/ FEBRUARY 2018/ FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY 2018 / PANAMSPORTS.ORG 1 CONTENT / FEBRUARY 2018 The countdown is on

July 26 July 26 - August 11 - August 11 4 / 2019 NEW PRESIDENT, NEW ERA: NEVEN ILIC INTERVIEW



14 / 17 / 32 / 36 / LIMA WORKS , CHILE WILL WHAT TO LOOK PANAM SPORTS The countdown TIRELESSLY TO DELIVER FINALLY HOST THE PAN FORWARD TO IN 2018 LEGENDS AMERICAN GAMES IN CALENDAR -MICHAEL is on 2023 The largest multi-sport 34 / 37 / celebration of the 16 / 18 / FELIX SANCHEZ: PAN PANAM SPORTS NEWS IOC RECOGNIZES THE OLYMPIC AMERICAN is coming to Lima PANAM SPORTS GAMES “UNFORGETTABLE” LEADERS RETURN TO SOUTH The countdown is on KOREA THE LARGEST MULTI-SPORT 30 / CELEBRATION OF THE AMERICAS IS PHOTO GALLERY COMING TO LIMA AreAre youyou readyready?? ForFor moremore informationinformation visit:visit: 2 PANAMSPORTS.ORG / FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY 2018 / PANAMSPORTS.ORG 3 Are you ready? For more visit: INTERVIEW NEW PRESIDENT, He welcomed the opportunity with the same was crucial for me. This way of operating is what I exuberance and warmth as he would a meeting with bring to institutions I have been a part of and it is what NEW ERA: NEVEN ILIC NOC leaders and friends. I would like to bring to Panam Sports”.

How do you feel about the Presidential experience The Miami ofce has been up and for a Mr. Ilic? couple of months now. What was your objective “Truthfully, it’s been spectacular. Filled with challenges, when choosing this city for Panam Sports, aside from future projects and huge potential to do big things , and how have the sports authorities for our . The Americas have a variety received you in North America? of countries facing diferent cultural realities and “Mexico City is where we are ofcially based, but we necessities, and we are here to help them and their chose Miami for two very important reasons. The athletes. I think one of the most gratifying experiences has a very significant market and we’ve has been getting to know each of the members of the always known we have to be present there and be part Olympic Committees, finding out what they need so of it and secondly, because it is the most convenient that we may help them accordingly and work together and accessible meeting point for all of the Panam in the name of sport. We’re still within the first year Sports family to gather - especially from the Islands since I was elected and it’s been a time of learning in the with most flights having a layover in and it will allow us, starting in 2018, to begin to try Miami. It has been a wonderful couple of months in and implement diferent formulas with the goal of Miami since it’s given us the ability to get together and servicing each of the Committees.” hold very necessary meetings in an economic fashion. Miami is thrilled to have Panam Sports in their city. What did you find when you first took this position? They are very interested to work together and work “We found an organization that was very organized together towards our goals.” economically. I think it’s rare to find an institution like the one I am part of, one with such organization Mother Nature has been unkind to some of the and consolidation. It’s allowed us to hit the ground member countries of Panam Sports. Hurricane Maria running, to grow and be very optimistic of what the afected many Caribbean Islands and the earthquake future holds.” in Mexico was also a catastrophic natural disaster. Was there help ofered to these countries? One of your first projects was to build a professional “It was really hard for us to witness how much our team for Panam Sports…can you expand on that? family sufered during these disasters. They know we “The world we live in today is a professional world are at their service for whatever they need and we which moves forward with the modern times and I let them know that the moment these disasters hit believe Panam Sports needed to grow in this particular their doorstep. We’ve been working very hard with aspect. We’re working very hard to enhance our all of these countries and helping them as much as capabilities in the areas of marketing, social media, necessary.” communications and branding. The more we market ourselves consistently, the more attractive we become The Commissions are hard at work and we are seeing to athletes, sponsors and everyone surrounding sport.” the fruits of their labor. From what you have seen, what have they accomplished so far and what can we In your last speech during the Presidential elections Panam Sports President and International Olympic Committee member Neven expect in the near future? in , one of the things you mentioned “I am incredibly confident in each of these commissions. Ilic reflects on his first nine months at the helm of Panam Sports. He expresses was that you want to create a big family within They are an experienced and hardworking team. The Panam Sports. How do you think that is going so far? goal for each of them is to develop their areas and optimism on the work being done for Lima 2019 and addresses the challenges “The language barrier has gotten in the way before, come up with proposals with clear action items to but the people I’ve known for over 12 years are present to the Executive Committee moving forward. that lay ahead for Panam Sports and the Olympic Movement. extraordinary. I think we have always been a family but I’m very pleased with the professionalism and now I want us to be closer, to work harder together motivation I have seen in them and the way they’ve so and we’re taking very important steps for this to seamlessly taken on this important role.” become a reality.” ine intense months of trips to National really important is that I see him happy, motivated and Olympic Committees, extensive planning with so many great things to accomplish. He is the type After the Panam Sports General Assembly last LIMA 2019 AND SANTIAGO 2023: sessions and meetings have new Panam of man who always lives up to his word and does not November, you received many compliments on the Sports President Neven Ilic excited about stop until he reaches his goals.” new way you are running these meetings and also The flagship Panam Sports event is, without a doubt, the future of sport in the Americas. received great gratitude from NOC Presidents and the Pan American Games. The largest multi-sport N While in the middle of a phone call with Panam Sports Secretary Generals. Is this what you want for Panam event of the Americas has demonstrated impeccable Neven’s wife, Monica Vigil, says his first year in ofce Secretary General Ivar Sisniega, Ilic took a break from Sports? Togetherness, modernization, dynamism? quality, organization and high-level competition over has been a whirlwind, but the winds are starting to turn his busy schedule for an interview to talk about the “Yes, I think the Assembly in Prague was a huge the past two decades. The next big challenge is Lima in favor of Panam Sports. “It’s been a tiring couple of goals he has for the Panam Sports family and the eforts success. I think our message reached each and every 2019. A host city that despite having many issues in months for him but, at the same time, enlightening. I to make them a reality. one of the Presidents and Secretary Generals and that the beginning, now finds themselves with prepara- don’t see him at home as much as I used to but what’s


tions well on their way including the Pan American Committee in conjunction with the Technical and Village which is now under construction. Coordination Commissions. We will be going frequently to Lima, as there are a number of deadlines Are you confident in the work being done in Lima? and steps that need to be met in 2018 and we have to “I am a lot more confident now. The speed at which be vigilant on this.” things are moving allows us to think that we can accomplish this. I still think the deadline cuts it close, Santiago, Chile will be the next host of the 2023 Pan we all know it, but they are working hard and fast. Since American Games, a personal wish of yours… we were there in April, they have met our requirements “It isn’t just personal, but the entire country’s wish. in a timely fashion and we are all working together to We’ve finally accomplished our goal after everything make sure all deliverables are accomplished on time. we had to go through to get there. It is very gratifying. We know we don’t have much time left but they are It has always been a dream of mine and to think that working well.” now Chile will have the opportunity to organize the Pan American Games is very positive for all Chileans.”


Our Panam Sports athletes will face many challenges during this season: the PyeongChang , 2018, 2018 and the in .

What do you expect from the Panam Sports athletes as far as performance and results? “Our countries and athletes have prepared well for the events happening in 2018. I think today the opportunities we have as institutions whether it be Panam Sports or sub-regional ones, are very positive. We have to come together and work on a collective project, we need to generate successful events of quality and help one another to achieve all of this. This will help with each country’s sport and athlete I am incredibly grateful for the development, better the competitive environment, As a civil engineer, can you count on the Village to trust the IOC President Thomas be finished in time for the Games? and by default, increase our athletes level of playing “It’s a compromising question but we are on track to field beyond this continent.” Bach and his team has in me have it all done and I think it’s a reality that we will meet the deadlines for the Athlete’s Village.” What are the short term and long term goals for this and I am ready to contribute. organization? Does the political instability in the country of “Panam Sports has a year of challenges ahead and something that is very important to me is creating I have to ask you about your opinion on worry you? the rough times the Olympic Movement is “It’s always a worry. Political instability could always programs to help each and every one of the NOCs with going through with regards to doping and create problems in other areas but, for right now, better training facilities for their athletes, infrastructure, the sanctions placed by the Russian Olympic and according to what is being reported by the team giving these organizations headquarters so that, from Committee on the IOC. What do you think of working there, the political issues will not afect the these, they can begin to work and think of their long- this and the criticism IOC President Bach has development of the Games.” term goals and, with it, bring enthusiasm and support to the younger generations. As far as marketing, I am received? invested in branding our organization and elevating us “I strongly believe the IOC took a very In your opinion, how are the Peruvian Olympic to be as recognized as the IOC.” responsible, well thought out, well analyzed Committee and COPAL collaborating? decision. They reached the conclusion that this “They are doing an amazing job. Carlos Neuhaus and is the best decision and I obviously respect that.” his team, as well as Pedro del Rosario and his team, What are your hopes for this organization? are dedicated to the success of Lima 2019. We speak “To do a great job and help all of the athletes across Suddenly, the phone rings. This time it’s Lima to Carlos regularly and we’re up to date with the day the continent.” 2019 President Carlos Neuhaus calling from to day activities in Peru.” What does being named an IOC member mean to Peru. After a 30-minute interview, it’s time for Ilic to get back to work. Just another day in the What measures does Panam Sports need to take to you? “It is a great honor. I think that all of us who are in life for a President working non-stop to grow guarantee the deadlines are all met in Lima? Panam Sports since his election on April 26. “The daily and monthly assistance to the Organizing sports leadership dream of this.”

6 PANAMSPORTS.ORG / FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY 2018 / PANAMSPORTS.ORG 7 (ESA).o Objective: To review in detai lCOMMISSIONS:n the Santiago bid for the 2023 Pan Ame- ricantine Games, confirm the ofer and agree The 16 Working Commissions contain onntal the sport. contracts andLIMA guarantees 2019 C to be s representatives1/ from all 41 National igned.OORDINATION Further AND to the FOLLOW award, UP this COMMI Com- Olympic Committees in Panam Sports. missionSSION President: Keith must Joseph (VIN). M fol- Their ongoing mission is to push forward lembers: Alain Jean Pierre (HAI), Juan- all projects and work with the President ow Santiagoup on the compliance Estrada Garciaof all the (NCAbid a and Executive Committee to develop and spects.) Members should allocate respon- improve sport throughout the Americas. sibilities, Camilo Amado by area (PAN), so Veda that Bruno-Victor each one ( will follow up on a specific topic. ThereGRN), Jimena are a Saldana total of (MEX), 118 people Nicole3 Hoev who compriseertsz (ARU), theAliann 16 Pompey commissions, (Athletes Commi many ofssion) which (GUY), were Marco established Arce (BOL), in Doug 2017. Arnot The ( CommissionsUSA) and are Miguel formed Angel by a team Mu- ofj dedicated professionals who are passionatei about sport and work tirelessly inc the name of continental sport. 2/ a (C HI). Objective: To ensure th 2/ Panam Sports Executive Committee. 1/e proper development of the Lim LIMAa 2019 2019 Pan COORDINATIONAmerican Games AND in all areas- FOLLOW of interest. UP Members COMMISSION should allocate res- of the member countries as well as their Orihuela (PAR), Luis Mejia (DOM), Martha President:ponsibilities Keith by Joseph area so (VIN). that each one athlete representation at the Pan Amer Deacon (CAN), Carlos Santiago (Athletes’ Members: will follow Alain Jean up Pierre on a(HAI), specific Juan ican3/ and Olympic FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMISSION Commission) (PUR). Santiago Estrada Garcia (NCA), Camilo President: Camilo Perez (PAR). Amadotopic. (PAN), SANTIAGO Veda Bruno-Victor 2023 COORDINAT (GRN), G 2/ Members: Clif Williams (ANT), Julio Perez Objective: Responsible for creating and IONJimena AND Saldana FOLLOW (MEX), UP COMMISSION Nicole HoevertszPresiden a (URU), Morane Kerek (USA). Treasurer: submitting proposals to the Executive t:(ARU), Carlos Padilla Aliann (MEX). Pompey Members: (Athletes He mes. Richard Peterkin (LCA). Committee concerning solutions and nryCommission) Nunez (CRC), (GUY), Mario Marco Moccia Arce (ARG), (BOL), Han- YOUTH PAN AME- uardo Palomo (ESA). Members: Gerardo s Larsen (HAI), Sara Rosario (PUR), Augu 5/ ideas for the development and financing Doug Arnot (USA) and Miguel Angel RICAN GAMES COMMISSION President: E d Aguirre (GUA), Chet Greene (ANT), E sto Moran (ECU), Carson Ebanks (CAY), Robert Objective: Responsibility to control the of the Youth Pan American Games, Mujica (CHI). uardo Palomo (ESA). Gerardo phraim Penn (IVB), Veda Bruno-Victor (G annual expenses of PanamMembers: Sports and to which will be considered as a pathway to o Escobar (PAR), Pedro del Rosari will follow up on a specific topic. RN), Juan Carlos Orihuela (PAR), Luis Me- look after the Panam Sports reserve3 fund, developing sport for future generations in COMMITED TO oObjective: To ensure the proper FINANCEAND AUDIT COMMISSION Preside jia (DOM), Mar- now/ in Credit Suisse, as well as to propose the Americas. development of the Lima 2019 Pan nt: Camilo Perez (PAR). Members: Clif- t investment strategies. PANAM SPORTS (American Games in all areas of interest. Williams (ANT), Julio Perez (URU), Morane ha Deacon (CAN), Carlos Santiago (Athlete PER)Members should allocate responsibilities Kerek (USA s’ Commission) (PUR). Objective: R e s p o n s i - ,by area Kalam so that each Azad one will Juman-Yassin follow up on ) 6/ble for creati (GUY),a specific topic. Adri 4/. TECHNICALn COMMISSION ana Escobar (Athletes Commission) SPORTS DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION President:g Michael Fennell (JAM). President:Trea Alan Ashley (USA). - Members: Wellington Miller (BAH), Rene In order for our athletes and National EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Members:surer: Carolina Richard Sanchez Peterk (CHI), Romeroand (CUB), Humberto Cintron (PUR), I 2/ Eduardoin (LCA). AlvarezObjective: (VEN), Responsibilit Baltazar Medina Erskinesubmitting Simmons proposals (BAR), Victor to Sergio the SANTIAGO 2023 COORDINATION AND nOlympicorder for our Committeesathletes and National to receive- proper he Panam Sports Executive Committee is comprised (COL),y to control Trevoy the annualBailey expenses (VIN), Roberto of Pan GroupierreExecutive (ARG), Committee Jorge Rosales concerning (URU), FOLLOW UP COMMISSION O l y m p i cC o m m i t t e e st or e c e i v ep r o p e rs - of 21 top sports leaders managed by President Richardsam Sports (CUB) and and to look David after Sabir the (BER). Panam Akio solutions Tamashiro and (Lima ideas 2019), for the Francisco devel President: Carlos Padilla (MEX). upportsupportfrom fromthe Pan theAmerican Pan SportsAmericanOr - Sports Neven Ilic (CHI), Vice President Carlos Padilla (MEX), Sports reserve fund, now in Credit Su Leeopment (ACODEPA and financing Secretary of the Youth General) Pan Members: Henry Nunez (CRC), Mario ganization,three key groups are workin second Vice President Mario Moccia (ARG), third Vice Objective:isse, as well Responsible as to propose for investment proposals (GUA), American Eric Games, Myles (CAN). which will be conside- Organization, three key groups are Moccia (ARG), Hans Larsen (HAI), Sara gto realize all objectives and projects: President Keith Joseph (VIN), Secretary General Ivar iveCommittee. COMMISSIONS The16 W tostrategies. the Executive CommitteeSPORTS DEVELOPM regarding- red as a pathway to developing spo Rosario (PUR), Augusto Moran (ECU), 4/ t h eE x e c u t i v eC o m m i t t e e ,t h eW o r kC o - Sisniega (MEX) and Treasurer Richard Peterkin (LCA). orking Commissions contain representa- ENTprograms COMMISSION and measuresPresident: to be Alan taken Ashl by Objective:rt for future Responsible generations for in the the technical Ame- T Carson Ebanks (CAY), Roberto Escobar working to realize all objectives and mmissionsand the operational staff wi tives from all 41 National Olympic Com- eyPanam (USA). Sports Members: in order Carol to increase the coordinationricas. of TECHNICAL all Panam Sports sporting (PAR), Pedro del Rosario (PER), Kalam 6/ t In addition, there are nine Executive Committee members divided mittees in Panam Sports. Their ongoin- ilevel of sport of the member countries as Cevents. projects: the Executive Committee, the Azad Juman-Yassin (GUY), Adriana hoffices in Mexico, Miami and Santiago - into three groups. Group 1: Scott Blackmun (USA), Alain Jean g mission is to push forward all nawell Sanchez as their (CHI), athlete Eduardo representation Alvarez (VEN), at the OMMISSION President: M i c h a e l F e n n e l l ( J A - Escobar (Athletes Commission) (ESA). Working. EXECUTIVE CommissionsCOMMITTEE The Panam andSports the opera- .PierreEXECUTIVE (HAI) andCOMMITTEE Silvia GonzalezThePanam (CRC).Sports Group 2: Alphonso p BaltazarPan American Medina and (COL), Olympic Trevoy Games. Bailey (VIN) M). Members: Wellington Miller (BAH), Re Bridgewater Executive Committee (SKN), Veda is Bruno-Victor comprised of (GRN)- and Sara Rosario rojects and work with the President and E- , Robert ne Romero (CUB), Humberto Cintron (PUR), Er Objective: To review in detail the Santiago (PUR).21 top sportsGroup leaders 3: Nicole managed Hoevertsz by Presid (ARU), Kalam Azad Juman- xecutive Committee to develop and improv o 7/skine Simmons (BAR), Victor Sergio Grou- tional staf with ofces in Mexico, Miami bid for the 2023 Pan American Games, WOMEN IN SPORT COMMISSION entYassin Neven (GUY) Ilic and (CHI), Camilo Vice Perez President (PAR) Ca e sport throughout the Americas. The- pierre (ARG), Jorge Rosales (URU), Akio confirm the ofer and agree on the President: Silvia Gonzalez (CRC). and Santiago. rlos Padilla (MEX), second Vice President re are a total of 118 people who compri- R5/ Tamashiro (Lima 2019), Fr contracts and guarantees to be signed. YOUTH PAN AMERICAN GAMES Members: Patricia Lopez (CHI), Alicia Athletes’ Mario Commission Moccia Chair Alexandra (ARG) Orlando (CAN), Honorary se the 16 commissions, many of which wer ichaa Further to the award, this Commission COMMISSION Morea (ARG), Elida Parraga (VEN), ,EC Members Jose R. Fernandez (CUB) and Fernando Beltranena e established in 2017. The Commissions are rds (CUB) and David Sabir n must follow up on the compliance of all President: Eduardo Palomo (ESA). Annette Knott (TTO), (GUA), ACODEPA President Carlos Silva (MEX), Legal Commission formed by a team of dedicated professio- (BER). Objective: Responsible for c the bid aspects. Members should allocate Members: Gerardo Aguirre (GUA), Chet (Athletes’ Commission) (GUY). thirChair Michael Chambers (CAN) and Honorary President Julio nals who are passionate about sport and wor- isco responsibilities by area so that each one proposalsGreene (ANT), to the Executive Ephraim Committee Penn (IVB), reg- dMaglione Vice (URU) President complete the Keith Executive Josep Committee. k tirelessly in the name of c Lee (ACODEPA Secr will follow up on a specific topic. ardingVeda Bruno-Victorprograms and (GRN),measures Juan to be Carlos taken h (VIN), Secretary Ge by Panam Sports in order to increase etary General) (GUA), Eric Myles (C neral Ivar Sisniega (MEX) and Tr the level of sport AN). Objective: Responsible for easurer Richard Peterkin (LCA). In ad 8 PANAMSPORTS.ORG / FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY the2018 technical / PANAMSPORTS.ORG coordination of all Pana9 dition, there are nine Executive Commi m Sports sporting events. 7/ WOMEN I ttee members divided into three groups N SPORT . Group 1: Scott Blackmun (USA), Alain PANAM SPORTS ATHLETES’Objective: COMMISSION Ensure the constant President: growth A l e x a n dof John Zambrano (ECU), Orlando Reyes Code of Ethics, based upon the values raall Orlando Panam Sports(CAN). womenMembers: in bothGuillermo sports (COL), Jose Veloso (URU), Nielsen Tapia and principles stated in the Olympic Perezand leadership. (MEX), Mijan Lopez (CUB), Andrea (PER), Hugo Osvaldo Rodriguez Papini Charter. It investigates complaints raised TEAM Estrada (GUA), Adriana Escobar (ESA), Ca (ARG), Agustin Casaccia (PAR), Viridiana in relation to the non-compliance of such rlos Santiago (PUR), Thiago Pereyra Silva (MEX), Jorge Pavel Pino (CUB), ethical principles, including breaches The new Panam (BRA), and Aliann Pompey (GUY). Objective: Robert McCormack (CAN), Alejandro of the Code of Ethics and, if necessary, 8/To represent the voice of all Panam- ATHLETES’ COMMISSION Opazo (CHI). Medical Commission proposes sanctions to the Panam Sports Sports team is up Sports athletes and to ensure their President: (CAN). Lawyer: Richard Young (USA). Executive Committee. development. 9/ MARKETINGAND TV C and running. Our OMMISSIMembers: Guillermo Perez (MEX), Mijan Objective: Responsible for all medical and OLopez (CUB), Andrea Estrada (GUA), doping aspects prior to and during the idea is to serve all NAdrianaPresident: Escobar L i s a B a(ESA), i r d ( U S ACarlos ) . Members: Santiago A l Pan American Games. Commission must 15/ exandra(PUR), Thiago Orlando Pereyra (CAN), (BRA), Derek Kentand (CAN)Aliann COACHING AND EDUCATION also propose ways for Panam Sports to 41 NOCs and to ,Pompey Horacio (GUY). de la Vega (MEX), Soledad COMMISSION help develop sports medicine and doping Bacarreza (CHI), Brian Lewis (TTO), Al- President: Jaime Agliati (CHI). continue to grow phonsoObjective: Bridgewater To represent (SKN), the Juan voice Carlos of Ro all- controls in each of the member countries. Members: Sandra Morales (MEX), driguezPanam Sports (MEX), Christianathletes and Stokes to ensure (JAM). theirOb- Lorraine Lafreniere (CAN), Anthony the Panam Sports jdevelopment. Marcano (TTO), Garth Gayle (JAM), Matt e 12/ Robinson (USA). programs. c PAN AMERICAN SOLIDARITY tive:COMMISSION Objective: Responsible for ensuring 1/ Team Panam Sports 9/ Integration of private r MARKETING AND TV COMMISSION President: Mario Moccia (ARG). best practices throughout the 41 NOCs Chile (at left). esources in President: Lisa Baird (USA). Members: Salvador Jimenez (HON), Keith of Panam Sports in regards to coaching to the sports development of Pan Members: Alexandra Orlando (CAN), Joseph (VIN), Camilo Perez (PAR), Guno athletes and educating athletes, coaches am Sports. For this purpose, a marketin Derek Kent (CAN), Horacio de la Vega Van der Jagt (SUR), Adrianna Escobar and ofcials on clean sport, fair play and 1/ g plan must be developed to make invest (MEX), Soledad Bacarreza (CHI), Brian (Athletes’ Commission) (ESA). the values of Panam Sports. ing in Panam Sports attractive and to Lewis (TTO), Alphonso Bridgewater ensure a return for the spons (SKN), Juan Carlos Rodriguez (MEX), Objective: To ensure the best use of o Christian Stokes (JAM). Continental Olympic Solidarity, World rs. LEGALCOMMISSION President: 16/ 10/ Olympic Solidarity and Pan American AWARDS COMMISSION Michael Chambers (CAN). Members: Kalam Objective: Integration of private resources Olympic Solidarity funds. President: Julio Maglione (URU). Azadinto theJuman-Yassin sports development (GUY), Julio of Ferrari Panam ( PAR), Carlos de Ma Members: Neven Ilic (CHI), Carlos Padilla Sports. For this purpose, a marketing plan (MEX), Mario Moccia (ARG), Keith Joseph rmust be developed to make investing in (VIN), Ivar Sisniega (MEX). ePanam Sports attractive and to ensure a 13/ OLYMPIC ACADEMIES, CULTURE AND return for the sponsors. (ARG)OLYMPIC EDUCATION COMMISSION Objective: Panam Sports will evaluate . Advisor: Gilberto Hernandez ( President: Alfred Emmanuel (LCA). and recognize those sport leaders who MEX). Objective: To ensure t Members: Angel Morales (ISV), Fernando have demonstrated an outstanding he10/ modernization and compliance of Beltranena (GUA), Carlos Eduardo contribution to sport in the Americas. allLEGAL Panam COMMISSION Sports statutes. Additionally Villegas (COL), Silvia Dalotto (ARG), ,President: it must approve Michael Chambers the content (CAN). and fulf- Arturo Piccardo (PAR), Carlos Hernandez illmentMembers: of all Kalam contracts Azad signed Juman-Yassin by Panam Schafler (MEX). S (GUY), p o r t s . Julio11/ FerrariMEDICAL (PAR),COMMISSION Carlos P de- resident:Mare (ARG). Advisor: Gilberto HernandezBe Objective: To ensure the safeguarding 2/ 3/ r(MEX). of Olympic values and traditions in Pan nardo Chernillo (CHI). Members: Rafae American sport. 2/ Team Panam Sports Mexico. 3/ Team Panam Sports USA. lObjective: Robles (GUA), To ensure Bill Moreau the modernization (USA), Adria and compliance of all Panam Sports statutes. Additionally, it must approve the We now have three ofces, with headquarters in Mexico City where we run the content and fulfillment of all contracts 14/ ETHICS COMMISSION signed by Panam Sports. Pan American solidarity programs, NOC relations, sports, administration and President: Royston La Hee (GRN). Members: Michael Chambers (CAN), overall operations. The President’s ofce is in Santiago, Chile where we also have O Christopher Samuda (JAM), Donald Mc b the communications team. The new Miami ofce will be focused on marketing j11/ Lean (CAY), Kalam Azad Juman-Yassin MEDICAL COMMISSION and communications and will serve as the base for most of our meetings due to ectiv(GUY), Roy Mezas (ARU), Camilo Amado President: Bernardo Chernillo (CHI). e: Ensure the const (PAN). its strategic location. Members: Rafael Robles (GUA), Bill ant growth of all Panam Sports women i Moreau (USA), Adrian Lorde (BAR), n both sports and leadership. Objective: Responsible for upholding the Enrique Amy (PUR), Eva Villata8/ (HON),


We have fully embraced our identity as Panam Sports, taking our organization into a new era of leadership and modernization.

As a brand in a complex world with numerous new President Neven Ilic and his leadership team. stakeholders and an ever-changing media and In close collaboration with our Marketing sports landscape, our goal was to develop a Commission, we successfully executed a search meaningful and purposeful visual identity to for a creative team with extensive knowledge elevate the global perception of Panam Sports of the Olympic Movement to develop our new and establish a modern, innovative world class brand identity. We listened to the views of our organization that generates value to our National diverse community through our National Olympic Olympic Committees, athletes, broadcasters, Committees and ensured Executive Board partners, advertisers and fans. approval before bringing our final proposal to the By actualizing the diversity and values of our 41 General Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic this member nations through a modern and emotive past November. brand, we will connect the people of the Americas With great pride, we presented the work of through sport and develop and cultivate valuable the talented creative team, comprising of Peter partnerships to drive revenue and enhance our Zeytoonijan and Geofrey Engelhardt under the core asset, the Pan American Games. leadership of Lisa Baird, Chief Marketing Ofcer At the beginning of 2017, we heard from our of the United States Olympic Committee. The members and our Executive Board that this presentation in Prague received an outstanding organization needed to place more attention show of support and approval. We strongly believe on our marketing capacity. We are developing a our identity stands for a strong sense of welcome, stronger brand to ensure the Pan American Games, excellence, diversity and progress, as we look to and all future assets, remain a powerful force the bright future of Panam Sports: America’s within the marketplace. This is a top priority for Olympic Movement.


PAN AMERICAN GAMES We begin this 2018 working strenuously and full of enthusiasm with the hope of realizing the international commitments we have made as a country, one of them being the XVII Pan American With construction underway on the Pan forward, it’s not an easy job, it is rather tough but we Games and VI in 2019 taking place between July 26 and August 11 and are already seeing results with the ongoing construction August 23 and September 1, respectively. Lima, our capital, will be the host to this important multi- American Village as well as other sports which will house thousands of athletes who will be arriving sport event. Years ago, we assumed the challenge of hosting and throughout this journey we have in less than two years,” Neuhaus said. facilities, the Peruvian capital is wor- consolidated this project thanks to an incredible team of professionals that is fully invested and Lima 2019’s President emphasized that progress is has the experience of dealing with public and private sectors to help realize successful Games. king diligently to prepare for one of the moving swiftly as scheduled deadlines are being met. He adds that the projects due at the end of January 2018 are The infrastructure labor foreseen for the development of this international event has been biggest and most important sporting now 93 percent complete. performed rigorously. One of the most important contributions the Lima 2019 legacy leaves Panam Sports leadership and COPAL are in constant events in the city’s history. behind is the Athletes Village located in the up-and-coming Villa district. This village communication in addition to several trips to the host will house the most outstanding athletes of the Americas and the international delegations and city made by Panam Sports President Neven Ilic and after the Lima 2019 Games, it will turn into a housing project to benefit thousands of Peruvian eruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynksi, Secretary General Ivar Sisniega along with the Lima 2019 families. Lima 2019 Organizing Committee (COPAL) Coordination and Follow-Up Commissions. The Villa Deportiva Regional del Callao, the renovations to the National de San Marcos President Carlos Neuhaus and Peruvian “Peru will have exceptional Pan American Games Olympic Committee President Pedro del where our athletes will shine, I am sure of it. Sports are University and the Sports Center of Villa El Salvador are also a major part of the scope of work Rosario are working together to bring this vital for our youth’s development and that is why we are and will be adjudicated in March of this year. generating the adequate infrastructure, because we are Pproject to life. Together, they say goodbye to a pessimistic The estimated budget to complete the infrastructure work for Lima 2019 totals $900 million thinking of our country and its future. We are creating and uncertain chapter and turn the page. dollars by 2019, creating a positive impact on the Peruvian economy. This will generate jobs COPAL President Neuhaus highlighted the work that’s an important legacy for Peru and for continental sports,” through the development of productive sectors such as construction, tourism, hospitality, underway in Peru bestowing the country with world- Neuhaus concluded. gastronomy and other services. class sporting infrastructure. The Peruvian capital of Lima is investing more than $310 million (USD) on sports Lima 2019 is a colossal opportunity to transform Peruvian sport, inspire new generations, build infrastructure projects such as the Athletes Village, the a legacy and create a better country. Videna venue cluster and the Andres Avelino Caceres The Peruvian government thus rectifies and guarantees all of the compromises assumed by High Performance Center to leave a lasting legacy in the Peru with Panam Sports and the international community. country. “Lima will host the most important sporting event to ever take place in the country: The XVII Pan American Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Games and Sixth Pan American Games. We are pushing President Republic of Peru


he International Olympic accomplished many great things this year the Americas. Alongside my colleagues, IN 2023 Committee recognized eight which motivates me to keep working hard we will put forth our greatest efort to members of the Panam Sports in the name of sport. This is a great honor accomplish our mission and to feel worthy After three attempts, the Chilean family during its Session in and a huge responsibility. There is still of such a distinguished position,” said Luis Lima, Peru last September. a lot of work to be done when it comes Mejia Oviedo. was unanimously elected by the 41 members of everyone that we can change our lifestyles through sport,” said TPanam Sports President Neven Ilic (CHI) to sport world-wide and it will be a great The IOC is composed of 99 members, Panam Sports as the host of the continental sports Claudio Orrego, Mayor of Santiago. and Luis Mejia (DOM) were elected new challenge,” said Panam Sports President of which 17 belong to the Americas. New tournament. The Sports Minister and former Olympian Pablo Squella IOC members, while Anita DeFrantz (USA) and new IOC member Neven Ilic. IOC Executive Committee member, Nicole indicated that “we were able to convince all the delegates based on our achievements in the Santiago 2014 South American was elected IOC Vice President for the The Olympic Hoevertsz, points out: “It’s something really ears of patience finally paid off for the Chilean Games and the 2017 South American Youth Games that we have second time in her career. Nicole Hoevertsz Committee President, Luis Mejia, was special, a truly remarkable accomplishment. capital of Santiago during the Panam Sports General Assembly in Prague last November. In the conditions to host very good Games.” (ARU) was also elected as a member of the also ecstatic to receive such a prestigious I have a feeling of security and responsibility a show of hands, Santiago received unanimous Total joy was felt throughout Chile after the announcement. IOC Executive Committee while Richard position within the IOC. He hopes to use his within the Olympic Movement. I’m support from the 41 National Olympic Committees Athletes were delighted by the historic opportunity to host Peterkin (LCA), Ivan Dibos (PER), Richard extensive experience to continue his great incredibly happy with the support I’ve Yof the Americas to host the 2023 Pan American and Parapan the most important continental sports event in Santiago. W. Pound (CAN) and Austin Sealy (BAR) contributions to the Olympic Movement. received from my colleagues and happy American Games. Social media exploded with elation in Chile once the news was were all re-elected as IOC members. “I’ve received this award as a challenge, that we have two new members from the The dream that had persisted in Chile for three consecutive confirmed. Panam Sports President Neven Ilic so that every step and every action we take Americas, which will help us to grow and bids was finally realized when Chilean Olympic Committee Chile’s President also celebrated through was greatly honored by the election and are ethical, efective and constant reminders propel our region forward.” President Miguel Angel Mujica and Panam Sports President Twitter and congratulated all the people involved in the process. submitted his dedication to the Olympic of this moment. I hope our work is a channel The new members of the IOC and its Neven Ilic signed the first updated Host City Contract under the COCH President Miguel Mujica says work must begin now to Movement and the development of sport for further development and support Executive Committee will be properly organization’s new leadership. fully realize the dream of hosting the Pan American Games. globally. to all of our sporting entities, especially introduced in their new roles during the International Paralympic Committee President Andrew “I feel very pleased. This is a dream come true for athletes, “I am really happy and proud to have the National Olympic Committees. I feel IOC Session in PyeongChang prior to the Parsons of also signed the contract in a show of support coaches, directors and many Chileans that love sport. This is the received this prestigious position. I think incredibly happy to have received this Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter for the Parapan American Games. second most important sports event after the Olympic Games; this is something I received due to the position, I am thankful and will honor this Olympics. “I believe people cannot imagine the celebration we are going we should feel proud and begin working as of today to be great 12 years of work I have done in Chile at role. I do not feel like another member to have in Santiago 2023 with conventional and Paralympic hosts,” Mujica said. the National Olympic Committee. I’ve of the IOC, but a spokesman for sport in sport. I believe it is a great opportunity for our city to show



Our continent will be represented by over 450 athletes from 12 diferent countries who managed to get the classification they had been longing for to the . Out of the 13, the countries with the most participants are the United States and ; the two power-houses of in the Americas and, as always, two candidates who are likely to win a significant number of the medals to be awarded in Korea.


In 1988, entered the global The city of PyeongChang is prepared to receive more than 10,000 people, including athletes, coaches, sports leaders and thousands of sports arena for the first time, fans ready to witness the biggest sporting event of the year. welcoming the world’s best athletes Organizers expect to welcome approximately 3,000 athletes from 95 countries who will be competing for a record 102 medals. Athletes to the South Korean capital for the will compete across 15 sports and disciplines, including: Biathlon, Bobsleigh, Nordic Combined, Curling, Freestyle Skiing, Alpine Summer Olympics. In the 30 years Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Ice Hockey, Luge, Figure Skating, since those Games, South Korea , Short Track Speed Skating, Ski Jumping, Skeleton and Snowboard. has hosted a bevy of international At the time of publication, athletes from 11 countries in the Americas have qualified for PyeongChang 2018 with more expected competitions, including the to qualify as final spots are determined. The countries that have FIFA and IAAF World already secured trips to the Games are , , , Brazil, Canada, , Chile, , Mexico, Peru and Championships. Today, South Koreans the United States. Two primary venue clusters will stage the Winter Olympics. In are ready once again to host the PyeongChang, the Alpensia Resort Sports Park will host the mountain world’s best athletes during the sports such as biathlon and , while Gangneung will feature ice sports such as curling and speed skating. The Olympic PyeongChang . Stadium in PyeongChang will host both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Games.



The torch is one of the most meaningful symbols of the Olympic Games. PyeongChang 2018 worked with Korean designer Young Se Kim to create the beautiful white and gold torch. The torch is 700 mm long, representing ‘Happy 700’, a concept originating from the belief that the most comfortable environment for human habitation can be found at 700 meters above sea level - the exact altitude of PyeongChang.

The torch has points in the shape of stars which represent the spirit of sport, bringing together diferent races, nations, religions, genders and cultures from each corner of the globe. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FEB 2018 THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI THU SAT SUN SUN MON TUE WEB THU FRI

Opening Ceremony VENUES: Biathlon Mountain Sports Venues (Alpensia) PyeongChang : Opening and Closing Bobsleigh Ceremonies Cross Country Skiing Alpensia Stadium: Ski Jumping, Nordic Combined, Snowboard Curling Alpensia Biathlon Center: Biathlon Cross Country Ski Center: Cross Country Ski, Nordic Combined 1/ Figure Skating Alpensia’s Sliding Tracks: Luge, Bobsleigh, Skeleton Freestyle Skiing Additional Mountain Sports Venues Ice Hockey Yongpyong: Alpine Skiing (slalom, giant slalom) Luge Bokwang: Acrobatic Skiing & Snowboard Jeongseon: Alpine Skiing (downhill, super giant, combined) Nordic Combined Gangneung Venues Short Track Speed Skating Ice Hockey Pavilion: Ice Hockey (Men’s) Skeleton Curling Pavilion: Curling 2/ Olympic Oval: Speed Skating Ski Jumping Ice Pavilion Gangneung: Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Snowboard Skating Speed Skating Ice Pavilion Kwandong: Ice Hockey (Women’s) Closing Ceremony 1/ Alpensia Ski Jumping Center. 2/ Alpensia Sliding Center. 3/ Gangngeung Olympic Oval 3/

Helpful Phrases:

The distance from the Seoul International Weather: PHRASE HOW DO YOU WRITE IT? HOW DOES IT SOUND? IMPORTANT INFO Airport to PyeongChang is 240 kilometers, During the month of February, the weather which is approximately a three-hour ride by car. is usually -6 degrees Celsius, although it can Hi 안녕 annyeong To facilitate travel for the Olympics, a new high- reach temperatures below -10 and sometimes 비용은 얼마입니까? Location: speed train line was built to connect the capital even -20. How much? biyong-eun eolmaibnikka? PyeongChang is located in the northeast of of Seoul to PyeongChang. The travel time has South Korea, stretching 1,468 km2 across the been cut to 90 minutes. If it does not rain enough in January and How can I get to __ 이 장소에 어떻게 가야합니까? i jangso-e eotteohge mountainous region. The coastal city has a February to cause snowfall, the PyeongChang gayahabnikka? population of 40,000 people. Currency: 2018 Organizing Committee has taken Where do they sell 그들은 음식을 어디에서 판매 geudeul-eun eumsig- South Korea’s ofcial currency is the Won precautions and prepared artificial snow food? 합니까? eul eodieseo (KRW). One U.S. Dollar equals 1.061 South machines. Korean Won. panmaehabnikka? Language: Where can I find 대중 교통은 어디에 있습니까? daejung gyotong-eun Electricity: The ofcial language is Korean. public transportation? South Korea’s voltage is 220V and 60 amps. eodie issseubnikka?

Thank you! 대단히 감사합니다. daedanhi gamsahabnida


Despite a lack of mega multi-sport events

on the 2017 international calendar, Panam

Sports athletes still delivered memorable

performances at World and Continental

Championships, World Cups and other major

sporting events in every corner of the globe.

Here’s a summary of the very successful year

for athletes across the Americas and the

organization of Panam Sports.


28- FEBRUARY 12-16 At the Women’s Ice Hockey in Plymouth, United States, 8- the host country won the championship by defeating Canada 3-2 in an always entertaining The first month of the year was gold medal match between two fierce rivals. marked by the great triumph of Serena Williams (USA) The Panam Sports General Assembly was held over her sister Venus to win in Punta del Este, . This was a historic 26- moment for the organization as Neven Ilic the Australian Open, a record- was elected the new President after winning a breaking twenty-third grand thrilling vote over José Joaquín Puello. slam title. As if she wasn’t impressive enough, nobody In the XXI Pan American Championship in , the big knew Serena played for two 27-30 6-19 winner was Team Canada, winning months while pregnant with Colombians Fabian Puerta and Martha Bayona earned the silver medal in the women’s single as well as the men’s, women’s and mixed doubles her daughter, Alexis Olympia. The Alpine Ski World Championship was the Keirin discipline at the Track World Championship held in Hong disciplines. Brazil also earned gold in held in Saint Moritz, . Team USA Kong. the men’s single. and Team Canada shared fourth place in the competition by winning a gold, a silver and a bronze medal. MAY 5-7 JUNE MARCH 13-18 7-19

In the XV edition of the FIS Acrobatic Ski World Championship, in Sierra Nevada, , the United States won first place with a total of eight medals, including four gold, two silver and two bronze. Team Canada finished in sixth place.

In the Snowboard World Championship held on the same date, Team USA came in third place, with the Canadians in sixth.

In Brazil, the Pan American Championships was held. Cuba once again demonstrated its continental supremacy in this sport by winning four 29- gold medals and one silver. Second place went to the United States (3-0-2) while came in third (1-0-2).

The Canadian skiing duo of Tessa The United States dominated the Pan American Virtue and Scott Moir won gold Team Canada won silver at the Ice Hockey World Championship which took place in in the Ice Dance event during the Championship held in , and Cologne, The Women’s Curling World Championship was Montreal, Canada. Team USA won a total of 20 Figure Skating World Championship 18-26 5-21 held in , . Canada defeated Russia . medals, including eight gold, five silver and seven held in , Finland. Their 8-3 to take home the gold medal. bronze. Team Canada teammates Kaetlyn At the Pan-American competition held Osmond and Gabrielle Daleman also in Curaçao, Team Brazil earned first place with won silver and bronze in the ladies’ 27- a total of eight medals, including four gold and singles, respectively. four bronze. Colombia came in second (3-4-2) with the Dominican Republic in third place (3-1-3).


-6 In the Wrestling World Championship held in Paris, France, Team USA won second place with a total of nine medals; three gold, three silver and three bronze. Team Cuba finished in 23rd with Canada, Chile and Colombia tying in 26th position.


Cuba proved its boxing prowess once more during the World Boxing Championship held in Hamburg, Germany. Cuban athletes won a total of five gold and two silver medals.

27- (July 28 - August 6) In Vienna, , the Beach World Championship was extremely successful The 2017 World Skating Games held The United States was crowned America’s Cup Champion in Cordoba. Team USA defeated for competitors from the Americas. The Brazilian male duo in , China, were dominated by the hosts 81-76 in the grand final played at the Orfeo stadium in the city of Cordoba. composed of Evandro Oliveira and André Stein won gold Colombia, who won 23 gold, 12 silver by beating the Austrian and Russian teams that finished in and 10 bronze medals, beating one of second and third, respectively. the tournament favorites, .

In the women’s discipline, Americans and Lauren 13-16 Fendrick earned a silver medal while Brazilians Larissa França and Talita Antunes won bronze. 28- At the International Olympic Committee Session held in Lima, Peru, four members of Panam Sports were recognized for their great At the World Championship, work in sport. Neven Ilic (CHI) and Luis Mejía Brazilian Mayra Aguilar earned gold in 14-28 (DOM) were appointed new IOC Members, the 78kgs category while Maria Perez while Nicole Hoevertsz (ARU) became a from (70kgs) and David At the FINA World Championships in Budapest, member of the IOC Executive Committee. Moura from Brazil (+100kgs) each Hungary, the United States topped the podium with a Anita DeFrantz (USA) was also elected to serve The United States dazzled at the IAAF World Championships in , . won silver. total of 46 medals; 21 gold, 12 silver and 13 Bronze. Katie as IOC Vice President for a second time. Team USA took first place with a total of 30 medals; 10 gold, 11 silver and nine Ledecky was an incredible contributor to the Team USA bronze. Justin Gatlin became the only person to defeat Jamaican Usain medal tally with five gold medals. In the overall rankings, In the same Session, in an unprecedented Bolt in the 100 meters final at the World Championships in what would be Bolt’s Brazil stood out in 10th place, Canada finished in 13th, decision, both the 2024 and 2028 Olympic final competition. Mexico 20th and Ecuador 22nd. 30-3 Games were awarded to the host cities of Paris and Los Angeles, respectively. Colombia came in 12th place with the great performance of Eider Arévalo who In the Judo World Championship held in Budapest, (August 30 - September 3) Trinidad won gold in the 20km race walk and the silver medal of Catherine Ibarguen in Hungary, Brazil came in fourth place with one gold, one and Tobago hosted the Pan American the triple jump. silver, and two bronze medals. Puerto Rico finished in 12th Championship where place with Cuba and Colombia tied in 16th position. the United States finished at the Venezuelan breakout star dominated the triple jump, winning gold top of the podium with a total of 12 and her first ever World Championships medal. She also received the ANOC medals (7-3-2). Team Canada placed Female Athlete of the Year of the Americas for the performance. in second (5-5-2) with Colombia in The World Championship took place in Sarasota, third position (4-4-2). 23- USA where Cuba earned silver in the M1x, US M8+ and The 4x400 meter relay time was also honored at the ANOC 24- W2 disciplines while Canada won silver in the W8+. In the Tour de France, Colombian cyclist Rigoberto Awards Gala for their triumph at the London 2017 World Championships. The Brazil earned a bronze in the LM2 and the US won bronze Urán made history by finishing in second place behind athletes shocked the world by upsetting Team USA and Team UK in the final, in the LW1x category. champion Chris Froome from England. earning gold medals and the ANOC Male Athletes of the Year of the Americas.


21-29 At the World Championship in , , Team Argentina won their fifth world At the 47th Edition of the Artistic title by defeating Chile in the final 8-7. 2-8 World Championship held in Montreal, Canada, the United States earned one gold medal, three silver and one bronze, topping the medal table. Canada also won a silver medal. NOVEMBER

The construction of the Pan American Village in Lima, Peru begins. It will house more than 6,000 athletes during the Lima .

The General Assembly of Panam Sports was held in the city of Prague, Czech Republic. Santiago, 4- Chile was unanimously chosen as the Host City of the 2023 Pan American Games during the assembly.

In , the United States held the World Weightlifting Championship. 25-5 Chilean Arley Méndez and American Sarah Robles each became triple World Champions in the 85kgs and 90kgs 11-25 Colombia wins the of Santa categories, respectively. 2017 with 460 medals; 213 gold, 136 silver and 111 bronze medals. finished in second place with Chile in third. DECEMBER

Guatemala wins first place of the XI Managua 2017. finished in second 3-17 place with Host Country, , in third.

Caeleb Dressel won seven

Team Peru is crowned Pan-American gold medals at the 2017 World Surfing Champions at a competition held Aquatics Championships in 9- at Punta de Rocas, Lima. Budapest.


Opening Ceremony assistants during the Central American PHOTO Games. They are accompanied by the NOC President from El Salvador, Eduardo Palomo and ’s NOC President, Camilo Amado. 5/ All the Centro American NOC Presidents, GALLERY President Neven Ilic, and Secretary General Ivar Sisniega, next to Nicaragua’s President, Daniel Ortega. 6/ Trinidad 1/ The second Vice-President of Panam Sports Mario and Tobago 4x400 meter relay world champions in London Moccia (ARG), the sub secretary of Sports in Chile, Nicole 2017 were chosen as the Best Athletes in the Americas at Saez, and the Panam Sports President, Neven Ilic during the the ANOC Awards Gala in Prague. 7/ During his visit to visit to the Coordination and Follow Up Commission for Pan the Dominican Republic, President Neven Ilic met with the American Games 2023 at the National Stadium in Santiago. Dominican NOC President Luis Mejias and CRESO President, 2/ was crowned champion of the Central Felipe Vicini. 8/ Venezuelan NOC President, professor American Games Managua 2017. Featured is one of their Eduardo Alvarez next to Secretary General Elida Parraga swimming champions in action. 3/ President Neven Ilic celebrating with Yulimar Rojas her award of Best Female and Secretary General Ivar Sisniega next to the President’s Athlete of the Americas at the ANOC Awards Gala. Senior Advisor, Maria Eliana Fuentes and Head of Operations, 9/ Ofcial photograph of all members of the Panam Ana Paula Gonzalez, during the IOC Session in Lima. Sports family at the General Assembly in Prague, Czech 3/ 4/ Costa Rica’s NOC President, Henry Nunez greets the Republic. 8/

4/ 5/ 9/

30 PANAMSPORTS.ORG / FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY 2018 / PANAMSPORTS.ORG 31 2018 SPORT CALENDAR WHAT TO LOOK FORWARD TO MAY 4-15 / IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships, - IN 2018 Copenhagen/Herning, Denmark JANUARY 5-27 / Giro d’Italia, Cycling, Italy SEPTEMBER International Rally Dakar, Peru, Bolivia 19 / World Field A New Year brings new 6-20 / Invitational Meet World 4-9 / and Argentina Championships, Cortina, Challenge, Kingston, Italy champions to be crowned 15-28 / Australian Open, Jamaica 6-15 / World in some of the world’s 26 - XI , Championship, Mexico JUNE 8 / Cochabamba, Bolivia premier sporting events. 7-16 / World 27 / French Open Grand Slam, Championships, Sofia, The 2018 global sports FEBRUARY Roland Garros, Paris Bulgaria 31 / Women’s US Open, 9-16 / World Rowing calendar features the 9-25 /Winter Olympics, Shoal Creek, USA Championships, Plovdiv, PyeongChang, South Korea PyeongChang 2018 Winter Bulgaria 29- FIVB Volleyball Women’s Olympics, Cochabamba JUNE OCT.7 / World Championship, South American Games, 5-9 / UCI BMX World FIFA World Cup, MARCH Championship, , 2-4 / IAAF World Indoor OCTOBER Barranquilla 2018 Central Championships, 14 / FIFA World Cup, Russian , United Federation 6-18 / Youth Olympic Games American and Caribbean Kingdom Buenos Aires 2018, Buenos 21-24 / Modern Pentathlon Aires, Argentina Games, Buenos Aires 2018 10-11 / ISU World All-Around World Cup Final, Astana, 25-28 / Speed Skating Pan American Modern Youth Olympic Games Championship, Amsterdam, Pentathlon, Lima, Peru Holland and many more elite 17-25 / World Women’s Curling Championship, Ontario, JULY competitions. Canada NOVEMBER ISU World Figure Skating 2-15 / Wimbledon Grand Slam, The sports world never sleeps, and 19-25 / New York , USA Championship, Milan, Italy London, UK 4 / 2018 is no exception with significant 9-19 / ISSF World Cup Shotgun, 24-30 / Weightlifting World Tucson, USA Championship, Ashgabat, international competitions each 19- XXIII Central American month on the calendar. APRIL 3 AUG./ and Caribbean Games, 28- Men’s Hockey World Cup, Barranquilla, Colombia DEC.6 / Bhubaneswar, The following is Panam Sports’ 4-15 / XXI , Gold Coast City, Australia 21-29 / Women’s Hockey World lineup of some of the most Cup, London, UK 24-29 / XXII Pan Am Badminton important events coming this year Individual Championships, DECEMBER , Guatemala where many of the best athletes 11-16 / FINA World Swimming 29- World Team AUGUST Championship (25m), in the Americas will strive for Championship, Halmstad, Hangzhou, Republic of May. 6 / BWF World Championship, Sweden 1-5 / China excellence. Nanjing, China 2-12 / Women’s World Championship, Japan 27- Tennis US Open, New York, SEPT.9/ USA


and hunger for As the top athlete in Dominican these Games. It was a spectacular night “I sufered a lot for eight years. I had sport, two-time Olympic and world and one of the most important moments lesions, I lost contracts but I persevered, I victory. With my of my life. My Pan American gold medal is decided to keep moving forward. It was a 400-meter hurdles champion good judgment truly unforgettable,” Sanchez said. very rough time but this is why the gold Felix Sanchez reminisces about his After winning the 400-meter hurdles medal I won at London 2012 is so special and experienced first and only Pan American gold in 48.10 seconds, the stadium erupted for me, because I looked back at the hard with a standing ovation. The reaction was road I traveled to get to that point and to medal. Sanchez earned the gold advice, we can so intense that Felix didn’t know how to achieve my goals so at that moment, tears in , surrounded by accomplish many act. ran down my eyes and I understood what his people. The performance was a “I went around the entire track. The it means to achieve something because of things together, defining moment in one of the best atmosphere was unbelievable. I had never your passion and your dreams,” Sanchez lived an experience like this before in recalled. athletic careers for an athlete in the Sanchez declared. all of my years competing. I was simply “Super Sanchez” publicly announced his Americas. enjoying it with everyone else, I really retirement from high-level competition - Felix Sanchez don’t know what I was thinking. It was a in April 2016. With tears in his eyes, he elix Sanchez has never let spectacular night and the first gold medal thanked all who have supported him obstacles in life deter him for my country so I marched to the very throughout the years and he reminisced from achieving his goals, middle and staked our flag right there. It on all of his hard work and eforts made especially those found on was a true celebration and an absolutely during a successful professional athletic the track. The phenomenal remarkable moment,” said the two-time career. Fcareer of the two-time Olympic gold Olympic champion. Just a few months after retirement, medal hurdler has been fueled by His performance left a lasting legacy Sanchez decided to fulfill a personal remarkable performances, but Sanchez’s in the Dominican Republic and his dream by moving back to his home in victories were not without their trials and country honored his career by naming the Santo Domingo where he could help the tribulations. Olympic Stadium after him. next generation of athletes achieve their The first four years of his career earned “It is a feat few others can say they’ve dreams. him legendary status in the Dominican conquered because usually, in these cases, “I have been living in the Dominican Republic. Sanchez became a world they usually wait for the person to pass Republic with my family for over a champion in in 2001 and Paris away before they name an establishment year now. I want to improve the sports in 2003 before winning his first Olympic after them but it was diferent for me. I development in my country. There is a gold medal in 2004. During this was still competing when I was given this lot of talent here and hunger for victory. span, Sanchez won 43 consecutive races, great honor,” said Sanchez. With my good judgment and experienced but none are as fond a memory as his However, soon after his Pan American advice, we can accomplish many things victory at the Santo Domingo 2003 Pan and Olympic victories, injuries began together,” Sanchez declared. American Games. flaring up worse than ever before and his Sanchez and his vast experience aren’t His first and only Pan American gold career took a negative turn. the only factors that will contribute to the medal was earned in Santo Domingo, He lost his confidence and at the same development of sport in the Dominican alongside his people, in his city, in his time he lost contracts. Once known as Republic. In his last visit to this Caribbean stadium. “Super Sanchez”, the perceived superhero country, Panam Sports President Neven “It was the first time I was able to started to lose his super powers. At that Ilic invited Sanchez to join the Panam compete accompanied by my public. It moment, he realized what it meant to be a Sports Technical Commission. Sanchez was a competition where I already had world-class athlete and the sacrifices and enthusiastically accepted. achieved great things world-wide so efort it would take to achieve his goals. “It sounds really interesting. It’s returning to my country with a stadium full He promised himself he would succeed an opportunity to keep growing and of people supporting me was incredible. and fight more tenaciously than ever. contributing my experiences and It was an experience unlike any other. I After years of hard work, he was accomplishments to reach a new level. I went in the stadium and everyone was able to change his destiny and make a am ecstatic and so thankful they thought really excited. I had the responsibility to remarkable comeback at the London of me,” concluded Sanchez. win the first gold medal for my country at 2012 Olympics.



As one of the world’s largest and most competitive sporting events, the Pan American Games bring together the best athletes from the 41 countries in Central, North and and the Caribbean every four years.

Some of sports’ biggest stars have competed for gold medals throughout the 17 editions of the multi-sport event, including , Cesar Cielo and even Michael Jordan. Spectators at the 1983 Pan BUENOS AIRES 2018 YOUTH ries of positions that represented the athletes of American Games witnessed the beginning OLYMPICS PROMISE A each sport. The Buenos Aires 2018 pictogram of one of the greatest basketball careers in program was born from that exercise. SPECTACULAR CELEBRATION history, with Jordan leading Team USA to a From the Porteño classrooms to the world… gold medal while averaging 17.3 points per here are only eight months left be- game. He was just 19 years old. fore the curtain rises for the Buenos Less than a year after the Pan Am Games Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games. The best 4,000 young athletes from in Venezuela, Jordan joined the NBA and 206 countries will meet at the Ar- began a run of dominance with the Tgentine capital city for a unique celebration, NEWS SPORTS PANAM Bulls. The Bulls won six NBA championships where high performance sport will merge with from 1991-1998, fueling Jordan’s legendary educational and cultural activities under the va- lues of friendship, respect and excellence. rise to basketball stardom.

Jordan also won two Olympic gold Future stars of the worldwide Olympic Move- medals during his career at the Los Angeles ment will compete in 32 sports. Some sports will 1984 and Barcelona 1992 Summer Games, make their Olympic debut, such as sports clim- solidifying his status as one of the greatest bing and dance sport. The program will combine We are in the final stretch toward the Buenos traditional events with others that have a strong, Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games. Since we won players ever. He led the famous ‘Dream Team’ youthful and urban profile. the bid, we have been committed to give young in Barcelona that was the first U.S. team to athletes a marvelous experience that benefits utilize professional basketball players. These will be Games organized by young people the Olympic Movement, our city and our com- for young people. In that framework, a few days munity. ago the pictograms that will visually identify the Buenos Aires 2018 sports program were laun- That is why efciency and innovation are pre- ched. These images are a gift from hundreds of sent in every aspect of the event’s organization. public schools from the Argentine capital to the We will hold sustainable Games, with gender athletes that will compete from October 6-18. equity and a huge legacy for the city. This will be Michael Jordan, the world-renowned basketball star and exceptional athlete, realized by converting the Youth Olympic Villa- is a true Panam Sports legend. The task was not simple: students had to draw ge into a neighborhood that will benefit one of with a single line, without lifting the pencil, a se- the most relegated areas of Buenos Aires and by


creating a new high performance center (ODESUR) Camilo Perez feels very calm TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO FOR THE LASTEST for Argentine athletes at the venue that as the Games approach. RECOGNIZES TOP ATHLETES YOUR ONLY DESTINATION will serve as the Youth Olympic Center during the Games. “We are doing very well, we are quite AT TRADITIONAL GALA calm. The Village is practically finished FOR THE LASTEST Throughout this journey we have counted four months prior to the start of the Ga- arrin Solomon, Jereem Ri- with the essential support of the National mes. Sports infrastructure is 85 percent chards, , Lalon- Olympic Committees and the Internatio- ready; we are only behind at the velodro- de Gordon and nal Sports Federations. me and the hockey field, but the commit- were recognized as “Athletes of ment is that both venues will be delivered the Year” at the traditional ce- Our Youth Olympic Parks will be built at in March. Everything is well on its way at Jremony where Trinidad and Tobago Pre- our city’s four cardinal points, at places an organizational level and the ODESUR sident Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmo- where people meet regularly. We seek to budget was approved and therefore, na and NOC President Brian Lewis were bring sport to people and not the other the hiring process of all staf is going present. NEWS way around. We will hold the Opening Ce- forward,” Perez emphasized. remony outdoors, at the Obelisco’s area The men’s 4x400 meters relay team won at the Porteño center. Everything will be gold medals at the London 2017 IAAF a symbol of the kind of Games we want: World Championships, surprising the NEWS BARRANQUILLA 2018: THE inclusive and a stage where the transfor- world by winning the relay with a time of “HAPPY CITY” ANXIOUSLY mative power of will mark the 2:58:12. On top of recognition from the whole planet’s youth. AWAITS THE GAMES TTOC, the relay team also won Best Male Athletes of the Year of the Americas at the ANOC Awards Gala in Prague, Czech Gerardo Werthein arranquilla, often recogni- Republic. President of the Buenos Aires 2018 Or- zed as the happiest city of PANAMSPORTS.ORG ganizing Committee Colombia due to the warm- and the Argentine Olympic Committee th of its people, is bursting IOC Member with anticipation for the Bupcoming Central American and Carib- bean Games. The excitement for the Ga- COCHABAMBA WELCOMES mes can be felt in the joy that floods each FOLLOW OUR JOURNEY TO LIMA SOUTH AMERICAN BROTHERS beautiful street corner and the music and WITH OPEN ARMS vibe that only Colombians know how to THE BEST ATHLETES OF THE AMERICAS produce. olivia is counting down the days until the beginning of The city will host the Central American BREAKING NEWS AND PANAM SPORTS HISTORY the most important festival of and Caribbean Games for the second South American sport. From time in history. The first time was in 1964, Runner Michelle-Lee Ahye won a second RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS May 26 through June 8, the XI when Cuba topped the medal table. consecutive award as “Athlete of the PANAM SPORTS NEWS SPORTS PANAM South American Games will be held at the TO LIMA B Year” for Trinidad and Tobago. Ahye had FOLLOW OUR JOURNEY city of Cochabamba, located at an altitu- For the 23rd edition of the event, more an outstanding season that included six- de of more than 2,500 meters. than 5,800 athletes from 37 countries will th place at the World Championship 100 THE BEST ATHLETES OF THE AMERICAS be the stars of the Games. The athletes meters final, as well as a personal best A total of 6,500 athletes from 14 countries will compete across 47 sports disciplines. of 10.82 seconds to win the national wo- BREAKING NEWS AND PANAM SPORTS will participate in this festival of sport: Ar- men’s title. gentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, The following countries will make their HISTORY RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Ecuador, , , Peru, Surina- debut in these Games: Curaçao, Guade- Other recognitions at the TTOC’s Gala me, Uruguay, Venezuela and guest coun- loupe, French Guyana, Turks and Caicos were for Merissa Aguilleira, who received tries Panama and . Islands, and St. Martin. the “Future is Female Award”. Adell Col- thrust and Khalifa St Fort were named The event will consist of 14 competition Great sports infrastructure is being built Best Young Athlete and Best Junior Athle- @PanamSports days, 35 sports and 392 events at 45 for this event, with more than seven ve- te of the year. sports venues. Bolivia is hosting the event nues already 60 percent complete. These The prestigious Alexander B. Chapman PANAMSPORTS.ORG for the second time in history, following venues will provide a lasting legacy for Award was given to Anthony Wickham, the successful inaugural edition of the the Colombian people. the veteran coach of the Trendsetters South American Games in in 1978. Hawks, in recognition of his unwavering Since the first edition of the Games in support to the development of youth and Works are progressing swiftly, both at the Mexico in 1926, Cuba leads all countries the community through football and his South American Athletes’ Village and the with 3,728 medals, followed by Mexico work with young people from isolated sports venues. That is why the President with 3,537 and Venezuela with 2,264. areas of Trinidad and Tobago. of South American Sports Organization @PanamSports 38 PANAMSPORTS.ORG / FEBRUARY 2018 FEBRUARY 2018 / PANAMSPORTS.ORG 39 AMERICAS OLYMPIC MOVEMENT