Pat Conroy | 544 pages | 27 Jul 2016 | Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc | 9780385344074 | English | New York, United States South of Broad by

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview South of Broad South of Broad by Pat Conroy. South of Broad by Pat Conroy. The one and only Pat Conroy returns, with a big, sprawling novel that is at once a love letter to Charleston and to lifelong friendship. Against the sumptuous backdrop of Charleston, South Carolina, South of Broad gathers a unique cast of sinners and saints. Leopold Bloom King, our narrator, is the son of an amiable, loving father who teaches science at the local high schoo The one and only South of Broad Conroy returns, with a big, sprawling novel that is at once a love letter to Charleston and to lifelong friendship. Leopold Bloom King, our narrator, is the son of an amiable, loving father who teaches science at the local high school. His mother, an ex-nun, is the high school principal and a well-known Joyce scholar. After Leo's older brother commits suicide at the age of thirteen, the family struggles with the shattering effects of his death, and Leo, lonely and isolated, searches for something to sustain him. Eventually, he finds his answer when he becomes part of a tightly knit group of high school seniors that includes friends Sheba and Trevor Poe, glamorous twins with an alcoholic mother and a prison-escapee father; hardscrabble mountain runaways Niles and Starla Whitehead; socialite Molly Huger and her boyfriend, Chadworth Rutledge X; and an ever-widening circle whose liaisons will ripple across two decades-from s counterculture through the dawn of the AIDS crisis in the s. The ties among them endure for years, surviving marriages happy and troubled, unrequited loves and unspoken longings, hard-won successes and devastating breakdowns, South of Broad Charleston's dark legacy of racism and class divisions. But the final test of friendship that brings them to San Francisco is something no one is prepared for. South of Broad is Pat Conroy at his finest; a long-awaited work from a great American writer whose passion for life and language knows no bounds. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Fiction Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about South of Broadplease sign up. Ithought I'd read all his books except the one about sports [maybe basketball? Anyone want to comment on this one? Linda Best book I read in I found the characters to be rich and perplexing, not at all stereotypical as someone else said. The plot twists and turns l …more Best book I read in The plot twists and turns like a snake peering at the under layer of humanity's foibles. Damaged souls, galore, but presented with dignity and understanding and a realistic hope of rising above the damage. Interpersonal tension simmers just below the surface. And Conroy's prose is like a Sibelius symphony, lovely and lyrical. I am wanting to know how you all have reviewed this book? I found this old book in a thrift shop, Conroy is one of my favorite writers and this book somehow escaped me at that time. I really am enjoying each and every character South of Broad a hard time putting it down. Rachel Harper I gave it a solid 5 stars. I know it's not for everyone, but I felt like this was him saying to us, South of Broad people who read everything, "I'm OK now. See 2 questions about South South of Broad Broad…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. South of Broad order. Start your review of South of Broad. Oct 28, Mary rated it did not like it. Greatly anticipated and greatly loathed. I love the other Conroy novels. and the Prince of Tides are modern classics. But South of Broad Conroy has taken the "dysfunctional South Carolina family" formula and beaten it into the ground. Where to start? Implausible plot elements. I mean PUH-leeze. I can't even cover all the gimmicks Conroy throws into this plot. Give your readers some credit, you don't have to hit them over the head with every imaginable twist on family dysfunction all in one Greatly anticipated and greatly loathed. Give your readers some credit, you don't have to hit them South of Broad the head with every imaginable twist on family South of Broad all in one book. Embarrassingly unbelievable dialogue. Conroy is obviously trying to reproduce the kind of witty repartee you see on Friends but it just doesn't work here. These are teenagers speaking the words of sophisticated script writers. It not only doesn't ring true, but totally detracts from the story. Worst of all is the preachy tone of the whole novel. The main character is so smugly "enlightened", even as a teenager, that you want nothing more than to smack him upside his self righteous head. Leo boldly South of Broad his group of friends into Racial Harmony and Gay Tolerance while healing the wounds of Childhood Trauma and at same time showing remarkable and totally unbelievable attachment to a cantankerous, elderly character what he does for this character, at one point, is simply not to be believed of any teenager. He describes himself as a dork who bakes and sews prom gowns, but at the same time manages to make time with the female characters in a way that - again - defies belief. All this is to South of Broad that I have yet to conclude this novel. With a few remaining chapters I intend to see it through to the bitter end. I have a feeling that it won't end the South of Broad I'd South of Broad which would be to see the entire cast of characters sail away on a Slow Boat to China, never to be heard from again! View all 48 comments. Apr 23, Diane rated it it was ok Shelves: southern-charmunfinished. Sorry, Pat, but I'm abandoning this novel at 25 percent. Conroy has a lot of Southern charm, but this isn't his best work. The dialogue was too contrived and I wasn't invested in the characters. I did like the Charleston setting and the Bloomsday references, but South of Broad hit a wall and decided I need to move on. Conroy has such a big heart that I feel a bit guilty for not finishing, but my pile of unread books is just too large to linger here. I'll circle back and read more of his novels in the future. View all 11 comments. South of Broad 12, Eloise rated it it was ok. This is a difficult book to review. South of Broad, however, is not one of his best works. There were far too many jarring grammatical errors which occurred as early as page threethe dialogue was awful and the storyline over-the-top dramatic. Parts of the book This is a difficult book to review. Parts of the book were magical, such as the story of the main character's parents' romance and the relationship between the boy and an antique dealer. But many of the characters came across as stereotyped caricatures. View all 9 comments. May 05, Lisa Patton added it Shelves: abandoned. Not loving it, so far. The dialogue is really bugging me. South of Broad people South of Broad talk like this? Is anyone else out there reading this right now and finding it irritating? Slightly North of Broad | Fine dining restaurant in Charleston, SC

Downtown Charleston is typically referred to as the Historic District but within the city center, a host of smaller neighborhoods exist, each offering a unique personality and experience for visitors. Location: As its name suggests, South of Broad is located south of Broad Street, at the southernmost tip of the peninsula. Bordered by the Cooper and Ashley Rivers, this primarily residential area offers spectacular views of the Charleston harbor, where the two rivers meet the Atlantic Ocean. The neighborhood is also home to Rainbow Row, one of the most famous streets in all of Charleston. Wander along the newly renovated, raised promenade South of Broad unparalleled views of the harbor. See if you can spot Fort Sumterwhere the Civil War began, in the distance! South of Broad a variety of architectural styles exist, most homes were built by wealthy plantation owners or merchants South of Broad the Georgian-Palladian style. Each half of the gate has a central cross, formed by a vertical spear and a horizontally placed broadsword. A matching pair mark the entrance to The Citadel, the military college located downtown. Concierge Tip: While wandering South of Broad can be a history South of Broad in itself, consider a tour of one of the historic homes in the neighborhood. The Heyward Washington Housewhere George Washington stayed on his tour of the South of Broad, the Edmonston Alston House or the Calhoun Mansionthe largest private residence downtown at 24, square feet, are open for tours. The Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeonwhich offers daily tours, has hosted pirates, patriots and presidents since the Colonial era. Points of Interest: Famous for its lush gardens and detailed iron gate-work, South of Broad is best explored South of Broad foot or by horse-drawn carriage. Admire the flourishing window boxes and peak into the private gardens but do mind your manners — these are private properties! While you may have known South of Broad as the title of a Pat Conroy novel an South of Broad also see on our Portraits of Charleston wallthe neighborhood offers much more for visitors to Charleston. South of Broad a map from our concierge, and savor South of Broad best of the South as depicted through one of the most beautiful areas downtown. You must be logged in to post a comment. Tags: calhoun mansion Charleston heyward washing house old exchange building south of broad white point gardens. Share Tweet Share Pin It. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Downtown Discovered: South of Broad - Hidden Charleston

South of Broad is a novel by Pat Conroy. It ranges from his troubled childhood to his adult life with his close group of friends. Part one focuses on introducing the reader to Leopold Bloom King Leohis family, and his set of friends who he meets on a fateful Bloomsday June 16, Leo is the South of Broad of the story who gradually reveals his troubled childhood which was traumatized by the sudden and unforeseen suicide of his older brother Steve. He reveals himself to be a paper-boy for the South of Broad delivery area, thus introducing the reader to the Charleston neighborhood. Hints at a previous run-in with the law are given and he will exit his parole period that summer. He then introduces the reader to his loving father and strict mother South of Broad how their life stories shaped their characters. An influential Catholic priest named Monsignor Max is also introduced, and he proves to be lifelong companion to Leo's mother after Leo's father passes away. On Bloomsday,Leo performs a series of tasks that leads him to meet his soon-to-be friends. He bakes cookies for his South of Broad dramatic neighbors Sheba and Trevor Poe and their alcoholic mother. He then meets the two orphans Niles and Starla who he finds tied down to chairs South of Broad wins their confidence by untying them. He South of Broad appears with his mother at a gathering at the Charleston yacht club South of Broad he meets Chad, Molly, and Fraser; three affluent teens, two of whom were kicked out of their respective private schools. Lastly, he meets his new high school football coach the coach is black and will coach the first ever integrated team at Peninsula High and later will meet Ike, the coach's fiery and talented son who will co-captain the team with Leo. Eventually, all South of Broad characters including Betty, another orphan will meet each other South of Broad become friendly, despite the major differences and cultural struggles between black and white, city and country, and rich and poor. Part two of the story occurs twenty years later, when Leo who is now a newspaper columnist is interrupted from work by Sheba Poe, who is now a famous actress who flew back to Charleston from Hollywood. After a series of embarrassing moments and behavior for Sheba during which time Leo's old high school friends unite, Sheba reveals that she has lost contact with her brother Trevor, whom she suspects is dying of AIDS in San Francisco at the height of its outbreak among the gay community. Leo, who had since that time married and separated from a mentally-ill Starla, reveals his love for Molly, who has grown apart from her philandering husband Chad. Part three is set in San Francisco, where Leo and his friends go to find Trevor. After volunteering with a food bank, the characters discover the shocking conditions South of Broad people with AIDS and the devastating effects the virus has on its victims. A tip from an unlikely source results in a daring rescue attempt to find Trevor, who is found close to death and trapped in a crumbling building in the Tenderloin area. The friends then return to Charleston with Trevor, but not after a frightening encounter with Trevor and Sheba's father, who terrorizes the friends with his mystery and his violent antics. Leo and Molly become increasingly close to one another. Part four is a flashback to which follows the success of Peninsula High's football team South of Broad retraces Leo and his friends' ever- strengthening friendships. A series of incidents involving Chad's behavior stretches the friendships at times and reveals hints at future problems and character flaws for several characters. The histories of Sheba, Trevor, Niles, and Starla are revealed and are emotionally damaging. Leo reveals a positive story from his life: his luck when a lonely antique store shopkeeper he cared for during his parole died and left Leo with a home on Tradd Street and a large fortune from the inheritance. Part five returns to Charleston inwhere the friends' success in finding Trevor is darkened by increasing fears because of threats made by Sheba and Trevor's father through terrifying correspondence. Sheba informs Leo that she is South of Broad a normal life and begs him to marry her. Meanwhile, Starla returns to Charleston and in a severe moment informs Leo that she had aborted two fetuses that would have been Leo's children. It is in that moment that Leo decides after South of Broad of steadily clinging to his marriage due South of Broad Catholic vows that he and Starla can no longer be a husband and wife. Leo later finds out from police that a pregnant South of Broad has committed suicide. In spite South of Broad increasing fears for her safety and security due to her father's threats, Sheba refuses South of Broad leave her teenage home and her dementia-crippled mother, though Leo convinces her to let South of Broad live with him. Soon, Sheba is found murdered one morning with her mother appearing to be the assailant it is later determined that her father was the murderer. Following a massive funeral, the friends must South of Broad their attention to the menacing Hurricane Hugo which is headed for Charleston. Following the catastrophic storm, the friends soon discover the remains of a person who had been hiding out in a shed behind Niles and Fraser's house. It is later discovered to be Sheba and Trevor's father, who had the intention of killing the group during the hurricane but wound up drowning due to the storm surge. As the city recovers and rebuilds, Leo and Molly go out to Sullivan's Island together to find Molly's grandmother's house in ruins, though they rescue South of Broad porpoise. During that moment, Leo and Molly reach the conclusion that they can never be together romantically and that their relationship would remain platonic. In the months following the hurricane, Leo continues to take care of Trevor, who seems healthy but continues to lose weight. Trevor reveals South of Broad desire to get back to San South of Broad. Leo's mother decides to return to a nun's convent and Leo begins to experience a normalizing of relations between mother and son. Just as it appears Leo's life is coming together, Trevor reveals a most damaging revelation - in his pornographic video collection, Trevor finds an old South of Broad inside a sealed case that shows a young Monsignor Max raping Steve around the time of his suicide. Enraged, Leo confronts a dying Monsignor Max the night before the priest passes away. After a week of tributes, Leo writes a detailed column revealing Max's criminality before entering a mental hospital at the recommendation of a psychiatrist. The story ends with a series of dreams Leo has about his deceased family and friends who encourage him to live his life, even if it must be an South of Broad of normalcy. He awakens South of Broad the dreams to befriend a female nurse as he prepares to leave the institution and the traumatic experiences of his life, looking boldly into the future. Reception for South of Broad has been mixed, though generally more positive than negative. The Washington Post called the book "a big sweeping novel of friendship and marriage" with "passages in the novel that are lush and beautiful and precise. Louis Post-Dispatch called South of Broad "brilliant", evoking "anger, joy, and sorrow". The title refers, meaningfully, to a section of Charleston, S. This one starts most promisingly: 'Nothing happens by accident. The combination of all these disparate elements bears the unmistakable makings of a spirit-shaping saga. According to Conroy's literary agency, soon after the book was released, the publisher remarked: "South of Broad hit all possible best seller list[sic] and is selling at a pass never seen 'this side of Tom Clancy' so to speak. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. South of Broad First edition. Dewey Decimal. Retrieved Feb 3, — via www. The New York Times. Los Angeles Times. Post and Courier. Retrieved Kirkus Reviews. July 1, — via ProQuest Central. The Booklist. Pat Conroy. Works of Pat Conroy. Hidden categories: All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February CS1: long volume value. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. First edition.