May 2017 Hill Rd Hwy Drummond

May 2017 Hill Rd Hwy

240 May 2017 Drummond Hill Rd Hwy / PollyDrummond

240 Rd Kirkwood

/ Polly 240

200 Snow Goose Trail

/ Polly 200

Rd Smith Mill Rd Tri-Valley Trail Kirkwood

Kirkwood N 200

Rd State Park

Snow Goose Trail water

200 Trail / Trail 200 Tri-Valley Trail tower Smith Mill Rd Snow Goose Trail

Church 200 White Clay Creek State Park 200 Tri-Valley Trail

N White Clay Creek State Park Smith Mill Rd 160 water

Spur Trail / Trail N Trail

White Clay Creek State Park watertower White Clay Creek State Park

Church 200 Trail Trail / Trail

160 tower Goose 160

Church Run 200 Trail Creekside White Clay Creek State Park 240 Spur

Delaplane Manor




200 Snow

Goose Mill Race Mill

Trail Spur


160 Goose

Creekside Trail Creekside

Run 240 Trail

Mt. Goat Mt.

Delaplane Manor

Ebenezer Goose Trail

160 Capital Snow

80 Snow

Creekside Trail Creekside 200 Goose 240

Run Race Mill

Delaplane Manor


200 Snow Goose

Mill Race Mill 160 140

Ebenezer CorkscrewGoat Mt. Trail Snow 80

Ebenezer 200 Goat Mt.

Trail Trail

Snow 80

Middle 160 120 Trail 140 Trail CorkscrewLenape

200 Day Corkscrew 160 140

200 Trail

Middle 120 200 Trail

Trail Lenape

Trail 120

Middle 120 Husband Day Earth Trail Trail Birding Lenape 200


200 240 240 120

Husband 160

Foxden Rd Earth 160 Birding 120 Trail 160 Cut-Off

Park JonathanHusband W. Earth Trail Birding

Parking 240 240

Paper Mill 160

Foxden Rd 160 Parking Trail

200 200 Lenape

Trail 240

240 160 Cut-Off

Trail 160 Park Trail

Jonathan W. 200 Foxden Rd 160

Parking Trail 160 Cut-Off

Park Hollow

Jonathan W. Trail

Paper Mill


Trail Rd 200

Parking 200

Trail Lenape Connector

Paper Mill 200


Trail 240 200 200 Lenape

Trail Hollow Possum Park Rd

Mill 200

72 Rd

Rescue Hollow


298' Lenape

RT Possum Rd 240

Tri-State Bird


Horseshoe Possum Park Rd DE Mill


72 Smith


Possum Park Rd

Mill 298' Lenape


Possum 72 Rd 220

Mill Tri-State Bird


Lenape Horseshoe 298'




Smith Possum 240 Tri-State Bird Horseshoe


Rd 220

Smith Mill Double

240 Paper

Rd 220 Rd

Mill 240

240 Middle Run Valley


Double280 280

Paper Double Rd

Paper Rd 280 280 Park

282' Natural Area Park

280 280

Tri-Valley Trail Park Middle Run Valley 282' Park

282' Trail Guide

Tri-Valley Trail Possum White Clay Creek State Park

Tri-Valley Trail Natural Area Park Possum White Clay Creek State Park Hill Rd Possum White Clay Creek State Park Trail Guide / Polly Drummond Christopher A. Coons Rd Hill Rd Bryan's Field Connector County Executive Clay Park White Clay Creek State Park State White Church/ Polly Drummond Creek

Rd Hill Rd Bryan's Field Connector / Polly Drummond Run Clay Park White Clay Creek State Park State

Rd White

Church Creek Bryan's Field Connector

Possum Hollow Rd

Clay Middle

Park White Clay Creek State Park


White Hwy Kirkwood

Creek Capital Trail / Trail Capital ChurchEbenezer Run


Run Foxden Rd

Possum Hollow Rd Middle

Kirkwood Hwy Kirkwood Ebenezer / Trail Capital

Possum Hollow Rd

Middle MRVNA 1/2 Kirkwood Hwy Kirkwood Ebenezer / Trail Capital

Foxden Rd 72 1/2

Foxden Rd PARK


RT Possum Park Rd ENTRANCE Possum Hollow Rd



Park DE


RT Possum Park Rd PARK White Clay ENTRANCE

Possum Hollow Rd Creek State

RT PossumRd Park Rd


Possum Hollow Rd DE Trails Water Wooded Area Bridges Elevation in Feet Residential Area


Park Mill

White Clay

Creek State DE

NEWARK Paper Rd M a i n S t White Clay Creek State Trails Water Wooded Area Bridges Elevation in Feet Residential Area scale in miles

1/4 Rd Mill

Trails Water Wooded Area Bridges Elevation in Feet Residential Area

NEWARK Paper 200 1/4 Mill M a i n S t

scale in miles

NEWARK Paper M a i n S t

scale in miles 200

Natural Area 200 Natural Area 0 Natural Area Middle Run Valley 0 Middle Run Valley 0 Middle Run Valley New Castle County Park System Matthew Meyer, County Executive Middle Run Trailhead New Castle County Middle MiddleRun Trailhead Run Trailhead New CastleNew Castle County County NearMiddle the centrallyRun Trailhead located parking lot is the Middle Run Trailhead. The New Castle County NearMiddle the Nearcentrally Run the Trailhead centrallylocated parking located lot parking is the lotMiddle is the Run Middle Trailhead. Run Trailhead. The The New DepartmentCastle County of Special Services MiddlePaperMiddleMiddlemarkersNearMiddle RunMill theRun Run centrallyRun areTrailheadPark Trailhead Trailhead Trailheadbrown Connector located and parking there lotare is thebrown Middle information Run Trailhead. markers The DepartmentNewNewNewDepartmentNew Castle Castle Castle Castle of County SpecialCounty County County of Special Services Services markersNearMiddle the markersMiddleare centrally brownRun Runare located Trailhead andTrailheadbrown parkingthere and are lotthere isbrown the areMiddle informationbrown Run Trailhead.information markers The markers NewDepartmentNew Castle Castle County County of Special Services Middle Run Valley Natural Area… NearBeginningNearNearthroughoutmarkersNearMiddle the the the centrally the centrally centrally nearcentrallyRunare the locatedPaper Trailheadbrownpark.located located located Mill parking parkingand parking parkingPark, there lot lot thislotis lotis the areis the trailis the Middle theMiddlebrown Middlefollows Middle Run Runinformation Run theRunTrailhead. Trailhead. Trailhead.Middle Trailhead. The markers RunThe The The DepartmentNew Castle of Special County Services Middle Middle Run Valley Run ValleyNatural Natural Area… Area… throughoutmarkersNearthroughoutNear arethe the park.centrallybrown centrally the park.locatedand located there parking parking are lotbrown lotis theis the Middleinformation Middle Run Run Trailhead. markers Trailhead. The The DepartmentDepartmentDepartment of of Specialof Special Special Services Services Services MiddleMRVNA is Run one of Valley the most Naturalunique parks Area… in the state. Hiking this markersstreammarkersmarkersthroughoutmarkersNear valley arethe are are centrallyare brown until thebrown brown brownpark. meeting locatedand and and and thereup thereparking there withthere are arethe are lotare brownLenape isbrown brown thebrown Middle informationTrail. information informationinformation ItRun is marked Trailhead. markers markers markers markerswith The DepartmentDepartmentDepartment of of of Special Special Special Services Services Services MRVNAMiddleMRVNA is oneRun of istheValley one most of theunique Natural most parks unique Area…in theparks state. in theHiking state. this Hiking this HikingHiking Trails Trails throughoutmarkersmarkersJonathan the are park. are W.brown brownHusband and and there Trailthere are are brown brown information information markers markers WelcomeDepartment to New Castle of County Special parks! Services MiddleMiddleMiddlespectacularMRVNAMiddle Run Run Runis Run preserveone Valley Valley Valleyof Valley the is mostaNatural Naturalnature Natural Naturalunique sensation. Area…parks Area… Area… Area… in The the forests state. Hikingof Middle this Run Hiking Trails throughoutpurple.throughoutthroughoutthroughoutmarkers the the theare park. thepark. park. brownpark. and there are brown information markers spectacularMRVNAspectacularMiddle ispreserve one of Run theispreserve a mostnature Valley uniqueis sensation.a nature Naturalparks sensation. The in the forests Area… state. The of Hikingforests Middle thisof Run Middle Run Hiking Trails throughoutPaperthroughoutBeginning Mill the nearthe park. Park park.Paper Connector Mill Park, this trail, marked with purple, follows MRVNAMRVNAMRVNAValleyspectacularMRVNAMiddle is is representone is one is oneRun ofpreserveone of theof the of a the Valley most vastthe most ismost most asamplingunique natureunique unique Naturalunique parks sensation. parkspaof parksrks parkstree in in theArea…inspecies thein Thethe state. the state. state.forests state.indigenous Hiking Hiking Hiking Hikingof thisMiddle this tothis this the Run HikingHikingHiking Trails Trails Trails Paper MillPaperthroughout Park Mill Connector the Park park. Connector Valleyspectacular representValleyMRVNA preserve represent a vastis one is sampling a of anature vastthe mostsampling ofsensation. tree unique species of The parkstree indigenousforests species in the of state.indigenous Middle to the Hiking Run to this the HikingHikingHikingAll of Trailsthe Trails Trails trails BeginningPaperthe Middle Mill near RunPark Paper stream Connector Mill valley Park, until this meetingtrail follows up withthe Middlethe Lenape Run We offer a wide variety of recreational opportunities spectacularMRVNAspectacularspectacularPiedmontValleyspectacularMRVNA is preserverepresentone preserve ispreserveregion ofpreserveone the is ofaof is most avasttheis ,a natureis anature mostanaturesamplingunique nature sensation. sensation.providingparksnsation. sensation. of parkstree in The Thethe species Thenative inforestsThe state. foreststhe forests forests habitatstate.indigenous of of Middleof MiddleHikingof Middlefor Middle an toRun thisRun abundancethe Run Run All of theAllHiking trails of the trailsTrails BeginningPaperPossum BeginningMill near Park Hollow Paper near Connector Mill TrailPaper Park, Mill this Park, trail thisfollows trail thefollows Middle the RunMiddle Run PiedmontValley representPiedmontspectacular region of a region Delaware, vastpreserve sampling of Delaware, is providing a nature of tree providing sensation.native species habitat indigenousnative The for forests habitat an toabundance of thefor Middle an abundance Run inAll MRV of theN Atrails are PaperPaperPaperstreamBeginningPaperTrail. Mill Mill MillIt valleyMill isPark Park namednearPark Parkuntil Connector ConnectorPaper Connector the meetingConnector “Jonathan Mill up Park, with W. thisthe Husband Lenapetrail follows Trail” Trail. inItthe isrecognition Middlemarked withRun of ValleyValleyValleyofPiedmontValleyspectacular representwildlife. represent represent represent region preserveNovicea avast avast avastof samplingvast Delaware,birdwatchers samplingis sampling asampling nature of of providing treeofsensation. tree of andtree speciestree species ornithologists species species native The indigenous indigenous indigenousforests habitatindigenous delight of tofor toMiddle theto an thetoin the abundance theobserving Run in MRVNinA MRV are NA are streamBeginningMarked valleystreamPaper near untilwith valleyMill Paper meetinglime Parkuntil green,Mill up meetingConnector Park, withthe Possum the upthis Lenapewith trail Hollow the followsTrail. Lenape trail It the isfollowsTrail. marked Middle It Middleis with markedRun Run with to residents of all ages and interests from our flagship of wildlife.ValleyValleyof wildlife.Novice represent represent birdwatchers Novice a vast a vast birdwatcherssampling sampling and ornithologists of tree ofand tree speciesornithologists species delight indigenous indigenous in delight observing to thetoin theobserving All ofAll theAllin of MRV trails theof the trails N Atrails are BeginningBeginningBeginningpurple.streamBeginningPaper near valley Millnear near nearPaper ParkPaperuntil Paper Paper Millmeeting ConnectorMill Mill MillPark, Park, Park,up Park, thiswith this this thistrailthe trail trail Lenapetrailfollows follows follows follows Trail. the the the MiddleItthe Middle isMiddle Middlemarked Run Run Run withRun PiedmontPiedmontPiedmontPiedmontValleyof wildlife.region region regionrepresent ofregion NoviceDelaware,of of Delaware, Delaware,aof vast Delaware,birdwatchers providingsampling providing providingprovi providing dingofnativeand treenative ornithologistsnative specieshabitat native habitat habitat forhabitatindigenous for an fordelight anabundance foran abundance abundancean toin abundancetheobserving AllAllAll ofdirt-packedin of the ofMRV the the trails trails NtrailsA are valleypurple.BeginningMr. Husband’s until nearmeeting significantPaper up withMill the contributionsPark, Lenape this Trail.trail to follows theIt is marked County the Middlewith park system Run HikingPiedmontPiedmonttheof wildlife.this year-round regionspectacular region Novice of birdof Delaware, Delaware, preserve lifebirdwatchers of the providingis providing preserve.a nature and ornithologistsnative sensation. nativeOver habitat 170habitat different fordelight for an an abundancetypes inabundance observing of dirt-packedin MRVAlldirt-packedNA of are the trails streamthroughstreamstreampurple.streamBeginning valley valley shadyvalley valley until until near woodsuntil untilmeeting meeting Papermeeting andmeeting upthenMill up upwith upwithup Park,with with theto the rollingtheLenape this theLenape Lenape Lenapetrail open Trail. Trail. followsTrail. fields.Trail. It Itis It is markedIttheAis marked is markedsmall Middlemarked with pondwith with withRun Rockwood, Glasgow and Carousel parks, to miles of trails theof year-roundwildlife.ofPiedmontthe wildlife. year-round Novice bird regionlife Novicebirdwatchers ofbird ofthe Delaware,lifebirdwatchers preserve. of andthe preserve.ornithologistsprovidingOver and 170 ornithologists Over differentnative delight 170 habitat differenttypes delightin observingfor of antypes in abundance observing of ininin MRVin MRVAMRVMRVmulti-usedirt-packedin MRV MRVNNAN AareNA are Atrails are are streamstreamduring valley valleyhis overuntil until 32meeting yearsmeeting ofup County upwith with the service,the Lenape Lenape including Trail. Trail. It is Ithis markedis developmentmarked with with ofof wildlife.of wildlife.birdsthe wildlife. year-round frequent Novice Novice Novice the birdbirdwatchers birdwatchers area.birdwatchers life Aof walkthe and preserve.anda throughndand ornithologists ornithologists ornithologists OverMiddle 170 delightRun delight different delight can in easilyin observingin typesobserving observing result of in multi-usedirt-packedmulti-usein trails MRV N Atrails are purple.purple.ispurple. circled byvalley the untiltrail. meetingThe purple up withmarked the PossumLenape Trail.Hollow It isConnectors marked with birdsthe year-roundfrequentbirdsof wildlife. thefrequent bird area. Novicelife Athe ofwalk area. the birdwatchers throughpreserve. A walk Middle through Over and ornithologists170 Run Middle different can easilyRun types delightcan result easily of inin observing result in dirt-packeddirt-packeddirt-packedformulti-usedirt-packedin MRV walkers, N Atrails are purple.purple.Possumof Paper HollowMill Park Trail and his stewardship of the Middle Run Valley in the Middle Run Valley Natural Area to athletic fields, theThethethethe year-round sightingsbirdstheof forestsyear-roundyear-round year-round wildlife. year-round frequent of of bird birdNovicerabbits,birdMiddle bird the birdlife lifelife of lifebirdwatchers turtles,ofRunof theof thetheAof the preserve. Valleywalkthe preserve. preserve.raccoons, preserve. preserve. through representand Over OverOver ornithologistsredOver OverMiddle 170 fox 170170 a170 different170orvast differentdifferent Rundifferentwhite-tailed different sampling delightcan types typestypeseasily types types in ofdeer. of ofofobserving resultof treeof in formulti-use walkers,fordirt-packed trails walkers, Possumlink Possumpurple.Hollow the Possum HollowTrail Hollow Trail to the Lenape and Snow Goose trails. sightingsbirds frequent sightingstheof rabbits,year-round the of area.turtles, rabbits, bird A walkraccoons, lifeturtles, ofthrough the raccoons, red preserve. Middlefox or red white-tailed OverRun fox can170or white-tailed easily different deer. result types deer. in of multi-usemulti-usemulti-usehikers,formulti-usedirt-packed walkers, trails trails trails trails MarkedPossumNatural Area.with Hollow lime green,Trail the Possum Hollow trail follows Middle Run birdsbirdsbirdssightingsbirdsthe frequent frequent year-roundfrequent frequent ofthe the rabbits,the area. thearea.bird area. area. A life turtles,A walkA walk A ofwalk walk thethrough raccoons,through throughpreserve. through Middle Middle redMiddle OverMiddle fox Run Run 170orRun Run canwhite-tailed cancandifferent can easilycan easilyeasily easily easily result types result deer.result result inof in in in hikers,for walkers,multi-use hikers,multi-use trails trails MarkedPossum withMarked Hollow lime with green, Trail lime the green, Possum the HollowPossum trail Hollow follows trail Middle follows Run Middle Run dog parks and so much more in neighborhoods throughout sightingsspeciesbirds of indigenous rabbits, frequent turtles, theto the area. raccoons, Piedmont A walk red regionthrough fox orof Middle white-tailedDelaware, Run providing can deer. easily native result in forforfor walkers,runnershikers,formulti-use walkers, walkers, walkers, and trails bicycle PossumPossumPossumthroughMarkedPossum Hollow Hollow Hollowwithshady Hollow lime Trailwoods Trail Trail green,Trail and the then Possum up to rollingHollow open trail fields.follows A Middle small pond Run sightingssightingssightingssightingsbirds of frequent of rabbits,of rabbits,of rabbits, rabbits, the turtles, turtles, area.turtles, turtles, raccoons,A raccoons,racc walkraccoons, raccoons,oons, through red red red fox red fox Middlefox or fox or white-tailedor white-tailedor white-tailed Run white-tailed can deer.easily deer. deer. deer. result in runnershikers,for andrunnersfor walkers, walkers, bicycle and bicycle throughMarkedPossum shadythroughPossum with woods limeParkHollow shady Hollow green, andRoad woods Trail thenthe Trail Connector Possum andup to then rolling Hollow up to open rolling trail fields. follows open A fields. smallMiddle pondA Runsmall pond our county. habitatsightingsMiddle for an abundance ofRun rabbits, Valley turtles,of wildlife. Natural raccoons, redArea. fox or . .white-tailed deer. hikers,hikers,hikers,use.runnershikers,for walkers, and bicycle MarkedMarkedMarkedisthroughMarkedPossum circled with with with withshadylime Hollow bylime lime the limegreen, woodsgreen, green,trail. green,Trail the andtheThe the Possum the Possum then purplePossum Possum up Hollow markedHollowto Hollow rollingHollow trail Possumtrail trailopen trailfollows follows follows fields. followsHollow Middle Middle MiddleA Middle Connectorssmall Run Run Run pond Run MiddleMiddlesightings Run Valley ofRun rabbits, ValleyNatural turtles, Natural raccoons, Area. .redArea. . fox or . .white-tailed deer. use.runners hikers,use.hikers, and bicycle isthrough circledThisMarkedisMarked byshady connectorcircled the with woods trail.with bylime servestheThelime and green, trail. purple green,then as Thethe anup markedthe Possum accepurpleto Possum rollingss Possum from markedHollow openHollow the Hollow Possumfields. traildevelopment trail follows AConnectors followsHollow small Middle of pond MiddleConnectors Chapel Run Run Middle Run Valley Natural Area. . . runnersrunnersrunnersuse.runnershikers, and and and andbicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle throughthroughthroughlinkisthroughMarked circled shady the shady shady Possumwithshady bywoods woods thewoodslime woods Hollow trail.and green,and and thenandThe then to thenthe thenupthepurple up Possum upto Lenape upto rollingto rollingmarkedto rolling rollingHollow and open open PossumSnowopen open fields.trail fields. fields.Goose fields. followsHollow A A small A trails. smallA small Middle Connectorssmall pond pond pond pond Run AMiddle CelebrationA RunCelebration Valley of the NaturalSensesof the Senses Area. . . use. runnersrunners and and bicycle bicycle linkis circledtheHillthrough Possumlinkthrough toby the shadythe Hollow PossumshadyMRVNA trail. woods woodsTheto Hollow the at andpurple the Lenapeand then toSt. thenmarkedthe up Regisand Lenape upto Snow rolling toPossumDrive rolling and Goose openintersection Snow Hollow open trails.fields. Goose fields. Connectors Awith trails. smallA smallPossum pond pond Whether you are looking for a walking trail to explore MiddleNoviceMiddleMiddleAMiddle Celebrationbirdwatchers Run Run Run Run Valley Valley Valley Valleyand of Naturalornithologists theNatural Natural Natural Senses Area. Area. Area.delight Area. . . .in. . observing. the year- use.use.use. NOuse.runners MOTOR and bicycle BIKES. isis iscircledis circledcircledlinkisthrough circled circled the by byby Possumbyshadythe bythethe the trail.the trail. trail. woodstrail. Hollowtrail. The TheThe The andThepurple purplepurpleto purple thenthepurple marked Lenapemarkedupmarked marked markedto rollingPossum and PossumPossum Possum PossumSnow open Hollow HollowHollow GooseHollow fields. Hollow Connectors trails.Connectors Connectors AConnectors Connectorssmall pond MiddleA Celebration Run Valley of the Natural Senses Area. . . NO MOTORNOuse. MOTOR BIKES. BIKES. link Parktheis Possum Road.circled MarkedHollow by the bytotrail. thepurple, The Lenape purplethe andtrail marked Snowfollows Goose Possum rolling trails. Hollowfields of Connectors soy and A roundCelebrationA bird Celebration life of of the the preserve. of Senses the Senses NOuse. MOTOR BIKES. linklinklinklink thePossumlinkis thethe circledthe Possum the PossumPossum Possum Possum Parkby Hollow theHollowHollow Hollow Road Hollowtrail. to toto theThetoConnector thetheto the Lenape thepurple LenapeLenape Lenape Lenape andmarked and and and Snowand SnowSnow Snow PossumSnow Goose GooseGoose Goose Goose Hollowtrails. trails.trails. trails. trails. Connectors the outdoors, a playground for your kids, or a pocket of AA ACelebration ►Celebration Celebration See It of of ofthe the the Senses Senses Senses NO MOTOR BIKES. Possumcorn linkPossumPark before the Road Possum connectingPark Connector RoadHollow to Connectorthe to thePossum Lenape Hollow and Snow Trail. Goose As it trails.crosses the ► See It►A Celebration See It of the Senses NONONO MOTORNO MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR BIKES. BIKES. BIKES. BIKES. ThisPossumlink theconnector Possum Park servesRoadHollow Connectoras to an the access Lenape from and theSnow development Goose trails. of Chapel scenic open space to reflect and unwind, you are just ► See It NONO MOTOR MOTOR BIKES. BIKES. ThisPossum connectoragriculturalThis Park connector serves Roadfields, as Connector serves anthe accesstrail as an parallelsfrom access the fromadevelopment decades-old the development ofhedgerow Chapel of Chapelthat ►Over See It170 different types of birds frequent the area. NO MOTOR BIKES. PossumPossumHillThisPossum toParkconnector Park the Park RoadMRVNA Road servesRoad Connector Connector at Connectoras the an St. access Regis from Drive the intersection development with of PossumChapel ►►► See Throughout► See See SeeIt It It It the seasons, a feast of amazing sights await the eye: Hill todelineatedPossum PossumtheHill MRVNA to Park thePark fieldsMRVNA atRoad Roadthe during St. Connector Connectorat Regis thethe earlySt. Drive Regis part intersection ofDrive the century.intersection with Possum with Possum minutes away from one of the 247 parks in our county park Throughout►Throughout Seethe Itseasons, the seasons,a feast ofa feastamazing of amazingsights await sights the await eye: the eye: ThisThis Thisconnector HillThisPossumconnector connector toconnector the serves Park servesMRVNA serves asservesRoad asan as atanaccess Connectorasan theaccess anaccess St. fromaccess Regisfrom from the from the Drive developmentthe developmentthe development intersection development of ofChapel ofwith Chapel ofChapel Possum Chapel Paper Mill Park Connector beautifulThroughout► See It blooming the seasons, flowers a in feast the Spring,of amazing colorful sights songbirds await and the bright eye: Park Road.ThisThisPark connectorMarked connector Road. by Marked serves purple,serves byas theas purple,an antrail access access follows the fromtrail from rolling followsthe the development developmentfields rolling of soyfields of andof ofChapel Chapel soy and beautifulThroughoutNewA walk beautifulblooming Castle through the blooming seasons,flowers Middle County in aflowers Runthefeast Spring, can inof theeasilyamazing colorful Spring, result sights songbirdscolorful in sightings await songbirds and the brightof eye:rabbits, and bright HillHill Hillto HillThisParktothe to the MRVNA thetoRoad.connector MRVNA theMRVNA MRVNAMarked at servestheat at theby St.theat purple,as St.the Regis Regis St. Regisaccess theDrive Regis Drivetrail Drive from intersection Drivefollows intersection intersectionthe intersection developmentrolling with with fields withPossum withPossum Possumofof Possumsoy Chapel and BeginningMiddle Run near Trailhead Paper Mill Park, this trail follows the Middle Run system. NewThroughoutThroughoutThroughoutbutterfliesbeautifulThroughout Castle the blooming theinthe seasons, thetheCounty seasons,seasons, Summer,seasons, flowers a afeast a feastrunninga infeast feast theof of ofSpring, amazing deerof amazingamazing amazing and colorful sights vibrant sightssights sights songbirdsawait woodland awaitawait await the the andthe colorseye:the eye: brighteye: eye: in HillHillcornPark to to the Road.beforethe MRVNA MRVNA Markedconnecting at byat the thepurple, to St. theSt. Regis RegisPossumthe trail Drive Drive Hollowfollows intersection intersection rolling Trail. Asfieldswith with it crosses Possumof Possum soy andthe butterfliesbeautifulbutterfliesThroughout inblooming the Summer, in flowers thethe Summer,seasons,running in the deerrunningSpring,a feast and colorfuldeervibrantof amazing and woodlandsongbirds vibrant sights woodland colorsand await bright in colorsthe eye: in cornPark beforeSnow Road.ParkHillcorn connecting GooseMarked toRoad.before the MRVNAMarked &connectingby toSnow purple, the by Possum atGo purple, the totheose thetrail St. HollowCut-Off Possumthe followsRegis trail DriveTrail.Hollow follows rollingTrail Asintersection fieldsrolling crosses of Asfields soy itwith the andcrosses of Possumsoy andthe Near the centrally located parking lot is the Middle Run Trailhead. The beautifulturtles,beautifulbeautifulthebutterfliesbeautifulThroughout raccoons, Fall, blooming blooming blooming and blooming in animalredthethe flowers foxflowersSummer, seasons,flowers flowers tracksor white-tailedin in the inand runninga thein the feastSpring, the snowySpring, Spring, Spring, deerdeer.of colorfullandscapes amazingcolorful andcolorful colorful vibrant songbirds songbirds sightsinsongbirds songbirds Winter.woodland awaitand and and brightand brightcolorsthe bright bright eye: in ParkParkPark agriculturalcornRoad. Road. Road. before Marked Marked Marked connectingfields, by by bypurple, purple,the purple, totrail thethe the the trailparallelsPossum trail trail follows follows follows Hollowa rollingdecades-old rolling rolling Trail. fields fields fields As ofhedgerow ofit soyof crossessoy soy and and and thatthe stream valley until meeting up with the Lenape Trail. It is marked with thebutterflies DepartmentFall,Departmentbeautiful andbeautifulthe inFall,animal theblooming and bloomingSummer, tracks animal ofof flowers and Specialrunning flowersSpecialtracks snowy in and theindeer landscapes the snowy Spring, ServicesServicesand Spring, vibrant landscapes colorful in colorfulWinter. woodland songbirds in songbirds Winter. colors and and inbright bright agriculturalcornMarked beforeParkagricultural fields, orange, the Markedfields, trail tothis the bythe parallelsundulating Possumpurple, trail parallels theaHollow pathdecades-old trail is follows a Trail.accessible decades-old Ashedgerowrolling it fromcrosses fields hedgerow thethat theof Water soy thatand markers are brown and there are brown information markers I invite you to visit to learn more butterfliesbutterfliesthebutterfliesbeautiful Fall, in in and theblooming thein Summer, animal theSummer, Summer, flowerstracks running running andrunning in thedeersnowy deer Spring, deerand andlandscapes vibrantand vibrantcolorful vibrant woodland inwoodland songbirds Winter.woodland colors colors and colors inbright in in Middle Run Valley Natural Area… corncorncorn delineatedagriculturalcornbefore before before before connecting connecting connectingthe connectingfields, fields to theduringto theto theto trailthe Possum the Possumthe Possum parallelsPossum early Hollow Hollow partHollow Hollowa of decades-oldTrail. the Trail. Trail. century.Trail. As As Asit As itcrosses hedgerow it crosses itcrosses crosses the the the thatthe purple. butterfliesbutterflies in in the the Summer, Summer, running running deer deer and and vibrant vibrant woodland woodland colors colors in in Middle Run Valley Natural Area… delineatedagriculturalTowerdelineatedcorn the Spur, beforefields,fields the the duringconnectingthe Delaplane fields trail the during earlyparallels toManor the thepart Possum earlySpur ofa thedecades-old partand century.Hollow theof the Lenape century.Trail.hedgerow Trail. As it The thatcrosses Cut- the throughout the park. the Fall,thethebutterflies Fall, and Fall, animaland and animal in tracksanimalthe Summer,tracks and tracks snowyand andrunning snowy landscapessnowy landscapesdeer landscapes and in Winter.vibrant in Winter. woodland colors in MRVNA is one of the most unique NCC photoparks in the state. Hiking this agriculturalagriculturalagriculturaldelineatedagriculturalcorn before fields, fields, thefields, connectingfields, fieldsthe thethe trail theduring trail trail to trailparallels the parallelstheparallels parallelsPossum early a part adecades-old a Hollow decades-olda decades-old ofdecades-old the century.Trail. hedgerow hedgerow Ashedgerow hedgerow it crosses that thatthat thatthe about our county parks, download park and trail mapsNCC and photo thethethethe Fall,► Fall,Fall, Fall,Feel and andand and animalIt animalanimal animal tracks trackstracks tracks and andand and snowy snowysnowy snowy landscapes landscapeslandscapes landscapes in inin Winter.Winter. Winter. MRVNA is one of the NCC most photo unique NCC photo parks in the state. Hiking this delineatedagriculturalagricultural the fields fields, fields,during the the trail earlytrail parallels partparallels ofHiking thea decades-oldacentury. decades-old Trails hedgerow hedgerow that that NCC photoNCC photo ► Feel Itthe► FeelFall, andIt animal tracks and snowy landscapes in Winter. spectacular preserve is a nature NCC sensation. photo The forests of Middle Run delineatedOffdelineateddelineateddelineatedagricultural passes the the the fields through the fields fieldsfields, fields during during during the theduring the middlethetrail the early the early earlyparallels early partof part partHiking ofthepart of theof a the ofloop, the decades-oldcentury. the century. century.Trails century.connecting hedgerow to the that NCC photo ► Feel It spectacular preserve is a nature NCC sensation. photo The forests of Middle Run delineateddelineatedSnow Goose the the fields fields& duringSnow during theGoose the early early Cut-Off part part of theof Trail the century. century. Possum Hollow Trail reserve a park facility for your next social gathering. NCC photo ► Feel It NCC photo NCC photo SnowCorkscrew, GooseSnowdelineated & Goose SnowMill the Race, fields& Goose Snow andduring Cut-OffMountain Goose the early Cut-Off TrailGoat part challenge of Trail the century. trails. Paper Mill Park Connector NCC photoNCC photo ►►► Feel While► Feel Feel Feel It It hikingIt It along the trails, feel the rough bark of the Tulip Tree Valley Birding represent Trail a vast sampling NCC NCC NCC photo photo ofphoto tree species indigenous to the MarkedSnow Goose by orange, & Snow this undulatingGoose Cut-Off path is Trail accessible from the Water Marked with lime green, the Possum Hollow trail follows Middle Run “Welcome to 860 acres of natural beauty. The extensiveNCCNCC trailNCC photo systemphoto photo of While ►hiking►While Feel Feel along Ithiking It the along trails, the feel trails, the roughfeel the bark rough of thebark Tulip of the Tree Tulip Tree BirdingValley BirdingTrail represent Trail a vast sampling NCC of photo tree species indigenous to the MarkedSnow byGooseMarked orange, & by Snow thisorange, undulating Goose this undulating Cut-Off path is accessibleAll Trailpath of is the accessible trailsfrom the fromWater the Water Beginning near Paper Mill Park, this trail follows the Middle Run “Welcome“Welcome to 860 acres to 860 of naturalacres of beauty. natural The beauty. extensive The extensive trail system trailNCC of system photo of comparedWhile► Feel hiking It to thealong smooth the trails,bark offeel the the American rough barkBeech. of Letthe ourTulip fingers Tree Piedmont ABirding one region mile Trail of loop Delaware, designed provi to dingshowcase native the habitat diversity for an of abundance birds found at SnowSnowSnowTowerMarkedSnow Goose Goose Goose Spur,Goose by & orange,& the&Snow Snow& SnowDelaplane Snow thisGoose Goose Goose undulatingGoose Manor Cut-Off Cut-Off Cut-Off Cut-Off Spur Allpath Trail of andTrail Trailisthe Trail accessiblethe trails Lenape from Trail. the The Water Cut- through shady woods and then up to rolling open fields. A small pond “WelcomeMiddle“Welcome Runto to MiddleValley 860 acres runsRun of southValley natural from Naturalbeauty. Paper TheArea.Mill extensive Park with along 860 trail Middleacres system of Run of comparedWhile hikingcompared to the along smooth to thethe bark smoothtrails, of feel thebark Americanthe of roughthe American Beech.bark of Let Beech.the our Tulip fingersLet Treeour fingers ABirding onePiedmont mileA Trail oneloop region mile designed ofloop Delaware, designedto showcase providing to showcase the nativediversity the habitat diversityof birds for an foundof abundance birds at found at TowerMarkedThe Spur,TowerSnow by Tri-Valley theorange, Spur,GooseDelaplane thisthe &Trail Delaplaneundulating SnowManor GooseSpur Manor path and Cut-Off is Spurinthe accessible MRVA Lenape and Trail the are Trail. fromLenape Thethe Trail. WaterCut- The Cut- stream valley until meeting up with the Lenape Trail. It is marked with MatthewMiddle“Welcome Run“WelcomeMiddle Valleyto Meyer 860 Run acresrunsto Valley 860 southof acres naturalruns from of south naturalbeauty.Paper from Mill beauty.The Paper Parkextensive TheMill along extensive Park trail Middle along system trail Run Middle systemof Run of WhileWhileWhilecomparecomparedWhile hiking hiking hiking hiking the along toalong alongsoft thealong the smoothgreenthe the trails,the trails, trails,moss trails,bark feel feel in feel of feelthe the the forest,roughthe roughAmerican rough rough smoothbark bark bark barkBeech.of of tumbledofthe ofthe the TulipLetthe Tulip Tulip rocksourTulip Tree Tree fingers Treein Tree the ofBirding Birdingwildlife.BirdingMiddleABirding one Trail TrailNovice mileRun,Trail Trail loop the birdwatchers traildesigned leads tovisitorsand showcase ornithologists through the adiversity varietydelight ofinof observing habitats.birds found Early- at MarkedMarkedMarkedOffTowerMarkedSnow by passesby bySpur,Gooseorange, byorange, orange, orange, thethrough &this Delaplanethis Snowthis undulatingthis undulating theundulating undulatingGoose Manormiddle path Cut-Offpath Spurpath in ofpathis MRVis accessibletheisand accessibleis accessible Trail accessibleNtheloop,A Lenapeare from connecting from from from Trail.the the the Waterthe WaterThe Water toWater Cut-the is circled by the trail. The purple marked Possum Hollow Connectors “Welcome“Welcomepristine“WelcomeCreekMiddle land, to Runto 860theto this860 860 Valley trailsacres parkacres acres of ofisruns of Whiteanaturalof naturenatural southnatural Clay beauty. l fromover’sbeauty. beauty. Creek Paper Theparadise. The TheState extensiveMill extensive extensive Park. LookPark trail Birds,along fortrail trail turtles,system system Middledeer,system spot offoxes, of Runof comparecompared compareWhilethe to soft thehiking green thesmooth soft alongmoss greenbark inthe theofmoss trails, theforest, in American feelthe smooth forest,the roughBeech. tumbled smooth bark Let rockstumbled ourof theinfingers therocksTulip in Tree the MiddleA ofone wildlife. Run,mileMiddleBirding theloop Novice Run,trail Traildesigned leadsthe birdwatchers trail visitors to leads showcase through visitorsand ornithologists the athrough varietydiversity aof varietydelight ofhabitats. birds ofin found habitats.Early-observing at Early- OffTower passesThe Spur,OffMarked red through passesandthe by Delaplanewhite orange,throughthe rings middle Manorthis markthe undulating ofSpurmiddlethe theTri-Valley and dirt-packed loop,of paththe theLenape is connectingtrail. accessibleloop, This Trail. connecting trail Thetofrom runs theCut- the from toWater the purple. CreekMiddle to Middle“WelcomeCreekRunthe trails Valley to Run theof to runsValleyWhite trails860 south acres ofClayruns White fromof southCreek natural ClayPaper from State Creekbeauty. Mill Paper Park. ParkState TheMill Birds, along Park.extensive Park deer, Middle Birds,along foxes,trail Middledeer,Run system foxes, Run of comparedcomparedcomparedstream,comparecomparedWhile to hiking toand thetothe theto the warm smoothsoft thesmoothalong smooth smoothgreen petals barkthe bark moss barkof trails, barkof flowersof ofthein theof feelthe Americanthe American in forest,Americanthe theAmerican roughmeadow. smooth Beech. Beech. Beech. barkBeech. tumbledLet Letof Let ourLetthe our our rocksfingersourTulip fingers fingers fingers in Tree the theAA oneyear-roundA onesuccessionalMiddleABirding one mileone mile mile mileloopRun, loopbirdTrail loop loop designedforest,the lifedesigned designed trail designedof createdthe leads to showcaseto showcasetovisitors byshowcase showcase the Over throughtheMiddle the the 170 diversitythe diversity diversity differentaRundiversity variety Reforestationof of ofbirds types ofbirdsof birds habitats.birds foundof found found foundProject, atEarly- at at at TowerTowerTowerCorkscrew,OffTowerMarked Spur, Spur, passesSpur, Spur, theby the the orange,MillDelaplane the throughDelaplane Delaplane DelaplaneRace, this theManorand Manorundulating Manor MountainManormiddle Spur Spur Spur Spur and dirt-packedofpath andGoat and theand theis the challengeLenape accessiblethe loop,Lenape Lenape Lenape Trail.connecting Trail.trails. Trail.from Trail. The The Thethe Cut-The Cut- to WaterCut- Cut-the link the Possum Hollow to the Lenape and Snow Goose trails. CountyMiddleMiddlesongbirdsMiddlefrogs,Creek ExecutiveRun Run Runtall toor Valley theValley just treesValley trails enjoy runsand runs runsof thesouthsmall southWhite southsilence. fromflowers from Clayfrom Paper Paper CreekPaperwill Mill allMill StateMill greetPark Park ParkPark. alongvisitors along along Birds, Middle Middle toMiddle deer,this Run Runspecial foxes,Run stream,compare andstream,compared the warm soft and petals greento warm the ofmoss smooth petalsflowers in of thebark in flowers forest,the of meadow. the insmooth theAmerican meadow. tumbled Beech. rocks Let in ourthe fingers successionalMiddlethe year-round successionalARun, one forest, the mile trailbird created loopforest, leadslife designedof byvisitors createdthe the preserve. Middleto throughby showcase the Over Run Middlea variety 170Reforestationthe differentRundiversity of habitats.Reforestation types ofProject, birds Early- of foundProject, at Corkscrew,Off thepassesCorkscrew,Tower eastern Mill through Spur, Race, portion Mill the andthe DelaplaneRace, ofMountain middleWhite and MountainManor ClayGoatof the challenge CreekSpurmulti-use loop,Goat andState challenge connectingtrails.the trails ParkLenape andtrails. the the TheJudge Cut- frogs,Creek tall toCreekMiddlefrogs, treesthe trails tallto andRun the trees smallof Valleytrails White and flowers of runs small ClayWhite south willflowersCreek Clay allfrom State greetCreekwill Paper Park.allvisitors State Millgreet Birds, Park. Park tovisitors this deer, Birds,along special tofoxes, Middledeer,this special foxes, Run comparecomparecomparestream,comparecompared the the the andsoft the soft tosoft warm greensoftthe green green smoothgreen petals moss moss moss moss of inbark in flowersthein thein the offorest, the forest, theforest, inforest, theAmericansmooth smooth smoothmeadow. smooth tumbled tumbledBeech. tumbled tumbled rocks Letrocks rocks rocksour in in theinfingers thein the the birdsMiddleMiddleMiddle providessuccessionalMiddleAfrequent oneRun, Run, Run, mileRun, thecover the the looparea.trail forest, thetrail andtrail trail leadsdesignedA leads nestingleadswalkcreated leads visitors visitors throughvisitors tohabitatvisitors by showcasethrough thethrough Middlethrough for throughMiddle many a the avarietyRun avariety avarietyRundiversitycolorful varietycan ofReforestation easilyof habitats.of habitats.songbirds.of ofhabitats. habitats.resultbirds Early- Early-in found Early-Project,Mature Early- at OffOffOff Corkscrew,OffTower passes passes passespasses Spur, through through throughMill thethrough DelaplaneRace, the the the themiddle and middle middle MountainManormiddle of of ofSpur themulti-useof the Goat the the loop,and loop, loop,challenge theloop, trails connecting Lenape connecting connectingconnecting trails. Trail. to to The to theto the the Cut-the CreekCreek Creekpark.”frogs, to to theto thetall the trails trailstrees trails of ofand Whiteof White Whitesmall Clay Clay flowersClay Creek Creek Creek will State State Stateall Park. greetPark. Park. Birds,visitors Birds, Birds, deer, deer,to deer, thisfoxes, foxes, foxes,special stream, compareand warm the petals soft ofgreen flowers moss in in the the meadow. forest, smooth tumbled rocks in the providessuccessionalbirds providesMiddlecoverfrequent forest,and Run, thecover nesting area.createdthe and trail Ahabitat nesting walk byleads the throughfor habitatvisitors Middle many Middle forthroughcolorful Run many RunReforestation asongbirds.colorful variety can easily songbirds.of Mature habitats.Project, result in Mature Early- Corkscrew,MorrisOff Estate,Millpasses Race, thenthrough and across Mountain the MRVNA middle Goat following forchallengeof walkers,the theloop, trails. northeast connecting portion to of the park.”frogs, tallCreekpark.” trees to andthe smalltrails offlowers White will Clay all Creek greet Statevisitors Park. to thisBirds, special deer, foxes, stream,stream,stream,►stream,compare and Taste and and warmand warmthe warmIt warm soft petals petals petals green petals of of flowers of moss flowersof flowers flowers in in thein thein the in forest,the meadow. themeadow. meadow. meadow. smooth tumbled rocks in the sightingssuccessionalsuccessionalsuccessionalwoodlands,providessuccessionalMiddle of rabbits, Run, forest,cover forest, forest,riparian forest,the turtles, andcreated trailcreated created nesting created(stream leadsracc by by oons, byhabitatthevisitors byside)the the Middleredthe Middle forest,Middlefor throughfoxMiddle many orRun Runand white-tailedRun aRuncolorfulReforestation varietymeadowsReforestation Reforestation Reforestation songbirds.of deer. arehabitats. Project, allProject, Project, featured Project,Mature Early- Corkscrew,Corkscrew,Corkscrew,TheCorkscrew,Off passesTri-Valley Mill Mill Mill MillRace,through Race, Race, Race, Trailand and and theMountainand Mountain Mountain Mountainmiddle Goat Goat forGoatof Goat challenge walkers, thechallenge challenge challengeloop, trails. trails. connectingtrails. trails. to the PossumPossum ParkHollow Road Trail Connector frogs,frogs,frogs,park.”frogs, tall tall tall trees tall trees trees trees and and and smalland small small small flowers flowers flowers flowers will will will willall all allgreet allgreet greet greet visitors visitors visitors visitors to to thisto thisto this specialthis special special special ► Taste►stream, It Taste and It warm petals of flowers in the meadow. woodlands,providessightingswoodlands,successional cover riparian of rabbits, and (streamriparian nestingforest, turtles, side)habitatcreated(stream raccoons, forest, for byside) many theredand forest, fox Middle meadowscolorful or and white-tailed Run songbirds.meadows are Reforestation all featured deer. are Mature all featuredProject, The Tri-ValleytheTheCorkscrew, Lenape Tri-Valley trail,Trail Mill and Race, intoTrail Whiteand Mountain Clay Creekhikers, Goat State challenge Park. trails. park.”Paul park.”frogs, G. tall Clark trees and small flowers will all greet visitors to this special ►stream, Taste and It warm petals of flowers in the meadow. providesprovidesprovidesonwoodlands,providessuccessional this cover cover uniquecover cover and riparian and forest,and trail nestingand nesting nesting dedicated nesting created(stream habitat habitat habitat habitat byside)to for naturefoforthe for manyr forest, for manyMiddle many observation.many colorful andcolorful colorful Runcolorful meadows songbirds.Reforestation songbirds. songbirds. songbirds. are Matureall Mature Mature featured Project,Mature TheCorkscrew, red Tri-Valley and Mill white Race, Trail rings and mark Mountain the Tri-Valleyhikers, Goat challenge trail. This trails. trail runs from ThisMarked connector with lime serves green, as thean Possumaccess from Hollow the traildevelopment follows Middle of Chapel Run park.”park.”park.”Thomas P. Gordon ► Taste It onwoodlands, this uniqueonprovides this riparian trail unique cover dedicated (stream trail and dedicated nestingto side) nature forest,habitat toobservation. nature and for observation.manymeadows colorful are allsongbirds. featured Mature TheThe red Tri-Valley andThe white red and rings Trail white mark rings the markTri-Valley the Tri-Valleyrunners trail. This and trail. trail bicycle This runs trailfrom runs from ThomasNewThomaspark.” P. Castle Gordon P. County Gordon Executive ►►► Taste Enjoy► Taste Taste Taste It aIt Itpicnic It along the trails and stake out your own special place Middlewoodlands,woodlands,woodlands,Hikingonwoodlands,provides this Run uniqueonlyriparian ripariancover riparian Valleyriparian– notrail and(stream biking,(stream (streamdedicatednesting (streamNatural side)except side) side)habitat side) toforest, on forest,fonature Area.forest,rest, Lenapeforest,for and observation.andmany and. meadowsand . Trail meadows meadowscolorful meadows portion. are aresongbirds. are all are all allfeatured allfeatured featured featured Mature TheTheThe theTheTri-Valley Tri-Valley Tri-Valley easternred Tri-Valley and portionwhite Trail Trail Trail Trail rings of White mark theClay Tri-Valleyrunners Creek Stateand trail. bicyclePark This andtrail theruns Judge from Hillthrough to the shady MRVNA woods at and the then St. upRegis to rollingDrive openintersection fields. Awith small Possum pond Thomas P. Gordon Enjoy ►a ►Enjoypicnic Taste Taste aalongIt picnic It the along trails the and trails stake and out stake your outown your special own place special place HikingonMiddle this only uniqueHikingwoodlands, – noRun trailonly biking, dedicatedValleyriparian– no except biking, (stream Naturalto on natureexcept Lenape side) observation.on Area. Trail Lenapeforest, portion. .and Trail. meadows portion. are all featured theThe eastern redThetheThe and Tri-Valley portioneastern Tri-Valleywhite ringsofportion WhiteTrail mark Trail of Clay theWhite Tri-ValleyCreek Clay Stateuse. Creek trail. Park ThisState and trail Park the runs Judgeand from the Judge NewThomas CastleNew P. County CastleGordon County Executive Executive amongEnjoy► Taste athe picnic Ittowering along trees the intrails the forest.and stake Relax out and your soak own in the special solitude place as onon onthis Hikingonwoodlands,this this uniquethis unique unique uniqueonly trail trailriparian– trail nodedicatedtrail dedicatededicated biking,dedicated dedicated (stream dexceptto to natureto natureside)to nature onnature observation.Lenapeforest, observation. observation. observation. and Trail meadows portion. are all featured TheTheThe redMorristheThe red red andeasternred Tri-Valleyand and Estate,whiteand white white portionwhite ringsthen rings rings Trail rings acrossmarkof mark markWhite mark the MRVNA the the Tri-Valley the ClayTri-Valley Tri-Valley Tri-Valleyuse. followingCreek trail. trail. trail.State trail. This the This This Park northeastThistrail trail trail andtrailruns runs runs theportionrunsfrom from fromJudge from of Parkis circled Road. by Marked the trail. by Thepurple, purple the trailmarked follows Possum rolling Hollow fields Connectors of soy and ThomasThomasThomasThomasNew CastleP. P. P.Gordon P.Gordon Gordon GordonCounty Executive amongEnjoy the aamong picnictowering the along toweringtrees the in trailsthe trees forest. andin the stakeRelax forest. outand Relax yoursoak andinown the soak special solitude in the place assolitude as HikingA Celebration onlyon this – nounique biking, oftrail exceptthe dedicated Senses on Lenape to nature Trail observation. portion. Morristhe easternThe Estate,MorrisThe red red portion andthen Estate, and white across whiteof then ringsWhite MRVNA rings across mark Clay mark MRVNA thefollowing Creek the Tri-Valley Tri-Valley Statefollowing the northeast trail.Park trail. the Thisand northeastThis portion trailthe trail Judgeruns of portionruns from from of ThomasNew Castle P. GordonCounty Executive EnjoyEnjoyEnjoyyouamongEnjoy a a enjoypicnic a picnic athepicnic picnic atowering along tastealong along along ofthe the treesthe trailsthe wild.trails trails intrails andthe and and forest.andstake stake stake stake outRelax out out yourout your andyour yourown soakown own ownspecial inspecial specialthe special solitudeplace place place place as AHikingHiking CelebrationHikingCorkscrew,Hikingon onlythis only only uniqueonly– –no – no –nobiking, noMountainbiking,oftrail biking, biking, the dedicated except except exceptSenses except Goat,on on to onLenape onLenapenature Lenapeand Lenape Trail observation.Mill Trail Trail Trail portion. Race portion.portion. portion. portion. Trails thethethe easterntheMorrisThe eastern eastern Lenape easternred Estate, portion andportion portion trail, portionwhite then of andof ringsof White across ofWhiteinto White White mark White ClayMRVNA Clay Clay theClay ClayCreek Creek Tri-ValleyCreek following CreekCreek State State State State trail.Park thePark Park Park. ParknortheastThisand and and andthetrail the the Judgethe portionrunsJudge Judge Judge from of cornlink thebefore Possum connecting Hollow to to the the Possum Lenape Hollowand Snow Trail. Goose As trails. it crosses the New CastleNewThomas Castle County P. GordonCounty Executive Executive youamong enjoy theyouEnjoy a tastetowering enjoy a ofpicnic athe taste trees wild. along of in the the the wild. forest. trails Relax and stakeand soak out inyour the ownsolitude special as place Corkscrew,Corkscrew,Hiking Mountain only – noMountain biking,Goat, exceptand Goat, Mill on and Lenape Race Mill Trails Trail Race portion. Trails theMorris Lenapethe theEstate, eastern trail, Lenapeeastern thenand portion trail, intoportionacross White andof MRVNA ofintoWhite ClayWhite White ClayCreek following Clay Clay Creek StateNO CreekCreek MOTORthe Park.State northeastState Park Park.BIKES.Park andportion and the the ofJudge Judge NewNew NewRULES Castle Castle Castle AND County County REGULATIONS:County Executive Executive Executive SUMMARY amongamongamongyouamongEnjoy the enjoythe the towering athe towering picnictowering atowering taste treesalong oftrees trees thetrees in thein wild.thein the in thetrails forest. the forest. forest. forest.and Relax Relax Relaxstake Relax and and outand soakand soak yoursoak soakin in theinown thein the solitude the solitudespecial solitude solitude as placeas as as Corkscrew,Hiking only – noMountain biking, except Goat, on and Lenape Mill Trail Race portion. Trails MorrisMorristheMorris Estate, Lenape easternEstate, Estate, then trail,thenportion thenacross andacross across ofinto MRVNA MRVNAWhite White MRVNA Clay followingClay followingNO following CreekCreek MOTOR the Statethe northeast the northeast Park.BIKES. Parknortheast andportion portion theportion of Judgeof of agricultural fields, the trail parallels a decades-old hedgerow that RULES ANDNewRULES REGULATIONS: Castle AND REGULATIONS: County SUMMARY Executive SUMMARY you enjoyamongamong a thetaste the towering of towering the wild. trees trees in thein the forest. forest. Relax Relax and and soak soak in thein the solitude solitude as as Corkscrew,These challenge Mountain trails enjoyed Goat, by andmountain Mill bikersRace areTrails marked in black. MorrisMorris Estate, Estate, then then across across MRVNA MRVNA following following the the northeast northeast portion portion of of RULES AND REGULATIONS: SUMMARY youyou enjoyyouamong enjoy enjoy a theataste taste atowering tasteof of the theof wild. thetreeswild. wild. in the forest. Relax and soak in the solitude as TheseCorkscrew,► challengeSeeThese It challengeMountain trails enjoyed trails Goat, byenjoyed mountain and by Mill mountain bikers Race are Trailsbikers marked are in marked black. in black. thethe Lenapethe LenapetheMorris Lenape Lenapetrail, trail,Estate, trail, and trail, and intoand then intoand intoWhite across Whiteinto White Clay White MRVNA Clay Clay Creek Clay Creek Creek Statefollowing Creek State State Park. State Park. Park.the Park. northeast portion of delineatedPossum Park the fields Road during Connector the early part of the century. RULESRULES AND REGULATIONS: AND REGULATIONS: SUMMARY SUMMARY youyou► enjoy enjoy Smell a ataste tasteIt of of the the wild. wild. ►Corkscrew,Corkscrew, SeeCorkscrew,Corkscrew,These It challenge Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain trails Goat,enjoyed Goat,Goat Goat, Goat, and, byand and andmountainMill Mill Mill Mill Race Race Race bikersRace Trails Trails Trails areTrails marked in black. thethethe LenapeLenape Lenape trail,trail, trail, andand and intointo into WhiteWhite White ClayClay Clay CreekCreek Creek StateState State Park.Park. Park. RULESRULESRULES AND AND AND REGULATIONS: REGULATIONS: REGULATIONS: SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY ► Smell►you It Smell enjoy aIt taste of the wild. These challengeCorkscrew, trails Mountainenjoyed by mountainGoat, and bikers Mill are Race marked Trails in black. the Lenape trail, and into White Clay Creek State Park. RULESRULES1. HOURSAND AND REGULATIONS: REGULATIONS: - All New Castle SUMMARY SUMMARYCounty parks are open year-round. Hours ► Smell It TheseTheseTheseCorkscrew,These challenge challenge challenge challenge trails trailsMountain trails trails enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed byGoat, by bymountain bymountainm mountainountain andmountain Millbikers bikers bikers bikersRace are are are marked areTrailsmarked marked marked in in black. black. This connector serves as an access from the development of Chapel 1. HOURSRULES1. -HOURS All AND New REGULATIONS:- CastleAll New County Castle parks County SUMMARY are parks open areyear-round. open year-round. Hours Hours ► Smell It ThroughoutTheseCreeksideThese challenge challengethe seasons,Trail trails trails enjoyed aenjoyed feast by ofbymountain mountainamazing bikers sightsbikers are are awaitmarked marked the in black.ineye: black. 1. 1.HoursofHOURS operation All New - All Castle Neware CastledawnCounty toCounty parks dusk, areparks except open are on withopen a year-round permissionyear-round. basis. ofHours the ►► Smell Can► Smell Smell your It It noseIt detect the scent of the fresh earth after a rain, the delicate CreeksideThroughoutCreeksideThese Trail challenge the Trailseasons, trails aenjoyed feast byof mountainamazing bikerssights areawait marked the ineye: black. SnowHill to Goose the MRVNA & Snow at theGo oseSt. RegisCut-Off Drive Trail intersection with Possum 1. ofHOURS operationof - Alloperation are New dawn Castle are to Countydawndusk, toparksexcept dusk, are with exceptopen permission year-round. with permission of Hoursthe of the Can your►►Can Smellnose Smell your detect It It nose the detect scent theof thescent fresh of theearth fresh after earth a rain, after the a delicaterain, the delicate beautiful TakeCreekside blooming a short Trail detour flowers off in the the Tri-Valley Spring, colorful and Lenape songbirds Trail. and It crossesbright two operation of- All--operation -AllAll All-New AllNewNew New NewCastleare CastleCastle areCastle Castledawn dawn County CountyCounty County to Countyto dusk,parksdusk, parksparks parks parks areexceptexcept areare are openare openopen openwith withopen year-round. year-round. year-round. permission year-round. permissionyear-round. Hours HoursHoursof Hours oftheHours the perfumeCan► Smell your of nose It wildflowers, detect the scentthe pleasant of the fresh aroma earth of pineafter trees,a rain, and the thedelicate rich TakeCreekside a shortTake detour Traila short off detour the Tri-Valley off the Tri-Valley and Lenape and Trail. Lenape It crossesTrail. It two crosses two Park Road. Marked by purple, the trail follows rolling fields of soy and Department.1.of 1.operationHOURSHOURSDepartment. are - Alldawn New toCastle dusk, County except parks with are permission open year-round. of the Hours perfume perfumeof wildflowers, of wildflowers, the pleasant the aromapleasant of aroma pine trees, of pine and trees, the richand the rich beautifulCreeksideDelaplaneCreeksideCreeksidebridgesTakeCreekside blooming a shortTrailand ManorTrail Trail meandersTrail detour flowers Spur off alongin the the Tri-ValleyMiddle Spring, Run. colorful and Lenape songbirds Trail. and It crossesbright two Marked by orange, this undulating path is accessible from the Water 1.2.ofofDepartment. ofoperation TEMPORARYHOURSDepartment.of operationoperation operation - are All areare Newaredawn CLOSURE dawndawn Castledawn to to to dusk, to dusk,County-dusk, Thedusk, except exceptGeneral parksexcept except with are withManagerwith withopenpermission permissionpermission permissionyear-round. has theof of authorityof the of theHoursthe the Can yourCanperfume nose your detect of nose wildflowers, the detect scent the of scentthe the pleasantfresh of the earth fresh aroma after earth of a rain,pineafter thetrees,a rain, delicate and the thedelicate rich bridgesbutterfliesCreekside andbridges meanders in theand Trail Summer,meanders along Middle running along Run. Middle deer and Run. vibrant woodland colors in corn before connecting to the Possum Hollow Trail. As it crosses the 2. TEMPORARYDepartment.2.of ofTEMPORARYoperation operation CLOSURE are are CLOSUREdawn - dawnThe to General to dusk,- Thedusk, ManagerexceptGeneral except with Managerhas with thepermission permission authority has the ofauthority ofthe the CanCanCan smellperfumeyour your your nose of nose noseripeningof detect detectwildflowers, detect theberries? the the scent scent scent the of of theofpleasant the the fresh fresh fresh eartharoma earth earth after ofafter after pine a arain, arain, trees,rain, the the thedelicateand delicate delicate the rich TakebutterfliesTakeTake a TakeCreeksidebridgesshort a ashort short inadetour shortand thedetour detour Summer,meanders Trail offdetour off the off the offTri-Valley the runningalong Tri-Valleythe Tri-Valley Tri-ValleyMiddle deer and andand Run.Lenapeand Lenapeandvibrant Lenape LenapeTrail. Trail.woodland Trail. It Trail. crossesIt Itcrosses crossesItcolors crossestwo two intwo two Tower Spur, the Delaplane Manor Spur and the Lenape Trail. The Cut- 2. 2.Department.Department.TemporaryDepartment.toofTEMPORARYDepartment. temporarilyoperation Closure areCLOSUREclose dawnThe a museumManger to - Thedusk, hasGeneralor except thethe grounds authorityManager with permissionwhen tohas temporarily therequired authority of the by smellperfume of ripeningsmellCan of wildflowers,your of berries?ripening nose detect berries?the thepleasant scent aromaof the freshof pine earth trees, after and a rain, the therich delicate theThisTake Fall,Takebridges atrailand ashort short animalandconnects detour detourmeanders tracks off Deoff laplanetheand alongthe Tri-Valley snowyTri-Valley MiddleAvenue landscapes Run.and andto Lenape theLenape in MRVNA.Winter. Trail. Trail. It It crossesMarked crosses two bytwo 2. toTEMPORARY temporarilyDepartment.toDepartment. temporarily close CLOSURE a museumclose - Thea museumor General the grounds orManager the groundswhen has required the when authority requiredby by perfumeperfumeperfumesmellperfumeCan ofyour of ofwildflowers, ripeningwildflowers,of nosewildflowers, wildflowers, detect berries? the thethe the pleasantscentthe pleasant pleasant pleasant of thearoma aroma aroma fresh aroma of of earthpineof pineof pine pineaftertrees, trees, trees, trees,a andrain, and and theand thethe the rich thedelicaterich rich rich bridgesthe Fall, Takeand and meanders a shortanimal detour alongtracks offMiddle and the snowy Tri-Valley Run. landscapes and Lenape in Winter. Trail. It crosses two Offagricultural passes throughfields, the the trail middle parallels of thea decades-oldloop, connecting hedgerow to thatthe 2.2. 2.TEMPORARYTEMPORARYclosetoPublicDepartment.TEMPORARY temporarilya county Health, CLOSURE CLOSURE park SafetyCLOSUREclose when anda- The-museum required TheWelfare. - GeneralThe General General orby the Manager PublicManager grounds Manager Health, has has when thehas theSafety, authority the requiredauthority authority and by perfumeperfume of ofwildflowers, wildflowers, the the pleasant pleasant aroma aroma of ofpine pine trees, trees, and and the the rich rich bridgespurple,bridgesbridgesbridges and andthe and meandersand meanders pathmeanders meanders steeply along along along along Middledescends Middle Middle Middle Run. Run. Run.into Run. the valley from Delaplane Public2.to2. temporarily TEMPORARYHealth,TEMPORARYPublic Safety Health,close CLOSUREand CLOSURE aSafety museumWelfare. and - - TheWelfare. orThe the General General grounds Manager Manager when hasrequired has the the authority authorityby smellsmellsmell ofsmellperfume ripeningof of ripening ripeningof ripeningof berries? wildflowers, berries? berries? berries? the pleasant aroma of pine trees, and the rich Delaplanebridges and meandersManor Spur along Middle Run. delineated the fields during the early part of the century. 3.2.totoWelfare. temporarily temporarilyPublictoMOTORTEMPORARY temporarily Health, VEHICLES close close SafetyCLOSUREclose a amuseum museum anda- Nomuseum Welfare. -motor Theor or the Generaltheorvehicles groundsthe grounds grounds Manager shall when when be when hasrequireddriven required therequired exceptauthority by by byin smellsmell of of ripening ripening berries? berries? DelaplaneAvenue.Delaplanebridges Manor It andthen meandersSpurManor levels out Spur along and Middleis easy travel to its junction with the Corkscrew, Mill Race, and Mountain Goat challenge trails. 3. MOTORPublic3.toto Health,MOTORtemporarilyVEHICLES temporarily Safety VEHICLES close- closeandNo motorWelfare.a a museum -museum No vehicles motor or or shallthevehicles the grounds groundsbe drivenshall when whenbe except driven required required in except by by in smell of ripening berries? ► FeelThisDelaplane It trail connects Manor DelaplaneSpur Avenue to the MRVNA. Marked by 3. 3.PublicPublicMotorareastoMOTORPublic Health,temporarily Health,Vehicles specificallyHealth, VEHICLESSafety Safety No Safetyclose and motordesignatedand Welfare.anda- Welfare. No museumvehicles Welfare. motor for theirshallorvehicles the grounds driven shallAll motor be exceptwhen driven vehicle requiredin exceptareas laws byofin ► Hear It ThisDelaplane► trailSnow FeelThis connects GooseIt Manortrail Trail. connectsDelaplane Spur Delaplane Avenue Avenueto the MRVNA. to the MRVNA. Marked Markedby by NCC photo areas PublicspecificallyPublicareas Health, Health, specifically designated Safety SafetyNo designated and motorand for Welfare. theirWelfare. vehicles use.for their All shall motor use. be Allvehicledriven motor exceptlaws vehicle of in laws of ► Hear► It Hear It NCC photo DelaplaneDelaplaneDelaplanepurple,ThisDelaplane trail Manorthe Manor Manorconnects Manorpath Spur Spursteeply Spur DelaplaneSpur descends Avenue into to the the valleyMRVNA. from MarkedDelaplane by 3. 3.MOTOR3.MOTORspecificallyareasthePublicMOTOR VEHICLES State VEHICLESspecificallyHealth, designated VEHICLESof Delaware -Safety designated-No No forand- must motor No motortheir Welfare. motor be vehicles foruse. vehiclesfollowed. theirvehicles All shalluse.motor shall shallAllbe bevehicle motordriven bedriven driven vehiclelawsexcept except exceptof lawsinthe in ofin ► Hear It purple,This Delaplane trailtheDelaplanepurple, connectspath the Manorsteeply ManorpathDelaplane descendsSpursteeply Spur Avenue descends into tothe theintovalley MRVNA. the fromvalley DelaplaneMarked from Delaplaneby Snow Goose & Snow Goose Cut-Off Trail 3.the3.3. StateMOTORMOTORMOTOR theof Delaware StateVEHICLES VEHICLES VEHICLES of Delaware must - -be -No No followed.must motor motor be vehiclesfollowed. vehicles shall shall be be driven driven except except in in ►“Welcome Hear It to Middle Run Valley Natural Area. with 860 acres of This This ThisDelaplanepurple,trail trail trailconnects connectsthe connects Manorpath Delaplane Delaplanesteeply DelaplaneSpur descends Avenue Avenue Avenue to intoto the to the theMRVNA. theMRVNA. valleyMRVNA. fromMarked Marked MarkedDelaplane by by by The Tri-Valley Trail areas4.3.State specificallytheareasPOSTINGMOTOR of State Delaware specifically VEHICLESof designated- DelawareNo must signs designated be - mustfor orNo followed. theirmarkers motor be for use.followed. theirvehicles can All use.motorbe shallputAll vehicle motorin be place, driven vehiclelaws except ofexcept laws with ofin ►► Hear The► Hear Hear drummingIt It It of woodpeckers, the hooting of owls, the trilling of WhileThisThisAvenue.purple, hikingtrail trail connects thealongItconnects then path the levels Delaplane steeplyDelaplanetrails, out feelanddescends Avenue Avenue theis easy rough intoto toto thetravelbarkthe MRVNA. MRVNA. valleyofto theits junctionTulipfrom MarkedMarked DelaplaneTree with byby the Birding Trail 4. POSTING4.3.areasareasareasPOSTINGMOTOR specifically- specificallyNo specifically signs VEHICLES - Nodesignatedor designated designatedmarkerssigns - orNo forcanmarkers formotor fortheir theirbe their putuse.vehicles canuse. use. in Allbe Allplace, All motorshall putmotor motor in except bevehicle place,vehicle vehicledriven with lawsexcept laws exceptlaws of of withof in Thepristine drumming►►The Hear Hearland, drumming It ofthisIt woodpeckers, park of is awoodpeckers, nature the l over’shooting the paradise. ofhooting owls, Look ofthe owls,for trilling turtles, the of trillingspot of Avenue.purple,While ThisAvenue.It the hikingthen pathtrail levels Italong connectssteeplythen out thelevels and descendstrails,Delaplane isout easy feeland tointo isthe Avenuetravel easy roughthe to valley to travelitsbark thejunction fromoftoMRVNA. itsthe Delaplane withjunctionTulip theMarked Tree with theby Birding Trail TheMarked red andby orange,white rings this markundulating the Tri-Valley path is accessible trail. This from trail runsthe Water from the4. StatethewrittenareasPOSTING of State Delaware specifically permission of - DelawareNo must signs designated of be themust orfollowed. markersDepartment. be for followed. their can use.Salesbe putAll or motorin solicitation place, vehicle except are laws alsowith of “Welcome toads,The► Hear drumming toand 860 It the acres humming of ofwoodpeckers, natural of bees beauty. maythe The allhooting extensivebe heard of owls, whiletrail system theexploring trilling of theof comparedpurple,Doublepurple,purple,SnowAvenue.purple, the to the HorseshoeGoosethe the paththe It path paththen smooth pathTrail.steeply steeplylevelssteeply steeplyTrail bark descends out descends of descends anddescends the isAmerican intoeasy intointo into the to the the travel Beech.valley the valleyvalley valleyto from Letits from from junctionourfrom Delaplane DelaplanefingersDelaplane Delaplane with the A one mile loop designed to showcase the diversity of birds found at written4. 4.thethePostingthe permissionthe StatewrittenareasPOSTING StateState State of No specificallyofof Delawarepermissionof Delaware Delawaresigns of Delaware- the or Department. mustmarkersdesignated mustofmust must the be bebe Department.befollowed.can followed.followed. followed.forSales be their put or in use.Salessolicitation place, All or exceptmotor solicitation are vehicle with also written are laws also of toads,songbirds andtoads, the or hummingand just theenjoy humming of the bees silence. mayof bees all bemay heard all bewhile heard exploring while exploring the the SnowAvenue.compared GooseSnowpurple, It thenTrail. to Goose thelevels smooth pathTrail. out steeply andbark is ofeasydescends the to American travel into to theBeech.its junctionvalley Let fromourwith fingers theDelaplane A one mile loop designed to showcase the diversity of birds found at theTower eastern Spur, portion the Delaplane of White Manor Clay Spur Creek and Statethe Lenape Park andTrail. the The Judge Cut- 4. POSTINGgenerallythewritten -State No permission signsofprohibited. Delaware or markers of themust Department. canbe followed. be put Salesin place, or solicitationexcept with are also TheMiddle drummingThetoads, Run drumming and Valley of thewoodpeckers, runshumming of woodpeckers,south of fromthe bees hootingPaper maythe Millallhooting of be Parkowls, heard ofalong theowls, while trillingMiddle theexploring trillingofRun theof compareAvenue.MarkedAvenue.Avenue.SnowAvenue.purple, theIt by ItGoose then Itsoft thenthe blue,Itthen then greenlevels pathTrail.levels levelsthis levels moss outsteeply trailout out andout inandtravels and theisanddescends is easy is forest, easyis througheasy easyto to travelsmoothtointo travelto travelrolling travel theto totumbled itsto valleyfarmland,itsto itsjunction itsjunction junction rocksjunctionfrom deciduouswith within Delaplanewith the withthe the the the Middle Run, the trail leads visitors through a variety of habitats. Early- 4.generally4.4.4.POSTINGPOSTINGpermissionPOSTING generallythePOSTINGwrittenprohibited. State - permission -No -ofNoprohibited. -No signsDelaware Nothesigns signs signs Department.or ofor markers or themustmarkersor markers markersDepartment. be can followed.canSales can becan be beput orSalesbeput put insolicitationsput in place,in or place,in place,solicitation place, except except except areexcept withare alsowith with alsowith TheTheThe trailstoads,drumming drumming drumming atand Middle theof of ofhummingwoodpeckers, woodpeckers, Run.woodpeckers, Most of beesof the the all themayhooting enjoyhooting hooting all the beof of heardsoundsofowls, owls, owls, whilethe ofthe the silencetrilling exploringtrilling trilling asof of ofyou the compareAvenue.Avenue. the It soft thenIt then green levels levels moss out out andin theand is forest,easyis easy to smooth travelto travel totumbled itsto itsjunction junctionrocks within withthe the the Middle Run, the trail leads visitors through a variety of habitats. Early- Off passes through the middle of the loop, connecting to the written4. permissionPOSTINGgenerally prohibited. -of No the signs Department. or markers Sales can or be solicitation Consumption,put in place, are alsoexceptpossession with trailstoads, Creek at andMiddletrailsThe to the the drummingat humming Run.trailsMiddle Mostof ofRun.White of woodpeckers,of bees Mostall Clay mayenjoy ofCreek all allthe thebe enjoy Statesounds heardhooting thePark. whileof sounds ofsilenceBirds, exploringowls, of deer,as silencethe you foxes,thetrilling as you of Snow GooseSnowAvenue. Trail.Goose It then Trail. levels out and is easy to travel to its junction with the Morris Estate, then across MRVNA following the northeast portion of 5.4.writtenwrittengenerallywrittenALCOHOL,POSTINGgenerallywritten permission permission permission prohibited.permission prohibited. - DRUGSNo of of signs theof theof the Department.AND the orDepartment. Department. markersDepartment. GAMBLING Salescan Sales Sales Salesbe -or Consumption,orput solicitationor solicitationor solicitationin solicitation place, are exceptarepossession are alsoare also also alsowith toads,toads,toads,quietlytrailstoads,The and and drummingand attheand hike the Middlethe humming the hummingin humming thishumming ofRun. peacefulwoodpeckers, of ofMost ofbees beesof bees preserve. beesofmay may allmay mayall the enjoyall allbe allhootingbe be heard thebeheard heard heardsounds whileof while whileowls, while exploringof exploring exploringsilence theexploring trilling the asthe the you the of stream,SnowforestsSnowSnowDouble Goose and Goose andGoose warm Trail.acrossHorseshoe Trail. Trail. petals small of flowersTrailstream intributaries. the meadow. In order to make traveling successional forest, created by the Middle Run Reforestation Project, 5. ALCOHOL,generally5. writtenALCOHOL, prohibited. DRUGS permission ANDDRUGS GAMBLING of ANDthe Department. GAMBLING - Consumption, Sales - Consumption, or possessionsolicitation possession are also quietlytrailstoads, hikeatquietlytoads, Middle inand thisand hike the Run.peaceful the hummingin thishummingMost preserve.peaceful of of all ofbees enjoypreserve. bees may maythe all soundsallbe beheard heardof whilesilence while exploring asexploring you the the Doublestream, SnowDoubleHorseshoe and Goosewarm Horseshoe TrailpetalsTrail. of Trailflowers in the meadow. successional forest, created by the Middle Run Reforestation Project, theCorkscrew, Lenape trail, Mill andRace, into and White Mountain Clay CreekGoat challenge State Park. trails. 5. 5.generallygenerallyAlcohol,generallyorwrittenALCOHOL,generally sale prohibited. Drugs, prohibited. permission prohibited. ofprohibited. DRUGSalcoholic And ofGambling AND thebeverages Department. GAMBLING Consumption, or Salesillegal - Consumption, possession,ordrugs solicitation is possession prohibited.or are sale also Paulfrogs,trailstrailsquietlytrailstoads, G.attall at Middle ClarktreesMiddle atand hike Middle andthe inRun. Run. thishummingsmall Run. Most peacefulMost flowersMost of ofof all preserve.beesofall willenjoy allenjoy may allenjoy the greettheall sounds the besounds visitors heardsounds of of whiletosilence ofsilence this silence exploring specialas as you asyou you the lessMarkedDouble steep and byHorseshoe theblue, elevation this Trailtrail more travels gentle, through the trail rolling has several farmland, switchback deciduous provides cover and nesting habitat for many colorful songbirds. Mature 5. orALCOHOL, sale generallyorof salealcoholic DRUGS ofprohibited. alcoholic ANDbeverages GAMBLING beverages or illegal - Consumption,or drugs illegal is drugsprohibited. possession is prohibited. trailstrails at at Middle Middle Run. Run. Most Most of of all all enjoy enjoy the the sounds sounds of of silence silence as as you you Marked byMarked blue, bythis blue, trail thistravels trail through travels rollingthrough farmland, rolling farmland, deciduous deciduous provides cover and nesting habitat for many colorful songbirds. Mature,ALCOHOL,ofALCOHOL, alcoholicGamblinggenerallyALCOHOL,or sale DRUGS beverages DRUGSof prohibited. isDRUGS alsoDRUGSalcoholic ANDprohibited. AND orAND AND illegalGAMBLING beveragesGAMBLING GAMBLING GAMBLING drugs isor- prohibi-Consumption, -Consumption,Consumption,illegal Consumption,- Consumption,ted. drugs Gambling possession possessionpossessionis possession possessionprohibited. is also quietlyNewpark.” quietlytrailshike Castle in at hikethis Middle County peaceful in this Run. peaceful Executivepreserve. Most preserve.of all enjoy the sounds of silence as you Doubleareas.DoubleMarked Horseshoe The DoublebyHorseshoe blue, Trail Horseshoe this Trailtrail travels Trail acquired through itsrolling name farmland, after volunteers deciduous woodlands, riparian (stream side) forest, and meadows are all featured Gambling5.or 5.saleALCOHOL,ALCOHOL,Gambling isof also alcoholic prohibited. DRUGSis alsoDRUGS beverages prohibited. AND AND GAMBLING GAMBLINGor illegal - drugs - Consumption, is prohibited. possession quietlyquietlyquietly hike hike hike in in thisin this this peaceful peaceful peaceful preserve. preserve. preserve. ►DoubleDouble TasteDoubleforestsMarked HorseshoeIt Horseshoe Horseshoeand by acrossblue, Trailthis Trailsmall Trail trail stream travels tributaries. through rolling In order farmland, to make deciduous traveling woodlands, riparian (stream side) forest, and meadows are all featured 6.5.ororprohibited. or saleDAMAGEALCOHOL,Gamblingor sale sale sale of of of alcoholicof alcoholicisAND alcoholic alsoDRUGSalcoholic DUMPING prohibited. beverages beverages AND beveragesbeverages GAMBLING- Vandalism or or or illegalor illegal illegal illegalof - Consumption,drugstrees, drugs drugsdrugs shrubs, is is is prohibited. isprohibited.prohibited. possessionplants,prohibited. turf, quietly hike in this peaceful preserve. forestsMarked►constructing TasteandforestsDouble by across blue,It and Horseshoe asmallthis footbridgeacross trail stream smalltravels Traildiscovered tributaries. stream through tributaries. some Inrolling order old horseshoes farmland,Into ordermake totravelingdeciduous in make the stream. traveling The Tri-Valley Trail 6. DAMAGEGambling6.or orDAMAGE saleAND issale also ofDUMPING ofprohibited. alcoholicAND alcoholic DUMPING - Vandalismbeverages beverages - Vandalism of ortrees, orillegal illegalshrubs,of trees,drugs drugs plants, shrubs, is is prohibited.turf, plants,prohibited. turf, quietly hike in this peaceful preserve. MarkedMarkedMarkedlessforestsMarkedDouble bysteep by byblue,and byblue,Horseshoe andblue, acrossblue, this thethis this trailthiselevation smalltrail trail Trailtrailtravels travels streamtravels travelsmore through through tributaries.throughgentle, through rolling rollingthe rolling rolling trailIn farmland, orderfarmland, hasfarmland, farmland, severalto makedeciduous deciduous deciduousswitchback deciduous traveling on this unique trail dedicated to nature observation. 6. 6.GamblingGamblingDamageGamblingrocks,orDAMAGEGambling sale is Andbuildings, isalso is alsoof isANDalso Dumping alsoprohibited.alcoholic prohibited. prohibited.DUMPING fences,prohibited. Nobeverages bridges, dumping - Vandalism signs, isor permitted illegal ofstream trees, drugs water ofshrubs, trees, isquality plants,prohibited.shrubs, or turf,any lessforests steep lessMarkedand and steepacross the byelevation and smallblue, the thiselevationstream more trail gentle, tributaries. travelsmore the gentle, throughtrail In has orderthe rolling severaltrail to hasmake farmland,switchback several traveling switchback deciduous on this unique trail dedicated to nature observation. The red and white rings mark the Tri-Valley trail. This trail runs from 6. rocks,DAMAGE Gamblingbuildings,Gamblingrocks, AND buildings, isfences, DUMPING also is also prohibited. bridges, fences,prohibited. - Vandalism signs,bridges, stream of signs, trees, water stream shrubs, quality water plants, or quality any turf, or any Thomas P. Gordon Enjoyforests forestsareas.lessforestsMarked a andpicnic steepand Theacrossand byacross and along Doubleacrossblue, thesmall small the thiselevation smallHorseshoe streamtrails streamtrail stream and travelsmoretributaries. tributaries. Trailstake tributaries.gentle, through acquired out In the In your orderrolling trailorderIn its orderown hastoname to farmland, make severalspecialmaketo aftermake traveling traveling switchback placevolunteersdeciduous traveling Hiking only – no biking, except on Lenape Trail portion. 6.6. 6.DAMAGEDAMAGEplants,GamblingDAMAGErocks,other turf, natural ANDbuildings, AND rock, isAND DUMPING also DUMPINGor buildings,DUMPING man-madefences,prohibited. - Vandalism -bridges, Vandalismfences, - assetVandalism signs, of bridges,of ofthe trees, trees, of streampark trees, shrubs,signs, shrubs,is water shrubs,prohibited. stream plants, plants,quality plants, turf,waterNothing turf,or turf,any areas.Enjoy forestsTheforestsareas. aDouble picnicand andThe across across HorseshoealongDouble small smallthe Horseshoe trailsTrailstream stream andacquired tributaries. Trail tributaries.stake acquired itsout name In yourIn order orderitsafter own name to tovolunteers specialmake makeafter traveling travelingplacevolunteers Hiking only – no biking, except on Lenape Trail portion. the eastern portion of White Clay Creek State Park and the Judge,6. naturalDAMAGEDAMAGE buildings,other or natural man-madeAND ANDfences, DUMPINGor DUMPING man-made bridges, asset -of -Vandalismsigns, Vandalismtheasset park stream of oftheis of trees, prohibited. watertrees,park shrubs,is qualityshrubs, prohibited. Nothing plants,or plants, any Nothing turf, turf, lessamong steeplessforestsareas. the and steep towering Thetheand and elevation Doubleacross the trees elevation small Horseshoemorein the streamgentle, forest. more Trail tributaries.thegentle,Relax acquiredtrail and the has soaktrailIn severalits order hasinname the severalswitchbackto solitude aftermake switchbackvolunteers traveling as,rocks,quality,DAMAGEotherrocks,may buildings, buildings, orbe natural buildings, anydumped AND otherfences, orfences, DUMPING man-madein fences,natural the bridges, bridges, park. orbridges, -man-made assetVandalismsigns, signs, signs,of stream thestream asset of streampark trees,water waterof is thewater shrubs,prohibited.quality qualitypark. quality plants,orNothing or anyNothing anyor turf,any New Castle County Executive amonglessEarthlesslessless steepconstructingareas. steepsteep thesteep Day and towering Theandand and theTrail theDoublethe the aelevation footbridgeelevationelevationtrees elevation Horseshoe in morethe moremore discoveredmore forest. gentle, gentle,gentle, Trailgentle, Relax the someacquired thethe the trailand trailtrail oldtrail hassoak hashasitshorseshoes has several nameinseveralseveral several the aftersolitudeswitchback switchbackswitchbackin switchback thevolunteers mayother berocks, rocks,naturaldumpedmay buildings, bebuildings, or indumped man-made the park.fences, fences, in the asset bridges, park.bridges, of the signs, signs, park stream streamis prohibited. water water quality qualityNothing or or any any constructingareas. Theconstructingless aDoublesteep footbridge and Horseshoea thefootbridge discovered elevation Trail discovered moresome acquired gentle,old somehorseshoes its the nameold trail horseshoes afterinhas the several volunteers stream. in theswitchback stream. Morris Estate, then across MRVNA following the northeast portion of 7.otherothermayrocks,mayotherFIRE naturalbe natural bedumped -natural buildings,No dumped or firesor man-made man-madeinor shall the man-madeinfences, the park. be park. assetkindled. bridges,asset asset of of the signs,theof parkthe park stream parkis is prohibited. waterprohibited. quality Nothing Nothing Nothing or any RULES AND REGULATIONS: SUMMARY youareas.Thisareas. areas.enjoyconstructingareas.less Thetrail, The steepaThe tasteThe Doublemarked Double Doubleand Doubleof a thefootbridge Horseshoein Horseshoe, Horseshoe providesdiscovered Trail moreTrail Trail Trail acquired gentle, acquireda acquired shortcut someacquired the its oldits trailitsacrossname itshorseshoesname name hasname afterthe afterseveral after middle aftervolunteers involunteers volunteers theswitchbackvolunteers of stream. the Corkscrew, Mountain Goat, and Mill Race Trails 7. FIREmay7. - otherbe Noother FIREdumped fires natural natural -shall No in firesor thebeor man-made kindled. man-madepark.shall be kindled. asset asset of of the the park park is is prohibited. prohibited. Nothing Nothing constructingyou enjoyareas. a Thetastefootbridge Double of the discoveredwild. Horseshoe some Trail old acquired horseshoes its name in the after stream. volunteers Corkscrew, Mountain Goat, and Mill Race TrailsPhoto: Derek Stoner the Lenape trail, and into White Clay Creek State Park. 7. 7.8.maymayFire FIREothermaySAFETYbe beOpen dumped bedumped -natural No dumpedfires OF fires in shallinor ANIMALSthe shall the man-madein park. notthe park. be bepark. kindled. -kindled, No asset one exceptof shall the trap,parkin fire-rings issnare, prohibited. whichshoot, haveNothingpoison, constructingLenapeconstructingconstructingareas. Trail The a a footbridge loop. Doublefootbridge a footbridge The Horseshoe discoveredlower discovered discovered portion Trail some some descends someacquired old old horseshoes old horseshoes into itshorseshoes namea steep in in theafter theinvalley stream. thestream.volunteers stream. and The Delaware Trail Spinners, a mountain Photo:bike club, DerekPhoto: volunteer Stoner Derek withStoner 8. SAFETY8.maymay SAFETYOF be be ANIMALSdumped dumped OF inANIMALS in -the theNo park. - shallNo one trap, shall snare, trap, shoot, snare, poison, shoot, poison, RULES AND REGULATIONS: SUMMARY constructingconstructingEarth Day a afootbridge footbridgeTrail discovered discovered some some old old horseshoes horseshoes in in the the stream. stream. These challenge trails enjoyed by mountain bikers are markedPhoto: inDerek black. Stoner 7. FIRE8.been - Nomayinjure,SAFETY previouslyfires be annoyNo shalldumped OF fires beapprovedorANIMALS shall the be park. by anykindled. - theNo wild animal shall or trap, bird orsnare, damage shoot, any poison, nest. 1. Hours All New Castle County parks are open on a year-round basis. Earth DayconstructingEarth Trail Day aTrail footbridge discovered some old horseshoes in the stream. These challenge trails enjoyed by mountain bikers are marked in black. 7.injure, annoyFIREmayFIREinjure,SAFETY - No- No-No or be No-fires annoy disturb firesfiresdumped firesOF shall shallshall or shallANIMALSany be disturbin bebe wildbethekindled. kindled.kindled. kindled. park. animalany - wild or animal bird or ordamage bird or anydamage nest. any nest. ►crosses SmellThisEarth trail,Itover Day markedMuddy Trail in Run. green, It providesthen winds a shortcut through across wooded the middle areas ofto the trail maintenance. See their website at www.trailspinners.orgPhoto: DerekPhoto: Stoner Derek Stonerfor 8. SAFETY7.9. FIREDISORDERLYinjure, OF - ANIMALS annoyNo fires or shall disturbCONDUCT - No be one anykindled. No wildshall- one Threatening,animal trap, shall snare,or trap, bird abusive,shoot,orsnare, damage poison,shoot, insulting any poison, nest. or Hours of operation are dawn to dusk, except with permission of the This► trail, SmellThis marked trail,It in marked green, inprovides green, providesa shortcut a acrossshortcut the across middle the of middle the of the The Delaware Trail Spinners, a mountain bikePhoto:Photo:Photo: club, Derek Derek Derekvolunteer Stoner Stoner Stoner with 9. 8.DISORDERLY8.8. 7.9.8.SAFETYSAFETYSafetySAFETYFIREDISORDERLYSAFETYinjure, OfOF - OFannoy NoCONDUCTAnimalsOF ANIMALSOF firesANIMALS ANIMALS orANIMALS shall disturbCONDUCT No - -be one-No Threatening, -anykindled.NoNo -Noshallone onewildone one- shalltrap, Threatening,animalshallshall shall trap,snare,abusive, trap,trap, trap,or snare,bird snare,snare,shoot, snare, abusive,orinsulting damageshoot, shoot,poison,shoot, shoot, poison,insulting or anypoison,poison, injure,poison, nest. or Earth connect EarthThisDay trail,withTrail Day themarked Trail Lenape in green, Cut-Off. provides a shortcut across the middle of the The DelawareinformationThe Delaware Trail about Spinners, theirTrail eventsSpinners, a mountain at the a park.mountain bike club, bike volunteer Photo:club, volunteer Derekwith Stoner with injure,8.9. annoyindecentSAFETYDISORDERLY or disturb language,OF ANIMALS anyCONDUCT wildobscene animal- No - orone Threatening,or indecent bird shall or trap,damage actions abusive,snare, any and shoot,nest. insultingfighting poison, areor 1. HOURS - All New Castle County parks are open year-round. Hours EarthEarthEarthLenapeThis Day Daytrail, Day Trail Trailmarked Trail loop. in The green, lower provides portion a descendsshortcut across into a thesteep middle valley of andthe DelaplanetrailThe Delawaremaintenance. Manor TrailSpur See Spinners, their websitea mountain at www.trailspinners.orgbike Photo:club, volunteer Derek Stoner with for indecent8.9.injure,injure,annoy,injure,injure, indecentSAFETYDISORDERLYinjure,language, annoy annoyannoyor annoy annoydisturb or language, OF oror disturbobsceneor disturbdisturbor ANIMALSanydisturb disturbCONDUCT wildany anyanyobscene orany animalwild any indecentwildwild- wild No animal wild animal animal- oranimalone Threatening,animal bird indecentactions orshall oror orbirdor birdbird or damage bird trap, orbird and actionsoror damage or damage damageabusive,orsnare, fightingdamage anydamage and nest. anyshoot, anyany areanyinsultingfighting nest. any nest.nest. nest.poison, nest. areor Department. LenapeThisCan trail, yourTrailLenapeEarth marked noseloop. DayTrail detect Thein Trailgreen,loop. lowerthe scentTheprovides portion lower of the adescends portion shortcutfresh earth descends intoacross after a steep the ainto rain, middle valley a thesteep ofdelicateand valleythe and trailTheCreekside maintenance. Delawaretrail maintenance. TrailTrail See Spinners, their See website atheir mountain websiteat bike at club, volunteer withfor for 9. DISORDERLYinjure,indecent annoy CONDUCTlanguage, or disturb obscene- anyThreatening, wild or animal indecent abusive, or bird actions or insultingdamage and fighting anyor nest. are of operation are dawn to dusk, except with permission of the CanThis ThisThis your crossesLenapeThisEarthtrail, trail, trail, nosetrail, marked markedDay Trailovermarked detectmarked Trail loop.inMuddy in thegreen,in green,in green, Thescent green, Run.provides lowerprovides ofprovides providestheIt portion thenfresha ashortcut ashortcut ashortcutearthwinds descendsshortcut acrossafter acrossthrough across acrossainto therain, the the amiddle wooded thethesteepmiddle middle middledelicate valleyof ofareas theof theof the and theto ThisTheThe trailTheDelaware Delaware Delawareconnectsmaintenance. Trail Trail TrailDe Spinners, Spinners,laplane See Spinners, their Avenuea amountain mountainwebsitea mountain to thebike atbike bikeclub, club, club, volunteer volunteer Markedvolunteer with withby with for 9.9.9. 9.DISORDERLYDISORDERLYDisorderlyDISORDERLYprohibited.injure,DISORDERLYindecent annoy Conductlanguage, CONDUCT CONDUCTor CONDUCT disturbCONDUCT Threatening,obscene any - - Threatening, -wild Threatening,Threatening, - Threatening,or Threatening,animal indecentabusive, or abusive, bird abusive,insulting,abusive,actions abusive, abusive,or damage andinsulting insultinginsultingor insulting insultingfightingindecent any or nest. oror orare or 2. Temporary Closure The Manger has the authority to temporarily crossesLenapeThis over ThiscrossesTrail trail, trail,Muddy loop. markedover marked The Run.Muddy in lower green,in It green, Run.thenportion provides provideswindsIt descendsthen a throughshortcut awinds shortcut into acrossthrough woodeda acrosssteep the valley woodedareasthe middle middle andto ofareas theof the to TakeTheThe informationa Delaware shortDelaware detour aboutTrail Trail off theirSpinners, theSpinners, Tri-Valley events a aatmountain mountainthe and park. Lenape bike bike, club, Itvolunteer volunteer crosses twowith with prohibited.9.indecent9.DISORDERLYDISORDERLYprohibited. language, obsceneCONDUCT CONDUCT or indecent- - Threatening, actions and abusive, fighting insultingare or Department. perfumeLenapeLenapecrossesLenapeThis Trailof trail,Trail Trailwildflowers, Trail overloop. markedloop. &loop. MuddyThe LenapeThe in Thelowerthe green,lower Run. pleasantlower Cut-Offportion portionprovidesIt portion thenaroma descends descends awinds descends shortcutof pine into throughinto across trees,intoa asteep steep a andwooded thesteep valley valleymiddlethe valley rich areasand and of and theto informationtrail maintenance.informationThe about Delaware their aboutSee eventsTrail theirtheir Spinners,at eventsthewebsite park. at a theatmountain www.trailspinners.orgpark. bike club, volunteer for with 10.9.indecentindecentlanguage,indecentWEAPONSDISORDERLYprohibited.indecent language, language, obscenelanguage, language, - No obsceneCONDUCT or obsceneone obsceneindecent obscene shall or or carryactionsorindecent - orindecent Threatening,indecent indecentany, and knifeactions actions fightingactions actionshaving abusive,and and areand aandfighting prohibited.bladefighting fighting insultingfighting threeare are are are(3or) close a county park when required by Public Health, Safety, and perfumeLenapeLenapeconnect of Trail Trailwildflowers, with loop. loop. the TheLenape The the lower lower pleasant Cut-Off. portion portion aroma descends descends of pine into into trees, a asteep steepand valley thevalley rich and and purple,trailtrailtrailtrail informationtrail maintenance. maintenance.maintenance.themaintenance. maintenance. path aboutsteeply See SeeSee theirSee See their descends theirtheir eventstheir their website websitewebsitewebsite at website intothe at park. attheat at at from Delaplane for forfor for for 10. WEAPONSprohibited.10.indecentindecentWEAPONS - No language, onelanguage, -shall No one obscenecarry obscene shall any orcarry knife orindecent indecentany having knife actions a actionshavingblade and three aand bladefighting (3fighting) three are are(3) 2. TEMPORARY CLOSURE - The General Manager has the authority connectcrossessmell with crossesLenapeconnectofover ripening the Muddy LenapeTrailwithover berries? theloop. Muddy Run.Cut-Off. Lenape The ItRun. lowerthenCut-Off. It winds portionthen throughwinds descends through wooded into awooded steepareas valley toareas and to informationbridgesParktrail Trailand aboutmaintenance. meanders Guides their areevents along alsoSee atMiddle available theirthe park. for Carousel at Park, Glasgow Park, for 10.10. prohibited.prohibited.Weaponsprohibited.inchesWEAPONSindecentprohibited. orNo language,longer one- No on shallone theobscene shallcarry grounds. carryany or Theknifeindecentany possessionknife having actionshaving a bladeor a anddischarge blade threefighting three (3)of are BB(3) Welfare. smellcrossesThiscrossescrossesconnect of 3.4 ripeningover overmileover withMuddy trail Muddy berries?Muddy the loop, LenapeRun. Run. Run.marked It Cut-Off. ItthenIt thenwiththen winds windsyellow,winds through through coversthrough wooded the woodedwooded central areas areas portionareas to to to Avenue.informationinformationinformationinformationtrailPark It maintenance.Trailthen about about aboutlevelsGuides about their their their out their areevents Seeevents and eventsalso events theiratis availableat theeasyat theat the websitepark. the park. park.travelfor Carouselat its junctionPark, Glasgow with the Park, for 10. inchesWEAPONSprohibited. or inchesprohibited.longer - No oron longer onethe grounds.shall on thecarry grounds.The any possession knife The having possession or dischargea blade or threedischarge of BB (3) of BB to temporarily close a museum or the grounds when required by connectcrosses with the over Lenape Muddy Cut-Off. Run. It then winds through wooded areas to Park TrailinformationIroninformationPark Guides Hill Trail Park, aboutare ParkGuides about alsoand theirTrail Rockwood available theirare eventsGuides also events availableforat arePark the atCarousel availablethe park.& park.forMuseum. CarouselPark, for Carousel GlasgowTo Park,obtain Park, GlasgowPark, a copy of Park, 10.10.10.WEAPONSWEAPONSinchesinchesguns,prohibited.WEAPONS or air orlonger- No-guns,longer No -one Noonein firearms, on shalltheone shall the park. shall carrygrounds. carry bows carryThe any any and possessionTheknifeany knife arrows possessionknife having having havingor or aany adischargeblade orblade alethal discharge blade three three weapon ofthree (3 BB(3of) ) BB(3 is) 3. Motor Vehicles No motor vehicles shall be driven except in areas connectofconnectconnect connectcrossesMFVNA, with with with withoverthe thecrossing the Lenape theLenapeMuddy Lenape Lenape Cut-Off.Muddy Cut-Off. Run.Cut-Off. Cut-Off. RunIt then twic windse. The through Lenape woodedCut-Off, areas also to Snowinformation ParkGoose Trail Trail. Guides about theirare also events available at the park.for Carousel Park, Glasgow Park, guns,10.inches10. WEAPONSairWEAPONS or guns,guns, longer airfirearms, on-guns, -No theNo one onegrounds.firearms,bows shall shall and carry Thebowscarry arrows possessionany andany orknife knifearrows any having havingorlethal ordischarge any a weapona blade bladelethal of three isBBweaponthree (3 (3) )is Public Health, Safety and Welfare. connectLenape with Trail the Lenape & Lenape Cut-Off. Cut-Off ParkIron TrailHill Park,Guides and are Rockwood also available Park for& Museum.Carousel Park,To obtain Glasgow a copy Park, of 10.inchesinchesguns,guns,inchesprohibited.WEAPONS or airor longer air longerorguns, guns,longer on- onNofirearms, the firearms,onthe one grounds. the grounds. shall grounds.bows bows carry The The andand possessionTheany possession arrows,arrows possessionknife havingor or or anydischargeany dischargeor alethal discharge bladeother weaponof threeoflethal BB BBof BB(3 is) specifically designated for their use. All motor vehicle laws of the Lenapemarked connectLenapeTrail in & yellow,with TrailLenape the cuts& Lenape LenapeCut-Off through Cut-Off. Cut-Off the middle of the loop and is accessible IronParkDelaplane Hill Trailany IronPark, Guides of Hill GlasgowManorandthese Park, areRockwood publications, also SpurandPark, available Rockwood IronPark visitHill & for Museum. Park,yourPark Carousel local&Middle Museum. To Park,library, obtain Run Glasgow ToNaturalor a copycontactobtain Park, Area,of a the copy of prohibited.inchesinchesinchesprohibited. oror or longerlonger longer onon on thethe the grounds.grounds. grounds. TheThe The possessionpossession possession oror or dischargedischarge discharge ofof of BBBB BB No motor vehicles shall be driven except in ThisLenape 3.4 mileTrail trail & loop,Lenape marked Cut-Off with yellow, covers the central portion ParkParkPark ParkTrailIron Trail anyTrail Trail HillGuides ofGuides Guides Park,theseGuides are are publications,and are also arealso Rockwoodalso alsoavailable available available available visit Parkfor for your forCarousel forCarousel& Carousel Museum.localCarousel Park,library, Park, Park, Park,To Glasgow Glasgow obtain orGlasgow Glasgowcontact aPark, copyPark, Park,the Park, of guns,11.weapons airprohibited.guns,ACTIVITIESinches guns, air isor firearms,prohibited. guns,longer - firearms,Entertainment,on bows the grounds.and bows arrows anddemonstrations The arrowsor possession any lethalor any or orweapon lethal dischargeexhibitions weapon is of areBB is 3. StateMOTOR of Delaware VEHICLES must - be followed. ThisLenape► 3.4 Hear Thismile Trail Ittrail3.4 &mile loop, Lenape trail marked loop, Cut-Off with marked yellow, with covers yellow, the covers central the portion central portion IronThisanyParkDepartment Hillof trailPark these TrailPark,any Trailconnects publications, ofGuides and of theseGuides SpecialRockwood Delaplanearepublications, are andalso visitServices also Rockwood availablePark your availableAvenue &visitat local Museum.(302) for Parkyour tolibrary,for Carousel 395-5700 the&localCarousel ToMuseum. MRVNA.or library,obtain Park,contact or Park, the a Glasgowor copythe DepartmentMarked Glasgowcontact of Park, the byPark, 11. ACTIVITIES11.guns,guns,guns,ACTIVITIESinches air air air-guns, guns,Entertainment,or guns, longer firearms, firearms, -firearms, Entertainment,on the bows bows demonstrationsgrounds.bows and and and arrowsdemonstrations Thearrows arrows possession oror or anyor exhibitionsany any lethal lethal ororlethal dischargeexhibitionsweapon weapon areweapon is ofis isareBB ►LenapefromLenape HearofThisLenape theMFVNA, TrailIt3.4 DayTrail mileTrail Use& & crossingtrailLenape Parking Lenape& loop,Lenape MuddyArea.Cut-Off markedCut-Off Cut-Off Run with twice. yellow, The covers Lenape the centralCut-Off, portion also IronIronPark IronHill Hillany TrailPark,Hill Park,of Park,theseGuides and and Rockwoodpublications,and Rockwood are Rockwood also availablePark Park visit Park& & yourMuseum. forMuseum.& Museum.localCarousel Tolibrary, To obtain Park,Toobtain obtainor aGlasgowcontact acopy copy a copy of theof Park, of prohibited.11. prohibited,guns,ACTIVITIES air guns, except - firearms,Entertainment, with the bows approval anddemonstrations ofarrows the Department. or any or lethalexhibitions weapon are is 4. Postingareas specifically No signs ordesignated markers canfor theirbe put use. in place,All motor except vehicle with lawswritten of of MFVNA, LenapeLenapeof MFVNA, crossing Trail Trail & crossing&Muddy Lenape Lenape RunMuddy Cut-Off Cut-Off twice. Run The twice. Lenape The Cut-Off,Lenape Cut-Off,also also DoubleIronIronDepartment HillHorseshoe Hill Park, Park, ofand and SpecialTrail Rockwood Rockwood Services Park Park at & (302)& Museum. Museum. 395-5700 To To obtain obtainor the a Department acopy copy of of prohibited,11.11. prohibited.prohibited.Activitiesprohibited.prohibited,guns,ACTIVITIESprohibited. except air withEntertainment,guns, except the- firearms,Entertainment, approval with the bows demonstratiapprovalof the and demonstrationsDepartment. ofarrows ons,the Department. oror any exhibitionsor lethalexhibitions weapon are are is This 3.4ThisofLenape mile MFVNA, 3.4 trail mileTrail loop, crossingtrail & marked loop,Lenape Muddy markedwith Cut-Off yellow, Run with twice. yellow, covers The thecovers Lenapecentral the centralportionCut-Off, portion also Departmentpurple,any ofDepartmentIron thesethe anyof Hill Special pathof publications, Park,theseof ofCommunitysteeplyTo Services Special publications,andobtain Rockwood descendsvisit aatServices copy,Services(302) your visit visit Park 395-5700localintoat yourat(302) your & (302)library,the Museum.local 395-5700local orvalley 395-5600. thelibrary,or library, contact Department Tofrom or obtainor theor contacttheDelaplane Department a copy the of 11. ACTIVITIES12. GROUPprohibited.prohibited, - Entertainment,FUNCTIONS except Entertainment, with the -demonstrations approvalPermits demonstrations forof the group orDepartment. exhibitions activities or exhibitions areshould arebe permissionthe State of ofDelaware the Department. must be followed. Sales or solicitations are also TheThisThis Thisdrumming markedof3.4 3.4 MFVNA,3.4 mile mile mile in trail yellow,oftrail trail crossingloop,woodpeckers, loop, loop, cuts marked marked markedMuddythrough with thewith with Runthe yellow,hooting yellow, middle yellow,twice. covers of covers of coversThe owls,the the Lenapeloopthe the thecentral central andcentraltrilling Cut-Off, isportion portionaccessible portion of also MarkedanyanyDepartment any byof of theseofblue, these these publications,this ofpublications,of publications, SpecialCommunitytrail travels Services visit visit visit Servicesthrough your your atyour local(302) local atrollinglocal (302) library,395-5700 library, library, farmland, 395-5600. or or contactor contact thecontact deciduous Department the the the 12. 11.GROUP11.11.12.11.ACTIVITIESACTIVITIESprohibited,ACTIVITIES GROUPprohibited.ACTIVITIESprohibited,FUNCTIONS except - FUNCTIONS -exceptEntertainment, - Entertainment,Entertainment, -Entertainment, with- Permits with the theapproval- forapprovalPermitsdemonstrations demonstrations demonstrationsdemonstrationsgroup of theforof activitiesthe Department. or oror activitiesorexhibitions should exhibitionsexhibitionsexhibitions beshould are areareare be markedof MFVNA, inmarkedThis yellow, 3.4 crossing in mile cuts yellow, trailthrough Muddy cutsloop, the through Runmarked middle twice. the with of middle Thethe yellow, loopLenape of coversandthe loopisCut-Off, accessiblethe and central isalso accessible portion DepartmentAvenue. anyItof ofthen Community ofSpecialcontact theselevelsof thepublications,ServicesCommunity out ServicesNCC and at Specialis (302) easyatServices visit (302) Services395-5700 toyour travel local(302) atto or 302-395-5700 library, its395-5600.the junction Department or contact with or the prohibited,11.12. obtainedACTIVITIESGROUP except inFUNCTIONS with advance - theEntertainment, approval from - thePermits of Department. thedemonstrations Department.for group activities or exhibitions should arebe 4. POSTING - No signs or markers can be put in place, except with TheofMiddleof ofMFVNA, drummingfrommarkedofThisMFVNA, MFVNA, MFVNA, 3.4 theRun in mileDaycrossing yellow,crossing ofTrailheadcrossing Usecrossingtrailwoodpeckers, Parkingcutsloop,Muddy Muddy Muddy Muddythrough marked Area.Run Run theRun Run the twice.with hootingtwice. twice.middle twice.yellow, The Theof The of The Lenape owls,coverstheLenape Lenape Lenapeloop the theCut-Off, Cut-Off,and Cut-Off,trilling centralCut-Off, is accessible also ofportionalso also also forestsDepartmentDepartmentDepartmentDepartment andany across of of ofthese Specialof Specialofsmall ofSpecial Specialpublications,Community Servicesstream Services Services Services tributaries. at Services visitat (302)at (302)at (302) your(302) 395-5700 at 395-5700 In395-5700 local(302) 395-5700order library, 395-5600.or toor theor themakeor theorDepartment the Department contactDepartment travelingDepartment the obtained12.11.12. prohibited,prohibited,Groupprohibited, obtainedACTIVITIESGROUPprohibited,in advance Functions except except inexceptFUNCTIONS exceptfromadvance with- withPermits Entertainment,thewith thewith the Department. fromthe approval the approvalfor -approval the approvalPermitsgroup Department. of demonstrationsof activities theof theforof the Department. the Department. groupDepartment. Department.should activities or be exhibitionsobtained should in arebe generally prohibited. frommarkedtoads, the offromDay inand MFVNA,yellow, Use thethe DayParkinghumming cuts Usecrossing through Area. Parking of bees Muddy the Area. maymiddle Run all ofbetwice. the heard loop The while and Lenape isexploring accessible Cut-Off, the also OnlineDepartmentDepartment mapsof Community ofand Specialof additional Special ServicesServices Services informa atat (302)at(302)tion (302) on 395-5700395-5600. New395-5700 Castle or theor County’s the Department Department park 12. GROUPobtainedprohibited, FUNCTIONS in exceptadvance - withPermits from the the approval for Department. group of theactivities Department. should be written permission of the Department. Sales or solicitation are also toads,markedNearmarkedfrommarkedof and the MFVNA,in in the theyellow,centrally yellow,in Day humming yellow, Usecrossingcuts locatedcuts Parkingcutsthrough ofthrough beesMuddyparkingthrough Area. the maythe middlelotRun the middle all ismiddle betwice.the of ofheard Middlethe the ofThe loop the whileloop RunLenape loopand and exploring Trailhead. isand is accessibleCut-Off, accessibleis accessible the The also Snow DepartmentGoose Trail.ofof Community NCCof Communityof SpecialCommunity Community ServicesServices Services Services Services atat at (302)(302) (302)at at(302) 395-5700395-5600. 302-395-5606. 395-5600. 395-5600. or the Department,GROUP FUNCTIONS from FUNCTIONS -FUNCTIONS inLoudFUNCTIONS theexceptadvance with- from -Permitsis - the PermitsPermits-notPermits the approvalPermits permitted. Department. for forfor for group forof groupgroup groupthe Pleasegroup Department.activities activitiesactivitiesactivities beactivities respectful should shouldshouldshould should beof bebe yourbe be 5. Alcohol, Drugs, And Gambling Consumption, possession, or sale trailsmarkedmarked at Middle in in yellow, yellow, Run. cuts cutsMost through through of all the enjoythe middle middle the ofsounds of the the loop loopof silence and and is is accessible asaccessible you less steepOnline and maps theof ofelevation andCommunity Community additional more Services Services gentle,information atthe at (302) (302)trail on has395-5600.New 395-5600. several Castle switchback County’s park 13. NOISE12.obtained13.12.GROUP - NOISEGROUPLoud in advance musicFUNCTIONS - LoudFUNCTIONS isfrom musicnot the permitted. -not Permits permitted. Please for be Pleasegroup respectful beactivities respectful of your should of your be generally prohibited. fromtrailsmarkers the frommarkedat Day Middle theare Use in Daybrown Parking yellow,Run. Use and Most Parking cutsArea. there throughof areArea.all brownenjoy the middle theinformation sounds of the ofmarkers loop silence and throughout isas accessible you Online mapsOnline andsystem maps additional isandof available Community a dditionalinformation on our informationServices onwebsite New at Castle (302)aton New 395-5600.County’s Castle County’s park park 13.13.12. obtainedobtainedNoiseobtainedneighbors.NOISEobtainedGROUP Loud in in advancein- advance inmusic LoudFUNCTIONSadvance advance music isfrom fromnot from from the the -notDepartment. the Department.Permits Department.permitted. Department. Please for Pleasebegroup respectful beactivities respectful of your should of your be of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is prohibited. Photo: Gambling Derek is Stoneralso quietlyfromfromfrom the hikethe the Day Day inDay Usethis Use Use peacefulParking Parking Parking Area. preserve. Area. Area. areas. OnlineThe Double mapssystem andHorseshoe is a availabledditional Trail oninformation acquiredour website onits atNewname Castle after County’svolunteers park 13. neighbors.NOISE obtainedneighbors.- Loud music in advance is not frompermitted. the Department. Please be respectful of your 5. ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND GAMBLING Photo:- Consumption, Derek Photo: Stoner Derekpossession Stoner from the Day Use Parking Area. Online systemmaps and issystem available additionalOnline is availableon informationmaps our website and on additionalour on at website Castleinformation at County’s on park - Loud- -Loud - Loud- DogsinLoud music advancemusic music mustmusic is is not isbe from not isnot keptpermitted.not permitted.the permitted. permitted.on Department. a leashPlease Please Please Please at beall be berespectfultimes. berespectful respectful respectful Please, of of yourof yourpickof your your up prohibited. Photo: Derek Stoner quietlythe park. hike in this peaceful preserve. constructingDoubleOnlineOnlineOnlineOnline mapsHorseshoe maps maps amaps systemfootbridgeand and and aand dditionala dditional aisTrail dditionala availabledditional discovered information information information oninformation someour website on oldon onNew onNewhorseshoes New atNew Castle www.nccde.orgCastle Castle Castle County’s inCounty’s County’s the County’s stream. park park park park 14. DOGS13.neighbors.13.14.NOISE - DogsNOISEDOGS - must -- DogsLoud be keptmustmusic on be is a kept notleash permitted.on at a allleash times. Please at allPlease, times. be respectful pick Please, up pickof your up or sale of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs Photo: is Derekprohibited. Stoner OnlineOnlinesystem maps maps is andavailable and additional additional on our information websiteinformation at onNew New Castle Castle County’s County’s park park 14.13.14. neighbors.neighbors.Dogsneighbors.afterNOISEDOGSneighbors. Dogs your -- Dogsmust Louddog. bemustmusic kept be ison keptnot a leash permitted.on a atleash all times.Please at all Please,times. be respectful Please, pick up pickof your up 6. Damage And Dumping No dumping is permitted Photo: Derek of trees, Stoner shrubs, MarkedOnline bysystemsystem blue, systemmapssystem Newis this is andavailable is available isCastleavailable traila availabledditional travels County’son on onour onourinformation ourthrough website our website parkwebsite website system rollingat at on www.nccde.orgat at iswww.nccde.orgfarmland, available Castle County’sdeciduous at park 14. afterDOGS your -neighbors.after dog.Dogs your must dog. be kept on a leash at all times. Please, pick up Gambling is also prohibited. Photo: Photo:Photo: Photo: Photo: Derek DerekDerek Derek Derek Stoner StonerStoner Stoner Stoner systemsystemRespect is availableis availableRespect Respectthe onLiving theonour the ourLiving website Earth Livingwebsite Earth at Earth www.nccde.orgat your- Dogs-- your -DogsDogs dog,Dogs- Dogs dog.must mustmustit’s must must thebe bebe belaw!kept bekeptkept kept kepton onon ona onaaleash a leashleash aleash leash at atat allat allallat times.all times.alltimes. times. times. Please, Please,Please, Please, Please, pick pickpick pick pickup upup up up plants, turf, rock, buildings, fences, bridges, signs, Photo: stream Derek water Stoner forests and acrosssystem small is available tributaries.on theour Livingwebsite In orderEarth at to make traveling 14.after14. DOGSyourDOGS dog. - Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Please, pick up 6. DAMAGE AND DUMPING - Vandalism of trees, shrubs,Photo: Derekplants, Stoner turf, Earth Day Trail Respect the Living Earth 14.afterafterafter DOGSafteryour your your yourdog. dog.- dog.Dogs dog. must be kept on a leash at all times. Please, pick up quality, or any other natural or man-made asset of the park. Nothing less steep and the elevationRespect more the Living gentle, Earththe trail has several switchback after your dog. rocks, buildings, fences, bridges, signs, stream water quality or any This trail, marked in green,RespectRespectRespectRespect provides the the the Livingthe aLiving Livingshortcut Living Earth Earth Earth acrossEarth the middle of the after your dog. may be dumped in the park. areas. The Double HorseshoeRespect Trail theacquired Living its Earth name after volunteers 7. Fireother Open natural fires or shallman-made not be assetkindled, of exceptthe park in isfire-rings prohibited. which Nothing have Lenape Trail loop. The lower portion descends into a steep valley and The Delaware Trail Spinners, a mountain bike club, volunteer with may be dumped in the park. constructing a footbridge discovered some old horseshoes in the stream. been previously approved by the Department. crosses over Muddy Run. It then winds through wooded areas to trail maintenance. See their website at for 7. FIRE - No fires shall be kindled. 8. Safety Of Animals No one shall trap, snare, shoot, poison, injure, connect with the Lenape Cut-Off. information about their events at the park. Photo: Derek Stoner 8. annoy,SAFETY or disturbOF ANIMALS any wild -animal No one or shallbird or trap, damage snare, any shoot, nest. poison, Earth Day Trail injure, annoy or disturb any wild animal or bird or damage any nest. 9. Disorderly Conduct Threatening, abusive, insulting, or indecent This trail, marked in green, provides a shortcut across the middle of the 9. DISORDERLY CONDUCT - Threatening, abusive, insulting or Lenape Trail & Lenape Cut-Off The Delaware Trail Spinners, a mountain bike club, volunteer with language, obscene or indecent actions, and fighting are prohibited. Lenape Trail loop. The lower portion descends into a steep valley and indecent language, obscene or indecent actions and fighting are This 3.4 mile trail loop, marked with yellow, covers the central portion trailPark Trailmaintenance. Guides are See also their available website for Carouselat Park, Glasgow Park, for 10. Weapons No one shall carry any knife having a blade three (3) crosses over Muddy Run. It then winds through wooded areas to inchesprohibited. or longer in the park. The possession or discharge of BB of MFVNA, crossing Muddy Run twice. The Lenape Cut-Off, also informationIron Hill Park, about and their Rockwood events at Park the park.& Museum. To obtain a copy of connect with the Lenape Cut-Off. 10. guns,WEAPONS air guns, - No firearms,one shall bowscarry anyand knifearrows, having or anya blade other three lethal (3) marked in yellow, cuts through the middle of the loop and is accessible any of these publications, visit your local library, or contact the inches or longer on the grounds. The possession or discharge of BB weapons is prohibited. from the Day Use Parking Area. ParkDepartment Trail Guides of Special are also Services available at (302) for Carousel 395-5700 Park, or the Glasgow Department Park, 11. Activitiesguns, air guns,Entertainment, firearms, bows demonstrati and arrowsons, or anyor lethalexhibitions weapon are is Lenape Trail & Lenape Cut-Off Iron Hill Park,of Communityand Rockwood Services Park &at Museum.(302) 395-5600. To obtain a copy of prohibited. prohibited, except with the approval of the Department. This 3.4 mile trail loop, marked with yellow, covers the central portion any of these publications, visit your local library, or contact the 11. ACTIVITIES - Entertainment, demonstrations or exhibitions are Middle Run Trailhead 12. Group Functions Permits for group activities should be obtained in of MFVNA, crossing Muddy Run twice. The Lenape Cut-Off, also prohibited, except with the approval of the Department. Near the centrally located parking lot is the Middle Run Trailhead. The OnlineDepartment maps andof Special additional Services informa at (302)tion on 395-5700 New Castle or the County’s Department park advance from the Department. marked in yellow, cuts through the middle of the loop and is accessible 12. GROUP FUNCTIONS - Permits for group activities should be markers are brown and there are brown information markers throughout systemof isCommunity available on Services our website at (302) at 395-5600. 13. Noise Loud music is not permitted. Please be respectful of your from the Day Use Parking Area. neighbors.obtained in advance from the Department. the park. 14.13. DogsNOISE Dogs - Loud must music be kept is not on apermitted. leash at allPlease times. be Please, respectful pick upof your Online maps and additional information on New Castle County’s park afterneighbors. your dog, it’s the law! Photo: Derek Stoner system is availableRespect on the our Living website Earth at - Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Please, pick up 14. DOGS after your dog. Respect the Living Earth