Beneficial Use Support Document Tuscarawas River Basin 2017
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Beneficial Use Support Document Tuscarawas River Basin 2017 Newman Creek downstream Boyds Corner Road, RM 1.4 Division of Surface Water Ecological Assessment Section March 2021 Ohio EPA:DSW/EAS Tuscarawas River Basin Tribs Use Support 2017 March 31, 2021 Introduction Ohio EPA has conducted biological and water quality surveys on the Tuscarawas River mainstem in 1983, 1988, 1993, 1995, 2003-2005 and 2017. Figure 1 depicts the 2017 study area which included the entire 130 mile-long Tuscarawas River mainstem and its direct tributaries, but excluded the major sub- watersheds of Sandy Creek, Conotton Creek, Sugar Creek, and Stillwater Creek which are typically surveyed as their own study areas. The drainage area of the 2017 study area was 805 square miles, representing nearly one- third of the entire Tuscarawas River basin drainage area of 2,590 mi2. Larger tributaries to the Tuscarawas River have also been surveyed since the 1980s and the 2017 survey marks the third comprehensive study of the tributaries in the Tuscarawas River watershed by Ohio EPA. As such, the aquatic life use (ALU) designations for the Tuscarawas River and most of the larger streams within the basin have been previously verified using standardized biological field collections. There are however selected waterbodies that are currently undesignated (i.e. not listed in the Ohio WQS) or where the ALU designation is based on the original 1978 and 1985 state water quality standards. The techniques in use at that time did not include standardized approaches to the collection of Figure 1. The 2017 Tuscarawas River and Select Tributaries Study Area. in-stream biological data or numeric biocriteria. This study used biological field data consisting of an assessment of biological communities, habitat and water quality to assess current conditions to either verify the existing ALU or recommend a new ALU (Table 2). While some recommendations may appear to constitute “downgrades” (i.e., WWH to MWH) these changes should not be construed as such because these assessments constitute the first application of an objective and robust data driven process to ascertain the appropriate aquatic life use designation. Results of the biological and habitat assessment for each station sampled in 2017 are presented in Table 3 and the macrohabitat features are found in Table 4. 1 Ohio EPA:DSW/EAS Tuscarawas River Basin Tribs Use Support 2017 March 31, 2021 Recommendations The water quality and habitat of the Tuscarawas River mainstem has been steadily improving since the first surveys were conducted in 1983. A total of 16 sites were sampled in the upper Tuscarawas River from Uniontown (RM 126.7) to Navarre (RM 83.0). The biological and habitat data collected during the 2017 survey supports the existing and recommended use designation of WWH for this segment of the upper Tuscarawas River. The middle and lower Tuscarawas River was sampled from Boliver (RM 78.2) to Coshocton (RM 0.3) at 15 locations. The segment between Boliver and Dover (RM 63.2) had good to exceptional habitat and biological communities which supports the existing use of WWH. The biological and habitat data from New Philadelphia (RM 54.2) to Coshocton was very good to exceptional and support the existing and recommended use of EWH for this segment. This reach has state endangered northern madtoms, state threatened mountain madtoms and a total of 79 species of fish. The following are recommended changes for the Tuscarawas River mainstem based on the 2017 survey: • The segment currently designated MWH in the upper Tuscarawas River from State Street in Barberton at RM 112.9 to Chippewa Creek at RM 103.2 is recommended WWH based on habitat improvements and improved biological communities. • The segment currently designated WWH in the middle and lower Tuscarawas River from the Sugar Creek (RM 58.07) in New Philadelphia to Stillwater Creek (47.0) is recommended EWH based on very good to exceptional habitat and biological communities consistently found within this reach. A total of 65 fish species have been found in this reach. Forty-three streams were evaluated for aquatic life use potential in 2017. The biological and habitat data for 23 streams or stream segments supported the existing use designation of WWH denoted in Table 2 as a plus sign (+). The biological and habitat data supported the existing use of MWH due to channel modification for segments of four upper Tuscarawas tributaries which include Chippewa Creek, Wolf Creek, Hudson Run and Pigeon Creek. The following are recommended verifications or changes for the tributaries in the Tuscarawas River watershed based on the 2017 survey: • The current survey verified WWH aquatic life use was appropriate for seven streams or stream Figure 2. Unnamed trib. to Hudson Run at RM 3.02 segments that had not been verified in previous surveys denoted in Table 1 with the symbol */+. These streams include: Lick Run, Pike Run, Stone Creek, Sippo Creek, Mudbrook Creek, Pancake Creek and Fox Run from Alabama avenue (RM 3.78) to the mouth. • Eight streams that are undesignated or currently designated WWH support a coldwater habitat (CWH) use recommendation based on the cold water adapted fauna residing within (Table 1). These streams include Morgan Run, Sherman Creek, Wolf Creek, Pigeon Run, West Sippo Creek, unnamed tributary to Hudson Run (RM 3.02) (Figure 2), unnamed tributary to Tuscarawas River (RM 79.9) and Metzgers Ditch. 2 Ohio EPA:DSW/EAS Tuscarawas River Basin Tribs Use Support 2017 March 31, 2021 Table 1. Cold Water Adapted Fauna Documented within Tributaries of the Tuscarawas River. Stream Macroinvertebrates Fish Sherman Creek Diplectrona modesta, Ceratopsyche slossonae, Mottled Sculpin Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) aviceps West Scippo Creek Diamesa sp., Parametriocnemus sp., Polypedilum Mottled Sculpin (Uresipedilum) aviceps UT Tuscarawas River @ RM 79.9 Diplectrona modesta, Parametriocnemus sp., Mottled Sculpin Paratanytarsus longistilus Brook Stickleback Morgan Run Peltoperla sp., Leuctra sp., Sweltsa sp., Ceratopsyche South. Redbelly Dace (2003) slossonae, Dicranota sp., Parametriocnemus sp., Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) aviceps Wolf Creek Ceratopsyche slossonae, Meropelopia sp., Mottled Sculpin Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) aviceps Pigeon Run Ceratopsyche slossonae, Polypedilum Mottled Sculpin (Uresipedilum) aviceps, Paratanytarsus longistilus, South. Redbelly Dace Parametriocnemus sp., Polypedilum (P.) albicorne, Redside Dace Micropsectra sp. UT Hudson Run @ RM 3.02 Ceratopsyche slossonae, Zavrelimyia (Z.) sp., South. Redbelly Dace (2003) Diamesa sp., Parametriocnemus sp., Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) aviceps Metzger’s Ditch Lepidostoma sp., Parametriocnemus sp., Clinocera Mottled Sculpin sp. Central Mudminnow • The unnamed tributary to West Fork White Eyes Creek (RM 4.1) is undesignated and recommended EWH based on very good to exceptional biological communities. The lower segment of Newman Creek from Beaumont Road (RM1.95) to the mouth currently designated WWH is recommended EWH based on very good to exceptional biological communities and excellent habitat (Table 3). Pigeon Run fully attained the applicable EWH biocriteria and is recommended both exceptional and coldwater. • Shocalog Run (Figure 3) and segments of Fox Run are unverified WWH tributaries in the Upper Tuscarawas River watershed. The biological community ranged from poor to fair and the habitat quality of these streams was also poor, reaching QHEI scores just in the mid 30’s which were among the lowest three habitat scores of the entire 93 habitat assessments conducted in the study area. Shocalog Run and the upper reach of Fox Run are recommended MWH based on the extensive channel modifications present Figure 3. Shocalog Run at RM 0.5 and resulting poor habitat. • Pone Run and Wolf Run are two middle Tuscarawas River tributaries that are significantly impacted by mine drainage from historic mining and have limited biological communities. These streams have either pH values below 4.1 s.u. or intermittently acidic conditions that prevent the establishment of a WWH or MWH biological community. For example, a pH measurement collected in Pone Run at RM 0.1 on 9/26/17 was only 2.97 S.U. These streams are currently 3 Ohio EPA:DSW/EAS Tuscarawas River Basin Tribs Use Support 2017 March 31, 2021 designated WWH but are recommended limited resource water (LRW) due to acid mine drainage (AMD) that precludes attainment of the applicable warmwater habitat biocriteria. All evaluated streams were consistent with the current Agricultural and Industrial Water Supply and the Primary Contact Recreation use designations and are recommended where not otherwise already designated or verified. 4 Ohio EPA:DSW/EAS Tuscarawas River Basin Tribs Use Support 2017 March 31, 2021 Table 2. Waterbody use designations and recommendations for the Tuscarawas River study area. Designations based on the 1978 and 1985 Ohio Water Quality Standards are indicated with asterisks (*) while designations based on the results of a previous biological field assessment performed by Ohio EPA are symbolized using a plus sign (+). Verification of current designations based on this study are symbolized as (*/+) while a triangle (▲) denotes a new/revised recommendation use based on the findings of this study. Streams not assessed in this study are highlighted gray. Sugar Creek, Stillwater Creek, Sandy Creek and Conotton Creek watersheds are addressed in separate studies and are highlighted blue. Use Designations Aquatic Life Water Recreation Habitat Supply Water Body