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2-14-2008 Cedars, February 14, 2008 Cedarville University

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DigitalCommons@Cedarville provides a platform for archiving the scholarly, creative, and historical record of Cedarville University. The views, opinions, and sentiments expressed in the articles published in the university’s student newspaper, Cedars (formerly Whispering Cedars), do not necessarily indicate the endorsement or reflect the views of DigitalCommons@Cedarville, the Centennial Library, or Cedarville University and its employees. The uthora s of, and those interviewed for, the articles in this paper are solely responsible for the content of those articles. Please address questions to [email protected].

Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "Cedars, February 14, 2008" (2008). Cedars. 61.

This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by Footer Logo DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cedars by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CEDARS Live and Love Hart-less Pirate Industry 16 THE CURRENT 14 February 2008 A Valentine’s Day Volleyball head How a federal reminder that not coach Melissa crackdown could Korean Youth Passionate About Cellular Phones all romance is Hartman steps make your playlist Dispatches sweet & easy down worth millions -- Alyssa Weaver -- high-speed Internet, and touch technology You na and Sooin. Also, barcode images Staff Writer has recently become viable for the American may be placed on the phone. This allows the market and consumers, but was fi rst seen in cell phone to serve as a library card as the from the PAGE 6 PAGE 9 PAGE 15 While Americans are salivating over Korean phones. device simply reads the screen and scans the their new iPhones, Koreans dismiss them Some Koreans are having their cell item. Neither of these technological features Single Life: with a shrug. When speaking are offered in the United with Korean foreign exchange States. students Sooin Oh and You Not only is Korean Suggested Viewing na Oh, both agreed that Ko- technology used for practi- reans already have access to cal purposes, but it is also for Surviving V-Day this technology in other phone used social purposes as EEDARSDARS companies besides Apple, in- well. The Korean phone is a The Student Newspaper of Cedarville University dicating one aspect of better, refl ection of social identity. C more advanced technology in You na explained that South Korea. the competition between the Februaryy 14th, 2008 Volume 58/Issue 7 Most Americans see the phone companies is evolv- United States as the pinnacle of ing new and improved fea- consumer electronic technolo- tures. This cell phone com- gy, but Korea is at the centre of pany competition produces CClaibornelaiborne SidestepsSidesteps CCU,U, TThehe SStatetate ooff development and widespread social competition to have -- Paul M. Smith -- usage. In South Korea, you the newest cell phone. Ko- Staff Writer can stand anywhere and have reans exchange their cell tthehe AApplepple phone service. “We can always phone annually, doling out So, Valentine’s Day, huh? You know, get a signal,” said Sooin. When on average $350, though it’s that pesky little holiday with seemingly SSpeakspeaks atat APEXAPEX asked if she could recall ever prices can soar upwards of no purpose except to heap large amounts of -- Zachary Sanderson -- losing a signal, she replied, $600. Regarding the price, stress on single people because they aren’t -- Kristen Recupero -- Staff Writer “Maybe in an elevator.” phones take the place of their wallets. All You na said, “Technology is expensive, in a relationship and on couples because Staff Writer In addition to easier and more con- Korean carriers have the capability to install but we eagerly await the new phones each they are. However, the volcanic pressure this sistently accessible usage, South Korean an RFID chip under the battery. “These mod- year.” holiday brings isn’t its only problem. See, Despite the repeated changes to “To love God. To love people. To fol- When Steve Jobs unveiled the Mac- technology also produces the latest phone ule installations now allow your cell phone “People are obsessed with their phones, whoever invented Valentine’s Day — cough, the status of his planned visit to Ce- low Jesus.” Book Air at the Macworld Conference & features and design. Mp3 player capabilities, to act as a credit card or a subway pass,” said and I am too,” said Sooin. Hallmark, cough —couldn’t have picked a darville, Shane Claiborne did speak in “The question isn’t whether or not Expo on Jan. 15, 2008, Apple fans, fashioni- worse date to celebrate it. You’ve just man- the Miami Valley on Monday night, the we should be extremists, but what kind stas and nerds all gasped as one: Apple had aged to survive the Godzilla of Thanksgiv- day he had originally been scheduled to of extremists we should be,” Claiborne done it again. A mere 0.76 inches thick and ing, Christmas, and New Year’s with the aid speak at C.U. said in closing. Claiborne argued that weighing only 3 pounds, the MacBook Air Genetically Engineered Food Poses of a copious amount of sweets. Suddenly Many in the university communi- as Christians we should be “extremists is most assuredly the sexiest laptop on the you’re staring at the offspring to the yuletide ty went to see Claiborne, a sought-after for love” — the radical love of Christ. block. Ethical, Economic Questions monster. And you’ve been reduced to scoff- speaker and author of the book “Irre- Toward this goal, Claiborne exhorted The newest member of the Apple ing at relationships while licking clean the sistible Revolution,” when he spoke at his audience to change the common per- family is unashamedly pricy, selling for a -- Katy Hawkins -- ering that many of the same people who op- weeds can acquire resistance to herbicides. freshly depleted cheesecake pan before you. Apex Community Church in Dayton. ception that all Christians are anti-gay, hefty $1,799, a price that might not seem so Guest Writer pose GE foods also oppose these treatments. Thus, the farmer gains nothing when both However, having spent my fair share “Tonight is not about controver- judgmental and hypocritical. bad considering the size of the machine. But Proponents argue that GE foods, with their his crop and the weed are equally unaffected of Valentine’s Days alone, I would like to sy,” said Rob Turner, senior pastor of “What would it look like,” he the MacBook Air is almost just as power- Despite the fact that well over half of increased yield and de- by the herbicide. Experi- offer you a list of my fi ve favorite roman- Apex, to begin the evening. “Tonight is asked, “if people would ask us, ‘Who ful as the regular MacBook. Featuring only our foods contain genetically modifi ed in- creased production costs, mental crops also have tic movies to watch around Feb.14. These, about Christ.” are you?’ and we could reply, ‘Well, 1GB more memory and less actual process- gredients, most Americans resent the idea of can more effectively fi ght a tendency to choke out coupled with a pack of Oreos, help make this Dr. Carl Ruby, vice president of what do you see?’” ing power than the MacBook, Apple is look- a lab experiment on their dinner plates. The world hunger. natural vegetation. Final- date survivable. Student Life, cancelled Claiborne’s While Claiborne’s philosophy ing to sell the Air not on tech specs, but on combination of biotechnology and agricul- On the other hand, ly, opponents argue that Number 5: Titanic. Ok, so you have to planned appearance here after bloggers may not seem extreme, during the early looks and portability. ture has harvested unappetizing lines such as opponents respond with GE foods raise concerns fast forward through a steamy scene or two incited “hostile” criticism against the stages when his visit was still possible In addition to being wonderfully “attack of the mutant plant” or “escape of the several objections. Some for human health. GE and endure Celine Dion’s squawking, which university regarding Claiborne. A small some people attacked the university and easy to move, the MacBook Air features experimental weed” from the pages of sensa- say that GE foods will es- foods increase the risk isn’t easy, but in the end you do fi nd your group of students subsequently invited administration for planning to have him an enlarged track pad equipped with capa- tional fi ction. tablish industrial farming of food allergies because adrenaline pulsing. Perhaps this is because Claiborne to a venue in Springfi eld but speak here at all. bilities similar to that of an iPod touch or iP- Although opponents of these “Fran- monopolies, hurting the they splice and recom- a gigantic ocean liner just sank, or perhaps then decided to defer to Ruby and fi rst Ingrid Schlueter’s Lighthouse hone, enabling the user to fl ip between web kenfoods” raise concerns regarding human majority of farmers who bine DNA from multiple because Jack died and Rose is all alone. Take postponed, then canceled, their event. Trails Research blog, in particular, con- pages in Safari, pictures in iPhoto or artists health and environmental impact, propo- cannot afford GE seeds, organisms. In addition, your pick. Apex got word of the situation and demned Cedarville for hosting Clai- in iTunes. nents believe genetically engineered (GE) instead of fi ghting world they increase the risk of Number 4: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. stepped in, offering Claiborne the op- borne. Schlueter said that in light of Ce- Apple has become the chic in per- foods will lower food prices and increase hunger. Furthermore, ge- disease causing bacteria I must admit that molasses rolling uphill portunity to speak in Dayton. darville’s “acceptance of emerging and sonal computing, and for good reason too. nutritional value. netic engineering com- that are antibiotic resis- moves faster than the plot in this fi lm, but Claiborne engaged listeners contemplative spirituality (the universi- For many years Apple has been the standard Selective genetic modifi cation increas- bines selected features tant. Audrey Hepburn is gorgeous and plays her through his sense of humor but he en- ty president’s book list includes Leonard for creative professionals, but Apple comput- es crop resistance to disease and herbicides. to achieve a uniform Whether or not you role phenomenally. Oh, and there’s that in- thralled them primarily with stories. He Sweet’s Soul Tsunami) and the promo- ers are now breaching the mainstream. No In some cases, it has also increased crop crop. The problem with already imagine your tensely awkward kiss in the rain at the end described experiences from the time he tion of these leaders to impressionable longer do you need to be a graphic designer, yield, shelf life, and vitamin content. When this attribute is that ge- meal at Chucks to be a lab where poor Cat is squished between the two spent working with Mother Teresa in young students, the real issue is whether musician or video editor to own a Mac. You plants are genetically heartier, farmers save netic diversity prevents experiment, you might as lovers who are clearly incapable of making India or contributing to local efforts in they are biblical. Parents beware.” just need to be cool. money on pesticides, herbicides, and fertiliz- widespread crop failure, well join the line for the any relationship work. Iraq, also explaining how as a college Lighthouse Trails Research blog Needless to say, sales are up. ers. Aside from the fi nancial benefi t, decreas- a risk that increases when the entire crop is Organic Silk Soy milk, conveniently avail- Number 3: Sleepless in Seattle. Ab- student he developed his interest in liv- has also condemned several prominent At the end of January, Apple an- ing dependency on pesticides and fertilizers susceptible to the same diseases as a result able in both chocolate and vanilla. surd coincidences, terrifi cally stalker-esque ing homeless as Jesus did. Christian leaders and organizations nounced the fi nancial results for the fi rst is an important advantage, especially consid- of possessing identical genomes. Moreover, moments, and fantastic witty banter – could “The greatest miracle of Christ such as Dr. David Jeremiah, AWANA quarter of its fi scal year 2008, which ended it get any better? Yes, you have to deal with was not the power; it was the love,” and events such as the National Day of December 29, 2007. Within this quarter alone Rosie O’Donnell, but this movie actually Claiborne said, to explain what empow- Prayer. Schuleter declined to participate Apple experienced revenue of $9.6 billion, manages, somewhat, to pull romance out of ers him. Claiborne lives in Philadelphia, in an interview because the Cedars Web compared to $7.1 billion a year ago. Also the bag without leaving its sleeve dripping Penn., and is a founding member of the site is only accessible from computers within the quarter, Apple sold 2,319,000 with sappiness. Simple Way, an organization that helps on the university campus. Macs, a 44 percent growth over last year, Number 2: The Princess Bride. Here is poor and homeless people living on the Dr. Ruby said, “I didn’t cancel and sold 2,315,000 iPhones. a clear demonstration of how to mix the right streets of Philadelphia. According to its the Shane Claiborne event because I The reason for all of this is three- levels of wit, schmaltz, and action into an Web site, the Simple Way’s mission is thought it was a bad idea to have people fold. entirely uplifting fi lm. Need I say anything sseeee AATTACKSTTACKS pagepage 3 more than “mawage?” sseeee AAPPLEPPLE ppageage 1122 Number 1: Casablanca. With great act- ing, scripting, and directing, this is hands- Farmersarmers Celebrate Tech-KnowTech Know How: Winter Sports down the best movie ever produced. But the Kallenberg on iPods and Life Recap greatest part of all? Rick and Ilsa don’t get Fruits of Their Labor together in the end. Not necessarily a happy ending, to be sure, but it’s original without being quirky, sentimental without being mawkish, and unforgettable without being lofty. So enjoy your Valentine’s Day. At least p p p11 you aren’t dying of hypothermia in the mid- Atlantic, right?

Don’t forget to visit us on the web at By Daniel Eugene Zimmerman and Nate Schirmer Nate Zimmerman and Eugene Daniel By FABLES INSIDE News...3 Viewpoints...6 Sports...9 A&E...12 The Current...15 CEDARS CEDARS 2 THE BACK OF THE FRONT 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 THE CURRENT 15 THE BACK OF THE FRONT THE CURRENT “Love is but a grave mental disease.” Piracy a Problem for Government, Businesses, Students EDARS The Quote: -- Plato C --Kate Cella -- the violation of copyright laws, claiming that Some sources propose that the op- Is it ethical for a Christian to download Managing Editor: their sales and revenue have signifi cantly de- erators of illegal downloading sites are the copyright-protected music? The fact that fi le- Nathan Washatka Staff Writer News Editor: creased with the prevalence sharing is such a norm, or as Swed- Brandon Smith Anyone with an iPod knows how easy of fi le sharing. ish protestors described it, “a way Viewpoints Editor: it is to download music and media from fi le With the number of of life,” tends to dull the conviction Dennis Nangle sharing sites like LimeWire, Kazaa, and Pi- Internet users accessing ille- that breaking this law warrants ei- Arts & Entertainment Editor: Jenna Marcum rate Bay. And, of course, the biggest appeal gal media escalating into the ther contrition or consequence. The The Current Editor: is that it’s free. But a recent crackdown on millions, the matter has even average iPod or mp3 owner — in- Nick Erber piracy and illegal downloading may prove reached the United States cluding students at Christian uni- Sports Editor: that the accumulation of free songs stored Legislature in a substantial versities — admits to downloading Andrea Walker Chief Copy Editor: by many college students will end up costing secondary education funding thousands of pirated songs, almost Camille Morse them a fortune. bill. The bill contains stipu- entirely without deliberation. But Copy Editors: A student at Brown University this fall lations regarding piracy, re- does the fact that “everyone does it” Ann Foley, Jessica Swayze, was notifi ed by the school administration quiring universities to further and only a few get caught legitimize Jessica Whitehair Design Editors: that he was violating the law by download- warn their students of copy- infringing on the law? Kyle Jackson ing pirated music onto his iPod. The notice right violations. Principles derived from Scrip- Kyle Smith was accompanied by another notifi cation, The mass crackdown ture require obedience to all law, Designer & Illustrator: from the Recording Industry Association of has raised questions regarding save those that dishonor God. The Rachel Duarte Photography Editor: America, warning him of a pending lawsuit the true ownership of art and fact that the government prohibits Crystal Flippin that would result in fi nes of up to $150,000 the ethics of sharing music. breaking copyright regulations in- Photographer: per illegally downloaded song. Many students submit that arguably makes it a sin. Therefore Jonathan Moultroup More recently, Swedish prosecutors they only download music in a technical sense, illegally down- Webmaster: Jeremy McDuffie indicted four men for their involvement to explore bands and genres, loaded music is a violation of both Advertising Manager: with Pirate Bay, the world’s largest Internet with intentions of buying federal and moral law. Furthermore, Clare Woods assemblage of illicit media. Offi cials from their albums later if they like it shouldn’t take the allegations of Office & Circulation Manager: Denmark have even gone as far as federally what they downloaded. Some Swedish offi cials and the RIAA for Timon Reiner Staff prohibiting Internet users from accessing Pi- artists, such as Derek Webb, people, especially Christians, to re- Devin Babcock rate Bay through two of Denmark’s primary claim to support bootlegging and music guilty party, not those downloading the mu- alize that breaking the law is wrong. Perhaps Whitney Burch Internet providers. United States recording sharing, utilizing the advantage of gaining sic. Interestingly, these operators in turn pin the prospect of downloading music illegally Kate Cella and motion picture corporations have sued publicity. However, federal copyright laws the blame on the consumer for all media — in simpler terms, stealing it — should Kevin Cole Anna Cummings the site for its perpetual involvement with prohibit such activity. transfer. warrant at least a second thought. Alyssa Denen Stephanie Devine Emily Doot Elisabeth Feucht Social News Sites Provide New Ways to Read Stories Zach Freed Grant Goodman -- Dan Sizemore -- of stories you fi nd most appealing. Photo Credit : Crystal Flippin Bethany Harpole Staff Writer While Digg is the most popular and, in my opinion, most user friendly of these sites, John Hawkins there are many other similar web pages. Reddit and also promote general news Rebecca High The Photo: Keri Hilty Delta Pi Sigma sold bottles of Crush soda in the lower level of the SSC this week in celebration of Valentine’s Day. It’s one in the morning and I still have fi fty more pages of reading to do before tomor- stories, while others such as Slashdot and Connotea have narrower audiences in mind. Sarah Hoffman DPS was one of several orgs selling Valentine-themed gifts. row’s classes. I’ve spent the last two hours on my computer, but have yet to start any of my This innovative form of sharing news does have its pitfalls. Sometimes what the ma- Rachael Hubin school work. Instead I’ve been perusing Digg, one of the jority of the people with a modem want to see is not Justin Keller most popular Web sites in the recent online social news what you want to waste your time viewing. Although Kate Klein Joel Lagan phenomenon. 523 people seem to enjoy watching a video of a man Grant Letizia These social news sites utilize the entire Internet sticking out his abnormally large tongue, I doubt this Whitney Miller community in order to fi nd items that appeal to the great- would appeal to the average Cedarville student. It is of- Kelly Miller est number of people. Members of these Web sites can ten necessary to weed through many of these inane posts Michelle Mostaed The List: Nathan Reed submit articles, pictures, or videos that they believe oth- in order to fi nd one of substance. Amanda Roberts er people should see. When these stories are accepted, This system can also be used to propagate sensa- Zach Sanderson The top ten US cities for fi nding they are placed in a separate section where they wait to tionalistic news items that are either partially or com- Josh Saunders be found by the procrastinating populace of the Internet. pletely based on falsehood. Since these kinds of stories Nate Schirmer a job in 2007, according to an article in Dan Sizemore Forbes magazine: If someone likes the article that has been posted, they appeal to the emotions, people are more likely to vote Michael Shirzadian click a button located near the bottom of the page. Once for the article in a sudden burst of passion giving it an Paul Smith 1. Raleigh-Cary, N.C. a critical mass of people has clicked this button, the ar- even wider audience. In a matter of hours, misinforma- Dresden Soules ticle is moved to the front page, the fi rst thing people see tion can be spread to thousands of readers. Naomi Washatka 2. Phoenix-Mesa- Scottsdale, Ariz. Alyssa Weaver when they go to one of these sites. If each story is read critically, these social news Geneva M. Wilgus 3. Jacksonville, Fla Many of these social news services also allow their members to customize the cat- sites can be valuable tools with which to fi nd new information about such disparate subjects Daniel Eugene Zimmerman egories of articles they would like to see. Not interested in the latest celebrity gossip or the as scientifi c breakthroughs, world news, works of art, and sports highlights. Just don’t sub- The Comic: The Grant Letizia Grant 4. Orlando-Kissimmee, Fla. newest Apple announcement? Simply change the settings in your profi le to indicate the type mit “looking at Digg all night” as your chapel excuse. Trust me, it doesn’t work. % 5. Washington, D.C. 6. Salt Lake City, Utah tie-7. Honolulu, Hawaii Innovative Music Uses Technology -- Zachary Sanderson -- the performer, allowing them to have exact control over the Much electro-acoustic music has a dissonant, some- tie-7. Las Vegas-Paradise, Nev. % Staff Writer fi nal sound. what random feel, often utilizing captured sounds such as 9. Fort Lauderdale-Pompano The kind of music written in the Electronic Music the human voice, nature, traffi c, alarm clocks or heavy ma- Beach-Deerfi eld Beach, Fla. In the 1950s, Columbia University founded the Co- Center defi es traditional categorization. It is not classical, it chinery as textures. On the other hand, some electro-acoustic lumbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. The idea behind is not pop, it’s not rock, it’s not jazz or blues, so what is it? music is beautiful, even in the traditional sense. 10. Virginia Beach-Norfolk-New- the center was to harness new technologies Initially the electro-acoustic music % port News, Va. for music composition and production. scene was made up primarily of the ground- Pioneers like Vladimir Ussachevsky, breaking composers at the Colombia studio Otto Luening, Bülent Arel, and Milton Bab- in the 50s and 60s, but since that time it has The Poll: The bitt all got their start experimenting with grown in its infl uence and organization. Its early synthesizers and tape recorders in the infl uence is most notable in the Society for Cedars goal is to provide news, information, and The Search Engine: Columbia studio. It was out of these experi- Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States viewpoints about our local, ments that such seminal works as Babbit’s (SEAMUS), which holds a major national national, and international It has been nearly a year since Heap Me- tors, which have largely been replaced by LCD “How much power does it take to make “Philomel,” Ussachevsky’s “Computer conference each year that presents concerts worlds. Cedars strives to Piece No. 1,” and Arel’s “Stereo Electronic of new electro-acoustic music, as well as offer accurate information dia Australia launched “Blackle,” an energy- monitors. a cup of coffee to drink while I’m surfi ng the and thoughtful opinions saving search engine aimed at environmentally Then again, any reduction in electricity web compared to the power consumed by my Music No. 2” were written. These pieces videos, papers and panel sessions on elec- which promote biblical minded web surfers. The Blackle page has a use may be helpful. monitor, with or without Blackle?” Brown said. represented a new sound and aesthetic in tro-acoustic music. SEAMUS also releases thinking and participation in black background, which its creators say could “It looks like there is a small reduction “That’s something to consider, if I’m serious music. a compact disk of the best electro-acoustic the communities in which we The composers at the Columbia stu- music presented at the conference. These live. The opinions expressed save up to 750 mega-watt hours every year. in power requirements,” said C.U. Professor of about reducing power.” in Cedars are held by the The idea makes sense — at least in the- Electrical Engineering Dr. Jeffry Shortt after Blackle’s creator has stated in interviews dio all had backgrounds in either traditional CDs are available through OhioLink individual writers and are not ory — and no one is about to criticize Heap examining Blackle. that he hopes his web page will serve as a re- classical music or electronics. Working to- It is no surprise that almost no one necessarily held by the Media Australia for their ‘green’ initiative. But Assistant Professor of Electrical Engi- minder to people that they need to save energy gether, they were able to take advantage of listens to electro-acoustic music. To many Cedars staff or by Cedarville the synthesis technologies available to them it sounds nothing like “real” music. How- University. whether or not the site actually saves energy neering Dr. Gerald Brown said the amount of while surfi ng online. Blackle may not reverse depends on who you talk to. power saved by surfi ng with Blackle depends the effects of global warming, but it does serve and create sounds that they had never heard ever, works of Babbit, Ussachevsky, Lu- 251 N. Main Street An article in the Wall Street Journal on many variables. Asking ourselves how much as a symbol of the little steps consumers must before. This freedom from traditional in- ening, and the other composers of the Cedarville, OH 45314 strumentation and sounds added a whole other dimension The broad term used is electro-acoustic music. This means Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center will continue 937.766.3456 last year suggested Blackle only saves power power we save with Blackle, though, might be take on a daily basis to conserve energy and [email protected] when used with CRT (cathode-ray tube) moni- the wrong question. preserve the environment. to their music. The synthesis and recording technologies in that performance requires the use of electronics in one form to inspire and challenge those who are willing to challenge the studio presented the composers with the ability to bypass or another in varying degrees. their musical sensibilities CEDARS CEDARS 14 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 NEWS 3 from ATTACKS page 1 like Shane on campus.” Rather, he “canceled it because I hadn’t anticipated the hostile Banquet BringsNEWS Together Members of attack by so many off-campus blogs. We Reviews weren’t adequately prepared to respond and Local Farming Community Film :: PG-13 it became a distraction from other issues fac- 27 Dresses :: Twentieth Century Fox ing the leadership team here at Cedarville.” -- Kate Klein -- Cedarville College through a charitable re- of students. Before Dobbins had a full-time “I’m very frustrated with the blogs,” Staff Writer mainder trust. Part of the trust has been rein- business partner, he hired C.U. students to After recently appearing as the lead actress in last year’s spotlight of matrimonial love. The same basic write-off can be applied to Ruby said. “One in particular included a link vested in a scholarship endowment for C.U. work on his farm. “Knocked Up,” Katherine Heigl assumes a respectable starring role in the movie as well: always a chick-fl ick, never a classic. “27 Dresses” fails to an old issue of the Talking Donkey, which Cedarville University hosted its 25th students who are seeking degrees in medical “We’d fi nd a married student, put them “27 Dresses,” an early 2008 chick-fl ick fi lm installation. to rise to anything more because it settles for sliding into the classifi cations annual Farmer’s Night on Feb. 12. or health-related fi elds. up in the tenant house, and they’d work for The movie revolves around Heigl’s ever-submissive, insecure of its genre rather than transcending the boundaries to be anything endur- “Or maybe it was the 26th Farmer’s Longo said that Kyle is an example of me while going to school here,” Dobbins character Jane who has helped 27 of her friends plan and pull off their ing. Night,” local farmer Roger Dobbins said. the farmers and community members that said. “We’ve had some real nice students.” weddings over the years. Addicted to weddings and unable to say no, While the overarching idea may appear fairly creative at fi rst, it Farmer’s Night is a C.U. tradition that the university seeks to honor through Farm- Most of the guests who attend Farm- Jane soon fi nds herself serving as the maid of honor once again, this is in fact the typical, tangled love triangle dressed up in a fresh, frilly set- former-president Paul Dixon started as a er’s Night. er’s Night are farmers, landowners or ven- time to her own sister who has stolen the heart of Jane’s perfect yet ting. The fi lm certainly delivers its moments of sentiment and humor but way for the university to connect with farm- oblivious crush of several years. Heigl provides an endearing perfor- is plagued by predictability. While the content strays into the offensive ing members of the village community. mance as Jane struggles to address and eventually overcome her blun- occasionally, it is nevertheless seldom capable of provoking any lasting “I’ve been to all of them,” Dobbins ders, as well as those of her sister and her own admirer, as the plot twinge of positive or negative emotion. As another bridesmaid dress is just said. “I think it’s great. It’s a way to reach out unfolds to reveal their underlying intentions. one more to stuff into Jane’s overfl owing collection, so “27 Dresses” is just to the community.” by Amanda Roberts The tagline quips, “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride,” one more conventional fl ick to fall into the romance’s dilapidated genre. Dobbins is a 1960 Cedarville High to describe Jane’s constant position in the shadows rather than in the School graduate. He lives on a farm two miles east of Cedarville and raises hogs as well as corn, soybeans and wheat. Music Mars Volta :: The Bedlam in Goliath Kim Longo, Director of the Cedarville Fund and Scholarship Services, said that ap- commands its fan base to part into two groups (2003), “” (2005) and “” (2006). proximately 200 guests attend the event an- characterized by varying degrees of interest – or fanaticism – in rela- Lyrically, the album retains a seamless continuity within an intricate nually. tion to the band. Rarely are there casual partakers of The Mars Volta plotline. Musically, the album will exceed the expectations of most fans. “Obviously, Cedarville is surrounded due to the challenging, almost puzzle-like listening experience that Tracks such as “Cavalettas,” “Ouroboros,” and the title track, among many Crystal Flippin by the farming community and we invite contrives from both a musical complexity as well as an abstract lyri- others, are rich with epileptic energy and rhythmic chaos, all punctuated them here,” she said. “We want to articulate cal prestige that would utterly embarrass the artistic credibility of any by Cedric Bixler-Zavala’s immaculate vocals and laced with lead guitarist and demonstrate appreciation for ways farm- given pop-punk or alternative rock lyricist of our time. These elabo- Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s signature Latin-rooted guitar work. Fans of the is a satirical underground paper that surfaces ers have invested in Cedarville. We just want rate traits tend to fi lter out consumers who choose merely to dabble in less spastic, ballad-style perspective of the band will be pleased to hear occasionally. The article was a spoof claim- to say ‘thank you.’” The Mars Volta and subsequently segregate the entire fan base into the familiar sounds on “Tourniquet Man” and “Soothsayer.” ing that John Purple and I were bringing in “Farmers have a good relationship Crystal Flippin “calm,” on one hand, and the “crazed,” on the other. The only apparent downside to the album is its potential lack of ap- some Catholic bishop who denies the deity with Cedarville. Joe Waddle — his family To the “crazed,” the Jan. 29 arrival of “The Bedlam in Goli- peal to new listeners given its exceptionally strange composition in all re- of Christ. Right next to that article was one farm was where the lake is. He is one of the by Dan Zimmerman ath” came as no surprise given its highly anticipated status. The album spects. While new friends of The Mars Volta may fi nd themselves some- that claimed the Dixon statue had a creamy oldest former Cedarville basketball players,” has already proven to be a venerable contender on par with the band’s what disoriented by “The Bedlam in Goliath,” existent fans will devour it chocolate nougat center.” Longo said. “Cedarville’s heritage is steeped “We want the farmers to know what dors who provide services to farmers, Longo obtrusive full-length predecessors “De-Loused in the Comatorium” whole. Ruby told Schuleter that the article with farming families.” Dr. Kyle did,” she said. “He was well loved said. Last year was the fi rst year that Cedar- was fi ctitious, but “She refused to remove C.U. president Bill Brown hosted the in this community.” ville students from farming families were this information from her blog.” Ruby said, event, which was a catered, buffet-style Kyle was a local fi xture in the village also invited. Music :: Sleeping Through the Static “It’s sad to see this kind of behavior from dinner in the Stevens Student Center event of Cedarville until his death in 1998. John Roberts, a junior business man- bloggers who claim to be defending truth.” rooms. This year the school provided the “Dr. Kyle had a real love for his farm, agement major, attended Farmer’s Night last Feb. 5 marked the release of surfer-turned-musician Jack John- Who needs please when we’ve got guns?” The blog posts and other rumors in- dinner not only to show appreciation for lo- his church and the community. When you year as well as this year. son’s latest addition to the soft rock scene, “.” “They Do, They Don’t” contains confusing yet thought-provoking cited some parents and alumni to call Dr. cal farmers, but also to make a presentation went to him, it was a $3 offi ce call,” Dob- “I go partly because I like to see and The artist behind the hit song “Upside Down,” Johnson lets his tranquil lyrics which disapprove of the world of the past: “There’s no goin’ back to Brown and trustees to complain about the honoring 1928 graduate Donald Kyle and bins said. “If you didn’t have money to pay, interact with the people I grew up around. It style fl ow with a natural easiness that is hard to ignore. the good old days/ It’s just a favoring and some new light/ Archaism is a visit and pressure Ruby to cancel it. the fi rst recipients of the Dr. Donald F. Kyle he’d still treat you.” reminds me of home,” he said. “It shows us Featuring more electric guitar than his earlier works, this disc dusty road leadin’ us back to nowhere.” “A small group of people have used an Memorial Scholarship. Though not all of the Farmer’s Night that Cedarville is proud of the heritage that continues to display a strong acoustic presence alongside piano and Swiftly harmonized “If I Had Eyes” can easily be classifi ed as one of impersonal, indirect means of communica- Kyle was a local farmer and physi- attendees have direct ties to the university, they’re built around.” percussion elements. this recording’s top contributions. The surf anthem characterizes a stereo- tion to try and tear down something they dis- cian who in 1986 invested in what was then many, like Kyle, have invested in the lives Standout track “Sleep Through the Static” criticizes America’s typical, shallow love song, only tweaked by Johnson’s musical ingenuity agree with,” Claiborne said in his response pro-war culture. It is a “shock and awful thing,” sings Jackson, that and originality. Rhythmic “Monsoon” and “Hope” are also appealing tunes to the controversy. “Unfortunately Cedar- people “have to choose pushing for peace/ Supporting the troops/ And produced in Johnson’s solar-powered music studio. ville gave validity to this group of bloggers Students Partner with World Help to either you’re weak/ Or you’ll use brute force-feed the truth.” The collection has enough good songs to make it a good-quality al- by reacting to their demands.” The creatively crafted composition also expresses contempt for bum. However, if not already a fan of or familiar with this style, you may In contrast to Schlueter’s classifi ca- by Timon Reiner the nation’s belligerence: “But who needs to see what we’ve done?/ fi nd that “Sleep Through the Static” could take on a literal meaning. tion of Cedarville students as “impression- Build Home for Orphans able young students,” Claiborne asserted Music Edison Glass :: Time is Fiction that Cedarville students are not “junior high -- Kelly Miller -- World Help, sparked interest in the project the plate,” Kraft said. kids, but young adults who are capable of Staff Writer through its CU chapel program on Nov. 28, Kraft said that SGA has been im- Three cheers for Edison Glass’s highly enjoyable sophomore ef- songs such as “Cold Condition” fi lling the void. discerning truth from fi ction and who need Emily Kraft, SGA vice president, said. pressed with the way World Help conducts fort, “Time is Fiction.” The group has produced a memorable work However, this is not a loud complaint—it is clear that the gents are to be trusted with and exposed to diverse As announced in SGA chapel on Feb. Individuals and organizations such ministry, especially by how it makes infor- complete with their its trademark tremolo—both in bright guitar riffs settling into a sound perspectives.” 1, CU student leaders are enthusiastically as SGA then began to pursue ways to get mation about its doctrine and fi nancial ac- and in the emotive vocals of Joshua Silverberg. that capitalizes on their lead singer’s unique tenor and the contrast- “I was disappointed that Cedarville hammering out the details of how they will involved with World Help. SGA does not countability accessible. She said this practice This indie gem of a band is often compared to groups like House ing deep harmonies that often give an epic feel to their singles. cancelled the event,” sophomore student Sar- raise funds for the World Help “Home of “want to pick a project and then say,’ here, has “instilled a lot of confi dence.” of Heroes or described by fans as the lovechild of Radiohead and Mae. Far from another cookie-cutter product from the Jesus music factory, ah Jones said. “It felt like we were bowing to Hope” for orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Cedarville, this is your passion,’” Kraft said. World Help reports that 89 percent of In a genre dominated by ‘“screamo’” ballads on love and loss, these Edison Glass speaks volumes about truth, love and social justice through outside pressure. Not just any kind of outside Plans are still in progress to host events She explained that SGA sees its role as fa- its budget goes directly to the ministry. Only believers are known for their deeply introspective lyrics. Themes of both theirits albums and theirits actions outside of the studio. To learn more pressure, either — this was from individuals that will involve students in the initiative, cilitating the students’ passion. 7 percent goes to administration and 4 per- faith and humanity—, such as those in the title track and “Jean Val about some of the initiatives and companies theyit backs, check out theirits who were completely ignorant about Shane through which student leaders hope to raise The Children of the World similarly cent to fundraising. Jean,”— carry over in all of their work, always sung with sincerity. MySpace page. Claiborne and who had a history of attacking $25,000. Also, because World Help spends inspired members of TDK, David Moser, a Kraft said that World Help aims to as- Perhaps the only criticism to be offered is that there isn’t much While it’s no “Abbey Road,” I would be quick to recommend “Time the university.” member of TDK and of SGA’s committee for sist nationals to help their countries them- progression from their fi rst work, “A Burn or a Shiver.” More dynamic, Is Fiction” to anyone seeking indie pop rock that’s a big leap from ordi- Claiborne wonders whether respond- “SGA does not want to the project, said. selves. For example, she said, members of layered tracks such as “This House” from “A Burn or a Shiver” aren’t nary. ing to such Web sites is even necessary. pick a project and then “It was a burden that we all had … we the Children of the World Choir will be eli- by Stephanie Devine plentiful on the new album. If anything, there is more consistency in “I do not have time to hunt down every can make a difference,” he said. gible for scholarships to colleges in their na- tone in this album than the last, with more rhythmic and predictable rogue Web site,” he said. “There’s too much Some of TDK’s 68 members began tive countries. constructive work to do for the Kingdom for say, ‘Here, Cedarville, raising money at their home churches over According to this same philosophy, Book Jonathan Safran Foer :: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close us to spend our energies constantly reacting this is your passion.’” Christmas break, Moser said. TDK’s website she said, Villages of Hope will integrate with to every destructive voice, especially those reports that, as of Jan. 28, the organization neighboring communities. Moser explained who do not honor Matthew’s admonition very little money on administrative costs, had raised $4,111. Moser said TDK’s goal is that “World Help partners with missionar- Published in 2005 and hailed as “the 9/11 story we need,” “Ex- is not, in fact, about Sept. 11. It is about love, trauma, communication and to speak directly with one another in love student leaders are still clarifying some de- to raise $10,000 of the $25,000. ies,” placing Villages of Hope near local out- tremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer explores human resiliency. Sept. 11 is just one tragedy of many, a pearl of heartbreak (Chapter 18). And there is too much broken- tails of the project. Moser thinks this goal “is more than reach initiatives. the humanity and history of grief through the eyes of Oskar Schell, a on an endless necklace. ness in the world to spend time tearing each According to World Help, the 900 reachable.” He said that if every Cedarville Children living in the Villages will precocious nine-year-old latchkey kid, and, in a parallel storyline, his Oskar, his family and the New Yorkers he meets on his quest share other apart.” square-foot home will house 12 children student donated the $10 they likely spend on receive education, medical care and voca- grandparents, whose lives were left in shambles by the 1945 Dresden fear, warmth and frequent bursts of startling hilarity which would seem, in Though the Claiborne controversy and their caregiver(s), a believing widow a Friday night, that money would add up to tional training in the surrounding commu- bombing. a less courageous work, sacrilegious. But through the mediums of prose, has died down, Lighthouse Trails Research or young couple. The Home of Hope will more than $25,000. nity, Kraft said. She also said that World Oskar, a multilingual pacifi st vegan, lost his idolized father to the pictures, fl ipbooks, blank pages and even numerical code, Foer shows grief blog recently attacked Cedarville University be located with three other homes in what Students can contribute to the project Hope constructs the Villages near Christian World Trade Center attacks. Oskar is unable to cope with the trauma in all its prisms, including the droll, the beautiful and the shocking. yet again, this time for welcoming speaker World Help calls a “Village of Hope” close by giving in a chapel offering on April 4. churches, and that C.U. can choose a village until a mysterious key his dad left behind offers one last chance to re- Unfortunately, the backdrop of Oskar’s grandparents is often tedious Dr. Brad Kallenburg. There seems no end in to an existing village in Zambia, Uganda or “We really want to view it as a cele- near a church whose doctrine is similar to the connect with his father. Oskar embarks on a loyal and desperate quest and overly stylistic, and the character’s philosophic musings push beyond sight to the controversies that this blog and Rwanda. bration of giving,” says Kraft, who describes university’s. through New York City to fi nd the key’s corresponding lock and, he believability (though perhaps they were never meant to be “believed”). others like it can create. Organizations participating in the proj- herself as “personally passionate” about the Moser is excited about the fundraiser hopes, resolution. But on the whole “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” is a compel- Ruby, however, maintains focus. He ect include SGA, the CU honors organization issues regarding the situation in Africa. She for the Home of Hope because “Becoming by Whitney Miller A book about so touchy a subject as Sept. 11 could easily be bit- ling, humorous and rejuvenating tale of choice in the face of devastating said he “prays that when all of this is said Tau Delta Kappa (TDK), the Peace Project, hopes that the project will personally impact more like Christ is something that involves a ter or cloying, but Foer manages to do neither by writing a book that heartache. and done, we’re thinking less about blogs, Women of Vision, Acting On Aids and Am- students and evoke their passions. mindset change … I think we need a massive and Shane and controversy, and a whole lot plifi ed, SGA Organizations Director Laura “I feel like the American church has mindset change on campus.” Moser said, “I Cedars encourages viewers to uphold the Community Covenant in their entertainment choices. more about what it means to follow Jesus.” Walach said. The Children of the World In- really ignored this for a long time,” and our can see that happening.” Guidelines for evaluating media are provided in the Student Handbook. ternational Children’s Choir, a ministry of generation has a responsibility to step up to CEDARS CEDARS 4 NEWS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 13 Debate Team Continues Climb Strange Smells, Medical Emergencies Spotlight: Fill Campus Safety Activity Log Akashi Serves Up Authentic in National Rankings -- Josh Saunders -- the source of the fi rst such com- Campus Bands plaint on Jan. 29 at 4:40 a.m. and Staff Writer -- Kate Cella -- Japanese Experience -- Anna Cummings -- tion arts at Cedarville, Christian tional ranking. less than 24 hours later Printy units Staff Writer Staff Writer universities hold their own in the Team members are chosen Car-related problems and 22 and 24 had a serious incident as -- Whitney Miller -- NPDA. Cedarville University will to travel longer distances based on students’ trespassing on the lake well. Staff Writer Cedarville University is compete this year in the Christian team seniority and overall readi- constitute most of the incidents “We had a really bad smell seeking to strengthen its place in National Tournament, which will ness, according to Mark Miller, a that Campus Safety has dealt with coming from the heater in Unit There are several Ameri- the world of debate. Cedarville’s include talented teams from Biola senior pre-seminary Bible and phi- since the beginning of the semes- 22. It smelled like burning rubber canized Japanese steakhouses debate team began in the 1980s, University, Point Loma Nazarene losophy major on the team. ter. Campus Safety offi cers handle and fi lled both of the units with in the Dayton area, but for “the but only since 2003 has the uni- University and Wheaton College. “The Cedarville debate team an average of four to six incidents an awful smell as well as tons of real deal,” check out Japanese- versity competed in the National “An individual’s motivation is much smaller: our coach also a day, and the single-day high for smoke,” sophomore Resident As- owned and operated Akashi Su- Parliamentary Debate Association for debating stands out as one of teaches classes at Cedarville, our this year was 17 incidents on Jan. sistant Becky Gregg said. “Turns shi Bar. (NPDA), the largest debate organi- the most distinct differences be- scholarship money is much more 30. out the fi lter got full and burned Now don’t be alarmed by zation in the USA. tween Christian and secular debate limited and our ability to travel to the name. Akashi has plenty of Last year Cedarville Uni- teams,” Leanna Baumer, a team tournaments is signifi cantly small- options beyond those intimi- versity held 11th place, its highest member and sophomore political er,” said Miller. “But we’ve had tre- dating little raw fi sh roll-ups. ranking yet in the NPDA and far science major, said. “It’s not too mendous support from Dr. Brown, Admittedly, sushi is the main from the school’s fi rst NPDA rank- unusual to see some individuals the administration and the student attraction at Akashi. At the ing of 72nd. ¬The average num- who have completely wrapped body, and that’s a large reason why front bar, chefs in tall white ber of competitors in the NPDA is their identity around their debate we’ve been able to do so well — hats wrap sushi to order in front 350. performance cry or become an- even against schools that have of customers. The sushi and The NPDA offi cially an- gry after losing debate rounds. In much larger debate programs.” sashimi options fi ll an entire nounces schools’ national rankings contrast, I think Cedarville does a The debate team meets on special menu. Still, for those at the Debate National Champion- good job of maintaining a healthy Mondays to drill and discuss strate- Within the last month offi - out the motor, causing the awful who would rather not eat Nemo ships held each March. The associ- balance between the desire to win gies, techniques, judges and topics cers have also responded to three smell and smoke. Nothing too bad, tartare, there are over 20 entrees

ation has not yet announced results and the realization that our debate from current events. Once a week 9-1-1 phone calls. Two of these but it smelled for the next couple Nathan Washatka free of uncooked seafood. for the 2007-2008 year. Cedarville performance does not defi ne who the team also holds practice rounds ended in hang-ups without an iden- of days and we kept the windows Andrew Costerisan plays at Inter- Akashi’s pleasant wait- currently ranks 8th nationally. If we are.” in which the members practice de- tifi able emergency, and the third open to help the smell and smoke resses wear elegant kimonos Whitney Miller ruption Tuesday night in the Hive the current ranking holds, Cedar- Funding for the debate team, bating with each other. ended with a Murphy student being go away.” and serve each dish with speed ville University will have reached which usually comprises 16 team Miller said the team com- transported to the Green Memorial Every once in a while stu- and decorum. Wooden chop- Akashi Japanese Restaurant is the place in Dayton for sushi, seaweed, and its goal of breaking into the top ten. members, comes solely from the peted particularly well at its last Hospital at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 10. dents call campus safety offi cers to • Jordan Wood— A sophomore at the sticks automatically grace each sashimi, though the menu includes plenty of non-seafood options as well. Eventually Cedarville hopes to hold university. “We have to do what we debate, in Webster, Mo.: “it was an “When a call comes in I check into suspicious-looking peo- University, Jordan Wood is a solo guitarist place-setting, but they can be a place in the top fi ve. Rank is de- can with money we are given,” said excellent tournament for us. Not dispatch an offi cer,” said Marilyn ple, investigate student pranks and and vocalist who occasionally performs live swapped for silverware if you ond platter. We also ordered does the trick). Another diner nounced as “amazing.” termined by a complicated scoring Sietman, “so sometimes we will only did we place 3rd, but we also Ware, the campus safety secretary. refer students to the Student Life music at Un Mundo Coffee Shop in Spring- ask nicely. a bowl of edamame ($3.95), got pork shogayaki ($13.95), Green tea and red bean system which takes into account send only a few, talented people to won a signifi cant number of points “The offi cers will share calls and offi ce. This semester offi cers have fi eld. After one appearance on an open mic Akashi’s décor is clean which are boiled and salted which is sliced pork in a sweet ice cream are available for des- factors including the numbers and competitions far away to conserve towards our national ranking.” Ac- some offi cers know more about handled two incidents in which stu- night at the shop last semester, Jordan was and bright, with plenty of deco- soybean pods. Also delicious ginger sauce served with sticky sert. diffi culty levels of events. money.” cording to Miller, “The best part some issues than others, so the call dents walked on the lake; however, asked back as a regular performer. His most rative curtains, wood-paneling, is the marinated seaweed salad rice and a crispy fried potato Often described as the Last year Point Loma Naza- To save on traveling ex- of the tournament, though, was the will go to them.” the offi cers only caught one group recent performance at Un Mundo under- Japanese paintings and a small ($5.50). Most meals are served cake. The chicken teriyaki Japanese restaurant for Japa- rene University of San Diego, Ca- penses, the team attempts to attend way we were able to build relation- One of the easier campus and referred the students to Student scored his talent for versatility, featuring television softly playing Asian with a bowl of steaming miso ($11.95) and the chicken katsu nese, Akashi is the place to go lif., placed fi rst, and Western Ken- events within six hours’ driving dis- ships with Christian debaters from safety incidents to address took Life. On Jan. 22 Campus Safety a wide variety of selections from Creed to music videos. soup and a salad topped with ($11.95) – breaded and fried for authentic Japanese cuisine. tucky University placed second. tance. However, Sietman said that other schools as well as minister to place on Jan. 30 when a resident di- investigated two possibly related Johnny Cash, Damien Rice to Lifehouse. Akashi is known for its orange-ginger dressing. chicken served with rice and The faintly exotic little restau- Other schools with high-ranking to boost its ranking the team may the many unbelievers on the debate rector left an oven on, and Campus incidents of car egging, but have • The Garden—Quickly becoming sprawling appetizer menu of For entrees, yaki udon is special sauce – were both tasty. rant is favored by those willing debate programs include Rice Uni- have to travel farther. Cedarville is circuit. God gave us the opportuni- Safety was called to turn it off. identifi ed no suspects and closed a favorite band among Cedarville students, over 57 options. We ordered a dish of thick, chewy noodles Most meals come with an ele- to try food outside the American versity, Truman State University the only NPDA team in Ohio, and ty to have some signifi cant spiritual Aside from helping out the the case. On Saturday, Jan. 19 at The Garden tampers with forms of alterna- several. The vegetable tempura stir-fried with vegetables and gant half-peeled orange section palate, even if they do need a and the U.S. Air Force Academy. because the NPDA originated on conversations with others, and that occasional absentminded resident 3:33 p.m., a suspicious group of tive rock and has appeared on Interruption platter ($6.50) features lightly chicken ($8.95). Though the perched on top of the plate. One fork and a knife to get the food According to Dr. Rebecca the West Coast, the Cedarville team was a huge blessing.” director, offi cers have also dealt people was spotted near Maddox, nights at the Hive as well as off-campus in battered and fried vegetables unique texture was enjoyable, Japanese-savvy diner ordered into their mouth. Sietman, the debate coach and an may have to compete there in more with appliance odor complaints in but these were later identifi ed as shows in Cincinnati, Springfi eld, Mason and served with a tangy sauce. They the noodles needed a fl avor the colorful sushi and sashimi assistant professor of communica- challenging events to boost its na- Faith and Printy Halls. Faith was Central State students. Columbus. Led by Nick Lordi, the band was were so good we ordered a sec- boost (left-over tempura sauce platter ($22.95) which he pro- started a year ago and named “The Garden” in reference to the term as a “symbol of Women of Vision growth and development,” explained guitar- Kallenberg Fuses Technology, Philosophy ist Nate Schirmer. Other members include Raise More Than guitarists and vocalists Matthew Trego and -- Christen Price -- Kallenberg closed by exhorting Chris- evangelism and the situated character of our Gene Zimmerman. To enjoy the Garden’s LOOKITour picks Staff Writer tians to respond to technology by “being” knowledge. $30K for Fisheni music, plan on going to its next show on Feb. the church. ”We’re called out of the midst of Kallenberg also addresses concerns -- Kelly Miller-- 22 at Common Grounds. YouTube Video: What do postmodernism, Ludwig Wit- technopoly into the midst of Christian com- over whether we nullify the Gospel when • Samuel Roberto—Another artist tgenstein, evangelism, and technology have munity,” he said, then suggested that stu- we address the question of objective truth Staff Writer featured on Interruption nights, Sam special- Baptist preaches on KJV in common? They are among the broad range dents go on a “technology fast” to help them in a new way. This topic forms the core of The CU chapter of Women of Vision izes in improvisational acoustic styles, using Watch this stand-up preacher defend his position on a of topics that this year’s Staley lecturer, Dr. re-examine how their lives are shaped by a Kallenberg’s article on “The Gospel Truth of has raised $36,000. The organization has ex- over 12 fl oor pedals and effects-processing “manly” issue Brad J. Kallenberg, addresses in his books force that is not always morally neutral. Relativism” and of a session he held Mon- ceeded its goal of raising $30,000, and has equipment to create multiple guitar parts, and talks. Drawing on his eclectic academic day with Alpha Sigma, the C.U. philosophy fulfi lled its commitment to World Vision’s bass parts, percussion, even chorus and har- Gadget: background in physics, chemistry, theology, organization. In the article he argues that “Hope Initiative” in the Fisheni village in mony voice-overs, all through his guitar. Sam USB Missile Launcher, $35, ethics and philosophical theology, the Uni- “concession to one form of conceptual rela- Zambia, according to Dr. Susan Warner, as- started playing about fi ve years ago when his Even Brad Kallenberg hasn’t seen technology like this versity of Dayton professor is the author of tivism does not render incoherent the Chris- sociate professor of sociology. interest was sparked by the discovery of the before. Launch foam missiles at your friends from afar. several books and articles, including “Ethics tian practice of making unqualifi ed, univer- “It’s just amazing what the student music of Phil Keaggy. Keaggy taught Sam as Grammar: Changing the Postmodern Sub- sal truth claims in the proclamation of the body does, year after year, to give,” Dr. much about sound equipment and produc- ject,” “Live to Tell,” and ”The Gospel Truth Gospel,” and that efforts to refute conceptual Deborah Haffey, professor of communica- tion, and he has become a personal friend of LOST Coverage: of Relativism.” relativism sometimes become both unchris- tion arts, said. “I’m just excited to see that Sam’s. Kallenberg presented three lectures on tian and unnecessary. continue.” • Colby Taylor—Featured both in “Technology and the Cross,” a topic that al- In the Alpha Sigma session Kallen- Combining the funds raised from C.U. chapel worship teams and on Interruption Visit this website for all things LOST lows him to fuse his scientifi c background berg mainly responded to student questions with $20,000 raised by a Chicago youth nights, Colby Taylor plays with Gabe Coyle, with his philosophical training. Dr. Kallen- and described what he sees as the prob- group, Women of Vision was able to send Garrett Williams, Nate Cawood and Ben berg opened with a prayer from the 1790 lems with modern philosophy’s approach to $56,000 to the village, Warner said. Summers in an alternative rock band called Artist: “Book of Common Prayer” to highlight the knowledge. He contends that if we develop Fisheni has now met World Vision’s Monterrey. Colby has played at local coffee contrasts between contemporary faith in our understanding of what it means to have goal of self-suffi ciency, so Women of Vision shops in recent months, covering multiple Kirsten Hassenfeld, general and the faith the “Book of Common a justifi ed belief we will rarely need to be is moving on to a new project, Haffey said. genres and selections, from jazz to country. This award-winning artist creates cutting-edge paper Prayer” describes. According to Kallenberg, involved in an evidential, empirically-driven “I’m very, very sad that our partner- • Andrew Costerisan—Mostly writ- exhibitions the most telling difference “lies in the fact apologetic for our faith. Helping people to ship with this village is done,” said Warner, ing and performing in the folk and rock cat- that we have electric lights.” ‘imaginatively inhabit’ our Christian beliefs though she is proud of the village’s achieve- egories, Andrew Costerisan works under the Auction: Working outward from this idea, Kal- can help them understand certain universal ment. She recently received from the village name “Debtor,” underscoring the appreci- lenberg addressed how we interact with an components of the Christian faith. an object that looks like a large pipe; this is ated grace of God in his life. His passion for Keira Knightley’s Green Dress from “Atonement” ever-present technological world that is Kallenberg at times seemed reluc- one of many handmade gifts Fisheni has sent music can be summed up in his statement, Visit to bid on this “shaping our discipleship in ways that we do Crystal Flippin tant to explore his defenses for some of the to Women of Vision. “Music affects us. It’s an invisible hand that show-stopping gown not easily recognize.” Kallenberg described things he claimed in his article and he did World Vision focuses on providing re- moves something inside. Everything was three main effects of “technopoly”: reduc- acknowledge that it was logically possible sources to help people help their own coun- sung pre-Fall, I wager. There had to have Unusual Patent: tionism, in which we inaccurately oversim- that he was wrong; however, he believes that tries. been a lyrical, tonal quality in God’s voice as plify issues and situations; standardization, Kallenberg’s book “Live to Tell: Evan- theologians only serve their primary purpose The Hope Initiative uses a fi ve-pronged He created. ‘Let there be,’ He lilted. Thank- Two-Handed Receptacle in which we apply the same approach to gelism in a Postmodern World” describes when they engage ideas in ways that are both strategy of “transformational development,” fully there’s music under the curse, too.” An- This ingeniously designed glove has room for two so varying situations; and instrumentalism, in some of his views on Christian witnessing helpful and constructive. Sometimes, that focusing on child sponsorship, clean water, drew is using the revenue of his most recent couples can express their affection in cold weather. which we regard technological artifacts as and conversion. The book addresses themes means taking a risk. see VISION page 5 CD, “Convalescence EP,” to pay for an up- tools and therefore “morally neutral.” such as the communal, linguistic nature of coming missions trip to Africa. CEDARS CEDARS 12 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 NEWS 5 from APPLE page 1 The Best Places from VISION page 4 money to provide the same resources for ev- en to spend less time in getting water and sent a person to Fisheni to oversee the proj- “Persepolis” Novels and Film First of all, the iPod brought incred- You’ve Never Heard Of: ery child in the village, Haffey said. In Fish- eliminate the health risks of bad water. ect and provide training. ARTS ible revenue& and attention to Apple, giving health, agriculture, and microenterprise, eni, World Vision had already fronted the The village now has an infi rmary and a Warner said that during the next school the company a chance to expand its market Haffey said. She described the fi ve prongs money, and Women of Vision raised money midwife, so women in labor no longer have year, Women of Vision plans to support the Receive Critical AcclaimENTERTAINMENTand capitalize on the cool factor. Apple has Kava House as the fi ve fi ngers on a hand, and the palm as to repay them. to travel to a hospital, according to Haffey. Luke Commission, a medical ministry in shipped over 120 million iPods since 2002, the love of Christ. Sponsored children attend local Good The infi rmary also stocks mosquito nets, im- Swaziland, the country that has the highest -- Alyssa Weaver -- fears, joys and passions involved in the pas- and since that time Apple’s name recogni- -- Emily Doot -- Haffey said, “World Vision would say News Clubs and small local schools where munizations and retrovirals. incidence of AIDS in Africa. Staff Writer Staff Writer sage to womanhood. tion, brand power and sales have skyrock- that child sponsorship is the key to their en- they learn the “three R’s,” their native lan- The project also gave microloans on This semester Women of Vision hopes “Persepolis” is more than simply a eted. Do you ever do the “Beavercreek tire humanitarian program.” guage, and French, Haffey said. new seeds and trained farmers to raise new to begin raising money for Bibles and New comic book. The graphic novel embodies Second, Apple pulled its products Thing”? You know, go to B-Creek, eat out As soon as even one child in a village The Hope Initiative also provided the crops. The microloans will be repaid, Haffey Testaments in the Swati, the language of substance in both style and genre as it melds from all retail chains after Best Buy stopped at Chili’s or Red Robin, and maybe shop at is sponsored, World Vision contributes the village with a well, which allowed the wom- said. Warner emphasized that World Vision Swaziland. comic-panel visuals to its strong unfolding selling Apple computers in 1998 due to low the mall or see a movie? Inevitably, when I narrative. In her warmly disarming style and sales. Soon after, Apple opened its own chain do the Beavercreek thing, I’m always look- through vivid illustrations Satrapi conveys of retail stores, boosting the understanding ing for something to gracefully draw my in- a life story that contrasts with historical ac- and style of Apple computers and software. credibly-generic-Cedarville-student Friday counts by representing all the tension and With hip sales associates, contemporary night to a close: a good cup of coffee. So of repressed chaos of the Iranian Revolution in styling, theaters for product education and course, I stop where every CU student has terms of normal life. sometimes even a “genius bar” of personnel had at least one “coffee date”: Starbucks. The original French version, a set of to help with a wide variety of projects, Apple four volumes, was translated into English stores represent a complete turnaround from by Blake Ferris and Satrapi’s husband, Mat- the awful marketing given to Apple products tias Ripa, for her U. S. publisher, Pantheon. by non-Apple retailers. Their work, especially due to her husband’s Interestingly enough, Apple and Best infl uence, ensures an English translation that Buy have plans to get together once again. remains true to the original French graphic Apple says that it will train Best Buy sales novel. personnel in order to ensure that they be- In an interview with Random House, come familiar with the full line of Apple Inc., Satrapi described her draw toward the products. One reason for this development is graphic novel genre when she said, “Peo- ple always ask me, ‘Why didn’t you write “No longer do you need a book?’ But that’s what ‘Persepolis’ is. To to be a graphic designer, Emily Doot me, a book is pages related to something that Good news. I found one way to make Winner of the Jury Prize at the 2007 has a cover. Graphic novels are not tradi- musician or video editor to that oh-so-ordinary weekend night in Beaver- Cannes Film Festival and a 2007 Academy tional literature, but that does not mean they own a Mac. You just need creek a little more atypical. It’s called Kava Award nomination for “Best Animated Fea- are second rate. Images are a way of writing. to be cool.” House, located right across from Target and ture,” “Persepolis” is based on the poignant When you have the talent to be able to write in the same plaza as Moe’s behind the Fair- and often humorous graphic-novel memoirs and to draw, it seems a shame to choose one. that customers who go into a Best Buy are fi eld Commons Mall. Take a break from the of Marjane Satrapi. The novels and the fi lm I think it’s better to do both.” generally looking to buy a computer, while over-rated, over-commercialized, overtak- depict her childhood through the rise and fall Both the books and the 2007 fi lm many who enter an Apple store simply want ing-everything Starbucks, and support a lo- of the Iranian Revolution. adaptation have received much critical ac- to look around. cal, independent coffee house. (Please don’t “Persepolis: The Story of a Child- claim, but the fi lm particularly has drawn Finally, Apple is stealing PC users. get me wrong—I love Starbucks. But I love hood” and “Persepolis 2: The Story of a Re- severe criticism from the Iranian govern- This is key. While Apple currently holds only little surprise coffee places even more.) Its turn,” compose a two-volume graphic novel ment. Before the debut of “Persepolis” at the 5% of the personal computer market, this website states Kava House is the “Dayton that describes a turbulently changing nation Cannes Film Festival, Iran Fabrabi Founda- share has been growing rapidly and shows Area’s ‘Best’ Independent Coffee House,” through the eyes of Satrapi as a young girl. tion, an Iranian government organization, no sign of slowing down. Apple has nailed and I would have to agree. Set in 1979 and published in 2003, sent a letter to the French embassy in Teh- culture and made the Apple name, logo and First stop (of course!) is the counter “Persepolis” portrays a crumbling regime ran. Part of this letter read, “This year the style the defi nition of cool. The clean, sleek where I can pick one of about 60 drinks, plus and the rising of Islamic fundamentalism. Cannes Film Festival, in an unconventional shape of its products gives off an air of con- a seasonal menu with about 20 more winter- The uniquely intimate narrative is full of 14 and unsuitable act, has chosen a movie about temporary fashion and professionalism. And friendly items—since it’s February. Not to year-old Satrapi’s accounts of revolutionary Iran that has presented an unrealistic face of while this style may not particularly appeal mention the decadent bakery items and soup martyrs and friends the achievements and results of the glorious to some in the older generations, when it and sandwich choices. Snicker’s Mocha or “Persepolis 2,” published in 2004, be- Islamic Revolution in some of its parts.” comes to young people, PC style (or lack Peppermint Patty or Chai Charger? The deci- gins in 1984 with Satrapi’s fl ight to Vienna, Despite Iranian government resistance, thereof) is out, and Apple is in. sion was exhausting. where she spends several turbulent years of the fi lm “Persepolis” is receiving widespread So perhaps more important to many of I settle on an Almond Mocha and her adolescence searching for a personal and praise. The movie is receiving international us than any of the technical features of the Cream Cheese Donut, and I’m not disap- national identity. After her secondary school attention both in awards and reviews. Ranked MacBook Air is its pure aesthetic sensual- pointed. Believe me, I’m an avid and critical graduation, she returns to a now fundamen- No. 6 in Time Magazine’s Top 10 Movies of ity. It looks beautiful. And it feels just like coffee drinker (Chuck’s doesn’t pass—sor- talist-governed Iran to pursue university 2007, “Persepolis” also appeared in the top it looks. ry). Actually I think I’d go so far to say that studies. An unstable time of political and ten lists of such publications as U.S.A Today, So the real question is whether or I’m a coffee snob—you fellow coffee snobs social unrest leaves Satrapi questioning life, the Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly not the defi nitive coolness that this gorgeous out there know what that means—and Kava love and her beloved homeland. and the New York Times, to name a few. machine exudes is worth $1,799. Maybe not. passed with fl ying colors. “Persepolis” and “Persepolis 2” both In her acceptance speech for her But I know that the fi rst time I see some Ex- As I sip my mocha creation, I take in constitute memoirs, but they are also bil- Cannes Film Festival Jury Prize, Satrapi press-clad psychology major proudly open- the vibe. The bright red walls, high tables, dungsromans, novels dealing with a charac- said, “Although this fi lm is universal, I wish ing his new MacBook Air in class, I’m not hanging red lights, lounge chairs and Singin’ ter’s formative years or spiritual education. to dedicate the prize to all the Iranians.” going to be thinking about $1,799. I’m going in the Rain playing softly in the background Together the books evoke all the hopes, to be thinking about cool. all contribute to the easygoing, but still snappy, interior. It’s perfect for a laid-back meeting with friends, a casual date or a study spot. Speaking of which, the free wireless Dayton Art Institute Presents Internet and the spacious, clean tables will be my new homework haven. Skoglund’s “Shimmering Madness” “Going green” does seem to be the trend these days, and Kava House is no ex- -- Dresden Soules -- herself photography over 30 years ago so she likes to use things that are familiar to her— ception. It has a “java jacket recycle bin” for Staff Writer could document her life. This and her love things so familiar that we just walk right by cups’ cardboard sleeve next to a “Recycle!” for popular culture led her to begin making them every day of our lives without noticing. sign. Its coffee is Fair Trade Certifi ed, and Made out of jelly beans, hard wood these fabricated images. The Dayton Art For that very reason, Skoglund loves using it won even more brownie points when I and small, hand-painted silk kinetic butter- Institute website describes a fabricated im- food in her artwork. Skoglund’s goal is to was served fi ltered water (another thing I’m fl ies, “Shimmering Madness” captures one’s age as “an image that illustrates an artifi cial alter reality while being in contact with it, picky about—I like my water purifi ed and eye right when walking into the temporary construction of reality and not reality itself.” which is what started her passion for creat- fi ltered)! American Art wing of the Dayton Art Insti- ing fabricated images and sculptures. Prices range from $1.40 for a small tute. The fl oor is covered with all colors of “For her sculptures, The Dayton Art Institute will soon coffee and $3.25 for a small mocha to $4.50 jelly beans, while the walls hold the butter- [Skoglund] likes to use present a collection called “20th Century for a lunch wrap. There’s also a variety of fl ies that move periodically at different in- Prints from the Ponderosa.” This exhibit will books and magazines to peruse, like Time, tervals. Standing in the middle of the jelly things that are familiar feature art from Dayton’s former restaurant, Newsweek and Glamour. But if you’re like bean fl oor are two women who appear to be to her—things so familiar Ponderosa. Some of this art has not been most of the patrons I see in here, you’ll prob- dancing with their heads on backwards. that we just walk right seen publicly for a great number of years. ably bring your own homework. And you This sculpture was purchased by the The collection will feature screen prints and have plenty of time to fi nish—Kava’s open Dayton Art Institute and will continue to be by them every day of our lithographs by Jasper Johns, Helen Franken- from early morning until 10:00 or 11:00 ev- on display. However, the museum is current- lives without noticing.” thaler, Claes Oldenburg and Frank Stella. ery night except Sunday. ly in the process of changing its American The exhibit will run from Feb. 23 to April So do yourself a favor. Live outside Art wing, so the piece will be moved to an- These images or even sculptures are often 27. Tickets are $9 for students. the box a bit. Pass up Starbucks and Panera other location within the museum at a later surreal, if not completely. More information about these exhibits and take your date (or your homework!) to date. One of the things that sets Skoglund and the Dayton Art Institute can be found on- Kava House. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Sandy Skoglund, the artist behind apart is the elements and materials that she line at Check out for more “Shimmering Madness,” began teaching uses in her work. For her sculptures, she information. CEDARS CEDARS 6 VIEWPOINTS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 SPORTS 11 VIEWPOINTSThe Blues of a Fried-Day Notable Moments: Recent Winter Sport Highlights -- Whitney Burch -- think of is the loneliest Friday night of all, In the past two weeks, both the men’s and women’s track and fi eld teams and the men’s and women’s basketball teams have been busy traveling Staff Writer when the Son of Man peered down into the and competing. The athletes have continued to fi ght hard and compete well as they approach the ends of their seasons. The following are just a Love=Pain rapidly approaching chasm, seeing His im- few of the most recent notable moments in Cedarville’s winter sports. -- Michael Shirzadian -- Mencken once claimed that Doesn’t the death of a loved Friday night. Singles’ Awareness Day minent separation from His Father. Staff Writer love is “a state of perceptual one transform life’s relation- condensed into one evening. I guess it could He asked His disciples to stay with Jan. 25, Capital Invitational at Jan. 29, Rio Grande University anesthesia.” al happiness into misery? also be called Hitch-Hikers’ Awareness Day, Him, to keep watch. They didn’t. He was all Capital University Chris Walker and Grant Happy is he who has been I am in good company, And we face yet anoth- too, since a lack of wheels limits activity op- alone. Senior Courtney Reid set a TRRACKACK & FIIELDELD Walker both hit crucial three- BAASKETBALLSKETBALL able to learn the causes of it seems, when I say that ro- er inconsistency. According tions. But what about us? How are we to new school record in the 300-me- pointers in the fi nal minutes of the things. mance is absurd. It’s painful. to my all-too-reliable source, The campus is largely vacated, leaving deal with Friday nights? Plan Friday night ter dash with a fi nal time of 42.08 men’s game to hold off the Red- ~Virgil It’s irrational. It’s the true Facebook©, approximately the few people who remain behind feeling events early, at least a few days in advance, seconds. Reid, who broke her own men in a 73-67 victory. Ricardo opiate of the masses. 40 percent of Cedarville stu- like orphans in a newly-formed ghost town. if possible. Ask around to uncover potential record in the event, set a personal Alliman led the team in rebounds Americans toss around “Where there is love, dents are in a relationship, Some friends on campus are just too busy Friday night allies. Throw ideas out to see record by 0.4 seconds. with 15, while Ryan Short poured more love-oriented clichés there is also pain.” It’s an old 33 percent are single, and with work or studies to “play.” On the oth- who is free to play games, watch a movie, or Junior Ben Michaud won the in 27 points. than footballs. Spanish proverb that we all 25 percent choose to conceal er hand, sometimes your plans either don’t do something else. shot put with a throw of 52- 32 1/2, In the women’s game, Em- Love is blind. their relational statuses. work out or they clash with your friends’ When you are all alone on Friday qualifying for the NAIA national ily Noble and Bayley Nosal both Love conquers all. We come to college plans. nights, despite all your efforts to spend it meet early next month. scored career highs for a 78-68 vic- All you need looking for re- So what’s left to do? Have a pity party socially: 1) Choose to have a good Friday Freshman Robert Rasnick tory. Noble ended with 20 points; is love. We lationships in your dorm room, fl ooding the entire down- night, no matter what does or doesn’t hap- also met the NAIA qualifying stan- Nosal scored 14 and was 3-for-3 are a people without know- stairs fl oor with a deluge of saltwater? pen. 2) Trust Him to give you something fun dards in the pole vault. He won the outside the arc. obsessed ing who we I admit I feel like doing that some- your way, even it doesn’t look like what you event by clearing 15- 5 3/4. Feb. 2, Ohio Dominican with love. are. We marry times. But how much fun is that? You’re still had expected. Feb. 1-2, Indiana Relays at University We adore before we ful- alone, bored, and debating how to spend the Maybe He left you all alone so that Indiana University. The men edged out the Pan- our chick ly understand evening in a pleasant way. A stir-fried brain you could call your family. Maybe a unit- Neil Henning became an au- thers in a close 82-80 win. Short, fl icks, spend our identities. and a drained spirit don’t help very much. mate really needs to talk, and He wants you tomatic NAIA qualifi er in the shot Alliman, Chris Walker and Daniel thousands of dol- These people are You’re too weary to do anything much, yet to be the one sitting silently next to them, put event with his throw of 51- 8. Rose all scored double-digits to aid lars on our weddings, and nineteen, twenty, twenty- the restlessness requires some sort of recre- handing them tissues and uttering encour- Freshman T.J. Badertscher the Jackets. celebrate Charles Darnay one, and making decisions ational release. aging, understanding words. Or maybe you ran the 5K in 15:42, setting a per- Although the women suf- and poor Romeo Montague too often neglect. Although that will signifi cantly alter Tackling the gym or venturing out- could write an edifying note to a friend that’s sonal record by nearly 23 seconds. fered a tough 52-68 loss, Noble, as mythic heroes martyred I concede that one cannot their lives. It’s no wonder di- doors are great options. Some more inter- been wading through rough waters. In the 3K, Seth Campbell also set a Alison Lemon and Alisha Lee cap- for that most noble cause of live as an absolute recluse, vorce rates are so high. nally active ideas are reading, journaling, or Even amidst the most intense Friday personal best with a time of 8:52. tured the top rebounding honors

For the Lady Jackets, sopho- Jonathan Moultroup with 7 rebounds apiece. unmitigated, unconditional completely detached from There are those who listening to music. Sometimes, silence is the night loneliness, we always have Him. He Jonathan Moultroup romance. social interaction, I contend will write off this critical very thing I need most at the end of a week, was all alone so that we would never have to more Lydia Wong broke her own Feb. 5, Mount Vernon And we refuse to ques- that the person who desires approach to romance as the school record in the mile with a Nazarene University tion this mentality. We prize to avoid pain can and should mad ranting of a sexually time of 5:00.95 to qualify for the Short netted 30 points versus romance as the highest — if minimize relationships. If frustrated teen or the medita- NAIA meet. Her previous record No. 12 ranked MVNU, leading the not only — value and con- pain is a byproduct of rela- tions of a cynical misanthro- was 5:04.59, set last year at the men to their fourth-straight victory demn the mentality that tional love, as the proverb pist. Nestled within the coa- NAIA Indoor Championship. In addition to Wong and the 4x400 re- in a fi nal of 86-74. Matt Harner fell Feb. 9, Walsh University propagates a contrary asser- and universal experience trooms of the DMC, these The 4x400 relay team of Marla Rice, lay team, four other Lady Jackets qualifi ed behind the arc in all fi ve of his attempts, ty- The men nearly overcame a 24-point tion. We subordinate every- both suggest, why is the col- star-crossed lovers will fi nish Keri Hilty, Mandy Montzka and Courtney for the upcoming NAIA Indoor Champion- ing the school record for three-point accura- defi cit in the second half, but the buzzer thing to romance: academia, lege student or ambitious this article and laugh slightly. Reid set another school record. The ladies ship meet. Elisabeth Pyles and Nicole San- cy. Chris Beals scored 16 of the team’s next stopped them at 82-87. Short repeated as wealth, fame, the decision high school senior so quick They’ll conclude that life is whether to read or pray or to just think. But be alone. When human friends are nowhere ran the event in a time of 3:57.77, shaving tos qualifi ed in the 5,000 meter run, and Keri 18 points, including a 14-point streak. Cedarville’s leading scorer with 25 points. whether or not to attend to forge romantic ties? short and romance is worth other times, the silence roars so thunderously to be found, He proves the best, most loyal nearly two seconds off the previous record Hilty and Bethany Davies qualifi ed in the Lemon led the women to a close 58-52 Lemon and Aubrey Siemon led the graduate school. Where have Isn’t it true that ro- it. They’ll agree that, while that loneliness threatens to engulf my soul. friend ever, and He is enough. Even on Fri- of 3:59:14. 600-meter run. victory with a game high 21 points. Lady Jackets with 21 points each, but the all the gold diggers gone? mance ends in either sepa- one in two marriages end in Does the Word have anything to say day nights. women were also defeated, 80-71. Oscar Wilde once ration or death? Half of all divorce, they can and indeed about this matter? The only instance I can wrote that romance is “the marriages end in divorce and will be the exception. They’ll ability to deceive another.” the rest realize their marital put down the newspaper and Friedrich Nietzsche, the pro- vow. Till death do us part, decide to watch a movie. Or ‘Mean Girls’ on Campus? lifi c philosopher and founder they promise, and they toil make out. Or simply stare -- Alyssa Weaver -- contingent of the stereotypi- relationship with one person of atheistic existentialism, through frustration, agony, into each other’s young, Staff Writer cal cliques of “Mean Girls” is a rarity. argued that the demand to and the eventual loss of scintillating eyes. because we socially network. A relationship where be loved is “the greatest of their partners. Either way, And to those people, Many of us recall the Inherently, social network- you bare all secrets and vul- all arrogant presumptions.” does marriage end happily? I wish a very happy Valen- fi lm Mean Girls, debuting ing is not a bad thing, but nerabilities is a disarmament The American essayist H. L. Is either end less painful? tine’s Day. in 2004 and starring Lind- when it produces a barrier in of self and action of trust say Lohan, which depicted communication and deep re- that is seen less in girl-girl -- Michelle Mostaed -- the classic stereotypical girl lationships, a “Mean Girls” friendships and better seen LoveDrugs Staff Writer cliques and social aggression mentality can form, fostering more in boy-girl relation- of characters such as “The a façade. ships. Although this is more Did you know that in the fi rst stages of released in our brain? Plastics.” These girls were I know I have heard common in the romantic attraction there are chemicals let off in the The only way to get around this is to judgmental, aggressive, dis- people say something to the sphere, complete sincerity brain that can impair judgment and ability to — I’m afraid to say; it sounds so unromantic playing their streak of mean- effect of, “I have never met and vulnerable transparency view other people clearly? Studies done by — marry your best friend. ness to an almost primal ex- so many friendly people is still protected in romantic Helen Fisher, anthropologist and well-known Oh wait, you can’t do that; you go tent. and yet, I have never felt so relationships. love researcher from Rutgers University and to Cedarville, where it’s not conducive for other scientists’ conclude that our brains let friendships with the opposite sex, which is off adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. exactly what the people at this school need. These three neurotransmitters last at least six Have you felt the unwritten rule here, months, often more, and are equivalent to a not the one where girls don’t enter into the low dose of cocaine. free weight room in the gym, but the rule that So a lot of those sparks you feel may you can’t be friends with a member of the not really be for the person, you just might opposite gender without people asking you be under the infl uence of these chemicals if something more is going on? and unable to see clearly. For example, the other night in the li- So many people commit themselves brary, I gave my number to a guy that was just to relationships and long-term arrangements a friend and immediately he looked around like engagement and marriage very quickly and said, “Now everyone probably thinks after the stage of attraction. I think this can I’m asking you out.” Why can’t guys and be dangerous because if these chemicals re- girls just be friends, no questions asked? Do we have such alone.” Loneliness runs deep, Either way, depen- ally do affect us, our judgment is impaired. I noticed such a drastic difference “Mean Girls” on Cedarville often under our smiles and dence for vulnerability and It’s not possible to see the other person clear- when I left my public high school, where University’s campus? I do standard greetings of “How care all encompassed in ly. you were questioned if you didn’t have a lot not think so, not in the clas- are you?,” which merely cre- a romantic relationship is It is very unwise to make rash deci- of friends of the opposite gender, and came sic, archetypal sense. How- ate a deeper barrier of hurt extremely unhealthy and sions about a relationship when you’re in its to Cedarville. ever, nonverbal, more subtly and loneliness. detrimental, both to the re- early stages. I would even go as far to say, The other night my friend went to din- nuanced human interactions This is particularly ap- lationship and the person. if you like someone, don’t date them for a ner with a guy friend and later got teased of aggression do exist here plicable to girls, who fear Deep relational care is better while because those chemicals could have about crushing on him. for a number of reasons. close relational bonds due to balanced in truly nurturing worn off by next semester. It’s hard to deny this unspoken pres- More importantly than sim- potential judgmental back- friendships that support the By the time your life is over, if you sure to fi nd someone here, because where ply defi ning those reasons is lash. Often, because of this romantic relationship, but have stayed married, you will most likely else will you be in the midst of so many sin- looking at the effects of hurt potential nonverbal aggres- with relational barriers in- know your spouse longer than you didn’t gle believers your age? and loneliness a Christian- sion and manipulation, girls creasing, a quick smile and know them. How can we be expected to But honestly, there’s still hope if you ized “Mean Girls” persona are wary of each other and a hug may be sadly used to pick that person when we are being af- don’t fi nd that person here. Seriously, Cedar- can create. form loose knit, superfi cial suffi ce. fected by chemicals that won’t stop being ville, stop worrying about graduating single. All institutions have an relationships. Having a deep CEDARS CEDARS 10 SPORTS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 VIEWPOINTS 7 Claiborne in Good Company Men’s Basketball Politics in an Image Culture Feb. 2 at Ohio Dominican W 82-80 • National Signing Day, the day -- Kevin Cole -- – this traditional arrangement. De- Feb. 5 Mount Vernon Nazarene W 86-74 that high school football recruits sign let- Staff Writer construction forces us to open our- ters of intent, was Feb. 6. The consensus selves up to the voice of the mar- Feb. 9 at Walsh L 82-87 X-tra winner for recruiting was the University Like many students, I was ginalized. Derrida does not want to Feb. 12 Urbana Cedarville 7:30 p.m. of Miami. With 12 of the country’s top saddened to learn that Shane Clai- invert the binary, so that being irra- 150 recruits, second-year Coach Randy borne’s campus event had been tional is greater than being rational, Feb. 16 Wilberforce Cedarville 7:30 p.m. Points Shannon will expect better future sea- cancelled. In one sense it was sim- but rather make the two live in ten- Feb. 19 Shawnee State Cedarville 7:30 p.m. sons than last year’s 5-7 record. Ohio ply disappointing that we missed sion between the forces of violence Feb. 23 at Rio Grande Rio Grande, OH 4:00 p.m. State’s recruiting class ranked No. 7, an opportunity to dialogue with that would pull them apart or have and Michigan’s ranked No. 13 accord- Claiborne in person. More impor- one subjugate the Other. Women’s Basketball ing to tantly, the incident was disappoint- Most relevantly to us today, Feb. 2 at Ohio Dominican L 52-68 • Currently the worst team in the ing in what it revealed about the we need to see that the marginalized Feb. 5 Mount Vernon Nazarene W 58-52 NBA, the 9-39 Miami Heat traded Sha- “forces for status quo” (to use John Other in our society is undoubtedly quille O’ Neal to the Phoenix Suns last Edwards’ phrase), and the length to the poor, the downtrodden, the im- Feb. 9 at Walsh L 71-80 Wednesday. The Suns own the third-best which the foot soldiers of legalis- poverished. In the face of the “least Feb. 12 Urbana Cedarville 5:30 p.m. record in the league. In return for O’ tic fundamentalism will go in order of these,” Derrida calls us to an im- Feb. 16 Wilberforce Cedarville 5:30 p.m. Neal, the Heat received guards Shawn to silence an “ordinary radical” possible task: unconditional hospi- Marion, a four-time all-star, and Marcus whose message of love, peace, and tality. The impossibility of such a Feb. 19 Shawnee State Cedarville 5:30 p.m. Banks. justice are simply too extreme for demand is the very condition of the Feb. 23 at Rio Grande Rio Grande, OH 2:00 p.m. • Tiger Woods has won his fi rst this world. call itself, the very reason it ought two tournaments of the year. He won the Personally, I’m particularly to nag us by day and haunt us at Men’s Track and Field Buick Invitational by eight shots and the drawn to Claiborne’s Irresistible night. Feb. 1-2 at Indiana Relays Bloomington, IN Non-scoring Dubai Desert Classic by one stroke on Revolution because it seems to me Furthermore, this call con- the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Such discussions were Feb. 8 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 3rd of 9 Sunday. Woods overcame an important picture of “The Great tains in itself immense risk: there -- Christen Price -- complex, sequential, and substantive. One such debate a four-shot defi cit by making birdies Law of Hospitality”; that is, the is no guarantee that an unqualifi ed Staff Writer Feb. 15 at Findlay Open Findlay, OH 2:00 p.m. between Lincoln and Douglas lasted for seven hours on fi ve of his last seven holes to pass ethics of Jacques Derrida. openness to the Other won’t bring with an attentive audience. Feb. 23 NCCAA Indoor Champion- Cedarville 10:00 a.m. Martin Kaymer and Ernie Els, the No. 4 The comparison of Shane personal danger, harm, tragedy. Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death Television, by contrast, “gives us a conversa- ship player in the world. Claiborne to Jacques Derrida is, at This is justice, Derrida said, for it analyzes television’s effect on America’s public dis- tion in images, not words,” and images make no such • The Duke Blue Devils, ranked fi rst blush, perhaps a little odd: one invites the foreigner inside – our course: it transforms everything, even news and poli- Feb. 29 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 6:00 p.m. demands of the viewer. An image culture conducts No. 2 in the nation, defeated the No. a young American hippie, the other home, our koinos, our heart – with- tics, into entertainment. The book asks the questions, its discourse through visual effects, music, plain lan- Women’s Track and Field 3 North Carolina Tar Heels 89-78 at a deceased French theorist. How- out question and without demand. is television as a medium neutral? If not, what can we guage, humor, and sound bites; its discourse is largely Feb. 1-2 at Indiana Relays Bloomington, IN Non-scoring the Smith Center in Chapel Hill. Duke ever, Derrida’s connection to Clai- Enter Shane Claiborne. I am infer from our dependence on it? And what ramifi ca- dependent on television. In fact, the “news of the day” guard Greg Paulus netted six of the Blue borne and his immense relevance convinced that Irresistible Revolu- tions does it have for how we conduct public discourse Feb. 8 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 2nd of 9 as we know it — instant, constant, and full of informa- Devils’ 13 three-pointers. The Tar Heels to this campus is perhaps best en- tion sketches a brilliant picture of in our country? tion that is often trivial, fragmented, or irrelevant — Feb. 15 at Findlay Open Findlay, OH 2:00 p.m. were playing without their third leading capsulated in his claim that “ethics what a life of unconditional hospi- Public discourse is especially signifi cant dur- would not exist without the medium of television. Feb. 23 NCCAA Indoor Champion- Cedarville 10:00 a.m. Rachel Duarte scorer, Ty Lawson, who was out with an is hospitality.” For Derrida, uncon- tality might look like. Claiborne’s ing election season, and the way it is conducted in our As a result, the way political candidates now ankle injury. ditionally welcoming the foreigner simple call is to love; l ove deeply, image culture differs markedly from how it was once ship present themselves and their platforms is shaped by – the Other – is the very meaning generously, excessively. Most im- conducted in early America’s print culture. During the medium of television. The medium emphasizes Feb. 29 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 6:00 p.m. of justice. portantly, do this especially to the what Postman refers to as the “Age of Exposition,” the appearance; it is essential to appear virtuous, savvy, As Derrida tells the story, the unlovable. primary medium for communication was the written SCOREBOARD intelligent, competent, and in control. Even our po- history of philosophy is the his- Last fall, after reading Clai- word. In a print culture, books, pamphlets, and news- litical debates leave little room for long, complex ar- tory of exclusion. Starting with the borne’s book, I committed myself papers were frequently circulated, and even lectures ticulation or defense of a position. Political ads are Sports Information Profi le: Mark Womack and Jim Clark Ancient Greeks, it is a history that to giving and welcoming uncondi- and sermons were essentially “expository prose lifted structured as television commercials. Candidates are is obsessed with erecting binaries: tionally. One night I was in Day- whole from the printed page.” celebrities whose private lives are discussed at least as -- Joshua Saunders -- stories and what they are doing er – so needless to say, I spend male/female, rational/irrational, ton’s Oregon District when I was Postman argues that content is partially deter- often as their policies. Staff Writer in ministry,” he said. a lot of time doing something objective/subjective, fact/opinion, approached by Jesus, disguised as mined by form. Certain forms promote certain types We did not, of course, choose to be part of an Jim Clark, Womack’s as- I really love!” presence/absence, etc. The former a beleaguered woman. She needed of content. The printed word often involves proposi- image culture. However, we can and should be aware Every year, Mark Womack and Jim sistant, also tries to be equal Womack and Clark may is always privileged and the latter bus tickets and so I gave her money tions, requires the reader to follow a line of thought, of how television as a medium affects the way that we Clark, the sports information director and in his allegiance, but in the agree on the positive aspects always sidelined, dominated, op- without hesitation. and demands some level of rational analysis. A cul- receive and process political information. We should assistant, attend more sporting events than end managed to come up with of their job, but they do not pressed. To be male, rational and Not 20 feet onward I came ture based on the printed word produced, for example, not be content with appearances. anyone else at Cedarville. They crunch hun- a favorite team. “I don’t re- watch same college or pro- factual, was supposedly clearly across Jesus again, this time in the dreds of numbers, write press releases and ally have a favorite Cedarville fessional sports teams. “My superior to being female, irrational form of a scraggly man who want- create media guides and other materials for sport, but if I had to choose I favorite professional sport is and opinionated. ed to eat at Arby’s. Undoubtedly all of the Cedarville intercollegiate sports would say volleyball because hockey,” Womack said. “I’ll One of Derrida’s goals was the beggar and I should have just Giving Hillary A Chance teams. that is where my wife and I watch any game no matter to subvert – he said “deconstruct” eaten together, but breaking bread Few people at Cedarville understand spent 10 great years involved who is playing, and I espe- see CLAIBORNE page 8 -- Nathan Reed -- reported on a variety of Hillary- The evangelical animos- the atmosphere surrounding Yellow Jacket as coach and assistant coach at cially try to catch every game Staff Writer hating organizations, attempting to ity toward the Clinton campaign athletics better than Womack. As a Cedar- Cedarville,” Clark said. I can during the Stanley Cup understand the rationale for their seems reactive against similar ville student from 1978-1982, Womack “I do really enjoy the stu- playoffs.” The outcry of anti-Hillary animosity. Focusing his article fears, fears that Clinton will do or participated in both varsity basketball and dent athletes in all of the sports Beyond hockey, Wom- protestors seemed to emerge even on the cartoon-based attacks of say just about anything in order to golf and has 28 years of experience as Ce- at Cedarville and love getting ack has a wide variety of before the senator from New York, Horowitz get in the White House, including darville’s only full-time sports information to know them and fi nding out athletic interests. “I grew up made her bid to run for president. observes that “the hostility toward publicly dismissing her husband’s director. more about them,” he said. a Notre Dame football and With John Edwards no longer Clinton tends to be expressed in sexual misconduct and that, once As the sports information director, Clark enjoys the fact that Indiana University basketball contending for the Democratic baffl ingly vague and emotional president, will implement Marxist Womack does his best to give each team an no day is a normal day in the fan. My favorite MLB team is primary, Senators Clinton and terms.” policies reminiscent of the social- equal amount of time. “I don’t have a favor- Sports Information offi ce. Each the Cincinnati Reds, and my Obama remain neck-and-neck in In addition to the cartoons ism that the United States has op- ite team,” Womack said. “I can’t because it’s day brings different responsi- Jonathan Moultroup family loves going to Colum- the polls. Recent polls have calcu- that make light of the senator’s posed for the last century. our job to publicize each one equally.” bilities and a variety of things bus Crew soccer games,” he lated spreads of as much as thirteen masculine demeanor and her hus- These fears seem apocalyp- “I experienced both extremes as an to accomplish. It “makes the said. points in favor of Clinton and eight band’s notorious womanizing, the tic in nature, as if Clinton, despite athlete myself at Cedarville. I played on the work day more enjoyable and Since he is a golfer, in favor of Obama. The agonizing Stop Her Now cartoon archive being an American woman, might men’s basketball team, which draws the most also seems to make time go by Womack also enjoys watch- fear, held by many neurotic neo- features a cartoon depicting a Clin- actually fulfi ll all the require- fans, and then was part of the golf program, faster,” Clark said. Ohio State football, but I am also an avid ing PGA events. He said he tries to “make conservatives, that the senator from ton Thanksgiving dinner complete ments that classic, pre-millennial which many times doesn’t draw any. I enjoy Outside of Cedarville athletics, Clark Cleveland professional sports nut. Browns, time to watch as much of the four major New York might actually win the with Karl Marx, Monica Lewinsky, dispensationalism requires of the promoting each of our teams, their success loves and follows almost any sport. “I like Cavs, Indians – part-time season ticket hold- tournaments that I can.” presidency is becoming progres- and the Senator thanking her guests antichrist. If not the antichrist, sively more realistic. for making her the Democrat she is Clinton’s feminist and pro-choice from COACH page 9 said. Cedarville graduates are “a natural fi t” coach is almost guaranteed to be a good fi t. In a recent article published today. policies will certainly usher in the because they understand Cedarville’s mis- Every coaching candidate goes through an in GQ magazine, Jason Horowitz see HILLARY page 8 that season. Although the decision came as a sur- sion, he said. interview process with Dr. Brown, Dr. Milli- Although it seemed to be the begin- prise to outsiders, Hartman and Athletic Teresa Clark is still on staff at Cedar- man, four groups within the athletic depart- ning of a prestigious coaching career, Hart- Director Pete Reese both knew the position ville and seems to be an obvious option for ment and Reese. man decided to step down before the season would be short-term when she was hired. the position. When asked about it, however, Finding a candidate with whom every- Go to opened this year. Open and candid about her Now, with a vacancy in the Cedarville ath- Reese only chuckled. “No,” he said. “She one is comfortable can be a trying process, for expanded versions of selected articles and online exclusives such as: decision, Hartman displayed an affection for letic family, Reese must fi nd a replacement runs the other way when she sees me com- but it is a necessary one. It has led to the her time at Cedarville that reveals her joy for for Dr. Hartman. ing.” tight-knit group of coaches, trainers, admin- “Christian ‘Terror Blogs’ Promote Prejudice”: Cedars Staff Writer Justin Keller working with student athletes. The new coach may come from within With Clark choosing to remain in re- istrators and assistants that Reese calls the exposes the dangers of narrow-minded Christians “I love the relationships more than the the Cedarville family. Out of the other 15 tirement, Reese will continue to search for a “athletic family.” game,” Hartman said. head coaching positions, 10 are held by Ce- qualifi ed candidate. “The problem is you’ve Hartman said this close group was However, the game itself began to de- darville graduates. An overwhelming major- got to fi nd just the right person,” he said. “very supportive” during her time here as “Fighting for a ‘Dobson-ocracy’”: Cedars Staff Writer Devin Babcock puts a satirical mand a price many are unable to pay. The ity of assistant coaches are also former stu- The part-time position is posted on the a coach and player. With that group around spin on Christian politics sport’s rigorous schedule did not leave much dents. NAIA and NCCAA websites, so it is only her, Hartman learned “a lot more as a coach room for fl exibility. “I want to be married, “When we look for a coach, we do a matter of time before Reese brings a new that I couldn’t as an athlete,” she said. Also, even more letters to the editor written by various students and faculty, adding to the have a family, be home,” Hartman said. “I have a soft spot for Cedarville grads, par- coach into the department. abortion and FairTax conversations need to keep being fl exible.” ticularly those who’ve had success,” Reese No matter who Reese hires, the new CEDARS CEDARS 8 VIEWPOINTS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 SPORTS 9 from HILLARY page 7 apocalypse, prompting Christ’s form. Patriots’ Tight End Considers premature return to earth. The truth is that Senator SPORTSGiants Upset Patriots in Jivin’ for Jesus The hatred directed toward Clinton remains one of our nation’s her grossly overshadows the disap- most capable senators. In her eight Football His Mission Field -- John Hawkins -- shouldn’t happen here. We aren’t rule prohibits you from dancing proval the same constituency has year career in the U.S. Senate, Super Bowl XLII Staff Writer allowed to bump and grind or go to at Cedarville. That’s a myth we for Barack Obama, yet for seem- Clinton has assumed signifi cant -- Sarah Hoff man -- Watson counts it both a bless- -- Grant Goodman -- 35 seconds left as Manning threw a led the team in places where other people do. invented. You can move to music ingly unjustifi ed reasons. Both can- leadership roles as a member of the Staff Writer ing and a responsibility to share his Staff Writer rainbow pass to for rushing with 45 yards. Everybody knows Cedarville “Contemporary dances (in- all you want during worship, with didates espouse pro-choice ideolo- Senate Armed Services Committee faith as a professional athlete. He a . Given the ball with Super Bowl XLII is only students aren’t allowed to dance. cluding ballroom, salsa, and line your friends, and in your room. The gies, favor troop withdrawal from and in her policy proposals. She has During Super Bowl XXXIX, realizes he has a unique opportu- During one of the most ex- 29 seconds left, the Patriot offense the third Super Bowl victory for

Dancing is against the rules on dancing) will not be sponsored on important thing is that love and joy Iraq, and oppose a constitutional emerged as one of the most infl uen- the New England Patriot’s jersey nity through his athletic platform. citing NFL championship games was unable to gain any ground. the Giants. New York also cap- Cedarville’s campus, period. Ex- campus or at University sponsored defi ne your dance instead of lust. amendment on marriage, all issues tial voices in wage discrimination No. 84 hung in the locker room “Sports are amazing. People in history, the New York came away with the tured victories in 1987 and 1991. ceptions are made for weddings, events. The University also pro- Every myth starts some- important to the religious right. and health care policy, introducing while its owner watched his team listen to what you have to say sim- defeated the previously undefeated Vince Lombardi Trophy and one In 2001, the Giants competed in Scottish folk class, and the occa- hibits students from attending or where. I think we believe that Furthermore, a recent survey the Paycheck Fairness Act in 2007 win its second Super Bowl. After ply because you’re an athlete. It’s 17-14 in Su- of the biggest upsets in Super Bowl Super Bowl XXXV but fell to the sional onstage chapel performance. organizing such dances on or off dance belongs in the vice category, conducted by the National Journal and improving health care access starting the fi rst game of the season, awesome to use sports to promote per Bowl XLII on Feb. 3. history. 34-7. This year’s If anyone starts moving anything campus.” that it’s just another pleasure we labeled Obama the most liberal for children and members of the rookie tight end Benjamin Watson the love of Christ, and for people to The game began perfectly for win was especially sweet for de- besides a foot with any kind of This stipulation in the hand- have to give up if we want to fol- senator in 2007. This hatred tore his ACL and was placed on in- listen when they might not listen to the Giants with a 16-play drive that fensive lineman rhythm while music is playing, that book sets another level of limita- low Jesus. certainly outweighs the disfa- ...the Christian jured reserve for the rest of the sea- anyone else,” he said. kept the explosive Patriot offense and receiver , the person is breaking our Community tion. Your organization can’t set We’ve given dancing up to vor conservative evangelicals son. With mixed emotions, Watson Having just fi nished his off the fi eld for the fi rst nine min- only two remaining players from Covenant. up salsa lessons, and you can’t or- the dead as though our broken bod- directed toward John Edwards, right has exagger-“ accepted his Super Bowl ring while fourth season in the NFL, Watson utes and 59 seconds of the game. the 2001 team. It doesn’t ies don’t have love whose platform demonstrated a feeling undeserving. has put together what seems to be The drive ended in a 32-yard fi eld The Patriots were one win matter if it’s in itself living inside more socialistic ideology than ated fears about Watson’s rookie season was the start of a promising career. He goal by . a dorm room or them, as though we Clinton’s. nothing like he had imagined as a already has a Super Bowl ring, and The Patriots answered, how- the lower SSC. If aren’t emancipated Christians have also used Clinton’s four-year-old boy playing football he started in the Super Bowl this ever, with a touchdown run by it looks like free slaves who got Clinton’s sex as a reason to op- with his dad in the backyard. He did year against the Giants. Lawrence Maroney on the fi rst movement, it’s bought and freed pose her candidacy. Members liberal ideology not experience the thrill of running Since his rookie season, he play of the second quarter, making subject to the “That and don’t know of the religious right have ar-“ onto the fi eld in front of millions has been an integral part of the Pa- the score 7-3. That score remained looks like dancing; how to hold it in. gued that Clinton is unfi t for into an apocalyptic of fans or hearing the crowd cheer triot’s offense, starting 30 of the unchanged until the fourth quarter. I’m going to have The world doesn’t the White House because God, for him after an amazing play. In- 40 games in which he has played. With 11:05 left in the game, to give you demer- know rejoicing in the created order, delegated nightmare stead, he stood watching the games He has grabbed 116 receptions, to- threw a touchdown its” joke. We’re like we do; the tan- leadership to men only. Even from the sideline, detached from taling nearly 1,500 yards with 13 pass to , putting New kidding, of course, gible music of free- this reasoning appears legitimate National Guard and Reserves. his team. career —six of which York in the lead 10-7. Similar to because nobody dom doesn’t pulse in light of those who have cited her Furthermore, as evangelicals, For Watson, all the excite- came this season. their three previous Super Bowl punishes that kind through its blood- menstrual cycle and subsequent with the claim that we do things ment surrounding a national cham- His most memorable play in victories, the Patriots responded of rule-breaking. stream. Dancing emotional instability, as justifi ca- differently that the world, the par- pionship was marred by the fact that his career, however, came during with what appeared to be the game- The Giants’ relentless de- We’ll tolerate it. is our birthright as tion for attacking her bid for the allels between anti-Clinton evan- he had not contributed anything to the Patriot’s AFC Divisional Play- winning touchdown pass as Tom fense made the victory possible. It’s like going fi ve adopted children, presidency. gelicals and secular anti-Clinton the team’s 14-2 season. He did not off loss to Denver in 2005. All-Pro Brady tossed the ball to Randy Their defense managed to knock away from becoming the second miles over the and we are forfeit- While ideological persua- organizations are far too similar. As even wear his Super Bowl ring be- Denver cornerback Champ Bailey Moss in the end zone with 2:42 left down Patriot quarterback Tom Bra- team in history to fi nish a season speed limit. ing it. sions are fair criteria for opposing citizens of the United States who cause he felt it would be inappro- had intercepted a pass from New on the clock. dy nine times including fi ve sacks. undefeated, equaling the Dolphins’ It’s a stupid I’m not talk- a candidate, the Christian right has have benefi ted from her public ser- priate since he had not participated England quarterback The Giants, however, came Thanks to pressure from defensive achievement in 1972 when they joke, though, be- ing about rules exaggerated fears about Clinton’s vice, we owe the political process in the game. in the end zone and was returning back with an 87-yard drive. They tackle , Brady also fum- fi nished with a 17-0 record and an cause it’s a threat anymore. Our self- liberal ideology into an apocalyp- more than negative attacks fi lled What could have been a it for a touchdown when Watson converted a fourth down play into bled once. The Giants held New NFL championship victory. Tom based on a rule that enforced dance ban tic nightmare. This unreasonable with propaganda and unwarranted breakthrough season for the fi rst- seemed to come out of nowhere a 33-yard gain when Manning nar- England to 45 yards rushing, forc- Brady set the single season touch- doesn’t exist. The reveals an over- portrayal of Clinton has replaced stereotypes. round draft pick turned into a try- and tackle Bailey at the 1-yard rowly escaped two Patriot defend- ing Brady to throw 48 times. Brady down pass record with 50, Randy student handbook whelming fear of her credentials and campaign plat- ing and stretching experience, but line. The 6-foot-3-inch, 255-pound ers before throwing a pass to Tyree. completed 29 of those passes for Moss set the single season touch- does not prohibit spontaneity on this God was teaching Watson valuable tight end had chased down a 6-foot, Tyree caught the ball against his 266 yards. down receptions record with 23 dancing on Cedar- campus, a fear we life lessons through it. 192-pound cornerback, proving not helmet and managed to keep pos- On the offensive side for the and the team broke the season scor- ville’s campus. think is biblical. Watson and his fi ve younger only Watson’s athleticism, but also session as he crashed to the ground Giants, Super Bowl MVP Eli Man- ing record with 589 points, but the I’ve read the We’re suspicious siblings grew up in a Christian his hustle and determination. with safety Rodney Harrison at- ning completed 19 of 34 passes for Patriots walked away with an 18-1 handbook a dozen of openly vocal home. His father, a pastor, led Wat- Qualities such as hustle and tempting to dislodge the ball. The 255 yards and two fourth-quarter record and no hardware to show for times. It states, people. We only son to the Lord when Watson was determination cause Watson to fi nal play of the drive came with touchdown passes. Running back it. “Contemporary shout in chapel on six years old. Some of Watson’s liken football to the Christian life. dance is often sex- one song a semes- earliest memories involve hearing “Both take sacrifi ce, commitment, ually provocative, ter, and then only his father preach in church and at- and discipline” and demand the Hartman Resigns, CU Searches occurs in unhealthy because we know tending Fellowship of Christian very best from people, said Watson environments, or it’s culturally ac- Athletes camps every summer. to sports blogger Jackie MacMul- accompanies lyr- ceptable. We don’t To this day, Watson continues len. For this reason, Colossians ics that do not re- talk in our classes. to attend FCA camps, now acting 3:23 is one of Watson’s favorite for New Volleyball Coach fl ect our commitment to a pure and ganize line dances at your house. Even our rock and roll is scripted. as a spokesperson. He often uses verses: “Whatever you do, do it -- Devin Babcock -- number of career digs in volleyball. Hartman was a godly lifestyle. This type of dance Like it or not, those are the rules. The body needs all kinds, I his rookie season experience to tell wholeheartedly as unto the Lord, Staff Writer two-time volleyball All-Conference selection as well is prohibited both on and off cam- Nowhere in Cedarville’s policy on know, but in Community Covenant the kids about Jesus. not for men.” as the conference champion in tennis as a senior. pus.” dancing do we see the act of danc- terms, this muffl ing of the Holy “I have a Super Bowl ring for Watson desires to glorify Just before the volleyball season started this A prodigious athlete, Hartman entered the Indi- All this statement establishes ing itself explicitly condemned. If Spirit is bad for the community. It a game that I didn’t play in, but I can God in everything he does and is year, Head Coach Melissa Hartman informed Ce- ana School of Medicine after her graduation from Ce- is that we need to think through it’s not sexual, and I admit the sub- gives to the world what belongs to still put it on and say I’m a cham- passionate about following God’s darville’s athletic department that she would not be darville. In 2000, she became Dr. Hartman and started how we dance at Cedarville. We jectivity there, and it’s not set up Jesus. So stop holding back. Dance pion because I’m part of a team. will, whatever it may be. Growing returning after the season is over. The move was a working as an emergency room physician. don’t dance like the world does. ahead of time, it’s legitimate. if you want to. You won’t be break- God did the same thing by sending up, whenever anyone asked Wat- surprising one considering Hartman’s short tenure and In 2004, Hartman left the ER to become an as- If it happens in a club, it probably In other words, no offi cial ing any rules. Christ to die for us and make us a son what he wanted to be, he al- the fact that she has deep roots at the university. sistant coach to fellow Hall of Fame member Teresa part of His team. He made us cham- ways answered, “a football player A 1996 graduate and 2002 inductee into the Clark. After two seasons with Clark, Hartman took the from CLAIBORNE page 7 Does unconditional hospitality pions, even though we did nothing and a missionary.” It seems like he Cedarville University Athletic Hall of Fame, Hart- helm at the beginning of the 2006 season. She guided erect a 2000-mile fence to keep out to deserve to be called champions,” is fulfi lling both his and God’s plan man competed in basketball, volleyball and tennis as the team to the NCCAA National Championship and with a dirty Jesus seemed more dif- almost too radical for us to handle Unwanteds and Outsiders? Does Watson said to FCA magazine re- for his life. a student. She is Cedarville’s seventh leading scorer was named the NCCAA National Coach of the Year fi cult and so I just gave him some or even comprehend. It was just unconditional giving mean HMO porter Janet Goreham. for basketball and holds the school’s second highest see COACH page 10 bills. as radical two millenia ago when bureaucracy just to treat a sick The third time I saw Jesus Christ fi rst proclaimed these truths. child? was just minutes later, when a The Sermon on the Mount is so To turn the other cheek and -- Rebecca High -- beggar headed towards me from a outrageous that it’s still unwelcome to give (not invest) our last dollar: Sixth-Row Seats: A Super Bowl Satire Staff Writer ways down the sidewalk. I imme- today, sometimes unwelcome even these are the demands of that wan- diately began to think of excuses… on our own campus. dering Christ we claim to follow. According to a Nielson poll, an aver- weekend in Arizona with sixth-row seat tick- you get to see the commercials?” interview. that the price of my evening had For if we truly uncondition- Welcoming – not bombing – the age of 97.5 million U.S. citizens watched ets at a glorious game. So I gave her a call. “Oh, no, they don’t show them at the Stephanie interrupted, “Oh, do you already doubled, that I was “poor” ally welcomed the Other – the poor, tired, and huddled masses is Super Bowl XLII. However, 103.7 million “Well, I was appalled by the prices of game,” Devine said. “But we didn’t mind; remember the Giants’ penalty for having an too, that I “needed” to get home… unwanted, the marginalized, the undoubtedly a risky proposition. people watched the top commercial, a Vic- the concessions,” Devine said. “They were we got them sent to us the week before in extra man on the fi eld in the second quar- that giving unconditionally was too destitute, even our enemies – our Our Jesus, however, does not call toria’s Secret ad. really far too low for such an elitist event. DVD. High defi nition,” she added. ter?” hard. And so I turned a blind eye lives would require such radical us to safety or economic effi ciency; I watched the game at a party yet Why charge fi ve dollars for a bottle of water Changing the topic, Devine’s voice “Um, sure,” I said. and crossed to the other side of the re-constitution that we’d be shaken He calls us to love. walked away with no recollection of the when you can charge 12 for a Pellegrino?” dropped a notch to a secretive tone. “Well, that was Chase Blackburn,” street. to the core. Wouldn’t we as indi- It’s so simple. To love ex- commercials. “How strange!” I thought. So She continued, “My dad got paid to let “By the way, I am courting Eli Manning Devine said. “We went to high school to- Was there ever a more dis- viduals, as communities, and as a travagantly beyond all measure, on the next day I perused the advertisements someone merge who had been waiting on an (NY Giants star quarterback). We danced all gether. He was on the fi eld when he shouldn’t gusting, obviously Pharisaical act? nation, ultimately have to conduct because that is how our Father in on YouTube and found that the reason I off-ramp for an hour. Traffi c was that bad.” night at the after-party,” Devine said. have been because I was distracting him by That my Savior passed His three ourselves very, very differently? Heaven loves us. This is a love that hadn’t remembered them is because, besides “Highway bribery—quite exciting,” I She added, “People were getting shot blowing kisses.” tests, that He died on the cross, that Would we any longer bless can transform all of us here at this the unforgettable Justin Timberlake, they agreed. trying to get into the after party. I saw secu- That was the last straw. I was not quite He rose again on the third day… the pre-emptive war-mongers, so Christ-ian university… so that next just weren’t memorable. “Who sang the National Anthem?” I rity manhandle somebody. But I was so sick sure how to take all of this information, so that is only what saves a wretch that they might inherit the earth? time Jesus wants to visit us in the “Do the people who watch the Super asked, while Devine paused to inspect her of people asking for my autograph. It’s just a I did some research. Her story just seemed like me. Would we any longer tolerate cow- disguise of a long-haired hippie Bowl in person get to see the commercials?” fi ngernails. lot of work, you know?” too surreal. Sure enough, she and Blackburn Derrida and Claiborne are boy imperialism, pretending that it from Philadelphia we unequivo- I wondered. “I did,” she said. “Jordin Sparks lip- Yes, I certainly do. It is so hard to did graduate from the same high school. She driving at an ethical demand that’s represents the kingdom of heaven? cally say Yes, please. Welcome. Then I remembered that my friend synced and I sang for her.” shake the paparazzi these days, especially really did have a sixth-row seat, and yes, she Stephanie Devine actually went to the game! I was incredulous, but it was time for here around campus. actually went to the after-party. We welcome your feedback. Please send comments to [email protected]. Letters may be edited for length. She tried to play it down, but she spent the the question I had been waiting to ask. “Did “Well,” I said, attempting to close the CEDARS CEDARS 8 VIEWPOINTS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 SPORTS 9 from HILLARY page 7 apocalypse, prompting Christ’s form. Patriots’ Tight End Considers premature return to earth. The truth is that Senator SPORTSGiants Upset Patriots in Jivin’ for Jesus The hatred directed toward Clinton remains one of our nation’s her grossly overshadows the disap- most capable senators. In her eight Football His Mission Field -- John Hawkins -- shouldn’t happen here. We aren’t rule prohibits you from dancing proval the same constituency has year career in the U.S. Senate, Super Bowl XLII Staff Writer allowed to bump and grind or go to at Cedarville. That’s a myth we for Barack Obama, yet for seem- Clinton has assumed signifi cant -- Sarah Hoff man -- Watson counts it both a bless- -- Grant Goodman -- 35 seconds left as Manning threw a Ahmad Bradshaw led the team in places where other people do. invented. You can move to music ingly unjustifi ed reasons. Both can- leadership roles as a member of the Staff Writer ing and a responsibility to share his Staff Writer rainbow pass to Plaxico Burress for rushing with 45 yards. Everybody knows Cedarville “Contemporary dances (in- all you want during worship, with didates espouse pro-choice ideolo- Senate Armed Services Committee faith as a professional athlete. He a touchdown. Given the ball with Super Bowl XLII is only students aren’t allowed to dance. cluding ballroom, salsa, and line your friends, and in your room. The gies, favor troop withdrawal from and in her policy proposals. She has During Super Bowl XXXIX, realizes he has a unique opportu- During one of the most ex- 29 seconds left, the Patriot offense the third Super Bowl victory for

Dancing is against the rules on dancing) will not be sponsored on important thing is that love and joy Iraq, and oppose a constitutional emerged as one of the most infl uen- the New England Patriot’s jersey nity through his athletic platform. citing NFL championship games was unable to gain any ground. the Giants. New York also cap- Cedarville’s campus, period. Ex- campus or at University sponsored defi ne your dance instead of lust. amendment on marriage, all issues tial voices in wage discrimination No. 84 hung in the locker room “Sports are amazing. People in history, the New York Giants New York came away with the tured victories in 1987 and 1991. ceptions are made for weddings, events. The University also pro- Every myth starts some- important to the religious right. and health care policy, introducing while its owner watched his team listen to what you have to say sim- defeated the previously undefeated Vince Lombardi Trophy and one In 2001, the Giants competed in Scottish folk class, and the occa- hibits students from attending or where. I think we believe that Furthermore, a recent survey the Paycheck Fairness Act in 2007 win its second Super Bowl. After ply because you’re an athlete. It’s New England Patriots 17-14 in Su- of the biggest upsets in Super Bowl Super Bowl XXXV but fell to the sional onstage chapel performance. organizing such dances on or off dance belongs in the vice category, conducted by the National Journal and improving health care access starting the fi rst game of the season, awesome to use sports to promote per Bowl XLII on Feb. 3. history. Baltimore Ravens 34-7. This year’s If anyone starts moving anything campus.” that it’s just another pleasure we labeled Obama the most liberal for children and members of the rookie tight end Benjamin Watson the love of Christ, and for people to The game began perfectly for win was especially sweet for de- besides a foot with any kind of This stipulation in the hand- have to give up if we want to fol- senator in 2007. This hatred tore his ACL and was placed on in- listen when they might not listen to the Giants with a 16-play drive that fensive lineman Michael Strahan rhythm while music is playing, that book sets another level of limita- low Jesus. certainly outweighs the disfa- ...the Christian jured reserve for the rest of the sea- anyone else,” he said. kept the explosive Patriot offense and receiver Amani Toomer, the person is breaking our Community tion. Your organization can’t set We’ve given dancing up to vor conservative evangelicals son. With mixed emotions, Watson Having just fi nished his off the fi eld for the fi rst nine min- only two remaining players from Covenant. up salsa lessons, and you can’t or- the dead as though our broken bod- directed toward John Edwards, right has exagger-“ accepted his Super Bowl ring while fourth season in the NFL, Watson utes and 59 seconds of the game. the 2001 team. It doesn’t ies don’t have love whose platform demonstrated a feeling undeserving. has put together what seems to be The drive ended in a 32-yard fi eld The Patriots were one win matter if it’s in itself living inside more socialistic ideology than ated fears about Watson’s rookie season was the start of a promising career. He goal by Lawrence Tynes. a dorm room or them, as though we Clinton’s. nothing like he had imagined as a already has a Super Bowl ring, and The Patriots answered, how- the lower SSC. If aren’t emancipated Christians have also used Clinton’s four-year-old boy playing football he started in the Super Bowl this ever, with a touchdown run by it looks like free slaves who got Clinton’s sex as a reason to op- with his dad in the backyard. He did year against the Giants. Lawrence Maroney on the fi rst movement, it’s bought and freed pose her candidacy. Members liberal ideology not experience the thrill of running Since his rookie season, he play of the second quarter, making subject to the “That and don’t know of the religious right have ar-“ onto the fi eld in front of millions has been an integral part of the Pa- the score 7-3. That score remained looks like dancing; how to hold it in. gued that Clinton is unfi t for into an apocalyptic of fans or hearing the crowd cheer triot’s offense, starting 30 of the unchanged until the fourth quarter. I’m going to have The world doesn’t the White House because God, for him after an amazing play. In- 40 games in which he has played. With 11:05 left in the game, to give you demer- know rejoicing in the created order, delegated nightmare stead, he stood watching the games He has grabbed 116 receptions, to- Eli Manning threw a touchdown its” joke. We’re like we do; the tan- leadership to men only. Even from the sideline, detached from taling nearly 1,500 yards with 13 pass to David Tyree, putting New kidding, of course, gible music of free- this reasoning appears legitimate National Guard and Reserves. his team. career touchdowns—six of which York in the lead 10-7. Similar to because nobody dom doesn’t pulse in light of those who have cited her Furthermore, as evangelicals, For Watson, all the excite- came this season. their three previous Super Bowl punishes that kind through its blood- menstrual cycle and subsequent with the claim that we do things ment surrounding a national cham- His most memorable play in victories, the Patriots responded of rule-breaking. stream. Dancing emotional instability, as justifi ca- differently that the world, the par- pionship was marred by the fact that his career, however, came during with what appeared to be the game- The Giants’ relentless de- We’ll tolerate it. is our birthright as tion for attacking her bid for the allels between anti-Clinton evan- he had not contributed anything to the Patriot’s AFC Divisional Play- winning touchdown pass as Tom fense made the victory possible. It’s like going fi ve adopted children, presidency. gelicals and secular anti-Clinton the team’s 14-2 season. He did not off loss to Denver in 2005. All-Pro Brady tossed the ball to Randy Their defense managed to knock away from becoming the second miles over the and we are forfeit- While ideological persua- organizations are far too similar. As even wear his Super Bowl ring be- Denver cornerback Champ Bailey Moss in the end zone with 2:42 left down Patriot quarterback Tom Bra- team in history to fi nish a season speed limit. ing it. sions are fair criteria for opposing citizens of the United States who cause he felt it would be inappro- had intercepted a pass from New on the clock. dy nine times including fi ve sacks. undefeated, equaling the Dolphins’ It’s a stupid I’m not talk- a candidate, the Christian right has have benefi ted from her public ser- priate since he had not participated England quarterback Tom Brady The Giants, however, came Thanks to pressure from defensive achievement in 1972 when they joke, though, be- ing about rules exaggerated fears about Clinton’s vice, we owe the political process in the game. in the end zone and was returning back with an 87-yard drive. They tackle Justin Tuck, Brady also fum- fi nished with a 17-0 record and an cause it’s a threat anymore. Our self- liberal ideology into an apocalyp- more than negative attacks fi lled What could have been a it for a touchdown when Watson converted a fourth down play into bled once. The Giants held New NFL championship victory. Tom based on a rule that enforced dance ban tic nightmare. This unreasonable with propaganda and unwarranted breakthrough season for the fi rst- seemed to come out of nowhere a 33-yard gain when Manning nar- England to 45 yards rushing, forc- Brady set the single season touch- doesn’t exist. The reveals an over- portrayal of Clinton has replaced stereotypes. round draft pick turned into a try- and tackle Bailey at the 1-yard rowly escaped two Patriot defend- ing Brady to throw 48 times. Brady down pass record with 50, Randy student handbook whelming fear of her credentials and campaign plat- ing and stretching experience, but line. The 6-foot-3-inch, 255-pound ers before throwing a pass to Tyree. completed 29 of those passes for Moss set the single season touch- does not prohibit spontaneity on this God was teaching Watson valuable tight end had chased down a 6-foot, Tyree caught the ball against his 266 yards. down receptions record with 23 dancing on Cedar- campus, a fear we life lessons through it. 192-pound cornerback, proving not helmet and managed to keep pos- On the offensive side for the and the team broke the season scor- ville’s campus. think is biblical. Watson and his fi ve younger only Watson’s athleticism, but also session as he crashed to the ground Giants, Super Bowl MVP Eli Man- ing record with 589 points, but the I’ve read the We’re suspicious siblings grew up in a Christian his hustle and determination. with safety Rodney Harrison at- ning completed 19 of 34 passes for Patriots walked away with an 18-1 handbook a dozen of openly vocal home. His father, a pastor, led Wat- Qualities such as hustle and tempting to dislodge the ball. The 255 yards and two fourth-quarter record and no hardware to show for times. It states, people. We only son to the Lord when Watson was determination cause Watson to fi nal play of the drive came with touchdown passes. Running back it. “Contemporary shout in chapel on six years old. Some of Watson’s liken football to the Christian life. dance is often sex- one song a semes- earliest memories involve hearing “Both take sacrifi ce, commitment, ually provocative, ter, and then only his father preach in church and at- and discipline” and demand the Hartman Resigns, CU Searches occurs in unhealthy because we know tending Fellowship of Christian very best from people, said Watson environments, or it’s culturally ac- Athletes camps every summer. to sports blogger Jackie MacMul- accompanies lyr- ceptable. We don’t To this day, Watson continues len. For this reason, Colossians ics that do not re- talk in our classes. to attend FCA camps, now acting 3:23 is one of Watson’s favorite for New Volleyball Coach fl ect our commitment to a pure and ganize line dances at your house. Even our rock and roll is scripted. as a spokesperson. He often uses verses: “Whatever you do, do it -- Devin Babcock -- number of career digs in volleyball. Hartman was a godly lifestyle. This type of dance Like it or not, those are the rules. The body needs all kinds, I his rookie season experience to tell wholeheartedly as unto the Lord, Staff Writer two-time volleyball All-Conference selection as well is prohibited both on and off cam- Nowhere in Cedarville’s policy on know, but in Community Covenant the kids about Jesus. not for men.” as the conference champion in tennis as a senior. pus.” dancing do we see the act of danc- terms, this muffl ing of the Holy “I have a Super Bowl ring for Watson desires to glorify Just before the volleyball season started this A prodigious athlete, Hartman entered the Indi- All this statement establishes ing itself explicitly condemned. If Spirit is bad for the community. It a game that I didn’t play in, but I can God in everything he does and is year, Head Coach Melissa Hartman informed Ce- ana School of Medicine after her graduation from Ce- is that we need to think through it’s not sexual, and I admit the sub- gives to the world what belongs to still put it on and say I’m a cham- passionate about following God’s darville’s athletic department that she would not be darville. In 2000, she became Dr. Hartman and started how we dance at Cedarville. We jectivity there, and it’s not set up Jesus. So stop holding back. Dance pion because I’m part of a team. will, whatever it may be. Growing returning after the season is over. The move was a working as an emergency room physician. don’t dance like the world does. ahead of time, it’s legitimate. if you want to. You won’t be break- God did the same thing by sending up, whenever anyone asked Wat- surprising one considering Hartman’s short tenure and In 2004, Hartman left the ER to become an as- If it happens in a club, it probably In other words, no offi cial ing any rules. Christ to die for us and make us a son what he wanted to be, he al- the fact that she has deep roots at the university. sistant coach to fellow Hall of Fame member Teresa part of His team. He made us cham- ways answered, “a football player A 1996 graduate and 2002 inductee into the Clark. After two seasons with Clark, Hartman took the from CLAIBORNE page 7 Does unconditional hospitality pions, even though we did nothing and a missionary.” It seems like he Cedarville University Athletic Hall of Fame, Hart- helm at the beginning of the 2006 season. She guided erect a 2000-mile fence to keep out to deserve to be called champions,” is fulfi lling both his and God’s plan man competed in basketball, volleyball and tennis as the team to the NCCAA National Championship and with a dirty Jesus seemed more dif- almost too radical for us to handle Unwanteds and Outsiders? Does Watson said to FCA magazine re- for his life. a student. She is Cedarville’s seventh leading scorer was named the NCCAA National Coach of the Year fi cult and so I just gave him some or even comprehend. It was just unconditional giving mean HMO porter Janet Goreham. for basketball and holds the school’s second highest see COACH page 10 bills. as radical two millenia ago when bureaucracy just to treat a sick The third time I saw Jesus Christ fi rst proclaimed these truths. child? was just minutes later, when a The Sermon on the Mount is so To turn the other cheek and -- Rebecca High -- beggar headed towards me from a outrageous that it’s still unwelcome to give (not invest) our last dollar: Sixth-Row Seats: A Super Bowl Satire Staff Writer ways down the sidewalk. I imme- today, sometimes unwelcome even these are the demands of that wan- diately began to think of excuses… on our own campus. dering Christ we claim to follow. According to a Nielson poll, an aver- weekend in Arizona with sixth-row seat tick- you get to see the commercials?” interview. that the price of my evening had For if we truly uncondition- Welcoming – not bombing – the age of 97.5 million U.S. citizens watched ets at a glorious game. So I gave her a call. “Oh, no, they don’t show them at the Stephanie interrupted, “Oh, do you already doubled, that I was “poor” ally welcomed the Other – the poor, tired, and huddled masses is Super Bowl XLII. However, 103.7 million “Well, I was appalled by the prices of game,” Devine said. “But we didn’t mind; remember the Giants’ penalty for having an too, that I “needed” to get home… unwanted, the marginalized, the undoubtedly a risky proposition. people watched the top commercial, a Vic- the concessions,” Devine said. “They were we got them sent to us the week before in extra man on the fi eld in the second quar- that giving unconditionally was too destitute, even our enemies – our Our Jesus, however, does not call toria’s Secret ad. really far too low for such an elitist event. DVD. High defi nition,” she added. ter?” hard. And so I turned a blind eye lives would require such radical us to safety or economic effi ciency; I watched the game at a party yet Why charge fi ve dollars for a bottle of water Changing the topic, Devine’s voice “Um, sure,” I said. and crossed to the other side of the re-constitution that we’d be shaken He calls us to love. walked away with no recollection of the when you can charge 12 for a Pellegrino?” dropped a notch to a secretive tone. “Well, that was Chase Blackburn,” street. to the core. Wouldn’t we as indi- It’s so simple. To love ex- commercials. “How strange!” I thought. So She continued, “My dad got paid to let “By the way, I am courting Eli Manning Devine said. “We went to high school to- Was there ever a more dis- viduals, as communities, and as a travagantly beyond all measure, on the next day I perused the advertisements someone merge who had been waiting on an (NY Giants star quarterback). We danced all gether. He was on the fi eld when he shouldn’t gusting, obviously Pharisaical act? nation, ultimately have to conduct because that is how our Father in on YouTube and found that the reason I off-ramp for an hour. Traffi c was that bad.” night at the after-party,” Devine said. have been because I was distracting him by That my Savior passed His three ourselves very, very differently? Heaven loves us. This is a love that hadn’t remembered them is because, besides “Highway bribery—quite exciting,” I She added, “People were getting shot blowing kisses.” tests, that He died on the cross, that Would we any longer bless can transform all of us here at this the unforgettable Justin Timberlake, they agreed. trying to get into the after party. I saw secu- That was the last straw. I was not quite He rose again on the third day… the pre-emptive war-mongers, so Christ-ian university… so that next just weren’t memorable. “Who sang the National Anthem?” I rity manhandle somebody. But I was so sick sure how to take all of this information, so that is only what saves a wretch that they might inherit the earth? time Jesus wants to visit us in the “Do the people who watch the Super asked, while Devine paused to inspect her of people asking for my autograph. It’s just a I did some research. Her story just seemed like me. Would we any longer tolerate cow- disguise of a long-haired hippie Bowl in person get to see the commercials?” fi ngernails. lot of work, you know?” too surreal. Sure enough, she and Blackburn Derrida and Claiborne are boy imperialism, pretending that it from Philadelphia we unequivo- I wondered. “I did,” she said. “Jordin Sparks lip- Yes, I certainly do. It is so hard to did graduate from the same high school. She driving at an ethical demand that’s represents the kingdom of heaven? cally say Yes, please. Welcome. Then I remembered that my friend synced and I sang for her.” shake the paparazzi these days, especially really did have a sixth-row seat, and yes, she Stephanie Devine actually went to the game! I was incredulous, but it was time for here around campus. actually went to the after-party. We welcome your feedback. Please send comments to [email protected]. Letters may be edited for length. She tried to play it down, but she spent the the question I had been waiting to ask. “Did “Well,” I said, attempting to close the CEDARS CEDARS 10 SPORTS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 VIEWPOINTS 7 Claiborne in Good Company Men’s Basketball Politics in an Image Culture Feb. 2 at Ohio Dominican W 82-80 • National Signing Day, the day -- Kevin Cole -- – this traditional arrangement. De- Feb. 5 Mount Vernon Nazarene W 86-74 that high school football recruits sign let- Staff Writer construction forces us to open our- ters of intent, was Feb. 6. The consensus selves up to the voice of the mar- Feb. 9 at Walsh L 82-87 X-tra winner for recruiting was the University Like many students, I was ginalized. Derrida does not want to Feb. 12 Urbana Cedarville 7:30 p.m. of Miami. With 12 of the country’s top saddened to learn that Shane Clai- invert the binary, so that being irra- 150 recruits, second-year Coach Randy borne’s campus event had been tional is greater than being rational, Feb. 16 Wilberforce Cedarville 7:30 p.m. Points Shannon will expect better future sea- cancelled. In one sense it was sim- but rather make the two live in ten- Feb. 19 Shawnee State Cedarville 7:30 p.m. sons than last year’s 5-7 record. Ohio ply disappointing that we missed sion between the forces of violence Feb. 23 at Rio Grande Rio Grande, OH 4:00 p.m. State’s recruiting class ranked No. 7, an opportunity to dialogue with that would pull them apart or have and Michigan’s ranked No. 13 accord- Claiborne in person. More impor- one subjugate the Other. Women’s Basketball ing to tantly, the incident was disappoint- Most relevantly to us today, Feb. 2 at Ohio Dominican L 52-68 • Currently the worst team in the ing in what it revealed about the we need to see that the marginalized Feb. 5 Mount Vernon Nazarene W 58-52 NBA, the 9-39 Miami Heat traded Sha- “forces for status quo” (to use John Other in our society is undoubtedly quille O’ Neal to the Phoenix Suns last Edwards’ phrase), and the length to the poor, the downtrodden, the im- Feb. 9 at Walsh L 71-80 Wednesday. The Suns own the third-best which the foot soldiers of legalis- poverished. In the face of the “least Feb. 12 Urbana Cedarville 5:30 p.m. record in the league. In return for O’ tic fundamentalism will go in order of these,” Derrida calls us to an im- Feb. 16 Wilberforce Cedarville 5:30 p.m. Neal, the Heat received guards Shawn to silence an “ordinary radical” possible task: unconditional hospi- Marion, a four-time all-star, and Marcus whose message of love, peace, and tality. The impossibility of such a Feb. 19 Shawnee State Cedarville 5:30 p.m. Banks. justice are simply too extreme for demand is the very condition of the Feb. 23 at Rio Grande Rio Grande, OH 2:00 p.m. • Tiger Woods has won his fi rst this world. call itself, the very reason it ought two tournaments of the year. He won the Personally, I’m particularly to nag us by day and haunt us at Men’s Track and Field Buick Invitational by eight shots and the drawn to Claiborne’s Irresistible night. Feb. 1-2 at Indiana Relays Bloomington, IN Non-scoring Dubai Desert Classic by one stroke on Revolution because it seems to me Furthermore, this call con- the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Such discussions were Feb. 8 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 3rd of 9 Super Bowl Sunday. Woods overcame an important picture of “The Great tains in itself immense risk: there -- Christen Price -- complex, sequential, and substantive. One such debate a four-shot defi cit by making birdies Law of Hospitality”; that is, the is no guarantee that an unqualifi ed Staff Writer Feb. 15 at Findlay Open Findlay, OH 2:00 p.m. between Lincoln and Douglas lasted for seven hours on fi ve of his last seven holes to pass ethics of Jacques Derrida. openness to the Other won’t bring with an attentive audience. Feb. 23 NCCAA Indoor Champion- Cedarville 10:00 a.m. Martin Kaymer and Ernie Els, the No. 4 The comparison of Shane personal danger, harm, tragedy. Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death Television, by contrast, “gives us a conversa- ship player in the world. Claiborne to Jacques Derrida is, at This is justice, Derrida said, for it analyzes television’s effect on America’s public dis- tion in images, not words,” and images make no such • The Duke Blue Devils, ranked fi rst blush, perhaps a little odd: one invites the foreigner inside – our course: it transforms everything, even news and poli- Feb. 29 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 6:00 p.m. demands of the viewer. An image culture conducts No. 2 in the nation, defeated the No. a young American hippie, the other home, our koinos, our heart – with- tics, into entertainment. The book asks the questions, its discourse through visual effects, music, plain lan- Women’s Track and Field 3 North Carolina Tar Heels 89-78 at a deceased French theorist. How- out question and without demand. is television as a medium neutral? If not, what can we guage, humor, and sound bites; its discourse is largely Feb. 1-2 at Indiana Relays Bloomington, IN Non-scoring the Smith Center in Chapel Hill. Duke ever, Derrida’s connection to Clai- Enter Shane Claiborne. I am infer from our dependence on it? And what ramifi ca- dependent on television. In fact, the “news of the day” guard Greg Paulus netted six of the Blue borne and his immense relevance convinced that Irresistible Revolu- tions does it have for how we conduct public discourse Feb. 8 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 2nd of 9 as we know it — instant, constant, and full of informa- Devils’ 13 three-pointers. The Tar Heels to this campus is perhaps best en- tion sketches a brilliant picture of in our country? tion that is often trivial, fragmented, or irrelevant — Feb. 15 at Findlay Open Findlay, OH 2:00 p.m. were playing without their third leading capsulated in his claim that “ethics what a life of unconditional hospi- Public discourse is especially signifi cant dur- would not exist without the medium of television. Feb. 23 NCCAA Indoor Champion- Cedarville 10:00 a.m. Rachel Duarte scorer, Ty Lawson, who was out with an is hospitality.” For Derrida, uncon- tality might look like. Claiborne’s ing election season, and the way it is conducted in our As a result, the way political candidates now ankle injury. ditionally welcoming the foreigner simple call is to love; l ove deeply, image culture differs markedly from how it was once ship present themselves and their platforms is shaped by – the Other – is the very meaning generously, excessively. Most im- conducted in early America’s print culture. During the medium of television. The medium emphasizes Feb. 29 at Ohio Northern Ada, OH 6:00 p.m. of justice. portantly, do this especially to the what Postman refers to as the “Age of Exposition,” the appearance; it is essential to appear virtuous, savvy, As Derrida tells the story, the unlovable. primary medium for communication was the written SCOREBOARD intelligent, competent, and in control. Even our po- history of philosophy is the his- Last fall, after reading Clai- word. In a print culture, books, pamphlets, and news- litical debates leave little room for long, complex ar- tory of exclusion. Starting with the borne’s book, I committed myself papers were frequently circulated, and even lectures ticulation or defense of a position. Political ads are Sports Information Profi le: Mark Womack and Jim Clark Ancient Greeks, it is a history that to giving and welcoming uncondi- and sermons were essentially “expository prose lifted structured as television commercials. Candidates are is obsessed with erecting binaries: tionally. One night I was in Day- whole from the printed page.” celebrities whose private lives are discussed at least as -- Joshua Saunders -- stories and what they are doing er – so needless to say, I spend male/female, rational/irrational, ton’s Oregon District when I was Postman argues that content is partially deter- often as their policies. Staff Writer in ministry,” he said. a lot of time doing something objective/subjective, fact/opinion, approached by Jesus, disguised as mined by form. Certain forms promote certain types We did not, of course, choose to be part of an Jim Clark, Womack’s as- I really love!” presence/absence, etc. The former a beleaguered woman. She needed of content. The printed word often involves proposi- image culture. However, we can and should be aware Every year, Mark Womack and Jim sistant, also tries to be equal Womack and Clark may is always privileged and the latter bus tickets and so I gave her money tions, requires the reader to follow a line of thought, of how television as a medium affects the way that we Clark, the sports information director and in his allegiance, but in the agree on the positive aspects always sidelined, dominated, op- without hesitation. and demands some level of rational analysis. A cul- receive and process political information. We should assistant, attend more sporting events than end managed to come up with of their job, but they do not pressed. To be male, rational and Not 20 feet onward I came ture based on the printed word produced, for example, not be content with appearances. anyone else at Cedarville. They crunch hun- a favorite team. “I don’t re- watch same college or pro- factual, was supposedly clearly across Jesus again, this time in the dreds of numbers, write press releases and ally have a favorite Cedarville fessional sports teams. “My superior to being female, irrational form of a scraggly man who want- create media guides and other materials for sport, but if I had to choose I favorite professional sport is and opinionated. ed to eat at Arby’s. Undoubtedly all of the Cedarville intercollegiate sports would say volleyball because hockey,” Womack said. “I’ll One of Derrida’s goals was the beggar and I should have just Giving Hillary A Chance teams. that is where my wife and I watch any game no matter to subvert – he said “deconstruct” eaten together, but breaking bread Few people at Cedarville understand spent 10 great years involved who is playing, and I espe- see CLAIBORNE page 8 -- Nathan Reed -- reported on a variety of Hillary- The evangelical animos- the atmosphere surrounding Yellow Jacket as coach and assistant coach at cially try to catch every game Staff Writer hating organizations, attempting to ity toward the Clinton campaign athletics better than Womack. As a Cedar- Cedarville,” Clark said. I can during the Stanley Cup understand the rationale for their seems reactive against similar ville student from 1978-1982, Womack “I do really enjoy the stu- playoffs.” The outcry of anti-Hillary animosity. Focusing his article fears, fears that Clinton will do or participated in both varsity basketball and dent athletes in all of the sports Beyond hockey, Wom- protestors seemed to emerge even on the cartoon-based attacks of say just about anything in order to golf and has 28 years of experience as Ce- at Cedarville and love getting ack has a wide variety of before the senator from New York, Horowitz get in the White House, including darville’s only full-time sports information to know them and fi nding out athletic interests. “I grew up made her bid to run for president. observes that “the hostility toward publicly dismissing her husband’s director. more about them,” he said. a Notre Dame football and With John Edwards no longer Clinton tends to be expressed in sexual misconduct and that, once As the sports information director, Clark enjoys the fact that Indiana University basketball contending for the Democratic baffl ingly vague and emotional president, will implement Marxist Womack does his best to give each team an no day is a normal day in the fan. My favorite MLB team is primary, Senators Clinton and terms.” policies reminiscent of the social- equal amount of time. “I don’t have a favor- Sports Information offi ce. Each the Cincinnati Reds, and my Obama remain neck-and-neck in In addition to the cartoons ism that the United States has op- ite team,” Womack said. “I can’t because it’s day brings different responsi- Jonathan Moultroup family loves going to Colum- the polls. Recent polls have calcu- that make light of the senator’s posed for the last century. our job to publicize each one equally.” bilities and a variety of things bus Crew soccer games,” he lated spreads of as much as thirteen masculine demeanor and her hus- These fears seem apocalyp- “I experienced both extremes as an to accomplish. It “makes the said. points in favor of Clinton and eight band’s notorious womanizing, the tic in nature, as if Clinton, despite athlete myself at Cedarville. I played on the work day more enjoyable and Since he is a golfer, in favor of Obama. The agonizing Stop Her Now cartoon archive being an American woman, might men’s basketball team, which draws the most also seems to make time go by Womack also enjoys watch- fear, held by many neurotic neo- features a cartoon depicting a Clin- actually fulfi ll all the require- fans, and then was part of the golf program, faster,” Clark said. Ohio State football, but I am also an avid ing PGA events. He said he tries to “make conservatives, that the senator from ton Thanksgiving dinner complete ments that classic, pre-millennial which many times doesn’t draw any. I enjoy Outside of Cedarville athletics, Clark Cleveland professional sports nut. Browns, time to watch as much of the four major New York might actually win the with Karl Marx, Monica Lewinsky, dispensationalism requires of the promoting each of our teams, their success loves and follows almost any sport. “I like Cavs, Indians – part-time season ticket hold- tournaments that I can.” presidency is becoming progres- and the Senator thanking her guests antichrist. If not the antichrist, sively more realistic. for making her the Democrat she is Clinton’s feminist and pro-choice from COACH page 9 said. Cedarville graduates are “a natural fi t” coach is almost guaranteed to be a good fi t. In a recent article published today. policies will certainly usher in the because they understand Cedarville’s mis- Every coaching candidate goes through an in GQ magazine, Jason Horowitz see HILLARY page 8 that season. Although the decision came as a sur- sion, he said. interview process with Dr. Brown, Dr. Milli- Although it seemed to be the begin- prise to outsiders, Hartman and Athletic Teresa Clark is still on staff at Cedar- man, four groups within the athletic depart- ning of a prestigious coaching career, Hart- Director Pete Reese both knew the position ville and seems to be an obvious option for ment and Reese. man decided to step down before the season would be short-term when she was hired. the position. When asked about it, however, Finding a candidate with whom every- Go to opened this year. Open and candid about her Now, with a vacancy in the Cedarville ath- Reese only chuckled. “No,” he said. “She one is comfortable can be a trying process, for expanded versions of selected articles and online exclusives such as: decision, Hartman displayed an affection for letic family, Reese must fi nd a replacement runs the other way when she sees me com- but it is a necessary one. It has led to the her time at Cedarville that reveals her joy for for Dr. Hartman. ing.” tight-knit group of coaches, trainers, admin- “Christian ‘Terror Blogs’ Promote Prejudice”: Cedars Staff Writer Justin Keller working with student athletes. The new coach may come from within With Clark choosing to remain in re- istrators and assistants that Reese calls the exposes the dangers of narrow-minded Christians “I love the relationships more than the the Cedarville family. Out of the other 15 tirement, Reese will continue to search for a “athletic family.” game,” Hartman said. head coaching positions, 10 are held by Ce- qualifi ed candidate. “The problem is you’ve Hartman said this close group was However, the game itself began to de- darville graduates. An overwhelming major- got to fi nd just the right person,” he said. “very supportive” during her time here as “Fighting for a ‘Dobson-ocracy’”: Cedars Staff Writer Devin Babcock puts a satirical mand a price many are unable to pay. The ity of assistant coaches are also former stu- The part-time position is posted on the a coach and player. With that group around spin on Christian politics sport’s rigorous schedule did not leave much dents. NAIA and NCCAA websites, so it is only her, Hartman learned “a lot more as a coach room for fl exibility. “I want to be married, “When we look for a coach, we do a matter of time before Reese brings a new that I couldn’t as an athlete,” she said. Also, even more letters to the editor written by various students and faculty, adding to the have a family, be home,” Hartman said. “I have a soft spot for Cedarville grads, par- coach into the department. abortion and FairTax conversations need to keep being fl exible.” ticularly those who’ve had success,” Reese No matter who Reese hires, the new CEDARS CEDARS 6 VIEWPOINTS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 SPORTS 11 VIEWPOINTSThe Blues of a Fried-Day Notable Moments: Recent Winter Sport Highlights -- Whitney Burch -- think of is the loneliest Friday night of all, In the past two weeks, both the men’s and women’s track and fi eld teams and the men’s and women’s basketball teams have been busy traveling Staff Writer when the Son of Man peered down into the and competing. The athletes have continued to fi ght hard and compete well as they approach the ends of their seasons. The following are just a Love=Pain rapidly approaching chasm, seeing His im- few of the most recent notable moments in Cedarville’s winter sports. -- Michael Shirzadian -- Mencken once claimed that Doesn’t the death of a loved Friday night. Singles’ Awareness Day minent separation from His Father. Staff Writer love is “a state of perceptual one transform life’s relation- condensed into one evening. I guess it could He asked His disciples to stay with Jan. 25, Capital Invitational at Jan. 29, Rio Grande University anesthesia.” al happiness into misery? also be called Hitch-Hikers’ Awareness Day, Him, to keep watch. They didn’t. He was all Capital University Chris Walker and Grant Happy is he who has been I am in good company, And we face yet anoth- too, since a lack of wheels limits activity op- alone. Senior Courtney Reid set a TRRACKACK & FIIELDELD Walker both hit crucial three- BAASKETBALLSKETBALL able to learn the causes of it seems, when I say that ro- er inconsistency. According tions. But what about us? How are we to new school record in the 300-me- pointers in the fi nal minutes of the things. mance is absurd. It’s painful. to my all-too-reliable source, The campus is largely vacated, leaving deal with Friday nights? Plan Friday night ter dash with a fi nal time of 42.08 men’s game to hold off the Red- ~Virgil It’s irrational. It’s the true Facebook©, approximately the few people who remain behind feeling events early, at least a few days in advance, seconds. Reid, who broke her own men in a 73-67 victory. Ricardo opiate of the masses. 40 percent of Cedarville stu- like orphans in a newly-formed ghost town. if possible. Ask around to uncover potential record in the event, set a personal Alliman led the team in rebounds Americans toss around “Where there is love, dents are in a relationship, Some friends on campus are just too busy Friday night allies. Throw ideas out to see record by 0.4 seconds. with 15, while Ryan Short poured more love-oriented clichés there is also pain.” It’s an old 33 percent are single, and with work or studies to “play.” On the oth- who is free to play games, watch a movie, or Junior Ben Michaud won the in 27 points. than footballs. Spanish proverb that we all 25 percent choose to conceal er hand, sometimes your plans either don’t do something else. shot put with a throw of 52- 32 1/2, In the women’s game, Em- Love is blind. their relational statuses. work out or they clash with your friends’ When you are all alone on Friday qualifying for the NAIA national ily Noble and Bayley Nosal both Love conquers all. We come to college plans. nights, despite all your efforts to spend it meet early next month. scored career highs for a 78-68 vic- All you need looking for re- So what’s left to do? Have a pity party socially: 1) Choose to have a good Friday Freshman Robert Rasnick tory. Noble ended with 20 points; is love. We lationships in your dorm room, fl ooding the entire down- night, no matter what does or doesn’t hap- also met the NAIA qualifying stan- Nosal scored 14 and was 3-for-3 are a people without know- stairs fl oor with a deluge of saltwater? pen. 2) Trust Him to give you something fun dards in the pole vault. He won the outside the arc. obsessed ing who we I admit I feel like doing that some- your way, even it doesn’t look like what you event by clearing 15- 5 3/4. Feb. 2, Ohio Dominican with love. are. We marry times. But how much fun is that? You’re still had expected. Feb. 1-2, Indiana Relays at University We adore before we ful- alone, bored, and debating how to spend the Maybe He left you all alone so that Indiana University. The men edged out the Pan- our chick ly understand evening in a pleasant way. A stir-fried brain you could call your family. Maybe a unit- Neil Henning became an au- thers in a close 82-80 win. Short, fl icks, spend our identities. and a drained spirit don’t help very much. mate really needs to talk, and He wants you tomatic NAIA qualifi er in the shot Alliman, Chris Walker and Daniel thousands of dol- These people are You’re too weary to do anything much, yet to be the one sitting silently next to them, put event with his throw of 51- 8. Rose all scored double-digits to aid lars on our weddings, and nineteen, twenty, twenty- the restlessness requires some sort of recre- handing them tissues and uttering encour- Freshman T.J. Badertscher the Jackets. celebrate Charles Darnay one, and making decisions ational release. aging, understanding words. Or maybe you ran the 5K in 15:42, setting a per- Although the women suf- and poor Romeo Montague too often neglect. Although that will signifi cantly alter Tackling the gym or venturing out- could write an edifying note to a friend that’s sonal record by nearly 23 seconds. fered a tough 52-68 loss, Noble, as mythic heroes martyred I concede that one cannot their lives. It’s no wonder di- doors are great options. Some more inter- been wading through rough waters. In the 3K, Seth Campbell also set a Alison Lemon and Alisha Lee cap- for that most noble cause of live as an absolute recluse, vorce rates are so high. nally active ideas are reading, journaling, or Even amidst the most intense Friday personal best with a time of 8:52. tured the top rebounding honors

For the Lady Jackets, sopho- Jonathan Moultroup with 7 rebounds apiece. unmitigated, unconditional completely detached from There are those who listening to music. Sometimes, silence is the night loneliness, we always have Him. He Jonathan Moultroup romance. social interaction, I contend will write off this critical very thing I need most at the end of a week, was all alone so that we would never have to more Lydia Wong broke her own Feb. 5, Mount Vernon And we refuse to ques- that the person who desires approach to romance as the school record in the mile with a Nazarene University tion this mentality. We prize to avoid pain can and should mad ranting of a sexually time of 5:00.95 to qualify for the Short netted 30 points versus romance as the highest — if minimize relationships. If frustrated teen or the medita- NAIA meet. Her previous record No. 12 ranked MVNU, leading the not only — value and con- pain is a byproduct of rela- tions of a cynical misanthro- was 5:04.59, set last year at the men to their fourth-straight victory demn the mentality that tional love, as the proverb pist. Nestled within the coa- NAIA Indoor Championship. In addition to Wong and the 4x400 re- in a fi nal of 86-74. Matt Harner fell Feb. 9, Walsh University propagates a contrary asser- and universal experience trooms of the DMC, these The 4x400 relay team of Marla Rice, lay team, four other Lady Jackets qualifi ed behind the arc in all fi ve of his attempts, ty- The men nearly overcame a 24-point tion. We subordinate every- both suggest, why is the col- star-crossed lovers will fi nish Keri Hilty, Mandy Montzka and Courtney for the upcoming NAIA Indoor Champion- ing the school record for three-point accura- defi cit in the second half, but the buzzer thing to romance: academia, lege student or ambitious this article and laugh slightly. Reid set another school record. The ladies ship meet. Elisabeth Pyles and Nicole San- cy. Chris Beals scored 16 of the team’s next stopped them at 82-87. Short repeated as wealth, fame, the decision high school senior so quick They’ll conclude that life is whether to read or pray or to just think. But be alone. When human friends are nowhere ran the event in a time of 3:57.77, shaving tos qualifi ed in the 5,000 meter run, and Keri 18 points, including a 14-point streak. Cedarville’s leading scorer with 25 points. whether or not to attend to forge romantic ties? short and romance is worth other times, the silence roars so thunderously to be found, He proves the best, most loyal nearly two seconds off the previous record Hilty and Bethany Davies qualifi ed in the Lemon led the women to a close 58-52 Lemon and Aubrey Siemon led the graduate school. Where have Isn’t it true that ro- it. They’ll agree that, while that loneliness threatens to engulf my soul. friend ever, and He is enough. Even on Fri- of 3:59:14. 600-meter run. victory with a game high 21 points. Lady Jackets with 21 points each, but the all the gold diggers gone? mance ends in either sepa- one in two marriages end in Does the Word have anything to say day nights. women were also defeated, 80-71. Oscar Wilde once ration or death? Half of all divorce, they can and indeed about this matter? The only instance I can wrote that romance is “the marriages end in divorce and will be the exception. They’ll ability to deceive another.” the rest realize their marital put down the newspaper and Friedrich Nietzsche, the pro- vow. Till death do us part, decide to watch a movie. Or ‘Mean Girls’ on Campus? lifi c philosopher and founder they promise, and they toil make out. Or simply stare -- Alyssa Weaver -- contingent of the stereotypi- relationship with one person of atheistic existentialism, through frustration, agony, into each other’s young, Staff Writer cal cliques of “Mean Girls” is a rarity. argued that the demand to and the eventual loss of scintillating eyes. because we socially network. A relationship where be loved is “the greatest of their partners. Either way, And to those people, Many of us recall the Inherently, social network- you bare all secrets and vul- all arrogant presumptions.” does marriage end happily? I wish a very happy Valen- fi lm Mean Girls, debuting ing is not a bad thing, but nerabilities is a disarmament The American essayist H. L. Is either end less painful? tine’s Day. in 2004 and starring Lind- when it produces a barrier in of self and action of trust say Lohan, which depicted communication and deep re- that is seen less in girl-girl -- Michelle Mostaed -- the classic stereotypical girl lationships, a “Mean Girls” friendships and better seen LoveDrugs Staff Writer cliques and social aggression mentality can form, fostering more in boy-girl relation- of characters such as “The a façade. ships. Although this is more Did you know that in the fi rst stages of released in our brain? Plastics.” These girls were I know I have heard common in the romantic attraction there are chemicals let off in the The only way to get around this is to judgmental, aggressive, dis- people say something to the sphere, complete sincerity brain that can impair judgment and ability to — I’m afraid to say; it sounds so unromantic playing their streak of mean- effect of, “I have never met and vulnerable transparency view other people clearly? Studies done by — marry your best friend. ness to an almost primal ex- so many friendly people is still protected in romantic Helen Fisher, anthropologist and well-known Oh wait, you can’t do that; you go tent. and yet, I have never felt so relationships. love researcher from Rutgers University and to Cedarville, where it’s not conducive for other scientists’ conclude that our brains let friendships with the opposite sex, which is off adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. exactly what the people at this school need. These three neurotransmitters last at least six Have you felt the unwritten rule here, months, often more, and are equivalent to a not the one where girls don’t enter into the low dose of cocaine. free weight room in the gym, but the rule that So a lot of those sparks you feel may you can’t be friends with a member of the not really be for the person, you just might opposite gender without people asking you be under the infl uence of these chemicals if something more is going on? and unable to see clearly. For example, the other night in the li- So many people commit themselves brary, I gave my number to a guy that was just to relationships and long-term arrangements a friend and immediately he looked around like engagement and marriage very quickly and said, “Now everyone probably thinks after the stage of attraction. I think this can I’m asking you out.” Why can’t guys and be dangerous because if these chemicals re- girls just be friends, no questions asked? Do we have such alone.” Loneliness runs deep, Either way, depen- ally do affect us, our judgment is impaired. I noticed such a drastic difference “Mean Girls” on Cedarville often under our smiles and dence for vulnerability and It’s not possible to see the other person clear- when I left my public high school, where University’s campus? I do standard greetings of “How care all encompassed in ly. you were questioned if you didn’t have a lot not think so, not in the clas- are you?,” which merely cre- a romantic relationship is It is very unwise to make rash deci- of friends of the opposite gender, and came sic, archetypal sense. How- ate a deeper barrier of hurt extremely unhealthy and sions about a relationship when you’re in its to Cedarville. ever, nonverbal, more subtly and loneliness. detrimental, both to the re- early stages. I would even go as far to say, The other night my friend went to din- nuanced human interactions This is particularly ap- lationship and the person. if you like someone, don’t date them for a ner with a guy friend and later got teased of aggression do exist here plicable to girls, who fear Deep relational care is better while because those chemicals could have about crushing on him. for a number of reasons. close relational bonds due to balanced in truly nurturing worn off by next semester. It’s hard to deny this unspoken pres- More importantly than sim- potential judgmental back- friendships that support the By the time your life is over, if you sure to fi nd someone here, because where ply defi ning those reasons is lash. Often, because of this romantic relationship, but have stayed married, you will most likely else will you be in the midst of so many sin- looking at the effects of hurt potential nonverbal aggres- with relational barriers in- know your spouse longer than you didn’t gle believers your age? and loneliness a Christian- sion and manipulation, girls creasing, a quick smile and know them. How can we be expected to But honestly, there’s still hope if you ized “Mean Girls” persona are wary of each other and a hug may be sadly used to pick that person when we are being af- don’t fi nd that person here. Seriously, Cedar- can create. form loose knit, superfi cial suffi ce. fected by chemicals that won’t stop being ville, stop worrying about graduating single. All institutions have an relationships. Having a deep CEDARS CEDARS 12 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 NEWS 5 from APPLE page 1 The Best Places from VISION page 4 money to provide the same resources for ev- en to spend less time in getting water and sent a person to Fisheni to oversee the proj- “Persepolis” Novels and Film First of all, the iPod brought incred- You’ve Never Heard Of: ery child in the village, Haffey said. In Fish- eliminate the health risks of bad water. ect and provide training. ARTS ible revenue& and attention to Apple, giving health, agriculture, and microenterprise, eni, World Vision had already fronted the The village now has an infi rmary and a Warner said that during the next school the company a chance to expand its market Haffey said. She described the fi ve prongs money, and Women of Vision raised money midwife, so women in labor no longer have year, Women of Vision plans to support the Receive Critical AcclaimENTERTAINMENTand capitalize on the cool factor. Apple has Kava House as the fi ve fi ngers on a hand, and the palm as to repay them. to travel to a hospital, according to Haffey. Luke Commission, a medical ministry in shipped over 120 million iPods since 2002, the love of Christ. Sponsored children attend local Good The infi rmary also stocks mosquito nets, im- Swaziland, the country that has the highest -- Alyssa Weaver -- fears, joys and passions involved in the pas- and since that time Apple’s name recogni- -- Emily Doot -- Haffey said, “World Vision would say News Clubs and small local schools where munizations and retrovirals. incidence of AIDS in Africa. Staff Writer Staff Writer sage to womanhood. tion, brand power and sales have skyrock- that child sponsorship is the key to their en- they learn the “three R’s,” their native lan- The project also gave microloans on This semester Women of Vision hopes “Persepolis” is more than simply a eted. Do you ever do the “Beavercreek tire humanitarian program.” guage, and French, Haffey said. new seeds and trained farmers to raise new to begin raising money for Bibles and New comic book. The graphic novel embodies Second, Apple pulled its products Thing”? You know, go to B-Creek, eat out As soon as even one child in a village The Hope Initiative also provided the crops. The microloans will be repaid, Haffey Testaments in the Swati, the language of substance in both style and genre as it melds from all retail chains after Best Buy stopped at Chili’s or Red Robin, and maybe shop at is sponsored, World Vision contributes the village with a well, which allowed the wom- said. Warner emphasized that World Vision Swaziland. comic-panel visuals to its strong unfolding selling Apple computers in 1998 due to low the mall or see a movie? Inevitably, when I narrative. In her warmly disarming style and sales. Soon after, Apple opened its own chain do the Beavercreek thing, I’m always look- through vivid illustrations Satrapi conveys of retail stores, boosting the understanding ing for something to gracefully draw my in- a life story that contrasts with historical ac- and style of Apple computers and software. credibly-generic-Cedarville-student Friday counts by representing all the tension and With hip sales associates, contemporary night to a close: a good cup of coffee. So of repressed chaos of the Iranian Revolution in styling, theaters for product education and course, I stop where every CU student has terms of normal life. sometimes even a “genius bar” of personnel had at least one “coffee date”: Starbucks. The original French version, a set of to help with a wide variety of projects, Apple four volumes, was translated into English stores represent a complete turnaround from by Blake Ferris and Satrapi’s husband, Mat- the awful marketing given to Apple products tias Ripa, for her U. S. publisher, Pantheon. by non-Apple retailers. Their work, especially due to her husband’s Interestingly enough, Apple and Best infl uence, ensures an English translation that Buy have plans to get together once again. remains true to the original French graphic Apple says that it will train Best Buy sales novel. personnel in order to ensure that they be- In an interview with Random House, come familiar with the full line of Apple Inc., Satrapi described her draw toward the products. One reason for this development is graphic novel genre when she said, “Peo- ple always ask me, ‘Why didn’t you write “No longer do you need

a book?’ But that’s what ‘Persepolis’ is. To to be a graphic designer, Emily Doot me, a book is pages related to something that Good news. I found one way to make Winner of the Jury Prize at the 2007 has a cover. Graphic novels are not tradi- musician or video editor to that oh-so-ordinary weekend night in Beaver- Cannes Film Festival and a 2007 Academy tional literature, but that does not mean they own a Mac. You just need creek a little more atypical. It’s called Kava Award nomination for “Best Animated Fea- are second rate. Images are a way of writing. to be cool.” House, located right across from Target and ture,” “Persepolis” is based on the poignant When you have the talent to be able to write in the same plaza as Moe’s behind the Fair- and often humorous graphic-novel memoirs and to draw, it seems a shame to choose one. that customers who go into a Best Buy are fi eld Commons Mall. Take a break from the of Marjane Satrapi. The novels and the fi lm I think it’s better to do both.” generally looking to buy a computer, while over-rated, over-commercialized, overtak- depict her childhood through the rise and fall Both the books and the 2007 fi lm many who enter an Apple store simply want ing-everything Starbucks, and support a lo- of the Iranian Revolution. adaptation have received much critical ac- to look around. cal, independent coffee house. (Please don’t “Persepolis: The Story of a Child- claim, but the fi lm particularly has drawn Finally, Apple is stealing PC users. get me wrong—I love Starbucks. But I love hood” and “Persepolis 2: The Story of a Re- severe criticism from the Iranian govern- This is key. While Apple currently holds only little surprise coffee places even more.) Its turn,” compose a two-volume graphic novel ment. Before the debut of “Persepolis” at the 5% of the personal computer market, this website states Kava House is the “Dayton that describes a turbulently changing nation Cannes Film Festival, Iran Fabrabi Founda- share has been growing rapidly and shows Area’s ‘Best’ Independent Coffee House,” through the eyes of Satrapi as a young girl. tion, an Iranian government organization, no sign of slowing down. Apple has nailed and I would have to agree. Set in 1979 and published in 2003, sent a letter to the French embassy in Teh- culture and made the Apple name, logo and First stop (of course!) is the counter “Persepolis” portrays a crumbling regime ran. Part of this letter read, “This year the style the defi nition of cool. The clean, sleek where I can pick one of about 60 drinks, plus and the rising of Islamic fundamentalism. Cannes Film Festival, in an unconventional shape of its products gives off an air of con- a seasonal menu with about 20 more winter- The uniquely intimate narrative is full of 14 and unsuitable act, has chosen a movie about temporary fashion and professionalism. And friendly items—since it’s February. Not to year-old Satrapi’s accounts of revolutionary Iran that has presented an unrealistic face of while this style may not particularly appeal mention the decadent bakery items and soup martyrs and friends the achievements and results of the glorious to some in the older generations, when it and sandwich choices. Snicker’s Mocha or “Persepolis 2,” published in 2004, be- Islamic Revolution in some of its parts.” comes to young people, PC style (or lack Peppermint Patty or Chai Charger? The deci- gins in 1984 with Satrapi’s fl ight to Vienna, Despite Iranian government resistance, thereof) is out, and Apple is in. sion was exhausting. where she spends several turbulent years of the fi lm “Persepolis” is receiving widespread So perhaps more important to many of I settle on an Almond Mocha and her adolescence searching for a personal and praise. The movie is receiving international us than any of the technical features of the Cream Cheese Donut, and I’m not disap- national identity. After her secondary school attention both in awards and reviews. Ranked MacBook Air is its pure aesthetic sensual- pointed. Believe me, I’m an avid and critical graduation, she returns to a now fundamen- No. 6 in Time Magazine’s Top 10 Movies of ity. It looks beautiful. And it feels just like coffee drinker (Chuck’s doesn’t pass—sor- talist-governed Iran to pursue university 2007, “Persepolis” also appeared in the top it looks. ry). Actually I think I’d go so far to say that studies. An unstable time of political and ten lists of such publications as U.S.A Today, So the real question is whether or I’m a coffee snob—you fellow coffee snobs social unrest leaves Satrapi questioning life, the Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly not the defi nitive coolness that this gorgeous out there know what that means—and Kava love and her beloved homeland. and the New York Times, to name a few. machine exudes is worth $1,799. Maybe not. passed with fl ying colors. “Persepolis” and “Persepolis 2” both In her acceptance speech for her But I know that the fi rst time I see some Ex- As I sip my mocha creation, I take in constitute memoirs, but they are also bil- Cannes Film Festival Jury Prize, Satrapi press-clad psychology major proudly open- the vibe. The bright red walls, high tables, dungsromans, novels dealing with a charac- said, “Although this fi lm is universal, I wish ing his new MacBook Air in class, I’m not hanging red lights, lounge chairs and Singin’ ter’s formative years or spiritual education. to dedicate the prize to all the Iranians.” going to be thinking about $1,799. I’m going in the Rain playing softly in the background Together the books evoke all the hopes, to be thinking about cool. all contribute to the easygoing, but still snappy, interior. It’s perfect for a laid-back meeting with friends, a casual date or a study spot. Speaking of which, the free wireless Dayton Art Institute Presents Internet and the spacious, clean tables will be my new homework haven. Skoglund’s “Shimmering Madness” “Going green” does seem to be the trend these days, and Kava House is no ex- -- Dresden Soules -- herself photography over 30 years ago so she likes to use things that are familiar to her— ception. It has a “java jacket recycle bin” for Staff Writer could document her life. This and her love things so familiar that we just walk right by cups’ cardboard sleeve next to a “Recycle!” for popular culture led her to begin making them every day of our lives without noticing. sign. Its coffee is Fair Trade Certifi ed, and Made out of jelly beans, hard wood these fabricated images. The Dayton Art For that very reason, Skoglund loves using it won even more brownie points when I and small, hand-painted silk kinetic butter- Institute website describes a fabricated im- food in her artwork. Skoglund’s goal is to was served fi ltered water (another thing I’m fl ies, “Shimmering Madness” captures one’s age as “an image that illustrates an artifi cial alter reality while being in contact with it, picky about—I like my water purifi ed and eye right when walking into the temporary construction of reality and not reality itself.” which is what started her passion for creat- fi ltered)! American Art wing of the Dayton Art Insti- ing fabricated images and sculptures. Prices range from $1.40 for a small tute. The fl oor is covered with all colors of “For her sculptures, The Dayton Art Institute will soon coffee and $3.25 for a small mocha to $4.50 jelly beans, while the walls hold the butter- [Skoglund] likes to use present a collection called “20th Century for a lunch wrap. There’s also a variety of fl ies that move periodically at different in- Prints from the Ponderosa.” This exhibit will books and magazines to peruse, like Time, tervals. Standing in the middle of the jelly things that are familiar feature art from Dayton’s former restaurant, Newsweek and Glamour. But if you’re like bean fl oor are two women who appear to be to her—things so familiar Ponderosa. Some of this art has not been most of the patrons I see in here, you’ll prob- dancing with their heads on backwards. that we just walk right seen publicly for a great number of years. ably bring your own homework. And you This sculpture was purchased by the The collection will feature screen prints and have plenty of time to fi nish—Kava’s open Dayton Art Institute and will continue to be by them every day of our lithographs by Jasper Johns, Helen Franken- from early morning until 10:00 or 11:00 ev- on display. However, the museum is current- lives without noticing.” thaler, Claes Oldenburg and Frank Stella. ery night except Sunday. ly in the process of changing its American The exhibit will run from Feb. 23 to April So do yourself a favor. Live outside Art wing, so the piece will be moved to an- These images or even sculptures are often 27. Tickets are $9 for students. the box a bit. Pass up Starbucks and Panera other location within the museum at a later surreal, if not completely. More information about these exhibits and take your date (or your homework!) to date. One of the things that sets Skoglund and the Dayton Art Institute can be found on- Kava House. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Sandy Skoglund, the artist behind apart is the elements and materials that she line at Check out for more “Shimmering Madness,” began teaching uses in her work. For her sculptures, she information. CEDARS CEDARS 4 NEWS 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 13 Debate Team Continues Climb Strange Smells, Medical Emergencies Spotlight: Fill Campus Safety Activity Log Akashi Serves Up Authentic in National Rankings -- Josh Saunders -- the source of the fi rst such com- Campus Bands plaint on Jan. 29 at 4:40 a.m. and Staff Writer -- Kate Cella -- Japanese Experience -- Anna Cummings -- tion arts at Cedarville, Christian tional ranking. less than 24 hours later Printy units Staff Writer Staff Writer universities hold their own in the Team members are chosen Car-related problems and 22 and 24 had a serious incident as -- Whitney Miller -- NPDA. Cedarville University will to travel longer distances based on students’ trespassing on the lake well. Staff Writer Cedarville University is compete this year in the Christian team seniority and overall readi- constitute most of the incidents “We had a really bad smell seeking to strengthen its place in National Tournament, which will ness, according to Mark Miller, a that Campus Safety has dealt with coming from the heater in Unit There are several Ameri- the world of debate. Cedarville’s include talented teams from Biola senior pre-seminary Bible and phi- since the beginning of the semes- 22. It smelled like burning rubber canized Japanese steakhouses debate team began in the 1980s, University, Point Loma Nazarene losophy major on the team. ter. Campus Safety offi cers handle and fi lled both of the units with in the Dayton area, but for “the but only since 2003 has the uni- University and Wheaton College. “The Cedarville debate team an average of four to six incidents an awful smell as well as tons of real deal,” check out Japanese- versity competed in the National “An individual’s motivation is much smaller: our coach also a day, and the single-day high for smoke,” sophomore Resident As- owned and operated Akashi Su- Parliamentary Debate Association for debating stands out as one of teaches classes at Cedarville, our this year was 17 incidents on Jan. sistant Becky Gregg said. “Turns shi Bar. (NPDA), the largest debate organi- the most distinct differences be- scholarship money is much more 30. out the fi lter got full and burned Now don’t be alarmed by zation in the USA. tween Christian and secular debate limited and our ability to travel to the name. Akashi has plenty of Last year Cedarville Uni- teams,” Leanna Baumer, a team tournaments is signifi cantly small- options beyond those intimi- versity held 11th place, its highest member and sophomore political er,” said Miller. “But we’ve had tre- dating little raw fi sh roll-ups. ranking yet in the NPDA and far science major, said. “It’s not too mendous support from Dr. Brown, Admittedly, sushi is the main from the school’s fi rst NPDA rank- unusual to see some individuals the administration and the student attraction at Akashi. At the ing of 72nd. ¬The average num- who have completely wrapped body, and that’s a large reason why front bar, chefs in tall white ber of competitors in the NPDA is their identity around their debate we’ve been able to do so well — hats wrap sushi to order in front 350. performance cry or become an- even against schools that have of customers. The sushi and The NPDA offi cially an- gry after losing debate rounds. In much larger debate programs.” sashimi options fi ll an entire nounces schools’ national rankings contrast, I think Cedarville does a The debate team meets on special menu. Still, for those at the Debate National Champion- good job of maintaining a healthy Mondays to drill and discuss strate- Within the last month offi - out the motor, causing the awful who would rather not eat Nemo ships held each March. The associ- balance between the desire to win gies, techniques, judges and topics cers have also responded to three smell and smoke. Nothing too bad, tartare, there are over 20 entrees

ation has not yet announced results and the realization that our debate from current events. Once a week 9-1-1 phone calls. Two of these but it smelled for the next couple Nathan Washatka free of uncooked seafood. for the 2007-2008 year. Cedarville performance does not defi ne who the team also holds practice rounds ended in hang-ups without an iden- of days and we kept the windows Andrew Costerisan plays at Inter- Akashi’s pleasant wait- currently ranks 8th nationally. If we are.” in which the members practice de- tifi able emergency, and the third open to help the smell and smoke resses wear elegant kimonos Whitney Miller ruption Tuesday night in the Hive the current ranking holds, Cedar- Funding for the debate team, bating with each other. ended with a Murphy student being go away.” and serve each dish with speed ville University will have reached which usually comprises 16 team Miller said the team com- transported to the Green Memorial Every once in a while stu- and decorum. Wooden chop- Akashi Japanese Restaurant is the place in Dayton for sushi, seaweed, and its goal of breaking into the top ten. members, comes solely from the peted particularly well at its last Hospital at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 10. dents call campus safety offi cers to • Jordan Wood— A sophomore at the sticks automatically grace each sashimi, though the menu includes plenty of non-seafood options as well. Eventually Cedarville hopes to hold university. “We have to do what we debate, in Webster, Mo.: “it was an “When a call comes in I check into suspicious-looking peo- University, Jordan Wood is a solo guitarist place-setting, but they can be a place in the top fi ve. Rank is de- can with money we are given,” said excellent tournament for us. Not dispatch an offi cer,” said Marilyn ple, investigate student pranks and and vocalist who occasionally performs live swapped for silverware if you ond platter. We also ordered does the trick). Another diner nounced as “amazing.” termined by a complicated scoring Sietman, “so sometimes we will only did we place 3rd, but we also Ware, the campus safety secretary. refer students to the Student Life music at Un Mundo Coffee Shop in Spring- ask nicely. a bowl of edamame ($3.95), got pork shogayaki ($13.95), Green tea and red bean system which takes into account send only a few, talented people to won a signifi cant number of points “The offi cers will share calls and offi ce. This semester offi cers have fi eld. After one appearance on an open mic Akashi’s décor is clean which are boiled and salted which is sliced pork in a sweet ice cream are available for des- factors including the numbers and competitions far away to conserve towards our national ranking.” Ac- some offi cers know more about handled two incidents in which stu- night at the shop last semester, Jordan was and bright, with plenty of deco- soybean pods. Also delicious ginger sauce served with sticky sert. diffi culty levels of events. money.” cording to Miller, “The best part some issues than others, so the call dents walked on the lake; however, asked back as a regular performer. His most rative curtains, wood-paneling, is the marinated seaweed salad rice and a crispy fried potato Often described as the Last year Point Loma Naza- To save on traveling ex- of the tournament, though, was the will go to them.” the offi cers only caught one group recent performance at Un Mundo under- Japanese paintings and a small ($5.50). Most meals are served cake. The chicken teriyaki Japanese restaurant for Japa- rene University of San Diego, Ca- penses, the team attempts to attend way we were able to build relation- One of the easier campus and referred the students to Student scored his talent for versatility, featuring television softly playing Asian with a bowl of steaming miso ($11.95) and the chicken katsu nese, Akashi is the place to go lif., placed fi rst, and Western Ken- events within six hours’ driving dis- ships with Christian debaters from safety incidents to address took Life. On Jan. 22 Campus Safety a wide variety of selections from Creed to music videos. soup and a salad topped with ($11.95) – breaded and fried for authentic Japanese cuisine. tucky University placed second. tance. However, Sietman said that other schools as well as minister to place on Jan. 30 when a resident di- investigated two possibly related Johnny Cash, Damien Rice to Lifehouse. Akashi is known for its orange-ginger dressing. chicken served with rice and The faintly exotic little restau- Other schools with high-ranking to boost its ranking the team may the many unbelievers on the debate rector left an oven on, and Campus incidents of car egging, but have • The Garden—Quickly becoming sprawling appetizer menu of For entrees, yaki udon is special sauce – were both tasty. rant is favored by those willing debate programs include Rice Uni- have to travel farther. Cedarville is circuit. God gave us the opportuni- Safety was called to turn it off. identifi ed no suspects and closed a favorite band among Cedarville students, over 57 options. We ordered a dish of thick, chewy noodles Most meals come with an ele- to try food outside the American versity, Truman State University the only NPDA team in Ohio, and ty to have some signifi cant spiritual Aside from helping out the the case. On Saturday, Jan. 19 at The Garden tampers with forms of alterna- several. The vegetable tempura stir-fried with vegetables and gant half-peeled orange section palate, even if they do need a and the U.S. Air Force Academy. because the NPDA originated on conversations with others, and that occasional absentminded resident 3:33 p.m., a suspicious group of tive rock and has appeared on Interruption platter ($6.50) features lightly chicken ($8.95). Though the perched on top of the plate. One fork and a knife to get the food According to Dr. Rebecca the West Coast, the Cedarville team was a huge blessing.” director, offi cers have also dealt people was spotted near Maddox, nights at the Hive as well as off-campus in battered and fried vegetables unique texture was enjoyable, Japanese-savvy diner ordered into their mouth. Sietman, the debate coach and an may have to compete there in more with appliance odor complaints in but these were later identifi ed as shows in Cincinnati, Springfi eld, Mason and served with a tangy sauce. They the noodles needed a fl avor the colorful sushi and sashimi assistant professor of communica- challenging events to boost its na- Faith and Printy Halls. Faith was Central State students. Columbus. Led by Nick Lordi, the band was were so good we ordered a sec- boost (left-over tempura sauce platter ($22.95) which he pro- started a year ago and named “The Garden” in reference to the term as a “symbol of Women of Vision growth and development,” explained guitar- Kallenberg Fuses Technology, Philosophy ist Nate Schirmer. Other members include Raise More Than guitarists and vocalists Matthew Trego and -- Christen Price -- Kallenberg closed by exhorting Chris- evangelism and the situated character of our Gene Zimmerman. To enjoy the Garden’s LOOKITour picks Staff Writer tians to respond to technology by “being” knowledge. $30K for Fisheni music, plan on going to its next show on Feb. the church. ”We’re called out of the midst of Kallenberg also addresses concerns -- Kelly Miller-- 22 at Common Grounds. YouTube Video: What do postmodernism, Ludwig Wit- technopoly into the midst of Christian com- over whether we nullify the Gospel when • Samuel Roberto—Another artist tgenstein, evangelism, and technology have munity,” he said, then suggested that stu- we address the question of objective truth Staff Writer featured on Interruption nights, Sam special- Baptist preaches on KJV in common? They are among the broad range dents go on a “technology fast” to help them in a new way. This topic forms the core of The CU chapter of Women of Vision izes in improvisational acoustic styles, using Watch this stand-up preacher defend his position on a of topics that this year’s Staley lecturer, Dr. re-examine how their lives are shaped by a Kallenberg’s article on “The Gospel Truth of has raised $36,000. The organization has ex- over 12 fl oor pedals and effects-processing “manly” issue Brad J. Kallenberg, addresses in his books force that is not always morally neutral. Relativism” and of a session he held Mon- ceeded its goal of raising $30,000, and has equipment to create multiple guitar parts, and talks. Drawing on his eclectic academic day with Alpha Sigma, the C.U. philosophy fulfi lled its commitment to World Vision’s bass parts, percussion, even chorus and har- Gadget: background in physics, chemistry, theology, organization. In the article he argues that “Hope Initiative” in the Fisheni village in mony voice-overs, all through his guitar. Sam USB Missile Launcher, $35, ethics and philosophical theology, the Uni- “concession to one form of conceptual rela- Zambia, according to Dr. Susan Warner, as- started playing about fi ve years ago when his Even Brad Kallenberg hasn’t seen technology like this versity of Dayton professor is the author of tivism does not render incoherent the Chris- sociate professor of sociology. interest was sparked by the discovery of the before. Launch foam missiles at your friends from afar. several books and articles, including “Ethics tian practice of making unqualifi ed, univer- “It’s just amazing what the student music of Phil Keaggy. Keaggy taught Sam as Grammar: Changing the Postmodern Sub- sal truth claims in the proclamation of the body does, year after year, to give,” Dr. much about sound equipment and produc- ject,” “Live to Tell,” and ”The Gospel Truth Gospel,” and that efforts to refute conceptual Deborah Haffey, professor of communica- tion, and he has become a personal friend of LOST Coverage: of Relativism.” relativism sometimes become both unchris- tion arts, said. “I’m just excited to see that Sam’s. Kallenberg presented three lectures on tian and unnecessary. continue.” • Colby Taylor—Featured both in “Technology and the Cross,” a topic that al- In the Alpha Sigma session Kallen- Combining the funds raised from C.U. chapel worship teams and on Interruption Visit this website for all things LOST lows him to fuse his scientifi c background berg mainly responded to student questions with $20,000 raised by a Chicago youth nights, Colby Taylor plays with Gabe Coyle, with his philosophical training. Dr. Kallen- and described what he sees as the prob- group, Women of Vision was able to send Garrett Williams, Nate Cawood and Ben berg opened with a prayer from the 1790 lems with modern philosophy’s approach to $56,000 to the village, Warner said. Summers in an alternative rock band called Artist: “Book of Common Prayer” to highlight the knowledge. He contends that if we develop Fisheni has now met World Vision’s Monterrey. Colby has played at local coffee contrasts between contemporary faith in our understanding of what it means to have goal of self-suffi ciency, so Women of Vision shops in recent months, covering multiple Kirsten Hassenfeld, general and the faith the “Book of Common a justifi ed belief we will rarely need to be is moving on to a new project, Haffey said. genres and selections, from jazz to country. This award-winning artist creates cutting-edge paper Prayer” describes. According to Kallenberg, involved in an evidential, empirically-driven “I’m very, very sad that our partner- • Andrew Costerisan—Mostly writ- exhibitions the most telling difference “lies in the fact apologetic for our faith. Helping people to ship with this village is done,” said Warner, ing and performing in the folk and rock cat- that we have electric lights.” ‘imaginatively inhabit’ our Christian beliefs though she is proud of the village’s achieve- egories, Andrew Costerisan works under the Auction: Working outward from this idea, Kal- can help them understand certain universal ment. She recently received from the village name “Debtor,” underscoring the appreci- lenberg addressed how we interact with an components of the Christian faith. an object that looks like a large pipe; this is ated grace of God in his life. His passion for Keira Knightley’s Green Dress from “Atonement” ever-present technological world that is Kallenberg at times seemed reluc- one of many handmade gifts Fisheni has sent music can be summed up in his statement, Visit to bid on this “shaping our discipleship in ways that we do Crystal Flippin tant to explore his defenses for some of the to Women of Vision. “Music affects us. It’s an invisible hand that show-stopping gown not easily recognize.” Kallenberg described things he claimed in his article and he did World Vision focuses on providing re- moves something inside. Everything was three main effects of “technopoly”: reduc- acknowledge that it was logically possible sources to help people help their own coun- sung pre-Fall, I wager. There had to have Unusual Patent: tionism, in which we inaccurately oversim- that he was wrong; however, he believes that tries. been a lyrical, tonal quality in God’s voice as plify issues and situations; standardization, Kallenberg’s book “Live to Tell: Evan- theologians only serve their primary purpose The Hope Initiative uses a fi ve-pronged He created. ‘Let there be,’ He lilted. Thank- Two-Handed Receptacle in which we apply the same approach to gelism in a Postmodern World” describes when they engage ideas in ways that are both strategy of “transformational development,” fully there’s music under the curse, too.” An- This ingeniously designed glove has room for two so varying situations; and instrumentalism, in some of his views on Christian witnessing helpful and constructive. Sometimes, that focusing on child sponsorship, clean water, drew is using the revenue of his most recent couples can express their affection in cold weather. which we regard technological artifacts as and conversion. The book addresses themes means taking a risk. see VISION page 5 CD, “Convalescence EP,” to pay for an up- tools and therefore “morally neutral.” such as the communal, linguistic nature of coming missions trip to Africa. CEDARS CEDARS 14 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 NEWS 3 from ATTACKS page 1 like Shane on campus.” Rather, he “canceled it because I hadn’t anticipated the hostile Banquet BringsNEWS Together Members of attack by so many off-campus blogs. We Reviews weren’t adequately prepared to respond and Local Farming Community Film :: PG-13 it became a distraction from other issues fac- 27 Dresses :: Twentieth Century Fox ing the leadership team here at Cedarville.” -- Kate Klein -- Cedarville College through a charitable re- of students. Before Dobbins had a full-time “I’m very frustrated with the blogs,” Staff Writer mainder trust. Part of the trust has been rein- business partner, he hired C.U. students to After recently appearing as the lead actress in last year’s spotlight of matrimonial love. The same basic write-off can be applied to Ruby said. “One in particular included a link vested in a scholarship endowment for C.U. work on his farm. “Knocked Up,” Katherine Heigl assumes a respectable starring role in the movie as well: always a chick-fl ick, never a classic. “27 Dresses” fails to an old issue of the Talking Donkey, which Cedarville University hosted its 25th students who are seeking degrees in medical “We’d fi nd a married student, put them “27 Dresses,” an early 2008 chick-fl ick fi lm installation. to rise to anything more because it settles for sliding into the classifi cations annual Farmer’s Night on Feb. 12. or health-related fi elds. up in the tenant house, and they’d work for The movie revolves around Heigl’s ever-submissive, insecure of its genre rather than transcending the boundaries to be anything endur- “Or maybe it was the 26th Farmer’s Longo said that Kyle is an example of me while going to school here,” Dobbins character Jane who has helped 27 of her friends plan and pull off their ing. Night,” local farmer Roger Dobbins said. the farmers and community members that said. “We’ve had some real nice students.” weddings over the years. Addicted to weddings and unable to say no, While the overarching idea may appear fairly creative at fi rst, it Farmer’s Night is a C.U. tradition that the university seeks to honor through Farm- Most of the guests who attend Farm- Jane soon fi nds herself serving as the maid of honor once again, this is in fact the typical, tangled love triangle dressed up in a fresh, frilly set- former-president Paul Dixon started as a er’s Night. er’s Night are farmers, landowners or ven- time to her own sister who has stolen the heart of Jane’s perfect yet ting. The fi lm certainly delivers its moments of sentiment and humor but way for the university to connect with farm- oblivious crush of several years. Heigl provides an endearing perfor- is plagued by predictability. While the content strays into the offensive ing members of the village community. mance as Jane struggles to address and eventually overcome her blun- occasionally, it is nevertheless seldom capable of provoking any lasting “I’ve been to all of them,” Dobbins ders, as well as those of her sister and her own admirer, as the plot twinge of positive or negative emotion. As another bridesmaid dress is just said. “I think it’s great. It’s a way to reach out unfolds to reveal their underlying intentions. one more to stuff into Jane’s overfl owing collection, so “27 Dresses” is just to the community.” by Amanda Roberts The tagline quips, “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride,” one more conventional fl ick to fall into the romance’s dilapidated genre. Dobbins is a 1960 Cedarville High to describe Jane’s constant position in the shadows rather than in the School graduate. He lives on a farm two miles east of Cedarville and raises hogs as well as corn, soybeans and wheat. Music Mars Volta :: The Bedlam in Goliath Kim Longo, Director of the Cedarville Fund and Scholarship Services, said that ap- The Mars Volta commands its fan base to part into two groups (2003), “Frances the Mute” (2005) and “Amputechture” (2006). proximately 200 guests attend the event an- characterized by varying degrees of interest – or fanaticism – in rela- Lyrically, the album retains a seamless continuity within an intricate nually. tion to the band. Rarely are there casual partakers of The Mars Volta plotline. Musically, the album will exceed the expectations of most fans. “Obviously, Cedarville is surrounded due to the challenging, almost puzzle-like listening experience that Tracks such as “Cavalettas,” “Ouroboros,” and the title track, among many Crystal Flippin by the farming community and we invite contrives from both a musical complexity as well as an abstract lyri- others, are rich with epileptic energy and rhythmic chaos, all punctuated them here,” she said. “We want to articulate cal prestige that would utterly embarrass the artistic credibility of any by Cedric Bixler-Zavala’s immaculate vocals and laced with lead guitarist and demonstrate appreciation for ways farm- given pop-punk or alternative rock lyricist of our time. These elabo- Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s signature Latin-rooted guitar work. Fans of the is a satirical underground paper that surfaces ers have invested in Cedarville. We just want rate traits tend to fi lter out consumers who choose merely to dabble in less spastic, ballad-style perspective of the band will be pleased to hear occasionally. The article was a spoof claim- to say ‘thank you.’” The Mars Volta and subsequently segregate the entire fan base into the familiar sounds on “Tourniquet Man” and “Soothsayer.” ing that John Purple and I were bringing in “Farmers have a good relationship Crystal Flippin “calm,” on one hand, and the “crazed,” on the other. The only apparent downside to the album is its potential lack of ap- some Catholic bishop who denies the deity with Cedarville. Joe Waddle — his family To the “crazed,” the Jan. 29 arrival of “The Bedlam in Goli- peal to new listeners given its exceptionally strange composition in all re- of Christ. Right next to that article was one farm was where the lake is. He is one of the by Dan Zimmerman ath” came as no surprise given its highly anticipated status. The album spects. While new friends of The Mars Volta may fi nd themselves some- that claimed the Dixon statue had a creamy oldest former Cedarville basketball players,” has already proven to be a venerable contender on par with the band’s what disoriented by “The Bedlam in Goliath,” existent fans will devour it chocolate nougat center.” Longo said. “Cedarville’s heritage is steeped “We want the farmers to know what dors who provide services to farmers, Longo obtrusive full-length predecessors “De-Loused in the Comatorium” whole. Ruby told Schuleter that the article with farming families.” Dr. Kyle did,” she said. “He was well loved said. Last year was the fi rst year that Cedar- was fi ctitious, but “She refused to remove C.U. president Bill Brown hosted the in this community.” ville students from farming families were this information from her blog.” Ruby said, event, which was a catered, buffet-style Kyle was a local fi xture in the village also invited. Music Jack Johnson :: Sleeping Through the Static “It’s sad to see this kind of behavior from dinner in the Stevens Student Center event of Cedarville until his death in 1998. John Roberts, a junior business man- bloggers who claim to be defending truth.” rooms. This year the school provided the “Dr. Kyle had a real love for his farm, agement major, attended Farmer’s Night last Feb. 5 marked the release of surfer-turned-musician Jack John- Who needs please when we’ve got guns?” The blog posts and other rumors in- dinner not only to show appreciation for lo- his church and the community. When you year as well as this year. son’s latest addition to the soft rock scene, “Sleep Through the Static.” “They Do, They Don’t” contains confusing yet thought-provoking cited some parents and alumni to call Dr. cal farmers, but also to make a presentation went to him, it was a $3 offi ce call,” Dob- “I go partly because I like to see and The artist behind the hit song “Upside Down,” Johnson lets his tranquil lyrics which disapprove of the world of the past: “There’s no goin’ back to Brown and trustees to complain about the honoring 1928 graduate Donald Kyle and bins said. “If you didn’t have money to pay, interact with the people I grew up around. It style fl ow with a natural easiness that is hard to ignore. the good old days/ It’s just a favoring and some new light/ Archaism is a visit and pressure Ruby to cancel it. the fi rst recipients of the Dr. Donald F. Kyle he’d still treat you.” reminds me of home,” he said. “It shows us Featuring more electric guitar than his earlier works, this disc dusty road leadin’ us back to nowhere.” “A small group of people have used an Memorial Scholarship. Though not all of the Farmer’s Night that Cedarville is proud of the heritage that continues to display a strong acoustic presence alongside piano and Swiftly harmonized “If I Had Eyes” can easily be classifi ed as one of impersonal, indirect means of communica- Kyle was a local farmer and physi- attendees have direct ties to the university, they’re built around.” percussion elements. this recording’s top contributions. The surf anthem characterizes a stereo- tion to try and tear down something they dis- cian who in 1986 invested in what was then many, like Kyle, have invested in the lives Standout track “Sleep Through the Static” criticizes America’s typical, shallow love song, only tweaked by Johnson’s musical ingenuity agree with,” Claiborne said in his response pro-war culture. It is a “shock and awful thing,” sings Jackson, that and originality. Rhythmic “Monsoon” and “Hope” are also appealing tunes to the controversy. “Unfortunately Cedar- people “have to choose pushing for peace/ Supporting the troops/ And produced in Johnson’s solar-powered music studio. ville gave validity to this group of bloggers Students Partner with World Help to either you’re weak/ Or you’ll use brute force-feed the truth.” The collection has enough good songs to make it a good-quality al- by reacting to their demands.” The creatively crafted composition also expresses contempt for bum. However, if not already a fan of or familiar with this style, you may In contrast to Schlueter’s classifi ca- by Timon Reiner the nation’s belligerence: “But who needs to see what we’ve done?/ fi nd that “Sleep Through the Static” could take on a literal meaning. tion of Cedarville students as “impression- Build Home for Orphans able young students,” Claiborne asserted Music Edison Glass :: Time is Fiction that Cedarville students are not “junior high -- Kelly Miller -- World Help, sparked interest in the project the plate,” Kraft said. kids, but young adults who are capable of Staff Writer through its CU chapel program on Nov. 28, Kraft said that SGA has been im- Three cheers for Edison Glass’s highly enjoyable sophomore ef- songs such as “Cold Condition” fi lling the void. discerning truth from fi ction and who need Emily Kraft, SGA vice president, said. pressed with the way World Help conducts fort, “Time is Fiction.” The group has produced a memorable work However, this is not a loud complaint—it is clear that the gents are to be trusted with and exposed to diverse As announced in SGA chapel on Feb. Individuals and organizations such ministry, especially by how it makes infor- complete with their its trademark tremolo—both in bright guitar riffs settling into a sound perspectives.” 1, CU student leaders are enthusiastically as SGA then began to pursue ways to get mation about its doctrine and fi nancial ac- and in the emotive vocals of Joshua Silverberg. that capitalizes on their lead singer’s unique tenor and the contrast- “I was disappointed that Cedarville hammering out the details of how they will involved with World Help. SGA does not countability accessible. She said this practice This indie gem of a band is often compared to groups like House ing deep harmonies that often give an epic feel to their singles. cancelled the event,” sophomore student Sar- raise funds for the World Help “Home of “want to pick a project and then say,’ here, has “instilled a lot of confi dence.” of Heroes or described by fans as the lovechild of Radiohead and Mae. Far from another cookie-cutter product from the Jesus music factory, ah Jones said. “It felt like we were bowing to Hope” for orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Cedarville, this is your passion,’” Kraft said. World Help reports that 89 percent of In a genre dominated by ‘“screamo’” ballads on love and loss, these Edison Glass speaks volumes about truth, love and social justice through outside pressure. Not just any kind of outside Plans are still in progress to host events She explained that SGA sees its role as fa- its budget goes directly to the ministry. Only believers are known for their deeply introspective lyrics. Themes of both theirits albums and theirits actions outside of the studio. To learn more pressure, either — this was from individuals that will involve students in the initiative, cilitating the students’ passion. 7 percent goes to administration and 4 per- faith and humanity—, such as those in the title track and “Jean Val about some of the initiatives and companies theyit backs, check out theirits who were completely ignorant about Shane through which student leaders hope to raise The Children of the World similarly cent to fundraising. Jean,”— carry over in all of their work, always sung with sincerity. MySpace page. Claiborne and who had a history of attacking $25,000. Also, because World Help spends inspired members of TDK, David Moser, a Kraft said that World Help aims to as- Perhaps the only criticism to be offered is that there isn’t much While it’s no “Abbey Road,” I would be quick to recommend “Time the university.” member of TDK and of SGA’s committee for sist nationals to help their countries them- progression from their fi rst work, “A Burn or a Shiver.” More dynamic, Is Fiction” to anyone seeking indie pop rock that’s a big leap from ordi- Claiborne wonders whether respond- “SGA does not want to the project, said. selves. For example, she said, members of layered tracks such as “This House” from “A Burn or a Shiver” aren’t nary. ing to such Web sites is even necessary. pick a project and then “It was a burden that we all had … we the Children of the World Choir will be eli- by Stephanie Devine plentiful on the new album. If anything, there is more consistency in “I do not have time to hunt down every can make a difference,” he said. gible for scholarships to colleges in their na- tone in this album than the last, with more rhythmic and predictable rogue Web site,” he said. “There’s too much Some of TDK’s 68 members began tive countries. constructive work to do for the Kingdom for say, ‘Here, Cedarville, raising money at their home churches over According to this same philosophy, Book Jonathan Safran Foer :: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close us to spend our energies constantly reacting this is your passion.’” Christmas break, Moser said. TDK’s website she said, Villages of Hope will integrate with to every destructive voice, especially those reports that, as of Jan. 28, the organization neighboring communities. Moser explained who do not honor Matthew’s admonition very little money on administrative costs, had raised $4,111. Moser said TDK’s goal is that “World Help partners with missionar- Published in 2005 and hailed as “the 9/11 story we need,” “Ex- is not, in fact, about Sept. 11. It is about love, trauma, communication and to speak directly with one another in love student leaders are still clarifying some de- to raise $10,000 of the $25,000. ies,” placing Villages of Hope near local out- tremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer explores human resiliency. Sept. 11 is just one tragedy of many, a pearl of heartbreak (Chapter 18). And there is too much broken- tails of the project. Moser thinks this goal “is more than reach initiatives. the humanity and history of grief through the eyes of Oskar Schell, a on an endless necklace. ness in the world to spend time tearing each According to World Help, the 900 reachable.” He said that if every Cedarville Children living in the Villages will precocious nine-year-old latchkey kid, and, in a parallel storyline, his Oskar, his family and the New Yorkers he meets on his quest share other apart.” square-foot home will house 12 children student donated the $10 they likely spend on receive education, medical care and voca- grandparents, whose lives were left in shambles by the 1945 Dresden fear, warmth and frequent bursts of startling hilarity which would seem, in Though the Claiborne controversy and their caregiver(s), a believing widow a Friday night, that money would add up to tional training in the surrounding commu- bombing. a less courageous work, sacrilegious. But through the mediums of prose, has died down, Lighthouse Trails Research or young couple. The Home of Hope will more than $25,000. nity, Kraft said. She also said that World Oskar, a multilingual pacifi st vegan, lost his idolized father to the pictures, fl ipbooks, blank pages and even numerical code, Foer shows grief blog recently attacked Cedarville University be located with three other homes in what Students can contribute to the project Hope constructs the Villages near Christian World Trade Center attacks. Oskar is unable to cope with the trauma in all its prisms, including the droll, the beautiful and the shocking. yet again, this time for welcoming speaker World Help calls a “Village of Hope” close by giving in a chapel offering on April 4. churches, and that C.U. can choose a village until a mysterious key his dad left behind offers one last chance to re- Unfortunately, the backdrop of Oskar’s grandparents is often tedious Dr. Brad Kallenburg. There seems no end in to an existing village in Zambia, Uganda or “We really want to view it as a cele- near a church whose doctrine is similar to the connect with his father. Oskar embarks on a loyal and desperate quest and overly stylistic, and the character’s philosophic musings push beyond sight to the controversies that this blog and Rwanda. bration of giving,” says Kraft, who describes university’s. through New York City to fi nd the key’s corresponding lock and, he believability (though perhaps they were never meant to be “believed”). others like it can create. Organizations participating in the proj- herself as “personally passionate” about the Moser is excited about the fundraiser hopes, resolution. But on the whole “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” is a compel- Ruby, however, maintains focus. He ect include SGA, the CU honors organization issues regarding the situation in Africa. She for the Home of Hope because “Becoming by Whitney Miller A book about so touchy a subject as Sept. 11 could easily be bit- ling, humorous and rejuvenating tale of choice in the face of devastating said he “prays that when all of this is said Tau Delta Kappa (TDK), the Peace Project, hopes that the project will personally impact more like Christ is something that involves a ter or cloying, but Foer manages to do neither by writing a book that heartache. and done, we’re thinking less about blogs, Women of Vision, Acting On Aids and Am- students and evoke their passions. mindset change … I think we need a massive and Shane and controversy, and a whole lot plifi ed, SGA Organizations Director Laura “I feel like the American church has mindset change on campus.” Moser said, “I Cedars encourages viewers to uphold the Community Covenant in their entertainment choices. more about what it means to follow Jesus.” Walach said. The Children of the World In- really ignored this for a long time,” and our can see that happening.” Guidelines for evaluating media are provided in the Student Handbook. ternational Children’s Choir, a ministry of generation has a responsibility to step up to CEDARS CEDARS 2 THE BACK OF THE FRONT 14 February 2008 14 February 2008 THE CURRENT 15 THE BACK OF THE FRONT THE CURRENT “Love is but a grave mental disease.” Piracy a Problem for Government, Businesses, Students EDARS The Quote: -- Plato C --Kate Cella -- the violation of copyright laws, claiming that Some sources propose that the op- Is it ethical for a Christian to download Managing Editor: their sales and revenue have signifi cantly de- erators of illegal downloading sites are the copyright-protected music? The fact that fi le- Nathan Washatka Staff Writer News Editor: creased with the prevalence sharing is such a norm, or as Swed- Brandon Smith Anyone with an iPod knows how easy of fi le sharing. ish protestors described it, “a way Viewpoints Editor: it is to download music and media from fi le With the number of of life,” tends to dull the conviction Dennis Nangle sharing sites like LimeWire, Kazaa, and Pi- Internet users accessing ille- that breaking this law warrants ei- Arts & Entertainment Editor: Jenna Marcum rate Bay. And, of course, the biggest appeal gal media escalating into the ther contrition or consequence. The The Current Editor: is that it’s free. But a recent crackdown on millions, the matter has even average iPod or mp3 owner — in- Nick Erber piracy and illegal downloading may prove reached the United States cluding students at Christian uni- Sports Editor: that the accumulation of free songs stored Legislature in a substantial versities — admits to downloading Andrea Walker Chief Copy Editor: by many college students will end up costing secondary education funding thousands of pirated songs, almost Camille Morse them a fortune. bill. The bill contains stipu- entirely without deliberation. But Copy Editors: A student at Brown University this fall lations regarding piracy, re- does the fact that “everyone does it” Ann Foley, Jessica Swayze, was notifi ed by the school administration quiring universities to further and only a few get caught legitimize Jessica Whitehair Design Editors: that he was violating the law by download- warn their students of copy- infringing on the law? Kyle Jackson ing pirated music onto his iPod. The notice right violations. Principles derived from Scrip- Kyle Smith was accompanied by another notifi cation, The mass crackdown ture require obedience to all law, Designer & Illustrator: from the Recording Industry Association of has raised questions regarding save those that dishonor God. The Rachel Duarte Photography Editor: America, warning him of a pending lawsuit the true ownership of art and fact that the government prohibits Crystal Flippin that would result in fi nes of up to $150,000 the ethics of sharing music. breaking copyright regulations in- Photographer: per illegally downloaded song. Many students submit that arguably makes it a sin. Therefore Jonathan Moultroup More recently, Swedish prosecutors they only download music in a technical sense, illegally down- Webmaster: Jeremy McDuffie indicted four men for their involvement to explore bands and genres, loaded music is a violation of both Advertising Manager: with Pirate Bay, the world’s largest Internet with intentions of buying federal and moral law. Furthermore, Clare Woods assemblage of illicit media. Offi cials from their albums later if they like it shouldn’t take the allegations of Office & Circulation Manager: Denmark have even gone as far as federally what they downloaded. Some Swedish offi cials and the RIAA for Timon Reiner Staff prohibiting Internet users from accessing Pi- artists, such as Derek Webb, people, especially Christians, to re- Devin Babcock rate Bay through two of Denmark’s primary claim to support bootlegging and music guilty party, not those downloading the mu- alize that breaking the law is wrong. Perhaps Whitney Burch Internet providers. United States recording sharing, utilizing the advantage of gaining sic. Interestingly, these operators in turn pin the prospect of downloading music illegally Kate Cella and motion picture corporations have sued publicity. However, federal copyright laws the blame on the consumer for all media — in simpler terms, stealing it — should Kevin Cole Anna Cummings the site for its perpetual involvement with prohibit such activity. transfer. warrant at least a second thought. Alyssa Denen Stephanie Devine Emily Doot Elisabeth Feucht Social News Sites Provide New Ways to Read Stories Zach Freed Grant Goodman -- Dan Sizemore -- of stories you fi nd most appealing. Photo Credit : Crystal Flippin Bethany Harpole Staff Writer While Digg is the most popular and, in my opinion, most user friendly of these sites, John Hawkins there are many other similar web pages. Reddit and also promote general news Rebecca High The Photo: Keri Hilty Delta Pi Sigma sold bottles of Crush soda in the lower level of the SSC this week in celebration of Valentine’s Day. It’s one in the morning and I still have fi fty more pages of reading to do before tomor- stories, while others such as Slashdot and Connotea have narrower audiences in mind. Sarah Hoffman DPS was one of several orgs selling Valentine-themed gifts. row’s classes. I’ve spent the last two hours on my computer, but have yet to start any of my This innovative form of sharing news does have its pitfalls. Sometimes what the ma- Rachael Hubin school work. Instead I’ve been perusing Digg, one of the jority of the people with a modem want to see is not Justin Keller most popular Web sites in the recent online social news what you want to waste your time viewing. Although Kate Klein Joel Lagan phenomenon. 523 people seem to enjoy watching a video of a man Grant Letizia These social news sites utilize the entire Internet sticking out his abnormally large tongue, I doubt this Whitney Miller community in order to fi nd items that appeal to the great- would appeal to the average Cedarville student. It is of- Kelly Miller est number of people. Members of these Web sites can ten necessary to weed through many of these inane posts Michelle Mostaed The List: Nathan Reed submit articles, pictures, or videos that they believe oth- in order to fi nd one of substance. Amanda Roberts er people should see. When these stories are accepted, This system can also be used to propagate sensa- Zach Sanderson The top ten US cities for fi nding they are placed in a separate section where they wait to tionalistic news items that are either partially or com- Josh Saunders be found by the procrastinating populace of the Internet. pletely based on falsehood. Since these kinds of stories Nate Schirmer a job in 2007, according to an article in Dan Sizemore Forbes magazine: If someone likes the article that has been posted, they appeal to the emotions, people are more likely to vote Michael Shirzadian click a button located near the bottom of the page. Once for the article in a sudden burst of passion giving it an Paul Smith 1. Raleigh-Cary, N.C. a critical mass of people has clicked this button, the ar- even wider audience. In a matter of hours, misinforma- Dresden Soules ticle is moved to the front page, the fi rst thing people see tion can be spread to thousands of readers. Naomi Washatka 2. Phoenix-Mesa- Scottsdale, Ariz. Alyssa Weaver when they go to one of these sites. If each story is read critically, these social news Geneva M. Wilgus 3. Jacksonville, Fla Many of these social news services also allow their members to customize the cat- sites can be valuable tools with which to fi nd new information about such disparate subjects Daniel Eugene Zimmerman egories of articles they would like to see. Not interested in the latest celebrity gossip or the as scientifi c breakthroughs, world news, works of art, and sports highlights. Just don’t sub- The Comic: The Grant Letizia Grant 4. Orlando-Kissimmee, Fla. newest Apple announcement? Simply change the settings in your profi le to indicate the type mit “looking at Digg all night” as your chapel excuse. Trust me, it doesn’t work. % 5. Washington, D.C. 6. Salt Lake City, Utah tie-7. Honolulu, Hawaii Innovative Music Uses Technology -- Zachary Sanderson -- the performer, allowing them to have exact control over the Much electro-acoustic music has a dissonant, some- tie-7. Las Vegas-Paradise, Nev. % Staff Writer fi nal sound. what random feel, often utilizing captured sounds such as 9. Fort Lauderdale-Pompano The kind of music written in the Electronic Music the human voice, nature, traffi c, alarm clocks or heavy ma- Beach-Deerfi eld Beach, Fla. In the 1950s, Columbia University founded the Co- Center defi es traditional categorization. It is not classical, it chinery as textures. On the other hand, some electro-acoustic lumbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. The idea behind is not pop, it’s not rock, it’s not jazz or blues, so what is it? music is beautiful, even in the traditional sense. 10. Virginia Beach-Norfolk-New- the center was to harness new technologies Initially the electro-acoustic music % port News, Va. for music composition and production. scene was made up primarily of the ground- Pioneers like Vladimir Ussachevsky, breaking composers at the Colombia studio Otto Luening, Bülent Arel, and Milton Bab- in the 50s and 60s, but since that time it has The Poll: The bitt all got their start experimenting with grown in its infl uence and organization. Its early synthesizers and tape recorders in the infl uence is most notable in the Society for Cedars goal is to provide news, information, and The Search Engine: Columbia studio. It was out of these experi- Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States viewpoints about our local, ments that such seminal works as Babbit’s (SEAMUS), which holds a major national national, and international It has been nearly a year since Heap Me- tors, which have largely been replaced by LCD “How much power does it take to make “Philomel,” Ussachevsky’s “Computer conference each year that presents concerts worlds. Cedars strives to Piece No. 1,” and Arel’s “Stereo Electronic of new electro-acoustic music, as well as offer accurate information dia Australia launched “Blackle,” an energy- monitors. a cup of coffee to drink while I’m surfi ng the and thoughtful opinions saving search engine aimed at environmentally Then again, any reduction in electricity web compared to the power consumed by my Music No. 2” were written. These pieces videos, papers and panel sessions on elec- which promote biblical minded web surfers. The Blackle page has a use may be helpful. monitor, with or without Blackle?” Brown said. represented a new sound and aesthetic in tro-acoustic music. SEAMUS also releases thinking and participation in black background, which its creators say could “It looks like there is a small reduction “That’s something to consider, if I’m serious music. a compact disk of the best electro-acoustic the communities in which we The composers at the Columbia stu- music presented at the conference. These live. The opinions expressed save up to 750 mega-watt hours every year. in power requirements,” said C.U. Professor of about reducing power.” in Cedars are held by the The idea makes sense — at least in the- Electrical Engineering Dr. Jeffry Shortt after Blackle’s creator has stated in interviews dio all had backgrounds in either traditional CDs are available through OhioLink individual writers and are not ory — and no one is about to criticize Heap examining Blackle. that he hopes his web page will serve as a re- classical music or electronics. Working to- It is no surprise that almost no one necessarily held by the Media Australia for their ‘green’ initiative. But Assistant Professor of Electrical Engi- minder to people that they need to save energy gether, they were able to take advantage of listens to electro-acoustic music. To many Cedars staff or by Cedarville the synthesis technologies available to them it sounds nothing like “real” music. How- University. whether or not the site actually saves energy neering Dr. Gerald Brown said the amount of while surfi ng online. Blackle may not reverse depends on who you talk to. power saved by surfi ng with Blackle depends the effects of global warming, but it does serve and create sounds that they had never heard ever, works of Babbit, Ussachevsky, Lu- 251 N. Main Street An article in the Wall Street Journal on many variables. Asking ourselves how much as a symbol of the little steps consumers must before. This freedom from traditional in- ening, and the other composers of the Cedarville, OH 45314 strumentation and sounds added a whole other dimension The broad term used is electro-acoustic music. This means Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center will continue 937.766.3456 last year suggested Blackle only saves power power we save with Blackle, though, might be take on a daily basis to conserve energy and [email protected] when used with CRT (cathode-ray tube) moni- the wrong question. preserve the environment. to their music. The synthesis and recording technologies in that performance requires the use of electronics in one form to inspire and challenge those who are willing to challenge the studio presented the composers with the ability to bypass or another in varying degrees. their musical sensibilities CEDARS Live and Love Hart-less Pirate Industry 16 THE CURRENT 14 February 2008 A Valentine’s Day Volleyball head How a federal reminder that not coach Melissa crackdown could Korean Youth Passionate About Cellular Phones all romance is Hartman steps make your playlist Dispatches sweet & easy down worth millions -- Alyssa Weaver -- high-speed Internet, and touch technology You na and Sooin. Also, barcode images Staff Writer has recently become viable for the American may be placed on the phone. This allows the market and consumers, but was fi rst seen in cell phone to serve as a library card as the from the PAGE 6 PAGE 9 PAGE 15 While Americans are salivating over Korean phones. device simply reads the screen and scans the their new iPhones, Koreans dismiss them Some Koreans are having their cell item. Neither of these technological features Single Life: with a shrug. When speaking are offered in the United with Korean foreign exchange States. students Sooin Oh and You Not only is Korean Suggested Viewing na Oh, both agreed that Ko- technology used for practi- reans already have access to cal purposes, but it is also for Surviving V-Day this technology in other phone used social purposes as EEDARSDARS companies besides Apple, in- well. The Korean phone is a The Student Newspaper of Cedarville University dicating one aspect of better, refl ection of social identity. C more advanced technology in You na explained that South Korea. the competition between the Februaryy 14th, 2008 Volume 58/Issue 7 Most Americans see the phone companies is evolv- United States as the pinnacle of ing new and improved fea- consumer electronic technolo- tures. This cell phone com- gy, but Korea is at the centre of pany competition produces CClaibornelaiborne SidestepsSidesteps CCU,U, TThehe SStatetate ooff development and widespread social competition to have -- Paul M. Smith -- usage. In South Korea, you the newest cell phone. Ko- Staff Writer can stand anywhere and have reans exchange their cell tthehe AApplepple phone service. “We can always phone annually, doling out So, Valentine’s Day, huh? You know, get a signal,” said Sooin. When on average $350, though it’s that pesky little holiday with seemingly SSpeakspeaks atat APEXAPEX asked if she could recall ever prices can soar upwards of no purpose except to heap large amounts of -- Zachary Sanderson -- losing a signal, she replied, $600. Regarding the price, stress on single people because they aren’t -- Kristen Recupero -- Staff Writer “Maybe in an elevator.” phones take the place of their wallets. All You na said, “Technology is expensive, in a relationship and on couples because Staff Writer In addition to easier and more con- Korean carriers have the capability to install but we eagerly await the new phones each they are. However, the volcanic pressure this sistently accessible usage, South Korean an RFID chip under the battery. “These mod- year.” holiday brings isn’t its only problem. See, Despite the repeated changes to “To love God. To love people. To fol- When Steve Jobs unveiled the Mac- technology also produces the latest phone ule installations now allow your cell phone “People are obsessed with their phones, whoever invented Valentine’s Day — cough, the status of his planned visit to Ce- low Jesus.” Book Air at the Macworld Conference & features and design. Mp3 player capabilities, to act as a credit card or a subway pass,” said and I am too,” said Sooin. Hallmark, cough —couldn’t have picked a darville, Shane Claiborne did speak in “The question isn’t whether or not Expo on Jan. 15, 2008, Apple fans, fashioni- worse date to celebrate it. You’ve just man- the Miami Valley on Monday night, the we should be extremists, but what kind stas and nerds all gasped as one: Apple had aged to survive the Godzilla of Thanksgiv- day he had originally been scheduled to of extremists we should be,” Claiborne done it again. A mere 0.76 inches thick and ing, Christmas, and New Year’s with the aid speak at C.U. said in closing. Claiborne argued that weighing only 3 pounds, the MacBook Air Genetically Engineered Food Poses of a copious amount of sweets. Suddenly Many in the university communi- as Christians we should be “extremists is most assuredly the sexiest laptop on the you’re staring at the offspring to the yuletide ty went to see Claiborne, a sought-after for love” — the radical love of Christ. block. Ethical, Economic Questions monster. And you’ve been reduced to scoff- speaker and author of the book “Irre- Toward this goal, Claiborne exhorted The newest member of the Apple ing at relationships while licking clean the sistible Revolution,” when he spoke at his audience to change the common per- family is unashamedly pricy, selling for a -- Katy Hawkins -- ering that many of the same people who op- weeds can acquire resistance to herbicides. freshly depleted cheesecake pan before you. Apex Community Church in Dayton. ception that all Christians are anti-gay, hefty $1,799, a price that might not seem so Guest Writer pose GE foods also oppose these treatments. Thus, the farmer gains nothing when both However, having spent my fair share “Tonight is not about controver- judgmental and hypocritical. bad considering the size of the machine. But Proponents argue that GE foods, with their his crop and the weed are equally unaffected of Valentine’s Days alone, I would like to sy,” said Rob Turner, senior pastor of “What would it look like,” he the MacBook Air is almost just as power- Despite the fact that well over half of increased yield and de- by the herbicide. Experi- offer you a list of my fi ve favorite roman- Apex, to begin the evening. “Tonight is asked, “if people would ask us, ‘Who ful as the regular MacBook. Featuring only our foods contain genetically modifi ed in- creased production costs, mental crops also have tic movies to watch around Feb.14. These, about Christ.” are you?’ and we could reply, ‘Well, 1GB more memory and less actual process- gredients, most Americans resent the idea of can more effectively fi ght a tendency to choke out coupled with a pack of Oreos, help make this Dr. Carl Ruby, vice president of what do you see?’” ing power than the MacBook, Apple is look- a lab experiment on their dinner plates. The world hunger. natural vegetation. Final- date survivable. Student Life, cancelled Claiborne’s While Claiborne’s philosophy ing to sell the Air not on tech specs, but on combination of biotechnology and agricul- On the other hand, ly, opponents argue that Number 5: Titanic. Ok, so you have to planned appearance here after bloggers may not seem extreme, during the early looks and portability. ture has harvested unappetizing lines such as opponents respond with GE foods raise concerns fast forward through a steamy scene or two incited “hostile” criticism against the stages when his visit was still possible In addition to being wonderfully “attack of the mutant plant” or “escape of the several objections. Some for human health. GE and endure Celine Dion’s squawking, which university regarding Claiborne. A small some people attacked the university and easy to move, the MacBook Air features experimental weed” from the pages of sensa- say that GE foods will es- foods increase the risk isn’t easy, but in the end you do fi nd your group of students subsequently invited administration for planning to have him an enlarged track pad equipped with capa- tional fi ction. tablish industrial farming of food allergies because adrenaline pulsing. Perhaps this is because Claiborne to a venue in Springfi eld but speak here at all. bilities similar to that of an iPod touch or iP- Although opponents of these “Fran- monopolies, hurting the they splice and recom- a gigantic ocean liner just sank, or perhaps then decided to defer to Ruby and fi rst Ingrid Schlueter’s Lighthouse hone, enabling the user to fl ip between web kenfoods” raise concerns regarding human majority of farmers who bine DNA from multiple because Jack died and Rose is all alone. Take postponed, then canceled, their event. Trails Research blog, in particular, con- pages in Safari, pictures in iPhoto or artists health and environmental impact, propo- cannot afford GE seeds, organisms. In addition, your pick. Apex got word of the situation and demned Cedarville for hosting Clai- in iTunes. nents believe genetically engineered (GE) instead of fi ghting world they increase the risk of Number 4: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. stepped in, offering Claiborne the op- borne. Schlueter said that in light of Ce- Apple has become the chic in per- foods will lower food prices and increase hunger. Furthermore, ge- disease causing bacteria I must admit that molasses rolling uphill portunity to speak in Dayton. darville’s “acceptance of emerging and sonal computing, and for good reason too. nutritional value. netic engineering com- that are antibiotic resis- moves faster than the plot in this fi lm, but Claiborne engaged listeners contemplative spirituality (the universi- For many years Apple has been the standard Selective genetic modifi cation increas- bines selected features tant. Audrey Hepburn is gorgeous and plays her through his sense of humor but he en- ty president’s book list includes Leonard for creative professionals, but Apple comput- es crop resistance to disease and herbicides. to achieve a uniform Whether or not you role phenomenally. Oh, and there’s that in- thralled them primarily with stories. He Sweet’s Soul Tsunami) and the promo- ers are now breaching the mainstream. No In some cases, it has also increased crop crop. The problem with already imagine your tensely awkward kiss in the rain at the end described experiences from the time he tion of these leaders to impressionable longer do you need to be a graphic designer, yield, shelf life, and vitamin content. When this attribute is that ge- meal at Chucks to be a lab where poor Cat is squished between the two spent working with Mother Teresa in young students, the real issue is whether musician or video editor to own a Mac. You plants are genetically heartier, farmers save netic diversity prevents experiment, you might as lovers who are clearly incapable of making India or contributing to local efforts in they are biblical. Parents beware.” just need to be cool. money on pesticides, herbicides, and fertiliz- widespread crop failure, well join the line for the any relationship work. Iraq, also explaining how as a college Lighthouse Trails Research blog Needless to say, sales are up. ers. Aside from the fi nancial benefi t, decreas- a risk that increases when the entire crop is Organic Silk Soy milk, conveniently avail- Number 3: Sleepless in Seattle. Ab- student he developed his interest in liv- has also condemned several prominent At the end of January, Apple an- ing dependency on pesticides and fertilizers susceptible to the same diseases as a result able in both chocolate and vanilla. surd coincidences, terrifi cally stalker-esque ing homeless as Jesus did. Christian leaders and organizations nounced the fi nancial results for the fi rst is an important advantage, especially consid- of possessing identical genomes. Moreover, moments, and fantastic witty banter – could “The greatest miracle of Christ such as Dr. David Jeremiah, AWANA quarter of its fi scal year 2008, which ended it get any better? Yes, you have to deal with was not the power; it was the love,” and events such as the National Day of December 29, 2007. Within this quarter alone Rosie O’Donnell, but this movie actually Claiborne said, to explain what empow- Prayer. Schuleter declined to participate Apple experienced revenue of $9.6 billion, manages, somewhat, to pull romance out of ers him. Claiborne lives in Philadelphia, in an interview because the Cedars Web compared to $7.1 billion a year ago. Also the bag without leaving its sleeve dripping Penn., and is a founding member of the site is only accessible from computers within the quarter, Apple sold 2,319,000 with sappiness. Simple Way, an organization that helps on the university campus. Macs, a 44 percent growth over last year, Number 2: The Princess Bride. Here is poor and homeless people living on the Dr. Ruby said, “I didn’t cancel and sold 2,315,000 iPhones. a clear demonstration of how to mix the right streets of Philadelphia. According to its the Shane Claiborne event because I The reason for all of this is three- levels of wit, schmaltz, and action into an Web site, the Simple Way’s mission is thought it was a bad idea to have people fold. entirely uplifting fi lm. Need I say anything sseeee AATTACKSTTACKS pagepage 3 more than “mawage?” sseeee AAPPLEPPLE pagepage 1122 Number 1: Casablanca. With great act- ing, scripting, and directing, this is hands- Farmersarmers Celebrate Tech-KnowTech Know How: Winter Sports down the best movie ever produced. But the Kallenberg on iPods and Life Recap greatest part of all? Rick and Ilsa don’t get Fruits of Their Labor together in the end. Not necessarily a happy ending, to be sure, but it’s original without being quirky, sentimental without being mawkish, and unforgettable without being lofty. So enjoy your Valentine’s Day. At least p p p11 you aren’t dying of hypothermia in the mid- Atlantic, right?

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