Olympus Corporate Social Responsibility Report Digest Toward the Realization of a Better Livelihood and Happiness To protect the environment, this report was printed on FSC-certified paper produced using resources from appropriately managed forests, soy ink and waterless printing technology. It has received third-party approval from the Color Universal Design Organization, a nonprofit organization in Japan, as being suitable for people with a wide range of color-vision characteristics. Olympus Corporation Contact CSR Department, CSR Division Shinjuku Monolith, 3-1 Nishi-Shinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0914, Japan TEL:+81-3-6901-9299 FAX:+81-42-642-9017 E-mail:
[email protected] Issued in August 2010 (previous edition issued in August 2009) Olympus Corporate Social Responsibilities Activities website http://www.olympus-global.com/en/corc/csr/ Circulation: 4,000 copies Next volume scheduled for issue in August 2011 X020-10E①1008T Printed in Japan Introduction The Olympus Group began to publish its “Environmental Report” in 2000. In 2005 the report was expanded to include information concerning corporate governance and the social aspects of the Group’s activities, and the title was changed to the “Corporate Social Responsibility Report”. Since 2008, the booklet has taken the form of a digest of the information provided on the Olympus Group CSR website. It is designed to provide a clear overview of the corporate activities of the Olympus Group, together with information about policies, initiatives and significant events in the current business year. Overview of Corporate Social Responsibility Information This Report and the Olympus CSR website The notation WEB WEB indicates that more detailed Olympus information is available on our website.