SLSV Media. Research. Consultancy Sound & Light Social Ventures Pvt. Ltd. A global media resource, Research, Rating & Consultancy Network (focused on Indian Social Sector) SLSVArt in collaboration with THE LOFT presents the collection that not only captivates your heart and lights up your life but also reaches out and transforms lives of millions of underprivileged adolescent girls. The inspiration behind this collection is to ensure that your investment in Art not only gives a tangible return to you but also gives a future to the girls who will not only garner skills to negotiate their own lives better but also serve as inspiration to the countless others. SLSVArt for Social good Upto 10% of the cost of the artwork goes towards supporting underprivileged adolescent girls in India. Why Adolescent girls? Investing in Adolescent girls can break the cycle of poverty. Investing in them is linked to achieving nearly every Millennium Development Goal. In India: 47 per cent girls aged 20-24 were married before their 18th birthday. Child and maternal mortality are critically linked to adolescent pregnancy India alone has 105mn adolescent girls, of which nearly half face extreme gender inequality leading to forced marriages, lack of education, sexual violence and coercion SLSVArt for Investment and returns Once you buy and own the artwork from this collection, you can TRADE or AUCTION works within a span of 18months+ of holding it. When you wish to resell or auction, please contact us at
[email protected] Witness the power of Art to reach out and transform lives! This catalogue features* 1.