TRAIL.PUGETSOUND.EDU THe PugeT Sound TRAIL THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Volume 101, Issue 12 February 10, 2012 Established 1910 ARABIC COMES TO PUGET SOUND Starting NEW KIND OF aconversation... After a petition of some 300 signatures, the University now offers a not-for-credit PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG Typing: Arabic keyboards display the English alphabet as well course on conversational Arabic. as the Arabic characters. By MIKE KNAPE tually be offered as a minor and/or creation has not been entirely major,” Lutfala said. “I believe this problem-free. According to Bren- nspired by his experience learning Chinese in high school, current sophomore is a step in the right direction for fleck, finding an optimal timeslot the University and will support the that wouldn’t interfere with for- Phillip Brenfleck came to Puget Sound with his sights set on yet another school’s mission to support diversi- credit coursework was a difficul- linguistic challenge: learning Arabic. To his disappointment, however, the ty within its student base. Arabic is ty. Similarly, some students felt left an important language in the pres- out by registration process, which University did not offer an Arabic language course. Brenfleck began working ent and will only grow in impor- was handled on an individual ba- tance in the future. If UPS is com- sis through Brenfleck and Rocchi with Michel Rocchi, the Director of Language and Culture Programs, in mitted to making Arabic a priority, rather than through Cascade as a the fall of 2010 to try to bring Arabic to Puget Sound. One year and some it will reap great dividends for not normal course is. only the students but the reputation “When I transferred here from 300 signatures later, Brenfleck and nearly 50 other students are learning the of the University as well.” the U of O, I was upset that Ara- Lutfala emphasized how Ara- bic wasn’t offered. It was brought language on-campus, free of charge. bic can help students with careers to my attention last year that there Yasmine Khattab, a native speak- retroactive credit for the course, don’t have to worry there.” in the Middle East and around the was a petition going to get the class er from Egypt and the spouse of Re- but students do not appear too wor- The class encompasses a variety world. Like Lutfala, Casas sees Ar- started and I never knew the class ligon professor Matthew Ingalls, is ried. of academic interests and experi- abic as an important language for was being offered despite putting teaching two sections of introduc- “I am in the course for the op- ence levels. Freshman Andrew Lu- graduates in today’s world. my email down,” senior Jack Simon tory, conversational Arabic from portunity to learn a new language,” tfala is a Politics and Government “Spanish, Mandarin and Ara- said. “I felt it would have been ben- 4-6I p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs- freshman CaroLea Casas said. “I major who grew up speaking Ara- bic are three of the most important eficial to me after taking two years days. Khattab has previously taught would love to be given retroactive bic with his Lebanese parents. languages in today’s world, and I of Arabic and passing a proficiency similar courses at Yale University. credit for it in the future, but I’m “It means a lot to me that Ara- was really excited about the pros- test at the U of O to continue my Both sections filled up quickly de- excited to take part in the course, bic has been recognized by the uni- pect of learning all three,” Casas studies here.” spite the fact that the course is cur- and that is reward enough at least versity and that hopefully this Ara- said. rently not-for-credit. Brenfleck be- for this semester. My language bic course will become an officially Despite the overwhelmingly pos- Editors Note: Phillip Brenfleck lieves that students could receive credit is already taken care of, so I credited course next year, and even- itive responses so far, the course’s writes for the Trail. Alexander the Hella Chill Off-Campus meal plans Inside the process of Cloud Nothings Conquers Greek System unfair to students hiring professors rock solid Combat Zone page 5 Opinions page 3 Features page 7 A&E page 11 2 NEWS The Puget Sound Trail February 10, 2012 [email protected] Wetlands presses on, gathers submissions By ERIK PRANG comfort and sex-shyness with its deliberately explicit and sug- his semester, Puget gestive style. They have begun Sound will have a drawing attention to their cause new student-oper- with edgy signs and artwork. ated art and liter- Last week the group adver- ary magazine with a tised with sidewalk chalk signs theme of gender and sexuality with slogans such as “cum and Tstudies. bring a friend,” and “the wetter The publication, titled Wet- the better.” Some of these were lands, will consist of student- removed by Facilities Services submitted works of literature despite the group saying they and art with the goal of provid- had the approval of the admin- ing a realistic depiction of sex- istration. uality in society from the point The students behind the new of view of Puget Sound students. publication say they hope to pro- According to the group’s man- vide a safe, honest and open fo- ifesto, certain subjects of sexual- rum for healthy sexual explora- ity have acquired a taboo status tion and expression and bring PHOTO COURTESY/WIKIMEDIA.ORG in our soci- awareness ety, despite to issues of Celebration: Same-sex couples in Washington moved a step closer to full marriage equality. being a per- “ We seek to creat a safe, open, sexual re- tinent topic pression in virtually and honest discussion about a and shame Washington state senate approves everyone’s topic pertinent in our daily lives, in our com- lives. Many munity. feel that but often silenced, shamed and The pub- same-sex marriage in 28-21 vote this repres- when expressed, often falsely lication is sion of sex- represented. ” the project By MATT ANDERSON it expected that it will pass with- signature. uality is of gender out issue. State Governor Chris- The United States has long been unrealistic studies stu- The Washington State Senate tine Gregoire has already indicated locked in the debate regarding and coun- dents and voted 28-21 in favor of extending that, except in case of any signifi- marriage equality. Currently six terproduc- seniors Me- marriage equality to the state’s gay cant alterations to the bill, she will states allow their LGBT citizens to tive. “More people on this cam- gan Chambers, Anya Callahan and lesbian citizens Feb. 1. sign it into law. marry: New York, Massachusetts, pus are having sex than not—it and Ruby Aliment. The vote was not divided entire- “Now it’s our time, this genera- Vermont, Connecticut, Iowa, and only makes sense to talk about Wetlands is supported by the ly along party lines, with four Re- tion’s call to end discrimination — New Hampshire. The District of it,” one member commented. University of Puget Sound Gen- publican state senators crossing the discrimination against our gay and Columbia also allows gays and les- “We seek to create a safe, open der Studies Department and aisle to vote in favor of same-sex lesbian citizens. It is time for mar- bians to wed. and honest discussion about ASUPS, as well as a growing fol- marriage rights and three Demo- riage equality,” Gregoire said in her Gay marriage was legal for a a topic pertinent in our daily lowing of students. They cur- crats voting “nay” on the bill. The speech endorsing the bill in Janu- time in California, as well. How- lives, but often silenced, shamed rently operate a tumblr blog and vote followed nearly 90 minutes of ary. ever, Proposition 8 passed in 2008 and when expressed often false- a Facebook page and are plan- debate during which members of The legislation’s opposition, a which amended the state’s consti- ly represented,” the group says. ning the first issue in the com- each camp voiced their opinions group of religious and political or- tution to define marriage as be- These issues include more than ing weeks. Wetlands will be ac- on the bill, culminating with Sen- ganizations, has already promised tween one man and one woman. just talking about sex: related cepting student submissions ator Margarita Prentice (D) say- a ballot initiative to repeal the leg- That proposition was challenged issues include gender identity until March 9th. Contact puget- ing, “I don’t know about the rest of islation. This would require the pe- in court shortly thereafter, and was and equality, physical and psy- [email protected] for you, but I’m ready to vote.... I think tition of over 120,000 Washington struck down Feb. 7by a Federal Ap- chological health and certainly more information or to submit we’ve just about wrapped it up.” state citizens after the bill has been pellate court that cited the law as much more. your work. At press time, the House of Rep- signed into law by Gregoire. The “unconstitutional”. This decision all The group is already confront- resentatives was expected to vote bills opponents would have until but ensures the United States Sur- ing controversies involving dis- on the legislation this week—where early June to gather the necessary preme court will hear the case. SECURITY REPORT The following incidents occurred reported stolen from outside • Security staff contacted 4 Crime Prevention Tips: securely.
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