Shoals Wreck Is Cornell Archaeologists' Delight by ROBERT W

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Shoals Wreck Is Cornell Archaeologists' Delight by ROBERT W Cornell Chronicle Volume 14, Number 29 Thursday, April 28, 1983 el A popular spot as the pressure grows late in the term is the comic book stand at the Campus Store, Where one may make a brief escape to the lands of Thor, Conan and X-Men. Shoals Wreck Is Cornell Archaeologists' Delight By ROBERT W. SMITH can have experience with a vessel in this On a bright August day in 1982. near Duck context." he said. Island in waters off the coast of Maine, five What's more important is that this dis- neophyte underwater archaeologists began covery represents the first step in a five or the unglamourous task of marking the area six-year program of careful analysis of the >n which they'd be diving. But then... land and underwater archaeology of Ap- "The first bucket of equipment thrown , pledore. °ver the side of our boat landed on the "The area was settled early," Farrell substantial remains of a wooden vessel." said. "It was attractive to early peoples according to the group's instructor, Robert because of the fresh water supply. We may T. Farrell. professor of English. Medieval find continuity of habitation since well Studies and Archaeology. before Christ'" But what about the story, the history of For a week. Farrell directed the five the underwater "mystery" ship? divers as they took pictures, made sketches Details indicated that the wooden ship of and drawings and drew maps of their find a peg construction was from the 19th cen- nd the area. Farrell. himself a veteran tury, Farrell said. The students began Underwater archaeologist, was kept out of interviewing captains and crews of various the water by a case of bronchitis for all but tn vessels at the Isles of Shoals, as well as e last two days. talking to old residents, to learn the ship's But that didn't diminish his pleasure at name and type. watching his five students "investigating, faking scientific decisions, without touch- it was incredible to see the kids going n mad tracing down bits and pieces of in- ' g or bringing up and exposing to air " the formation well into the night," Farrell discovery made during the week-long recalled. course offered bv Shoals Marine Labora- Their tentative conclusion is that they tory. found a sailing ship, the Samuel J. Goucher, The laboratory is a seasonal teaching and Prot. Kobert T. Farrell (left) and an underwater archaeology student a five-masted coal transport launched in research field station operated by Cornell investigate the entire area in which they are diving in order to record their 1904 and sunk Nov. 12,1911. No Spanish ^nd the University of New Hampshire on findings in detail. man-of-war. No pirate ship filled with jJPpledore Island in the southern Gulf of booty. Also, no coal. V'aine, 10 miles to seaward of Portsmouth, course is repeated. "We'll be measuring, of the ship: information without excava- "I have my doubts about it being a coaler sampling, analyzing and dating by den- tion." because we've found no coal... and we Farrell and some 10 students will be drochronology the timbers in the ship, " he "It's important and unusual that students should," Farrell said. "It just may be e at work again this August when the explained. "We want minimal disturbance working to learn underwater archaeology something else." 2 Thursday, April 28, 1983 People Extension's Carol Anderson Wins Kellogg Fellowship Carol L. Anderson, associate director of Anderson, who is also assistant dean of Outstanding Extension Educator for Iowa lion since its beginning in 1930. to support the Cooperative Extension Service, is one the New York State College of Human State in 1979, as well as its Outstanding projects that are focused on the application of 47 outstanding young American pro- Ecology and an associate professor of Young Alunnus in 1977. of existing knowledge to the problems of fessionals chosen for Class IV of the W.K. human development and family studies, Foundation Chairman of the Board Rus- people. The foundation's three fields of Kellogg Foundation National Fellowship held extension and home economics staff sell G. Mawby said the foundation has interest are agriculture, education and Program. positions before joining the Cornell staff. made grants totaling more than $643 mil- health. The Fellowship Program, initiated in Active in community affairs, she has 1980, is aimed at helping the nation expand served on local citizen action committees its vital pool of capable leaders. The pro- Anderson, 39, earned her doctor's degree Scheraga Receives Danish gram is structured to increase individuals' in home economics and adult education skills and insights into areas outside their from Iowa State and her master's degree in chosen disciplines so they can deal more child development and children/family Prize for Biochemistry Work creatively and effectively with society's from Wisconsin, where she also received Harold A. Scheraga, the Todd Professor given every three years to recognize out- complex problems. the bachelor's degree in home economics of Chemistry, will receive the 1983 Kaj standing contributions in the areas of Each Kellogg National Fellow receives a education. Author of extension publications Linderstrom-Lang Prize of the Carlsberg biochemistry or physiology. The Carlsberg three-year grant of up to $35,000 to pursue a on home economics, she was a delegate to Foundation of Denmark in ceremonies May Foundation and Laboratory are supported professionally broadening self-designed the national assembly of the American 10 in Copenhagen. by profits of the Carlsberg and Tuborg plan of study. Participation in Foundation- Home Economics Association in 1976,1977 An internationally recognized researcher breweries. designed seminars that focus on issues and 1978. in the physical chemistry of proteins, Scheraga's experimental and theoretical facing leaders in domestic and interna- Anderson was the first woman ever to Scheraga will be cited for his "outstanding work is directed toward two fundamental tional settings is also required. Travel receive a University of Wisconsin Ex- experimental and theoretical studies of the problems: How do polypeptide chains fold experiences and consultations add to the tension fellowship. She was also named folding of proteins and the factors de- into the native, biologically active struc- program's scope. termining the shapes of biological macro- tures of proteins? and how do these folded molecules." proteins express their biological function? The prize which includes a gold medal One of the systems investigated in his Five Young Scientists Here Receive and an award of 30,000 Danish kroner research program is the thrombin-induced (about $5,000), is named for the late direc- conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, an im- NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships tor of the Carlsberg Laboratory and is portant step in the blood-clotting process. Five young scientists here are among 50 Fellowships in 1983. in the U.S. to be awarded North Atlantic The fellowship program was initiated by Treaty Organization (NATO) Postdoctoral NATO in 1959 to advance science and Feigenbaum Wins Atomic Energy Award Fellowships in Science. technology and to promote closer col- Mitchell J. Feigenbaum, professor of Feigenbaum was a Fellow at the Institute The awards, announced Tuesday, April laboration among NATO members and physics in the Laboratory of Atomic and for Advanced Studies in 1978 and in 1981 was 12, by the National Science Foundation and associated countries. Each NATO country Solid State Physics, is among five Ameri- named a Fellow in the Thoretical Division the Department of State, allow full-time administers the program for its own na- can scientists to receive the 1982 Ernest of Los Alamos National laboratory, a posi- postgraduate study abroad at institutions tionals. At the request of the Department of Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award for tion he still holds. He was appointed pro- and laboratories in NATO countries or in State, the National Science Foundation outstanding contributions in the field of fessor of physics at Cornell in 1982. countries that cooperate with NATO. administers the NATO-funded program for atomic energy. Feigenbaum's discoveries are leading to Receiving postdoctoral fellowships at U.S. nationals. The award, which includes a gold medal, major progress in the studies of the onset o> Cornell are Douglas C. Knipple, who will NATO Fellows will receive a stipend of a citation and $5,000, is given by the U.S. turbulence and are having an impact on the study molecular biology at the Max Planck $1,500 a month for up to 12 months. In Department of Energy to U.S. citizens who understanding of a wide variety of physical Institut fur Virusforschung, West Germa- addition, dependency allowances and lim- are early in their careers and who have phenomena. As a result of his work, physi- ny; Kenneth G. Ross, entomology, Institut ited allowances for round-trip travel are made recent meritorious contributions to cists are better able to predict such meas- fur Biologie III, Tubingen, West Germany; provided. the development, use or control of atomic urable properties as the velocity and tem- Jan Svejnar, economics, University of Lou- The awardees were selected by the Na- energy. perature fluctuations in real fluids and to vain, Belgium; Jonathan D. Walton, tional Science Foundation from 350 appli- understand these universal predictions. phytopathology, University of Rome, Italy, cants on the basis of their proposed plans of In the past, the prize has been awarded to and Nancy G. Wolf, ecology, McGill Uni- study after initial review and evaluation by distinguished physicists in both high energy Norman T. Uphoff, member of the facul- versity, Canada. panels of scientists who are expert in their and condensed matter physics, including ty of the Department of Government at specialized fields.
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