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MIKKO O. KOIVISTO C H I a Noitazirt : , ehe trt f hTh rAr fof ehe trt f SSESS SSERESS SERGRES ERGEGRE SERGRES SSERESS SSESS : sseness ,roror, sendnes rorrror endadne orrorro ndaMadn rroHorr endadne orrorro sendnes, rorrror, sseness ,roror, ygogogy dnd ygogagogy nan gogadagog dnd ogadedago f gadePedag fof ehe ogadedago f hth gogadagog ehe ygogagogy D ygogogy e p s y MIKKO O. KOIVISTO c h i a noitazirt : , , THE ART OF EGRESS Mikko O. Koivisto The Art of Egress Madness, Horror, and the Pedagogy of Depsychiatrization Aalto ARTS Books To cats; John got it right. THE ART OF EGRESS OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH TABLE OF 3 CONTRIBUTION—74 3 · 1 · ARTICLE 1: CONTENTS Egresses: Countering Stereotypes of Blackness and Disability Through Horrorcore and Krip Hop—74 Abstract—9 3 · 2 · ARTICLE 2: Tiivistelmä—13 “I Know You Think I’m Crazy”: Acknowledgements—15 Post-Horrorcore Rap Approaches to Disability, List of publications—19 Violence, and Psychotherapy—75 3 · 3 · ARTICLE 3: INTRODUCTION—22 (Live!) The Post-traumatic Futurities 1 1 · 1 · On the person of myself and of Black Debility—76 his psychiatrization—28 1 · 2 · Art education, disability studies, DISCUSSION—80 and mad studies—31 4 4 · 1 · Acts of egress—81 1 · 3 · Egress and pizza—38 4 · 1 · 1 · Precursory egresses—81 1 · 4 · Objectives and scope; research questions—43 4 · 2 · Towards an art education of egress—88 1 · 5 · Overview of the research structure—45 4 · 2 · 1 · Inclusionist art education and the public pedagogy of psychiatrization—88 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK—50 4 · 2 · 2 · Implications of egress for art education—91 2 2 · 1 · Counter-conduct and impotentiality—51 4 · 3 · Conclusion—94 2 · 1 · 1 · Counter-conduct—52 4 · 3 · 1 · Ecdysis and exuviae—96 2 · 1 · 2 · Impotentiality—55 2 · 2 · Biopolitics and necropolitics of disability—58 References—100 2 · 2 · 1 · Human resources and the sanctity of life—58 2 · 2 · 2 · Necropolitics and debilitation—62 ARTICLE 1—108 2 · 3 · Mad studies—65 ARTICLE 2—128 2 · 3 · 1 · Intersections of race and madness—68 ARTICLE 3—158 THE ART OF EGRESS 8 9 ABSTRACT · This doctoral dissertation investigates stereotypical cultural representa- tions of people with psychiatric disabilities, or psychiatrized people, and delineates stra- te gies for critically encountering them. Represen tations are interpreted as implica- tions of larger power relations; not merely as indicators of the existence of such power, but as functional components of the power mechanism. Previous studies indicate that cultural imageries of psychiatrized people are gener- ally dehumanizing and objectifying, and it has been argued that these representations can be challenged by promoting critical frst- hand experiences of disability. However, this imposes the weight of responsibility on the disabled subject. The dominant stereotypes and images oblige the psychiatrized subject to convince the society that, unlike the typical psychiatrically disabled characters in televi- sion and cinema, s/he is, for example, able to work, able to parent, and able to not commit homicide. In complying with the require- ment to defend oneself against the prejudices, the disabled subject inevitably ends up THE ART OF EGRESS 10 11 ABSTRACT legitimizing the mechanism underlying and the disabled subject through their art; they constituting the very requirement. What can confront the political forces of representation the disabled subject do within these parame- and subjection on the level of their func- ters? This dissertation argues that a profound tioning. Instead of arguing against them, critique and resistance of the hegemonic they perform maneuvers through which notions of psychiatric disabilities require they simultaneously embrace, reject, dis- ap proaches that go beyond the binary strat- tort, and ridicule the dominant stereotypes egy of acceptance and disavowal. and prejudices. This dissertation refers to The body of data analyzed in the dis- these strategies of resistance provided by sertation consists of the work by hip hop the rappers as egresses due to their capacity artists who have disclosed their experiences to escape the confning images and subject of disability through their work. Their works positions. The notion of egress enables art are interrogated regarding their potential education to assume a critical stance towards to expose, acknowledge, and refer to stereo- ableist forms of representation, and pave types and prejudices while simultaneously the way for the emergence of a pedagog of refusing to neither approve nor disapprove de psychiatrization—a pedagogical stance of them. In addition to realistic, genuinely which acknowledges, and resists, the psy- autobiographical accounts, some of these rap- chiatrization of disabled subjects through pers have incorporated into their narratives mechanisms of representation. pejorative stereotypes of violence and crime, enmeshing the overtly stereotypical imagery of psychiatric disability with the accounts of their subjective experiences. Through this enmeshing they not so much criticize the prevailing politics as they encounter the sub- ject positions and stereotypes imposed on THE ART OF EGRESS 12 13 TIIVISTELMÄ · Tämä väitöskirja tutkii psykiatrisesti vammais- ten eli psykiatrisoitujen ihmisten stereotyyppisiä kulttuurisia rep- resentaatioita ja hahmottelee strategioita niiden vastustamiseksi. Representaatioita lähestytään valtasuhteiden ilmentyminä, niiden elimellisinä ja toiminnallisina osina. Aikaisempi tutkimus osoittaa, että psykiatrisoituja ihmisiä esittävä kulttuurinen kuvasto on pääasiallisesti epäinhimillistävää ja objektivoivaa, ja on esitetty, että sitä voidaan haastaa tarjoamalla kriit- tisiä ensikäden kuvauksia vammaisuudesta. Tämä kuitenkin asettaa vastuun vammaiselle subjektille. Vallalla olevat stereotypiat velvoit- tavat psykiatrisoidun subjektin puolustautumaan ja todistamaan yhteiskunnalle, että hän kykenee esimerkiksi työskentelemään, toimi- maan vanhempana ja olemaan syyllistymättä henkirikoksiin— toisin kuin median fktiiviset psykiatrisoidut hahmot. Suostumalla vaatimukseen puolustautua vammainen subjekti päätyy väistämättä vahvistamaan mekanismia joka tämän vaatimuksen synnyttää. Mitä vammainen tai psykiatrisoitu subjekti voi tehdä näissä olosuhteissa? Tämä väitöskirja esittää, että psykiatrisen vammaisuuden hegemo- nisten representaatioiden kritiikki ja vastustaminen edellyttävät lähestymistapoja, jotka tarjoavat monimutkaisempia strategioita kuin pelkkä hyväksyminen tai hylkääminen. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu teoksista jotka tehneet hip hop -artistit ovat käyttäneet taidettaan omien vammaisuuden koke- mustensa kuvaamiseen. Analyysissä tarkastellaan teosten mahdolli- suuksia hyödyntää stereotyyppisiä representaatioita, ilman että ne joko yksiselitteisesti hyväksytään tai hylätään. Aitojen omaelämä- kerrallisten vammaisuuskokemuksien lisäksi osa artisteista on tietoi- sesti sisällyttänyt musiikkiinsa psykiatriseen vammaisuuteen liitettyjä kielteisiä stereotypioita väkivaltaisuudesta ja rikollisuudesta. Sen sijaan, että artistit argumentoisivat tätä kuvastoa vastaan, he saman- aikaisesti omaksuvat, hylkäävät, vääristävät ja tekevät naurunalaiseksi stereotypiat ja ennakkoluulot, joista tämä kuvasto muodostuu. Tässä väitöskirjassa näitä strategioita kuvataan egressiivisiksi tai egressioiksi, sillä ne pakenevat rajoittavia kuvia ja subjektipositioita. Egression käsit teen avulla taidekasvatuksen on mahdollista muodostaa kriit- tinen asenne ableistisiin representaation muotoihin ja näin ollen luoda mahdollisuuksia depsykiatrisaation pedagogiikale, lähestymis- tavalle, joka tiedostaa ja vastustaa representaatiomekanismien kautta tapahtuvaa vammaisten subjektien psykiatrisaatiota. THE ART OF EGRESS 14 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS · As I look back at the dissertation process, I am beginning to understand that my role in all of this is, after all, quite minimal. I am indebted to a great number of people who have helped me along the way, and without whom this disserta- tion would have never been actualized. I am painfully aware of my incapability to express the extent of the gratitude I feel, but hopefully I succeed at conveying at least a fraction of it. I would like to thank the several institutions which have fnancially supported my research throughout the process. I thank the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the Department of Art for employing me as a doctoral candidate for two years in 2015 and 2016, as well as for the four-month contract which enabled me to fnalize this dissertation in the spring of 2019. I thank Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation for the six-month research grant I received in 2014, and Emil Aaltonen Foundation for the two scholarships granted in 2017 and 2018, which enabled me to advance my research full-time for eighteen months in total. I want to thank Fulbright Finland for providing me with the opportunity to work as a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago under the ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow Program in 2016–2017. I thank my host university and the Department of Disability and Human Development; and the head of the depart- ment, professor Tamar Heller, for kindly inviting me. In addition to the institutions which have fnancially supported my research work, I would like to thank Veikko and Lahja Hursti Charitable Trust for providing nutritional support when fnancial support was not available. Thank you professor Liat Ben-Moshe and professor Jennifer (Eisenhauer) Richardson for serving as pre-examiners of this dissertation: your feedback was meticulous, insightful, critical and, most
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