Dermatologist Relishes Cameo Roles
66 Practice Trends S KIN & ALLERGY N EWS • May 2008 T HE R EST OF Y OUR L IFE Dermatologist Relishes Cameo Roles riter and film director Woody down” (1999) and in “Small Time Crooks” Allen was about to leave Dr. (2000); a magician’s volunteer in “The WKenneth L. Edelson’s derma- Curse of the Jade Scorpion” (2001); an eye tology office on Manhattan’s Upper East doctor in “Hollywood Ending” (2002); a Side in March of 1986, when he turned to hotel desk clerk in “Anything Else” (2003); Dr. Edelson and made him a promise. and a disco guest in “Melinda and Melin- “In his inimitable manner, Woody da” (2005). Along the way, he has rubbed scratched his head and said, ‘You know Dr. elbows with scores of celebrities, includ- Edelson, you’re a real funny guy,’ ” re- ing Helena Bonham Carter, Mia Farrow, called Dr. Edelson, who did not know Mr. Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman, Helen Allen prior to that office visit. “‘I’m going Hunt, Sean Penn, Cybill Shepherd, Peter to put you in my next film.’ I thought, Weller, and Uma Thurman. ‘Yeah, right, I’ll be in the movies!’ ” Acting “allows some stress and tension DELSON The next day, Mr. Allen’s longtime cast- release,” said Dr. Edelson, who listed Jack- L. E ing director Juliet Taylor called Dr. Edelson ie Gleason, Red Skelton, Steve Allen, Lau- to confirm that Mr. Allen’s pledge was gen- rel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, and ENNETH . K R uine and to inquire about his acting histo- the Three Stooges among his favorite D ry.
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