West Wilts Ramblers ‘The Ramblers’ Association is a Registered Charity (England & Wales No 1093577, Scotland No SC039799), and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (No 4458492). Registered office 2nd Floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW’ Walks Programme: March - June 2018 Chairman: Peter Mundy Membership Secretary: Marie Green
[email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01225 762795 Tel: 01373 826264 Correspondence Secretary: Penny England Treasurer: Jenny Yearsley
[email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01380 828949 Tel: 01380 726779 Footpath Secretary: Brian Micklam Programme Secretary: Kate Clements
[email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01225 862427 Tel: 01373 830349 Publicity: Phil Dring Other committee members:
[email protected] Angela Womersley, Carole Torrie, Bryan White, Tel: 01249 730538 Dave Yearsley Group email:
[email protected]. Committee details will only be published in the February – June programme each year so please ensure you retain the front page for reference. North Dartmoor - self booking weekend away: 13 April -16 April. Details of walks are shown below. Please contact the leader, Frank Martinelli, in advance if you plan to attend
[email protected]. Bradford on Avon Computer Club: meet at Bradford Library every Monday afternoon from 2 - 4pm. People can get free IT help, one- to-one support with all the basics of computers, tablets, smart phones, Skype and more. There is space available for new learners. The club is staffed by experienced volunteers who can resolve most problems. The link http://www.wiltshireonline.org/index.php/digital-inclusion gives further information. Recce expenses: any recce expenses incurred by walk leaders may be claimed at 28p a mile up to a maximum of 36 miles.