Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges CIV498H1 S Group Design Project Instructor: Dr. Homayoun Abrishami Team 2: Fei Wei 1000673489 Jonny Yang 1000446715 Yibo Zhang 1000344433 Chiyun Zhong 999439022 Executive Summary The entire project report consists of two parts. The first section, Part A, presents a complete qualitative description of typical prestressed concrete bridge design process. The second part, Part B, provides an actual quantitative detailed design a prestressed concrete bridge with respect to three different design standards. In particular, the first part of the report reviews the failure of four different bridges in the past with additional emphasis on the De La Concorde Overpass in Laval, Quebec. Various types of bridges in terms of materials used, cross-section shape and structural type were investigated with their application as well as the advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the predominant differences of the Canadian Highway and Bridge Design Code CSA S6-14 and CSA S6-66, as well as AASHTO LRFD 2014 were discussed. After that, the actual design process of a prestressed concrete bridge was demonstrated, which started with identifying the required design input. Then, several feasible conceptual design options may be proposed by design teams. Moreover, the purpose and significance of structural analysis is discussed in depth, and five different typical analysis software were introduced in this section. Upon the completion of structural analysis, the procedure of detailed structure design and durability design were identified, which included the choice of materials and dimensions of individual specimens as well as the detailed design of any reinforcement profile. Last but not least, the potential construction issues as well as the plant life management and aging management program were discussed and presented at the end of the Part A.
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