Ravenloft Appendix II
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Monstrous Compendium Appendix II: ChildreSamplen of thfilee Night TSR, Inc. 1 TSR Ltd. P. O. Box 756 I 120 Church End Lake Geneva I Cherry Hinton Wisconsin 53147 I TSRInc. - Cambridge CBl 3LB U.S.A. I United Kingdom Designer: William W. Connors Editor. John D. Rateliff Cover Artist: Jeff Easley Interior Artist: Mark Nelson Color Dividers: Fred Fields, Tim Hildebrandt, David Dorman, and Robin Wood Typographer & Production: Gaye O'Keefe and Nancy Kerkstra Special Thanks to: Bruce Nesmith David Wise Doug Stewart ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, AL-QADIM, DARK SUN, DRAGON, FIEND FOLIO, FORGOTTEN REALMS, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, POLYHEDRON, RAVENLOFT, and RPGA are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. DUNGEON MASTER, DM, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English-language products of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Distributed in the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. e 1993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Sample file TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. P. O. Box 756 120 Church End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton Wisconsin 53147 Cambridge CB1 3LB U.S.A. United Kingdom 2139 How To Use This Book ® & ™ & © 1993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Welcome to the 15th Monstrous Compendium9. This is TREASURE: This entry is a reference to the treasure the second volume devoted to the dreadful creatures tables in the AD&D DUNGEON MASTER Guide. Trea- that live in Ravenloft, the infamous Demiplane of sures listed in parentheses are found in the creature's Dread. As in previous volumes, all of the monsters are lair while all others may be carried with the monster presented on individual loose-leaf pages so that they when encountered elsewhere. can be easily added to a master binder for use during game play. ALIGNMENT: This entry indicates the typical patterns All the monsters presented in this book are unique of behavior for the monster. individuals. This is a major change from the traditional MC format which is explained more fully in the intro- NO. APPEARING: Because these creatures are all duction. Because of this, a DUNGEON MASTER™(DMIM) unique, only one of them will be encountered at any may want to keep these pages separate from other given time. However, the DM should remember that Monstrous Compendium appendices. several of them will typically be accompanied by ser- All the creatures presented in this book are intended vants and followers. for use in the RAVENLOFT® campaign setting. It is, of course, perfectly acceptable for a DM to use these mon- ARMOR CLASS: This entry lists the unarmored rating sters in other AD&D® game worlds, although minor for each creature. modifications may be required. Dungeon Masters will find that some of these entries are based upon informa- MOVEMENT: This rating defines the speed at which tion presented in the Dark Lords accessory (RR1) and the the monster moves in a combat situation. Different Forbidden Lore boxed set. modes of travel will be indicated by the following Each entry will include the following information: abbreviations: Fl = flying, Sw = swimming, Br = burrowing, and Wb = CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Unlike other Monstrous Com- in web. Flying creatures will also have a movement rate pendiums, this MC lists the specific domain in which between A (best) and E (worst). each of these creatures can be found. HIT DICE: This is the number of 8-sided dice rolled to FREQUENCY: All the monsters in this book are unique determine the monster's hit points. Because the creatures creatures. As such, the normal classifications of very in this book are all unique, a specific number of hit points rare, rare, uncommon, and common are not used. follows each entry in parentheses. Hit Dice ratings are Sampleuse filed to calculate attack and saving throw numbers. ORGANIZATION: This description applies to the com- pany that the monster keeps, rather than to the creature THACO: This is the creature's attack roll when attacking itself. A vampire who leads a pack of ghouls would someone with Armor Class 0. Where magical weapons therefore be listed as part of a pack organization. or exceptional strength provide special bonuses to a creature's chance to hit, the modified THACO is listed ACTIVITY CYCLE: This is a general guide to the time parenthetically of day when the monster is most likely to be active. NO. ATTACKS: This listing indicates the number of DIET: This entry gives a quick description of the way in times that the monster can strike in the typical combat which a monster sustains itself. The most common pos- round. This value may change due to magic (haste or sibilities are herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore. slow spells, for example) or in unusual situations. INTELLIGENCE: This rating indicates the creature's DAMAGE/ATTACK: This shows the potential damage mental abilities according to the following scale: inflicted by the creature's attacks. The damage spread is listed first, followed by the dice combination rolled to 0 Non-intelligent or not ratable determine the exact damage for a specific attack—for 1 Animal intelligence example: 3-18 (3d6). 2-4 Semi-intelligent 5-7 Low intelligence SPECIAL ATTACKS: This quickly notes things like 8-10 Average (human) intelligence dragon's breath, poisonous stings, and other unusual 11-12 Very intelligent combat abilities. Details are provided in the Combat 13-14 Highly intelligent section of the entry. 15-16 Exceptionally intelligent 17-18 Genius SPECIAL DEFENSES: This is a brief listing of the crea- 19-20 Supra-genius ture's special resistances and invulnerabilities. Details 21+ Godlike intelligence are presented in the Combat section of the entry. How To Use This Book ® & ™ & © 1993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MAGIC RESISTANCE: This is a base chance that any XP VALUE: This is the experience point reward for spell cast upon the creature will fail. If the magic resis- defeating (though perhaps not killing) the monster. This tance is defeated, the creature is still entitled to normal value can be adjusted based on the situation and the tac- saving throws. tics employed by the creature. Many of the creatures will have higher-than-normal experience points for a SIZE: This lists the general category into which the crea- monster of that type due to magical weaponry, high hit ture falls. The exact size of the creature will be listed in points, or other special features. parentheses after the category is given. COMBAT: This section of the monster's description T Tiny (2' or less) details its actions and tactics in combat. S Small (2+'to 4') M Medium (4+'to 7') HABITAT/SOCIETY: This entry provides details about •«•"- L Large (7+'to 12') the monster's behavior, nature, and lifestyle. In this par- H Huge (12+'to 25') ticular compendium, it also includes details of the crea- G Gargantuan (over 25') ture's history and notes on its personality. MORALE: This is a general rating of the monster's ECOLOGY: This section mentions the ways in which bravery in the face of an enemy. the creature interacts with its environment. 2-4 Unreliable ADVENTURE IDEAS: Because these are unique crea- 5-7 Unsteady tures, each is accompanied by a quick synopsis of one or 8-10 Average more possible adventures involving that nonplayer 11-12 Steady character/monster. Dungeon Masters will find these 13-14 Elite ideas useful when incorporating these monsters into 15-16 Champion their AD&D® games. 17-18 Fanatic 19-20 Fearless Sample file Children of the Night ® & ™ & © 1993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There is a tendency in Ravenloft adventures to focus Newly Recognized Terrors only on the lords of the various domains. When a group of heroes enters the forests of Barovia, they expect to run Some of the other creatures in this book are unique afoul of the machinations of Strahd Von Zarovich. examples of races that have not been previously defined. Should their travels bring them into the wilds of Kar- For example, you'll be introduced to the Voodan, a mys- takass, they gather wolfsbane and stand ready to face terious offshoot of humanity that may well be distantly the challenge of Harkon Lukas and his lycanthropes. related to the Vistani. The statistics presented in this While this certainly makes for an exciting adventure, it book are those of a single individual but can certainly does tend to limit the scope of the Dungeon Master's serve as a model for Dungeon Masters who might wish imagination. In addition, the lord of a domain tends to to add other Voodan to their campaigns. be a very powerful creature. Lower-level adventurers are sometimes hard-pressed to meet the challenges pre- Freaks and Outcasts sented by such encounters. Thus, this book deals not with Ravenloft's lords, but The last type of entry in this particular appendix is the with many of the other evil creatures that dwell amid unique creature. These individuals are exemplified by the mists. None of the fiends presented in this book is entries like the Living Brain or the horribly cursed the master of his or her own domain, although many are Jacqueline Montarri. Thankfully, there is only one of connected in some way to those most evil of Ravenloft's each such creature in existence, for they are terrible inhabitants.