The New Hampshire

Vol. 79 No. 32 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 (603)862-1490 Durham. N.H. Bulk Rate,Ltti Post?.oe Pam Durham ~ H Perm,! sr3(; Prof defends creative• • colum By Jay Kumar In a surprise move last week, UNH English Professor An­ drew Merton resigned from his position as a columnist for the "New Hampshire Weekly" sec­ tion of the Boston Sunday Globe over what he called "a difference of opinion." However, he said, the newspaper asked him to come back last Friday, and the two parties are still negotiating. The difference of opinion came over a column Merton submitted on Jan. 31 for the Feb. 5 Boston Sunday Globe, which the paper refused to run. The column was entitled "Surreal Tribute to Salvador Dali," which described New m.. , ------H.w'H/d.«,•cC,X,•C''"~1;,~c:,§J-,}#L,. 'lf'E¾fJ1i[' _.,, Hampshire political events in The UNH Dairy Barn before leaving its original home in East Lynn, Mass., in 1911. (photo compliment of Durham Historical terms of the late surrealist painter. In the piece, Merton Association) said, 'Tm trying to do with words what he did with paint ... Clearly, it's not as easy a piece Durham life, past and present as others." But,· an hour after he submit­ By Ishi Niyama Burdett ted it, Merton received a phone used to pass through Durham, The building was actually for transportation and shipping call from the Globe telling him On June 30, 1967 at 7:09 pm, according to Roy Alonzo, pro­ reconstructed in Durham in cargo to ancj from Portsmouth the column wouldn't run. He a UNH employee named Robert fessor of food service manage­ 1912 after it was taken apart, and other ports, according to said he was stunned, and re­ J. Steiner boarded a train in ment of Thompson Hall . Now brick by brick, ata station in East Philip M. Marston's article in signed the next day. Durham. As he got off in Dover they only come through a few Lynn, Massachusetts, Alonzo the April, 1944 edition of Old "Suddenly all the assumptions he declared to the train conduc­ times a day. said. Time New England. of the conditions under which tor, "I am the last person to ride An architectural memory of The completion of the B & The stage coach, which trans­ I was writing were proved to the regular scheduled passenger old time Durham stands erect, M Railroad to Dover in 1841, pb rted passengers and mail be false. I thought I would have service to New Hampshire," although often unnoticed, across along with the development of from Dover to Boston, was to write with someone looking according to the January 20, from the Field House next to industry, repre_sented a major discontinued at the completion over my shoulder," Merton said. 1980 edition of The Union the railroad tracks. It is the change in Durham. of the railroad, according to - As for the reason he was Leader's New Hampshire Sun­ UNH Dairy Bar, formerly a busy Situated on Oyster River, M_arstQP_,__ day News. train station for the Boston and Durham was formerly a minor . MERTON, page 13 As many as 16 trains a d~y Maine_Railroad. seaport relying upon sea vessels DAIRY BAR, page 8 UNH students report assaults INSIDE

By Alex Berger Nu and Delta Chi fraternities. . A UNH student was grabbed A UNH woman was attacked by the throat from behind as she by an unknown male from a car­ Welcome walked down a secluded path parked in the lot. Further in­ near Cowell Drive and Bay View formation has yet to be obtained King .•':\.. __ _ Road, behind the Post Office . pertaining to the assault. The path is a well-known short­ Other University Police re­ ~~ ­ cut between downtown Durham ports incidated several false Laphos! .T. and Young Drive. emergency telephone calls made ... The woman was unharmed from a residential building on and fled from her unknown Thursday night at around 11:30 assailant. p.m. The New The man was described as The caller was not identified being a white male, 22 to 24 but the phone calls stopped after Hampshire's years old, six feet tall with a thin the police checked the area build. When last seen, the man where the false calls were being ·new monthly was wearing blue jeans and a made from. · black motorcycle jacket with A male subject was charged zippers on the sleves. with criminal trespass after· he comedy .• •,• ~; ' .. The incident t<;>0k place on ws apprehended attempting to ~ i- Friday, February 10 at approx­ illegally enter a residential insert \ ;" imately 1:40 a.m. building early Friday morning. Another assualt, the second The man was caught by a is here! in two weeks, took place on police officer on: foot patrol as Monday,January 31 between the he was trying to force a window I Composite from Friday's incident. hours of 9:30 p.m and 10:00 p.m. in the parking lo~I!_ear Sigma .: POLICE, page 6 · PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Valentines Day, for the lovers or for the birds?

By Bryan Alexander thoughts are getting kind of tormer Valentine's Day. She For Romeos and Juliets all expensive.-" travelled to the Caribbean with ·over the world, February 14 is If he could have his way, her boyfriend and his family. a spiritual celebration of love. Olliver would make drastic The sun shone. The beach The day reaffirms the human reforms on the holiday. Reforms sparkled. His big teeth sparkled. need for intimacy, tightens the that would make more people The waves lapped. golden bond of enchantment enjoy this day. Besides giving She breaks down. She was and glorifies all those who are the students a day off, he would lying. enraptured in Cupid's trance. set a ceiling on the amount of "My best Valentine's Day was Valentine's Day also makes money people can spend on the in fourth grade when it was a lot of people puke. holiday. He proposed a $10 mandatory to bring in Valen- Like Christmas, the day has maximum. tines for everyone," said Lynch. its share of George Baileys. In the mean time, Valentine's This type of Valentine's Day Starry-eyed inamoratas reciting Day will continue as a financial is the type which Mark Belanger Shakespearean love sonnets and burden to people like Olliver. dreads. He speaks with loathing other garbage. But for every It will not cease in carelessly over the need for mass love George Bailey there are hordes putting pe~ple on a diet of exchanges, a myth he said was of silent Mr. Potters waiting for Hamburger Helper, giving created by Hallmark and other the right time to rise up and them bitter feelings and bad gold mining corporations. destroy this holiday once and breath. "The greeting card business for all. Diane Lynch is a student who is making you buy ·cards for Mike Olliver is one student views Valentine's as an abnor- everyone you know," said Be­ who has grown sour on this mally cold day in February. !anger. "It shows no emotion. holiday. His relationship with Lynch plans on spending the It has no feelings if you have it is one of manufactured fan­ day writing a paper. She has to give to everyone." tasies and unfulfilled expecta­ outgrown the Charlie Brow- Belanger believes the day was tions. nesque days of running to the meant to honor one person. It "It (Valentine's Day) doesn't mailbox in hopes of a surprise was born to show ·the person ~;\i'.- •' mean anything to me," said card. they are the tops, numero uno, . ~ , i;\[ ® .••... ~L _ /?i Olliver. ''I've never felt I was "All I expect for Valentine's the prime sirloin. Valentine's Day may send a person with flowers sweeping part of the hol.iday· and it was Day is my W-4 form," said · But this got diluted by the through your door. Then again, maybe not. (Bryan Alexander never a part of me." Lynch. profit seekers, said Belanger. photo) "It's kind of like a fair weather She has been turned off to the They encouraged participants "Once things get commercial, ·sent me flowers, a card and friendt he added. "You give and. whole holiday thing by die need to get sisters, mothers, grand­ there's no going bal!:k," said money," said Pannorfi. "It was you don't know whether you:ll of a man. There is no Heathcliff mothers and aunts named Eu­ Belanger, "It's hopeless." depressing." receive." for this Catherine, no Aeneas nice into the scene. This is Things are not looking so She said.she remembers fond­ He said this feeling was for this Dido. Lynch only hung wrong, he said. great for Lisa Pannorfi this year ly her special day two years ago. magnified this year. As a strug­ one stocking over the fireplace "We need to take the com- either. For the first time in eight Her beau dined her in the finest gling college stud_ent, Olliver this Christmas. · · mercialism out and put the year; she has no boyfriend with fashion. But beauless, she has "dished out 40 clams" on flowers "It (Valentine's Day) is great romance back," he said. whom to celebrate the holiday dropped out of the parade and for his girlfriend. The hole this if it applies," said Lynch. "But But-he is not optimistic about made for couples. She is riding joined the egg throwers. She has caused in his wallet forced him in those cases when it doesn't, the process. Even though he solo in the tunnel of love. released Valentine's .Day faster to. reflect on the value of the ~t's ~eally annoying_ and pester- bucked the system by sending Not even so lice fro'm her than Los Angelos fans abandon holiday . . mg. only one carnation to the worn- friends and parents can make , , "I know it's the thoug~t,that In a moment of frenzy, Lynch . an of his dreams, he does not her feel better. VALENTINE, page 7 . counts," said Olliver. ."B~t these go~s into an explanation '6f a _ predict the flocks will follow . "My parents felt bad, so•they - l l, I ' ' r NEWS IN.BRIEF

Two Maine inmates Snow-car accident After abortion, signs attempt suicide kills N .H. man of woman are stable Two inmates at the crowded Androscoggin County A Claremont man died when a snow vehicle Jail of Maine have been transferred to the Augusta overturned and crushed him, state police said Sunday. A comatose woman who received an abortion Mental Health Institute following apparent suicide The accident happened about 1:30 p.m. Saturday after a two-week legal battle was in guarded condition attempts two days apart, authorities said. at the Morningside Hang-Gliding Area in Cha­ Sunday as her fainily explored moving her to a A passing jailer discovered inmate David W. rlestown, New Hampshire. Police said Rob Bicknell, rehabilitation facility in New Jersey or Boston. Bartlett Jr., 27, hanging from a bedsheet at 3:30 31, was riding a double-track snow vehicle - Nancr Klein, 32, was at North Shore University a.m. Saturday and cut him down with the aid of described as being different from a snowmobile Hospttal of Manhasset, New York, Sunday with other inmates said Capt. John Lebel, the jail - when the vehicle slid down an incline and all signs stable, a hospital spokesman said the day administrator. overturned. Bicknell was pronounced dead at a after she was given an abortion requested by her Bartlett, who did not stop breathing or lose hospital from multiple trauma. . husband. She was 18 weeks pregnant. Nancy Klein consciousness, was examined at St. Mary's Hospital has been in a coma since she was severely brain in Lewiston. damaged in a car accident on Dec. 13. Her husband, Martin, began court proceedings to become her Kitty's doing fine guardian so he could order an abortion that doctors said could aid her recovery. Kitty Dukakis is in good spirits and optimistic Chocolate has about her recovery after her first week in an alcohol treatment facility, said her father, Harry Ellis "amorous value" Dickson. D-ickson, along with Gov. Michael S. Dukakis The romantic effect of giving someone a heart­ and the couple's daughters, Andrea, 22, and Kara, Rocket launch delayed shaped box of chocolates on Valentine's Day could 19, visited Mrs. Dukakis Saturday at Edgehill be more than sentimental. "Chocolate does have Newport, a private Rhode Island treatment center, amorous value," said George Higgins, a pastry chef The Boston Herald reported yesterday. The launching of the Air Force's new generation instructor at the 8,000-student Johnson & Wales _"Kitty is very optimistic about getting better," ?f Delta rockets was delayed for the second day University in Providence. "A chemical in the Dickson told the newspaper. "She has a very positive rn a row yesterday because of high winds, an Air chocolate hits a pleasure center in the brain," Higgins 1.ttitude and seems very happy. Force spokesman said. said. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, or PEA, Mrs. Dukakis, 52, checked into the Edgehill Officials said the launching of the Delta 2 rocket a natural mood-altering chemical also found in the Newport center on Feb. 5 for treatment of bouts could not be attempted again until today. The rocket human brain. In Tokyo, only men receive gifts of of excessive drinking that her husband blamed on is to carry into orbit the first satellite of an advanced chocolate on Valentine's Day. Some women just exhaustion, stress and the letdown after his loss navigation system. scatter the sweets out of a sense of obligation. in the presidential election. The launching will begin the first working mission According to a survey by Hakuhodo Institute of Mrs. Dukakis had conquered a 26-year dependency for the Delta 2, one of three classes of unmanned Life and Living, 57 percent of Japanese men between on diet pills in 1982 and had not been known to rockets the Air Force has been developing since 15 and 25 do not ask women for dates, but wait have an alcohol problem. Dukakis called her chemical the Challenger shuttle disaster of January 1986. for women to take the initiative. dependency "a disease from which you never recover; The Air Force is also developing a Titan 4 rocket, Rocket launch delayed you're always recovering." to carry as much cargo as the space shuttle, and . Most patients at Edgehill Newport, a $271-per­ a smaller Atlas rocket. day tacility located on 22 acres in Newport, are The satellite is to be part of the $80 billion 21- admitted for a one-month stay satellite Navs tar Global Positioning System. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE THREE Bars, cars and broken laws

By Elyse Decker test, or a blood alcohol content that assumption alone. The scene is not unfamiliar (BAC) test. -If the results of the According to Dwyer, the in Durham. It is 1 :00 a.m. on test indicate a blood alcohol police do not always have a Saturday and a car swerves over content of 0.1, meaning ten probable cause for stopping a I the yellow line for no apparent percent of the blood is alcohol, car and they sometimes pull reason. The police decide to pull the driver is arrested and over people who they have seen . the car over, suspecting that the charged with DWI. leaving a bar or party. "It's like person driving may be intox­ What happens next? In some shooting fish in a barrel," said icated. cases here in Durham, students Dwyer, who opposes the prac­ The policeman notices that charged with DWI will enlist tice. the driver's eyes are glassy and the aid of Tom Dwyer a lawyer According to New Hamp­ his speech is slightly slurred. from Legal Services. Dwyer shire law, if convicted of DWI, He asks the driver to step out listens to the circumstances a driver faces a fine of up to of the car for afield sobriety test. surrounding the case, but more $1,000 and loss of driving The· test implemented may be; often than not, he will build his privileges for up to 90 days. The walking on an imaginary line, defense using the police report. defendant, at the discretion of putting one's finger to one's He tries to find ways around the the judge, may also be asked to nose, or standing on one leg for conviction although the client participate in an alcohol aware­ thirty seconds. often has very incriminating ness program, which costs an The results of these tests evidence against him. Dwyer average of $250. In addition, it determine, for the officer, wheth­ looks for loopholes. costs $25 to reapply for a er or not the driver is possibly A driver must commit a driver's license. This would be driving while intoxicated. If the traffic violation; crossing the the sentence of a driver with driver demonstrates any trouble yellow line, speeding, or failure no previous DWI convictions with his balance, concentration, to stop at a red light, before the within the past seven years. or hand to eye coordination, the police can stop him. Although If, after all of the hassle of arresting officer will inform him the police may have good reason the first convigion, the drjver - - --.. of his rights and take him to the to believe a driver is intoxicated, _police st~tion (or a breathalyzer _ they cannot pull _him over on DWI, page 5

Graduation an empty diploma Breathalizers assist police in enforcing DWI laws. (photo by Emily Kelemen) By Alex Berger and coping with it as best it can. get together, or break up, if one You arrive here an ignorant "Given we're try­ speaker were to be used for the freshman and are treated as just ing to accomplish I think we ceremony. another social security number have as personal and approp­ According to DiBiasio, winter New Hampshire on a class roster. riate ceremony as possible," commencement, held in De­ By sophomore year you have DiBiasio said. cember, is a more personal gotten more involved and al­ DiBiasio said the idea of ceremony where each graduate's life a novel idea most feel like you belong. having commencement separ­ name is read individualy. ated by individual DiBiasio added that PhD Junior year you have made a school has By Kathleen Haley name for yourself and your been suggested but not seriously recipients and academic leaders editor from Foster's Daily De­ professors may even say "hi'' considered. are individually recognized in A list of names is written in mocrat which express radical to you or know your name. Student Senator Steve Rod­ the spring graduation ceremony. cramped letters on the first page. and often ridiculous points of Finally senior year rolls erick, a member of the Com­ UNH Alumni Neil Fitch of a spiral bound notebook. view. He also spends time around and you actually feel like mencement Committee, said he graduated two years ago and said Opposite the names is another reading bumpers and often a person again ... and then comes would be opposed to having he expected the ceremony to be list. Bumper stickers, vandaltsm, makes up his own. "I love the graduation and your whole individual commencements be­ impersonal, but was still angry A TV's, letters to the editor. one that says 'I brake for anim­ world comes crashing down. cause it would cost more money when the commencement speak­ The list is meaningless to als,' "Williams said. "What do You have spent years trying and there wouldn't be enough er, then Vice President George most, but to Thomas Williams the rest of us do, go up on the it is the to get noticed when the big space if the ceremonies were Bush, didn't say anything about beginning of his latest sidewalks trying to get them?" moment comes, you feel like a to be held inside. the graduates but started talking novel. WWiams moved to New freshman again, lost among the "We have four basic facilities political aspirations. Williams, an English profes­ Hampshire as a child, but has masses. that could accommodate that One way graduation could be sor at UNH, is currently on a maintained an outsider's pers­ Spring graduation marks the many people: the Field House, made more personal would be one year sabbatical to complete pective of the state throughout end of years of work for about Johnston Theater, Snively Ar­ to acutally give the graduates his 11th book, entitled, The his life. He speaks of his years 2,000 students. Yet when it ena and the MUB," Roderick their degrees rather than just Leah Salient. It will be his ninth in New Hampshire in a ver,y comes time 'for these students said. He added that because of an empty diploma holder, Fitch novel based on the fictitious detached way that indicates his to be rewarded, it is almost the lack of spaces to hold each said. town of Leah, New Hampshire. unique feelings for the state. Eight years impossible to recognize these ceremony separately, all com­ Fitch said he feels graduation ago, before he had "I lived here as a child," he said. individual efforts. mencements couldn't be held by school would be a better even finished his last book, "I got away· from it by joining · According to Executive As­ on one day. format but that the college years Williams was already forming . the army. I have mixed feelings ideas sistant to the President Dan. Roderick also said he sees don't necessarily have to be about The Leah Salient." about it." New Hampshire was DiBiasio, the university is pres­ problems with having five or impersonal. Williams had been asked to a "darker, more complicated ented with the huge task of six different graduation speak­ "It's as impersonal as you write a short story that would place than I had ever been gr~duating all these students ers, and how everyone would want it to be"" Fitch said. be read at a symposium at the before," he remembered. presidential primary. There had The townspeople of Leah are been a confrontation during the a part of that place for Williams. campaign between a gun owners He doesn't think of them as organization and the presiden­ characters he has created, but tial candidates. The -event ·as independently thinking peo­ sparked the short story The ple. He speaks of an event that Guns of Leah, which he later just happened in the book and changed and expanded upon. said he thinks the main char­ It is now in the process of acter knows who did it. becoming a novel. "I don't know who shot the It is difficult to get Williams llama, but I think it will come to give a straight interpretation out in the novel," he said. "I of what his book is about. He think (the character) knows does not give a brief synopsis who it is, but I don't." as one would find on the book's Although most of his char­ dust jacket. "Things are com­ acters come alive in his mind ing in sort of a pointed inva­ and on the pages of his books, sion," he said of both the book Williams remembered one char­ and modern day New Hamp­ acter who walked into his life shire. "There's an underclass one day. In one of his novels, of people who can't afford he wrote of a man named Billy housing. These changes that I've Muldrow. seen occur in the last few "He lives in an old shack in years ... " His mind quickly the woods," he said. "He had changes subjects, and the plot a raccoon in his cabin as a pet of the book remains a mystery and they were always fighting. for awhile longer. It was a love-hate relationship." "It's not about politics," One day, a friend of Williams' Williams said. "It's about the drove into his yard and asked old subject of 'what the hell are him if he wanted a raccoon. we doing here.' It's about fanat­ "They had the same kind of _ Michelle Descoteau gives blood while Registered Nurse Sue Cannella preps. Now does tha~ ·icism and sanctioning." As part of ·his study of lett_ers to the look painful? (Sharon Donovan photo) WILLIAMS, page 5 PAGE FOUR THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 NTBESPOT

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

;/\ ¼%,

. Y¥ ~~:.~< /t~h *~:~~

"I get up, put my diaper on, and "I plan on spending the day with ''I set up the Valentine's Day "Biff sends me flowers." shoot people with my bow and Chris and our kitten George." tree, hang my stockings, and arrow... then I go fill Valentine wait for Cupid to fill it." Reaney DeBello stockings." Tanya Faulkner John Soucy Sophomore Dan Dussault Sophomore Sophomore Mechanical Engineering Sophomore Undeclared Psychology Chemical Engineering





Become the Executive Officer next year

For more inf~rmation call 862-1494

Application Deadline is .February 17, 1989 at 4:00pm. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE FIVE :rn:a ------DWI---[Cl\i!WDAR (continued from page 3) ::'.. .~ - - -..::. . . . . - - _ , - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 is again convicted of DWI, the advantage or disadvantage ot the person who doesn't realize offense is a misdemeanor which the driver. If the police have he is above the legal limit. The ARMY/NA VY SALE - NH Outing Club's annual fundraiser . . Great erices on clothing -carries a sentence of not less reason to believe the driver's . second kind is the and gear. Senate/Merrimack Room, frequent MUB, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., thru Friday. than 10 consecutive days of BAC is higher than the legal offender. These categories are confinement or public service. limit, the driver will still be broad, but they do include many BLOOD DRIVE - Granite State Room, MUB, noon to 5 Three of those days must be arrested and charged with DWI. DWI offenders. pm served in the county house of If there is no solid evidence, it Dwyer believes the drunken corrections, and the remaining is the driver's word against the driving laws in New Hampshire GERMAN FILM'SERIES - "Jud Sub." Room 4, Horton, 7 at the state-operated multiple policeman's word. If the per­ should be changed. The first 6:45 p.m. DWI offender intervention son's past driving record if conviction, which carries a very center within 21 days after spotless, the defendant stands stiff penalty, should be more PLAY - "Snoopy." A joyous musical roml through childhood . conviction. In addition, there a greater chance of not being with the loveable Peanuts gang. Room 10, Murkland, 7:30 of a learning penalty, such as p.m. (SAFO) students $2, general $3. is a fine of at most $ 1000, convicted. attending alcohol programs, another payment that goes to The driver may also refuse Dwyer said. If someone is caught SIDORE LECTURE SERIES - "How the New Reproductive the state detention center, and to take the field sobriety test. and convicted again, he should Technologies Will Affect Al/Women," Gena Corea. Strafford a loss of driving privileges for The police officer must then then be penalized more severely. Room, MUB, 8 p.m. (Interpreted for the hearing impaired.) a period of 3 years. look for signs of drunkenness Accoring to Dwyer there would What some drivers don't such as odor of alcohol, slurred be no fewer incidences of repeat WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 know is that they may refuse speech and glassy eyes, accord­ offenders of DWI if the driver to take the BAC test. The ing to Capt. McGann of the ARMY/NA VY SALE - NH Outing Club fundraiser. Clothing is reminded of the harsh fines and gear. Senate/Merrimack Room, MUB, 9 am to 5 pm penalty is an immediate loss of Durham Police Department. and time spent in the county jail. license for a period of 90 days The driver may still be arrested, Almost all of Dwyer's student BLOOD DRIVE - Granite State Room, MUB, noon to because when a driver travels however, and asked to take a cases are alcohol related. But 5 pm. . on any public roads or property BAC test if there is probable McGann personally doesn't he/ she has already given an cause. think that DWI is an unman~ LECTURE - Congressman Bob Smith wil_l be speaki_ng "implied consent" to take a BAC There are two classes of ageable problem at UNH. There on the appointment of John Tower, the par. raise, the closmg test if the policeman believes drunken drivers, according to are DWI arrests, but because of Pease and more. Questions welcomed. Hillsborough Room, it is necessary. Dwyer. One consists of the"once people walk to and from many MUB, 5 pm Open to public. This refusal could work to the in a lifetime" DWI offender, parties and bars the incidence MEN'S ICE HOCKEY - vs. Providence. Snively Arena, of DWI is lower. 7pm ----WILLIAMS WOMEN'S BASKETBALL - vs. U. Hartford, Field House, (continued from page 3) 7 pm scared relationship," Willia~; of the way through the book, PLAY - "Snoopy." (see 2/14) Room 110, Murkland, 7:30 said. "It made me feel kind of but now he has only four months pm scared for a minute. I don't want to finish his work. The pressure to antagonize anybody." to meet deadline is greater than FACULTY CONCERT SERIES - Henry Wing_,_ tenor, Ruth But despite his anxiety, Wil- usual this time because of the 1989 Edwards, piano, and string quartet. Johnson Theater, Paul Iiams had the satisfaction of pay advance he took on the book. Mountain Bicycles Arts, 8 pm, free. . knowing that his character was It is the first time he has ever NISHIKI true to life. taken one. COMEDY NIGHT - MUB Pub, 9 pm, students $3, general - Many local readers of his Once he completes the book, "The best MBA" $5. work look for themselves in the Williams won't throw a party THURSDAY, FEBRUARY novels. They sometimes think or take a trip. He will enjoy a 16 they've found themselves in a twenty minute high and then LAST - day to withdraw and qualify for 1/2 tuition refund. character, but "they're usually begin to wonder whether his way off," Williams said. "No work is any good. ARMY /NAVY SALE - NH Outing Club fundraiser. one ever recognizes themselves How will he know it is fin­ Clothing and gear. Senate/Merrimack Room, MUB, 9 in the mirror of someone else's ished? "When you drop it on 1988 Bicycles am to 5 pm eyes." the table and it goes thud." he X-C Ski Pkgs It has taken Williams more said. "That's very important to Hockey Sticks ART GALLERIES "BROWN BAG SERIES" - Film: than four to "Lotte Jacoby," which explores the life and work of this years get one third a writer." . Skate Sharpening renown photographer. Paul Ans, noon. X-C Ski Rentals BLOOD DRIVE - Granite State Room, MUB, noon to Pettee llnlll Lue lmu.1.1. 5pm

M-F 10-5:30 ENGLISH DEPT. SPEAKERS SERIES - James Phelan, SAT 10-3:00 professor at Ohio State University, "Vanity Fair: Liste_ning · -5134 as a Rhetorician and a Feminist." Room 125, Hamilton Smith, 12:30 to 2 pm. · WOMEN'S STUDIES BAG LUNCH SERIES - "German Women Filmmakers," Mary _Beth Rhiel, Assistant Professor of German and Russian, UNH. Hillsborough/Sullivan Room, MUB, 12:30 to 2 pm. DiSTRESSed? MUSO FILM - "The Conformist." Strafford Room, MUB, 7 and 9:30 pm, students $1, general $2. PLAY - "Snoopy." (See 2/14) Room 110, Murkland, 7:30 pm, (SAFO) stuaents $2, general $3. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 LAST - day to carry more than 20 credits (undergrad) or 16 credits (grads) without a surcharge.

LAST - day to drop courses, or change to audit. ARMY/NAVY SALE - NH Outing Club's annual fundraiser. Great prices on clothing and gear. Se­ nate/Merrimack Room, MUB, 9 am to 5 pm. BLOOD DRIVE - Granite State Room, MUB, noon to 5 pm uJlw POLITICAL ECONOMY SERIES - Fred Moseley (Colby 1Vt College, Economics), "Unprodu~tive Labor ~nd the Rate ~ of Profit in the Post-WWII U ntted States. Room 206, 1Vt~ McConnell, noon to 2 pm. UNH THEATER - "Baby With the Bathwater." H;ennessy H~ ~62-2213 Theater, Paul Arts, 8 pm. 7~ ~62-3c;c;4 DANCE-The Johnny C Band with Tommy Lee andJoanna Green. In celebration of black history month, a blues and 3~~~ soul review sponsored by Diversity Committe~. Strafford Room, MUB, 8-11 pm, students $3, general $5 . . 4'~4'~

'-·--. PAGE SIX THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 oncES ACADEMIC APARTMENT HUNTING WORKSHOP: Infor­ mation on what students need to know on when, STUDY ABROAD: Applications for Study Abroad where and how to look for an apartment. Wed-· in Granada, Spain for the Academic Year 1989- nesday, February 15 , Main Lounge, Devine Hall, 90 and fall 1989 are due Friday, February 24. 7 to 8:30 pm. Application forms are available in Murkland 209. See professors Wing or Komonchak for more STUDENT/FACULTY NITE: The Student Life. information or call 868-3206/3W. Committee is sponsoring a faculty/student nite in the Divine Niche Coffeehouse. A social atmos­ UROP UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH phere with refreshments and entertainment AW ARDS: Students who wish to pursue a research provided. Thursday, February 23, Divine Niche project and receive a stipend or support to defray Lounge, 8:30 pm. research expenses should contact the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program for information. MEETINGS Applications and guidelines are available in the UROP office, Hood House 209. Application STUDENT COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS deadline is March 3. MEETING: To raise money and volunteer services for the homeless. Newcomers welcome! Wednes­ FREE TUTORING: Marston House has tutors days, Room 139, Ham-Smith, 7 pm for various subjects, aJJ semester, 862-4428, or 862-4429. DEBATE SOCIETY MEETING: All are welcome. Tuesday, February 14, Rockingham Room, MUB, PROPOSAL WRITING WORKSHOP: Dr. Dennis 7 pm. Meadows, Director, Policy and Social Science REsearch center, will lead students through the . GAIA MEETING: Environmental conservation steps necessary to prepare a competitive research group meets to organize efforts to foster envir­ award. All interested studnets and faculty are invited. onmental protection. New members welcome. Monday, February 20, Room 42, Hamilton Smith, Wednesday, February 15, Room 211, Horton, 7 7 pm. pm.

CAREER COLLEGIATE 4-H CLUB MEETING: Monthly JOB FAIR '89: UNH Seniors are enthusiastically meeting, any new members welcome. A previous invited to atted. Over 100 recruiters from business, history with 4~H is not necessary. Wednesday, 42, Hamilton Smith, 8:30 pm. industry, government, and human services agencies February 15, Room Fired from Su mgs mmg all, t is man striped down to will be offering information, taking resumes,a nd interviewing! Thursday, February 16, St. Anselm HEALTH a bathing suit in protest by T-Hall's flagpole on Friday afternoon. College, Manchester, 10 am to 4 pm. (ph_?to by Emily Kelemen) OVEREATER'S ANONYMOUS: Every Tuesday, GENERAL Conference Room, 2nd Floor Health Services, 1------POLICE---~ 2 pm. FREE TAX HELP: VITA (Volunteer Income Tax (continued from page 1) Assistance) provides free tax help in the community. ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: Every open after cutting a hole the When the police arrived the Volunteers help people with basic tax returns, Friday, Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Health window screen. fight had stopped and the males particularly elderly, handicapped, and non-English­ Services, 1-2 p.m. Police were called to the flag were asked to leave. speaking taxpayers. There is NO charge for this pole in front of Thompson Hall Police responde~ to a r~port service. Tuesdays, and Thursdays, February 7 to UNIVERSITY COMPUTING where a man, protest- of an argumen~ rnvol_vrng_ a and on Friday April 13, Forest Park Office, 8:30 to 10:30 am ing his firing from Stillings woman ~nd man rn a residential_ 6-8 pm. Non-credit courses are free of charge. Register online on the VAX/VMS systems by entering the dining hall, stood in the 10 building at around 3:00 Saturday BREAK: Discussion group for students who are command "TRAINING" at the VMS Hilbert degree temperature wearing morning. · separated, divorced, or just thinking about it. Drop prompt ($). CUFS users should tab down to only a bathing suit. The argument ceased when in anytime between 12:30 and 2 pm on Wednesdays "OTHER SER VICES" on the menu and type Police were called to a resi- the police arrived and the man at the Non-Traditional Student Center, Bring a "TRAINING." Call 3667 to register if you do not _dential building at around 2 a.m was taken home. bag lunch. have access to the above. All classes are held in Saturday morning in response Over the weekend, nine peo­ Hamilton-Smith, rm. 7, unless otherwise stated. to a reported fight involving pie were charged with unlawful WRITERS WORKSHOP: For anyone interested possession of alcohol. in workshopping their writing; fiction, non-fiction Intermediate Wordperfect for the Macintosh (2 several pe?~le. or poetry. Fridays, Non-Traditional Student Center, Sessions): This course will introduce the skills 1:30-3 pm. needed to create columns, both newspaper and parallel for merging; and create labels. Held in TGIG PIZZA LUNCH: Every Friday at the Non­ room 3 Hamilton Smith. Prerequisite: Wordperfect Traditional Student Center, Pettee House, noon for the Macintosh. Thursday, February 16, from to 2 pm. $ 1.00 per slice and some of the best 1:00 to 4:00. company around. Using Tapes ori Hilbert: This course introduces MOVING!: The University Advising Center will magnetic tape usage and describes the procedures move from Murkland to the basement of Hood needed for using magnetic tapes on Hilbert. Held House. Effective February 13. in room 5 Hamilton Smith. Prerequisite: none. ~------, Tuesday, February 14, 12:30 to 2:00. 1,.\f/0 ~ . • ~o~ I LESIAN SUPPORT GROUP: Discuss common . , Q?. - I - .. - __ __, & 0 I issues, experiences, and problem~ in a friendly, EXCEL-PC (3 Sessions): This course teaches the I confidential atmosphere. Tuesdays, Resource Room, basics of using EXCEL, the powerful spreadsheet ~s:A~ Health Services, 8:30 p.m. program for MS-DOS 80286 and 802486 com­ puters. Includes building, editing, and printing &~S~

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Jenkins Court. Durham. NH ... a S •1 Ill.~ 11 ,w;:,aa•:•.f) m• . ~-?.Ill(~- ' THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989

---VALENTINE (continued from page 2) a team below .500. named February 14 in his honor. "It's overrated," said Pannor­ Love probably got into the fi. "It's some stupid holiday Valentine's Day scene because invented by Hallmark. I'm cele­ it is near mating season for brating by wearing black, going birds. It seems to have gotten to Nick's and drinking all off on the wrong foot from night." square one. In 270 a Roman priest, It's not too late to turn back. named Valentine, was clubbed Let's give the day back to the to death for protecting Chris­ birds. But leave the bees out. tia ns. Shortly thereafter, they

Give Blood. ,......

It's Key. ·~ T ~-----~...

Max Creek sold out in the MUB last Friday night. See the review on page 17. (photo by Sharon Donovan)

♦ GRADUATE NURSES ♦ New England Medical Center is committed to the profes­ sional development of our nurses. Here you will find a variety of specialty areas in adult and pediatrics that pro- vide you with the opportuni­ ties to develop your nursing skills in the areas of your ♦ Salary with rotation choice. During your six week $32,219 orientation, you will be sup­ ported in meeting your objec­ tives by a preceptor and ♦ Board Review during your first year you Course Offered will participate in patient care Free of Charge I conferences, workshops, seminars and management training. As you gain primary ♦ Early Decision nursing experience, you will Program have an opportunity to join a collaborative practice and Confirm work with a physician and your start­ ambulatory nurses to coor­ ing date by May 1st Giving blood has its privileges. (photo by Sharon Donovan) dinate the care of your pa­ and receive a tients through an entire $1,000 bonus. episode of illness. We are committed to your success. Join our staff and practice in an autonomous environment that fosters your profession- al growth. In addition to offering one of the highest salary schedules in the area, our progressive benefits package includes continuing education providing CEU's, generows tuition reimbursement, flexible schedules including 12-hour shifts, and participatory time planning. We have DIVE a parking garage on-site and the convenience of an Orange Line T-stop. For additional information about these opportunities~ please call our Nurse Recruiter at -': 17-956-5575. 750 Washington Street, Box 465, Boston, MA 02111. An equal opportunity em­ into pioyer. New England The Medical Center New Hampshire Hospitals PAGE EIGHT THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Student invents Chunky Monkey

By Matthew Sanner "They loved it," Aprill said. New York Super Fudge "Jerry wrote me a letter in his Chunk, Dastardly Mash and own handwriting." Cherry Garcia. All flavors Ben Aprill's creation, currently and Jerry's afficinados swear by. ranked fourth in the nation in Add to that Susan Aprill's Ben & Jerry's sales, is a mixture creation Chunky Monkey and of banana ice cream, walnuts you have UNH's contribution and chocolate chunks. Ir has to the palatable world of ice become the second feature fla­ cream. vor introduced by Ben and Aprill, a UNH student, dis­ Jerry's. The only other feature covered the idea for the Ben and flavor, Cherry Garcia, is a cherry Jerry's ice cream flavor Chunky base ice cream with cherries and Monkey and has earned a life­ chocolate chunks. time supply of the banana ice Jerry Greenfeild, co-founder cream. of Ben and Jerry's, said the It all started when two little decision making process in the girls were playing with their feature flavors is rather infor­ food in the university cafeteria mal. where Aprill works. The two "We just kinda read them ( the girls then brought their pot­ letters), and if we feel like pourri up to Aprill. making the flavor, we make "It looked like their mothers 'em." had looked away for a moment Aprill has tried Chunky Mon­ and girls were exercising their key and although she is not a five year old curiousity." Aprill big fan of banana, she has found said. The two girls apparently Chunky Monkey to be to her referred to their creation as liking. UNH Freshman Marie Chunky Monkey." Garland said Chunky Monkey a UNH original from Susan Aprill. (Ashley Logan photo) Aprill then got the idea that was a mouth watering expe­ Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey: Chunky Monkey would be a rience. great: name for a flavor of ice "I tho_ught it was pretty good. land said. fu·ture include working for a she hopes to meet up with the cream. She wrote Ben and Jerry's It's-got neat chunks that you 'Aprill will be working again company involved with the two girls who started it all and a letter and much to her surpirse don't know what they are, but this summer at the university's Soviet Union so she·e1tn im­ thank them. received a response. the}'."re brownies I guess," Gar- cafeteria. Her plans for the prove h_er Russian. Until t_hen, ---DAIRY BAR--- (continued from page 1) The Durham station "was a program. . big center of activity" during Railroad buffs of ten come its period of use, Alonzo said. into the Dairy Bar and tell old UNH was moved to Durham railroad stories to the staff there, from its original location in said Alonzo. One man told of Hanover in 1893. Nineteen the method used by railroad years later the station opened managers to give mess'ages to and students made frequent use conductors of trains passfng by of it on weekends and holidays. without making a stop. On a typical Sunday night, According to the man, the Alonzo said, "two hundred railroad manager would attach students would arrive on the a note to the end of a long train." bamboo stick with a paperclip On the day of an away UNH and hold it up to the window football game there would be . of the train as it rode by. The huge r·allies at the Durham conductor would grab the stick, station upon the team's depar­ take the note, and discard the ture by train. stick on the ground about an "During World War II," said eighth of a mile up the track, Alonzo, "many college men where the manager would have were hailed off as their ROTC to walk in order to retrieve the unit left from the Durham train trusty bamboo tool. station." If one was to enter the Dairy The "trains were intimately Bar the eye would be caught by known by many people in the several railroad memorabilia, area as they went by," Alonzo some of which was donated by added. "People knew them by interested parties. On the wall The Dairy Barn after relocating to UNH. (Tony Cafaro photo) name and would set their clocks among the pictures of old time by them." railroad stations, including a There was a period of decline few of the Durham station itself, in passenger usage of the rail­ hangs a display of 225 conduc­ road after World War II as a tor's buttons from 225 separate result of the widespread usage railroad lines. Among these are of automobiles and aircraft. buttons from the Gulf Coast Several years after shutting Lines, the Albany Southern is accepting intercollege transfer applications down, the Durham station was Railroad Co. ' and Southwest between February 13th and February 17th. sold by the B & M Railroad to Missouri. UNH for one dollar. After On another wall one would having been turned over to find the original Durham sign Thompson School, the building which hung from the roof for Information and Applications are Available was converted into the Dairy passengers to see as the train Bar, serving as the new sight came upon the station:. at the Group Meetings Scheduled: for a small ice cream outlet In back of the building sit two previously situated in Taylor original baggage wagons from Hall, according to Alonzo. the days of the station in op­ •Monday, February 13, 8:30-9:00 a.m. (McC 201) The Dairy Bar is now used by eration. The semaphore still •Tuesday, February 14, 3:30-4:00 p.m. (McC 204) students, faculty, staff and local stands high above the building, citizens as a cafeteria and by T­ reminding onlookers of the days • Wednesday, February 15, 8:30-9:00 a.m. (McC 201) School as a training facility for when the railroad thrived. •Thursday, February 16, 1:00-1:30 p.m. (McC 201) the Food Service Management •Friday, February 17, 8:30-9:00 a.m. (McC 201) / Students must go to one of these meetings in order to get · their application form: CW~s4~~fftlo~ 862·-3885 ·:·:·:•:•:·:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ·.~,:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:•:•:·:•:•:· :·:·:·:•:·:·:·:•;•:·:·:· :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::,:•:•:=:::;::::::::::::::::::•;•::,•,·:•:·.•:·:·: •••• ···~·s ·•:·:•:•:·:·:·:•:·:•:•:•:•:•:•:·:•:·:·:·:· • :·:•:·: ·:•:•:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:•.•:•. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE NINE IQ


RBndom . ' Writings W(!/ ~ (M,ll/'//

Back when I was twelve ... 9/ Mon. Feb.13 EILEEN MALLOY In sixth grade I gave a goofy Valentine's card to a boy through I had a crush on. It had a female acrobat on it with the words "I'll just flip, if you'll be my Valentine." I was really serious about l;lim. Fri. Feb. 17 In class, we sat in the same circle of desks. This was because the teacher gave me the choice of sitting across from him or my best friend at the beginning of the year. I chose the 12 to 5 p.m. latter even though I knew another girl wanted that seat. I couldn't have cared less about her. I was a shrewd 12- year-old. MUB As we sat and stuffed our faces with candy and cupcakes, the teacher passed out the cards. He had my Valentine in his hand. Immediately, I opened my desk and examined my Crayolas. Yup, there they were, my good ole' Crayolas. "Nice card, Eileen," he said. Then he snorted. I didn't know what I wanted him to do, and I still don't know what I wanted him to do, but I knew snorting wasn't any part of it. Then innocently I asked "What? What's wrong?" as I closed my desk and my eyes moved from the comfortable position of looking at the crayons to his suddenly ugly, ugly, ugly face. He said "nice card" with a bite of sarcasism and handed me the card. Nonchalantly I said "Oh, sorry, I just picked them at random. I didn't even read them." I actually sounded convincing. I would not have to fake sick tomorrow morning. He actually believed me. I think it was because I signed it "-Eileen", refraining from any Xs or Os. After school, I went home, ate some conversation hearts (the candy with phrases like "Cool Fool," "URA QT," and "No Way" on them), fought with my brother and sister, and watched "Guiding Light." Even though that poor excuse for a boy practically laughed in my face, I was okay. At twelve, I didn't think about what I was doing as much as I do now. And since I didn't think that much, I unwittingly DURHAM took many risks. Sometimes the consequences were good and sometimes they weren~t so good, as in this case. And now, eight years later, I wish I was that same crazy­ go-crazy 12-year-old. Back then the consequences never mattered to me, at least, not as much as they do now. I didn't VALENTINE care what happened. I was foolish and I was happy and I was free. Eile_en Malloy is News Brief Editor and Production Assistant for The New Hampshire. . RED ·CROS

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By Kathleen Haley never listen to on her own. But however, she gets off the phone It's 4:00 p.m. and WUNH DJ she seems to enjoy most of it and grumbles about being sick Marna Cowan is starting to look and often bounces to the beat of playing a song. at the clock more often. as she puts away. "I hate requests like that," I can't believe I'm only half Many of the songs Cowan Cowan says as she hangs up the way through my shift," she says plays are things she has never phone. "They say 'well it's a . while digging through records heard before. She remembers song that kind of goes like this.' trying to find a soqg. "I feel like back to last year on her very first " She doesn't bother to look for I've been here for three hours." shift when she played such a the record. Usually the shifts are only song. There is still an hour left in three hours long, Cowan ex- "I played a song that had Cowan's show. She was slowing plained, but it's the beginning probably never been played here down for awhile, but now she of the semester and the regular before or since then. I was realiy seems to be getting a second schedule hasn't been established treading the ragged edge of wind. She has two songs ready yet. "The first two hours usually disaster by playing it," she says. to go and the one that is playing go fast," she says. "Today they The song had very offensive isn't even half over. didn't." lyrics, she explained. Now she "I kind of like to get requests A public service announce- is a little cautious about what now," she says. The requests ment about mental illness is she plays. have been coming in more playing. She chuckles at the The song playing is almost steadily for the last few minutes, dreary voice that tells where to over and Cowan is busy lining making it easier for her to decide call if you're having mental up the next one. She stops the what to play. problems. She waits for the turntable as soon as the song She has fallen behind in the announcement to end and starts and then backs it up by schedule of announcements and pushes a button to start the next hand so it's right at the begin­ has to catch up. She reads a song. She writes down a song ning. As she :wobbles the record "weather update" which is the she just played in the log book back and forth it sounds like a exact same forecast she read five and checks to see when the rap song. minutes ago. She fits in all the public service announcements Although shelves holding other things she has to say and ,,, ....l .,,.WM~~•'&.·., He supposed to be rea_d. thousands of records line three it's back to the music. WUNH DJs spin virgin vinyl for devoted listeners. (Mike Cowan says talking on the air Cowan, a sophomore, has walls of the studio, Cowan Parnham photo) worked at the station for over knows exactly where to go to doesn't bother her, although, a year now. The shaved side~ find what she is looking for. She it did when she first started last button and watches the spinning Cowan as she reads an adver­ of her head, her black sweat shirt pulls some from the shelves year. Despite her confidence, record with a skeptical look in tisement for his classical music and high-top sneakers make her without much enthusiasm, but however, her voice wavers a bit her eye. The time comes and the -· show which is coming up next. look like many of the other occasionally she will become as she speaks into the micro­ fade out is perfect. She starts her final song for the people who work here. But the inspired. Suddenly, she charges phone, and her fingers are in It's 5:54 p.m. and Cowan's day and hands the chair over to sneakers still seem fairly new., to a shelf ar;i.d begins hunting. constant nervous motion, play­ show is almost over. She seems Escovitz, looking slightly and her jeans aren't faded. It She digs through the albums ing with a pen and with the cord relieved. The chair which she amused by his nervousness. appears that much of this may until her search is successful. to the headphones. has ignored all afternoon sud- As Cowan puts away her be new to her. "Ah ha!" she mutters to herself When the microphone is off, denly looks inviting and she sits records and Escovitz gets his Cowan came to UNH from as she yanks out a Depeche however, she is a calm radio ·down and pulls the microphone show off to a shaky start, the Londonderry, N.H. She was Mode . veteran. She laughs about some toward her. She is just about to phone light continues to flash familiar with some of the more Requests from listeners are people who get caught in a false go on the air to read announce- and more requests come in for mainstream bands the radio · often met with the same enthu­ ending to a song and start the ments when the next DJ, Larry her show. There is a little regret station plays, such as R.E.M. and : siasm. A light flashes, signaling next one too soon. Later she Escovitz, bursts through the in her voice when she tells the Smiths, but there was much a phone call, and she takes the almost makes the mistake her­ door munching on crackers and listeners that her show is over more to learn. She ·ad.-nits that request. "Oh yeah, cool sonj?;,". self on a Kate Bush song that carrying shopping bags of re- and she can't take any more many of the songs she plays on she says to one listener. T·he has a tricky ending. She waits cords. requests. It's been .a long after- her show are things she would (_ choice is approved. Other times, patiently '_Vith her finger on the He begins pulling out his noon. e.9uip~nt'--and_plac~g it ar~und ~------MERTON------(continued from page 1) HOLY SCREENPRINT Well Robin,. given for the rejection, Merton Merton said, the reasoning Weekly" since its inception BATMAN! the bat computer said, "The quote was, 'We don't that people wouldn't understand almost two years ago. If he Where's rhe best says ROYAL TEES in Dover! think it's suitable for the people it was "no reason to pull a doesn't return to the paper, he of New Hampshire.' You can column. Columnists have a great said he.still has enough work make of that what you will." deal more license than other to keep him busy. The Globe was unavailable writers on the paper." He is working on a novel and for comment. About the column, Merton some poetry, and as head of Merton said on previous said, "The point was, people UNH's Journalisn:i program, he columns, "I've had suggestions tend to think of New Hamp­ is in the process of inventing to do some editing, do some shire in terms of Norman Rock­ a new course. revising. Those were useful well. I tend to think of it in terms Merton said it would be a 600 suggestions." This time, how­ of Salvador Dali" and the co­ level course on essay wr.iting, ever, he said the Globe just lumn backs that up. for students who want to con­ refused to run the column. He added, "I certainly find tinue with nonfiction writing When asked whether he Dali more interesting and chal­ after English 501 but who don't would make changes to the lenging than Norman Rock­ want to write news. The idea column, Merton ~aid, "I wasn't well." has been approved by the Eng­ inclined to do that anyways ... Merton had written his co­ lish Department, but is still in I re~tlly liked this piece." lumns for "New Hampshire the development stage, he said.

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Day. Ah, Valentine's And there is something for them as well. of ne~spaper ads and TV segments with (heavy sigh) As a form of motivation, Valentine's Day the latest Valentine crazes. As the left-out this group is granted It is a time to overload your sense of sight generates new relationships as people and over-looked, abuse or to morn. a sweetheart's image; your sense of finally find the nerve to express stifled license to with is even romantic in its smell with exotic perfumes; sense of taste feelings of infatuation. For them, the frenzy Their cynicism They can use the sympathy with delightful chocolates; sense of hearing over this one day provides the extra boost own dark way. hilt, hinting at their availability. with passionate whispers; and sense of to dare that dreadful first move. These timid ploy to the puppy eyes, they weave touch with ... well, you get the general idea. souls enhance this day to be worthy of its Batting watery, sadness, of rejection Without question, Valentine's Day, the excesses. They are the ones making Val­ a story of devastating maybe even landing day which spells 1-o-v-e-r-s, has become entine's Day stand out as a truly joyous and lost opportunities; Valentine's Day can over-rated, over-commercialized and nau­ event. a mate in the process. if the right chords are seating for those with weak stomachs. Yet, And what of the rest, the ones with no be very productive a noble intention lies behind the present­ significant other in their lives or on the strummed. extreme suits you, day interpretation. horizon? Why they are granted a precious No matter which partner, the This isn't about ardent lovers who use gift--the justification to be martyrs for the whether the affection-crazed the misfortuned Valentine's Day to reconfirm their feelings day. vulnerable courter or for everyone through grandiose gestures and financial For this single moment, they can play martyr, there is something Day. bankruptcy. It goes deeper than any 'for 'Grinch' while resenting googly-eyed lovers during Valentine's romantic would like to think lovers only' mentality. No, what's missing passing by, cursing the long line in the post At least this here is the people without mates. office, and scowling at the bombardment so.

Jordan De Guzman, Carolyn Mi'ller, of the band while he was dancing Claire LoPatto, Joe Poulin, Gilles and hit his head. He had to be taken Le Campagnon and many more. to the hospital. Many people helped Hockey I Cartoon Dining People from all over the univer­ to ·calm him down. The police called sity contributed in many different the ambulance and the EMTs arrived. All involved did a wond­ To the Editor: To the Editor: To the Editor: ways. The most impressive thing professional job with a On behalf of the UNH Women's Your cartoon in the Feb. 10th I have a complaint to make to the about the concert was that everyb­ erful and of compassion. Ice Hockey Team, I would like to issue of The New Hampshire raised dining services about the normally ody worked together very well. lot The very best thing that came thank those fans who attended a number of questions in my mind. excellent cafeteria food. It concerns University Electrical services do­ contest against What's the point? and Do the words the sirloin steak they served late nated time to help with the elec­ out of this concert, beside the profit Thursday nights made, Your support had "good taste" mean anything? are last semester. How my eyes lit up trical wiring, UNH Printing do­ that Amnesty Internacional Northeastern. a lot of impact on all of us and helped two of them. Even to someone who when I saw sirloin steak on the nated posters, Greek Advising was that it eliminated great had about us in claiming victory. In past years, finds humor in personal attacks on menu, I cannot express in words, donated money toward feeding the stereotypes that people times I heard veterans of the .:earn haven't en­ well-known people, the cartoon however the way my tongue and banc\s, ]SN Design also donated one another. Many were so much school spirit or does not make sense. Is there an jaw reacted to the taste and texture money. University police worked people saying that they countered ... or how intel­ recognition. To see you in attend­ opinion or message in there some­ I surely am able to record. hard to keep expenses to a min­ surprised how nice professional this ance was an emotional high and where (the purpose, I had thought, Tender and juicy the steak was imum in order that Amnesty would ligent or how people were made us realize that we weren't just of an editiorial cartoon)? not, rather, it had a leather-like taste make a profit. person was. A lot of skating for ourselves anymore. We To the issue of taste -- is this how and composition. To me it was The very worst thing that hap­ pleasantly surprised. Sincerely, owe this victory to you, the fans. we treat people who show enough appalling, and I was not alone. pended was that a young man from Thank you so much for support­ personal integrity and strength to Other people around me expressed Ha~pton fell on the floor in front Cindy Mathies

Selma Thudd, 54 Bo~ Dylan, 4 7 Betsy Tsktskt~k, 134 Roger "He-Man" Quigly, Roberta H'Qcckn, 44 Chuckles~ Kansas Hibbing, Minnesota Phlegm, Alabama PhD., 32 Heartworm, North Dakota Retired performing seal, Spokesman for a genera­ Old Barcolounger, Tennessee Fenestrator Circus Vargas tion Shoe Horn Can't understand how some­ Can play all of Rodgers and Was once caught doing the Spends free time building shel­ thing like this could have Wrote doctoral thesis on fem­ Hammerstein's Oklahoma on hustle upon the grave of Life ves ... Once dated Joan Baez, happened with a fine young inist and Pantheistic elements ratchets ... Has used all five Cereal's Mikey, whom eve­ but didn't enjoy it...Has a nice man like President Taft in the in She-Ra ... Now .owns four flavors of Hamburger Helper­ ryone knows died of stomach smile .. .Doesn't know if North Oval Office ... Once smoked a copies of Freedom Rock ... Will ... Flunked botany in college implosion after highballing Pop is guilty or innocent, but good five cent cigar ... Counted only watch episodes of Happy because of her inability to say Rocks and Mountain Dew­ claims·, "The answer, my her chickens before they Days that feature Potsie sin­ the word "pith" without gig­ ... Likes to go to malls dressed friend, is blowin' in the win­ hatched until the Great Leci­ ging ... Still has a crush on the gling ... Once racked up a 105 as a giant groundhog ... Has not d" ... One~ auditioned for job thin Scandal of '34 ... Should cast of Pettioat Junction .. .Is on degree temperature in the brushed her teeth since the as announcer of Masterpiece have bought the farm years a first name basis with Bob Heartworm International Fev­ Bay of Pigs invasion. Theater, but was turned down ago. Denver and Russell Johnson. er Competition .. .Hates beets. because of poor diction.

Melvin K. Whiplash, 26 Michael Jackson, 30 Dorma Tory, 7 lngblab Andersson, 43 Ronald Reagan, 78. Slevenw9rth, Idaho _Disneyland Pimples, Maine Mankato, Minnesota Santa Barbara, California Aaron Burr Lookalike Entertainer Wee lass Dental Floss Tester Unemployed Has transcribed the earth­ Has watched nothing but car­ Offers the jury a fresh, untaint­ Recently naturalized from Perfect candidate: said he can't space transmissions of the toons for the past twenty five ed perspective ... Considers Sweden ... Once tried to marry remember anything after star­ Apollo XIII crew into Morse years .. .Dated Brooke Shields, biggest achievement "a wicked the Land O'Lakes girl...Feigns ring in Knute Rockne - All code, Esperanto, and Ubbie­ but didn'.t enjoy it ... "If Col. big sand castle with a garage­ amnesia at mention of Sonje American. Dubbie ... Has the entire run North gets the chair, can I buy " ... Participation in trial ten­ Heinie, peanut butter and of Alice on videotape ... Once his body?" ... Michael has no tative because "Daddy says paper cuts ... "Of course I don't visited Boise. public opinion of the case, but North and his redneck pals know who this Oliver North Bubbles the Chimp thinks should their own spi­ is. I'm too busy right now. -By Ric Dube, Arthur Lizie; North is "as guilty as Judas." t" ... Hates beets. Plaque is back. I'm fighting for Marc Mamigonian your lives, goddamnit!" February 1?89 Page B ·Son can't take criticism: A mother's sad dilemma Worldly advice from Charles Manson

Dear Charles I am a thirty-five year old housewife, and I have a problem with my to being the same tasteful gent he once was. ten year old son, who we'll call Jason. You see, whenever I scold Jason . Or you can take a big kitchen knife and plunge it into his stomach for doing something wrong, he'll run into his room, cry, and refuse again and again until he's dead. That's what I'd do. food for the rest of the day. I try to limit my scoldings, but sometimes I lose my temper, and he ends up going on one of his starvation binges. Dear Charles, What should I do? Do you have any quick hints on how to .improve a failing 'sex life? -Troubled in Tewksbury -Sad (in the) Sack

Well, as you may suspect, this is a very complex problem. It begs Try a circular saw. to be dealt with in a very sensitive manner. You should talk with Jason, and let him know that his little habit disturbs you a great deal. Gently Boy, did I ever take some flak over my answer to Puzzled in tell him that he'll be criticized throughout his life for this behavior, Pensacola! If you'll recall, he wrote in asking for advice about his and that it's best for him to learn to deal with it now, when it's only carpet-wetting cat. I suggested he either buy the cat a bigger litter­ coming from his mother. And remind him that plenty of food is essential box, or grab it firmly by the head and twist and twist until several for a growing boy. Some counseling couldn't hurt the lad. heart-warming snaps and gurgles were heartj.. You readers sure And, if that course of action fails, I suggest you grab an axe-handle responded! Thousands of letters poured in from across the nation. and bludgeon the youngster to death. Here are a few:

Dear Charles, From S.K., Ohio- Keep up the good work! Your response to Puzzled My husband; after 30 years of marriage, has suddenly begun to criticize in Pensacola was right or{ the nose, as always. I know what kind of my cooking. I consider myself a good cook; I'm no Julia Child, but problem cats can be. I and what's left of my family have been reading I've received many compliments whenever we have neighbors over your column for years, and your advice is always sensible. Thanks,; for dinner. But aJl of a sudden, my husband has started saying that Charles! my beef tastes like leather, my pasta is like rubber, and my seafood seems decades old. I haven't changed one iota of my recipes; they're From B.H., Iowa- You are a sick, twisted man. They should put you the same things I've been making for years. Does the problem lie with in jail! Or a worse jail, or whatever. Your kind is nothing but murderous ~e, or with him? stuff that's grosser._than boogers! If I had a gun I'd shoot you. • \ . ~ . -New Jersey Jane From W.D., Hawaii-Charles, man, you are great. You are God. I'll · · Obviously the problem lies with your husband. He may be coming do anything you say. Give me some orders! down with Bitsen's Linganoma, a rare tongue disease that renders Well, that's just a sample of the massive volume of mail we received. · the victim unable to properly taste most foods. I suggest you bring Keep those letters coming, readers! And finally, ·I'll leave you with : him to an ear, nose and throat specialist as soon as possible. With a thought for the day, from my dear friend Jim - "When you get right proper treatment, his condition will be alleviated and he'll go back down to it, nothing beats a Phillips screwdriver!" . -by Bob Durling

i(-*****************************' . * t MY DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES : LAPHOS i( * i( * PUBLISHED BY iC 1) I will provide the students of this University with a monthly * t humor supple_ment that will be th8 equal of any humor * King iC supplement on this campus. I think. : Laphos t 2) I will also provide them with a fighting and tireless : EDITORIAL BOARD, iC champion of their rights as humor-loving citizens and human * STAFF AND ·i beings. To this end I will provide them with first rate comedy * iC articles written and compiled with the latest scientific : BUDDING iC technology by the best comedy writers Green Stamps can · * PHILANTHROPISTS: iC buy. * Ric Dube i( / ~~-·-, * * Robert Durling t \.(}r~-- _,...., .. .,. Yours in humor, : Jay Kum~r Arthur Lizie Marc Mamigonian

~ ~\J~~ i Special TNlnk!t 10 Joanne Marino who we 1hink ii. wor1h mentioning. iC ~~ Kin~~~os, * t (The Publisher) : Please contribute material co Laphos, ~***********~***************** if only for the children February 1989 Page c Wade Boggs' Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a special day Wife Debbie asks, "Where for every lover, and it's espe­ have you been, dear?" He cially special for Red Sox star responds, "Why is everybody Wade Boggs. Let's take a look always prying into Wade at the way this devoted family Boggs' life? Why can't Wade man spent his Day of Love. Boggs just be left alone to be Wade Boggs?" 7:00 a.m. Wade wakes up next 4:00 p.m. Sits in front of his to his lovely wife Debbie, and wide-screen TV and yells, "It's tells he·r repeatedly he loves Geraldo time!" her more than anything. 4:59 p.m. At conclusion of 10:30 a.m. He gets out of bed. show, diagnoses himself as an 10:42 a.m. Fixes himself some autustic savant. Chicken Loops cereal for 5:32 p.m. Halfway through breakfast. Donahue, realizes he is not an 11: 13 a.m. Heads out the autistic savant but is actually door, but not before leaving a skinhead. his dog a shuddering wreck. 5:45 p.m. Sits down and en­ 11: 17 a.m. Makes a brief visit joys some Chicken-Rhubarb to "Mad-dog Mary," a neighbor pie for dinner. of ill-repute. 6:32 p.m. Receives a phone 11:32 a.m. Makes a brief visit call from Channel 4's Bob to "Wanda the Wonder­ Lobel, and when asked about Worker," another neighbor. the upcoming season, re­ 11:43 a.m. Finally makes it to sponds, "If Wade Boggs had the neighborhood field, where Wade Boggs hitting in front of he takes batting practice. Hits him and Wade Boggs hitting 349 singles in a row between in back of him and Wade Boggs first and second base. pitching, Wade Boggs would 12:52 p.m. Sends a candy­ be driving in 150 runs a year." gram home to wife Debbie, Doesn't make clear which with the inscription "Boggsy Wade is which. loves you more than a double 7:23 p.m. Tells wife, "Happy off the Green Monster. You're Valentine's Day, sweetheart!" the only woman in my life." then leaves house. 1:05 p.m. Does the banana­ 7:41 p.m. Stops at a hole-in­ boat dance with Carmen Chi­ the-wall. Leaves the hole-in­ quita, sultry neighbor. the)- wall a shuddering :wreck. 1:26 p.m. Stops at 'Willie's 8: 1:7 p.m. Returns hqme, and House of Meat Ice Cream' and promptly falls asleep watching orders a Chicken Pop. rer;uns of Charles in Charge. 1:47 p.m. Calls up corpulent Wife Debbie wonders why he's teammate Bob Stanley and so tired. whispers, "This is Captain Delta. If you talk to Penthouse, Well, that was Valentine's I'm releasing those photos of Day for Red Sox hero Wade you and Joltin' Johnny;_ Boggs. Thanks to Sally 'Sled­ McNamara. Trust me, Bobby, Dog' Seltzman for the valuable you don't look too hot in that information, including the fol­ funny bra-thing with the tas­ lowing: "Wade eats so much sels." chicken because it's good for 2:31 p.m. Makes one last stop his, ah, rooster." Keep an eye before heading home, this time out for 'Arbor Day with Roger at the house of "Renee Rotun­ Mudd,' coming soon. da." -by Bob Durling 3:05 p.m. Returns to his home. Geraldo's Basement Tapes Because of the negative publicity generated by Geraldo's recent winner of the Mankato, Minnesota regional spell-off and three-time run-in with white supremacists and his subsequent costly entrant into the Scripps-Howard National Spelling Bee. And how is rhinoplastic restructuring, the scripts of the Geraldo show will little Melissa today? now undergo strenuous scrutinization by the censors. Here G Melissa: OK, I guess. (sighs) at laphos, we have been fortunate enough to acquire transcribed Geraldo: Accompanying Melissa is her mother, Mrs. Eggbeater. Thank sections of rejected scripts by offering some Dionysian enticement you for making the strenuous and I'm sure quite shocking trip from to some of Geraldo's less scrupulous employees; specifically, E Minnesota, Mrs. Eggbeater. we forked over a case of Red, White and Blue to his key grip. Mrs. Eggbeater: Thank you, Geraldo. There won't be a lot of rioting, Here, without further interruption, is an excerpt from one of commie-fascist anarchists hitting each other with chairs today will the contraband transcripts: R there? · Geraldo: Not unless little Melissa gets out of hand, right Dr. Schzbby? Dr. Schzbby: Well Geraldo, that's exactly the kind of shocking, deviant Geraldo: Good afternoon and welcome to today's show. Before I A behavior that I've warned about in my best selling book, Grammar begin, I feel it necessary to caution viewers and audience members· School Spelling Bee Winners - America's Next leaders or little, Ulcer­ against the extremely shocking, shocking, I can not reiterate this ridden Satanic Despots. word enough, shocking, content of the subject we shall investigate L Geraldo: Thank you, Dr. Schzbby. Who are these children and just in extreme depth as only I, Geraldo, can. It's a subject that could what the hell, excuse my language Mrs. Eggbeater, what the hell do give a child nightmares and a puppy worms. It's a subject so heinously they represent? America, is this the plethora of twisted educational bizarre, so eccentric that some will froth at the mouth while others innuendoes and extramarital ontology that we want in our homes will merely not froth at the mouth. I beg to remind you of the caution and schools? (loud applause) The shocking answer (wipes brow) when with which we must approach this topic. I implore you, please, if you we come back. (loud applause) (cut to commercial) have any children or ever hope to have any, I beseech you, please, send them to bed immediately, even if the little urchins haven't yet Ed. note: The next portion of the show was inadvertently lost had their Spaghetti-O's with Franks and a cup of wholesome, Grade in transport when the key grip started in on the third six-pack A, 100% American milk. (loud applause) Today's topic? Grammar of Red, White and Blue; craziness insued. We rejoin the show School Spelling Bee Winners - America's next leaders or little, ulcer­ as Melissa tells of her "shocking exploits." ridden, -Satanic despots? We'll be right back. (loud applause) (cut to commercial) C 0 Geraldo: Well, Melissa, just supposing you tell us how long you've Q been involved in this sleazy, filth-ridden orgy of grammatical accuracy ~ Geraldo: We're back. To help us conduct today's scathing expose Q) Q) that the victims, God-fearing Americans one and all (loud applause), on Grammar School Spelling Bee winners - America's next leaders ::$ have been duped into calling for years, a "spelling bee?" What do or little, ulcer-ridden, Satanic despots, we have Dr. Alexander C 01 Schzbby, ·-·...... ta you have to say for yourself, little Miss "I before E except after C"? guidance counselor at New York's P .S. 134 and author of the best C: Melissa: Well Mr. Geraldo (sigh), it all started when I was six-­ seller, Grammar School Spelling Bee Winners - America's Next leaders 0 ~ Geraldo: Si~ years old, Melissa? Six years old. My God. Six. Six. or little, Ulcer-ridden, Satanic Despots? (loud applause) Thank you, u Six. It's the number of the beast! Any God-fearing American can see Dr. Schzbby. it! (loud applause) Mrs. Eggbeater, isn't that a bit young for a child, Dr. Schzbby: Thank you, Geraldo. a mere child, mothers, you can identify here, to be thrown into the Geraldo: Next we have ten year old Melissa Eggbeater, four-time ➔ paganistic abyss of malevolent linguistic competition? Can you spell February 1989 Page D Angry man speaks his piece Finster Q. McKay lets loose

By Finster Q. McKay to that damn things to get off my Saturday at noon with a dime and come out protesting and listening I've got quite a few The Beatles - what a and I'm not just talking about the home the next day with Tootsie Rolls and Beatles garbage. chest, of.druggies they were. I've got my crumbs from last night's Cheez-Its - the change. Now it costs six bucks and I didn't bunch like even get to see her take her clothes off. heart medication and a take a nip from missus is always after me for stuff know, people telling Not that they ever took their clothes off time to time, don't let the missus that. First of all, I'm sick of over and I don't and mind my own business. in the old days. but my eyes don't glass me to shut up about peace every time I This is America, damn it. I didn't fight Anyway, before the movie, which I start ranting Double­ could barely hear, by the way, because listen to the radio. And I bathe on a regular in the Big One, that's Double-U, of them what I should do by a couple of stupid-ass college brats behind basis, too. And I don't go_to one U Two, to be told dollar places in two-bit punk of a person who me were talking a blue streak, there were fancy-schmancy twenty some to get a haircut. In my day only doesn't know the meaning of respect from these little movies that tell you what's the malls God rest her soul. I feel gonna be coming soon to a theater near real grungies wore-dungarees. my Aunt Matilda, but we weren't that it's time I speak my piece. I'll try not to you. Time was people like that would have We were poor, because been tossed out on their ears by the poor. Now they charge one hundred get too worked up about things with warned me about the old ushers, by gum. So, I'm watching these bucks for a ripped pair of dungarees the Doc has heinies in your ticker, but I make no promises. little movies and there were these people these women shaking their about you, but I'm sick in them, real people, not actors, mind face on the TV. One year, and I'd swear I don't know this, my dear of reading about that stupid Greenhouse you, and what do you think but one of on the holy Bible about always blame the them was my friend Tank. Now, I usually mother, God rest her soul, qnly had one effect thing. People Bill. effect for everything. The consider Tank a stand-up type of guy, hundred dollars to support me and Greenhouse year, mind you! Red Sox lost the World Series and people he'd give you the shirt off his back, but I'm talking about a whole effect - no one I think to myself, what the hell is Tank But we survived. What I wouldn't have blamed the Greenhouse home into account the fact that Wade doing in this little movie thing? He's not done with one hundred bucks while even took if you know Boggs was diddling half the east coast. like that TV show with the fat one and on leave from The Big One, got a flat tire on 95 the the other guy who talk about movies. You what I mean. In fact, that's how I met the My brother Bill Forty­ day - must have been the Green­ know, the two guys who argue all the time missus, if you know what I mean. other God willing. house effect, they said. Of course no one and one of them looks like he never missed five years next October 13, that he's a skinflint and only a meal in his life. I mean Tank knows what Of course, we knew the value of a dollar mentioned with all their buys retreads. There are no good West­ he's talking about, except when it comes then, not like kids today anymore. The Greenhouse to fly fishing, but I don't know if he should Nintendos and VHS's and car washes. erns out there nobody gets effect, they say; The Duke is dead, I say. be in these little movies spouting off about Anyway, as I was saying, consider myself a reasonable how great it is. 'Specially if it's about fly mad anymore. I'm talking mad like when Now I your wife, man, you don't get to be my age without fishing. Not that it was. So anyway, it was your best friend just ran off with and, like about the stupidest thing I ever did see. not that something like that would bother being pretty darn reasonable, · I got this bad ticker, but I don't The thing that galls me the most these me, or the Millers' dog just did his business r I've said, city ought pawn off my problems on the Greenhouse days is that nobody seems to give a damn on your front lawn. I mean this what I got a wife for. The anymore. Bill- that's my brother, the little to have a leash law or something. If not effect; that's and Greenhouse effect: In my day we had air one- was out on the highway two hours for the dogs, at least for the Millers and sun - we didn't let little before someone stopped and lent him their kids running in the garden and killing and water spends a things like a bit of smoke in the air bother a hand, and it was a dame at that. Bill said the wife's marigolds that she pansies today. We she was a looker, but then look at who gallon of sweat- on every spring. Why us like it does these a didn't have an ozone layer when I was he married. I mean if you want to see a bother pulling out weeds and adding a kid. My mother raised two fine sons, woman whose mug could sink a thousand ton of horse manure if some stupid kids myself and Bill, Bill's the younger one, ships, take a peek at a photo of Betty. are going to trample down your hard work and you don't think she let any Green­ I've seen better faces on an alarm clock. with their two hundred dollar fashion house effect bother her - not like my wife, Ha ha. I've alwa9s gotten a good chuckle tennis shoes? Am I the only person that the worry wart. You'd think I would have out of that one. An alarm clock! Geez this stuff happens to? I mean, I put my blown my brains out long ago living with that's funny. Whoops, have to watch the butt on the line in The Big One and this that hellcat I call my wife, but no, thank ol' ticker. is the thanks I get? When I was a kid we the Lord I haven't. God bless her. Live Anyway, my point is that nobody cares didn't bother other people. We had and let live, says I. l say it all the time. anymore. And I'm not talking about caring manners and respect for elders. Not like Just ask my friends. like in those commericals where the girl these punks today. Talking about my friends, the other day who's been living with every Tom, Dick, Anyway, am I the only one who has the I go to see that movie with Magnum and and Harry for the past two years finally guts to speak out on ·this stuff? What's that girl in the bathing suit. It was OK calls her father, who probably had a wrong with all you people? Too much loud but they don't make movies like they used conniption fit worrying about her, or in music, loose women and cable TV? You to. In my day you could go to the movies the sixties when those naked hippies _were can all go to hell in a handbasket for all I care. Bah! . _ d -by Ric Dube, Jay Kumar, Arthur Lizi~, M~rc - re Mamz onzan Geraldo Ce n S 0 (continued from page C) that typifies the work of Satan's "linguistic," Melissa? being sucked into the burning empyrean evil hand? Without being dragged through the blood red world of Melissa: (she stands) Linguistic. L - I - N - like Stalin, Mrs. Eggbeater, America, I think we're ignoring .. - hammers and sickles exemplified by fiendish role models Dr. Schzbby: Geraldo, Am I right, Vietnam Vets? this shocking problem. As any academian well-versed in _ - Castro and Jane Fonda? (loud applause) the root of right on the front line instead of studying the educational practices of the Weimar-era can attest, the root of I feel for you guys, like I was ::: journalism in Montreal (a tear comes to his eyer. Btit, America, take Hitler Youth- patriotic watchdogs like Dr. Geraldo: Hitler Youth, America. Hitler Youth. Are you listening, -': heart. As long as we have God-fearing Schzbby and his shocking book Grammar School Spelling Bee Winners America? (loud applause) we Hitler Youth was precision spelling, Geraldo. - America's Future Leaders or Little, Ulcer-ridden Satanic Despots, Dr. Schzbby: The root of parks and condos across So, Melissa, have you noticed any spelling errors in your can sleep soundly in our apartments, trailer Geraldo: applause) But l put this question to you, Totalitarian-Book-of-the-Month Club issue of Mein Kampf? How about this great land of ours. (loud we all guilty?" Yes. Everytime you spell a word properly, The Communist Manifesto? How about Sagan's Cosmos? Or The Hite America, "Aren't E, I, 0, U and sometimes everytime your child spells relief "R-0-L-A-1-D-S," everytime you watch Ret,ort? Any answers for America, little Miss "A, the vicious for a commercial, but we'll be back; she's not off the Vanna White spin her voluptuous vowels and consonants, Y? ' We'll break America. (loud applause) Join hook just yet. (loud applause) (cut to commercial) spectre grows. (shakes head solemnly) us tomorrow on Geraldo when we investigate the sordid world of those magazines - harmless back. Unfortunately for us, but luckily for little Miss little subscription cards that always fall out of Geraldo: We're threat to American national security "Change the Y to I and add ES," we've run out of time. America, I ¥' little annoyances or the greatest the world coming to when our God-fearing American since gingivitis? Thank you, America. (loud applause) entreat you, what's Lizie and Marc Mamigonian (loud applause) children can't ask how to spell "Democracy" without -by Ric Dube, Jay Kumar, Arthur THE _NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE ·FIFTEEN University Forum

Rainy days ahead ·Ollie North's Jury Selection Rainy Day Fund may be answer to Budget freeze By George Yfantopulos

One point one million dollars must be cut from 10,500 is not deemed as a critically needed agency UNH's budget by June 30 in compliance with Gov. than what is?? Judd Gregg Budget reform plans. Op February 12th President Haaland vowed not to raise tuition President Haaland approved a "Focus a N.H." to to meet the imposed budget cuts. Yes, the tuition promote UNH' s bare bones biennium budget. has been raised for the fall of 89 but, we must advance President Haaland menti.:med the progress his in our salaries for educators, expand research and administration is making toward meeting the June development, build new housing and address the 30th deadline. There have been hiring freezes, parking problem. We will see progess being made. reductions on travel expenses, and a genuine Only 33% of UNH's budget is provided by the state conservation of supplies. of N.H. while 45% comes directly from tuition. Mr. Haaland also addressed another option we One million dollars from the Rainy Day fund must exercise. The state of New Hampshire would insure the advancement of this university. maintains a Rainy Day fund in excess of 24 million No matter how we react to this, we must react as dollars. I .realize this is a capital endorsement fund an entity of one. One voice, 10,000 strong, for the but its intention is to provide assistance for critically University-of New Hampshire, Gov. Gregg. needed agencies. If an institution, that educates George Yfantopulos is the chairperson of the Stu­ dent Activity Fee Council and president of the Sig­ ma Nu fraternity.

Is Durham ripping us off? By Christopher Estes


PRODUCT DURHAM DvVb.R ROCHESTER PORTSMOUTH Are students at the University of New Hampshire coffee 2.88/3.59 1.88/2.39 1.98/2.39 1.99/1.88 getting ripped off by Durham merchants? Do sugar 1.18 1.78 1.78 1.78 Durham merchants charge higher prices than the milk 1.13 1.15 1.15 1.15 surrounding towns? Typically UNH students can corn flakes. 1.68 1.69 1.19 1.19 not get to other towns to shop because they do not peanut butter 3.38/3.38 2.98/3.29 2.98/3.29 2.99/3.19 own cars. This means that the merchants in town beer · 3.45 3.09 3.09 3.09 can charge higher prices. Do they? Rumor has it bread 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 that they do. soft drink .99 .99 .99 .99 According to the data I recorded, everything from aspirin 4.85 3.99 3.99 3.89 under-arm deodorant to beer to caffeine pills costs caffeine pills 3.99/5.19 3.49/4.99 3.49/4.99 4.05/NA more in Durham than the surrounding towns. While spray deodorant 3.15/4.58 2.49/3.59 2.49/3.59 2.59/3.99 milk is a mere two cents cheaper in Durham, largely facial tissues .99 .99 .99 .99 I suspect because it is served for free (with a meal detergent. 2.88/2.88 1.88/1.99 1.88/1.99 1.99/1.88 plan) in the dining halls, laundry detergent, a toothpaste 2.39/2.39 l.49/1.49 l.49/1.49 L89/L69 necessity for college students, costs an average of shampoo 3.63 2.79 2.79 2.39 ninety-five cents more per 42 ounce box. garbage 0.-i g~ 3.29/2.66 2.99/2.35 2.99/2.35 2.99/2.29 The total cost of the twenty-four items on the film 3.29/4.39 3.29/4.39 3.29/4.39 3.29/4.39 survey is at least $5.00 more in Durham than in cigarettes 11.45 11.45 11.45 11.39 the surrounding towns. That amounts to a lot when one considers how many times each of the items extension cord 1.99/2.49 1.79/2.29 1.99/2.49 1.99/2.49 is purchased: that is, every case of Budweiser costs condoms 4.19/9.99 4.19/NA 4.19/9.99 4.19/9.99 $1.56 more in Durham. notebook 1.29/3.99 1.39/3.99 1.99/3.99 1.39/3.99 Yes, Durham's merchants are ripping students highlighter 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 off. Students should be careful about buying foodstuffs and other merchandise in town. pizza 5.30 5.50 5.85 5.95 hambt.:ger .77 .75 .75 .75 Christopher Estes is a sophomore in the School for sum of costs 70.52/83.33 64.68/77.57 65.16/77.35 66.28/77.77 Liberal Arts.

NA - nor available ''' prices ivr iirsc group taken at Shop and Savt i11 Durham, Dover and Rochester; at Shaws in Portsmouth. ** prices for second group -taken at brooks L,rugs/ f-iharmacies.


coffee 13 oz. can Maxwell House/Hills Brothers shampoo 11 oz. Johnsons Baby shampoo • sugar five pound bag, cheapest garbage bags 20 count box, Glad/Hefty (tall kitchen) milk one-half gallon, whole, cheapest · film one roll. 3 5mm 100 ASA color 24x/ 36x corn flakes 18 oz. Kellogs cigarettes 200 count box, Winston lOO's peanut butter 28 oz. creamy, Jif/Skippy beer six-pack, Budweiser extension cord 6 ft./9 ft. bread one loaf, white, Wonder bread (reg. size) condoms l doz./3 doz. Trojans soft drink two liter-coca-cola notebook cheapest/with pockets aspirin 100 count box Bayer highlighter Faber Castel caffeine pills 36 count box No Doz/40 count box Vivarin deodorant (spray 5 oz./ 10 oz. Right Guard pizza 12 inch cheese, Dominoes facial tissue 175 count box Kleenex hamburger Burger King/McDonald's* laundry detergent 42 oz. Tide/Cheer toothpaste 6.4 oz. Crest/7 oz. Colgate *Burger King--Durham; McDonald's--rest of towns FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE SIXTEEN THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY,

.... COMING FEBRUARY 25 ....

1111 .


featuring: iii

1 11 TICKETS ON SALE IN MUB TICKET OFFICE $6 with- $10 with-out student ID ·····=·······················'··•·t•:•:•:•:•:•:•:'.:•:•:


TICKETS: $1 students $2 non-students

- ~ SPELLgOLINDtNG FtlH, ACClAtHE1) ~ ~ HASTERPtECE ~ HODERN FflH; ~ FA5Ct51 U 4 WORLD WAR fl~ t1Al Y THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE SEVENTEEN Arts & Entertainment Live Music Weekend: Lounge' was only 45 minutes Ill\:tl] :. , By Justin McCarter long. · The Mardi Gras Spectacular C.J. Chenier and the New Red started promptly at 8 p.m. in Hot Louisiana Band took the the Strafford Room in the MUB. stage just after 9:00. Immediate­ Islandside, a quartet of red-eyed ly they launched into a hot rastamen, began the festivities zydego tune. The upbeat Mardi by grinding out overplayed Gras sound brought many of the covers to a sitdown crowd of crowd, which had swelled to about 50. about 150, onto the dance floor. As more concert -goers Chenier displayed the accordion trickled in, Islandside continued talents which Paul Simon sings to play low-powered versions of in his album Graceland. of Peter Tosh's "Let Jah Be C.J. and friends played heated Praised" and UB40' s "Red, Red harmonica riffs attempting to Wine." They added to their get the rest of the crowd mov­ questionable repertoir by toss­ ing. However the band's appar­ ing in Cat Stevens' "Wild ent lack of interest and generally World." It seems as if everyone boring stage presence· only is trying their hand at hacking served to alienate more patrons. up Cat Stevens songs these days. As the night wore on even the Their traditional steel band bass player was spotted checking look was just that, a "look." his watch several times. Islandside's sound however, as "They just played like they audience member Kristen had big plans later and we were Opper pointed out, was,"kind really bumming them out," said of like a cheesy bar band." Junior Physics major Robert Luckily their gig at the 'Strafford . <1¼ ·Brust. C.T. <..;henier played at the, MUB this weekend ... Max Creek By Justin McCarter alive. Bluegrass Country Rock Great licks by guitarist Scott rhythms were the inspiration Murawski and bass player John for Max Creek when they began Rider in "Magic Carpet Ride" playing nearly a decade ago. and "After Midnight" drove the Today they are expanding both crowd on through the night. their musical influences and "The Creek" played to the their following. Last Friday, enthusiastic crowd until almost · Max Creek lit a crowd of 700 midnight and fed them "Good on fire in the Granite State room Lovin' " as an encore. in the MUB, which was filled This was Max Creek's fifth to capacity. Their Grateful Dead visit to UNH. They will be style of rock and roll had enough going on co tour North Carolina of a twist to keep the sound fresh and Virginia through March and and danceable. then move down to South Ca­ The appreciative, and highly rolina and Georgia in April. l \ tie-dyed, crowd came from all What does the extended fu­ 1··.(· corners of New England. Some ture hold for Max Creek? "We ~if; .. had travelled for over three are currently looking for a major s an st e, special guest at t e ar 1 ras pectacu ar concert this past weekend. · · hours; they were not disappoint­ either in New ed. Soulful covers like "I Know York or Los Angeles," Mercier You Rider" started them mov­ explains. Work on a new LP is ing. By mixing in R&B and also beginning soon and is . Danger_ous LiasOffs Reggae with their rock and roll schedualed for release in late Dangerous Liasons . 1s the malevolent Valmont, . . . format Mark Mercier and his spring. Glenn Close the villainous Mer- ph1st1cated, 1f that makes any Warner Bros. fellow bandmates kept the room teuil, Michelle Pfiefer (what a sense. . . . By Marc A. Mamigonian lovely, lovely woman) the pious I found It mterestmg that all It is going to. be a big year for Madame de Tourvel and new- of the lead roles are played by French writer Pierre-Ambroise­ comer Uma Thurm;n (what a Americans. This will, no doubt, Francois-Cho~erlos de Laclos, lovely, lovely woman) the young confound ma_ny people used to ·AUDITIONS ~\\\\\'t\\\\\\ author of Les Liaisons Dange­ and innocent Cecile who be- the Masterpiece Theatre Doc­ reuses. First, we have a film of comes educated in the ways of trine, which_ states that all I for I last year's stage adaption of deceit. They are all quite excel- costume/ penod dr~mas m:1st Liaisons, the cleverly titled lent; most surprisingly, to me, be played by actors with English The Tale of !1.radan and Theone Dangerous Liaisons, and later was Malkovich whom I did not accents (and preferably be chis year there will be Milos think would ~ake a good Val- na;111ed 'Sir' or 'Dame: some­ by Forman' s Valmont, yet another mont. He brings the perfect ~hrng or _othe_r). I don t know adaption of Liaisons. Too bad sense of sneering corruptness if Frears 1s trymg to make some Jacqueline Davis Laclos ( or Choderlos, as his to the role. kind of comment- decadent Winner of the Anna Zornio friends call him) has been dead The film is directed by Ste- F~ance rip~ for a fall equated Children's Playwriting Award for 190 years; he'd be raking in phen Frears (My Beautiful Laun- w~t~ the United S~ates, perhaps- ,, the royalties. drette, Sammy and Rosie Get but It works and ts a refreshmg '' What's all the fuss about an Laid) with considerable skill and chan&e of pace. Frears gets a lot SUNDAY 18th century epistolary novel style (albeit an over-reliance of_ mileage out of actors who February 19, of sexual intrigue and manip­ on mirror shots and rack focus); might not seem to have_ m~ch 1989 ulation? Well, if you gotta ask. .. he transfers his post-empire range ~although my a~mtrat1on .6:00 - 8:00 pm The novel (yes, folks, I actually British fear and loathing co for Michelle Pfeifer s talent and read the novel before I saw the immediately pre-Revolution grows with each picture) and ~ film, for once) is a quite a bit France. Jay Carr of The Boston mak~s the most out of a lot of o' nastiness, even by today's Globe called this film "a sophis- h~avmg bosoms and powdered MONDAY depraved standards ("kids to­ ticated film for unsophisticated wigs. . . . day ... "). It centers around two viewers." I do not think that is Dangerous Liaisons ( did I February 20, 1989 decadent aristocrats, the Mar­ entirely a fair statement, but mentio~ what a _hor~ibly_ literal ,; 6:30 - 8:30 pm quise de Merteuil and the Vi­ there may be a bit of truth in tr~nslauon the t1tle 1s- did they comte de Valmont, as they it. The film does not lack thrnk people would smell sub­ in scheme to corrupt a beautiful sophistication; but much of the titles if the title ~as Les Liaisons and virtuous woman and a pair material that aims towards irony Dangereu~es?) 1s a reasonably PCAC M-223 of young lovers. Finally, they and double-entendre is effective elegant -(rn a decadent way) (Music Dept. Lecture Room) go after each other, and the end without oeing particularly sub- piece of entertainment that, like •· up going down in their own de. Yet, judging by the audience the novel ( one more chance to . : immorality. And loving it. reaction- there was much laugh- flaunt the fact that I rea_d the • The film is admirably faithful ter at woefully inappropriate book), proves that the emment­ \\\\\\\~\\\\\\ AUDITIONS in spirit to the novel, and times- it is, perhaps, the type Ir quotable Pat Be_natar was features some skillfull and sur­ of film that unsophisticated ~•ght when she qu1p,.ped that A Paid Advertisement. prising casting. John Malkovich - viewers might find overly so- Love Is A Battlefield. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE EIGHTEEN

Lp Shorts: The Go-Betweens • •• • is. At ttmes A rtouse art a1n:10st By Arthur Lizie · likeable because they write The Downsiders Alt My short, catchy, and fun pop song~, Friends Are Fish (Mammoth but once you get past the ~ustC Records) - The Downsiders are and listen to the pretenuous a good band. All My Friend~ Are lyrics, forget it. A line like_"Now Fish, their second album, 1s an it's all politics/ Yeah, it's all iotriguing album. On the surface lunatics" ("Hay While The Sun The Downsiders appear to be Shines") may rhyme, but it's your average post-punk _garage social commentary on a kinder­ band, but upon further inspec­ garten level. And, talking about tion, they reveal themselves as kindergarten, "Watch Out a much more complex band. The You're D~ad" is nothing but a band's rock 'n' pop songs are simple cut and paste copy ~f driven by the twin guitar attack Echo's "Crocodiles." Maybe 1f of Cole Marquis and Jeff Tray they didn't aspire to a dark, as the duo weave a thick, com­ meaningful side they wouldn't plex web of rhythmic i~terplay be so annoying. A House seem in the Fripp/Belew vein. Call to have something to offer the them Dumptruck West. I do. pop world, but On Our Big Fat The most interesting as peers Merry-Go-Round isn't it. of this record are the band's The Go-Betweens 16 Lovers animal obsession trilogy ("Old Lane (Capitol Records) - The Black Crow," "Pony Made of Go-Betweens could fill a major Ice" and the title song), an off­ void in the pop world if anyone kilter cover of an already deeply cared to have that void filled. off-kilter song (The Beatles' The void is the recently un­ "Wild Honey Pie"), and the lead mined area of light, Un-schlocky feat­ track "I Wanna Drive," love pop. People like Bil!y Jo~l uring a looping bassl~ne w~ich and Paul Simon used to f 111 this anchors a McGuinn-ish guitar role but then everyone wanted and Neil Young-ish vocals. All ro sound like Madonna or Mi­ My Friends Are Fish was pro­ chael Jackson and the stock duced by ex-True West front­ market crashed. Alas, no one man Russ Tollman in case you will notice The Go-Betweens cared. in the USA because they don't A House On Our Big Fat have a gimmick to ·sell the_m­ A House offers a new album: On Our Big Fat Merry-go-round. Merry-Go-Round selves like most Australian (Sire/Reprise/Blanco Y Ne­ bands do. They're not political gro) - A House are a band of activists (Midnight Oil), psy­ excesses. No, not INXSes and chedelic/ oldies revivalists (The no, they don't go psycho like Church, Hoodoo Gurus), school­ they get David Lee Roth when boy rejects (AC/DC) or too­ are served brown M&M's; they cute-for-their-own-good (Men excessive in letting their influ­ At Work): they just play music. ences show. If any band more The violins and oboe treat­ wants to be early Echo and The ments not treatments in the Bunnymen but comes off sound­ Eno-ia~ sense but more in the ing like a cross between early true sense of the word, add a Aztec Camera and early Icicle likeable and much needed extra · Dangerous Liasons Works, then I'd like someone dimension to the basic but out to me. Not Max Creek to point them enjoyable mid-temp? love tu~es. that I'm rambling and not that 16 Lovers Lane 1s nothrng lslandside like it's especially bad. Sounding spectacular but it's more enjoy­ those bands, not rambling, that able than, say, Bobby Brown.

Upcoming • • ·-

The University of New Hampshire Department of Music Faculty Concert Series presents tenor Henry Wing and pianist Ruth Edwards on Wedmesday, February 15 at 8 p.m. in the Johnson Theater. The pe_rformance is free and the public invited to attend.

UNH Mask & Dagger will present "Snoopy," an energetic production based on Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts Gang, Tuesday, February 14 - Sa~ur1ay, February 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Richards Aud1tormm in Murkland Hall. Tickets are $2 for students, $3 for the General Public; they are available at the Ticket Office in the MUB, 862-2290.

The UNH Department of Theater and Dance presents the Christop~~r Durang comedy, _.. Baby With The Bathwater, February 17 - 25 10 the Hennessy Theater of the Paul Creative Arts Ce?ter. For tickets call 862-2290 or go to the MUB ticket office.

The Portsmouth Academy of Performing Arts will present Colin Higgins' "Harold and Maude" at the Bow Street Theater in Portsmouth from February -17 - March 5. Tickets are $10 ($12 for Saturday performances) and may be purchased at the box office, or by calling 433-4472.

The Prague Chamber Orchestra will perform with pianist Jeremy Menuhin Monday, February 20 at 8 p.m. in the Johnson The~ter. T_he p~rfor­ mance is part of the UNH Celebmy Senes. T Kkets are $12 for the general public, $10 for ~aculty/st~ff, and $8 for students. Call the MUB Ticket Off tee, \ The UNH Depanme~t of Theater and Dance presents "Bacy with 862-2290, for ticket information. · the Bathwater," a comedy by Christopher Dqrang. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE NINETEEN

An education for those who can't look the other way~

If you gain satisfaction Northeastern University, • Exercise Sciences from reaching out and· Boston, MA 02115. Athletic '!raining helping others, Northeast­ Master of Education Bio mechanics ern University has a special Programs Clinical Exercise Physiology place for you. At Boston­ • Counseling • Physical Education Bouve College of Human • Consulting Teacher of • Recreation, Sport & Development Professions Reading Fitness Management you can learn to assist e Curriculum and · • Rehabilitation Counseling others realize their full Instruction • Speech-Language potential. • Educational Research ~ Pathology & Audiology Most of our programs are • Human Development Nondegree Certification Boston-Bouve offered on a part-time and • Rehabilitation Programs full-time basis and combine Administration • Counseling College c:lassroom theory with • Special Education • Elementary & Secondary ft practical, hands-on School Teacher Preparation Northeastern Master of Science 18 University experience. Programs • Special Educa~ion Call (617) 437-2708 or write • Counseling Psychology An equal opportunity/affirmative to us at 106 Dockser Hall, action university.


SNOOPY ! ! The Musical Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday February 14th, 15th & 16th Murk/and 110 at 7:30pm Sponsored by Mask & Dagger UNH Fashion Show Comedy MEN'S BASKETBALL Saturday February 18th Saturday February 18th Strafford Room 6:00pm UNH vs. Siena 7:30pm free admission & free refreshments Tickets 1/2 price for _Funded by PFO . UNH Students! TRIVIA CONTEST Tuesday February 28th 7:00pm It's a trivia contest that will rival any other you've done before. Get ready to compete against the whole campus and more. Listen to ~he questions over the air on WUNH (91.3) and then phone in your answers, all in the comfort of your own room, • lounge or apartment. Prizes awarded to the top finishers!! So grab your almanacs, dictionaries, and thinking caps and TUNE IN!No fee to play!

Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Activities 126 MUB. For more information ca/1862-1001 . • PAGE TWENTY THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989


Room 15 3 in the Memorial Union Building is accepting applications for the position of .Assistant/Business Manager

. To begin immediately to train for the full-tim~ position during 89 /90 academic year. Please contact Vance or Kelly.



Hewitt Hall

"-" -1 Ii 0-,J __ 0 t..JJ!···=4);··········~ .,J_ t,IL_ 11 ~ II "l.AU JM 7 IM w« .A w '\ffif}'Jv-.. WIK« 1• T1Wlt 862-2140 ·•:::::•· THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE TWENTY-ONE

KUDZU By Doug Marlette

PREAC~E.R, Wl-lAi Do YOU , ...,~A.T YOUR '1,Q. WMEW! 1.'M BURNlNG UP! SAY -re YOUR OPPONENi5 15 ABOU, E.QUA\.. 1-r Mus-r BE A \.-\UNDRED CHA~Ge. .•. -ro ROOM 51X-rY DE.GRcE.S IN HERE! 1EMPERA1URE ~

3-17 IJ

YUP H€.R£ 1 At'\ You CAN MAiE. f=UN WOR\<.\NG \\ARO ON ~ Of: T~~ ROM\l'\\STRA, N€.W KA~~us KOM\C.. - lC>H, MAKE- &ROU'1S S,R\P1 YA K~OW 'Bt.l~G Cf PGDPLt.. L-AU~\-\ I 'BUT A COMIC, A~\Si \5 ,~£.~ ~e:~'? THf. G:,~~AT • • • ~ ~~~.~~~


Superguy by Kttrt K relJS -


HACKS HALL Br JoHN HIRTLET Loox,/' Fl RST YOU AND WIT 1--/ IN SECCr'{[)5 n-11rr:; PUT THIS DISK IN Tl/£ COMP/ATER R~IJ-,-; ti~ A.ND l-Ortf' TURNS JN10,,,, HAT A!30l!T TfRM

Death in Heaven - A Compa~ion by Jeff Harris

w, I THOUGH NEVER SEE -rft~, • I WAS" 1/toLr-.. . ~l,{./J~,f/Jt-~iNl~.

.r , • :~---)''-,_· .I .: --~

J red PICTURES HAT COULD'VE B 'ILL HAUNT ME U ARE WITH M THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TU.ESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE TWE\JTY-THREE CLASSIFIED. LOST: I lost one of my white ?. aichle gloves Using alcohol responsibly means not letting Fantasizing about the same sex? Don 't MUSO is having a Lecture Hall February last Friday between Main St. and Sig Ep. the use of alcohol have a negative empact sweat it or regret it- it's natural. Call Cool­ 21st featuring Mary Nellis, and the movie If anyone found it, please call 868-1879. on self, others or property. For some people, l-lOLl51NG Aid . Hotline- 862- 2293. Tapeline- 862 - banned from England. More to come ... I have the other one, so there isn't a good this may be the decision not to use alcohol 3554. Dover- bedroom, shared kitchen, off-street resale value! at all. Recognize another's right to decide WINTER CARNIVAL IN QUEBEC. WAS A Brighten your life! Meet that someone BLAST. SPEAKING FRENCH, parking, Coast Route, Deposit/Lease, Lost: Gold framed glasses. Last seen at for oneself. More info call Health Services SINGING special through our singles club. Intro SONGS AND DRINKING $250/mo, utilities. 742-3409. Snively Arena on February 4. If found, call at 862-3823 CARIBOU WAS Singles Club Box3006, Boston, MA 02130 NEVER SO MUCH FUN. THANK YOU FOR Nice rooms for students. Short walk to ~~~~~ountway. 862-4149. REWARD! The leading cause of death for 18-24 year Spring Break- GREAT PRICE! Party in DRIVING MARTY. WE NEVER COULD campus. No cooking facilities. $125 for olds is drunk driving. We are the only age Florida. Panama/Daytona. Call Joni 868- HAVE MADE IT WITHOUT YOU. GINA, DID singles. $200 for doubles. Pleaze call 868- group with an increasing death. Don't let 1637. YOU EVER FIGURE OUT WHAT ARE THE 7027 or 868-2172. Ask for Jackie. yourself or your friends become part of SECOND WORLD COUNTRIES? JOANNA, Wanted: Faculty and staff reactions to UNH HEAL the statistics. Call Health Services 862- WHERE H DID YOU LEAVE THE REST 1 OF 3823 for more info. budget cuts. How do they affect you? What YOUR CANE? MICHELE, I HOPE YOUR has the administration done? Would you The proportion FEET DEFROST BEFORE WE GO TO FOR SALE of heavy drinkers increases join a union to protect your rights? Send fairly steadily from 6% NASSAU (ONLY 4 MORE WEEKS, YEAH!) SERVtCES of those with responses to Dana Blackman, Box #202 1978 VW Rabbit, AM/FM Cassette Stereo, grammar school education, to 15% of those YOU GUYS WERE A LOT OF FUN AND WE Standard, Great Mileage, Dependable. What's the difference being different? Do McConnell Hall, Confidentiality guaranteed. who are college qra_d_u_a_te_s_. _ ___ _ HAD A LOT OF LAUGHS. I HOPE WE CAN you need support or want to talk with Asking $500. Call 868-6077. Depressed? Lonely? Sexual Concerns? · DO ANOTHER ROAD TRIP SOON. LUV, someone about being different at UNH ... Using more than one drug at a time can 5 foot Rat Snake- loves mice and attention. Just basically stressed out? Call the Cool­ RACHEL feel free to call any of these members of be even more hazardous than over­ Comes with cage, waterbowl. Call 659- Aid hotline. 862-2293 or the tapeline 862- the Diversity Committee: Denise Connors, drinking. The effects may be additive and Crazy Fire Sale! Rent is 5413 for Larry or Dan $90 or 8.0 . 3554. due. Pair Dynastar Nursing Dept. 862-3405; Stuart Churchill­ they may interact in unknown ways. skiis with Marker Bindings $60. Color T.V. Overseas jobs. $900-2000/mo. Summer, Mountain Bike Specialized Rockhopper Hoyer, Dean of Students Office 862-2050; Overdose and/or dE:~ is more _p_o~sjb_l_~.:_ 11 inches for $60. Pan Raichle Boots size year round, all countries, all fields. Free comp., Deore XT Brakes, TIG stem, Deore Les Fisher, English Dept. 862-1313; Ma­ 9 tor $15. Mike at 2-2163. info. Write IJC, PO Box 52- NH01 Corona Pedals. Excellent condition $500. Call rianne Fortescue, Student Activities 862- Del Mar, CA 92625 TAMSIN--Thanks for making my senior Evenings, 431-8577. 1524; Susan Franzosa, Dept. of Education year the best. You're the best, kid! Love, 862-2376; Emily Moore, Dean of Students Loving couple wants to adopt a -baby. If 1984 Chevy Cava Wagon, stereo, 5 speed, TORY excellent condition, no rust or corrosion, Office 862-2050. you can, help us, or know someone who Fifi Darlin': Our first request is can , please call us collect at (603) 448- PROTECTION: An everyday word. You needs new rear tires. $1000, or 8 .0. Call If you have had a blood transfusion between that you stop . poking in the noses of our 4329 . know what we're referring to! Pre-tan at Rick days 862-1550 or evenings after 7:00 1975 and 1985, you might be at risk for animals. If you want Fluffy back in less than two pieces, Tanique before Spring Break. #431-7047. 926-9342. AIDS. For free and anonymous AIDS ATTENTION UNH CHEERLEADING INFO YOU WILL COMPLY! - THE GRUESOME Pontiac Sunbird, V6 engine, Scoop, Quad­ antibody counseling and for testing call MEETING! Thurs. Feb 16 7 pm Carrol Come check out COCA tonight and every TWOSOME!!!!! other rophonic Sound, $995. Al (868-2730). the office of Health Education and Pro­ Belknap Rm - MUB. Come on out guys, Tuesday night at 7 p.m.! Movies and motion, Health Services Center, UNH. 862- Sue Flynn - Yo, ;,,ama. I really dug that cool we want you too!! Try outs for MALE AND speakers on issues concerning Central VW Rabbit, 1 980, 2 door sedan, new tires, 3823. shit you wrote about me on Friday. Y'know, FEMALE Cheerleaders AS WELL .AS new America. New members very welcome. new connector joints, $1200. 868-2730. I didn't really shoot that dude. That was WILDCAT mascot to be discussed. BE · If you have used I.V. drugs and shared _ Driving to North Jersey (Bergen Datsun 510, 1979, 4 door sedan, must sell, County) needles since 1978, you might be at risk just fool lies made up by the pigs. Say, you THERE!! need tuition $1100. 868-2730. 2/18 and returning 2/20. I am looking for for AIDS. For free, anonymous wanna go out for a line sometime? - Willis and non­ Rich, John, Leanne, Kringles, and Patty­ company for the trip--No need to share judgemental AIDS antibody counseling GLORY DAZE Nuts & Bolts party tonight! -only 26 days until SUN, FUN, and TROP- expenses. If interested, call Judy 7 49-6795. and/ or testing call the office of Health 9p.m.! 1CAL WEATHER! Yes, there is a reason Leave message. Education and Promotion, Health Services SERVICES BU , BC and UMass & Northeastern (to for eating rabbit food, aerobics, and five Congratulations 6A and 10A on your victory Center, UNH. 862-3823. mile jogs. Beware bikini bodies and ripples Typing/ word processing. Professional name a few) have MALE cheerleaders - Monday Night!!!! You're mean on ice! Alcoholism has been called are in the works!!! Love, quality, reasonable rates, guaranteed "the most come see what it's all about! General info me! serious drug problem": due to the cost to results, spelling accuracy included, call meeting for interested Wildcat mascot & BEATRICE-Let's avoid the jocks at Dia­ STF (Single Tan Female) needs help society, physical damage to the body's 742-2037, Dover. male/female cheerleaders Thurs Feb 16, mond Library and go to Portsmouth. applying lotion in those hard to reach areas. ------organs, and the large number of fatalities 7pm Carrol Belknap Rm - MUB TANIQUE would be a swell break. Point Meet me at Tanique (in Portsmouth). Professional Word Processing for all your and victims resulting from accidents or documents, reports, Amy W. and Pam J.--Yes, pledging is Dexter. etc. Experienced, withdraw~! symptoms. Call 862-3823 for NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED UNH CHEER­ efficient, reasonable FINALLY over! You guys are the best little rates, quick-return, more information. AMY , I had a great time at Rosemary. LEADERS! Info meeting for male and Janet Boyle, 659-3578. sisters anyone could ever ask for. Promise I will call soon so we can dance female cheerleaders as well as New "Drink provokes the desire, but it takes Congratulations, you deserve it! Love, Amy Horse boarding now available at DeMeritt the night away, again. BOB. Wildcat mascot!! Thuse Feb. 16, 7 pm Carrol away the performance," Shakespeare. and Michelle Hill Farm on route 155 in Lee. New stables Belknap Rm - MUB. Alcohol lowers inhibition to respond to Hey Beer Wenches 1 ,2,&3- Ballsy time in only 3 miles from campus. Full board for TANIQUE COLLEGE SPECIAL: Now sexual stimulation, but reduces physical Boston, eh?! Don't worry, #2, we'll find Dave, Happy Birthday - Have a great one. only $200 per month. Call Bill at 8688-2134 through Spring Break, 30 days fer $25. abilities and can lead .to irresponsible something for you (red or black?). You guys A Friend. or Steve at 868-1480. Evenings best. Located between Market Square Keep decision making. Call Health Services for and the are the best! Cheers! BW #1 . P.S. Sorry . trying. Paul Dean is the campus flasher! He likes more info. · Portsmouth Library. #431-7047. about the BIP, #3! (Hee, hee!) to think it's Big. What makes for exciting, fulfilling relation­ Using alcohol responsibly means not letting Carrie, On this day made especially for Hot band from BC, Free Food, Free Raffles, ships? For a free mail survey, write: Richard--Sarah told me about your, uh, the use of alcohol have a negative impact lovers, I won't let you hide beneath the Tickets available at door or call 868-6352. Relationships, Box 5142, Station A, Wilkes­ tanliness. Is your technique, Tanique? on self, others, or property. For some people covers. We'll do shots until our faces turn Downstairs Nick's Tonight! Barre, PA 18710 this may be the decision not to use alcohol blue, cause when we're fifty, it'll still be Waiting for a private showing.--Jennifer. just me and Sky, Chambo, Slim, etc. Get psyched for MUSO Photography is now offering creative at all. Recognize another's right to decide you! Don't miss this chance to party with the camp YFO Summit Miami! Wais. portraiture to students and non-students. for oneself. To Alpha Phi sister Mary Kate M: class of '89. Nick's 9-close Tonight. Portraits are all original and. of expressive Drinking and driving is a serious problem. Congratulations. you finally made it! Love nature which can be taken in various More than 22,500 traffic deaths each year Jennifer, Amy and Michelle outdoor locations on campus. All work is involve a drinking driver, or 60 deaths every To Alpha Phi sister Erin Kelly: some things completed and finely crafted on black and day. More people have been killed in are worth waiting for! Congrats hon. You're white prints. $20 includes all costs. For alcohol-related accidents in this country the best little sis! Love, Jennifer more info or portfolio review, contact than have died in our foreign wars. . ' [F;r,~---=_:- \" Michael Borcnardt at MUSO 862-1485. Hey!! Keep your eyes open for reggae fest Everybody has I Have A Room 148 in the MUB. a favorite cure for a '89 in the MUB Granite State Room! I// t '> i: ,' -. hangover, but they all have one thing in Featuring Plate O' Shrimp, Sky Five, and , / . ·,_.,.y._ ,\\,':·, New Grandson Horses Boarded. $180/month. Box Stalls, common--they don't work. What does work One World--Reggae's finest coming Feb­ pasture riding ring, trails near by. Daily is preventative medicine. If you control ruary 25th. Tickets on sale in MUB Ticket . -:_ r._ · . jt ~\ , Date Of Birth: Feb. 5, 1989 turn out on request. Twice daily cleaning your consumption, you won't get a hanoovr. Office. \' 7'A:.:,_ - · : Place: Corvallis, Oregon and feeding. 10 minutes from campus. Top ~ j, \-- i, ! Weight: 7 lbs. 14 oz. quality care at affordable prices. Harness If you are a sexually active gay or bisexual 17 Mill Road is not a bunch of "Drunken and Saddle training available, 743- male, you may be at risk for AIDS. For free, Losers." Whomever wrote the personal \. ) You Are Invited To 3632/742-6533. Diane anonymous and non-judgemental AIDS is just jealous! antibody counseling and/or testing, call , -~ Come And Help Me SKATE SHARPENING, SKI FREE! I have lift tickets to trade for X-C SKI REN­ the office of Health Education and Pro­ - ~-"' ' 5~ Celebrate This Event TAL- DURHAM BIKE 868-5634 used ski equipment and accessories. Call motion, Health Services Center, UNH, 862- Marilyn or Phil at 868-1702. 3823 At My Welcome To My It's new! We'll take 100 of your most If you are a sexually active gay or bisexual To whomever sent 17 Mill Rd's Personal: New- Grandson, Justin Sale memorable phographs, put them on a video male, you amy be at risk for AIDS. For free, AT LEAST reveal your name so we can tape, and add Monday, February your favorite music. Your anonymous and non-judgemental AIDS take YOU on drinking! WIMP! 20 own exciting music video! No need for antibody counseling and/ or testing, call PLEASURE PRODUCTIONS/SENIOR negatives or removed from photoalbum Yarn - Marked Down 20% to 50% . the office of health Education and Promo­ CHALLENGE Presents "A Nite On The 100 pictures, background music, and • Mugs • Artist's Easels • Stencil And Craft Paints • tion, Health Services Center, UNH, 862- Town" downstairs Nicks February 14th, • Artists Professional Oil And Water Colors • Markers special effects all for $25. Audio-visual • 3823 9:00 p.m. Band, Specials. BE THERE!!! And Lots Of Old Junk From Our Storage Room photoalbums are the wave of the future. If Catch the wave now! Call Oxford Street you have had multiple sexual partners Loving couple wants to adopt a baby. If ALL FOR YOU!! since 1978, you might be at risk for video resources at 868-2416. AIDS. you can help us, or know someone who WE WILL SELL THIS AT BABY BOTTOM PRICES'-~-­ For free, anonymous and non-judgemental can, please call us collect at (603) 448- This Stuffs Been Out Before antibody testing and/ or counseling call 4329. And We Do Not Intend To Put It Away Again. the office of Health Education and Pro­ THESE BABIES ARE GOING! f8J)VIN18) motion, Health Services Center, UNH 862- C.P.H.- P.S. don't tell anyone!! We Will Dicker And Bargain From 8 a.m. 'til It's Gone 3823 SPRING BREAK- Great price party in Or We Get Tired. Florida. Panama/Daytona $199-$219 Phone sales- days and evenings. Starting If you have had multiple sexual partners . Call Grandsons Don't Come Cheap! Joni 868-1637 pay $5.00/hr plus bonus. Call 743-3771 since 1978, you might be at risk for AIDS. /659-3198. ! ! ! !. '!!!!! ! !!!!! ! !!! !!!! But This Stuff Does !!!!!!!! !! ! !!!! !!! !!.' !!! for details. For free, anonymous and non-judgemental To the woman I walked into 'A' lot with while (all " kidding" aside, this is a real sale in honor of a real hahyJ antibody testing and/ or counseling call talking about the University of Hawaii, So Please Come To the office of Health Education and Pro­ coconut collecting and suntanning 101 : motion, Health Services Center, UNH 862- I'd like to meet you- formally. If you want THE OUT BACK 3823 to meet me, write a personal-- T J 44 Main Street • Durham, New Hampshire Monday Passing out from too much alcohol is NOT Bernie--Thanx for our rubberman even - Feb. 20 - All Day the same as blacking out. Passing out is if it's torn to bits. Where is his head! We becoming unconscious, blacking out is will repay you for the gruesome murder LOST: Maroon leather wallet. REWARD! a memory lapse. More info call Health of our play mate. Love Cathy, Jen, and Please call Glenn Smith at 868-3048. Services at 862-3823 Cheryl. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989

-·.-·-- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY JOHN! I LIKE ...Carolyn , Thank you for being so wonderful, Lucy, HAPPY VOOLOONTOONES DOO! ' Stu- Happy Valentine's Day to someone Jean-Marie and Katy---Have a Great Heart I Love You! Jeff · I like to kiss under the trees, under the sky; D_ay! Love, Deb YOU A LOT! LOVE, CALLY*. adorable, sweet, kind, caring, loving and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO MY ROOM- of course Beautiful. I love you so very much. under the moon, under the sun, under the Elyse and Kerry - Welcome to "Black CUTIE-PIE-Head-Face-Teeth, I'm So MATES AT ROSEMARY! I LOVE YOU A whole Big Bunch In Fact!!! You are the table. Etc., etc., etc .. Tuesday!" Remember not to turn on the Glad You Are My Valentine Muffin! Happy GUYS! LOVE- CARYL•. best. I hope you have a fantastic Valentine's lights. You guys are great! Love You - Kath Valentine's Day! Love Mikey. Greg, Not every rose has its thorns! HAPPY Day!!! (Maybe I can help with than?) All VALENTINE'S DAY. Luv, Kathy Moy, Kristen, and Kimmy. Happy Heart Day, To my FAVORITE ROOMMATES at the VP- my love, JTP To the lovable midget- I've never seen To the Editor - I hear Valentine's Day is you little ------! Love, Deb. Happy Valentines Day!!! and may you all ,-,-=------anyone with clothes on look better at 5:00 get what your little hearts desire. DEAN ZALLIS, It's been a while, but the a.m. Happy Valentine's Day! a good time to break in one's desk! Love, To S.M.B.: Nobody does it better! I love spark is back. Happy Valentine's Day! Your The Original Photo Dog. you. JLS loving Teddy Bear. D.MURRAY: Thinking about you on Val ­ entine's Day. I've got sometning special To My Favorite Bimbos in F3 - I would give FUD! I am so happy that we can spend out Meg G. It's been great seeing y.our face To Lynn the best girlfriend any one could planned!! I'll bring the honey, my teddy bear. you all hugs for Valentine's Day, but I can't 2nd Valentine's Day'together. I love you around. Hope to see it lots more! HAPPY seem to get out of this straight jacket! Love, . ever ask for! Happy Vatentine's Day!! I love Love C. so much. ALWAYS, BUGd VALENTINE'S DAY. Jeep man. you. XOX Pete. Opus. P.S. - Go~d luck Thursday, Crayola! Senior ValentiRe's Dinner tonight at Ben­ Therese T. I miss you, buddy! Happy KSA-Roses are red, Violets are blue, It was Joe- one year ago today was a very HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY HALL HOUSE. jamin's -Specials- 7-9. Be There. Bring Valentine's Day! Love, Jenny! one year today when I fell in love with you­ important first in our lives, I am looking LUV, RACHEL your. senior sticker. Giuseppe, You're the best boyfriend in the -SAN forward to carrying on the tradition. Baking PAM - Here's your very own combination BFS-Smile!!! Whose are you??? Have a world! Happy Valentine's Day, Skip. XOXO LIZA-JANE--You're the best, even tor a Soda! Yum! Happy Valentines Day!! Valentine's Day/Happy Birthday personal! nice red day-Bye! Love WKR I love you! -Jennifer girl. 3 months have gone by already? Happy · To my roommates at 1 0A Strafford Ave­ If this doesn't make your day, nothing will. HOOD! You know who you are. Don't worry Valentine's Day!! Love always Jeff, You are very sweet, and you meet my Happy Valentines Day!!! Danielle, Who is So enjoy yourself, already. - From your about Paul and Steve. Ted and Kevin will needs quite well. Ya know something? I your valentine???? favorite ruggedly handsome conversation­ GLORY DAZE No date for Valentine? Nuts still be there. Happy V-Day! Love and AOT love yo·u! Hee ...Hee-Hee! Ca~olyn alist. P.S. I promise, no more Mt. Everest & Bolts party tonight at Glory Daze. Find Nor your Valentine tonight at 9 p.m. Pete- Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, ROB ER­ comments. Honest. So how abou! dinner Thanks for making the past 2 plus years WIN!!!!!!!!! We think you're cute. Michael- You're the sweetest! I LOVE YOU!! sometime? Becca, Let's live, love, and grow together. HAVE A HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ... LOVE so special. I love you! Laurie Ken, the last 6 months have been great-· Forever yours, Jeff. ALWAYS, KIM. PINCH, Cool Beans Man! Next time I'll - I bet you never thought that you would · Christopher My Buddy--Valentine's Day JENN-Wanted to just send a token of my scare your white a*s sitting on the can. Ivy: Our first request is that you stop posing get a personal for Valentine's Day-oh well! in D.C. won't be the same without you. Miss affeetion to you on this day. Happy Happy VD Day. Raisin. for Valentine pictures. You never know Love, Stacey. you! Love, Stephanie. Valentine's Day. Lo·ve, Andy whose hands they might show up in! And TJ . Yes, you can be mine. I love you. LS. Kathy W. It's been the best 21 months of Dear Dinger-Sisters, I'm sending you a by the way, the eighth floor isn't that far Jeffrey-You're the best Valentine a girl Valentine so when the guys of your dreams . up! - THE GRUESOME TWOSOME!!!! HANS, I love you so so so so so so much . could ask for! Loving you with all my heart, my life. Good times, bad times, all the time! let you droop, you'll still be seen as one Do you miss me yet? Well, I miss you tons Kathy. . I love you more than ever! Be my Valentine. Wes- Happy Valentine's Day! You're of the group. A Double Ding, Raisin. and tons. Please think about me once and Hey Little Man-Do ya wanna do the WILD ~ove,Jeff AWESOME--! love you! Andrea Dear Katie, the sun always shines on you a while honey bunny, and Happy Valen­ THING? Love ya lots. Happy Valentine's KATE--GOD IS AWESOME!! HE HAS when your cool. Happy Valentine's Day. To L.L.M. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, tine's Day. You're still my baby sweetheart. Day. Love, Pumpkin Seed. GIVEN US A BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP. Raisin. I'm psyched for T.P. and Dinner with You. Love, Chris. THIS VALENTINE'S DAY THINK EPHE­ JENNIFER CORIE: To the beautiful blonde XOXO??? SIANS 5:21 ! LOVE, DENNIS. Dear Suki and friends, Keep your cupids MJS- I wish I could spend Valentine's Day at 20 Edgewood. I want you to stay mine. up the ATO brothers will be disappointed LJG--AII right, here's your personal. HAPPY with you! -your secret admirer. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! VALENTINE'S DAY! I LOVE YOU. NOW Hey 6 main! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY if you lose your butt. Happy Valentine's Don 't have a Valentine? Find your Valen­ YOU OWE ME ONE. STEVE Long-armed-psycho-bitch from Heaven: FROM YOUR #1 Secret Admirer. -J . P.S. Day. Raisin. tine! Nuts & Bolts party tonight 9 p.m. at Happy V-Day. It's nice to finally be together Kristen, Kimmy-this is the perfect time to Denise--Thanks for being my best friend Glory Daze. Happy Valentines Day to all my friends­ for once. Let's go for a ride and celebrate. work on that problem. and lover. It's been so much fun. I love you Sharon Nuts & Bolts party 9 p.m. tonight at Glory Love you--B. V always! -Mike Ricky, Thanks for putting up with me! I love Daze. Don't miss out! Hey 1 c Christensen - Happy Valentine's Kaydeen Brown! I love you!!! you! Michelle . HI DOROTHY!!! It's me ... (I'm the one who Day to the hottest chicks on campus!! lotsa Get a dollar off your appetizer when you forgot your birthday ... can you believe it?!!!) Well, here is your personal Jody. Happy Are you sexually frustrated, horny much? love, your buddy at the NH. bring your Valentine to dinner at Glory Daze. It was great to see my ex-roomie again Valentines day ... Hey isn't your boyfriend Three good-looking guys from San Diego Tonight and tonight only! Yo! BMW, Happy Non-Sappy Valentine's yesterday! Keep in touch, okay?!! I miss supposed to do this?? are without Valentines. If interested in well­ Day! Love, Bumpkin you! And have a. super Valentine's Day! DOUG and TINA (and Bob, Sunny, and paying temporary position, please call Mike, ·Hey Paul! Happy Valentine's Day! love, (I want to hear about this dinner!!) Luke )--Happy 1st Valentine's Day together! Justin or Bob. LOVE, Mom and Dad Mike, Third time's a charm? Yes, I'm happy. Kristi. To the hot looking editor-in-chief of the Amy, Ann, Vic, Andi, Chris, & Erica- Thanks Love, me. Happy Valentine's Day X-sen 28! so much for being there for me-- I promise MARC CADEN--Happy Valentine's Day! . paper. Short people make me hot. I you the soap opera is over!! I love you all I love you lots! Lisa Hey OLS!!! You are the ultimate. Thanks ckeam ... er I mean scream whenever I hear Honey, Let's make this Valentine's Day for the great 3½, and by the way, I do love so much! Happy Valentine's Day! Kimberly SHERRIE--The sweetest, sexiest, and most the word Napolean. Gome into my life the most special one ever. Looking forward ya. Kasia. Kris and Deb-- Mission valentine: re­ attractive Phi Mu on campus. Happy before I ruin another pair of underwear. to dinner Saturday. I love you, Butthead member your generic condoms ... for cheap Valentine's Day! Love, Doug. Vladimir, Bob Jones is very close. I've had ·s. G RAY--Thanks for walking me home Stacie Guilbeault: Hey kiddo, what's up? To the women of 27 Main St.--Don't worry, to establish an intimate relationship as to Saturday night. I had a great time! I would Happy Valentine's Day! Give me a call not be discovered. Please continue like to get to know you better!! Call me To Cnid- Hapy Valentine's Day, only 1 the men will be knocking with the roses sometime- you and Mike should come to sometime! H. from Congreve. month til the big 21 - We love you, Linda and candy--someday! correspondence- Mishka Boston for a night. Get away from the cows &Julie "Ya know something?" "I Love You ." and come to the Big City- oootthh! Ha-ha. Sweet Lou, Happy Valentine's Day buddy! Thanks for the flowers Maria! They were XXOO, KP Love, Alexandra Varney Mike- I love you more than words can say. just what I needed! I know we haven't been "Wanna wack?" These past 1 0 months have been the best CUTE STUFF--HAPPY FIRST VALEN­ able to see each other much this semester Totnato- Happy Valentine's Day to you! Pat--You're soooooo cute and adorable! in my life! I hope this is the first of many TINE'S DAY TOGETHER! EJ FROM YOUR but you'll always be my Little Maria! (Ha!) I love you tons. Keep those smiley faces I just wanna get mushy with you all over! Valentine's Days together! Love always, BESTEST BUDDY! coming! xoxo- your oogabooga woman. PAUL DANEHY! Make no mistake--this (How's that?!) -Denise Denise Chubba, Happy Valentine's Day to my one L is your personal! I'd love to go out for a Scooter- I didn't forget you- I love you too! Hi Doug!!!? Joe Rustic- Thank you for all the wonderful and only! I love you now and forever. Hugs social drink and some conversation-what Peanut. understanding, caring, listening, and es­ and kisses--B.S. do you say? Let me know (Nwmkt-6263)! Kim Y, 3 weeks?? (after ski season?) I hope Jen, Amy, Paula, Susanne, Kim, and Marie­ Allison. pecially LOVING lately. Happy VD Day ... and Joqe and Kristen--Roses are, Red, Violets you'll have some free time then!! Dinner, This is Rick- Give me your number, you many more!! Love always, Honey Bunny. Drinks, Anything! Waiting patiently, Jon­ haven't yet. I've got five guys that are quite are Blue. Who would I get in trouble with Hey Lance! Stop hanging around and come P.S. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, hint, hint! on in! -Kitty athan. horny! Call me. if I didn't have you two! You guys are Patty, Flea, Krings- You are the best firend greeaatt!! Love, Deb Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart! I love one can ever ask for. Happy Valentine's Marcos, I love you always. M. Bonita you, can't wait until 9/9/89! Forever, Ang. Day! Love, Wordie Kerry, Faye, Sue you guys are great Joanne- Never before have I been coerced Sharon, I just want to tell you I will always roommates. Kerry, mourning Valentine's . into sending a valentine's greeting of mirth love. Have an awesome day. Love, John and general all-around good will to such Day is a great idea. Page & Carne, you are a thoughtful person-- Arthur To my Lee Roomies: You all love me! Happy the best Alpha Phi could ask for. And Paige V-Day. -Bear couldn't have asked for a better little sister. COVERT MILITARY Mark J #12: How did that personal 2 years Love, Elys_e Roses I dread, Vi_olets I chew, Here's a big minus 2 summers ago read? Wasn't it fat kiss, to the boys in CO-2. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY HUNTER 2nd something like ... I've seen you in the dining FLOOR!!! (THE BEST WOMEN ON CAM­ OPERATIONS MAYNARD-- You are the greatest valentine hall and I'd like to get to know you? I'm PUS!!!) glad we did! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, in the whole world! Thanks for all the Mousie. happiness you have brought me. I lo'(e you JAY KUMAR-You're one of the sexiest Feb. 23 12:30 pm sooo much! "single" men from the Bricks I know! Happy T J Bear-Can I cuddle with you on the couch VD! tonight? Happy Valentine's Day #5. You To Eileen Dover: Will .you be my valentine? mean so much to me. Thanks for being Meet me outside Store 24 and we'll dance To JP- The snottie_, savior- Thanks! My · Strafford Rm. you. I said ME--. Love-you forever­ together. back is feeling great, but I have this feeling Nuggles. Tracy- Here it is, Valentine's day, and the it might be getting sore soon! Happy Valentine's Day- Beer Wench Steve- Happy Valentine's Day Babes! big three. I'm glad we made it (actually it Thanks for always being there for me. I was easy). Let's make many more Valen­ Dundee- I'd ask you to be my valentine, love you. -Mary Ann. tine's or months; take your choice. I love but I'm kinda shy. Well, I guess I will you always- Bruce anyways-- Happy Valentine's Day! 143 To my widdew boy: I love you. Happy Love, EL Valentine's Day! Love, your widdew tier. Flip Flop- I'll never forget the fire alarm. Bought Happy Valentine's Day!! Do you want to Tom, If you were gay, and I know you're PRINCESS, Just wanted to wish you a go sledding again? Love you, Flip! not, but I am, would you be my valentine? Sold & Traded Happy Valentine's Day. I love you. Love, Love and kisses, Mahesh Ernie. To my King- It was the summer, the kiss, the broken curfews I held onto the nights. Happy VD Kitty. Thanks for the best' two To my Love Pumpkin- -Every day is Val­ It is: the first, the last EVOL in 210. It will years of my life. Oiive juice, Dana entine's with you. I love you! Yours always, forever be you and I. Happy Valentine's Slinky. " Sweet pea- The wild west is pretty dull Day. I love you, Your Queen without you. -P" KRISTEN--lt was great meeting you yes­ Antiques & Collectibles C.P.H . - Be my valentine ... BABY! A-nd you didn't think you'd get a person-al terday! I hope to hear from you about Musical lnsiruments cycling picture for Granite, and other things To my UNH Ladyfriend, You make my life PAL!!! Ha! Thanks for being THE BEST PAL perhaps? Happy V-Day! Club President. so complete and special. The happiness in the whole, entire world! I know your THE HAYLOFT SONNIE PARKER-FRENCH that you bring me can't be described by Valentine's Day will be as full of red roses 617-738.:6054 ERNIE, Happy Valentine's Day! I love you, words. I love you so very much. I can't wait and ardent admirers as mine! LOVE YA RTE 4 - NORTHWOOD, N.H. Baby. Be mine always. Love, Princess .to see you again. Love, Your RPI male friend TONS!!! THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE -SKIERS (continued from page 26) in the pack at 51st. lickson finished in fifth as well. offers," Schwartz said. "The Alpine Coach Paul Berton The women's nordic team money for skiing is there be­ was very unhappy with the way pereformed admirably, finish­ cause UVM dropped their foot­ his team performed. ing fourth behind yes, and for ball program. Just look at their "We just had no consistency the last time, Vermont. team. They have three Norwei­ as a team," Berton said. "Each Mona Depray chalked up her gens and a couple of Canadian week somebody different is best time of the season, com­ Olympians. It is a credit to the putting two good runs together, pleting the 5 K sprint race in UNH racer that he/she can give then the following week they 18:00, only 30 seconds out of UVM more than a competitive fall apart. Under great condi­ first. Depray settled for 8th. challenge when they face such tions we had only a 40 percent Chris Philbrick also skied well, quality athletes.'' start to finish ratio. That's not and had she not fallen midway Several UNH skiers did well exactly a percentage that will through the race would have enough to qualify for the NCAA win ski meets that are loaded finished much better than 15th. Championships. In alpine, John with opposing talent." Kathy Thompson was 27th, Bittinger and Jen Conover are The UNH nordic teams also with Krista Savage and Kim . headed to Wyomiflg, with Erin struggled but were still very Young right behind her in 31st Sullivan just knocking on the competitive. The men's team and 32nd. door. Nordic skiers who qual­ finished fifth out of eleven In the most exciting event of ified this weekend are Mona behind the ski title collecting the weekend, the 3 X 5 K relay Depray and Chris Philbrick school of the East, Vermont. team of ·Philbrick, Depray and ranked eighth and fifth respec­ Pat Weaver once again was Thompson challenged for the tably in New England for their the top UNH finisher in the-10 lead throughout but faltered class. With a couple of good kilometer race, placing 15th. near the end to place fourth. races, several more UNH skiers Bjorn Danielson had a very good Nordic coach Corey Schwartz should follow suit. race but ran out of gas at the end, was pleased with the team's The ski teams will be in action finishing in 24th. Mark Gullick­ outing, but paused to explain this weekend at the Williams son came in 28th, while Jami the dominance of the Vermont Carnival held at Brodie Moun­ Doneski, Steve Rhum and Scott skiers. "Vermont has the best tain. Following the Williams Nelson completed the UNH ski program in the East because Carnival is the Eastern Cham­ scoring. The 3 X 10 K relay team they can attract the foreign pionships February 24-26 at of VII p,,.,r , , :);-i 'lif'!c;on and Gui- athletes with full scholarship Middlebury College.

11· •:00M-PAH·PAH

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mins' freebies for the next three After playing UNH on the minutes. road and at home, BU head 'Cat skiers slide away Jarvis again struck hard as he coach M1ke Jarvis might have By Chris Benedek hit everything he threw up, and pegged the problems that the Williams College. still skiied with enough intensity the Terriers went up by 18, 56- Wildcats have been having in The UNH ski team entered In the slalom, John Bittinger to place fourth behind arch-rival 38. Yet, the Wildcats would Lundholm Gymnasium. the Dartmouth Winter Ski took top honors for UNH, Vermont, again the winner. In make one last charge at the lead. "They are a much better road Carnival this past weekend with placing 13th out of 66 contest­ the slalom, Jen Conover's star Derek Counts ( 13 points) team, because they play with less lofty expectations and riding ants. Austin "Ace" Eaton took continued to rise as she followed paced the 'Cats with a pair of pressure," saidJarvis. "At home, an emotional high following a advantage of a great second run last week's impressive showing layups and the BU lead was cut it seems that they are trying too season's best performance at to place 17th, while Craig Wing­ with another gem, finishing in -rn 11. Daly had other ideas hard, and that is when mistakes UVM last week. Hoping to ard rounded out the top three · 8th place. Erin Sullivan and oowever, as he canned his creep up." challenge superpower Vermont by placing.23rd. Jessie McAleer also skied im­ second three-point bomb of the The Wildcats (3-19, 2-11 and host team Dartmouth for Kurt Simard paced UNH in pressively, earning· 14th and half, and the margin was back overall) will get a much needed team honors, the Wildcats in­ the giant slalom, ending up in 20th place positions. up to 14 points. rest before embarking on the stead found dissapointment and the 14th slot. Eaton returned Sullivan erupted and skied an Before it was over, the Terrier final five games of the season, experienced perhaps their worst and skied respectably, finishing incredible giant slalom, finish­ lead would swell to as many as in which they must beat Ver­ outing of the dwindling ski in 23rd. Ivar Dahl, perhaps ing in 9th, while Kristen Burnap 20. Eric Thielen, who started mont and Colgate in order to season. UNH's finest skiier in the GS, placed 20th. Misfortune struck for UNH for the first time since be in position for the final The men's alpine team could was victimized by a fall with two Conover as she was on her way ·· 1anuary 14th, netted six of the North Atlantic Conference Tour- not sustain the momentum gates left in the first run that to a top ten finish. In 8th place Wildcats final eight points to nament spot. . gathered from last week's im­ took him out of contention. after her first run, Conover make it look respectable, 75-59. In regard to the week long pressive showing and struggled. Even with a great second run, caught an edge on her second Although the Wildcats have rest before playing Siena at Finishing in sixth place behind Dahl could finish no better than run which sent her down. As been having offensive problems, home (Saturday 7:30 pm), Friel champion Vermont, UNH lost 53rd. a result, she ended up far back sees it as a valuable opportunity Friel is quick to note that their to teams it had trounced pre­ The women's alpine squad SKIERS p.25 defense has been keeping them to gear up for the last three viously, namely Middlebury and also came up a little short, but in several basketball games weeks of the season. recently. "We need this break physi­ "We played superb defense," cally. We need to get away from basketball, try to forget the Track takes second Friel said. "But the defense can't problems in the past, regroup, hold on forever against a very By Liz Lerner earned a and try to finish up as strong reflective of how well coached first place finish in the athletic team like BU." Among all athletes, there 880-yard run. as possible." they had been prio_r -to Jim's exists a common risk: The Randy Hall accident," Chadwick said, noting ran strong in both prospects of either having a very the mile run the superior coaching they have and the anchor leg good performance or perhaps of the distance had under injured Head Coach medley relay. He a very poor performance. The won first place in the mile run Wrestlers split Jim Boulanger. The character numerous individuals who and helped his of this team has clearly been team to a second make-up the UNH men's track place finish in the distance · evidenced by their steady per­ team were lucky enough to avoid medley relay. For formances since the absence of his fine per­ weekend meet a dissapointing performance by formances in the meet the Coach Boulanger. . having a very good day over the coaches voted The specialists in the tech­ him "Outstanding By Kevin Connelly with who you have." weekend. Runner". Hall nical events such as the shot put, was caught com­ The UNH wrestling team The 'Cats came back in the The men's track team tra­ pletely off guard by this honor traveled to Boston University nightcap by defeating Spring­ velled down to New Haven, 35-pound weight, pole vault and high jump have felt his absence and left speachless. over the weekend and split a field College 21-18. The victory Connecticut Saturday afternoon Barney Barremeo continued pair of dual meets against BU was New Hampshire's 14th win to participate in Sunday's ECAC the most, but, nevertheless, did Boulanger proud with their to run strong which is evidenced and Springfield. The 'Cats re­ of the season, equalling last Track and Field Invitational at by his first place finish in the cord now stands at 14-3 with year's total. Southern Connecticut State outstanding performances. Senior captain Dave Weisser 60-yard dash. Senior captain Joe one dual meet left before the "That (Springfield) was a College. Out of fifteen teams, Almasian placed captured first place in the shot fourth in the New Englands'. close match," Urquhart said. UNH tallied 85.5 points to 440-yard dash. In the first match of the "We were banged up a little, but finish second behind Southern put with a throw of 53' 1", which helped to lift the teams' spirit Dan O'Shaunghnessy placed afternoon New Hampshire was .we came away with a win." Conn's 115 points. sixth in the 600-yard dash. pitted against the hometown The Wildcats were lead by This outstanding team show­ early on in the meet. Adam McKeown scored a Covell, Almasian, Barromeo and Terriers of BU. The Wildcats senior co-captain Mike Caracci ing gave UNH its first 2nd place O'Shaunghnessy combined their suffered their third loss of the (118 lbs.), Curt Digrigoli (126 finish on the ECAC's in over personal best in the 35-pound weight which gave him a third talents to add the crowning season in that contest, by a 20- lbs.), freshmahJim Marcotte 15 years. Going into the meet glory to an already place, while Doug Sargent tied good day by 15 margin. (150 lbs.), and junior Rocco assistant coach Walter Chad­ capturing for third in the high jump. first place in the final "The BU match was a tough Sorace (Heavyweight), who wick had anticipated his team event of Pole vaulters Eric Eastman the meet, the mile relay. one," Head Coach Jim Urquhart each tallied two victories. placing in one of the three top Hopefully and Peter Eberhardt placed the men's track said. "There were ten weight UNH finishes their regular slots. Chadwick said that, "a team fourth and fifth respectively. will experience more days classes and we split, winning season on Saturday, as they coach can only know how cap­ like the one High finishers and fast times on Sunday in New five a piece. We were short a travel to Central Connecticut able his team is, but it is the Haven. They were characteristic of the run­ will see if their few people with injuries and I State to take on the number one individuals themselves who luck continues in their next meet think we could have won with ranked team in New England must perform." ning events. Senior standout Darrel Covell , Saturday against Dartmouth and the regulars, but you have to play at 1:00. "The team's fine showing is UMass.

. - - - .. ------... - .. - - --·-'" ..... ~ ... - - -~ -- - ...... - ...- .. - .------... ------.... - - - -- _.._ .... THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Lady 'Cats win thriller Conference record now 8-2 By Naomi Elvove team off to a fast start offen­ critical basket, bringing UNH sively. co within one point 49-48. The ,f / Behind a solid team effort, The Terriers countered lead once again went back and •-'f.""-w.-~· the UNH women's basketball UNH's run by tightening up forth, but with two and a half team defeated the Boston Uni­ their defense and opening up minutes left, Ryan grabbed an versity Terriers 5 8-5 5 in a key their offense to tie the game at offensive rebound and passed Seaboard Conference victory. 13, five minutes into the contest. it off to Brusseau who scored The win raises the lady hoop UNH junior Shelly Fitz's to put UNH up 54-5 3. BU would team's conference record to 8- intense defensive pressure never regain the lead. 2 and overall record to 14-8 slowed BU's scoring streak, as BU' s tough full court press The 'Cats stand at second the lead changed hands several did not stop the Wildcats, as place in the conference behind times. With six and a half Kinney scored two more. With the University of Maine, a game minutes· left in the half UNH twenty six seconds remaining, and a half ahead of third place cook a brief lead but BU fought Dorsch made two foul shots Northeastern. back co again tie it up at 23-23. sealing the victory, 58-55. Preceding the game, Coach Kinney then came through to Kinney was, once again, the Kathy Sanborn presented senior score the final four points of game high scorer with 21 points co-captain Kris Kinney with the the half, giving the Lady 'Cats (plus 5 rebounds and 3 steals). ceremonial basketball in honor a 27-23 lead at the break. Dorsch lead the team in re­ of Kinney's 2000th point, which In the second half, UNH bounding with 11 (10 points and she scored in last week's game maintained a steady lead with 3 assists). Brusseau scored 11 against Central Connecticut. strong contributions from Brus­ points and contributed six as­ The 'Cats came out charging seau, Kinney and Donlon. How­ sists. as sophomore Julie Donlon sank ever, with ten minutes on the · The 'Cats only have four more a jumper twenty seconds into clock, BU tied it up once again, conference games. Their next the the contest. Kinney scored 43-43. one is against Hartford tomor­ next four points and Donlon hit With four minutes remaining row noght in Lundholm Gym­ a three-pointer to propel the freshman Sue Ryan scored a nasium at 7 p.m.

Lady tracksters place .-The Lady's hoop team won a very important game over conference foe BU Saturday, 58-55. (Tony Cafaro photo) By Todd Shaw Karen Wenmark, the Wild­ meter relay team. Their-first team The women's track cats' superb 20 lb. weight throw­ place time of 4:00.94 was just ventured to Boston University er, walked away with yet another two tenths of a second shy of on Saturday to compete in the title. Her throw of 47' 9 1/4" being a new school record. Men's hoop non-scoring St. Vale.ntine's surpassed her nearest compet­ A possible future 800-meter Invitational. itor by over four feet. runner made her Wildcat debut The invitational boasted a The 'Cats showed further in Boston on Saturday. Sopho­ field with the likes of Yale, strength in the weight throw more Ali Wannop placed sev­ loses .... again Boston College, Tufts, Bentley, event,s, which may prove to be enth in the event, her first ever Cornell,· University of Vermont their specialty. Sophomore Chia attempt at that distance. Laura By J. Russell Pabst four minutes. and host BU. This was not a field Movizzo's throw of 42' 4 1/4" Schofield also fared well for the After Wednesday night's loss BU answered the UNH run of entries to be taken lightly. launched her into a third place 'Cats as she placed fifth in the to Boston University, the UNH with one of their own as Bill Coach Nancy Krueger was finish. 5 5-meter dash. mens' basketball team was eager Bringham and Steven Key com­ enthusistic about the-team's Krisn Downing added a cou­ to butt heads with the Terriers bined for nine points in three performance and said they had ple of more accolades to her near The Lady 'Cats will now set again on Saturday night at BU's minutes. Key's three pointe·r earned their marks. "The kids flawless rookie season. Down­ · their sights on the New England Walter Brown Arena. at 11:49 gave the Terrier's a have worked hard and the ing had season bests in two Championships to be held Feb­ Unfortunately for the Wild­ three point lead, a lead which training has gone well." She events. She ran the 55-meter ruary 25-26. UNH will send 12 cats, the change of scenery did they would never give back to stated that she was not surprised hurdles in a time of 8.78 seconds women to the New England's not help much as the 'Cats New Hampshire. by the job they did because "the then went on to leap 16' 11" in to compete in 9 of 17 scoring dropped their second game to The "Wildcat Letdown" has ability was there." the broad jump. Unfortunately, events. BU, 75-59. The loss also extends become a trademark for the boys It would be difficult to say her efforts were not enough to Coach Krueger appears op­ the Wildcat's lossing streak to from Durham, and Head Coach exctly how the team performed win, but she placed in the top timistic about the team's chan­ 11 games against the Terriers, Gerry Friel is the first one to overall because the meet was four of both events. ces. "We have the potential to with their last win coming on recognize this as a major flaw· non-s.coring, but the Wildcats Honors should also be bes­ score in every event we are. in," February 15, 1984. in their game. did have some exceptional in­ towed upon the 'Cats 4 X 400- she said. Coming into the game the "Every game, we have two to dividual performances. 'Cats were aware of the relent­ three periods of lapses in which less Terrier full court press and we can't put the ball in the the outside shooting of Tony basket," said Friel. "We went DaCosta and Mark Daly, which from being up 14-10 to being were the key ingredients in the down 19-14." UNH loss on Wednesday. Russell Jarvis then began to DaCosta, however, suffered heat up. With the score 29-26, a hip pointer before Saturday's the center from Cambridge match up and was unable to play. Rindge and Latin High School Daly, on the other hand, did play hit a couple of short jumpers, but was unproductive, hitting which he sandwiched around only two of seven three-point a massive slam dunk over Dave attempts. Marshall.Jarvis showed some With DaCosta out and Daly cockyness as he t2.·rnted Mar­ playing a sub-par game, the shall while jogging back down Terriers needed someone on the the floor. bench co have a good game. Step Behind Jarvis, the Terriers in Russell Jarvis. The 6'9" outscored the 'Cats 10-4 in the sophomore and n~phew of BU final 4: 11 to go into the lock­ Head Coach Mike Jarvis, had erroom with a comfortable 39- a career high 16 points, as well 30 lead. as creating many UNH turnov­ The second half was not much ers with his presence under­ better for the Wildcats, who neath the hoop. traded basket for basket with The game started out similar BU for the first 6 1/2 minutes to the first game, with the of the stanza. Terrier press defense hounding BU's Mark Daly, who was the 'Cats and making them work Wednesday's hero, hit a three­ the ball up the court on each pointer with just over 13 min­ posession. utes to play, and the Terriers BU jumped out to an early 6- began to build on their lead. The 2 lead. UNH battled back 'Cats did not help their own though, and began to push the cause as they continued to turn ball up quickly, trying to avoid the ball over, and could only the pesky Terrier press. The fast muster a couple of Bob Cum- The men's basketball team did not have a chance at beating the powerful Boston University pace helped the 'Cats as they ,Terriers over the weekend. BU won easily, 75-59. (Mike Stinson photo) outscored BU 10-4 in the next HOOPp.26 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Sports Lady's Hockey drubs Huskies

By Heather Grant shire's first goal of the game.

In a pivotal game for the Northeastern would never '< women's hockey team, they took recover, as thirteen seconds later on their arch rivals, the Nor­ freshman Shawna Davidson theastern Huskies, last Thurs­ plowed through the defense, hit · · · c~~

day night at Snively. the post and fellow rookie Dawn "·i ,, For the third time this season Harris stuffed the puck in the i::::i' UNH faced the powerful Nor­ net. At the end of the second theastern team, which at this period the contest was tied at point stands in first place in the . two. The third period proved ECAC. The Wildcats lost the co be just as exciting. The crowd first two contests by scores of was on the edge of their seats 6-1 and 4-3, but they were as control of the game went back determined to change their and forth between the two losing streak against the Hus­ teams. Freshman goalkeeper kies in front of their home Laura Stiles was flawless in goal, crowd. turning away 14 shots by the The game drew a record Huskies. number of fans for a women's Junior Laura Prisco gave the - hockey game this year. The Wildcats a 3-2 lead halfway participation of the crowd through the third period, and seemed to spark the team. from then on the only star would Northeastern scored the be Andria Hunter. The UNH Coach Russ McCurdy's games first goal on a power play junior would score the final two hockey team won a crucial game against arch rival Northeastern on and outshot the Wildcats by a goals of the game, the last one Thursday and pummeled visiting RIT over the weekend. (Tony Cafaro photo) 15-7 margin in the first period. into an empty net, giving the It seemed as if the UNH team, Wildcats a hard fought 5-2 hosted by the first place team Hampshire's Karen Akre, Shaw­ ence in the crowds at the Nor­ even with all their determina­ victory over Northeastern. but it also depends on the na Davidson and Laura Prisco theastern game. tion and crowd support, were "The score really doesn't say success of that school's men's countered by each scoring in the "Saturday and Sunday's games doomed when, by the middle of how close the game really was," team. The t.eam went on to second period. Akre would be were slow compared to ,Nor­ the second period, they were said junior Heidi Chalupnik. host Rochester Institute of the only one to score in the third theastern," commented senior down 2-0. "We had to fight for every goal." Technology last Saturday and period and UNH got the win, Anne Ensore. "It was very ,It was at that point that The Lady 'Cats will probably Sunday at Snively Arena. 5-2. impressive to see a big crowd." veteran defense player Lorna face Northeastern in post sea­ New Hampshire got off to The team had no problem The team has hopes that the Moody went to work. She broke son play, but this was a long a slow start against the Tigers defeating RIT again the next ECAC tournament will be at up attempt after attempt by NU awaited, well deserved victory on Saturday, allowing them to day. This time it was Laura Snively mainly because attend­ and it was her cheering both on for the team. score the first goal of the game. Prisco who stole the show, ance at games and fan support and off the ice that seemed to "It was a big win for us in the Freshman Dawn Harris scored earning her first hat-trick of the has been growing recently, and inspire the Wildcats, who ended sense that it gives us a better the first goal for UNH when season. Hunter and Akre would it has obviously helped the team. up to outshooting the Huskies chance to host the ECAC' s," said she skated through every RIT also score to make it 5-0 for The location of the tourna­ throughout the second period. Chalupnik. "It would give us a player and went in to tie the UNH. ment has yet to be disclosed. Not only was Moody out­ big advantage to have it at home score at one. Support for the team has been UNH heads to Providence for standing defensively, but it was now that we've seen what the RIT would score one more a controversial issue lately and their last regular season game her blistering slapshot from the support of a big crowd can do." goal during the game, but New the players J)Oticed the differ- on Wednesday. blue line that scored New Ham - The tournan:ient is usually Men's V-Ball takes title Win UNH Invitational By Christopher R. Moran 13. However, MIT reached back also had nothing but praise After stumbling along to a for a little extra and pulled out about Matthew's performance 2-3 record last weekend in a 16-14 win. on the day. Maine, the UNH Men's Volley­ The second set was an alto- "As always, Andy played a ball team was looking to re­ gether different story though, very, very consistent game," bound. And rebound they did, as UNH came bacl< strong and stated Baker. as they caputured the crown at jumped out to a commanding UNH plays next on Sunday the UNH Invitational Volley­ 10-0 lead en route to a 15-10 at the Field House against Holy ball Tournament. win. Once again the Wildcats Cross and Atlantic Union Col­ UNH won all four games they were led by Matthews as he lege. It will be an important day played in, including two div­ served for six of their fifteen for the Wildcats since both are isional contests. The two div­ points. Also contributing to the divisional contests. isional wins were against WPI win were Mike Densmore, Jeff ••••••••• and WIT (Wentworth Institute Perham and the great backrow 1 • • of Technology). These two of John Albano and Mike Stin- victories pushed UNH's div­ I •d isional record to four wins so~i th the pressure on in the : DSI e: : against one loss. third and deciding set, UNH •• In the championship tourna­ played an extremely well Women's •• ment games, UNH once again rounded game. All contributed handily defeated WPI in straight to the consistent effort; as UNH •• sets, and then faced a stiff was never seriously threatened. Hoop tops •• challenge against the MIT B­ The closest MIT came was at • ream in the finals. The stubborn 13-10, but thanks to a strong • MIT team would not go down offensive ctp by, guess who, • Terr1·ers • easily as UNH outlasted them Matthews, and strong serving • ·••••••••• • in a three set war. by Perham, UNH prevailed 15- 5 • In the first set, MIT raced out 11 to a 10:-4 lead with key offensive Tri-captain Perham said the • Gymnasts • plays and a strong defense. But team pulled it all together this • • UNH would not fold. Led by weekend. "Our heads were in • defeat first year player Andy Matthews the game and things just really • • . and his outstanding offense, the clicked," he said. The 'Cats men's volleyball team won their first UNH,,.lnvhatio~al Wildcats battled back. After Coach Barb Baker was very • UMass • Volleyball Tournament. (Mike Parnham photo) Mark Palmer served out straight . pleased with the team's effort • • points, UNH took the lead 14- and overall performance. She - -· • •••••••