TOUCHING BASE “One doesn’t expect to experience things like this in one’s TOUCHING life. I found it totally spooky....It’s kind of like taking a public bath.” —Francis Collins, as quoted by the Washington Post, after watching a BASE performance of The Sequence, Paul Mullin’s stage play about the race QUESTIONS? THOUGHTS? IDEAS? to sequence the human genome. e-mail us at
[email protected] What’s in a name? Mutant of the Month The first annual Keystone Systems and Biology meeting was held jointly with the Proteomics and Bioinformatics conference in Keystone, Colorado, “Would it be of any 8–13 April 2005. David Sabatini, Albert-László Barabási and Marc Vidal use, now,” thought led this successful meeting of over 400 participants. Several years ago, Alice, “to speak Vidal and Barabási recognized the need for a conference bringing together to this mouse? the leaders from all relevant areas in the emerging field of systems biol- Everything is so ogy (below), to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations. out-of-the-way down They used the name ‘Systems and Biology’ to point out that the multidis- here, that I should ciplinary efforts made in the name of systems biology do not represent think very likely it a separate field in biology, but rather a new approach that will in time be can talk: at any rate recognized as integral to understanding biological systems. The discus- there’s no harm sion of the importance of names continued with respect to the names of in trying.” So she Anna Pelling and Kathryn Cheah departments, as participants expressed concern at belonging to depart- began: “O Mouse, do ments with names that did not directly reflect their work.