding it to less pop- Is it possible for a single evening to fundamentally change the identi- Said Moore, “Not only will Mr. ter halftime. A spokesperson for ular bowl games. ty of a man? Before seeing The Vagina Monologues, there was an aspect Gunther’s employment improve the Lutes congratulated the Log- “Instead of the Superbowl, why of humanity that I had, until now, written off entirely as one-dimen- school spirit, but he will also ad- gers and their new mascot, who not simply put women and pup- sional and only fit to satisfy. I was shown the error of my ways, and in dress the crippling squirrel prob- was described as “awesome and pies in lingerie and place that game such a creative and unique format. lem that has ravaged the univer- terrifying and please don’t chop on the major networks?” asked one Why, in all honesty, my experiences at the show was nothing short of s it y.” u s up.” team exec who wished to remain religious. I mean, who knew you could teach a vagina to talk like that?! While excited about not hav- Of course, a vagina is nothing without the woman within whom it rests, and it goes without saying that these women must be guaranteed a place in the storied history of Puget Sound. Nonetheless, the vaginas really stole the show. There is nothing like staring face to vagina with a vagina to make you see life the way a vagina sees life: whiling away the hours alone and in the dark with something lacy shoved in your face. Truly, vaginas lead a life of quiet solitude: they are at times downtrodden, but always dig- nified. Do yourself a favor and go see those vaginas’ monologues. You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your mother, you owe it to your partner, you owe it to your children. But most of all, you owe it to a great big talk- ing vagina.

Editor’s note: Mr. Dent was sick for the length of the show’s run and did not see it. 6 The Puget Sound Trail features February 10, 2012 [email protected] Cost-effective green alternative to grocery stores By EMILY JOHNSON Health Department, Cascade Land Conservancy and the Tacoma Farmer’s Markets, have been As the semester begins to pick involved in the ongoing initiative up steam and the clouds recede, to increase Tacoma’s environmental hinting at a future of warmer days, efforts and prevent childhood the routine of classes, work and obesity by supporting locally grown life seems to be setting in for all food. Four farms are currently of us. Amongst all of this, it has involved in the CSA program. Terra never seemed easy to be “green” or Organics, Terry’s Berries and Zestful “sustainable” while trying to subsist Gardens grow their fresh produce in off of what can be retrieved at the Tacoma, while the fourth farm, Take S.U.B. between classes. For those Root Farms, is just a half hour away of us lucky enough to have the time in Buckley. (or energy) to fend for ourselves By prepaying for a share of what and schlep to the grocery store, the each local farmer grows, each bounds of our meager collegiate shareholder helps sustain local bank accounts are almost equally agriculture. With weekly deliveries stifling. of fresh produce, the investment So what can be done to make is returned without having to our eating habits more sustainable take time away from our crowded and still stay within the confines of schedules to get to the grocery store poor, exhausted college students? or local farmer’s market. Each day, every person in America Some farms like Terra Organics generates 4.6 lbs of material waste allow customers to customize what per day, most of which is burned produce they wish to receive on or buried somewhere around the the farm’s website, with options country. Of all that garbage, almost including “clean” alternative 14% is just from food. Each person varieties of produce that is most in Washington state produces 7.5 lbs frequently vitcim to excessive of waste per day, generating almost PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIPEDIA pesticide use, like apples, tomatoes three pounds more garbage then the and carrots. national average. Add this to the environmental costs of trucking in Variety: Typical CSA shares offer a diverse assortment of seasonal produce on a weekly basis. produce from other countries and the waste of unconsumed food, and Each person in Washington Like Terra Organics, Terry’s $27/week. these local farms, the distance food it is clear that our eating habits paint State is producing 7.5lbs of Berries CSA single shares are meant A crop share, says Foster, is perfect travels from the ground to our table a bleak picture. to feed only one or two people for those who lead a healthy lifestyle is tremendously diminished, and Thankfully for our community, waste per day, generating every week and cost about $18 and like to cook. For those who harmful pesticides and chemicals there are alternatives. To solve the almost three pounds more for each delivery, but by investing, base their diet mostly on produce, are no longer put into the ground or problem of our eating habits as each customer helps support small, grains and dairy, a share can provide our food. Best of all for busy college undergrads, we need our food to garbage than the national family farms for a season. The enough food comfortably for one students, the family-run farm be easy to consume, reasonably average. twenty-acre, organically farm run active individual or a whole family, provides recipes made from the priced and filling in order for us by Terry and Dick Carkner provides and it saves money in the long run. weekly deliveries on their website. to sustain our physical selves over produce to the CSA as well as being Zestful Gardens, which has been All things considered, the the course of our hectic lives. In supplemented by other surrounded growing and selling their produce subscription-based healthy addition to the already thriving Other weekly box deliveries from family farms. The family welcomes for the last ten years, provides alternative that CSA provides is Farmer’s Markets in the Proctor Terra Organics contain only produce visitors to their farm, offering guests produce to roughtly 100 members perfect for our busy college lives, district and on 6th Avenue, there native to the Pacific Northwest. All the opportunity to pick their own through the CSA program, many allowing us to support local farmers, exists another sustainable choice the fruits and vegetables provided herbs and flowers. They also have of whom have stayed with the farm reduce waste and feel a little better for the campus community. The by the company are grown on their an on-site farm stand with the farms for the last decade. Through that about what we are putting in Community Supported Agriculture farm in Orting, WA, twenty miles produce for sale. customer investment, the farm our bodies. Like most things, (CSA) program connects members away from Tacoma. While the The third Tacoma-based farm, is able to sustain itself while still investing in the Community Shared with local farmers to provide selection of produce you receive Zestful Gardens, is run by Holly utilizing on site fertilization and Agriculture program is a somewhat fresh produce on a weekly basis with Terra’s CSA share program is Foster and her mother Valerie “work hard to reduce any waste.” As scary adult commitment. Then throughout the growing season. highly customizable and includes and is the only Tacoma CSA share part of that ethic, any food that is again, if we are able to maintain It also offers additional programs delivery to your house, the entry provider that sells only what is left over after pick-up each week at subscriptions to Netflix and the providing meat, dairy and grains. level costs are roughly $26 a week grown on their 35 acre farm. Each Zestful Gardens is donated to local New Yorker, why can’t we do the Since 2009, many local groups, for enough fruits and vegetables to season requires $550 for twenty food banks for distribution. same with locally grown food? including the Pierce County feed one to two people. weeks of produce, which is roughly By purchasing produce from Avoid the hassle and cost of dorms—move off campus By MARINA BALLERIA of freshmen will be required to in, there are two factors you The sweet spot for rent is must give you a written notice stay on campus for at least two must consider to maximize your around $400 per person if the 48 hours in advance before they Imagine this: sitting outside on years. The supposed reasoning is experience. house is close to campus. The come to the house and they also a sunny day, drinking mimosas that it will help raise GPAs, but Once you visit a house, it farther away the house is, the must be prompt about repairing and basking in a kiddie pool we really know that it is in order is usually pretty easy to judge more prices fall. Weigh your appliances and pest infestations. while Chaka Khan and Rufus’ to force more students to buy if it is livable. There are a few options and take into account In most cases, it is good to have “Tell Me Something Good” wafts overpriced meal plans and spend key amenities to watch out for: how willing you’ll be to go to an 8 your communications with your through the air. Your best friends two years straight going through a dishwasher, a ratio of three a.m. class if it takes 20 minutes to landlord in writing for the sake of are all around you, everyone is the humiliation of waiting in the housemates to one bathroom, get there. Most importantly, look clarity and in case things go south dancing, the day feels endless and waffle line next to last night’s functioning laundry machines, at a lot of houses to get an idea of legally. just when you think it can’t get drunken hook-up. Get out while four walls and a door for every what would be a good deal. After the lease is signed, give any better, someone fires up the you can. bedroom (less common than you Once you have settled on a yourself a pat on the back. You barbeque. You are on top of the So, now that it is established would think), working locks and house, it is time to meet the have made the first step into world. that you should absolutely get windows and no living things in landlord. Dress nicely and be quasi-adulthood. You have found My point is if you want to have a an off-campus house, I must give the walls. Other more luxurious ready to fabricate stories about yourself shelter and so you are great sophomore, junior or senior you the bad news that by now it’s items are thick walls, spacious your academic, professional and that much closer to being a year, rent a house. Not only are too late to get a house that has not bedrooms, nice paint and a lack hygienic pursuits. After you’ve proper Homo sapiens. the on-campus housing options recently been occupied by five of the ubiquitous poop-brown charmed them sufficiently, Get ready for fights about who a financial scam, but there is boys who just discovered where carpet. find out if utilities are included did the dishes last, listening to something degrading about being their trash cans are located. The tricky part, however, is (sweet) or if the landlord pays your roommate’s shenanigans monitored by an overbearing RA There are two general trends finding a house. For a freshman, them and you pay them along through the walls and being once you’ve survived your first for people living in houses. The it is best if you can find a group of with rent (easy, but suspicious: woken up by impromptu dub step year of binge drinking in the lucky ones will move into a house graduating seniors who will leave get copies of the bills) or if you parties at two in the morning. But dorms. that was recently put on the you their gently used pots, pans, are left on your own to navigate also look forward to your days Not to mention, paying for rental market, they will all get couches and dining room tables. bill paying (hint: do not send in the sun, when you all come your laundry with quarters and along swimmingly and they will Try to find the houses by word of cash in the mail.) together to eat, dance and be having a room number feels like stay there forever. The others will mouth because usually the houses Next, ask about the late rent merry in your very own house. I a play version of being an adult embark on the slow climb up the listed on the Puget Sound website policy; if you space out on the with a cramped apartment in New ladder of hand-me-down houses, are overpriced. And don’t be shy, first of the month the penalty can York City. Except, you live in beginning with hellholes that if you like the house that you’re be steep. Finally, be explicit about Tacoma. And instead of hearing have molded over and ending up partying at, ask the tenants if expectations about getting the For information about the rumble of other lives outside with a house full of inherited stuff they’re living in it next year. security deposit back. Then, after your window, your ears will and nice wood floors. Your best resource for judging you have signed your lease, avoid the Washington State become accustomed to various This progression is a house is the current tenants. talking to them again. Landlord-Tenant Act frat and sorority functions that symbiotically related to your Ask them about everything: You should also know your begin at all sorts of ungodly own increasing mastery of the Are the neighbors chill? Is the rights as a renter. The Northwest go to: hours and feature high-pitched art of taking care of yourself, landlord chill? Are the utility Justice Project published a screaming and poorly chosen pop moving from the “Quesadilla bills chill? But also, observe them helpful brochure that is available songs from two years ago. and Overflowing Bathtub” phase critically— do they party? Is their online at the Washington State Finally, word on the street to the “Dinner Party and ‘Oh, I idea of expensive different from Attorney General’s website, in the lord-tenant.aspx is that the next incoming class just felt like sweeping’ ” phase. yours? Will they leave the house Consumer Issues section. Most No matter what stage you are a colossal mess? importantly, know that landlords features The Puget Sound Trail 7 [email protected] February 10, 2012 Day of Service puts emphasis on human dignity and beauty By DANI SAGE sination of Dr. King, and later in leader of the State Mental Health June, he received the news that Program and in 2010, he became Upbeat gospel music filled President John F. Kennedy had the president of Bates Technical Kilworth Chapel in celebration of been assassinated. College. the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Lu- “Those two men became my “We are all tied together in ther King, Jr., reminding students symbols of hope,” Thomas said. the single garment of destiny,” of his tremendous achievements During his sophomore year he Thomas said, referring to his and his impact on the world. The heard of the Kent State killings, connection with Quasim. 26th celebration of Dr. King’s Day watched the Vietnam War and An amazing story told by Presi- of Service was originally sched- the bombing of Cambodia unfold dent Thomas, it became even uled to occur on the Martin Lu- and attended the funeral for two more so when Quasim himself ther King, Jr. Day of Service but Black Panther members, Mark took the stand. Not only was he was postponed due to snow. Clark and Fred Hampton. He charismatic with a sense of hu- The invocation began with a described them as two men who mor, but his words touched ev- short speech by ASUPS Presi- “radicalized a generation.” eryone in the chapel. dent Marcus Luther, in which he Quasim began by mentioning spoke of collective human beauty the music that had been play- and about how much Dr. King “ Extend the Day of Service ing earlier, saying “Not everyone believed in that truth. to a life of service. ” likes church, but I don’t know “Every human being is beauti- anybody who doesn’t like church ful,” Luther said. —Lyle Quasim music.” This theme carried throughout From there, he addressed the celebration, most especially something Thomas had said ear- during the musical accompani- lier about his service in the mili- ment of Navele and Friends. President Thomas then told tary and the charges that were President Ronald Thomas then another story; that of Lyle Qua- brought against him because he introduced the night’s featured sim. A student at the Univer- refused to be drafted. speaker, Lyle Quasim. sity of Illinois, Quasim became “The problem was, all of them “I love this holiday. It’s impor- a civil rights activist in college were true,” he said with a chuckle. PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIPEDIA tant to me,” President Thomas and eventually ended up leaving “It’s great to be at my old school,” school in order to devote his time he added. said. He talked about how the 1963: Dr. King delivers his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Day of Service is always a great to the cause—a cause inspired by Quasim talked about the Day way to start the spring semester the work of Dr. King. of Service and how many people and send future graduates into From there, he was drafted into have mixed feelings; some posi- ganizations around Tacoma and service on campus. the world, where they will be able the Army, but he ignored the call tive for what has been accom- also Puget Sound that are already Before stepping off the po- to live out the ideals that Dr. King to duty. Eventually, he was dis- plished and some disappointed fulfilling Dr. King’s dream. To dium, Quasim mentioned many espoused. covered and joined the Air Force for what hasn’t been done yet. drive his point further home, great civil rights activists who Thomas related his own story six days later, stationed at Joint He described Dr. King’s life Quasim called for the creation of lived by the ideals that Dr. King of how he became involved with Base Lewis McChord near Ta- and accomplishments, his peace- a community in which everyone expressed, even some of whom the civil rights movement in Chi- coma. He went to Vietnam and ful demonstrations and his vari- takes some action in order to do sacrificed their lives for the cause. cago, participating in various po- served as a medic, setting up free ous awards, including the Nobel better and solve the problems we Dr. King set the bar very high, but litical campaigns that supported clinics for wounded soldiers and Peace Prize. At age 35, Dr. King have by committing to service. Quasim reminded the audience the cause. Most college freshmen civilians. was the youngest recipient in his- He sought to inspire his audi- that service opportunities are experience a variety of hardships When Quasim returned to the tory. ence with four points: “We must never nonexistent. during their first year away from United States he attended the Dr. King focused not only on have a vision of a life of service... “This is our time,” Quasim said, home, but not many students University of Puget Sound and local communities, but also on our will must be followed by ini- once more reminding students today could say that they had studied sociology. He later joined international civil and domestic tiative... we must be persistent... that the Day of Service shouldn’t the same kind of year as Puget the Black Panther Party and in rights. [and] we must have courage.” be limited to a single day and that Sound’s president. 1968 played a part in the crisis of “Dr. King asked us each to lead “Extend the Day of Service to serving others is indeed a noble During his spring break, Presi- race relations. a meaningful life,” Quasim said. a life of service,” Quasim said, pursuit. dent Thomas heard of the assas- Down the road, he became the Quasim gave credit to many or- encouraging students to focus on Teaching demo to take center stage in hiring decisions By CONRAD WHARTON increasing the diversity of the process for a conservation biology faculty and have put stronger position within the environmental Like any business, the University practices in place to bring faculty policy minor, said, “We do talk of Puget Sound faces the problem members from historically about collaboration, about how of employee turnover. The unique underrepresented populations interested someone is in being a nature of some higher education into our candidate pools and collaborative colleague.” jobs, however, means that the finalist interviews. Non-academic Many are asked to teach a class, consequences of hiring decisions experience may be more or less an extremely valuable part of the are long-lasting. Hiring a new relevant depending upon the evaluation process. Professor professor means making at least field; candidates for positions Mark Harpring of the Hispanic a multi-year commitment, and in the School of Business and Studies Department explained, “if perhaps some years down the line, Leadership, for example, often they can’t teach, then they won’t addressing the potential near- have some experience working in get good [evaluations], and if they untouchable status of tenure. business.” don’t get good evals, they won’t At Puget Sound, the process Once the university has selected reach tenure.” for hiring new professors is three finalists, these candidates Harpring went on to emphasize arduous and long, with a careful come to campus for an interview. the true one-shot nature of the eye towards the consequences of Candidates visiting the University class session, saying “the number a poor choice: lowered teaching face a well-structured and hectic one thing is that you have to knock quality for students and a step day. They are shuttled from coffee our socks off in the teaching back in the reputation of the dates to interviews to lectures demo.” university. to luncheons to receptions, and This approach helps ensure that Academic Vice President can relax only after going out to students ultimately have a say in Kristine Bartanen, who is in dinner. By the time candidates the quality of their teachers, and charge of the hiring process, said, finish, they will have met with don’t end up with professors who “We generally interview three President Thomas, Dean Bartanen look good on paper but cannot finalists for tenure-line faculty and the full faculty of their pass on their knowledge. Students searches, those being the searches prospective departments. For get additional input into the from which the person hired candidates, it’s a chance to get to hiring process by giving feedback will be eligible to earn tenure know the university and get a feel on candidate’s lectures, talking at Puget Sound. To give you a for the environment where they to candidates over lunch, and sense of the work involved in the would be working. Faculty are meeting them at receptions. searches, candidate pools this year able to obtain a sense of what each Harpring also mentioned the have included an average of 104 potential colleague might be like value of being able to watch candidates.” to collaborate with and observe this process unfold, saying, The number of candidates their interactions with students “Ultimately, I watch how they considered hints at an economic and other members of the campus interact with students.” reality: the world of higher community. Ideally, the university will take education is currently a buyer’s Not surprisingly, different on high-quality staff in the many market. Candidates must be departments have different departments that are hiring this highly qualified, which means priorities when taking on new year: History, Latin American Imperial Red Ale having a Ph.D. or being extremely faculty. Well-established programs Studies, Environmental Policy and close to completing one. As might look for candidates to fill a Decision Making, and English. with any other organization, role that is already well-established Bartanen concluded, “Puget strong recommendations and or offer a peripheral expansion Sound has a strong faculty of a demonstrated interest in the to the scope of the department. teacher-scholars and we want to specific job environment are key. Newly-minted departments look maintain that strength through Bartanen also mentioned some for faculty who are interested good hires. That’s why we spend additional considerations for in shaping the direction of the so much careful attention to the selecting candidates, saying “We curriculum. Professor Rachel search processes.” are also strongly committed to DeMotts, discussing the hiring 8 sports The Puget Sound Trail February 10, 2012 [email protected] Loggers in three-way tie for second in NWC With just four games left in the season, Loggers must give it their all

By STEPHEN HAMWAY Whitworth had snapped the Log- the Loggers were forced to dig deep. gers’ winning streak with a domi- Following a tense, back-and-forth The Logger men’s basketball nating 78-59 win. first half where neither team led by team, riding a wave of momentum The problems started inside for more than five, Puget Sound held a from four straight victories, was the Loggers, as they failed to keep narrow halftime advantage of 37- looking to make a statement when Whitworth out of the paint, where 35. they travelled to rival Whitworth on they scored 48 of their 78 points However, a 15-to-6 run by Whit- Friday, Feb. 4. This game was par- and out-rebounded the Loggers. In man to start the second half negated ticularly important to the Loggers, order to counter this domination the narrow advantage. Down by sev- as they entered the game in second inside, the Loggers needed strong en in the second half of a game they place in the Northwest Conference, guard play to take the pressure off could ill-afford to lose, the Loggers two games behind the Whitworth of their big men. battled back. Junior forward Riggs Pirates for the division lead. It also Unfortunately, senior starting Yarbro (Moses Lake, Wash.), who held special emotional significance guards Julian Fernandez (Enum- was held to just two points in the for the Loggers, since Whitworth claw, Wash.) and Edric Egberu- first half, led the way for the Loggers beat them 80-67 on their own court are (San Jose, Calif.) each had un- down the stretch. After junior Ryan earlier in the year, their only home characteristic off nights shooting, Rogers (Tacoma, Wash.) hit a jump loss in a conference game this sea- combining for just 10 points on shot to tie the game at 61 apiece, son. 3-10 shooting from the field. Se- Yarbro took over, scoring the final But even with the extra moti- nior starting forward Kaleb Shelton five points for the Loggers as they vation, the Loggers came out flat (Tacoma, Wash.) was a bright spot, held on to win 66-64. as they fell down 12-4 early in the however, leading the Loggers with Puget Sound’s nail-biter pushed first half and never recovered. Puget 14 points. Shelton was one of only the team into a three-way tie with Sound never got within five points two Loggers to score in double fig- Whitman and George Fox for sec- of Whitworth and entered half- ures. ond place in the conference. With time trailing 44-30. Down at half- This discouraging loss dropped just four games left in the regular time for the first time in five games, the Loggers into a tie for third place season, every game is vital for deter- the Loggers needed to regroup. Un- in the NWC. And as luck would mining playoff seeding. The Loggers fortunately, the Pirates were sim- have it, their next game came on will return home to host rival Pacif- PHOTO COURTESY/LAURENCE STACK ply too organized and too talent- Saturday, Feb. 5 against Whtiman, ic Lutheran on Tuesday, Feb. 7 and ed, and they continued to control the team that leapfrogged them for George Fox on Friday, Feb. 10, be- the flow of the game in the second second place in the conference. Fac- fore going on the road for their final Breaker: With only four games left, the tie can still be broken. half. When the dust finally cleared, ing another tough team on the road, games of the regular season.

Loggers fall flat on Play a club sport? court over weekend Want more publicity?

By JULIA FISHMAN standings. While this was a loss, freshmen Olivia Roberts (Eugene, Talk to The Trail! The women’s basketball team Ore.) and Amanda Forshay had a was on the road this past weekend, total of 29 points together, Roberts We’d like to offer more coverage of club sports on campus. For where they faced Whitworth and with 12 and Forshay with 17. Whitman. “Olivia played out of her mind! more information, email [email protected]. In their game against the Whit- She did so well,” Blaugher said. worth Pirates, who are 9-11 in di- “She would make these really vision and 5-6 in conference, the sneaky passes that only she could Loggers fell behind after a halftime make. We missed those layups, but lead and lost 69-61. Senior guard Liv hit 3 [three pointers] in a row… Jocelyn Riordan (Lake Forest Park, everyone on the bench would get Wash.), came away with a high of so pumped whenever she hit a 3.” Men’s Basketball 13 points and freshman forward/ While the Loggers lost against guard, Amanda Forshay (Moraga, Whitman, they were able to pull Statistics Calif.), with 10 rebounds. through the second half feeling “We came out so flat. We came strong and able. Their next home out flat the first half as well, we just game is against George Fox at 6 didn’t have any energy…. They got p.m. and until then, the women’s Games: a lot of points off of fast breaks,” basketball team will be working 21 Sophomore Janis Blaugher (Boise, hard to bring in a win on their own Idaho) said. court. While the Loggers were at arm’s “We need to work on becoming Pts. Per Game length for the win the whole game, a cohesive team. Right now we’re they lacked that final push to solid- just individuals on offense and de- 75.0 ify the win. fensive,” Blaugher said. In their second game against the The Loggers will return to Me- Whitman Missionaries, the Loggers morial Field House on Feb. 10 FG% were unable to forge ahead, as they when they take on George Fox be- lost 66-59, dropping them into 4th ginning at 6:00PM. 46.1 place in the Northwest Conference 3PT%

FT% 69.1

Reb. Per Game 39.8

Ast. Per Game 12

Overall 16-5 (.762)


Falling: Loggers unable to regain ground in close games. The Puget Sound Trail sports 9 [email protected] February 10, 2012 Logger football optimistic for future seasons goals, keeping people focused, keep- spring conditioning for football. ing them working hard and pushing “Aside from the spring condition- forward even though a lot of things ing, I have a schedule where I am weren’t working out for us,” Bres- going to punt every Monday after kovich said. class, which is our off day for base- While the season ended 0-9, the ball,” Walton said. “As for physically Loggers were present in many of the preparing for the season, I am work- games and posed a threat during the ing out 4 times a week with baseball games. Breskovich will be “bringing and stretching aside from baseball a lot of optimism and keeping the and the lifting. Flexibility and punt- morale up, and we were in a lot of ing directly correlate to each other, those games last season…. There is the more flexible you are, the more a lot to build on.” leg swing you get, the further the “I hope to build on what we’ve ball goes.” been working on and step up my Last year, Walton’s punting as well leadership role… change the cul- as West’s kicking came to prove cru- ture and the attitude to bring more cial in many games. wins on the field. We lift every day, “The games that we were very we run every day [and] we have close to winning punting and field spring ball.… Learning how to fin- position had a large impact on ish, keeping guys around the pro- them, but when push comes to gram and building on our numbers shove, at the end of the day we just PHOTO COURTESY/LAURENCE STACK will help us turn those ‘L’s’ into vic- couldn’t score enough points or we tories next year,” Kyobe said. gave up too many points. We were Kyobe was elected captain after rather unlucky when it came down showing leadership in his defen- to the losses that we had in the last Take two: The Loggers will be using the spring training season to prepare for the fall season. sive role as well as being vocal and few minutes of the games…our said. NWC First Team. strong throughout the season. punting scheme by the end of the By JULIA FISHMAN has recognized “Vlasak on defense really helps The 2011 season brought a lot year was functioning pretty effec- of new talent. In total, there were tively, there were a few holes but I The is over and done Kniffin’s season, as he has been cho- a lot because he’s one of the main 14 freshman starters, including believe that with the experience that with but our own Logger football sen for the All-West Region Second tacklers on the team. Vlasak is quarterback Braden Foley (Both- the younger players got last year, we team is already looking towards Team and finished second in catch- somebody there to make plays con- ell, Wash.) and kicker Everett West will come back better than last year,” next season. While they went 0-9 es in Division III football. Kniffin sistently and be that guy that people (Anaheim, Calif.). Walton said. last season, their hopes for next had 95 catches for 995 yards and 12 look up to on the field,” Kniffin said. “Throughout practice, Coach put As for next season, Becker sees season are high and their drive is . Last sea- me though high pressure situations more success coming from the team. strong, so there’s nothing they can’t “We always son, the and I proved myself to be success- “I think we’re ready for [the sea- do. “We’re really talented, we’re re- knew that if c a p t a i n s ful and I think the team trusted me son]. The coaches do a good job of ally young, and we’re working real- we got the “ A lot of guys are stepping up as were ju- that when it came down to it… and telling us what we need to do and it ly hard in the off-season,” freshman ball out in the nior offen- leaders and I think that is really if we have the chance to kick a field helps having the workouts and the Ian Becker (Gresham, Ore.) said. open, [Knif- sive line- goal, we [are] going to go for it,” conditioning because we’re able to Becker recently made the switch fin] could going to translate on the field man John West said. step up when we need to and it will from quarterback to defensive back make a play Breskovich next year.” Jeff Walton (Sacramento, Calif.) help us when we get on the field,” and is working hard in the off-sea- out of it,” se- (Gig Har- —Adam Kniffin is the punter on the team as well as Becker said. son to be prepared for next season. nior Line bor, Wash.) a pitcher on the baseball team. “[I] “Successful programs are made “More than anything, it’s team- Backer Ty- and senior think it will still be a rebuilding year. up of self-starters. Spring football building and getting to know every- ler Vlasak defensive We are going to be returning a large is a chance for us to focus their self body, getting familiar with everyone (Sumner, Wash.) said. “Whether it’s lineman Casey Coberly (Boise, ID). number of freshmen that started, motivation for the 2012 season,” and building that team chemistry breaking a tackle or two or making a Breskovich resumes his role as cap- and only losing a couple of seniors Coach Brant McAdams, the Defen- that is really important. Also the first down or running all the way for tain alongside junior defensive back that started. We have a very youth- sive Coordinator and Linebacker leadership aspect—a lot of guys are a touch down…. It’s always nice to Nasser Kyobe (Lynnwood, Wash.), ful team, and we will also have a coordinator, said. stepping up as leaders and I think have that kind of explosive receiver.” during spring ball as well as during very large number of freshman next While the Loggers ended the 2011 that is really going to translate on Vlasak, along with Kniffin, has the 2012 season. year,” Walton said. season 0-9, they hope that their mo- the field next year,” junior wide re- been chosen to be on the All-North- Breskovich’s main objective dur- Walton also plays baseball; there- tivation and drive will bring them ceiver, Adam Kniffin (Salem, Ore.), west Conference Football teams, ing the 2011 season was to “keep both being selected for spots on the people pushing towards the team fore, he doesn’t get to participate in some wins next season. Superbowl XLVI: Giants prove Burning up the track: to be giant thorn in Pats’ side Logger track and field By DALTON HANDY into the fourth quarter, the Patri- the last remaining magic in Indi- ots would be shut out, while Man- anapolis. I hate that now has ning and the Giants would later Most of the wizardry was used Vandal Invitational allows two Lombardi Trophies, augment- march down the field for the game on an incredible pass from Man- ed by his two Super Bowl MVP winning score. ning to for Loggers to show their trophies. The fact that he has one The itself was per- 38 yards down the Patriots side- more Super Bowl win than his haps the most awkward play I have line. The catch, which was chal- potential on and off the brother Peyton strikes me as mor- ever seen in a Super Bowl. Ahmad lenged by the Patriots and later ally reprehensible. As much as I Bradshaw, with a clear lane to the upheld, was perfectly thrown be- lament the fact that the best team end zone, seemingly could not de- tween two defenders, with Man- track at their first meet of the 2011-2012 NFL season (ar- cide whether to take the score or ningham expertly dragging both guably still the Green Bay Pack- fall down and burn some clock. feet as he was knocked out of By ANGEL JOHNSON Valley, Wash.). She came in 10th ers) did not win the Super Bowl, I The end result was a squatting bounds. place in the 800m with a 2:29:13 still have to give credit to the New Bradshaw falling backwards to- That catch provided the fuel It was a hectic and busy week- time. The Logger women’s relay York Giants for taking home the wards glory, a fitting end to the for the Giants to take home the end for the Logger track and field team took second place, and this title. Giants’ season, ending up in great- crown in a game that was liter- team on Feb. 3-4. The men’s and was highest finish of the entire meet. Make no mistake, the Giants ness despite an uncertain (7-7 re- ally up in the air until the final women’s teams both headed east to They had a time of 4:15.39 and fin- earned this win. They simply out- cord) beginning. seconds. In fact, it comes close Moscow, Idaho for the Vandal In- ished right behind Spokane Com- gritted the Perhaps Bradshaw would have to ’s helmet catch in vitational and Runner Soul Open. munity College. to the end, coming up with big been better off taking the knee, the 2007 Super Bowl on the “How The women’s team put up impres- During the meet the men’s team plays when it counted. As sur- eliminating the chance of a last did he just catch that ball?” scale. sive performances at the meet. also performed extremely well. prising as it is to write this, Man- minute Patriots drive. I for one am The 21-17 win cements Man- Senior Andrea Leiken (Port- Sophomore Bryan Soto (Davis, Ca- ning outplayed from thankful that he did not; even for a ning’s status as a great quarter- land, Ore.) led the women’s team at lif.) placed 21st- in the 800m and the first whistle. However, if you fan without a dog in the fight, the back, a true leader and a New the meet with her notable success had a time of 2:03.19. Joe Cerne take away a couple of crucial Wes Patriots’ last attempts at a game- York icon. The loss cements the during her events. On Friday, Leik- (Ravensdale, Wash.), another soph- Welker drops, I may instead have winning touchdown were capti- Giants as a gigantic thorn in the en ran a 58.89 in the 400m dash omore, had one of the highest in- been how unsurprising it is that vating at least. side of . against a handful of D1 athletes dividual finishes with 15th place in Tom Terrific rebounded splendid- Somehow, it seemed that the I probably will not ever enjoy and placed fifth in that event. Leik- the pole vault. Cerne cleared the ly from his first play safety to fur- Pats would pull it out, simply be- the fact that the Patriots were not en’s 58.89 in the 400m broke an- 3.75m mark during his event. ther his case as one of the greatest cause of their legend as a team. able to gain some sort of revenge other school record and current- Both teams’ hard work clearly quarterbacks of all time. When Deion Branch caught a pass for the Giants spoiling their oth- ly ranks in the top-25 for Division paid off during the meets, and it is No, when Brady decided to on fourth and forever to keep the erwise perfect 2007 season, even III. She ran the 400m dash again apparent that this will be a prom- toss up a lob to hobbling Rob drive alive (stopping the clock by though I despise the Patriots on Saturday and recorded a 1:00.81 ising season for the Loggers track Gronkowski, just short enough ducking out of bounds), there ap- as much as I do the Giants. The and placed 11th. Leiken’s last event and field team. Their next meet, the for Chase Blackburn (an out-of- peared to be some magic brewing. poetic justice would have been was the 200m dash and she placed Husky Classic and UW Open, will work substitute teacher until after However, as the last gasp Hail sweet (even though I am not sure 13th with a time of 26.65. be this weekend and start on Satur- Thanksgiving) to bring down the Mary bounced on the turf, blue if you can call Chad Ochocinco One of the highest individual day, Feb. 11 and end on Sunday, Feb. pick, he gave Manning the oppor- and red confetti shooting out of winning anything poetic), but it finishes for the Loggers women’s 12. This will also wrap up the Logger tunity to claim the MVP trophy. massive cannons, it became evi- simply was not meant to happen. track and field team came from track and field team’s indoor season. After that , just 1:38 dent that the Giants had used up sophomore Alicia Burns (Spokane 10 classifieds The Puget Sound Trail February 10, 2012 [email protected] stranger crush on you becomes. my type. HEY YOU, Wetlands-Pi Phi girl, let’s grab some Thai food sometime HEY YOU, Well you can tell by the HEY YOU, security guards, thanks or something equally steamy and way I use my walk… for taking care of me after I fainted hot ;) from chopping off the tips of two of HEY YOU, Femme lesbian art my fingers in my house. You guys HEY YOU, Zebra fish, have I told major…I’m putting two hand made it a little less embarassing. you lately how great you are? peace signs over my head. Now I’m Couldn’t have picked myself a bet- wiggling my fingers. HEY YOU, Puget Sound, sex is not ter roomy. Love you babe. a dirty word. Please stop asking HEY YOU, Want a close-up view of facilities to take down Wetlands’ HEY YOU, Stud Bud, I like watch- a 3-toed sloth, a baby crocodile, a advertisements. We’re trying to ing the security guard walk by polar bear’s pelt, a hummingbird’s open people’s minds. while we ‘study’. nest or a luna moth? These and some of the 78,000 other speci- HEY YOU, SUDOKUUUUUU!!!!!! HEY YOU, cast of A Very Potter mens can be seen on a free guided Musical, I love you all! We worked Want to submit a Hey You? your design to: thesound@puget- tour of the Slater Museum of Natu- HEY YOU, …and you can tell by incredibly hard to reach this point E-mail ral History during open visiting the way use my smock… and it’s a tragedy that only now [email protected] hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday have we been forced to halt our or put one in the box in HEY YOU, Did you know our cam- 12-3 p.m., in Thompson 295. HEY YOU, flautist with the beauti- progress but looking back on what Diversions Cafe. pus has a natural history museum ful curly hair, why play solo when we’ve already accomplished, it was The Trail will never publish HEY YOU, Have you bought your we can be a duet? totally awesome! Thanks to every- Hey Yous that explicitly refer with over 78,000 plant and animal to individuals or groups or are specimens? Come get a free guided tickets to The Vagina Monologues one for all the laughs and the joys hateful or libelous in nature. A tour of the Slater Museum of Natu- yet? Get ‘em before they’re gone. HEY YOU, Have you put any that the show has brought to my full description of the policy can ral History during open visiting thought into what you want to life. Still, it isn’t all over yet... Let’s be found at hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday HEY YOU, …and you can tell by submit to Wetlands? give The Boy Who Lived one last 12-3 p.m., in Thompson 295. the way I use my talk… hurrah this weekend! HEY YOU, KUPS is looking for HEY YOU, Studio Ghibli fans, The a NEW logo that we can put on a HEY YOU, I love sitting in diver- HEY YOU, Sex. Sex. Sex. Clitoris. Secret World of Arrietty releases HEY YOU, Wetlands: while your line of KUPS-themed crewneck sions writing Hey Yous with you. Penetration. Coitus. Sex. Mastur- on February 17th. Get excited. efforts to open discussions about sweaters! Everyone is welcome to bation. Penis. Cunnilingus. Sex. sex in an artistic way are admi- submit a design, whether you’re HEY YOU, Channeler of James Fellatio. Vagina. It’s ok. Chill out. HEY YOU, …that I’m a one-legged rable, don’t you think you could involved in KUPS or not. Submis- Dean: the higher the wave of your German who enjoys acrylic paints. have picked a name more reflective sions are due on Feb 15 :D Email hair gets, the more intense my HEY YOU, little boi, you’re kind of of that goal?? THE HAPPY TRAIL A Weekly Sex Column Making the bedroom a “happier” place... Male birth control How to feel sexy by yourself By GIRTH BROOKS dependent, Chinese scientists have By SUZY SPONGEWORTHY with your bad self. These things developed a birth control injection can all be used solo or with a lucky Hey guys, picture this: you wake for men. It is 99% effective, lasts 10 Having recently tolerated someone. up in the morning for your daily years and is completely reversible. a probable-sinus-infection- If these relatively easy and routine. You jump in the shower, So with all of these new and excit- period-double-whammy, I fully perhaps cliche moves don’t cut it, lather up, and rinse off. You hop ing birth control methods becom- understand the feeling where the come up with your own way to out of the shower, throw on a ing available in other countries, why last thing on your mind is, “Damn, make you feel like yourself and towel and head over to the sink. aren’t American scientists working I’m sexy.” sexy. Or you could take a different Shave, brush your teeth and finally, towards new, innovative male birth But whether you’re stressed, type of plunge (neckline, anyone?). grab that small blue packet and control? When is the pill going to tired, smelly, having fluids come out After a long time of not really take your daily birth control pill. be available for us guys in the U.S.? of you unrelentingly or whatever, looking Down There and just Wait, hold the phone. Male Unfortunately, it looks like it will sexiness is a state of mind. assuming the worst, I worked birth control pill? Yep. Be- be a long time before male birth Now, it must be said right off toward coming to terms with lieve it or not, birth control op- control is widely available in the US. the bat that if you don’t want to be myself and my body. tions for men are on a steep rise. Our country is stuck on the anti- sexual or if you feel uncomfortable Last summer I even pierced (and According to an article from quated idea that contraceptive pills trying to be sexy, then stick to your eventually re-pierced... ouch) my The Telegraph: World News, Is- are the female’s responsibility. To guns! The most important aspect clitoral hood to commemorate the raeli scientists have created the first be fair, contraception has long been of feeling sexy is wanting it and revelation that I loved what was successful oral contraceptive for the province of women. Still, many feeling comfortable. going on down there. males. This new pill is completely pharmaceutical manufacturers, as Sometimes we get into a slump. While a genital piercing hormone-free and acts by stripping well as their consumers, don’t want We know that, in theory, we may be seems crazy to many, they are sperm of the calcium that is required this attitude to change. Most long- sexy, sexual and desirable, but we a less permanent form of body for a woman to conceive. What’s term relationships rely on a birth just may not feel it. celebration and expression than a PHOTO COURTESY/ASHLEY KARDIAN even better? The pill only needs control pill, and this has perpetuat- But if you do want to be sexy and tattoo. to be taken every three months. ed America’s illusion that birth con- can’t help but feel “meh,” it may be Sexy: You can choose to A pierced nipple or two can be Israel isn’t the only place that is trol is the woman’s responsibility. high time to take action and find make yourself feel sexy with great for some who want more quickly developing male birth con- What’s worse, men are refusing something fresh and new that will simple changes to routines. sensitivity in their li’l areolas. trol options. According to The In- the concept of a male contraceptive. make you feel like a million bucks. Depending on your (female- Men don’t want that responsibility, There are many, many things The world is your sexy oyster. bodied) genital anatomy, either 606 S Fawcett Ave and many women are reluctant as Without overcompensating to a vertical or horizontal (google you can do to feel like a sex god or well. Some of these hesitant views the point of arrogance, when you it!) clitoral hood piercing comes Tacoma’s only goddess. Maybe all of these work indie theater. are noted in the earlier Telegraph for you or maybe none of them enter a room, walk in like you stamped as “Suzy Approved,” article: “A big drawback against men do, but if you make an effort and own the place. Smile and you’ll even highly recommended. It is THE ARTIST (PG-13) being in control of fertility is the fear feel more confident and seem a far easier piercing than even an As a silent movie star wonders if the arrival of talking branch out, it will likely pay off. pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he sparks they would forget to take a pill… The first part is to celebrate more approachable. Work on that earlobe because the skin is so thin with a young dancer set for a big break. Polls have repeatedly shown wives posture walk around with your it can heal in less the 14 days and Fri: 1:35, 3:55, 6:15, 8:35 yourself. You are a beautiful, Sat-Sun: 11:20am, 1:35, 3:55, 6:15, 8:35 and partners do not trust their men soulful creature who is sexual when head held high. has little risk for infection. Mon-Thurs: 1:35, 3:55, 6:15, 8:35 to remember to pop a pill every day.” you choose to be and should be This brings us to the action part Plus, it rocks! Different sources A DANGEROUS One of the most blatantly sexist, respected when you choose not to of this column: how to specifically say different things in terms of and unfortunately most common, be sexual. feel sexier. side effects, but for those of us who METHOD (R) A look at how the intense relationship between Carl arguments is that men are horny and Many people have hang-ups Though sexiness is a mindset, are oversensitive when it comes to Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis. can’t get pregnant, so they don’t care. there are things you can wear and clitoral stimulation, a piercing is a Fri-Thurs: 4:10, 6:30 about their body, especially Unfortunately, until men genital-wise. Maybe you don’t like do that adorn your fabulous bod great connection to the clit without and celebrate it. THE DESCENDANTS (R) start sharing the responsibil- how something hangs or the color direct contact or the hood muffling A father (George Clooney) tries to re-connect with his ity for contraceptives, there will For the ladies, garters and the pleasure. The best part is that daughters after his wife suffers a boating accident. palette of your netherlands. Maybe Fri: 1:50, 4:25, 6:55, 9:20 be little defense against these you just look different from what stockings are the first thing that you know it’s there under all your Sat-Sun: 11:20am, 1:50, 4:25, 6:55, 9:20 kind of irrational thoughts. you usually see in porn, Cosmo or comes to mind. Sexy underwear, clothes. Mon-Thurs: 1:50, 4:25, 6:55, 9:20 Men, it’s time to man up. Until GQ. especially matching, can make In terms of other genital THE IRON LADY (R) we start facing these issues head- These differences are what set you feel instantly sexy. Wear them piercings, such as the Prince A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former under your sweatpants, if you want. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on, it looks like our lovely ladies you apart, and, even if you do have Albert for men, piercings through on the price she paid for power. are going to be stuck with the a porn-sized dick or a classic vulva, Do it for no one but your sexy self! the urethra are no bueno because Fri: 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 pill for a long time. So be proac- anyone of your choosing is damn Guys, try silk boxers. the risk of infection in the sterile Sat-Sun: 11:45am, 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 And then there’s always Mon: 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 Tues: 4:40, 9:25 tive! Talk to your woman about lucky to get to see it. environment is too high. Wed-Thurs: 2:05, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 her birth control. Offer to split There are many things you can commando... though not Whatever makes you feel sexy, the cost. Do something to end the recommended with jeans or short whether it be a little mascara, baggy SIDEWALLS (NR) - Tuesday, February 14 do to increase your confidence The perfect place and movie for your perpetual idea that birth control is and turn it into sexiness, because or see-through skirts. pants or a new piercing, it’s worth it Valentine’s date! solely the woman’s responsibility confidence is sexy. Compliment In the bedroom, hit up the classic (as long as it doesn’t harm others or Only $7 with because the male contraceptive pill instead of criticize yourself in the candles and massage oil. Make an yourself... and is consensual). You Student ID! might be right around the corner. mirror. aphrodisiac playlist and get down deserve it! The Puget Sound Trail arts & entertainment 11 [email protected] February 10, 2012 Cloud Nothings prove indie music still rocks hard

By SAMI ROSS “Wasted Days” is definitely one listener. of the greatest pieces on this . Baldi’s raspy voice pairs nicely Dylan Baldi’s band Cloud Noth- In a whopping nine minutes, Cloud with the heavy drums and pow- ings is all grown up. On their lat- Nothings flexes their musical mus- erful guitar arrangements, a fac- est album, “,” the cles. It is the first reminder of many tor which keeps this album from band leaves behind their dreamy that this album is not solely rely- sounding pointlessly heavy. lo-fi days for darker material. ing on lyrical strength. The track Baldi and his band have cre- The catchy melodies are still in- buzzes with a nice psychedelic rock ated a perfect balance which keeps tact; however, thanks to producer -inspired guitar solo and further the listener engaged and focused , the sound is aggres- distances the band from their mu- on the music. Lyrics like “No one sive and more powerful than any- sical past. knows our plans for us, we won’t thing that Cloud Nothings has cre- “Cut You,” one of the best tracks last long,” found on the track “Our ated before. on the album, showcases Baldi’s Plans,” sound poignant on a well- The record starts off with “No Fu- ability to contrast his lyrics with constructed album like this. ture/No Past.” Baldi howls along to the instrumental arrangements. By “Attack on Memory,” reminds a musical arrangement that sounds pairing dark lyrics like, “Do you listeners what separates a good, like it was created in the underbelly wanna hurt him, do you wanna kill emotional heavy rock album from of rock and roll. It’s grungy, grimy him, I miss you because I like dam- low-grade nonsense. and heavy; clearly this song was age, I need something I can hurt,” Cloud Nothings has made a chosen for the first track as a way with clean, fast-paced melodies, smooth transition from perfectly to establish the band’s transforma- Baldi and his band are able to pro- pleasant fluffy rock to material that tion. vide listeners with a song that isn’t should be regarded seriously. After “No Future,” the album entirely depressing or completely shifts from sounding like indie’s superficial. GRADE: A- darkest days and takes on the per- PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG By paying attention to the actual sona of the Pixies’ younger brother. quality of the music, Cloud Noth- Cloud Nothings are playing at “Fall In” and “Stay Useless” are fine Attack on Memory: The newest release from band ings proves that this album is not The Crocodile on March 6 in Seattle. examples of gritty but well-pro- Cloud Nothings is a solid effort to reposition themselves in a just a therapy session for them, and For more information, please visit duced garage rock. darker, more serious direction. that makes all the difference for the Soul Caliber V’s ups and downs Fujiya Japanese don’t detract from overall value restaurant: By WALT MITCHELL repulsive. move, Pyrrha, stumbling and sob- SCV belongs to the unfortunate bing around the battlefield, grabs Like many fighting games before latter category, and, in the time- her opponent, trips, and pulls him Authentic, affordable, it, Namco-Bandai’s latest offering, honored tradition of the genre, fails onto her—and, by some miracle, Soul Calibur V, stirs up a baffling to offer any viable explanation as to onto her sword—as she falls to the appealing sushi can be concoction of emotion. The game why everyone wants to hurt every- ground, whispering, “Forgive me.” inspires real excitement with tech- one else so badly. Which of course brings us to had in downtown Tacoma nical depth and impressive polish Oddly enough, only about one the sexism. Fighting games are third of the cutscenes are even the drunken sailors of the gaming but goes on to turn the stomach and antennas were also created. with its depiction of anachronistic animated—most of the narrative world, and not known for their for- By MICHELLE CURRY work is done by a serious of du- ward-thinking. As such the women Similarly, the chicken yakisoba gender politics and puzzle diehards was worth the price tag. It could with its disregard for the source of bious storyboards and dramatic of SCV come in three varieties: bux- voiceover. Allegedly, the develop- om sex-fiend (the whip-toting Ivy easily feed three or be taken its popularity since its inception in home for a quick meal. 1996—namely, the single player. ers were hurting for time in this de- Valentine), naïve, bumbling youth ired of “sketchy bento” partment, and the results are a little (the sniffly Pyrrha Alexandra) or The prices are moderate: don’t The Soul Calibur series has tradi- onT 6th? Ready to try something expect to go and spend less than tionally showcased a wealth of sin- threadbare. desexualized man-wannabe (the farther than the slightly less The story—which revolvesarmor-caked Hilde von Krone). $15. Most dinners range between gle player modes—Mission Mode, sketchy bento on Pearl? Look- $11 and $20 and sushi rolls are around the movement of a pair of Most of the men, for their part, ing to venture downtown? Fujiya look like they’re struggling to get between $5 and $13. Japanese restaurant offers the Wine, beer, sake and sodas are around the place, toting the flour- perfect escape. sacks of muscle mass that hang available at $7 a glass for local A recent outing led me to have wine and a 300ml bottle of sake from their Olympic frames. Like the a lovely new dining experience ladies’ skintight “armor,” the stereo- is available on average for $14. in downtown Tacoma’s at Fujiya. Lunches are served at Fujiya types are shameless and restrictive. This gem of a restaurant is out Unless, of course, the player for- 11 a.m.—2 p.m., and Monday— of the normal perimeter for res- Thursday 5 p.m.—9 p.m. the goes the provided models and visits taurants that Puget Sound stu- the character creator, one of SCV’s restaurant offers all you can eat dents frequent and is off the main sushi for $21.95. most satisfying features. It is intri- drag of downtown boutiques and cate, intuitive, expands its inven- dining establishments. tory over time, and because custom We parked at street level and characters are at no tactical disad- Our favorite roll of the then climbed a set of stairs to the night was pleasing to both vantage (or advantage, as in SCIV) second level of the building and most players tend to eschew the entered the restaurant. the eye and the taste buds. usual suspects and take their hand- At the entrance, the sushi bar crafted avatars online. The roll was arranged in is at the diner’s immediate left the shape of a caterpillar And online play is where SCV and tables for two line the wall proves that despite its unfortunate directly parallel. The restaurant with avocado placed on packaging and lack of offline frill, has a homey feel and is a com- the core substance of the series top for the “back”, and eyes fortable atmosphere for couples and antennas were also is intact, if not improved. Online and families alike. modes are remarkably effortless Upon being seated, we were created. and lag-free. lucky enough to be served a Considering that fighting games complimentary tempura clam rely so heavily on precise timing, with a sweet dip to appease our online play has traditionally been Aside from having a high qual- hunger. Not expecting an amuse ity meal the other outstanding frustrating for fans of the genre, but bouche, this little morsel was the SCV manages to maintain online aspect of our experience was the perfect treat. wait staff. the speed and polish of the offline After enjoying the gift from modes. Character movement feels Our waitress was highly PHOTO COURTESY/WIKEMEDIA.ORG the chef we ordered two rolls: a knowledgeable and able to easily fluid, animations and graphics are caterpillar and a chicken yakiso- satisfyingly smooth, and character recommend rolls that were new Soul Caliber: The game falls prey to stereotyped characters ba for dinner. to us and create a diverse spread balance seems in order, if a little The food was sent to the table and shallow storylines, but fulfills its entertainment purposes. tilted in favor of the faster styles. of fish and flavors. The little res- quickly and even after our first taurant turned tables over quick- Weapon Master Mode, Tower of In the end, it’s hard to condemn a roll arrived we were given anoth- legendary swords in 17th century game with gameplay so finely honed ly, even past the normal dinner Lost Souls—but SCV boasts little er sampler, this time of a spicy rush. more in that department than a Europe—does introduce a couple and online modes so thoughtfully tuna wrapped in seaweed and new faces to the SC canon, but crafted, because any game with that To experience a new sushi res- three-to-four-hour story mode. fried. taurant in Tacoma head down to For most fighting games, the sin- they’re whiny and look too much much going for it should be consid- The catipillar, our favorite roll like Justin Bieber. ered a success. Fujiya, located just half a block gle player story mode is something of the night, was pleasing to both away from the Murano Hotel. like a side salad at a teriyaki joint— One new character, Pyrrha, was It’s hugely fun to play, so just the eye and the taste buds. The so abrasively infantile as to drive don’t think too hard about the prac- 1125 Court C., Tacoma. 253- a thoughtful but puzzlingly out of roll was arranged in the shape of 627-5319. place addition, at its best a bit re- this reviewer to give up on sus- ticality of the characters (or their a caterpillar with avocado placed freshing and at its worst downright pending his disbelief and take a improbable physiques)—you’ll end on top for the “back”, and eyes little outside time. In one signature up doing more head-scratching 12 arts & entertainment The Puget Sound Trail February 10, 2012 [email protected] The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: A Comparison By JACK GILBERT ing without the heavy, tragic feel of the newer adaptation. Welcome to “The Trailer,” It’s hard to say which film is where Arts and Entertainment better: both are sophisticated re- covers all things film. I’m hoping tellings of the same story, both to make this a collaborative sub- have great acting, directing and section of The Trail where other cinematography, both received film critics and enthusiasts can great reviews. make their voices heard. The slicker production and mu- The idea for “The Trailer” came sic give the American film a slight to me when I began to notice that edge, but the glossed-over hor- I’ve been watching fewer and rors of the Swedish film make it fewer films of late, a trend which an easier viewing experience. is quite disturbing to a film lover like me. I hope that this subsection in- spires readers to keep up with ‘The Girl With the modern films and further their appreciation of what is perhaps Dragon Tattoo’ the most visceral form of human Showtimes near expression. For my inaugural article, I de- Tacoma cided to compare The Dragon Tat- too (2011), and contrasting it with its Swedish counterpart (2009) in an attempt to highlight what Regal Lakewood 15 and worked in each film and what RPX: the differences between the two might say about American film as PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG 12:25, 9:00 p.m. a whole. Both films were very success- Adaptation: Differences between the American and Swedish versions of the story are slight. ful, with the American version Lisbeth’s computer is destroyed, The lead actors in both films such ease this early in her ca- Regal South Hill Mall 6: grossing over $180 million and making it more significant by are superb and all are success- reer is rather profound, and her the Swedish version over $100 9:30 p.m. having her fight her assailants. ful in their own right. Michael Swedish accent is nearly flawless million The key difference here The money gives the American Nyqvist was just recently in Mis- throughout. is that the American film cost $90 film a significant advantage: A- sion Impossible: Ghost Proto- The most striking difference million to make while the Swed- list actor Daniel Craig takes on col, Noomi Rapace in Sherlock between the two films relates to Regal Auburn Stadium ish was a relatively inexpensive the lead role of detective Mikael Holmes: A Game of Shadows and what they do and do not show. $13 million. 17: Blomkvist, Trent Reznor and At- Daniel Craig in the two most re- The plot deals with very heavy The films, unsurprisingly, cov- ticus Ross of Nine Inch Nails pro- cent James Bond films. However, topics like rape, incest and tor- 3:35, 9:50 p.m. er very similar ground plot-wise, duced the soundtrack and an ex- Rooney Mara deserves particular ture, so I use the following term and the Swedish adaptation seems tensive CGI title sequence created attention for taking on the role of very lightly, but the Swedish ver- to have played a significant influ- by Blur Studios opens the film. Lisbeth Salander. sion is significantly more tame Regal Parkway Plaza ence on the production of the Many sets seen in the original Before Dragon Tattoo, Mara’s than the American film. American film. are recreated for the American only significant roles were in Swedish director Niels Oplev 12: The Swedish film provides film but on a larger, more sophis- Fincher’s The Social Network and makes the disturbing rape scenes slightly more depth earlier in the 1:10, 4:40, 8:00 pm ticated level, and the cinematog- the 2010 remake of A Nightmare significantly shorter and less re- film, showing Henrick Vanger raphy is significantly better in On Elm Street. Playing such a vealing than Fincher does, allow- weeping over a framed flower Fincher’s adaptation. challenging role as Salander with ing his film to be just as engross- and extending the scene in which Bluesion teaches the tango Despite the tango’s intensity, stu- dents with all levels of dance experi- ence are welcome to the Monday les- sons. “The goal of Bluesion is to teach as many people as possible—regard- less of dance background—a variety of different dances,” said the Bluesion representatives. With such an open environment, Bluesion is an ideal place for learn- ing. Last semester Bluesion imparted lessons of basic dancing, dancing et- iquette, and West Coast Swing. This semester the possibility of lessons in Salsa, East Coast Swing, and the Lin- dy Hop are presented. Along with the classes, Bluesion organizes blues dancing excursions for the club members to employ their recently acquired dance knowledge outside of the Field House. They have gone to Blues Underground in Seat- tle amongst other dancing venues. As a club, Bluesion fosters an en- PHOTO COURTESY/COURTNEY RIDGEL vironment of success and satisfaction in learning and applying the dances Blues Dancing: Students can participate in free dance lessons. outside of the meetings. “We encourage students who be- By MOLLY BROWN Bluesion. The tango originated in Ar- come involved with the club to go gentina and Uruguay but many styles out social dancing in order to be- Monday, Jan. 30 marked the first of tango have since developed as the come more comfortable and familiar week of Bluesion Dance Crew’s dance has been passed on and inter- with the dance styles we learn,” said 5-week tango lessons. Every Mon- preted in other areas of the world. Bautista and de Amicis. day, Bluesion Dance Crew hosts les- “It’s a very intense dance and re- Bluesion creates an excellent envi- sons of various styles of dance open lies on a strong emotional connec- ronment to get rid of the “case of the to students of all experience. tion to a partner and a real willing- Mondays.” In December, Bluesion Bluesion is a club that brings the ness to learn and excel at the dance,” hosted a meeting during finals week, opportunity of social dancing to said Whitney Bautista and Emma de giving students a chance to blow off campus. Each Bluesion class brings Amicis, Bluesion representatives. some steam and dance through their in a chance to dance, learn, and min- While the basic knowledge of the study break. gle. The majority of the classes are tango certainly augments the dance As a safe space for all dancers, not student-taught. Bluesion instead repertoire, aspects of the tango in- Bluesion is a great place to “step” into. brings in instructors to direct the fluence other disciplines, like fig- Every Monday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. dance classes. ure skating and synchronized swim- at the Field House dance room, the The Argentine Tango is taught at ming. club will be there to partake in some

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